#which is SO unlikely
arrowpunk · 1 year
Like yeah I understand that laws and shit exist for a reason, and that a decent enough amount of the time they protect and help people. But goshhhhhhh right now I really wish it was easier to gain custody of a child you know isn't being treated right but there's nothing you can PROVE, because so many people don't think of children as human beings and don't think that they deserve rights.
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obsob · 7 months
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hmm anyway. holds u in my arms
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egophiliac · 8 months
GRIMS COMING!!! You gonna pull for him??👀👀
I'm gonna try, but...
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I have mere hours to decide if I want to make one last attempt at Malleus or save a few to try for Grim...and this is all before the new event reveal on the 16th. truly the most difficult choice of our modern times. the gacha is getting its revenge for all of my Lilias.
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orangerosebush · 1 year
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"Mother and Child (a.k.a. Madonna)", 1908, Egon Schiele
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humming-fly · 2 months
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Happy to report I have finally started listening to Malevolent and to no one's surprise I am already obsessed (I'm almost done with s2 atm please don't send me spoilers yet sdlkfj)
I'll skip over my usual formality of having one normal art post before diving into shitposts let's not waste anyone's time here
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brennan-lee-mother · 4 months
Cassandra is starting to get on my nerves a little bit, I'm not going to lie. Like, Kristen is a child! A kid! You're putting your life in the hands of a teenager with undiagnosed ADHD while, apparently, you have other options. She mentions casually she could just become high fey as if that doesn't change our entire situation. And I know she probably doesn't want that and I feel for her but let us be serious. Kristen became her prophet under extreme duress. In that moment the choices were 1. release the Nightmare King upon all the realms or 2. save a dying goddess from losing herself. This was not an instance of someone taking on more responsibility than they should out of ignorance, this was a hail mary religious apotheosis.
The fact that this ancient being acts like this child owes her any more than that is hitting a nerve I didn't know I had.
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 4 months
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not me immediately getting jude from this
who did you guys get? 👀
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brotherconstant · 1 month
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FOUNDATION | 2x05 | The Sighted and The Seen Welcome, Hari Seldon, Gaal Dornick and Salvor Hardin of Terminus. You are our guests.
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momentomori24 · 5 months
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Shadow, despite hating Nine with a passion, is the only person in this entire show that actually sees and understands him in any meaningful way. Sonic's attachment to Nine is based off his friendship with Tails and his inability to cope with the fact that his best friend is gone. In his eyes, Nine is just a gloomy, edgy version of Tails, not his own person with his own motives and desires. He's so used to him and Tails being on the same page, always having each other's back, that he didn't even bother to consider the fact that Nine and him would be any different, and his lapse in judgement is what lead to Ghost Hill being destroyed in the aftermath of Nine's betrayal.
Shadow repeats the sentiment ''they're not your real friends'' over and over in the show. Not only does he offer Sonic a mental out, a way to compartmentalize and stick to their priorities without any regrets weighing him down, it also rings very true to every character Sonic has met thus far. Rebel isn't Rouge, Renegade isn't Knuckles, Thorn isn't Amy and Nine isn't Tails. They're only pieces of their original's personality formed and twisted into their own people with their own lives and their own names. They're similar, but distinctly different, complete strangers in all but appearance. Sonic undoubtably cares about Nine and the others, but that care is built on an illusion, and Shadow recognized that immediately. And for me that's the most ironic and sensible part of it all. That it's Shadow of all people recognizing that so quickly. Shadow, the guy with a history of identity issues plagueing his legacy. Shadow, the guy who cares the least about these other people and made Sonic eat dirt for an entire episode just to sacrifice them one season ago.
And it makes sense. Because he knows first hand how difficult it is to seperate the past from the present, walking the line between being a protector and being a destroyer, his own person or just a weapon and existing as an entity for others to project on until he finally figured himself out on his own, he's able to sniff out Nine's confusion and resentment of Tails from his line ''This is the friend Sonic thought was like me? We're nothing alike'' when they encountered his ghost form before Sonic ever did. And because he doesn't care for him, he never associates him with Tails, giving him the ability to see Nine for who he really is. And Nine's troubled, selfish and volatile, and not to be trusted because his goals never aligned with theirs. He's everything Tails isn't, and that's why Sonic never acknowledged those traits. But Shadow sees Nine, and that's why he was so quick to distrust him.
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It's also why he could easily deduce what the motive behind his actions were. Power. It's a motive he can certainly relate to. Something he can understand, but Sonic cannot (bless his heart). It was his driving force for the entirety of SA2. What he was after was the power of the Chaos Emeralds to inact Professor Gerald's revenge on the planet and was he believed to be Maria's dying wish, just like how Nine searches for power to create a paradise where he can live the life he always wanted surrounded by ''friends'' he never had. Both of them didn't think about the damage they caused or those they betrayed in that pursuit because they never factored into the equation in the first place. It's about power to achieve self-fulfilment, and what a broken, lonely, destructive and misguided guy seen by nobody and isolated by everybody will do to see it all through to the end.
Nine and Shadow can relate to each other. They can understand each other. They're can be on the same page when it comes to figuring out what the other person is plotting from eye contact alone (like Shadow immediately realising that Nine was going to use Sonic as his energy source). What Shadow wants from Sonic is to be heard, and what Nine wanted from Sonic was to be seen, and what they can't recieve from him they can give to each other. They're similar, they're compatible, they're both attached to Sonic despite acting otherwise and their mindsets are identical-- and that's exactly why they will never be friends.
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anteomnia · 6 months
the fact that blue eye samurai really had me kicking my feet about a throuple and then switched gears into a heterosexual fight couple last minute .
i’ll commit a crime
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kaereth · 2 years
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The family having breakfast together for a kofi
Pyrrha: Eat
Nona, holding food in her mouth like a puppy with a bug: :T
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wickedcriminal · 2 months
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Some age-old "HTTYD 3" Doods featuring Outcast Younger and Prison Darkheart Elder
"HTTYD 3" is books 9-12. Younger took Big Tooth with him in exile on Elder's request, to keep each other safe. They'd meet the Light Fury while on the run (who is Furious's right hand and is trying to kill them, mind you), and Grimmel would be one of the bounty hunters tracking down Minicup through Big Toothless. Unfortunate side effects of traveling with a night fury!
Elder takes Stoick's place in the books getting taken to Prison Darkheart along with the other Dragon Riders 😔
Bonus: Younger finding Elder in Prison Darkheart
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pyro-madder · 2 months
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in honor of my sudden re-binging of TRC, i finally bring out an unposted quality archive from 2017
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frnkiebby · 29 days
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baby. bbyboy. sir. pls.~🎃
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shorthaltsjester · 8 months
free my complex female character, she did the same thing as complex male characters but the fandom takes Any analysis of her actions/choices/motivations that doesn’t strip her of all of her agency in bad faith and claims that only misogynists would dare to critique the things that they’ve noticed in her character because she’s a woman, completely ignoring the over-presence of discourse about similarly traited male characters in their fandom.
#exhausted by people categorizing CRITIQUE. not even genuine hate just literally basic analysis of imogen’s character#as a) hate at all but b) misogynistic simply because… they assume the person like caleb and percy uncritically like#i love imogen and i love her because she’s riddled with complexity that gives reason for her to be unlikeable#the shit ashton says makes me want to tear out my hair and i could write analysis on why but they’re still one of my favourite characters#i enjoy caleb but watching him infuriated me because of his self interest which is a coherent trait of his but is a tiring one#similarly with percy of love his pretentious Smartest In The Room shit but sometimes it meant he treated others more poorly than necessary#but i’m not unpacking all of that just so i have some fandom mandated right to say that i think there’s an aspect of a female character#that is imperfect in the human sense#because like. i will continue to call imogen’s self interested until the world burns and the moon shatters. because she is.#the only reason her choice to do good is compelling at all is because the choice to do otherwise is so tangible#it isn’t a Mistake or Fault that she’s self interested. it’s by design#like. she reaches towards the storm in curiosity in her sleep. but then she fights back when she’s awake#that’s it#that’s the dynamic. that’s what’s compelling#but no ur right fandom. let’s instead all agree that imogen is actually just intrinsically good#and take away all agency and complexity and humanity from her#and instead slap a sticker of Morally Good and enjoy the caricature of her where she’s made to fit into the imagine of#the latest aesthetic ad for diarrhoea medication#imogen temult#critical role#inspired as always by dumbass twitter posts that i’m subjected to because of school n work#the worst part is i do like the laudna n imogen dynamic in the stagnancy where it is but so much of that fandom is so clear in their erosion#of both characters actuality to suit the picture of Ship Tropes#like fuckin. so much of imogen’s fanart in imodna making her fat which as a fat person great love to see it#not so much when it’s clearly to make her short n stout against laundas tall n lanky.#anyway
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insertsomthinawesome · 6 months
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⚜ L u o c h a ⚜
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