dhampiravidi · 1 year
venom!soapghost (symbiote!AU)
ok maybe it's bc I have @mike-like-t-scream's fic "I'm Not Simon Riley, I'm Ghost" in the back of my mind, but...Venom!Ghost. The symbiote being the real reason why he keeps people at arm's length. & then when Soap starts being all friendly, then flirty, Ghost is losing his fucking mind bc Venom keeps asking if they can lick the man. After maybe the 4739th time, Ghost realizes that Venom's asking about licking in a sexy way, not a "I want to nom nom him" way.
Conversely...Venom!Soap. No one notices bc Soap still acts like himself. The explosions are far away, so Venom doesn't have to hide from the fire/heat/sound. The two of them love scarfing down chocolate*, planning pranks & occasionally ogling a certain Lieutenant's booty. Soap's even drawn Venom. But then there's that day where some (poor?) soul has got Ghost in a deadly hand-to-hand fight & Venom takes over, leaving pretty much nothing of the enemy. Oh, well.
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bitchin-beskar · 1 year
I have not been able to get the thot of an au with venom!Ghost x Soap out of my fuckin head the brainrot is real with this one 🥵
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venus-lou · 1 year
Will there be a Venom! Ghost x reader?
I’m working on it, I’ve just been super busy with other and personal life stuff. Not to unload but something huge just popped off in my face and I’m not sure how to handle the situation. Been stress about money and trying to find another job to pay off debt I have 😫
I promise I’m working on it, I absolutely love the series and want to add more to it!!
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thebrainrotsreal · 9 months
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Different ghost king outfits! (o^ ^o) Always adored the au as soon as I heard about it, but I never tried to design what it would look like until now! Left outfit is where I tried inverting Danny's usual ghost fit as jumping point, the middle is going ham with more a space/ecto theme, and the last is focusing more on Danny's ice core/powers! The middle's cape, hood, and ruffles near the belt-like bit are all pieces of void/portals, reaching through can pull out anything, and it can shrink or expand to his will!
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itsjuliak5 · 1 year
Little Things I Loved from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse:
Mrs. Chen being completely unfazed by the Spot. Mrs. Chen showing up in general.
The legos!
Spider-Punk cheering on MayDay; “Kid’s an anarchist,” “Take a crap on the establishment, I like it.”
There’s a part where one of the Doctor Octopuses says “Hi Peter” and I’m 99.9% sure it was Alfred Molina’s voice from “No Way Home”
The other little scenes/pictures from the original Spider-Man movies with Tobey and the ones with Andrew.
Ben Reilly narrating everything he does. (Shoutout to Andy Samberg)
Peter Parkedcar
Donald Glover as the Prowler!
Miguel’s suit has little glitches on them, or like static.
There was a Spider-Man holding a hockey stick.
“Well maybe you should just get off the kid’s ass.”
Jefferson Morales calling Gwen “emo.”
Peter using his bath robe as a cape.
Mayday shooting a web at the phone to take a picture of her and Peter.
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amazeingartist · 6 months
dusting off these lil venom au bits
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pandadrake · 3 months
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This comic really lived or died based on if I could come up with enough stupid nicknames for Montreal O’Canada
This comic is Part 3 of a hostage "get along" shirt situation. This comic was in purgatory for a while because I decided to draw a bunch of teenagers in it and also light it, which are two things that I don't do a lot. Part 1 Part 2 This is Part 3
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diejager · 3 months
Hi! I'm not sure if you're still doing/taking requests for the monster!141 au anymore so feel free to just ignore this if you aren't! 😊
But if u are can I request a drabble/headcanon about venom!hunter? I'm curious about the dynamic between them (venom & hunter) and how they got along and worked together (i don't really know how to phrase it🥲) when they first met.
Also how did they first met? How does venom get along with 141? I'm not sure if u already wrote about it.
Venom!reader headcanon
Cw: blood, gore, cannibalism?, canon-typical violence, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 898
Your meeting with Venom was an accident, a coincidence culminated from horrible events, you weren’t supposed to separate from your squad and he wasn’t supposed to die in the body of an incompatible vessel. It was a moment of shame and disgrace, making the simplest mistake one could do in your positions, but everything had a reason, no? Because you found Venom and he found you, he was your way back and you were his compatible vessel.
It was… difficult at first, sharing one mind and body with someone else took some time. A lot of time. It was a struggle of push and pull, your calm waters and his violent storm. While you preferred to stray from trouble, Venom loved it, actively seeking it out whenever he had control of your body. There was a lot of fighting, internal struggles and bickering back and forth, but you eventually came to an understanding —common ground. 
If he let you live your life - a dangerous one filled with blood and violence, still a young private in the army without any achievements and with big dreams - have monopoly over your body whenever you were off the field, you’d relinquish your key on his cage whenever he was hungry while you were fighting, letting his loose to run his rampage and fill his stomach with the heads of enemies. 
It was a relationship built on mutual respect, you for his determination and him for you strength. You understood one another, so your occasional disagreement grew rarer and rarer. You didn’t fight about feeding him only chocolate because you couldn’t stomach the sight of bitten heads. You didn’t fight about wanting excitement when times were too quiet. You didn’t fight when you wanted a few moments of silence in your mind. And you didn’t fight whenever you felt him poke his head out of your sleeve.
This symbiotic relationship only meant that you;d grow closer to each other, he got to know you on a fundamental level and you got to discover more and more about his past and dreams —he had a few wild ones, but all attainable. You shared your fears, your secrets and your pains, you laughed when he stammered after your promise to protect him, his blubbering words and growls sent your way when he said that he would be the one to do the protecting. His reasoning being that he was bigger, stronger and more dangerous than you and your little explosive weapons. 
It was from then on that he called you Little One, a slip of his tongue while you laughed and kicked your legs at his flustered face, his head reaching from your shoulder to glare at you. He acted like a love sick puppy afterwards, often calling out to you when he was bored, nudging your arm while you worked, wanting pets and kisses, or would shower you with loud and boisterous affection. Though he always proclaimed it to be him providing for you, it wasn’t affection - no - it was him watching over you like a guardian —or so he mumbled. 
He would step in if he deemed a situation too dangerous for your fragile, fleshy body. He’d warn you, let you know where and who was coming for you, be it a sniper from a mile away or a group of armed soldiers sneaking around you. If you couldn’t deal with it in time, Venom would forcefully push his way out of you, covering you in a protective layer of his body, the mass of muscle and sinewy cords building a protective shell. And fortunately, it’s only happened when you were hidden away, the knowledge of Venom’s existence would bring unwanted attention to both you and him, none of which were good. 
You met Venom before your study and test for the rank of combat medic, getting his support and mind to help you through it all, his photogenic memory, his talented hands and strength. It was only after earning you new rank, did Laswell contact you for the position on the Task Force 141 since your record held no sign of hateful acts towards monsters and hybrids, and your high success score. 
You both vowed to keep Venom a secret from anyone, he was off the record in every sense, unknown and a mystery, a variant that you were adamant to keep a secret. Venom didn’t… hate the men, he might’ve had a small dislike for their attraction and affection towards you, he was a possessive and protective symbiote, but seeing how you were a permanent fixture in the TF, he was forced to tolerate them. He would let you know what he heard and sensed from them, small secrets he caught or fun, little pranks that he wanted to do, and occasionally protect them. Only because you cared for them, he’d hate to see you sad and worried, Venom preferred seeing you smile and laugh. 
And following these events, Venom could openly interact with the hybrids, unafraid since it wasn’t a secret anymore. He was a bit reluctant, but slipped from your collar whenever someone mentioned something he liked: chocolate, human meat, you or violence, grinning maniacally and flashing his big, white teeth. Despite his apprehension, Venom was a menace, to them as much as he was with you, and yet you still loved him so much. 
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-nooraa @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @thigh-o-saur @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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spagheluu · 10 months
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Cross-posted from my twit! My take on an earth-42 Gwen Stacy <3
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yakowo · 1 year
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venom ghostsoap au!!! 🗣️
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shisabun-art · 5 days
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After seeing the trailer with the Venom horse, all I could think of was how much that desert reminded me of Ghost Rider.
I think Venom would like his style.
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yourslimeybuddy · 9 months
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art dump numero dos: ghost in the machine brainrot
yes i inserted my little slime guy into the chapter scenes. why? its funny
youve alreayd seen this shit liek 8000 times in discord but GET READY FOR TUMBLR CUZ I GOT CATCHIGN UP TO DO @venomous-qwille
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luckyshinyhunter · 10 days
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🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month, everyone! 🏳️‍🌈
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venus-lou · 1 year
omg i love ghost and venom! this is an idea running around my head for a while! i would love to be tagged in the next parts of this
Of course! I’m glad you like it so far🧡
working on some more part soon. It’ll be a slow update, I’ve been dealing with some stuff lately
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Venom wraps his tendrils around Y/N…
Venom: Y/N I request cuddles!!
Y/N: what?
Venom: it’s just that you and Gwen do it all the time and I can feel the happiness it gives you. I want some cuddles too!
Y/N: alright
Y/N lays down on the couch and gently rubs Venom’s tendrils…
Venom: that is nice. Thank you Y/N you’re my favorite host
Gwen walks in and giggles at the sight…
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amazeingartist · 1 year
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coloured venom au doodles! some inspiration was taken from another user, also my implementing my ghost heterochromia hc lmao
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