#what.. what is their ship 😭
chinelacanta · 1 month
(i dont) love you like i did yesterday
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SAKADRAGON BRAINROT!!!! tysm @haunteddelusionalonepiece for the little sakadragon amoeba that now lives in my head <333
(marine dragon’s hair is inspired by @/mangyraccoon ^_^)
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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saintforan · 4 months
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I love it when cats give u love and then the little bastards just bite you outta nowhere
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hugs-and-stabbies · 20 days
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The self-awareness on this guy 😞 someone pls send him an "are you bi?" quiz STAT
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seventh-district · 1 month
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 2
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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cramblm · 10 days
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I originally drew that amazing scene from last life a couple years ago, but ever since I posted it I had come up w better poses and have been wanting to do a redraw since, even if it took me ages jsksksks
I hope you like it babes ☺️☺️🥰
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robotpussy · 5 months
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raapija · 16 days
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Lance and his tiny spanish speaking old men who are always freezing 💚
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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What were you calling me? Mobius. It’s a pretty cool name.
Loki 1x02 // 2x05
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faeriekit · 10 months
I feel like you’ll appreciate this flavor of feral brain rot as a true delicacy.
Ghostly Courting 101
1.) When you have someone you like, you politely sneak into their haunt and leave a gift that hints at your identity. If they’re interested, they’ll start hunting for you. If not, it’ll be removed without the other party feeling any societal pressure.
2.) For ghosts who died a violent or wrongful death, one of the most meaningful things you can do is avenge them. Attack their murderer, haunt their negligent doctor, etc. It’s not guaranteed to win their affection, but it’s a hell of a display.
Now, per the laws of unintended consequences, Danny finds Red Hood rearranging his freezer.
It’s 3:00 AM. He just wanted some water. Why is Gotham’s favorite son trying to leave him a fuck off huge casserole?
“Are you trying to propose or something?” Danny asks the liminal.
“Ghost weird or fruitloop weird?” Danny snatches his boo-berry ice cream and starts digging for a spoon.
Red Hood takes off his helmet to make sure Danny can see the Eyebrow of Judgment.
“Fruitloop then,” he says between bites. “We haven’t even sparred, and I sure as shit didn’t avenge you or anything.”
Oh. Oh no.
“Hood, why are you blushing?”
He couldn’t make out much from the outraged sputtering, but Danny nearly shat his fucking core out when it clicked.
“Is this about Joker???”
Danny was gonna take the stuttering as a yes.
Cool, cool, cool. He was calm. He was so fucking normal, it was fine, it was fine, it was—
Ancients take him, Danny beat the shit out of this guy’s murderer or something. He basically did a fucking flash mob proposal!
“Why the fuck am I even here?!” Red Hood screamed.
And the other guy’s fucking clueless!
I see, I see.
1: Which casserole. This is important. What casserole could the hindbrain of Jason Peter Todd's ghost instincts think is marriage material?? Is this like a comfort food can-of-cream-of-mushroom based casserole dish or like one of those newfangled sushi bake type things?? What did Jason whip out to prove he's marriage material??
2: What does JASON think is going on?? Did he hunt Danny down?? Did he just wake up in a stranger's apartment with a casserole in his hand?? Did he go to the grocery store with a list in mind or did he get home and realize he (for some reason) had every ingredient to make tuna casserole??
3: Wait. So does this mean that Jason thinks that casseroles are a good enough hint at his identity??? Does some part of Jason think that his most essential and core part of his identity is his tendency towards caretaking?? YO—
4: It's in a vintage pyrex. Look me in the eyes. This is not just Pyrex it's gotta be the old style pyrex that doesn't shatter in the oven without a pan underneath it. I am a connoisseur of white people culture and this is deeply important to me. It could even be one of the patterned ones. This is part of the gesture.
5: Danny is emotionally moved and it sucks considering that this was a complete accident
6: Jason is emotionally moved and has no idea what the fuck is going on. He wakes up at his safehouse one morning with bridal magazines in his hands which he apparently bought himself?? He's going insane. Is he cursed?? Did that twink who kicked the Joker's ass curse him??????? Curse him into...matrimony???????????????????
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meirisuu · 10 months
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welcoming fontaine to the international teyvat yuri lineup!
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wasabi-gumdrop · 10 months
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erejean ft. Jean Kirschtein’s camera roll
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nyipi · 3 months
lucifer tops men and bottoms to women.
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journen · 1 year
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This was doodled a few days ago, inspired by a snippet from @theedwardianone ‘s fic they shared with me in our discord! We were talking about Soap & Ghost height difference 😳 , tippy toe kiss, and flustered Ghost, and it spawned this HAHAHVFHDVJDVSJA
And her fic is finished now, so if you wanna read it here’s the link!! :)
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bizarrescribblez · 3 months
anyways here’s a reminder that i love my non-sharing self shippers so much!! don’t let anybody tell you that you’re irrational or unreasonable or dramatic for being uncomfortable sharing your f/o!! your f/o loves you so so much and wouldn’t want it any other way!! 💕
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grayluforever · 4 months
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