#when he doesnt even know what a charity shop IS?
casiopiea · 3 months
@volchtsa ft. nesta: you look like you've been kicked through a charity shop.
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of all the ways she could have wounded him, this living blade of a girl had forgone every minor abrasion and cut straight to the bone. to imply that his aesthetic choices were anything short of immaculate ... he had slaughtered legions for less! every instinct urges him to reach for his power, to demonstrate just how little tolerance he had for the sharp tongued, but this fledgling fae was strictly off limits. cauldron damn the lord of night and his whole royal family. ❝ i imagine i'm quite different to the mortal men you're used to. ❞ he gives her his most insipid smile, his words cocooned in cloying sweetness. it was a tone reserved for guild summits and political endeavors - a way to parry attacks without dirtying one's hands. ❝ for instance, i'm able to walk and breathe at the same time. ❞
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starsxblazing · 5 months
Hi friend! I had an idea that perhaps you could bring to life. Its an azriel x reader. Where shes a seamstress for Rhys, she makes all his suits and all the beautiful gowns and dresses for the girls to wear. She even makes their leathers for fighting. I imagine one of them or maybe a few of them make a comment on how she's no one important and kinda belittles her work cuz shes just a seamstress. Rhys brings all 3 males to be measured for suits and azriel is getting flushed as readers kneeling to measure the length of his pants and the slit for his wings. Rhys sees Azriel blush and gives him a stern look shaking his head like "not this one." She doesnt look them in they eye, and rhys doesnt tell azriel anything about her. Like shes rhys best kept secret. Reader feels like the IC is so much better than her and thats why they sometimes say mean things (maybe someone asks elain where her dress is from and she just scoffs like "this old thing") but its actually a protective rhys trying to keep her safe cuz she reminds him so much of his deceased sister. Bond snaps but readers so insecure she wants to decline. Sorry this was so long. Lol. Just trying to get the jist of it out. Non important seamstress reader, flushed azriel, brother like rhys. The end. 🤣🤣🤣
a/n: I really hope that I did your request justice! It was so cute writing a shy Azriel
You sat at the front desk of the shop to place your order for your inventory, sighing to yourself as your eyes momentarily moved around the small store that you owned. It wasn’t anything special and was small compared to the many others in the city. There were so many other places that would be preferred by the citizens but this was your passion and refused to give up on it. The bell on the door rang and you looked up with a hopeful smile that turned into a grin when you saw who was striding in.
“Hey!” you started happily, thankful to see such a familiar face. “It feels like forever since I’ve seen you.”
“I will make it a top priority to come visit when it isn’t just for your services,” he chuckled.
“And what is it that I can do for the all mighty High Lord?” A giggle at his playful frown escaped you. “I’ve been looking forward to the new things that you always request.”
“We have a visit to the Day Court and it would be nice to have some new attire for the ball that Helion will be hosting.”
“That sounds so nice,” you sighed dreamily. “The same sizes as last time?”
“The females, yes.” He gave you a smile that was full of love and admiration that nearly brought tears to your eyes. “However, Azriel and Cassian will need to be measured since they usually do not wear this particular form of attire.”
“Just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll have everything set up.” You searched through the files under your desk to pull out the Inner Circles information. “I can go ahead and get what you have in mind so I can get it done in time.”
Rhysand gave you a small smile, the adoration still shining in his eyes. You were never sure why he looked at you in such a way but you appreciated it anyway. He was the only thing that came close to a friend since there were times where he would stay with you and talk for hours before departing again. You had no family since they were lost in the war but you were thankful that you had been able to take refuge in Velaris.
There were times when the High Lord would try to offer to move you into a larger store in a better part of the city. It was a sweet offer but you felt as if it was charity and you didn’t want any pity. The Night Court black that was used was always beautiful to you and your friend seemed to like the little details that you added to make it stand out a bit more while still fitting his court. 
Your store stayed in business simply because of Rhysand’s orders for his family because you made everything for them. He always assured you that they loved their dresses and gowns but there was always an emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t place when he did so. Despite that, you always put everything that you had into it. His family was important and special. All of them were nothing like you. Just a little nobody that had nothing but your little shop to keep you busy.
It wasn’t until three hours later that the High Lord left did you realize just how alone that you truly were. You wished that you had a family like he did but you forced your mind to remember how happy that you were for him. There were so many that you had come across in your life that only had half of what he did and even then, there wasn’t much happiness in it.
The next day, you made your way out to begin your search for the things that you would be able to find in town when you saw someone you recognized. It was one of the High Lady’s sisters but you weren’t sure which one it was. You did your best to not be noticed as the female spoke to another one but you were pretty sure that you wouldn’t be. 
“Where did you get your dress, Elain?” the female asked.
“This old thing?” Elain looked down at her dress, one that you had made, with her nose scrunched in distaste. “It came from some nobody seamstress. Rhys has never told us anything else.”
“Well, I think it’s beautiful.” The female’s head tilted slightly with a raised eyebrow. “It seems like you don’t like it.”
“It’s definitely not my favorite,” Elain huffed, scrunching her nose in the process.
Unable to hear anymore of the conversation, you turned and darted back to your shop. So many feelings had hit you all at once and you weren’t sure where to start as you began sobbing once you were in the safety of the building that you also lived in. You began doubting yourself and the work that you loved while also wondering if the male that you considered your friend has been lying to you all of this time. 
Even though you had cried yourself to sleep in the early afternoon, you were still unable to pull yourself out of bed the next morning. You could barely hear the knock on the front door but you ignored it. You had already felt like no one of any importance but the words that you had overheard only proved it. Not only was it from a customer but also from someone who would be able to destroy what tiny bit of name that you had for yourself in the city within an instant. Facing Rhysand again would be one of the hardest things that you had to do in a long time but you refused to let him down.
You allowed yourself to mope in bed for the remainder of the day in hopes that you would feel a bit better the next day. No sooner than you opened your store, the bell rang and you felt the High Lord’s power throughout the entirety of the small building.
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Azriel had felt a bit frustrated when his brother dragged him out of bed and rushed him through his breakfast. He wasn’t sure what the hurry was, not seeing the big deal in getting fitted for new suits and leathers. In truth, he did need them but he felt as if it could’ve waited until a bit later in the day. His High Lord had a hint of eagerness to him that wasn’t so present unless it came to his mate or son.
He was only annoyed further when they arrived at what he could swear was the smallest shop in the entire city and there was no answer even after Rhysand had all but beat the door down. The store couldn’t even be considered to be in the district where most of the stores were but he was somewhat relieved because he was able to spend the rest of his day as he wanted.
Rhysand did the same thing the following day which had both him and Cassian grumbling about doing the same thing two days in a row. Thankfully, the store was open and his brother walked in as if he owned the place with a small smile on his face.
“Is everything alright?” Rhys asked the female at the front desk hesitantly, a hint of worry in his voice. “We came by as planned but there was no answer.”
“I had some business to take care of,” you muttered, causing him and Cassian to glance at each other in confusion. 
Neither of them knew who you were nor even knew of the business that was being run here. He watched carefully as you gathered what was needed and even though you carried yourself in a confident manner, you kept your eyes downcast. It was as if you didn’t have it in you to look them in the eyes. You had obviously done so with his brother but it appeared as if it wasn’t the case today.
From what he could see, he could tell that you were beautiful but what would confirm it the most would be some form of eye contact. He watched you carefully as you started with Cassian, fully committed to doing your job to perfection. You started with his other brother’s legs for his height and he only saw a smirk pulling on Cassian’s lips that he was trying to hold back. For reasons unknown to Azriel, it had him frowning and almost bristling at the sight.
You continued on with your work in silence except for a hum here or there when the High Lord asked you questions as if you didn’t want to speak to any of them. It wasn’t until you moved to him did he truly pay attention to you. He wasn’t sure why but the sight of you on your knees in front of him, with your notebook in hand, had heat creeping onto his face. The quietest snicker came from Cassian who had moved behind him. When he turned to glare at him, he noticed a stern look on Rhysand’s face that had his eyebrows furrowing.
Azriel’s body stiffened when your fingers brushed lightly against him to take other measures. He sucked in a quiet breath when you moved behind him to measure the slits for his wings and your fingers just barely grazed them. It sent a jolt of what felt like electricity through him. He cursed himself silently because it wasn’t the first time that his wings had been touched but there was something about yours that nearly had him wanting more of the contact.
He was slightly disappointed when you were finished too quickly for his liking and moved to Rhysand. You still kept your eyes downcast from all of them and it seemed to have the slightest frown tugging at the High Lord’s lips. Cassian continued to watch as if he too was wondering what was going on. 
“Everything should be ready in three weeks if that’s alright,” you said, giving Rhysand the briefest glance before returning to your desk.
Rhys ushered them out quickly and was unusually quiet. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say that he was brooding. Neither Cassian nor himself knew anything about you so they weren’t sure what to say but his own curiosity got the better of him.
“Who is she?”
“No one for you to be concerned about,” the High Lord answered. “And you will stay away from her.”
He was given a stern glance but he could note the protective fondness in his eyes. It only caused him to wonder more but he kept quiet on the matter.
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You were thankful for the time being that you didn’t have a lot of customers. The work of making suits and gowns for seven people would take a while but you were thankful that it gave you a break from your thoughts. You didn’t waste any waking hour, putting your greatest effort into it all in hopes that the gowns would be appreciated more.
A week had passed faster than you had originally imagined that it would and the only break in your concentration was the bell to your shop opening for the second time during the time. You shouldn’t have been surprised to see Rhysand before you, a small frown on his face as he looked down at you.
“As promised, I have come to spend some quality time with the most beautiful seamstress that I know,” he said with a grin that contradicted the caution in his eyes.
“You come to visit or check on my progress?” you asked, eyeing him for a moment before returning your work.
“As I said, I’ve come to visit,” he repeated gently. “Are you alright? You’re acting differently.”
“Fine,” you answered a bit too quickly to be believable. 
“I apologize when I say that I do not believe you.” There was a worried frown on his face that made your heart clench and tears almost formed in your eyes. “Talk to me.”
“I just..” You trailed off, unsure what to say or how to say it. “Why does it matter? I’m just trying to balance everything.”
It was a lie and they both knew it. There was worried determination on his face and you knew that he wouldn’t let it go but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him what happened. It could possibly cause a divide or rift between the family that you thought so highly of and you couldn’t have that.
“You’re evading,” he replied flatly before his face softened when he gripped your chin lightly to keep your attention on him. “I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“Your family is very important,” you muttered. “I just want to be sure that I make everything perfectly. There’s so many ideas going through my head and I’m just trying to be sure to keep it all together.”
“You are no less important than any of us.” His matter of fact words paired with his gentle smile had a small one forming on your face as well. “As a matter of fact, you are just as important if not more so than my entire family combines.”
“Why?” You moved out of his grip and stared at him flatly. “Look at m-”
“I do see you. Every single time I come in here.” Rhysand continued with a charming smile that caused you to huff. “There is nothing wrong with you.”
“Then why-” You stopped short, reminding yourself to not give into your emotions. “I have Feyre’s gown completed and this one that I’m almost finished with is for Nesta. Do you want to see?”
He nodded with a grin and followed you to a separate room in the back where you kept the outfits that you made. You watched him carefully for his reaction as he stared at the gown and then blew out a silent breath of relief at the genuine smile on his face.
“It’s beautiful,” he said, turning to grin brightly at you. “She will love it and this just may become her new preferred gown.”
“Promise?” you asked tentatively while you tried to decipher if he was lying or not.
“On my mate’s life,” he answered as a look of adoration etched into his features once again. 
“Is there anything that I should change about Amren’s, Mor’s, Nesta’s or..” You swallowed hard, the action not going unnoticed by the High Lord. “Elain’s? I want everything to be absolutely perfect for everyone for such an important event.”
“No.” He shook his head but the certainty in his eyes was answer enough. “I look forward to seeing what the rest look like.”
“I’ve made these my top priority so the leathers-”
“Can wait until you’re finished with these,” he replied. “What they have now will work until later.”
“Okay,” you whispered, gripping onto the kind reassurances to push you through your self deprecating thoughts before he pulled you into a tight embrace.
“I wish there was a way to make you realize just how special you are,” he muttered, squeezing tighter to emphasize it. “You remind me so much of my sister.”
Your eyes filled with tears immediately because it was no secret about what happened to his mother and sister. The fact that had such a high opinion of you that he would compare you to someone so important to him had you sobbing. He simply held you until your tears finally ceased and stayed with you for a few hours before returning to his court duties.
By the time that the door shut behind him, you felt a bit better but knew that you would never compare to any of them.
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Azriel wasn’t able to keep his mind off of you while they waited for their new suits and gowns for the upcoming ball. He wasn’t sure why but despite his High Lord’s orders, he walked past your shop every so often to simply get a glimpse of you. Only once did he get a full view of your face and it took his breath away as he saw you smile at the only customer that he had noted that you had.
It was reaching the three week mark that you had given his brother and he was itching to ask the High Lord if he would let him retrieve the order. His gut told him that Rhysand wouldn’t allow it. He wasn’t sure why you were kept such a tight secret from all of them but Azriel knew that his brother meant it when he had given the order to stay away from you. 
“I can’t go with you today.” Azriel stopped just outside of the study, listening to Rhys as he spoke to Cassian. “I have to leave in a couple of hours to pick up our outfits for our trip to Day Court.”
“I don’t understand why none of us-”
“As I’ve said,” the High Lord growled, his voice low and almost deadly. “You need not worry about her.”
“Yea but she-”
“Is not a topic of discussion.”
The snappy tone of their brother had Cassion falling quiet on the topic but Azriel’s curiosity about you wouldn’t let him sit idly by. It was almost as if he was being pulled towards you and he couldn’t ignore it. He slipped out as silently as he had come in and disobeyed Rhysand’s orders. Even though the plan had already been arranged, Azriel wasn’t bothered with the anger that would surely ensue about him taking the initiative that was purely personal.
The bell on your store’s door sounded as he entered but you were so focused on your work that you didn’t notice his presence until he cleared his throat. You jumped from your stool, startled from the noise before you finally looked at him. It felt like the entire world stopped when you both made eye contact and he felt the one thing that he was beginning to believe that he would never have.
Your eyes went wide and you stumbled backwards, tripping over your stool and fell to the ground in surprise as the golden thread connected the two of you. He rushed as fast as he could through the small area, his wings knocking some items over even though his wings were tucked in tightly behind him. A breath of relief escaped him when you didn’t recoil from him when he reached to help you up.
“I- I don’t- What?” you gasped through heavy breaths as you stood.
“I’m- I’m sorry,” he stuttered, unsure what to say since he didn’t know what you were thinking. 
“No. Don’t be. I just..” You took a deep breath before fully looking at him again. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
Your words barely registered in his mind as he stared back at you, your beauty captivating him the longer that he did so. There were so many things that he wanted to say but at the same time being unsure since he didn’t know you. No sooner than he could open his mouth to reassure you, the front door opened and he felt the High Lord’s power filling the store. His brother was angry beyond belief with him.
“Y/N, would you mind stepping outside for a moment while I have a word with my spymaster.”
Azriel could feel the uncertainty and anger flowing off of you but you nodded after swallowing audibly. Once you were out in the streets, Rhysand had him by the collar of his shirt and shoved him harshly into the wall. There was nothing but pure, unadulterated anger on his brother’s face.
“Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from her?” Rhys growled.
“Yes but-”
“But what, Azriel?” he snapped at him. “Are you simply attracted to females that I insist on you staying away from?”
“It isn’t like that,” he tried. “Why are you so insistent on no one knowing about her? None of us even knew that she existed until now.”
“Because I want to protect her.” Azriel was released before Rhysand took a few steps back. “She reminds me too much of my sister and I refuse to let anything happen to her. If that means keeping all of you clueless to her existence then that is what I will do.”
Azriel’s thought began flooding in all at once, making it hard to keep up with what his shadows were whispering and the things that he wanted to say. He understood now what his High Lord’s motivations were but there was no way that he could let his mate go. Not after finally finding it after the centuries that he had waited for it. As he went to explain what had happened, the door opened again and it had your scent filling the room.
“I don’t want to be the reason that there’s trouble,” you mumbled as you looked at your feet.
“You are not-”
“We’re mates,” Azriel said, interrupting Rhys.
The High Lord’s eyes widened when he swirled around to look at him. There was uncertainty in them while he stared at him before looking back at the female that he held in such high regards. For the first time in a long time, his brother was speechless and Azriel was honestly shocked. 
“I don’t deserve it,” you continued, finally looking up with tear filled eyes. “I don’t deserve someone as special and amazing as he is.”
“Why?” he asked in a raspy voice.
“You- All of you-” You paused, taking a deep breath. “You’re all so much better than me to the point that some of my dresses aren’t even liked.”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
Your eyes switched between Rhysand and himself before stopping on the former. The tears that began flowing down your face made him unable to not go to you, placing his hands on each cheek in hopes of calming you.
“I heard Elain telling someone that she didn’t like-”
“Screw her and her opinion,” he growled before apologizing when your eyes went wide.
“There is a dress in particular that she isn’t the most fond of,” Rhys answered and you looked around him to gaze at the High Lord. “It is the only one and she simply doesn’t care for certain parts of the style. It has nothing to do with you or how amazing that your work is. It is simply a personal problem.”
“She said I was a nobody,” you sniffled, the words causing his body to shake slightly in anger. 
“That’s my fault.” Your brows furrowed at Rhys’s words. “You’re an amazing female and I didn’t want to risk putting you into danger by letting all of them know who you are.”
“But I-”
“Give us a chance,” Azriel whispered, pulling your eyes back to his. “Please.”
“Why don’t we start with the upcoming ball?” Rhys gave you a small smile when you looked at him cautiously. “It’d be a high honor for my shadowsinger to have you by his side.”
“It would,” he agreed.
Your bright smile in return for his words sent his heart fluttering and a rare, genuine smile adorned his face. He knew right then and there that there was nothing that he wouldn’t do to keep that smile on your face. 
It was the start of something new that he couldn’t wait to see unfold.
@amara-moonlight @allygrace74 @sidthedollface2 @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @kalulakunundrum @historygeekqueen @bubybubsters @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @caroline-books @justvibbinghere @wisdomofthebrain
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wizisbored · 2 years
OH? Do tell!
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it stemmed from 1 (one) throwaway line from the last chapter of firstborn, its called snake oil, its incredibly bare bones currently, and i will say nothing more about it before content warnings because much like wildfire this is quite fucked and i do not want to inflict it upon people who dont know what theyre getting themselves into. its grimdark time.
so, those content warnings: kidnapping, dehumanisation, lotta blood, exploitation, all this is happening to a teenager
so i do not think there is actually a good way to explain this awful au so i will start with the fact that the snake oil in question is blood and the idea stemmed from the line 'For all I know human flesh could be a delicacy to demons and I’m going to end up as livestock.' off to a great start i know.
so in this au beetlejuice is something like eda theowlhouse in that hes going around stealing shit from the living world and then selling it in the netherworld as far more important or useful as it is. and one day hes out and about in the living world restocking (read: shoplifting from a car boot sale or charity shop or other such event/establishment) when he meets lydia, who is also there for undecided reasons. she doesnt realise hes a ghost at first and is somewhat confused as to how nobody else appears to see the guy very obviously stealing, and he notices her staring and realises she must be able to see her, and they get talking. in the excitement of finding out ghosts are real and she has the rare ability to see them lydia forgets about the rule of stranger danger and overshares a bit, letting beetlejuice know her home life is rather turbulent currently. but anyway, theyre discussing his line of work and it goes something like
"so you're a snake oil salesman?"
"you know it. and i think i just found myself a new snake."
so lydia gets herself stolen by a demon at a jumble sale. turns out, fresh human blood is a rare and valuble ritual component, and its also incredibly easy to get ghosts to believe whatever bullshit beetlejuice makes up about it. and so he rather impulsively decides that it would be a great idea to grab this kid - theyll probably assume she ran away, her dad wont be too bothered, so he thinks - in order to have his own supply.
thing is, he has no idea how to care for a human, and even less idea how to go about this whole blood letting thing. probably almost kills her immediately (forgot that in order to be kept alive she needs to keep some of the blood). doesnt help that she very much does not want to be blood letting. would rather keep her blood, thanks, and shes willing to hit and kick and bite over it. but after the first time shes weak, and its easier for him to do it the second time, and so on and so forth. never really gets the chance to recover fully, shes constantly at least a little woozy and when he overdoes it is pretty out of it for a while.
beetlejuice did not realise this would happen. is rather confused after the first time when his breather goes all floppy. but he lays her down on like a shitty little matress restrains her so she wont go back to fighting when she recovers and waits for her to get less floppy. she ends up like that a lot, he is not very good at limiting how much he takes because after all, it sells well. sometimes she feels too weak to eat or drink and he doesnt think to help. waiting it out usually works so thats just what he does.
she fucking hates him for this, of course. bastard keeping her prisoner and stealing her blood. he doesnt get it. after he puts a kinda port thing (???) in her arm it doesnt even hurt anymore and theres no way shes using all that blood so whats the issue. he even offers her a cut of the prophits at one point (a very small one because hes already feeding her) but as she points out she cant do anything with it while shes being held captive. hes just under the impression that breathers are kinda dumb, pretty much expects her to be a simple enough creature to just go along with whatever, and thinks her hating this is just her being a breather obsessed with her stupid little life and she'll adjust eventually. not that he particularly cares that she hates it, hed just rather she stop complaining and squirming.
i do not know where i am going with this tbh. no plot, just setup. but i know that IF i write this (big if) im going to make beetlejuice a bastard and lydia suffer because thats what i do with my blorbos i guess
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any headcanons about mental health / coping strategies for our fav warlocks and vampire? ;) we know quite a lot about magnus in canon but still, never enough lmao; and how about raphael, ragnor and cat? they all been thru a lot, poor babies, and im willing to bet you have thoughts on the matter *sly smirk*
well it depends on what they are coping WITH, u know daoidjsaodij different strategies for different problems and all that. i do think that magnus and raphael in particular have a lot of common coping mechanisms, because they taught each other a lot of shit. i also think there is a lot of stuff that had bothered magnus but he never stopped to think of a solution FOR until he started thinking of what he could do for raphael (and vice versa) because he is that kind of person
like when magnus and raphael are first shopping raphael notices that he likes vests and other stuff like that because of his hyposensitivity to pressure so it feels nice to have something that's like, tight around his torso, you know? so magnus is like great, let's get you lots of vests :)) and then he sees some he likes and tries them on and he's like wait a minute............. i DO like the pressure too....... have i been hyposensitive to pressure this whole time?? (spoiler alert: yes)
then for magnus of course we have drinking which is not his healthiest coping mechanism in any way lmao, but sometimes they do be unhealthy. again i don't think magnus is an alcoholic per se but he does have a suboptimal relationship with the way he turns to it to be able to cope with certain situations he can't escape. i presume this has a bit to do with the fact that he frequently is in stressful (not to mention sensory overloading) situations during parties and other events where you have lots of alcohol, so you know, drinking helps dull his senses and get rid of some of the anxiety. or if he's having a depressive episode, it can also make him more sociable, give him some energy, you know. so i think because it was something that was acceptable for him to use and that helped with many of his problems in social situations he can't escape, if became a coping mechanism (again, an unhealthy one)
healthier coping mechanisms tho! i think magnus also enjoys tea when he needs to calm down. we've seen him drinking tea quite a few times after having flashback episodes and i'm sure it's a coping mechanism to him. helps calm him down and also stay in the present because of the sensations, without overwhelming him because it's not a strong drink, you know? it eases him back into reality. it also can't hurt his insomnia, or, if it's already morning and he's had another insomnia episode, he can drink black tea and have some more energy. so all in all a good helper
magnus definitely stims magically! and uses magic a lot with a lot of his other problems like sensory issues for example. a place is too loud? he can use magic to dull the noises. same for colors, etc., although i think noise might be his biggest problem. and unwanted touch, which we all know magnus canonically hates, so of course there's that too. but also like, stuck in a talk with some boring clave member and he has to stay still even tho adhd mind all over the place? hands behind his back, playing with little sparkles between his fingers that no one can see. pretty much unnoticeable. i think some of his "party tricks" like lighting up the drinks blue and shit come with this purpose. it's just a quick magic letout. also helps a lot to deal with anger or panic, which commonly come very strongly when you have c-ptsd, but he's long learnt to deal with because his survival depends on keeping himself in check and not showing vulnerability a lot of the time
he also stims with his rings which we've seen a bit of. i think this is particularly important to him when it comes to keeping himself in the present, i.e. avoiding flashback episodes, intrusive thoughts and the like
i also think parties work as coping mechanisms in particular with the c-ptsd. sometimes the overstimulation of the ambience is exactly what he needs in order to keep himself from being taken by flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, depressive episodes, etc. like he can lose himself to sensation instead of being locked by his own thoughts, enjoy the company of other people even when he is too cagey or afraid to call his friends and be vulnerable with them, and have a letout for his heightened feelings of fear or insufficiency (caused by c-ptsd) through dancing in particular. it's pretty much canon that magnus uses dancing as a way to cope (see his scene with dot) so i don't see why a party isn't a good place to let out this kind of steam and self express without feeling too vulnerable at the same time
which is not to say that magnus doesn't genuinely enjoy parties, obviously he does. but coping mechanisms are frequently things that we do enjoy, so much so that they bring us comfort and strength when we need. it doesn't mean you only do these things because of your trauma. just that they can help with it
but there is ALSO his friends because look, we all know magnus isn't exactly winning prizes for his ability to ask for help, but the way he talked to alec about suicidal ideation and talking to someone if things get that bad obviously comes from experience, because when things get this bad there is really nothing else that works. and magnus has a lot of trouble with it - probably can only ever really ask for help when things get As Bad As They Possibly Could - but he does know he has a place with his friends when he needs. sometimes he doesn't even really open his mouth - just shows up at ragnor's, or, less commonly, catarina's (because she's busy with her job as a nurse and shit while ragnor does nothing but sit on his ass and be british all day), and ragnor takes a look at him and nods and magics another seat for him and magnus flops down. and ragnor waits to see if magnus is feeling like saying anything but if he's not, they just keep each other company as they do their things and ragnor serves him some tea. and it's nice and it works
as for raphael! definitely stimming all the time as well, and we know he self harms, which i think technically counts as a coping mechanism? coping mechanisms aren't inherently healthy or good djdndi so we have that for sure
and then just like, i think playing with his hands is something he does a lot in particular, like magnus, just keeping his hands behind his back and playing with them, or in his pockets and stuff. i think he "dissociates" a bit sometimes too. like sometimes full on dissociates but other times i think he just goes blank on the outside and inside is like, thinking about rosa or about food or his hyperfixations (astronomy? astronomy) so he doesn't have to be present and deal with whatever's happening. particularly useful with camille, because there are some things he has to do that he just wouldn't stand otherwise
and again canonically magnus, we have seen that. when rapha was tortured he didn't go to his clan, he went straight to magnus'. like yeah, magnus could heal him, but also, rapha stayed. he was still there chilling by the time simon came around. so he definitely goes to magnus when things get rough, and again whether it's to talk or just be with someone it helps a lot. i think raphael is pretty touchy with the people he trusts (book stans go away, yes i know book raphael is too edgy for feelings but i don't care and i'm not talking about him) and canonically so is magnus. and magnus' loft is one of the places he still feels safe to do that, it's his dad's place after all and definitely his home while camille is clan leader/in the first few months or years of him being clan leader
so like they can just cuddle or hug or be under a blanket together or rapha can rest his head on magnus' shoulder, or magnus can rest his on top of rapha's, and it's great. and he can talk about how he feels or be in silence, too
i also think dancing and listening to music are things he does to cope, possibly something he picked up from magnus. like sometimes he doesn't know how to let out steam and putting on a song and aggressively dancing is the only way he can channel feelings he doesnt know what to do with very well otherwise
also i think specifically with his grief over his family and other things he's lost, i think buying things and making little homages works. like making a scrapbook of his pictures with rosa, or the fucking whole ass CAR he literally doesn't need with the "ave rosa" plaque. i feel like raphael rarely buys things for himself unless they remind him of rosa, sunlight, guadalajara, etc., because it just helps with this constant grief he carries for them that he never really addresss lmao im fine
i think his charity work also plays that role. like yes raphael cares about others, of course he does, but he's also a whole ass catholic so i think "good deeds" like charity make him feel like he's just... doing something to ease his own monstrosity. feel more human, less guilty, less grieving. and also get some of the things he misses (like food) and some contact with people outside of the shadow world and also with other latines in general that he misses, you know? it's a relatively safe and familiar space that also helps ease his guilt for abandoning his family and becoming a monster a little bit, and just feel useful and occupied since he has so much time in his hands now and most of it is occupied obeying someone he hates. man, he needs so much therapy
but also like in the future as u know i think that he turns the dumort completely around, starts having plants and animals in the place, just makes it more upbeat and feel more like a family to all the vampires and improve their relations and it does him SO much good. both as a project and just as a ways of providing himself a better, more supportive environment, because the whole sterile thing they have going on fucking sucks. they deserve a lively and nice environment where they feel like a they have a home and i think it does wonders for EVERYONE'S mental health, particularly rapha's. and then of course cooking/taki's, and his partners join his support network too :)
as for cat, i think she throws herself into work to forget about her problems, feel useful, and just, cope. nurses work long hours and she seems to work particularly hard and i think this serves her the purpose of keeping her mind occupied from her issues. i also think it helps her feel more grounded/connected with the world, aka deal with the immortality angst. which sounds kinda paradoxal cuz she's probably watching ppl die with some kind of frequency, but like... she's also keeping in touch with new ppl, with discoveries in the medical field, she always has something to work on. it helps her feel like she is still a meaningful part of the world, instead of lost in time. and to give herself purpose too
but it's also not always healthy like when you are overworking yourself as an avoidance mechanism.... thats gonna get to u eventually. and cat needs a break and care as much as everyone else. i think again magnus and ragnor serve important roles in that sense, just people she can go to. remember the way cat showed up at magnus' and magnus was immediately massaging her shoulders? we stan
so they definitely take care of her in that sense. she also seemed pretty comfortable at lorenzo's party despite it all, so i think she also enjoys parties from time to time, although not as loud and clubby as, say, pandemonium. but cocktail parties or just a party at someone's house where she gets to dance and unwind and gossip with her friends a little bit? nice. i think cat is very sociable and misses not having ppl around which is also partially why she likes being a nurse - you get to know ppl pretty well in that job - but she also obviously needs lighter environments and she does well with groups of ppl even if she isn't a party animal the same way magnus is
and generally i think she enjoys anything sensorially pleasant like... drawing herself a bath, candles, going to get a massage from an actual professional every once in a while... i bet her house is full of incenses and always has some music playing (can be soft or can be upbeat, depends on her mood) but just generally the more pleasant sensations the better. food too
ohhh i bet she gardens!! it's so great to put her mind to rest after such an exhausting work and again the connection you feel to plants is very real. it's also nice because many plants live for a very long time (unlike most pets) so she can have them around and form long lasting relationships with them, you know? also, gardening is always useful for a warlock
and hhh ok i think i don't have any thoughts for ragnor? we know very little about him and I'm not sure what to make of him mental health-wise. also im tired and this is long, so jdbdidn maybe ill add more stuff if i feel inspired
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genius11rare · 4 years
Chit Chat 111620   11-16-20
Chitchat 111620 with Jack Michael Jeremys Chair and the disembodied voice of alfredo (no he left after set up immediately , never heard him) id put “keep reading” if i knew how for this sorry
Jack: hi im jack with my friends michael and Spearow the dragon (jeremys not here , theres a spyro … pillow i think on his chair).. So we made the mistake of doing 2 minecrafts backtoback  and it ended like 20 minutes ago then like “oh yeah we have other stuff we need to set up before”… Michael:  yeah this isnt so much a chitchat it is just a chit not really time for a chat. Jack: how about we chit about recapping extralife?  It went really well thank you everyone who watched and contributed, trying to get chat up right now…. Cuz we got Chit trying to get the Chat as well… this is the 4th year in a row we raised over 1 million$ , and were having some auctions for charity. Up for auction: 3D printed gen lock heads , pictures of the Spooky Hour (Gen Notes i thought they were done with that?) , the jon risinger bob ross segment painting , some f*face hats , some wood and glass sculptures (jeremy comes back during around this) … and gratz to jeremy for urinating and coming back *on time*  Jeremy: hey my bathroom is a few steps from here… that whole time was spent peeing Oooohhhh better. Jack: michael , jeremy got anything to say about whats happened recently. Michael: no uh…. Just recovering… Jeremy: oh that was hard to watch michael. Jack: oh i have this picture i posted on twitter of fiona milking gavin…. Spraying milk into his eyes , sounds weird when i phrase it like that see if i can post it. Fiona somehow got both eyes in one shot , none in the mouth (the goal) just eyes. If you don't know the context it looks like hes spraying milk from his head like some kind of anime demon… then the paintballs happened…. Usually with paintballs theyve been going a while and theyve calmed down , that time it was new compressors and we JUST started using them for michael and gavin (Michael: “they” as in the paintballs themselves , theyve calmed down) yeah so that time they still had a lot of OOMPF and it was like getting kicked in the head over and over. Michael: no that's good , kick me in the head all you want. I went second just so i could tell how bad it hurt , so i knew where to hit gavin to make it hurt the most… immediately flipped on it like “he doesnt deserve this” and shot the face (which hurt the least) as much to spare him… i did do a few tummy shots but still. Jack: the crotch was also a good spot cuz of the cockblocker… problem is if you missed they go left or right into your thigh Michael: the thigh and stomach hurt the most … our thighs are black Jeremy: were also doing the vinyl  Jack: oh yeah we reached our goal and putting AH the musical on a vinyl , plus a new song with Fiona ive been working with her trying to get the tone and everything (Gen notes im gonna guess its there so Still in the Air isnt…) … Jeremy wanna say what you offered up? Jeremy: yeah were doing the AH rap version 2 (Gen notes either A. a version with the rest of  “The B Team” to have verses , or B. redoing it without HIM) , been working on a beat for it … ive written one verse mine so far (Gen notes , think its option B then) but i feel like its a little TOO mean so i may dial it back down a bit … the plan is shorter verses but more people , so hopefully Myself , michael gavin , Jack , Fiona , the twins , Matt , Lindsay and MAYBE a verse where the  support room jump in one bar at a time , still in the works. Jack: yeah you guys DEMOLISHED goals, chads daughter she is so sweet… she saved up chore money and wanted to donate it all of her own , she wasn't convinced to she just wanted to donate 20$ which just broke everyone - well chad and i , caiti held it together, so we asked the audience to match her 20$...  over the course of 10 minutes that 20$ became 65000$... we broke extralife we legit broke their intake of donations. We also had 2 people there who if we needed to hand something to someone wed give it to them , theyd “baptize” it as covid precaution then give it to whoever. Michael: except cloth they were like “you touch cloth you own it” … was like i could walk away with a lot of things right here , this towel? This towels done (Jack: you just going around grabbing curtains) … (start paraphrasing)  we always want extralife to be like the best show ever cuz its for a good cause , but then this year we were like “how would we even pull it off”... i don't think 2020 extralife couldve gone better given everything (end paraphrasing) “fave extralife 2020 moment” Jack: my thing… Chad James is a freaking beast and towards the end the last segment we did was called the sweet and sour hour where caiti would do something nice and chad would get punished … it ended up getting stacked so we started doing some at once. At one point Chad is on the pummelhorse which is an elastic band that hits you in the undercarriage , chelsea was there with a leg wax remover , then we had cody from code 4 which is our compliance officer with hand sanitizer. So Blaine pummelhorses chad , chelsea leg waxes him and then cody sprays him with the antiseptic (michael: in his eyes… Gen Notes i mean hes probably kidding but idk it seems possible) … chads on the pummelhorse weeping and Blaines ALREADY spinning the wheel. Michael: its funny , theres so much stuff that happened and not just the segments i was there for , but a simple delight getting chad to eat that whole pickle … he was just saying “i cant do it ill throw up” and i just kept repeating “youu can dooooo iit...”... gave me some enjoyment since i was there basically to get slapped around , but in between i made chad eat a pickle Jack: so jeremy you have a fave moment? I know you were there for the solo stream section - oh i forgot about DJ JAAWNK how could i that was a blast Jeremy: yeah i was listening to most of the solo streamer section , i know Kdin had a thing where she gathered a bunch of people to do among us and it was fun…. For a certain donation amount they would just launch john mace into space , theyd just call a meeting and get him… Matt joined me playing spyro and i had the Gold Chonky spyro mods on , and if people donated enough wed spin a wheel that me or him would have to do.. We had to spin it like 15 times , and alot of them were “have to hold the controller upsidedown” which is a monstrosity… and twice it was me put a blindfold on and matt would have to direct me through the level. I panicked A LOT cuz you could HEAR the enemies shooting at and coming at you   but i didn't know where … it was like a live Matt and Jeremy do something - your welcome sarah! (Michael: you did do something… Spearow… Spearowmint gum)  so first were doing SPiderman Miles Morales PS4 edition cuz i don't have a PS5! Everyones talking about how they're sold out so the most ive done was when i was shopping for ovens i was like “lemme peruse the playstation aisle” didn't see one and went guess im not getting one… Jack: are they even selling them in person or is it just online… Michael: i know game stop is selling them , they're sold out but i know they were selling them.... Think most stores waiting for black friday to get them in store… i want one but im not going to a store on black friday , ill play fall guys if i want to get trampled Jack: oh yeah someone mentioned the ChungeScwa heist is coming we reached that goal Michael: fiona said i could be there, i asked can i help and she said something like “plz help , cuz otherwise it wont happen.” ive also offered doing a 50 turn mario party even though it wasn't a goal cuz we didn't even do last years so now wed owe 2 for 2021 assuming we can make that happen. Jack: cant you do a 100 turn mario party is that a thing? Michael: no 50 is the most , ive contemplated maybe we combine them into one game and scores carry over but it might be upsetting if im ahead by 9 stars after 50 turns and then it just becomes a 4 hour victory lap so its probably better to do 2 of them… we were about to do one in april we were planning on shooting it in april but then SOMETHING came up idk what it was … it just kept coming up for 7 months… Jeremy: and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming… oh if were going to show my PS4 screen lemme show how much a  loser i am…. Jack: you got a platinum in bug snax?!?!? Jeremy: yuuuppppp!!!
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comphersjost · 5 years
sugar daddy ➸ morgan rielly hcs!
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listen this is all i’ve been thinking about all day okay i need this in my life i just want a sugar daddy mo in my life please
find my masterlist here
okay so listen
you’re probably like a photographer or something in media for the leafs
running around making sure the boys get places on time
interviews, shoots, the fucking plane, everything
and you’re really young, yk, you’re maybe 20 or so
and accelerating your education seemed like a good idea
but now you’ve got a ton of debt
so you get a job at the starbucks near your shitty apartment
you have to make ends meet right?
and its so exhausting, running around and often working 8 or more hours at each job
but you have to put on a smile for the boys and for the customers and for your bosses at both jobs
but it’s definitely taking its toll because you’re just so tired all the time
but it’s a good thing you work at a coffee shop isnt it?
morgan likes to walk around random parts of the city when he’s stressed
and hes totally been trying to work up the courage for a while to just talk to you and to get to know you fr
he’s just so fucking attracted to this young, smart, funny, and kind photographer that’s somehow responsible for team of actual children
it’s after a game and a tough loss that he comes in
it’s like 1:53 am when he walks into this starbucks on the opposite side of toronto from where his giant ass condo is
and he sees you
no, not like, oh hey you happen to be here at the same time as me,
but he sees you as in you’re coming from the back room, re-tying your apron behind you
and just like that you’re back to running around and doing too many things at once, just like how you are at the arena
somehow even at almost 2 am, your store is pretty busy
so when the next person in line steps up and you make eye contact with him you almost choke
and mo’s eyes widen and he opens and closes his mouth a few times
“hi what can i get you?” you squeak before he can say anything stupid
he def is hesitant giving you his order but does it anyways and is kind of shocked when you ask for his name for the order
you dont make eye contact while you make the drink, making sure to just call out his name when it’s ready and go back to running around
and he’s about to ask to talk to you when you suddenly straighten up and tell your shift “i’m gonna go restock the back” and you’re gone again
you probably avoid morgan for a few days, maybe a couple weeks even, after that
he ends up cornering you in your office when you’re editing pictures or something after practice
“why? why didn’t you tell me?”
you sigh, having expected this conversation since you saw him
“because it’s not relevant to any conversation we’ve had.”
“relevant? of course it’s relevant!” he throws his hands up, “we’re a team, a family, and you shouldn’t have to work 2 jobs!”
“well some of us don’t make millions of dollars a year morgan!” you finally snap at him “some of us have to work 16 hours a day to make ends meet! and even then we’re still barely living paycheck to paycheck!”
he recoils at your words, because he never though about the fact that the leafs organization might not be paying you enough to get you through your debts and bills
“let me help”
you almost choke when he says that
“no. absolutely not. i’m not a child nor am i a charity case okay? i’ve been on my own for a long time.”
he doesnt give up, and continues to press you until you kick him out of your office
after that things with morgan get a little...flirtier you could say
his touch is lingering
he’s making eye contact with you across the room and not looking away
but he’s also very publicly inviting you out with the team, watching your squirm while you have to come up with a lie every time as to why you couldn’t
and not to mention game days
holy shit he comes in wearing his game day suit and maintains eye contact with you the whole time
walk walk fashion baby
it’s only a matter of time before you cave, he thinks
and he’s right
it’s about a month later that you’re at some gala for the team
and thank god the leafs organization payed for your shit because this dress and these heels would’ve used up two entire paychecks
and morgan’s shamelessly flirting with you that night, touching you along your back and your arms and letting his hand rest on your thigh when you’re seated
it isn’t long before he has you bent over the hood of his expensive ass sports car
and for a second you’re worried because holy shit this car is worth more than your fucking life
the thought flies out the window though pretty soon
cause mo is pounding into you from behind yk, pressing you against the cool metal of the sleek black sports car
you’re choking out moans and squeals of his name and when he wraps a hand around your neck you cry out
and he freezes for a second before going at you even harder
he squeezes your throat
“yeah, honey, gonna come for daddy? huh? gonna let daddy take care of you?”
and you know theres a double meaning behind his words but you just cry out
“yesyesyes, daddy, you take such good care of me, fuuuuck”
and then you’re coming while he rails you into a car that’s worth more than your existence and when he comes he forces you into another orgasm
and with all the work and running around you havent been able to get laid in a long long time
and he’s so good that you just feel so weak and drained afterwards
and then he whispers gently “you’re calling off working tomorrow, you need sleep, and i’m gonna cover everything for you for at least the next two months”
as much as you want to argue, you’ve slept maybe 10 hours in the past 2  weeks and you dont have it in you
and yeah it would be nice to be taken care of for a little bit
mo is so soft and sweet with you when he takes you home
as if he didnt just fuck the life out of you
and when you wake up in his bed, you’re a little disoriented for a second
he’s already awake, facing you with his arm wrapped around your waist
he’s pressing kisses into your neck and shoulder and you jump at the sudden realization of
“fuck! i have to get to work!” and mo pulls you back down and reminds you that everyone has a day off today
which you’d forgotten due to lack of sleep and the fact that you’d lost track of what day it even was anymore
he pulls you into his chest and buries his nose in your hair
“please, just let me take care of you,” he murmurs
you’re about to argue, now having the energy to, when he speaks again
“fuck, you work so fucking hard, and you’re amazing at what you do, and you’re so young, you don’t deserve all of this i’m not asking you to quit either job or move in with me if you dont want to or anything, i’m just asking you to let me help you. i dont want or expect anything in return okay?”
“mo, i-“
“please just think about it okay? i wanna lighten the load a little bit. and make sure you get enough sleep. i just wanna help you.”
it takes you a few days to think it over and get back to him
but you say yes, smiling shyly up at him, thanking him over and over
and he insists that you dont need to thank him
and you also are kind of embarrassed, but you ask him if the offer still stands for you to move in with him.
cause your apartment kinda sucks and the electricity is shitty and the water shuts off sometimes
and you try and promise to pitch in for rent or utilities
but he doesnt even let you breathe in the direction of the bills
which is kind good cause holy shit he lives in a swanky part of town so of course they’re expensive
i feel like he’d try not to push your boundaries, but after that first time you fucked, you just want more
and you initiate things and fuck he wants you so bad
and he tells you that he really really likes you, not just physically
and asks you out on a proper date
but you’re really not there yet, so you definitely sleep in separate rooms
but he pampers you yk
its started off as just covering your basic needs, and then to buying you clothes
and accessories
and a new laptop
and then getting your phone fixed
and then comes the lingerie
and the jewelry
and holy fuck does mo spoil you
he makes good on his promise tho
you keep your job with the leafs and your job as a barista
but being a barista becomes more of an occasional thing yk
because its fun not because you have to pay your student loans
he’s everything you’ve ever wanted
he’s attentive and caring and so fucking good to you
and loves to spoil his girl
and no one on the team is really surprised when he shows up at a bar after a win with his arm wrapped around you
they just chirp him and expose him to you about how he’s liked you forever
you just smile up at him and kiss his cheek
and you’re really glad that he found out your little secret
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kvltprince · 5 years
tagged by @theredalice
hold on tight Im Doing This All
NAME: Lucy Radha Grandchester
NICKNAME: Lucifer, Little Light, Charmer or Wanderer depending on the playthrough, wanderer is more apt (he likes nicknames so seriously if anyone came up with one he loves it hes such a sap secretly)
AGE: ~45
MORALITY: all over the place. any lawfulness is his own, but he does have his own code of ethics. he has set things that he does because he is supposed to, but enough that he is disinterested in doing the right thing that most slate him as chaotic neutral or worse.
RELIGION: god abandoned him as a child and continued to do so during the war - he has his own set of nihilistic beliefs (and gets influenced by the children of atom at times on top of it)
SINS(greed//gluttony//sloth//lust//pride//envy//wrath): He doesnt really believe in sins and so like, this whole concept is so moot. “Live life to the fullest, shits sake how many damn times do I need to almost die to live my life how I want to? Fuck those limits. Gimme the Fancy Lads and the Iguana Bits. Yes I know what they are.”
VIRTUES(chastity//charity//diligence//humility//kindness//patience//justice): If it is something he deems worth it he is extremely patient and thoughtful about whatever it is, be it another person or something that is being planned out. As ive said before he has his own moral code, but it is fairly unwaivering and he is not going to budge from it, it is a good thing and he will stick up for those that need it if it meshes with his own. 
KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, his Spanish is real patchy, bits of Urdu and Arabic that is a bigger mess, a lot was discouraged just before the war. 
BUILD (scrawny/bony/slender/fit/athletic/curvy/herculean/pudgy/plus size/average): varies a bit but hes chubby and has some muscle
HEIGHT: 5′5″ ish?
SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: hooboy. okay. bunch of vitiligio, mostly on the left side of his body hands, face, torso, what is left of his leg. He only has about half of his thigh on the left side, the rest was lost from an explosion in Alaska when  he was deployed during the war. Many smaller shrapnel scars from the explosion. Other scars on his arms and face some self inflicted some from accidents some from fights.  
ABILITIES/POWERS: nah, but hes always been pretty good with improvised fighting 
FOOD: Fancy Lads
PIZZA TOPPING: radscorpion egg and hotsauce
COLOR: aqua
MUSIC GENRE: metal/punk
MOVIE GENRE: action or something really over the top art
CURSE WORD: some nonsencical compound one that will change weekly
SCENTS: dried spices, roasting meats
BOTTOM OR TOP: porque no los dos
LIKES PUNS: yes and it probably drives people batty.
OC Phrases: Bold the phases that you connect with one of your ocs.
SIGHT. small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake-up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping.watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colours.
HEARING. crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and a / c units. a phone call to mum/dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise cancelling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. the clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
TOUCH. being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favourite pet’s fur or feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
TASTE. coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries
OC and Songs
Lucy Playlist
All of the songs in there represent him or his story in some way (and its so not in any order but hey thats okay)
Thank you for reading! Also, please feel free to do this yourself with your own character and tag me! I’d love to see your character!
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I can’t believe I’m having to ask this. For those of you who have seen the post accompanying this page:
I have some news for you. Walker County still is holding my dad. Our lawyer has advised us to hold onto the retainer fee for now and see if the department will do the legal thing and release my dad on June 27th (this month) during his preliminary hearing so that if they do we can use it to pay a civil lawyer and if they don’t, we can pay her. This mostly stems from the fact that she has apparently talked with someone about what a reduction in his bond would likely be. Too high for us to pay. She says it would be financially responsible to leave him in there, since they have already held him longer than his 30 days between arrest and preliminary, because otherwise we are looking at a more than likely $15,000 bond and a $150 dollar ankle monitor with a daily $10 maintenance and surveillance charge. She has said that if they do not release him on the 27th, despite not having any evidence, then she will finally step in, but otherwise to hold the money and be packing our house up. Yes, that’s right. Our lawyer has advised us to be packing the house up “to be ready to move the very week he is released.”
She has told us that while she was out shopping someone approached her and mentioned our visitations to her office and inquired if she would be taking our case, after which they reminded her the local lake is deep. Smith Lake is a well known body dump in our area – it is reportedly under constant surveillance (going out on a boat with no lights is a very quick way to get arrested too because of the body count they have supposedly pulled from it). Now, I admit, I have no idea how true this story is but, I can’t imagine our lawyer would make this up for no reason; let alone insist we move within a single month for no reason. Granted, we were planning on moving this year. Maybe around September or August, but not this soon.
Several times now people have swerved at my car like they are attempting to swipe it off the road, I have had slurs and curses spit at both my sister and my mother, and we have found my little sister’s dog poisoned. We are scared to leave the house unattended and scared to go out into public alone. We have a friend order any food in his name to be sure that we don’t get anything ‘extra’ in it. Like spit, trash, or anything else. It my seem like overkill but we have actually upset a woman once who worked at our Domino’s – she bragged that she had scraped along the bottom of a dumpster with the cutter she used to cut our pizza with. On Facebook, no less! A repeat of the incident is what we are trying to avoid.
On another note, I have still been in contact with my dad. According to him the jail there is only legally equipped to hold 13 inmates, and currently holds 23. He says the other 10 sleep on the floor and everyone is fed the bare minimum. “Last night’s dinner was a weenie.” I want to state that my dad is very specific with speech, and I even checked to make sure I had understood correctly. A hotdog is a weenie and a bun. They had just the weenie, no bun! That was dinner! From what he has told me that was a common occurrence! He has also notified me that he is not the only man being held in there illegally – one man was able to prove in his preliminary that the arresting officer was lying and that man is still in the jail. Another was arrested with a friend while they were in their vehicle. His friend had drugs on him and the officers arrested them both. Despite both his testimony at the preliminary, and his friend also stating that he had no drugs and that it all belonged to that friend, they are both still in the jail under drug charges.
And so we wait hoping that the legal thing will actually happen and he will be released. Honestly though, we’re prepared to have to go to court over this nonsense. Until then we’re trying to pack to move away. We have listed all of our redundant equipment for sale, as well as the jump tents that we used to use at charity events to try and get the funds to stay above the red line; however, someone keeps reminding people of my dad’s current whereabouts and telling people we’re thieves, frauds, and not to buy anything from us because we likely stole it. Thanks to a generous family member, we at least have our power on so we don’t have to try and move in the heat and dark but, we can’t even resume the station’s broadcast. Not only will none of our patrons (who we have worked with for years by the way) help us right now. After the power was kicked back on, I went to check on the radio equipment to get the station back and on the air. I had even planned on starting a radio segment called ‘Know Your Rights’, where I was intending on tackling the topic of rights being violated, why our rights exist, and what they mean.
However, the moment I turned our transmitter back on and checked the power output versus reflected power I was amazed to discover that, despite the 200 watts, we were somehow reflecting 600 watts. An impossibility, according to my dad who has worked as my engineer. “Check the heliax and make sure those idiots didn’t cut it.” I have inspected the portions of it that are visible but I did not find any cuts. Still, our transmitter insists we are reflecting everything it pours out back into it, and then double that. It doesn’t sound too bad, but as a bit of an idea of what that can do – A few years back, a violent storm took our antennas down and that caused reflected power. We smelt a burning ozone smell for a few hours the next day before anyone went to check. We found to our dismay that the reflected power had melted the -now partially detached- antennas, overheated our heliax cable, and fried the internals of our transmitter. Overall, a few thousand dollars worth of damage as well as a good scolding from dad about the importance of inspecting towers right after a storm. Reflected power is no joke when it’s over half of what the transmitter puts out, and right now my engineer/tower climber/dad sits in jail.
Our station sits still off the air unable to help, our equipment listings are all being flagged as fraud, and the one other form of income (through engineering work) sits in a jail cell hoping someone will let him out.
–And so it is with great regret that I am once again posting here asking for donations. Now for a moving fund, that we were hoping to be able to provide ourselves by the selling of our extra and backup equipment. If any one needs any equipment for their own station just send me a PM, tell me what you need, and I will see if what we have is up to the specs that you need and we can talk from there.
The current goal set by family members older, and so therefore somehow ‘wiser’ than I, is $10,000 to cover any extra court fees or surprises, the moving fee, a partial fee for someone to climb our tower and help disassemble (unless someone here can help with that) it so we can move it, as well as the general price of living while we try to find a new home to move into. Also the rent to get into the new home. The bare minimum we need is $5,000 but I’m being told $10,000 will (“Had better damn well.” actually) cover everything. I know it is a lot to ask for but this has really wrecked our business and we’re looking at a minimum of 4 months of recovery. We have to pack up our house and disassemble our station, find a new home and rebuild our station, and then pretty much go door to door hoping to find new patrons before the first power bill comes in and we get shut off the air again. It’s hard to get patrons when the station they’re thinking of supporting isn’t even on the air for them to hear.
I hate to ask for money given it is generally our job to help others in need but this entire situation has put us in that place right now.
Any little bit helps; I feel bad enough having to ask for anything at all.
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tumblunni · 6 years
It seems i might possibly be gone for six months
I've been talking with my support worker about taking a course at this place thats uhh apparantly gonna help me get better with the depressions and stuff. And we had a meeting to go look around the place and make introductions and stuff but i had NO IDEA it would be all such short notice! I might have to move in IN TWO DAYS FROM NOW, what the fuck!!! And like if its not that its gonna be at the end of the week or next tuesday at the latest. Im so fuckin unprepared and im really freakin out!!
..uhh...how to describe it..well i guess its literally a mental asylum? But it's absolutely NOTHING like the horror movie stereotype! Its not a hospital with cages or locked rooms, its just like a big comfy cute shared house. Like a bunch of completely normal small apartment rooms but they just happen to be all connected to a shared kitchen and stuff and have on site nurses and a big schedule of therapy sessions and group activities like pottery class or bowling. You have the freedom to come and go as you please if you're on "voluntarily admitted" status (that's me!) and even if you're on what they call "sectioned" its still not scary loss of all your freedom. The highest level of sectioning is just like "requires an escort"? You're still allowed to go outside but you have a higher level of supervision from your key worker because you could potentially be a danger to yourself. But that's very rare and most people are only on maximum sectioning for a few weeks at the start of their treatment, if they've come straight from a situation of self harm or other concern factors. Most of the "sectioned" patients just have a time limit on how long they can spend on unsupervised outside activity. It's a pretty generous 8 hours apparantly!
So yeah i was getting worried about nothing, thinking i was gonna be in big scary solitary confinement and locked inside a tiny broom closet or jabbed with brain lazers. It honestly just seems like a summer camp resort for adults! And everyone there seems very nice, and im excited for being able to learn life skills like cooking and potential steps towards getting educational qualifications someday. And to have the help of a more specialist support worker who can assist me with even the smallest little problems. Like this nice lady Tazmin (who might be the one i get?) was saying how they've had other people with social anxiety before, and how we could plan "gradual exposure" to all the things that scare me. Like she said she'd be able to come with me and we'd take the bus and them get off at the next stop. That'd honestly be really helpful to help me get over being scared of the crowded spaces on buses, but i'd never be able to do it normally cos i'd be too embarassed taking such a short bus ride. Plus well itd be a waste of money,but if i'm a patient here i would get a free bus pass so it wouldnt be a problem.
Oh and the area seems really nice! Its so different from my stupid house right now in a crowded neighbourhood with NOTHING but houses everywhere for a mile! Its seriously almost a mile's walk to the ONE SINGULAR SHOP IN THE AREA and they close on sundays and dont sell vegetarian food. :( This area around the shared house thingie is a really nice bustling shops place but not super shops? Like i mean its a lovely village that has all the small shops you need, not a huge skyscrapers busy tourist place. The perfect balance of conveinient and not scary! They have a library and a park so close to the place, and a bazillion charity shops holy FUCK im so excited to have charity shops again!! I think you call them thrift shops in america? But i just always really love bargain hunting and finding nice surprises in places like that! And there's places to do pottery classes and group trips sometimes to do stuff like cinema or bowling or just having your big ol scary therapy meeting at the nice coffee shop at the end ot the road.
So yeah dont worry about me guys, im not trapped in some horribke hell place! I'm sure it'll be as non threatening as an Intensive Therapy Boot Camp can possibly be, im just still nervous as hell cos well yeah I Have Social Anxiety And That Is Why I Am Here In The First Place. Im scared im not gonna be able to succeed at this. I really wanna leave at the end and be all mentally buffed up and ready to make all these nice nurses proud!
Oh and man Richard has been so nice about this?? He was super freaked out and apologetic about it being Scary Short Notice, we had a bit of a dumb misunderstanding where he clearly told me and i clearly said yes but i somehow completely misunderstood what he was saying and thought i was saying yes to something else??? So im so fuckin glad that at the very end of the appointment right when i was gonna get out the car he was like 'oh so remember your suitcase on wednesday' and i was like WHAT. Like man can you imagine how much more terrifying it would have been if i just turned up on wednesday with no supplies but the shirt off my back and was like 'wtf where is he driving me OH GOD NO'. Bunni why you so bad at the good of talking!! Seriously richard thanks so much for clearing it up but also AAAAA i accidentally agreed to the shortest of short notice and i dont know if he's gonna be able to reschedule it!!!
And man i was there crying in his car about how i dont wanna be in hospital on my birthday, and babbling all the different things i had planned fot the next few months. And GOD DAMN MY DUMB BRAIN i ended up blurting out that i had a preorder of a videogame that i was gonna miss. And i straight up started explaining pokemon to my mental health counseller who is also a dj, how damn fake does my life sound?? Anyway he said that i'll still be able to keep him as my support worker when i get back out of this, and we'll still have weekly or monthly meetings while i'm in there. And he keeps reminding me that i'm free to leave if i feel uncomfortable, but i know that i'd feel like a failure if i did! So he legit fuckin goddamn said (THIS SOUNDS SO FAKE) that i could take a day off when the dumb game comes out, and he'd play co op pokemon with me. HOLY GEEZUS RICHARD YOU'RE LIKE THAT HOLY GRAIL OF THERAPISTS! And man he even said it wasnt embarassing for me to sleep with a teddy bear and he'd help me pack it up safe and ensure nobody saw it while we move my bags into my new room. And then i was like "uhh but also the teddy bear is a giant lifesize embarassing pokemon merchandise" and he was like "okay so we need DOUBLE STEALTH". Apparantly the new sequel to Pokemon Go is Pokemon Sneak! God he helped calm me down from this freakout so much, he's always great with lil jokes and motivational sayings. And i talked about how i first started being interested in Obscure Deep Sea Slug Facts because pokemon has some characters based on weird real life animals, and like its Very Educational Honest, And Has Appeal For Both Kids And Adults. How on earth did this turn into Motovational Pokemon Blabber Time??? Anyway thats how i ended up texting a professional psychologist pictures of gastrodon at 7.30pm.
In summary
I'm mostly just worried cos this is short notice! And cos its such a big commitment that being short notice is Super Bad. I need to friggin clean the whole house top to bottom in two days, so it doesnt get all gross and attract flies while im gone. And i need to toss out like a hundred bucks worth of frozen food that aint gonna keep for 6 months. And i need to wash all my damn clothes. And i dont even have a suitcase and this is at a terrible time where i dont get paid for a week so i cant buy a new one right now!! And damn i DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO TAKE AAAAAA
Is that i wont be able to talk to you guys for half a year!!!
They dont have wifi and im not allowed to take my computer anyway. They only allow laptops and all i have is a desktop and AAAA its too short notice to save up enough to get a laptop mannnnn! Fuck man i didnt even think about that, i need to go pause my broadband internet for six months, do they even allow you to come back after that long?? And man part of me wants to ask to borrow money from friends to get a laptop but i know this time i cant promise to pay you back within the month cos AAAGH ALL OF THIS SHIT!! Like damn man if anyone is willing to let me pay back a hundred and fifty quid in 6 months??not bloody likely!! And man the only place to get a laptop in TWO GODDAMN DAYS is stupid fuckin Amazon :( but god im gonna go stir crazy being unable to do art or gamemaking or friggin anything to occupy myself!! I can bring my 3ds but i barely have any games for it and ive already finished all of them except harvest moon a new beginning which i quit cos it was bad. And the screen is broken anyway gahhh. SO MANY THINGS I NEED MONEY FOR IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME THAT IS NON CONDUCTIVE TO MONEYING
So anyway GAHH i wont have an internet connection in the house, and i'll be able to walk down the hill and use the library computers hopefully at least weekly, but they forbid all social media sites. So like can i get the emails of everyone who wants to keep in contact? Man i dont know how im gonna manage this AAAAA!!! i will send u loads of pics of scenic asylum beauty and dumb updates on my stupid life of probably very little progress.
And AGGGHHH i dont even have the time to plan a blog queue or anything fuck man geez aaaaaaaa
I NEED TO BUY A NEW PAIR OF TROUSERS WITHOUT HOLES IN THE KNEES man i cant live on singular pantage in a shared house
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Hey. Quick ask from me before I go to sleep: do you have some Christmas headcanons for Shigaraki, Dabi and Himiko? Like, what they do, what they think about Christmas and some possible presents they give to each other? (If it's too much to do for all three, I leave it up to you to choose one person)
Coincidentally, I have a Tomura/Reader drabble I wrote a while back and I can add it to this post so you’re in luck~! HC go in order of; What do they do for the holiday, Opinion on Christmas, and Presents they give/want to receive. SFW ahead!!!
Tomura Shigaraki / Tenko Shimura / FuckHands McMike
Tomura just goes along with whatever Kurogiri or maybe All For One has planned for the holidays. He’s Mr. Grinch, but he might watch an american Christmas movie, but for the most part he lives this holiday as if it is a normal day for him. If Toga is running around, however, you might catch him leaning against the bar with a Santa hat on. Because she forced it on his damn head.
He doesnt like Christmas. He is the biggest Grinch known to mankind and honestly he tries to avoid the holiday all together, and holes up in his room unless Kurogiri drags him out to be forcibly festive. He has been known to destroy holiday cheer by walking in a room.
Tomura gives things he would like. Video games, mostly. He isnt very creative and spends as little of his money as possible anyhow. You might end up getting a second hand game from two consoles previous and he will expect you to like it. Tomura wants video games, electronics, and maybe a fucking hug. Someone give him a hug, he really needs one. And some whiskey.
Dabi / Smokey Todoroki / Burnt Toaster Strudel
Dabi, surprisingly, celebrates Christmas. Sure, he isnt decking the halls (maybe decking some drunks in the face, but it’s all in the spirit of the holidays), but he’s got the Christmas spirit, y’know? He spends the day in a ratty old Christmas sweater, wears whatever stupid hat Toga forces over his hair, and has a beer in his hand the entire day. Waking up? Drinking. Sit down? Drinking. Drinking? More Drinks. He’s going to be buzzed and screaming Christmas carols with Spinner.
He likes Christmas. There are a few sore aches in his heart when he wonders how the rest of his family is spending the holiday, but he’s chipper as much as Dabi can be, all while following Toga around to help her decorate and shop. He is a sucker for stealing during the holidays, and often comes back to the base with shit no one needs. Perfume? Uh, i guess it’s Toga’s or Magne’s now. Golf clubs? Kurogiri can take up the sport, sure. A self stirring mug? Mmm, He’ll keep that one for his hot cocoa later- so he can mix in the schnapps properly.
Dabi gifts what he steals, so honestly everything is kind of like a White Elephant gift from him. You could wind up with something cool, or like, silly putty. Its a win-loose situation, but there’s always going to be a laugh. Dabi wants cigarettes, alcohol, and new shoes. Specifically, new shoes that could be similar to docs.
Himiko Toga / Murder Child / Ghost Of Christmas Stabbing
Toga is so chock full of Christmas spirit that she’s the one doing all the decorating, she is the one planning a big “family” meal with certain League members, and she’s up before the rest to stuff presents under a tree in the base. Good noodle. She’s got the Christmas cheer, and she went to Elf Practice, I assure you.
As stated, she loves Christmas. Though, others are kind of worried about the backstory as to why the holiday is so important to her. No one besides maybe Dabi, who is brave enough to ask, and when he does, she ignores him. Most likely, her family didnt want to celebrate many holidays with her, so her new “family” is being set on a grand pedestal to replace them. She’s going to make happy memories with these villains, and she’s sworn it will e the best damn Christmas any of them had ever seen!!!
Toga 10/10 has a list of things everyone wants. and she sticks to it. Surprisingly, there is no random stuff from her, at all. All her presents are thoughtful and just what the recipient had asked for. Where did she get the money? Well. Ask Dabi. He helped get them. Toga would want cute things, and knives. Maybe those rainbow tinted holographic knives? She likes Rilakkuma a lot, and enjoys being gifted makeup.
“Don’t be such a grinch.” You snapped, hanging up your immaculately created paper snowflakes. Each one you had hung before had been shaped and styled differently than the last, the one you carefully tapped to the ceiling of the base being no different.
Below you and standing beside the ladder you had claimed for decoration use, you didn’t need to look down to know your grinch was baring an openly displeased look in his scarlet eyes. He scoffed at your accusation.
“You are way too old to believe in Santa.” He kicked lightly at a box just below the ladder, your army of crafted snowflakes shuffling about inside. “Christmas is stupid anyhow.”
“I’m an adult, I know Santa isn't real.” You shot him a look, stepping down from the ladder and scooting it out of his way, using your foot to push the box back to the step ladder and climbing it once again, a new snowflake in hand. “And like i said, don't be a grinch, Shigaraki. I’ll get you something for the holidays.”
“I dont need your charity.” The pale haired man said, insulted you would even offer. He scratched at his neck, clearly growing irritated. “I don't want to see all this winter wonderland shit, [First Name].”
You attached the snowflake to a piece of string, tapping it to the ceiling just like last time. You were slower now, thinking on Tomura’s actions and how he chose his words.
Why was he such a bitter, bitter man?
You exhaled through your nose heavily, glancing around the base with a somewhat pleased expression. You had done a lot with the time Tomura had given you. You were proud. It truly did look like a winter wonderland… The clean up was gonna be hell.
“No one is going to be here anyhow.” Tomura continued, surveying the bar with disgust. “You won't be here.”
“Actually,” you said softly, climbing down the steps before resting your elbows on the top one, eyeing Tomura with a gentle smile. “I will be here. So will Kurogiri, Toga, Twice and a few others. Dabi too, but i'm sure that doesn't thrill you.”
“It doesn't.” He confirmed quickly, still seeming annoyed, but you got the vague feeling he had lessened his aggression a tad.
There was silence between you as you continued to work at your goal of making the bar area nice and festive, your boss, despite his apparent disinterest, did not leave your side.
After a while, he spoke again. His vice softer than you expected, face bare of a mask so you would see the hesitation behind his eyes.
“Are you sure you’re going to be here?”
You nodded, stuffing remaining snowflakes and other little trinkets in an old cardboard box, which you had marked simply with ‘Christmas Stuff’. You picked the box up, brushing past him.
“I wouldn't miss it for the world, Tomura.”
He watched you leave, a skip in your step despite how off putting he had tried to be. Again, his gaze swept the bar. He noticed all the effort you put forward, the details of the snowflakes and sparkle of the tinsel lining the bar counter. There were christmas theme throws on the single couch in the by the dartboard, and packets of hot chocolate laid on the counter.
Unbeknownst to you, he  felt a quirk at this lips. Not a full smile, but something in the very least. You had called him by his first name, and had cleared your schedule for him. He liked that. Even if he didn't realize quite yet why that fact made his heart flutter just a bit more, he knew it meant something. Something special, so he supposed, you were special too.
So maybe this Christmas wouldn't be so bad, after all, he would have you this year.
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purinsesu-sereniti · 7 years
What the Senshi do post stars- before Crystal Tokyo.
excluding chibiusa*
a run down of what i think occupies the senshi’s time between the end of the battle with Galaxia/Chaos and the ascension of Usagi as neo queen serenity. all but my own headcanons. 
usagi: graduates high school and she immediately joins up with mako to work her little flower shop. she eventually moves onto retail of some kind- a wedding stylist, i can see, but is ever faithful to mako’s shop. she likes to keep house, enjoying days of relaxation with her friends, or going out shopping. attends numerous parties with minako and michiru/haruka, all of whom have some great connections in the world. runway models for setsuna & helps her with gown designs based off her own gowns from her days as princess of the moon. 
ami: graduates high school and college with the highest marks. she was given the option to graduate early, but chose not to so she could remain with her friends until the last moment. proceeds right into medical school which again, graduates with the highest marks and becomes a doctor just like she always dreamed of. becomes a pediatric doctor and a wing of the hospital is eventually named after her.
makoto: opens her flowershop IMMEDIATELY after high school. like, mere weeks after. she runs a small business but she’s savvy and hires some cute ass girls to work the counter (usagi, who shockingly has a knack for flower arrangements) who’s smile always invites someone in. also bakes on the side for pretty much anyone who asks (or doesnt because CAKE) and sells adorable little pastries from the shop. 
rei: finishes school and then dedicates herself full fledge to her work at the shrine. she continues to hone her abilities to near perfection. dates minako regularly. tries to stay out of the spotlight, but the media cant resist the beautiful couple whenever they’re out together. 
minako: 100% becomes a mega popstar. her music would be similar to that of katy perry, with a bubblegum pop feel to it. occasionally she’ll come out with a slow, heartbreaking ballad that leaves the world questioning: what happened to this girl? she jokes that she’d love to do a song with the one time famous three lights, who had all but disappeared, but one day appear at her concert on usagi’s birthday to sing an amazing duet-thing (trio + 1 lol) of search for your love. donates half of her income to charities. 
haruka: BUSINESSES. lots of them. she gets mako’s flower shop off the ground. she dabbles in real estate (mostly through her various good connections) and even flips houses. cars continue to be her thing, racing and the like, but she also bonds with mamoru at the race track too. they run together once a week, when they both bump into one another just days after stars ends, and it becomes a thing well into crystal tokyo. 
michiru: continues her role as ultra perfect, can do anything girl that we all know and love. she continues to paint and of course play the violin, and is featured numerous times on minako’s albums. low key feel like she’d release a makeup line. collaborates with setsuna regularly. 
setsuna: clothing designer. BIG TIME fashion designer, really. under a pseudo name of some kind, setsuna’s work is featured in runway shows every season, and she even bases a line off the senshi fuku. keys are heavy components to her designs, a nod at her role as guardian of time. she features many of the senshi in her runway shows. minako wears her dresses for every red carpet affair she attends.  
hotaru: follows in ami’s footsteps- going to school and finishing with top marks. she models A LOT of setsuna’s clothing for her. when chibiusa is visiting, they have regular sleepovers and hang out daily. together they train under the senshi, even during the peaceful time, to ensure that one day they can transition to their roles as senshi with ease. 
mamoru: college, obviously. a real trip to america for his year of study. medical school as well, the same one as ami. he graduates and works in the emergency room for the few years between graduation and crystal tokyo. buys usagi her dream house- something small with a white picket fence and a yard full of flowers. they only live in it for a few years, but it’s a special place in both of their hearts. 
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stinkrascal · 3 years
Little controversial, but a lot of fun. What are your sim s' toxic traits? Asking all of my favourite story tellers. Let's get deep
omg YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS please i love talking about controversial things lets goooooooooo <3
vlad - he’s a very controlling and overbearing person, honestly. he’s the type of person who trusts his knowledge above everyone else’s and feels he’s the most capable in any given situation, therefore he feels it’s only right that he’s in charge, no matter the circumstance. he’s wise, yes, but after centuries of believing this of himself, his wisdom has warped to unabashed pride, and he finds it difficult to trust another’s capabilities over his own because of it. i like to think this ties into why he’s fairly codependent in his relationships; he needs to feel as though he’s the one providing for, guiding, and therefore “controlling” his relationships, he needs to feel needed, so he seeks out people who feed into that desire, people he feels are “misguided” who need a wise, proper hand to bring them to normalcy. you know, someone like him, the spitting image of normalcy, seeking out impressionable people in an attempt to satiate his intense desire to be needed. like sir have u ever heard of therapy? LMAOOO
breanna - she’s laidback to a fault and oftentimes irresponsible, someone who rarely considers the outcomes of her decisions and someone who ignores the telltale signs given to her. this manifests in a lot of careless, reckless behavior and poor decision making skills. like, for instance, if vlad reminds breanna that the water bill must be paid by x day? you best bet the water will be shut off because queen, irresponsible as she is, forgot to send the check. if she promises to bring you to your doctor’s appointment, you best bet that the morning of you’re gonna call her only to discover she didn’t realize your doctor’s appointment was Today and she is currently stoned asf and cannot operate her vehicle, to which you will reply Breanna It’s 8 AM Why Are You Smoking At 8 AM to which she will apologize and cry and hang up and fall asleep. much like vlad, i like to think this ties into her own codependency issues, as she feels she’s, in essence, unable to properly, or rather, responsibly care for herself, and must rely on someone else to do this for her. she enables his controlling nature by relying on him for most things, and in return he enables her immaturity by providing for her unconditionally. isn’t that, like, super fucked up lmaooooo? like, it’s the sims universe u know, so take all of this with a grain of salt, bc like in the context of my silly sims 4 legacy all of these codependency issues honestly amount to, like, breanna being a happy and uncritical stoner tradwife and vlad being the one who pays the bills and drives. it’s not actually that serious u know. but when you think about it critically and apply it to like real-world scenarios n consequences n whatever... it’s gross as fuck <3 you guys need therapy <3
lucien - like vlad, he’s fairly prideful, as he feels he’s the most knowledgeable and capable of any given situation, but more so than that, he feels the need to show off his intelligence by testing others’ knowledge. he also feels the need to lecture those he feels aren’t as knowledgeable as he is; often he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. he’ll basically mansplain to you for hours, if you don’t keep him in check. also, his ego usually gets the best of him, and he can’t help but find himself better than those he views as unintelligent. it can come off a little classist at times, and this is something which has been brought to his attention in the past, something he wishes to alleviate in his further interactions. it’s a work in progress. ;-;
gen - their main issue is that they’ve a difficult time understanding and empathizing with other people, primarily women. i like to think this comes from their overall discomfort within themselves, whether that discomfort revolves around their personality, their gender identity, or their apathy towards life. women in particular are difficult for gen to empathize with, as it is that gen makes an effort to distance themselves from women, most likely a consequence of their discomfort with their assigned gender. lashing out at the “thing” they wish to distance themselves from is a simple, quick way to tell your peers, I Am Not This Thing! you don’t wish to be perceived as a women? vehemently hate all of that which is considered womanly, and maybe you’ll stand a chance against your audience. that’s... gen’s way of looking at it, at least. it’s not healthy, and gen realizes this by now, but so far it’s not caused too much of a hindrance on their life, save for all the girlfriends they can’t get because of their shitty misogynistic streak, so they’re not too bothered. i can promise you as they grow more comfortable with themselves, they will eventually drop their mean streak. i know gen’s been a misogynist for, like, two years now lmaooo ;-;
carlile - much like his mother, he’s extremely irresponsible. he forgets important dates, he often misplaces his belongings and the belongings of others, he can hardly be trusted to cook without forgetting the stove’s on then burning the house to the ground. he’s also rather bratty, especially when he’s hungry. idk i’m blanking on carlile honestly his toxic trait is being perfect <3
nikolai - he has a hard time establishing boundaries with others, so he often finds himself in situations he finds uncomfortable, merely because he can’t say no to anything. you can usually tell when he’s uncomfortable, as he wears the expression well on his face, but even then, he’ll bite his tongue and carry onwards. worst of all, though, he’ll be upset with you if you’re the one who suggested the plans, even if he’s the one who agreed to the situation despite not wanting to attend in the first place.
klaus - he doesn’t expect anything from anybody, and he feels that all people should feel this way about each other, as no expectations means no one can get hurt. this also means, however, that klaus’ effort put into everything he does is fairly low, and he doesn’t often impress people with his lazy, myopic attitude. he’s self-dependent to a fault, wanting to do most things by himself without considering the help of others, as he feels he’s the only one who should provide for himself. basically, he doesn’t accept “charity” from other people, and he thinks most people shouldn’t accept “charity” from others, either. very much a “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” kind of guy, which i consider toxic as fuck, so, like. :)
anastasia - she’s a lot like vlad; she feels her judgment is the best in most situations, and she feels she deserves to be in charge at all opportunities because of this. her confidence teeters on pride, and she often confuses the two and unknowingly comes across as arrogant and abrasive because of this. she trusts the abilities of others, it’s just that she believes she works the hardest and wants it the most, and this innate desire puts her above others. she’s also prone to fits of jealousy, especially over her friends, an attribute also lovingly instilled into her by her father :p if you so much as look at her best friends the wrong way, she will come for your throat as though she were some rabid dog, about to feast on her next meal. she’s loyal, yes, but loyalty doesn’t come without its faults; she’s quick to excuse her friends, even for truly heinous actions they provably committed, so long as she feels the intention is forgivable. her love and affection for other people blinds her, and often she’ll act in their best interest, even if that means being rude or aggressive towards others who go against them.
ilya - his toxic trait is that he’s never featured on this blog and idk what to do with him <3 his other toxic trait is that when hes a teen hes gonna commit arson. thats sooooo toxic
ok im gonna go through everyone else really quickly bc my fingers hurt HAHAHA ok lets speedrun this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bonnie - her toxic trait is that she thinks 50 shades of gray is legitimately a good book series. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
cooper - his toxic trait is that he smells so bad and he doesnt know why he uses soap and deodorant and bathes frequently hes just sweaty asf and you know what Me too king sweaty kings rise up
shivi - her toxic trait is that shes a barista at a coffee shop and she doesnt even like coffee. her other toxic trait is that she lowkey hates vampires :( and thats just rude asf
maeve - her toxic trait is that shes an apologist. she sees someone doing something terrible and shes like OKAY THEY DID THIS BAD THING BUT THEY’RE JUST TROUBLED IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT MAYBE I CAN FIX THEM!!!! like no bitch you cant
tarek - his toxic trait is NOTHING tarek is literally so perfect like he just wants to take care of his sick boyfriend and learn how to be a top tier witch like thats it? He doesnt deserve any slander bye
abigail - her toxic trait is that she’s SOOOOOO clingy to the point where like u guys can be in the same room but if you’re not looking at her rn while you two are in the same room together she’s like DO YOU HATE ME? like abbie please we dont hate u ur just being crazy rn. shes also extremely jealous and self-destructive so like if she feels like u are cheating on her she will FREAK OUT and ruin your relationship bc she doesn’t know how to effectively communicate her emotions and feels the need to lash out inexplicably at everything that triggers her </3 poor girl
karmen - her toxic trait is that she hides behind her humor and nonchalant persona to mask her emotions. she says it’s a coping mechanism, but the truth is, she refuses to meaningfully engage with these feelings, as they’re too uncomfortable for her, so she downplays her struggles with humor. she’s very much someone who acts as though she’s got it under control, even if the truth is, she’s struggling to stay afloat. her other toxic trait is that she will endanger her own internet safety it if means she can get a cute e-milf to send her money <3
caspian - he’s reserved to a fault, as though he’s physically unable to admit what’s troubling him. yet, when he speaks, you can always tell when there’s an issue. it’s always one of those things with him, where the emotion is too repressed to be articulated, yet too present to ignore. he’s so resistant to aid, he’d rather subject himself to terrible situations if it means denying help from another. often, he does this under the guise that he doesn’t wish to be a burden to others, therefore he must take care of himself without help, but he fails to realize that by not helping himself, he’s hurting his relationships around him, which burdens everyone. he’s deeply insecure, and he often weaponizes his insecurities, typically without meaning to. this manifests in a lot of self-deprecation, deflective language during arguments, ie “I’m the worst person ever, I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me after this,” which often comes off very manipulative. again, he doesn’t mean to sound manipulative, it’s just something that happens naturally, something he's gotta work towards alleviating.
vaughn - like caspian, he’s many emotions which are too strong to ignore, though too repressed to be expressed. this manifests primarily through vaughn’s financial immaturity and his promiscuity. he enjoys the physical pleasures of life, and he often abuses these luxuries as a way to distract himself from the very real pain he feels, pain he refuses to admit he harbors. so instead he sings his silly songs and spends his money recklessly and fucks everyone within a thirty mile radius to distract himself from the void in his chest :\
wolfgang - he’s basically an incel LMAOOOOOOO or like what do they call an incel who larps as a normal person to pick up woman? a pick up artist i think? hes that LMAO hes quite literally in the incel community is what im trying to say. i havent talked about it yet but its literally a plot point. if you look in my brainstorm sheet rn it says “Wolfgang munch reads incelme forums every day. Wolfgang munch thinks j*rdan peters*n is the leading figurehead in the hall of intelligentsia.” so like yeah
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themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
A Loan Won't Solve Your Money Woes If You Don't Fix These 10 Issues First
Sometimes even the best-prepared households get knocked sideways, financially speaking. Illness, unemployment, divorce, a car accident that triggers a lawsuit these and other situations can quickly put a hurt on the budget. In such times a personal loan or one of several types of home equity loans can provide a little breathing room until you rebuild your finances. As noted, money woes are sometimes the result of plain old bad luck (illness, job loss). However, sometimes were our own worst enemies: We buy too much, we save too little, we plan not at all. You cant get ahead that way. And you cant keep borrowing your way out of trouble. A loan wont help you unless you fix the following issues. 1. Not having a budget The simplest way to wind up in debt is to spend without thinking. Stop, then, and think for a moment about what you would like to have happen five years from now: buying a home, starting a business, getting married, traveling? When you create a budget, youre not just allocating your dollars youre enabling your dreams. An easy way to do it is the 50/30/20 budget: Spend no more than 50% of your take-home pay on essentials, 30% on wants, and 20% on saving (including retirement planning and an emergency fund). Plenty of budgeting apps exist as well (some are even free). 2. Not tracking spending You cant plug budget leaks unless you know where they are. Track your spending for a month, using pen and paper or a budgeting app. The cumulative effect could be eye-opening. For example, a relatives ex-husband was shocked shocked! to realize that spending $8 a day on fast food added up to $240 a month. His wife had made more money than he did, and their commingled finances made it easy for him to swipe a card and think no more of it. Heres hoping that your own habits arent quite that clueless. But even those of us who think were doing pretty well could be surprised by the cumulative impact of certain habits: beef jerky and a soda every time we pay for gasoline, daily iTunes downloads, $20 a week on scratch tickets. Add up the opportunity cost of those non-essentials, and ask yourself if you could do better. (Spoiler alert: You probably can.) 3. Keeping up with the Joneses Just because next-door neighbor bought the priciest riding mower on the market doesnt mean you have to ditch your trusty Snapper. When your coworker talks about all the activities her kid participates in, you dont have to sign your own tots up for horseback riding and soccer camp. You should not let other people determine your clothing, dcor, automobile, or anything else. Its no ones business that you bought a fixer-upper, that you drive your car until the wheels fall off, that your idea of nightlife is to read a new library book once the kids are in bed. Remember: The Joneses may be up to their hairlines in debt. They might be focused on keeping up, too with the minimum payments, that is. 4. Wanting your kids to have things you didnt Theres nothing wrong with this! Except when there is. Obviously you want your children to be well-fed, reasonably well-dressed, and housed comfortably. You might also want to give them treats and opportunities you never had, such as vacation trips, a big allowance, loads of extracurricular activities, and fully funded education plans. But dont let this noble impulse bust your budget. Just because your kid wants snowboarding lessons, a new smartphone every year, and a car of their own at age 16 doesnt mean you have to give these things. Staying out of debt and funding your retirement should take precedence over granting every whim. At the very least they should have some skin in the game: doing additional chores to help save up for a big-ticket item, say, or mowing lawns or babysitting for extra pocket money. Besides, we arent doing our kids any favors when we give them everything they want. Setting the bar too high now could mean setting them up for problems later on. Specifically, when they move out on their own theyll want to keep living in the style to which we have accustomed them and if their salaries dont allow for that, theyll wind up in debt. 5. Automatic upgrades Whats wrong with your old smartphone or car or whatever? If you bought it relatively recently and it still works, whats with the rush to replace? If you get the newest phone as soon as it comes out, or trade in your vehicle every few years, or replace anything else before it really needs replacing, ask yourself why. Because your co-workers do? Because some commercial made you want a new car? Because you dont know why, but you really, really want to anyway? Think about the opportunity cost of that cash. Then think about the way you want to live, and whether or not you want other people making decisions about your money. 6. Shopping mindlessly If you dont need anything, stay out of the mall. Going shopping with friends puts you in a position to find something you suddenly cant live without, or something that looks so cute on you or would be so cool in your house or so useful in the garage. Except that you were doing just fine without that item until you saw it. Ditto online shopping: Dont cruise your favorite retailers websites unless you have a specific reason to do so. Better yet, undo the one-click function and remove stored credit card info from all sites where youve shopped in the past. Bonus frugal points if you change your online passwords to something that has personal significance, such as WeDDingDAy8192020, or 19YEarsLEftonMORTgage, or EARLYretire2028 these little reminders of where your dollars could be going instead might help you from overbuying. 7. Always buying retail Why automatically pay full price? Instead of heading straight to the shopping center when you need (or want) something, consider these options instead: Thrift shops: Some are junky, but others are great. Its like a treasure hunt. (Pro tip: Find out if there are senior discounts or other special deals. For example, a secondhand store my daughter likes offers 50 percent off every Monday.)Consignment stores: Like thrift shops, except theyre more discriminating about whats accepted.Flash sales: While online shopping should be approached with caution, sometimes a sale really is too good to pass up. Hold yourself to limits, though: Just because those slacks are a great deal doesnt mean you need to buy a pair in every color.OfferUp, LetGo, Craigslist: Sometimes people want (or need) to get rid of furniture, tools, bikes or automobiles without the hassle of a yard sale. Caution is required, but you can get some darned good deals this way.Newspaper classified ads: Yes, really. A guy I know recently bought a pickup truck (necessary for his job) from a newspaper ad, spending many thousands less than he would have paid at a dealership.Freecyle: You might be surprised at whats being given away, no strings attached. Ive seen beautiful furniture, clothing, bicycles, toys, books, and other useful stuff offered up.Yard sales: Another treasure hunt. Ive seen items still in the shrink-wrap at these sales. Its a great place to buy baby stuff, including newborn-sized clothing that seems never to have been worn.Buy Nothing Facebook groups: Last month my partner and I just picked up an almost-new Weber grill. Some of the other things Ive seen lately: baby stuff, solid wood table, sewing machine, board games, computer desk, cookware, and tons of childrens clothes. All of it is free.8. Overdoing it on special occasions Are holidays and birthdays completely over the top? Maybe its time to tone it down. When they become extravaganzas of gift-giving, we cheapen the meaning and also set the bar higher and higher. A kid who gets tons of presents is unlikely to appreciate each one fully and more to the point, he develops a sense of entitlement. As for birthday parties, when did they start resembling mini-coronations? Even one-year-olds are having party rooms reserved, decorations put up, and gift registries established. Really? Think of all the money thats spent and quickly forgotten. Now think what those dollars could have done for a childs education fund or your own retirement. Celebrate joyously, but celebrate sensibly. 9. Overbuying for grandchildren While waiting in line at a crafts store, I met a woman who developed the bad habit of having small gifts waiting for her granddaughters whenever they visited and they visited a lot. The woman was fretting visibly as she looked over the items in the stores dollar section. What do you buy for someone who already has everything? she asked me. After hearing her story, I felt very sad not just for her but also for the kids. A visit to grandmas house had become an exercise in acquisition. The first thing they do upon crossing the threshold is to ask what theyre getting. (Does anyone else find that quite sad?) Expectations are made, not born. If youve gotten into the habit of treats and more treats, scale back. Replace them with activities and gifts of time. The kids who are used to getting stuff will gradually become used to not getting stuff and when occasionally you do treat them, it will mean a lot more. Again, the money you save could go toward their education funds or toward shoring up your own budget. You cant finance retirement. 10. Giving more than you can afford Charity is a noble impulse. But giving to the American Red Cross or the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals should be done after youve taken care of business. Specifically, after youve built an emergency fund, started saving for retirement, and taken care of any consumer debt. Put on your own oxygen mask first, financially speaking. Award-winning journalist and veteran personal finance writerDonna Freedmanis the author of Your Playbook for Tough Times: Living Large on Small Change, for the Short Term or the Long Haul and Your Playbook for Tough Times, Vol. 2: Needs AND Wants Edition. Read more: https://www.thesimpledollar.com/loans/blog/a-loan-wont-solve-your-money-woes-if-you-dont-fix-these-10-financial-issues-first/
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winstonhcomedy · 5 years
“Dope A-F”- 1/24-1/25 - “Booed Off Stage and Reg Charity”
Sweet lord almighty. Thursday/Friday were some slobbrerknockers of shows. I’ve got three bad boys to cover so let’s hop right to it laydees.
Earlier in the week I got asked by Travis Carl if I could fill in for him at The Richmond Funny Bone hosting for the “Fresh Drunk Stoned Tour”. I of course agreed. Luckily the open mic this night was The Camel hosted by Jameson Babbowski. This was an early mic so I got to get two sets in.
I head over to The Camel right after work. I am the first comic there. The Camel always has a chill fun vibe to it. When Jameson gets there I look at the lineup and I know like half of the comics. The influx of new comedians continues. It is getting kind of insane. I feel like more and more experienced comics are either moving away/giving it up/taking a step back from standup. Which is a shame. I love the new comics, but I do miss the feeling of going to an open mic and it being filled with all the dudes I started with.
New comics are always good for a scene. As people trickle out you need more comics to trickle in. They bring audience members, and a sense of enthusiasm that is kind of gone from people who have been doing standup a while. The downside is when your scene becomes all new comics booking showcases becomes difficult. You want to give people opportunities, but at the same time a showcase full of newbies is just an open mic.
There is a family with a small child at the show. They tell Jameson they are ok with the swearing and are going to leave aft4er a quick bite. I get to see a few of my friends like Alex Castagne and Mike Engle. So that was a nice little hang.
Jameson goes up and does a quick hosting set before bringing me up. I go up and talk to the kid a little bit and get a few laughs. The crowd is interesting. Paying attention, but not really loving the comedy yet. My set goes pretty well. I need to write some new stuff because I am getting to the point where the new stuff I am working on is starting to become fully formed. The jokes go ok. Some hit pretty hard and some get nothing. All in all I was able to riff a couple new tings, and work on wording. I’d give this set a C-. I grab my stuff and run to my car to head to Short Pump to get to the Funny Bone.
It has been a while since I have been on a show here. I walk in and say hi to the staff. Every time I come by they have some new wait staff, but a lot of the people who’ve been there for years are still around. People like Cory, Derek, Buz, Brittany, and of course Jason the gm. I get to talk to everybody for a bit and shoot the shit before the comics from the “Fresh, Drunk, and Stoned” tour show up.
They were coming from VB so they had a comic down there drive them up and they gave them a guest spot. Drew Grizzly is the comedian who drove them. I have only seen him perform a couple times at clash so I don’t know much about his standup. I know the couple times at clash I wasn’t super impressed, but also that was forever ago and I think he was a super new comic at that time.
All three of the headliners were super cool. They were Tim Hanlon (LA), Matt Bellak (Chi) and Franco Harris (Chi). Very chill dudes and fun to hang with. all real professionals as well. Franco came in and had the complete run down written up ready to hand over to the sound guy Buz. I was going to be doing 10 up top, Drew was going to do 7, then each of them would do 20 each to close out the show.
They also did a great job of packing the show on a Thursday night. They didn’t sell out but they came damn close. I think there was close to about 220 people in there. Which is definitely a treat for a Thursday.
I go up first and have a super strong hosting set. I tried some material I’ve never done there before and it went over great. My “problems with China” bit hit super hard, and my “Angel/Devil” closer really got them. I’d give this set a B+. I really had them in a good place to get this show going and I bring up Drew.
I walk to the green room while he starts his set. I don’t really pay attention to it. He’s not getting a huge laugh or anything, but I don't think anything of it. I am talking in the back with the guys, and after like 2 minutes we start to hear a noise coming from the green room. I can’t really tell what the noise it, but is most assuredly not laughter.
I start to listen closer and realize it is boos. Drew is bombing so hard he is getting booed. Tim and I go out to check it out and we are just in awe. This crowd that was super into the show had now completely turned on him. Apparently he had started his set and said he had weird pubes. A woman responded, “you got a problem.” Instead of rolling with it he doubled down and started to be aggressive with the lady. He had not built up the goodwill in his set to warrant this type of response. So the crowd started to turn. He also mentioned that he doesn’t date black women (he is a black guy) which honestly is where he really lost the crowd (primarily black audience).
I have never seen this kind of shit before. It is surreal. People are losing their minds yelling at him, booing him, screaming to get him off the stage. People are standing up out of their seats. Like it had the vibe that someone was going to come up on stage and get him. Jason came out of his office wondering what was going on. It was too much for security to silence everyone. He was getting the light from the back, and he wouldn’t get off stage.
I don’t know how much time he did but it felt like a millennium in that atmosphere. It might be the worst set I've ever seen in my life. I was inching closer and closer to the stage trying to give him a hint. Also I was worried I was going to have to go on stage and take the microphone from him. The worst part is I have to go up after this. I tell Tim I am going to try my best to get the crowd back and do something before he gets on stage.
Drew finally gets off, and I go back up amidst a sea of boos. They’re still yelling and I give them a second to see if they’ll die down enough to try to get a word in. I finally grab the mic and say, “I think this is the first time in history where a room full of black people are like, ‘Thank God the white guys back’”, and it absolutely murders. People stand back up and are screaming and hollering. People are giving me high fives, and I'm really selling it leaning over with the mic stand talking to people and getting them pumped up. I bring Tim Hanlon on stage and the show is back on track. This is now one of my favorite comedy memories.
I go back to the green room and Drew is talking about it, and Franco and Matt are giving him good advice. Bombing happens, everybody does it, this is not a reflection of an entire comedians career or act. I do know that I have never in my life seen a worse set, and at least Drew knows it can’t get worse. He was in good spirits, and we all ended up having a dope rest of our night. I get a lot of compliments and I get to watch Tim, Matt, and Franco have super hot sets to end this amazing night. I also get a weekend of work from Jason in March. I love filling in dates on my calendar.
After the show I stick around, take some pictures, and meet some people. I say my goodbyes to everybody and then head to my car. I drive home enjoying the end of this awesome night.
The next day after work I took a nice nap, and then headed down to perform on Tidewater Tonight in Virginia Beach at Pinboys. This is a talkshow co-created and hosted by Roberto Lundgren Rodrigues. This isn’t a standup show. I had to create a character to be interviewed. I low-key love stuff like this, but I don’t get the opportunity to do it often.
I came up with the character several months ago when I was first asked, but I kept having to reschedule. I finally got an open Friday and was ready to unveil Reg Charity.  Basically the character idea I had was I'd be a disgraced, southern, ex PBA bowler who was banned from the sport due to my rampant alcoholism. So after my PBA career I started inventing. All my inventions are supposed to do the opposite of what they normally do (sunglasses that brighten the room, chips that help you lose weight, whiskey that sobers you up, and a toaster that turns toast into bread). It slowly becomes apparent during the interview that none of them work, and I get drunker and drunker on my “non-alcoholic” whiskey. 
I get to the venue early and am just hanging out with the people who run the show. Ryan Dix, Roberto, Laura Batty, and a few others. My buddy Nick Deez showed up also.
So after they set up for the show we wait for it to start. There is a tiny audience of maybe 5 or 6 who aren’t involved in the show. That’s ok though because everybody is super into the show. I am so excited to see how the video turns out because I am super excited about it. I improvised the entire thing. I feel like I went in and out of my accent, but I honestly don’t care. It was super fun, and I got people laughing. I had an absurd outfit on, and some great lines. I’d give it a solid B. If I get to go back I know I’ll do even better.
They do some ads, and a singing commercial. Then Donna Lewis goes up and is doing the character of an ex child star. She is having a hot one, and everyone is having a blast. The show ends and it was definitely a success.
They make several attempts to lift the couch up with me in it. We get some funny pictures of me falling out of it, and them failing to lift me. We keep chatting for about an hour, and just talk shop, and shit. It was a super dope show, and I can’t wait to do it again.
All in all this was a helluva two days of shows. A real hoot and a half. I just want to give everybody who reads this blog a million kisses. XOXO I love you and I’ll be back to recap the weekend tomorrow sweeties! GOODBYE LAYDEES!!!!
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imnotsebastiansten · 6 years
What is one moment that you missed out on that you wished you didn’t? Hmm well there were a couple of concerts that I missed that I coulve went to if I had the money and now I regret even more that I didnt go because I coudve tried and in one way or another i wouldve been able to go :( the first ones that come to my mind are hollywood vampires and megadeth
Who is your hero and why?
hmm well tom hiddleston is definitely one of my heroes because he just so kinda and nice witj everyone and hes a really talented person and idk man hes just so caring about a lot of stuff and so smart and i look up to him a lot
Do you believe that gay marriage should be legal or illegal? fuck yes and unfortunately my country might just fucking ban it for good now
Do you feel like your life is worth living? well im 16 so my life doesnt mean much atm because i dont do a lot that really helps anyone so idk man
Do you or have you ever had braces? nope
How often do you listen to music? daily oh my god
Can you play any instruments? yes, the piano and the flute
What is the highest number you’ve ever counted to? i have no idea 
Can you text? yea lol
What is one rule you have that you hate? hmm i cant really think of any?
Have you ever had a nervous breakdown? .who hasnt
What are you scared to death of? bruning alive and the ocean oh my god
What is your best friends name? i dont have a best friend
Are you currently in a relationship? no unfortunately
Do you take any drugs? nope
What do you hate the most about your computer? sometimes it disconnects from the wifi and i have to restart it to be able to connect again and its fucking annoying
Are you random or pretty on track? i think it really depends on the situation
Where do you like to shop for clothes? i dont have a place yet im still lokking because im kind of going through a style change and im looking for stuff i actually like
Are you more of a fruit or vegetable person? definitely vegetable
Do you like older or newer music? both, why choose
What do you want to do for a living in the future? i dont know yet but probably something cinema related
Do you do anything illegal? watch movies? download music? idk man if you count these things theres quite a lot of shit
What color is your pillow? i dont sleep on a pillow, i use this big plushie dog
Do you have any pets? yes!! i have a guinea pig and now i kinda have two because we are taking care of one of my moms friends guinea pig
When is your birthday? december 31
Have you ever been drunk? ehh idk for sure, i was definitely dizzy but i remember everything that i said and did
Are you good at art? i wish :(
What is your best physical feature? uh maybe my eyes idk man
Are you keeping a secret from anyone? yes kind of i never talk about my feelings so they sort of became a secret
What is your favorite TV show? the magicians and mr robot
Do you feel like people don’t understand you? yes
Do you do things online that your parents wouldn’t like?
eh i dont think so my mom is really chill
Do you own a webcam? my laptop has a webcam and even if it didnt i probably wouldnt because i would never use it
What is your most embarrassing moment? my entire life
Can you speak any other languages? well yes romanian
Do you like the city or the country better? definitely the city but the country side is nice too
What is your favorite fairy tale? there are quite a lot of stories that i really like
Do you still dress up for Halloween? we dont celebrate halloween in my country
What is one holiday that you don’t celebrate? halloween
What is your favorite genre of music? alternative
What singer/band sucks the most live? idk man i never went to a concert that didnt sound good
What is your lucky number? 11
How high can you count in Spanish? a like 4
Are you afraid of needles? I FUCKING HATE THEM OMG
Do you like to ride roller coasters?
not really
What TV show is the stupidest to you?
riverdale gooodbye
Do you hate being ignored? yes oh my god being left on read and ignored is one of my biggest pet peeves
Where do you currently live? romania
Are you a trustworthy person? yes
How many piercings do you have? only my ears oof
Do you like marijuana? never tried it
Do you talk about yourself a lot? only on these surveys
Do you donate to charity? no i dont really have the money
Where is your favorite place to go out to eat? not sure
Are you still in school? yep
Are you a fast typer? i think i am but when i type fast i also make a lot of typos
Are you a tree hugger? sort of
What is your favorite color? green
What question do you hate being asked the most? ”why are you so quiet”
Are you conservative or open with people? i wish i was open
Do you own a cell phone? yes
Do you wish you had more in life than you have now? right now im pretty cool
Do you wish you were older or younger? im fine at this age for now
Have you ever watched the Brady Bunch? nope
What is your favorite TV station? dont have one
Who was your first kiss with? lets not
Do you like to dance? not really and im also too shy to do it
Do you play games at arcades in the mall? never tried before
What do you do when you see a spider? i just let him be
Are you a friendly person? yes but i am too scared to initiate conversations so i probably seem really really unfriendly
Do you have an attitude with some people? probably lol
Do you currently have a job? no
What is your biggest pet peeve? so many oh my god
How many songs do you have on your Ipod/Mp3 player? i dont have an ipod or mp3 played but have a shit load of songs on my playlist
Do you like to go to carnivals? yes i guess
Which season is your favorite? autumn
Are you outgoing? no 
Are you a flirt? i wish i was good at that 
Could you go the rest of your life without saying the word “the”? nah
Do you try to put others before yourself? not really tbh
Do you or have you ever watched Pokemon? yesssss
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
"Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
17 Year Old Motorbike Insurance?
What would you estimate the insurance costs are for a 17 year old riding a C.P.I Sprint 125CC?
What is the best auto insurance?
i am 23 and pay $135 for liability. i need something cheaper.
What is a affordable health insurance that covers DENTAL?
or at least some of the cost?
How much would i get from the insurance?
I was involved in a car accident in Sept 2009. I sustained low and upper back injurie, left side shoulder and neck and severe headaches. I have been dong treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and phisio therapy. As of right now i am only doing physio therapy and massagge, however the injuries have not healed yet. If for any reason i dont get better for another year or 2, how much would i be getting from the insurance as a settlement? The medical bills as of Sept 2010 were around 13 thousand. I was employed at the time of the accident and have not returned to work since the accident. My car was totaled and the other driver was fully at fault. I am just wondering how much would i be getting roughly if my case lasts for 2-3 yeas in total.""
What should my average house insurance cost?
I'm buying an older house (1920's-1930's) in a working class neighborhood in California for about $200K. What should I expect to pay for my standard homeowner's insurance?
Does car insurance typically cover the car being totaled due to flooding?
I live in the Midwest, where everything is flooding. My husband just called and said that his car was flooded, and is now not running. Does car insurance typically cover this? I know I'll need to check with our insurance company in the morning, but I'm just curious if that is considered an act of God, therefore covered under a comp. claim. We have full coverage.""
How to catch more insurance clients???
I am Life Insurance Agent. I am just trying to find out more clients to develop my insurance business.
How much does an insurance for a bus cost approximately?
The cost can be per year for a 40ft or for a 60ft diesel bus. I need the info for a life cycle cost analysis. Any info will be helpful. thanks
Where to shop for health ins when my cobra expires?
I've been under a company subsidized cobra plan for my wife and I for almost 18 months. The premium is going from $394 to $1150, which I cannot afford and will have to let it ...show more""
How much would my car insurance cost to pay the minimum payment?
what is the cheapest car insurance company? How much would the minimal payment cost? My 21 yr old bf would be the one paying it and i would be under his insurance. im a first time driver age 19. I am a mom of two kids and highschool graduate. the title to my car would be in his name. Unless it doesnt matter to have it in both our names. we live in ms and he uses state farm.
Do you get cheaper insurance if you drive less miles to school?
if i lie and tell them i drive barely any miles to school would it be cheaper? its 87 a month right now but imma tell them scool is like a 2 mile drive
Car Insurance need advice?
I have one car with 24 years no claims and am going to be the policy holder for my sons car. Can i put down that i have 24 years no claims or do i have to start again (in the sense put 0 down??)Im quite confused by the process as i haven't had to do this before, also it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we don't do it this way so if anyone knows of any good cheap insurance companies""
Car Insurance?
I know people will tell me to ring myu insurance company but i dont have my policy number with me or their number im at work today...... How much difference cost wise do you think it would be to change my policy so i can drive any car. I need to be able to drive my boyfriend, my dads and his dads cars? In the UK by the way""
How much does it cost to live on your own. CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?
slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn'dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh""
How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)""
Insurance on 2009 A4 TFSI (I'm 19)?
What would be the insurance rate for a 2009 Audi A4 TFSI (4 cilinder 2.0 turbo) for me, I'm 19 years old and I live in Florida. I have a 2008 335i which is V6 twin-turbo and the insurance is high, can't afford US$6000 a semester. thank u""
Where to find really cheap car insurance?
I want to buy a $200 car mainly to run it into my friend's $200 car (kind of like playing bumper cars with real cars). I need a really cheap insurance that will basically only allow this car to be legal. I don't plan on making any claims on it or using it for anything other than playing around on private property. Only want to make it road legal. Any suggestions? I am looking for something under 50$ per month
Can a health insurance company find out if you are NOT a full time student?
Is there any way that your health insurance company can or will find out if you are a full time student or not? Usually i am a full time student but this semester i have a class that is only 2 credits, therefore i have 11 credits and technically am not full time. My dad recently received a letter asking for me and him both to sign it and list the name of the school i go to etc. So my question is this, will they call and verify with the school? thanks""
Can I drive another car with my Geico insurance?
I just purchased my first insurance policy. My sister has Geico insurance and she can drive any car and anybody can drive her car. I'm wondering if I have the same privileges, or do I have to pay for them. My policy is about as basic as is legal in California so here's to hoping.""
Insurance for a car?
how much would car insurance for a 99 s10 blazer when im 18 and not have full coverage and also have a car crash ? and one ticket for rolling stop its going to be most likely to be over 500 dollar a month right ? and a male
Home insurance?
i live in southern california and my home value is 600,000. I pay 2,200 for insurance every 6 months. i think this is a little too high but would like to know if this is average. When i bought the house i was too excited that i didnt even talked to my insurance agent, who is located in Fresno, Ca. I do live near a school could that also be the reason why my home insurance is so high? Could the location make any different? Can i also change insurance or will there be a penalty? I have no clue? My insurance is through Farmer. thanks in advance!!!!!""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with a bimmer ?
Probably a late 1990's model. I have to pay for the car and 1/3rd insurance - so I'm just wondering how much insurance would be around for a BMW ?
How much should my car insurance be? read details?
I am 17. I want to buy a mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its probably going to be a 2000, if not then 2001-2003. GT model. I went to drivers ed and we have allstate for insurance. how much wuld the insurance be?""
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo. why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine, obviously im not gonna switch, but i am curious as to the difference in price.""
Do you need insurence to perform a play at a senior center/hospital?
A small group of actors (10) are preforming a play for Charity at retirement homes and hospitals. Would we need insurance to perform there? Someone was concerned that we might accidentally fall over and break our arm or fall over and break someone else's. Would we need to pay insurance or could we just write a well thought out contract (if so give example in answer) to perform there?
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Churchill Car Insurance Problem?
Had accident which was my fault in Nov 08, hit a van in rear that stopped suddenly going through a roundabout (less than 5mph) and his trailer hitch ball went into my radiator and damaged the hood, grill and radiator. Car was 1996 Honda in very reasonable condition, MOT'd and all in good service despite its 125,000 mileage, new tyres, exhaust, battery, and clean throughout. Had fully comprehensive insurance with 50 deductable, loaner car and legal support so paid to be protected. When car was collected from accident, collecting garage said at that time that due to the mileage my car would not be repaired. However it took 5 to 6 weeks for the insurance examiner to determine that my car was beyond repair, so I did without a car all that time. Despite repeated phone calls to them, they never called me back as their examiner was on holiday. Then when we finally agree that a price of 500 for my car in January 08 and that took some haggling, the cheque never and so I started chasing them down in early February. I am then informed that I did not disclose a speeding violation on my application and they would have to listen to the tapes of my applying to verify this. Again this took several weeks, and I again had to pursue them for an answer to which they then said I had applied on the internet so no record of a phone conversation. The internet application was misleading, asking for what I believed was 3 years worth of offenses. I've only ever had 2 speeding offenses in my entire life - both speed cameras, just over the limit. The first was at 6 a.m. and I passed a bus pulling over to stop and as I passed it got flashed. The second on the day I found my dad had days to live and I was rushing to catch a flight, and as in both instances was doing 42 mph in a 30 mph zone for a very short period. Nonetheless, I was speeding and paid my fines. I wrote to the insurance company and apologised for not telling them of the other speeding ticket from 4 years and 9 months earlier as I forgot about it. But I admitted it, and apologised in writing. Then then came back to me saying that there would be additional premium to pay before I would get paid for my car. Well, its October 08, and I finally got a letter from the insurers saying they are not paying me as I failed to pay the additional premium requested and they were not going to renew my policy. I have never been asked even after repeated letters to them how much the additional premium was, and what I should do. No replies. I have asked for my car back which they agreed to pay for, and now they state there is nothing they can do, and it is their final decision. I went to the financial ombudsman and unbelieveably DID NOT get a reply from them. I've even spoken to one of their survey staff who tells me that they are incredibly busy and it was probably put aside and not dealt with. I'm at a total loss as to where I stand and how to pursue this without spending more than the accident and car was worth. I've written to their data protection officer and obtained copies of all documentation pertaining to this, so by their records can verify all this information quite clearly. Finally, I maintained my cool with them at all times. Never once did I raise my voice or become unprofessional with them. My questions are: 1. Can I legally request my car back as it has never been paid for? 2. Were they taking money for policy on a car they knew that through mileage alone, they would never pay for loaner car, or to have repaired? 3. This has meant over 30 letters and more phone calls than that to deal with, and rarely do they call you back or reply at all. Can I claim for this time and distress? 4. Am I totally wasting my time? Regards, Papa Don""
Questions about car insurance?
Is it illegal for someone to drive someone else's car if they do not have car insurance, but their friend (who owns the car) does? What would happen if they got pulled over for a ticket . . . would there end up being a big problem? What about if they had an accident . . . would they be covered under their friend's insurance? And are there are some types of insurance that would cover an accident if it was caused by the uninsured friend of the insured car owner? Thanks so much :)!""
Im 71 years old will 1 speeding offence offence two years age effect my car insurance?
I have always used a Mobility car, hence the ignorance re, insurance""
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
Affordable kids health insurance in Florida?
I recently got a new job, and my income combined with my husbands will be *just* over 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, making us ineligible for the $20/month payment for Medikids. It would cost $160 for each of our 2 children to continue this full coverage/no co-pay insurance. We cannot afford this. What are some other options? We definitely cannot afford insurance for the whole family.""
What do you do if you cant afford car insurance?
Im a sinlge mother and my bills are more than my income. I seriously have to choose between food or car insurance. i cant take the bus to work the schedule doesnt work out....Im scared Im going to get pulled over. What do I do?
Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance for a 19 year old boy in the UK?
I will eventually have my car when I'm 19 but i want to drive a 1.6 instead of a smaller engine. Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance because i know of people who got it cheap In england
""Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
When getting an insurance quote do you have tell them what your tickets have been reduced to or....?
I am going to get an insurance quote and need to know if I can tell them what my tickets were reduced to or if I have to tell them what I was actually pulled over for.
""I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
""If you are a teenager with your own car, how much do you pay for car insurance???????""
i was just wondering because i want to get a car eventualy and i know that it will be very high......... also for example if your 16 and you get a car from 1991, how much would you think you would play a month for insurance?""
How will the grandfathered in medical insurance work for Obamacare?
I have had an individual plan since 2004. I just read you can be grandfathered into plans that don't provide coverage options required under the Affordable Care Act. This sure doesn't sound good!! It sounds like if I want protection, I will have to pay twice as much as I am now on the exchange, which I thought was supposed to lower cost. Obama said someone can keep the insurance they have if they'd like, which is half the price as the exchange, so who wouldn't want to pay half as much? If it's not covered under the Affordable Care Act, does that mean I still could be dropped or denied? Why call it the Affordable Care Act when it is only affordable to very low income people? I am middle class, and I read that only 9% of Americans make between $50,000 to $75,000. Do you think this sounds right? This is hard for me to believe.""
Is it illegal to use a wrong address on your car insurance?
I want to use the address my dad lives at for my car insurance because it makes my insurance 200 cheaper. It is my registered address and my driving license, bills and bank is addressed there but I don't technically live there anymore. I live between my boyfriend and another parents house. What is the deal with this?""
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
What's the best health insurance for a 19 yr. old?????
So here's the thing: I just turned nineteen last week, I'm no longer going to college, I have two part-time jobs. If I were still in college I'd be under my mother's insurance but that's not the case. And it's the law in Massachusetts (where I live) for every adult to have H. Insurance. So I'm in the process of quitting one of my part-time jobs. And the other doesn't give me benefits 'cause I'm part-time or whatever. So in the mean time I'm looking online, in newspapers, everywhere like crazy to find a good job that's full-time and gives me benefits that includes H.Insurance. So my question is what would be my best bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pilgrims, what?! It has to be something affordable too right? 'Cause I'm no rich bank here. Please help.""
Car and car insurance?
Okay so I want to buy a car. My credit score is 633. I am 19 and in january I opened 2 credit cards which I pay my bills on time. I also have a phone bill i pay on time. If i wanted to buy a 10,000 dollar car or maybe 8,000, I was wondering how much my APR would be and how much my monthly bill would be. Also how much I would have to put down on the car at first. And I was also wondering how much my insurance cost would be seeing that I am a 19 year old female with 2 tickets on her driving record. (One for speeding, one for phone use.) i just need a rough estimation... Thank you :)""
Do anyone know where i can get cheaper car insurance?
Im with Tesco and am due to renew my insurance next month but what im paying at the moment is sky high. Ive been on the road 2 years now, I have a reno clio.""
Teenage Car Insurance?
What can we expect for a 16 year old having to pay on a monthly base if he has his OWN insurance (as in not co-insured with the parents). This would be in Texas. I am pretty sure that there is a great difference. Just trying to familarize myself with the whole deal and trying to figure a ballpark amount. Any tips you might have are very much welcome. Thanks!!!
Can 15 minutes really save you 15% on car insurance ......?
.... with Geico?
Can your health insurance drop you if you use marijuana?
Hi everyone, I want to start by saying that I am here looking for an answer to my question. Please keep your opinions of marijuana and and sermons on federal law to yourself. =] I have had stomach, bladder and pelvic problems for several years. I was recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and am positive I also have IBS (waiting to see dr). I live in california and have a medical marijuana license. If I didn't use it, I would be unable to work and probably addicted to vicodin and xanax. my bf thinks I should be open and tell my pcp that i use it to treat my chronic pain so that he could possibly offer other reasons for my symptoms (even though i know these symptoms have nothing to do with my use my bf ust wants to hear it for himself). the only thing i am worried about is insurance. do insurance companies kick you if they find out you use? i'm not worried about work finding out, just insurance. thanks!""
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
""How much does it cost to live on your own in Sacramento, CA?""
I need to move out when I turn 18 due to problems at home and with my family. How much would it cost, realistically, to live on my own in a studio apartment in sacramento, roseville, citrus heights, rocklin or the surrounding area? I mean the bare minimum cost, including car insurance, rent, food, medical insurance, etc. I would be paying for everything on my own. Thank you for the input!""
I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive?
Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic?
Car Insurance Problems. Pain in The neck?
Im 22 and I have a terrible credit score. I am looking to insure my car by myself which has always been insured by other people like my parents/boyfriends mom etc. I know my credit score is my own fault but I have been running into difficulties trying to find a decent car insurer for my vehicle. Does anyone know a place that will offer car insurance even though I have poor credit? I know I will pay a lot more than if I had a good credit score but I am in dire need of insurance and am willing to pay a bit more than usual. Alot of places have even denied me car insurance because of the my credit score so If anyone knows a place (not geico, progessive, unitrin or allstate) that will be helpful and will possibly insure me, can u please let me know:-) Oh yeah Im residing in NJ, if thats helpful!""
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Do I need a canceled registration receipt from my license plates to get better car insurance rates?
My wife got into a car accident and totaled our car. i bent the license plates in half and canceled our policy. its been about 3-4 months and now we bought a new car and were trying to register again, but all the car insurance places are giving us high rates. i think its just cause we've gone so long without insurance but my wife thinks its because we didnt send the registry or the insurance place the receipt for canceling my plates (which i did online). so which is it?""
Car accident insurance?
I was in a car accident where I accidentally hit a car, i called the police but he didn't give me a ticket. The car insurance is under my moms name. The insurance expired on the same day at 12:01am and the accident happen around 11:00am. I guess the cop missed the expired day. The other car door was seriously dented. Will the insurance still pay for the other car since I didn't get no ticket. My mom did renew the insurance the next day.""
I have pre-existing conditions & I'm 61. Where to go for health insurance?
I'm having a hard time trying to find health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions (take medication for a mild heart arrhythmia & for cholesterol) plus I'm on medication for depression. And I'm 61. I've searched the web without luck - insurance agents who've called me say my condition makes me Uninsurable. Either that or I'm contacted by scam artists. Does anyone have experience with the Health Insurance Industry & have suggestions on what company to contact? Or what insurance agents are reputable? I live in California. I welcome your thoughts & suggestions. Thanks!
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
""Court date for driving w.o car insurance, what are my likely outcomes?""
I got tagged for driving w.o car insurance in January, now I got a letter in the mail to attend court in a week for the incident. I live in MA where it is illegal to be uninsured and by law your registration also expires as well. I've already been towed and got my car back, now I just have to attend court. Any ideas what's going to come out of this? I have a perfectly clean driving record.""
Can your parents pay your car insurance?
Keep in mind, they don't have a car!! I know i sounds crazy""
If I get my g2 will my parents insurance rise?
I would like to get my g2 in october, but not get insurance and start driving alone until november. Would this raise my parents insurance from just getting my g2. Also, if i have an 80% avg at midterm, will it lower the cost of insurance? If yes then would a 90 avg lower the insurance cost even more?""
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
Young Driver Insurance?
I am 18 and have recently passed my driving test. I have bought a car, a 55 regVauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI 3 door, and before I bought it all of the insurance quotes were cheap - none above 2500 a year. I looked today and all of them are over 4000, even if I put both of my parents as named drivers. Does anyone know any good, cheap young driver car insurance companies or have any advice on how I could lower my premium? I have checked the majority of comparison sites.""
Question about Scion Tc insurance?
So I figured it couldn't hurt to ask about the insurance on a Scion Tc. I'm 16 and looking into getting a scion as my first car. My family and I have state farm insurance, and I would co-sign with them. It would be a used scion with about under 50000 miles and probably a year 2006 or 2005. I live in new york if it helps and am a new driver, no tickets or points. So I was just basically wondering how much other people pay a month or year for a scion tc, their age, the year of their car, and the state they live in. Also and more importantly is a scion tc considered a sports car, or is it under sports car insurance. If it is how much extra monthly is that. I would also be eligible for a steer clear program reduction, good grades reduction, and the reduction for taking drivers ed if anyone has any idea how much that would save. Thanks for anyone who can help!""
Car insurance question regarding friends car?
(This is in Ohio). My friend let me drive her car when the roads were kind of bad due to weather. At an intersection, the light turned yellow, and I began to slide on the ice. I had control of the car, however, if I would have continued to slide straight I would have been hit side on by the incoming cars coming through the intersection. Instead, I had to turn the wheel and I hit a pole. No damages were done to the pole, any other cars, or people. Unfortunately when we took the car to an autobody shop, getting an estimate without the use of insurance, we got an average cost of $2,200. There's NOT that much damage on the left bumper to make the cost so expensive. Both me and my friend are insured, however, MY insurance company is saying it's her car, so her insurance has to pay for it. How will this work? If I ask her to pay using her insurance, I don't want her to pay any out of pocket. I would pay the deductible. Will this hurt her insurance, or my pocket? Any other good ideas? Thanks so much.""
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
How too lower car insurance?
this is a extension to my previous question. Im 17 years old and want too buy a 2008 honda civic EX. I would like too start making payments on the car before i head off too college next year. So i need to convince my parents that it wont increase there insurance rates. My dad owns a 1976 jetta and i thought he could put me down as the driver of the jetta and put him as the driver of the 2008 civic so the insurance rates wont go up. is that a good idea ? Any other ideas how i can lower insurance rates? thanks
Is this normal for home insurance?
I have AAA-California home insurance and we had an incident yesterday involving a squirrel and our fire suppression sprinkler lines. AAA says they only cover the damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, etc.) by the squirrel eating through the lines, but will not cover the cost of repairing the lines. Is this standard for all home insurance, or do I just have a crappy policy?""
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
""My husband and I need private health insurance, any recommendations?""
My husband and I need private health insurance because his job does not offer it and I am a stay at home mother of our two year old son. We live in California, make about 2000.00 a month and are a family of three. We just need basic coverage so that if we get sick we can go to the doctor and if we have an emergency we can go to the hospital. Any recommendations for a low cost good plan that would suit us? Thanks so much!""
Good health insurance?
I am a 29 year old male, i don't smoke or have any health problems. I am looking for good health insurance that doesn't have a high monthly cost. any recommendations of what to stay away from or some good ones would be much appreciated. Thanks. :)""
Can I put my partner on my health insurance?
Hi there, My girlfriend and I are going to be moving to New Jersey in May of next year. We are going to get a civil union. At this point will I be able to include her on my health insurance through work? I work in Philadelphia. Wasn't sure of this since PA doesn't recognize civil unions, but didn't know if there is a loop hole since we will be living in New Jersey?? Any help would be great. Thanks!""
Can i get car insurance at age 18 with a permit in NY?
Hey,i have looked around but i seem to have found mixed answers,so i posted my own question to get a straight foward answer.....Will i be able to get Car Insurance with a permit? I am 18yrs old and live in NY state. Thanks""
Is there any cheap insurance out there for students?
Hi, My name is Courtney and I'm looking to buy a car soon but I don't have car insurance. My parents wont put me on theirs so I need something really cheap because I'm a student and I don't have much money. Is there some place that offers coverage for low low prices?""
What is an average insurance rate for a house?
How do they figure insurance costs? About how much would annual insurance be for a $70,000 house? Thanks~!""
Why can't I get car insurance?
I passed my driving test on the 11/10/12 I am not the registered owner on the V5 Log Book, my father is already insured on the vehicle that will be handed over to me as a shared car yet, I can't get my own insurance because I had one claim as a provisional license back in 2010, would it be better to go as an additional driver on my fathers policy or somehow resolve the problem as be the policy holder myself. Also my father admits he will be no longer needing the car when the insurance expires, but what do I do? just to be able to drive my car as I've only recently passed and want to go out for a drive!!!! Will the log book eventually need to be in my name so I can insure it? Also I'm having great difficulty with the claims, I can't seemed to be insured just because of a motorcycle accident claim that wasn't even my fault! thanks.""
I and my friend were thinking to buy a car. He is much older than me. How should we do insurance in this case?
In this case who should be primary driver on insurance policy? me or my friend? How does it matter in terms of insurance premium? My friend will be driving the car much more than me.
Can I fight this no proof of insurance ticket in the state of california?
I purchased my vehicle on 3/13/09 with insurance. I was stopped on 4/7/09 for no license plates and failure to prove financial responsibility i.e. no proof of insurance. Prior to that, the car dealer initially wouldn't even allow me to drive the car off the lot unless it was insured. Also, I hadn't received the insurance card in the mail from State Farm yet. I asked the officer (before he wrote the ticket) if he could identify my vehicle in his system to see that it is in fact insured, at which point he would not oblige. I obviously received the card a few days later and now have the card verifying insurance from 3/13/09 to the present date. Do I have a case here that can rightfully be reversed?""
""Hi i'm 21 no previous driving experience, how much will my bike licensce and insurance on a 125cc-200cc cost?
im considering doing my bike test and just wondering how much it would cost to insure a 125-200cc road bike? Also how much does it cost on average pass your bike TEST THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED!
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
""Motorcycle questions? Good old, cheap and cool bike? Insurance?""
Im looking at buying a motorcycle! :) I dont need one that is too quick, I just learned how to drive one and I loved it. I want to get one for the summer. I dont want to pay over 1500, and it doesnt need to be too fast. (what is the 2002 honda civic of motorcycles?) I just want it to be kind of cool looking. I saw a 1985 honda (with the wing on it?) that looked really cool. Im 17, and I want to get one that will only be insured for the summer. For one with a small engine, what is the insurance cost? I know it varies, but does anyone have any ideas? Thanks Matt""
Motorcycle Insurance (600cc vs 750cc)?
I am picking up a new sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here in a couple weeks and I was wondering the average cost of motorcycle insurance per month (or year if you pay gross). The bike will be totally paid off when I purchase. Thank you for your time, Kevin BTW: I am 25yrs old in Florida. It will be either a 600cc or 750cc.""
Anyone know insurance companies that would cover my car while in Canada?
I'm a US citizen on a temporary work permit in Ontario. I'm trying to figure out the best way to register my car. If I can find insurance that would cover me in Canada I could maintain registration in Calif. Does anyone know about this? Is there an insurance company that will cover my car while I'm registered in Calif/driving in Ontario? Thanks!
What is the average premium of auto insurance in Toronto?
How much do people in Toronto spend on their car insurance every month? I am moving to Toronto this summer, and I am having a second thought about taking my car with me since I will live by the campus. I only have an one year experience of driving. I know the premium depends on a lot of factors but I am only looking for an approximation or a price range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion of car insurance company? Thx, and I really appreciate your help!""
How much is insurance on a ninja 250?
i am going to buy one in the next few weeks. i have a clean driving record. no tickets. no wrecks. im 22 years old. i live in kentucky. how much is insurance and what company's are best to get a quote from?
How much would insurance be ? ?
im 18 years old and i have a 2006 hyundai sonata and i was wonderinq how much my insurance would be every month .
Am I allowed to do this with my car insurance?
I am 22 and am on my father's insurance policy. My rates started out as only 30 dollars and increased to 50 bucks. They said that the reason my rates increased was bc I was added as a driver of the vehicle. I was wondering, if I were to get my father to take my name off as a driver and just list him would my rates go back down. Also what would happen if i got into a car wreck and my name was not listed on the insurance. I am just trying to keep my insurance down as I am in college and cannot afford it if it keeps increasing. Thanks""
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Friend on my car insurance?
I have a friend (age 21+) who needs to get a car insurance but she only has a learner's permit and she cannot get an insurance herself. She has a car under her name. I am willing to add the car to my insurance and have her as a secondary driver. What are the risks I have? Am I, first of all, allowed to add a car which I do not own? Does my insurance premium go up if she gets into accident?""
Car Insurance question ( British Columbia)?
My boyfriend was driving me car and crashed it. Everything is on my insurance.They said the cost of my insurance will be up for three years. and then it will go back to normal. If I don't get insurance for those three years will it go away or will I still have to pay it when I go to get insurance after the three years?
Cheap Car Insurance - Please Help?
Hello in June I will be 17 years old! Obviously like all 17 year old males I want a car! I'm not massively fussed about the car as long as it doesn't cost to much! Today I have been looking at cars such as; FIAT CINQUENCENTO Perodua Nippa EX and a few other cars bellow 1l I live in Northamptonshire and my postcode is NN1 *** on comparison websites i cant find insurance for less than 3500 when that is miles out of my price range! If anyone knows any insurance sites or extremely cheap cars to insure for 17 year olds then please reply to this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
""What would be a cheap car insurance company for me,19 yrs old?""
I did some quotes but some companies couldn't give me a quote.. don't know why though but I am trying to find out what would be a cheap good company for me. The car I was going to buy was the Pontiac grand am year 2000-2002. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks!""
Car Accident and No Fault Insurance?
My sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the street on her way to school. Now the hospital has sent as a statement asking for her no-fault insurance policy number. We don't have auto insurance so how do we fill in the form? Can we use the insurance number of the part at fault?
""My truck got totaled, now the insurance wants to give me crap for payout. Can I negotiate?""
I had a 2000 Sierra that was probably the nicest truck in town. I have pictures of how it looked, videos of how it ran, and plenty of people to testify it was a nice ride. The insurance wants to give us crap for payout saying that the truck was average to poor condition. Even after stripping off most of my aftermarket stuff, I still have a few thousand $$ still on the truck. I know they don't cover aftermarket stuff, but if I can't take it off, I should be compensated for it. Can I negotiate with them or do I have to take what they offer me? I've already told them that I don't like what they offered me since my truck wasn't the junk car they are paying me for. Can they turn around and just tell me they won't pay anything since I didn't take the first offer?""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
""How much insurance(fully comprehensive, USA) do I have to pay for a 400,000$ car?""
For a 400,000$ car in the state of New-York how much car insurance will I have to pay fully comprehensive insurance. Like a Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe how much insurance has to be paid for that type of car. Don't want an exact number, just round it off.""
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
What is better - socialized medicine or affordable health insurance?
Where can I find health insurance as an 18 year old and I'm peregnant?
I'm an 18 year old, I live in Florida, I have a job as a CNA, I'm pregnant and married. I was woundering where can I go to get affordable health insurance and if it's likely that I'll get coverage. I would also like to know an average of what it would cost.""
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off""
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for me?
im 16, and unfortunately my parents wont let me go under their insurance for the car ( i know that complicates things) but im hopeing that if i get my own car, and pay for my own insurance it wont be too expensive :( does anyone know what insurance company would give me the approx. lowest cost?""
Do you have health insurance?
Do you have health insurance?
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
Auto insurance broker fee in CA?
Hi I live in CA i just bought a new 2012 hyundai and went to get insurance through Freeway Insurance and I signed up for a 12 month premium with Farmers they did not tell me anything about a broker fee until after i signed all the paperwork. I am 20yrs old and paying $220 a month for full coverage. They charged me a $275 Broker fee I just want to no if this is even legal or if they ripped me off! I walked out spending $560.00 Are they allowed to charge such high fees I will call my credit card and have them refund it immediately if they ripped me off. Please help. Open to all answers thankyou!
Car insurance advice needed?
My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
Cimarron Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67835
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