#wayward's asks
waywardstation · 1 year
Pokerus Akari 🤝 Phione Akari
Being small water pokemon
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Pokerus AU Akari has seen the unimaginable terrors of her friends turning into ruthless alphas trying to hunt her. The worst that Phione Akari has dealt with is a flock of murkrow following her. Perhaps Phione Akari should stop complaining so much haha
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
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kandavers · 9 months
Hey bro! your Jordans are fake
*pointing to his Jordans*
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nabwastaken · 2 months
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sketchy-tour · 8 months
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While I scream into the void of not finishing any art, have this silly oc interaction of Dandy and Will cause Will's hands are huge and I couldn't stop thinking about how tiny he'd make Dandy's hands look in comparison.
Will Wayward belongs to the lovely @kandavers
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hmshermitcraft · 7 months
Consider, a Cleo/Etho/Joel/Lizzie polycule. Cleo and Lizzie are dating, Lizzie and Joel are married, Joel and Etho are divorced but now dating, Etho and Cleo are remarried, Cleo and Joel are crushing on each other, Lizzie and Etho are just friends.
Cleo gets cuteness aggression for Joel and Joel just likes any woman who could maim him with her bare hands.
Joel is the true mixture of "THATS MY WIFE" and "if she can crush my head with her thighs, i would let her" and boy has Cleo almost done just that
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twokisses · 3 months
can i be rabid about an nsfw snowbaz concept really quick? bc i can't stop thinking about baz taking simon back to pitch manor (post-awtwb) just to check out the grounds and make sure it's okay, and let simon fly around without restriction for once. and i can't stop thinking about baz taking simon on a proper tour of the house and them ending up in baz's childhood bedroom, where the memories of his desperate mournful fifth year wank sessions feel too close to the surface, and suddenly simon is sprawling onto the bed, making some thoughtless comment about what it would have been like to be baz in this room, but all baz can register is simon snow on his childhood bed. and when simon sees baz's frozen expression and asks what's wrong, baz can't keep the shivering yearning truth from escaping him. he tells simon what he's thinking. and simon decides yeah, he'll make it so that baz's fantasies don't have to stay fantasies. he does make love to baz on that bed. and all baz's lonely painful memories of the feel of these sheets and the sight of that headboard are written over with the feel and sight of them now, while overcome with pleasure and love for a simon who is actually right there with him. and what i can't stop thinking about is the poetry of simon tying baz up while he makes love to him. in that bed, where being taken by simon was previously a ludicrous thing baz could only have in his imagination, and the feel of his own hands were the only things he could have in reality - to now have them tied up and out of the way, so all this real, grounding, wracking pleasure can only be coming from simon, simon himself, nobody else, no other way? sexy healing times
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waywardsou2 · 26 days
do you have any headcanons for Tech? he’s my favorite ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why yes I do, I have been thinking about him a lot lately tbh
Tech Head Canons
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I think that Tech often snuck down the holding bay where all the ships were docked to be checked in by the maintenance teams and would help his brothers with repairing the ships. He would sneak down at night when he was supposed to be sleeping. At first the Clones reprimanded him for his being insubordinate but when they realised how helpful he could be they let him stay. Not only did he know more about the ships than all of them combined he could get too harder to reach areas by climbing through the ships internal vent system or could stand on their shoulders.
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Tech's hair was a little bit longer when he was younger but when he got out into the field and had a few incidences with his hair being pulled he decided it was better to keep it shorter.
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Techs CT number is 9902 so depending on which way you look at it that would make him the second oldest under Hunter, but I like to think that he actually shares that title with Crosshair, I like the head canon that him and Crosshair are twins in some capacity.
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I head canon that Tech is autistic (it's more or less canon, he is so autistic coded) and one of his worst issues with being autistic is touch. He hates having to touch foreign things or have people and other things touch him. He prefers touching technology because he knows what that feels like, he can gauge from memory how its going to feel, it's not squishy or wet or itchy.
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I also think that the big disks on the side of his helmet are actually noise cancelling, sometimes he gets over stimulated on the battlefield and he needs to filter out the noise. He personally made and customized his helmet this way, this is so he won't be taken unawares in battles but he can still be useful with the auditory overload.
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That's all for now but I'm sure I'll think of some more in the future. And tell me about your head canons for our beloved Tech in the comments.
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hoaxghost · 9 months
ummm your mother buys you mega blocks instead of legos
Fuck you fuck you. Fuck.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Don't call me.
Don't come to my house
It's over.
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waywardstation · 9 months
now, I am fully aware of Rei being the Protag as almost all male Characters have been confirmed Protags in Masters and I do think people that make out such a minority in the fandom definitely deserve the rep and time to shine! And I am so happy for them! Really hope they do him justice and make the event interesting! Also so very happy PLA still gets some love. I did enjoy ScarVio and Ogerpon from the DLC has become a favorite instantly but PLA needs so much more love than it has gotten. The game, Rei, or really any character deserves so much more love!
Akari is still my personal headcanon and given how loosely things are in Masters and Pasio (Masters is basically a big fanfic where time and space don't really matter and only loosely plays with Canon of the games. (Villains such as Ghetsis or others wouldn't just be allowed to squad in a base with Grunts and regularly try to take over the island and would be behind iron bars) we shouldn't necessarily see it as canon too much if people have different views. Or there should be bigger age gaps between the characters....) I do think it's more a thing to get a few headcanons for your faves! Just like the personalities added to Ingo and Emmet.
And a fun side fic with Ingo and Akari getting sent to Pasio instead of getting home sounds fun. Or they stumble into a distortion. The joy of seeing loved ones only to realize its not their loved ones is definitely interesting too. Pasio-Barry has temporarily two Dawn best friends and Pasio-Emmet temporarily has two big brothers. Or instead of getting contact to Arceus they try to get in contact with Lear and get Hoopa's help or something like that. (I want Akari to play a prank on Lear) And the times random weirdos enter the Villa for a random request raises again! Would definitely make something fun on the side. But I'm sure rn you already got enough projects at hand!
oh definitely! I'm not saying this towards you, I'm saying this in general to agree with what you said, because it appears a lot of people are upset with Pokemon Master's decision to make this 'canon'.
I think people need to understand that this is a canon - it's canon to Pokemon Masters, but that doesn't mean it's the concrete canon to PLA, as we know that Pokemon Masters is definitely not canon. But this is how Pokemon Masters is doing it. I definitely see Rei as the canon protagonist in Pokemon Masters, 100%. But I've written so much fanfic with Akari as the protag, that like you, she's my headcanon protagonist in PLA.
I always favor pokemon's game canon, because the games' canon always caters to the individual's headcanon to who's the protagonist. Marketing and advertising are a different story, and Pokemon Masters tends to lean with what those pick as protag (and it does seem marketing did favor Rei as the protagonist for PLA). But the games favor the player's choice to make it more personal.
So I'm seeing a lot of people getting upset over Pokemon Masters' decided canon when they can simply ignore it if they do not like it, because its a canon for a spinoff that happens to match some people's headcanons while it disproves others. But it's not the canon for PLA as a game.
(Whew, said 'canon' so many times, that it doesn't even look like a word to me anymore!)
I ALSO AGREE THAT I'M HAPPY PLA IS GETTING MORE REP. Pokemon Masters is what's keeping it fresh and alive in the games department, and I appreciated that SV did what it could to keep it relevant in a game that I really didn't expect to see it in.
AND YOU ARE CORRECT! I indeed love all of your ideas, but I have so many WIPs that are so close yet so far haha. Once they start coming out though and I get them done, I will perhaps be open to some new fic ideas. Let's see if these PLA events in Pokemon Masters inspires anything!
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deadbiwrites · 7 months
I've decided to sow some chaos in my life today
Here are the moodboards for all the AUs that live rent-free in my mind (and nowhere else), and I'd LOVE to talk about them!
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Ah I’m so excited! The blue moon snippet was so good :D and mer may respectfully any details? 👀
Thank you!!! I’m gonna be honest, roach’s pov is really making me work for it XD I’ve written and rewritten more of this fic than any fic for any fandom I’ve previously worked on lmao
And the mermay fic of course I’ll give some details! I don’t want to give too much away, of course, but it’s a “Soap got medically discharged and doesn’t know what to do with his life” kind of fic :D he moves into his grandparents’ cottage on a cliff above the sea after they pass and is just kind of going through it, you know? But one day during a storm he hears crying down on the beach below the house and can’t NOT go and help! He rushes down as fast as he can with his leg, and he finds something tangled up in a net, wailing and crying so hard it just breaks his heart.
He finds a mer. A mer CHILD.
(It’s Joseph!)
*dun dun DUN*
Basically the rest of the fic is Ghost watching ominously while Joseph comes to visit his new best friend Soap, language barrier shenanigans, some angst regarding illegal fishing operations, and maybe a bit of reverse little mermaid vibes at the end :D
Also, because Soap doesn’t know Joseph’s real name (because of the aforementioned language barrier), he calls him minnow 🥰
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On the side of the road, next to the omega auction house sits an omega. She's sitting outside in the cold rain like she's trying to cool down from a severe heat.
A few other omegas were busy with their own thing, some just eating or others dealing with the possible outcome of some being in their heat. They either were in separated areas or some helping one another. Seems tonight was another slow auction house but it was fine. Not many Alphas come here to find omegas but not many have come.
However, someone was passing by to notice the female outside but he didn't know she was in heat. "Hey, are you okay? You could get sick out here in the rain.." Edon asked looking to her.
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kandavers · 10 months
So I know that being poly doesn’t mean you have to ship your oc with anyone from WH, but do you?
Of the top of my head I’m think Howdy or Barnaby or Sally but idk! I’m interested if you had any thoughts <3
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Those are very Plausible romance choices, yeah !
I haven’t really thought of Who to ship WWW with from the WH cast, though honestly! But I think he would be a Little Bit in Love with Everyone! Like, he would 1) Be a Hopeless Romantic and 2) Have a little Favourite Thing about Absolute ly Everyone. For Instance, He would Really Love Sally’s voice. And Howdy’s Pretty Hands. And Barnaby’s sense of Humour! Something like that :]
Besides the WH cast, I may or may not have thought about shipping WWW with some of my mutuals’ OCs I may or may not have a crush on tho… HEEHEE! But that’s another story…
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xbuggyxboyx · 7 months
bro im just in the car listening to the radio and yk what just came on?
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oni-tengu · 1 year
Mr. Mayor, if re-elected, what are your plans for Can Town next term?
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You're in good hands, citizens of Can Town
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