i have Big Thoughts about how the torture affected geraskier on jaskier’s side, but i don’t know how to put it into words yet
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Imagine telling Luffy about why you don’t like Shanks…
“Why are you always so upset with Shanks?” Luffy wondered.
You brushed the young boys damp curls and twirled a finger around each strand to define the shape.
“He and I used to travel the seas, you know? We fought sea beasts and all kinds of pirates together.”
Luffy leaned forward. “Really? Was it cool?”
“Very cool and dangerous.” You reminded him with a small hair ruffle to set him back on the chair properly. “We were caught in an ambush and I was injured. Shanks brought me home, promising that we’d set off again after I was healed.”
Luffy grew excited. Maybe if Shanks came for you, he could also be taken along for the journey.
“Are you healed? Do you know when he’ll take you?” He asked.
You frowned and replied rather bitterly. “I was healed up over four years ago.”
Shanks had the audacity to pay a visit these last few months and spend time with Luffy while pretending like nothing had happened. It infuriated you and Luffy clearly caught wind of it.
There was a knock at the door. Your eyes darted up to see Makino standing there with a smile for Luffy.
“The ship has made port.” She told the boy.
Luffy jumped off the seat and ran for the exit. “Sorry Y/n, I have to go!”
You sighed at his speed hoping that he’d be careful on his way to the docks.
Makino looked at you while you put the chair away. “Are you coming as well?” She asked and when you didn’t reply she continued. “He’s been asking for you.”
You glanced over your shoulder. “Tell him I-”
“I’m not telling him you drowned again. You’ll have to face him one way or another.” Makino said and then left to resume her duties at the bar.
Honestly, you’d rather not seek out the pirate who abandoned you. Let him have his fun. Yes, you couldn’t avoid him forever but you could reduce the hours in his presence.
And so that’s what you set out to do, you walked wherever the straw hat wasn’t. If he was at Party’s Bar, you were at home. If he was at the docks, you were by the furthest windmill.
You last saw the red-haired pirate downing a bottle of booze at the bar with his little curly haired shadow on the chair beside him. While they were busy, you decided to rearrange the furniture in your home finally able to tend to things that had been long neglected thanks to Luffy always running in and out of trouble.
Fixated on stacking books by the corner of the front room, you missed the soft padding of footsteps coming to a halt by the open door.
“I heard you ‘drowned’.” A voice said, sending chills down your spine. “Imagine my surprise when Luffy told me that you did his hair this morning.”
Shanks mused at you as he stood by the threshold of your door.
Damn, when did he leave the bar? You rolled your eyes and then turned around to place a blanket into a wooden drawer near to where he stood.
“Odd.” You hummed. “I thought you would have welcomed a lie? Aren’t you filled with them or is that only when they’re directed at me?”
Shanks stepped into the room and took your hand to stop you from walking to the next task. He knew exactly what you were referring to. For months you both had avoided the topic by the way you dodged him but this was finally the opening he needed to clear the air.
“I never lied. I fully intended to come back here in three months. But each danger I faced, every terror that sailed into our path and all I could see was the risk of losing you.”
You scoffed at him. Captain Shanks of the Red-haired Pirates was scared? You were surprised his nose hadn’t grown.
Not wanting to talk further, you attempted to leave the house entirely when the man who stole your heart caught you once more.
“Hey,” Shanks took the reins and guided you to the wall, gently bracing you against it. He was tired of the anger of the anger in your eyes, only wanting you to see him like you once did. His hands settled in their rightful place on your waist.
“There are very few things that I am afraid of - but from that list, the fear of losing you is at the very top.”
As you stared in his warm eyes, you were reminded of a saying he often said aboard calmer seas and private moments.
Shanks gazed back at your face, the one he was deprived of seeing each day. He brought one hand to rest against your chest and raised your own to sit above his own. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours in a delicate kiss before pulling away gently.
“I’m not a selfish man by nature.” He whispered. “But for your life and your love, I can be.”
~ More imagines here ~
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suukee · 1 month
other half 彡 levi ackerman
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» summary ⋆ levi doesn’t exactly notice it, but one of his love languages is physical touch. (how he acts when he’s in love)
» content ⋆ levi ackerman x reader. fluff, hurt/comfort. mentions character deaths. written with season four, special two in mind.
» word count ⋆ 1070
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Levi doesn’t exactly notice it, but one of his love languages is physical touch.
That’s because, growing up, he lost everyone he treasured.
His mother passed away when he was nothing more than a living skeleton, too young to live on his own. The last memory he recalls is laying his head down on her lap and her feather-like touch. Her fingers were gentle as they ran through his hair. Sometimes it had grown so long to the point where she’d braid them.
The man who found Levi, rotting beside the corpse of his mother, raised him as though he was a caretaker, but not like a father. It’s vague in Levi’s older years, but he remembers the head pats and the hair ruffling. The man was overall careless and strong, but he had soft moments where he’d praise Levi. And just out of the blue, the mystery man abandoned him. Years later, when it was revealed that this man was his uncle all along, he had died in the next moment.
Then there was Furlan and Isabel, the only two people he had considered his family in his adult years Underground. Isabel was a girl with no personal space for the people she cared for. For as long as she could remember, she loved hugs. And while Levi was stiff and complaint about it, she’d do it again and again. Pats on the shoulder from Furlan were enough of a relief to know he was there. Yet, they soon left, devoured on their first expedition outside the walls.
Levi’s very first squad respected his space, unlike Isabel. Even so, they meant something to him. He’d only seen the aftermath of their lives. He doesn’t have much of a physical memory from them. He carries the weight of being unable to protect them as they always would for him.
Then came the commander—both of them. The people he grew to appreciate. He wouldn’t dare to admit out loud they had become his friends. The two strong leaders made a great sacrifice for the sake of humanity. It was heavy. Like the death of his squad, he added that weight to the list. He could feel the hands of Erwin and Hange on his shoulders urging him on.
They’re all gone. Bittersweet memories. Repeating nightmares taunt him just when he thinks he’s got it wrapped around his head.
Through such hardships, he’s gifted with you. The war hasn’t come to an end, not yet, but you’re the only person he knows who survived countless battles from the very beginning.
You have become the only person in the entire world to whom he will cry, vent, and lean toward when he needs to. Whenever he wants to.
His comfort is his best friend. His lover. His partner in crime. That’s always going to be you.
Anyone who catches him holding your hand or kissing your cheek may find it strange. He doesn’t want to be touched by anyone, let alone touch someone himself. He’s a damn intimidating man. One look is all he needs to drive people away. And while it took some time to get to the point where he could freely be himself, the thought that he doesn’t deserve you still gnaws at him.
You treat him like a living person, not as Humanities Strongest. You went through hell and back just to get to know him, to understand him—why he acts and feels the way he does. You’ve changed him into a better man, and you’ve accepted his flaws. Your devotion and love are so innocent and pure, he knows you’d do it all over again. Just for him.
He didn’t make it easy to break down his walls. His guard was exhaustingly high. He tried to push you away in case of the day he loses you, then it wouldn’t hurt so much. But as his calloused hands find their place on the soft skin of your cheeks, eyes shining of love, giggles echoing in his ears, he doesn’t look back. You’re the one he wants to protect. Lay his life down for. A reason to look ahead.
Sometimes, you’re too busy laughing to notice he smiles when you’re this close. But you know he’s content despite how rarely he smiles.
At meetings or meals, he’ll sit across from you. There are times when he rests the tip of his boot atop yours lightly. It’s just his way of keeping in contact with you. If he decides to sit next to you, he’ll be close enough that your knees press against his gently. It did take him some time to kiss you, but he was uneasy about public displays of affection. On his own, and with your patience, he comes to terms with holding your finger or keeping a grip around your waist whenever you’re out together.
He’s a different man in private. He holds you so close, hugging you tightly like you’ll disappear if he lets go. He loves it when you come to the office late at night, settling yourself on his lap as he completes his work—writing with one hand and holding you against him with the other (he complains someone will see and that you should be getting rest, but makes no effort to get you off). When exhaustion kicks in, Levi loves to rest his head on your shoulder, keeping a hand on your thigh and gently caressing the fabric of your pants or, even better, your skin. His body weight is all on you when he’s knocked out cuddling, not that you’ve ever complained about it. Not that you ever will.
Who would’ve guessed the stoic captain had such a soft side?
Nighttime is the worst. A swarm of nightmares disturb his rest. That’s when he becomes desperate for your touch. Your chest and your lap, that’s his new favorite pillow. Your fingers playing with his hair, his undercut, or rubbing his upper back boosts his melatonin. Your arms are the safest place in such an unforgiving world. You’re a calming piece of his life he doesn’t dare to lose.
He can’t.
Even though the war isn’t over, and there’s no time to spend together, it’s your presence that aids him for a while. Even if he can’t see with his eye properly, he relies on touch. Just your hand, and he’s good.
Who would he be without you? He doesn’t want to know.
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pinkmirth · 1 year
OPTIONS, reiner braun!
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SYNOPSIS / WRITER’s NOTE: here’s a lil cowboy & footballer rei-rei drabble, since i can’t decide for the life of me which one i prefer . . . no plot whatsoever, just thinkin’ of all the ways i want both versions of reiner to make a complete and total mess out of me!
CONTAINS: ( 600+ words of . . . ) cowboy!reiner & footballer!reiner x fem!reader (black coded), nsfw/smut, modern au, porn without plot (pwp), comparison of cowboy!reiner and footballer!reiner in bed, oral (f!receiving), cunnilingus, missionary position, cowboy!reiner has a breeding kink, footballer!reiner’s kinda cocky, explicit language, lowercase intended, minors shoo!
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cowboy!reiner is a kindhearted partner, one who never fails to be incredibly patient with you. he whispers against your flesh, pouring out sweet praises. in no rush, he takes all the time needed to warm you up. reiner uses his large hands, roughened by farm work, to knead your soft breasts and squeeze at your thighs, touching whatever he can manage to reach. his ticklish scruff frictions against your body when he lowers to grace your clit with a sweet kiss. his warm palms find purchase at your waist, using his gentle hold as leverage to deliver slow, deep-reaching thrusts. he can’t stop himself from rambling about how perfect you look underneath him, and his dick jumps whenever you run your nails down his muscular back. reiner expertly swivels his hips in just the way you like, grinning over your breathy moans that follow. any pet-name he mumbles sounds oh-so smooth, like that of dripping honey. ‘darlin’, he whines. ‘princess’, he groans. reiner notices how tightly you clench with every utterance. you ask him to fuck you ‘just a little faster’, and upon seeing the bat of your wispy lashes, he does. sweat rolls down his abdomen as he quickens his pace to match your command. he discards his pleasure to prioritize your own, calloused thumb grazing your puffy bud. a lazy grin of satisfaction spreads across cowboy!reiner’s handsome face once you finally cum for him. with a few more shallow pumps, he’s emptying his fat balls and fucking a thick load of fertile cum into your gaping pussy, thoroughly filling you up— breeding you. he knows how much you love it when he finishes inside; not to mention his dearest fantasy of watching you grow plump with his baby. over all else, the one thing this gentleman truly wants is to make you feel good.
but let it be known that footballer!reiner is a complete 360 from his farmer counterpart . . . this man is nothing if not a tease! he’s downright cocky when dealing with your body. he effortlessly manhandles you, almost similar to how he tosses around that damn football. reiner’s committed all of your round curves and smooth dips to memory, knowledgeable of a dozen different ways to get you mindlessly blabbering his name. unashamedly, he laps and suckles at your leaking pussy with a brazen smile. he then pauses the swipe of his tongue, just as you’re soon to reach ecstasy. to that, you whine, and he stifles a low chuckle over the desperate smack you land on his bicep. you know exactly what reiner wants of you— for you to beg for it. beg for him. he loses his mind when you do, hurriedly taking position between your widened legs to slip inside. he pleads for you to look him in the eye when he eases himself into your slick hole. the ego boost he gains is massive, upon watching your pretty eyes roll back at the sensation of his fat dick pushing into you. he drills your throbbing cunt with reckless abandon, fingers tightly pressing into your hipbones. reiner’s quick, fervent and rough with it. this brash method sure is effective. it allows him to hit every single fucking angle. ‘oh, you love this fuckin’ dick, don’t you, baby?’ he taunts, nipping at the junction of your neck. your dainty hands grasp onto his broad shoulders, legs loosely crossed over his firm hips. his unmatched stamina allows him to pound you into the mattress for three lengthy rounds, and he’s made you release more times than you can manage to remember. he peers down at you with a prideful gleam, because just look at how fucked out he’s made you. With tear-stricken cheeks and a heaving chest, you weave your fingers through his short-cut blonde hair to pull him down for a kiss, his cocky smile spreading against your lips. footballer!reiner’s sure that only him alone can please you like this.
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maginxlia · 1 year
Starring Tokyo Revengers Men In ✰ Drunk
Cast Line Up Bonten! Ran, Rindou, Haruchiyo, Mikey, Kakucho, Hajime and Current Shuji
Rated TV-MA
Minors This Isn’t For You
Summary ✰ Your Favorite Man Getting Drunk Off Your Kitty! Kitty making strong Men Weak!
No pronouns up in here but the Reader has a Kitty
Ran Haitani
✰ Your pussy has done something to the man, from the moment his tip push past your folds he feels his mind getting Hazy
✰ Your Pussy just made for him and he will never deny it
✰ His body shivering while you grip his dick so good his eyes roll in the back of his head
✰ He stays pussy drunk for days after fucking you
✰ His Mind stays filled with thoughts of getting drunk off your pussy, He can't even concentrate during Bonten Meetings
✰ “What did Kokonoi say again?” Ran asked Rindou while he stared into space,” What was your mind on that you couldn't pay attention to an entire fucking meeting? Rindou asked his brother face full of annoyance. “I was thinking of the way Y/N Pussy pulls me in deep when I'm fuc-” Ran says before getting cut off by Rindou, “ENOUGH! Stop running your damn mouth. Dammit.” Rindou says as he got up from his chair in a huff
✰ Ran doesn't care what others think he would scream from the rooftops about how good you make him feel and how hard you make him cum
Ran Laid on you as he fucked you. his thrusts were sloppy as he fucked into you with reckless abandon, “So tight” Ran slurred while his fingers messily toyed with your clit
“Pussy got me all messed up!” Ran groaned before kissing your shoulder to block his whimpers as you messed up his hair, “Pussy got Ran Haitani Weak” You teased as he pinched your nipples
Ran Main Concern was cumming as he fucked deep into you while groaning your name, your pussy was holding his dick tight with each stroke he gave making his body tremble against you. “I need to fuck you deeper, I need to cum deep in you” Ran grunted before sucking your neck
His dick dug deeper into you with every thrust as he fucked you with all the energy he had left “Fuck. Taking me so well” He whimpered as your pussy gripped him harder, “Gonna make me cum in that pretty pussy” he mumbled into your hair as he felt himself losing control
His fingers and dick pushed you over the edge as you came on his dick, “So fucking good” repeatedly fell from Ran's lips as came right after you. His Dick cumming into your velvety walls while his hips rolled trying to push himself even deeper
“Fuck. Baby, Got me all Delirious” Ran Groaned as he gave you a few more shaky thrusts before pulling out, “ So fucking good to me” Ran mumbled before wrapping his arms around you.
Rindou Haitani
✰ Rindou can't keep himself from becoming an incoherent mess when your pussy holds him so well and you moan his Name like a song
✰ Nothing Makes him drunker than when you keep riding him after he cums
✰ His eyes blown in lust as he watches his dick thrust in and out of you
✰ Your pussy making the younger Haitani lose his head and keep him in a daze for days
✰ His Body going through withdrawals when he's not able to fuck you
✰ Is addicted to you and he won't deny it, Got Him fucking you in his car to Hold him over until he's able to stretch that pussy properly
✰ Will finger and lick you until his hand cramp up & his tongue is numb
✰ You Got Sanzu eyeing him like who’s the addict now? But He doesn't care as long as he can keep his dick buried between those slick folds and Hear those pretty moans, He's in Heaven
Rindou's eyes studied the way your pussy creamed around his dick as you rode him silly, His Mind was long gone while a string of “Fucks” fell from his lips. He already came buckets in you twice tonight he was positive you were trying to milk him dry
“Pussy Got Rinnie Drunk I see” You teased as your hips rolled on him making him moan, “Fuck, can't even pull my thoughts together” Rindou whimpered as you bounced on him harder
You laid your hand on his chest while chasing your high, your head was thrown back as you rode his dick so good that Rindou had to grip the sheets with white knuckles. Your titties bouncing while your moans filled the room making Rindou's Thoughts all Jumbled
“Fucking This Dick so good” Rindou Groaned while thrusting up into you before holding your hips still,” Feel How deep I am In you right now? Grind on it” He commanded as he licked your right nipple
You Obeyed his orders as you rolled your hips in circles, his dick pressed against your G-spot making your eyes roll as you held his head to your chest. Ever so often Rindou would push his dick a little deeper in you while he kept his eyes close
It wasn't long before your pussy was clenching on him as your orgasm Graced you, Rindou could barely force a fuck past his lips while your pussy made him cum ropes deep inside you. “Fuck. Rinnie I can Feel every drop” You Tease making his face red while you continue to ride him
“Gonna Ride This Dick Until I feel like stopping” You moaned as Rindou whimpered incoherently under you
Haruchiyo Sanzu
✰ Deep in your pussy is where Haruchiyo wants to be for the rest of his days
✰ Your pussy just milks his dick so good, Making him tremble against your body as you take every drop he gives you
✰ His mind swimming for days after he gets done fucking you it doesn't help he fucks you whenever he can so he stuck in a loop of intoxicatedness
✰ “Fuck. Pretty pussy keeps my head swimming and my thoughts hazy” Haruchiyo groans as he pulls out of you
✰ Got him feeling your pussy on him when he's at work just driving him mad
✰ “The Fuck Wrong with Him?” Ran asked his brother while Haruchiyo daydream about fucking you, “Who The fuck knows! Just mind your business for once” Rindou says while rubbing his temples
✰ Haruchiyo is pleasantly drunk off you and he never wants to sober Again
Haruchiyo Fucked you deep into the soft Mattress of you two shared bed, “Fuck. Cum for me Again Baby. I know you want my cum deep in you” Haruchiyo said while his fingers pinched your clit making you squeeze down on him
“Yes. Drain me dry” He groaned while his pretty eyes looked down at you with his eyes blown from pleasure , “So fucking Gone. All I can think about is fucking this pussy till I can't anymore” Haruchiyo moaned into your ear as he raised your leg up to fuck you deeper
His Hips moved hard against your body as he fucked you rough and Needy, His fingers rubbing on your clit as his dick pounded your G-Spot Making you scream his name as his eyes rolled back “Fuck. Driving me insane” Haruchiyo grunted out as he chased his pleasure greedily
Your pussy held him tight as you came around on his dick making Haruchiyo collapse on top of you as his hips moved on their own trying to push his dick deeper into your soft walls, “ Feel That Babe?? That's me coming deep in that pussy of yours” Haruchiyo Groaned into your ear while he came deep into you
Haruchiyo didn't even Have the mind to free himself from you before rolling over so your head can lay on his chest, “ Just Gonna Let You Warm me tonight. Don't wanna waste a drop” He said while rubbing your back
Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano
✰ Manjiro would be lying if he said your pussy doesn't make him weak
✰ From the First thrust to the way you grip him when he's cumming deep in you got his body shivering
✰ His Mind is broken by you and he doesn't want it to be fixed
✰ You got him so drunk that he lose control while he in you trying to see how intoxicated he can get off of you
✰ Got Him fiending for you. Anytime or Anyplace he wants his dick buried deep in you so he can get his fix of you
✰“Gripping This Dick like it's your Job, Pussy got me delirious” Manjiro moans while he strokes you deep
✰ He needs you to Keep Him Pussy Drunk and Stupid
With Shaky Hands Manjiro Held your hips to pull you closer to him “Deeper. Need to feel every inch of you” Manjiro Whimpered in your ear as he fucked into you.
Your Pussy sucking in him deeper but it still wasn't enough for the male as he raised your hips off the mattress “ More. Need more” he whined while his body shivered against your own, Manjiro was quick to put his body weight on his left knee while his dick drove into you
Your moans and his incoherent whimpers filled the room as Manjiro got lost in the sensation of your pussy holding him tightly, Manjiro was so pussy drunk that he couldn't hold back tears from falling from his eyes “Taking This Dick so fucking Good with that tight pussy” Manjiro moaned into your ear before spanking your ass
He was Greedy as he pounded into you trying to get drunker than ever before, his hands holding your breasts to make you arch better for him as your pussy squeezed him so hard he thought he was going to forget his name
“Keep Squeezing me like that and I'm going to fill you with my cum” He growled as his hips drilled his dick deeper into you hitting that spot in you that make you say his name like you're singing
Manjiro Kept fucking you deep even while you were cumming on his dick, His thrusts became rougher as he chased his high as he painted your soft walls with his cum “ So fucking Beautiful filled with me” Manjiro moaned as he laid against your back while thrusting into you
“Let's stay like this for a moment hmmm?” Manjiro whisper in your ear as he tried to collect his thoughts
✰ Kakucho is Already Drunk In love with you but your pussy amplifies everything for him
✰ Will spend hours between your legs lapping at your pussy like you're his last meal
your Moans and Pussy Keep him Intoxicated more than any Liquor ever will
✰ Propping himself on his arms because your pussy got him so weak he can barely hold himself up
✰ You got his mind and Body weak but baby his spirit is more than willing to please you
✰ Rushing Home from work to fuck you, so he can overwhelm his senses with you
✰ Pussy Got Kakucho Roaming this streets with his thoughts on you and his mind numb
✰ He Rather Live His Life Drunk and Dumb than Go one day without Pleasuring you
Kakucho Studied your face as he fucked you towards your fourth orgasm of the night, his beautiful eyes filled with love as his dick found your G-spot with every stroke
“So Gorgeous under me making me weak” Kakucho Groaned as you bought your hands up to cup his face, “Kaku so Beautiful making me moan for him” You moaned as you raised your hips up to meet his thrusts
Kakucho wasted no time sucking on your left nipple while rubbing your clit so good your body shook, Your body rolling as your pussy pulsed around making Kakucho Groan around your nipple
He fucked into your pussy so well, blessing your pussy with each push of his hips. You both getting lost together in each other pleasure, You can tell by His Breathy moans that Kakucho was already intoxicated by you
His Lips founds yours as his thrusts became messier, Your pussy pulsating hard as your orgasm blessed you making Kakucho cum with you. “ So Beautiful” You moaned as you pushed his hair back while Kakucho Looked at you with hazy lust filled eyes
“Make me Feel so Good” Kakucho said before kissing your face and pulling you into a embrace
Hajime Kokonoi
✰ Poor Hajime Knows he will be dumb and drunk after his dick slides between your sweet folds
✰ “So Wet, So Soft, So Tight” Hajime Mumbles in your ear as he lay on top of you
✰ Clench On his dick while clawing his back up and will be putty in your hands
✰ Your pussy got Him whimpering as He fucks into you
✰ Got Him the Happiest Man around, you are the best kind of high and only he's able to experience it
✰ He gets so drunk off your pussy that he mutters what he will buy you while he fucks you deep
✰ If he said you're getting it he meant it! “What I said while I was in that delicious pussy I Meant. Now let's go shopping for that house I promised you” Hajime says while helping you put on your coat
Hajime's eyes were crazed as he fucked into you deep, each stroke making your toes curl and his body shiver
“Pussy so perfect, sweet and warm” He groaned as your pussy swallowed his dick so good he could cry, He couldn't help but press his body on yours while he fucked himself stupid with your pussy
He was so deep in your pussy that every single movement from you made him belligerent, “ Ahh Creaming so good on my dick” Hajime groaned. “ can't get deep enough inside you” He muttered while trying to push his dick deeper in you
Hajime rolled his hips as he relished the feeling of your pussy holding him in while he palmed your clit making your pussy throb around him “Baby. Feels so good around me” He moaned as he gave you those slow strokes that make you cum around him
“Gonna make me drop Millions on you,” Hajime said as your pussy worked his dick as you began cumming, your pussy gripping his orgasm from him. “ Milking dick so fuck well” Hajime moaned as his body jolted
He gave you a few shallow thrusts before holding you tight against him, “I N-Need to F-Find My mind baby, Just L-Let me hold you” he whimpered while rubbing circles into your skin
Shuji Hanma (Bonus)
✰ The quickest way to shut Shuji's Mouth is to lay that pussy on his face or on his dick and make him drunk
✰ Brain Goes dumb the moment he tastes you on his tongue
✰ Your Pussy alone is enough to make the Reaper stop his teasing and Beg for you to put that pussy on him
✰ “Let me slide it in.. Please. Promise I won't hurt ya, just let me fuck that pussy real good and slow” Shuji says while playing with your shirt
✰ He gasps Hard when he first enters you, pussy got him ready to bust on contact
✰ “Damn.” Shuji groans as your pussy embrace his inches effortlessly making his toes curl,” Gonna make me cum before I get the chance to properly fuck you. Let me catch my breath for a sec” Shuji Groans while he stays still in you
✰ Gets the worst “Hangover” when he's not fucking you and Getting drunk off your pussy, “I need to fuck you again Babe. Head not feeling right. Need to fuck you deep and dirty” Shuji whispers in your ear while grinding against you
“This Pussy All Mine” Shuji Groaned as fucked you on the floor of his studio, “No one can fuck you like I can A-And N-Nothing can make M-Me feel like you do” He grunted while gripping your thighs hard
“Pussy Got Hanma Stuttering? Wow.” You Giggled as your fingers tugged on his long hair while he fucked into you harder for your teasing remark, “Yeah Yeah. Pussy is Intoxicating But only I can get Drunk off you” Shuji groaned while pussy gripped him harder
Your pussy was so tight and wet it was driving him mad As he fucked you deeper with long strokes making you moan in his ear as his eyes rolled “Just like That Shu” You moaned while you toyed with your clit
The way your pussy was pulling him in was making him stupid As his words came out broken in your ear, his hips roughly snapped into yours while he fucked you down as both of you moaned together
Your pussy pulsing as you came hard on his dick making Shuji shake, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” Shuji groaned as he filled your pussy with his cum. “Got my mind numb” Shuji grunted before pulling out of you
“ You Can't even drive us home, Brain just lost” You teased as Shuji Draped his Jacket over you two, “ Have to sleep it off here I guess” He said before pulling you onto his chest
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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otteranha · 1 year
This fandom needs that ole’ ran-outside-in-a-towel-and-accidentally-locked-myself-out-naked trope. Like… freshman year for the Party, pre-Spring break. There's construction being done on the room they normally hold Hellfire and the school won't give them an alternative spot. Dustin, Lucas & Mike convince Steve to let them have Hellfire at his house. Steve isn’t thrilled but he agrees.
Eddie isn’t thrilled either and he shows up early that afternoon to set up and get any gloves-off cruelty between him and Steve out of the way before the kids get there. Only to find that no one is answering the door. What gives, right?- if Harrington set this whole thing up to leave them all out in the cold, man fuck that. He goes around the back of the house, over the fence into the yard and finds Steve—
Steve was about to take a shower when he noticed the hot water wasn’t working. Calling the repairman would mean he’d have to talk to his dad, and he really wanted the hot water now and to talk to his dad never, so he grabbed a towel real quick and checked the water heater in the basement. No problem there. So he just popped out to check the water heater in the pool shed, because maybe it’s not just the house. And he didn’t put clothes on first because he thought he’d only be out there for a second. Except the door swung shut. And locked. His mom moves the hide-a-key periodically for “security purposes” and he has no idea where the damn thing is this month.
Not to worry. Steve's been sneaking out of his house since he was a whippersnapper. He can just climb in his bedroom window. Except he's been home alone for almost a month and hasn't needed to leave his window unlocked since he can come and go as he please. In other news the roof is covered in wet leaves and is much slipperier than usual. Fortunately he doesn't fall that far, nothing hurt but his pride (ok, and his ass will probably be black and blue for a while). Unfortunately when he fell the towel got snagged on the drain pipe and is now stuck on the roof. He'll have to climb back up and get it, then try to find some way back inside before the kids get there. But he needs a second- ok? So he flops back on one of the pool chairs, an arm draped over his eyes, nursing his injured dignity while he regroups.
And that's the scene Eddie Munson stumbles upon. Steve Harrington, sprawled out in all his glory like the goddamn Barberini faun. So a second boy takes a tumble on the Harrington property that afternoon, as the sight causes Eddie to lose his grip and his focus, and instead of vaulting the gate he topples forward over it and face plants on the cement pool deck.
"Shit!" "Fuck!"
"Sonofa- !"
"Holy shit man!" And so forth in that manner as Steve squawks in shock and covers himself. Then it registers who exactly the trespasser is and he abandons modesty and leaps, outraged, to his feet.
Eddie finds that in the face-plant he has bitten a noticeable bit off the tip of his tongue. Now he's standing, staring at a nude Steve Harrington, drooling blood all over his patio. If there's a classical statue of an Adonis posed with hands on hips looking wildly annoyed Eddie doesn't know of it. Any witty remark he could make about late September not being an ideal time for sunbathing au naturale is obstructed by his poor, bitten tongue, so Eddie has to settle for mere communication as he tries to ask Steve what the actual fuck he's doing?
"Came out to check the water heater and the door blew shut," Steve says sheepishly.
"Tho ou theck the plumbinth naketh?" Eddie raises an eyebrow.
Steve points to the roof. "I tried to get in through my window and slipped. Towel's stuck on the roof." A look of panic flashes into his eyes, "Wait- if you're here- what time is it? Oh shit, are the kids on the way?"
Eddie shakes his head. "I came by eahly tho thet uth." He holds up one finger, gesturing Steve to wait, then plucks a safety pin from his vest and kneels to examine the patio door. It takes him only a few minutes to finagle it open and he turns sliding the door wide with a flourish. "Entrez-vous," he asks gallantly, but it comes out "Enthreth-vouth?" and Steve just gives him a confused look as he stalks past into the house.
Instead of dashing up the stairs to dress Steve points Eddie toward the kitchen, while he snags a towel from the powder room in passing- not quite large enough, but better than nothing. Steve gestures Eddie to sit while he hands him a wet paper towel and wraps an ice pack in a clean dish towel. Eddie tends to his bloody mouth, though without the distraction it's an ordeal to keep his eyes from wandering over Steve's physique. Not good. It's not the locker room, no herd to hide amongst, no plausible deniability that he wasn't staring at anyone in particular. Because Steve Harrington is a Rodin, a Donatello, a goddamn Michelangelo. Steve Harrington is killing him. Killing him.
"You can set everything up in the dining room. I'll be upstairs," says the Rodin, the Donatello, the goddamn Michelangelo. "And keep icing that mouth. Last thing I need is for Mike Wheeler to decide he's leading this dog and pony show because you can't do your little incantations or whatever."
He turns and bounds for the stairs. Eddie watches him go. And yeah, that towel does not wrap all the way around. Not even close.
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mickimomo · 1 year
Time Machine - Attuma x Okoye
I figured I'd write out my headcanon since you peeps liked it so much. 🤣
Today was the day. W'Kabi was finally being released from exile out of the kindness of council's heart.
M'Baku was apprehensive, but figured the man would be too powerless to cause any issues for the time being.
The last thing he expected to see, however, was a tipsy W'Kabi singing at the top of his lungs at 4 in the morning.
"Glory to Hanuman." He huffed as he approached the small crowd of people standing around Okoye and Attuma's home that sat on the edge of the Border Tribe. "What is he doing?" He groaned as he watched W'Kabi sing slightly off-key.
"One! I wish I never fell in love!" He shouted before holding up two fingers. "Two, I wish I never fell for you!" He dropped to his knees. "Oh, three! If I just had one more wish, I'd go back and do it all over again. If I had a time machine-"
Aneka chuckled as she watched W'Kabi spin around like he was Usher before he began to do a drunk moonwalk as he bellowed the chorus of the song. "I heard that someone told him Okoye had gotten married."
"I hope he does not think he has a chance." M'Baku groaned.
"I think the liquor gave him courage."
"If he continues, the bald headed demon will release her shark."
Aneka shrugged. "I'm hoping I get to see that."
He arched a brow. "Are you recording?"
"I am."
The regent king watched Okoye open her window while dawning a robe. "W'Kabi. Go home!"
"You are my home!"
"We're divorced! Move on!"
"How could you move on!?" He sobbed. "We had something special!"
"You did not care when you betrayed Wakanda!"
"I betrayed Wakanda for you!" He snapped. "For us!"
"We are not doing this again!" She snapped. "I'm giving you five seconds to leave or I will come through this window and end you with my spear!"
"Okoye please!"
M'Baku blinked before grabbing an abandoned chair to sit on. "Count me in."
Aneka snickered as she watched him yank a carrot out of his pocket to munch on before offering a banana.
"Thanks." She hummed before she began to eat.
"What's going on!?" Ayo frowned as she approached with a few members of the Dora Milaje.
"W'Kabi is about to get his ass beat." Aneka answered her wife as she took a bite of her banana. "Want a bite?"
"Why are you two just sitting here eating and watching?" She frowned.
"I wanna see Attuma beat his ass." Aneka shrugged.
"And I'm not getting punched again." M'Baku huffed.
Ayo shook her head. "The council is going to lose their minds."
"Not when they see the footage." Aneka snickered. "You should have been here earlier. He was singing Micheal Jackson and Mariah Carey."
"On key?"
They all turned to see Okoye try to climb out the window before she was yanked back in by a pair of blue arms.
Everyone was silent as the window remained empty for a moment.
W'Kabi watched Attuma jump out the window, dawning nothing more than his loincloth and rebreathers as he moved forward with hellfire in his dark brown eyes.
The shorter man stepped back as Attuma began shouting in his native tongue.
"You're the other man!?!" W'Kabi stared in disbelief. "I can take you!"
Ayo closed her eyes as the shorter man ran forward and threw a series of punches into talokanil's chest.
Attuma looked at his chest, completely unfazed, before he chuckled.
"I bet it'll only take one punch." Aneka offered.
M'Baku took another bite of his carrot. "I think Attuma will be nice and let him endure a few more. He seems like the type who likes to play with his enemies before killing them."
"You two are awful." Ayo sighed before accepting a bite of banana.
Attuma swung, and W'Kabi took it like a champ as he crumbled to the floor.
It was like watching a tree fall to an axe.
Slow and cumbersome.
"Damn." Aneka wrinkled her nose as they watched W'Kabi struggle to get back up. "I can't believe you were right."
"The man got his ass kicked a lot in exile. He can take a few hits."
"You knew that before making the bet."
"I did."
"It's called research."
"No. It's called cheating."
They watched W'Kabi grab Attuma's leg to support himself as he tried to get back up.
"Glory to Hanuman. Have some shame-" M'Baku shook his head before feigning a wince as the warrior kneed the dazed man in the face.
"I'm stepping in." Ayo grumbled.
"No. He's still fighting." He gestured to the sobbing man. "Let him get up. Let him get up."
"My king. If he is killed, it will be a breach in the treaty."
"Attuma knows his strength." He waved off her concern. "He'll be fine."
"I..... I-" W'Kabi slurred as blood spilled from his nose. "I wiiiiiiiiiill win baaaaack my wiiiiiife."
Attuma yanked him up by the back of her shirt and stared.
"You say, your wife. When she is mine." Attuma furrowed his eyebrows. "Do not insult the mother of my child."
"CHILD!?!" W'Kabi panicked. "O-Okoye is pregnant!?!"
"Yes. If she were not, I would have considered letting her beat you herself." He narrowed his eyes. "But maybe I would have handled you still, even if she wasn't. Just so you would know that you will never have a chance."
"NO! OKOYE!" He tried to look past the warrior as tears blurred his eyes. "OKOYE!"
Everyone gasped before they began to whisper.
"He's bout to be sick."
"I'm telling you. He's gonna be sobbing and fasting for days."
"He is living out a nightmare I tell you."
Aneka smacked M’Baku's shoulder as she tried to contain her laughter.
"I was not prepared-" Ayo covered her mouth.
"Is he crying again?" M'Baku cackled.
"Yes." Aneka laughed.
W'Kabi continued to shout. "OKOYE! TELL ME HE'S LYING!" He squirmed. "OKOYE!"
"Do not call for her. She will not answer you." Attuma tightened his hold on him. "You have come here and disturbed her rest and now you wish to stress her further." He frowned. "If you are a problem to Okoye, you are a problem to me. I will not let my wife endure anything." He growled. "Something you failed to do."
W'Kabi was shaking in the man's hold.
"So, let me make myself clear." He narrowed his eyes. "If I learn that you are bothering Okoye ever again, I will serenade you until you fall into the sea and have my sharks rip you apart." His eyes were darker than the ocean's abyss. "I say this in english... to be clear. I can also say it in Xhosa to be clearer." He grabbed the man's face roughly with his other hand. "Do you understand?"
He spat in Attuma's face before shouting. "OKO-"
Attuma cracked his head into the other man's and tossed his body before turning around with a grunt of disgust.
"And see- he did better than me." Aneka shook her head as she ended the recording. "Because I would have stomped his head in after he spat in my face."
"I think he remembered the treaty." M'Baku offered. "I wouldn't have stopped him if he chose to. I think he was being pretty nice until he spat."
"Alright. This is done." Ayo smacked their shoulders before moving in to grab W'Kabi's limp body.
"That was an uneventful fight." M'Baku sighed. "But it was still good."
"What? You expected him to fight back?" Aneka laughed. "The man was drunk. A baby could wield a spear better than a drunk man."
"I was hoping it would give him a power up. Like uh.... super strength."
"He's not that type of drunk."
"I can see that." M'Baku got up. "Send me a copy of that video. I must show it to my people in the Jabari Lands."
"You got it."
Okoye sleeping peacefully while her man handles business:
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Everyone watching W'Kabi lose:
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In another AU, Oni and Attuma jumping W'Kabi:
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xo-urban · 2 years
Hi, Im the anon who requested "Can't afford losing you" and I wanted to request a small follow up story if that's okay?
The plot is just that Ghost comforts reader after a nightmare, where he was back at the abandoned warehouse and in his dream Ghost never came looking for him.
Simon woke up hearing reader cry next to him in his sleep, he woke him up, helped him calm down and told him that he's safe (at first reader thought Ghost was one of the people who hurt him and freaked out) and then just cuddled with him, saying that he loves him and that no one would lay a finger on him again.
As you can see, I like angst.
And I like your stories, so I guess you're stuck with me lmao.
Loved this sm ty for requesting
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Seeking Home in You
Follow up story for Can’t Afford Losing You
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Male Reader
Summary: Ghost helps you through one of those nightmares in the blanket of night.
Warnings: Mentions of torture, nightmares, hurt comfort otherwise.
Word count: 686
Soft rustling of the bed and light calm breathes came from your lover in front of you. Simon slept soundly as you were wrapped up in his strong arms, holding you close to his chest. Every second that passed, you grew more tired. A soft smile on your lips as you rested your head against his chest. This was Simon, not the Ghost everyone seemed to fear deep down. You knew that whatever might happen, you’re safe in his arms, no matter what. With a deep sigh, you found yourself falling asleep next to Simon, your exhaustion getting the best of you.
The darkness that consumed your vision quickly festered into something you’d never thought you’d see again.
You were in the same blood stained room, the room where you were almost tortured to death. “No, no, no- This isn’t real- this-” You panicked, only moving to realize your wrists were bound just like they had been before.
“Ah.. but it is.” The voice left you shocked, you were sure he was dead, he had to be! You turned to meet the face of your enemy, “Your friends are here..” He smirked, tying a rope around your mouth to suppress your screams, you kicked at him the best you could, tearing up at the familiar pain but with an additional suffocation.
Next thing you knew, you watched your captor barricade the doorway, leaving gaps to let you watch. You were stuck, unable to move or yell for help. You watched as your team passed by your room as you squirmed in your restraints to get their attention, but all efforts were ignored.
You watched Ghost pass slowly by, not even bothering to look at you, which made your heart throb as you tried to call out for them, tears leaving your eyes. You didn’t wanna die here, you didn’t wanna die alone, they were so close.
Ghost peeled open his eyes, waking to the sudden shaking and dampness of his shirt. “Love..?” He whispered softly, looking down at you with soft and worried eyes. You whimpered as you held onto him tightly, tears escaping your eyes while you began to hyperventilate. “Hey hey love.” Ghost sat up, pulling you into his arms as he shook you awake. He knew a nightmare damn well when he saw one, in this case, it must’ve been a pretty rough one.
You gasped awake, your body jolting at the feeling of another one’s hands on you. “Stop touching me please! Get away!” You shouted, you hadn’t even realized you woke up with your eyes squeezed so tightly. You went to shove the man in front of you until you were stopped by a strong voice. You opened your teary and frightened eyes to meet Ghost’s worried ones.
You shook, crying into him as you pulled him into a tight hug, pain shooting through you since you were still healing from the event. “It was a nightmare love.. I’m here..” Ghost murmured softly as he ran his hand through your hair and his other up and down your back soothingly.
“You wanna tell me about it..?” Ghost asked softly as your tears came to a stop. You just laid against him, seeking the comfort you dreadfully needed. You sat there in silence, sighing softly as you pulled him into a comforting kiss. Ghost listened carefully when you explained your nightmare to him, his eyes softening as he held your hand in his to ground you and be your support.
“I’d never leave you, you’re my priority, even if it means leaving the team to be there with you and for you, so be it.” Ghost spoke softly, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand. You smiled, pressing a kiss to his head before the both of you laid back down.
“Sleep well love.. I’m right here.. Ain’t gonna leave you for the world.” Ghost smiled, letting you get comfortable before he wrapped your arms around you again. “G’night..” You murmured, shutting your eyes. “Good night darling.. Sleep well..”
“No bastard will ever lay a finger on you again..”
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paradoxolotl · 11 months
i know it's basic but i need to know what was going through andrew's head when he hears that aaron asked neil to kiss him in the jeans fic (im so sorry i can't actually remember the complete name of the fic in my mind its saved as the gay jeans fic)
Specific Fic Asks
I absolutely can do this for you anon ~ for It’s in the Jeans
Andrew’s life could be boiled down to three points of orbit:
His brother, Aaron. A minor pain in the ass on any day of the week that ended in y. Also the person who Andrew had crawled through hell with to build some semblance of normalcy. So for him, Andrew kept his complaining to a minimum.
Secondly, the neighbourhood stray cat. Andrew called it Worm. He also fed it after school every day, crouched in the bushes breaking up bits of ham with the paranoia levels of a small rodent.
And then there was Neil Josten. A major pain in Andrew’s ass every moment of every day, who was probably more feral than any street cat could dream to be. He’d complain more, used to complain more, but Andrew had recently found a better use of his time.
Because Neil’s kisses were a mind numbing, bone buzzing, oh too sweet addiction. Nothing in Andrew’s life had ever been as viciously satisfying as having Neil beneath him, one hand tipping the menace’s head back for a better angle, the other ghosting fingertips across the sensitive skin of his stomach just to feel the muscles jump.
It was too easy to lose himself in this, in Neil. Minutes were meaningless, the world falling away, and Andrew found himself halfway drunk with just Neil’s mouth against the skin of his neck. Nothing on earth could pull him from this moment, his Eden. Nothing-
There was a clattering bang from Aaron’s room. Odd enough to rip Andrew from the haze clouding his mind. But when no other noises followed, no cries of distress, it only took his name, whispered quiet and reverent, to pull him back to Neil. The fingers on his jaw helped him along, until he was sinking sinking drowning.
“I tried!” This time, not even Neil’s breath on his neck or hands in Andrew’s hair could distract him from Aaron’s shout.
Annoyance flicked up within him, simmering in his blood. Whatever fucking melodramatic bullshit Aaron found himself floundering in could not be worth-
“I asked Neil to kiss me-”
The thing about Andrew was this: he didn’t care about much. Most things in his life were revolving time passers, some more pleasant than others. But when he found something that burrowed past everything else, something worth calling his, Andrew cared a whole damn lot. Some might call it obsessive, concerning, unhealthy. Bee called it a trauma response. Andrew called it practical, because those few things he cared about could be taken away too quickly, too easily.
And the thing about Neil was this: he was Aaron’s before he was Andrew’s.
Andrew’s hand slammed into the wall before he registered what his body was doing, the beat of his heart slamming from excited to pretending not to panic. An unfortunate event, due to snapping both Aaron and Nicky’s attention to him and his complete loss of composure. Part of him wanted to glance back, to see if he really had just abandoned Neil to throw himself into whatever fucking mess this was, but Andrew’s brain was still screaming WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK RED ALERT on full power.
He knew Nicky was saying something, the noises hitting his ears, but he couldn’t process them. Eyes locked on his twin, Andrew all but demanded, “What did you just say?”
By Aaron’s concerned confusion, Andrew had clearly missed the mark. “The fuck were you doing?”
Neil, he thought. But he couldn’t very well say that to Aaron, especially when Aaron wore the same expression he did when they had watched a man sprint from beneath a bridge and disappear into the woods when they were ten. Quickly righting himself, Andrew attempted to infuse his voice with his usual nonchalance. “Nothing,” he said. Completely fine, totally normal. Not weird at all. “What did you say about Neil?”
For a moment, Aaron narrowed his eyes at him. As if Aaron had ever been able to break Andrew with his judgement. But then he shrugged, and Andrew felt his stomach drop with the cocky smile that spread across his face. “Oh, just asked if I could kiss him. No big deal.” Smug. Smiling. Bastard. “Why?” Aaron asked. Like an asshole. “Did you need something?”
Yeah, Andrew needed the world to stop falling from beneath his feet. Because Neil was a prickly fucker, untrusting and vicious. He held his people just as tightly as Andrew held his. Andrew spent years studying him, falling hard and fast and lasting, but the one thing that remained elusive was why Neil had fallen for Andrew too.
And deep down, a small voice whispered that if anyone could catch Neil and take him from Andrew, it would be Aaron.
Only one person had ever been able to quiet that voice. What did Andrew need? He jerked a thumb over his shoulder, back to Neil. “Yeah. I just-“ Nope. Uh huh. Brain hadn’t reset yet. Abort. Abort, Minyard. “Need to-“ Phenomenal. His mouth just wouldn’t stop. Is this what Neil felt like?
Well, time to abandon ship.
He didn’t feel any steadier when the door closed behind him, but his eyes zeroed in on Neil. Still sprawled on his back on Andrew’s floor, he looked up with a crooked smile, laughter tucked into the corners.
“Oh, right,” he said softly, unapologetic. “Your brother asked to kiss me.”
Andrew swallowed. His throat clicked. His shoulders pressed harder against his door.
At the silence, Neil’s smile turned a little softer. “I said no.”
“You said no.” His voice remained flat, neutral in the way he always used when expecting something to hurt.
Sighing, Neil rocked his knee in the air. Not jittery. Not nervous, just…moving. “Because I didn’t want to.”
“I asked you,” Andrew said.
Neil hummed. “And I wanted to. Still do, if you ever decide I’m more interesting than your wall. Or I could leave and you can brood and mope or whatever people with on overgrown sense of doom and despair do.”
“Really?” Andrew asked, even as he pushed off the door, falling back on top of Neil and into his grin. “You’re not funny.”
“Never said I was,” Neil said, words a laugh.
Neil had always been a point of clarity. An impossible piece in Andrew’s life he could never stray from, despite his efforts in the beginning.
His hands found their home in Andrew’s hair, dimple flickering out alongside his mirth. Quietly, he said, “It’s just you, Andrew.”
And Andrew believed him, and let everything else fall away.
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unzips my jacket to reveal a homemade bomb strapped to my chest. tell me about kevin your oc or i'll blow us both up.
Okay well you asked for this. Putting it under a cut.
Kevin was originally an OC I made in cahoots with a friend of mine, who I am not in contact with a anymore. He's technically a TLOU OC, but fuck that, let's just go with regular zombie apocalypse, because really we (me and the friend) only really liked the way the infected work in that game.
Kevin is a severely mentally ill orphan from Texas USA with no way of getting treatment for his undiagnosed issues and dumbfuck transgenderism. And this poses a big issue when zombies start showing up while he's 11 years old.
Still, this damn kid manages to survive for 5 years through joining random groups of survivors, gaining their trust, stealing their shit and then either causing their downfall or just running away. He does get into some serious trouble because of this, and bumps into some real shitty people but y'know, apocalypse is apocalypse
At the ripe age of 16, while hiding out alone in a damn gas station, Andrew (a middle aged man in charge of a small group of people) makes his way to what LOOKS like it should be abandoned supplies, but instead gets nearly shot in the arm but a scrawny fucking kid. He decides to take him to the camp, as well as some shit he found there, which Kevin is opposed to because Andrew isn't the nicest but well, he did just try to shoot him
And listen this dude does not like this kid. This kid that has a first grader's mindset and clearly a fucked up worldview and probably will only cause him even more trouble. But he also doesn't wanna abandon a random child who is very obviously struggling to survive so he just takes him in and makes sure he is watched at all times. Well shit goes awry and the camp gets attacked and Andrew blames it on Kevin even though it ain't his fault
But now the two of them are stuck together :]
They have fun. They bond. Kevin loses his pinky finger after bumping into an old group he betrayed but Andrew saves him.
Kevin ends up getting infected and hanging himself
I could go deeper but that's all you get for niw
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
Damn! Wait since Shredder is super shredder and karai is mutated(?) that in effect makes Casey the leader of the foot. However they’re holding up.
So in the span of 24 hours~ Casey loses his father, sister and all his friends on top of having the responsibility of leading the foot DURING A ALIEN APOCALYPSE thrown on him… ouch 
Not only that but I can’t stop thinking of how, after months and months of working on a cure, Casey finally frees his father from being the super shredder. (Maybe he helps Splinter too?)
Or when the turtles realise how stressed Casey prob is
... I literally didn't even think about that.
Casey literally loses everyone.
Except April but she's with the turtles.
So... Everyone.
In less than a day Casey goes from lovable heir to cold, distant leader.
Casey is just standing in the wreckage of his city.
The party wagon long gone.
He snaps his fingers and a member of the foot clan runs over and kneels before him.
"Master Shredder has been contained however Lady Karai remains missing."
Casey looks down.
He takes a deep breathe in and out.
"My father is to be escorted back to the lair. As for my sister, a search team will be sent to secure her and bring her to me."
The clan member bows lower, despite not sharing his blood Casey sounded every bit the man his father was.
... Is...
"And what of the Krang, Master?" Says another clan member.
Casey turns towards them, and they see the blood on his hockey sticks.
"I will take care of the Krang... Oh... And if the search teams cannot bring my sister back... They better not come back at all."
They all shivered.
Never had they ever seen this side of Casey.
Even the Casey they knew, Shredders son had always been a bright and sweet child.
He was a force to be reckoned in combat but even than....
It was like all the light in his eyes had died.
Leaving a warrior in its place.
With the Shredder unable to lead and Karai missing, it fell to Casey to lead them.
It had been their dream, Karai and Casey's to lead together as one.
But here he stood alone.
Alone for the first time since Arnold Jones had abandoned him.
Had left him to die.
But this time their would be no one to pick him up.
To hold him.
Raph's words echoed in his mind on a loop.
Splinter... His uncles body lay lifeless on the ground.
"... And funeral preperations shall be made."
"But sir... He is the enemy..."
Casey blazed with rage.
Even more than he ever thought he would have had.
"Hamato Yoshi, Hamato Yoshi was my father's brother in all but blood. And he will be honoured for the life he lived and lost, and any one who dares say otherwise... Will meet their end at my hand."
No one dared to speak, only bowing and taking Splinters body away.
Casey knew he had no right to demand such a thing but their was no one left to bury him.
Everyone he had ever loved was gone.
But Casey did not dwell on them.
He did not falter.
He did not crack.
Casey no longer had the luxury for breaking down.
Troops swarmed around him, the pitiful cries of his father as he was taken away.
Sounding nothing more than another beast.
Casey stood still before launching himself at the Krang.
He did not fight.
Nothing about the one man massacre wrecking through the city could be called a fight.
His city.
He had failed all else he would die before it came down.
It was all he had.
The coming months were slow and full of trial and errors.
Casey ran the foot clan from the lab.
He could count the amount the hours of sleep he'd get each night on one hand.
He only ate if it was served to him and only than not always.
Nothing mattered other than finding a cure.
Karai had been found and she and Shredder were often crying out and roaring from their containment cells.
He shut himself off from all of it.
Casey wandered the halls of the Foot clans lair like a ghost.
He didn't feel like he was real anymore.
Nothing else existed but the lab and the retro mutagen he'd concocted by himself.
Donnie's notes had left with him.
It took thousands of tries to produce and than another hundred or so to perfect.
He had to fight both his sister and father to administer the mutagen.
Not allowing anyone to get closer.
Shredder and Karai turned normal and immediately embraced each other.
They turned to embrace Casey.
But he had finally succumbed to his exhaustion and blacked out on the cold hard floor.
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Not Always Invincible - Chapter 3: Savagery
The streets are dark. Lights flickered, casting their weak glow onto the walls, barely chasing away the darkness. Shadows danced on the walls like lopsided ghouls, hungrily reaching towards the dim ring of light on the unbroken windows. The winds weaved through the tall claustrophobic walls, whistling its warning for anyone who’s willing to listen.
Jacob sat on his couch. His arms dangled off the armrests while his legs rested carelessly on the backrest. A remote control is clutched between two fingers while it is being swung around with a sort of apathetic abandon. Plastic wrappers are thrown around haphazardly like crusty confetti. Jacob’s face is illuminated by the mechanical glow of the TV screen as a bored and dull droning voice narrated the carnage displayed there.
“… There is another case of a savage human tonight. I’m here in the epicenter of this case…”
“… Here’s more news about …”
“… The Council of Galactical Relations stands today with a warning to …”
Crash. Clank.
Jacob threw the remote harshly against the screen. It cracked the screen and filled with the electrostatic, stopping the steady progression of doom and decay.
He drooped his way to the fridge to grab something to eat.
It hummed and sputtered when its door opened. A strong draft of cold moist air hit him full in the face, filling the air with the musky scent of hunger. Nothing. Nothing is in the fridge save for an old spiderweb that he forgotten to clean out.
He sighed. The growl in his stomach intencified followed by a deep stabbing pain. It rode on a wave of nausea that brought him to his knees. Damn it! This is day seven. I have to venture out.
A scraping sound came from his window and Jacob walked towards it, pealing back a small piece of cloth to see .... Nothing. He shivered. The dark black expanse stared back at him, draining what remaining resolve that he had. He sighed and grabbed a small strip of paper and slipped on his shoes and jacket. Jacob limped to the door in a manner not dissimilar to an injured wolf. The wide black maw that leads to the world outside the relative safety of his yawned, the iron studs on it gleamed like a row of small teeth. He grabbed a small strip of paper and slipped on his shoes and jacket. He slipped out of it like an emaciated shadow barely remembering to take his flashlight-turned-taser with him. The door closed with a quiet finality. He stepped out into the blackness, letting the night swallow him.
It’s cold and wet, sleet bounced off the walls and rode the icy, blade-like wind. It’s the type of weather that would make even a fish feel depressed. Jacob pulled his hood on his head and continued to walk against the wind, one hand against the slimy wall for support.
He didn’t notice the pair of shadows following him.
Jacob walked in the store, the wide expanse of food and supplies giving him a sort of temporary comfort, something to lose himself to despite the dark dreary atmosphere outside. He grabbed a dozen packets of ramen, chips, eggs, water, and some vegetables, dragging them to his cart.
That should be enough to last a few more weeks. Man! I hate the whole savagery darts thing.
The alien behind the register gave him a sympathetic eye when it … she, saw the giant lump of food in the cart.
“Tough going?”, it asked.
The alien gurgled, its equivalent to a chuckle. “Good luck.”
Jacob nodded before gathering the bags from the alien cashier and walked out of the store.
The winds and rain have died down a bit, enough where he didn’t have to make several trips to gather his things. Jacob walked briskly down the street like the rapid staccato of a tap dance, his shoes tapping an alert, fearful rhythm on the pavement. Eyes bored into his back. The hairs on the back of his head have slowly raised up like little black needles. A hand wandered to the taser-flashlight.
The shadows moved closer.
He turned a corner and looked up. His heart jumped to his throat while the blood slowly drained from his face like the slow draining of blood in a freshly caught hare. The bags dropped from his hand and landed on the floor in a dull wet plop.
Jacob turned around to run but stopped when a cold cruel blade is pressed to his throat. A set of arms pulled his arms behind his back, and another covered his mouth. He started to squirm against the thickly scaled hands.
Hot rancid breath whispered in his ear, “Don’t struggle, Human.” Jacob continued to squirm anyway, ignoring how the knife is cutting up his collarbone and shoulder. He knew the chances of survival once being moved to a different location is pathetically low. When a stray finger wandered into his mouth, he bit down, hard. Warm coppery liquid filled his mouth. The alien holding him hostage reeled his hand back and shook it.
The bleeding hand slammed into the side of his head, digging a painful V into his cheek. The hunger pains from his stomach rose again. Stars swam in his vision while the edges danced. His knees buckled, nearly binging the buff scaly alien down with him. Dizziness swam in his stomach like a pack of snakes, Jacob found that he can’t bring himself to care.
“Do you want a fur-cut below your chin?” 
Jacob shook his head, no.
“Good.” The alien sounds pleased and amused, “Now sleep.”
A large object slammed into the base of his head. Darkness grabbed at him, and he fought it for a few moments before it has laid its claim.
When Jacob came to, he was in some sort of cage. Chains adorned his wrists like heavy silver bracelets, holding his arms in a strange half twist position that turned painful the moment he moved.
Another alien stood in front of the cage. Its appearance could honestly be described as a mad scientist. Its white robe is stained with red. The alien had dull claws and missing scales that revealed it’s pink, diseased looking flesh. It’s topped off by the crazed sheen in its eyes.
Jacob cleared his throat, “What do you want?”
The question came out like a hoarse croak. The alien didn’t answer, instead, it grinned showing a row of sharp broken teeth and bleeding gums, something full of malice. It turned around and grabbed a syringe from the counter.
With a low husky voice, the alien said, “I have found that humans still have a lot of the primitive instincts. Suppressed via logic, and other emotion.” Jacob leaned away from it as far as he could. It stopped and gave a laugh that sounds like a hacking cough. “They don’t deserve to become civilized.” The needle brushed his neck at the cardioid artery, a small welling of blood came out of the wound and dripped onto his clothes. “All the other humans I tested on turned animalistic. The others don’t understand how dangerous you are, so I’ll make them see!”
The alien waved the syringe around everywhere scattering the blue fluid inside everywhere.
Jacob pressed his emotions down, swallowing his spit and fear, “No, you’re wrong, our strongest instinct is to protect. You simply got the wrong people.”
In the distance, a pack of cars, both human and alien rounded the corner. Their lights and sirens bouncing off the walls. The crazy scientist shook himself out of its imagination and plunged the needle into his neck.
The liquid stung, like putting Hydrochloric Acid into his veins. His muscles shook and spasmed, trying to get the noxious liquid out of his system. The last thing he saw was the cackling scientist and the squad of Galactical Foundation agents stormed into the lab.
Somewhere, a butterfly took wing and started to fly against the hail.
@alaralee | @hallwriteblr
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the-oc-lass · 7 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova
Hi again! Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was super busy with homework (college is hard, man). But hopefully this thing is worth it.
Happy Halloween to all those who celebrate, by the way!
I mentioned something happening a few weeks before the knighting ceremony, and so here's a drabble!
TW: Brief, general scummy behavior. Not sure if I need to put a trigger warning on that but better to be safe about it
First, Previous, Next
Her fingers skim over the apples, searching in time with her eyes some good ones. She's not the best baker, but the kids seem to like when she makes pies. She wants to try her hand at apple this time. After a minute or two of searching, she has some decent apples in her basket and is ready to move on.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Oh, good Gloreth. She knows that tone of voice. She firmly ignores it, pretending she didn't hear, and starts to move away. Suddenly, though, her arm is grabbed, and she's yanked around. "Hey, where are you going, sweetheart?" As if the flirtiness of the voice and the grasp on her arm weren't enough, she finds herself face to face with one of her least favorite people in the kingdom. Todd Sureblade. He tilts his head at her, but from his smirk, he clearly doesn't recognize her. Though, she's not sure what she expected. He is an idiot. And his face is even more punchable than when they were kids. She puts on her best polite and innocent face and tilts her head.
"Sir knight, might I ask that you let go of me?" she asks, voice sugary sweet. But Todd's smirk just widens.
"What's the rush, babe? I'm giving you the chance of a lifetime here," he says. She tilts her head and blinks blankly at him.
"And what's that?" she asks, facade still raised. He pulls her forward a bit more, other hand settling on her waist.
"Getting a date with a future knight of the realm," he says. Her eye twitches, and she tries to pull herself away. He doesn't budge.
"Let go of me, Thoddeus," she says, voice lowering as her fake smile disappears. His smirk is replaced by confusion, and he makes a face.
"What?" She squirms more violently, ready to rip herself from his grasp.
"Let me go."
"But babe-"
"I said, let go!" Her voice raises, and she rips her arm out of his grasp, bringing her hand back before backhanding him. He stumbles backward, only stopping when he's caught by some of his fellow cadets. Good Gloreth, is that Blanche and Chad? As if things couldn't get any worse, she can see that people are starting to look toward the commotion, and she can see them looking at her in particular. She couldn't have one normal day at the market, could she? She looks around, trying to find an opening so that she can get to her route back home, but her gaze freezes as two men come into view. It's been six years since she last saw them, since they abandoned her after her mother's funeral, but she still knows them. She'd know them anywhere. She sees Ambrosius freeze, eyes widening, and its the last thing she sees before she turns and runs.
"Charlotte!" he calls from somewhere behind her. She doesn't answer, instead dodging through the crowd. How could this happen? She just wanted some apples, damn it! She ducks into an alleyway, hoping that it will help her lose them if they're giving chase. She rounds a corner and Ambrosius appears in front of her. Right. She knows these streets because of her time at the Institute. They've been there for a lot longer than she has. She slows herself down, stopping before she runs into him, and she quickly whips around to try and go back. Ballister is blocking her path, and she internally curses.
"Look, if this is about Todd, he had it coming!" she says, holding up her hands. Ambrosius still looks completely shaken, even as he stands in her way, but Ballister is downright furious.
"You decide to show your face again after six years and that's what you have to say? I was afraid you were dead, Charlotte!" he cries. Even through his rage, she can tell he's toning it down. He's made himself into the perfect knight. She turns to face him, her glare matching his.
"Well forgive me if I didn't want to be anywhere near the two people who abandoned me, Ballister! I waited months for you and Ambrosius to come back, or to hear something from you, but I didn't get anything! And six years later, you have the audacity to say I left you!" she snaps. He takes a few steps and is directly in front of her, amusingly still shorter than her.
"Oh, don't you give me that. Ambrosius said he went looking for you and you were gone! You completely disappeared! If anyone abandoned anyone, you abandoned us!" he says. Charlotte snaps her head around, looking toward Ambrosius.
"Is that what you told him? That I vanished into thin air? How long did it take you to come look for me, Ambrosius? Six months? A year? How long did it take before you realized you broke your promise?" She's barely able to absorb the sadness on his face before Ballister starts yelling again.
"Don't turn this on him. Own up to what you did!"
"The only thing I did was survive! You two left me and I didn't have anyone!"
"Stop lying!"
"I'm not the one lying!"
"Both of you, stop!" In complete unison, Charlotte and Ballister whip their heads around, looking toward Ambrosius. Their faces fall at the distress on Ambrosius's face, anger dissipating into nothing. "She's right, Bal. I lied to you. I'm the one who abandoned Charlotte." He...Admitted it. After all these years, it still hurts. He abandoned her. Ballister moves past her, stepping toward his boyfriend. Or, she assumes they're still dating, at least.
"Why would you do that? Why would you lie to me?" he asks, voice softening. She hasn't heard that voice in a long time. Once he's past her, she knows she could slip away. She knows the truth now. Ambrosius abandoned her, he said it himself. But she wants to know why.
"I didn't want to lie, and I didn't want to abandoned her. I promise I can explain if you'll just listen," Ambrosius says. His pleading eyes land on her, and she purses her lips for a moment. She doesn't owe him anything. She's been on her own for six years because he abandoned her and lied to Ballister about it.
But he's still her brother, and she needs to know why he did it. Then, she'll have closure, and if she still wants to walk away, she can do so with a clear conscience. She sighs and crosses her arms, leaning against a nearby wall.
"You've got two minutes."
To be continued because it's 1:30 AM as I'm writing this and I have class in the morning
Lovely tagged people:
@ammonitetheseaserpent @perfectkittystranger @derellenbogen
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ruki-mukami-dl · 1 year
Rukiko Changes — Before and After
This post is written together with @yuriko-tsukino-rp's admin.
We got inspired by @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat's and @mukami-kou-dazzlingpinkidol's post.
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Ruki is damn stubborn when it comes to his ideals and judgments about certain things, especially when it concerns his human life before the turning and his benefactor Karlheinz. However, Yuriko is able to break through his stubbornness and makes him reconsider his views.
Cold-hearted and merciless, Ruki shows no empathy for humans. He sees them merely as livestock, a source of food for survival and an occupation to kill some boredom. Yuriko slowly melted that iceberg and drove away some of that coldness. She alone gets to feel his warmth. Towards others, he is still acting cold-hearted.
Ruki is a calm and collected man. He keeps his composure in almost every situation. His expression seems cold and he doesn't raise his voice. Something heavy has to happen before he gets out of his shell. But when it comes to Yuriko his coolness can disappear very quickly. Jealousy, bloodthirst and also lust are triggers that make him go berserk. He can lose control and shows a completely different side of himself. Of course, he would never hurt or even kill Yuriko. But in the face of potential threats like other men he doesn't hold back. Out of jealousy Ruki is ready to murder for Yuriko.
His whole life, Ruki punished people who, in his opinion, had done something wrong. Already in his childhood, he was excessively strict with his servants. As a vampire, however, his punishments reached a new level. Brutal and merciless he let his prey suffer. Yuriko also got to feel this. But Ruki soon realized that he wasn't teaching Yuriko with his punishments, but scared her and driving her away from him. Afraid that one day he would go too far and lose Yuriko, he stopped his sadistic actions towards her. Nowadays, Yuriko has to do more household chores when Ruki thinks punishment is in order.
In the beginning of the relationship, Ruki was overcome with jealousy. So much that he even killed someone once. He punished Yuriko for just looking at pictures of other men. Little by little Ruki learned to live with his jealousy and to deal with it. By now he is able to think before he acts.
In the past, Ruki wasn't afraid to torture and kill. But with Yuriko's appearance this changed. However, not because his conviction changed in this regard, but because Yuriko asked him not to kill anyone anymore. Afraid of losing Yuriko because of the murders, he stopped and spared the lives of his enemies.
Ruki doesn't want anyone to touch his scars, neither is he willing to talk about them. But since Yuriko stated she would like to hear the story and wanted to caress his backside too, Ruki reluctantly agreed to this. The moment was both uncomfortable and soothing for him at the same time. He still prefers Yuriko to touch him in other ways but she is the only one who is now allowed to run her fingers over his scars too.
Leaving comfort zone
Ruki is usually reluctant to try out something new, unless it's a potentially tasty recipe. But with Yuriko, he has found himself doing things he never imagined of doing. As allowing Yuriko to touch his scars shows, Ruki has slowly started to be more willing to leave his comfort zone for her every now and then. He doesn't do that without reasoning though.
Abandoned by his father and mother, betrayed by people and treated badly, Ruki lost his trust in humanity, especially in women. Initially, Ruki saw Yuriko acting as a kind of threat and sometimes reacted very indignantly. But Yuriko didn't give up and continued to fight. Slowly, piece by piece, she gained Ruki's trust. She stayed by his side no matter what he said or did. Ruki appreciated this fact very much, opened up to her and became much calmer about betrayal. Meanwhile, Yuriko has become the person Ruki trusts the most and he returns the same to her without hesitation.
Before Ruki shared the bed with Yuriko, his sleep was regularly plagued by bad nightmares. But since her warm body lies next to him, the nightmares have almost completely disappeared. Very rarely now, his nightly rest is disturbed by these bad dreams. At first, Ruki was very uncomfortable when Yuriko realized he was having a nightmare. He didn't want her to see him so weak. Without saying another word, he retreated to the bathroom and tried to calm down there again. However, Yuriko wanted to be there for him and decided to follow him one day. Of course he reacted rudely, scolding her and threatening punishment. Yuriko ignored his behavior and comforted him anyway. Her soothing words helped him to calm down. Gradually, Ruki understood better and better that there was no reason to hide from her because of his nightmares. Nowadays, he even wakes her up and asks for her comfort.
Ruki is a sadistic, dominant vampire who shows no mercy. To achieve his goal he plays dirty. Hard punishments are ruthlessly carried out. But when he met Yuriko, this changed. So much that his brothers even tease him about how soft he has become. Yuriko literally pulled out his fangs in their eyes. Yet, jealousy can make his softness disappear in no time.
Ruki is used to do everything alone. He is the big brother who looks after everyone and handles everything. So he now also takes care of Yuriko. What he didn't expect was that Yuriko would take care of him in the same way. This fact was new to him and gave him tense times every now and then. But in the meantime he has gotten used to it and even lets Yuriko spoil him.
Ruki always tried to please everyone. He fulfilled the wishes of his benefactor, those of his brothers and now Yuriko's as well. Over it he forgot completely his own needs. He sacrificed himself for others without paying attention to himself. Yuriko tried to change this slowly and asked for Ruki's wishes. But she got the same answer every time. "Just stay by my side. I don't need anything else. I only need you." Yuriko explained to him over and over again that it was okay for him to express what he wanted. Gradually, Ruki understood the meaning of her words and now tries to express his wishes to her.
Making Friends
Ruki is very possessive. Yuriko belongs to him and him alone. It bothered him a lot when she tried to make new friends. He just couldn't understand why she did that. Often the two argued and Ruki told Yuriko that she didn't need anyone else but him. It took some time for Ruki to realize that Yuriko felt lonely and that friends aren't a threat. Today Yuriko has friends that Ruki accepts. Every now and then, however, some jealousy arises. But together with Yuriko he works on it.
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Yuriko used to be really shy and insecure before she met Ruki. While she still has these traits she also has become more bold and outspoken. Not just with Ruki but other people as well, especially the Mukami family.
Fighting Back
Yuriko didn't have the guts to stand up for herself and she simply took everything, hiding her feelings the best she could. Even though she still does this at times, she has grown the courage to disagree with Ruki and even talking back and fighting with him if needed.
Because of her experience of people leaving her, Yuriko had trust issues. These aren't completely gone but she has learned to trust more and more. She doesn't fear (that much) of Ruki leaving her anymore and she says she trusts him with all her heart.
When Yuriko was living with her father she was used to not getting anything for herself. The little money she had she saved to buy second hand books and sometimes other nice things. Now, she can have the clothes she likes and eat someone else's (Ruki's) cooking. Aside from that Ruki takes very good care of her, making sure she has everything she needs and yearns.
Since Yuriko was used to not getting anything for herself she wasn't comfortable voicing out her wishes. Ruki asking them confused her but since Ruki kept going, she has learned that her wishes matter. And not only that, she now knows that telling Ruki she wishes something makes him consider his actions and might even change the course of the conversation. She sometimes uses this to her advantage.
Making Friends
Slowly Yuriko has been making friends. While Ruki would love to keep her all for him, she is happy to do things with her friends and this little freedom has only made her love Ruki even more.
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⚠️ NSFW Changes under the Cut ⚠️
Horniness and Sex Drive
Ruki was a master of self-control. Whether sucking blood or craving sex, he kept his composure and restrained himself. Only every now and then he had a need for blood and sex. With Yuriko, however, this changed very quickly. For some unknown reason, Ruki is horny for Yuriko 24/7. One touch of her is enough and he is literally on fire. Since the two are together, he sees no reason to hold back and lives out his sexual urges to the fullest.
A dominant master who always has everything under control. Being on top is Ruki's preference. He enjoys submissiveness and begging. However, together with Yuriko, he discovered something new that he liked. Yuriko on his lap, riding him. In this intimate moment he is ready to give up some control and lets her do what she wants. However, in order not to give the wrong impression, he is very careful to make it clear that he is the master here as well. Whether words or a teasing jacking up, Ruki shows Yuriko the limits.
Horniness and Sex Drive
Before meeting Ruki, Yuriko had no idea how horny she could be. He opened her door to a new world and now she doesn't want to close it anymore. Yuriko's sex drive is high but she was a virgin before she met Ruki. He made her discover this side of her.
Yuriko had no idea that she loves to be bitten but Ruki's fangs piercing her skin started to turn her on even before they had had any true sexual contact. It took a while for her to understand this. Later, she has discovered other kinky likings with Ruki… and there are probably still some new pleasures for them to find.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Pt 1: It wasn’t supposed to be this
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A narcos mx one shot | Calderoni x Slate f agent*
Words: 6,200 | read on A03
Fic info | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 -finale
An: I made an exception and posted this in full. Anyway, I’m going back to my system after this, just previews on tumblr.
Warnings: violence, mention of injuries and blood, drinking, vague sexual content, drug traffickers, character deaths, lots of angst
Narcos disclaimer: I fully understand how sensitive all this is, which is why I struggled with writing for the show or not. But, I do, and I enjoy it so don’t plan to stop anytime soon. The show is naturally a very real trigger, so off the bat, you are triggered, block the narcos tag. I’m only one of many who write for this show (I blame the actors, it’s their fault, they charmed us). Filter the tag and save yourself and the writers unnecessary exchanges. Criminals, drug traffickers, drugs, really bad people who hurt so many are talked about in this show. In writing these little stories I’m not trying to erase that or gloss it over. Now that I’ve said my peace, remember it’s fully your choice if you continue and your fault if you get upset not mine. Last, if you don’t like the fic/story just move on. Plenty of other things to read. Don’t waste my time. Plenty of other fics around.
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The full realization of what happened last night hit during the shower. She drank a lot; this job is stressful, and she usually limited herself to one beer or one drink as a calming agent for a few reasons; to keep in control and to avoid letting her defenses down.
Last night, she lost both those battles and ended up in bed with the Calderoni. Slate couldn't put her finger on why she was drawn to him. They didn’t trust him, she didn’t either he’s not even her usual type but there was something about him.
As they worked with him over the last four weeks, she shoved her curiosity away and denied it was real. She chalked it up to horniness, it had been a very long time since she got laid; a full two months before she came down on this mission. And hooking up locally was out of the question, with anyone in her team? An absolute no, a completely bad idea.  Living in abandoned warehouse with a bunch of dudes really limited her private time, so self-pleasure was also not an option.
Maybe all the drinking, combined with a need to get laid led to this. Still, Calderoni didn’t seem like the type to just end up in someone's bed. The man was like a fucking wall; he said what he had to say, made his point, and wasn’t trying to make friends. So maybe the curiosity was mutual, had to be.
Calderoni never outright flirted with Slate, in fact, she was sure he was pretty indifferent to her at first. But then she caught it, the briefest lingering stares, the short, well-hidden glances when he thought she wasn’t looking. At the time, she didn’t know if the attention excited her, scared her, or a little of both.
Slate was thankful he was gone upon waking, seeing him in the light of day, would make all of this worse and she was pretty sure Walt was likely losing his shit because she hadn’t checked in yet. To be fair, she wasn’t that late, just 10 minutes or so. But he already wasn’t a fan of her leaving the place for the night, no matter what bullshit reason she gave him.
Walking into the warehouse after a night in a real bed and a decent hotel made it feel gritter than usual. With her shades still on, Slate found the guys gathered into one room.
“Look who decided to join us.” Ossie commented with a grin.
Slate flipped him off and he chuckled. She sat on the edge of the L shaped countertop and sipped her coffee.
Though she felt Walt's stare, she didn’t make eye contact. “I needed a night away from all you stinky boys and a damn shower.”
The reply seems good enough for most, except Walt, who continued to observe her.
She's not too worried though, she's known him a long time. “So, fill me in, what's going on.” She sets the coffee cup aside.
Walt took out a cigarette, lit it, then caught her up with the few minutes she missed.
-The Next day-
Back pressed against the wall, Slate crossed her arms and listened intently as Calderoni addressed the room. It took some work, but she was able to shift the events from a day ago to the back of her mind.
“Felix was in Panama last month, meeting with members of the Cali Cartel.” He walked into the center of the room, hands in his pockets. His profile was still facing the group.
“What was on the agenda?” Walt asked. Calderoni made eye contact with him and stopped walking.
Calderoni responded, “Not sure, but it ended with Felix committing to move more weight. Lots more.”
“Why now?”
"El Padrino’s feeling the pressure.” Calderoni switched to Spanish at this point.
With the tension between the plazas, this intel could be a big win; it had to be connected. Slate and Ossie look at each other, then back at Calderoni.
Calderoni rested his palms flat against the table. “There’s been talk of major construction somewhere outside of Juarez.”
“Construction of what?” Daryl asked.
“Runways.” Calderoni responded. He flipped open the folder he previously placed on the table. Everyone moved closer, including Slate. Walt remained on the opposite side of the table, beside Calderoni.
Calderoni continued, “Amado Carrillo Fuentes. Used to be some kind of pilot, among other things.” Walt examined the file as Calderoni addressed at the group, “Now, Felix has him buying up passenger planes.”
Slate doesn’t hold his gaze for too long, she breaks away first and leans over the table to view the file. This is weird. Just play it cool.  
Gaining control of her thoughts again, Slate’s eyes moved to Walt as he spoke. “Federation’s building their own air fleet.”
“And running it out of Juarez.” It’s the first comment she’s made since the meeting started; her voice almost felt unfamiliar to her ears.
Walt adds, “Yeah, if we can pin down Felix’s distribution hub, then we can unlock his entire route network.” Walt hands the file over to Danilo.
Daryl spoke next, “Track shipments across the border, pick them up one by one.”
“That’s right,” Walt nodded, “bleed the motherfucker.”
Done with the file, Danilo passed it to Slate who looked it over before passing it to Ossie and Amat.
Walt leaned over the table. “Starve him of his cash until the government cuts him off.” His eyes met Daryl's. “You know, hang him out to dry.”
“Now, we need to track Amado and the purchase of planes. Especially in large numbers. Maybe discount sales.” Slate said.
Calderoni made eye contact with her, before addressing the group again, “well, Amado just bought a one-way ticket to Belmopan, Belize.”
“What the fuck for?” Ossie asked.
Slate looked at him, then Walt, “Let me guess, an out of business airline getting rid of planes?”
Impressed, Calderoni raised a brow. “That’s where Aero Tropical is based. It’s an airline. It used to be. They just declared bankruptcy. They’re liquidating their entire fleet at an auction next week.”
Walt’s eyes scanned the group, “Looks like we're going to Belize.”
-One week later, Belize-
This might be a win, and it feels damn good.
At the same time. Slate doesn’t get her hopes up. Wins were rare in this work, it's something one just got used to and had to find a reason to keep pushing, to keep trying to make some kind of difference. Some days it was easier than others. But right now, she feels glad she said yes when Walt asked, maybe all this could amount to something useful.
Though they’re here for work, it feels good being in a different setting, like a breath of fresh air. Not just because of the dusty ass warehouse, but because of the whole Calderoni situation.
What happened that night, when she grabbed a drink at the same bar he happened to be at, was never discussed. She went about her job like nothing happened, and even after the meeting last, he didn’t say anything extra to her; just spoke to her as needed according to the situation.
It seemed like that was the end of things. One messy ass slip up. One very wrong but sensual one night stand. Just as Slate was making amends with that fact, she found a little envelope slipped into her jacket pocket after he left.
She stepped away to the broken-down bathroom for privacy. Inside the small envelope was a room key, she recognized it from the other night, same hotel. They had eyes on him the whole time, how he got it in here? She wasn’t sure. On the back of the little envelope was some kind of code, but once she figured it out, she deciphered it as a time and a vague date.
One of the things about being on this crew is most of their time was spent sitting around, talking, coming up with plans, going over information for the 1000th time. Action was few and far in between. Now with this trip to plan, she knew she couldn't get away in the coming days, but from the code on the back, Calderoni was aware of that too.
She didn’t use the key until 5 days later, once all the travel plans were set and all their new equipment arrived. She didn't know if it was pure curiosity, or if she really wanted to see him again; but something led her to that room.
Upon stepping in, she was gently swept inside. Once the door was closed, and locked, his lips met hers. There was no talking, no conversation, just two people swept up in desire and need.
After drying off with the towel, Slate started to get dressed. Calderoni was still in bed. Though her back was to him, she felt his eyes on her, but didn’t turn around.
“Being seen together once at the bar was dangerous enough, we need to be careful.” She slid her jeans back on and pulled the zipper up.
He sighed behind her, but it had a more relaxed tone to it.” Neither of us knew the other would be there.”
“Because it’s so out of the way.” She glanced at him over her shoulder with a smirk,” that was my hidden spot. Now I have to find another.”
“No,” he sat up against the headboard, “it was mine, then you showed up.”
She turned to face him, “I barely leave the safe house, except a couple of times to get a drink there. Now, I don’t even have that.” She poked his arm playfully.
Calderoni shrugged,” shit happens.”
“Asshole.” Slate chuckled and glanced at her watch. “I need to get back. And, if this happens again, we cannot come to his hotel.”
He didn’t respond right away. Instead, he inched closer and gently caressed her bare back with his fingers. “Relax, there won't be any issue with this place. Trust me.”
Calderoni moved his fingers from her back to her arm, making feather light strokes over her soft skin.
“We’ll have to end this.” He said, his fingers wrapping around her arm with a tight grip before pulling her closer to him.
“I know.” Slate steadied herself with one hand as he drew her into another kiss. Her other hand cupped the side of his face. In between kisses, she whispered, “last time?”
“Last time, or” he slid one of his hands behind her head, “second to last time? Third to last?”
Slate smiled and kissed him once more before breaking away. “I guess we’ll see where the cards fall.” With her lips still tasting of him, she finished getting dressed and grabbed her things.
“I’ll have one of my guys drive you back, drop you off a block away.” He pushed the sheet off and started gathering his clothes. He stopped to look back at her, “Be careful.”
Slate tapped her holstered pistol then moved toward the door, “I usually am.”
-Flashback over-
Belize is beautiful, Slate reminds herself to come back some time, after all this is over and long in the past.
Glancing to her left, she sees Walt using the binoculars. To his left is Ossie, Danilo, then her. Amat, Daryl and Sal are taking care of the other end of things in Juarez.
The auctioneer: Next we have a 1779 Boeing 727, registration number N-1779. Featuring forward and rear galleys. Currently featuring 12 first class seats and 136 coach seats and this aircraft is ready, willing, and able…”  
Her eyes drop to Danilo’s hands and his notes.
“We can get in through the north side of the fence. Bad sight line for security,” Ossie said quietly to Walt. They are in the furthest row from the auction, nosebleed seats with no one sitting directly next to them. But there are a few people in the row before them.
Walt replied, “Cut through. Two in, two outside for lookout.” He hands the binoculars over until they make it Slate. She takes a look and listens as they continue to talk.
Ossie, “We need radios. A ladder too.” he paused, chewing his gum. “We can get in through the rear airstairs, under the fuselage.”
“You figure it’s open? Can you even lock up a fucking 727?”
Ossie grinned.” Either way, I can pop the lock.”
“Of course, you can. Troublemaker” Slate commented with a smile. And for a fleeting second, a tiny grin flashed on Danilo's stoic expression too.
Ossie continued grinning for a little longer. Light banter is exchanged between the guys, with little interjection by Danilo.
“I definitely went astray somewhere,” Ossie stared straight ahead, “end up sitting here with you three broke motherfuckers.”
Danila makes a micro expression in response, Slate chuckled, and Walt turned to him,
“I got an amen to that.”
Slate adjusted her shades, while holding her grin a little longer, "You mean four broke motherfuckers.”
-Later that night-
The night sky was dark and starless; the only light is coming from the airstrip, the guard center, and the city in the distance.
Slate took a ground position, on the other side of where Danilo is in the jeep. Covering both angles was a good idea, and so far, everything was going as planned. With the mics, they could all hear and communicate with each other.
Carefully concealed, with a good vantage point, Slate continued watching through the binoculars.
Walt over the mic, “okay talk to me. Are we clear?”
“He’s still there.” Slate answered.
Danilo is watching the same thing she is. “Okay, hold on…"Up ahead the guard left the center and stepped outside. “Guard moving”
Slate and Danilo watch him enter this vehicle and head for the landing strip.
“He’s making his rounds.” She said,
Danilo waited a moment, then gave them the signal, “All clear. You’ve got three minutes. Go!”
Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she waited. Her eyes dropped down to her watch, 2 minutes and 55 seconds to go.
55 seconds later, Danilo’s voice met their ears, “2 minutes, get a move in it.”
Two seconds passed by.
“Heads up. Security on the move.” She leaned forward, following the guards' movements. A nervous flutter filled her stomach. “Fuck, come on guys, hurry up.” She muttered under her breath. The guard's jeep is getting closer to where the guys are.
“Walt - " Danilo warned.
“Yeah, yeah.  We see him. We see him.”
Ossie and Walt exchanged a few words, as Ossie worked on the lock.
Danilo, growing increasingly concerned, spoke again, “Walt, you’re running out of time.”
Slate watched closely with bated breath as the guys finally made it inside the plane. She continued holding her breath until the craft door closed. The guard drove by almost immensely after.  “Thank fucking god,” she exhaled.
Everything fell quiet for a moment. The guard was now headed to Danilo's view and was out of hers.
Danilo's voice was next over the mic, “He’s going out again. You’ve got three minutes. Move!”
If Slate smoked, she would have a cigarette right now. She hated the things too much to ever indulge.
-Minutes later-
Danilo drove as Walt slipped a cigarette between his lips. His expression full of pride as he glanced back at Ossie. “Six for six baby. He’s a goddamned artist.”
Danilo glanced back through the rear-view mirror, “nice work”
A closed mouth smile grew on Ossie's face. “Thanks man.”
Sitting there, next to him, it almost feels like a proud father kind of moment, in both the way Danilo speaks and holds himself, and Ossie’s response.
Slate gently nudged him, “Nice job, that shit’s impressive as hell.”
Ossie’s smile grew a little wider, “thank you.”
Slate settled her eyes on the landscape through the window again. It’s been a while since everything felt so hopeful, and she hoped this is a feeling they can hold on to a little longer.
-Juarez - Early morning, Chiapas airfield-
Standing on the rocky dry edge, the group waited as Walt viewed the plane and its inhabitants, which included Amado.
Walt lowered the binoculars and turned to his team. “Alright. Find a spot to set up surveillance. Two teams. Sal, me and Amat work the first rotation.” he handed the binoculars to Sal. “This is it.” Walt paused. “Fuckin’ A.”
- Flashback, the day before -
The coffee was still too hot to drink, Slate placed it on the floor and fixed her eyes on Walt. The team is in a half circle, some sitting, some standing, all facing Walt the evidence board.
The room is fuller than usual, there are 4 more guys present, Slate didn’t know them, but she assumed they were working with Walt too, just in a less direct way up until this point. But, if they were about to do what she thinks Walt is going to suggest, they need all the help they can get. The odds are far out of their favor.
“We’ve been over the risks.” Walt takes his time, making eye contact with each one of them. “But I want to be really clear on something. This is no longer the same job you’ve been hired for.” he moved into the center of the circle, “We have no support on this. Shit goes south, it’s on us. Believe me, this is not worth the shitty stipend you’ve been getting paid. Some of you have kids and families.”
Walt continued, his eyes on the other guys now, “Just because you’ve been helping us run surveillance and have known this asshole your whole life, doesn’t mean you're locked in, so if any of you are feeling any hesitation or nervousness, you need to tell me now.”
The room falls dead silent.
Slate stared down at the ground as her mind worked overtime. If they were lucky, a few of them would make it out, but not all, and she didn’t know what side she’d be on. A lifetime of trying to make a difference and help, just to die on some floor like so many others. It’s not what she wanted, but it’s a realistic outcome to all this.
Or, she could go home, pack her bags and head back to the states. It felt like the easy way out, especially after everything, even if it was the safest option. Though her answer scares her, she’s not a quitter, or a runner; she's seeing this through, no matter how terrifying that thought is.
Ossie was the first to speak, he asked “We do this, we cripple Felix’s entire operation?”
From where Slate is sitting, she could see the serious look in his eyes, the determination, she knows his answer too.
“Si.” Walt answered with a nod.
“Fuck being nervous.” Ossie said with more umph to his words. “We’ll never get this chance again.” He flashed a half smile, then looked at Daryl, “come on, let’s do this shit.” Ossie kept his eyes on Daryl and extended his hand.
Never a man of many words, Daryl leaned in and affirmed his answer with a brief slap to Ossie's hand. He then set his eyes on Walt. Slate glanced at Danilo whose eyes were cast down, his left brow slightly raised. With a small head nod, Danilo confirmed his answer, yes.
In short succession, Amat and Sal also say yes, followed by Slate and the remaining guys.
Walt proceeded. “Okay, let’s fucking cripple it.”
-Flashback over-
-Now -
“All right, everybody be safe out there.  I’ll be in your ear. Stay alert, stay alive.”  
Slate’s original station was on the high point, back at the jeep with Daryl, until shit hit the fan. It started with the overhead lights of the airstrip coming on, followed by yelling. She didn’t know it at the time, but Danilo was shot dead then.
“Fuck!” Slate grabbed a rifle and ran for the trees.
“I’m going to help!” She called back at Daryl before disappearing into the trees. Running as fast as her legs would take her, she made it down the side of the ridge.
Eventually she made it to the guys and ducked behind the red flatbed truck where Amat and Sal were, both firing from either side, she announced herself as he approached, to avoid getting shot by one of her guys.
With a quick glance to her left, she saw Walt pulling a badly wounded Ossie to the side of the yellow truck, Danilo was nowhere in sight; neither were the extra four guys. Bodies are already piling up in the airstrip.
“Ossie! “She called out,” are you okay?”
“No! We’re fucking pinned!” Walt yelled back. “We gotta move!”
Amat takes cover behind driver's seat door and aims his rifle, then fires, “And fucking go where!”
Sal stayed low to the ground on the other side of the truck, “let’s head to the mountains!”
“We’ll never make it!”
Slate could barely hear Amat over the shattering glass and bullets. What's left of the truck's windows are gone, she lowers her head and shields her face from shards of glass before taking fire again.
Two tires of the truck get shot , the truck titles with a slant. Walt kneeled to the ground and shields Ossie from the continuous gunfire.
Sal was behind the truck now, with Slate, “what the fuck else are we gonna do?”
Slate’s eyes jumped to Ossie again, she needed to get to him. She takes a few more shots and makes a run to the yellow truck, then ducks behind it. “We have to do somethin, or we’re going to fuckin die!”
Staying low to the ground, Slate made her way over to Ossie and Walt. She covered them, continuing to fire as Walt turned Ossie over.
Ossie was in bad shape, her eyes jumped from him and Walt, and back to the caret ahead. Walt kneeled on the ground, over Ossie,
Ossie gritted his teeth, pushing through the pain, "Walt, wait. The keys are in the truck, right?”
Walt continued checking his injury, “the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m fucking dying, man!”  
Slate continued to fire back while trying to hear what Ossie is saying to Walt. A heavy feeling of dread washed over her.
“Hang on Ossie! You can make it dammit!” She yelled, her eyes trained ahead; she's working twice as hard to take out as many as she could.
Ossie’s voice was strained when he responded, “no I, won’t Slate.” Even with his hand in the way, they could see the blood pouring out of his gunshot wound. Its fatal, the organs, right under the hem of the fucking vest.
She looked down to find his wet eyes on her. Above him, Walt was still. Slate cursed under her breath and lowered to the ground, by Ossie and Walt.
“Don’t die on me asshole, we have rock concerts to see.”
“Rock out for me,” he forced a grin then looked at Walt, “Please, Walt. Let me fuckin' do this!” he grunted.
The cartel pressed forward, Slate rose back to her feet and returned fire. Walt joined in, then returned to Ossie.
“I can help you get out. Get me in the truck.”
Amat, Sal, and Slate continued to fire. She catches sight of Walt helping Ossie into the truck.
Part of her wanted to run to them, to convince Ossie not to do whatever he’s going to do; but they were dangerously outnumbered, and the cartel continued to get closer and closer.
“Walt, what the fuck are you doing!” Amat called out.
Once Ossie was in the truck, Walt stood on the driver's side door, “cover me!”
Walt made his way to the passenger side where Slate was. Before she could ask a question or, think a thought, Ossie was already moving, driving the truck head on into the cartel as they littered it with bullets. In seconds, he ran over some of the cartel and ran the truck into the gas tank. A huge red-orange fire erupted with black smoke.
With feet hitting the ground hard, Slate, Walt, Amat and Sal ran for the woods, returning fire over their shoulders as they sped away. They had no idea how many the explosion killed, but it did what Ossie said it would, it gave them cover to run.
Walt and Sal reached the tree line first. Amat and Slate stop to take out a few more guys. Slate is first back on her feet, Amat just steps behind her until she heard a body drop. Taking a fearful glance back, she saw Amat was down and continued to zig zag as she ran.
Finally reaching the trees, Slate looked around for Walt and Sal as her heart banged in her chest. Spotting them to her left, she limped over, careful to stay in the shadows.
Walk grabbed her arm and pulled her deeper into the shadows, his eyes moving from her to Sal.
“This is on me.” He pushed Sal forward, “get the fuck back the safe out, both of you, Go!”
Sal looked ahead where Amat was, hesitated then turned to run.
“Get the fuck out of there Slate!”
“I’m not leaving you out here alone!” She walked past him and crouched down, “we’re both making it out of this!”
“Fuck!” Walt crouched down too, the both of them peering through the trees. He would drag her back if he could, make her leave; but there’s no time for it right now, and there’s no way he's going to leave one of his alone out here.
A car pulled up, even in the dark of the night, the sight of it makes Slate’s heart drop. She knows that fucking car; it’s a black Cadillac. Her grip tightened on her pistol; her throat was closing up.
An ill feeling washed over her as Amat laid on his back ahead, a guy on either side of him, rifles trained on his body. Each time their fallen friend groaned, the sicker she felt. Slate shut her eyes quickly then opened them, she hoped the person getting out of that car is a stranger, maybe he just has the same car as -
“You guys got one?”
It’s his voice. His fucking voice.  
“Fuckers still alive.”
Calderoni came into full view, the car lights on him like a spotlight, his right hand raised; gun in hand and ready to shoot. Calderoni then shoots both the cartel guys, each one a kill shot to the head.
He kneeled down beside Amat, Slate and Walt were too far away to hear what Amat was trying to say as he spit up blood. Slate narrowed her eyes and saw Amat motion back to them with his head, followed by Calderoni looking that way.
It seemed he was helping Amat up when four guys came running in the near distance. Calderoni dropped Amat, looked back at the guys, then fired once, killing Amat. Walt shut his eyes and lowered his head.
Slate gripped the tree tighter and closed her eyes, tears fell down her cheeks. Her eyes were still closed when Calderoni addressed the men.
“One went that way, and the other went that way.” She opened her eyes to see him pointing in the opposite direction, then another wrong one. “Run, you can still catch them.” The smaller group quickly broke off, leaving Calderoni alone again.
“Stay behind me.” Walt orders as he aims his pistol at Calderoni.
“You out there Walt?” Calderoni takes a step closer, also ready to fire. Then another, the two men inched forward. “There’s nowhere to go.”
“What the fuck did you do?” Walt asked, his eyes glued on him.
“What you made me.” He paused. “If you hadn’t cut me off, I could have warned you this would happen. They found the transponders two days ago. You walked into a trap. But you wanted to go your own way.” Another pause. "He deserved to walk away Walt, they all did. But they were never going to. You made sure of it.”
Slate moved over slightly; a sliver of her face came into Calderoni's view.  
Calderoni raised his chin, his brows tensed as he looked at her. He released a heavy sigh, then shifted his eyes back to Walt.
“You should have been the one to die tonight, Walt. But I’m going to let you live.” His eyes moved back to Slate. “Get the fuck out of here and don’t stop walking until you hear them speak English.”
Slate took a step back and gently placed a hand on Walt's arm. They had to get the fuck out here, there was no winning. Even if they could get a shot at Calderoni, dozens of men would descend upon them, and they had no chance of surviving that.
Walt slowly stepped back, his face eventually disappearing from Calderoni’s view.
Late that night at the warehouse
Slate trudged up the dark staircase behind Walt. With the rush of adrenaline gone, the pain in her leg came back full force. Her skin is coated in dirt, sweat, blood; hers and others.
“Who else made it out?”
Daryl appeared first; Walt walked right past him. Slate stopped in place and made eye contact but couldn’t find the words to speak. Her eyes then darted to Sal, who stepped into the room next.
Daryl’s eyes landed on Slate again, then Walt.
“Walt! Who else made it out?”
Walt pulled out a chair at the desk and sunk down into it with a silent breath. He looked broken, completely broken and more fragile than she’s ever seen him before, even counting the times she was around him back home.
Slate sniffled and shook her head, no, to Daryl.
Walt put the gun down, and when he finally spoke his voice was shaky and low, “ eveyones gone.”
Daryl paced, hands on his hips, shaking his head in disbelief. Sal sat on a nearby bench, slouched over and lowered his head, his hands clasped together.
Slate leaned against the nearby wall and looked up at the ceiling, swallowing the lump in her throat and trying to will the tears in her eyes to stop.
-Five days later-
Slate tapped the rim of the glass and watched as the bartender refilled the drink.
She quickly knocked it back and lowered the glass to the counter. They were out of Mexico in less than a day. Since being back, it’s been meetings and other bullshit, but to a lesser extent than whatever Walt had to do, since this was his operation. After her last meeting, Slate put in her request for extended leave; she turned down her reassignment papers.
It felt wrong, being back. Maybe she was supposed to die out there. She hasn’t slept much because all she sees is dead friends, especially Amat and Ossie. Then there’s another ghost haunting her waking and sleeping hours. The man she shared a bed with and later watched as he shot her friend and teammate dead. A man she snuck off to see two more times before the trip to Belize and Juarez, a man she had a weird comfort with she could never describe or explain away. A man she now hated with every bone in her body.
She felt betrayed by him. Even if he had a point, even if playing both sides was the only way to get shit done there. Even with that understanding, she still felt angry, and hurt.
Though they all knew death was a possibility when they didn’t walk about that room, none of them deserved that. Not even the ones who had to do sketchy shit in the past. They did not deserve to die; not Ossie, not Amat, not Danilo. From the brief conversation she had with Walt, Ossie and Amat were denied what he promised them, and written off as criminals.
Three weeks later
Slate got out of the elevator and turned left to her new apartment. She wasn’t sure how much it would help, a new city and a new place, but she was desperate at this point to shake the events of Mexico.
Two doors away from her own, she stopped cold in her tracks. A familiar face stared back at her, dark brown eyes, hair combed back, his arms crossed.
The moment their eyes met, he uncrossed his arms and stepped forward, using a calming tone to speak, “you’re a hard woman to find.”
Slates heart rate sped up with each step toward Calderoni. “Get the fuck out of here!”
He called her by her real name and raised a hand, in an attempt to calm her down. “Take it easy.”
“Take it easy! Take it easy!” She rushed toward him and shoved him hard in the chest, he barely budged, and remained rooted on the ground.
Slate shoved him again, this time tears coming to her eyes. He grabbed her shoulders and lowered his eyes to hers.
“Calm down. Can we talk? Inside?”
She wants to shoot him, to take every bad feeling in her body and mind out on him. Down the hall, a door opened, someone stepped out.
Slate cursed under her breath and tore herself away from his strong grip. After fumbling with her keys, she got the door open, went inside, then slammed it in his face.
Distraught, she headed to the Livingroom and sat on the couch, covering her face with her hands. When the door opened, she jumped to her feet and retrieved the gun she kept hidden behind a desk.
Calderoni didn’t budge at the sight; or show any signs of worry.
“I can’t stay long. Put the gun away.”
“No! You set us up!”
Calderoni stood directly in front of her and pried the gun from her hands. He clicked the safety back on and put it aside.
“Listen to me, “he lowered voice, “I did not set you up.”
Slate stared at him; he could see her mind going a mile a minute. She was also trying to decide if she believed him or not.
“It’s not as simple as you, Walt, and those agents who try to help think it is. Everyone, even the good guys, need to be bad and make some grey calls. It’s the only way. You’re smart, you know that Slate.”
She pulled her eyes from his and sat on the couch again.
“Those guys didn’t deserve that, I meant what I said.”
She shook her head and pressed her palms into her knees. “Why didn’t you warn us? Me?” She raised her eyes to his.
“I would have, you heard what I said out there. I was telling the truth.”
Slate rounded her shoulders, getting smaller on the couch. She shrugged weakly and stared at the floor.
“Hey,” Calderoni took a seat next to her on the couch, “I hoped you weren’t there. That you were smart enough to say no and go home.”
She turned her head to shoot him a dark look, “and abandoned the team? What kind of person do you think I am?”
Calderoni started to speak, then stopped himself. It was properly for the better, Slate was nearly shaking with anger now.
“We’ll talk about this, if not now, later, when you’re ready.”
She clenched her jaw, speaking through gritted teeth, “I never want to see you again.”
Calderoni lowered his gaze. He reached out and carefully placed a hand on her thigh. Her eyes dropped down to his hand, but she didn’t move it.
“Tell me to fuck off in the morning, but for now, “he raised his eyes to hers, “let me be here for you, even if it’s in silence.” he forces a small smile. “Keep the gun close if you want.”
Slate scoffed and stared at the table before them. Calderoni stood, retrieved the gun, and put it in her hands before sitting back down.
He watched as she looked it over, turning it, then placed it on the table.
Shooting him could feel cathartic, or it could make her feel worse.  
Slate exhaled and closed her eyes. When she spoke, her voice was barely a whisper, “I don’t want to look at a fucking gun again for a while. I’m so fucking tired - I’m tired - “she let her head hang low.
A moment later she felt his hand on her back, caressing her in a slow circular motion. At first, she stilled to his touch, then, she relaxed into it. With his right hand, he slid two fingers under her chin, angling her face to his. She opened her eyes.
Slate wanted to scream, to yell, to kick him, to use a time machine and take saying yes to this job back; but she couldn't. She couldn’t do anything but sit here right now, as her body felt everything at once, anger, rage, disappointment, grief, loneliness.
Maybe she would yell at him tomorrow, tell him all the things she wanted to say, but for now, she doesn’t have the energy. Calderoni wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.
Slate leaned against him with a sigh and let her eyes fall closed.
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28 notes · View notes
deputygonebye · 1 year
Jonathan Walsh could never commit himself to anything, least anything that wasn’t a bottle of Jack. Pure Irish blood that flowed within his veins, those in King County couldn’t blame the man entirely for his faults. His parents hadn’t given a damn about him and it showed. Dreams and hopes were always crushed underneath shoe heels. Workers boots like that of which Jonathan’s father Declan wore, tattered and torn from hard labor out in the Georgia farm fields. Homemaker heels like that of which his mother Orla donned, as pristine as the day that she bought them, as ruby red as the wine that she drank daily. Between a father who worked too much and a mother that worked too little, there was no room for love and support for Jonathan and his six siblings. They were on their own. Could do whatever they wanted, did whatever they wished, school the least of importance. Least, that was how it was for Jon Walsh until he met Annie Carter. A familiar face that made the final two months of high school bearable. 
Annie was everything that Jon was and wasn’t. Richer, though her means were nothing to brag about in King County, her and her parents lived comfortably, smarter and better when it came to academics. She was blonde, gorgeous, but with a dark side to herself that scared all who got too close. As to where it came from, neither her mother nor her father knew. Jean and her Byron always worrying about their little girl, their only child after many failed pregnancies and miscarriages, a blessing that some nosey neighbors had deemed a curse. Retribution for the sins that Jean and Byron carried out. Participated in and explored without care, Jean would cry herself to sleep thinking about where it was her daughter had snuck off to. In the middle of the night - Annie would pay no mind to how her parents begged her not to leave - mysterious strangers the sort of people that she would call friends. Annie was 18, and as she would declare each and every time her father threatened to punish her, she could do whatever she pleased. She never got in trouble at school. She received good grades. She always did her chores. She was about to graduate and move out. She was allowed to have friends; Jonathan Walsh the latest. A fire that burned her gasoline. 
Jean always blamed herself for the shortcomings of her daughter. Regretted the fact that she and Byron weren’t more stern with her before it all got out of hand, either of them too easily manipulated by their beloved child. She never gave much credit to the cruel words that had denounced her decades before, but as Annie grew worse and worse in her habits, late nights powered by drink and unknown companions and undisclosed locations, Jean couldn’t help but think that there was some truth to them. What she and Byron had done: she chose true love over faith. Raised in the small Jewish community that King County had, her parents had wanted Jean to do just as they had done before her, what their parents had done and what their parents had done, too. Married within the faith, stayed within the family. But Jean could not keep her affection for Byron James Carter quiet. Practically cried in happiness whenever she saw him, kiss after kiss upon his lips, would rather abandon all that she knew than ever lose him. He just as devoted to her, his proud English heart beat only and ever for Jean Hoffmann. The other half to his very soul - he would marry her and make her the happiest woman in all of Georgia. 
The happiest and the loneliest all the same, when an engagement band found its way upon Jean’s finger, so did her mother and father’s disownment. She was dead to them. She would never be spoken of again. She had made her choice, and would be left to rot in misery with the man she deserted her people for. No home would welcome her. None from the community would meet her eye in friendship anymore - Jean was alone. But rather would she be alone with Byron than surrounded while in a marriage that she didn’t want. An eternity with someone that she couldn’t love, wouldn’t love, family that was lost would be superseded by one that Jean and Byron would make all their own. Children and grandchildren and more; they would create their own family. Babies that would be loved no matter what - not like how Jean was so viciously tossed out - adored and cherished. 23 and ready to take on the world with her sweetheart, a blushing bride if there ever was one, Jean’s spirit was light. It hurt no longer over the words of her parents, for her future, as she knew and believed in, would be bright. Her and her Byron and their fairytale, what came to be was far from the storybook ending that she prayed to God for. 
Pregnancies never lasted. Miscarriages happened more often than Jean could count, and there had been a part of her that believed that she would never have a child. A baby that she so wished for, that she wanted so desperately, it broke Byron’s heart to see his darling Lil’ Bird in pain. He would’ve done anything to make it go away. Give her as many children as they could have, the moon and the stars. He was so good to her. Gentle, not at all like the mongrels who prowled around the streets looking to break a delicate woman’s heart, certain that, when the time was right, he and Jean would have their family. They only needed to keep trying. And, truly, that was all part of the fun. Pleasure that recognized no pain, just as Byron had said to her, so it did happen. Jean was pregnant. With child in her belly, tears of joy unable to stop their spill down her cheeks as she relayed the news to her husband, a doctor’s visit the validation that the couple needed. If God blessed them, they would have their long awaited family. A little boy or girl of their own - Annie Elizabeth Carter was born nine months later. 
The apple of her parents’ eyes, their sweet girl had turned into an outsider before either Byron or Jean could blink. Graduation come and gone, before the next year came to pass, Annie had married the troubled Jon Walsh. Against the disapproval of her parents, the unsatisfied grumbles from his, Jean’s pleas to wait ignored for a honeymoon based upon cold beers and a cabin in the woods. Her own past thrown into her face like it were poison: I’m just like you, Mama!
And just as fast as the wedding, Annie’s pregnancy came immdeiately. Delayed somewhat, for a jobless couple who were somehow always so busy, 21 years old and not a consideration for the baby that she carried. Still did Annie want to live the lifestyle that she and Jonathan were attached to. Parties and clubs and bloody brawls, Jean and Byron, for the first time in Annie’s life, put their foot down. It had to end. What Annie was doing to herself, what she was exposing the baby to, they wouldn’t lose their only grandchild because of the selfishness of their daughter. But too far gone was Annie to wonder about the baby who grew in her womb. More so another person to keep her from her carnal desires than a piece of her and the man that she loved, Jonathan was no better. A drunk who abused his charm and good looks, a womanizer who bedded any and all. He didn’t care that Annie knew. He didn’t care that it broke her fragile mind even more than it already was, whatever evils that had lurked there before he ever sank his claws into her. A twisted sense of humor within her, when the baby was born, a baby boy who looked so much like Jonathan in the eyes, she named him in honor of two ex-boyfriends: Shane and Everett. Shane Everett Walsh was his name. And Jonathan could barely stand the fact. Only simmered in his anger. Temper about to burst in the hospital room. 
There was no note. No message of hate. No token of love. There was only an empty bottle of liquor that signaled that Jonathan had left his and Annie’s home. Clothes all gone from their drawers and shoes taken from the closet, the little cash that the Walsh’s had was gone, too. Their home was a ghost town. Furnished by the few pieces that were bought for the baby, Grandma and Grandpa’s eager purchases, Annie didn’t have a moment to lose her sanity. Jean nor Byron unable to allow that, not ready to fail a second time to an innocent child, they had her and her baby boy move in with them as soon as the next week. A home just on the street corner, a place not too big but bigger than where the mother and son had come from, comfortable and peaceful, a safe haven. But Annie didn’t care. She never did. Leaving Shane with her parents all day, she could drink until she blacked out. Stumble around with Jonathan’s name screamed from her lips, drew blood from the women in King County who had dared to call him their one-time lover. A lover lost forever - no one knew where he was nor where he went. Jean and Byron were glad for that. Jonathan Walsh was better off alone. 
Byron and Jean adored their Shane. So sweet and so beautiful, he was the perfect child. A glimmering light that brightened their days, they could almost pretend as if life was a happy one. A life that wasn’t spent worrying over their precious Annie still, all but in legality was Shane theirs, and his mother was ever delighted for that. Part of her did love her son. A chunk of her heart branded in his name, but a chunk that couldn’t be outdone by Annie’s marriage to drink and drug. Men that acted just as Jonathan used to, gossip whispered otherwise, but Jean knew that seeing her in such a way was what killed Byron. His beautiful baby girl mutilated by her own doing, poor man couldn’t stand the sight. Was perhaps too tired to fight with her anymore - his heart gave out in his sleep. Beside Jean in their marriage bed, just as he always knew he would go, with his true love beside him, Jean was thankful that Annie went quickly after. Heartache not allowed to fester - two losses within the span of a year - there was hope to a peace found in the afterlife for her treasured husband and daughter. Maybe, then, could Annie find the happiness, the answers, that she didn’t have in the mortal world. At long last, her alcohol glass was free from a fresh pour. 
Jonathan Walsh could never commit himself to anything, but the same would not be said of Jean Carter. She would do all that Jonathan didn’t and more, she would love Shane and protect him, be there for him through all of his days. Fatherless but not without love, Jean would make up for the mistakes that she made with her Annie, the blissful ignorance, the love that blinded her from what her daughter was. How sick she was. Jean would do good for, and by, her darling Shane Everett. But even she couldn’t protect him from everything. 
Rumors rampant in King County, for homegrown scandal always sold, truths hard to differentiate from lies: Jonathan had murdered his best friend in cold blood in the next town over. Shane was really the son of another man. Annie was a part of a crime ridden gang before she died.
But by God above, Jean would try. She would do anything for her Shane.
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