#when will she have her loyal enforcer
a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
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and it's the chaggie ladyhawke AU with the steel chair!!!!!
A knight by day and beast by knight, a hawk who's lady only in moonlight: two lovers cursed to be always parted even when when they're never apart-
-and the quest to undo this curse before it, and their separation, becomes permanent >:)
Extra twists I'd add to the original film canon:
Ironic Curses - Charlie, who never wanted to hurt anyone and used her noble title to speak up for the downtrodden, turns into a monstrous wolf creature filled with bloodlust that goes on the rampage every night (except for the hour directly after sunset and before sunrise, when she is tame around Vaggie) - Vaggie, ex-guard who was more loyal to Charlie than to the corrupt officials who paid her enforce their cruel laws, each day turns into a wild hawk desperate to escape (except for the hour right after sunrise and before sunset, when she is fiercely protective of Charlie and refuses to fly out of sight from her)
Extra Suffering - Hawk!Vaggie won't take food from people, or leave long enough to hunt when she's more herself at dawn and dusk, so Charlie has to repeatedly risk losing her forever by taking off her hood and setting her loose- then desperately chasing after her- trying keep track of her long enough for the sun to start setting again ---- Sometimes Charlie can't find her before nightfall and Vaggie wakes up alone in the woods to the sound of a distant inhuman howl of despair (not fun, but, it makes it easier to get back to Beast! Charlie) - Beast!Charlie spends most of the night trying to kill everyone and everything around her- so if she wasn't able to lock herself away before sundown, Vaggie has to grab her spear and do her best to keep Charlie from doing murder- by fighting her, leading her on long chases until sunrise, or trapping her ---- Sometimes Charlie wakes up at dawn to find Hawk!Vaggie crumpled next to her in a nest of bloody rag bandages, and the first thing she does before anything else is try her best to at least rebandage the wounds she gave her
They Go Around Rescuing People (against the law) - Vaggie mainly does this by not letting Beast!Charlie eat people as midnight snacks - During the day, a guilt wracked Charlie goes out of her way to free imprisoned people, save them from punishments, and fight Vaggie's former fellow guards every chance she gets ---- she gets this chance A Lot, since the reason they have to keep traveling is there's a warrant out for her head and the dead body of her hawk
The Other Roles Go To - Evil Bishop Guy: split between Adam and Lute, with Adam pissed that one of HIS guards got with the daughter of the woman who turned him down, and Lute wanting Vaggie to suffer and die for leaving the exorcist guards - Nice Monk: Emily is the one who accidently let slip about chaggie to Sera, who told Adam, who did the curse thing on them. After that all happened, Emily left her comfy position and locked herself up with all the old texts she could find, searching for a cure to the curse. She finds one, yay! - Loveable Rouge Who Helps: All the hotel crew. Charlie rescues / helps them each in turn, and they tag along with her for protection (meaning Vaggie then has to protect THEM from HER)
after the gang is assemble, the film plot plays out as expected
blah blah blah, holy shit the bird just got hit by an arrow, what the fuck the knight lady is REALLY freaking out about that, oh no it's almost sunset- uhhh lady knight says leave her here take her horse and the hawk and ride to the nearby abandoned tower where someone named Emily should be, because Emily can help the hawk.
AHHH the bird turned into a woman!!! A woman with the same injury as the hawk?
AAAAH that monster thing from before is outside howling and screaming, kill it-! Nope, never mind, the injured lady says she'll stab us if we hurt the big scary monster thing, and Emily says to leave it alone it'll be gone by sunrise.
blah blah blah, during the next eclipse, if chaggie can make Adam and Lute look at them standing together as themselves during the few moments they'll both be human at the same time, the curse will be broken! If this fails, they both stay in their cursed forms forever! Great!
.... how are we getting inside the castle for that? Oh right. Chaggie has been adopted by a rag tag band of criminals. This should be fun.
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gurugirl · 1 year
A Delicate Thing*
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Summary: Harry is a crime boss and he meets the woman of his dreams on an important night. Mafia boss!harry x innocent!reader
A/n: this was a very specific request (no longer tagged bc they changed their username). Also, here is a link (NSFW) to some porn that was also suggested for a little inspiration. It's just for aesthetics, please imagine who you like as the mc.
7.6k words
Warning: Smut, innocent virgin having sex for the first time, mean Harry (he's not mean to y/n), mentions of mafia stuff (nothing too deep), a creepy father, some cliche themes (this is just for fun guys)
After his father, Desmond, passed away, Harry took over the family business. He was a perfect fit for the job. As tough and ruthless as Harry could be, he was also a shrewd businessman and he knew how to run his organization and keep the men and women working for him happy so they were loyal. Harry was only cruel when it was necessary, and luckily, his father left him with a great crew of people to help him run the business and they already looked up to Harry and respected him. The men under him took his word as scripture. They knew not to fuck with Harry or the Styles’ name. Harry wouldn’t allow it because Desmond never did. Never mind that the Styles’ business was a known crime organization, no one could touch him. Law enforcement wouldn’t even take them down. The Styles clan was too big and too powerful.
So it was because of this that Y/n’s dad, William, wanted to get on Harry’s good side. Perhaps get a leg up in the organization. William had been working for the Styles’ since he was in his 20s, and now a man in his 40s, he wanted a bump up. More responsibility. More money. More power. His daughter, Y/n was young and pretty. He knew she was pretty because any time he brought her around the men would make comments and tell William he should be careful to let her out of his sight. So he had an idea when it came time for the annual Styles gala. The gala was a fundraiser of sorts. The townspeople always attended, as well as politicians, public figures, and all of the members of the organization were there. It was a big night, especially for Harry. It was the first year Desmond would not be in attendance. So, Harry would be the lead for everything and head the event and reception. Though he had people to do almost everything for him, he was the man of honor for the night, officially stepping up and taking over where his father left off.
William had Y/n get absolutely dolled up. He was bringing her to show her off to Harry at the event. Perhaps get Harry’s attention with his daughter. Y/n did not want to go. She was not excited about showing off her legs or her arms, smiling all night at creepy men, painting her lips red, keeping her hair just so, all so her father could flaunt her off. It felt gross. It felt shameful, but what could she do? Her father was not one to defy. So, she reluctantly allowed the beautician, esthetician, tailor, and stylist to do their thing. Her hair was perfectly done, left long and wavy, silky, and shiny. The esthetician gave her skin (face and body) a beautiful glow, soft, supple, and smooth. Her eyebrows were sculpted, and her hair was removed from her body (including her bikini region at her father’s request). Her makeup was done in soft shades that complimented her pretty face. Nails painted top to bottom. And finally, she was adorned in a dress that was fitted to her physique to show off her body.
The emerald satin of the dress accentuated her skin and eyes and even she couldn’t deny how alluring she appeared in the mirror as she stared at herself. But it didn’t make her feel good. Yes, it was pretty, she looked pretty. But the entire scheme was disgusting. Her father was a disgusting man for doing what he was doing. With his own daughter of all people. It felt wrong. She felt like a pawn in her father’s game.
She was a pawn in her father’s game.
The venue was full of wealthy guests, townspeople, politicians, and servers. Harry was one of the first to arrive to make sure everything was going to plan. He was excited about the night, it would be the first in his honor. He wanted to make a good impression but he was also there because he needed to meet with a handful of his closest men. On his left arm was Darcie, the beautiful brunette whom he’d been fucking for the last week. She was fun and easy. And she looked good in her little black dress for the event. Harry wasn’t worried much about her. He’d have her sit by the bar and have a couple of drinks while he and his men discussed work.
William was amongst the men at the meeting with Harry. He left Y/n at the bar as well and told her she could have a glass of wine but no more. Darcie immediately noticed the young woman in emerald. Competition perhaps.
Y/n felt awkward and uncomfortable. Her dress was a bit too fitted in certain spots and her thigh was displayed. Sitting on the little stool at the bar and sipping a glass of wine she watched as the guests arrived. Most were sitting at tables and being served, some were standing and chatting with people they knew. Music began to play and suddenly William was by her side, “Let’s go. I want you to meet Harry.”
This was what she was told would happen before coming. She knew she was here to meet someone named Harry. Her dad’s boss. She wasn’t keen on it. Not at all. Her glass of wine was left at the bar as she followed William to a table where six men and three women were sat. William pulled at Y/n, pushing her in front of him, “Harry, this is Y/n. My lovely, lovely daughter. I’ve been looking forward to you meeting her.”
Y/n smiled at everyone at the table, most didn’t look up at her but she did recognize the woman in the black dress with brown hair, long down her back. She was also at the bar with her when her dad had left her for the brief meeting. She made eye contact with the woman but didn’t receive a smile in return. Rather it was a cold gaze and then the woman turned her head toward the man she was sitting next to, the one William was trying to introduce her to called Harry.
“Thank you, William. You can have your seat.” Harry stated, never looking in Y/n’s direction. Harry had seen it all. He was sure William’s daughter would not be of interest. Harry didn’t need a young, insecure daughter of one of his men as part of his posse. He had what he wanted. When he wanted. Darcie was fine for him at the moment. She was a sure thing at the end of the night. It was boring, actually. To have William trying to flaunt his daughter was annoying more than anything.
“Harry, Y/n here would like to shake your hand at least. She’s a big fan of yours. Could you at least do her that favor?” William was desperate. He knew that if Harry just looked at Y/n there could be a chance of having him see her beauty and maybe there’d be favor gained.
Harry sighed and placed his glass of whiskey down on the table to appease William. His goal was to get William to go away with his daughter. He didn’t care in the least. He drew his gaze up over the young woman and she was almost shivering. Her eyes were downcast toward the floor, and her bottom lip bit into her mouth. She was nervous, Harry could see. It was obvious that William’s daughter was put up to this, and she was not here because she was a fan as William stated. There was something else at play and Harry didn’t like the looks of it.
The girl was stunning. Shy, insecure, and shaking. Harry frowned and looked at William and then back to the poor thing who was uncomfortable with the situation and he was filled with a touch of anger at the way William had paraded his daughter to him in this way.
Y/n knew Harry was a big boss of a crime organization and not one to be interrupted or annoyed. She felt as if she and her father were doing just that. That this was going to be her end and that Harry would have them done away with.
“William. Thank you. Y/n, come sit with me, here,” Harry snapped his fingers at the server who was standing at the table and motioned for them to bring a chair to his side, opposite where Darcie was seated. When the chair was placed on Harry’s left side, William nudged Y/n to sit.
She looked at her dad with worry, “Go on, darling. This is our chance,” he whispered to her.
Harry kept his eyes on William, “I said thank you, William. Take your seat at your table. Your daughter will sit here at the table with me.”
Y/n sat down as she was directed and kept her face downward. She didn’t know what to expect. Her heart was pounding. She’d never seen Harry in person, but he was very intimidating and his green eyes were striking. He was an eye-catching man. But she was still unsure of what to expect. His power and his ruthlessness proceeded him. She’d heard of the things he’d done to men before. Harry was not a nice man and now here she was sitting at his side amongst other men and women who were also not nice.
Darcie, who was sitting on Harry’s right side leaned in toward Harry and spoke loudly enough that Y/n could hear, “Poor girl. Wearing a cheap dress like that probably feels quite out of place here with us,“ her laugh indicated she wasn’t being nice in her words. Darcie knew the sudden arrival of the young woman was a threat to her place.
Harry ignored Darcie completely and looked over Y/n’s frame as she kept her eyes down. He was intrigued. The girl seemed scared but she was the daughter of one of his top men. A man that was looking for a promotion in the organization. The more Harry considered William, the more he wondered if the fact that he brought his daughter here was just a way to get Harry’s attention for a raise or a leg up. Harry didn’t like this. He didn’t like to use people as pawns and for William to use his own daughter in this way felt disgusting.
But it wasn’t Y/n’s fault. He could see that right away. No, Y/n was innocent. Pure. A sweet thing who was not here because she wanted to be. She was here because her father’s intentions were unkind and rather insulting. What did William think this was? A way to gain some kind of favor? Harry would do what he wanted and if William deserved favor he’d have it but not this way.
“Darling, is this normal? For your father to bring you to places and show you off in this way?” Harry was curious about how William had been treating this beautiful creature sat next to him. He moved the hair from her face gently so he could get a better look at the delicate thing.
When she finally turned her head to look into Harry’s eyes there was no turning back for Harry. She was far more beautiful than he even realized. The moment her eyes met his he felt his heart thud and his throat nearly went dry. Her pink lips and her delicate features, the sparkle of her eyes, and her slender neck were like something he’d dreamed up. He was unable to help himself as he moved his eyes down over her dress and to the curve of her waist and the spread of her thighs under her satin emerald dress. An angel was before him.
Y/n opened her mouth and tried to reign in her breaths. She was scared. “No. I mean… sometimes he brings me around, uh…” she wrung her hands in her lap and looked back down to calm herself. His eyes were searing into her and it was distracting. The way he was looking at her had her ears going hot and her senses blurred.
Harry turned to face the girl and placed his hand on her jaw and turned her face back toward his, “Sweetheart. You don’t need to be scared around me. I’m not going hurt you,” he spoke and brought his other hand up to her shoulder, bringing his fingers down her arm softly to soothe her, “Now, go on. Tell me what you were going to say.”
Goosebumps were left in the path of Harry’s fingers down her arm and she closed her eyes for a moment to compose herself. The warmth of his touch sent her heart racing. She opened her eyes again and tried to speak clearly, “He brings me around some of the men in your organization. He tells me it’s so I can learn to be good for powerful men.”
Harry scoffed and tilted his head to the side, keeping his eyes on the angel, “No baby. That’s not okay. You know that right?”
Suddenly Darcie leaned in and stretched her hand out toward Harry, wrapping her long fingers around his forearm to get his attention, “Do you think that’s really true, Harry? She’s obviously just trying to make you feel bad for her…”
Harry’s face turned into a scowl as he turned himself and yanked his arm from Darcie’s grasp, “You’re dismissed. You can go find another table to sit at. I no longer am in need of your services,” Harry turned back to Y/n, and his eyes immediately softened at the girl.
“My services!? What? You’ve been fucking me all week and that’s what you call a service? This stupid virgin isn’t going to be giving you head like I did just this morning. That I can guarantee. Good luck with the lying bimbo!” Darcie stood up but before she could walk away Harry stood and grabbed her upper arm in a tight grip, “The fuck did you call her?” He pointed at Y/n as he snarled at Darcie.
Darcie’s eyes went wide when she realized how angry Harry was, “Apologize to her now!”
Darcie shook her head, “Harry, I’m sorry…”
Harry slammed a fist onto the table, the dishes clanking and his glass of whisky sloshing, and now the whole room was watching the outburst, “Not to me you stupid whore. To her!” He again pointed in Y/n’s direction.
Darcie blinked her eyes as tears began to form on her lower lashes. She looked from Harry down to Y/n and sputtered out her words, “I’m sorry.”
Before Harry released Darcie’s arm he leaned into her and spoke calmly and darkly, “Now get the fuck out of here before I have my men remove you. You are no longer allowed to be here.”
Harry wiped his hands down his suit as if he was brushing dust off of himself before sitting back down. He pulled Y/n’s chair closer toward him and leaned into her, “Sorry about that, baby. Are you okay?” He moved her hair from her shoulder and drew a hand up toward the side of her neck tenderly.
Y/n nodded quickly. She was still nervous. She’d been a little surprised by the way Harry treated his date but she’d seen worse with some of the other men before. She was glad he made Darcie apologize.
“Good,” Harry kept his eyes on Y/n’s as he snapped his fingers again and the server was quickly by his side.
Harry spoke softly, “What would you like to drink, darling? A beautiful thing like you deserves the finest things. Champagne maybe? Top shelf?”
Y/n opened her mouth and raised her brows in worry, “My dad told me not to drink too much…”
Harry tsk’d at her and smiled, “You don’t need to worry about William anymore. I’m going to be the one to take care of you from now on. And if you’d like the finest champagne you’ll have it.”
Y/n nodded, “Okay,” her voice was quiet and fragile.
Harry ordered a bottle of champagne to be brought to the table and fresh strawberries to go with it.
Harry doted on Y/n during the dinner and the speeches that were made during the event. Never taking his eyes off her, his fingers gently dancing on her skin. He knew it was probably a bit too much but he couldn’t stop himself from touching her and looking her over. She was going to be his.
When dinner and the main event were done it was time for the reception and party. Harry moved Y/n and some of his crew toward where there’d be entertainment and music for the rest of the night. He sat along the wall where there was a plush couch and some tables. Y/n was about to sit down when Harry took her wrist and pulled her into his lap. He needed her to be as close as possible.
When her soft bottom met the top of his thighs he angled her so he could still see her face and he brushed his hand along her bare back, where her dress was low and he could feel her soft skin under his fingers.
More drinks were served and chatter was all around them but Y/n was feeling something deep in her stomach with the close proximity to Harry. He’d been so soft and kind with her and the attention he was giving her, the words he’d whisper were all so much. She’d never experienced it before but she wanted more.
Harry put one hand on her bare thigh, gently moving his thumb over her skin, “Shit, you’re beautiful,” he whispered to her, his lips brushing her ear, “Do you know that, Y/n? You’re so fucking stunning, baby. Want you to be all mine. Okay?” His warm breath and the accent of his words with his deep voice were overwhelming Y/n’s senses. She wanted that. She’d just met him but she wanted him. She wanted to be his.
She licked her lips and turned to look at Harry, “Okay,” she whispered and nodded.
Harry grinned at her and the hand on her thigh slid higher up, the pads of his fingers finding the material of her dress and dipping just under it, “Yeah? You want that? Fuck, baby. I’m going to take good care of you, okay?”
Harry pulled her to him, his hand at the back of her neck and his mouth finding hers. She tasted like honey and berries and champagne. The softest and sweetest and most delicate thing he’d seen and felt in all his life.
Before the kiss could get too hot Harry broke away from it and it left Y/n breathless, her lips parted and eyelids low. Now she knew what she wanted without a doubt. She wanted to please him and to have him please her. His mouth on her ignited her insides and she felt her nipples perk under her dress.
Harry noticed it too. He realized the state he’d left her in so he moved a hand further up her dress discreetly and whispered, “I know baby. I’m going to take you home when we’re done here and give you everything you want. Anything you want,” he pressed his fingers upward until he met her bare pussy. She was not wearing panties and Harry nearly lost his mind when he felt the slickness between her legs. Harry immediately thickened in his pants. This girl was going to be treated so well and he was going to take care of his angel properly.
The rest of the night was difficult for both Harry and Y/n. Harry couldn’t stop kissing her and touching her and Y/n was slowly wetting her satin dress where she was seated. Harry was treating her so sweetly and saying just the right things to her. And when Harry pulled her hand down over his trousers so she could feel him hard underneath and it startled her.
Now, Y/n had masturbated before and she could make herself orgasm by softly rubbing herself on her pillows her using her fingers but she was a virgin and she was not experienced otherwise so she’d never touched a penis before. She’d seen pictures but had never been in the presence of a real-live penis. But here she was, on the lap of a man who was so aroused by her that his own prick was thickened and she knew that this meant he wanted her in the same way she wanted him.
When William eventually approached them he had a creepy smile on his face and he was clearly drunk. Y/n wrapped her arms around Harry and shrunk in his lap, not wanting her father to see her like this. She really didn’t want to see William at all for any reason. In fact, she’d nearly forgotten all about him with the way Harry had made her feel safe and wanted on his lap and with all the attention he was giving her.
Harry noticed Y/n’s sudden change of demeanor and held her close to give her comfort and turned to Randy as he pointed at William, “Get him out of here.”
And that was that. Harry and Y/n didn’t have to see William again that night. Harry would take care of William another day. At that moment, he could only think of how he was going to take care of his girl.
Harry had his driver take them to his estate when he felt it was a good time to slip out without being noticed. Most everyone at the event was occupied, dancing, talking, and drinking so no one cared much when Harry whisked Y/n away with him and out the back to the car waiting for them.
When they pulled into the long driveway past the iron gates to Harry’s mansion it was a shock. It was the biggest house she’d ever seen. Her eyes were wide as Harry helped her out of the car and put his arm behind her back and walked her to the door and inside. A man greeted them at the door and the inside was just as ornate and fancy as the outside.
Y/n couldn’t stop herself from swiveling her head around to look at all the beautiful finishes and decorations. The tall windows, twenty-foot ceilings, marble floors, stair banister, walnut inlays, chandelier, art, expensive looking vases, and bowls and rugs, the walls were covered in silk wallpaper with subtle designs…
“It’s a lot. I know. This was my father’s home. His tastes were a bit extravagant, but it grows on you. It’s the finest decorations and furniture from all over the world. Just wait til you see the rest of the place, darling,” Harry smiled at Y/n as he watched her take it all in.
“It’s so beautiful, Harry,” Y/n brushed her hand along the edge of the velvet high-back chair that was near the staircase where Harry was leading her.
Harry kept his eyes on the beautiful girl and nodded in awe of her, “It is so beautiful.”
The bedroom was large with high ceilings and tall windows and the biggest bed Y/n had ever seen. She heard the heavy walnut door being closed behind her when Harry came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her front, pressing her back into his chest.
He began to kiss her neck softly and she started to melt once again in Harry’s arms. His broad chest was solid and she felt safe in his arms. When he moved his hands down to her hips she felt the warmth of his palm even through her satin dress. But she also felt his solid length poking into her bottom and she was reminded of her own situation between her legs.
“Can I take off your dress, baby? Will you let me see you?” Harry whispered into her ear as his hands slowly smoothed up her sides over her dress. He knew she’d look like perfection. He could already tell. Her thigh had been on display and her dress was scooped low down her back where the front draped perfectly over her breasts and hugged her waist and hips.
Y/n nodded. She wanted relief. She was feeling the ache and the neediness that had begun at the reception earlier when he sat her in his lap. Her nerves were peaking but she was excited about it.
Harry removed his suit jacket and draped it over a chair and then turned to face Y/n and very slowly began to remove her dress, bringing the thin straps off of her shoulders and pushing the material down, exposing her breasts to him where he paused and placed a soft kiss to each of her nipples and she softly moaned at the touch.
Then he dragged the dress the rest of the way down her body and lifted her legs, one at a time to help her step out, leaving her in only her high heels and Harry thought he was going to faint. She was smooth, soft, and untouched by any imperfections on her skin.
He knelt down and put his hands up to her hips and placed his warm mouth on her tummy, kissing and squeezing her until he dropped his mouth to right over her sweet, pussy. She was already wet and he could see her juice peeking out from her labia, the shine and the smell made him twitch in his pants. He brought his lips down, going around her pussy, over her thighs, and to her knees, on each side, and then back up.
He looked up at her and she’d put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself when he pushed his tongue out and licked the very center of her wet slit with only the tip of his tongue.
“Is this okay, Y/n? Do you want me to make you feel so good?” He spoke over her pussy, his warm breath cascading down her folds and she gasped at the feel and nodded, “Yes, please.”
Harry stood up and moved her toward the bed and had her lie flat on her back in the very center, legs spread wide at his urging. He held her thighs apart and looked her over, taking all of her intimate bits in. Everything was perfection and she was his. He could hardly believe it.
Harry was gentle at first, kisses and licks and soft laps at her pussy. She didn’t know what to do with herself it felt so good. Better than her fingers for sure. But when he realized her clit was standing at full attention and she was puffy and whiny he knew she was ready for more. She was fully aroused.
So he put his mouth around her clit and softly brought it into his mouth, sucking the tiniest bit and watching her to get her reaction and he was not disappointed. The shock on her face turned into ecstasy and her pink lips parted as she moaned and cried. Harry smiled and repeated his actions, holding a thigh down for his access to his center.
Soon, as Harry was licking her and lapping her and sucking her just right, he circled two fingers over her tiny entrance and dipped just the tip of his fingers in to get a feel. Her muscle was tight but she was very wet and so he eased his two fingers into the first knuckle slowly. She gasped and tilted her head up to see what he was doing.
Harry’s intense gaze was on hers the whole time. She saw his pink tongue lapping at her slit and circling her clit and he had a hand at her entrance, prodding, and poking softly to open her up.
Harry lifted his face, “I’m gonna finger you darling. Just to get you used to the feel of this. Have you ever put your fingers into this little hole right here?” He wiggled the tips of his fingers inside of her as he asked.
She let out a soft breath and shook her head, “No.”
Harry smiled. He figured she hadn’t. So he went slow and watched her expressions change and the way her mouth got wider and wider and her moans got deeper and louder the further he pushed his fingers into her. She was so wet she was getting the comforter under her bum slick, just like Harry liked.
By the time Harry had his fingers pushed in all the way to his last knuckle, and his rings were disappearing into her hole she started fucking herself down onto his fingers by herself. She had the natural instinct to sink down on something inside of her and Harry gave her a good slurp on her clit and inserted another finger and she came with a yelp and a gush on his tongue. Her body shook when she felt her orgasm burst and it was better than any orgasm she’d ever given herself. His fingers had been poking and pushing into something delicate and sensitive inside of her that she’d never experienced before and it made her whole body shiver.
Harry let her come down and he gave her plenty of time to recover from her shock as he laid next to her and kissed her neck and her cheek and whispered to her how good she’d done.
“Such a good girl, Y/n. My sweet baby. I’ve never seen anyone come so pretty before. Taste so good too. I’m going to have you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day from now on, okay?’
Y/n smiled and nodded as she lulled her head over to look at Harry. His eyes were dark with lust and she knew she wanted to please him too. So she turned to face him and moved her hand down to his crotch, where he was solid and harder than ever.
Harry groaned at her touch and he grinned, “Want to see it?”
And of course, she did. She nodded and sat up as Harry began to remove his clothes. When he had pulled his underwear down his legs and crawled back into the bed with her she was speechless. She put her hand out toward his long cock and touched the very tip and sucked in a sharp breath at how warm he was.
She looked up at Harry with wide, round eyes, “It’s so big.” She knew that a penis was meant to go inside of a vagina and that she had a hole where Harry had his fingers, but she couldn’t imagine it fitting into her.
Harry grabbed her hand and pressed her palm down on him harder, “It’s all yours. Do you want to taste?”
Again, she nodded. She was curious about it. Harry pulled her toward him and she got onto her knees on the mattress next to him and dipped down to kiss the very tip. Her lips found his slit and Harry hissed and smiled at her, “Good girl.”
She knew that was a good sign so she kept going. Kissing the shaft and looking up at him when she poked her tongue out to lick the edge and taste him. It wasn’t bad. It didn’t taste like much really. Just warm skin on her tongue. She began to get the hang of it, licking and kissing along his thick shaft toward his base and then back up.
“Put the tip inside your mouth and suck,” Harry said as he nodded at her.
She eagerly lowered herself and opened her wet mouth, placing it over his crown and using the flat of her tongue to get him wetted and swipe around the head, perfectly caressing his frenulum and he moaned and put a hand into her hair, “Just like that baby.”
She continued doing what she thought he liked, keeping her eyes on his. She lowered a bit more and sucked hard at his urging and he threw his head back with a growl and he smiled at her eagerness and her soft lips.
“Spit over it and use your hands to get my cock all wet,” Harry nudged her.
So she did what he said, spitting on him and using her hands to smooth the saliva over him and down his shaft. She spit a few times to get him all slick in her hand and then continued to suck and swirl her tongue on the tip of his prick.
Harry was in heaven. But he wanted to feel his girl. He wanted to know what her pussy would feel like on him and he hoped she wanted that too.
He pushed her off of him softly and he looked at her in amazement, “Can we try something else, my angel?”
Y/n was in for anything at this point as she nodded.
Harry made her lay flat on her back as he knelt between her legs and held his heavy cock in his hands and swiped his tip through her drenched slit and it was a beautiful site.
“My penis will fit inside of this hole here,” he said as he plunged his middle finger into her entrance and then he pulled it out and licked his finger. Y/n bit her lip and she had a worried look on her face.
“What’s wrong, darling?” Harry asked as he thumbed over her clit to get her all worked up again. She started to wiggle a bit and roll her hips upward toward his finger for relief.
“I think it’s too big, Harry.” She said with a straight face.
Harry chuckled and shook his head, “No, baby, it’s not. Your hole will stretch and open up when I press this in. This is where babies come from, you know that right?”
She nodded and blinked. That made sense.
“And if a baby can come through this hole, my penis is sure to fit. And it’s going to feel so good. You’re gonna love it. You know how good it felt when I had my fingers inside of you?”
Harry slide a finger inside of her again and curled it up for her to feel the pressure and she nodded with a gasp.
“Exactly. It’ll feel even better with this in there,” he said when he began to swipe his cock up and down her labia again and softly nudged at her entrance with his head. If she were anyone else he’d already be fucking her and making her toes curl. But this was his Y/n. She was delicate and too sweet. He wanted her to feel comfortable and safe with him. He’d make her feel like a queen if she let him.
She nodded and she knew he was right. He’d only been gentle and caring with her this whole time. She trusted him, “Okay.”
Harry kept a thumb at her clit as he angled her hips for him to more easily push in. He stayed sat back, his knees bent with legs under him as she laid flat, her thighs spread and open for him.
She closed her eyes when she felt his crown begin to poke into her. His thumb felt nice on her clitoris and it helped her feel grounded.
“Look at me, Y/n. Watch my face, honey…” he squeezed her hip to get her attention and she opened her eyes up right away. Looking at him as he slowly pushed past her tight muscle and continued to circle her clit with his thumb.
She could see how good it felt for him as he got deeper inside of her, his mouth parted, his brows scrunched. But to her, it didn’t feel as bad as she thought it would. She was old enough that her hymen was probably broken by now and even though she’d never even put a tampon inside of her, she’d ridden horses and bikes and was aware that activities like that, along with just naturally moving day to day over the years that it would mean her vagina would be rid of its hymen lining.
Harry went very slowly. He could feel how tight she was but her arousal was drenching him and making it hard not to just pound into her right away. He knew she could take it. Her body was ready. But he didn’t want to startle her or scare her. So he only pushed in as slowly as possible and kept watch of her face.
He pulled himself out to almost the tip and then nudged his thick cock back inside a little deeper this time and she moaned. Harry smiled. She liked it. It felt good.
He repeated his actions a few times, getting a little deeper on each thrust, but still going as slow as possible until she was panting and her eyes were wide.
“How does that feel angel?” Harry breathed his words out.
She lifted her neck and looked down to where he was fucking into her and she nodded before putting her head back down, “So good. It feels really good.”
This was Harry’s cue to begin fucking her properly. Not hard, or fast, but now he could begin thrusting into her at a pace that might get her off. He began to pull back and push in, watching her pussy spread for him and her lips surround his cock with each pull and push. It was wet and the sound was delicious, “Hear that?” Harry said as he slowly pushed in and pulled out, the wet noise of his cock thrusting into her entrance and pulling back was not something she expected. But she could hear the wet noises coming from between their bodies.
She nodded, “Yeah. Is that because I’m so wet for you?”
Harry groaned and smiled, her words were dirty and she didn’t even know it, “That’s exactly what that is my angel. Your little pussy is soaked because she’s so aroused and that makes it easy for my cock to slip right in and out the way you need. Like this…” he demonstrated by pushed into the hilt, and then backing out until he could see his tip before pushing back in, the sticky sound of their bodies coming together.
His cadence increased a small bit and it made her body move on each press inward, her tits softly bouncing at each plunge of his cock. The wet sounds were now met with the sound of Harry’s skin meeting her skin, the soft smacking of their bodies colliding, and the rustle of the blankets below them.
Y/n’s moans began to get louder again like they had when he ate her out and fucked her with his fingers. She felt good and that’s all he wanted. To make her feel good and safe.
“Oh god…” her eyes widened and her pink lips puffed out a heavy breath, “that’s good… so full…” her panted words were music to Harry’s ears. She was feeling what he was feeling and she was saying what she wanted as her brain and body were naturally responding to sex the way it should when it felt good.
“Yeah, baby? Am I stuffing you full? Feels so good doesn’t it?” Harry continued his languid strokes into her, smacking into her gently, continuing to rub her clit softly.
“Yes. Yes… oh yes…” she breathed out in gasps, “So full, so good… mmmm….” She brought her hands down to grasp his thighs where he was working himself into her. She felt his strong muscles under her hands, flexing as he rolled into her.
“You’re made for me, angel. You know that? Gonna make you mine in every way…” he moaned as he rocked into her, imagining her dripping with his come and then becoming pregnant and swollen with his baby.
Y/n nodded and bit her lip as she bucked upward into his thumb and whimpered when Harry couldn’t help himself and he plunged into her a little harder, a little faster.
Now he was smacking into her harder, sending her body upward with each deep stroke. It felt good inside of her. His prick was filling her and rubbing into something inside that felt like rainbows and stars and all things good and right. She couldn’t stop her moans or the noises she was making. Harry was making her feel better than she’d ever felt in her life.
“That’s it, angel… just feel it. Let it take over,” Harry watched her body and her face as he fucked into her a little harder now. He couldn’t help himself but to go in deeper and harder. She was feeling so good around him and she liked it so he knew he could poke deep into her and she’d like it.
Harry continued rubbing over her button and looked down to where they were connected, his cock was wet with her creamy arousal. She’d gotten his groin soaked, down her ass and to the bed below. Harry groaned at the site of his cock moving into her and spreading her apart. He knew his cock was pushing her insides apart, pressing deep into her belly and rubbing over her g-spot on each stroke. Her eyes were almost crossed as her mouth was dropped open with constant mewls and moans falling from her mouth.
“So pretty… look at you, shit…” Harry was losing it. She was clenching and pulsing around him as her legs started to shake slightly.
Harry went in hard now, he couldn’t help it. Now he was acting on primal tendencies to push her over the edge so she could come and so he could come. He wanted to destroy her insides (in the kindest way of course) with his big cock. She was taking him so well and he knew she was so close to coming.
Y/n’s breasts shook and bounced, the sound of the thuds of skin and wetness together with her loud moans could be heard down the hallway of his mansion. He knew his house staff was hearing this but he didn’t care at that moment. He only cared about making Y/n come.
When she clenched hard and he felt her pussy spasm and she cried out his name, “Oh god! Harry! I’m… oh… oh… I’m…” her words were nonsense suddenly as she melted on his cock and spasmed around him, her legs shaking and her world spinning. She grabbed her tits and squeezed for something to hold on to as she gushed over Harry’s cock and he continued fucking into her, giving her the best experience she could have; a nice thick cock pushing into and pulling out of her fluttering walls as she came, her muscles clamping down on him with all she had.
Harry gritted his teeth as he watched his angel coming on his cock as he sunk into her deeply and finally released in his own orgasm, his cum coating her walls and her slick muscles inside as she quivered and cried. His throbbing cock pumped into her, stuffed as far as it could go inside as he groaned and pushed upward, connecting them so fully and deeply that he knew she’d never want anyone else. He’d make sure of that.
When his balls were emptied and everything was poured into her cunt and her breathing began to slow Harry kissed her lips softly and slowly before pulling out of her.
He held her thighs apart and watched as his come dripped from her pussy down over her ass. He scooped up a bit of his liquid and brought it back up to her pussy, rubbing it over her labia and then pushing it back in slowly.
Harry couldn’t get enough of the view. It was so pretty and soft and lewd. Their juices mixed together over her pussy and now inside of her pussy…
“How do you feel?” Harry looked up at Y/n and she was smiling, red in the cheeks, her chest flushed, hair messy, “Happy.”
This made Harry smile. He wanted her happy and feeling good. He smoothed his hands up her hips over her tummy, wrapping them around to her back, and pulled her up and into his arms, “Good. I’m going to make sure you stay that way. Always want you to be happy with me,” he kissed her temple and smiled.
“My good girl.”
The Check-in*
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stagnation-if · 7 months
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You blink languidly, and all you see is light. When you fell asleep, that information evades your mind. All you see is light and whiteness, and you don’t know where you are, or what you’re supposed to do. You remember a long dream, fields of daffodils and dewy meadows, and a voice deep and haunting like a nightmare.
The Deity of Dreams has awoken.
It's the year 2524, and you're a defeated God/Goddess/Deity in a place and time where your kind is rarely needed anymore. After being locked away and thought to be dead for nearly a millennia, you wake up.
Customize your God/Goddess/Deity of dreams.
Retrieve (or not) your now metaphorical throne, stolen by your killer, the God of War and Discord.
Explore and survive in a futuristic and very posthuman world. A world so much different from the one you were pried from.
Blend among mortals, pretend to be one of them— whether you embrace that side of you or not is up to you.
Get your power back after a thousand years of slumber.
Romance or befriend a cast of six characters.
Poly options: Dawn/Bruno, Eris/Dawn, A/Seth, Bruno/Seth.
Dawn (she/her) • THE REBEL
A rebel and a hacker. Possibly the sole reason you’re awake today, too. She hates deities but seems desperate to get rid of the God of War, even if that involves working with you.
Bruno Lee (he/him) • THE HISTORIAN
Bruno may call himself a historian, a curious old soul in search of unveiling the secrets of the past. But given the fact that he's the only other being locked away with you, there must be more to him.
Vex (they/them) • THE CYBORG
Vex—who also goes by V—is a law enforcer who seems to be more metal than flesh. They represent the crude reality that time has moved on without you. Though V claims they're loyal to their God of War, they've been roped along to help their little sister Dawn.
Amara/Aiden/Asher Moonless (she/her he/him or they/them) • THE LOST ONE
Your memory fades and wavers but you remember A (how could you not). You know they're not the same person you were oh so close to so many centuries ago, but their similarities are eerily noticeable.
Estelle ‘Eris’ Lawrence (she/her) • THE CELEBRITY
Also known as The Voice, Eris is an actress, singer and model. She's every teenager’s daydream, the vivid representation of rags to riches. And, according to Dawn, a valuable ally to have by your side.
Seth (he/him) • THE GOD OF WAR
Your killer and enemy. You knew him once, or so you thought. All that your relationship with him got you was a sword through your chest.
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dailyadventureprompts · 2 months
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Villain: The Knights of St. Kazvarin
There's pious and selfless devotion, and then there's whatever these weirdos have going on
Riding forth from their brooding fortress-abbey to do the will of a long dead holy man, these inscrutable warriors have long been the subject of rumour and suspicion. It's not an undeserved reputation, as apart from looting tombs for ancient relics or ominously observing the goings on of the common folk these forboding knights are most often acting as the hired muscle for unscrupulous nobles who have no regard for the legality or virtue of the orders they enforce.
Far more than mercenaries with a patina of piousness, the Knights use these contracts to fund a secret and sinister endeavour that they have undertaken for centuries.
Adventure Hooks:
While delving through a dungeon the party follow a trail of slain monsters to a gravely injured knight and his thoroughly overwhelmed young squire. The boy will introduce them as Tilaen and Ser Darrik respectively and ask for their aid in tending to his master's injuries, before the dour Knight chides him for speaking on his behalf and tells the party to be about their way. Ser Darrik wants no help from "the faithless" and is willing to use the last of his strength to get violent about it. If cooler heads prevail, the party will learn that the two were after a rare manuscript hidden somewhere within the dungeon, and the offer of collaboration might be explored. If the party don't help, they'll find the squire waiting for them at the dungeon's entrance, requesting their help to bury his master and guide him back to their order's abbey. It's only after a few days of travelling together will realize that Squire Tilaen is muchabused by his sect, and that steering the boy away or outright adopting him might be the real kindness.
Acting as a stern and imposing shadow to whatever asshole noble or callous merchant the party have recently pissed off, the towering and always helmed Ser Gelceiras has "Bossfight" written all over him. However when the adventure's final confrontation looms the party find him cleaning off his massive axe, his employer's head in a bloodsoaked bag waiting to be delivered to them. "We got what we wanted from him" he rumbles as he exits, " you can have what's left. no hard feelings."
Just a new threat encroaches on the settlement, a mace wielding bruiser in burnished armour rides up and pledges to fight alongside the party in its defence. Ser Portia's skill as a fighter is sorely needed, perhaps enough to overlook whatever agenda it is that drew her to the settlement in the first place. Shortly after the final battle is fought and the dust clears, the party will realize Portia is nowhere to be seen... having escaped sometime during the aftermath after inexplicably kidnapping one of the locals.
Background: Before he was a sacred corpse, Saint Kazvarin was a necromancer of great talent, having dedicated his life to the study of thanatology and the many loopholes around death. This earned him great renown and wealth in his day, amazing the masses with seances while charging the powerful dearly for cut-rate resurrections. He amassed generous patrons and fanatical followers, only to have it all fall apart when the Raven Queen took an interest.
Kazvarin had and constructed his own bootleg afterlife, a place where his most loyal followers would rest forever in glory before being called back in time of greatest need. Atleast that was the sales pitch, in reality the "saint" had stopped just short of lichdom delving into the shadow to create a demiplane where his own soul would reside undeminished after death, sustained by the faith of his followers as the realm hollowed them out.
Such villainy inevitably created it's own downfall in the form of a young woman who's family were taken in and exploited by Kazvarin's cult. Though her name was not recorded by history, she was marked by the Duskmaven for greatness when she swore to tear down the saint who would conquer death, years later succeeding along with some allies in not only killing the necromancer but cursing him with a most ironic fate. Denying him the afterlife he had so meticulously constructed, the raven queen cursed Kazvarin with reincarnation, forcing his soul to live out a new life where it would forget all he knew and be remade.
It would have been a perfect punishment had the Saint's followers not been so fanatical. Though their organization had been shattered by their "benevolent" leader's apparent assassination, the most loyal of his inner circle poured through his research, finding the spells nessisary to seek out his soul in its new vessel. Thereafter they engaged in a grim hunt, crossing the realms to ritually sacrifice the youth their leader had grown into and pulling free his undigested soul. This is the cycle Kazvarin's followers have been following for generations, spending decades hunting for signs of their leader's return before using murder and necromancy to forcibly deincarnate him. Thereafter Kazvarin has a few months or years to act freely before he is swallowed back up by the tide of souls and the hunt begins again
Future Adventures:
Though they begin as a comparatively minor oddity, the knights become a true threat to the campaign as soon as they figure out who Kazvarin's current incarnation is and manage to wrest his soul out. Ideally this should be someone the party knows, to make it all the more tragic that they were sacrificed to bring about the villain's return.
Though it is much deminished, Kazvarin's demiplane (called the Howling Basilica) still traps the souls of those who have sworn their lives to him, acting as a vault from which he can pull rank upon rank of shadow-maddened spirits to his bidding. His most loyal retainers are allowed to keep their skills and individuality while being deprived of their will, meaning he has a backlog of highly skilled Knights just waiting for new bodies to possess no matter how many times the party defeat them on the field. What's worse is that the saint still remembers how to manipulate people with the offer of offbrand immortality, and will likely begin reaching out to powerful individuals shorty after his return.
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What if the mc was evil, this was ramming my brains and I couldn't get it out, please tell me
I know you probably meant this like she's just a bad person, but I got completely absorbed by the concept of Mc being a supervillainess and the three skeletons are her accomplices. Their love for her means they're her most loyal servants of all.
Sans: Evil scientist time.
His devotion to Mc brought out the darker side of him, he turns into a lab scientist Gaster would've been very proud of- a ruthlessly calm, selectively empathetic, and frighteningly intelligent monster. There's no morals left in this man aside from the ones he thinks Mc will find useful. He enjoys being given the space, equipment and time to create brilliant inventions that push him and will be used to their fullest potential- and he enjoys not having to pretend he cares about moral restrictions, or those that get in the way.
He's a trusted ally, her right hand man, and... honestly? A good friend. She greatly values his opinions and insight and often finds herself just lingering in his lab so they can talk for hours. He knows things about her not many do.
... There's no line he won't cross. For her.
Red: Oh, he loves a beautiful evil woman, sign him the fuck up. Consider him her main enforcer, her top general; his eye for the flashier side of violence makes him perfect for sending a message and keeping lower minions in line (also, he's surprisingly organised when he wants to be). Nobody fucks around with Red, he's the most likely to have a cool cybernetic hand or an eyepatch or something. When she wants something done, and done right, she sends Red. He's the guy she'll send to 'deal with' the heroes when they've defeated too many minions and have started to actually make an impact in her plans.
He isn't subtle about his feelings for her, and she isn't subtle about reciprocating. They're constantly flirting- whether he's kissing her hand and letting the kiss linger just a bit too long or she's reaching out to 're-adjust' something on his shirt and her fingers trace his collarbone, it's clear that he thinks of her as more than just a commander and she thinks of him as more than just her general.
Skull: Her personal bodyguard, her beast. Her shadow. Undyingly loyal, while the others frequently have to go elsewhere to work Skull rarely leaves her side. If anyone gets too close they lose their neck. He's like a beast on a chain, he'll do anything to keep her safe... and he only needs her affection in return.
And... well, there's something to be said about Skull not fearing that she'll hate him because of his violence. His violence is now a key part of their relationship. It's ironic, really, that this Skull is probably one of the most stable Skulls out there- he has an Mc that he knows will love him regardless of how easily bones shatter under his hands. He doesn't fear losing her, not to that side of him.
Nothing scarier than a man with nothing to lose.
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blues824 · 1 year
🦈Can I request the uppermoons with a female Floyd s/o.
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🌊Her iskaid from the coral sea/twisted wonderland .
🦈Many they met her while she was squeezing a person because they broke a contract or pissed her of (her finally getting to squeeze her lover. )
🌊How whoud they react her being a Moray eel/mermaid and her tru form(them seeing her sharp teeth and not freeking out ) listening to her story of her learning to walk on land for the first time about her twin and Azul.
🦈Whats their opinion on her mood swings and calling everyone sea creature names
Akaza those mantis that punch calling daki srimpy because she is smaller than her and her brother sea snake kokushibo sea lion daki a blanket octopus.
🌊Her getting to squeeze the lower moons because what can they do when she is dating the uppermoons and especially if she dating muzan.
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Just make it how you like I love you destie
Love you too! Female Reader.
A few of you have been getting on my ass about not including Hantengu and Gyokko, so here you go.
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Muzan Kibutsuji 
He had met you when he took a small vacation to the beach. You had washed up ashore and you were struggling with your tail. Muzan was enchanted, as he thought mermaids were just myths. He prepared a spell that would allow you to have legs while you were on land.
The two of you surprisingly got along very well. He tested the strength you have by allowing you to squeeze one of the lower moons. The rip-off Michael Jackson was a bit shocked to hear the spine snap, as well as your sharp-toothed smile after the poor unfortunate soul collapsed.
I feel like he wouldn’t particularly like your mood swings, but he loved you so he put up with them. I feel like your mood went along with his: if he was upset, you were upset. However, your emotions were more expressive than his. You would be more prone to violence if either you or him were provoked.
Since he’s like the apex predator of demons, you call him White Pointer because the Great White Shark is an apex predator of the ocean. Muzan is very interested in your stories from your childhood, especially your twin brother (his future brother-in-law) and Azul (who Kibutsuji thought was a possible rival at first).
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He had met you when Muzan was testing your strength and you snapped the spinal cord of one of the lower moons. As unlikely as it sounded, it was love at first sight for the two of you. He admired your strength just as you admired his (who wouldn’t? I mean, have you seen this fine demon?).
Speaking of, you both work side-by-side in enforcing the rules in the demon ranks. You were a surprisingly formidable opponent, even though you were “human”. Kokushibo, however, wanted to keep you as you were rather than turning you into a demon.
This demon is very emotionally stable from a day-to-day basis, so he acts kind of like your anchor whenever you go through mood swings. I think he’s kind of indifferent towards them, and he acts as your voice of reason. When you seek him out for comfort, he can’t help but feel some pride swelling in his chest.
You call him ‘sea lion’ because he’s very agile in battle, and because he’s very loyal to you and you both live in a “raft”. He does like to hear about your life in Twisted Wonderland and about your twin and your boss, but he is greatly saddened about the prospect of you wanting to return.
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Muzan had brought you back to the Infinity Castle, and he was immediately entranced by your smile and your overall beauty. Don’t get me started about when he found out you were a mermaid. When you showed him your mer-form, he was so excited.
He was surprised by the amount of strength you had, since it could rival some of the lower-ranking demons. You even snapped someone’s spinal cord, and it sent him rolling on the floor laughing. He can handle your squeezes, though, and welcomes them with open arms.
This man doesn’t feel emotions until you’re right next to him. You both feed off of each others’ moods. If you’re happy, he’s happy. If you’re upset, he’s upset. Same thing vice versa as well. It’s an emotional roller coaster for everyone.
You like to call him ‘blanket octopus’ because they’re just as colorful as his eyes, and he loves to hear what they were like in the ocean as well as your life in the Coral Sea. If the two of you decide to go swimming at night, he loves the way that your tail wraps around him because you love to cling to him.
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His head turned so quickly when he heard someone’s spine snap, only to see that it was you with a lower-ranking demon in your grasp. Muzan had told them about how your mer-person strength would benefit demonkind, but he didn’t know you held that much power.
Because of your strength, he was immediately attracted to you. He eventually got to know you better, and you turned out to be a very spontaneous person. He doesn’t mind it though, since it always keeps him guessing. This makes a nice segway into…
Your mood swings! Akaza doesn’t get too annoyed by them, especially if they end up in you being clingy towards him. Since this demon loves you oh-so-much, he encourages clingy behavior. Oftentimes, you are sat upon his lap and he’s holding you around the waist as he leans his head upon you.
He quite enjoys the nickname you’ve given him: mantis shrimp. You’ve explained that it was because they were as strong as he was, and could even break aquarium glass. This led him to asking about the ocean and about your family. He wishes he could remember his life as a human.
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Mans let out an audible squeak when he heard a spine snap, and when he turned around to see where the sound came from you had a wide smile and a folded up demon in your arms. Muzan gathered everyone’s attention and introduced you to the group.
He honestly let you do as you wished, considering you scared him. This eventually developed into romantic feelings being the cause, but at that point it was because he very much valued his own spinal cord. He always goes stiff whenever you want to squeeze him.
As for your mood swings, he doesn’t mind them. You have enough confidence for the two of you, and he serves you. If you randomly want or need something, he will go and get it for you with no questions asked. Anything to make his darling moray eel happy.
Speaking of, he absolutely adores your mer-form. The way you moved so quickly in the water was spectacular. You call him ‘squid’, considering they’re one of the more shy creatures of the sea but the bigger ones are still very strong (take that as you will).\
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His morbid fascination really did wonders for his art, especially when he saw how much strength you actually had as you snapped the demon’s spinal cord like a KitKat. You served as his muse even in your human form, let alone your mer-form.
Your mer-form was very intriguing to him, and his art usually had you as the subject. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering a lot of artists loved to paint the love of their lives. He’s just painting the love of his afterlife. Don’t mind him as he’s carrying another canvas to his studio.
If your mood swings make you clingy, he is absolutely happy about it. He’s a very jealous demon, so this works out for him. However, he hates it when you yell at him to leave you alone. It leads to a yelling battle that leads to him apologizing.
You’d probably call him ‘Fantasia’, after the Pink See-Through Fantasia. Both were very weird creatures in your mind, but both were loveable. One time, as he was painting you, he asked you about your life in the sea, and you happily told him about your childhood with Jade and Azul. The work ended up being a more nostalgic one.
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She was jealous of you at first because you were taking the attention of Muzan away from her, but she eventually learned that you cared more about her than him. You’ve even snapped the spine of a lower-ranking demon for even trying to talk to her.
When she first saw your moray eel form, she thought you were so majestic. It reminded her of the stories she often heard in the villages and even from her older brother. You gave her an ounce of hope that she hadn’t felt in a while.
Your mood swings upset her greatly. If you’re upset for no reason, then she’s gonna be upset at you for being upset. It’s a hot mess. The only way she puts up with them is when you go to her first to cling to her. She gets very insecure when you demand time alone.
Daki has a love-hate relationship with your nickname for her: shrimpy. She knows that you nicknamed her after the sea creature, but ‘shrimpy’ can be used as an insult. You call her that because she’s much smaller than you, but she eventually grows to love it full-time, and even gets concerned when you don’t call her that.
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He was definitely impressed when you snapped the spine of a lower-ranking demon, considering you weren’t a demon yourself. Then he saw your smile, and his non-beating heart fluttered and soared. Muzan introduced you as a new enforcer, and said that you were a moray eel mermaid. To be honest, he thought there was only one type of mermaid.
When he first saw your mer-form, he was amazed at how quickly you moved through the water. You seemed truly at peace in the water, and he thought you were very graceful. He once accompanied you, and you wrapped your tail around his very small waist and clung onto him, which made him very flustered.
You reminded him of his younger sister whenever you went through a mood swing. He’s also the only one who knows how to properly deal with them, but he will most definitely call you childish. He acts like it’s such an inconvenience, but he actually likes helping you because that serves as reassurance that you would never leave him. His ocean-themed nickname was ‘sea snake’, and you would even tease him by dragging out the s in the words. You called him this because he was very curious about mermaids, but especially about the different kinds.
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jojo-schmo · 10 months
Some Forgotten Land Roleswap Beast Pack lore!!
Thought it would be fun to share some more about the Beast Pack ruled by Clawroline, and my thoughts behind some choices I made when swapping their roles! More under the cut-!
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The big three. Queen Clawroline, Leongar her enforcer and second-in-command, and Bandana Dee the Awoofy Prince.
I can't be too detailed about these three because I'd spoil my own comic! But think of Leongar and Clawroline swapping each other's roles like this:
Clawroline is the Queen now but also a sort of Ringmaster based on her circus theme (her boss fight location in Wondaria, and the magic tricks and acrobat attacks she does). That's why she keeps the cape and top hat but accessorizes it a bit more. Also, the jewels on her cape are the purple ones on canon Leongar's cape. You may have noticed in the first page of the prologue, I had Carol and Leon wear one jewel each as a sign of being co-rulers. But now she has both of them. >:)
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Leongar is the Enforcer and loyal second-in-command. To be honest I thought his boss attacks were a little basic before Fecto takes full control of him. Biting, scratching... standard things you'd expect from a lion. So to keep with Clawroline's Ringmaster theme, he is now going to be more of a performer. I'm thinking of some fun moves for him. I mean, he's really buff. He'd make a powerful acrobat. So that's where the bow-tie and ponytail come from. (can't have your hair in your face.)
I can only say this about Bandee right now: He's the Awoofy Prince because he made a special connection to the Awoofies and they respect him. However, he rose to Number 3 rank in large part because of the special knowledge he could share with Clawroline from being a Waddle Dee, denizen of Popstar, and someone who has traveled between dimensions before. He becomes a really big asset and gets the Pack closer to their goals than they ever were before.
What goals are those? Sorry! Not spilling yet. :')
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Some backstory on Skipperdillo (Roleswap Sillydillo) and Gorimonger (roleswap Gorimondo)! These aren't spoilers, just lore :P
Here's an old post that goes into detail on my thoughts when swapping these two. Basically I swapped the "Anchor Necklace" and wearing "Metal Signs as Armor" aesthetics and things went really smoothly from there, haha.
They don't have a TON of personality in the canon game, so to be honest I broke down their basic characteristics (Silly is.... silly, creative, and chaotic- Gori is strong, territorial, and protective) and made them my own :P
As for why Gori doesn't like Bandee- part of it is because Bandee became Number 3 very quickly, but it also has to do with their first encounters which will be part of the comic :D
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Gori and Skipper work together a lot because their jobs complement each other. They like to fistbump after a job well done- a tradition started by Skipper when it saw it on an old advertisement. :3
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Finally, the Beast Council's eye makeup! Clawroline's distinct eyeshadow, Leongar's winged eyeliner, Bandee's eyeshadow and Awoofy markings, Skipperdillo's "eyepatch", and Gorimonger's "under-eyeshadow"
The reason I made the Roleswap Beast pack look so different to the canon one is because of the difference of my interpretation of Clawroline's leadership.
Leongar's Beast Pack in canon is more focused on returning back to primal roots. Really embracing the powerful beast within. Raw, untamed energy.
I wanted Clawroline's Beast Pack to be the opposite- under her leadership I think she'd evolve the Beasts forward as they learned from the remnants of culture left behind in the Forgotten Land. They wear a lot of "people clothes" for that reason. (the capes, bow ties, armor, hats...) In canon, she's the only Beast who wears true "people clothes" other than Leon (her top hat and cape). I took her canon interest in these "human behaviors" of magic tricks and clothes and ran with it. So her Beast Pack is very expressive in their appearances.
I think she wouldn't mind it because A) it doesn't directly interfere with their goals, and B) even while brainwashed, she's still a creative being at her core. In canon she wears glitter eyeshadow and learned some complex performing tricks like knife-throwing, acrobatics, and disappearing smoke tricks to complement her feline attacks. To learn all that, I like to think she must have had some respect for the cultural remnants of the forgotten world they live in.
However they're not eliminating the "Beast" part of themselves. They are still wild, but they're blending these ancient, forgotten aesthetics and interests with their own. They have plenty of natural talents and skills to fall back on when something doesn't go right.
So those are some of my thoughts behind this swapped Beast Pack! Since there's so much room to interpret them in canon, I had a lot of fun stretching it all further and in the opposite direction!
Thanks for reading! <3
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safehouse-if · 1 year
Safe house
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There's a rumour about the mob family, ruling over a bustling port city. A five generation enterprise with loyal followers, deep pockets and enough hands and brainpower to rule the city from behind the veil of legality. 
Legality that is build on bribes, threats and politics going back decades. 
The next generation of Desoto family was getting ready to step into power, to rule as their right was, when there was a betrayal. A right hand of the oldest child of Desoto head, known only as Wraith on the streets, spilled their guts out to the law.
Became a little song bird, spilling secrets.
Now the old man Desoto is sitting behind bars, waiting trial and the family is for the first time having to face consequences of their actions. But why were they betrayed?
On the other side of the country, in a middle sized town, in a new suburb called Avalon Acres a new couple moves in. 
It’s not a surprise. Avalon Acres is everything a person could want. Outdoor activities, enough life to sustain multiple local businesses and actually four different seasons to enjoy. The modern white architectured houses built into the hills and woods certainly attract all manner of life.
Play as Wraith, an ex mobster turned informant hiding for their life
Choose your own gender/pronouns
Customise your appearance
Make a living in a quiet suburb or chafe against the boredom
Reflect on your life and the choices that made you jump on the side of the law
Learn a hobby
Find love? Or maybe just share a bed with someone 
Safe House is intended for 18+ audience as it follows an ex-mob enforcer’s life in protective custody and as such deals with trauma, ptsd, violence and sex. However violence will not be a prominent part of the story, nor told in great detail. This age limit is rather set for the writer’s comfort.
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Ariana “Ari” / Arnaldo “Arno”  Holloway
Tall and athletic, they are the agent who brought you in and are now your fake partner as well as your handler while you wait for the trial. Calm and collected most of the time with penchant for comfortable clothes and intellectual challenges.
Tropes: enemies to friends to lovers, fake marriage
Roberta “Bob” Vernell
A nice young woman living next door, who loves all things geeky and is always smiling at you. If you don’t mind that she rarely goes out of her house and keeps suspiciously close eye on the neighborhood. As if she was the one hiding from the mob and not you.
tropes: nice girl from next door, protect at all cost
Eli Short
This guy keeps running by your house with his dog and inviting you for a barbie. Whatever that is. Apparently lives a couple doors down with his mother and works at the local fine dining restaurant. Keeps trying to feed you and get you to pet his dog.
tropes: nice boy from next door, himbo
Soline/Severin Desoto
Did you grow up together as friends or were you always just their puppet? The one who pulled Wraith’s strings for all that time. Sleek and preppy appearance hides a temper and penchant for the adrenaline rush behind good manners and old money. You will never go back. Right?
Trope: red flag relationship, pining 
Demo TBA Home
Want to be part of the process? If interested I’d welcome help in writing/creating/editing/coding if this idea seems interesting to you. 
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Also something that drives me fucking wild is seeing people refer to Dany and Arya’s roles as patriarchal or wish-fulfillment for men. Just yesterday I saw the phrase “patriarchal power fantasy” used. I need everyone to sit down and think about what “patriarchy” means.
For the purpose of this post, and any other post I make, please know that when I say “masculine” I am referring to stereotypes associated with the male sex and when I say “feminine” I am referring to stereotypes associated with the female sex. Masculine =/= male and feminine =/= female.
Patriarchy does not refer to masculinity. It does not mean that masculine people are in power (I wouldn’t go as far as to call Dany or Arya masculine, but bear with me). Patriarchy refers to systems where MEN are the sex caste in power. Men. Not masculine people. Under a patriarchal system, women are oppressed regardless of whether or not they conform to femininity, although the less a woman conforms, the more she is punished for it. Dany and Arya’s arcs are inherently ANTI patriarchal on the simple basis that they are female and they defy what is expected of women in Westeros. They can never represent male power fantasies because they are not men. Referring to their arcs as male power fantasies is telling on yourself. You are revealing that your view of women and what we want and fantasize about is narrow. Why would you assume that only men would desire to travel across the sea and learn the ways of a secret society of assassins? Why would you assume that only men would want to wield the power of dragons and amass loyal supporters?
You are part of the problem by assuming that the desire for power is a male trait. Yes, we stereotypically associate that with men. That stereotype, and what we consider masculine and feminine as a whole, almost exclusively exist to uphold the patriarchy. Women are expected to be peaceful pacifists, complacent, quiet, because that keeps us under the boot of the male caste. Consider why so many “strong” female characters are less feminine. Is it because people feel the need to make them more like men in order to be “strong?” I say no. At least, not most of the time. If this is what you think, you’ve got the order mixed up. Skirts, dresses, and heels are impractical for fighting and limit movement a lot. Thus, it wouldn’t make sense for a competent female fighter to be wearing them. These things have been forced upon women BECAUSE they are impractical. A woman who keeps her hair short and wears no makeup and wears pants and no heels is not trying to emulate men. She is shedding femininity because femininity is impractical and time consuming. Consider WHY so many traits associated with power, leadership, and combat are considered masculine. It’s the enforcement of the patriarchy. Female characters who chase down these things and embody these qualities and do not conform to femininity are not basically men. They are women who are rejecting the system. This is antithetical to the patriarchy and to male power fantasies.
In summary: a female character who has an arc typically associated with male characters can never be a male power fantasy BECAUSE she is female.
Obligatory note that women who do conform are not lesser and their stories are not less important—they just do not challenge the patriarchy.
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jacks347 · 3 months
I've had this Bastard Warrior mafia AU for GB rolling around in my head for a good long while so imma lay the bare bones here in hopes it'll motivate me to finish the fic-
Cindergorn Casino, one of the last businesses in New Tennessee that hasn't fallen into mafia hands.
Because of the relationship between a worker and a certain...protector that has made every other family looking to get their hands on it absolutely terrified.
You can thank Miss Faith, a humble poker table attendant that has been loyal to the casino for many years. She has a bit of a following that forms her regular customers, known for having a bit of a bite to her attitude that draws people in.
Namely one hot-headed enforcer from the biggest family in the city that's known for having a playboy attitude and a short temper.
Albus bounces between the casino and The Forge, a popular bar a few streets up where he languishes with one of the bartenders. Devlin, a kind man with a prosthetic arm from an...incident when he joined the family.
Faith caught Albus’s eye after watching her lay into a cheater she caught at her table one night. He was shit at cards (though he'd never admit to it) but getting to be around someone so interesting was enough to make him learn.
Now the other informants and enforcers that wanted to take the casino for themselves and their families are too terrified to attempt it because if word got back to Albus that some greedy mafia executive had control over his faithful attendant, he'd raise hell.
Whether or not she knows, no one can tell. The downside of trying to read a poker attendant, they have the best poker face out of everyone at the table.
And that's the vague idea. Maybe now I'll actually finish it-
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scarfacemarston · 4 months
same thing of how ppl are so cringy about Arthur being a soft bany who picks flowers and journals and someone fucking says his rough personality is an act? THE FUCK YOU MEAN IT'S AN ACT, HE'S AN FUCKING KILLER 😭 Not only that, you can pick flowers as John in rdr1 and rdr2 too i fucking don't get them lmao there is literally a side mission in rdr1 to pick flowers for some dude
plus, they always praise Arthur for being an gentleman or something but ignores how John is so too. Him literally saving a barn for a woman, being so loyal and devoted to his wife, in an mission in rdr undead nightmare he comforted a woman who had a bad panic attack (hugging her, giving her a chair and shit), defended Eva in rdr1 as well. He always tried to help and did, people ignore this shit. Even good things he does, Arthur gets the credit for everything.
Arthur fans are exhausting most of the times, i'm sorry.
ALL of the gang members are killers and thieves. That's one of the points that the game tries to show us. That's why it's shocking when someone as hilarious and down to Earth as Sean jokes around with someone one second and then brutally murders them the next. It's why Hosea is dangerous, too. That's why there are questions about redemption to begin with. The rough personality is not an act. Why would Hosea and Dutch both call him a brute so often? Why would they repeatedly ask him to slow down or act like a gentleman -something Grimshaw also encourages. That's all three parental figures. If Arthur was perfectly soft and gentle, he wouldn't need these reminders from his 'parents'. That's why it's charming when Arthur IS soft because it's two sides to the same coin. It's complexity and hidden depths and that's beautiful! That's what I like to see in characters! Arthur is the enforcer of the gang for a reason. He's somewhat the boogie man because of how intimidating he is and how he is NOT afraid to rough people up. Was it an act to rough up Mr. Downes? Was it an act to rough up any of the people Strauss sends him after? If Arthur didn't have any problems, why would he need redemption? Arthur himself admits that he had some issues and that he actively wants to change. Again, that's the point of the game. Same with John, if he was perfect, there would be no need for redemption there either. As for the flowers, yes. John even says, "Come here, you little beauty" or something similar to that. Yes,you're totally right about picking flowers for someone's wife being a mission. John is such a gentleman in rdr 1, that Bonnie thinks it's an act because she's not used to men being so genteel, especially a man like John Marston. She says it adds to his mystery. Both men are gentlemen. I'm not sure why that's hard for people to see.
I love Arthur, I do, but I agree that some of his fans make it hard not to feels sour towards Arthur. (Who did nothing wrong.)
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So utter shock aside, let’s actually analyze this. There’s a brother and sister god (or at least ones with god like power) and each make a species of humans. The son created smaller but more tenacious humans while the sister made bigger, stronger, but pacifistic humans. When the smaller ones complained, the son gave them gods’ powers and then they built a structure for themselves to live in. The daughter became mad and gave her humans a book of prophecies and told them to punish the smaller humans who thought they could act like gods.
So obviously, the smaller humans are the Tower Residents and the powers given to them is the ability to control Shinsu. The people outside are the Irregulars, who occasionally come into the tower and wreak havoc.
The female god may be the God on the Outside and the book of prophecies may hold the tale of Bam (and possibly Icarus.) Enryu may be one of her loyal followers and entered the Tower to enforce the prophecy she wrote.
As for the son, I think it might be Phantaminum. We know from SIU’s blogposts that Axis’s are basically gods, having the power of storytelling, and that Phantaminum is the Axis in control of the Tower’s world. Maybe his storming of Jahad’s palace was to strike back against his sister’s creations who looked to punish his own.
To be honest, my head is spinning because of this sudden out of nowhere lore drop, and since this game was made with SIU’s involvement, it might be 100% true. I’d love to hear what you guys have to say cause this is absolutely crazy to me
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stagnation-if · 7 months
hello, hello! can we please have some descriptions of what the ros look like and what their dynamics will be with mc? or can be if we get multiple personality types with mc! thank you!
Here you go!
Below the cut because it's long lol kgkskf
I don't have time atm but I'll make a proper intro for all the ros
Hair: messy and ear-length (she cut it after a Saturday night meltdown a while back). Half of it is dyed purple, and the other half is naturally black Eyes: Dark brown. Dawn uses contact lenses Height: 163 cm Build: Scrawny Skin: Honey brown Race: Southeast Asian Other: Dawn has a few piercings. Her arms are covered in tattoos.
Personality: resilient, quick-witted and determined. Dawn knows what she wants (to get rid of Seth) and she knows how to get it (using MC). She's never hidden her intentions, or lied about her objective. Dawn's distaste for deities is evident since the moment MC meets her, and she seems to faintly rejoice in reminding them. A very intelligent woman, Dawn loves street racing and causing some trouble online. She ‘works’ as a hacker.
Tropes: Rivals to friends to lovers, Forced proximity, (possible) Rivals with benefits.
Hair: cropped short, dark brown/nearly black hair. Eyes: Light brown. Bruno uses glasses. Height: 181 cm Build: Average and soft, a bit chubby Skin: Bronze Race: half Hispanic, half East Asian
Personality: neurotic, idealistic and uptight. Otherwise known as MC's companion in jail, Bruno has been recently caught for a crime that is a product of his own very uncharacteristic and rare ambition: knowledge. He's a very intelligent individual, although not particularly assertive. This historian and divorced dad knows more about MC than he lets on, though Bruno insists he was just at the wrong time at the wrong time.
Tropes: Devotee/Worshipper X Deity, (Bruno's) Strangers to friends to lovers, Parent RO.
A Moonless
Hair: long (f!A, middle back / m!A and nb!A, shoulder-length), jellyfish cut. It's naturally brown with a colorfully dyed front. Eyes: Hazel. Height: f!A and nb!A, 170cm / m!A, 177cm. Build: Skinny Skin: Tan Race: Indigenous (unknown) Other: A has a few tattoos on their arms and legs.
Personality: caring, playful and a bit temperamental. Despite their new, much more modern look, A is and acts just like a human MC once knew and loved, Zain. A is protective of those they care about, and they're never afraid to speak their mind. They're Dawn's coworker at the Speakeasy, where VR services are offered to its clients.
Tropes: One-sided (MC) pining, Apparently reincarnated old flame/friend.
A’s hair inspo:
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Hair: Buzz cut. Eyes: Naturally light brown, V has modified them to have synth eyes (they're a very pale green, with a faint glow). Height: 186 cm Build: Athletic Skin: Honey brown Race: Southeast Asian Other: More than half of V’s body has been modified. Their arms and legs are synthetic.
Personality: dependable, loyal and stoic. Vex is Dawn's older sibling, and while their relationship is not at its best, Dawn will always be V’s sole priority. They might not be the most affectionate person in the world, but when Vex cares they're willing to defy every norm they so dutifully abide. They've worked as a law enforcer for Lord Seth and the government for a few years.
Tropes: (V's) First love, Mutual pining, Slow burn.
Hair: coiled light brown afro. People know and recognize Eris by the wigs she wears, among which a white shoulder-length bob is the most iconic. Eyes: Dark brown. Eris often uses colored contact lenses (mostly pink, white and blue). Height: 173 cm Build: Skinny and slightly lean Skin: Ebony Race: Black Other: Eris has a few body modifications. Her left arm isn't flesh but metal.
Personality: charming, humorous and flirty. Eris (real name: Estelle Lawrence) is a celebrity in every sense of the word. She knows just what to say and how to say it, she's likable, friendly and very talkative. Beneath the public persona everyone adores, Eris is a complete mystery.
Tropes: Strangers to friends to lovers, (optional) friends with benefits, (optional, stc) Fake relationship.
Hair: long dark brown, with a few braids Eyes: light brown with golden specks Height: 193 cm Build: Lean, very muscled Skin: Olive Race: Middle Eastern Other: has a short beard
Personality: blunt, practical, and very reckless. Seth acts before he thinks (a trait that he and everyone find quite inconvenient) and seems to hate planning ahead. The God of War has a very dry/deadpan sense of humor. MC remembered him to be more outgoing, but Seth’s cold-hearted reputation precedes him.
Tropes: Enemies to lovers, Immortal love, Wrong place wrong time, (possible) ex-friend or ex-crush.
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Do you have any predictions for s2? Will they completely destroy the greens as many fans think?
Hello, and thank you for the ask!
Truth be told, I gave up on trying to actually predict what will happen in season 2 a while ago - because HotD writers can pull literally every plot stunt imaginable (and whatever you can imagine, it usually turns out to be even worse).
So, I would like to mention some things that could happen in Season 2:
Team Green divided because of their views on the way the war should be fought: most likely, Alicent (team "mercy and caution") vs Aegon and Aemond (team "give them no quarter") with Otto and, later, Criston somewhere in between. This is definitely not what I would like to see; however, since it's quite likely to happen I am kind of interested about Criston's attitude and actions. On the one hand, he is utterly loyal to Alicent and practically bound to take her side (Fabien mentioned this during the promo campaign as well). On the other hand, Criston is a man of war and of action; plus, while he is sworn to Alicent and it's her will he is enforcing, Targtower boys are also close and dear to him. Also, he was once shown to hesitate in carrying her orders out before, at Driftmark (Viserys was still alive and ruling back then, and that made a huge difference, though).
Aemond consumed by his desire for power (because "he's worth it" *hair toss*). It looks like quite a sure thing at this point as well; what matters is how and when it will happen. If the writers make ambition and pride a reason enough for Aemond to stop caring about his family's best interests - I, for one, am not accepting that as canon. Specifically, if he decides to deliberately hurt/try to kill Aegon at Rook's Rest (don't even get me started on this one).
Aegon embracing his role as a King and taking action (it's been pretty much confirmed by TGC several times). Well, this is one of a few good things I can see happening. I think Aegon will still be presented as someone capable of acts of cruelty (and not hesitating to commit them) - in contrast with Rhaenyra and Alicent - but these acts will be justified (although not everyone will see them this way, that's for sure).
I don't even know what to think about Alicent's character at this point. She was given one of the most inconsistent and WTF-inducing arcs in season 1, literally going from "Rhaenyra is an enemy, she will kill my children, and I would die myself before seeing her bastard son marrying my daughter" to "You will be a fine Queen, oh why are you leaving already". From what we've seen, she is not eager to start the metaphorical blasting - but how far will Alicent's unwillingness to resort to violence go? If the show opts for making her defend Rhaenyra from Aegon and Aemond's wrath (which is not a given, but still), from where I stand, Alicent's character will be completely and utterly ruined. And it's not her I will stand with.
Alys Rivers presented as a character full of mystery and dangerous charm. Her playing mind tricks on Daemon and driving him nearly crazy (crazier than he already is, that is) will probably establish her as someone to be reckoned with. I don't think her character will be given much depth this season (if only for the lack of screen time) but the teasing of Alys having something deeper about her than just being "a weird witch woman" might be there.
And the Blacks? Well, in spite of Ryan Condal and Co droning about how "the writing is unbiased, and there is no right side in the Dance. and the story is full of grey characters", I think they (save for Daemon, most likely) will remain their the-true-Queen-Rhaenyra-supporting, righteous selves. Jace, Baela and Rhaena apparently will get some personal character development this season; but will it be enough to make them less of Rhaenyra's appendages and more of characters in their own right? I have my doubts but we`ll have to wait and see.
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lovekenney · 2 months
Credits: turtleshellschocked (on Reddit)
“Teen girl Karen with a mentally ill mother, emotionally abusive deadbeat narcissistic father, and 30-something year old spouse cheating on her with her mother, was not prepared or equipped to be a mother so she tried to get rid of her baby. First, she attempted to get a late term abortion, then when was she denied she planned to give the baby up for adoption and once she actually had the baby she learned they were special needs and disabled and would require all her time, energy, and resources to raise and started mentally deteriorating due to this realization and her fluctuating post-pregnancy hormones. She was forced to have an unwanted child and lost it when it become more apparent her life as she knew it was over once that child was actually born. Karen went from a straight A honors student who was determined to put her and her mother into a better situation after graduating high school to now being a teenage mother with a mentally challenged child. She was overwhelmed and at a loss for what to do and visibly distraught over the fact. She had no proper guidance to get her through any part/aspect of this situation: she had a reckless and poor teenage boyfriend, an incredibly stupid hebephilic husband who only wanted her for sex and shelter, and a completely unstable and toxic positive mother who romanticized the situation of her teen pregnancy from the beginning. Add onto that, complete deadbeat moron Frank who wanders her halls leeching on her mother and her own absent father who is of no help whatsoever (literally abandoned his family he never cared about to begin with). At that point she decided the best choice would be to surrender her baby to law enforcement so they could place the child in foster care or assign them to a different family but her adulterous mother once again betrays her and tells her she is not allowed to give up her own baby as long as she has something to say about it and tells her daughter to her face that she chooses her grandchild over her—over her daughter SHE brought into the world, decided to raise knowing she was mentally unwell, and who has been nothing but protective and loyal to her her whole life. Karen then leaves home and goes completely off the rails after spending a year as helpless, defenseless teen girl walking the streets of Chicago alone, unarmed, and vulnerable. When she returns, she tries to smooth things out with Lip now realizing he's the closest person she has to someone she can rely on since he's the only one who's declared to love her without turning his back on her or proving entirely incompetent and incapable of tangibly helping her.”
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redemn · 1 month
thinking a lot about how to be a dog ,   by andrew kane ,   today .   thinking about how many dog allegories i put into arthur's characterisation and the way i envision his character to be ,   and how perfect this poem is for him .
thinking about how he must learn how to speak :   that   "  you must learn not to speak unless you absolutely must ,   or to speak as much as you feel you must regardless of how many times you are told to stop ,   or sit ,   or placed behind a door    this will depend on what kind of a dog you want to be [ … ] it may not feel as though you get to choose ,   and that too is a kind of dog .  "   that he accidentally found a family in two outlaws during one of the lowest points in his life ,   and in the formative years of his life .   who he immediately clung to and ,   with the desperation of a stray pup who has been yearning for that love ,   determined he would be loyal to for the rest of his life ,   who he grew close to and willfully bowed his bed to proudly wear the collar of the van der linde gang ,   because it's the thing that keeps him safe and feeling as though he belongs somewhere .   a reminder of the people who love him ,   on purpose .
how he   "  must learn to relinquish all control over everything you might wish to control .   you must learn to prefer to be led about by the neck on a piece of string ,   or staked to a neglected lawn by a length of chain .   you must learn ,   once you have sampled the freedom of a life without a chain ,   that it is better to return and be chained again .  "   because in learning his alphabet and how to shoot and how to speak ,   he learns how to appear to the gang ,   that role of enforcer which he has not chosen himself ,   but which he has settled into so easily .   there's nothing wrong with it in his eyes :   this is where he is most wanted ,   this is where he will find his love ,   and where he will always be welcomed and fretted over when he returns .   that he is no leader in the way dutch is .   that he is meant to be a follower ,   a helper ,   the one who protects with his imposing presence .
and then … thinking about how   "  of course you must learn to love ,   to love always and love entirely and to be wounded by nothing so much as the violence of your own love .   you must learn to be confused but never disappointed by a deficiency of love .  "   that he learns this thrice in his life .
1 .  ) that he forged such a close relationship with mary gillis ,   and with her brother beside that ,   taught him how to ride a horse and taught her how to protect herself when she needs it ,   and learned from her how to love himself in the same way she loved him .   learned that he must not fall victim to despair when he read that letter from her ,   that she was engaged because she couldn't love or marry a man with his lifestyle .   that he had always known it . 2 .  ) that his impetuous and outspoken little brother could leave their gang without much explanation ,   despite all the love that was there for him .   despite all the love arthur had for him ,   he still left .   he could leave ,   in a way arthur never could .   that he must learn not to be wounded from this ,   and to carry on regardless of the stain on their relationship ,   regardless of how angry and jealous inside he was that the golden child could return and not be hit with the consequences of his actions .   that the way he was scolded would never be wrought upon john .   but he must learn to look past it . 3 .  ) that dutch's ever-growing distance was a blame placed upon him from dutch himself ,   even though it all seemed to coalesce into something noticeable once micah joined the gang and began to lead dutch astray .   that it is forcing him farther from hosea , trust dutch like this . and yet he perseveres . that he must learn to live through it and clutch his collar and remind himself of the loyalty and the love he has for this man ,   and that leaving him even in the most broken of times would be a betrayal .   that they would pull through ,   because they had to ,   and because they always did .   that he must never be disappointed by the deficiency this love .
how   "  you must give up your children and not know why .  "   how he returned to eliza and isaac one fateful day ,   expecting to hold that little toddler in his arms and kiss his head and sniff that feather-soft familiar scent and expecting to see that warm smile eliza always wore for him whenever he came to visit them    only to find two graves beside that little house instead .   that his heart broke into a thousand fragments the moment he spotted those gravestones ,   before he even read the names ,   knowing that the woman who birthed his child and the sweetest boy he had ever known in his life ,   the two people he loved were gone forever ,   that he could never see them again .   that he never recovered all the fragments of his heart .   that he learned to give up his children without knowing why a few thieves could be so needlessly cruel .   that he learned to fall into despair ,   into drinking ,   into grieving and crying in ways he had never known before .   that he learned ,   months later ,   how to overcome the darkness ,   but not quite completely .   learned to carry himself with a different worldview after that ,   a quick gun ,   more ruthless decisions .   that there were some things that could never be changed about this world ,   that he must learn that these things will be ,   no matter what .
because in spite of his tough exterior and his determination and the resolution in all his actions ,   he is still a dog waiting for a bone that will never be tossed ,   with a fraying leash of loyalty that is ever tightening in each chapter until it yanks his head to the east and chokes him completely .   but he has learned   "  to believe that you are not in fact a dog at all .  "
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