#which I'm not going to answer because everyone has their own hc
carlyraejepsans · 9 months
I was looking back through your character analysis stuff bc you are great(!) at this kinda thing and you said a sentence that has me curious in so many different ways.
"and what better scenario for this than one where 1) everyone he truly loved is already dead, and 2) there's a brand new unethical system of power ready to be taken advantage of now that he's got nothing left to lose."
In the best possible way, what the hell does this mean? What *could* this mean? I'd it referring to the obvious answer of "He starts getting LV"? Is it referring to him working up the underground's political system (becoming King for some reason)? Is it some secret third option???
Even if this is obvious or meant to be left to suggestion, I would love an expansion and/or exploration of this idea further because it is so captivating.
(Anyway, love your work! Keep it up)
BAHAHAHA, nothing that drastic, don't worry! but... sorta the second option there? not all the way to king though
king mtt ending: dystopian, celebrity king with zero leading experience and dubious mental stability (he is one stage of grief away from killing himself at any moment), takes power in his own hands, sets off a countrywide brainwashing campaign, ignores the kingdom's multiple crisis and if anyone opposes him too much they "disappear". what does sans do? why, he climbs up the social ladder (either by kissing his ass or making himself useful) and secures himself a place as his agent. he neither fights or miss l nor survives the system, he exploits it to cover his own ass, and rip bozo to the poor bastards underneath. now, with papyrus still around he'd obviously have something else left to care about and dedicate himself to after securing their own safety in the system, but if papyrus is gone, well. i don't see why he should give a fuck and not go along with whatever plans mtt has
empress undyne ending: undyne seizes power, declares war (again), expands the royal guard massively, and turns the underground into a massive military state hoping to crush humanity. what does sans do? ...well, we don't know for sure. he ends the phonecall on a rather vague threat
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lots of people take this to mean that he's really, REALLY hoping undyne will kick your ass, but still acts as a passive observer. which i think is a perfectly good reading. now, i wouldn't say what I'm about to propose is canon, more like a personal theory/hc of mine... but there's another line in the phonecall I'd like to call attention to. and well. when you connect the two? considering sans' background as a scientist?
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...i think they have some REALLY fun implications :]
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lilislegacy · 3 months
you may have gotten a similar ask before, but I'm new to your blog, so i just wanted to ask: what do you envision Percy and annabeth's post-college life to be like? how many kids? girl/boy? names? (If they have kids at all?) their jobs? where do they live? what does their house look like? do they have pets? what are their relationships like with the other demigods? This might be a lot for one ask but you seem like you can literally dive right into percabeth's minds so I just thought I'd ask 😅
ok. you have just asked me a question that i instinctually want to answer with a 3,000 word essay. so i am going to keep this as short as possible (which is not short at all.) i’m also open minded, so my headcanons can be changed if i see a take i really love. but these are my own beliefs
i think they get married. definitely after college. i know some people think they don’t marry because of hera, but i can’t stand the thought of them not doing what they want because of a god. (i also have a hc that they kinda blackmail her lol. as in she goes to them needing help - a quest - and they say they’ll do it only if she swears on the styx to never interfere with or harm their marriage)
i think they both do a lot of things over the course of their careers. annabeth is an architect, but she does multiple things with that. she creates some big famous attractions, she designs a greek version of new rome, aka “new greece” or “new athens” or something, maybe she builds hideouts for demigods (suggestion from a previous asker), etc. and for percy, i think he definitely does something that involves helping marine animals. he can literally speak to them - something no one else can do. he also is very protective of all sea animals he encounters in the books. so he needs to be doing that. personally, i love the thought of him becoming an aquatic vet. but there are several other marine animal related jobs that he could do in replacement of/in addition to that. i also see him doing several things throughout this life, and i made a big post about my thoughts there. i’ll link it at the end of this post.
they definitely have kids. no doubt. they’ve been thinking about having kids together since they were 16. i love the thought of them having 3, maybe 4. i think their first is a boy with short blonde curly hair and sea green eyes. i also think he has a “p” name, since his dad is named percy and his paternal grandfathers are poseidon and paul. but i don’t have names for any of them. ive always imagined them having 2 boys close together and then a girl later on. but i don’t have exact ideas, you know?
i think they live in a few different places. they probably start off in new rome, then eventually in new athens/new greece, and then i think nyc again at some point, maybe when the kids are grown. but i think they always try and live on/near beaches or lakes, when possible. (for obvious reasons)
they do a lot of traveling throughout their lives. because annabeth loves it, and percy loves seeing her happy.
they definitely have a family dog (look in the linked post for my thoughts on that.) plus horses/pegusi will always be around their place.
i don’t have exact house details in mind.
and they keep in great contact with all their demigod friends. both roman and greek.
all i know for sure is that they remain best friends who are deeply in love. they’re always each others battle partner. and they do everything in their power to not only protect their kids, but to make sure their childhoods don’t contain the same darknesses that their own childhoods did. they’re amazing parents, and they’re gonna do great things. they’re both going to use their abilities to help so many people and creatures. and their lives will never be dull or “normal.” not even for a second. and they love it.
my thoughts on percy’s career: ⬇️
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(Not a confession.) I've been working out submissions for the trans day, and there was also an interesting discussion on the topic on r/okbuddybaldur, and I've been wondering - where do you think the line is drawn between 'naughty confessions' and 'fetishization'? I'm trans (transmasc-leaning NB), I have trans hcs, many of them are smutty, I find them hot, trans people ARE hot! We are! But is there a point where it just becomes fetishistic?
Related, what about stereotyping? Tall, buff transfem Karlach, or slender, pretty transmasc Astarion, for instance (which I genuinely do love, especially together). Questionable if you're ONLY going with the more stereotypical view (ie. 'Shadowheart is small and fem and definitely cis, Karlach is tall and butch and definitely trans'), or questionable at any time?
(Relatedly, this comes up in the discussion on Reddit - someone shared their frustration with always seeing Aylin as trans and Isobel as cis, and shared their frankly incredible trans Isobel headcanon.)
Not at all trying to start Disk Horse or anything, just a trans fan writing up submissions and overthinking things. Have an excellent day!
Well let me start by saying that I'm cis, and not exactly an authority on this subject. I have no magical way of knowing where all our confessions are coming from, but I do have some safeguards in place to reduce harm.
First of all, confessions that fetishize real life groups of people are strictly not allowed in our rules. It's up to my own discernment (and that of our followers) what constitutes that, but generally any use of slurs or reinforcing negative stereotypes is a clear tip off. If someone is making trans folk out to be freaks or fetishizing things about them that belittle their gender identity, that's obviously a no go. But so far, no one has said that. There was one confession sexualizing dysphoria that towed the line for me, but my gut told me the submitter was trans themselves and simply had a humiliation kink. Which they later confirmed!
Not speaking for the fandom at large, but on this blog at least it seems like all the characters are "transed" pretty much equally, from Shadowheart to Halsin. With the exception of Gortash, who seems to get the lion's share of those confessions, but that doesn't ring any alarm bells to me.
I certainly wouldn't want to disallow trans hcs for any particular character. After all, it is a fact of life that some cis women are big and tall, and so are some trans women. Should they be excluded from being found attractive just because of a few bad eggs? But I'm always happy to see more variety, thought, and creativity put into confessions overall. Y'all are certainly encouraged to break the mold around here.
I do my best to use my best judgement in moderating confessions so that everyone feels safe and welcome here. But I'm not perfect, so if anything ever slips through the cracks I won't hesitate to listen to our trans followers, remove the confession and learn from the experience. Should that ever happen, I may ask the anon to clarify their intentions as well, as sometimes people just phrase things unintentionally poorly (Hanlon's razor and all that).
Anyways, I hope that answer was satisfactory, it's an interesting and nuanced topic to be sure. And I bid thee an excellent day as well!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Could you please do follower!Leshy x follower!Reader, where the readers family was once followers of Narinder sect of the old faith but once Narinder was locked away, to avoid death, readers family went into hiding. Years later with Lamb's cult, reader joins because they wish to continue to serve the red crown, no matter who's head it is on. The readers mannerisms and ways of worship comes off as unsettling to the bishops because it was things only taught under the ruling of Narinder. The lamb and Narinder think that the reader is fine, if not the best follower in the cult, due to these reasons. Leshy and Reader could possibly have a pre-established relationship at the time of this story? And if it matters, gender neutral reader, please.
Thank you in advance (even if you don't write the request, which is also perfectly fine)
Oooo I like this! Also gives me chance to expand on my hcs for what Narinder's cult was like before he was banished.
"You. Come hither."
As you gracefully walked through the endless white fog of your lord's realm, you felt as though you were wading across water, passing by chains and piles of skulls. Yet your robes remained perfectly dry.
Such a strange land, this was. But you've grown accustomed to it.
In your hands, you clutched a scythe that he bestowed upon you himself: "Death's Attendant", as he called it. You never went anywhere without it, using its necromantic powers to cull heretics and show skeptics the almighty power of your god.
Before long you stood before Narinder's throne of blood, stone, ivory, and bone, where he sat, black skeletal fingers tapping impatiently against the arm rest. From behind his veil, a trio of glowing red eyes gazed down towards your small and hooded form.
The single one on the Red Crown reflected his mood, looking particuarly disgruntled.
You kneeled down, keeping one hand on the scythe's handle. "Yes, master?"
"As you may know, my siblings have grown..suspicious of my new doctrines." His voice rumbled. "They believe it shall lead to catastrophic consequences for the natural order if I continue to preach them. But....remind me, who brought forth such ideals to me? Who pushed me to explore them freely, hm?" Pausing, he stared at you.
"Bishop Shamura." You answered without missing a heartbeat.
"And right you are, my pupil." He bared his teeth into a sharp grin, although it was quick to disappear as his grip on the chair tightened. "Dear Shamura has no problem with it...and yet my own brothers and sister apparently do. They don't even trust the wisest of us that I know what I'm doing..is that not madness??"
You nodded. "It seems most unusual, master. Do you have a plan to convince them?"
"They've summoned me for a meeting at midnight..apparently they are open to discussing how I could integrate my laws into the Old Faith's teachings. Finally, I can show them that my ideas of change needn't frighten them."
"Even if..it were to contradict their own ideals of chaos, famine, disease, and war?" You asked cautiously.
"But of course.." He scoffed. "If all of those can fluctuate..why not death, too? Why should it only flow one way? Where's the freedom in that? I can teach them that everlasting life is both a blessing that can reunite families old and young...and a curse to those who think death is liberation from servitude. Just imagine us having the power to resurrect..over and over again."
"It would be foolish for them to reject such powers. It would do wonders for the Old Faith."
Narinder's smile was closed now, his gaze softening as he leaned back on his throne. "I'm honored to call you my brightest pupil. Now rise, and I shall give you this one task in my absence."
You rose to your feet obediently, gazing up at him. "I'm ready to receive it."
"Go back to the village and continue preaching my gospel, for I will need everyone's faith and devotion now more than ever. Lead any naysayers down my righteous path. Great changes are coming, [y/n]..and I expect you to assure each and every one of them that it's for the good of the Old Faith."
"Yes, master." Nodding, you looked down at the scythe, giving it a small twirl. "It shall be done, but..when should I expect your re....turn..?
But when you looked back up, he was nowhere to be found.
You were left all alone in a vacant throne room.
"Master Narinder??!"
With a sudden gasp, you sat up, nearly hitting the ceiling of your shelter. You looked all around, putting a hand to your chest and getting your labored breathing under control, squeezing your eyes shut.
Before long, you felt another hand rest over your own, while the other was pressed to your back.
"Hey, hey. Easy..you're not in Narinder's temple anymore."
Hearing the familiar voice of your spouse, you opened your eyes to see his gentle hands of leafy-green foliage, a wedding band wrapped around one of his wooden claws.
Then you looked at his face, smiling and curling up against his chest, slowly calming down as you realized you were back in the present. "Thank you, Leshy...f-forgive me if I disturbed your rest."
"Oh not at all. I couldn't sleep a wink because my siblings are having another quarrel.." He grumbled, petting your [ears/antlers/hair]. "At least you were able to get some shut-eye.."
"They're at it again?" You blinked slowly. "Oh, what ever could it be this time?"
"From what I'm hearing...an elder died near their sleeping quarters, and they don't know what to do with the body. Lamb is away, Narinder's on a spiritual journey..and they're too prideful to ask anybody else for help."
"I'll take care of it, dear." Sighing, you left the shelter and stretched your arms and legs, donning your golden immortality necklace. "You can rest."
"Good luck to you." He grumbled as he took your place, while you headed over to the ex-bishops to see what was the matter.
"S-Seriously, we need to do something about this! I'm gonna be sick.."
"Let's just...chop them...up..and...feast."
"No, no..it would be wise to stow their body in the morgue and let Lamb take care of it. They know best how to bury their dead."
"...alright, but I'm not touching it! Although...I do like that pretty little necklace-"
"That is not yours to take, Kallamar."
Yelping, the blue squid jumped nearly six feet in the air, before the three siblings turned to see you there. You always had that habit of showing up without making any sound...something that spooked most followers here.
Especially the former bishops.
"I was already having a rough sleep..and then I see you all having a childish argument while one of our beloved elders is rotting on the ground." You scowled, shaking your head. "It's disgraceful. They led a virtuous life..and you deny them a virtuous sendoff."
They were all silent, having never dealt with death themselves since arriving into Lamb's cult.
You being here didn't help their anxieties, as you reminded them of everything they condemned Narinder for...ultimately choosing to shackle him and cut him off from this world, his ideals lost for generations.
You and your family were the only living proof that he used to have his own sector to rule. But with that gone, you were forced into hiding for years before hearing word that the Red Crown's chosen one was resurrected.
The vessel prophesized to bring an end to the Old Faith.
There were many before Lamb, such as Ratau, whom you have faithfully served, but it mattered not to you whose head the crown sat upon.
Only the crown itself.
When Narinder tried reclaiming it, and was beaten into submission, you held no ill-will towards your first and former master. You still called him lord, although your devotion was directed towards Lamb, serving as the cult's undertaker and teaching others how to bury the dead.
It made him feel rather bitter and jealous, reminding you that you had the privilege of being his favorite pupil...but eventually he accepted this loss, too.
He grew to admire you during the sermons Lamb permitted you to lead when they were out crusading, speaking of the Red Crown's might with such passion and diligence, inspiring all who listened to your words.
Narinder, who stood front and center, sees you haven't changed much over these last few centuries. You could have worn that crown yourself just as well as Lamb, had he offered it up to you.
The ex-bishops, on the other hand, became wary around you as each of them were indoctrinated. Things were awkward considering they tried to execute your family when you refused to abandon Narinder's gospel...
And now in the present, you were here scolding them like children.
Leshy, however, has warmed up to you rather quickly, eventually asking for your hand in marriage (with Lamb's permission, of course). It shocked his siblings when they arrived to the temple and saw the ritual taking place, the cheers of your fellow followers drowning out their cries of protest as you said your vows.
They accuse you of brainwashing the youngest of them...and still believe that to this very day.
You didn't care, though, and neither did Leshy.
You sighed, kneeling down to fix the pendant on the elder's necklace, closing their eyes and folding their arms across their chest. "There, now they'll be easier to bury once rigor mortis settles in."
"Rigor...what?" Kallamar asked bluntly, confused.
"The state in which a body's limbs lock up. Usually this happens within a few hours of death."
"Ah yes, yes...brother Narinder has spoken of that once.." Shamura nodded, finding your explanations intriguing.
"Has he? Well..I suppose I should give you all a lesson in mummification." You looked up to make sure they were paying attention. "It's one of the responsibilities of undertakers here."
"I am familiar with that." The purple spider muttered.
"Good, but since Kallamar and Heket are staring at me like I have three heads...this is for them."
"A way to protect the body from natural elements. Lamb finds that it streamlines the resurrection ritual. Of course, it's easier to revive someone who's been properly buried than someone who's been hacked to bite-sized pieces." You looked at Heket, who only scowled back at you in return.
Fortunately, she's gotten better at biting her tongue these days.
And so you showed the ex-bishops how to properly mummify the body, explaining all the steps as you carefully wound the linen around their corpse. Once that was finished, you hauled it off to the nearest crypt, where you stored it among the several other occupied caskets lying within.
They followed you in prayer as you uttered a few departing words, knowing that they will either rise again to continue serving the Lamb, or permanently depart from this plane into the afterlife.
Afterwards, Kallamar, Heket, and Shamura were able to go back to sleep in their shared shelter, believing they've learned something of great importance...something that they tried to squander when it was Narinder teaching them.
Death was a subject that once terrified them all, even as semi-immortal gods themselves...so much so they sought to avoid discussions of it except when punishing their followers.
But now?
Now they felt more enlightened than ever.
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redemn · 4 months
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* 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐌 / 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐍 . * independent , selective , private . ː 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 from rockstar's 𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ➁ . penned by kat , she/her , 28. a study in ː the reclamation of the self , preservation of the moral code in sedition , and the perpetuation of circumstantial change .
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i  always  knew  you  had  to  be  willin'  to  die  to  even  do  this  job  .      but  ,      i  don't  want  to  push  my  chips  forward  and  go  out  and  meet  somethin'  i  don't  understand  .      a  man  would  have  to  put  his  soul  at  hazard  .      he'd  have  to  say  :      '  o.k.,      i'll  be  part  of  this  world  .  '
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⁰¹⋆ carrd. ⁰²⋆ pinterest. ⁰³⋆ spotify. ⁰⁴⋆ prompts. ⁰⁵⋆ hcs.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤtruncated rules under the cut.
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⁰¹⋆   on followers + following .   no minors please .   in fact ,   i'd be more comfortable with people over the age of 21 due to my own age .   i am not interested in keeping a large following of people i do not interact with ,   or who do not at least like my posts every once in a while .   whenever i'm on the dash ,   i try to do the same courtesy .   also ,   sometimes i don't keep up with developments in the rpc ,   so if you ever see me interacting with anyone who has been proven to be problematic in the past or even recently ,   please let me know so that i can cut it off .
⁰²⋆   on shipping .   like everyone ,   i love shipping ,   but i'm not someone wants to jump into it without proper development beforehand .   i prioritise and often populate my blogs with primarily platonic or non-ship-oriented threads .   i practice ship exclusivity ,   which means i will only ship with one version of a character ,   and i expect the same courtesy .   if your muse ships with another arthur ,   unless you are a very very close friend ,   i will not ship him with that muse ,   period .   [ … ]   on a related note ,   please don't ask to write smut if we barely know each other and / or haven't written any "regular" threads together .   i do write smut with those i ship with ,   mostly on discord ,   but pwp doesn't interest me at all ,   so save us both time and don't ask .   i'd write 10 fluff threads over a smut thread any day . my thoughts on the matter . i am also not open to shipping if we don't at least write threads on here . again , i am not interested in immediately shipping if we don't have something built up first , and it makes me feel like people don't appreciate it if they don't at least try to answer asks that i send or write some form of thread on here .
⁰³⋆   IMPORTANT .   i understand that arthur is a canon character and everyone's interpretations of him are different . but please do not impose what you think arthur would do or how he would react on my interpretation . please also do not try to ship without first plotting out a thorough friendship between them , because both i and arthur need chemistry in order for that to work . otherwise i personally will not be invested . arthur is demisexual and won't form any sexual attraction for anyone until he has a strong connection with them , and no , just saying "they've been friends" is not good enough for me .
⁰⁴⋆   on content .   triggering content will be present on this blog ,   due to the nature of the game and my own writing .   i tag all my triggers with "trigger //" for reference . most importantly , there will be mentions of terminal illness // here .
⁰⁵⋆   on activity .   i work a full time job ,   monday-friday .   please respect that in regards to my activity .   my other blog is penddraig .   hi .    :)
⁰⁶⋆   if you could like this post after reading my rules ,   i would appreciate it .   this is not mandatory ,   for those of you who are anxious about it .   i just like knowing and i like a little interaction .   i hope my rules don't sound too harsh to all of you .   i promise i'm not mean !!   i'm just old ,   i've been in the rpc for a long time ,   and want to nip issues i've encountered in the bud before they start .
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iamthecomet · 11 months
Brimstone here. Hi again. I've had a time of it with life right now. Do you have any HCs of how the pack calms Dew when he's raging?
Only if you have time though
Hi Brimstone! I'm sorry this took me a minute. And that you're having a rough time. This weekend was BUSY (the good kind). But I'm here now! In my mind, Dew only gets really bad because of anxiety. Most of his "brattiness" is very calculated in order to elicit a response. He is very, very in control of his own actions (most of the time) because he's a perfectionist who cannot allow anyone to see any perceived weakness (I am NOT projecting). So, that being said, he turns into an asshole when things get overwhelming. When he's shoved himself into too small of a box. When something goes wrong and he feels like it's his fault--or he makes a bad decision that seems to put all of his (self-perceived) flaws on display. Instead of a panic attack or a full-on break down like a lot of us have when we're overwhelmed or generally miserable. Dew gets snippy. He growls, snaps, yells. He isolates. And if he can't, he takes all of his mental turmoil out on other people. And I do, absolutely, have ideas of how his pack pulls him out of that headspace. There are times when they just leave him alone. He goes to his room, closes and locks the door, and doesn't answer when Aether knocks. So they wait for him. He emerges eventually. Red-eyed and exhausted looking. Quiet. Ashamed of his own actions. And so his pack makes room for him. Mountain, or Cumulus, or Aether will open their arms for him and Dew will slide into them in silence. Those times, they have to just let it go. He'll talk about it if he wants to--usually he doesn't. And pushing just leads to him going back into his room. There's also the--someone needs to fuck him nasty scenario. Which I wrote about in Tear Me Down. Which, I think, isn't always really a situation where he needs to be dicked down--I think it's really the hard reset. He needs someone to dump a bucket of cold water on his head and tell him to cut the shit. It works, surprisingly well when he's taking shit out on everyone else. He needs the moment of someone grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him. Swiss, Rain, and Cirrus are surprisingly good at it. And the rarest one of all? Is making him talk about it. He hates it. Hates to sit down and spill vulnerability into the air. Hates that he usually cries about it--even when it's stuff he thinks is stupid. He's just so fucking angry with himself usually, or the world. And it takes a lot of needling. A lot of eye rolls and patience. But it always works. He comes back a little embarrassed about his outbursts, about his aggravation. But he always gets reminded that everyone has bad days. Everyone takes their anger out on other people from time to time. He's not a bad person. But if he just talked about it before it got this bad--it would never get this bad. Someday, maybe, he'll learn his lesson.
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desultory-novice · 6 months
A-ahem. Starting over again...
@newthinkerer found THS post and said to me: "I'm sure the Kirby fandom has done something to grind your gears."
Which, in truth, the answer is not lately / not really no. ^^; But it wasn't hard to reach in and find some "comical outrage" style gear-grindy answers for those who find such rants entertaining! So, here those are for everyone's (hopeful) enjoyment
[Original Response Below] Ohhh? Did you want "Salty" Dess? XD Let's go down the list...!
Marx / Reduced to one single trait
Look, I know the games don't give people much to go on, but a lot of people (1) seem ha~ppy to come up with pages and pages of backstory for all the other characters - but Marx? Nope. Marx is the one character who people seem almost allergic to rounding out when he is RIPE with mystery and potential. "But the game doesn't tell us anything about him so maybe he isn't that big of a deal, Dess?" Tsk! The game tells us just as little about Meta Knight! The only difference is the number of appearances! Use your imagination, people!
It's like some folks are trying to invoke the Smash Bros conspiracy theory that Kumazaki and Sakurai have a rivalry (they don't) and just like Sakurai would NEVER put a Kumazaki-era character in Smash (...he already did in the form of the trophies) no one is allowed to characterize Marx cause he's from the Sakurai-era of Kirby where characters just didn't have personalities and lore! Pah, I say!
Oh yeah, if you want to see me destroy something, say "He was just hungry!" : ) in my presence. Do it. I dare youuuuuu...! 
:holds Magolor over a wood chipper:
Susie / They stole (...some planetary resources and MK's autonomy...) and fandom labeled them a hard criminal
You all knew this one was coming, right? ^^ But if I start up the Susie debate again, I'm going to regret it so, uh, let's move on...
Kirby / Popular headcanon so off-base it hurts. 
I fear the Metadad people have their hands over the block button right now. But it's not that MetaDad is necessarily wrong! MK can act protective, sure. It's "Baby Kirby" that is wrong! He lives on his ownnnnnn with a houseeee he does not need babyinnnng.....!!
Magolor / Constant (eh, semi-frequent??) misinterpretation
...I want to be as gentle as possible when I say this because I GET IT. Please believe me when I say I understand so, so much and as far as AU versions/alternate HC goes, it's fine! This isn't a call out!
But... Magolor being a shy, reserved kitty boy who just wants...f-friends... Look, Magolor may not have EVERY disease, but he does have a lot of them. However awkward he may be though, the form his awkwardness takes is very clearly extroverted! Again, it's super okay though because I get seeing yourself or an aspect of yourself you're dealing with in a character and wanting to make them more like you! Dess supports comfort characters! (Plus, my own version of Magolor is a little laser-sighted on his frustrated side)
...But he runs a shop and a theme park. He actually LIKES talking to/dealing with people! He gets along with Marx because he LIKES tricking people. He likes to get under people's skin! He doesn't fear it! Magolor is/has been sad and probably has some deep trauma, yeah. But he also deserves to be more than :gif of a sad cat:
DMK / The worst takes.... 
I'm not going to start up The Debate here, same as with Susie, but... The unabashed glowing adoration the fandom has for Meta Knight and you take away ONE good trait and enhance ONE bad trait and now he is Satan?!? Some of you people hate him more than HYNESS (:spoken by a Hyness fan:) and I don't know why?!
Maybe add on "He would never say that" for the people who do the opposite and make him exactly like MK but he says the F word
Daroach / ...Ignored
Like, the real crime (haha, get it? crime?) about Daroach is that he IS used occasionally. More than like, I dunno, Chew Kawasaki? But when he does show up, it's with his crew being "The Leader of the Squeaks" (showcasing that Dad Energy(tm)) or DMK's husband. (The thief and the murderer are boyfriends! Diversity win!) And...that's it?
Daroach has so much potential to interact with literally everyone?! He roasts Dedede IN GAME?! Why are people not running with this energy more?! (Also, shipping Darkroach because of that one picture is fine. I do too. Shipping Darkroach because you don't want to break up MetaDede and so you relent to "giving" him MK's mirror clone like buying a grieving kid a new puppy is...kinda weird? Just me?)
Adeleine / Reduced to one single trait (part two)
...This might sound like THE most hypocritical thing coming from the creator of "Apologies" aka, "Sad Siblings in Snow" but Adeleine potentially being from Shiver Star (potentially!) equating her to "The Little Match Girl." Now I love all kinds of Adeleine origin headcanons! And I also love Sad Adeleine on Shiver Star stories! I don't want to put an end to them or suggest they are bad thing! Never!
But... I worry e~very now and then THAT  is the thing people find most interesting about her. That she would/should be a sad girl when she's really not. Since writing "Apologies," I've gotten a handful of asks about how Adeleine must be really sad about Noir's death or asking if she will ever be able to smile again and... like...um...
...S-she is? Already smiling, that is. ^^; "Apologies" was crafted in a way to PROTECT Adeleine's innocence so that she can be happy and relatively close to the canon Adeleine! Adeleine being able to move on with her life and smile and make friends is exactly the thing Noir died for - so that Adeleine wouldn't have the life he did!
So, again, kinda hypocritical of me because I actually really like sad Adeleine art and "Adeleine the Human" HC, but I sometimes fear it might become all that she is.  :spoke by a contributor to this trend:
...TLDR, continue to write and draw Adeleine angst because it allows me to ignore the option I almost considered just for a second which was sexualiza...Nope. We're going to go back to forgetting about all that unfortunate Pixiv content right.this.minute!
(1) So, despite my tone and the things I said, I'm not actually upset at anyone for anything they'd done! I'm really happy that people are creating at all - whether you're writing sad Magolor or itty bitty Kirby or lol random Marx or PTSD Adeleine or trophy husband Daroach!
I don't even see a lot of the things I'm ostensibly complaining about anymore, honestly. Thus my reasons for posting less and less salt on this account! Outside of a few fandom kerfluffles in the last month (alas...) I would say we're actually in an era of peace as far as good content about the characters goes! People are thinking and inventing. People are having fun. People are being measured with their takes and anything "gear grindy" is really going to be remembered stuff from the past, not present flaws!
...plz don't block me...
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jelzorz · 1 month
Crack quartet timeline 2: electric boogaloo
BC I'm bored and waiting for a) the 6x03 answer and the 6x04 clue, and b) my last two essays to be released
Some housekeeping for those only just now stumbling on the concept of the crack quartet:
The tdp post-canon crack quartet refers to rayllum and the following set of insane sounding ships: corterry, sorpeli, and claudiez
Yeah I know I'm a nutcase, it's cool
In my defence, I got talked into the other three by @raayllum but when they're right, they're right
Part one of the crack quartet timeline and hcs is here!
A reminder to everyone that the crack quartet can only ever happen years and years after canon when everyone involved is significantly older and able to consent, so please keep that in mind before y'all come at me
Also I share some of these hcs with @raayllum but they also have their own hcs and would be absolutely thrilled to talk about them so please go and encourage them so I'm not the only one in the sorpeli tag
Now that that's out of the way!
When we last left the crack quartet timeline, Viren had returned to Katolis castle and was causing absolute mayhem in the crack quartet family unit. At this stage, Ezran's council consists of Ez, Callum, Rayla, Soren, Barius, Opeli (resigned from High Cleric but still on the council as per Ezran's request) and Clio (the new High Cleric). By now, Callum and Rayla have a little girl called Sarai, Ez is formally courting Claudia, and Soren and Opeli have been told they're expecting twins.
If you haven't read the snake (which I swear I'll finish), our gang agrees (for a very loose definition of agreeing) to give Viren a trial. Callum is furious and has been an absolute asshole about it but it goes ahead with Callum prosecuting and Soren begrudgingly representing his father (because if it's not him, it's Opeli and she is heavily pregnant at this point so...). Viren is found guilty but Ez refuses to execute him (he Doesn't Want To Be That Kind of King) and exiles him instead.
Claudia finds herself with a decision to make: she has always wanted to keep her family together and now it's being torn apart again. The others are SUPER CONCERNED for a hot minute, because if she leaves and breaks Ezran's heart and chooses her father AGAIN after everything that's happened, they will not be able to forgive her a second time. In the end, it's not that difficult a decision to make. Ezran is here. Soren is here. She will have two brand new nieces in the summer. She chooses to stay.
Callum is not happy about Ez's decision but he can't keep disagreeing with him like this either, and together they agree that they both might benefit from a little bit of space. Callum never really wanted to be a prince anyway, and Ez needs the space to come into his own and find his own way, without being parented by his brother. It's tearful, but ultimately for the best, and they're still going to be brothers no matter what. It's the end of an era, but the beginning of a new one too. Callum and Rayla pack up and head for the Silvergrove. Ez et al see them off and promise to come and visit once they've settled in.
Callum and Rayla run into Corvus and Terry on the way who are, to their surprise, living happily together in a partnership no one expected and have been quietly keeping up with the Katolis Castle soap opera. They're glad everything's settling down and gladder still to meet baby Sarai. They catch up before Callum and Rayla continue on their way.
Soren and Opeli's twin girls are born the following summer. It's a tough labour, but the three of them come out fine and Soren heads out to Temple Hill in a rare show of faith to thank the goddesses his wife had once devoted herself to for keeping his family safe. Callum and Rayla return to the castle to offer their support and so Sarai can meet her new cousins. Ez and Callum are reunited and happy to be together again. Tentatively, Ezran tells his brother that he is considering marrying Claudia. Callum takes it well! He's just happy that Ez is happy, even if he's still a little apprehensive about Claudia's presence in the castle.
Claudia takes it less well. She knows what she is and what she's done. She knows how this will look to people who know of her crimes but don't know her. When Ezran asks, she says no. Then she disappears.
Callum is Fucking Furious. How dare she. How dare she hurt his brother like that. How dare she leave. This isn't digging up any old wounds At All. And although he promises Rayla that this has nothing to do with what happened when they were kids, Rayla still remembers how much she hurt him and can't help but wonder if he still feels that sting, even after all this time. And she wants to fix this! She can't stand seeing her boys hurt like this. And who would know where Claudia went better than
Soren. The poor man is exhausted. Y'all thought one newborn was bad—try two. He and Opeli take turns with the girls but the added stress of Claudia disappearing isn't doing them any favours. But he has enough brain left in him to guess the one place Claudia might have gone.
He reaches out to Corvus and Terry who are a hub for information at this point, and they point him the direction of a small town in the Independent Isles. There's an ex-mage over there that they keep hearing about. Apparently he was exiled from Katolis last winter. Does that help at all?
Sure does. But who to send? Ez can't go, and Callum shouldn't go, and Rayla can't go by herself. Soren doesn't want to leave Opeli but, in her words, their duty is to Ezran, and Ezran needs help. Claudia is his sister too and Opeli insists she'll be fine with the twins. He should go with Rayla. Reluctantly, he goes, and they're halfway out to the Independent Isles when who should they find stowed away in the back of their carriage but Ezran, who is sick and tired of having other people deal with his problems for him. If anyone's going to convince Claudia to come home, it's going to be him.
They find Viren helping to rebuild a village on the coast of one of the Independent Isles. It's awkward, but Viren is definitely better than he was when they saw him last, and he's glad to know that Soren and the twins are doing well. He hopes to meet them one day but won't hold Soren to that if he doesn't feel comfortable with it, but Soren surprises them both with "maybe one day". Viren tells them that Claudia was here but left again not long after. He asks Ezran what happened. Ezran won't say. Still, he tells them Claudia went to Del Bar and wishes them well.
@raayllum and I have discussed this At Length, but they find Claudia hiding in Del Bar and seeking guidance from Lissa. Lissa is more surprised than anyone to see the King of Katolis at her door with her son and an elven ambassador, but ultimately, whatever happens next is Claudia decision.
What happens next? I don't know yet! But Claudia does eventually come back, and everything does eventually work out. If I ever finish the snake, I'll write this too. And I might be crazy but the Katolis Castle soap is never ending and full of drama and I love that for them.
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
[At least a few Wukongs are out chasing any of the three gods for answers.]
Would probably be easier if he got a lawyer with official summons involved. Can you picture that? Threatening a god with possible legal actions XD
[He had his identity crisis over a thousand years ago.]
Oh, so he's experienced. What about the other LEMs?
[the idea of LMK!Wukong waiting for everyone else to be done with their identity crisis so he can have his in the middle of the night is so in-character for him.]
Just because his starts in the middle of the night doesn't mean he's over it by morning - Mac waking up to a SWK in the fetal position, practically petrified and barely breathing. Either the kids are little monkeys are playing Jenga to see when or what finally makes him move.
[Also him sneaking in more Jttw fankid names into his family as much as possible. XD]
A good name is a good name - can't blame him.
[Little Luzhen being an almost copy of SWK is so adorable, and also terrifying to his parents.]
I see a lot of "Oh...so, that's what I was like...I hope he's not as dense as I was..."
[Running around getting into mischief, annoying the gods, only difference being that he has parents and siblings to rein him in.]
That does make my brain itch in a way - how do the SWKs feel about Luzhen. Peach Kong here obvs takes whatever issues he might have, shoves them in a suitcase and yeets it way past the Andromeda Galaxy and is being The Good Dad the kid deserves. But what are the others thoughts on Luzhen? Like, he's their sibling, clearly baby, adorable at that. But how many hard reboots they need to get through in a day since he was literally dropped on them?
[SWK, horrifed tone: "Oh sweet buddha no."]
"I once heard a mom cursing her kid to have children as unruly as she was acting. I think she might've cursed me by accident." "Go to sleep, Wu."
[Thankfully this version of Luzhen seems to idolize MK more than the Monkey King, which is a small blessing.]
Let's hope Luzhen's a bit better with names and identities then either MK or the Eclipse Twins XD
Actually, how do the rest of the kids feel about Luzhen? Imagine going out for the day to let the old folks have fun time and come back to see a whole ass new sibling!
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[Would probably be easier if he got a lawyer with official summons involved. Can you picture that? Threatening a god with possible legal actions XD]
AhHa! LMK Wukong does canonically have a lawyer (my hc its the Fire Star of Mars). Now I'm imagining a Judge Judy or Maury-esque trial over the custody/parentage of Sun Luzhen and the other SWKs vs their universes' respective Nuwa, Houtu and Fuxi.
Reborn SWK/Smokey is the most furious since he has a whole complex over not having parents.
[Oh, so he's experienced. What about the other LEMs?]
At least a few LEMs are watching the scenario like "huh weird." until one brings up a very good question.
Mihou, a bit worried: "Hey, if the Wukongs are made by the same people, what about us? Were we made by Nuwa too? Are we related!?" Plum: "Nah. Chang'e cleared it up for me thousands of years ago. I was made by lady Taiying Xingjun on accident." Lilac: "WHO!?" Plum, realising that he probably shouldn't have said that: "The... the supreme goddess of the moon?" (o_o;) Other LEMs: "THE WHO?!?"
Cue multiple LEMs having their own simultaneous identity crisis, Not everyday you discover that you might be an illegitimate lunar royalty. The more "feral" LEMs (Zhanshi and Spice) take it the hardest, while some like Mihou are having a fairytale fantasy moment.
[But what are the others thoughts on Luzhen? Like, he's their sibling, clearly baby, adorable at that. But how many hard reboots they need to get through in a day since he was literally dropped on them?]
Different SWKs reactions ahoy! Some are kinda lumped together cus of similar reactions. Note; this may also be them in response to recieving their *own* Sun Luzhen >:3
Dasheng: "Oh sweet Buddha. They just made one of me?" Has a small brainfart on whether or not Luzhen is his clone or his sibling. Eventually just sighs and lets the little guy cling onto his back as a baby monkey do. He's used to sudden children by now. Actually gets a little proud when people assume Luzhen is his - cus heck yeah, I'm dad, not our neglectful creators.
Smokey: "No." Extremely bitter. He doesn't want anything to do with Luzhen - it's not his fault another him got made! And whats more he's furious at their creators for "allowing" another Stone Monkey to be born to face the same crisis/trials he did. Might soften to the kid overtime, esp if his Liang gets parental on the little guy, but its a long journey.
Cherry: *hugs Luzhen for a long time before he starts sobbing* He immediately feels a kinship for Luzhen, one he lacked when he was "born". He feels like he has to protect the little guy, cus who else will? His cub now, their creators can screw off!
Ace: "Oh no. Oh no. My love! My love! It happened again!" Immediately overwhelmed and getting flashbacks to how him and his LEM obtained their "MK". Joker (his LEM) is a lot more calm about the situation.
Shihou: *delighted chirping!* He is just... fascinated. He was born partially grown, so to see a Stone Monkey thats an infant? Its the coolest thing in the world. They do have a little brain itch of what this could mean for them tho. Immediately takes on Luzhen as his little brother, but may require help to understand how to care for him.
Ganzhe: "AH! So that can happen!" More suprised than angry. He doesn't want Luzhen to face the same injustices he did as a newborn Stone Monkey, so he probably makes it his mission to keep the little guy a secret for a while. Wants to be Luzhen's mentor someday.
Starfruit: "Ok, guess I have a baby brother now. Cool" Secretly kinda mad that nobody in the different Realms bothered to like, tell him who their creators where. But a baby is a baby. Introduces Luzhen to his fellow fighters as his little brother/understudy. Gets him his own little Wukong outfit so he can show him off.
A few reboots are required for everyone involved really XD
["I once heard a mom cursing her kid to have children as unruly as she was acting. I think she might've cursed me by accident." "Go to sleep, Wu."]
Had to comment on this cus it's so in character, esp for the TMKATI au. Poor Wukong thinking his chaotic kids are like karma for his past crimes. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
Meanwhile Mac is just like; "He's a toddler. They all want to fight heaven."
[Actually, how do the rest of the kids feel about Luzhen?]
MK is a little overwhelmed and supressing his shock, canon and au; since this would make the three earth gods his parents or grandparents. Interally screams for like three days before he can approach the topic. Later starts to see Luzhen as a little brother, albeit one thats technically his uncle(?) he's not gonna worry about that part.
Most of the Shadowpeach kids are just like "Oh cool! Free brother!", while LMK Nezha is staring off into the distance like he's having war flashbacks.
Hero!Liuer def starts obsessing over Sun Luzhen, esp if his verses' MK hasn't hatched yet. He's a *baby* Sun Wukong! And he's so fluffy! Immediately starts telling Luzhen all the Havoc in Heaven stories, much to Dasheng's dismay.
Netflix's Lin would go "Aww... wait." cus she's seen her SWK in baby form, and knows how chaotic one of these stinkers can be. Warms up to Luzhen tho, may even start to see him as her own little bro.
This is all I got rn. You send so many great asks!!
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sotwk · 1 year
Nana! I need your guidance!
But how are you btw? 🤭💙
I need your headcanon, where Thranduil and Elrond is a bestie, but Thranduil is to arrogant to admit that he is cared for Elrond. And one day Elrond got abducted by some random dude.
What he would do?!
Love you btw! 💙
Hello, my dear @thranduilswifesblog!
I hope you're enjoying your little "period break"! We've missed you, so it's nice to see you back on here for a while. I was sick with a very nasty cold virus through most of your absence, so you haven't missed much from my blog at least!
Now regarding your headcanon request regarding our favorite "odd couple" besties, Thranduil and Elrond:
What would Thranduil do if Elrond were abducted or in danger?
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I share your headcanon of Thranduil being fonder of Elrond than of any Noldor in all of Middle-earth history--with the exception of his wife (Queen Maereth). Proud and stubborn Thranduil never admits his affection outright, but it shows subtly in his actions around the Lord of Imladris, and the fact that he seems to enjoy spending time around him.
In SotWK-verse, Thranduil first met Elrond in the kingdom of Lindon, very early in the Second Age and not long after the War of Wrath. However, they barely interacted with each other because of the lingering hostility between the Noldor and the Sindar. Oropher and his people were not big fans of High King Gil-galad, despite being residents of his realm.
Thranduil and Elrond finally got to know each other better towards the middle of the Second Age. Their early bond was encouraged by Lady Maereth, who shares family history with Elrond and became a close friend of his while she lived in Eregion.
Before fighting side-by-side in the War of the Last Alliance, Thranduil and Elrond fought together for the first time during the War of the Elves and Sauron (SA 1693), which initiated their status as lifelong allies.
I have many more HCs about the friendship between these two elf-lords, but I'm going to skip all that to actually answer your question!
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It would take an incredibly powerful foe to abduct Lord Elrond, so it would obviously be a serious crisis that will force Rivendell to summon every available ally for aid.
The King of Mirkwood and his family would be considered Elrond's most loyal and strongest Elven ally military-wise, and I would gladly debate anyone on this opinion.
Thranduil would drop everything to answer the call, initiating emergency protocols normally reserved only for members of his own immediate family.
Assuming this event occurs at a time when his family is still intact, Thranduil will rally all five of his sons to come with him and lead their army to Elrond's rescue.
I cannot stress enough how sending ALL FIVE Thranduilion princes along with the King into battle is a huge deal, and actually unnecessary. These Elven warriors are so skilled and powerful, it is overkill to have them on the same battlefield all at once. It has never happened in the entire history of their family. (You know how Legolas can kick serious orc-ass? Well, he's the "rookie" of this team. Imagine his older brothers and their Ada unleashed.)
In normal cases, only three princes at most are sent to battle at the same time. If Thranduil chooses to muster his entire lineup of sons, then he just wants to prove a simple, angry point: you've fucked with the wrong guy and now I will make you pay to the greatest possible extent.
Elrond in danger is definitely not considered a "normal case", so yes: Thranduil would deploy all his sons for the Lord of Imladris. There is no greater sign of love and friendship from the Elvenking than this.
Unless Elrond gives him a very good reason not to, Thranduil will insist on having the head (literally) of whoever dared to abduct or harm his (not-so-secret) best friend.
Thranduil will still never tell Elrond how much he cares for him. But the message will be received and seen loud and clear by everyone.
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Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @quickslvxr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @asianbutnotjapanese @ratsys @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @lathalea
For more Tolkien/Thranduil headcanons: SotWK Headcanon Masterlist
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sushisocks · 7 months
OOOHHHHH ANON, WE ARE IN IT NOW!!!! Good question, good question indeed!! I shall answer to the best of my ability!!!!!
I'll be frank, I had a harder time thinking of my happiest HC than my saddest one, and IDK what that says about me lmaoo but here we are!!
I have a lot of happy HCs for Sean!! The trouble was picking out my happiest among them, bcz some are more silly/funny - like a happy memory or experience I think he would have! - while others are more like. this is something about him which I think is a good/happy thing and that makes me happy. So I'm gonna go with the latter one here, just bcz the red thread of this post will be more cohesive that way njhbjnnbh
So, the HC which makes me the happiest, is supported by a lot of canon, and an aspect of Sean which initially drew me towards him. And it's his genuine interest in people, and his appreciation of them!! I think, despite absolutely having been somewhat disillusioned by the world at large and the oppressive systemic powers which rule it, Sean meets the individual human with incredible good faith!! By that I mean, I think he does believe he has common ground with most people, just by virtue of being alive and surviving in the world, and that is just his approach to everyone he meets in life. There is a sincere sense of empathy and good will in him, and he's not above being proven wrong or staying stuck in a bad opinion of someone. Not that he's above disliking people (we see this clearly with Micah lol), it's just that he's the type to be willing to sit down and have a drink and conversation with almost everyone and anyone.
THAT, to me, says an incredible amount about what Sean thinks of humanity at large, and is why I have this HC of him. And I, personally, as someone who also likes to believe in the good in people and meet them with good faith, have always found this quality of Sean's very appealing!! So it makes me happy to think about, that his exuberance around others actually runs that deep!!!
My SADDEST HC is pretty easy to pick out, as the core of a lot of my sad Sean HC's & thoughts come from the idea that he has self-esteem through the damn floor, similar to Arthur, which he deals with differently - desperately seeking to disprove those thoughts and ideas in what ways he can. It's about him putting out so much affection into the world in the hopes of receiving just a little bit back (and still never expecting it; accepting rejections and unkind comments easily and with a smile because that is what he expects), it's about his need to be friendly & on speaking terms with everyone in camp (save those whose regard he deems unneeded; Micah, and Kieran before realizing he's a victim to circumstance, remedying his approach to him accordingly) and how QUICK he is to step back and try to fix the situation when he realizes he's offended someone in camp.
I think Sean has always read to me as someone who struggles to not only sit still, but to sit with himself, with his own thoughts. Because, how long do you think it takes for him to start spiraling? How long does it take before he starts wondering if there's something he could've done to save his father - starts blaming himself for Darragh's death? How long before the things he was told in reform school - about his intelligence, his worth, starts rearing its head again? It all comes down to a low sense of self esteem, I think, which he seeks to not let himself get stuck on. And that drives a lot of my other sad/angsty Sean HCs, lol!
Thank you for this ask, anon!! It was a lot of fun to think about, though it def took me a lil while to settle on either!! I hope you enjoy my answers ;;w;;
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No because sometimes I go, what if the fans are misinterpreting azul wrong?
Like yeah everyone has their own hcs and all, but I see too much crybaby azul content :/ granted he WAS a crybaby, not anymore, that's what I remember at least. And after his breakdown he's been dubbed a crybaby again 😂 I mean come on everyone breaks down once in a while. Floyd said he's not the same crybaby anymore, and yeah he'd have his insecurities but is it THAT bad?? Where did all his confidence disappear off to :((
But I'm also wondering about his romantic side. Twst is not an otome so fans make up their own hcs, but I see a lot of "shy, nervous, simp, bottom (help 😭)" etc azul when it comes to this. Personally, I think it sort of clashes?? I sometimes wonder, "what if our interpretations are completely different than what yana believes" 😂
Like okay, I don't think he's had a romantic experience before but he can't be AS pathetic as how some fics have shown him to be? I don't know he's just so useless and pitiful there, and can't do SHIT without the tweels.
Another thing is his strength. Yeah his stamina sucks and all but even after getting it confirmed that he's physically strong I see posts like: azul can't lift a fly
NOOOOooo like in chp 6 we even get to see more of his strength! And I believe he mentions how he's confident in his strength. I don't know, I've been seeing too much of this 😭
In the end everyone can interpret him how they like tbh because he's just a character, but I don't wanna stray away too much from canon. Your thoughts perhaps??
First off, you're very valid for feeling this way. If anything, you're definitely not alone in feeling this way. Trust me, as an Azul stan and as someone who yearns to know more about him, seeing the fandom reducing him to a crybaby has made me feel frustrated.
I actually had to hold off from answering this ask at first because topics like these are hard to really discuss especially when you established a reputation somehow. I can't just say that the fandom is stupid or shitty for interpreting a piece of text or a character in a way that I disapprove or disagree (and lawdy trust me, I made that mistake at least three times, and I think that ended up ugly). Not everyone has the patience or the time to look at TWST in such a deep way, and that's okay! Each of us show our love for the game in our own ways. And as you said, anon, everyone can interpret Azul—and pretty much everyone else in TWST—how they like.
Sadly, it doesn't erase the fact that it gets frustrating at best and downright depressing at worst to see that the common interpretation for Azul is crybaby octopus when there's so much more to him than just him having a mental breakdown.
Azul worked hard to become someone better than his past self. He studied hard, he practiced his magic until he made a powerful UM. He planned his way into becoming Octavinelle's dorm leader (according to Dorm Idia story). He established a student business that's thriving (which Ace says in his Union story, which says a lot that someone from the outside can say that it's a success). Anon also said it. It was Jade actually, but he implied that Azul hasn't cried in a while in chapter 3-35.
Floyd: What now? Azul, are you getting a little misty-eyed?
Jade: My my, have you gone back to the ink-spitting crybaby? [TL by shel_bb]
Take note that the phrasing is "have you gone back", not "are you being the ink-spitting crybaby again", which is heavy implication that Azul hasn't cried in a while.
He worked hard to be a better person. Even TWST puts such emphasis in Azul's hard work. Where people like Leona and Vil felt that not even hard work would bring them the recognition that they want, hard work was what brought Azul to some of his most successful years.
One time, a friend pointed out that one of the biggest misinterpretations about Azul is that people underestimate his determination and hard work. And holy shit, it is true.
Once, someone asked me about Azul's voice: If it was shown in the flashback that he stole someone's voice, wouldn't that mean that his voice would be different starting from chapter 4 now that his contracts have been dusted?
A good question honestly. And at the time, I didn't know how to answer it because huh, that's interesting, but also, his voice never really changed at the end of chapter 3 either. But the short answer? No. Long answer? Azul didn't just cheat his way and use the talents of others that he took. Yes, he used the abilities he took, but it doesn't mean he didn't slack off. He worked hard to build an image: someone confident, intelligent, unbreakable. He would have made sure that he sounded that way to people.
On the topic of Azul's determination, he has his own skills too. Anon pointed out his strength, so I'll get into that. Yes he can't fly, but by God, he has strength. Even Floyd had a miffed reaction to people calling Azul weak. He didn't have to tell Riddle, Vil, and Epel during Beans Day that Azul was actually strong, he doesn't have reason to. But he fucking did.
Riddle: And where do you get off mocking ME? Your housewarden Azul is hardly a heavy hitter himself with his magic out of the equation. From what I saw earlier, he was the only one on the monster team struggling to catch his breath.
Vil: True. If he's that desperate to improve his PE grade, he could try putting in the work every day to—
Floyd: Wait, hold up. Who said anything about Azul bein' weak without his magic? He's real strong. [Beans 2, Chapter 20, official localization]
That same strength is also confirmed in chapter 6 as well! While I don't have a reliable translation to quote it from, Azul tells Riddle that even if he was collared, he would still have the strength of his arms.
So okay, this is just one explanation as to why Azul isn't just crybaby. Again, we all have our different interpretations and that's okay~.
What is not okay is when people not only reduce Azul to being a crybaby but also calling him pathetic for it.
I think some of you guys know this recent Twitter poll about the most pathetic character in Twisted Wonderland. It's a fun poll, it's really funny to look at the results (like that one round where Ace got 93% of the votes lmaooooo), and it was all in good fun. But the problem was that some of the qrts said that Azul is pathetic because he cried in chapter 3, or that chapter 3 was the proof you need to justify Azul being pathetic.
Listen, many of us would agree that it's funny to point and laugh at Azul. Like for example, a lot of Azul stans, myself included, find it funnier than frustrating that Azul didn't get event cards for nearly two years because he was the first character to murder us with 2 SSRs in one month. Right now, it's also funny that Azul's recent Camp outfit almost makes him look like a middle aged Korean grandma, but let's be honest, it's still a good outfit. But still, there's a lightheartedness to all the joking. It's nothing mean spirited.
But call Azul pathetic for crying, for breaking down in tears, even if it's joking, and that's when it gets hurtful. Yes, Azul is a fictional character, so it's more "okay" to call him pathetic for that than to call real people pathetic. Yes, maybe I do care too much for fucking pixels.
But seeing so many people say that Azul is pathetic for being a crybaby speaks so much about the kind of people they are. It speaks of a bigger societal problem regarding toxic masculinity, where boys are pathetic when they cry. If Azul was a girl, would you still call her pathetic for breaking down?
I don't think people realize it, but having to hear these comments about Azul hurts. I've heard these comments everywhere: Twitter, Tumblr, and especially my own fucking friends and fellow Octavinelle stans.
There was one time I saw a friend say that they would find Sebek being crybaby adorable but if it's Azul, it's pathetic coming from him. At the time, my mental health was down the drain. I went through days when I just wanted to lose it right then and there and cry my heart out. Azul is one of my few sources of comfort, so I especially held onto him tightly that time. So to have someone just say that? I felt hurt by that. Maybe it sounds crazy, but at that time, I thought, "So if you think Azul's crying is pathetic, does that mean you'd say me crying is pathetic?"
There was another time when I wanted to scream about how hardworking Azul was because chapter 6 highlighted that even more. Someone made a tweet (in JP) how Azul's magic isn't as good as some of the other boys, but the fact that he's one of the strong mages still is a testament to how hard he worked to reach that point. And I linked that in a server, and before I could say anything, someone went in and said, "Lmaooo this crybaby is actually okay." Needless to say, not only did they just say it when I was about to lovemail, I was hurt by that comment too because just having people say that they look at Azul like he's pathetic felt hurtful.
I'm going to repeat, hearing those comments hurts. A lot of people love Azul for a reason. He made people feel seen, he's someone that a lot of people intimately relate to. He's a lot of people's comfort character. Please remember that.
I'll end this post on that note. Sorry anon that I used your ask to ramble like this. But I really want this to be said and heard. Again, to repeat, it's okay to interpret things differently. Some of us don't have the time to look at TWST deeply, and some of us just don't have that patience to do so, and that's alright. And we're not perfect, our biases may come out, and we may say things that may sound mean. But yeah, I just want people to at least know that there's more to Azul than just being crybaby. And that calling Azul pathetic for being a crybaby is hurtful and feeds to the bigger problem about how boys are seen to be pathetic when they cry.
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shadesofdeviant · 2 months
For the fanfic asks … all of them? 😁
HAHAHA Ginger! I mean...you said you'd ask for all of them XD So...I guess I'll answer them all XD.
🍄How do you come up with ideas for your stories?
A variety of ways, sometimes I get inspired to write an AU based on an episode of a show, or a novel etc. Or sometimes my brain just pops ideas into my head.
🍉Are you a pantser or a plotter?
I am very much a plotter. It's also why I don't often get much written because I need SO much to be planned before I can write.
🍒What genres/tropes do you find yourself using most often?
Fluff, 5+1, Domestic Slice of Life, AU's - I am an absolute sucker for AU's.
🥝Who are your literary influences, and have they shaped your own writing?
As much of a problematic person as they were, Anne Rice's first 3 vampire chronicles books were the books that got me thinking...oh I really wanna do this kind of thing. J R R Tolkien's descriptions very much shaped my own (i used to write horrifically long paragraphs). Neil Gaiman inspired my shorter style, quirky dialogue with inside jokes aimed at the reader.
🥕What's your favorite fic you've written, and why?
My favourite fic is a toss up between "Your Arms Are Like Corset Strings" (9-1-1, Buddie) and "Rainbow Coloured Monstrosity" (9-1-1: Lone Star, Tarlos).
The rest I'm gonna put under a cut haha or this post is gonna get SUPER long.
🥨How do you overcome writer's block?
When I work it out I'll tell you haha. I don't think I've ever managed beyond just pushing through and hate-smashing at the keyboard, or just waiting for the inspiration to come back by itself.
🍕What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
Honestly as cliche as it might sound, all comments I get are my favourites. I couldn't pick any specific ones, I enjoy comments so much.
🌭Do you have any writing rituals to help 'get in the zone'?
I use a lot of notebooks, I also get really sad and make powerpoint presentations of planning. Then I either listen to music, or put on some series that Ive seen enough times that it can be background noise.
🍔What's a headcanon that hasn't made it into a published fic yet?
I HC a few things for different people but they're not exactly huge things, but have a few examples. I headcanon that Alec Hardy is a huge fantasy novel fan. I headcanon that Eddie Diaz has chronic pain in his shoulders. I headcanon that Aziraphale hates the scent of pine.
🍭What's been your most challenging story to write, and why?
I'm writing a huge multi-part reincarnated soulmates AU, in which the soulmates meet each other throughout history and have different names etc. and it's...taking me soooo long. And honestly it's just because it so long and has so many historical points I need to research hahaha.
🍬What's a genre/trope you've never written, but might in future?
I'm...not sure tbh. Theres a lot of genre's/tropes I don't like or I'm not comfortable with so won't ever touch. But the ones I do like, I've attempted or I am in the process of attempting.
🍩What advice would you give to aspiring fic writers?
Just go for it. Find something you really, really want to see written and write it, because at the end of the day you write for yourself first and foremost. If you try to write to please everyone you'll stress yourself out too much.
🌶How dependent are you on feedback, good or bad?
Bad feedback is never warranted. I do not write for profit so therefore do not need amazon style reviews. Nor do I ask for constructive criticism. I appreciate if someone wants to tell me they like what I wrote though.
🥑What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on a bunch of things: Doctor Who x Good Omens crossover - The events of "The Giggle" with Crowley tagging along. Broadchurch Whump - 2 entries, poor Alec is getting tormented. Broadchurch x Good Omens x Rab C Nesbitt crossover - Alec, Crowley and Davina are identical triplets. Shenanigans ensue. Buddie birthday gift for someone dear to me. Buddie soulmates AU.
🍹How do you decide a story is ready to post?
I finish writing it haha. I let it come to a natural stopping point and then try not to over think it.
🍊What's a story that changed significantly from its initial idea to the final draft?
My reincarnated soulmates AU. I've changed so many historical points and condensed some and completely scrapped a whole half of it haha.
🥠What's your approach to world-building?
Powerpoints. Powerpoints and mind maps haha. If I'm going AU I will plan it like I'm Tolkien creating middle earth haha XD.
🍎How do you prioritize which stories to work on when you have multiple ideas?
I don't. My brain goes brrr and tries to plan all of them at once to the point I can't work on ANY of them haha.
🌮How do you balance the desire to write for yourself versus the desire to write for an audience?
I have been writing on and off since I was 13, and I used to write entirely for the audience and it stressed me out. Whilst I enjoy audience responses and like to receive comments confirming that they enjoyed what I wrote, if I don't like it, I won't post it, but if I enjoyed what I wrote I will love it regardless.
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spinnysocks · 5 months
young tlg crocodiles aus
i didn't realise i couldn't save ask answers as drafts! :( but anyway, @devilsrecreation asked: So what exactly are your ideas for the baby crocs in The Lion Guard I’m really curious 👀 so here's my response!!
as she already established in her hcs, pua is basically everyone's adoptive dad! in this context to makuu, kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema! he has different relationships with all of them but he's closest to makuu and kiburi for sure
i like to think that makuu is older than the other four; i was going to say don't question me on ages but i just found out it takes ~12-15 years for nile crocodiles to reach full adulthood! so it checks out that makuu could be a year older and still hang out with them. there's probably so many non-mature members of the float that they have younger groups within it
speaking of that, i actually think makuu didn't get along very well with the other crocodiles his age. but, one day, he briefly interacts with the younger kiburi's group and gets to know them really well. he kind of becomes their secondary charge behind pua. no danger was gonna get close to those four lmao
i think crocs are pretty wholesome & innocent when they're babies but get more into the crocodile way as they mature. it's just really cute to think of baby kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema innocently interacting
there's this song i fell in love with while coming up with the mjuzi nduli au called little fang by avey tare! for me personally it fits my ideas for that au, i think it's also sweet as a lullaby/poem that pua sings to the five kiddos. i really recommend it it's an adorable song
i'm a sucker for crack/uncommon ships, i saw pua x basi once and it kinda stuck with me. i'd just enjoy seeing their dynamic as two leaders who work together when it's the time of year for the crocs to share with the hippos. because of their bond (platonic or romantic idrk), i imagine one of the reasons beshte is so friendly is bc he grew up around and got to know the crocs when they'd share big springs with the hippos. he says "I know it's crowded, Kiburi. But it really is a good spot" because he remembers the crocs' younger years and knows they can be reasonable, but things changed that weren't under his control and he couldn't do anything about it.
he feels kinda dissapointed about how things changed, cuz to him the crocs were like the neighbour's family you get to know really well. to stir up some more sadness, it's almost always beshte who's kicking out kiburi's float. beshte sends them back to the outlands himself so they don't hurt his friends, even though he remembers when they were 'good' or more understanding/just before makuu and kiburi's rift in general
since it takes so many years for crocs to mature, i imagine the younguns would spend ALL THE TIME playing. pua has a soft spot for the five of them so their playtimes and adventures become kind of like a bluey episode where they learn something valuable. kiburi listens to him more than anyone, while makuu's a bit more like "Yeah, yeah" bc he thinks being older means he doesn't need to learn anything new
one of pua's lessons would be not to judge or underestimate someone for being different, such as neema for being mute or nduli for not being born in the float (my own hc is that he's from an outsider float that was really struggling which is why he's so small. he was found by pua really young and his parents agreed he'd have a better life in the pridelands)
pua taught the five a lot of good lessons but obviously not all of them stuck. i haven't come up with what caused the rift between makuu and kiburi exactly, but i think kiburi's float would still want to be friends with makuu, and even more so after he redeems himself. despite being fully grown now they still kinda see him as a cool older brother that they can learn from but they'll always stick with kiburi because, at the end of the day, it's them four against the world lol
whew. that's it for now! i could write for days about these guys. and i probably will make a follow-up post at some point
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rollercoasterwords · 10 months
why are you invalidating people’s real concerns in this fandom? you’re naive if you think that “the fandom” doesn’t have opinions they all agree with that become popular. sure people have their own opinions, but honestly that’s very rare and not seen. you and i both could list popular headcanons in the fandom that people mostly take as canon. remus and sirius have turned into a straight couple, especially with the headcanon that sirius is now a girl. as a woman myself i love sirius as a girl but i hate how the fandom treats feminine sirius. sirius doesn’t have any depth anymore besides being remus’ love interest and sirius is always in the wrong and sirius is always the bad guy - just like society always blames women for everything and men always get a pass. literally look at the fanart. remus’ disabilities have been completely erased. remus is drawn as this huge super manly guy towering over little dainty feminine sirius. in fanfics remus is verbally abusive to sirius bc oh he’s a man and has anger issues. remus is a slut who everyone was in love with but eventually settles down with sirius. these are all stereotypes. idk why you’re trying to tell people this isn’t a thing in the fandom when it literally is.
assuming this is about the two anons i responded to two days ago, one of which was saying they did not like my particular characterization of r+s in a fic and asking me to rewrite it and the other of which was responding to it. both of my responses were focused around saying that my characterization didn't even fit the dynamic being complained about and saying the terms in which that complaint was being stated were odd in the first place (assuming one character being shorter than another automatically makes them feminine, calling a gay relationship heteronormative, asking to making a non-canon-compliant fic more canon compliant, etc). if someone has a real concern with my specific fic that is not premised in gender essentialism then i have yet to hear it; otherwise, i'm not sure how you want me to "validate" that concern unless you are also asking me to rewrite my fic. in which case, the answer is still no lol
and i genuinely do not think "the fandom" is monolith in which everyone agrees on everything; calling me naive is not going to change my mind. i agree that there are popular hcs, sure, but even those are not monolithic in their application and can be filtered and avoided--i know this because there are many popular hcs that i filter and avoid to the point that they are virtually nonexistent in my fandom space. i suggest others do the same with hcs they dislike because i genuinely think that's the best way to approach fandom: curate your space for your own peace of mind.
your experiences with fandom are not singular and are not representative of everyone's. from where i'm sitting, writing sirius as a girl is not a super popular hc--i've seen the hc from time to time, but overwhelmingly i've seen it in the context of r/s femslash, not people writing them as a straight couple. and even then, i still mostly see r/s written as gay men in the vast majority of fics i read and like...posts the people i follow make on tumblr.com. i don't use other platforms to interact w marauders content nor do i stray outside my small circle of mutuals' posts, so if this is some mega-popular hc elsewhere i am simply unaware. from the actual fics posted on ao3, though, gay r/s still seems to be dominating the wolfstar fandom. and to then say that sirius has no personality past being a love interest and always being blamed for everything--again, this is genuinely not something i see. i have never read a fic where sirius is a one dimensional love interest or where it's just sirius-bashing; i'm sure they exist out there somewhere, but i have not found them to make up a majority. maybe i've gotten lucky and miraculously managed to avoid the numerous fanfics where sirius is this caricature you're describing, but personally i think it's more likely that this is an extreme representation of the way people write the character. if you'd like to send me some of the many fics where this is happening to illustrate what you mean, though, feel free.
remus's canonical disability is lycanthropy. that has not been erased in any of the fics i've read that are set in the magical universe. in every non-magical au i've read, he has been written as a disabled character as well. there are plenty of people in this fandom who are not erasing disability as an aspect of his character. if you're not able to find those fics i would be happy to recommend some, and i'm sure others would as well.
i have not seen the fanart you're referring to where remus is drawn as a super manly guy towering over dainty feminine sirius. i'm sure it exists out there, but most of the fanart i personally see doesn't portray them that way--it is definitely not the only way these characters are drawn.
none of the fanfics i've read have had anything that i would characterize as verbal abuse between remus and sirius. nor have they had remus as "a slut," (not crazy about your tone here, tbh) though he is sexually active in some fics i've read with people other than sirius. personally i don't mind characterizations where the two have had or do have sex with other people before getting together. in fact, i prefer it to fics where they only ever sleep with each other, as it more accurately reflects my own experiences w the world (ie, most people are not virgins until "settling down" with one person etc).
all of the things you're describing here can be stereotypes, sure. but i personally have not seen an overwhelming number of fics characterizing r + s this way. i'm not saying it doesn't exist; i'm saying that i have curated my own space to avoid any such one-dimensional portrayals and encouraging others to do the same, because there are tons of people who are not writing the characters this way. "the fandom" is not a monolith, and if you feel like there are certain hcs that are super popular it's possible you've become stuck in a feedback loop where you're seeing them over and over again when in other parts of the fandom they are virtually nonexistent (case in point: i was blissfully unaware of all of this discourse until i started getting these asks). personally, i find it more useful to just block and unfollow people who are posting stuff i don't like, because i don't really see a way to try and police what people are or aren't allowed to write about when it comes to gender in fanfic that doesn't eventually devolve back into gender essentialism. if the concern is that you're noticing what appears to be a certain standard of femininity or masculinity elevated over others, then i personally find it more helpful to have conversations breaking down gender roles + gender essentialism more broadly (as opposed to sending people anonymous messages about how everyone is writing sirius too feminine and remus too masculine), which is something i already do pretty frequently on my blog.
this is the only ask about this whole discourse i'm going to answer; any complaints that "the fandom" as a whole is doing something are not something i'm interested in entertaining because the fandom isn't a monolith and 90% of the time the complaint in question is not even something i'm seeing based on how i've curated my space. i really don't know what to tell you beyond that--if there are things bothering you about what you're seeing in your fandom spaces, coming into my askbox is not going to fix it and will most likely just end with me blocking you, because i have better things to do with my time than deal with other people's discourse.
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godsofhumanity · 9 months
I loved the latest hera hc you posted and you said you will write pure Zeus x hera hc if requested, please please write one, I am loving your hc series please please please🥺
hii thanks so much for the support!! i've gotten two asks for Zeus x Hera, and frankly i have a bit to write, so i'm going to split this into TWO PARTS-- this set will be Zeus x Hera: before marriage, and the next ask i answer will be during marriage.
here ya go, PART I (largely Zeus' perspective):
so i guess i should probably start off by explaining one of the previous hc's i've already written before which is that i don't think Zeus and Hera saw each other and it was love at first sight.
i think Hera emerged from Kronos' stomach, and like her other eaten siblings, was a bit reserved... a bit tense. it's hard to suddenly assimilate into a world that you literally just popped into.
i do like the idea that all of Zeus' siblings were quite awkward at first- i mean, they look grown up but they don't have "grown up" experiences. not immediately-- it takes time.
so i think they all just kinda stood with each other. Hera and Demeter, i think, are especially close. they bond with Metis, Hesione, and Asteria particularly- they have a sort of "girls club".
i do think Leto may have flitted in and out of this group, her main link being that Asteria was her elder sister... but i think she has a bit of a rougher, wilder side. ((i'm talking about Leto here because she's relevant to my Zeus x Hera hc's btw))
but throughout this whole period, i think Zeus and Hera are strictly siblings. friends. nothing more, nothing less. i think Hera would find Zeus quite cocky. Zeus i think would respect Hera's fierceness but that's it. also, during this time, i do believe that Zeus was fully devoted to Metis-- i mean, they were supposed to be the end goal, the king and queen of Olympus.
UNTIL. Metis dies. and that's a tragic accident that really breaks Zeus into a million tiny irreparable parts. or so he thinks.
i think after Metis, Zeus keeps his distance from EVERYONE. he can only see Kronos' terror when he sees his own reflection and that scares him. so he thinks it'd be best to isolate. never get attached.
and that works for a long time until Leto, who i think has always been close to Zeus, starts becoming more than a friend. she's sort of the only one who's been there with Zeus right from Metis' time. and so Zeus falls in love again. but i do think it's short lived, because there's a part of Zeus that just can't let go of the thing he did to Metis. and to his unborn daughter.
i think somewhere throughout all of this, Zeus and Hera and all their siblings actually start growing closer. a lot closer. they start functioning like a proper family and all of a sudden, it seems like they've all known each other right from the start. i think this is important because part of the reason why Kronos fails is because he starts thinking that everything depends on HIM... he stops trusting his family. so Zeus intends to avoid that mindset by knowing his family better so he'll be less inclined to "give up" on them.
truthfully, i think right from the start, Zeus and Hera have gotten along like a house on fire. even before their courtship... they were "attuned"... they knew each other's thoughts in one glance. they have similar fighting styles-- i think in their youth, Zeus and Hera would team up against Hades and Demeter against Hestia and Poseidon-- that's how they practiced.
no one recognises the blossoming romance between Zeus and Hera more than Rhea i think. and that worries her. in the myths, Zeus and Hera have a secret relationship because Rhea disapproved of it, and i think it's because she thought Zeus wasn't ready for it. because Zeus and Hera were so in sync it reminded her so much of herself and Kronos and she didn't want a repeat. so i think Rhea might've encouraged Zeus and Leto to be together; maybe she thought they'd end differently.
but i hc Leto to have prophetic abilities like her mother Phoebe (hence how Apollo has them too), and so i think Leto sees the future. not clearly. not all of it. but she does see very clearly that there is a woman by Zeus' side as his Queen and it isn't her. i don't believe that Hera and Leto have ever been especially close, and i do think it would have broken Leto's heart into a million pieces to learn that it wasn't her fate to be with Zeus because i do think she loved him completely; i think he was her end goal but she wasn't his... but i think even feeling all of this, she knew that that was Hera's destiny, so she tells Zeus.
i think while Zeus and Leto are together, he's already started seeing Hera in a different light, and he feels guilty about it until Leto tells him that she really is the one. and i think Leto's the one to call things off with Zeus.
and so Zeus finally lets go and pursues Hera. and that doesn't go smoothly at ALL-- compared to all the other goddesses Zeus has chased, Hera takes "playing hard to get" to a new level. but Zeus tries. he tries and he tries and he tries because he does love Hera.
from Hera's perspective, Hera never planned to like Zeus back. when he first start courting her i think she would have been incredibly bored of him... she'd have thought him to be superficial and that he'd leave her after a week, so she'd have just ignored him.
i don't think that Hera knows why Leto left Zeus. everyone thinks Zeus just bored or scared of commitment and ran away- no one knows the truth besides Zeus and Leto. so that wouldn't have helped Zeus' case.
y'know how in fiction (and actually in reality too lol i've seen it too many times), the guy the girl says "i'll never like him" ends up being the guy she gets with? that's Zeus x Hera in a nutshell.
now i have more, but this post has become lengthy i think, so i will stop there and post PART II later today.
edit: part ii here
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