#which is a bowl of olives I am allowed to eat from
pastafossa · 1 year
Friends shouldn't ask what I'm eating unless they're prepared to be sent a picture of an open olive can with a fork sticking out of it
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rebrandedstoryline · 8 months
Rebranded - 16.4 - Aftermath
We close up our cute segment! Don't worry, more pain comes next. Because I am a horrible person.
Little over 1600 words. Have fun!
Sun and Moon made sure to clean up their little theater space once Storytime came to a close.
There were more books in the box. Sun and Moon examined each of them briefly. Based upon thickness alone, Celestial Beginnings was the shortest of the books Ayala had written. They also weren’t sure which story would be next in the series, as they all seemed to be connected. In the end, they thought it would be better to call it quits for the time being. The other books could wait for a while longer. They wouldn’t be going anywhere.
In any case, the stuffed animals were all re-dispersed throughout the house. Moon brought Henry back down to the closet to be safely tucked away. By the time they had gotten through with sorting through all of the cleanup, Ayala had seemingly finished with her work. For the time being at least.
She had moved on to starting something for supper. 
Still eager to learn more about cooking, Sun made his way into the kitchen to observe.
“What’s on the menu tonight, Sunbite~?” Sun playfully inquired, watching as the woman went about her business. She was pulling out all manner of interesting ingredients. 
Moon wound up sneaking in while she was distracted. Rather than stand by the counter, he just sat down. He was in a rather conflicted state. One where he wanted to feel like he was involved but he didn’t want to actually socialize. 
Being in the room without interacting with anyone would be the best compromise.
“Steak Tartare. Or at least my bastardized take on it.” Ayala hummed in turn, doing a once over of everything that she had on the counter. 
She had all of the basics for the recipe. Some fresh beef. A shallot. Some garlic. Anchovies. Olive oil. Eggs. Plus a few other ingredients that she may or may not decide to use. 
The daytime attendant began to tilt his head. That was a food item that he had never heard of before. 
Given that the woman knew that he could connect to the internet, she opted to remain silent for a bit. Part of her wanted to see if he would attempt to look up the recipe on his own. And if he did, she was more or less expecting an amusing reaction.
She would get just that.
“Goodness! Sunbite, you shouldn’t be eating such dangerous food! You’re just asking for trouble!” Sun abruptly commented, practically jumping upon realizing exactly what steak tartare was. He began to shake a scolding finger in Ayala’s direction as he spoke, further attempting to discourage her from preparing such a hazardous dish. 
A sort of quiet laugh escaped her in response to this.
“Somehow, I knew you were gonna freak out over this~” Ayala replied, laughing a bit more even as she spoke. 
Still, she went about the business of preparing her meal. Starting by finely mincing the various ingredients that were going to be mixed into the final dish. 
Her response only coaxed a worried noise out of the daytime attendant.
“Really now, Sunbite! Consumption of raw or undercooked beef is not safe! You could transmit a foodborne illness, or even contract internal parasites! You really shouldn’t risk it...” Sun pleaded, actually stepping around the counter so that he could approach the woman. He was really worried that she might go and get herself sick.
“Relax, Sunny. I’ve eaten this before, and I’ve been fine. Besides, you’ll be here to take care of me if I get sick~” Ayala replied, continuing to go about the business of making the steak tartare. She finely minced the various ingredients and arranged them in a shallow bowl to be mixed. 
Her commentary seemed to confuse Sun for a moment, before he became rather flustered.
“H-hey! That’s no fair! Using my own protocols against me!” Sun stammered out, admittedly conflicted about his emotions. 
On one hand, Ayala had effectively just admitted that she would allow him to take care of her if she ever got sick. On the other, she was intentionally doing something that could get her sick. So he was happy that she would let him take care of her; but he was upset that she seemed to care so little for her own health. Especially after recent events. She had only recently recovered from her little emotional catastrophe, relating to the contents of the Sad Box. He was afraid that she might be trying to intentionally hurt herself!
The woman simply laughed to herself again, progressing to the final steps of preparing the main dish. Steak tartare was not an overly complicated thing to make. Especially when someone was making a sort of lazy version of it. All that remained now was to mix everything together.
“Look, Sun. I’ve eaten this at least a half a dozen times. So that means I’ve eaten it and been fine at least half a dozen times. I’m sure I’ll eat it another half dozen times and be fine. So, relax~” Ayala replied calmly, attempting to calm the animatronic down with a bit of extra logic. She knew that he meant well. But she also knew that the odds of getting sick were relatively low. Modern day food processing was rather sophisticated and most of the information pertaining to foodborne illnesses originated from incidents that occurred decades prior. 
Still, Sun offered a rather unhappy groan in response to her nonchalant attitude. 
Moon, meanwhile, remained silent. He effectively had the attitude of ‘Don’t blame anyone else if you get sick’. 
When the solar animatronic remained unhappy, she offered something of a sigh.
“Look. I’m having a real strong craving for red meat. I’ve suffered from anemia in the past. So when I get a craving, I eat some beef and that usually clears everything up. It hasn’t gotten me sick thus far, and I don’t think it’ll get me sick tonight.” She explained, trying to give Sun a valid excuse so that he would calm down. 
The animatronic continued to offer unhappy noises for a moment, before eventually relenting.
“Alright...” Sun muttered, still rather uneasy with the idea of her eating raw meat. Then again, he wasn’t okay with the idea of consuming raw meat himself either. The idea admittedly brought up some rather uncomfortable memories. “M-Moony and I don’t have to eat that, do we?...” He inquired, wanting to make sure that Ayala didn’t expect them to consume the dish of raw beef and egg. 
He could tell by the woman’s sudden change in posture that his question had confused her. Animatronics could not get sick or contract parasites through the consumption of raw meat and eggs. So she must have been struggling to try and think up some sort of explanation behind the question. 
Thankfully, she did not try to question why they would want to avoid eating the peculiar dish.
“Well, no. You never have to eat something if you don’t want to. There’s some leftover rice in the fridge to make a lazy stir fry with, if you’d prefer that. Or whatever else you might want.” Ayala replied, making sure to remind the animatronic that he need not eat something if he did not wish to eat it. They had the choice to consume things that they enjoyed. 
Being told this admittedly relieved Sun, who seemed to let out a sigh. 
What followed was a brief moment of silence, before the woman decided to try and change the subject.
“So. What did you think of the book?” She inquired, admittedly somewhat curious as to what the animatronics had thought of her story.
“Oh! Thanks for asking, I almost forgot! The book was lovely~ Very different from anything we ever read at Fazbear. Very creative~” Sun replied, quite happy to go along with the change of subject. 
Even if it was just a distraction, it was a pleasant distraction. 
The woman offered an idle hum in response, finishing up with the main aspect of her supper. All that was left was to make some garlic toast to eat it with.
“That was the first book I ever published... Got really lucky with it. Had almost no sales for the first six months, then it just flew off the shelves. If I’m remembering right, a couple schools bought a bunch of the books en masse at a discount. They needed cheap books to give away at some sort of event.” Ayala explained, opening up about her past to some degree. “A bunch of kids wound up really liking the story, and it just progressed from there. Published another batch once there was a demand, then sat down and started writing other books.” She added, explaining how it was that her job as a story writer started. 
This, admittedly, made Sun happy. He liked the idea of her being comfortable enough with him to trust him with details about herself. The good or the bad. Given how reluctant she was to discuss her past with anyone, any amount of unprompted disclosure was welcome.
“Well. I look forward to reading the rest~ Which one should I read next~?” Sun responded, asking the woman which book she would recommend he read next. 
Ayala offered a hum in response to this, seemingly in thought.
“Well... Let's see. I believe ‘Why the Moon Wanes’ was the next story in the series, and after that it was ‘How the Sky gained its Stars’... Or, no. No, it was ‘Why the Moon Wanes’ followed by ‘Perils of the Sunlight’, then I wrote ‘How the Sky gained its Stars’. Sorry, I get things a bit mixed up. All of the books are a continuation of the first story, but they jump perspectives. So there’s multiple linear paths.” Ayala explained, giving Sun a rough idea of which books he should read in what order. 
The animatronic smiled in response, making sure to take special note of those specific book titles.
“Well, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind~” Sun responded happily.
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knucklegagging · 1 year
12:08 And I have 44 Calories Left
 This is probably the thing that kills me the most. Breakfast: 44 grams of toast and 120 grams of beans (I think it was kidney. I have to eat them so I can get the rest of the gluten and lecithin out of the house. I have an allergy so this might be counterproductive, but I also don’t want to create food waste so it’s kinda like a catch 22) This would have been 122 for the bread and 174 for the beans, and I’d have been fine with just my 4oz glass of orange juice (55) to take my b-vitamins complex in (Major problem with super low iron lately and the calcium and vitamin c in the orange juice is SUPPOSED to help the absorption... but I still felt exhausted and passed out today once around 8 or 9 am.)
I pulled a nasty-ass grimes and cooked up my bread in one tablespoon of salted butter (100) cuz it’s another thing in the fridge I’m trying to get out of the house, and then I had the rest of this tangerine jam I bought months ago cuz I’m sure it’s on it’s last legs. (167) That brought me to a whopping 618 calories for breakfast.
Lunch: Lunch I’m rounding up on one count, the soup. I made this great beatrice potter soup, basing the herbs and ingredients off her books and subsequent cartoon. I’ll put the recipe below:  It’s 2.5 lbs of fresh beetroot and 45 grams of raisins braised with mint and dill with 1.5 t of parmesan and half a cup of coconut milk (would have been cream but I’m no longer buying dairy, the parmesan was already in the fridge) and you bring that to a boil with some dried basil, thyme, and oregano with a pinch of salt and pepper and grated lemon. When that comes to a boil you turn it down to a simmer and slowly stir in one tablespoon of honey before letting it stew off to the side. Then in a separate pot it’s 24 oz of sweet peas, 2 lbs of sweet corn, 4 stalks of celery, 986 grams of red cabbage (not purple ik they look similar but it does matter. the purple does not mesh well) 303 grams of red onion, and 1.5 T salted butter to first brown the onion, then add the cabbage, and season with basil, a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon, salt, pepper, a sprig of fresh mint, and more oregano. (ik it sounds weird to have the nutmeg and cinnamon in it but it really is a tiny amount and adds a big difference, making it feel like there’s more depth and warmth to dish without becoming overpowering or adding anything ‘spicy’ etc.You steam the cabbage over the sautteed onion until it’s soft, then you stir in the peas and corn. And while those are going you peel 3 lb of sweet yams, chop em thin, and bake those on 425F with oregono, mint, and dill, w a dash of salt and pepper... and again just a tiny little pinch of nutmeg. Do NOT Skimp On The OREGANO)!! 20-35 minutes later the sweet yams are done, and you throw everything in a crock pot and mix it together a smidge w 10 c of water and your choice of stock/better than bouillon. I used a veggie based fake beef and mushroom blend. Cook that for 4hours and bamo! (On mine it’s “low” but mine runs hot so I’m not sure the perfect temp if anyone does try and emulate this). Anyhow, that gets you 4029 calories for the entire pot (and I’m counting potentially evaporated calories like the T of olive oil I had to grease the yam pan with etc. which is 50 servings of 1/4 cups, at 80.58 calories each. So a “normal” portion of 3/4 c bowl is only 241.74 calories! Anywhore, so I haf one 3/4 cup serving of that for lunch and then 31 grams of corn chips. I rounded up and called this 100 cal per 1/4 c even though Ik that’s false, but it makes me comfortable in knowing I’m definitely not being too liberal w my servings. So lunch was 466 calories. I also have a sore throat today cuz I drew blood the last three nights from my esophagus. ~Ik Ik see a doctor yada yada yada blah blah blah go bye bye now it happens~ So I allowed myself three talll mugs of tea with 1/2 a T of honey each. Each mug is 3 cups of water boiled w an herbal tea bag except for the one black tea which Ik I shouldn’t have had but I couldn’t wake up all day today so I needed SOME Caffeine.  And I had one medium basic red apple, from a brand called “cosmic” which makes me kinda mad at my own stupidity, cuz I thought “cosmic” was a new TYPE of apple I had yet to have before (and I’m a whore for apples. Total massive connoisseur. I have a genuine unadulterated and pathetic obsession/passion for applesand if I knew how to have an orchard that’d probably be my dream job. To eventually create a new breed of apple. Shoot me I’m a reject it’s fine. But whatever so I’m guessing that’s around 100 calories cuz that’s what my calorie counter app said and I don’t want to fixate TOO hard (like this massive ass essay isn’t already me doing so) I also had two cookies. That was legitimately bad. 130 calories of SUCK. And my honey needs today got the better of me so dinner was 1/2 a cup of plain oats with a quarter cup of unsweetened coconut milk, a teaspoon of molasses, a teaspoon of flax, annnnnd cold brew. Cuz mama needs her cold brew. And yes I am saying that in the voice of Louside from Bob’s Burgers rn. Fight me. Ik that I’m below my needs. 44 more calories. And I’ve spent an hour and a half writing this (minus the shower break to try to remind myself how fat I am so I’ll keep going and keep calories away from my big face hole’s gluttonous gob). Somehow this doesn’t count as obsessing tho? Lol I’m such a loser. I’m not hungry, but I’m expecting I’m gonna want more of those chips cuz they’re bloody delicious and they’re what fucked me up last night. ‘just a wafer thin crisp’ fuck me.  The worst thing about this whole ordeal is that the calorie tracker I use says I’m on target to be 107 lbs by December 25th. And I totally get that the slower you lose the better chance you have of a. keeping it off. but more importantly, b. not relapsing with anorexia. But like fuckety fuckety fuuuuck. I want to be 99 BEFORE I move. I know that’s crazyballs butI’m just not enjoying the idea of being fat. Well... my version of fat. Which is a bmi above 19.I just wanna get out of the 20s for bmi and get out of the 120s that my fat fuck binging did me in for last night. Waking up at 122 was a recipe for depression.Recipe below: Stir equal parts of lard with shame in a vad of quicksand over the period of ten minutes. Watch as your life congeals into a blimpie’s ad. Die on the pot, puking at 3 am and upsetting the shit out of your house plants. Rinse, Cycle, Repeat. Definitely debating changing the goal. But I also am well aware I shouldn’t, primarily because I might just cement myself to failure if I try to cut my calories any lower than they already are. 1,590 was today. My budget is 1,634. That sounds like such a lot but I do see myself ramming through it right quick. Fuck I want those goddamn tortilla chips. But I fucking know if I nab em I’ll be threatened over the shower drain again. (Another reason for taking my shower now, before there’s enough temptation come along to purge out). I’m fighting so hard the urge to purge or c&s lately. I just want to stop being a fatty fat PIG. Wish me luck guys. Really trying to get these 14-20 lbs off in a logical and healthy way and not become an advert for death by anorexia. 
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starvette · 1 year
T 25/90 || K2 || GF = K + 8
Am I struggling on my Kitavan diet? A bit yes, already. Planning meals meticulously far ahead helps. Just gotta have funding and stay mindful and present, and focused, and plan. I got discount soybean fettuccine. A hundred grams of that has forty five grams of protein. I won't have to have anything else for the day. Well, I should shred some of that cabbage into new kaleslaw. I think I'll just write a lot about food now. I exported the most aesthetic quotes from Marya's book to my email. During difficult moments I shall reread those.
There's a sun crisis. It's not coming out of the damn clouds! I looked at the forecast and they're saying it won't come back for the entirety of July?! This is actually catastrophic.
I think I'll need to stop buying berries. They're just too delicious. I can't stop eating right now. Just woke up at four in the morning. I dreamt about guiltily buying cake (it was a cherry chocolate type of situation). Bingewatched pictures of cake and Claire Saffitz baking cookies. Then more Titan. Pictures of sundaes and banana splits. Just very very very very very very lazy today. Sat for like five hours straight.
At noon or so I was presented with A Cat. I was meant to take care of him for a day. He snores with every inhale. We slept together. It was all nice. Until late at night when he started begging to go outside. Looks like cats do understand what's behind that entrance door! It's a relief. I heard booms of thunder as I was making my soybean fettuccine. I finished it and opened the window to watch the lightning show with cat but alas he immediately jumped down outside. I had to finish my fettuccine that I worked for so hard before going after him. It was just five minutes. You already know how fast I can wolf down a bowl of pasta. And by then he was nowhere to be found. Clearly, no desire to return home. Then, a terrible shower started.
For a couple days now I've lost my fin fear and have been applying it to my arms and, ahem, nipple. I put the microscope out of my mind until the 30th. I'll see if I can get those photographs taken by some pro at a clinic. Besides, I've got my control nipple (which I'm not afraid to show) and control arm. I'm going through Derek's amazing lectures and wishing I could just download them all to my brain. He said he can get all the molecules he wants pretty easily. I felt like a stupid little baby hearing that. Mairi said I wouldn't get scarring. Maybe I can bypass this whole drug route. But then again I don't trust anyone.
Fucking hate this diet. There's even no more cheapy legume pasta at LIDL. Things I can eat: Legume pasta (the only thing I actually *like*), chia pudding (the best vehicle for collagen), frozen veggie mix, veggie soup with soy croutons, seasoned lentil cakes with olive oil, nutritional yeast on everything, nuts and seeds by themselves, olives with health crackers (expensive), cherry tomatoes, avocado just by itself?! (I won't be seeing fish roe again until my next lifetime so forget about that avoroe delicacy), kaleslaw or some other nasty salad, TOFU (god bless her), salmon, I don't know if tuna ever again...I can't think of anything else. Beans and friends. Although I did read that people started cultivating those around the same time as grains so really why are legumes so much better?! I am technically allowed berries too but I'm so miserable that I can't help gobbling the entire 400 gram pack down right away which is not how they're meant to be consumed at this time. Those frozen bitches are at peak ripeness and *very* sweet. Well, and then there is coffee and teas, and my fake and gay almond milk. I was also looking at three ingredient vegan keto cookies but I don't know if I should be using xylitol right now. Not to mention the pricetag. Time has slowed down. Maybe that's exactly what I needed. After all it had sped up so much I had to start writing this blog.
If I can manage this for any meaningful length of time, then I would later be adding in potatoes and corn, berries, and maybe grapefruits. Oh, and oatmeal? After I'm done with three months of no gluten? Ha. I think I'll always be afraid of whole wheat unless I test it with a CGM. Which costs money.
Yesterday I was looking at deep sea fish and I read that at least one of them could go five years without eating. It helps to imagine myself as a deep sea fish that eats disgusting slimy organic matter - anything at all with nutrients, the raw building blocks of life. I read of another fish that can live for up to two hundred years in complete darkness. I wonder what the hell do you do with such a life. I think these fish must be very enlightened.
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churchwine9 · 1 year
The Only Guide for Fried Rice With Chinese Sausage Recipe
Chinese Sausage has a special taste, a great tasting mix of wonderful and tasty. It are going to take considerably longer than you presume because unlike others that use it, you will definitelyn't require to placed it on top of a mixed greens or to mix all together veggies. What concerning veggies? The reason we think onions are thus prominent is that they've been incredibly properly examined, and one may utilize the exact same test to observe if you're receiving the right volume of onions. Offer it up with some rice and slathered in a abundant and delightful soy dressing – so excellent! 8. Panko Pizza This one is for those opportunities when you acquire a fresh set of pizza at any kind of house or outlet. It has actually such a wonderful spicyness and its like possessing a major cut of pizza in your fridge freezer that you aren't truly starving as it gets hard on you. The pizza is really easy and sample magnificent. Why This Chinese Sausage And Rice Is Therefore Good A great tasting method to prepare Chinese bratwurst An addictive savoury wonderful soy sauce A fast choice to take out Merely a handful of substances needed Ingredients Lengthy grain jasmine rice Water Mandarin sausage For The Sweet Soy Sauce Cooking oil Garlic cloves, shallots Soy dressing, darker soy dressing Chinese rice wine or completely dry sherry Sugar Water Eastern sesame oil How To Create This Chinese Sausage And Rice – Step Through Step Let’s clean the fresh rice grains fist. Fill a pot along with the rice and cool water to cover. Get rid of the rice coming from the pot and position it into a huge bowl, helping make certain it does not touch the rice. Take the cooled corn and rice to a blister and minimize the warm to 4 ¼ to 8 ¾ – 12 ¼ minute periods until grains are cooked to the uniformity of a tiny batch. Cook the cooled down corn in the water for 5 to 10 minutes until browned, stirring often. Make use of your hands to swish the rice grains, releasing any type of additional carbohydrate and filth. In a dish, mix the rice and rice vinegar. Put one tbsp of the vinegar over the rice and stir to mix. Put another tablespoon of the white vinegar over rice and stir to be certain the rice has worked out right into the dish. Did you see this? with and permit it all resolve for 5 to 10 minutes (no stirring required). Maintain mixing until you have a smooth cash that's ready to roll for cash administration.
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Rice (like grains) is a raw component and it is essential to wash and wash! The only means to stay clear of the necessity to eat this things is to consume a dish full of water, typically it are going to be difficult to take it in to your office. As a general policy, you require to acquire a container to hold salt after being washed. I have located this to be a little costlier because I am always on the hunt for brand-new concepts. Clean also rids the rice of extra carbohydrate, which will certainly offer us light, cosy, ventilated rice – not heavy, sticky and starchy. One more approach hired for stashing rice is a little canister of sweets. This sweets is utilized in helping make pie (directions for how to do it right here). This assists to offer a crisis (the cake is definitely smooth and total) and is valuable for flavouring sauces. But that's not how this rice is produced. Hint the container and carefully pour out the water. Allow the flowerpot churn for 15 minutes or until the butter is perfectly softened. If you wish to include even more fluid, you can easily include it directly to the pot and incorporate to the boiling water. You could additionally make an effort making use of simply a cup even more of olive oil or half a tsp even more if you favor. Stashed at property, our Butter Cakes are loaded with butter, which you could effortlessly grate on an engrossment food processor or dishwasher. Drain as much water as feasible from the flowerpot. The method goes pretty rapidly because the water gets gradually eliminated all the means to the surface. A lot of the water in the water may sink in to the pot just as swiftly as it would get gotten rid of through the water acquiring deeper. This are going to help make the container too deep for the dish to dry adequately. This procedure can last anywhere coming from 15 minute increments, for a container to be cooked to 60 minute increases for a pot to be helped make.
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rahulkamra65 · 2 years
What is the Best Diet For Losing Weight and Fat?
We have all heard about those fad diets like the grapefruit diet or the apple diet. I am here to tell you diets that work. All of those diets are fad, crash, "stupid" diets. A real diet contains a mix of muscle building protein, energy filling carbs, and healthy fats for your heart.
For weight loss, ketosis is the best diet and is not a fad. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, sufficient protein, low-starch dietary treatment that in customary medication is utilized predominantly to treat hard-to-control (headstrong) epilepsy in kids. The eating regimen powers the body to consume fats as opposed to sugars.
Normally carbohydrates in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is important in fueling brain function. In a healthy keto diet, one would eat lots of protein and fats and little carbohydrates to get their body in a state of ketosis. Since there is no more glycogen in your body, from the lack of carbohydrates, your body will build ketone bodies from your fat tissues to fuel your body and your brain. As long as you are eating enough protein, you will preserve your muscle and lose pounds of fat easily.
Getting into ketosis takes about 3-7 days depending on your current glycogen storage. Ketosis feels odd at first because you will be lethargic and may experience headaches and even nausea. However, these symptoms go away. You will also drop lots of weight at first because of water weight.
Typical foods on a Indian keto diet include nuts, whey protein, eggs, bacon, sausage, olive oil, butter, salmon, etc.; anything that contains a high amount of protein and fats and no carbs. A vitamin pill is often taken in a keto diet since you can't eat much vegetables. (however you can eat at least one bowl of salad)
There are several versions of the ketogenic diet, including:
Standard ketogenic diet (SKD): This is a very low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet. It typically contains 70% fat, 20% protein, and only 10% carbs.
Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD): This diet involves periods of higher carb referees, such as 5 ketogenic days followed by 2 high carb days.
Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD): This diet allows you to add carbs around workouts.
High protein ketogenic diet: This is similar to a standard ketogenic diet, but includes more protein. The ratio is often 60% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbs.
A ketogenic diet may provide many health benefits, especially with metabolic, neurological, or insulin-related diseases.
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365elephantsoap · 2 years
Right as you walk in the front doors to our local Trader Joe’s is a display of pumpkins, two large crates full of decorative gourds and on the first day of October, this display is a traffic jam of aggressive women filling their carts with these pumpkins and gourds. After successfully maneuvering my shopping cart through the pumpkin gauntlet, I ran smack into a display of dwarf olive trees. There were eight of them and a woman was scooping all of them into her cart. I managed to snag one of the eight even though I had no business buying an olive tree. I kill house plants. I have had plants rescued from my house because I am not a plant witch. I grabbed that olive tree with a fierce determination to keep this thing alive and so help me, I’m going to do it. In three years, we will be eating olives that I grew.
Then I went home and hot glued one hundred googly eyes onto my Halloween wreath.
This was how Michael found me when he got up. I was sitting at our table, hot glue gun in one hand and a bowl full of googly eyes in the other. He suggested I take a break by going to get lunch. I agreed and pointed out the olive tree and that needed a pot and potting soil. We also needed to decide Saturday’s dinner. I glued the last eye onto the wreath while Michael was in the shower and then the two of us drove off in search of food and planting material, which didn’t take as long at it usually takes us to do Saturday things. This meant that I was able to get all of the things done, the cleaning, the planting, the Halloween decorating, all of it accomplished before dinner. I did the things that I usually put off until Sunday and so on Sunday, I didn’t have to do anything.
So I went to a yoga class, a rare treat for me.
I’m telling you all of this now in a Thankful Friday posting because all of those things that I did last weekend have played a big role in helping me tackle this week. I woke up Wednesday morning and thought “It’s only Wednesday.” Michael sent a text to me that he had only poured hot water into his travel tea mug, no tea bags or sugar. I forgot my smoothie. The day was gray and cloudy. And all I could think was we still had two more days of this week to get through. This week has been long and uncomfortable.
Every time I have walked up to my front door, I have chuckled at the one hundred googly eyes looking back at me from my wreath. It is my reminder to allow for silliness and the healing power of laughter. Walking past the dining room window and seeing my olive tree still looking happy has brought me joy. That olive tree, a symbol of peace, is also a reminder of resilience. Making it to an actual yoga class set a precedent for my own practice this week, which has gotten a little wonky lately because of teaching and schedules. Josephine and I even made it out for our morning walks every morning this week. Sticking to these routines have been a source of grounding and have kept me present.
I am thankful that this week is nearly at an end and that I have this weekend to refill my buckets with good things.
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 2 years
CSA WEEK 2: June 22nd
- p i c k l i s t -
Just on time, with the arrival of the Summer Solstice, came the arrival of our berry crop.  And while we’ve been picking for two weeks now, it was not until yesterday that we could see a significant ripening of the fruit. So at the very last minute, we made the “oh hot damn, we have a lot of berries” call and opened our PYO STRAWBERRY fields to the community.  However, we gotta be candid here- our early varieties are not ideal.  While the fruit is plentiful, the berries are smaller than what you are historically used to picking from our fields.  Many factors play into this reduced crop: Asian Garden Beetle, root disease, winter injury, a super wet Summer in 2021, etc… Honestly, it’s a total bummer and we’ve talked about bush hogging the early fruit many times.  BUT, what is JUNE without berries? What is the solstice without red stained fingers?  
We can’t give up on this early crop just yet… so the fields are open and ripe for the picking daily, 8am-1pm.
And for those that choose to wait a bit on PYO, we do believe the mid to late season varieties are looking good.  
All that said, CSA fam, I think it's important as we go on this picking and eating journey together to know about crop failure.  We have the next 16 weeks of CSA.  Which means a whole season of some crops going really well (beautiful and abundant harvests!) and some crops being total duds (think bug damage, rot, etc…).
But that’s farming for ya.  
Regardless, do as you do in June, and devour/shortcake/jam every strawberry that comes into arms reach.
For the season is fleeting!
Garlic scapes: Have you grilled yours yet?  DO IT.  Smear with olive oil, salt and pepper, throw on the grill until charred, eat immediately.
Big beautiful basil bunches: Make more pesto or toss into salads/stir fries! 
The biscuit topping includes the curious ingredient of hard-boiled egg yolks. I’ve been trying for days to find the reason behind it’s inclusion (as I am sure someone will ask) but without my cookbooks still boxed up, my access to technique information is limited. I know that some people grind up a hard boiled yolk in their sables, to make them sandier and would argue that this makes the biscuits a little richer and cakier. Whether that’s the official rationale behind it or not, however, I don’t care — this will be the only biscuit topping I use for now on. It is perfect. I never should have doubted it.
As for the dish together, the one note I’d add is that the proportion of biscuit to fruit is actually quite high. Now I know this sounds like a dream come true for a lot of people, but should you like a little more fruit with your cake, simply double the fruit quantity below, or halve the topping.
For dough
1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
3 1/2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 hard-boiled egg yolks
1/8 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
2/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon heavy cream
For rhubarb
2 pounds rhubarb, trimmed and cut into 1/2-inch pieces (about 6 cups)
1/2 cup sugar
1-inch piece of vanilla bean, split lengthwise, pulp scraped
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon turbinado sugar
In the bowl of a food processor, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, egg yolks, and salt. Pulse to combine. Add the butter and pulse until the flour resembles coarse meal. Add 2/3 cup of cream and pulse until the dough comes together. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and gently pat it together, incorporating any stray crumbs.
Using a small ice cream scoop or a large spoon*, form the dough into 2-inch balls, then flatten them slightly into thick rounds. Chill for 20 minutes (and up to 2 hours). Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put the rhubarb in a shallow 21/2- quart casserole dish and toss with sugar, vanilla, and cornstarch. Allow to macerate 15 minutes.
Arrange the biscuit rounds on top, leaving about an inch between them. Brush the biscuits with cream and sprinkle with turbinado sugar. Bake the cobbler until the rhubarb is bubbling and the biscuits are golden brown, about 40 to 45 minutes. Serve with ice cream or crème fraîche.
* I haven’t unearthed my scoops yet, but I did find some cookie cutters, so I simply patted my dough out on a floured surface and cut them instead. Besides, who doesn’t like flower-shaped biscuits?
As for all the other crops included in this pick-list,
welcome to salad season!
The following are some standby combos and quasi recipes I hold onto to brighten up all these greens for eating:
Rice noodle bowls!  Perfect vehicle for every green thing. Just add coconut aminos or tamari and sesame oil.  For protein you will have to look elsewhere- but as for the basil, scallions, lettuce, celery - just chop and fold in.
GARLIC SCAPE PESTO SALAD DRESSING: Remember all that garlic scape pesto you made last week (and may or may not be sweating out rn)? Take a couple of tablespoons of that and add the following: olive oil, vinegar, maple syrup, and lemon juice. Everything to taste- whisk to combine.  
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
chapter 27
Fake Making-It
Social Media AU
previous chapter
Lucas hesitates for only a moment before knocking on the door. He’s not expecting a response and isn’t surprised when he doesn’t get one. The bowl of ice cream he’s holding is beginning to freeze his hand, and he doesn’t quite have the patience necessary for this. He tries to keep his tone gentle, however, as he knocks once more and says, “Sander?” When there’s still nothing, he doesn’t bother knocking again. “I’m coming in, okay? So if you don’t want me to, speak up now.”
More silence. Lucas opens the door.
The room is dark, the curtains pulled in an attempt to block out the wintery sun. Some light still creeps through, making wispy shadows on the thin blue material. A few rays have also snuck in through the sides and the bottom, and it’s one of these that illuminates the lump on the bed, wrapped tightly in the duvet.
Lucas closes the door quietly behind him and approaches, and he can see a few tufts of white hair poking out from under the sheets. His heart throbs.
“That bad?” he questions lowly. He’s not even sure that Sander is awake.
After a moment, he receives a quiet, “No.”
“Will you look at me, then?”
“I can’t listen to you shout at me. Not right now.”
“I’m not going to shout at you,” Lucas mumbles. “Do you think that little of me?”
“No,” Sander repeats. “But of me.”
Lucas huffs. He considers, and then cradles the bowl carefully in his hands and clambers onto the empty side of the bed. The side he slept on, when they first arrived. He settles against the pillows and nestles the bowl on his lap, taking up one of the two spoons. “Okay. I guess I’m eating all the ice cream myself, then.”
It’s a cheap bribe that has only worked on very rare occasions, but this time it’s different. The offer isn’t just the food, but an olive branch.
Sander takes it tentatively. He lowers the covers and peeks at the bowl in Lucas’s hands before looking up at him.
Gesturing to the spare spoon, Lucas raises a brow.
Sander slowly—painstakingly—pushes himself up until he’s sitting next to him. He busies himself for a second with propping up his own pillow, and then he brushes a hand roughly through his hair in an attempt to comb it down. Then he takes the spare spoon and a dollop of chocolate ice cream.
“Is this your breakfast?” Lucas asks.
“It’s still early.”
Lucas sighs. “Not that early. I could make croques.”
Sander hesitates. “This is enough for now,” he murmurs.
It isn’t, but Lucas accepts this with a nod. They eat in silence for a moment, with Sander taking much smaller, slower bites than him.
“It’s not an episode,” Sander mumbles.
Lucas nods. “Okay,” he says simply.
“So you don’t have to freak out, or anything.”
Lucas raises a brow at him, swallowing a mouthful of ice cream. “Wasn’t planning on it.”
“And you don’t have to be nice to me if you don’t want to be. I don’t deserve it, anyway. I have royally fucked everything up.”
The admission is quiet, and not wrong. Lucas has been saying the same thing from the beginning, but it wasn’t quite as satisfying as he’d hoped when Sander came to the realisation himself. There’s no satisfaction in watching him now.
But then again, Lucas hasn’t really been feeling much satisfaction over anything.
He picks off another scoop of ice cream with his spoon, but leaves it in the bottom of the bowl, staring down at it before retracting his hand entirely. He understands, now more than ever. He wants to hide away in the dark, too. Away from the mess they’ve created and the lies choking him and the feelings swimming around in his chest.
“It’s not completely your fault, you know,” Lucas huffs. “I should’ve shut you down at the beginning, but I did the exact same thing as you. Jens asked me and I panicked. So really, he shares some of the blame.”
Sander snorts. Lucas tries not to be pleased by it. “But not you?” Sander raises a brow.
“Nope. I am an innocent victim.”
He’s aware this is very far from the truth, but he isn’t just going to admit it.
Then Sander’s face falls and he looks away again, shrinking down slightly. Lucas pokes at the ice cream again, hesitating, and then sets the bowl aside. He shifts around, stretching his legs for a second before turning his head. Giving Sander his full attention. It takes a little while for Sander to accept it, but then he looks at Lucas with resolve.
“I’m sorry. Seriously. I know you don’t like lying. And the fact that you’re actually friends with Jens now makes it even worse. I didn’t even think about what this would do to you and I’m so fucking sorry.”
It’s not that he hasn’t said it before. He’s said it countless times, in fact. But never has he sounded quite so sincere. Never has his voice broken over the words. Never has he looked this pleading, this wrecked by the chance that Lucas won’t accept his apologies.
Lucas considers him silently, then asks, “What’s it doing to you? What’s all this about?” He gestures at the room around them, and then Sander, even though Sander likely doesn’t need the explanation.
Sander huffs. Self-deprecating and derisive. “I think it’s embarrassment more than anything.”
“Do you want a list?”
“If that’s what you have.”
Sander has directed his gaze to the ceiling. He shakes his head slightly as he swallows. “The fact that I made such a stupid mistake by thinking Robbe had feelings for Jens. The even stupider mistake I made pretending we’re in a relationship. My gigantic mess of feelings for Robbe in general. Dragging you into it and making you hate me.”
“I don’t hate you,” Lucas argues. It’s only half a lie.
Sander seems to recognise this, lolling his head over and giving him a look or pure disbelief.
“I don’t like you very much right now,” Lucas allows, and Sander looks away. “But it’s you. I love you. Even though you are the dumbest asshole I know.”
This startles a laugh out of Sander. His shoulders shake with it, and he drags a hand down his face, and after a moment Lucas isn’t sure if he’s laughing or crying or performing a mixture of both. Either way, it’s infectious. Lucas cracks up with him, lips splitting into a smile involuntarily and letting laughter seep out. It seems to relax Sander, too, and he glances over at Lucas once more and laughs harder.
“We are so fucked,” Lucas sighs.
“So badly,” Sander agrees, shaking his head as he slumps back against his pillow. “Even if we managed to make the breakup thing convincing, it’d just be a bigger lie. Fuck.” He scrubs his hands over his face. “I’ve just screwed up any chance of Robbe ever actually returning my feelings, haven’t I?”
Lucas quickly bites back what he wants to say, which is you’re not the only one. Instead he looks away, down at his hands, and fiddles with his ring. Then he gives up and messes with his bracelet instead.
“Maybe we should just finish the job and go,” Sander says hollowly. “They’ll never have to know. They’ll never care. We can just get through this and then forget about it.”
“What?” Lucas whips his head around to look at him. “You can’t just forget about Robbe. I know you can’t.”
A part of Lucas jumps at the idea, urges him to agree, to say Sander has a point. They would never have to know. Lucas would never have to look them in the face and see the evidence of their betrayal. He would never have to withstand the disappointment. It’s a powerful desire, a flash of fire that putters out just as quickly and leaves behind a simmering pain.
He thinks of sticking around to finish the job, of sharing what he loves with Jens and talking with Jens almost everyday and having Jens look at him in the subtle way he does, intrigued and inspired and irritated all at once. He thinks about having that and then just...letting it go. Never knowing. Always pretending he never cared. Disappearing into thin air without being able to take even a trace of Jens with him.
And that small part of him, the analytical part of his brain, urges him to do it. Says it’s an easy way out and the best option he has.
His heart screams no.
He knows that Sander would never be able to just forget about Robbe. He knows. Now more than ever, he understands.
“We have to tell them,” Lucas whispers.
Sander looks at him, incredulous.
“It’s the only way,” Lucas insists. “When you think about it, chances are they won’t even care. They’ll think we’re dumb and weird as fuck, maybe, but they’ll accept that we panicked and then didn’t know how to explain. We don’t even have to tell them why.”
Sander shakes his head, licking his lips as his eyes flick down. “It’s not better. A half truth isn’t enough to make up for a lie like this. No, if we’re going to tell him, then I want to tell him the truth.”
“Okay. Then that’s what we’re doing,” Lucas decides. At Sander’s blatant terror, he adds, “You’ll never know if you don’t try.”
Sander sucks in a breath, then lets it out with a slow nod. “Okay.” He looks at Lucas again. “But I just...can you just give me a little time? Let me figure out how to tell him. Please.”
It’s the opposite of what Lucas wants, which is to go back in time to before any of this even happened. But he understands. He does. He understands, and he’s gotten more than he was expecting. Now that Sander has made such a promise, he won’t back out. They might as well drag it on a little longer. Another few days, or one more week, won’t be the end of the world.
Lucas could probably mostly avoid Jens for that time. He doesn’t have to do any more lying. Not really.
Then, well. Then he’ll see. If it can work out for Sander, maybe he’ll have a chance, too.
Lucas slides his arm around Sander’s shoulders and tugs him towards his chest, and Sander goes easily. He slumps into Lucas with what sounds like a sigh of relief, tucking his head into Lucas’s neck and sighing when Lucas presses a kiss to his hair.
“Okay. Deal.”
tag list: @allthewayornowayy @wedarkacademia @lockerfivethreefive @yellowballoon @gucciboner @nora-keinwitz @moonskam @painfully-oblivious @zoenneforever @akucecilia @hischbabe @evaksobbe @alittleemo @boring-side-effect @franboos
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Spark - 3
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shouboutai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: A bad headache. A proverbial olive branch. Tension and arguing. Probably errors due to lack of proofing and second language issues. A/N: Whyyyyy have a gotten hooked on a series that’s still ongoing?!?! Do I never learn?!! Feel free to ASK or reblog for tag – in fact: always reblog <3 Thanks to those who have already <3
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3. Smoke
Your brain protests as you start to wake up. The entire left side of your skull is throbbing, the pain reverberating into the throat as a groan.
“Ah, you’re waking up.” The man’s voice is quiet, gentle even, but whoever is next to you might as well have been shouting, making you wince. “Sorry...Benimaru did try to hold back, but he’s a strong guy.”
Blinking blearily, the room begins to come into view with its tatami mats stretching towards wooden walls on all but one side – the remaining consisting of old-fashioned paper panels and a curtain in lieu of a door. There’s something comforting about the old traditions, you’ve always found – maybe it’s the scent of cedar, tea, and warm wood – and you almost feel like sinking back onto the futon to surrender to sleep. Almost.
“Hrmehm -” clearing the throat is scratchy as best.
Large hands help you get onto your elbows before proffering a cup of water, holding it to your lips as you greedily swallow. By the second cup, you’ve managed to follow the arms with your gaze, finding a man with an honest, if tired, expression. You recognize the crinkle around his eyes from concern, the lips pressing into a thin line while still speaking volumes of his patience.
“Where am I?” The headache is still there, but at least you sound like yourself.
The man settles down again before answering, “Special Fire Force 7 headquarters.”
“Should’ve guessed,” you sigh.
This is...not good. All those years, trying to live below the radar. You know what happens to people like you: enrolled into the fire forces, Haijima, or maybe sent to one of the Holy Sol institutes. At least you doubt any monastery would have kept you, but none of the remaining options have ever sounded great to you.
“Diplomacy isn’t Beni’s strong suit -”
“No kidding.” Your headache is plenty proof of that.
“- but he just wants to talk. That’s why he brought you here.”
Sitting up completely, you push the blanket aside (happy to see that both soot and “clothes” have been left untouched). “He should’ve saved himself the trouble...got nothing to talk with him about.”
“Very well...” This time, it’s the man sighing. “I’ve brought you clean water and clothes. You’re free to leave but I hope you would accept a meal as recompense for Benimaru’s harsh treatment.”
Pride tells you to refuse, however, the promise of a proper meal sounds too compelling to ignore. I’ll leave after, make it to another district and find a shelter to crash at while figuring out what my next steps are.
“Hm,” you nod.
“I’ll make sure there’s enough,” he smiles as he gets up. “By the way...my name’s Konro, Sagamiya Konro.”
He doesn’t ask for more than that, at least.
You are used to handed-down clothes – often making do with sizes that don’t fit you – so the black t-shirt and baggy pants riding low on your hips are a comfortably un-tattered surprise. Man’s clothes. Maybe they are Konro’s.
It feels like trespassing when you exit the room and follow the scent of food cooking through darkened hallways of the fire station until you find the kitchen. Clearly, this place can’t feed all the personnel a fire force company normally has which also explains why it’s Konro himself that’s cooking together with two identical, small girls.
“Eeek!” The twins shriek in unison at the sight of you.
Your hand instinctively fly to your head where the sound stabs at you. “Eeep at you too,” you grunt.
“Hinata, Hikage,” the more comfortable voice of Konro shushes, “be nice. This is [Y/N] and she’s our guest for this meal.” Turning to you, he smiles apologetically. “There are painkillers in the cabinet over there...make yourself comfortable.”
While you wait for the pills to work, you watch the older man as he navigates the kitchen – sometimes tailed but mostly impeded by the girls – slowly setting you at ease. It’s unbearingly normal. A patchwork family allowing you a glimpse into the mundane part of their life and stirring an envy you were sure you had buried long ago. Mostly though, it helps you relax.
The twins are...well, they’re a handful or two: adorable and annoying at the same time as only kids their age can get away with. You can’t tell them apart of course, but Konro doesn’t seem to have any issues as he shoos them out of his way or stops them from stealing any of the food on the counter. It’s an easy decision to like him despite the infinite sadness lingering behind his eyes. He’s gentle, pays attention to the little things (and people) around him with a grandmotherly grace; he makes the fire station resemble a home.
Food is practically ready when a tired voice breaks the peace.
“Oi, Konro? Have you seen my...black...”
The captain of company seven enters the kitchen for you to see the sentence wither and die in his mouth as his eyes fall on you. Not that you’d have a lot of surplus words to give out of while taking in the unfairly perfect chest peeking out from the short kimono hanging over a pair of baggy pants identical to the ones you’re currently wearing.
“Why’s she here?” The cross-and-circle eyes don’t leave you.
Konro sighs, “I invited her to dine with us. Go get dressed, food’s ready.”
The younger man does as he’s told but even if his face doesn’t show anything but boredom, you see one of his fists clench in the shadow of the wide sleeve.
Not my problem.
He’s back soon (fully dressed), marching in just as the last bowl is set on the table and he doesn’t stop until he’s right next to you, glaring. “That’s my seat.”
“Didn’t notice the name tag.” Either way, there are plenty other options and it would be unkind towards Konro to make a big deal out of it so you move to the other end.
The meal is off to an awkward start and only the twins enjoy the tension, staring back and forth between the two of you as if it was a ping-pong match and sometimes snickering – perhaps due to an unvoiced joke only they know.
“Not going to tell us your name?” Benimaru challenges.
If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was about to fall asleep. Eyelids heavy, corners of the mouth barely maintaining a straight line of the lips; and a shock of black hair adds to the difficulty you have of reading his facial expression. The invisible crackling of tension in the air is unmistakable, however.
“You’ll get it if I trust you.”
“You’re eating our food.”
“As a recompense for your actions...knocking me out and bringing me here.”  You smirk before a new mouthful. “I’m a guest now.”
The tired look is slowly disappearing. “Guest or not, no pyrochinetics stay in Asakusa without my approval.”
Oh, really? “You were the one who stopped me from leaving...after I helped you take care of the infernal. I don’t owe you.”
“You’re wearing my clothes.”
Benimaru’s chopsticks snap down on the table, obscured by the big hand as he pushes to his feet. Leaning in over the rattling dishes and bowls, the man stares you down in a seething battle of wills. One of you must give way for the other.
Not me. “Fine!” Standing too, you yank the t-shirt off – once more happy for the makeshift top underneath – and toss it at him.
Seemingly out of nowhere, Konro’s hand intercepts. “Enough!” The room rings with the echo of his voice for a few seconds before he sighs and hands the piece of clothing to you. “Both of you...settle down. Eat.”
If the stubborn man at the other end of the table feels as sheepish as you do right now, he sure is good at hiding it behind the bored mask of a face.
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mrsluttystark · 4 years
Repeat After Me Part 2
Part 1 
You guys have no idea how much it meant to me that part 1 was so well received. Thank you from the bottom of my little starker heart! 
Tags: nff, age difference, former teacher/student, mention of daddy kink, mention of choking
Word count: 3.1k
Read below the cut
Peter wakes up five minutes before his alarm, like he always does.  He absolutely hates the shrill screech of it.  His bed creaks and groans as he sits up and swings his legs over the side.  Suddenly, the springs that had previously been holding him up collapse under him, making him yelp in surprise.  Peter made a mental note that maybe it was time for a new bed, he’d been holding on to the rickety twin mattress he had all his childhood since it was the only thing he had left from May’s.
He usually went into the lab on Saturdays, even though he was supposed to be off during the weekend.  It’s not like he has plans or anything, but he guesses he could shift his schedule around a little to go mattress shopping.
His arm darts out like clockwork and taps his screen to turn the alarm off before his phone could utter the first mind melting ring. Peter runs a hand through his hair to brush some stray curls out of his face and stretches before getting out of bed to do his morning routine.
It’s not until Peter sits down at his two-seater dining table with a bowl of captain crunch berries, two pieces of toast, and a cup of earl gray tea, does he finally check his phone.  
The spoon is barely out of his mouth when he sees the notifications.  Eyes wide, he chokes on the cereal trying to force its half chewed self down his throat.  He can taste the oat milk is his nose and it is not good. 
Mr. Stark accepted his friend request and messaged him?  Peter looked around his apartment, skeptical.  Was he dreaming? Was this one of those life-like dreams where he gets ready for the day then wakes up and has to do it all over again?  He looked down at his arm, should he pinch himself? No, Peter, that’s stupid.
He shook his head and looked at his phone again, opening the Messenger app.
Hey, Kid.
Shit, he was toast.  Collecting himself, Peter took a deep breath to prepare himself for a conversation with his former high school teacher (that he may or may not want to fuck him senseless and cuddle afterward). He racked his brain thinking about how to approach this.  Should he be bold? 
Hi, Daddy. Please cum down my throat? Yeah...that might be too bold.
Hello, Mr. Stark.  I humbly thank you for accepting my friend request.  Ugh, too weird.
He’s overthinking it, he knows. Peter types out and deletes maybe five more messages before he finally settles on:
09:10 am 
Hi, Mr. Stark.  It’s Peter.
09:11 am
Peter threw his phone down on the table and put his head in his hands, bowl of cereal soggy and forgotten. He made a face at it and pushed the bowl away, pulling his toast closer.  He took bites of a slice distractedly and washed it down with some tea.  He’d regret not eating a proper breakfast later, but right now his appetite was replaced with a turning feeling that he couldn’t quite place.  His phone vibrates on the table, startling him from his thoughts.
From Tony Stark 09:22 am
Yeah, Peter.  I did read your name on your profile.
09:23 am
Right. Sorry.
From Tony Stark 09:23 am
Don’t worry about it, Kid. Just pokin’ fun.
09:24 am
(sweating emoji)
Thanks for accepting my friend request btw, Mr. Stark.
From Tony Stark 09:26 am
No big deal, thanks for the request, it’s been a while.
And Tony is fine, you’re not my student anymore, Pete.
09:26 am
Yeah, okay. Tony. I can do that
So you remember me?
From Tony Stark 09:27 am
I remember all my students
09:27 am
From Tony Stark 09:28 am
No, not really lol
But I do remember you, you were a lot skinnier back then.
09:30 am
(eye roll emoji) And you were a lot younger 
From Tony Stark 09:31 am
Ouch, that was uncalled for
09:32 am
You asked for it
So what have you been up to?
From Tony Stark 09:34 am
I’m a mechanical engineer now, quit teaching a few years ago. What about you?
09:35 am
That’s awesome! You were way too smart to be a teacher.
I’m a research chemist
From Tony Stark 09:38 am
Thanks, kid.
That’s about where I’d thought you’d end up, as smart as you are.
09:40 am
Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Stark
From Tony Stark 09:40 am
09:41 am
From Tony Stark 09:50 am
Say, Pete. I don’t actually have a habit of checking this app and I’m about to head out of the house for the day.  I’d like to continue this conversation, so here’s my number if you wanna text me [hidden contact information].
No pressure of course.
From Tony Stark 09:53 am
New Message
To: Tony
You know who I am.
From: Tony
Had me there for a second kid. 
I’m about to drive, I’ll text you in a bit.
Peter put his phone down for the first time in almost an hour, eyes straining to refocus after staring at his screen intensely for so long.  His heart was pounding in his chest and his cheeks were starting to ache from smiling.  Had that really happened? Peter brought a hand up to rub at his jaw, still in a daze.  He was finding it very hard to believe that this wasn’t some elaborate dream because there is absolutely no way that this could’ve happened in real life.  Talk about a glitch in the simulation.
He really got Tony Stark’s phone number, and he didn’t even have to ask for it!
Peter scoffed in disbelief, no fucking way! He opened the Facebook app again and went to Tony’s profile.  Turns out there wasn’t much else on it, he had a total of 3 profile pictures and less than 100 friends, none of which were other students and only a few midtown teachers.  So, he either was a very private person or he didn’t use Facebook at all.  And if it was the latter (or both for that matter), why did he accept Peter’s friend request in the first place?
Peter decided not to think about it right now.
He went to his profile pictures and glanced at the current one he already studied last night.  The previous one was just the Guns N’ Roses album cover for Appetite for Destruction.  Classic Rock fan, noted.  His first profile picture, though, was an absolute masterpiece.  Tony looked to be on a beach somewhere, his hair was wet and messy from the clear blue salt water.  Peter wanted to run his tongue over every inch of the olive toned skin exposed to the sun.  His smile was radiant, framed by neatly trimmed facial hair, with thick, dark eyebrows peeking over his sunglasses.  Swung low on his hips right below a toned stomach were hot rod red swim shorts that stopped in the middle of his thigh, showing off his tan legs dusted with dark hair.
Peter tried not to look, he really did, but he could not stop his eyes from landing on the older man’s crotch.  And he was not disappointed.  There, curving onto his thigh, was a long, thick unmistakable dick print.  Peter’s mouth watered at the sight as his own cock stirred with interest.
Fuck. He wondered how big he really was in person.  How far he could take it down his throat.  He wanted to know how it would feel to be stretched and filled by Tony’s cock.
Scooting his chair back abruptly, Peter shot up off of it.  His hard-on tenting almost painfully in his pajama pants and it was starting to create a wet spot.  Mattress shopping can wait, Peter needed to cum, like, yesterday.
He rushes to his room and yanks the drawer of his night stand open, revealing a wooden box.  Peter unlatches the box and grabs a bottle of lube and his veiny lifelike vibrating dildo with a suction cup right behind the silicone balls from his small collection.  This one was by far his favorite, it’s eight inches long and he loved feeling the veins and the girth of it filling him up. 
Peter lays a towel down on his bed and climbs to the middle, carefully avoiding the new dent in the mattress. He bunches up the pillows behind his back so he’s laying at an incline, then starts rubbing himself over his pajama pants while he uncaps the lube and squeezes some onto his fingertips. Clumsily, he pulls and shimmies his pants down his hips with his left hand, breath hitching when his heated erection makes contact with the cool air in his apartment.  It lands with a light smack against his abs and Peter tugs his shirt up and under his chin.  Kicking his pants off his bed, Peter spreads his legs.  He can feel his hole puckering in anticipation of being used.
His left hand begins lightly skimming his torso, feeling his abs contract under his finger tips.  Bringing them higher, he rubs across his chest, pinching his nipples softly.  Peter rubs the lube between his thumb and forefinger to warm it up, then starts rubbing the tight ring of muscle in circles, making his cock jump.
Once he’s coated, he sinks a finger in slowly to coax himself open.  His left hand continues caressing his body, skirting across the area right above his cock.  Peter lets out a plethora of whines and pants, eyes screwed shut at the feeling.  The image of Tony’s face urging him to take another finger.
He knows Tony’s fingers would be thicker, stretching him wider than Peter ever could with his own.  The younger man hoped his former teacher would be able to handle him the way he wanted.  Peter imagined large, strong hands encircling his throat while the other gripped hard on his hips while he took him.
Three of his fingers are buried deep in himself before he even touches his neglected, leaking cock.  His left hand comes to collect the precum pooling at the head and dribbling down his shaft, allowing his hand to glide along his hot skin. He strokes himself lazily as he pulls his fingers out and reaches for the dildo.  Uncapping the lube again he slicks up the silicone and brings it to his open, waiting hole. 
Pulling his left hand off of his cock, Peter grabs one of the pillows and stuffs it under the small of his back.
He imagines Tony looking down at him with dark, analytical eyes, watching Peters every movement.  The rise and fall of his chest, his heaving breaths.  The way Peter keens when he’s stretched like he longs for the sting of it.  Would he fuck into him slowly or would he seath himself in one smooth, quick stroke?
Peter chooses the latter.
He cries out as he pushes the dildo balls deep into his ass without pause.  The pain from the stretch mixes deliciously with pleasure.  Sweat beading on his forehead has Peter’s curls sticking wetly to his skin.  His entire body is covered in a thin sheen of it.
The young man turns onto his left side, dildo still deep inside him.  Peter reaches around his back with his right hand and grips the bottom of the suction cup.  He sighs, easing the dildo out slowly before pressing the button at the base of the shaft to turn on the vibration and ramming it into himself once more.
Tony would be taking him from behind, a long arm encircling Peter’s body, hand coming to grip him at the base of his neck, right above his collarbone so that he could pull the younger man down and onto his thick cock while he fucks up into him.  
Peter continued to fuck himself roughly with the dildo while he thought of Tony’s hard body doing it to him instead.  He’d whisper dirty things in Peter’s ear while he fucked him.  Tell him that he’s such a good little slut for his teacher.  Peter whined at the thought, he’d love it if Tony let him call him Mr. Stark in bed.
He starts stroking his cock faster, feeling his orgasm build in the pit of his stomach.  His right arm is starting to get tired from fucking the dildo into his ass for so long, he’s gotta cum soon.
Peter’s eyes fly open when he hears his phone vibrate through the thrumming in his ears.  It’s a text from Tony.
How’s my favorite student? Miss me?
That does it.  Peter’s entire body jolts as he cums all over his hand and the towel he laid on the bed, a high whine caught in his throat. 
He’s still trying to catch his breath a few minutes later, after he eases the dildo out and places it on the towel.  He wipes his hand off on it as well before he grabs his phone.  He definitely needs a shower now. Then he’ll go to the mall.
To: Tony
Don’t flatter yourself
To: Tony
Maybe a little
Tony can’t help but smile at his phone, he might have been a little too eager with the message, typing it up as soon as he put his car in park.  The easy banter going on between him and Peter was refreshing.  Tony couldn’t remember the last time he felt genuinely excited to talk to someone, let alone text.
As the conversation kept flowing while Tony picked up his dry cleaning, he could only deduce that it was because they were nearly equal on an intellectual level.  It may have helped that Peter was easy on the eyes as well.
They talked about their projects at work and the research behind it, what it was like at Columbia for Peter, and how MIT had been to Tony.  The older man made a mental note to ask where Peter worked at a later date, maybe he could recruit him.  He learned that Peter’s favorite colors were blue and red.  That he hated horror movies but watched them anyway just to spite himself.  He loved rom-coms and (surprise, surprise) sci-fi movies.  He couldn’t cook to save his life, Tony assured him he could give him lessons if he wanted, he could make a mean Chicken Piccata.
Tony couldn’t even bring himself to feel guilty about it at all.  The conversation was innocent and Tony was a flirt by nature, Pepper never had a problem with it.  If anything, this thing with Peter was just a budding friendship.  The universe knows Tony needed someone to talk to.
Around noon, Tony’s stomach started to grumble, not surprising considering the hearty breakfast of black coffee he had this morning.  Peter mentioned earlier that he’d been craving Gyros, and that didn’t sound half bad right about now.  He was a few blocks away from the mall anyway.
From: Peter
Here’s a contact picture, in case you needed one...
[see attachment]
The picture Peter sent was absolutely adorable.  His bangs fell over his forehead, slightly parted to the side so it wasn’t completely covered.  Tony felt utterly entranced by the younger man’s smile and the way his left eyebrow looked like he’d slept with his face buried in a pillow.  He was wearing a T-Shirt with a science pun on it, as if the kid couldn’t be any dorkier.  Tony loved it.
To: Peter
Is that a sly way of getting me to send you a selfie back?
Cute shirt by the way, where ya headed?
From: Peter
Maybe...did it work?
I’m going shopping for a new mattress, old one crapped out on me.
To: Peter
Here, since you asked so nicely
[see attachment]
From: Peter
Oof, you can just delete mine.  You just made me go from a solid 6 to like a 2
To: Peter
Hey, give yourself some credit, you’re definitely at least a 5
KIDDING, I’d rate you a solid 9, kid. Just because there’s always room for improvement
From Peter:
I would just like to know who gave you the right to be so sassy and RUDE
To: Peter
Definitely my narcissistic ego
No, but seriously Pete, you’re stunning.  Don’t listen to the old guy
From: Peter
Pls you’re not that old, Tony.
To: Peter
A man after my own heart.  Thanks, kid.
From: Peter
Anytime :-)
You’re more like my friend’s hot dad if anything
To: Peter
Little shit.
From Peter:
Tony shook his head fondly and stuffed his phone in his pocket as he entered the mall, looking around for something indicating what direction the food court was in.  He hadn’t been to this mall in a while, he admits since he’s been making more money it’s kept him from coming and eating the fast food they had here.  So he followed the signs until he got to the food court, and noticed there were still quite a few tables open for him to sit and eat at.  He made a point to stay as far away from the family with three screaming children as possible.
He scanned the choices until he found somewhere that had gyros and went to go stand in line.  The menu wasn’t too extensive, he could either get a gyro platter or a falafel platter, and he already knew what he was here for.  His eyes fell from the menu to the person in front of him.  Not to be a creep, he’s only human, but he had a fantastic ass.  A perfect little bubble butt.
The man was a little shorter than him, he had a trim waist that opened up to broad shoulders not bigger than Tony’s.  Incredible figure.  He’s probably a dancer or a marathon runner.  He also noticed this man had brown curls.  That made him snort softly to himself, he either had a type or Peter just invaded his mind in a short amount of time.  It could be either, honestly.
His eyes dropped to the phrase printed on the back of his shirt.
Never trust an atom, they make up everything
Ha.  Peter would love that shirt.
Peter has that shirt.  It’s the one he was wearing in his selfie.
The man in front of him whirled around to look at him with a puzzled expression.  Tony suddenly found himself unable to move or say another word.  He was instantly captivated by doe eyes and one of the prettiest faces he’d seen in a long time.
He watched his confusion turn into realization and then disbelief and dare he say: panic.
@sweetqueen449, @slut-for-starker, @dim-ships-johnlock, @starkerhowlter, @sthefystarkersworld, @crazycocococonut, @bris-sins, @delicateavenuenacho, @ironspiderstarker, @katzenbaby1, @spider-iron-man, @rebel13lion39, @twokinkybeans, @frenchfrostpudding, @cherrygoldlove, @silkystarkk, @icandoakickflip, @irondaddio, @briesb1tch
creds to @problemchildnoonewanted for some of the messages in the beginning
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"Fufufu...I see that you are truly my dearest beloved. Very well, I shall serve you to the best of my ability. May you be blessed with the bright future, as I shower you eith my love, Raven-san..." -Jade Leech
[This piece references the events of this post.]
The Writing Raven dies a little on the inside.
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With those words, Jade plants himself--along with his lunch--in the seat across from the raven. In the clamor of the busy mess hall, no one notices the raven shrink in their seat.
“What are you doing?” they hiss through gritted teeth. “This is my alone time.”
“Oya?” He still appears angelic, even with that mask of feigned innocence “But is it not lonely to be seated by oneself during a respite period from classes?”
“I want to be alone,” they insist, stabbing a dinglehopper fork into their tray of spaghetti, “so that I may eat in peace.”
“I do come in peace,” Jade counters calmly, gesturing to his tiered lunch box. “It appears that I prepared a bit too much food for the Mostro Lounge, so I thought to share the excess with you.”
The raven narrows their eyes at the box, wondering what sorts of elaborate delicacies are hidden inside. While they are most certainly suspicious of Jade, there is no denying that the dishes he prepares are of the highest quality. Between the cafeteria’s rubbery spaghetti with bland tomato sauce and Jade’s cooking...there is no competition.
However--a raven has its pride to uphold.
“You’re a big eel. You can finish it off yourself,” they quip, winding noodles onto a fork.
“You are a small bird,” Jade points out. “You must eat well and absorb as many nutrients as you can, if you wish to grow--and if you hope to outwit me.”
“...Are you calling me short and dumb?!”
“Why, I have said nothing of the sort.” Jade’s shit-eating smirk betrays his handsome face. “You mustn’t insult yourself like that, my dear. After all, you are my precious pearl, whom  I have promised myself to. And you have promised yourself to me, yes?”
“You are still wearing the promise ring.” Jade points with two fingers to the raven’s right hand, which bears the piece of jewelry in question.
“B-Because you refused to take it back...! What do you expect me to do, sell a gift?!”
“Ah,” Jade’s olive and amber eyes sparkle with sadistic delight. “So you confess that you find the ring valuable enough to avoid parting with. I am honored.”
Stop talking, the raven directs themselves. He’s going to use whatever you say against you.
They shovel a forkful of spaghetti into their mouth and chew in silence. Yup--it’s every bit as cold and slimy as they remember it to be.
Jade chuckles, sliding the cover of his lunch box off. A buttery, rich aroma churns out. “Perhaps you would care to sample some of this instead? It is a shrimp and wild mushroom risotto.”
The raven responds with only a cold stare and puffed cheeks.
“I will take that as a yes. As I have said before, I shall serve you to the best of my abilities.” Jade produces a spoon and digs it into the bed of rice in his lunch box. He smiles and holds out the spoon to them. “Say aaaah.”
Do not, do not, do NOT open your big beak.
The raven’s mouth adamantly remains shut, even when Jade prods at their lips with the spoon. Bits of rice stick to the raven’s face instead of greeting their tongue.
Jade frowns.
“Oya, oya...I did not anticipate for you to be such a messy eater, Raven-san.” He sighs melodramatically, “It appears that you have bested me. I suppose I shall enjoy this lovely risotto myself, then.”
Their shoulders relax--but only for a second.
Jade extends a hand and grabs their chin, running his gloved thumb over the bits of rice left on their face. He presses his fingers to his mouth, allowing his long, tongue to coat his lips.
“Mmm. Delicious,’ Jade declares, staring the raven right in the eyes--mockingly so.
Their patience snaps, against their better judgement.
“I...!! I HATE YOU, UNAGI-DON!!” The raven abruptly stands up and storms out of the mess hall, abandoning their lunch--and the eel.
Jade’s eyes follow their fleeting figure. The smile never leaves his lips.
“...Uh. So...what do you think that’s all about?” Scarabia B-kun whispers to his friends at a nearby table. “Did...did they just call Leech-senpai an eel bowl?”
“It’s probably best not to get involved.” His friend shrugs. “Just eat your sandwich or somethin’.”
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Another day, another pound
So I know I said I was going to post yesterday, but I had a very long day and I was tired, so I didn't feel like it. I've struggled this week with motivation and energy and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because of this heat- I don't know.
But with that said, I'm here now. And I've learned a few things! As I've said before, I am no expert and do not claim to be. I just know what's been working for me and that I can share that knowledge and experience with ya'll. So here we go.
What I learned this week:
It's better to get your bulk calories in at the beginning of the day. Breakfast should be your heaviest calorie meal. If you prefer a light breakfast, then focus your calories at lunch. This is because you're more likely to work off those calories during the day than you are at night after dinner. I know a lot of people prefer a heavy dinner- but this is a major reason why that weight doesn't come off like you want it to. You're not burning off those dinner calories!
Everything you do burns calories. Well, I didn't JUST learn this- I've known this. But for some reason, it didn't click! So don't think ONLY strenuous exercise will help you burn calories. Of course, exercise will help you burn them faster in a shorter amount of time, but if you can't get to the gym every day, you're still burning calories.
My apple watch tracks everything. I wear it from the time I get up in the morning til I'm ready to lay down for the night. And what's better than counting my steps? It counts the calories burned, too! Adding this at the end of the night helps me keep a better estimate of what I've taken in vs put out for the day for calories. Do yourself a favor- invest in something that keeps track of that (watch, fitbit, etc). It is well worth the money especially for weight loss.
Sundays are for meal-prep!!!
I meal prep for the following week(s) on Sundays. I typically prep every other Sunday for my work lunches. I do -not- meal prep for dinners.
Every Sunday, I prep my snacks for the week (usually strawberries and blue berries). If there's a new item I want to eat, I'll prep that up as well. Today, I wanted to add cabbage soup to the work lunch mix. SO, that's what I did. I made it in the instant pot, so this is the instant pot recipe- but this can be adapted for a regular stove top. I included pictures for reference so ya'll can see the sizes.
I also decided to meal-prep some breakfast; which I do not normally do. But the meal replacement shakes don't seem to be working as well as they had been previously, so I'm going to retire them for a bit.
Cabbage Soup
2 heads cabbage, medium; chopped in large chunks
3 pieces of thick sliced bacon (I used Great Value brand); chopped and cooked
1 15oz can tomato sauce (Great Value)
1 bag Premium matchstick carrots (Bolthouse Farms- 3.5 oz bag)
1 sweet Vidalia onion, medium size; chopped in small pieces
1 tbsp. of the following: course sea salt, ground black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, Slap ya Mama Cajun seasoning (or Tony Cacheres- I like my soup to have a bit of a kick, but you can decrease or increase this amount to suit your tastes)
7 cups water (divided- explained in steps)
Put the instant pot on sauté and set for 20 minutes. Chop the 3 pieces of bacon into bite sized pieces and begin to cook them until brown. (I cooked mine a little longer so the crisp wasn't completely lost in the soup)
While the bacon is cooking, start cutting up both heads of cabbage. Cut them into 1-1 & 1/2 inch chunks after removing the core. Set aside in large bowl.
Once the bacon is cooked to your liking, add 1/2 cup of water to "deglaze" the pot. This gets up all of that stuck-to-the-bottom flavor that you need. DO NOT DRAIN THE BACON. We need the grease.
Begin to add the cabbage a hand full at a time, making sure it mixes with the water and bacon pieces. Allow each batch to wilt down some before adding the next batch. Continue with the cabbage until it's all incorporated. Once complete, add 1/2 cup of water.
Add the carrots and mix with the cabbage and bacon mixture.
Add all of your seasonings into 1 cup of water and pour over the top of the cabbage. You can mix it now if you want to, or you can wait.
Set the instant pot to pressure cook, and set for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes is passed, allow the pot to Natural Release for another 10 minutes. After the Natural Release is done, use the manual release. * NOTE: this is a dish with a good amount of liquid. Use a potholder to dish towel to put over the valve when you do the manual release to avoid any splattering liquids.
Once the pressure is released, stir the soup and taste test it. Add any seasonings you feel like it may need.
Chop the onion into small pieces and add it to the soup. Add the entire can of tomato soup, and 5 more cups of water. Stir well. Pressure cook for another 2 minutes and allow to Natural Release for another 10 minutes. Give it one last stir and taste test, and enjoy!
Step one: Sauté the bacon. Ya'll see all that bacony flavored goodness stuck to the bottom?? We WANT that.
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Step two: Cut the cabbage. Size isn't that important- but you do want bigger pieces as cabbage likes to shrink!
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Step Four & Five: Mix the cabbage and carrots and allow to wilt a little bit
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Finished product: big bowl of deliciousness
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This recipe yields 20 cups of soup, which is 10 full servings. There are 48 calories and and 4.8g of proteins in a single cup of soup- but I recommend 2 cups being the serving size.
*This recipe can be changed to fit your specific needs. I do not add meat to mine other than the bacon, but you can add chicken, stew meat, etc. You can also add different veggies. I sometimes add canned diced tomatoes but I didn't have any today. Just be mindful of the added calories and adjust the recipe to reflect that (especially if you're using a calorie counter that allows you to create customized meals).
I got 6 meals out of it (would have been the full 10 but I only had 6 available soup bowls); my husband and I had a bowl each, and so did my son. There was some left but no one wanted it so it got thrown out. It was delicious and filling. And the best part? SUPER low on calories! Most soups are; and I will be adding more to my blog as I make them! I make a knock-off Olive Garden Zuppa Toscano, so that might be my next endeavor!
For this meal-prep, I used eggs, Conecuh sausage links, bacon (same as the one I used for the soup), and sausage patties.
Breakfast # 1: Scrambled eggs, thick sliced bacon, and Conecuh sausage
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2 eggs, scrambled
1 tsp butter (I used Country Crock Churn Style)
1 tsp shredded cheese (I used shredded Colby and Monterey jack Great Value brand)
1 oz Conecuh sausage (you can use any type of sausage- I just prefer this brand)
1.5 slices of thick cut bacon (Great Value brand)
Course sea salt
Ground black pepper
Make 2 eggs, scrambled with butter and whatever seasonings of your choice
Add the cheese to the eggs when they're almost done cooking
Cook the bacon in the air fryer for 6 minutes (time varies depending on how crispy you like your bacon)
Cook the Conecuh in the air fryer for 7 minutes
Put the eggs in to a freezer-safe bowl
Cut the Conecuh and bacon into smaller pieces and put on top
This recipe yields 1 full serving. It has 295 calories and 20.5 grams of protein.
Breakfast 2: Scrambled eggs, Conecuh sausage, and sausage patties
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eggs, scrambled
1 tsp butter (I used Country Crock Churn Style)
1 tsp shredded cheese (I used shredded Colby and Monterey jack Great Value brand)
2 sausage patties (I used Tennessee Pride)
1 oz Conecuh sausage (any brand, this one is just my preference)
Course sea salt
Ground black pepper
Make 2 eggs, scrambled with butter and whatever seasonings of your choice
Add the cheese to the eggs when the eggs are almost done cooking
Cook the sausage patties in the air fryer for 8 minutes or until cooked through
Cook the Conecuh in the air fryer for 7 minutes
Put the eggs in to a freezer-safe bowl
Cut the Conecuh and sausage patties into smaller pieces and put on top
This recipe yields 1 full serving. It has 481 calories and 29.6g of protein.
But enough of the recipes......
Like I stated previously, it's important to get the bulk of your calories during the day so you have the opportunity to burn them off. I've just been walking. I walk at work, I walk around the house- when I shop, that's when I get a lot of steps in.
Granted, walking doesn't burn a lot of calories. However, if you have your tracker on, throughout the entire day, you'll have burned at least 1 full meal off. It is also especially important to stay hydrated. Water no only helps with cutting down muscle pain (when you exercise), drinking a full 8 oz of water before each meal and after can help you feel fuller faster, and feel fuller longer.
I purchased a QuiFit 1 Gallon Water Bottle from Amazon. It arrived today and I plan to use it at work. I have the worst time drinking enough at work. The water from the sink tastes funny. We have a fountain that fills water bottles, but and don't always remember to bring a bottle of water that I can refill later. The simplest solution was to buy a water bottle and keep it at work.
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I think that's all for today, guys. I have school work to do! I'll make a post later next week (unless something cool happens before then that I need to mention) that details what types of foods I eat for dinner since I do not meal prep those.
Have a great day, and thanks for reading!
XOXO, Lauren <3
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eevee-of-rivia · 4 years
“Bite me, John”
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Summary: Just some Vampire!John Wick and some fluff. Enjoy!
Pairing: John WIck x OFC
Warning: a bit of blood? maybe.
If you want there is the Part Two👀❤️
Eve was sitting on the couch, one hand was busy petting  her future husband's pitbull and the other was holding the mobile phone while she was talking with her best friend, Oliver: ““come va in ospedale con il tuo nuovo lavoro da Coroner?” (how is it going at the police station with your new Coroner job??).
The girl didn't have to wait for an answer from her best friend, who loved to talk about his job, keeping her busy for an hour or more talking about corpses and how he judged them while he was writing the  lab report because “Non sa lavarsi i capelli. Ha le unghie luride e troppo lunghe. Hai mai preso in considerazione l'idea di farti uno shampoo in vita tua?” (He doesn't know how to wash his hair. He has dirty nails and they are too long.Have you ever though about doing a shampoo in your life?)
Eve couldn't ask for anything better from Oliver, always ready to keep her company when she was alone because John was in another city or country for work and her only company was Dog.
But her happiness ended when the boy closed the call because his boyfriend, Ezra, was back, in Italy, after his last tour.
Sighing the girl ended the call and decided to prepare the dinner for herself and Dog because there was already 20:30.
“Come on Dog, I don't think that John will come back home soon.” and, with a sad smile on her face, Eve decided to go towards the kitchen filling Dog's bowl at first and then starting to prepare something to eat for herself.
It was now after midnight when Eve suddenly woke up because of some noise from the kitchen.
The alarm had not been activated and Dog had not started barking, the reason for those noises could be only one: John had returned home.
With a smile on her face the girl went down the stairs more quietly that she could to catch her boyfriend by surprise but she could not.
As soon as the last step of the arms descended, they surrounded Eve’s waist and tightened their grip upon it.   
Before he could say anything a couple of lips pressed on his neck leaving kisses on top of it. By suppressing a groan Eve found the strength to escape his grip but only to turn around and, finally, savor with a long kiss the lips of the man she had not seen since the evening before. A few minutes passed before the two of them moved away from each other to allow the girl to catch her breath. It was at that exact moment, however, that Eve realized something strange: the chocolate brown of John’s eyes had been replaced by an intense red, almost the same color of blood, which shone in the darkness of the room. That could only mean one thing.
"John..." It was the only thing she said before caressing John’s cheek by giving him a sweet smile full of love for him. The man in front of her immediately looked away, quickly retracting from her touch, almost as if her hand resting on his cheek were made of incandescent metal.
John looked away from the girl, almost as if he was ashamed of what he himself had become centuries ago. The vampire tried to get away from the female figure but was stopped when she took his wrist with a soft grip but still at the same time. "Eve, I can’t be around you... I don’t want you to see who I really am and what I’m capable of. I could-" But before he had a chance to finish the sentence Eve interrupted him with another kiss, but, this time, sweeter and slower than the previous one.
"John, I know you’re scared, but I know you could never hurt me in any way. I love you, John, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I can’t do that unless you let me help you now." And, with a simple gesture, Eve laid her hand on the nape of the man she loves by approaching his mouth to her uncovered neck.
"Bite me, John Please" And, after the girl’s simple whisper, John decided to trust her. So he closed his eyes and slowly began to kiss and lick her neck. Seconds passed before the vampire sank his canines into her neck, savoring her blood, holding his arm around her waist to prevent her from falling off. Eve leaned her hands behind him and clenched her fists when, after a few seconds, red streaks descended down the girl’s neck to her shoulder blades. It was at that moment that John detached himself from her neck only to lick the blood from her body.
Wiping his lips with blood, John took his girlfriend in his arms to prevent her from falling off, and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "I love you Eve" "I love you too John" was all she could say before falling asleep in the arms of what, from there in two weeks, would be the man of her life.
↪️  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ↩️
This is the first ever fan fiction I’ve written, I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any tips to give me feel free to write a comment!
A special thanks to @hoeliver​ who is my betareader 
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obscureoperations · 3 years
If i remember correctly, there was smthn abt
Martins family being italian
That being said, what if martin tried making Italian food for/with his s/o???
Ooo, a thought. This was lost in my archives for a minute, but I knew that I had to get back to it! Martin is sweet, I love him😂😭😉
Another breeze waifs in through the window as Martin stood poised over the kitchen sink. The faucet ran on the highest setting, it was already three thirty-- and from the looks of things, he had to hurry. He could never be sure of your actual schedule, it seemed to change all the time. Lately, there had been a shortage of people at the bike shop, so you were forced to take on extra shifts. For the most part you didn’t mind… you were making money, that was always good. But you didn’t seem to have time for yourself the past two months. You really couldn't spend that much time with him.
He could sense your distress the moment you would answer the door. You looked frazzled, chest heaving the moment you greeted him. As always, you would deftly run a hand through your hair, smiling at him brightly. “Martin, I'm so glad that you’re here!” He took in your appearance as you moved about the room, it was clear to him that you had lost a few pounds. He started to worry once he first noticed it. What exactly were they doing to you over there? What was so important that you had to fly out of your apartment at six am? He barely saw anyone in Braddock riding bikes.
 You ended up admitting to him one day that you were training to be Manager. Mr Towers was actually retiring. The old man  liked you, he felt confident in your work. Even your customer service skills, though you preferred being in the back. He had to get you familiar with the books, how to close and safely prepare deposits. It was a lot of work but it was worth it in your mind. You took on this role just for him.You had already told Martin about your plan for the two of you to just up and leave. You would have a fast increase of cash and he was taking on more shifts at cuda’s shop. About three months and it all would be settled. He could leave Cuda’s house without a word. Somewhere in the back of your mind you felt as though you were running out of time. The things that he would say to you, the way the old man would react. You really didn’t feel comfortable having him in that house. 
The pots simmered, herbs and spices filled the air in an almost intoxicating scent. The decadent smell of oregano and actual garlic gains his attention. He knew it was time to lower the stoves settings. As the pots simmer, he makes his way over to the fridge to grasp one of the heads of lettuce. Setting it on the counter he begins to chop away vigorously, occasionally popping a piece in his mouth. It wasn’t spoiled! Lately you had the habit of allowing your food to sit. You simply didn’t have the time.   Tossing the leaves into the large glass bowl, the hand washed tomatoes follow after. Sprinkles of olive and oregano, black pepper which he had a hard time trying to crank. The salad was done, bread freshly baked sitting on the counter. 
He sincerely hoped you wouldn't be angry. After all you left the key just for him. You always assured him he could come and go as he pleased. You loved having him there as soon as you arrived. But he never really snooped, or did anything with any of your belongings. His eyes were always trained on a magazine. Skimming over the articles, listening to the radio, eagerly waiting on your return.
The second he turns the pasta, thoughts of old man Palonios fills his mind--the door handle clicks. He hastily places the cover over the pot. Simmering. 
“God fuckin damn it!” 
He can  hear you cuss from a mile away.
“Here!” He eagerly pops from the kitchen.
His hands are instantly reaching for your waist, as he peppers kisses along your jawline. I'm so happy you're back, how was your day?!
You  cling to him tightly. “Awful and wonderful all at once! I think I’ve earned one fifty in commission! You know what that means Martin?!”
“Wha-- what is that?”
The aroma seems to fill your senses all at once. Herbs along with the fresh baked bread.The sound of pots simmering in the background. The pots had already filled your apartment, coating your windows with an all too familiar haze. 
“It's for you.. Sit down.”  he whispers. Spooning the perfectly done spaghetti onto your plate.
You were at a loss for a moment until he sits down in front of you.
“Eat… please?” 
You were at a loss momentarily. Had he done this just for you!?
The scent of the bread was the most inviting. You couldn't help but slide your seat right  in front of you. You watch as he spoons a heap of spaghetti onto your otherwise pristine plate.As you lift your fork, you could already imagine sitting across from him for your entire life. As he sits across from you, sparing you a shy glance--something inside seems to ignite. It felt as though you had lived this moment before, with him sitting directly across from you. You settle on a smile raising the fork to your lips. It was one of the best things you’d tasted in your entire life.
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ardent-musings · 3 years
The Girl Who Vanished (Part 1)
Chapter 2: Ms. Malfoy
If Ana thought the castle was beautiful while she was on the train, seeing it up close was a whole new feeling of amazement. Never before had she experienced such a stunning sight and her face glowed. Hagrid accompanied the first years as they were situated into small boats, her path diverging from the Gryffindor quad. Of course, she was upset that she couldn't be sharing this moment with them, but she had yet to be sorted. Before her conversation on the train, she never once questioned whether or not she wanted to be in Slytherin. Her father always made it clear that Slytherin was the only acceptable house for a wizard, at least a wizard that respected themselves. But now, her impression of Gryffindor was not all that bad; at least not as bad as her father made it seem.
Despite being tired, not only from getting no sleep, but also from rowing across a giant lake, Ana couldn't help but buzz with energy. And the closer the boat got to the school grounds, the more intense it got. She could hear Hagrid shouting from a few boats behind, but her brain could not even begin to process what he had said.
It only took a few more rows until her little boat met the dock at the edge of the school. She and the two quiet boys that were rowing with her stumbled out of the rocky boat, not waiting for her to catch up with them. Once again, she was aware of how alone she was; the laughter she had grown to enjoy was gone as night had fallen over the castle. The cool air began to pierce her skin, making her wrap her arms around herself, hoping to get inside soon. She kept her head down, focusing on her footing, and followed the direction of her fellow first years.
Once they entered the school, she was met with a grand staircase which seemed to never end. She stomped up the stone steps and was halted in front of a large door; behind it was filled with loud chatter and yells of excitement. At the top of the stairs was a witch, her slender frame covered in ornate emerald robes and a giant hat was perched on her head.
"Greetings, first years," the witch greeted, her Scottish accent strong. "I am Professor McGonagall, your new Transfiguration teacher and the Head of Gryffindor House. Beyond these doors is where your time at Hogwarts begins. But before that happens you will be placed into your house."
Not a peep could be heard from the first years, everyone hanging on to whatever the witch said. "Your house will be like your family; do well in your work and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and it will cost your house dearly. Now I want everyone to follow me," she said, turning quick on her heel. She stopped at the giant doors until they swung open before her, revealing the rest of the students and the professors. Ana looked around her, trying to find the only other faces she was familiar with, finding them to the right. She smiled at the group, all of them grinning up at her with hopeful eyes. Angelina made it a point to smack the space next to her on the wooden bench, them anticipating a spot for her.
Professor McGonagall began, "Bell, Katie!"
A girl came out of the crowd of students, her brown hair pulled high into a ponytail that seemed to be tugging at her forehead. She wobbled up the steps with shaky knees as she sat on the stool. Professor McGonagall than placed a dingy hat on top of her head. A voice blaring from the wrinkles of fabric.
"Ah ha! I see a lot of goodness in you, quite a lot of spunk!" the hat bellowed, everyone in the hall now silent. "I have a pretty good idea where you belong. GRYFFINDOR!"
The long table beside her cheered, the spot that was once available for Ana, now replaced with another student. One by one, each student would sit and get placed. And every time the alphabet got closer to her name, Ana's heart fluttered in her chest. She could hardly pay attention, but she caught a few sortings.
"Bole, Alexandra!" Slytherin gained its first student and the list continued.
"Carmichael, Eddie!" Was sorted into Ravenclaw.
"Chang, Cho!" Ravenclaw, too. A few more students passed.
"Kane, Calista!" Slytherin again.
The anticipation was enough to make any person faint. The unknown wasn't something Ana enjoyed. She forced herself to take deep breaths, focusing not on what was in front of her, but only the rise and fall of her lungs.
"Malfoy, Bibiana!" Professor McGonagall called. Hushed whispers began to fill the room, many students sitting up higher to take a look at the girl, who wanted nothing more than to be swallowed into the floor beneath her. Slowly, her feet moved on their own accord, knowing that standing there motionlessly would only make her look even stranger. Staring at her with shocked expressions were the twins, Lee, and Angelina. But they weren't the only ones staring in anticipation; the rest of the student body were equally as invested. Bibiana closed her eyes, waiting for the moment to end.
"A Malfoy, eh?" the hat commented. "This is an interesting case, you see. Every Malfoy before you all went to the same house. You've got wit and you've got charm, but that all depends on what you use it for." The longer the hat deliberated the harder it was for her to breath. "Nonetheless, it seems quite clear where you will succeed."
Ana opened her eyes once the decision was made. Slytherin always seemed like a good fit for her, and from hearing what the house valued, she felt comfortable with it. The uneasy feeling in her stomach must be from not having eaten enough that day.
The hat was removed from her head, and Ana was unable to stop herself from looking at the Gryffindor table. As expected the expressions on the twins', Lee's and Angelina's faces were what she was afraid they'd be. They all glared at her with strained brows and tight lips as she made her way to the Slytherin table. There she was greeted with cheers, the older Slytherins watching her and clapping until she sat down at the opposite end of the long table. Although a smaller reaction would have been better for her nerves, seeing a few smiles at her expense was nice to see. Soon, all the first years were sorted into their houses and a wizard in deep plum robes approached the lectern at the head of the hall.
"Wonderful, everyone! Quite wonderful," the man mused. "It seems that everything is in order! And while we are here, it is my duty to remind all students of the school's restrictions. No one is allowed into the third floor corridor or the Dark Forest, unless an early death is what you wish."
Ana found that to be a bit dramatic, but it did get the point across. The man quickly wrapped up his speech and with a clap of his hands mounds of food appeared in front of them. Every inch of the table was filled with fruits and breads and meats, whatever a person could want. Ana found herself gravitating towards the fruits, strawberries being her absolute favorite. She also helped herself to a serving of potatoes that would be even too much for that tall man, Hagrid, to handle. Yet she felt up to the challenge after rowing across a whole lake.
"You gonna share the potatoes there, Malfoy?" the boy next to her asked with a smirk. She handed him the bowl and he took them quickly. "I'm Aeron Wright by the way," he proudly announced.
The boy scooped spoonful after spoonful of the potatoes, clearly not caring that he was emptying the bowl. Although you would never tell he could eat so much, his thin frame huddled over the plate which he kept piling high with food.
"Save the table some food will you?"
"What? Alexandra was it?" He snapped back, "I'm hungry so I'm going to take what I need."
"Yeah, because you definitely look like you need to eat as much as a mountain troll," mocked the girl. She played with the spaghetti and meatballs on her plate, trying desperately to get it to stay on her fork. "Don't worry about him," she assured, "he's just very passionate about his food, it seems."
The boy feigned hurt as he dug into his food, picking up a dinner roll and chucking it at Alexandra's head. She swatted the food away, it landing a few feet down in front of the more stern looking Slytherins, all of them staring back at Ana. That surely did not help the pit in her stomach at all.
"This is my brother by the way," the girl said, a smile gracing her olive toned skin. She pulled on the sleeve of the boy next to her, nearly knocking him over with her strength. He grabbed at his collar, trying to release himself from her grip as he turned towards them.
"Loosen up, Alex," he chuckled at his sister.
His eyes were such a light blue that they almost looked clear if you weren't looking hard enough. The contrast was stark between them and his skin. He was, in no other way of stating it, wonderful to look at. "Hey! I'm Lucian," he offered a gentle smile, nibbling on a piece of broccoli.
"I'm Bibiana Malfoy, but I prefer Ana," she replied. "That's what everyone calls me anyways."
"You have a good time on the train then, Ana?"
She smiled at his interest, picking up more strawberries. "I did. I was seated with a few second year Gryffindors, the red headed twins."
Lucian's expression immediately shifted from curious to irked, "You mean those two gits who are staring at you?" He motioned to the Gryffindor table with his fork. Ana turned around to see the two of them dart their heads down, nudging each other's arms and whispering. Ana would be lying if she pretended like their reactions didn't hurt, but the nagging feeling in her chest told her that whatever they had on the train was over.
"Yeah, I wouldn't be seeking them out anytime soon," the older boy continued, noticing her sudden somber look. "Last year they let off multiple dungbombs into the Slytherin Quidditch dressing rooms. They even convinced Peeves, the poltergeist, to terrorize Professor Snape any chance he could get. The two really have it out for the Slytherins."
Ana had a feeling that the Gryffindors didn't take kindly to Slytherins when they were on the train, but she never figured that the people who were so nice to her could also be so mean. Sure they were young boys and they had some energy, but hearing them acting out against Slytherins was new information to her. Still, she hoped for different.
"But, they were nice to me on the train. You think they would just turn like that?"
"I hope for your sake they don't," he sighed, giving her a half smile.
Ana once again peered over at the Gryffindor table, meeting the eyes of no one.
"Well, who needs the stinky twins?" Alex stabbed her meatball. "Who cares if they don't like you anymore? You don't need them anyways."
"Or, you could try talking to them like nothing bad happened. Just because you're in another house that doesn't mean they're necessarily going to ignore you," a voice chimed in. The airy sound came from a girl whose hip-length black hair hung from the sides of her head in two long braids. "Sure, they may be a bit confused right now, but who's to say they're going to treat you any different?"
"Oh first year, there is a lot for you to learn," Lucian leaned in closely. "For starters, Slytherins and Gryffindors have a sort of rivalry. It's been going on for years. It'd just be smart to move on." He directed the end of his statement back at Ana, giving her a pointed look.
"Especially with you being a Malfoy and all," Alex added on, her brother enthusiastically waving his fork in agreement.
"Oh fantastic," Ana snickered, "my very first friends are now my enemies."
"Well maybe not," squeaked the dark haired girl again.
"Who are you again?" Aeron took a moment to tear away from his food to ask.
"Calista Kane."
Aeron took a deep swallow, pushing down whatever he had stuffed in his cheeks, taking a few deep breaths. "Look, Calista. That's just how things work. My uncle even had issues with Gryffindors when he went to school here and that was years ago. I wouldn't expect this feud to end simply because little Miss Malfoy over here," he gestured to Ana, "is upset she got ditched by some dumb twins."
"Well aren't you a joy," Calista laughed, returning her attention back to Ana, who seemed to lose interest in her dinner. "Everything will be fine. Whether you talk to them again or not. So what's the worst that could happen? You just don't talk to them. That's not such a loss."
Ana found herself comforted by Calista's words. The girl's hair might be halfway in her bowl of soup, but that didn't stop her from focusing on helping Ana feel better. Calista looked at her with warm eyes and a soft smile. Somehow, Ana felt like she had to agree with her.
"No, I guess you're right," Ana reasoned. "Besides I wanted to be in Slytherin anyways. I can't imagine what my father would say had I been sorted into another house."
Alex nodded, plopping a meatball into her mouth, "That's the kind of attitude you need. Forget them. You've got us now."
Ana smiled at the girl, swallowing her hurt and finding comfort in the people surrounding her now. She once again started eating her food, finding no point in pouting over the loss of people she only knew for a few hours. The Slytherins would be with her for the next seven years, it made sense to start caring about them instead of worrying over the Gryffindors.
Finding herself feeling better, Ana and Lucian began talking about the ins and outs of Hogwarts, learning about the various professors and the squib, Filch, who had a seemingly very unusual relationship with his cat. She made a note to try and interact with him as little as possible. She found Alex to be the louder Bole sibling, bouncing in her seat and blurting out whenever something excited her or if she felt like poking fun at someone. Her energy was definitely needed given how exhausted Ana started to feel. Calista was quieter, providing very animated faces to what was going on, but not speaking for the most part. Once again, Aeron was lost in his food but would sometimes talk to Elliot Wolter and Malachy Allard, two other boys who were sorted into Slytherin.
As dinner rolled on, Ana's smile returned, finding her House to offer her the same feelings the Gryffindors stirred within her. She felt airy and full of warmth, especially now that she was having her fill of pumpkin pasties and apple cider. All the nervousness and judgement that coursed through her brain earlier were gone.
Slowly students began to leave the hall and a Slytherin a few years older than them directed the first years to the grand staircase. After taking a turn to the right and leading them down a flight of stairs into the dungeons, she came to a barren wall that stretched for a good twenty feet. The older girl whispered, "Wolfsbane" and a large iron door revealed itself to the students.
When they passed through, they descended into a dark room that was sunken into the floor. The walls weren't exactly walls, but glass that looked out into what Ana assumed was the lake they had just been over a few hours ago. If she looked close enough she could see various creatures swimming from window to window. The whole area was tinted green from the murky lake. The room was huge and had silver and green accents everywhere, whether it was the leather sofas or the curtains that hung to the ground. A blazing fire roared in the large stone fireplace that was situated at the center of the space in front of loveseats and armchairs and throw pillows, making the area surprisingly cozy considering they were literally underwater.
"This is the- " the poor student couldn't even finish her tour as Alex ran past her and threw her body at one of the sofas, "This is the common room."
The rest of the first years paid attention to the girl who explained that this was where they were going to live for the next seven years. Passwords would alternate so that it was better protected but the updated password would be posted by Merlin. And by a portrait of Merlin was a board of announcements that they would have to keep up with. The girl showed Ana and Calista to their dormitory, while Alex decided to stay behind to talk to her brother in the common room.
The dorms were simple; all the furniture lined up along a wall with storage and a chest at the foot of each four poster bed. The green canopies matched the glow of green that emanated from the two giant panes of glass that looked out to the black lake. Between the panes was a stone insert where a fireplace was already warming up the room. A gorgeous mantel piece, a two foot long serpent with red eyes, was perched on top of the stone ledge.
After telling the girls about how their following day would play out, the older girl left her and Calista to get some sleep. The two scrambled to their beds, Ana's items were placed at the bed furthest from the door, so she slumped down on the mattress, relieved at how it seemed to ease her tired body. Calista's bed was next to hers, leaving Alex's bed the one closest to the door.
Ana stayed staring at the ceiling, reliving the events of the day. King's Cross seemed like forever ago and she could only imagine how much Draco missed her. She couldn't help but think about him roaming through the manor all alone. Maybe he would get desperate and hang around Dobby, their house elf. Ana quite liked the little guy. Of course he was always nervous around Lucius, but even she was nervous around her own father. Still, the elf was great company for her when Draco wasn't around.
"Do you think we should find Alex?" Calista asked quietly, pulling out a few items from her trunk and placing them on her nightstand.
Ana took a moment to answer. "No," she said, "I have a feeling Lucian will tell her where her dorm is."
"It must be nice having a sibling already at Hogwarts. It'd make the transition easier, I think," she pulled out a rabbit plushie from her bag, making Ana smile as she grabbed for it. She played with the flopping ears, bouncing the animal on her lap. "I had a rabbit when I was five. Her name was Minnie."
"What happened to Minnie?"
Calista continued to pull little trinkets out of her bag, unravelling a large shiny sheet of parchment. The girl was having trouble holding the parchment up against the wall, so Ana jumped up to hold the sides up for her. "Thanks," Calista smiled, "and uh, Minnie was attacked by a wolf and didn't make it past the night. I was devastated. But in the morning, I woke up to that plushie on my bed."
"I'm sorry about your rabbit," Ana sighed as the girl pulled out her wand. She pointed it to the parchment and chanted. "Viscosi!" The parchment stayed up on the wall needing no one to hold it up any longer. Ana took a step away from the parchment to see that it was a picture of five people, and in small text read "The Breakfast Club".
"It's a movie!" Calista's eyes twinkled with excitement. The girl was far more talkative than when she was at dinner, and Ana was in no state to kill the mood. Humoring the girl, Ana asked her to tell her all about what a movie was, and then what happened in it.
Any plans they had to go to bed early were squashed once Calista started talking about the ins and outs of the movie. The characters all seemed very different from each other and Ana couldn't help but wonder which of the group she would be: the jock, the princess, the nerd, the criminal, or the outcast. None of them sounded like her and yet she figured she could become any of them at the end of the day.
"I also just think that Molly Ringwald is really pretty," Calista pointed at the red headed girl in all pink, a red blush settled on her golden brown cheeks.
"Molly is pretty but have you see Bender and Allison? Now, they're pretty."
Alex had finally joined the girls after returning from the common room. She jumped on Calista's bed, sitting beside the girl who had just been gushing over her favorite movie star.
"I mean, maybe in a dark, sinister way, sure," Calista replied crossing her arms over her chest. Alex made a face at the Calista, giggling at how serious she had just become.
"I'm only joking, Kane. Molly is super cute."
The three of them settled into an easy conversation; Ana and Alex talked about the Weird Sisters which was both their favorite band while Calista talked about her favorite films, most of which the other two hadn't seen. They talked so long, that the room that was once a dark forest green was turning brighter by the second. Once they realized how long they stayed up, the three forced themselves to bed, hoping to get enough sleep to get them through the next day.
But before Ana fell asleep, she couldn't help but find the warm glow of the fireplace bittersweet. The fiery red of it pricked her skin and made her warm, but red wasn't turning out to be a welcoming color anymore.
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