dirtbagdefender · 2 years
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xcherry-popx · 2 years
Seriously though, people who take the time, explore their identities, their gender, maybe try out new names or pronouns, and decide ‘nah, im cisʻ?
Like the deepest respect to you, Iʻm genuinely just as excited as I would be if they realized they were trans
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avese23 · 2 months
Rachel Smythe is a small angry woman and Persephone is a small angry woman and as a tall petty sad girl I am their ally 🫶🏽
Live, Laugh, Launch a chair at your enemies queen
Iʻd say donʻt let the Minthes get yʻall down but Smythe has said sheʻd let that sexy lady walk all over her so I canʻt help there 🥲
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
the only reason i dont interact more is im just plain up terrified of this blog.... yʻall anons are scary asf and just weird... anyways you my fav ballet anon. The only good one in this hellhole.
🧚🏼 anon
i shall protect u fairy anon 🙏🙏
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weirdfishy · 2 years
thanks oh fantastically fantastic @ghostboyjules for the tag!
juless!!!! 🥺💗 you canʻt take a stab wound for me if i do it first <3 hope work was good and your weekend gives exactly what you want from it <3
favorite color: ʻōmaʻomaʻo / green!!!!!! a darker shade of it, to be sure; hence the blog theme and i used to end my fics with a lil "pau 💚" but iʻve been forgetting lately :/
currently reading: not reading a physical book, but iʻm rereading a couple hp fics since theyʻve updated lately, which is aces bc Preantepenultimate is by far one of my favorite fb&wtft-flavored fics ever ✨💗💗
last song: Swing Swing by All-American Rejects (oh lord seeing them perform Sweat live was phenomenal) [also ooo i just listened to Fucking Depressed and 10/10]
last movie: mmm I rewatched The Man From U.N.C.L.E. a couple days ago, beautiful hilarity and action
sweet/savory/spicy: savoury, all the way- I canʻt really stand heavy sweets and i like spicy but only sometimes
currently working on: jules!!! omfg hell yeah first fic you go!!!! <<33 tag me in that whenever you post it (or iʻd be happy to beta if you need) ANYWAY iʻm working on a johnlock fic that iʻm determined to finish because i canʻt just make a fic thatʻs got vibes from Not Yet/Love Run and half-parallels from Scheherazade and not freakn finish it - also just slip me on, iʻll be your blanket for the sandman ofc
okie dokie hhmm tagging @thatboysgotwoah @mashumaru & @softest-punk if you so please, i hope yʻall are having a wonderful day, and have a better weekend! :)
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So my dad is fond of saying “Alcohol doesnʻt change you, it just brings out who you are.”
And like
Okay Iʻll be honest this was gonna be a post about how LWJ is super childish and silly when drunk because at his core heʻs still that little boy who waited outside his motherʻs door because with his upbringing he never got to really BE a small child and he still yearns to be that child at the end of the day
But i got sidetracked because wow that saying kinda just hit me head on, like I agreed with it for a while now but like the true meaning just sank in iʻm shaking
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kcmorcbi-blog · 5 years
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tom holland + cismale + he/him + reactive evolution.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear old town road by lil nas x playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just ridley vidraru, a twenty-one year old busboy. according to my sources, i heard he can be neutral good and is adaptable, but also reserved. that’s probably why they remind everyone of the smell of leather, large barn doors, and roosters crowing so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re in favor of the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them ! (lucy, seventeen, hast, they/them )
hello hello !! iʻm just gonna preface by saying that you should probably read kacchanʻs intro for luca first for a little more context because these two are related !! they actually cover the whole event over there but........
to sum up, ridley grew up on a big ʻole farm with a big ʻole family. he had a twin sister with whom he was always very close with. together, they learned magic from their father and wizard that was a family friend. when he was thirteen, shit hit the fan. in order to protect him and his sister, his father sent them through a portal with an endpoint that wasnʻt known to anyone and………..
p o s t - Y E E T ( a. k. a  c o u n t r y  b o y  i n  t h e  b i g  c i t y !! )
he ended up on the outskirts of the city. not exactly the best place for an unaccompanied thirteen year old whoʻd never been too far from the countryside before.
through the jump, he somehow got separated from his sister. he doesnʻt know if that was a condition that his father put into the portal or if something happened mid-trip, but suddenly he was alone for the first time in his life.
 he was never really good with the transporting aspect of magic like his pops was, and there was a sinking feeling in his stomach telling him that there was no way he was getting back home anytime soon unless his father found him.
he waited for weeks -- months, really, but who was counting ?? he was. -- for his pops to figure something. or for his sister to find him. then he tried to figure something out himself. see, the main problem was that he was thousands of miles from being anywhere close to back home and he had zero ways of getting there. this was DEVASTATING to him.
so, he gave up. not really. he always carried a determination to search for them. but for the time being, he wasnʻt really focusing on getting home. he just...adapted. that was always what he did best with the magic that he got from his dad and then wizard: changing to fit the environment best.
he took up odd jobs around downtown. mostly house maintenance and chores that people didnʻt want to call professionals for. he eventually tried his best to bounce around, taking jobs at places that lasted a little longer and, since he was essentially homeless, whose owners let him stay there through the entirety. he took up as many as he could so he would never have time to himself to think about things.
eventually, he made his way to some of the nicer parts of town and stumbled upon a horse stable. it was one of those nice ones where rich people kept their horses for jumping or for races. they just so happened to need an experienced stable-hand.
ridley got the job and having grown up around horses, managed to prove himself enough that they kept him long-term. they set him up with a little trailer near the stables so he could be close enough the horses when they needed him.
eventually, he got a himself a part-time job also working as a busboy ( because i forgot i put busboy on the app before i thought of this stablehand thing ) and earned enough money to buy himself a shitty little laptop so he could finish his schooling.
now, heʻs doing college online and gonna try and become a vet !! he might focus primarily on the equine but for now, itʻs just a general course.
power-wise, he !! is a magic cowboy !! he was getting lessons in magic from both his father and the wizard that lived with them, which were obviously cut short when they got separated. before that, however, he became very adept in defensive magic. this is what he honed throughout the years and is his main specialty.
he calls it reactive evolution because thatʻs essentially all he does. he gets placed in a situation and changes himself in order to survive best. for example, if you were to throw him underwater, heʻd grow gills and webbing between his fingers and toes. if you were to shoot at him, suddenly heʻd be made of steel.
living on his own in the city helped hone that skill more than anything. he made out very well on the streets specifically because of his skill set. anything that happened to him, he was able to keep himself long enough to safely get away.
so !! that’s it !! he’s a poor cowboy with a GED trying to work through online college and working as much as he can with his very limited resources to find his missing family.
t h e  m a n ,  t h e  m y t h ,  t h e  c o w b o y  ( p e r s o n a l i t y )
the’s a bit of a rascal at heart who doesn’t let himself cut loose too much. kind of what happens when you grow up having to take care of yourself.
HOWEVER !! if you get to know him,,,,,,,,gain his trust,,,,,,maybe heʻll open up and be the goof he is at heart hmm who knows anything can happen
pls break his walls down i double dog dare you
heʻs very hard working. heʻs the type of person that enjoys doing manual labor. like, he genuinely likes lifting hay bales and doing maintenance so heʻs always looking for anything he can get his hands on and fix. he tends to get a little stir crazy if heʻs not doing something productive.
he fucking loves animals. this mans adores any and all animals. heʻs partial to horses but he will fall in love with any type of non-human creature. if you want to be his friend, just say you have a pet cat or something.
heʻs literally the loneliest little bean. this is a mans who was part of a matching set for most of his formative years and then had that ripped away from him very abruptly. he misses his family so much but after nearly a decade, heʻs gotten better at hiding it. this is probably why he imprints on animals so much
he seriously is a weird little hermit who doesnʻt do anything for fun so pls !! take this mans out !! heʻs dork but heʻll probably be fun for something i guess !! heʻs got an accent and some sturdy boots !! idek what else pls just throw yourself at him cause heʻs shy. but still a dork. who knows whatʻll happen ?? not me !!
T L ; D R
yello !! iʻm your local gayby, lucy !! and here is my son, ridley. he is also lucaʻs son. that would make him kacchanʻs grandson. lmao oldie. anywho, basically,,,,,,,heʻs got the horses in the back. horse tack is attached. hat is matte black. got the boots thatʻs black to match.
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kamauea · 3 years
ooc. phew. new rules page, finally. i understand now why yʻall went to google docs. tumblr is a nightmare. thereʻs nothing really new if youʻve seen them before, theyʻre just pretty and organized now. ♥ 
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kataibusaibiin · 4 years
First, lemme say, as malihini (foreigner, guest) in Hawai'i nei, to learn ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi is our kuleana (both privilege+responsibility). Given the history and ongoing illegal occupation, learning even just a little ʻōlelo and doing our part to renormalize its day-to-day use is the least - and I do mean the bare minimum - I or anyone else visiting as tourist or living on this 'āina can do. And it should be done with respect for nā kānaka oiwi, their culture, and their ʻāina as language is not separate of these things.
I am no expert and clearly I still have a lot to learn and need all the help I can get, but if anyone else is eager to learn too, I'm happy to share some of the resources others have shared with me to supplement my online classes. Many are free and available online! 
Now, having said that, e kala mai! Please don't take this as an invitation to roast me but if you're kānaka and/or nā po'e ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, please do feel free to offer feedback! I am always eager to learn and practice with others!! I am truly humbled by the opportunity to do so. 
For context, some friends and I were hoping to meet up via zoom last night to study and practice ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi together. We are trying to meet up regularly to practice and encourage each other. Our goal for this week was to polish our ho'olauna (introductions). Unfortunately, we had to cancel/reschedule. But I've challenged myself to practice speaking every day (and not just practice my reading/writing comprehension), even if itʻs just for a few minutes. So.....
I recorded myself practicing and ya'll get to be my accountability buddies this time.
I've been learning 'Ōlelo Hawaiʻi online since this summer. One challenge I face no matter what language I speak (even English) is overcoming my social anxieties. I often freeze and/or nervously fumble over my words, particularly in group settings. Of course, this increases the less familiar I am with the language and/or culture. What fun! Aaaand Zoom classes tend to bump the dial up several notches and send my anxiety soaring through the roof. The emotional landscape of the state of the world certainly doesnʻt help either! So, Iʻm trying to make concerted efforts outside of class to help me lean into the challenges of learning online and my own discomfort. So, here we are...
Please note, this isn't my formal or more traditional ho'olauna but this is my effort to stretch and try to finds ways to speak to some of the many questions that often come up whenever I have to introduce myself, particularly when it comes to where I am "from"... Spoiler alert: I am a multi-ethnic Shimanchu, born on the island of Uchinaa but raised in the diaspora. You can call me Okinawan /  Uchinaanchu or Ryukyuan / LooChooan but please know that I am NOT Japanese. Being given Japanese citizenship at birth does not erase the violent overthrow of our Kingdom and ongoing illegal occupation of the Loo Choo islands.  No matter how much the Japanese government has tried to kill and/or beat or erase Shimanchu and the rich history and culture of the Loo Choo Kingdom, they cannot take away the blood that runs through my veins and the pride I hold in my heart for all of the gifts and lessons my ancestors have passed down to me.
Also, much like trying to learn my own heritage languages like Uchinaaguchi or Chahta Anumpa, it can be challenging to find folks who are both willing and able to practice indigenous languages, thanks to colonialism and the intergenerational trauma and institutional erasure or other barriers it creates/created. But I have been truly inspired by innovative and empowering ways indigenous brothers/sisters/siblings across the globe are leveraging technology to heal, connect, and overcome these hurdles, especially during these times of social distancing. (I mean, have yʻall been on TikTok??) So, here's my attempt to use technology to break down some of these barriers while also confronting some of my fears. Who knows...maybe itʻll inspire someone else to tackle some of your own fears, transform the way you think about technology, ....or perhaps (hopefully!) it'll make you pause to think about our individual and collective responsibility to decolonize ourselves and our communities and to honor the lands we call home - and the indigenous / aboriginal / First Nations peoples of the lands where we live - wherever in the world we find ourselves. (OK, gonna stop there for now before I start ranting about Asian Settler Colonialism, but consider this me lovingly calling in all Shimanchu here in Hawaiʻi to join me...)
OK. One minute challenge. Here we go!! *deep breaths*
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xcherry-popx · 2 years
the unstoppable desire to create vs the immovable weight of my homework
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intcrstcllar-blog · 5 years
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let me introduce you to,,,,,,,,my dumbasses !!
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I R I S  ʻ I Z Z Y ʻ  Y A T E S
yes, they are the embodiment of gay
okAY well anyways they belong to a whole clan of rainbow puffles that live in a habitat in the sky
itʻs basically just a big clump of clouds that have solidified enough where these small things can live
theyʻre body weight is lighter than youʻd think tho !! to accommodate the fact that they literally live on vapor
from their big ole cloud in the sky, they canʻt do much. puffles are not allowed to go down to the land walkers unless theyʻve been ʻadoptedʻ -- when someone completes their quest.
izzy has always been fascinated with the land walkers. for the most part, puffles canʻt really see what theyʻre doing down there unless theyʻre monitoring quest. which !! is why izzy is in charge of giving quests to those in search of a puffle.
theyʻre one of the older puffles there and they make sure that each puffle finds the right partner for themselves. they specifically tailor the mission to each puffle so that through their quest, the penguin ( or literally anyone lmao ) learns exactly how to best care for their new puffle.
izzy has taken an extra interest in the land walkers since they watched the sky people descend on them. less and less people have taken up quest since theyʻve arrived, and izzy has taken special care to not offer quests to any of the visitors from above, though telling the difference between everyone has been,,,,,difficult.
so !! in order to help the land walkers and continue the tradition of adopting puffles, izzy has decided they needed to see what all the hustle and bustle was about and has begun searching for someone to take on the quest of their own companionship !!
i think the idea of completely some kind of task in order to meet them is funny af so !! come at me if you wanna try and adopt yourself a rainbow puffle.
they will literally latch on to whoever succeeds congrats !! youʻre stuck with them !!
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M A R I E L L A  V A N  S T R O M E N
yʻall know her !! my soft naiad baby !!
she out here,,,,,,trying to find a hubby,,,,,and get a soul,,,
she comes from a particular river deep within the woods. her family had never been very fond of humans, but mariella has always been fascinated with the idea of a soul.
so she sets off !! leaves the comfort of her river and family to find someone to marry her so that she can get a soul.
still very smol,,,,,,still doesnʻt know how the world works.
becomes particularly helpful in the war against the aliens because,,,,,well,,,,sheʻs a naiad. thereʻs a certain kind of viciousness that comes with that.
sheʻs also mad cause aliens do put a damper on any kind of wedding plan she ever had
looks like a cinnamon role but could actually kill
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A L I S T A I R  C H O
this sneaky bastard
okay so i loaf them but baSICALLY theyʻre a very old dokkaebi who thrives on chaos
they really only exist in order to cause mischief and be general nuisances of the household
in modern times, alistair decided that they were born with just messing around in peopleʻs houses and fucking around with their brooms so !! they latched onto something thatʻs brought down entire families and drove them out of their homes entirely
they somehow started a casino -- donʻt ask me how i havenʻt thought that hard lmao -- thatʻs basically a front for the seedier gang activity that happens within it
on the casino front, itʻs a high-roller place where people have been know to win big, but also where more than a few people have gambled away more than they can chew.
in the background, alistair has become a bit of a middleman for everyone. if thereʻs information anyone wants, they come to alistair. for a pretty penny, they could do most favors for you. find out some intel, introduce you to some people, help you make someone disappear,
the entire casino kind of just fosters this “turning a blind eye” mentality where most things are allowed to slide as long as they donʻt draw too much attention.
alistair doesnʻt really care about the aliens. they never trust anyone anyways. also,,,,,he works with the mob and gangs, theyʻll probably find themselves some protection
but there ya go !! yʻall have a shady casino that yʻall can hang out in for some seedier stuff
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E L I J A H  C H U
yʻall know exactly what kind of energy this kid just radiates.
he started a ghost hunting youtube channel with his best friend where they, essentially, just hunt out random ghost. 
elijah is absolutely the shane in this scenario. heʻs the one who taunts the room or calls them out to fight because he has absolutely no belief that theyʻre real.
in a fun turn of events, they die
its probably by accident and when theyʻre by themselves because no one actually knows about it, aside from the fact that he misses people more often than normal.
it certainly doesnt change his career, which he continues to work on regardless of the fact that his own existence is direct proof of them.
anyways, heʻs dead but continues to talk shit about ghost regardless of he, himself, being a ghost.
idek how he hid the body but this is the exact kind of chaotic bullshit that shane madej would pull
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B E C K E T T  F R A N K L I N
scientist boy !!
idek anything about him uhhhhh
i think he focuses more on biology
maybe medical
N E WAYS he just really wants to analyze the aliens.
maybe just to see how the aliens tick ?? maybe to figure out if the slime virus has any kind of cure. or perhaps to see if they could somehow figure out a way to turn the shapeshifting into something that humans can do as well ?? or maybe to find a way to tell the difference between the two.
REGARDLESS of what heʻs trying to achiece, heʻs a big doof
he doesnʻt tend to understand the behavior of others and tends to prefer to stay in his land. heʻs shy, but mostly cause heʻs busy and not because he dislikes people. heʻs just oblivious.
yeah idek iʻll probs add more when iʻm not falling asleep on this
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plurthlings · 5 years
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🎉🤘🏼👽🤘🏼🎉Shaping up to be an amazing event! Canʻt wait to drop all these new tunes for yʻall! #denvercolorado #ravefamily #plurlife #festival #raver #producer #plur #plurfamily (at Progresh) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9gKxwA-j8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f1qwskp94ual
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Okay like
Iʻve been on this hellsite for a while now
Iʻve seen a lot of trends come and go. Watched fandoms rise and fall, seen long-time bloggers vanish into the ether of renaming themselves because their OG username was embarrassing as all hell. Iʻve said goodbye to a lot of mutuals. Iʻve let go of shows I used to love and embraced a lot of new things and ideals because of my time here.
But Iʻm not here to talk about how Tumblr, for all itʻs faults, is the only social media platform I belong on because of itʻs tolerance for the sheer absurdity I unleash on a daily basis.
No Iʻm here to talk about the fandom that got me ON this hellsite.
It was such a beautiful movie! The trailers were mini cinematic masterpieces? It had amazing character designs? THE MOVIE SLAPPED YʻALL AND IT JUST HIT ME OUT OF NOWHERE WHILE I WAS SITTING HERE EATING CUCUMBERS HOW MUCH I LOVE IT???
Dude back in the day fandoms RULED Tumblr and ROTG was just... I followed so many blogs, we all made Dead Jack Jokes we all cried over Bunny Goes A Courtinʻ like a bunch of BABIES???
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Personal Object Activity 3: Fold in lines
We were partnered up and had to write dialogue for our partner. We had to write three lines for our partner all varying in difficulty to cover for. 
Oliviaʻs lines to fold in: 
-I saw it on sale at Longʻs. 
-Itʻs portable and durable and the scent is immaculate. 
-The scent reminds me of my grandmaʻs backyard on a beautiful spring day in Boston. 
My lines to fold in: 
-My mom recommended this lip balm to me. 
-I was in Target and my mom saw it and threw it at me. 
-Yʻall this lipbalm stuff lowkey works wonders, 10/10 would recommend. Itʻs a bop. 
Whatʻs the aim of this as an exercise? 
-How to own the text and make the text your own
-How to justify the given text 
-How to personalize and make the circumstances real and authentic for yourself. 
-How to justify beat changes/ make transitions 
-Authenticity, the rhythm of speech 
-Justifying dialogue
-Filling written text with your authentic voice, thought, emotion, experience.
-Obstacle, imagination, belief
-Visualization, repetition, belief, justification-- they all help to see your lines and become your own
-Stan BTS. 
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big-al-geo · 6 years
Yo, did yʻall peep at Sasha’s new tattoos? 👀
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aeshxtics · 7 years
❋ o1. We’re really friendly and good-natured! All of the admins / mods here are definitely fictionkin / otherkin, supportive of LGBT+, and more, so do not be afraid to openly express about your kins and such thing! We will not be forcing you to do so, but we’re just letting you know. In addition, if you’re against fictionkin / otherkin, LGBT+, and will bash on certain topics, then we strongly recommend that you should not follow this blog as it will make us uncomfortable.
❋ o2. Please do not send us anything too NSFW-ish! There are admins / mods who are uncomfortable with sexual materials, so please do respect their decisions and don’t tell about your sex life. There might be some posts that there are high chance likely that none of us will act upon, but if so, thereʻs a reason therefore please donʻt suddenly rage at us if we didnʻt answer your post!
❋ o3. If admin / mod’s post original content (art, literature, etc) do not steal it, please. They work very hard with what they do and it would devastate them if their belongings were stolen from them. We would appreciate it if you credit us, but if you’re going to use it for something, please do tell us first so you can gain our permission, but remember to put the credits!
❋ o4. We will not tolerate rudeness from anyone! If we see hints of mocking or cyber-bullying (whether to us, or people who send in stuffs), we will not hesitate to call you out and give you a warning. Otherwise, if you did it again, then we will block you from this tumblr without second thoughts.
❋ o5. Please don’t be afraid to request more than once! The mods love what they do and love it when they can do things to waste their time instead of doing homework, cause homework sucks. Message is, give us stuff to do and we’ll be super happy.
❋ o6. Hey, weʻre also human beings too. That means we all have faults and triggers. Therefore, please do respect our decisions if anything happened regarding to this rule. Please acknowledge that life isnʻt always easy for us, and that weʻre trying our best to help yʻall.
❋ o7. If you’re unaware by now, we’re basically telling you not to insult us. So what if I’m a sparkly kawaii desu ne cat immortal god XDXD? You have no right to insult, man, it’s against human rights.
❋ o8. More importantly, have fun! Besides the rules, weʻre pretty much not the most serious people in the entire universe.
❋ AESTHETIC - An aesthetic is a square shape with a certain theme with several different pictures that are supportive of that theme. It’s basically this, which is an aesthetic themed around Bingiplier. If that doesn’t explain it enough, I dunno how to say it in another way, pal!
❋ SHIT POSTING :: As obvious as it is, it is basically us randomly shit posting things. Memes, what we like, what we think, headcanons, answering questions, and ya know the drill. This doesnʻt really need much explanation, does it?
❋ POSITIVITY :: We will be providing support and help in case you need to rant, are troubled by something, need decisions, and more. While it may not seem like much, we will try our best to help you in any best possible ways we have. Although, it does not mean that we could always answer immediately. I apologize, but timezone sucks. However, we will try our best to answer once we have time!
❋ ART - Art is not just drawing, sketches, etc. Art is literature, like stories, comedy and more. Our art is going to include: drawings, literature, memes, and comedy! So yeah art is a lot of beautiful things here.
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