#well anywho enough about that l m a o
androgynousfrog · 1 year
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
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Well guess that gives me the incentive FHGDJKFJDK- so yeah I had a ‘lucid’ dream with the big man himself, the big fucking bastard-
Trigger Warning: A SLIGHT bit of gore
but uh yeah again, very iffy with the lucid term on this but uh- I’ll try to describe it the best way I can? Also gonna get a read more bc it’ll be a bit lengthy
So uh, to start off with I was in Boys n Grills- like near the back section of it essentially- I remember I was about to head out a doorway into the main like DINER area n shit- but before I could- Bob comes through the doorway and to give a better picture of this, it was v e r y much- like a irl kinda thing? like he didn’t look realistic, he still looked- like- uh...
2D? i-is that what ya call it? jhfkdldj either way, it was all the spooky month style essentially but I was like fully in it, looking around as myself cause usually my dreams have a camera pov- no this was all me looking around so first thing to note, we all know hes a big fella right? Yeah uh lemme just say, to say hes a big guy is kinda an under statement to me now
...His hand was probably bigger than my entire fucking face ngl
but either way- my point is-
This man is fucking HUGE, im a big person, not in height- oh god no lmao im 5′5″ but im a fat dude,, this man dwarfed me not only in height but weight too jfvdfksdds but he was taller than the fucking doorframe, he literally had to somewhat lean down to come through, it was like looking up at a skyscraper
...okay m-maybe that is a LITTLE bit of an over-exaggeration but my point is, man was fucking h u g e and dwarfed my ass in more ways than one- oh i forgot to mention hjfdkjdks he WAS in his devil costume- ya know, signature red turtleneck, face paint, horns, etc-
I can’t remember if he spoke or not, tbh i was,, actually pretty fucking terrified i remember that- he was grinning also like usual- he started advancing toward me and i just kinda,, started backing away- neither of us spoke or said anything- but eventually my back kinda hit a wall
and fucking hell he’s not only a huge dude he’s strong as HELL,, picked me up with one hand like I weighed NOTHING and slung me over his shoulder, I remember fighting, hitting at him, etc but i can’t remember if i said or anything or screamed or cried i feel like i might’ve??? but that detail’s blurry-
oh yeah btw THE O N E AND O N L Y redeeming pro of this entire thing was that he was actually really soft and warm but other than that, he fucking reeked- he smelled of blood and death and i mean given he’s a cannibal ...fair enough-
He started carrying me to the back fuckin dead by daylight style- carrying me to the room with the meat hanging up (it smelled like raw meat obviously ...eugh the smelling part and the feeling parts were the most HORRENDOUS btw) and that’s when I realized something...
...He’s carrying me to a hook
I remember fighting even harder but that did nothin to this fuckin- slasher mfer- so i got carried to a hook and put up on it- like- it was on the right side of my back- before it could possibly get any worse though i shot up in my bed, grabbing at my back- bc keep in mind y’all, I could see, feel, smell, and hear things
meaning i could feel the EXTREME pain that was going through my back
after waking up and scanning my room in a fucking panic i realized ...oh,, just a dream, there wasnt a hole in my back either but ...it did still kinda get MUCH LESS bad pain but still phantom pain throughout the day
So in conclusion, I can tell y’all, meeting Bob in my ‘lucid’ dream if you can call it that-- was... While I am excited bout it now a day later hjfdkjdska bc holy fucking shit my first dream like tHAT- where i could feel, hear, etc things ya know? ...But man that shit hurted-
....Overall, 0/10 would not recommend meeting him tbh- It was incredibly terrifying to see him like I would see a person in an irl situation- meaning THAT close to me-
oh also i did also write this in my first story with him so i guess y/n’s friend is giving me karma apparently via ‘lucid’ dream? lmao i mean i guess deserved
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moistmailman · 5 years
Imagine an AU where !CheerleaderRuby has a giant crush the the Sweet !MetalHeadPyrrha, who has piercings, tattoos and has half of her head buzzed for the punk rock look.
She gets extremely flustered whenever they talk together. One time Pyrrha waved to Ruby during one of the games and the poor girl just froze up in the middle of the field, blushing madly, much to Pyrrha's confusion. The metalhead actually started to get worried for the short girl. It was pretty hot outside that day, so was Ruby having a heatstroke or something? What was wrong with her? Ruby's cheer captain, Weiss quite literally had to slap Ruby back to her senses. "Ruby, snap out of it! Everyone's staring at you!!!" "W-WHAT?! I WASN'T S-STARING! YOU'RE JUST SEEING THINGS!" "No, I said that everyone is staring at you! I never mentioned you staring at Pyrrha! So snap out of it!" "O-oh right. O-of course you did. I-I knew that.......WAIT, I WASN'T STARING AT PYRRHA!!!" She still was blushing for the entire game while sending Pyrrha discreet (not really) glances.
Another time she spent a lot of money on some metal concert ticket of a band that Pyrrha loves so she could watch it with her. "Whoa, what are you doing here, Ruby? I never knew you like this band." "What? Really? That's surprising, cause I like, love this band. I have all their albums." "Really? What's your favorite song?" "(Panicking) Uh.......O-oh the uh........t-the one about......sticking it to the man, haha, you know? I absolutely love that one. (Sweats nervously)" "Oh cool. That one is pretty popular. Good choice." "(Sighs in relief)" At one point Ruby was complaining that she couldn't see the band due to her short height and then nearly had a gay heart attack as Pyrrha picked her up and put the shorter girl on her shoulders. "There you go. Can you see now, Ruby?" "(High pitched) Y-yeah, I-I can see n-now." "Hey, are you alright? You sound funny." "YEP! EVERYTHING'S GOOD UP HERE! THANK YOU!" "Okay, if you say so."
Another time Ruby actually managed to muster up enough courage to finally confess to Pyrrha. It took her a whole hour to approach the taller girl, but she still did it though.......kinda. "H-hey P-pyrrha, I need to tell you something. Okay uh...well uh......I-I t-think you're really awesome and stuff. Y-you also look really cool, especially with your tattoos and hair. A-and I-I j-just want to s-say that.......y-you're very pretty and I-I like you a lot. D-d-do you want to go on a date with me?!" "(Taking out her earbuds, causing quiet metal music to come from them) Huh, did you say something, Ruby?" "U-uh....I uh.....(nervously swallows) I uh.....I uh....I said uh........" "Ruby? Is everything alright? Your face is all red right now." "........I-I GOTTA GO! HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!! (speeds off)" "..........okay.....you too, I guess. It was nice speaking to you." Ruby then proceeded to go to her sister and cried on her shoulder. "(Muffled) IT'S JUST NOT FAIR! I ALREADY CONFESSED!!!" "There there, little sis. Just let it all out." "(Muffled) SHE'S JUST SO PRETTY! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!! LIFE IS UNFAIR!!!"
Another time they were partnered up for a school project and Ruby decided to use her weeks of training with the art of flirting that she learned from Yang to her advantage. So the girl took the best pick up line in head. A pick up line that is absolutely smooth and amazing. One that would make Yang proud. "Okay, so what part of the project would you like to do? I'm alright with either." ".........." "Ruby? Hello? I'm speaking to yo-" "I LIKE YOUR TATTOOS!" "..................." "..................." "Thank you, Ruby. That's very sweet of you. A lot of people find them to be intimidating a little. So it's always nice to hear a praise about them." "Y-you're welcome, they're very cool." "Thank you again, Ruby. You're very sweet. My favorite tattoo is probably the one on my stomach though. Look (lifts shirt to reveal abs) see? It's Medusa from the Greek mythologies. I'm kinda of a dork for those sorta things. (Chuckles)" "(Face completely red)..............." "Anywho, let's get back to work, shall we?" "O-okay, yeah. L-let's do that. (Hides her face in her textbook)" "Are you okay, Ruby? Your face is all red again." "(Muffled from the book) NEVER BETTER!" Despite that, Pyrrha kept asking Ruby if any thing was wrong during the rest of the session, since her face was completely red the whole time. Although the shorter girl always said she was still alright, while forcing herself to look her in the eyes. ("Oh god. Her eyes are so pretty too! Oh god!") Pyrrha even asked Yang if her little sister had some sort of skin problem, since her face is nearly always red whenever they talk. "No, she has a thirst problem." "Oh, she gets dehydrated easily?" "Yeah, let's go with that."
They finally started dating when Pyrrha asked Ruby out to the movies. But Ruby never realized it was a date until Pyrrha kissed her goodnight at her doorstep. (Poor useless lesbian). "I had a grand time, Ruby." "T-thanks, m-me too. S-s-sorry for jumping in your arms a lot though." "No, it's alright. I should've told you it was a horror slasher movie. It was my fault" "(blushing) T-thank you for holding my hand during it though. I-it really calmed me down" "No problem. You want to go on another date next weekend?" "Most definitely!" "Good. Good night, Ruby." And that was when Pyrrha kissed Ruby right on the lips, sending imaginary fireworks shooting out from her head. Her face completely matched the taller girl's hair and she could barely speak afterwards. She was in a gay mess. "W-W-W-WAIT! T-T-THAT W-WAS A G-G-G-GAY D-D-DATE??!! L-LIKE F-FULL GAY?!" "Yeah, you didn't know?" "N-NO! I DIDN'T!" "Oh, I'm Sorry. I thought I was more clear when I asked you out. "(Lesbian flustered noises)" Look, if you don't want this to be a date then it does-" "N-NO! I WANT THIS TO BE A GAY DATE! A VERY GAY DATE! PLEASE MAKE THE NEXT DATE EVEN GAYER ACTUALLY!" "Oh, okay then. If you're alright with it then-" "YES! I'M A VERY ALRIGHT WITH IT! GO MAX GAY NEXT DATE!"
Yang was listening the whole time from inside the house and teased her for weeks for this. "(Laughing) Please make the next day even gayer. You crack me up, Ruby." "YAAAAAAAANG! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO HEAR ANY OF THAT!!!!" "Hello, can I have some extra gay for our next date, Pyrrha?" "SHUT UP!!!!" "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME! NOT WHEN I SHIFT INTO MAXIMUM GAY!" "I SAID SHUT UP! (bonks Yang's forehead)" They are an adorable couple though.
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Could I get a life generator for Dangerous Fellows? I’m 5’6” with short brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses. I wear super bright clothing (80’s style). I hate my body weight (133 lbs) and wish I could lose weight. I love to make people laugh and smile. I do acting and drawing (a lot). I love playing funny roles and tend to goof around a lot. Deep down I’m really insecure and scared of commitment because I’ve always been made fun of by guys. I’m in my sisters shadow, and am sick of it.
Before I start, I just wanted to say that your body weight sounds perfect to me! If you ever feel insecure or down about it, feel free to talk to me. Don’t hate yourself because I’m sure you’re beautiful. Also, I’m sorry about the delay, life’s been a bit hectic lately.
Anywho, your request is finished! I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for your interest in the world of Dangerous Fellows. You will be reborn shortly. The simulation will start in 3........ 2...... 1........
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Your life was a colorful one. At school, you were the perfect theater kid that was friends with everyone. Your grades were average, but you made up for it in your talent. Since elementary school, you dedicated most of your time towards acting. You thought about getting a part-time job, but it took time away from practicing your lines. Any time there was a play, you always got the role you wanted. While you had the skills to play the protagonists, you often chose to play the comedic relief. For you, the humor came naturally. Your presence on stage made the entire room light up with laughter and joy.  Needless to say, your life was as perfect as you wanted it to be.
On the day of the apocalypse, you were getting ready to perform the final show of the school year: a musical. You were getting ready in the dressing room, dusting a dash of highlight on your cheeks. Next to your mirror, the clock read 7:25 PM. Only five minutes until the show began. Your stomach was filled with excitement and nervousness. When you arrived at the left-wing (which was covered by the curtains), the entire cast had arrived except for the lead actor. He was never late to a show. Besides, you had seen him in the dressing room a few minutes ago. Where could he have gone?
The director asked the same question. She began to panic as no one had an answer for her. You went to look for him as you weren’t in the play during the beginning. First, you searched the bathrooms. Then you peeked in the dressing room. After that, you ran around the school but there was no sign of him. The last place you could think of was the area outside of the theater entrance.
When you arrived outside, there was a body lying on the ground. You walked closer. It was the body of the main actor. You didn’t want to touch it, but you couldn’t leave him there. He could be alive. So you stopped right in front of it and crouched down. His skin was grey and his hair had fallen out. He was unrecognizable. 
He opened his eyes. They were yellow with no pupils. A scream escaped your lips as you crawled back. The boy grabbed your leg and you kicked him off. You got up and saw a bunch of monsters behind him. They looked like zombies from the movies.
Instead of staying around, you did what your gut commanded. You ran.
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After you were taken under the wing of Lawrence and his crew, life was rocky. No one full trusted you (besides Judy) or saw any useful skill within you. Although you were a great actor and terrific artist, there wasn’t any reason to use them. To prevent being made fun of, you grew more introverted and stayed out of everyone’s way. They couldn’t bother you for not being a nuisance.
Actually, they could.
During another meeting, everyone was discussing the plans for the upcoming week. This included night watches, food supply, and possible trips outside of the school. You hadn’t said much because you didn’t want to be involved (or mainly, get yelled at). Besides, you learned more about the way things worked around here, which would make you more useful to the team. 
“I don’t understand why we have to keep her around! Not only is she probably infected, but she also doesn’t have any talents. She’s a waste of space,” Scarlett said.
You roll your eyes. Here we go for the millionth time. To think that the meeting had almost ended without her incessant yelling. But such a dream was too good to be true. 
“Scarlett. Please don’t yell at her. Suspicion will only tear our group apart,” Harry spoke.
“No, she’ll tear us apart! I don’t see why you don’t understand that!” Scarlett jabbed a finger at you and ran out of the classroom. That was one way to end the meeting.
Harry approached you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really sorry about that, Scarlett can be a bit overwhelming. Please don’t hold it against her.”
You give a small smile. “As long as she doesn’t turn me into a zombie, I think I can handle her.”
“I’d hope not,” Harry said.
You cocked your head with wide eyes. “Wait, maybe I am the zombie. I’ll eat your brrrraiiiiinssss.”
Harry laughed. “Just don’t do that around Scarlett and I think you’ll be fine.”
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It was time another nightwatch and this time Lawrence had chosen to go with you. You had gone with him once before, but the two of you were attacked by a mob of zombies. The only reason you guys made it out was that Lawrence had stalled for enough time to get help from the rest of the crew. Needless to say, you were traumatized.
This time, Lawrence had brought extra weapons. He handed a baseball to you and briefly showed you the weak points of the undead in the case another zombie attacked the two of you. After a few practice swings, you felt somewhat ready to go out in the dark.
During the start of the nightwatch, there was a large amount of silence to prevent getting unwanted attention from the zombies. The two of you scouted the back of the school and found that most of the zombies weren’t there. While zombie had crept up on you, you managed to smash its skull with your baseball bat. Lawrence was highly impressed.
“That was really good. Zion might have some competition,” He said
“Thanks,” You responded.
After completing the nightwatch, the two of you returned to the main classroom where the meetings were held. Surprisingly, the room was empty when you guys arrived. The only thing that kept you company was a silver shimmer from the moonlight. You plopped on the closest chair. Frankly, you were exhausted from all the walking and wanted a good night sleep. However, Lawrence insisted on waiting for the other members to return.
“How are you finding it here?” Lawrence asked.
“It’s nice. Besides the issue of other members verbally attacking me, I like the teamwork we have here. We get a lot more done when we are united,” You responded.
Lawrence nodded with a smile. “That’s what I’ve always said. I know not everyone is fond of the idea, but I’m glad you see the logic behind it.”
You tapped your fingers against the wooden desk. “But I can’t help but wonder, how much closer is our teamwork to bringing us out of here? It’s not possible to stay here forever.”
Lawrence shook his head. “I understand, but the circumstances don’t seem safe enough to leave. However, there has been a notable decrease in zombies, so we might be leaving soon.”
“I know, I just don’t want things to end here. I want to be able to flesh out my future by making a name for myself in acting and finally stepping out of my sister’s shadow,” You sighed.
Lawrence grabbed a chair and sat next to you. He placed his hand on his jaw and looked in your eyes. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get out. That’s a promise.”
F I N A L   F A T E
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A/N: Ok, so I changed it ever-so-slightly so that Lawrence was not a yandere or evil psychopath because I know getting an ending with psychopath Lawrence is not fun or worthwhile.
The entire crew had grown sick of the school. Everyone had been cooped up in the same five rooms for way too long and it was time to go elsewhere. However, Lawrence was still unsure of leaving the school due to the possible risks that came with the expenditure. After growing extremely close to him, you assured Lawrence that it was the right course of action. 
It was not long until the poster of the safe zone appeared on the sides of the school. Eugene was the first one to find them and nearly toppled over in glee when handing it over to the crew. Everyone was so excited, except for Lawrence.
You walked to the classroom, looking for Eugene. Instead, you saw a tensed Lawrence pacing around the room. It was unusual for him to look so worried.
“What’s wrong Lawrence? You looked stressed,” You asked.
Lawrence looked up in surprise. “Oh, hello. I’ve just been thinking about some things.”
“What things? You can talk to me. Don’t bottle everything inside of you,” You took his hand.
He sighed. “It’s just that I enjoy the dynamic we’ve created here. I’m in charge while Zion and Eugene are the brawns. Harry is our peace-keeper while Eugene is well........... Eugene. Then we have you, who-”
Lawrence stops and leans towards your face. “Who stopped me from falling down a dark path and you don’t even know it.”
You placed your hand on his cheek. “I’m not sure what that means, but I do know that you won’t lose anyone after going to the safe zone. If you stay here, there is no guarantee that we’ll all make it out alive.” 
Lawrence took a moment to think and sighed. “You’re right. Gather everyone and tell them that we will be leaving tomorrow at dawn. The zombies are least active then.”
You nodded with a smile.
The trip to the safe zone was much more difficult than expected. Although there were fewer zombies on school grounds, there were much more on the streets. Unfortunately, the crew had lost Scarlett and Jay to the flesh-eating monsters. But the rest of you had made it there without a scratch.
Upon arrival in the safety zone, you first searched for your family. Luckily, they all had made it there without any problem due to the help of other friendly strangers. You introduced Lawrence and the crew to your family and spent the rest of your time bringing joy to the children of the safety zone through acting.
T H E  E N D
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felixsausages · 5 years
Oh! The pretty boy with the puppy eyes! Chapter 2
Author Pov: (A/N: Y/N has depressive episodes :(, and i change my writing style a lot so bare with me please LMAO)
Twas a melancholy day as always, as the regular pitter patter of the sad raindrops fell from the sky, the goddess dripping her teardrops onto the Earth, a blessing. Y/N woke up from her slumber in her dorm room, her new roommate shouting the language of the morons at her as her heavy eyelids droopily hung on her sad face. The girls brain was numb and throbbing, the words of her roommate drowned out as if she was drowning in her tears.
“Earth to Y/N! Oh my- what the hell she’s actually going to be late again! My goodness it’s only the third week..” {?}’s voice echoed through the room.
Finally woke from her black void of a piece of mind, Y/N thrusted her body upwards, listening to Yeri.
“OH- i’m so, so sorry Yeri!,” Y/N fumbled to find the right words, “It most definitely will NOT happen again!” Y/N made a fruitless comment.
“Alright, Alright, it’s okay chill, now go to class, I made you breakfast!”
Tumbling out of bed, Y/N sprinted to get ready and went to eat.
T I M E S K I P ( sorry~)
Walking down the streets polished with dew, the foggy mist shrouded Y/N in a daze, almost ethereal. Grabbing her supplies she ran to the cozy coffee shop, going to grab a morning coffee, and silently hoping she would see the mystery man named Lee Felix.
Walking through the entrance of the shop, the nostalgic bell shook its head, a symbol of reoccurrence. She had headed to sit down lazily, unaware of the time as always, and ironically saw a certain person on the other side of the store. Suddenly all of the bad thoughts in her head melting at the gaze. Felix had his dog, Maru, as always, and was typing ferociously at his laptop. As if he knew, he started packing up his things and headed over to where Y/N was sitting.
Hold up, I know I stare a lot but, this is not what i wanted. {911 i hav emerjanci} Instinctively, she pulled out her phone and typed a message to Haechan.
Retard 🗿: Omg Haechan help
Stoopid 👁👅👁: what is it oml it’s so early, are you okay? wait, i can come over
Retard 🗿: No no, nothing like that i’m ok Haechan, it’s just that fEliX is at Brewers and bitches and he’s coming towards meee akfjs
Stoopid 👁👅👁: Y/N- I told you about him...
Stoopid 👁👅👁: i say run
Retard 🗿: Oop- hes already here sorry gotta leave byeee Haechan see you in class~~~
Stoopid 👁👅👁: omg y/n you better not, your in big trouble if you do, oh my god she’s actually going to, YOU’RE GONNA GET YOUR ASS WHOOPED
Y/N and Haechan left the conversation.
I looked up and his beautiful face was there looking at me confused. (A/N: i change my writing style like halfway through so bare with me LMAO)
“Sorry, i was startling at your dog again, my baddd.”
He didn’t buy it. Shit.
“ Hm, i don’t think you’re looking at my dog, huh now.”
“I was most definitely not looking at your goregeous face.” My hand slapped my mouth instinctively.
“Oh wow, has weirdo~ developed a crush on me? I’m not surprised,” he paused and i was shocked. “,I’m joking, so stop looking like that.” Felix playfully punched my arm.
5 minutes later...
“All right, we should go to class”
I paused and groaned. “ Yeah you’re probably right,” I looked at Maru. “ Do you wanna take a walk, Maru?” She jumped up and wagged her tail excited. “I guess i’ll take that as a yes.”
Felix looked at me and commented, “ Alright, i’m going to walk you there, no refusing, okay? Sounds great!”
“I- but- shit, Haechan will be pissed oh my goodness. I-“ Felix tensed up at his mention, strange.
“ I’m walking you to class, it’s final.” He grabbed my frail wrist harshly and walked out the door, the bell seeing us off.
“Yo- bro what’s your issue? Why are you so mad all of a sudden?”
“ Listen, i don’t have time to explain, but trust me, Haechan isn’t all that innocent angel ( HAHA him an angel L M A O ) you think he is.”
“Oh- ok...” The rest of the walk was in silence.
~~~~~~~~~~~. AT THE LECTURE HALL .~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We walked into the lecture hall, and heads turned towards us, Felix holding my wrist still.
I whispered subtly, “ Felix, you can let go of my wrist now.” I tried to shake him off but he ignored you.
The professor was disappointed but not surprised.
“Sit down, Felix and Y/N, I would do something about this but attendance isn’t part of your grade.”
He dragged me up the stairs and was going to go past Haechan. Oh gosh, i’m going to be in so much trouble.
“Wait- I sit by Hyuck, whatcha doing? I don’t-“
“You’re sitting by me today.” He seemed stern.
“If you say so.. but he’s going to be pissed..”
“ He won’t be able to contact you if i’m with you. It’s fine.”
I obeyed silently and trudged along, all of the girls envying me for being so close to Lix.
~~~~~~~~~~~. AFTER THE LECTURE .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As i tried to walk out the door, the professor stopped me.
“ Where do you think you are going? You have to clean my board for punishment.” He was a little strange.
“ Uh-m i thought that we did that a couple weeks ago. But- I don’t-“
“ No, for being late, I can’t get your grade down but hopefully it will teach you a lesson. Grab your friend too, he was late as well.”
“ Right, teach. I’ll make sure to get him.”
You strutted out the class and sprinted to Lix. Someone grabbed my arm and spun me around.
“ Going somewhere?” SHOOT, it was hyuck. “ Seems like you didn’t listen to me huh? On top of it, sitting with him instead of me, rude. I could tell your mom you know.” Your eyes widened, how could he be insensitive knowing my past? You put aside your emotions for now.
“Uh- I can’t talk right now sorry Hyuck.”
“Wait- i didn’t mean- “
Too late, I was long gone.
I finally caught up to Lix and told him about what we had to do. We walked back to the lecture room.
“This is literally so stupid, why is he making us do this? We were only late.. 45... minutes..never mind.”
“You’re not so intelligent huh?” he chuckled.
As we walked through the door, the professor was ready to leave.
“Alright kids, don’t do anything stupid, there’s cameras.”
My face flushed fast as i thought of all of the things he meant by that. The door closed and suddenly we were alone.
“ Don’t worry about that camera thing he said, i saw the same ‘cameras’ at Target last week. So, if we did anything, no one would know.”
“Oh- Oh my gosh are you kidding me? I would never do anything with you!” Well, that was kinda a lie... anywho!
“I wouldn’t sound so innocent when you’re saying that.. it could put you in danger Y/N..” The atmosphere was so tense and it was killing me.
“We should probably wash this board now or the teach will be mad.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~SEVERAL MINS PASS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was silent, comfortable silence to clarify. I decided to break it boldly. After all, I was quite curious.
“So... Felix.. Can you please explain what you meant about Haechan now? I’ve waited for-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence as I was thrown harshly onto the professors desk.
“I told you to wait but clearly you haven’t waited enough huh?” He started playing with the buttons on his shirt. “Looks like you need to be taught a lesson.”
There was a loud noise coming from the entrance and, thank God someone came! It was the worst person to come in at the moment but i was thankful. It was the one and only Haechan.
“What the fuck Felix?! What’s the meaning of this?”He looked shocked and hurt. “Y/N, i came back for you but it seems like you’re fine, right?! It’s okay, i was never needed anyways.” Hyuck was passionate but he stormed out of the classroom as Felix got off of me and buttoned up.
“He just ruined the mood ya know?” Lix didn’t seem to care at all.
“Please, can you not do that? I don’t even know you that well yet..” I wad shocked and kind of scared to be honest.
“Yeah, Yeah, but we both know you liked it.” He tossed a wink in my direction. My cheeks flushed as he was telling the truth quaintly.
“Oh- before i forget, i have to tell you something.” Lix paused. “One of my good friends is transferring into this class tomorrow, his name is Hwang Hyunjin.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END OF CHAP 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Phew! I’m done with chapter 2! Sorry, i tried to make this as long as possible with the time i had :(
Anywho hope you guys enjoyed! Hope the rollercoaster of emotions wasn’t too bad lol
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kcmorcbi-blog · 5 years
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tom holland + cismale + he/him + reactive evolution.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear old town road by lil nas x playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just ridley vidraru, a twenty-one year old busboy. according to my sources, i heard he can be neutral good and is adaptable, but also reserved. that’s probably why they remind everyone of the smell of leather, large barn doors, and roosters crowing so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re in favor of the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them ! (lucy, seventeen, hast, they/them )
hello hello !! iʻm just gonna preface by saying that you should probably read kacchanʻs intro for luca first for a little more context because these two are related !! they actually cover the whole event over there but........
to sum up, ridley grew up on a big ʻole farm with a big ʻole family. he had a twin sister with whom he was always very close with. together, they learned magic from their father and wizard that was a family friend. when he was thirteen, shit hit the fan. in order to protect him and his sister, his father sent them through a portal with an endpoint that wasnʻt known to anyone and………..
p o s t - Y E E T ( a. k. a  c o u n t r y  b o y  i n  t h e  b i g  c i t y !! )
he ended up on the outskirts of the city. not exactly the best place for an unaccompanied thirteen year old whoʻd never been too far from the countryside before.
through the jump, he somehow got separated from his sister. he doesnʻt know if that was a condition that his father put into the portal or if something happened mid-trip, but suddenly he was alone for the first time in his life.
 he was never really good with the transporting aspect of magic like his pops was, and there was a sinking feeling in his stomach telling him that there was no way he was getting back home anytime soon unless his father found him.
he waited for weeks -- months, really, but who was counting ?? he was. -- for his pops to figure something. or for his sister to find him. then he tried to figure something out himself. see, the main problem was that he was thousands of miles from being anywhere close to back home and he had zero ways of getting there. this was DEVASTATING to him.
so, he gave up. not really. he always carried a determination to search for them. but for the time being, he wasnʻt really focusing on getting home. he just...adapted. that was always what he did best with the magic that he got from his dad and then wizard: changing to fit the environment best.
he took up odd jobs around downtown. mostly house maintenance and chores that people didnʻt want to call professionals for. he eventually tried his best to bounce around, taking jobs at places that lasted a little longer and, since he was essentially homeless, whose owners let him stay there through the entirety. he took up as many as he could so he would never have time to himself to think about things.
eventually, he made his way to some of the nicer parts of town and stumbled upon a horse stable. it was one of those nice ones where rich people kept their horses for jumping or for races. they just so happened to need an experienced stable-hand.
ridley got the job and having grown up around horses, managed to prove himself enough that they kept him long-term. they set him up with a little trailer near the stables so he could be close enough the horses when they needed him.
eventually, he got a himself a part-time job also working as a busboy ( because i forgot i put busboy on the app before i thought of this stablehand thing ) and earned enough money to buy himself a shitty little laptop so he could finish his schooling.
now, heʻs doing college online and gonna try and become a vet !! he might focus primarily on the equine but for now, itʻs just a general course.
power-wise, he !! is a magic cowboy !! he was getting lessons in magic from both his father and the wizard that lived with them, which were obviously cut short when they got separated. before that, however, he became very adept in defensive magic. this is what he honed throughout the years and is his main specialty.
he calls it reactive evolution because thatʻs essentially all he does. he gets placed in a situation and changes himself in order to survive best. for example, if you were to throw him underwater, heʻd grow gills and webbing between his fingers and toes. if you were to shoot at him, suddenly heʻd be made of steel.
living on his own in the city helped hone that skill more than anything. he made out very well on the streets specifically because of his skill set. anything that happened to him, he was able to keep himself long enough to safely get away.
so !! that’s it !! he’s a poor cowboy with a GED trying to work through online college and working as much as he can with his very limited resources to find his missing family.
t h e  m a n ,  t h e  m y t h ,  t h e  c o w b o y  ( p e r s o n a l i t y )
the’s a bit of a rascal at heart who doesn’t let himself cut loose too much. kind of what happens when you grow up having to take care of yourself.
HOWEVER !! if you get to know him,,,,,,,,gain his trust,,,,,,maybe heʻll open up and be the goof he is at heart hmm who knows anything can happen
pls break his walls down i double dog dare you
heʻs very hard working. heʻs the type of person that enjoys doing manual labor. like, he genuinely likes lifting hay bales and doing maintenance so heʻs always looking for anything he can get his hands on and fix. he tends to get a little stir crazy if heʻs not doing something productive.
he fucking loves animals. this mans adores any and all animals. heʻs partial to horses but he will fall in love with any type of non-human creature. if you want to be his friend, just say you have a pet cat or something.
heʻs literally the loneliest little bean. this is a mans who was part of a matching set for most of his formative years and then had that ripped away from him very abruptly. he misses his family so much but after nearly a decade, heʻs gotten better at hiding it. this is probably why he imprints on animals so much
he seriously is a weird little hermit who doesnʻt do anything for fun so pls !! take this mans out !! heʻs dork but heʻll probably be fun for something i guess !! heʻs got an accent and some sturdy boots !! idek what else pls just throw yourself at him cause heʻs shy. but still a dork. who knows whatʻll happen ?? not me !!
T L ; D R
yello !! iʻm your local gayby, lucy !! and here is my son, ridley. he is also lucaʻs son. that would make him kacchanʻs grandson. lmao oldie. anywho, basically,,,,,,,heʻs got the horses in the back. horse tack is attached. hat is matte black. got the boots thatʻs black to match.
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silver-the-cat · 6 years
Jack in Wonderland - Part 9 of Still going strong!
((Yay! Another part! I’m pretty sure I haven’t mentioned this yet, but I do have a friend (not on Tumblr) with whom I do show the parts to before I post it. Well, I showed this part to her and her feedback has been great so far. So shoutout to her even tho she isn’t on this website! I just wanted to mention this because I got the right kind of feedback I was looking for from here.
Anywho! Enough with my rambles. Hope you all enjoy!))
“I noticed you dropped this and….well, I wanted to make sure you got it back.”
Words had an incredible effect. It was so strange that after hearing a certain string of words together, you could believe something for so long. And that you could be surprised when someone says something that suddenly contradicts what you’ve been led to believe.
“I wanted to make sure you got it back.”
Jackson had been pacing ever since he had gotten back to the castle, pondering that one sentence the whole trip back. It was a genuine feeling. That man only wanted to help, and Jackson could certainly understand that in his words. 
Truth was, he wasn’t exactly sure how he should’ve felt.
The King of Red Hearts wasn’t exactly the nicest and Bing was...well, extremely distant to put it bluntly. The people in the kingdom didn’t even talk much, instead going about their business as if in a daze. Sure there was the Mad Trickster, but Jackson always got the impression he never liked him much. So you could only imagine how it felt to suddenly have some complete stranger be so kind after nearly everyone he knew was rather cold.
“White Rabbit.” Jackson nearly jumped a few feet into the air, spinning around to see a guard behind him.
“G-Golly, you scared me for a s-second there, lad!” Jackson sighed, making a quick recovery. “E...Er….did you n-need something?”
“His majesty has requested your presence. He wants you in the throne and to be prepared to write down a message.” The guard said flatly. “And he wants you there in….about 15 minutes time.” It was times like this Jackson really wished the Mad Trickster didn’t destroy his watch.
“Of course, I’ll be down there post-haste!” He replied, trying his hardest at a chipper smile. The guard merely nodded and walked away, leaving the messenger alone once again. He took a quick minute to compose himself, before he began rushing off towards the throne room (of course, after briefly considering whether or not if it would be faster to transform into a rabbit first).
Everything would be fine, he told himself, it was just a message, how bad could it possibly even be?
“Send a m̨e̕s̡s̶a͝gé to to ̧a̸ll ̛of th̕e ͡kingdom̴. Every village and every ho͘m̸e̵.”
“Y-Yes. O-Of course sire.”
“Tell them th̸at a c͜r̵i̡m̵͝įǹ̵͡a͢ļ has been caught. And his e͞x͢e͢͠c̨͝ut̨̕i̛o͘n will be in few̢ ͞hour̶s͏ in͏ t̕he̸ capital’s main square.”
“‘execution…..main square….’....u-understood, sire. D-Do you want me to m-mention the criminal b-by name or by c-crime?”
“Hm̸m...go with bo̢t͏h̵.”
“O-Of course. Er….w-what is the criminal’s name and crime?”
“You’ll know hi̴m ẁe̶l̸l͢ ͏en͝o҉ug͘h. Put the name down as J̡͜a͜c̢͜k͞ and his crime as--”
“J-Jumping Jehoshaphat! I-Is he the same Jack from before?”
“W̢͢͞͝H̴́O̡̨͜ ́͜D̢A̸̛͏̕R̕ĘD̷͟͡ ̷̢̀͞͠G̀҉̀͟I͠҉V̷́͜͠E͘̕͟͟͢ ̸̶͞Y͏̵O̴U҉͏̸̧҉ ̷̵̧P̴͞͞Ę͏̶͜͞R͏̡M҉͟I͟͟͜S̵̛̕͢S̸̢̀͟͞Į̶̢̨͟Ǫ͏Ņ̵҉͟ ̧̛͢͡T̴̡͡͏͞O͡͠ ̛͘͝I̛͘҉̕͜N̨̛͟͢T͝͠҉́Ę̵̕͏̶Ŕ̢͝U̴̢͘P̷̢͜T̶̸͏ ҉̵̨́́M͏̴̛̀E̴͡͠?̨́͡!̶̵͟͞” Jackson yelped, nearly dropping his notepad as the King slammed his hands on his throne and stood. Everyone in the kingdom knew that angering Anti usually meant a death sentence, most often on the spot beheadment.
“T-Terribly sorry--I-I didn’t mean to I just--T-The name sounded so familiar and--I never meant to, I swear, your Highness!” Jackson stuttered, just a hair away from dropping onto his knees and begging for mercy. Anti merely looked down upon him, almost savoring his absolute terror before he sat back down.
“Tch. I’ll allow you to l͝i͟v̶̷͢e͝ ͘f̵͢o͘r̴ ̴́ǹ͞o̷w. You’re my fastest p̨͝up̶͡p͢͟e̶t̡͟͝ á̛͡n̶ỳ̨w҉͡a̷y̸͢s̸͡, ҉s͟o ͢ìt͝͡'̴̢̧d̵ be a shame if you….” He grinned, trailing off although Jackson very much understood the implications behind it. “But to answer your ŕ͢͜u̢͘͝d̷e̛̛͡ ̨q͜u̕ęs̶t҉҉i̴̶o̡̢n̨. Yes. It is the same J͜a̵͏̢c̛͘k I had you lure here. Excellent observation. Í ̴͟s̡̢̀u҉p̵͠po͢se ̸̧y͡o͝͡u̵ ̨͘͞a͞r͞e͠n't̨̕ ̵à͞ ̵w̷̨͜or͠t̕͢h͟͡l͟e̕s͟ś ͞҉me̸͏ş̷s̨͝e̵̡̛n͟͞g͘͞e̢̢͢r̨ ͞af̸͘t͏̧e̕r͢҉ ̧̡al̛ļ̶́.”
“Er….thank you, sire….” Jackson said, rubbing the back of his head. “B-But….if I may ask….w-why is he being executed? E-Especially after all that effort of bringing him here?”
“I don’t c̀͏a̢̡r͏e̸̛ if he’s alive or d̀҉̀e͞a̛ḑ̨ at this rate. A̴̡͞ p͜҉u҉̀p̧͞p̨͜è̕t̴͡ c̴ļ͟o͘͟s͡e͜ ̶̢̡t̴̛ơ͠҉ that prick king would’ve been ņ͡i̸̢ç̴e͝, but my plan can still w̢҉o̷͏ŕ̛ḱ ̛i̡f̶́́ ̵̵h͘͝é͜'̵̀s̢ ́͜͝ḑ͏e̵͝ad͜.” Anti said, rather casually as well. He even began toying with the strange hand of cards he always seemed to have, running a finger along the top of each of them. “W͜h̨et̴͢he̡͘͟r̵̡ ͢o̵̵͜r̛ ͏͠n̸o̢t͏͏̵ ҉͟h̸́͠ę'̧̛s̵̨͟ ͏̢d́̕͞ę͝a̧͝d,̨̕ ҉͘I҉̡ s̷t͏̧í͜l̴̢l͏ ͝w̵̴iǹ̡.̀͘ Doesn’t matter t̵̀o̴͡ m̧͞e ̢̨͘a̵̢t̨͏ ͜͝a̡͡l͏͜l.”
“I…..see…” Was all Jackson had to say in response. There was quite a bit if silence between them, before Anti gave a huff, glaring up at his messenger.
“Well? I̛͢ ́̀g̶͞͞a҉͟ve͜͡ y҉o͏u̴ t͏̸͢h͠͏e͞ ͘͏d͢a͟m̨̕m͏̡ ̧m͘e͠s̢̀s̴̷a̕͟g̀͢e̢͠,̷̴ ͜w͟h̶͢y haven’t you left yet?!” He growled, nearly making Jackson drop his notepad. “G͘̕e̵̡͜͠͏t̴ ̵̨͝͠͡o̵̢ừ̸҉t̢̕҉ ̷̡́͢o̷̧͝͡͏f̧̛̀͢͏ ̶̢̀͟m͝ý҉̶̛͝ ̷̕s̵̕͏i̢͟͞ģ̷h̢̡͡͠t̴͝!̷” In a small, sudden puff of smoke, the messenger transformed himself into a rabbit and, after catching his notepad in his mouth, quickly raced out the doors.
Once he was absolutely sure he was out of sight, however, he ducked behind one of the castle’s corners and transformed back into a human. Whilst hidden, he took just a few moments to lean against the wall and think. Think about everything he had just been told.
An execution today. That wasn’t unusual for Anti, but he never made a big show out of it ever. Normally, he even executed people on the spot. Then what made this one so special? Was it the fact that he would be executing Jack? That again made him wonder why bother sending Jackson out to lure Jack to the castle if all that was going to happen was Anti was simply going to kill him.
“I wanted to make sure you got this back.”
Jackson felt his hands curl up into fists. Despite the fact that since the very beginning, Jackson had been working to lead Jack straight to his doom, especially when (or at least, Jackson thought) it seemed obvious that he was just leading him off of the path. Despite all of that, Jack had never once given up on that one quest to give back the pin. It felt like it had been the first in a very long time that someone had been that genuinely kind to him (he very much knew there had been other times, but the memory of it had long since vanished). And now, he could very well just blame himself for what had happened. Because of him, Jack could very well lose his life in a few hours.
Jackson took a deep breath, before he checked the area around him. He couldn’t believe he was actually about to even consider this, let alone even try it. But at this rate, Jackson seriously doubted he’d be able to live with himself.
“Gee….I am so going to regret this later on, aren’t I?” He muttered, before transforming into a rabbit once more. He only had a few hours before the execution. If he played every single one of his cards right, he might just be able to pull this crazy thing off. Of course, given he didn’t get caught during it.
He absolutely had to repay the favor, no matter the cost
Jack felt like punching the wall. He’d been angrily pacing ever since the guards threw him in the cell and his back finally stopped aching. He was mostly angry with himself, given the fact that it had taken him far too long to realize it was the glitchy demon himself. How on earth could he have not remembered Anti? Given what role Anti had played in his own life so far (which was all Jack could remember at the current moment), it should’ve been downright impossible.
And then there was just the current situation he found himself in as well. Awaiting his own death in a dark, wet dungeon. How the hell was he even supposed to get home now? Was he just supposed to die now?
“God, how and why did I somehow get into this situation?” He asked himself, stopping in front of one of the walls and somehow resisting the urge to slam his forehead on it. “Maybe if I just bash my head against this wall for long enough, this whole damn thing will just turn out to be a dream and I’ll be able to escape from this hellhole….”
“Jeepers, doesn’t sound like the best way out of here that I’ve heard.” A voice, coming from the other side of the room, suddenly said, nearly scaring Jack out of his skin. There was a tiny, 3 or 4 inch high window at the top of the wall, near the ceiling. There were bars covering it, but they weren’t exactly too far apart. The best part as well was that it led directly outside, somewhere near a huge part of the rose gardens.
And Jackson was peering right through the bars, head tilted ever so slightly.
“L-Listen! Before you go saying anything or asking any kind of questions, just be quiet for a few moments!” He quickly said, as Jack opened his mouth as if to say something. “I know that I….I technically brought you here. I didn’t ask you to follow me or nothing, after all. B-But! I want to make things right again! So….I’m...I’m breaking you out!”
“You’re….breaking me out?” Jack asked, rather confused. “Hang on, you said you were some kind of royal messenger back at the gate, right? Why on earth would you even think about helping me out of here?”
“Because….Golly, I really should’ve known better.” Jackson said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “I was truly just following orders, honest. Only just now got the news that his highness threw you into prison and I felt even worse about this whole deal. So, I decided I should try and help! I wanna repay the kind act you did for me, I suppose!” The White Rabbit suddenly glanced around him, as if he had heard something. “A-Alright….here’s what I’m gonna do. I’ll transform into a rabbit and climb into your cell. Then I’ll wiggle my way through those bars there and find the keys. I unlock the door, we get out of the castle, and preferably both our stories end on a jolly note!”
“Since it’s either this or certain death, I’ll gladly take this.” Jack huffed, before nodding and giving what he hoped was an encouraging grin. “Alright, guess I’m trusting you with this, Jackson. Good luck and try not to get hurt out there, okay?” Jackson’s whole face immediately lit up as he disappeared in a puff of smoke, replaced by the same snow-white rabbit Jack had seen earlier.
It was relatively easy for Jackson to slip right through the window’s bars, although it did take a few moments for him to wiggle through the cell’s bars. However, as soon as he made it through, he hopped off as quickly as he could, turning a nearby corner and disappearing from view. Another few minutes passed by, where Jack even stood at the bars peering out just to see if he could get a glimpse of the rabbit. There was a very faint clatter and poof sort of sound before Jackson ran around the corner once more, in his human form this time.
From there it was as simple as Jackson unlocking the door and the two quietly running to the exit to the dungeons. Jackson instantly took the lead from there, using his own memory of the castle to figure out where exactly they needed to go. His enhanced hearing (which was almost definitely thanks to his rabbit ears) also helped out a lot as well, giving them ample time to duck into some hiding spot before a guard rounded the corner.
“Er….Jackson? Would ya mind me asking something?” Jack eventually asked as a guard finally left, leaving the two to slowly emerge out from behind a suit of armor.
“Go ahead lad!” The messenger said. “And just call me Jameson, no need to be formal!”
“Right….right….” Jack said as they began moving out once more. “Er…..Would you know what exactly Anti wants with me? And, other than killing someone, why he basically turned me into a criminal?” Jameson was quiet for a few minutes, as if he was pondering the question. It was only after another close call with a guard did he finally answer.
“Well, he’s after power truly.” He replied. “He wants to bring the Red Hearts and White Hearts together, and I suppose the only way he could do that would be to kill King Schneeplestein. Not too sure where you would fit into this, but I do remember him getting in a pickle due to you being found by Schneeplestein. Saying something about how he dragged you here all for nothing.” Part of Jack shouldn’t have been surprised, it truly was Anti they were dealing with here. What he couldn't wrap his head around was why him specifically? Why couldn’t Anti simply send someone like Jameson out to do it, given that Jameson would’ve done it out of loyalty. It didn’t exactly make sense to choose Jack of all people.
“Look alive, son! We’re nearly there!” Jameson suddenly said, even giving Jack a small nudge to stir him out of thought. “We’ve just got the throne left. Then it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump through the gardens! We’ll be out of here in no time at this rate!”
“Shouldn’t we be at least careful? There should be tons of guards swarming around the throne room, right?” Jack asked, only to no avail as Jameson ran ahead and peered around a corner. As soon as Jack even caught up, he had already given the go ahead signal and raced off. Jack eventually found him right by a giant red door, his ears twitched and he was even bouncing rather nervously from one foot to the other.
Once Jameson finally gave him to go ahead yet again, he pushed the huge door open as quietly as he could.
Thankfully, there was no one in the giant hall, much to their own relief. However, the observation made Jack feel just a bit uneasy. Shouldn’t Anti have been in the room? There really shouldn’t be anywhere else for him to go.
Jameson, on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice. He instead grabbed Jack’s arm and began rushing towards the exit, nearly dragging Jack off his feet (which would’ve made his grand total to two times in one day, a new personal record if it had happened). However, halfway down, Jack wrenched his arm free and stopped dead, glancing behind them.
“Lad? Something wrong?” Jameson asked, skidding to a halt as well and looking back to him with a rather confused expression. “C’mon, we’re not far, can’t dawdle too long either or we’ll get caught. Time is very, very precious right now.”
“I know. I know. It’s just….” Jack said, eyes scanning every single part of the room. “I seriously can’t be the only one who feels like something around here seems really….off, right?” Jameson raised an eyebrow, before he too took a glance around. Almost instantly, he seemed to freeze up in what could loosely be described as pure and utter terror.
“J-J-J-Jack….w-w-we need t-to run….” He stammered, slowly backing away. Jack turned to ask what was wrong, when he felt it as well. A cold, creeping feeling of horror crawling up the back of his neck, which quickly spread all throughout his body.
“Very much agreed, let’s go now!” Jack nodded, backing away before he broke into a sprint. Jameson did the same, reaching the door far faster than Jack. However, when he pulled on the handle, it wouldn’t budge an inch. They were completely locked in.
“Ţ̸̨h͘o҉u̸͜͝g̵̨͟h̷t̷́ ̀͡yo͡u͢͜ ͢c̛͢ǫ́͜u̕l̶҉́d̵͢ ͝g̷̀et͠ ̕҉́a̧̛wą̵͝y ̶n̷͡ò͘ẁ̷, ͏͞d͡i͟ḑ̷ yǫ͞u̶͘?͏̢̡” A cold voice said behind them. Anti stood where Jack was not too long ago, arms crossed with the silver blade of what looked like a dagger or a knife clutched in one hand. And he looked far from pleased. “Y̵o҉u̷͜ ͜a͢l̸wa͘y̷͡ş ͡wé̀͝r̡͏e̵͟ ̨̧̕s̸u̡͞ch̨ a͢ǹ̡͡ ̛éa̛s̢͠͡y̸ ơn̸͝͠e̶͢ ̧to͘͘͢ ͞͝r̷̢ȩ҉͏a̵͞d̢҉,̀ r͏ąb͢b̢͏̧i͜͢t̵. ̕͟͢Aǹd ͞yò̡u̢͡͞'̸͏v̵e p̷ŗ͠o̕̕v́͟e͞n̨͡ ҉͜f̴͡͞ar̶͡ ̵̴͝m̕ơ͡r͏͘é̵ ̛͡u҉̨͝se̡f͘u͏͢l͠͞͞ ̵̢t̢͜han̢ ҉̶I ̧͡ẁou̕l̨̛͝d̴'̷̛͢v͜e̶̸ ͟͡͡e̡͝x̸͡p̴̵͡e̛͠c̵̴͝ţ̸e̢͟d.͢”
“B-But how?! I-I-I made sure nobody was--A-And I j-just--” Jameson was very clearly panicking, his back pressed so far up against the door it was incredible he didn’t just press himself flat. “S-Sire I-I was--I-I swear I wasn’t--!”
“S͡҉h̸̡͜͠͞ư͠͠t̀͏̛́͏ ̵͞͠͞i̡͝͞t̕҉͟͜.” Jameson gave a final squeak before falling completely silent, eyes as wide as a deer in headlights. “A͡͏̵ ̨͝p͠úp͞pet͞ ̷̢͠n͏͏è͟ę͘͢d̷͟s҉҉͢ ͘͡t͏o͟͏ ́͠͠l͝͏̷ȩà͡r̵͟n͜ ̛͡wh̕͠e̷n̸̛ t́̕ǫ̛ ̵̸b̷̷́e҉ ̢q҉͜u͡i̢̨e͜t̶. ̷̨̛A͟n̡ḑ̧ ̶̢͜ǫ̷͟b̨͠ey̶̡ ҉̸̸o̶̢͡r҉́d̸̕e͘r̵̀s̵.̢͡ ͢B͠͞u͢t̢͟͟ ̀Í͡ ̡͟c͞͡a͟͠n͏͜ ̶́d͠ea̧̛͠l͘ ̷̕w͢ìt̨̡h͟ ̢̀͘t҉͘h͟a̵t̨͏͢ só̷o҉̡͝ǹ̛͜ ̢͞e͘͞n͞o҉u̶͟ǵ͞h̶͠.̡̡͜ ̶O͝n͘͘t́o̸̢ ̢̀͟t̵h͘͏e̢͟ ͏̵c͘uŕ͞r̀e̴̷̕ń̴t́͢͞ m̧àtte͘r̡͟ a͜t ̵ḩ̵̕à͠n̢d̴͘.̸͢͟” The glitch’s gaze turned to Jack, with a rather sickening grin. “I̴͞ w҉̶a̷̧͘s̢ ̸̡r̷̵̀ę͘a̵͞l̵̀l̵҉ý ̢̛h̢̀͜óp̨͠i̷n̶̛͟g͞ ̧͟wé̛͝ ͟͡͝w̷ơ̷u̧̕͜l̷d̕ ̧͜m̨a͟k͡e͏̸ à͟͠ ��l̴̨įt̕͘t͠l͢͡e sho̢̡w̴͜ ou͜҉͢t of̢ ̷̡͟th̛̛į̸̷ś͞.͟ ̷̛A͢ ̶͠͞c̷e͏ļ̶҉è̵b̵̸r̸ą͞t͢͝҉i̷o̷̢͢n͘͟ ̴͜o͏̧̛f̢͘ ̶͡m̢͝y̢̛ ùp͞ć́o̷͞m̷͜͟ing̷̛͜ ͟͞v̷ic͞t͜҉o͞r̴y͏̡.̢҉̸ Y̶͘ou̕r̶̨ ҉d̡͞͡ea̴͞t͏҉h͟͟ w҉oul̷̛d̡'̡v̀e͟͜ ͜͡͠hel̶p̨͟e͢d͠ ͞ţ̨he ͘͢k͘͜i͠ņ̵̕g̸̢͞d͘o͡҉̡ḿ͜, ̨y͏o҉̶͞u k̨͏̵n͘͜ow̨.͝͡ ̛W͟h̛̀i͢l̛͘ȩ̸ ̢Hȩńri̛k ̸̀a̸͘͡ńd̢͢͞ ͘͜͡t̡͘͏h̴̢̧e̷̡͞ ̨҉̛rę̸́ş͜t̷͟͝ ̷̴̴ó͟͝f̢́͡ ̧̨W͠h͏it̕e̢҉ ҉H̡ę͘a̧rts̶ ͘d̶ev͢a͟śa͏̢t̴èḑ ͜and̶ ͞i̸̧n͠ ̸͏mou̧r̸̶n̸͟in͜g̶̷,͞ ̕͡I̢͘'̶d ́͠b̷͢͞ę̵̷ ͟͝a͝bl͏è̵̡ ͢҉t̨o҉ ̛ta̕͢͡k̶҉̡e͢͠ ͢c̡͏o͝n̕͝t̷ró̶͟l̕!͝ F͝͠in̕͞a̢ĺ͜͡ly!͢”
“I don’t exactly think things would improve much for anyone if you took control.” Jack nearly spat back. “If me dying means that you just get more power and more chances to hurt even more people, then I absolutely refuse to die!” Anti only grinned wider, lower his arms and revealing that he was indeed holding onto a silver kitchen knife.
“Thà̕͠t'͠s҉̛ ̕a̵̢͝d̸̛o͘͢͞rá̧͢b̶̀l̷e̵̴! ̴͡Ỳ̛ou a̛͟͠c̴̕t̸̸͡u͏͘a͢l̡l̕y̡ ͘͜t̴h͢i̢͟n̵̢͘k̀ ͜͜͞y͢ou̡͘̕ ̴͘h̨͝͡a͟v̸̧e҉̶ ̵̕a ͠͝c̷͠hoi̶c̕͜e ̵̵he͠r̷̶̢e̷͡͏?͝” He laughed, taking a single step back. “T̡͢҉̢h́͜i͏̨͝s̵̕ ̶̛i̢͘͢͡͏ş̨ ̢̧̛̀̀Ḿ̴̴͢Ý̕͟͟ ̕͝w͘͝͠o̴͜͡r̛҉͠l̵̢͢͡d̀͘͏͠!̷̡͢͜ ͢҉̷A̸͞͏̀l͟͝͞͞l͝͠ ̧t̢̕ḩ̛͝e̡̛̛s͘͝͞è̵͟͠ ̡̨̀҉̶p̧͘é̡̢͟o̶̢p̶̸̴̛͠l͜͟e̸̛͟.̶.́.̀͜҉.̨͏t͜h̶̢͝e̵̴͝s̸̢͜͝é͏ ̶̴͟͢c̴̨̢̛̀r̵͜ę̴̵̀͘ą̛͝͠ţ͢͜͡u̷̡̢͟r͏̸̷̵e͢s̴.͟͜҉͏̷.̶̛̀͝.̨͞.̵̴̧̀͟á̵͜͞r̴̛e̷͞ ̡͟͡M̧͡Í͜͜N̡E͘͢͠҉!͟҉͡ ̶̕ĄN̡̛̛D҉̀ ̵̨Y̷̧͢͜҉Ơ̴̢U̷̕͝͝҉ ̕͠͝͏C̵͏̛À͜N̶͜'̸̧҉T͏̛͝͡ ҉̡̀͜C̕͜͝͞͝Ḩ̶͠Ą̴͝N̶̕G̵̢͢͜È̡͟ ́͢T̡̨H̕͝ĄT̶̡͜͠!̢͜”
Without warning, Anti lunged forwards at an inhuman speed, just barely giving Jack enough time to duck in order to avoid his slash. Moving as quickly as he possibly could, he darted behind one of the pillars as Anti swung again, hitting the pillar with an almighty thwack. For a few moments, Jack simply ran from pillar to pillar, just barely avoiding Anti’s lightning fast slashes. It didn’t help that he knew this tactic wouldn’t last forever, or that it really shouldn’t have kept him safe for this long. Either Anti really was falling for it, which was highly unlikely.
Or Anti was really just toying with him, gaining amusement from his fear.
That possibility quickly became reality once Anti suddenly blocked his way as Jack tried to duck behind the next pillar, slashing out and catching Jack right across the cheek. Before Jack could even try anything else, Anti slashed out again, cutting cleanly through his jacket and even grazing his shoulder, not exactly cutting too deep.
“As͢ ̸̛fúǹ̵ ̡́͠as ͏t̀hat͢͠ ̵͢w̧͡͡a̷̷̷s̷͞, ̛͡y̶͞o͘͜u̴͜ ̸̀d̢̛o͢͟͡ ̛h̶͟áv̴é ̴ţo̶͜͟ ͢͠u̶͜͜ņ̵̛d͞e͜͝r͢s̷̡͏t̸̕an̵͏d̷̷͢ ̴̛I'̷͠m̸ ̨͠r̷͟͟at̶͟her̵ ̧b̢u̡s̕͝͞y͜͠,͞͝ ̴̷͜J̀a̧c͢k̴̕.̕͞ ̴͠” Anti sneered, even shoving Jack back a few seconds after his second attack. “S̷o̧ ͏I̡͞'̷͜m̡̕͟ ̸afr̶a̸̶̡i̷͟͠d̶̵͢ I̸̕'͜ļ̷́l ͘h͝҉a͜v̨̀e ̀́t͡o̵̢̕ ̸̸͠é̶̢n̛d̕ ̸͘͞t͏͘hìs̛͝ ̴̨͟e̡͞n͜͠t҉͠i҉ŗe̷̡͞ t͡h̀i̢n̕g͝ ͏̛r҉i̧͡g̶h̵͠t͏̸̵ ́͢͡h͘e̵̡ŕ͠ȩ̧̀.̛́ ̵͢͝B͢u̷̵͢t̶̀̕,̢͡͝ ̷d͏̨͢ut͡y̸̧͡ c͠a̛͞l͟l̢͟s̡ ͢á͞f͞t͢é͡͠r̷̛͘ ̵͢a̵ll͡͡!” He rose the knife, so it would be exactly at neck height. A slit throat, his speciality after all. Jack tried for a minute to think of some way out of it. Some means of escape, before he quickly realized Anti would simply follow him wherever with that inhuman speed of his.
Which meant there was absolutely no other way out of this. This was the end.
“S̷͘͢͝͡A͏̢̛͏̸Y̶͘ ̛͡Ģ̸O̢͡͡Ó̕D̛̕͟͟͢B̸̢̀͟͡Y̸̡͟͞É͡!͡͞͝҉”
Jack tried to shield himself, putting his arms up as if to block the knife in a futile last ditch effort. And he waited. Waited for the knife to finally make contact. Whether it be a searing pain in his arms or the suddenness of a slit throat. But after a few minutes, there was absolutely nothing. No slash, no pain, nothing.
Jack lowered his arms slowly, almost afraid of what he would actually see. Someone was standing right in between both him and Anti, arms outstretched and completely rigid. He couldn’t tell who it was from behind, or even at first glance.
“T̸̢͝͝c͡͡h̸́͘͞.̷̨͟ ͢S̡͢͢͝͠h̶̵̢͜ǫ͡͞u̢͡l̷̢͠͡͏d̡͠'̧͡͝v̸̴̧̢͝é̵ ̵̛͠g̢̨͞͝u̢ę̸̨͞s͏̸҉̸̢śe̶̴d̴̨͜͜͞ ̷̶̢͞y̨͢͠o̷̷̡͘͘ú̴̧̕͟'͢͟d̢̨҉́͝ ̶͘͜d̵̡o̢͠ ́͜͠s̷̀͟͜͝ǫ̴̕m̵̶̸̢͝e̷̸͢͝t̛͢͝h̢̛i̕n̡̛̕g̀͘͏ ̧́t́͘͜h̨̢́̕ą͜͢͡t̶̷̴̢̧ ͢s̴͠t̶̨u͜͟͞p̷̡͢͜҉i̶̴͘̕͡d͞.̢͘͝ ̷̢̨̛͟S̡͞ȩ͡ȩ͟͡m҉̶͟͡s͘͏͜͞ ̡̨y̨ò̶͡ú̕҉ ̧̛҉w͟e̷͏r̀̕e͘̕͠ņ̀͠'́͞͏͢t̷̛ ͞͏͟҉a̸̷̵̡͢s̵̀ ̵̢͞ù͢͝s̛͟͢e̴͡f͡u̸̷͠͝͞ļ̸̕͢҉ ̡̕͟á͟͢s̸͘ ͞҉I̕͢͡͞ ̸̵̡͝t̵h̴̡́͏̡o̷̸̴͘͟ù̡̕̕ǵ͘͜͏҉h̕t̷̶̴̨ ͏͏͘̕͘ỳ̴̵͘͝ǫ̧͘ù̕ ̷w̢̕e҉̶̀̕r͞͏e͢҉͢,̢͢͝ ̷̴̶w̧͏̵̨ơ̡͘͞r͏̢̛́̕t̶͞h͜͞l̵҉ȩ̸́s͏̸s͞ ̵̶̀͘p̀͟͝͞u̶̴̡͞ṕ̨͟p̴͝e͢t̴̨͢͞͠.̸͜” Anti hissed, bringing his knife, which was now stained a bright red, back to his body. With no pity or mercy at all, he gave the person a shove, which made Jack jump back a few feet. The person landed on their back, giving Jack a chance to recognize them.
With a huge jolt of horror, he realized the person was Jameson, blood now pooling out from a brand new cut in his throat.
@watermelonsinmyattic @ekhoecho
And kudos to @alexisdevil for creating this AU))
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tooshytoengage · 6 years
First off
I’ve been really sad and frustrated for a while now.
I didn’t know why and I still kinda don’t, but I’m figuring my ish out.
Or at least trying to... lol
Anywho, long ago I convinced myself that I am the proud owner of a particularly shitty personality and too average of a face to balance it out.
I’d overcompensate and try entirely too hard to be likeable even though it only led to me acting like a total goober and inevitably over sharing even though doing so only ever makes me feel worse about myself.
Then I’d complain and self deprecate until I could hear and feel people getting bored with me.
THEN I’d feel guilty for dumping all of my emotional inards on any and every one who came near.
Oftentimes, this led to me falling into a pit of despair, self-loathing, and self-pitying that could last anywhere from five minutes to forever.
However, I’d usually come to realize–once my friends and family started hitting me up, questioning where I’ve been–that I hadn’t yet burned all of my bridges and that everything was probably fine :)
Then I’d make plans to hang out with said friends or family.
Where I’d overcompensate.
And, over share.
And, complain.
And, feel guilty.
And, hate myself.
Over and over again.
Eventually, every little problem in my life was amplified as a result of this cycle.
my academic life
my personal life
my social life (or lack thereof)
my love life (or lack thereof)
my home life (or lack thereof)
lol just kidding about that last one
Well kinda :/
You see, for the longest time I’ve felt like I haven’t had a home.
Like, I know I have a place of residence that I share with my family and all, but that’s all it seems to be.
I mean, I sleep there. I eat there. I have tons of memories there. And, in my off seasons I even live there.
But, I don’t belong there.
I have no idea where I belong...
And, now that I’m in college I’m more confused about the concept of home than I’ve ever been.
Maybe it has to do with me feeling trapped...
Or fearful...
Or both.
Maybe I’m just being stupid and home is something that’s been right in front of me this whole time 🙄
Whatever the reason, no matter where I am or what I think,
I often feel like nothing’s happening that should be happening.
Like, I thought that I’d be more studious, content, confident, flirty, and comfortable by now...
I mean, in middle school I thought that some sort of C H A N G E was gonna occur in high school.
Then, I thought “college :)”
And, now I just don’t know...
Now, I think that this is maybe the way things are.
And, maybe..
That’s not a bad thing?
Like, I’d love to be doing better in school.
I’d love to be more mentally and emotionally sound.
I’d love to be more confident and less awkward around other people.
I’d love to have a significant other.
And, I’d love to be able to effectively communicate with my family without feeling like I wanna gouge my eyes out.
But, it’s not even all that bad.
I’m not failing in school.
I feel really intense emotions—A L L O F T H E D A M N T I M E—but they’re not too difficult to handle once I know where they’re coming from.
I have pretty good friends who I LOVE and who love me too, despite how horrible I sometimes think I am.
I don’t need to like anyone right now, and I honestly won’t die if anyone doesn’t like me back b e c a u s e life isn’t built solely on romance (even though sometimes it feels like it is).
And, I love <3 my family even though they never fail at getting on my gotdamn nerves.
I guess my point is,
Last week I tried to convince myself that I am a mediocre person.
I tried to think that every single time I failed was a result of me not being good enough, that I will likely never ever be good enough, and that it’s okay for me not to be good enough because...
N O P R E S S U R E !!
But, perhaps pressure is good?
I mean, too much can suck, but a lot of the time I’m not even under that much pressure.
Likeeee, don’t get me wrong...
I have a lot of ish to do all of the time and a TON of responsibility, but it’s nothing I wouldn’t be able to handle if I only tried to handle it.
I just think that I can’t handle it sometimes because everyone else seems to have it just a tiny bit more together than I do.
But, people don’t always have it better.
They don’t even always have it necessarily better.
They usually just have it differently.
Like, my life doesn’t really suck that badly.
And, I’m not mediocre.
I don’t wanna be mediocre.
And, I’m not going to be mediocre.
I’m gonna be content and satisfied with my life and the ish I do in it.
Fuck a “failing grade”.
Fuck a “bad thought”.
Fuck a “fake friend”.
Fuck a “one that gets away”.
Fuck a “feeling ashamed, embarrassed, or upset at the og’s who loved my ass before even knowing my ass (i.e. from birth)”.
Self deprecation?
Idk dat bish 💁🏾‍♀️
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Repost from @astrologica_lo ... a r i e s f u l l m o o n 1 3 ° 4 3 “ + p i c k a c a r d △ Full moons are a time of culmination — of literal fullness in our lives. When our mother Moon is full in the sky, we can see her in her truth. She isn’t hiding a part of herself. She stands, or rather gravitationally floats, nah she doesn’t float, well whatever she does, she faces us head on and claims, “I am this.” (Take it or leave it.) We, humans, as a collective consciousness that is here to blend and welcome in divine union both femininity and masculinity in each soul, each atom, each plant, each table, etc. we are here to learn that We. Are. Perfectly. Both. And so, with full moons, we can see our two halves and see each half for what it is, so we understand how we can better integrate our duality into one. △ Father Sun claims the sky during the day, in Libra, bringing our conscious thoughts and desires into awareness, so we see what is it that we want, all in regards to Libra. Libra is the season of balance, of the moment of thinking about something and being sure before you impulsively decide to go along with it, of charm and beauty, of things that make us happy and make us feel loved. Libra, being ruled by Venus, connects us to our femininity as well, and to the material things we love. It grounds the divine feminine into our lovely Earth by allowing us to access Venusian energies in the lower vibrations we experience here. (Things that make us feel pretty 😉). Anywho, our solar consciousness is in a place where we can take the time to figure out what we want, to analyze it, and to sit in its energy. Libra is often known for being a people pleaser, and I’m saying that just to bring it to the surface. It’s not something that Libra is claiming to be for us now, in this moment. I think the eclipses shook us up enough to make us focus on ourselves and not people please right now. Funny though, everyone thinks Libra is a feminine sign, but it’s actually a masculine sign ruled by air, and the Libran being that is channeling most of these messages is a masculine energy. Continued @astrologica_lo
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