#weekly predictions
free-indian-astrology · 11 months
Weekly Horoscope predictions 17th July 2023
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Weekly Horoscope January 15 to 21, 2023: Check predictions for all zodiac signs - Times of India
Weekly Horoscope January 15 to 21, 2023: Check predictions for all zodiac signs – Times of India
Read your horoscope predictions to know what the celebs have in retailer for you this week:Aries Weekly Horoscope from 15-21 January 2023: In this week, it’s possible you’ll be blessed by the constructive planets, Your knowledge can help you at every entrance. it’s possible you’ll count on to induce a giant order in phrases of enterprise and work, which might enhance your enterprise {and…
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oneworldnewsindia · 1 year
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Aries: This week brings loads of work in this period. You need to have an optimistic approach towards work to succeed. Father's health needs urgent attention, or relations with him won't be good. Do not commit anything serious regarding the relationship this week. Before passing a remark to anybody regarding anything that needs extreme scrutiny, this may backfire on you.
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Taurus: Father, Guru or any elderly person will be there for you to provide emotional or any other sort of support. You may have little concern for your partner, though it's not going to be a serious one due to the aspect of a benefic planet. The monetary part looks good, but unexpected expenditures for not-so-important things can be seen these days.
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Gemini: There is a chance of squabbling over trivial issues with a spouse or business partner. Your courageous move towards your goal may put you closer to the same. Speak less or try to talk sense, not just for a chat. Opponents won't be able to spoil any of your plans; just try to do your best in this period. The lukewarm monetary condition will be there.
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Cancer: If you are involved in any new relationship during this period, it will definitely survive. Week starts with a strong determination and optimism, indeed. Your strong words may not be welcomed by most of your loved ones. The professional aspect will be conducive. If situation requires a loan, then this is one of the right times to avail of this.
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Leo: This is one of the good periods for the students to appear for any competitive examination. Media persons should be careful if they belong to print media. Electronic media will be doing better. A pregnant native of this sign needs special attention. Professionally, it is a favourable period. You can expect any form of good news related to increment, promotions or rewards.
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Virgo: This period needs extra effort to balance professional and personal life. Love life will be facing an unpleasant situation. Opinion differences with the father will continue this week too. Your validation to get involved in unethical work can be seen in this period. It's better to seek advice from an authentic person in taking significant decisions. Attention to health must be addressed.
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Libra: Going down to think to its core about each and everything around you makes you a different personality. You won't leave any opportunity to give suggestions to your loved ones. Most of your suggestions will be based on aggression. The pleasure with the vehicle or home will be experienced. Disputes with elder siblings can be seen. The financial aspect will be moderate.
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Scorpio: Planets give you the strength to face every situation confidently. Speech must be harsher than your usual practice, be careful. This will affect your personal life as well. Your opponents would be activated, but they won't be able to pull you down. Father's health would be your concern. A week full of emotion and aggression.
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Sagittarius: Natives will be holding an authoritative personality. Your superiors (boss) may disturb your peace during this week. Your partner will be much more dependent on you during this period. Students will be in delusion regarding their pattern of studies. Children may be the reason for concern. The monetary aspect of life will be fair enough to enjoy a luxurious life.
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Capricorn: Planets will suddenly shift your personality from a serious personality to a somewhat flexible soul. Your friend circle may be expanded with people from different strata. Your lifestyle will be very much job oriented, and you will enjoy this phase. Luck may click in work related to away from the birthplace. You might need clarification regarding the relationship, so giving time before giving your opinion is better.
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Aquarius: Unexpected expenditure may knock your way either for pleasure or unwanted reasons. Some of you may spend it on charity or pilgrimage while some may have to spend on health issues. Your partner will be supportive in your journey. Business people may enjoy their new deal in this period. Mother's physical or mental health looks unpleasant during this week.
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Pisces:  Most of these natives may take a break from work this week. Travelling goals may be accomplished. Professionals' pleasure through the desired posting, increment or awards/rewards can be expected in this period. By avoiding ego problems, there are prospects of getting your love life back on track. Legal matters should be taken to a different level during this period.
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chuluoyi · 3 months
same old sukuna gaining another new card at the last minute and breaking yuji’s hope😐
my small consolation today are the gojo crumbs *sobs* and the fact that sukuna used a binding vow to unleash that world slash on gojo because with this, safe to say that without it he won’t be able to defeat gojo and cut him into two so easily😔 after all since the beginning he has to find ways to neutralize him—which is why he’s using megumi too
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he looks like a certified pookie here even when he’s blurry🤧
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transmurderbug · 21 days
🦚 Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🦚
On an actual Wednesday this time.
Thank you for tagging me Kat @mybrainismelted, Nosho @creepkinginc, Evie @energievie, Ice @spookygingerr, Jess @jrooc and
Pie @gallapiech 🥰
name: Sky. Sometimes.
where in the world is carmen sandiego? (or you): Carmen is in Antarctica. She's apparently a penguin. And I'm under a pine tree.
ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to… avoid getting spyware on a machine? The "machine" part really drives this home.
Where can I… watch Hazbin Hotel? Are you asking me? Which version? Now I'll be humming all night, thanks.
How old is… Hungary? No need to google this one, it's pretty easy to remember, if you wanna look at the founding of the state. My memory is not what it used to be, but this one is burnt into my brain, I'm pretty sure. It's about to be 1024 years old. Why am I answering these questions though? 🤨 I do love history, to be fair.
How long does it take… to learn Hungarian? What does Google take me for? I want to see the algorithms behind these predictions. A long time, I'm pretty sure.
How many… days between dates? What dates?? Someone help me out, I'm getting confused.
Who set the record for… the fastest time to reach one billion views on YouTube? What is happening.
When did… the Queen die? Which one.
What does it feel like to… get shot. I've been told a scraped wound is worse, that's all I know. Again, why am I answering these?
Can you… run it? Run what...?
When you… say nothing at all. This is a Ronan Keating song. Who I only heard of when he was a guest artist at a symphonic concert I went to. Now you all know him too.
Why do… men have nipples? What kind of a question is this? Why does any mammal have nipples! Biology, dear Google.
Is there a way… to save Karlach.? Ehm. Spoiler alert?
How old do you have to be… to go to college? However old you are when you finish high school. Don't give up on your dreams!
Where do the… Simpsons live? Why would I want to know this?
What is the best time to… post on TikTok? Google wants both Nosho and me to become influencers, this is just another sign.
And to finish us off… What comes up when you type in Shameless? szereplők. I love the language switch. I do however know who the characters are, thank you.
Well, this was a wild ride. Never in my life have I googled or even thought about googling these things. I either know the answer or I don't even think about the subject. Good job, Google predictions! Job failed successfully! This was pretty fun though. (Just to soften the blow, the Karlach question probably comes from previous BG3 searches. The rest? What even.)
Tagging, because I'm on time! Yay! Voluntary, as always, if you want to skip, here, have these blueberries: 🫐
@ian-galagher, @transmickey @stocious @suzy-queued @blue-disco-lights @deathclassic @spacerockwriting, @ms-moonlight-inn, @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos, @krysmiss @look-i-love-u @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @heymrspatel @michellemisfit @sweetbee78 @grumble-fish @metalheadmickey @rayrayor @crossmydna @thisdivorce @callivich @gardenerian @lupeloto @francesrose3
@palepinkgoat @heymacy @lee-ow @roryonic @thepupperino
@doshiart and anyone else I'm probably forgetting!
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the-gayest-fungus · 11 days
Ok ok i think my actual theory is that she's a Susan Twist. Like she is Susan. (And also Ruby's birth mother, hence why the Doctor was scanning her in an earlier episode (I want to say it was at the end of Space Babies?))
It's probably silly but this is the writer who brought us "the bogeyman is actually made of bogies," why do you think he wouldn't also give us "the series twist is that an actress called Susan Twist plays Susan." ?
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vinkumakkara · 4 months
the ginyus somewhat getting retconned canonically to be more nice and caring towards each other because ppl loved the idea of their group dynamic so much is the funniest but also They Were Right To Do It
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alienssstufff · 8 months
just wanted to say that you got me to watch the life series and now I’m eternally grateful 🙏
BAHAHAHA IM glad im glad --
my Life Series hyperfixation... I can sense it going to slowly eat me now that Grian confirmed a Season 5 is coming VERY soon
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thethirdromana · 1 month
And that was the end of Catriona! I enjoyed that it ended just before Dracula Daily restarted. Thank you so much, @lurking-latinist, that was delightful.
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dappersautismcreature · 5 months
i can smell discourse on the wind, next, theyre gonna accuse bad of avoiding responsibility for things (theyll be /srs) by pinning the snow prank on foolish, and that foolish probably has idk ptsd flashbacks from that time bad stepped on his foot too hard, or something, idk
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weakly-skoodge · 9 months
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Week Forty!
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ladyluscinia · 6 months
I'm trying to coherently express a bunch of connected fandom observations and the first draft is not working. Trying again.
People are not wrong when they observe that broadly individuals in fandom (especially newer fans) are getting increasingly prone to emotional prioritization (ex: feeling personally attacked when people criticize a character they identify with, or feeling personally betrayed by creators they've parasocialized when reality differs from their view) and also a general lack of boundaries with cast and crew (thanks twitter), and it's leading to bad outcomes - both from a "stifling healthy analytical engagement with the narrative" perspective and a "leading to bad behavior toward creators / other fans" perspective.
I also think that emotionally driven analysis attitudes like "I liked this therefore it was objectively good" are contributing to idolization-cancellation cycles, which is known, but also the resulting polarization (ex: "Since it's objectively good, the only explanation for the people who dislike it is they must wrongly think it's bad and probably harmful") + awareness of the first point might actually be creating the assumption of backlash that isn't there? Like - personal anecdote - despite being in the center of the canon-critical discussions post-OFMD S2 and historically having seen twitter receipts about the fandom's bad behavior, I have yet to see any post, screenshot, or even direct telling of an incident actually @-ing the creators other than circulating posts with effusive praise for the season (which sometimes have an attitude of trying to "drown out" the supposed harassment?). And yet people in both camps re: S2 are seemingly convinced creator harassment is a serious problem that is undoubtedly going on because fans are posting criticism in fandom spaces (some of which does accuse the show of ableism or homophobia due to everything being moralized nowdays - too many people think something needs to be problematic before they can criticize it - but again doesn't actually @ anybody).
And on top of that, both of these views of what is going on when someone posts angry criticism of X - either the concern for the health of their emotional investment in a story that's not being written specifically for them OR the assumption that there's an inherent malice and moral weight in disliking something where critics think the creators must be punished and the show canceled - ignore a pretty big elephant in the room that sometimes people are just venting. Sometimes the salty post about how maybe the main character should have been killed off is literally just sarcasm and bad feelings entirely proportional to watching a tv show and not actually a concerning lack of media literacy. Occasionally the op (myself included) probably is being kind of a dick because they are irritated but tbh it's not any bigger of a deal than that because lots of people are dicks sometimes.
There's a real, complex person behind all those posts, and - especially on tumblr - the fandom engagement / online persona that you see is not actually all of them? A post on their 95% fandom posting blog about eating a showrunner's heart in the marketplace doesn't actually prove that the most serious concerns of their day to day life are showrunner crimes or that they approve of the death penalty for bad writing.
Like in the midst of being concerned about troubling trends we should also maybe remember to watch out for various ways to assume the absolute worst of anyone who disagrees with us, because that in itself is a troubling trend that can easily make fandom worse?
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oneworldnewsindia · 1 year
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Acharya Kiran Rai Pandey is back with her weekly horoscope. Checkout your readings by her and plan your week accordingly.
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Aries: Your attention will be on family and finance. You may lead the family matters on your shoulders. Mild quarrels with partners cannot be denied. This planetary position will be beneficial for the father but good for you only if you work away from your birthplace. It’s advisable to go with the written mode of communication rather than verbal.
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Taurus: Your temperament may be a complicated thing. Time to rejoice with loved ones in the festive atmosphere of New Year can be seen in this period. Those who work for import-export work will be benefitted. Lack of sleep can be experienced during this period. Moderate financial conditions will be there in this period. Your communication must be very sober.
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Gemini: The week begins with the same note as the previous week, but a lack of peace in conjugal life can be experienced. Your concern will be your own children regarding their career, marriage or personal life. Currently, even your own career or work looks less stable. Talk only if required, or try to avoid communication as much as possible.
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Cancer: Your stable mind may get a little more activated this week. Conjugal life will be bothered due to some personal reasons. Relations with parents will take a lot of work. Moreover, family and friends will not be in your good books during this period. Love and romance will be in the air around you. Professionally, it’s a good week for you.
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Leo: Love is the air. Your focus will be your children, study and romance. Your belief in occult science or any study based on research will be more in this period. Planning to take a step towards having progeny would be a good step. Females should be careful about their gynaecologist problems. The financial aspect will be lukewarm according to your stock status.
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Virgo: Love with a strict rule in your relationship will be seen in this period. Even though you will get profit in any form, nothing can satisfy your level of expectations. Your efforts to put your family in a better place won’t be recognized among loved ones. Health issues should not be taken for granted. Good time to change location or for home décor is possible in this period.
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Libra: Time to introspect about your approach towards life. Your pessimism or optimism will lead you accordingly to your path. You will be quarrelsome with siblings or neighbours in this period. Your foes will be activated more and more. Parents will help you to grow your business or support you at work, indeed.
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Scorpio:  You will be much more involved in family affairs. Be careful and extra cautious while using any word with loved ones. Your terms may prove offensive in a relationship or with family. Marital happiness looks missing these days. Father’s health will be a cause of concern. The monetary side will be up to the expectation, indeed.
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Sagittarius: Despite not so pleasing, your luck, father, and authority will be in your favour. An elder sibling may give you a reason to self-introspect yourself. Your attitude will be authoritative with your boss or colleagues. This attitude may give you a reason to take the lead in the workplace. Eventually, you will be appreciated at the workplace. Meeting influential people or superiors may be possible this week.
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Capricorn:  Your relationship with your father will improve this week. Luxury in your life will be experienced. Support from friends and acquaintances can be expected during this period. An increment or escalation in position can be expected. Your temperament may take you on the wrong path. Travelling is possible for business purposes. Obstacles in achieving your mission are potential.
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Aquarius: Family and accumulating money won’t be easy to deal with this week. Applying for higher education abroad will be easier in the current situation. Opponents may keep on bothering you in a very subtle way. Relations with the father may be disturbed. Friends from different sections may come across in your life. Benefits from acquaintances can be expected in this period.
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Pisces: Even though you are surrounded by a congenial atmosphere, your thought process will be pessimistic. The best part of the week will be determination and hard work for the goal. Eventually, you will keep on moving on the righteous path. The professional area looks better in this period. Your concern for children will definitely be bothering you.
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9800sblog · 11 months
horoscope tarot reading
energies of each zodiac sign this week (july 24 - 30)
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you should read about your:
• ascendant/rising sign - for the events happening in your life and your patterns of behavior this week.
• moon sign - for your personal perspectives and introspection.
• sun sign - for how you might react to all of it.
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I think you'll be super annoyed with people this week, your love life may suffer a little and you should take some time to think and consider. don't listen to other's judgements, you know what's best for you, deep down, if only you can trust yourself, you'll see it clearly. you seem quite lazy too, unmotivated.
key words: neck pain, curve, bad posture, bad party, desperate for attention.
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confidence and stability, you know your own knowledge, you're not asking for help (you probably should, to those you trust the most). motivation due to stability, your routine seems a bit more exciting.
key words: flowy, head, triangle, slump, yoga/pilates, water, bright, sun.
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super bored and slightly judgemental, you're doing what you gotta do, which you technically enjoy, but this week is just specially tiring and unexciting. I think love, romance and sex would help you, even if it's just thinking about it.
key words: evasive, boredom, heart, wild animals, invasive, much food, house structure, wood, hygiene products.
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lots of annoying inevitable little things, it's like you're always on edge of falling/breaking down. living in fantasy world will actually help you, you're good at switching reality to what you like, changing your perspective or focus, and that's exactly what you need! you're doing great, keep going! ♡ someone with untraditional ways will help you despite all odds.
key words: chills, cheating, the moon, haircut, exercise, enjoying the sun, seeds, woods, allergy, stress, overwhelmed.
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days of recovery, last week was heavy and probably lonely for you, you're a bit of a perfectionist so you'll stay a bit frustrated due to expecting things to move faster than what's natural, but there is sure and clear progress ahead. you already know all these messages, but there is your usual help, your best friend in spirit is right here for you, very closely this week, you'll feel way more comfortable. dealing more effectively with the people that hurt you, those superficial fuckers.
key words: deep conversations, beach, brown hair, thoughtful, nostalgia, cursive, school, pink, lamp, weird behavior, comfortable.
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there is no competition because you already won, organizing a bunch of stuff you procrastinated and/or didn't pay attention to. you're thinking effectively how to change what didn't work out for you, how to be better for the future. you're very focused, determined, experienced and confident. there's a lot of empathy here too.
key words: effective, psychic abilities, patterns of behavior, anxiety, determination and focus, fixing mistakes.
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not being deceived by what's on the surface, seeing the whole picture, there's a whole new wave coming in for you in whatever area your libra sign falls in. you're very focused on your relationships and making the be out of them, allowing only spiritually satisfying ones to influence you. a very cool and skilled person with yang focus will be around, your guide, your guardian angel, someone you know from a past life.
key words: familiarity, comfortable, 2, guiding star, punk hair, full cups, precise view.
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wow you really have the power to make your reality better, like 500x better and easier. everything that you wish for is coming for you, because you know what fits with you and you quickly let go of the rest. this week is about purging, things are looking really bright for you in the long term, keep doing just that!
key words: dirty jokes, enjoying the little things, love of your life, 😆, consistency.
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you're experienced on your stuff, you're being called to not cling on to what doesn't sit right with you, just move on to the next thing, no worries. you don't have to force anything, but it's good if you make things happen.
key words: gold mining, traditional, details, moisturizer, small is good.
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teamwork makes the dream work, moving on from the heavy, inevitable destruction of last weeks with someone(s) who see eye to eye with you, this week is healing for you.
key words: after the war, bench, tiptoe, lifeguard, vacation.
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something that's usually difficult for you is pretty easy right now, probably because you have something to fall back on now, a network of family and friends giving you the help you needed. there's definitely a hurry and anxiety, still, that will make things a little difficult since they're not effective ways of dealing, romance and intimacy will help you feel calm.
key words: bed rest, headache, food on a stick, closest friend, insecurity.
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looking very closely into everything that surrounds you, how does everything work and how can you make it better? that's the way of dealing, stay away from magnetism and close to your passions, your confidence will help it all work out easily.
key words: yin, heart, pink, pointy, night, water, deep.
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saurix5 · 1 year
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"I had rather be with you in your solitary rambles, than with these Scotch people, whom I do not know.” - Henry
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duckiemimi · 7 days
leaks out today, any predictions???
what more do you want from me
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