#when the shame kicks in
glowyskull · 8 months
“Healers are weak”
The words were spat, not quite in her direction, but definitely meant for her.
Once, twice, many times over
Pacifism in a world of chaos was deemed foolish. Power not used for destruction was ludicrous… many knights and warriors mocked the idea of possessing power and it being useless for anything that didn’t obliterate enemies, yet, when things went south, they’d be begging healers to help them.
In a war, shoot the medic first.
A constant contradiction. Deemed too weak for the world, but too important to actually leave behind.
A healer.
Innocence had no room in this world. Nyru’s hands were red and raw, but the girl kept scrubbing. Harder, desperately. Like the hot, sticky feeling of blood wouldn’t leave her skin, like it’s strong, metallic scent was clinging to the flesh.
Desensitization. That’s what her parents had tried. Lift enough weapons, hunt enough wildlife… it’d sure get rid of the idea of going through this world only knowing how to heal. Ordon may be peaceful, but if the history of Hyrule had to be taken into account, one could never be too careful.
But the sting on her hands made the skin throb. The tears after hunting were never ending. It’s not like she was weak… she’d bare teeth if needed… but the idea of fighting, of hurting, of killing, just wasn’t in her.
Disdain. Exasperation. That’s what met her every time she talked about a plant, every time she held a book on the subject. All surely useless if she refused to fight in the first place.
So, she started to hide… quiet down her excitement, snuff out the spark of curiosity that lit her eyes when someone mentioned anything related to potions or fairies.
That was, until she met him.
The sight of a young boy, sitting against a tree, eyes closer, had the young girl quietly approaching him.
Was he asleep? Unconscious? Hurt?
She got close, perhaps too close, trying to assess if he was ok… in a quick snap, her gray eyes met a vibrant blue. The boy, startled, tried to move, foreheads smashing together with a dull thud.
They both held their heads, tears stinging their eyes as they tried to soothe it. Awkward questions, explanations, laughs and a shaky handshake and Nyru had found someone who didn’t roll his eyes in exasperation, who listened to her rambles as she showed many plants, critters and chu jelly.
So indeed, the healer was weak… when the right person came along.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Whatever skills or knowledge you think is "universal" absolutely isn't, and when you understand this, you can understand deeper how people experience the world. There are so many things that are deemed "common knowledge" that just aren't to some people.
Maybe you think it's common knowledge to know how to eat, for example. But it isn't common knowledge for me; I don't know how to eat because of my disabilities and because of my history. I can physically eat, yes, but the knowledge of how and when is something I never learned. I can absolutely learn, sure, but it is a time and energy investment, which is why I hadn't done so before.
What would help me more: being belittled and demeaned because I don't "know" something like a normal person would or being educated in an understanding way? Now, apply this to other people who struggle with things you think are "fool-proof," and you will start to understand how people operate when they aren't "normal"
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ceryulean · 7 months
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Zhongli main was flirting with me in-game (I was playing Childe) and I. My brain short-circuited. Um.
They were very sweet though,,, I just couldn't. Socialise.
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Looking back I sound kind of cold but I was just really flustered,,,
also, if the person does see this (low as the chances may be): I'm so sorry I don't know what I did (I don't think I blocked you but honestly I'm not sure??) but you were really kind and sweet and I've no clue what happened,, I really wanted to be friends!!! You seemed really nice!!! So sorry about whatever happened!! (Also I hope you don't mind I drew this out!)
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grayscalee · 3 months
In an incredibly baffling turn of events, the official palia discord decided to turn on *required* 2fa and forcibly shunt everyone who cant afford that out of the community (which btw according to the mods- "this should not impact your ability to play the game or make connections within the world of palia" 😐)
So if anyone has any server links or anything of the likes :) id love to be sent some now that im forcefully locked out of the literal ONLY palia community i had :)
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heynhay · 11 months
heynhay klance animatic when?? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 with all that free time of yours
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akimojo · 8 months
wild to think about how square enix had more fleshed out female characters in ffv (1992) than they do in xv (2016) and xvi (2023)
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Sebastian when Ciel is suffering from his Mind Games™:
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Sebastian when Ciel is in genuine danger that has no relation to said Mind Games™:
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Thinking of this post in particular
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raymend · 5 months
"wow i used 2 be attracted to way more straight men irl i wonder why im like not as much anymore" *remembers the moral scrupulosity + internalized homophobia wombo combo guilt that overtakes me each and every time Ohhhh youre so predatory for thinking your straight friend is attractive how dare you thats so nasty <- the 19th century priest that lives in my brain * Like youd think i was raised religious with all of that but no. my parents arent even homophobic or transphobic idk how i internalized this
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nullbutler · 1 year
I think the assumption "oh autistic people will always exist outside of social norms, and it's either they mask and act like neurotypicals or are just completely Not" is very false. with my autistic friends, it kinda feels like there's another book of social norms that we make for ourselves. some of those rules may include
taking turns info dumping -- remembering to pay attention during the other's info-dump and asking relevant questions. with that, second hand investment. generally leads to more meaningful relationships
remembering each other's sensory needs. like if I'm in a crowded room and I see my friend is acting noticeably out of it (or vice versa), suggesting to go outside and just talk one-on-one or even a simple "you ok?" helps
the 'do not hate on each other's hyper fixations' rule. if someone likes something to THAT point, immediately shitting on it hurts! it's like...hyperfixation-talk and regular-media talk. ex "I like trains" "trains are fucking stupid" like WHat
always intervening when you hear another person shit talking your friend on the basis that they're autistic
the old "this made me think of you" texts, pictures, gifts, etc
understanding that sometimes it takes a lot of time for one person to get in the right headspace to reply to a message, and not holding that against them
the very niche type of humor that comes together when two very mentally ill people are put in the same room lol
the way our tone can be kinda off, but we still know what the other person means. not because they particularly sound sarcastic, but because we know what sarcasm sounds like coming out of that person. similar with joking, etc
no shame when you need breaks from each other or are socially tired
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sysig · 3 months
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Starting with ZEX nad DAX! I moved them in by themselves first and had them fall in love and, forgot, to take any screenshots of it lol oops. They are In Love, but not committed :) I’m also really silly-pleased with how they turned out haha, using Zarla’s VUX retextures as well as these red horns and Namekian antennae haha - anything to make them just a little more alien!
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Old man yaoi
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Moved the Captain in and he immediately rolled a Want to flirt with ZEX lol. You’re so judgey Captain not like I intentionally made it so he and ZEX would be attracted to each other but not so much him and DAX cough
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ZEX was also immediately enamoured lol, who would’ve guessed
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Jinx! I ended up getting the Jealousy-negation potion because I want them all to get along ♥
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Really. Right in front of DAX’s fear of getting burgled >:0
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The Captain is always the little spoon, it’s the rules
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He’s always the one sitting on others! It’s the rules!
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DAX caught them lol, he even walked away doing the “crazy” hand sign haha, I love the two of them looking at him as he goes hehe ♪
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I was curious and there actually is a difference in what ZEX and the Captain are doing - ZEX is cuddling, the Captain is sitting (on ZEX lol)
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These animations I swear ♥ The shy little duck the Captain does after a peck, so cute
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Okay fine he can be the big spoon sometimes
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Poor DAX got kicked out of bed haha
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You’re fine writing in your diary like that? Haven’t you noticed the uh
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I designed this house with infidelities in mind lol, just look behind you Captain! No there’s a wall in the way! Haha
#WPVG#WPTS2#The Sims 2#The Sims#SCII#Much less involved than the Talana set - if I hadn't forgotten the ZEX/DAX stuff maybe...#But I'm also still playing this household! A bit less focusedly more just seeing what happens for now#It's also kinda in the middle of/around Talana's - some things happened concurrently like getting robbed#Thus DAX still being mad about it when he went over to visit lol#Both of the VUX are currently employed but the human is not - something of a house husband at the moment lol#I'll get to him he's just a bit freshly moved in yet - I made him a cute studio loft so he has a bit of space for himself :)#He still crashed in ZEX's bed and kicked DAX out tho lol mean!#DAX is a dancer - pretty sure he fell asleep in his uniform haha#I think ZEX is in the Slacker career? This would be post-exile so y'know ♪#He has other things to be doing! Like the Captain pfft#I really am rather pleased with how everyone turned out <3 I'll have to get some closeups at some point so you can see ZEX's smile lines!#I considered giving him the short cropped hair but the longer hair just looks so nice ahhh#I gave DAX the same for a moment but they were a little too difficult to tell apart even with the eyepatch haha#It's a shame the red horns count as ''glasses'' so they come off for certain outfits - I think I might be able to turn them back on hmm#The little colour contrast on VUX skin is so pretty! <3#I had so much fun with all the decorations as well lol there are So many space pictures and wallpaper and bedsheets#All the doors are Star Trek doors! There's a UFO hanging model in the bedroom hehe <3#The clean white futurism look is very fun to work in :)
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feline-evil · 2 months
This site barely runs on desktop for me currently, i don't really know whats up but i've seen other people allude to it so it's not just me. It's not having an ad blocker on either which is one thing i tested so. That's fuuuuuun.
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
OH SHIT. my dad fuckin died today uh. rest in pieces dickhead 😘 time to CELEBRATE 🎉
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start putting this old man in dresses or ELSE!
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nerdpoe · 11 months
If Post-COIE/Pre-Zero Hour Batman found a broken time travel device, re-made it, traveled through the time stream to a few minutes before his parents were murdered, stopped Chill from killing them by violently punching the thug, but not killing him, went back to the time stream before he vanishes and ended up in a different present time line than the one he'd existed in (with another Bruce there), what would the Dark Knight do next? Btw, this scenario takes place shortly after Batman: Year One.
Watch his parents die as an adult instead, if it's the new timeline created by stopping Chill. His family line is cursed thanks to him, remember, and curses cannot be dodged so easily.
Before we argue the pre vs post and whether or not that would negate the curse, the curse has always been on the Wayne bloodline ever since Anna put it there, regardless of whether or not Bruce had gone back in time yet. Considering the rule of paradoxes, he's already gone back in time because he always will do it/has done it/is destined to do it.
Now in the event that he jumped to a different timeline entirely; if it's year one Batman and current Batman Year One Batman would absolutely try to punch him in the face.
He would lose, of course, but he would try.
After that, Year One Batman...hmm.....
I dunno. I don't really like him, so I never really got into his story. When people tell me year one, I tend to think irl chronologically. But like, legit "Year One" Batman was way too edgelord for me.
I think Jason would love to have a go at him, though.
Only one person may hold the crown of supreme edgelord, after all.
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eyedelater · 1 year
every time tsukishima says "mun" (むんッ)
i noticed that mun had become tsukishima's associated sound / almost a catchphrase in japanese fanart, so when reading the manga in japanese, i decided to keep an eye out and make a note of every time he says it.
volume 8, chapter 78 — he says むんッ while kicking the shit out of ogata. it isn't a word; it's an effort noise. EH scans translated this one as "HAHH!"
(50 chapters later, still nothing…)
(100 chapters later, still nothing...)
(almost 150 chapters later, still nothing, but usami says むんッ when he kicks tomoharu's neck in, chapter 226. EH scans translated it as "HRNGH!!" i think no one else said it in the mean time.)
(more than 150 chapters later, still nothing, even when tsukishima directs two big kicks toward tanigaki in chapter 229 and totally could have said mun.)
volume 25, chapter 244 — tsukishima finally says むんッ again... while playing menko with koito (and winning). i have a feeling noda-sensei gave us this one as a joke because he knew people were waiting for it. EH scans translated this one as "HRNH!"
(for another 50+ chapters, tsukishima does plenty of nice kicks and other forceful actions during which he could have said mun, but he doesn't.)
volume 31, chapter 303 — he says むんッ one last time while throwing an entire bayonetted rifle at ushiyama. it was worth the wait. EH scans translated it as "HRNGH!"
conclusion: i was expecting more muns than that, given its ubiquity in fanart. i guess everyone just really, really liked it the first time and latched on forever. maybe part of the joke is that the "tsuki" in "tsukishima" means "moon," and "mu-n" (ムーン) is the way to transliterate the english word "moon," so it's like moon guy says something like "moon" while he kicks the shit out of you and that's lovable.
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dandyshucks · 3 months
every time somebody new follows me here i get so scared for no reason SBDHDKL like... they are obviously aware of what theyre in for when they hit follow but im still like "oh nooo theyre gonna find out i wanna kiss and hug and give this p.okemon guy all my affection and love.... "
like... @ me: yeah man. thats kind of the whole point of the blog. and im pretty sure theyre fine w it if they saw ur pfp and pinned post and took even a small scroll thru ur blog 🧍
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