veganstreets · 8 months
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pseudoquack · 7 months
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I suspect this has probably been done before (in some variation) but have it anyway
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dikleyt · 1 year
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youthofnausea7 · 2 years
I swear that the urge to try to argue against veganism straight up just turns people stupid. They'll use terrible arguments, fall for conspiracy theories and psuedoscience, and even commit to lifestyle changes based on these things. There really are people out there who take the whole "plants feel pain" type of argument a whole step further and actually go on a full meat diet. Having met a few of them at this point, I'll tell you it's no coincidence that Jordan Peterson looks like he's literally decomposing.
Even people who normally argue in good faith and fully investigate their points on other topics will often just whip out some completely bonkers reasons for why they believe no one should be vegan, they'll even reach across the aisle and commit to arguments that go against all of their other beliefs.
I get it, not everyone can be vegan. That's all you have to say. But I think the reason why people resist it so much, especially among leftists (I may have said this here before, but I am of the belief that a modern leftist revolution would likely only be possible in tandem with a vegan revolution), is because it's an easy way to take action for a cause that makes the world a better place. And let's be real here, leftists in the US are very used to having excuses to never do shit. A lot of us don't live somewhere that people are actually throwing rocks at cop cars and your only idea of activism is telling people on the internet that they're racist as if it'll change their minds, that's perfectly understandable because I too somewhat fall into that category. But it makes them feel guilty and like they're weak willed for not going vegan just as it does doing any other civic duty, and often those feelings will bring them to a point where they just straight up hate on vegans and will give up on all of their principles to justify it.
It's this kind of complacency and resistance to action that turns leftists into liberals or worse. If you're a leftist considering veganism or even just coming across this post, think hard about your principles and consider if it's right for you. If you won't give up meat you probably also won't throw that brick at a cop car, if you're really afraid of the consequences even when there aren't any then maybe you should stop acting like you're so tough.
Anyways it's just a theory, nothing to get bent out of shape over.
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"The same apparatuses of coercion that reinforces morality (religion, the state, etc.) are the enemies of freedom. While one might say these institutions could reinforce the vegan morality that would liberate non-human animals, these same institutions require individualist subjugation to their collective “good”. But their good wouldn’t be a “good” of my own; it would be their thinking over mine, empowered by its assumed “universal truth”. This is the same logic of control and domination that is used by those who dominate and consume non-human animals. Guided by the values of human supremacy, there is a sense of entitlement that positions them above question. The same apparatus that conditions morality holds that “beyond question” position. But as an individual, not only do I question it, I reject it all together.
My individualism is empowered by self-interest and informed decision-making. My refusal to surrender my mind to the “collective good” of consuming the flesh and secretions of non-human animals is a reflection of my own rebellion. Along with the inspiration from other individual vegans I realized the power of thinking independently, selfishly, and egotistically – against the mass society whose normalized traditions and values conflict with my interests. As an individualist, being vegan is practical in extending individual autonomy to non-human animals. My refusal to socially reinforce their commodity status allows them the natural right to exist as their own autonomous individual selves, the same way I would expect to be respected by others. I refuse to individually participate in the mass normalization of their domination.
Anarchy, for me, means individual negation to laws, order, and systems. This anarchy not only opposes both vegan and anthropocentric morality but morality all together: morality being the abstract form of governance that attempts to subjugate my individuality. My veganism requires no external governance to enforce or guide it. It is an individualist choice that reflects the consistency and practicality of living my life against authority." -https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/flower-bomb-what-savages-we-must-be-vegans-without-morality
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mykofanesvlepy · 1 year
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129. "Vegan means attack" Original: www.instagram.com/p/CW7y3b2lg6…
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Anarchist of the World Happy Guy Fawkes night #guyfawkes #guyfawkesnight #anarchist #veganarchism #quicksketch #neverforget https://www.instagram.com/p/CkmAWI_sF2z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anarchist-art · 25 days
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kaneseatheadrest · 9 days
"Woke" is a term that has been culturally appropriated by the far right.
"Woke" used to be a word with origins in black/African American culture as a way to say "stay aware of systemic oppression" and far right Conservatives have devalued that word with their faux oppression so that black people have one less word to use to describe systemic oppression.
4chan has these propaganda campaigns all the time. It just doesn't get exposed in the media anymore. They're trying to devalue language, appropriate oppressed cultures, gaslight the internet into centralizing the left while the right can remain radical Trump Supporters who defile words so oppress others. Stay woke!
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miochimochi · 2 months
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Got all 11 flags ready for sewing onto the jacket. Clockwise from white:
Primitivism/Green Anarchism/Veganarchism
Individualist Anarchism
Transhumanist Anarchism
Queer Anarchism
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dikleyt · 1 year
i saw a post of yours in the hippopotamus tag and saw it was also tagged veganarchism, i hope this isn't a rude question but what is veganarchism?
Vegan anarchism
It's not a rude question at all
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canisvesperus · 3 years
fuck yeah vegan anarchy
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HELL FUCKING YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thebleeding-heart · 4 years
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mykofanesvlepy · 1 year
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121. "We're they not an it" Original: www.instagram.com/p/CGhG_kDlHH…
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