#unless you're exactly like me i guess
donnerpartyofone · 11 months
When I was little, in one of the earliest grades I forget which, my teacher sent me home with a note for my parents explaining that I was probably intellectually disabled and they should have me evaluated. The reason was that I was having an inordinate amount of trouble cutting and pasting. I'm sure the fact that I didn't talk and other kids treated me like a plague carrier contributed to this casual diagnosis. As my father tells it, he and my mom kind of freaked out about the possibility that they had a retarded child, and booked an IQ test for me. The legend goes that I tested higher than my mother, who had scored pretty high already, and it turned out the whole thing had been a misunderstanding; I was so shy that I always got stuck with left-handed scissors, because there was never enough of everything for the whole class, and I just never told anyone I needed something that I probably wasn't going to get. So therefore all my cutting and pasting efforts looked pretty "retarded". Ha ha ha. But I think that my parents' initial reaction to the note, that they thought it was completely possible that I was handicapped, is telling. I used to think about this anecdote in terms of how painfully introverted I've always been, but as a full grown adult I often wonder if my life could have been different if I had been put in special education. I'm just really, really incapable of things that my peers seem to do easily. Just now I was trying to organize something, and I even looked up the answer I needed (I typically use a calculator for even basic addition and subtraction, and look everything up online because whenever I just trust myself something gets ruined), and basically all I needed to know was whether or not 2 was greater than 10, and I just could not wrap my head around it, and actually I should have known the answer to my problem immediately because it was the same answer I already had for a different but related problem, but instead of just connecting the dots I started from scratch and got it wrong. And I didn't even know I had it wrong until I moronically said my conclusion out loud and someone else had to say "Ummm..." And I remember the last time I did this exact type of thing wrong, too. And on it goes. I don't know what the fuck to do with my life. I'm really fucking stupid, but you're not even allowed to admit that or someone accuses you of being negative or hard on yourself or some other thing that gives them permission to not listen to you and go on believing that life is equally great for everyone and we're all filled with the same limitless potential. It's painful to hear people tell me that secretly I'm actually smart when I don't produce any evidence and I don't reap any of the benefits. I usually go to the same allegory I use in response to the idea of being "beautiful in my own way", that saying I'm really smart when I can't do anything smart people do is like telling me I have a million dollars in the bank, just for some reason no one will take my money. I honestly think that, a lot of the time, people just assume I'm smart because I'm dorky and awkward and wear glasses and say a lot of adjectives. But I've never done anything in my life that would prove to someone that I'm smart and I struggle with the most humiliating concepts and operations all the time. I barely even got through college. It's just not there.
I feel constantly misunderstood by people, it's the whole reason I write, to try to become articulate enough to be understood, but after experiencing the same thing over and over again I think I have it inside out. I'm constantly struggling to get anyone to acknowledge or agree with what I'm saying because I'm way behind everybody else. I think it must be me who doesn't understand what anybody else is saying. That's a more rational explanation and I have to remind myself of it next time I find myself compulsively reiterating something that left everyone else scratching their head. I'm always wrong, and things have happened to me in my life that could only have happened to someone really fucking stupid. And like that would be fine if there were something for me to do. If there were some sort of halfway house I could get admitted to, or some sort of jail for stupidity. Sometimes I fantasize about like a commune I could go to where I can just do really basic manual labor like farming, and just eat what comes out of that, and just stay in my little cell all the time and be contained by having a stable routine and only one place to go. But of course any situation like that winds up turning into Jonestown or Willowbrook or whatever. Eventually I'll do something so stupid it will kill me and I'll win a Darwin award or something, but the more pressing issue is that my stupidity contributes to my emotional dysfunction. It's agonizing to be stupid, to be beneath everything you care about and admire and would like to do, and then you become hard to be around because having emotional problems is a bad quality that makes people dislike and avoid you (and who could blame them). And because I'm an intellectually-oriented person, like culturally and such, my stupidity becomes the defining characteristic of my existence. It would be OK if I were "sweet and dumb", or a dumb jock, or a sexy bimbo, or if I had a goal in life that was more material and sentiment-oriented like being a really great mom. But I don't have any of those co-components going on, only the dumb part, and you can't do anything with dumbness. It doesn't have a silver lining or a useful byproduct. It's incredibly destructive actually. I really don't know what I'm supposed to do with myself, and I don't want to do anything of the things I'm doing now. There just aren't any options for someone like me.
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Idk I'm gettin kinda sick of the idea that Medic tf2 doesn't care abt/is constantly purposefully harming his friends. The whole thing is that he is extremely important to have on Your Side because he is so dangerous. I can't really think of any instances where he does weird science on his teammates that isn't directly beneficial to them (baboon hearts, bringing Sniper back to life, attempting to give Demo his eye back which is something Demo really wants, etc.) or at least neutral to them (injecting a blue whale's pineal gland directly into Sniper's brain stem. He seems to have turned out all right). Medic isn't this gaping void of pure evil, he obviously cares about people and has people who he does not want to die. He doesn't really do intentionally malicious, harmful procedures on people he cares about
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
For a second I thought the cow incident was over the weekend and I was about to book a flight to the UK to tuck you into blankets and make you huge piles of food and treatos.
Also thing. So I have zero and I do mean zero filter on my mouth. Mum likes to say the shit I say is why she has so many grey hairs. Now this isn't to say I'm a jerk or anything close to that. More that I'm a sassy thing and it's amazing that I still have a job. Example, yesterday at work my supervisor and an educator were showing these two students we have proper body mechanics for lifting heavy surgical trays.
Educator "just remember to bend and lift with your knees."
Me walking behind them "pop it like you want that anaconda to get some hun."
Educator and Supervisor "MA'AM" and government name while laughing.
Me walking away as I shake my ass "am I wrong?"
Anyways somehow I still have a job and I'm not entirely sure how. One supervisor wanted to get me drug tested and like 3 weeks later I accidentally gave him nightmares.
Love you hope your week going fabulous ❤️
stigy oh my god i am trying so hard not to cackle at your lack of brain-to-mouth filter right now.
i am fully high-fiving you over saying weird shit at work and somehow still keeping a job. i was well known for saying some truly off the wall shit at my last job (never mean or malicious, just stuff that made people go "parker!" in a scandalised tone while also laughing).
like that time one of my favourite co-workers came to find me in the stockroom and i said "i wish i was getting fucked as hard by dickheads in charge outside of work as i am inside of work" and i made her think she'd gone into premature labour because she was laughing so hard. i am very pleased to tell you she didn't go into labour because i would NOT have handled that well let me tell ya.
lmao i can promise i haven't been getting up to (many) antics at the moment. i've been good! just a few harmless pranks on my mum and an accidental midnight spidering.
love you too! and i hope your week goes most excellently! 💜
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
I saw your post about the leopards eating faces and democrats and if you think the us is bad under biden have a good look through project 2025 and please fucking realize that queer people, those that can get pregnant, and people of color are going to be absolutely fucked if trump wins in November.
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If you ACTUALLY read it then you'd know Biden is ALREADY carrying out the goals outlined in project2025. You'd also know that his administration is even using the SAME exact language that's found in the Mandate for Leadership. Such as "protecting the freedom of navigation in the Suez Canal"
I literally have a post floating around somewhere where I said he was gonna escalate the genocide and smoke out all the rebel groups because guess what? Project2025 outlined that too. Literally listed them as targets that the administration should focus on.
Another part of it says they should continue to protect and support Israel's "right to defend itself" at any cost.
So yeah that thing you're afraid of? It's here. And it's here because you thought the fascist with a blue tie was less scary than a fascist than a red tie so you stopped paying attention when Blue Tie Man was around. And that blue Fascism that's allowing book bans and abortion bans and making trans people illegal is going to stay here and grow because you don't fucking care to address it unless the tie is red.
Maybe fucking read the thing you're trying to fearmonger me about because I guarantee I've read more of it than you.
And it's not that I find the realities in it less scary, it's that I'm not such a privileged shithead that I would prioritize my own comfort over lives being lost in a literal fucking genocide.
Yeah shit sucks for queer people and trans people and trust me, I know that, but we aren't being killed in broad fucking daylight and having people go into denial about it so maybe instead of barking up MY blog about how fucked up everything is you go and send the DNC and your representatives some emails and tell them to give Democrats a candidate that doesnt commit genocide?
How about instead of yelling at me to lower my standards cuz things MIGHT get scarier for you if Blue Tie Man doesn't beat trump (and he won't) you ACCEPT that reality and DO SOMETHING USEFUL about it. How about you and your party just BE BETTER????
There's seven months before the elections and Biden is tanking every poll and Democrats are voting uncommited in swing states and what's Biden doing? Doubling down on every single policy that he's losing voters over (like supporting Israel). If he loses that's not my fault or anyone else's.
Maybe stop asking people to vote for a warmongering white supremacist.
"think of the queers and pregnant people and PoC"
I Am.
They live in Palestine and Sudan and the DRC.
Or did you mean I should prioritize different queers and pregnant people and PoC?
Don't be shy. Did you mean I should prioritize you?
Cuz yeah. Fuck that.
(white) USamerican citizens prioritizing ourselves over everyone else is exactly how the world got so fucked up.
I'm NOT voting for Biden under any fucking circumstances, don't waste my time with another bullshit uninformed scare mongering ask like this again just cuz YOU lack the solidarity to care about any community but your own.
The fuck?
Do you think the queer community only counts Americans? What an ignorant thing to say. "Think of minority communites but only from this specific part of the world"
You wouldn't know community if it hit you in the fucking face.
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6gumi · 1 month
which dress looks good on me?
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synopsis ﹒your husband aventurine helps you pick out dresses ! ( gone wrong ! )
pairings﹒aventurine x f!reader
cw﹒nsfw MDNI. unedited. 、 established relationship 、mirror sex 、semi-public sex 、reader physically smaller 、mild titplay 、 squirting 、aventurine referred to as “kakavasha” once or so 、a bit of choking 、nicknames used ( baby, sweetheart, more ! ) 、more tba !
note﹒hi hii ! ! decided to change things up w my formatting . . . since the last one wasn’t that good so i hope this new format it looks fine :3 this is a lil short but it’s oki ! ! | reblogs are highly appreciated ! if you want to talk to me, send a rq or thirst . . . feel free to send me an ask ! — millie ♡
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it was another day of spending time with your husband, of course . . . he spoiled you a shit ton today, even though you scolded him not to ! but of course, he wouldn’t listen. hmph, typical. you were both in one of the big changing rooms in your favourite place to shop at, examining the dress that hugged your body, the coldness of the room making you shiver. “hmm . . .” you hummed, raising a brow as you took a step closer to the mirror, “ . . aven, i’m not sure about this dress.” you murmured, glancing at your beloved husband staring at you in pure awe, ugh . . he was like a puppy. it was cute.
aventurine whistled, his rough fingertips tracing the outline of your ass, smirking when he felt you jump. “i like it, i guess you don’t then,” he chuckled with a shrug, taking a step closer. “maybe try another one on and see how it looks, maybe something a bit looser, if you prefer. but to me, i like this one.”
“babe, you said that with the five other dresses i tried on earlier.”
“ . . . so?”
“sooo which means that . . . you need to be more with me, you can’t just say “yes it looks good” every single time, y’know . . . i need your honest opinion.” you spoke, crossing your arms.
“well, you did look good in all those dresses you tried on earlier, even this one you still look as beautiful as ever.” aventurine’s pretty eyes roamed over your body with admiration. "your body is perfect just the way it is." aventurine reached out, gently cupping one of your round breasts through the thin material of your dress. "and if anything, you're just getting even more beautiful with each passing day." he leaned in close, nuzzling your neck as he whispered into your ear, " . . mm . . but if you want to look extra hot, maybe we should find something that shows off your cute breasts over here. maybe . . one that allows them to spill right out—“
“what? i was only telling the truth, sweetheart. can’t handle it?”
the dress surely was stunning, accentuating every part of you. but there was something missing . . . like something else needed to be added. hm . . you weren’t sure what. could it be the color? maybe it wasn’t your color? you just weren’t sure. a hand ran through your hair again, slowly trailing down towards the fat of your ass . . . feeling a small yet sharp slap that stung your skin. “you really can’t decide? just get all of them, love. you know i can afford them. unless . . you want me to tell you how i feel about this dress in specific . . both on and off. would that be to your liking?” that smug lil’ smirk on his face . . . you knew exactly what he meant by that. it was risky, but hey . . . you didn’t mind that. you nodded, raising a brow with a smile.
aventurine’s eyes darted over your figure, lingering on the swell of your breasts beneath the dress you wore, he could feel his cock stirring in his pants, straining against the fabric of his boxers. aventurine silently cursed his weakness, his thoughts betraying him at the most inopportune time. “mmh . . . let’s start here.” your husband’s fingers tickled your chin, facing you to the mirror infront of you, as if he wanted you to watch every single thing he does. gripping your hips, he pressed your body firmly against the cold mirror . . his fingers moved deftly, reaching down to flip your dress upwards, sliding his eager digits within your heat . . stroking your wet slit.
“aven . . .” a breathy whimper slipped between your lips as aventurine pressed his thumb against your clit, his other fingers dipping into your folds. He could feel her body respond to his touch, your hips bucking slightly as you tried stifling moans.
“mm . . this dress presents you so well, angel. i like the fabric used . . i also like how these present these tits of yours. ‘s fucking pretty. you can’t expect me to not look at them, can you, baby?” he teased, his fingers brushing over your nipples gently. “if you ever wore this at an important gathering . . fuck. i’d get hard so quick,” his voice . . . goodness his voice. he was so close to you, his body pressed firmly against yours, rubbing his cock against your backside. “speaking of that . . look how hard you made me, baby. just ‘cuz i saw you in this pretty dress.”
the gambler trapped you close against the mirror, cock twitching at the sight of your breasts pressing against the cold surface. his eyes darkened, desire burning in his depths as he looked at the reflection of his wife. your breathing hitched, eyes half-closed, and lips parted in need. "fuck, baby . . . you're driving me insane," aventurine growled, his voice desperate and thick with lust. he adjusted the dress, pulling it down just enough to reveal more of your breasts . . . mouth watering at the sight, his cock throbbing painfully in response. “i’m gonna fuck this pretty pussy . . kay? i’m gonna fuck this pretty pussy.” aventurine’s skilled hands wrapped themselves around your throat, applying pressure with a squeeze. “. . . ‘gonna fuck you hard against this mirror until we get kicked out, kay?”
“ . . okay . . “
“good girl.” his hand squeezed around your neck once more as his cock slid smoothly into your wet heat. his breath hitched as he felt your warmth enveloping him, your wet heat surrounding his dick. your moans and his groans bounced off the walls of the fitting room, not caring if anyone was waiting outside to try on their own clothes . . that’s their problem! “oh baby . . . i will never stop fucking this cunt of yours.” aventurine groaned deeply, losing all control within his nerves as they were all conveyed by pure lust for you. the sounds of the mall faded away, replaced by the slap of your bodies connecting, the soft gasps and whimpers escaping both of you and him.
"this fuckin’ dress . . . fuck i’m gonna ruin it. ruin you, baby.” the gambler breathed raggedly, rough hands gripping your thighs tightly as he pounded into you with no avail or intention of stopping, his eyes locked on the reflection, watching himself taking his pretty wife in the sexiest dress he’d ever seen. “watch me while i fuck you, my little wife. do you see my cock sliding in and out of you? ‘s good . . isn’t it?”
"god, yes!" you cried out, clenching your fists against the mirror, your husband’s eyes locked on the image of your plump tits bouncing with each thrust with your face flushed with passion. “more, aven . . more more more !” goodness . . . you were almost certain that people from the outside heard you both fuckin’ and getting it down in there. in full honesty . . . aventurine didn't care who heard, he didn't care about the consequences. all he cared about was satisfying his desperate hunger for you, feeling your body clench around him. oh . . the way your heat enveloped his member like a blanket drove him crazy. it took every ounce of control left in his body to not cum instantly . . wanting to savour the moment more.
“a—aven i’m gonna cum . . .”
“yeah? cum, angel. cum on my cock . . maybe cum on the mirror too . . give the workers a hard time cleaning our intimacy.” he chuckled, landing a swift smack to your ass. fuck, the sensation was too much for you. your orgasm crashed into you like a tidal wave, overwhelming you completely. with a gasp, you squirted all over the mirror, milking your husbands cock as you did so . . . your vision swam with pleasure, mind hazy with orgasmic bliss. “well then . .” aventurine spoke again, grunting when he emptied himself into you. “did that prove anything? prove how much i liked this dress . . ?”
“sh—shit . . mm . . yes, yes it did . .”
“good. then let’s get this one then, baby. can’t wait to completely ruin you again in this dress when we get home.”
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© 6GUMI. please do not modify 、translate 、share my works on other platforms 、or consider them as yours.
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ "kiss me" ♡
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-> how would the genshin men respond after you tell them to kiss you?
a bit spicier than the usual fluff! 😏
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Gives you a quick kiss
Cyno, Dainsleif, Alhaitham, Diluc
What is it? A kiss? That's all you wanted? Okay. They'll give you a quick one and that's it. Happy now? Let's be honest, they're gonna be real boring about it. So it won't be fun unless you make it fun.
When they begin leaning in to kiss you, you’ve got to grab 'em by the shoulders, deepen the kiss yourself and stay like that for a while. They're going to be both amused and shocked at your assertiveness. Then maybe they'll finally reciprocate your zeal. After all, if you bring such passion to the table, it would be wrong to give you anything less.
Immediately kisses you however they want
Itto, Childe
I hope you know what you're getting into. They'll kiss you with zero hesitation and will devour your lips. Their kisses are gonna be rough and unrelenting. They don't wanna hear any complaints about it either. You're the one who asked for it- well, rather, demanded it, and if you're going to be demanding, then it's only fair that they get their share too!
Asks how you'd like it first before kissing you
THOMA, Kaveh, Gorou, Albedo
If you had to ask for a kiss, then you must want it a certain way, right? So how would you like it? Would you like a light peck or a deep kiss? Do you want it gentle or more rough? Do you want them to bite your lip? Suck on it? Use tongue?
Dare to tell them to figure it out. A small blush will then spread across their cheeks, but they're nonetheless eager to go through all sorts of ways to kiss you.
And in between kisses, they'll frequently ask, "Do you like that?", "Is this what you wanted?", or "Tell me how you'd like it, love" 😘
Gives you what you want, exactly how you want it
Kazuha, ZHONGLI, Tighnari, Baizhu
Would chuckle at your forwardness, but would nonetheless kiss you. They're gonna beckon you to come closer, pull you in towards them, cup the side of your face and give you a long and deep kiss.
When they break away, they'll take a moment to admire your face, caressing your cheek with their thumb as they think about how blessed they are to have you in their life.
Tries to act indifferent about it
They're going to blush a bit at the sudden demand. But they'll try to put up an indifferent front towards it. "Well...sure I guess....", he'll shrug and give you a quick peck on the lips. His attitude reverts to a flustered one when you hum with delight and have the brightest smile on your face after he kisses you.
"Why are you so happy? It's just a kiss"
"It's a kiss from my beloved, why wouldn't I be happy?"
Now you've got him even redder.
"...would you like more?", he'll mumble.
He just loves seeing you so happy, and is so happy that the reason for it is him.
Teases you before giving it to you
Ayato, Venti, KAEYA, Heizou
In any other situation, they'd kiss you on the spot. Though, this time, they'd pause and decide to make you work for it. If you wanted a kiss, then you'd better earn it. Show them how patient and good you could be.
They're going to kiss you everywhere except for your lips, the place where you wanted it to be. They'll be painfully slow about it too. They'll begin by kissing your hand, then pressing kisses up arm, up your neck, your jaw, and right when you think he was finally going to kiss your lips, he simply kisses your cheek. You whine and he simply responds, "I'm kissing you, aren't I?", and proceeds to leave kisses all over your face.
If you try to kiss them, they'll put a finger up to your lips to prevent you and will prolong their teasing. Like I said, he wants to see how patient you can be and once he's seen it, he'll admire your adorable, flustered face for a moment before finally meeting his lips with yours.
Will say "no" just to get a rise out of you
Alhaitham, Scaramouche, CHILDE, Heizou, Kaeya
Similar to teasing, but worse. He'll deny you to the point where you truly believe that he doesn't want to kiss you. It's gonna make you pout, but once he's taken in enough of your cute expression, he's going to kiss you so sweetly and do much more to make it up to you.
(I would've added Venti here but I feel like he'd be afraid that you'll never kiss him again if he were to tease you like that lol
On the other hand, these dudes here would be confident that you'll be kissing them again. They'll make sure of it ;) )
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subbmissivesuccubus · 5 months
No Nut November ~
a/n. A request by my Patron for the month of November! It was quite the fun one. If you'd like me to write a story for you, please consider joining my Patreon! (link in bio)
Contains : Toji X Fem reader. No nut November antics. Toji being horny. Reader being a tease.
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"Fuck-" you cursed, panting heavily as you lied back on the bed, finally getting a break. Your partner, Toji, lied down next to you, half as tired but just as satisfied. He hummed as his muscled relaxed, hot and sweaty from the numerous rounds of sex, completely naked as he got comfortable enough to drift into sleep.
You couldn’t help but frown at him, a bit annoyed at his satisfied and content expression while your body was crying from the over-stimulation. He had taken you over and over and over again, his stamina seemingly never ending as he fucked you multiple times in multiple positions. Even when you complained that you couldn’t take it anymore, he claimed that he’d make you take it. And after he pumped you with several loads of cum, he finally called it a night.
"You- you're such a horndog." you said. The man chuckled, manhandling you to get closer to him, placing you on his chest before giving you a sweet kiss on your hair. “You love it.” He teased, giving your butt a greedy squeeze, making you flinch as he touched the bright red mark he had left on your cheek before. 
This was your routine. Toji and you would go to work, you'd come back home, have dinner together before he took you to the bedroom and gave you the most toe curling, back arching, pussy squirting pleasure you'd ever experienced. The man had a huge dick and a ton of stamina, not going soft unless he's cum multiple times.
And it's amazing it truly is.
But after a while...it becomes a lot. There's only so many times your pussy can take a pounding before she gets sore and it starts to hurt even when you sit down. There's only so many times your nipples can get suckled on before any friction, even from your bra, makes them ache. There's only so many times you can wear a turtleneck before people connect the dots. You tried to say so to Toji, letting him know of your trouble but he either laughed it off, took is as a compliment and continued to fuck you silly regardless.
His desire for you and his constant want to have his hands on you was a big ego boost, but you needed a break and you figured out the perfect way to do it.
“Have you heard of something called No Nut November?” Toji snorted, looking down at you amused, “Sounds stupid. I’m guessing it means you don’t cum in all of November?” “Exactly. It’s an internet challenge. Think you can do it?” He chuckled again, not taking it seriously, “I have a beautiful girlfriend who I can fuck on a daily basis- why would I give that up for a dumb internet challenge?” “Hmm, thought so.” You said, acting unimpressed as you poked his nose, “There's no way you can keep your hands off of me for a month. You don't have the self-control. Why am I not surprised?"
Now, Toji knew what you were doing. You were baiting him, plain and simple. And was he going to fall for it? Of course not... but he didn’t like your tone.
"Wanna bet on that?" he asked.
You tried not to grin, the man falling for your trap hook, line and sinker. There was no way a man as proud as him would not rise to the challenge just to prove you wrong.
“Fine. From tomorrow until the end of December, you can’t cum.” You said, “That means no sex and no jerking off. If you fail, I get to decide when we have sex for at least a month.”
“And if I win, you are going to be my little sex doll I can fuck whenever I want with no complaints.” Toji challenged. You scoffed, more than confident that he wouldn’t be able to do it.
One week had gone by and it was already hell. Toji had to will himself to not drag you into the bedroom every night, the condescending smirk on your face actually giving him motivation to keep going. Ever since he started dating you, sex was a common and daily occurrence so to have it taken away was difficult for him to navigate but he could do this. He was an adult with self-control and he wasn’t a horny teenager who needed to get their rocks off all the time.
But during week two, he wondered if he truly had the self-control he thought he did.
You were not making it easy for him, oh no. You were a naughty little minx and once Toji went by one week with no sex, you realised you needed to make him break. Whether it was make-out sessions with a bit more tongue than you normally use, or ‘forgetting’ to lock the door while you showered so he’d walk in on you naked, or going to bed in nothing but his oversized t-shirt, or asking him to give you a massage and letting out sweet, filthy little moans as he worked out the knots. These small things were piling up, riling the man up even more to the point where in a sweet kiss from you would make his dick hard. You were good. But he wasn’t giving up.
But neither were you. And you decided to ramp it up for week 3.
“…And what are you doing?” Toji asked, looking you up and down and undressing you with his eyes. You were standing by the bedroom door, looking absolutely stunning in a lingerie piece he hadn’t seen before. It was a beautiful lace red piece, the underwear framing your body deliciously. Your tits, your stomach, your ass and the heaven between your legs- all the blood instantly went to his cock just by looking at you.
“Tojiiii~” you cooed, walking over towards him, your hips swaying seductively as you reached him. He was sitting against the headboard of the bed, idly scrolling through his phone but the random video he was watching was all but forgotten as you crawled between his legs. Your tits were practically swinging in front of his face as you straddled him, the man unable to deny you as he placed a hand on your waist, running his fingers over the soft lace.
“I’m so horny, Toji~” you cooed, rubbing your hand up and down his covered chest, “I need you.”
“Nice try.” The man responded, snorting as he flicked your forehead with his other hand, making you gasp, “I know your game here, little minx. You’re not getting me to fuck you.”
“How mean.” You said, pouting adorably and showing off the lip gloss you had put on, “If you’re not interested, then this can probably go on past November-“ “Not a chance.” Toji growled, gripping your waist so tightly it made you gasp, “You know I’m owning that pussy once this month is up. So be a good girl and wait.” “Wait?” you repeated, raising an eyebrow, “Why do I have to wait? I’m not doing the stupid challenge.” You smiled at the way Toji’s eyes followed you as you got off of him, bending over in front of him as you reached for a familiar drawer in the bedside table.
“Just because you’re not going to fuck me doesn’t mean I can’t have fun~” you said, holding up your favorite wand vibrator as well as a thick, vibrating dildo. “It’s not as big as you, but it’s good enough~”
  What proceeded was the worst yet best night of Toji’s life. He watched as you pleasured yourself, your sweet moans echoing through the room as you fucked yourself with your toys. With the vibrator rubbing your clit and the dildo sliding in and out of your pussy, you practically gave him a private show. Your lingerie was still on your body but pulled aside to expose your breasts and your cunt, making you look so delicious he just couldn’t keep his hands to himself. He didn’t dare to touch himself as he helped you along with your session, growling dirty things into your ear as he took over and fucked your cunt with the dildo, working it way better than you could yourself, groaning in delight as he suckled on your nipples as he drove you over the edge.
His dick was so hard it felt like it would explode. But he wouldn’t budge. He wanted to- God he wanted to- but he was going to stay strong. The reward he’d get for sticking with this at the end of the month would feel way better than the momentary pleasure he’d get from rubbing one out. So he stayed strong. Days went by, feeling longer and longer and your antics growing more and more bold. Your masturbation sessions were happening often, you were walking around the house in skimpy clothing, he’d wake up and find that you had ‘accidentally somehow fallen asleep with your face close to his cock’ but try as you might, you couldn’t break him.
He increased the ice-cold showers. He took longer working hours to distract himself. He fingered you so he could remind you of how good he was going to take you once the month was up. Hell, he even took up meditation to try and ease the tension in his body. And finally. Finally. After all that hard work- he made it.
He did it. He actually did it.
He was on the last day of November.
A full month of no sex. No pleasure. No jacking off. His cock hurt and his balls ached so badly, dying for some release and he couldn't wait to get it. Tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, he was going to take you and pound the shit out of you- fucking you so hard you won't be able to walk for days. He made sure you knew it too. Throughout the day, he was whispering filth to you, growling in your ear and palming his cock in front of you, loving the blush on your face as he detailed all the bad and naughty things he was going to do to you tonight. There was no doubt you felt defeated and after this, he was going to break and punish you.
Just an hour. He could do this. He was going to do this!
He was lounging on the couch of the living room, not focusing on what was on the TV as his mind was occupied with lust when he saw you walk out of their bedroom and upto him.
"How do I look?" you asked, twirling around so he could see your outfit. It was a cute short dress with a pair of leggings and he hummed in approval.  
"You going out?" he asked.
"Yup!" you said, suddenly dragging a suitcase from behind you, "I’m going to my parents’ house."
Toji raised his eyebrows, his eyes widening. What?
"Excuse me?" he asked, watching as you dragged your suitcase over to the door.
"Sorry, I forgot to mention it before." you said casually, clearly ignoring the expression on his face, "Last minute plan- you know how it is."
"Bullshit." the man snarled, walking upto you before slamming his hands on the wall behind you, caging you, "You're just trying to fuck with me, aren't you?"
"Whatever do you mean?" you asked, a curious tilt in your tone which told Toji all he needed to know, "I just miss home and I know you have a busy workday tomorrow so I didn’t think you’d want to come. That’s not a problem, is it? I’ll only be there for a week.”
“A week-“ Toji growled, nails digging into his fist as he still cornered you against the wall, “You’re not fucking serious.”
You shrugged, faking innocence, “I mean, is there any reason I shouldn’t go? I have a few days off from work and my mom has been begging me to come by someday. The train leaves in…” you checked your watch, ignoring Toji’s scoffs at your audacity, “thirty minutes. So I better get going-“
“You’re not going anywhere you little brat!” Toji snarled, his patience snapping. There was no way in hell he was going to let you leave and have you been gone for a week. He was confident you were just bluffing but he was not taking that change. With a growl, he bent down and threw you over his shoulder, making you yelp as you were suddenly held upside down. He gave you butt a sharp spank, a slap so hard it made you forget how to breathe for a second before he stormed towards the bedroom.
“Wh- what about the bet?” you asked once he threw you onto the bed, Toji immediately getting undressed as he practically ripped his shirt off.
“Fuck the bet.” He said, grabbing you by the ankles before he pulled you towards him, a feral look in his eyes as he fisted the fabric of your tights, “Fuck No Nut November. And fuck you.”
You gasped as he started tearing apart your tights, the fabric ripping away like paper as all he could think about was fucking you. You could see the imprint of his cock straining against his sweatpants, you man already hot and bothered and eager. Your heart was beating fast in your chest, the excitement over-riding the fact that you were going to win the bet. Once the tights were torn enough and before you could even get a second to complain, he flipped you onto your stomach.
He slid your panties to the side, so desperate for you that he couldn’t be bothered to properly undress you before he grabbed two greedy handfuls of your ass. You mewled under him as he squeezed, the man spreading your cheeks apart before he dove in, face first. You yelped as Toji took a long, rough lick of your pussy, the familiar sensation something you truly missed since the start of the bet. You gasped and moaned as he started feasting on your cunt, his thick tongue sliding into you and working you open, your pussy slowly getting wet for him.
Toji growled against you, the vibration making you feel even better as he got you hot and bothered. His cock was so hard it was genuinely hurting him, the sensation of your pussy against his tongue and the taste of your sweet nectar making him go into overdrive. But even your pussy wasn’t going to make him forget how you pissed him off.
“Mmph- this isn’t for you- got it?” he snarled, smacking your ass once to get your attention, “I’m getting this cunt wet enough to fuck my fat cock deep inside you. I don’t care if you feel good and I don’t give a shit if you cum or not- you’ve gotten enough of that this month.”
“Don’t be- ah- mean.” You protested, gasping as he suddenly pulled away from you and flipped you onto your back again. “Oh, I haven’t even gotten started.” Toji said as he grabbed the hem of your dress and pulled it up harshly, also not caring to take it off completely. All he wanted was access to your tits and once he pulled your bra upto your chin, he got what he wanted. “You’ll see just how mean I can be.”
He took a nipple into his mouth before you could say anything, not wanting to hear anything out of your lips unless it was moans, cries or apologies. He slid his fingers into your panties, his thick digits sliding between your damp pussy lips, the slick sound of the contact echoing through the air. Despite the attitude, he knew you missed him too. Dildos just didn’t compare to him.
He slid a finger inside you, the glide easy due to your wetness as he slowly but thoroughly started stretching you out for his cock. Your fingers were in his hair, tugging at it harshly as he suckled on your nipple, his tongue twirling the sensitive bud around before he bit down, making you yelp from the pain. You rocked your hips against his fingers, arching your back as he slid a second one inside you before scissoring you open just how you like it.
“Fuck- good enough.” Toji said, separating from your nipple (which he indeed sucked raw) and gently taking his fingers out of you. He knelt between your legs after he gave you a quick peck on the lips, pushing his pants down to reveal his cock. Your eyes widened at the sight, your pussy throbbing as you gazed at the member you practically hadn’t seen all month. It was rock hard and twitching, precum leaking out of the tip that was so red, you wondered if it would burn your tongue if you sucked on it. His balls were always big and heavy and you didn’t know if the time apart muddled your memory a bit but you swore, they were somehow bigger.
  “Spread those fucking legs- show me that pussy.” Toji said, gripping his cock before he started tapping it against your cunt, purposefully targeting your clit and making you tremble from each hit, “Look at that. So needy and dripping even though you fucked yourself on that dildo every other night.”
He spat on your pussy, making you gasp at the vile action but it made your cunt gush even more. He truly was using you like he owned you. His cockhead rubbed at the glob of saliva that was trailing down your cunt before he finally, finally pressed it against your entrance.
“I won’t last long, but I don’t care.” Toji said, rocking his hips lightly as he teased your hole, “You’re here to be my cum dump. You’re here for my pleasure, got it?”
You couldn’t help but he bratty even though every fibre of your being wanted to beg the man to just fuck you already: “Enjoy it since I’m winning this bet~” “Oh, are you sure about that?”
You frowned at his words before your eyes widened and you looked over at the clock to see that…it was midnight. November was officially over. And you had lost.
“That- ah!” you screamed loudly as Toji plunged his cock into you, his girth splitting apart your wet, velvet walls as he pushed into your cunt. He laughed as he got inside you, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he felt your pussy wrap around him, that sweet, amazing feeling of your walls squeezing him greedily. He grabbed your legs by the back of your knees before pushing them upto your chest, catching you in a mating press, driving his cock deep, deep inside you.
“Fuck! Fuck- fuck!” you squealed, the whiplash from realizing you lost to the sensation of your cunt being stuffed full for the first time in a month making your head spin, “I thought- you- fuck!” “Nice try baby.” Toji snarled, body trembling as he got to feel your cunt again, his balls already threatening to spill his seed inside you, “But you’re going to have to try harder- fuck yes- if you wanna beat me~”
He lifted his hips up and thrust into you again, both of you moaning as he stuffed his cock deep inside your delicious cunt. He started picking up the pace, the nasty sound of his balls clapping against your ass was music to his ears as he started using you. This was for him.
“You’re my toy now, understand?” he asked, tightening his hold on your legs and keeping you nice and folded for him, “my sweet little fuck toy that I’m going to use to break every. Single. Fucking. Night!” he thrust harshly at each word, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt his cock deliciously slide inside you, truly owning you. You hated to admit it, but you were secretly happy he won. As he pounded into you, you couldn’t help but remember how torturous this month was for you as well.
Sore pussy be damned, you were too addicted to Toji to give him up.
And while you swore you had more time before midnight struck, you were too cock drunk to think about it. Which was good for Toji as he thought ahead and might have changed the timing on the clock to make it a touch faster. But what you didn’t know wasn’t going to hurt you and by the time he was done with you, you’d forget how to count anyway.
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lisenberry · 19 days
141 when they find out reader has been crying:
(an earlier brain worm had me expanding this to all of them)
Price: He pulls you into his office and shuts the door. It barely closes before he turns on you, crossing his arms and looking down with his chin tucked against his chest. He rocks back on his heels once, twice, while he waits for you to spill.
You can only blink up at him, willing your tears not to fall while he's watching you so intently.
"What is it, sir?" You finally chance the use of your voice, but instantly regret it. Your miserable croak isn't hiding anything.
"I can't help you if you don't tell me why you've been crying." His tone is gruff, like sandpaper over rock salt, but his eyes soften imploringly.
For a minute, you want to tell him everything, but instead you just give in and cry harder. For a moment, he looks disappointed, but he simply pats you awkwardly on your shoulder and grabs a box of tissues from his desk drawer.
He motions to the sofa in the corner where you sob quietly for a half hour more while he finishes his paperwork. He doesn't know what's going on, but he's not going to let you do it alone.
Ghost: It doesn't matter where you hide, he finds you. The kitchen? He's in and out three times. Tea, a spoon for his tea, another tea. He crowds your space each time, no matter where you stand. Forcing you in circles as you try to keep your face averted.
For a silent man, he manages to make as much noise as possible to distract you to the point of almost asking him, "What the fuck, Simon?"
You finally move to a bathroom stall, but before long you hear the door open and two large boots stop just beyond the door. You know it's him by the size alone.
You hold your breath for a beat, and then two, so long that you wonder who is going to give in first. You know you've got about 3 minutes before you pass out. But just as you're about to stand up and face him, he turns and leaves without a word.
Exactly ten minutes later, he finds you in the rec room, dragging someone by the neck. It's not until Ghost kicks the man's knees out from under him, forcing him to kneel in front of you that you realize who it is. Some asshole from the other team who was giving you a hard time in training this morning.
With Ghost's knee pressed painfully between his shoulder blades, he grits out, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! It won't happen again!"
He's not the reason you're crying, but watching his face turn ten shades of purple does make you feel a little better.
Gaz: He keeps his distance and hates to see people cry because it always makes him cry, too. He doesn't know why. Movies, talk shows, commercials, they just get him right in the feels.
But every time you look up, his golden eyes meet yours, glistening with empathy. You simply shake your head at him and go about your day, until eventually, you get a text.
You mad at me?
-No, I'm fine.
You sure?
Fucking xxxx again, innit?
Of course he'd be the one to guess right. He paid the most attention, listened when you talked and remembered every detail. To be honest, he'd been the one you confided in the most for that reason.
He took your silence as a confirmation.
I hid some ice cream in the freezer. Unless Soap got to it first.
Soap: You head back to the kitchen again in search of the contraband ice cream, hoping it's the good mocha chip flavor you love, only to find Soap has beaten you to it. He innocently scoops out the last bite before seeing your face crumble and guiltily tosses it into the sink.
"Och, shit. Was that yours?"
"No, it's okay." Could this get any worse?
After dealing with these four, you just give up and slink back to your room.
"You know what you need?" He charges you before you can get any further.
"No, Johnny, don't!" Not one to listen, he pulls you up over his shoulder in one swoop and fireman carries you out to the gym.
"We're going to sweat it out, yeah? Always makes me feel better. Whether it's fighting or fucking is up to you."
You finally laugh at the absurdity of it, for the first time all day.
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theemporium · 2 months
can i request 💜 "You're the only one who gets to call me that, you know." with luke hughes please!!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
22. "You're the only one who gets to call me that, you know."
In a sport like hockey, you got used to being called a variety of different names for a variety of stupid reasons. 
Some made sense. Some had a funny backstory. Some were born from an embarrassing memory you could never escape. Some had no real correlation but it was used once and it stuck and now the whole team used it. It was just one of the dynamics of hockey that you got used to pretty early on. 
And the thing was that Luke didn’t hate his name. He didn’t, it would have broken his parents heart if he said as much. It just wasn’t exactly like he was ecstatic for people to throw ‘Luke Warren Hughes’ at him. Or at least, he didn’t like it when his middle name was brought into the locker room. 
Maybe it was PTSD from the teasing he got when he was in middle school. Maybe it was the fact it sounded a little like it belonged to a sixty year old man. Or maybe it was because he was so damn used to being known as ‘Luke Hughes’ or ‘the other Hughes’, that he sometimes forgot he had a middle name.
Whatever the reason was, Luke never liked it being used in the locker room by the boys. He didn’t really like the name being used, full stop. Unless it was one of his parents using it. He thought he managed to avoid it for years until he joined the New Jersey Devils and met the team—met you.
Because, for some fucking reason that was beyond his own understanding, every rule and belief Luke had went flying out the window when it came to you. 
Including the use of his middle name.
“God, Warren, couldn’t even use a comb this morning?” 
Luke felt his cheeks heat up as he lifted his head to find you wandering into the locker room. Most of the team were already out on the ice, but Luke was one of the stragglers that was still getting his gear on. It wasn’t his fault the team decided team pictures needed to be taken at an ungodly hour before practice. 
“Does it look that bad?” Luke questioned, trying to ignore the pleasant twist in his stomach when you flashed him a smile and made your way over to him.
“I think it looks cute,” you replied, lip tucked between your teeth as you reached out to gently run your fingers through his curls. “Curtis might give you some shit though.”
“Curtis always gives me shit,” he mumbled, letting his eyes flutter shut as your nails gently scraped along his scalp. 
“Hm, well tell him to come talk to me if he gives you a hard time for your curls,” you said, and even with his eyes closed, he could hear the smile in your voice. 
His cheeks burned as he tilted his head back to look at you, his own smile mirroring yours. “Gonna be my knight in shining armour?” 
“M’always gonna have your back, Warren,” you replied, your voice a little softer. A little more genuine. 
He swallowed. “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.” 
Your smile widened. “Oh, I know. Jack told me you once got into a fight during a game back in middle school after some guy on the other team used it.”
He groaned a little at the memory. “Quinn and Jack gave me so much shit after that. They called me Warren for a week after that.” 
You snorted. “What did you do?”
“I told on them,” he admitted, a little sheepish. “They got grounded for a week.” 
You laughed and his smile widened at the sound.
“So how come you let me use it?” You asked, something else in your voice that Luke couldn’t quite name but it still made his heart speed up a little.
“I guess I like you more than them.” It was meant to come out light-hearted and teasing, but it felt far too heavy and suggestive once the words left his mouth.
“Enough to grab something to eat after practice?” You asked, so casual and calm like you couldn’t see the way Luke’s whole face was burning a pretty shade of red. 
“More than enough,” he said with a nod, unable to fight the grin off his face when you smiled back.
“Then better get your pretty ass out there before the boys make you do drills after practice for being late,” you teased, laughing as you watched him quickly shove on the rest of his gear before rushing out the door.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
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Hello everyone!
I've said it several times, but I wanted to take a moment to illustrate exactly why screenshots are absolutely worthless as evidence of anything on the internet. Some friends volunteered to help me out!
Go look at the two screenshots I provided, can you tell which one is the original? Take your best guess after studying both, and keep that guess in the back of your mind.
You can sometimes spot fake screenshots if the image itself has been edited, but if if a person is clever about how they go about it, it's impossible to tell real screenshots from fake ones. Discord is one of the easiest sites to create perfect fakes on, as you can see above. Creating the fake screenshot took me about a minute and 30 seconds. I opened discord's web app, then used the console to change the text people wrote. I then took screenshots of both the original and my edit. I could even create a video scrolling past the fake messages with new ones coming in if I felt like it. Doing this in the desktop application is a bit harder, but still no longer than a 20 minute project.
This is what I mean when I say screenshots are meaningless as evidence. They are trivially easy to fake, and mean nothing unless they are coming from a trusted source with other methods of verification. You can do this with any social media site, any dms, etc. Do not trust a screenshot to mean anything on it's own, because at this point it's literally as reliable as saying "dude, trust me."
And if you're thinking: no, no, I've clearly spotted a difference and know exactly which screenshot is the fake?
Well, alright, which one is the real one? Which one did you pick?
No matter which one you picked, it's wrong. Because neither of those screenshots are real. I lied to you. Here's the actual original:
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That's how easy it is to trick people with fake screenshots.
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fairlyang · 5 months
Easy money I 🕷️
in which your roomie needs your help for a shoot
w/c: 3.1K
pairing: pornstaroomie!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. tension, recording, groping, fingering, squirting
notes: all my readers loved this series and might’ve been peer pressured for a part 3 but I’m kinda excited to write it :D gonna post this rn and maybe part 2 tmrw, finish up all my part 3’s soon hopefully
part two
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I heard a knock on my door so I lowered my music from my airpods. "Come in!" I yell and turn to look at my laptop.
I hear the door open and Miguel clears his throat, I turn around to look at him and raise an eyebrow, "what's up?"
"I need something from you...." He says and takes a step inside.
"Like what?" I ask and he takes another step forward.
"You're gonna have to hear me out alright?" He says and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Okay..." I say and take my airpods off leaving them on my desk before turning back to look at him, giving him my full attention.
"I need you to step in for tonight's shoot..." he says and I burst out laughing.
"Are you fucking joking?" I say and shake my head. Is this man serious?
"I need your help Y/n..." he says nearing the edge of my bed and I groan.
"Why me?"
"The girl I was gonna shoot with canceled on me last minute and all the girls I usually shoot with are unavailable." He explains and I blink.
"Andddd you are already here...." He adds and i scoff.
"Not really sure I'd wanna expose myself like that Miguel." I say and stand up, walking over to my bed and plop down on it.
He sighs and sits on the edge of it and looks at me with pleading eyes. "Please? For me?"
"And the camera would hide your face, so unless you have any noticeable tattoos on your lower body then I think you'd be in the clear." He says and I bite my lip. Well there lies the problem...
I blink looking at him in silence making him scoff as he widens his eyes slightly then his lips tug into a smirk. "Where do you have it?" he asks and I feel my face heat up.
"Uh that one spot that's like lower, inner hip..." I say quietly and turn my gaze to my window.
There was really no reason for me to be acting like this- but that tattoo wasn't exactly somewhere that most people in my life know.... So maybe... just maybe...
"No face?" I ask and he nods.
"You know I don't even show my face-" he says with a small smile.
"I know but I don't know if it's different for the girls you record with." I say and shrug.
"It depends on them mainly, I'm not gonna force anyone I work with to show their face if they don't want to." He says softly and I nod slowly.
"And you wanna do this like right now?" I ask and he nods again.
"Jesus-" I mutter and run a hand over my hair.
"Up to you but you know I have a lot of loyal subscribers and make decent money off this..." he says and I chuckle.
"Because the girls love your voice and body." I say and he smirks making me regret my choice of words. And queue to him being obnoxious about it...
"Think so huh?" he teases in a cocky tone making me groan.
"Fuck off." I say and grab a random stuffed animal from my bed and throw it at his face.
He laughs and holds it, it was so small compared to his hands. Oh god-
I mean of fucking course I've noticed how fine he is- it was the first thing I noticed when I was interviewing people to be my roommate, he was the hottest man that came in needing a place to stay.
I didn't just decide on him because he was hot but because he seemed chill and not like someone that would murder me in my sleep.
But I never made a move on him, neither did he. We've just always had some type of tension that neither of us ever paid attention to... I guess until now..
"So what exactly did you plan to shoot?" I ask and let out a sigh.
He grins and scoots closer now sitting by my legs as they were stretched out. "I was thinking fingering."
I nod and bite my lip, "hmm.."
"Up to you I won't force you but just think of the fact that you'd be getting paid to get fingered." He says and I snicker.
Sounds like easy money...
And I'd get an orgasm out of it...
"50% of whatever the video makes will go to you." He says and I bite my lip.
"You're really laying it on thick there Miguel... you that desperate?" I tease and he playfully rolls his eyes.
"Yeah actually, so just let me know within the next hour before I just decide to do a solo vid." He says and stands up.
I sigh and nod, "I'll... think about it...." He smirks and gives me a wink before opening the door and walking out, closing it behind him.
I sigh and lay down on my bed, should I?
I mean there's no denying the fact that I always listen in when he has someone over to record... or even checked out a few of his videos on pornhub...
maybe even possibly masturbated to a few of his audios... or the ones where he fucks himself with a fleshlight...
Letting out those incredible moans for everyone's very own pleasure, how selfless.
But he wanted to record for onlyfans which was for the ones who specifically pay to view his content, which apparently was a lot and the thought alone was a little nerve wrecking.
What if someone I've been with before recognized my tattoo and tells people I know? I'd be fucking done for and I'd just die on the spot of pure embarrassment.
But the money- how could I say no to that kind of money? Especially when seeing the views just his previews on pornhub get-
I'd be so fucking stupid to pass this opportunity...
Fuck it.
I get up from my bed and walk to my door quickly opening it before stepping out onto the hallway. I then do the walk of shame and walk to Miguel's room.
I made my mind up a little too fast god I'm not gonna hear the end of this from him-
I step in front of his door and knock twice before hearing a laugh. I groan and cross my arms across my chest, patiently waiting for him.
He opens the door with a wide smile but before I could even say a word my eyes trailed down his chest then to his abdomen. A small happy trail going down caught my eye as a pair of grey sweatpants hugged his hips perfectly.
God he looked so good...
Wait- how the fuck did he change so fast?
"Did you just assume I was going to say yes?" I ask, quickly looking up at him.
He shrugs and opens his door wide, motioning for me to step inside. I roll my eyes but walk in nonetheless, seeing that he was indeed very desperate for this. And apparently eager.
"I knew it'd be something hard for you to say no to." He says and shrugs, closing the door behind him.
"And I had an idea for more anonymity..." he says and walks past me.
He walks over to his desk and picks up two masks, robber masks. "We could put these on." He says and throws me a pink one.
I catch it and look down at it, cute.
"Just casually had these huh?" I mutter and play with it between my fingertips.
It only had three holes, obviously for the eyes and mouth. It honestly didn't shock me too much that he had these especially considering he didn't make content showing his face at all.
"Alright ready?"
"Where are we doing this? Should I change? Should I put makeup on-"
"Calm down-" he says and laughs, shaking his head at my sudden worries.
"We're doing this in my bathroom, I already set the camera and lights up." He explains and I nod.
"As for your clothes if you want I can give you one of my shirts and you can just leave your panties on." He says looking me up and down.
I wearing a SZA shirt with Cookie Monster pajama pants.... Yeah I definitely could've changed but maybe got a tiny bit excited..
He walked over to his dresser and picked the first one of top and then tossed it over to me. I caught it and unfold it to reveal a Nirvana tee. I shrug and walk over to his bathroom with him right on my tail.
I walk in then stop and quickly turn around to point a finger at him, "you're waiting- you can wait a few more minutes there O'Hara." He chuckles and backs up letting me close the door.
I quickly take off my tee shirt and put the one he gave me on. I leave my shirt on the sink then I slip out of my pj pants and realize it wasn't a big deal if he watched because he was going to see it all right now anyway.....
I look in the mirror and take a deep breath, I was really going to do this.... We were really going to do this...
I then take notice of the ring light and tripod that were right in front me. This was getting so real so fast and it was making me more nervous than I expected.
I breathe in then breathe out. I do it a couple more times and feel some nerves leave my body but some still lingering around.
I turn around and walk towards the door, I open it wide and Miguel stands up from his bed and walks over. "Finally." He teased and I chuckle.
"My bad." I mutter, turning back around and walk to the sink, leaning against it as Miguel walks in.
"You're good, don't worry it'll be fine." He reassured and gives me a small smile.
He walks over to his tripod and sets his phone on it and goes to the camera. He turns to me and motions for me to stand in front of the camera. I nod and do so, leaning against the seat with my nerves growing every second.
"Alright we're gonna start, if you need me to stop at any given moment just tap my thigh or anywhere twice okay?" He says and I nod.
"Audibly please?" He says and I chuckle.
"Yes I understand."
"Okay good." He says and throws me the pink robber mask.
I move all my hair to my back then slip it on. I fix the holes to align to my mouth and eyes then see Miguel doing the same. "This'll be fun." He mutters with a slight smirk on his face then he presses the button to record.
He walks over to me and gently puts his hands on my cheeks then leans in. I lean up and he leans down removing the last amount of space between us and crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss back and put a hand to his jaw and the other on his neck.
I then feel his hands slide down my body, at first staying at my waist, gripping my skin softly through the shirt until his hands go lower and his fingertips are playing with the hem of his shirt, near my ass.
He slid his tongue in my mouth and continues toying w his shirt, bringing it up slowly as our tongues fight for dominance but I stood no chance. Suddenly I feel a hard smack against my ass making me moan in his mouth.
He smiles and pulls away just to go down and start leaving open mouthed kisses on my neck. I sigh and tilt my head to the side as he slightly moves the mask to leave a mark where he wanted. He sucked on my skin then licked it softly before leaving a kiss on it.
I smile and grab his head, making sure he stayed in place as he kept playing with the skirt. He pulls away again and this time bringing the hem of the shirt up, slowly. He turns me around slowly so my behind is what the camera will see and lifts the shirt completely over my ass.
Another smack.
Then to the other cheek.
Another smack on each one, definitely already making them red and it seemed like he wanted to keep going because of the noises that were leaving his mouth. Such delicious groans.
He keeps pulling it up, exposing my entire bare back to the camera but my tits to him. He quickly brings it up and over my head, throwing it on the floor then quickly cups my tits and squeezes.
I gasp when he pinches both nipples then quickly turns me around so my ass was on his already hard bulge. His hands continue squeezing and I felt purely at bliss, heaven on earth even.
I lay my head back against his chest which makes him lean down and leave a kiss on my neck then suck gently on the skin as his hands continued kneading my tits.
His right hand then lets go of my boob and slowly trails down my stomach, as if easing me in, making me feel comfortable first. I grab on to his left arm and try to stand still, I already felt like I was going to go crazy and maybe fall over.
My fucking roommate was doing this- and he had such a good hand for these things so this was gonna be perfect.
His hand goes between my legs, gently rubbing my pussy through my panties. I spread my legs to help him out when he starts rubbing circles on my clit. I moan and buck my hips forward, already wanting more.
And he gives me just that, he starts going faster and I could feel my wetness seeping through the fabric of my little panties. "Miguel-"
He hums then rubs along my slit, my arousal already able to soak his fingers. How embarrassing.
He then removed his fingers making me whine until he pulls my panties down and lets them slide off my legs. I step out of them and kick them farther out, out of shot.
I spread my legs again and he doesn't hesitate to immediately start rubbing my clit again, not caring to ease me in anymore. He moans into my ear and dips his fingers on to my folds, my wetness enveloping them as he teases my hole making me grip harder onto his arm.
He moved that arm to grip on to my waist while I still held on to it for dear life. I couldn't trust myself to stand I knew I'd just end up falling and he was a big boy, he could handle me.
He then slid a finger in, slow at first until he slammed it in without warning. I gasped and clung on to his arm. He then started pumping in and out, deep and slow.
He started going faster, hitting deeper now until he fully stopped and added a second finger in. He started moving again, going faster and harder, making me a moaning mess as I looked down to watch in awe.
"Look how easy you're taking me baby." He murmurs in my ear and I couldn't help the whimper that came out of me.
"Feels so good-" I moan and he hums, pumping them even faster.
I felt myself clench against his fingers and listen to how fucking soaked I am, he barely even touched me..
"Rub your clit for me." He whispers and I nod, immediately bringing my right hand down to rub my clit in fast circles.
I moan out for him and he coos dirty little nothings into my ear as he starts curling his fingers up and hitting that sweet spot every time.
I was starting to feel my orgasm creep in already which had me shocked but then realized who was the one doing this to me...
"Fuck- Miguel-" I moan and lay my head back against him, he leans down to kiss my cheek oh so sweetly.
He then brings his open hand and starts pinching my left nipple, I felt my legs shake as he continued and I was slowly down because I was feeling so fucking close.
"Don't stop baby, be a good girl and keep rubbing that clit until you cum for me sweet girl." He murmurs and I whimper, clenching against his fingers as I rub my clit faster feeling that knot in my stomach about to burst.
"Miguel please- so cl-"
I dig my nails into his arms making him groan but he didn't say to stop. I felt my eyes growing hazier by the second and my thighs were trembling more and more by the second.
Suddenly I see white, I cry out and feel my climax crash and take over my body. I closed my eyes and almost fell to my knees, had Miguel strong arm not held me. My legs were trembling and Miguel's fingers were still inside, slowly fucking me through my orgasm.
I held onto him for dear life and start to calm my breathing down as I open my eyes, then quickly widening in pure shock, I had squirted all over the place.
I gasp and move my hand away from my clit, I stood silent, still in Miguel's arms in pure embarrassment. Squirting always felt so embarrassing, especially now because I didn't even mean to-
"That was probably the most perfect shoot I've done thus far." Miguel says making me scoff.
"I'm being so serious." He says finally taking his fingers out of me slowly and brings it up to his lips.
I tilt my head and look up, watching as he sucks on his fingers covered in my juices. Holy fuck.
I blink watching him as if in a trance, then he looks me directly in my eyes making me subconsciously squeeze my thighs together.
He takes them out with a plop and gives me a wide grin, "sorry but we have to do that again in the future...."
I laugh and look down embarrassed, I shrug and straighten up, "I guess we'll have to see if the people liked it..."
"I'm sure they will." He says and laughs.
"Let's get ya cleaned up then maybe we can watch a movie, if you'd like." He suggests and I look up at him and nod.
"That'd be perfect."
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ms-demeanor · 9 months
One thing that I keep seeing whenever I make posts that are critical of macs is folks in the notes going "they make great computers for the money if you just buy used/refurbs - everyone knows not to buy new" and A) no they don't know that, most people go looking for a new computer unless they have already exhausted the new options in their budget and B) no they don't make great computers for the money, and being used doesn't do anything to make them easier to work on or repair or upgrade.
Here's a breakdown of the anti-consumer, anti-repair features recently introduced in macbooks. If you don't want to watch the video, here's how it's summed up:
In the end the Macbook Pro is a laptop with a soldered-on SSD and RAM, a battery secured with glue, not screws, a keyboard held in with rivets, a display and lid angle sensor no third party can replace without apple. But it has modular ports so I guess that’s something. But I don’t think it’s worthy of IFixIt’s four out of ten reparability score because if it breaks you have to face apple’s repair cost; with no repair competition they can charge whatever they like. You either front the cost, or toss the laptop, leaving me wondering “who really owns this computer?”
Apple doesn't make great computers for the money because they are doing everything possible to make sure that you don't actually own your computer, you just lease the hardware from apple and they determine how long it is allowed to function.
The lid angle sensor discussed in this video replaces a much simpler sensor that has been used in laptops for twenty years AND calibrating the sensor after a repair requires access to proprietary apple software that isn't accessible to either users or third party repair shops. There's no reason for this software not to be included as a diagnostic tool on your computer except that Apple doesn't want users working on apple computers. If your screen breaks, or if the fragile cable that is part of the sensor wears down, your only option to fix this computer is to pay apple.
How long does apple plan to support this hardware? What if you pay $3k for a computer today and it breaks in 7 years - will they still calibrate the replacement screen for you or will they tell you it's time for new hardware EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD HAVE ATTAINED FUNCTIONAL HARDWARE THAT WILL WORK IF APPLE'S SOFTWARE TELLS IT TO?
Look at this article talking about "how long" apple supports various types of hardware. It coos over the fact that a 2013 MacBook Air could be getting updates to this day. That's the longest example in this article, and that's *hardware* support, not the life cycle of the operating system. That is dogshit. That is straight-up dogshit.
Apple computers are DRM locked in a way that windows machines only wish they could pull off, and the apple-only chips are a part of that. They want an entirely walled garden so they can entirely control your interactions with the computer that they own and you're just renting.
Even if they made the best hardware in the world that would last a thousand years and gave you flowers on your birthday it wouldn't matter because modern apple computers don't ever actually belong to apple customers, at the end of the day they belong to apple, and that's on purpose.
This is hardware as a service. This is John Deere. This is subscription access to the things you buy, and if it isn't exactly that right at this moment, that is where things have been heading ever since they realized it was possible to exert a control that granular over their users.
With all sympathy to people who are forced to use them, Fuck Apple I Hope That They Fall Into The Ocean And Are Hidden Away From The Honest Light Of The Sun For Their Crimes.
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yesimwriting · 3 months
but i think deep (or maybe not so deep) down,, felix thinks he's going to end up with reader,, like they're meant to settle down together one day
This made me imagine a scenario where bestfriend!Felix is cuddling with reader and they have a conversation that goes something like this
Felix: what would you name our children?
Reader: ??Children??! We haven't even kissed though??
It's funny to think that Felix is imagining his entire future with reader and reader is over here still clueless and thinking they're just really close friends 😭
omg he for sure would bring this up himself and then immediately gets flustered if reader entertained the thought,, he's so neat 🩷
The morning, or, more accurately, the early afternoon is slipping away. It's almost impossible to feel the passage of time while tangled in Felix's sheets, but you're sure it's too late in the day to still be in bed like this.
You and Felix have been quiet, like you always are when you first wake up after a long night out, too groggy and hungover to do much more than be next to each other. Conversation usually leads to the end of the morning's peacefulness anyway, with one of you mentioning something about breakfast or class or other weekend plans.
You're glad to lay here as long as possible, taking your time memorizing the feel of Felix's skin beneath your fingertips. But you and Felix have been awake for awhile now, and you do still have that homework that Felix convinced you could wait until later.
"Okay," you mumble, voice raspy with sleep, "It's been awhile." You smooth your knuckles against his bare shoulder. "We should get up."
He groans, shifting off of his side and onto his back. "Few more minutes." You're about to protest when he stretches out an arm, searching blindly until his palm finds your back. You sigh at the suggestion, but still move to rest your cheek against his chest. "It's Saturday."
Warmth begins to burn its way up your chest. Despite how comfortable you are with Felix, you're still never sure how to act when he decides to go to bed shirtless. "And I have an essay for Redman's class."
He trails his fingers down your back. "That's not due until the end of the week."
You lift your head, chin pressing into his side so you can properly glare. "How do you know that?"
He smiles, the look much too pleased for something so small. "Had lunch with Ollie yesterday."
Right. You should have guessed the answer. Oliver's the only person in that class that you know, which is kind of nice in its own way. You always have someone to sit and do group work with, and if you ever have to be absent you know Oliver takes good note. However, it also means that there's someone to let Felix know your deadlines. Which is usually okay, unless you're in the mood to work ahead and Felix is in the mood for anything else.
"He is such a homework snitch."
Felix laughs, "Homework snitch?"
"You know what I mean."
"'Y'mean," he starts, his thumb brushing past your shirt's collar, "You're sick of me and looking for an excuse to leave."
You roll your eyes, dipping your head forward and pressing a quick kiss against his side. "Exactly." Felix attempts to glare, but with the way his nose scrunches slightly at the unexpected contact, it falls flat. "You know I'm never tired of you."
"Really?" You nod, more focused on the realization that Felix might be ticklish than his probing tone. "Never?"
You nod again, the motion absentminded, "Never." Carefully, you lift your head a little more, propping it up on one arm. "Lex, are you ticklish?"
Too immediate, too firm.
You're quick, hand moving off a pillow, fingers aiming for his side. Felix is faster, his arm shifting forward in an attempt to stop you. You move your arm back, fingers brushing against his lower side. Felix laughs, the sound nervous. You grin, satisfied.
The brief moment you take to feel your feel victory is your downfall. Felix's hand presses against your wrist, pinning your hand flat against his stomach. "Lovie," he tries, still recovering from his laughing fit, "Play nice."
You look up at him, expression pure innocence, "I always play nice."
His doubt is offensive. You pout. "I do." You attempt to straighten, Felix's hold on your hand tightens. "I'm going to lay down." He eyes you skeptically. "As a sign of goodwill. Promise."
He loosens his grip before turning your palm over. You intertwine your fingers, squeezing his hand as you lay your head down. "Any plans for today?"
"No." Felix smooths circles against your back. "Just you."
You're glad that your head's turned away from him so that you don't have to mask your grin. "Good."
You drag your thumb against his knuckles. "You know I'm prone to fits of jealousy."
Felix laughs so gently you feel the movement of his chest more than you hear it. "Sounds like you."
Even though there isn't anything hilarious about your joke and Felix has done a lot more to go along with your bits, you laugh too.
Comfortable silence is just beginning to blanket the two of you again when Felix speaks again, "Lovie?" You hum in acknowledgement. "Do you--" He cuts himself off. "Do you want to get married?"
Now you're really glad that your face is turned away from him. "I--I'm going to need a better proposal before answering."
His hand briefly stalls against the fabric of your T-shirt. "No," he huffs the word in a way that's almost a laugh. "I didn't--I mean--I meant generally. At some point."
Oh. A serious question that's a lot less fun than when you could pretend he was proposing. "Oh--uh, I don't know. I mean, it didn't exactly work out for my mom, but some people seem to--" You let out a breath in an attempt to give yourself some time to think through your response. It's not like you've never thought about marriage, but it's not something you have a concrete answer on. "I think so, maybe."
Your own flakiness feels like a cop out response. You swallow before trying again, "If I can find someone I trust, like really trust." Squeezing Felix's hand for assurance, you give yourself another moment to contemplate. "And also, I'd have to be sure that they're the kind of person I can be around forever without feeling drained."
Finally feeling okay with your response, you're ready to move on by asking Felix about his own thoughts on marriage. Before you can turn the conversation, Felix says, "Like the way you trust me?"
Your face burns. "Yeah," you mumble, too distracted by your sudden shyness to even think to joke about it, "Something like that." You're still more flustered than you want to be. "I also said I'd have to not get tired of them, so..."
Felix scoffs, "Oh, don't start." He lifts the hand he's holding, pressing a kiss to the back of your palm. "We'd be happy."
You're quiet because there's nothing you can say. Felix is only teasing, but the more you think about marrying him, the more real the joke feels. Even though he's only your best friend and there's nothing romantic about your relationship, you would be happy with him. How could you not? He's considerate, always putting your feelings first, and you could get used to a lifetime of waking up by his side.
"Do you have any name preferences?"
You lift your head enough to look at him. "What?"
Felix's gaze briefly meets yours before dropping his attention back to your intertwined hands. "Baby names."
Your lips part in surprise, and for a long second, all you can do is blink at him. "Are you still drunk?"
He shakes his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "I'm making conversation."
Okay, a little weird, but if Felix is being so casual about it, maybe you're overthinking it. "Okay," you mumble skeptically, "You probably come with a ton of family, traditional names." His thumb brushes down the back of your hand. "I like the name Lux," you finally manage, "For a girl."
"Lux," he repeats, more to himself than you.
You let yourself openly watch him. "I guess it depends on how many kids we have."
Felix turns his head slightly, teeth grazing against his bottom lip. "Two or three." His eyes focus on the pack of cigarettes on his nightstand. "I mean, I like the idea of two or three."
"Two or three?" You haven't given much thought to the number of children you want. You grew up an only child, mainly around your mother, and that was a little lonely despite her best efforts. You like the general idea of siblings, but with that comes multiple pregnancies and labor. "That's a long time to be pregnant."
He squeezes your shoulder, the gesture comforting. "We don't have to have them right away."
You lay your head down again, temple resting against his side. It's not a terrible thing to imagine, not in the slightest. Felix with a baby in his arms and a toddler or two hanging off his leg. Children with different combinations of your features--a little boy with your hair and his kind eyes, a baby girl with his charming smile and your nose.
Okay--that's enough of that train of thought. The last thing you need is to actually start wanting your best friend to propose. "Considering how far we are from married, I'd hope not."
"Wow," he breathes, dragging the word out. You turn your head, doing your best to look up at him. "I see."
"See what?"
His hand trails down your back warmly. "We're too young for me to propose."
Embarrassment has you attempting to pull away so that you can defend yourself. Felix doesn't let you get too far, his hand on your back making it hard to do much more than hold up your head. "No, I didn't--"
"We're still in school, Lovie. It'd be irresponsible."
The amusement coloring his expression has you glowering. He is so impossible. "Your tone is irresponsible."
"Moody." You're about to protest when he pulls your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles. "Want to go to breakfast?"
You rest your chin near his stomach. "Is it early enough for breakfast?"
He turns his head, neck stretching at an awkward angle to look at his bedside clock. "If we go to the place down the road with the all day breakfast menu."
You smile, "Cool." You wipe at your eyes with the back of your palm. "You realize to go we have to get up, get ready..."
"Hm," he hums, pretending to contemplate, "Give me five minutes?"
You are starting to feel hungry, but everything's so much warmer this close to Felix. You're comfortable, and it's not like there's a time constraint on breakfast. "Okay, five minutes."
Felix grins, pulling your hand towards him again. He brushes his lips against the back of your palm. "That's my girl."
You roll your eyes in an attempt to hide any obvious signs of total contentment before laying your head down again.
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny
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princescribbler · 1 year
Teases to Put Your ABDL Partner Into Littlespace
Just a few ideas of teases, jokes, taunts, and exciting promises to your little one to make them as blushy, little, and regressive as possible.
"I love you, too... but I still think you need to stay little a bit longer. Don't worry, I'll take care of you, little one!"
"Aww, you LOVE being mine, don't you? Come on, you can tell me."
"Who's my good little baby, huh? Is it you? Who's my blushing baby, hmm?" (Extra points if you peel their hands back when they cover their face)
"Well, I think my little angel might need a diaper bag, hmm? Are you big enough to hold it, or should i?"
"That's ok baby, I know you can't handle all those big adult things. That's why I made you my little baby again, isn't it, huh?"
"I love you, but I don't think you're ready to be big quite yet.. maybe if you're very, very good I can give you a shot at pullups... but not quite yet!"
"Does somebody need a trip over my lap? Somebody just needs a spanking to know how to be good for me?"
"Awww, you don't like being babied? But you seem VERY excited down here..."
"Hey hey hey, hands off unless you need mittens! Maybe you need those hands protected..."
"What, do you get EMBARRASSED thinking people can see you be my cute baby? Huh? Well... good. I love when my sweetie is nice and blushy!"
"I just love how cute you look when you're feeling nice and snuggly"
"We should get dinner somewhere nice. Do you need extra layers, or do you think you can hold your potty like a big girl/ big boy?"
"Now honey: I know you want to be big, but I'm just not sure yet. Don't you just love your stuffies, and being a good little one? Hmm? Exactly! No more of that silly 'big boy/girl' talk"
"Awww, i just love seeing you so cute and baby brained!"
"Well SOMEBODY needs an early bedtime... and I don't think it's the (big girl/big boy), or the (mommy/daddy), do you?"
"I just love how SWEET you are when you're all little and needy for me. I might have to keep you this way..."
"I just love it when you get all cute and blushy for me baby. Come on... show me those cute blushy cheeks! There they are!!"
"Awww, you LOVE it when I talk all cute and condescending, don't you little cutie?"
"Please, now, come along or do I need to show all these nice people what it looks like when you get a spanking, huh?"
"Good baby: I love finding you already nice and little for me!"
"Awww, is somebody blushing? Come on, you don't need to hide from me!"
"Oh silly, nobody cares that you're a crinkle pants, and I'm sure nobody will notice anyhow!"
"Don't you want to be my good baby? Hmm? Or do you need a STRICTER caregiver, huh?"
"Are you wet again already? Really? Did somebody go potty in their diapee, huh?"
"Well who could have known: a Wet diapee? I guess I was right to keep you nicely padded, wasn't I sweetheart?"
"Nobody will care, baby: you just let me worry about that, no reason for babies to worry!"
"Seems like SOMEONE really enjoys being my helpless little crinklebutt, huh?"
"Aww, don't hide that face! I need to see you being all flustered and cute!"
"Nope nope nope! We can't possibly leave until you've used the potty, and shown me your nicely wanted hands, little one!"
I'll add more as they jump to mind, but feel free to add your own and your favorites!
And as always, stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!!
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mytaiyakeylover · 1 year
—𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞.
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—ft: seishiro nagi x gn!reader, sae itoshi x gn!reader
—warnings: none, just some cursing on sae’s part.
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𝚜𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚒
seishiro is so lazy. the only time he ever decides to eat is whenever you agree to spoon-feed him. this boy is such a big baby, like, omg! he can't literally do anything without needing you to be there 25/8. and even then, he's not going to do much unless you put in just as much effort (if not more). don’t be mad! he just really enjoys being with you, and your presence is truly the only thing that can make this baby boy at least somewhat interested in whatever it is that you are doing. even in life-threatening situations like starvation.
“Why aren’t you eating?” Reo furrowed his eyebrows as he watched the white haired boy still very much occupied with the game in his hands. Seishiro hadn’t even glanced at his plate, let alone touched it.
“Come on, Nagi!” The boy exclaimed, his purple-colored eyes glaring at Nagi with a slight hint of annoyance. "We have practice today. You have to eat at least something," he added, feeling his left eyebrow twitch at the other’s response.
“But it’s such a hassle,” he mumbled, grayish eyes sparing one single glance at the food on his plate before going back to his game. The slightly shorter boy huffed at that. Sometimes he just couldn’t help but feel like he’s so done with this guy. Seishiro wasn’t exactly making things easier for him either, but he guessed it was a part of his charm.
Sighing dramatically, the boy with purple hair suddenly lifted himself from his seat and leaned slightly forward over the table. He took the other boy's knife and fork before cutting a piece of meat. However, it wasn't until a few seconds had passed that Seishiro finally acknowledged the food presented before him.
“Let me feed you, if you're going to continue being such a baby,” a pregnant pause soon followed as Reo muttered those words. Yet, instead of receiving the response that he’d been hoping for, it was one that almost made him scream at the top of his lungs.
“I want (Y/n)-chan to feed me.”
“Well, (Y/n)-chan is not here!”
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𝚜𝚊𝚎 𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒
this arrogant boy can’t physically stomach any food that has not been cooked by you and you alone. i swear! this has never been an issue before, until sae met you. now, he can't even distinguish between luxurious dishes and the ones that we ordinary humans eat. in his opinion, they all fall into the category of “peasant foods” and he will fr glare eye daggers at anyone who even dares to say otherwise.
“What the fuck is this?”
Ryusei stifled a laugh as he heard the boy from his right. His pink eyes observed the midfielder in amusement as the other boy stared at the food presented before him with nothing but pure disdain. The blonde and pink haired boy didn’t want to admit it, but a part of him was quite surprised as he thought those rumors about Sae being an abnormally picky eater were absolute bullshit.
Now it seemed they were not, because never had he ever seen the boy look at something with that much disgust. Not even at Ryusei himself.
“Something wrong?” The horny demon had the audacity to smirk as he feigned obliviousness. Sae narrowed his eyes dangerously at the other boy, right eyebrow twitching in annoyance. Sighing at Ryusei’s dumb antics, the reddish-brown haired boy pinched the bridge of his nose before sending the aforementioned an unimpressed look.
“I said: What the fuck is this?”
A sudden gasp escaped the tanned boy’s lips as he sent the other a look of bewilderment. “How can you not recognize the cooking of your oh so beloved s/o?”
“You’re telling me that (Y/n) was the one who made this disgusting, repulsive, nauseating, stomach-churning thing called food?”
There was a moment of silence, tension growing thicker by each passing second. The stare down between pink and teal so intense that random passers-by were too afraid to get caught in the crossfire to as much as walk past them.
However, as soon as the tension appeared, it quickly dissipated. Ryusei's expression exuded nothing but sheer brattiness, and Sae felt a strong headache coming on, anticipating where this was headed.
“Y’know, what you said just now really hurt my ego.”
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onyxmilk · 6 months
yooo! could u do Wallace wells x masc reader (he/him) headcanons where Wallace walks up to him at a party and they start talking and the readers nerdy and awkwardness charms Wallace and he absolutely falls head over heels? Thank you!! :D
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notes; shout out to Wallace for not stealing my bf (yet) also just realized you wanted HEADCANONS not A FANFICTION!!! tw; Reader uses He/Him pronouns!, implied sex, wc; 1.2k
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Another weekend, another party that Wallace managed to find himself invited to. Not like he complained that much, he quite enjoyed socializing and finding a weekend boyfriend before going on to the next fellow the following weekend. He just hadn't expected to find someone he didn't quite want to get rid of, someone who would probably slip through his fingers fast if he didn't act in time. 
[YourName] was friends with a friend who was also friends with those friends who invited him as a plus one. He didn't get out much which is why when the idea of a plus one came to mind of [YourName]'s friend, they immediately tricked him into joining. At first the poor man had thought they were going to a movie store, then they turned into a neighborhood and [YourName] realized he had been tricked.
Like a dog who was tricked into the vet, [YourName] deflated in the back seat. "I don't want to!" he groaned, "You'll like it! Don't worry, man, you'll enjoy it." [YourName]'s friend mentioned. Before the two knew it, they parked and [YourName] was being dragged into the house with loud music, alcoholic drinks, and food. 
After [YourName]'s friend showed him where the bathroom was, [YourName] went to ask a question but his friend was gone. With a sigh, [YourName] shuffled into different rooms before finding the kitchen. This is where he typically hung out since no one came in here unless they needed to refill their solo cup or wanted to dig for food. [YourName] poured himself a drink before sitting on the counter and looking down at his feet.
"You seem lonely." A voice spoke, making the man jump in his space "And jumpy." the voice chuckled. [YourName] looked to his left and smiled when he saw someone. "Just a little, I'm out of my comfort zone." [YourName] says, looking into his cup before sipping it. "Out of your comfort zone? How about we make it comfortable?" The mystery man questioned, "We don't even know each other's names." [YourName] chuckled. 
The stranger just smiled "I'm Wallace, you're...?" Wallace says "I'm [YourName]." [YourName] replies. Then silence struck between them, "You know, hiding in the kitchen the entire time wont exactly get you out of your comfort zone." Wallace advised, [YourName] scoffed "I don't even want to be here," he chuckled making Wallace smile. Wallace sucked at his teeth before sighing "Well, I guess I'll keep you company." he sighed. 
"You hardly know me." [YourName] reminds, "Let's change that." Wallace smirked. [YourName]'s face felt hot when he said that and he looked away just in case his cheeks reflected the way he felt. That reaction made Wallace feel proud of himself, either it be because Wallace had eyes on his next victim or some other reason. 
[YourName] sighed before finishing his drink though and hopping off the counter to refill it and find something to snack on, "Well, I'm in college to become a game designer." [YourName] mentioned as he dug through the cabinet. Wallace nods his head respectively "Nice, nice," he replied showing he was listening to [YourName] speak. 
It only took a few more sips of his drink, but [YourName] had relaxed and the edge was finally off. Wallace was starting to go crazy though, the kitchen becoming such a boring scenery. "We should change rooms." Wallace suggested, with hesitation- but wanting to keep conversation with him, [YourName] nodded his head. 
So they headed to another room that wasn't too crowded. They took their seats and [YourName] gasped, going into a quick ramble about coding. The entire time Wallace listened, like.. actually listened to the rambling. Typically he just found his weekend buddy and would act like he's listening but [YourName] had charmed him in some way or another. 
After a bit, Wallace had taken the lead of the conversation about some book he read the back of once. But then silence dawned on them once more and it was becoming more obvious that [YourName] was growing uncomfortable with the noise around them- but Wallace refused to revisit the kitchen and let [YourName] sulk in there for the rest of the night. So, with a smile, Wallace took [YourName]'s hand and led him up the steps into some unsuspecting bedroom. 
[YourName] felt his face get hot once more, but was unsure if his face was actually blushing or not. "Just relax," Wallace suggested as he patted the bed as he passed by it to admire some decoration in the room. It was hard to relax when he had some dude might be totally hitting on him now and then. 
Sometimes, [YourName] would open his mouth to speak but nothing would come out and even though he hoped Wallace hadn't noticed- he did. And Wallace found it adorable. Eventually he spun around and [YourName] straightened up and smiled awkwardly toward Wallace, without hesitation, Wallace made his way over and put his hands on his thighs and leaned close to his face.
"You're quite the looker, [YourName]" Wallace said softly, "Re...Really now?" [YourName] asked making Wallace chuckle before leaning in more brushing his lips over [YourName]'s. Before [YourName] could say anything along the lines of 'is this okay?', Wallace had leaned in fully. Now, neither one of them knew if it was the alcohol they had consumed- but there most definitely were sparks. 
[YourName] had melted into the kiss, it was a little weird at first since he hadn't kissed anyone in quite sometime so their teeth did clash now and then. [YourName] wrapped his arms around Wallace's neck before he had leaned back against the bed. Before anything could get too heated there was a knock on the door and another man had entered "This isn't the upstairs bathroom." the stranger said groaning "Scott what the fuck, man?" Wallace asks. 
"It's like you just know when shit happens!" Wallace complained, Scott shrugged. "You know each other?" [YourName] asked, tilting his head slightly, his arms still draped over Wallace's shoulders. "He's my homeless roommate." Wallace grumbled, his hands delicately sitting on [YourName]'s waist. Without questioning anything, [YourName] nodded his head, acting like he understood what 'homeless roommate' meant. "Just get out, Scott!" Wallace yelled. 
Scott threw his hands up in defense before exiting the room, shutting the door behind him. The moment was ultimately ruined, so the two men fixed each other up. Wallace sat next to [YourName] before going to suggest something. "We could head back to.. my place, you know, before Scott gets there." Wallace said, with a little thinking [YourName] smiled and nodded. 
After a walk, the two made it to Wallace's place and things picked up from where they left off. It was nice and sparks absolutely flew with each kiss, touch, and feeling. It was a nice night, even more so when Scott hadn't come home after the party- he must have found someone else to bother in that case. 
While [YourName] rested beside Wallace, he laid on his side and gently admired his partner. Maybe, for once, Wallace didn't want to move on from [YourName]. Sure, he didn't exactly believe in sparks, but he will not deny there was something in the air tonight and he was in.. deep regard for [YourName]. To summarize it, he felt the sparks, just refused to acknowledge it. 
Wallace gently leaned over and pressed a kiss to [YourName]'s forehead, making the man cuddle deeper into the pillow. Wallace smiled before heading to get some sleep himself.
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