sketch-mer-6195 · 2 years
Forsaken update!!!!
I have finally finished Chapter 14 and working on Chapter 15. I am back baby!!!! Forsaken will be complete!
@luna-xial @lathalea @tschrist1 @laurfilijames @ocfairygodmother @werelywrites @notlostgnome @blulemonades @i-did-not-mean-to @myselfandfantasy @sirmacbethbeth @fizzyxcustard @ruthoakenshield
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werelywrites · 3 years
Anders x Reader. Family can’t leave well enough alone.
Hello! Tryna get back into writing! and it’s an Almighty Johnsons x reader fanfic!
What can I say @laurfilijames @blairsanne @sketch-and-write-lover
@i-did-not-mean-to and @midearthwritings all got me inspired to write something! Thank ya lovelies!! you guys inspire me and i ADORE yall! now, none of yall need to read this if ya donnae want to, thats not why i’m tagging yall. i’m just tagging yall cuz of the acknowledgement of how awesome and sweet yall are!!
A/N: I should let ya know that I’ve only just finished season one of Almight Johnsons so this takes place after season one since i don’t know the events after obviously. Also characters might be a bit OOC maybe? i’m rusty. Anders Johnson x Fem!Reader. implications of Dawn x Ty but only if ya lookin, I promise Midearthwritings, Ty can and is all yours!!!
Warnings: PG13. Some adult themes mentioned. i.e. sex, drugs, achohol. reader uses sign language too (you know, my usual brand of reader if youre familiar with my old writing) NO Y/N used (or anything of the like). I’m also terribly american so i’m unfamiliar with new zealand speech patterns, i’m sorry!!
I’m rusty at writing but enjoy!!
Anders had been acting strange. Well, strange for Anders, normal for others, was the more accurate description. 
Dawn had been seeing subtle signs of his abnormal behaviour but it was just that-subtle-that she wasn’t 100% sure what she was noticing was actually anything. So when she stopped by Ty’s business for lunch, Mike and Olaf were also there crushing his couches it seemed, she mentioned to them Anders’ behavior as of late to see if they’d validate her thoughts that he was, in fact, indeed acting strange.
The biggest tell was whenever Dawn and him would go to some PR function. Normally Anders would leave with someone else, even if Dawn was the one that drove with him to the party in the first place (he’d always let her know to get a cab though which she appreciated). But lately he’s leaving with her or separately, just not WITH anyone. At least no one that she encountered.
This behaviour wasn’t completely unheard of with him but it was only on occasion, but now it’s every time, at every party. 
Oh, he was still a big flirt, that didn’t change. He’d be flirting up some model and she’d be getting a little too handsy with him that Dawn would think that they’d run off somewhere together to have sex, like he normally would do. But instead he’d back off and move on to socialize a different person, or just completely leave the party! 
On top of that, he wouldn’t seem put out as if he somehow scored out. Quite the opposite, he always seemed to want to leave immediately, like he was impatient to be somewhere else.
Another thing she noticed was, although Anders is normally very secretive in the first place, he was even more so recently. She never really knew what Anders was up to until it became pertinent to her, so it wasn’t too terribly strange. Especially when it came to family stuff. 
But at least when it was family stuff, Ty would let her know so she at least knew that Anders was doing something for/with the family. Recently though, he's been actively sneaking out. Practically always unavailable and it’s never for family stuff as it were.
The most subtle hint that something was off was he was smiling more, legitimately smiling too! 
If Dawn hadn’t known him as well as she did she never would have noticed. 
He’d be humming something while researching something for work. Suddenly would have a goofy smile while in the middle of paperwork. All small actions that Dawn would have thought, “they’re in love” with any other human being except Anders. And yet…
His brothers and cousin also seemed to agree that something was up to Anders, however they all chalked it up to that he must just be on some new drug or bringing in girls when Dawn’s not paying attention.
However they changed their mind immediately when Dawn threw in the big whammy of weirdness.
“That’s just how he is currently, you should have seen him just before. That was strange by itself but with how he’s acting now...Somethings wrong.” she said.
“Few months back, when you had suddenly dumped me for no reason,” she looked at Ty who gave her an apologetic look whilst squeezing her hand. “He was acting normal. A bit grumpy from something going on with you all. I imagine something was happening family wise at least since all of you were acting a bit strange.” Luckily, Dawn didn’t notice Ty cringing. 
“After things seemed to smooth over whatever it was, a few weeks later, suddenly it was like he went cold turkey, he was extremely irritable and yet excited about something all the same.” She had a contemplated look for a moment before stating, “like how single people who haven’t been in a relationship in a while start dating someone, now that I think about it.”
Mike scoffed, “That’s not possible. Anders doesn’t do dating.”
“It’s how he was acting though! Or at least the only way to describe how he was acting... Anyways the oddest thing happened after that. I had stayed at the office real late one night to finish some work. Mrs. Clancey had some bad publicity stunt gone wrong and we, and by we, I mean me, had to dig into some camera files to...” Dawn looked up and saw Ty looking amused and Mike looking impatient, “not important, sorry tangent. I was staying late when Anders stumbled in real sloshed, but not his usual good mood way. He was grumbling and groaning saying things like “what’s he got that I don’t” and “I can’t change how I am”  and quite frankly acting ‘oh woe is me’ and rejected. I have never seen him like that.” Which, going off of the exchanged shocked looks, they too never seen Anders like that. “He remembered nothing the next day and changed the subject when I tried to ask him where he was and what could have made him act so... rejected. Or dumped really, was close to how he was acting that evening.”
The four of them sat in silence taking in all the info Dawn had described.
It was then agreed that the second brother needed a little visit from everyone.
And that’s how they, along with Axl, found you. In Anders’ apartment. 
Having a snack on the couch watching some show on the tv in comfy clothes as if you lived there. Eyes wide with surprise. 
You obviously were caught off guard that anyone other than Anders had walked into the front door. You had hoped, in the back of your mind, that these people were friends of his. Seeing how they had a key. 
Your shoulders relaxed once you saw Dawn though. You knew who she was and figured the others must also be friends or family. You wiped your fingers from your snack and waved, trying to alleviate the tension since they too seemed caught off guard by you as well. 
Turning off the tv you rose up off your seat and signed, he’ll be home soon. You gestured towards the seats as you started to go towards the kitchenette before continuing, have a seat. I’ll get more snacks and drinks if you like? 
With their now even further shock from seeing you signing at them, it dawned on you that these people don’t understand you. Idiot you signed to yourself.
“Uh hello. Is Anders in?” Ty’s eyes shifted to Dawn trying to see if she recognized you. In which she shook her head in negative. 
You also shook your head while grabbing a notebook and pen nearby and let the arrivals know that Anders would be back shortly. You offered them drinks and snacks as well.
Olaf was the first to recover and agreed to a drink “we'll just wait for Anders.” He approached you with kindness in his eyes, “I’m Anders’ cousin, Olaf.” He offered his hand, which you took smiling up at him in greetings. He introduced the others as they too took seats in the living room. Writing in the notepad and then signing your name, you introduced yourself as well before continuing to prepare Anders’ family drinks.
Although every single one of them at one point or another has walked in on Anders while he’s had some sort of fling in his apartment before, you in particular were very strange. For one, the way you moved about in his apartment was like it was your house and two, Anders wasn’t there. He’d never let any stranger be in his apartment alone. And yet there you were. 
While everyone was still quite confused, Axl, who was briefed along with way, and Dawn started to see the big picture. How interesting, Axl thought, that Anders would be falling for someone who doesn’t speak. 
Opposites attract was what Dawn was grinning about.
 “So what's Anders doing anyways?” Axl asked, watching you head over towards him with a drink.
Not sure, he said something about a client needing a last minute meeting and getting wine or something. 
After handing him his drink you started to get the notebook again when Axl signed, thank you, before saying,  “sorry you went too fast and a lot of signs i don’t recognize” he took a gulp of vodka to wash away his sheepishness. “Caught on the ‘not sure’ and ‘meeting’ though.”
Dawn gasped in delight, “you understand sign, Axl?”
“A little, not much, took a class in Uni last semester.”
You bounced on the balls of your feet with your excitement, careful not to spill anything.
Ty, now being handed his drink, gave a smile of thanks, “it’s impressive you retained any of that knowledge with how much you partied.”
Ah, you thought, this is nice! Anders’ family is so lovely. No wonder he does what he can to take care of them. Even if it’s in his own odd-turned-around-Anders-kind-of-way. 
Mike cleared his throat, gaining all eyes on him, “so. Why are you here.” 
You blinked more at the subtle suspicious, hostile tone than the question. His eyes piercing yours, giving you the impression you were looking at the eyes of a hunter. “Anders never leaves his one night stands alone in his apartment, so clearly you’re not that.” 
You winced slightly. You weren’t ignorant of how Anders is, you know he plays loose and fast in the sex department and you accepted that long ago. But you weren’t sure what in that comment made you hurt slightly. That Mike seemed to think you were a one night stand or that you weren’t “good enough” to be Anders’ usual type of gal that he would bring as a one night stand. 
Or, you told yourself trying to make a more positive light on Mike’s words, maybe he thinks you are better than a one night stand!
With that better thought now running in your head, you rose your hands to respond, when the front door swung open quickly. 
“Sorry that took so long, there are just some people that can talk a lot and yet say absolutely nothing at the same ti….” midword thrown off as Anders took in his living room/kitchenette. 
The very people he never wanted in the same room as you (at least not yet) are in the same room as you. 
You gave him a sheepish look just before he shut his eyes in a very “fuck my life” fashion before opening them with annoyance at his family.
“I see you’ve barged in without notice.”
“Well you’ve been quite busy lately so we wanted to check up on you. Your friend here was kind enough to keep us company ‘til you arrived,” Anders really hated how Mike could sound both condescending and smug at times.
Yes, your family is very lovely babe! They’re very kind! You tried to calm his irritation while trying to also shake off the slight hurt a bit ago by assuring him, misunderstanding his concern about meeting his family. 
You hadn’t known it wasn’t their opinion of you or your opinion of them that was why he kept you a secret but rather his concern was his family’s opinion of him was what he didn’t want you to be exposed to. The relationship was still oh so new. He knew you weren’t ignorant of how he is-was-and he had finally convinced you he was serious about you and him, he didn’t need his family to put that doubt back into your head.
You should have kicked them out sweetheart, he signed as he made his way towards you. Kissing your temple as he passed to put the bottle of wine in his hand on the wine rack, earning a cute giggle his way. He didn’t acknowledge the slight gasps and awed looks from the others. 
“Now. As you can see I’m doing more than fine. Thank you for your concern, it is much unneeded at this moment. If you could just head out that’ll be much appreciated.” 
He’ll have to be more careful now that they know of you. And judging from the proud/cutesy looks he’s getting from Dawn and Axl, he knows that they won’t leave well enough alone. 
The insecurities he has of you leaving him very much taking over his thoughts. First things first. Get them out of his house and spend a very passionate night with you to assure you he’s the only one for you.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
Who Ever Said Mafia Life is Easy?
Commission for @werelywrites!
Thank you for commissioning me! ^^
Click here for the Ao3 link!
(Mafiafell Sans/Reader)
You just found out what kind of "job" the man you love had. You ran away as soon as you found out, and you've been stalling to confront him about it.
... You don't know how to feel about him anymore.
You’re a chambermaid, working in Clarkson Hotel, a 5-star hotel in your city, and you clean up the topmost rooms- the fanciest rooms in the fanciest hotel around.
You were cleaning up your last room of the day when your phone buzzed from the pocket of your apron, spreading fresh bedsheets over the bed.
You took it out (no one needed to know you were looking through your phone inside these rooms), checking what message had come in… And you quickly put it right back into your pocket, deciding you could deal with it later.
On the screen of your phone was a name of a man that’s had your head spinning lately.
Sans Gaster.
A handsome, dapper skeleton monster. With his expensive suits and his sharp look, always looking ready to head into an important business meeting. He is a gentleman that seemed interested in you, and one who always reminded you that he was. With just a few words, he could make your knees go on the verge of buckling, and was always so… Magnetizing.
It was a long time ago when you first met him… Simpler times. You met him in a café while you were waiting for a cup of coffee. He practically took over the room with his presence alone, sauntering in with an air of power around him. Wearing an expensive three-piece suite, all black except for the red vest he was wearing. Red lights made up his eyes, eyes that pierced wherever he looked. A killer smile with rows of sharp teeth, with one of them a shimmering gold. He was a daunting monster, and you started to sweat when you saw he was the one next in line after you, stepping beside you, waiting for his espresso shot.
It’s when he greeted you that you started to feel at ease with him. Despite his intimidating features and that deep, rich voice he had that seemed to rumble in your chest when he spoke close to you, he had a way of making you comfortable. He’d invited you over to the tables to chat that day. You did, and you found yourself quickly charmed by the large, handsome skeleton, and you were glad that wasn’t the last time you saw him.
You hadn’t even planned on meeting him when you saw him again- having crossed paths. Sometimes, he’d just be… There, near you at the perfect time. He’d tell you that he’s just gotten off work or taking a break, and say he wanted to spend time with you. Because apparently… he liked you. He’s never gone as far as asking you to be his significant other or anything, but he always made his attraction to you clear. And boy did he know how to make you feel like a special little lady when you went out with him.
You had always taken him as a rich, powerful kind of man, but you never really realized to what extent until he took you on your first restaurant date. Already he was wearing a suit that looked like expensive enough that you were afraid to touch it… But when you saw the kinds of meals that were on the menu the first time he brought you to a restaurant, you knew Sans had bank. Then… He’d always tell you how pretty you looked, or how soft your skin was when he held it in his, his one hand almost engulfing yours when he gripped it. His voice alone made you shiver, and even worse, he’d notice, and use it to its full potential. By the end of dinner, you’d completely forgotten how much everything cost when the bill arrives and Sans puts a fat stack of money on the table, your cheeks a steaming red.
… You’ve kissed him before, on the lips. Everything he says… The way he’d hold you when you were with him… It felt like your heart was tugging in his direction.
But then… Things changed when you visited him in his office one day.
You never really knew what his work was.
You had gone on a toilet break, and when you came back, you heard him in a phone call. Your steps came to a halt in front of the ajar door, Sans’ voice low and grim. Nothing like the voice that complimented you and soothed you.
“sean might be able t’ help ya with that… it ain’t hard, ben. jus’ put a gun to his face and he’ll give ya what he owes us. i know that bastard’s got it… i saw him throwin’ money around city square just two days ago. now get it done before i go there and do it myself, you useless sack a’ shit.”
You were frozen. It didn’t take a genius to know what Sans was after hearing that particular phone call. And after you heard “Ben” reply to him in a terrified, squeaky “Yes boss,”, your heart sank to the ground.
Sans wasn’t just part of the mafia… He was the boss of one of the most notorious mafia groups in your city.
The realization that you had been so close to a boss for so long hit you like a train.
It made sense why the staff of the restaurants you went to always remembered you and seemed almost… Afraid of you whenever you passed by, with or without Sans.
Sans saw you from the room that day, eyes meeting from that crack in the door frame. The skeleton that always made you smile and blush… Now made your blood drain from your face. You didn’t know what to do. He’s been hiding the fact that he’s a boss, and realizing what he could do, you did the first think you could think of.
You ran away from him, not turning back when Sans had ran after you, shouting a pleading “wait!”
He hadn’t said a word to you since.
… Until today.
You bit your lip when you take out your phone to look at the message again. Your stomach turned like it always did when you thought of Sans since that day. You wanted it so desperately to go back like how it used to be when you were with him… When you could be near him and rest your head on his chest as he stroked your hair, your heart beating wildly in your chest. Hoping he’d ask you to be something more with him.
Now… Thinking of him just gave you a headache.
sans: sweetheart
sans: (y/n).
sans: i’m sorry about last week.
sans: i didn’t mean to scare you.
sans: can we talk?
It was like your heart clenched on itself. You didn’t know what to answer him… Didn’t want to answer him.
You shove your phone back into your pocket. You could deal with it later. Right now, you’re just glad Sans hadn’t put a hit on you or something. You didn’t know exactly how the mafia works, but you’re pretty sure anyone related to the mafia has a substantially higher chance of getting in danger.
As you walk down the hallway, you hear footsteps in the staff room. As you enter, greeting you is a slim, tall man with blond hair and smart eyes, smiling when he sees you.
Dan Clarkson, owner of the hotel with his family name on it.
“Hey, how’s my favorite worker doing?” He greets you, and you roll your eyes at him.
“Hey, Dan.”
Despite being the owner of the hotel you worked at, Dan was always humble around you- brushing off the fact that he owns the place. He visits you at work, invites you over for lunch, and just generally… Being a nice guy to you. You don’t know what a chambermaid’s got him interested in, but he’s always nice company to have around.
“What are you doing here?” You ask him while you put your supplies away, closing the staff door. “Aren’t you supposed to do your owner-stuff done or something?”
“Hahah, real funny. I have a real job, (Y/n). And what, it’s not like I don’t visit you often.” Dan answers, putting a firm hand on your shoulder and playfully shaking you. “No… it’s just… You know about the anniversary coming up this weekend?”
You nod. The… something-something-years anniversary of the hotel. It was going to be grand and extravagant as the hotel itself.
“Yeah, so… How about I ask you to come?”
“… Wait what?” The question completely catches you off guard, and Dan laughs. “But why?”
“I just wanted you to come! Just take it as a treat from me. You’ll get to see the hotel ballroom in all its splendor, and I promise, you won’t have to really talk to anyone there. “
You make a mock thinking face, and Dan adds in a sing-song voice, “There’ll be lots of free food there…”
… Alright. That’s a solid argument of why you should definitely go.
You click your tongue in defeat. “You just had to mention that, huh?” You shove Dan aside playfully to get to the elevator. “I’ve seen the restaurant advertised in that elevator Dan, I’ve been wishing to try it sometimes.”
“Exactly! So you better come.” Dan pushes the button for you, smiling at you… Then frowning. You turn your head to Dan, confused, and he just looks concerned.
“… (Y/n).” He leans a bit closer to you. “… You seem kinda tense. You alright? Was the room that bad?”
“Oh, nothing like that.” You assure him, but your face sours as you remember the real cause to your stress. “There’s… This man. I’ve got… Complicated feelings about him lately, and he wants to talk. I just… I don’t know what to say to him.”
Dan’s brows furrow, and it looks like he wants to press for more, but you quickly brush him off. “It’s fine, Dan. It’s nothing for you to worry about, I’ll just… think about it when I get home.”
He accompanies you until the first floor and you wave him goodbye as you head for the lockers and he returns to his office. As you leave however, you miss the look he gives you, as his eyes trail from your head down to your… Lower cheeks.
He’s wanted you for awhile now… Practically ever since he first met you.
He knew who you were talking about, though you were obviously trying to be vague.
… Sans Gaster. A man after your heart like Dan himself. But unlike Dan, Sans was in the center of crime and violence.
Dan wanted to take you away from that… From someone like him.
If you were with him, he could keep you away from someone as dangerous as Sans.
You stand there, stalling your time as you watch guests with their long sparkly dresses and tuxedos enter the ballroom, walking from their expensive cars past the garden to the entrance.
… It was an intimidating sight, to say the least.
What you’ve got on you is the only nice dress you could find in your closet, one that…
… Sans gave to you.
You had fought with yourself deciding whether or not to wear the dress gifted to you during one of your dates with him.
Sitting in the park one night. He had an arm around your waist, and when you almost fell asleep looking up at the sky, Sans had silently placed the box on your lap.
You opened it at home to reveal a stunning golden dress that felt silky to the touch with various ribbons and a touch of lace here and there, no sleeves, running from your shoulders to your ankles.
At the end you decided to wear it anyways, since it was the best dress you had. You knew how up-scale the anniversary party was going to be, and while you didn’t want to think about Sans for awhile, you’re glad you wore this dress. Any other and you’re sure you’d feel under-dressed, looking at all the guests there.
You finally enter the room after enough dawdling, and after a short speech from Dan himself, the party officially began. You greeted him, the room starting to get filled with music and chattering. Dan was just happy he got to see you that night, telling you  how “I got really worried that you wouldn’t come.”
You’d thought the same too, but… you had invitation, and again, free fancy food was hard to pass up on. Dan already told you you didn’t need to talk to all of these people anyways. So you just tell him “I smell some mashed potatoes and salmon over there. I think I have very good reason to come here, Dan.”
He laughs, and you finally let yourself try the things they’ve got in their buffet, and… Oh yeah. It’s amazing.
You’re glad you didn’t decide to snub the man currently busying himself with greeting and chatting with the ‘important’ people of the night. You were someone he could take a breather with, and seeing him go around from guest to guest and seeing the tired look in his eyes, you’re pretty sure he’ll need all the rest he can.
You had to fight your way to get somewhere to sit. When you finally finish up trying every main course they had (from lamb chops to truffle carbonara fettuccine), you finally get to the desert and drinks section, grabbing yourself a glass of punch, avoiding the alcoholic drinks.
You take the punch in your hands, stepping backwards and watching the water so it wouldn’t spill- you bump into someone (noticeably much bigger than you are) on the way.
You turn around, an apology already on your tongue… Then you see his eyelights.
Red like blood, staring into your eyes.
… Sans.
He’s wearing a pressed black shirt with a red vest coat, black tie, black trousers and polished dress shoes. Golden rings on his phalanges glimmering into your face. No hat this time.
Time stopped. The music faded into white noise. Everyone else in the room disappeared. You could only keep your eyes on Sans Gaster. You didn’t even notice you’ve spilled some of your punch.
A similar look was on Sans’ face- his trademark grin had turned into a frown, and you see how his eyelights shrunk until his sockets were nothing but black voids. Apparently he was talking to someone, but Sans didn’t turn back to them after your eyes met his.
Of course he’d be invited. He’s a mob boss.
Why didn’t you think of that? The thought of Sans appearing in the party had completely eluded you.
In your panic, you turned, planning to just get away from him now- you weren’t ready to confront him yet, it’s too soon!- but already a strong, bony hand had caught your relatively thin arm, and your heart leapt into your throat.
“w-wait, sweetheart.” Sans stuttered, his grip firm yet gentle. “jus’… jus’ hear me out.”
You didn’t realize it in your own state of panic, but Sans was panting, silently. Breathing heavily as he felt your delicate, tiny arm in his hand.
He was careful not to break it.
Sans didn’t answer his “business partner” when they tapped Sans on the shoulder. He couldn’t stop staring at you, in that golden dress he gave you all that time ago. You were stunning in it, and Sans’ soul couldn’t help but leap when he saw you were wearing something he gave you. But then… He saw the look in your eyes, wide with fear, and his soul broke.
He never wanted you to look at him like that.
A fire started sparking in your eyes all of a sudden, your fearful face changing that to indignation. “Let go of my hand, Sans.” Before he could even plead to you again, you added, “Talk to me, Sans. I’m waiting.”
You fully turned your body to him, tugging your arm in his hand to make your point. He nods, and slowly, he lets go of your arm, suddenly afraid that that was going to scare you away too.
Sans gulped when he looked at your face, waiting for him to speak.
fuck… He practiced what he was going to say to you since the moment he lost you, chasing you out the building before you disappeared from his sight. He knew where you lived… He knew everything in this city. He could’ve just teleported there, waited for you to come and talk to you then. But no. You know what he is now, and he didn’t know what he could do to convince you that you’d never be in harms way, that he’d never hurt you. That the fact doesn’t change how he feels about you, or that he’s any different. He’s rehearsed in his mind over and over, talking to you. Maybe he could say hello to you after you’ve finished work, maybe invite you to go to a café (you always seemed at ease in cafés) and try to explain himself.
But now that you’re in front of him… His mind went blank, his skull empty.
He brought you a bit further from the drink section, avoiding eyes and ears. Thankfully you obliged, and you went to a corner in the ballroom.
Sans took a breath, then he spoke. “look darlin’, i jus’ wanna tell you…”
“Tell me what, Sans?” You snapped, surprising him. You’d never snapped at him before. You always used a soft voice when you spoke to him, sweet and mallow. A pleasant sound to listen to, a break from the yelling and angry voices in his line of work. The look in your eyes when he complimented you, when he held your hand while you walked with him. Smiling, those red cheeks always tempting him to kiss or bite you.
Seeing this… hostility from you was really getting to him, more than any gunshot or slice of the knife could do to him.
“That you’re a criminal? That you threaten people for their money?” You ask, gritting your teeth. Sans doesn’t realize he’s got his hands up almost in a surrender pose, like your words could physically hurt him. “You know I heard your phone call, Sans, I know what you are now. I don’t know what else you want to talk about.”
“n-no, please, sweetheart, i just-“ He holds his hand out, not even sure what he wanted to do… Until he sees the tears pooling in your eyes even in your angry face, your cheeks starting to steam in a different way than he’s used to. Your scowl quivered, and your eyes were starting to get glossy. Apparently he stared at you for too long, because you made a small start, embarrassed. You blinked and turned away from him, trying your best to erase your tears before they even fell.
“… darlin’… are you ok?” He asks, his floating hand close to turning you around, but you make a small hiccuping noise, keeping his hand away.
“No no- just keep talking.” You say, turning back to him
Sans sighs, feeling a mix of emotions in him that amounted to nothing but hurt.
“i’m… i’m sorry.” Was what fell out of his mouth. Obviously this wasn’t what you were expecting, because you uncrossed your arms in front of your chest, your furrowed brows easing up. “i… i am all of those things you said. i ain’t gonna deny it. i’m definitely working on the other side of the law.” He says, for once feeling shame in his ribcage as he said so. “i do ask people fer their money. and i ain’t afraid to use a bit of violence when it comes down to it.” He admits, fisting one of his hands. But he quickly looks to you, his eyelights dilating.
“but… i didn’t mean t’ hide it from ya because i wanted t’ trick ya, sweetheart.” He took your hand, and he doesn’t notice it- but he was shaking. He was so scared. “i didn’t mean t’ trick ya. i just…. i was afraid of… this.” Sans gestures to the air around him. “i didn’t want ya to know because… i was afraid ya’d turn away from me. i know yer a gentle, sweet thing, (y/n)… i know this isn’t something you’d want.” His thumb rubs the back of your hand, steadying his breath. “i jus’… i couldn’t bear the thought of ya leaving me, (y/n), because… i love you.”
It was something he wanted to tell you for the longest time now. He just… Hadn’t been sure of his feelings, didn’t want to rush it. He was looking for the right time.
But as soon as he was reminded of the fact that he could lose you… The realization hit him like a truck. You were something he wanted in his life- needed in his life. He loves you.
He meant it all. You were the most beautiful, sweetest person he’s ever met… He wanted to cherish and love you like you deserve.
“… i didn’t mean to hurt you. i never wanted to hurt ya, (y/n). i’m sorry.” His head hung, looking to the floor. He couldn’t look at those sad eyes anymore.
You look at him, eyes wide, your breath stuck in your throat as you look up at him.
god… yer so small…
Slightly, he feels your hand start to curl up in his, and you open your mouth to speak.
“… I-“
“Oh, (Y/n)!” A different voice suddenly cuts you off, interrupting the moment. Sans felt a snarl building up in his chest. The only thing saving the guy from Sans’ temper was your fearful face when you saw the lightning-fast change in his expression from pleading and adoring to anger and irritation. Sans turned to the guy- Blond hair, brown eyes. His slim stature making him look taller than he really is.
“D-Dan.” You stuttered the prick’s name. Sans knows what he thinks of you, and his presence definitely didn’t help the fragile moment.
“I see you’ve met my friend Sans!” Sans grimaced internally at the utterly fake expression the hotel owner was wearing as he greeted the both of you. “I’m glad to see you two getting along pretty well.”
You looked bothered by him as well (though for a different reason than Sans’), cringing, holding onto Sans’ hand subconsciously. While Sans did enjoy the feeling, Sans felt like punting Dan in the sack and pushing him away- Sans was having a moment with you.
“Sorry about this, (Y/n), but I’ve got to talk a bit with Sans for a moment, uh- why don’t you go and get some more punch? You spilled a bit on yourself there.” Dan pulls out a handkerchief, and you pull your hand away from Sans’ to let him wipe it for you. The gesture made Sans’ chest burn like no other, and after thanking him silently, you move away from the two men.
… Sans turns to Dan as he does the same. Sans knows what he’s here for.
“clarkie.” Dan winces when he hears Sans’ little nickname for him while Sans puts hands out for the man in question, eyelights dimming considerably.
This bastard… He’s been eyeing you ever since you’ve started working at the hotel with his name on it. Sans knows he’s into you… But he’s never really done anything to ‘pull you in’ so to speak, so he never really paid him much attention…Though his possessiveness did threaten to cut ties with one of his richest “clients”. Sans didn’t know you were coming to this party, didn’t expect Clarkie there to invite you.
“what an honor it is t’ have the host himself come to greet me.” Sans spits, his grin becoming tighter by the second. His hand automatically searches his pockets for a cig to smoke, but as he grabs a stick, he remembers that he couldn’t do that indoors. Not here, anyways. Sans’ grin turns into a scowl for a second, realizing he’ll have to talk to this asshole without a cig to ease his nerves.
He takes his hand out of the pocket and smiles to Dan. “why don’t we… go somewhere else, shall we? somewhere… quieter.”
The men move from the corner into an empty hallway that lead to the bathrooms, its lights off.
Sans leans on the wall, with his hands having nothing to do, he crosses them, staring Dan down.
“… Why are you after her?” Dan asks, a hard look on his face telling Sans that he wasn’t expecting an answer. Sans didn’t grace him with one- it was a stupid question. “You stay away from her Gaster. She’s not for the mob life and you know it.”
“please.” Sans replies condescendingly. What kind of idiot does this human take he is? “i ain’t tryin’ to pull her into the mob life, danny. unlike you, i love her because she deserves to be loved because she’s just…” Sans’ expression turns soft as he looks back to the ballroom, eyelights instinctively searching for you. “she’s jus’ perfect.”
When Sans’ eyelights dart back to Dan, all traces of that soft look disappeared. “not like you, jus’ looking fer someone to fuck.”
Dan hisses, his hands fisting. Sans knows they’re not going to fight… Dan’s got a useful deal going on with Sans, and Dan knows that he’s definitely not going to win any fights with him.
Though Sans does smile a little thinking of snapping this guy’s neck for even thinking of having you.
“I’m not out here just to fuck her.” Dan scowls, stripped of all his fake politeness. “Even if I was, I know you want her in bed just as bad.”
Sans just smirks, chuckling a bit as his grin turns predatory. “oh, she knows.” He says, remembering the times when he’d tease you about it, and the most adorable shade of red that’d come across your face. He always had the urge to bite your cheek when it happened.
“but, heh… ya speak fer yerself, clarkie.” Sans looked Dan up and down, his voice filled with fake innocence. “ya tell me i’m in the mafia but yer the one who asked t’ kill that one guy from-“
A hand goes onto Sans’ suit, and Sans’ fake pleasantries drop completely as his mouth turns into a snarl at the stuck-up human.
“I paid you not to mention anything like that, Sans Gaster.” Dan growls out. Sans thought his attempt at being intimidating was laughable, but he held it in nonetheless.
“what? afraid someone’s listenin’? it’s just you and me, buddy.” Sans smiles at him, but nothing about it tells Dan that Sans is enjoying their conversation as he grips Dan’s wrist hard enough that he winces in pain, taking it off his expensive suit.
“just you and me.”
Dan rips his hand out of Sans’ when he didn’t let go.
wasn’t even tryin’ to do anythin’.
Dan rubs his wrist, and when he looks at Sans, a condescending look fell on his face. “Yeah, well… It’s funny you think you still have a chance with her.” Dan steps back from Sans, “Because judging from what I saw earlier, she knows what you are, and she’s not into that. You can’t force someone to love you, Sans. and you shouldn’t keep her from anyone else just because you can’t get to her.”
Dan’s words struck Sans right in his soul, “hitting a nerve”. Sans feels his sockets empty, his magic already starting to form a bone in his hand as his teeth part, a growl in his chest-
“Mr. Dan Clarkson? Would Mr. Dan Clarkson please come onto the stage for the evening toast.”
Both mob boss and hotel owner turned their heads to the stage, all the way on the other side of the ballroom.
“I’d love to stay and chat some more, Mr. Gaster, but unfortunately I’ve got a job to do.” Dan says, brushing his hair a bit after it got messy in his frustration. “See you later.”
Sans watches Dan’s back leaving him, and his anger starts to die out as he thinks of you again… Quickly replaced by panic.
Dan Clarkson. Handsome, rich, has a good relationship with you… And wasn’t a notorious mob boss known for his methods.
An image of Dan sweeping you off your feet when he tells you his feelings… You wouldn’t want to be with criminal Sans Gaster.
He scans the room for you, spotting you near the entrance on a bench, alone. He didn’t teleport- instead running across the room towards you.
i can’t lose you.
i can’t lose you to anyone else.
… please don’t leave me, (y/n).
You start when a large figure run towards you.
In front of you was Sans again, the man you’ve been thinking about…  ever since you met him, now that you think about it.
He looked like a mess, he was sweating and his vest, earlier pressed clean to his shirt was now slightly wrinkled, a button off.
He doesn’t say anything. His brows only slant, and he opens his mouth- but nothing came out of his mouth.
… You spoke first.
“… Sans.” you say gently. Your heart starts to beat remembering what he said to you, having thought it over and over sitting here. And even in this situation… You couldn’t help but blush. “I’m… I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier.”
Sans’ sockets widens in surprise at your apology.
“I-it’s just… I don’t like what you do, Sans. You press people for money and… hurt them.” God, you didn’t even want to think what he did to people who didn’t pay him.
“… but…”
You stood up, surprising him again when you took his hand. “… Hm.” you giggle a bit. “You… You really know how to make a girl feel special, Sans.” You say shyly, rubbing over his joints, your hand looking like a child’s compared to his. “You said you’d never hurt me, and that you love me, and I…”
You look away for awhile, biting your lip before you continue.
“… I’m in love with you too, Sans.” Your voice came out quietly, almost a whisper. “I can’t help it. You already took my heart, Sans… I can’t change that. I love you. You’re still the same loving, caring guy behind horniness and that smirk of yours.” You tilt your head up at him, grinning, mouth opening when you see him blush as red as his eyelights.
… It really helped you see past that mafia boss perception that had been dominating your mind lately, and reminded you the kind of guy Sans is. When he wasn’t busy trying to impress you with gifts and dates to up-scale places… He was genuine and always kind and gentle to you. He never hid his intentions- he wore it on his sleeve the fact that he wanted you. But he never told you he… Loved you. And now that he’s said it with that wrenched look in his sockets… You’re sure you could tell that he’s been genuine all this time.
“… so… yer not… mad at me anymore?”
He sounded like a child asking their parent, you couldn’t help but laugh at him. Here was a man that could kill you with the snap of his phalanges all decked out in his expensive clothes- and he seemed almost afraid of you.
This is definitely the man you love.
“Well, I wasn’t really mad at you, just…” You played with your foot a bit, stalling. “… I just want to go back to how we used to be. I… I missed you, Sans.” You look away, hiding your reddening face.
Finally with those words, Sans smiled again, and when he did, you silently note how he does look his best with a grin on his face. His sockets lid and he stands up straighter, his eyelights big and fuzzy as he looks down at you. You smile at him, and you don’t notice when Sans’ eyelights go over your head, looking at the man speaking up on stage right now…
He tripped as he spoke, having caught you and Sans from the crowd, holding hands, with you looking at the skeleton with forgiving eyes. Dan starts to lose focus, repeating his sentences as he couldn’t stop looking at the human-skeleton pair near the entrance of the ballroom, unable to hide his shock.
… Sans smirks, nothing kind in his eyelights as he makes eye contact with him before he looked away and back to you- Someone that deserves his attention.
“i missed ya too, dollface.” He pulls you to his chest, your warmth an instant relief to him. “… more than you’d know.”
As he strokes your hair, his eyelights go to the garden outside, the one surrounding the ballroom. There were no windows in the ballroom apart from the ones on the doors.
“hey, sweetheart… how’s about we go somewhere a bit quieter, hm? jus’ you an’ me.”
“… That sounds nice, Sans.” You smile up at him, enjoying the feeling of his sturdy arm around you as he walks you out, always the gentleman who always had that look in his eyelights that held so much adoration for you. As you walk into the crisp, cold air of the night, the door swinging closed behind you, Sans leans in to kiss you on your crown.
… You’re just so happy you get to be held by Sans like this again.
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absurdmagesins · 4 years
So you mentioned that all sans and papyrus would have the same soulmate (I might have misunderstood but it spawned this question) so if someone met wine and was his soulmate, since he is technically Sans does that mean that s/o is all sans soulmate as well? If that happened how would they handle that situation? All of their souls would be pulling to the same person but some of them don't like each other. I imagine red and blue would work it out just fine since theyre buds but others not so much
You are correct! 
If someone is Sans’s soulmate that means they are also Blue, Berry, Red, Black, Bear, and Wine’s soulmate. They are all Sans. 
If someone is Papyrus’s soulmate that means they are also Stretch, Money, Edge, Rus, Sparrow’s and Coffee’s soulmate. They are all Papyrus.
Now, if one of the boys found their soulmate, it would honestly be a bit of a nightmare for a couple of reasons. 
On the Sans side of things:
Sans, and Bear fight constantly. Bear doesn’t like how Sans runs from him, and how he can’t look him in the eye. They’re the same person, with the same magical signature, and Sans refuses to acknowledge that. 
Blue, and Black hate each other. Any time they’re left alone they’re screaming at one another viciously. 
Black doesn’t share well, so he won’t be happy to share his soulmate with anyone. Berry is the same. 
Blue when he has a s/o wants all the attention on him, and he won’t be happy if your attention is on one of the others. He’s not above manipulating the situation to get all the attention on him. 
Wine would just sit back, and watch the chaos while secretly sabotaging everyone else so he’s the one looking good in your eyes. 
Red gets jealous very easily, and when he’s jealous he gets mean. 
Sans would try to get everyone to get along, and ultimately fail. 
On the Papyrus side of things:
Sparrow and Edge fight a lot. They don’t get along, and they constantly snark at one another. 
Stretch gets jealous easily which he’s open about, and would need some sort of reassurance in the relationship when he’s jealous or uneasy. Despite being his best friend, Money would sabotage this. Mostly to be a shit because he enjoys the drama that unfolds from it, but also because he can swoop in and make you feel better that Stretch got upset with you. 
Edge gets jealous easily, and when Edge is jealous he gets mean just like Red. 
Rus, and Coffee are both clingy people, and will cling to you constantly which pisses off Edge because of his jealousy, and from time to time makes Stretch feel insecure. 
Money doesn’t normally get jealous, but this would be one situation where he might get a bit jealous. He usually just keeps his jealousy pent up though, so you might only see it through subtle means (like when he sabotages Stretch being reassured)
Neither Papyrus or Sparrow get jealous very easily, so you won’t have to worry about them. Besides Sparrow fighting with Edge the two of them would try to keep the peace the best they could, however it will probably end in Papyrus getting angry which is rare. 
Coffee needs a lot of reassurance that everything’s okay, and that you’re happy with how things are, plus if you’re content in your relationship with him for him to be happy and secure. If he doesn’t get this, he’ll be very anxious, and get upset more easily which can lead to him shutting down, or crying. If you let Coffee get to this point Rus will be upset with you because Coffee is his dearest friend, and he’s very protective of him.  
However, it wouldn’t be all bad. There are some good things that would come from it. Such as, 
Stretch and Money- They’re best friends, and as such don’t stay angry at one another for very long. They’d actually be great at sharing a soulmate as long as you sit down with them, and get everything worked out. They just need good communication for it to work. 
Rus- Can help you reassure Coffee that everything’s okay, if you talk to him about these things beforehand. This will ensure that Coffee isn’t getting upset. 
Wine- Is actually quite helpful at getting Black and Blue to stop fighting since he is Black’s best friend and able to calm the shorter skeleton down. 
Blue, and Red- They’re best friends, and Blue is good at getting Red to feel more secure which means he’ll be jealous less, and Red is good at calling Blue on his bullshit when he’s gone too far. They balance each other, and they get one another. 
Edge- When he gets jealous, and starts getting a little mean Papyrus is great in calming him down. The two have an odd understanding of one another, and it’s fueled by their mutual respect for each another. 
Basically it’d be a nightmare shit show, but not impossible. It would just require constant communication, and a lot of careful planning on your part on who you’re going to spend your time with that day. Plus you’d need to rely on some of the other skeletons to control some of the more troublesome ones (Blue, Wine, Money etc). It would be a lot of work, but again, it’s possible.  
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lord-rosenth0rne · 5 years
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EXPLAIN YOURSELF! (I missed your ass so much QAQ)
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bellamyrocks · 5 years
Pass the happy! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 💌
WERELYGIG! EXCUSE YOU, HELLO THERE FRIEND! AAAAAA Thank you for the happy, I’ll pass it around! 5 things that make me happy?
1. The people I’ve been blessed to have met and befriended! That means Y’ALL!
2. Pictures of furry friends like cats and red pandas!
3. The planet we live on and the things occupying it (Plants, Bubbles, Beaches)!
4. Osomatsu-san! Both the show AND the fandom!
5. How far I’ve come over the years, being where I am today!
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Lol seems like we all were thinking roughly the same thing cuz I was gonna send ya a little karamatsu your way. 💙💙 I saw your smorch so I raise ya 13 smorches! 😙
Aaaa you did too? We all need a little Karamatsu. There’s never enough Karamatsu. In your case it would probably be Ichimatsu though am I right or am I right heheh winkwonk
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blairsanne · 3 years
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Online persona vs real life. Made here. (Starting a new thread cuz the last one was HUGE.)
Tagging for fun: @sketch-and-write-lover @i-did-not-mean-to @laurfilijames @sebbymylove16 @shalinizhara @midearthwritings @werelywrites - and anyone else who wants to!
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mysandwichranaway · 3 years
🎶 new tag game put your 3 favorite songs at the moment and tag 5 people 🎶
thanks for the tag @lordoftherazzles
ohh, just three??? I have like, 9 favorite songs right now 😥
Strength Beyond Strength // pantera
misty mauve // tatsuro yamashita
Every night // EXID
Non-obligatory tags for @peach-and-willow @werelywrites and@imperialkatwala
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someseriousthot · 4 years
Nightmare never expected to come across someone like you.
He never expected to feel these feelings you've stirred in his SOUL either.
He's determined to make you pay dearly for it.
Gift for @aka-indulgence! I loved how they wrote Your Nightmare and wanted to add onto it with my own little Reader insert. I hope you enjoy!
(also many thanks to @werelywrites for the tags they put in a reblog of Your Nightmare, they were a real big inspiration for this)
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sketch-mer-6195 · 2 years
Forsaken: Chapter 14
Word Count: 1112
Warnings: Mentions of fighting Spiders
Taglist: @luna-xial @lathalea @tschrist1 @laurfilijames @ocfairygodmother @werelywrites @notlostgnome @blulemonades​ @i-did-not-mean-to @myselfandfantasy @sirmacbethbeth @fizzyxcustard @ruthoakenshield @girl-of-many-fandoms​
Summary: With the path before them, Gandalf leaving the company in the hands of Sisilla, and her visions almost making her incompasitated. Thorin and the Company must make their way through Mirkwood and get out as quickly as they can before meeting the elves who dwell in these woods.
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Twists and turns, spinning and going in circles. That's how everyone was feeling as they traveled through Mirkwood on the Elven Road. The air was feeling heavier the deeper they went. Everyone was feeling light headed and confused, especially for Sisílla who was leading everyone. Her only saving grace was feeling the stone path beneath her feet and guiding her and the Company. But it was starting to become difficult as some patches of the path were broken and shifted between stone and soil. In a crossroad, Sisílla stopped, causing everyone to run into each other and grumble in frustration at her sudden stop. 
Thorin, although disgruntled, came to Sisílla’s side and looked ahead of them to see what was causing her to stop as they made so much distance since they entered.
“What is it?” He asked.
Tilting her head, as if trying to hear something, her face twisted in pain as she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head making her sway and go down on one knee. Thorin caught her so as not to harm herself and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Balin, Ori, Oín. Keep Sisílla with you. Dwalin and I will take the lead." Thorin explained.
But a hand grasped his wrist making him look and see it was Sisílla who was shaking her head. "No, I promised Gandalf…"
"You've done so much already, but you need rest." He explained to her.
"Aye lassie, take a breather and then we will get you back to leading our company." Balin reassured, earning a thankful nod from Thorin himself. 
With a sigh of reluctance, Sisílla nodded and followed the three dwarves as Thorin and Dwalin began to lead the company. As their journey through Mirkwood continued and the deeper they ventured, it was becoming difficult to not only know where the path was or where it led off to, but to think or even see straight. The woods were always dark, the air heavy and thick like a woolen blanket in the dead of winter. Sisílla was having difficulty staying upright as visions and her own thoughts were becoming a fog to her and causing her to depend even more on the Company. So much so, that she had collapsed at least twice from her onslaught of visions that seemed to have bombarded her in one go.
But as they traveled deeper and deeper, they were growing agitated, exhausted, daft, and delusional that they lost the path. Something that Sisílla and the others were dreading would happen. And it did during the great trek across a river that even Beorn warned of and had taken its latest victim. Bomber. Face first into the water and the husky dwarf was sound asleep, snoring so loud that Middle-Earth could hear his snores from across the land. No time for rest, only to find the path and get out of the enchanted forest. But with a sleeping dwarf and their main guide collapsing on them at any moment, it was getting to the point where they stopped thanks to Bilbo who began to realize they had gone in circles. They were lost.
They were lost…
Bilbo went over to Sisílla who had her head in her hands as another vision clogged her mind. Hearing the company bicker and argue made it even more difficult for her to try and think and see straight. Thorin was arguing with his men until Bilbo had the brilliant idea to climb up a tree to see where the sun was. With the hobbit climbing up, up, up the tree Sisílla pressed the palms of her hands into her face to try and suppress the images that were flashing behind her eyelids. Death and fires ablaze, blood and shedded tears, life and rebirth. And a fiery glimpse of Sauron which seemed to have snapped her out of her visions and made her let out a scream. One that snapped Thorin and the Company out of the argument they were having. But as Thorin made his way to Sisílla’s side, he felt a presence which made him stop at once. A presence that even made Sisílla lift her throbbing head and reach for her sword. But it was like lightning. Faster than you could ever imagine. Spiders had overran the Company and Sisílla, rendering them to slumber to save as fresh meat to eat.
It seemed so quick though. One moment, they were all up in the webs and trees dangling like freshly killed game. The next hisses and cries of pain along with the free fall back down to the earth below. The feeling of her bindings being sliced with ease and the sound of Thorin calling out to her to make sure she was still alive. But as she was about to reply, she felt her arm being yanked up and her feet planted firmly on the earth once more as she was dragged away from their current place to someplace safer and open. 
The cries and hissing of Spiders being slashed and killed rang through Sisílla’s head but her mind was clouded and heavy with so much imagery that she was pushed into the center of the company for protection only to be halted in an instant. Multiple hands pulled her down to their level to keep her hidden as a new voice had spoken. The sound of bows pulled taught with arrows notched at their level. Who could have been here as well? Unless?
"Do not think I will kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure."
A young voice. Young to one who had been with the elves for many years. But her thoughts were cut short at the sound of Kíli shouting for help. Fíli calling out to his brother in fear only for everything to go silent once more. How she wished she had her sight to see what was happening. Sindarian began to buzz in the air in disgust and sneers. Many of which were foul words towards the Company which made Sisílla grow warm with frustration. As she rose to stand at her full height, she stumbled and grasped Dwalin's shoulder to keep her upright while Nori and Bofur kept their hands on the small of her back to keep her stable.
"Ceri- ú- harm hain." 
The elves seemed to have heard her as they went silent. Thorin spun his head to see Sisílla who, although her vision was never more than pure gentle and kindness, was now stern and strong. The Oracle was now in Mirkwood. Legoland couldn't believe it.
The prophecy was true. Thorin Oakenshield was going to become King Under the Mountain.
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werelywrites · 3 years
Ty x Reader No Cold To Ruin A Date
Here’s a Ty x gn!reader requested by the lovely and talented @midearthwritings​
Thank ya thank ya for the request you beautiful bean! 
Hopefully I did Ty justice and kept my reader gender neutral (technically the GN reader part wasn’t part of the request so i took a liberty there, hope that was ok).
Warnings: PG reader has a cold. sick fic. fluff. slight mention of intercourse but it’s one tiny sentence.
Summary: Reader gets a cold on the day of a date with Ty. He stays to help reader recover.
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You had a date with Ty and you were beyond excited! You picked out the perfect outfit, down to the very details. You even arranged your entire week around this very date! The whole nine yards you made sure of. 
You awoke a bit off the day of the date, figuring it was the tossing and turning of anticipation. 
You were planning on inviting Ty into your apartment after the date, hoping to go finally/possibly all the way. 
You ignored your grogginess with your morning skincare routine, a cup of coffee, and a small breakfast and off you went to work. Hoping the busy day would make it go faster and also help you feel less woozy.
However it had the opposite effect. 
As the day wore on, your health got worse. You felt more tired, woozy, and weak. Food didn’t seem appetizing any more, standing hurt, sitting hurt, conversation took a lot of brain power. Sleep was the only thing running through your mind. 
It was a hundred times worse once you got home. The only thing stopping you from crawling into bed immediately was seeing your date outfit lying on the chair and a text from Ty “be there in 45!”
You felt panic and started to scramble to get ready, but the adrenaline rush lasted only a moment, your movement had quickly become sluggish. 
You were mostly dressed to the point where you weren’t indecent but a few articles of clothing were still unfastened and you were in the fight of your life putting on a boot when Ty entered your apartment.
“Whoa! Careful now Sunflower! Don’t want that boot to get the best of ya now.”
Your cheeks were already red from your exhaustion that your sheepish blush didn’t show. “Sorry Ty, I’m uh…” you sunk into a nearby chair. You felt the last of your strength leave like a ghost. “Give me a moment, i’m…” exhausted.
Ty’s smile was replaced with deep concern. His hand found your forehead. “Are you alright? You look awful.”
Distracted with his cool hand on your forehead, which felt heavenly, you almost didn’t register his words. “Hmm?? Oh….no I’m” a yawn “I’m fine.” He started to remove his hand, you quickly grabbed it. “Mmm nooo! Stay, your hand feels amazing.”
“Surely it's too cold...wait, do you have a fever?” Unfortunately he wasn’t the best at telling, for obvious reasons.
“I’ll finish getting ready so we can” a deep breath “go on our date.”
“Oh no we aren’t. You’re staying home and resting.” 
Easily picking you up, he plopped you onto your bed and removed some articles of clothing. Soon, a blush appeared on his pale cheeks “do you need uh...help with your...other clothes? Or shall I turn around?”
Tapping your chin in thought as you wriggled some to assess your clothing/energy situation, you spun your finger in a circle motion. In which Ty complied. 
His back towards you, he chewed his bottom lip at the sound of clothes being removed behind him. He didn't turn back around until he heard a squawk of triumph as you tossed your final piece of clothing into the far corner of your room.
Tucking you into your comforter and adding another blanket it occurred to him he wasn’t too well versed on taking care of someone sick. He rarely got sick himself and being the god of cold didn’t exactly help him either. “What do you need?”
“Medicine. Bathroom. Mirror drawer. And maybe something cold.” you gestured lazily to your forehead.
After fumbling a bit in your bathroom, trying to figure out the right stuff to give you, returning, and giving you the awful tasting stuff, you thought he would have just left you like that. It didn’t help that Ty left the room completely with no word towards you.
You started to get depressed, your guilt of making a mess of today and not being able to apologize properly to Ty started to eat away at your foggy brain when Ty returned to your room with two cups of water, a cold compress and a book.
He placed everything down on the bed side tables and gave you the cold compress before picking up the book back up and giving it a wave at you. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“None at all,” you quickly said from instinctive habit. Not voicing the confusion as to what he meant and why he had a book.
Your confusion ceased when Ty crawled into bed next to you under the covers, propping himself with the pillows and giving you a kiss on the cheek before opening said book to read. “Get some rest, love.”
“You’re staying??” The hopeful tone was hard to miss.
He smiled down at you, “if that’s alright? Someone has to make sure you don’t push yourself.”
You sighed in relief. Closing your eyes in content. Intending to rest for a moment before apologizing properly to him, wishing you weren’t sick and that the two of you could have gone on what you knew was going to be a wonderful date. However, as you snuggled up against his side you said instead, “you’re warm. I’ve never felt this comfortable before. Thank you.” And you promptly fell asleep.
Which was a good thing, according to Ty in that moment, because you missed his shocked and awed expression. 
How long has it been that someone had said he was warm? When has anyone said they were comfortable in his cold presence? 
His expression broke into a heartbreaking happy smile as he moved a stray hair out of your face. 
He’ll claim he only read a little of the book before falling asleep beside you the next morning. He’ll never admit what he actually did was keep a blissful watch on you, still so unbelieving you were someone so dear to him and him so dear to you in turn. Afraid that if he fell asleep, he’d wake up and you were nothing but a dream.
You’ll apologize in the morning and you’ll both spend the day together watching shows, eating soup, and cuddling on the couch. No cold ruining the day. 
And both of you will agree that it turned out to be a wonderful memory all the same.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
Mafia life ain’t easy, but there are some sweet spots here and there...
..... cough Well, here’s a continuation to
“Who Ever Said Mafia Life is Easy?” for @werelywrites!
(It’s lemon, so it’s posted on Ao3 :> )
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Karamatsu, how long have you and Ivette known each other?
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K: As for how long we’ve been married, we’ve been married for 3 incredible years! How we met is a bit of a lengthy tale, but aren’t all great love stories?
I: I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight, maybe curiosity at first sight? It was definitely the most interesting way i’ve ever met someone for the first time!
@werelywrites @blogstarkid @jean-arclight
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Myth au snippet
Winter are the boys’ favourite time of the year.
The obvious reasons:
Sans because it’s his time to shine, he’s at his strongest. Brutal yet pure, a soft calm yet dangerous all the same.
Skull is also at his strongest, enjoying the quiet long winter nights where everything is still and calm, nothing stirring except the falling of soft snowflakes.
Red wasn’t a big fan of winter, his powers at his lowest, yet one saving grace was that all matter of creatures, namely humans, sought warmth out. They’d huddle around the fire and tell their tales. Winter was the best time for stories, friends, and family (although he’d never admit that this was his favourite out loud).
However another reason came to be:
Being the goddess of small flowers and wishes, winter was when you were at your weakest as well. 
You used to be alone during winter, but now three gods nearly never left your side during these long months (much to the god of cheating’s dismay).
Those quiet snowy nights, you’d cuddle with Skull, wrapped in dark warmth, watching Sans show off his work, while Red would huddle near by, the fire in his nonexistent heart burning just enough to keep you warm. Those nights so blissful, sleep would be so tempting.
There would be some nights where Red didn’t want Sans to have all your attention, so he’d use his power to make lights in the sky, the colour of you soul. Those lights mixed with the snowflakes never ceased to amaze you but the ones most at awe were the boys as your please smile and giggles stole their breathes, and made their souls flip, as the snow caught in your hair would reflect the light like starlight.
Yes, they all agreed, winter was the best time of the year.
Happy Birthday! (I hope I got this in on time lol)
I’m so rusty on writing so hopefully it makes sense.
I hope you have a wonderful day! You amazing, beautiful person! Sends all the love
@werelywrites This is so wonderful, it’s almost like being told a story. Amazing bday gift- thank you!
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bellamyrocks · 5 years
Heyooo, I was tagged by @airyravenmaid
Answer 15 questions, tag 15 mutuals. Easy enough (I think)
Are you named after someone?: Well, no... my name’s much too unique and weird for people to even get right in the first place. Though my middle name is what mom WANTED to name me plus the end of her own name, is prettier
When was the last time you cried?: ... a couple weeks ago at work. Extreme pain among other things, I couldn’t take anymore and fuckin’ 🅱ROKE. Thankfully my manager’s a saint and allowed me to head home, but I still feel like such a fool.. at least I’m in better spirits lately
Do you have kids: None! Sometimes I do wonder and fantasize, but ultimately I'm already tired from raising both my brothers so I’d prefer not to. My grandmother jokes that “You’d probably throttle ‘em all if you had to deal with any” and more or less she’s right! Though I can’t help myself from melting at adorable babus
What’s the first thing you notice about people?: I guess I seem to gauge how people interact with others cuz I don’t really approach until I know ‘Hey, they aren’t acting like an asshole so I’ll go say hello!’ or so I can gauge how I should act around them (bust out the jokes or be polite and kind). Otherwise I study body language or the face (I dunno why)
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: I make sarcastic remarks aloud with fam or friends so the public knows I’m a fuckin’ loon, so I’d say yes
What’s your eye color: Dark brown!
Scary movie or happy ending?: Happy endings all the way! Scary movies... are scary and I don’t do scary cuz my scary-ass gets jumpscared irl as it is
Any special talent?: Hate to disappoint, but I’m still very much a blank-flank. Though I’ve been pretty okay at rollerskating (aka not falling down and chuggin’ well over 4 MPH) since I was little and when I went back to the rink so if I go started practicing at home again maybe I could go through with my plan to roll around on my skates at uni!
Where were you born?: Florida! I’m still there, believe it or not!
What are your hobbies?: I... don’t do much other than sleep or work, but I really wanna try so many things (like learning more languages, yoga, maybe gymnastics or dancing too)! Drawing might count, but I’ve been dwindling as of late. I also find myself doing a butt-ton of research on different things when they pique my interest, though that’s not a hobby just lore-hunting. Hopefully uni gives me the willpower to go out and do the things I want without restraint!
Do you have pets?: This household doesn’t allow it. I promised myself once I’m outta here and have the proper finances and anemities (anemonemones?) I’m going for two (count ‘em) TWO cats... though maybe I’ll end up with a shibe if I had the moxie (and willpower) to handle caring for a dog... then again, a ferret seems kinda interesting but I hadn’t lore-hunted about ‘em yet
What sport(s) have you done?: I’ve done none of the sports!
How tall are you?: The Tallest... //sweats... 5... 5′2″...
Favorite subject in school?: Definitely math! Trig and Geometry are so much fun, makes sense because I usually have an itching to mathimize some numbers or equations just hanging out wherever, it won’t go away until I figure it out myself or look up the answer. Call me a nerd!
Dream job?: A comic book artist or an animator, though something involving travel like a translator sounds kinda cool too! Though the comic book artist thing was ever since I was a babu, I have to blame my uncle taking us to the comic store and introducing us to his artist friends who have AMAZING inking skills. I’ll keep working hard to make a comic and bring it to paper! That or animating pixels or other things and bringing my works to Life! Or being able to assist people with my fluency!
Tag: I’m so sorry, you guys don’t have to if ya don’t want okay and if anybody else volunteers go ahead and snatch this hoe love ya byyyye @animetendofreak @apple-juice-dreams @andiskl @bromatsu91 @grasscactus @hedgehogkween @kibi-lou @lunarautumn @miirukusan @mikazure @matsu-qin @mysterygreentea @semercury @sudasia @werelywrites
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