#undertale fanfictions
"You deserve to be happy" with UT Gaster? Or if you don't feel like writing for Gaster, maybe UT Sans?
Here it is :)
I hope you liked it! I had so much fun writing it! Funnily enough, I wrote it while I was getting food on my phone -w-
Gaster knew he wasn't a good person.
He didn't deserve a lot of things that happened to him, unless they were bad. That's why he didn't care much for himself. Staying awake, pushing himself. Everything he did, he did for the good of monster kind.
Even creating his own sons.
At first, they were just test subjects. Why would he care about them? They were created from his bones, his body, they weren't his children though.
That was until they were.
They showed him a kindness that he never expected, more Papyrus, though Sans did too.
He and Sans never quite got along. Gaster understood why. He didn't blame the smaller skeleton for hating him.
He would too.
After everything he put those boys through, he would do anything to take it back. Give them a happy beginning.
He can't do that though.
The best he can do, is give them a happy ending.
He could get them out of the underground! He was sure of it he needed to do it! He was the head scientist. Asgore trusted him. That trust could not be misused.
After all he did, he must use his time to get them out! Out out out.
That's all he wanted! All he needed.
That was... What he first thought, at least.
Until he met them.
Not a very amazing monster. Not the strongest, not the bravest, and not the nicest.
They weren't even all that interesting to him! So... Why must he think of them so often? Clouding his mind, deafening him with their laughter. Blinding him with their smiles.
Y/n was a monster he hired to watch after Sans and Papyrus while he was working. Asgore couldn't, he was the king. Grillby was someone but... No.
Y/n was kind. Sweet. Papyrus loved them and even Sans warmed up to them. More often than he would like to admit, he came home to see the small babybones asleep on them. They would just laugh.
He would have gotten annoyed.
Too different.
They were too different for each other.
He shouldn't love them.
No, he COULDN'T love them.
They deserved so much better than he could ever give.
That was why he fired them.
He didn't care if the boys got sad. They would meet more people they like above ground. They would forget Y/n soon enough.
He hoped at least.
Sadly, Gaster should have been more worried about himself. In his sleepy hazes, he often saw them. Felt them against his bones, felt their hands, their kisses.
Felt his own loneliness when he realized... He was alone. In a cold lab.
He didn't like it.
It's what was deserved though. So, he would deal with it.
It was another day.
Another sleepless night.
Another day of endless work.
Another day of seeing the fake shape of the one he pushed away...
He tenses at the voice, causing his eye socket to snap open. Only one really worked nowadays. There had never been a voice before.
He kept his head down, staring at the words he had been writing. So many books, so many pages...
"Yes?" He turns his head slightly to look over at them. They had a sleeping Papyrus and a very grumpy looking Sans in their arms. Sans had his little arms crossed, his eyes squinted in sleepy annoyance.
"Your boys came to me... Said you haven't been resting, is that true?"
His boys? He stares at the two babybones, and sighs. "I have not done anything I haven't before," he says, his voice betraying him, laced with tiredness. He was very tired.
"You need to sleep" They insisted, "you sound like you're going to fall out"
Gaster sighs, shaking his head. "No, I can't sleep," He says, rubbing at his temples. "I need to finish these projects, if I don't then it won't be done" yes, that's... that's expected Gaster, he thought to himself bitterly.
"but-" Y/n started to say, which Gaster slams his hands down to, onto the table with a bang "I said no!" he snaps, turning his head quickly with a slight glare in his eyes yet... pauses.
Papyrus woke up, flinching from the sound and hides his face into Y/n's chest, clenching onto their shirt, Sans flinching too, the sour look appearing more.
Y/n didn't flinch.
They were just staring at him, not looking impressed "Are you done shouting at me?" they asked, annoyance lacing their own tone.
"I..." he shuts his mouth, turning his head down, and sighs rubbing his hands over his face. "Damn it." He felt so tired. Of everything.
Y/n sighs, shaking their head, and slowly walks over "you need to rest"
"I don't need to do that, I need to finish this, I don't..."
They smile and nudge their head against his skull lightly, something that his boys most likely did to them, and says “You deserve to rest”
He deserved it?
Did they... “you deserve to be happy” They kept saying.
He felt like he was going to cry, his soul skipping in his chest and he looks over his shoulder, seeing them. His babybones looking at him, Y/n looking at him, making him sigh out slowly and nods “R...Right” He mumbles and stands up.
He deserves to be happy, huh?
He would... he'd tell them later on that he liked them. It'll be... enjoyable.
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Here's the summary of my new Underfell fanfiction, coming tomorrow on AO3.
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To protect your secrets, how far are you willing to go?
This is the dilemma that Papyrus, the royal guard's captain of Snowdin town is facing since he accepted to protect the last fallen child. What he thought would be a simple task is slowly driving him away from his guard's duty, at the worst time possible.
When he finally understands something is really wrong with Undyne, his rival and only friend, it's too late. Overnight, the general announces to him that he is now in charge of the royal guard and disappears from his life.
Even if he tried, Papyrus couldn't resolve himself to let her go without knowing why she gave up on everything in one night. However, by trying to dig out too many secrets, Papyrus has to face a lot of problems. Threats, intimidation, someone is trying to force him to give up.
But the more he searches, the more he realizes all the tracks lead to Asgore. The King is known for his impeccable justice and his absence of mercy. If he doesn't give up, he might lose way more than just his job.
Split between his vocation and his friendship, Papyrus will have to make a choice.
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deadgravity · 2 years
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I can't believe the shock waves of Sans beating Reigen in the Tumblr Sexyman poll killed the queen of England.
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maxbruiser · 9 months
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scene from Kill Me, Cupid chapter 4, which is out now :)
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aylish91 · 24 days
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I've been feeling nostalgic lately for my NagaMafiatale~
Thank you so much @maxbruiser for letting me commission you for this comic of A Den of Snakes! I absolutely love it!!!
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leafaske · 8 months
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i finally finished @riftfic 💙 and therefore the rest of the chapter illustrations~
i put the more spoiler-y ones under the cut, which are unfortunately some of my favorites.
thanks to anyone who stuck with me this long.
in case the "keep reading" tab is gone, SPOILERS START HERE
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mirage126 · 9 days
their first meeting . Based on the fanfiction "Perseverance" by: @pastelaspirations
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mysteriousmayden · 5 months
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I know in a lot of fanfics about Nightmare’s dungeon it’s often described as a place that’s vary nasty and unwell kept, although I do believe that Nightmare dose have a dungeon like that I believe he might actually have multiple dungeons depending on what he wants from his prisoners, like for information or torture? put them in the nasty dungeon, recruitment? the more nicer one (it’s more like a solitary confinement cell), too problematic or a threat that’s too interesting to kill and is powerful? the most secured dungeon he’s got!
I also imagine that Nightmare is more of a ‘play with your mind’ kind of guy
Slash and Ash belongs to @itsxroxannex
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n01r-kn1ght · 2 years
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A lil funny scenario from Incorrect Quotes with the Aggre(g/v)ation gang (fic was written by @llamagoddessofficial )
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a small example of the transphobic likes from Calcium-cat, author of the One Small Dream fanfic and an artist in the Undertale Fandom for those unaware of what they contain.
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This is from barely even scrolling.
Calcium-Cat also follows Matt Walsh
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I am disgusted and upset.
EDIT: ADDING TO PLEASE NOT HARRASS CALCIUM-CAT. That is the last thing I want and can make her go deeper into her hateful views, show her respect because she is human like the rest of us. You don't have to be all super kind to her, just be a decent human being.
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sspittlerr · 18 days
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hai guys i made little healer doodles :3 hes so silly i love him
healer/arc/ink from For the forgotten ones by Im_Sorry_Buddy on ao3!!
ink sans by comyet
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capnhanbers · 14 days
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you're a bitter kind
i love you so
(from chapter 141, more words under cut)
I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG...i've been lost in the gamer zone, but also this has been one of the absolute hardest chapters to write so far, because i took a difficult structure (dives) and made it even more difficult by combining it with action!!! it took a lot of thought and tweaking to make it work, from a technical and conceptual standpoint.
the only constant throughout it all has been that song. Tenenbaum by the paper kites. it's one of the oldest "kiddo" songs and it completely drove me through this chapter and this art. call them radiant, call them mother's eyes...... don my clothing robes of ancient white..... like this is the song they share with az, just like Nothing Arrived by the Villagers is the song they share with frisk.
i hope it comes together for you readers like it SOMEHOW, IMPOSSIBLY, came together for me!!! these scenes were years in the making!!!
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kaygee-doodles · 10 months
How would the boys handle a reader that has low relationship confidence, is fully aware of it, and requires some extra reassurance? Someone who who would walk up and go, 'Hey, I know you care about me but my brain is weird sometimes and I know it these feelings aren't necessarily rational but I just need to make sure you aren't getting tired of me and would tell me if I did something that really bothered you?'
Nightmare: "If I didn't like you, you wouldn't be here. Or living. Now stop being silly and come sit next to me, I'm almost done with this chapter."
Killer: Oh, you've done it now. He's all over you. You won't ever need to ask again.
Dust: He loves your weird brain. He'll reassure you as much as you need.
Horror: Makes a note to remind you more often that he loves you.
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maxbruiser · 4 months
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ignore how the art style keeps changing I beg of u
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aylish91 · 1 year
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New chapter incoming!!
Sea Of Hope Chapter 8
Previous Next SOH Master Grandmaster
This masterful piece of art was done by @aoi-kanna as a commission. They are truly talented and I appreciate all the hard work they put into making this for me. Go check them out, they are absolutely wonderful!!!
Story below or AO3 above.
While Axe checked you over, Edge grabbed Red by the back of the neck and stormed down the main hatch, loudly yelling at the rest of the crew to mind their own business as they scurried out of his way. For the most part, Red's protests went unheard as he was dragged down the steep steps. Blue, on the other hand, had hesitantly approached Papyrus, whispering something before they too turned and headed past the hatch, disappearing through a pair of doors into the upper levels of the ship. 
The clearing of a throat had you tensing and pressing closer to Axe. Black had once again gotten closer than you were comfortable with, standing only a couple paces away. “AS HEARTWARMING AS THIS IS, IT IS QUICKLY BECOMING LATE AND THE LADY STILL NEEDS ADEQUATE DRESS. MY BROTHER’S COAT IS HARDLY A FITTING SUBSTITUTE.”  
Rus chuckled beside him. However, when he made to comment, a look from Black had him looking down instead. 
Axe narrowed his sockets. “Don’t know where you’re planning on get’n somethin. Ain’t exactly swimmin in extras and you’ve refused to mend mine so I could give it to her.”  
“Been busy.” 
Something shifted in the air, both of their eyelights brightening. Rus glared, moving closer to his brother. It took Crooks placing a hand on Axe’s shoulder for the two to back down. 
“Petty bastard.” 
“WHEN IT SUITS ME.” With a flourish of a hand and a half step back, he indicated the direction of the doors, continuing to meet Axe’s gaze. “NOW, I BELIEVE WE SHOULD ATTEMPT TO FIND SOMETHING MORE SUITABLE UNTIL NEXT WE MAKE PORT. SURELY YOU CAN AGREE IT WOULD BE IN EVERYONE’S BEST INTEREST.”  
“Fine, but we’re not leadin’.” You could hear the creak of Axe’s teeth. 
“OF COURSE.” With a tight turn, Black nodded, marching forward with Rus trailing behind with a wink. "AS YOU WISH." 
Axe refused to move at first, tugging his empty socket and prompting a sighing Crooks to nudge you both. "I Know You Don’t Like Him, But He Is Fair.” 
“Bastard never does anything fer free.” 
“And Yet, He Has A Point.”  
Neither you nor Axe was reassured but allowed him to guide you forward regardless. Crewmen brave enough to linger eyed your group with various degrees of emotion. When a dog monster growled, another was quick to slap the back of their head, nervously hunching at a glare from both of your skeleton friends. You tried not to show your fear or your growing limp as you passed, hoping Rus' long coat hid what you couldn’t. It didn't seem like a good idea to show weakness around others. The watchful eyes and aggressive postures spoke volumes to your already heightened nerves. Entering the ship did nothing to ease your discomfort.  
It felt cramped and pressing despite having more than enough space and light. Unlike the previous ship, several lanterns lit the expanse leaving no ominous shadows or darkened areas. You could easily see all the doors lining the walls as well as the beautifully carved and decorated windowed doors marking the end of the hall. Rus waited near the last door on the left.  
It was calm and warm, but you couldn’t shake off the feelings of danger. 
“Ya c’n go inside Darlin. Milord’s wait’n.” Rus stood to the side, motioning you inside the now open door. 
You looked to your companions. While Axe kept his eyelight on Rus, Crooks’ soft smile and nod gave you enough of a boost to cautiously cross the threshold. It smelled of lavender tinted with something you couldn’t quite place, the overall size relatively small. What looked like a narrow modified canopy bed connected to the wall was on your right. In front of you, under a single window, was a rather lovely desk intricately carved with polished knobs. To your immediate left was an open decorative chest shoved in the corner. Everything was of exquisite taste and quality, from the bedding and carvings on the furniture to the upholstery on the chair at the desk. The few trinkets left out were of fine gold or silver with glistening jewels. 
You jumped when the door closed behind you. Axe nor Crooks had made it inside. It had your stomach rolling with nerves. You did not anticipate having the others closed out. Having Black now between you and the only exit made it worse. His eyelights were too bright. 
Didn’t Rus call him a lord...? 
Your chest tightened at his approach, making sure to lower your gaze. 
“TRUE TO MY WORD, THAT HORROR’S GARMENT HAS BEEN MENDED. HAD I KNOWN IT WAS FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS, I NEVER WOULD HAVE HELD ONTO IT.” In his hands was a large linen shirt, neatly folded and dark in color. Holding it out, he offered it to you. “PUT IT ON. I WILL ADJUST IT AS NEEDED AFTER.” 
You froze, intently focusing on the simple article of cloth. Was he expecting you to do it here and now? In front of him? Wasn’t it bad enough you were laid bare in front of all those on the deck, or stars, when you pressed yourself against Blue? At least Axe had good reason to see you. Multiple! To willingly undress now in the presence of a man other than your husband...  
By the angel, what would Axe think of all this? 
Black must have noticed your silent panicked uncertainty when you didn’t immediately take it. Clearing his throat, something in his tone changed. “I SHALL, OF COURSE, REFRAIN FROM LOOKING WHILE YOU DO SO. YOU MAY LEAVE MY BROTHER’S COAT ON THE CHAIR WHEN YOU ARE READY.” 
It was hard not to squirm. While that was greatly appreciated, it still felt uncomfortable. Could you trust his word? You hardly knew the man. Perhaps things may have felt different if the room wasn’t quite so stifling or the door hadn’t been shut so suddenly. 
Luckily, heavy thumps in the hall distracted Black enough for him to hand you the garment himself, squinting at the door behind him. He was just about to speak again when another set of thumps sounded, this time shaking the door. Growling, he finally turned when the muffled voices following the noise got angrier. 
You really didn’t want to do this right now. Not here. Not with all the uncertainties surrounding you.  
Taking a slow breath in, you let it out. The sooner you changed, the sooner you could be rid of these unsettling feelings. With unsteady fingers twitching against the fabric as you took one last glance at Black’s back. 
One more breath. 
The sound of your rattling bones was louder without the security of the coat. Placing it on the chair, you did your best to quickly dress.  
The feeling of fabric against your bones was surprisingly comforting as you pulled it over your head. True to Axe’s size, the shirt almost went to your knees. It was so large the fabric pooled on your much smaller frame and reminded you of the nightgowns you used to wear back at the manor. 
If only it wasn’t so short. 
Though your more private areas were covered, it was not good for a lady to show so much… leg. You tugged at the hem, the sleeves threatening to engulf your hands.  
“I’m dressed, my lord.” 
A calculated breath was your only answer before his eyelights found you, fuzzy with a slight warble. You had to second guess if you had seen them correctly, for the next moment they were back to their bright and sharp orbs. Getting closer, they traveled over you as he hummed, the heel of his boots clicking as he circled. If you had hair, it would have stood on end at the subtle brush of his hand against your back. 
You startled, yelping when he came around to lightly grip your hips. Instinctively, your hands came to your chest from the forwardness, sockets wide. He paid no mind, eyelights intent on the bunched fabric. He only let go to pull a satin rope from his pocket. 
You squeaked again when he reached around you to wrap it around your waist. 
“MUCH BETTER. HOWEVER," His gloved hands touched your elbows, slowly moving up your arms to grasp your hands for inspection. “YOUR MAGIC. IT IS MUCH TOO THIN…” He turned them over. “Hmmmmm. Knowing Him…” 
Your chest clenched. He was close enough you could feel his ambient heat and wisps of breath. 
Before Black could say or do anything else, his door nearly burst off its hinges, a very aggravated Axe forcing it open. Black pulled you into him with a snarl, eyelights vanishing with the click of his teeth. Stuck in a headlock was a disgruntled Rus, resigned to the hold around his neck. 
You didn’t know if you could physically handle any more stress.  
Axe’s voice was low, grin tight as he took in the scene. “Don’t appreciate the closed door, Black. Hell ya think yer doin’ in here?” 
Axe narrowed his sockets at Black’s squared shoulders. For a split second, you could see the red orb of his eyelight flick over the man in front of you before it focused on you.  
“Sure that's all ya were doin’?” 
“I’ve been doin’ exactly what I need ta be. Don’t need ta explain myself either.” Rus stumbled into the room when Axe unceremoniously released him to motion to you. “Now, if yer done?” 
With a snarl, Black pointed a finger. “NOW SEE HERE YOU–” 
Instinctually, you reached out, stopping just before Black’s arm. “My lord, I!” You faltered at his abrupt attention, pulling back to dip your head in respect. “I thank you for your kindness, but I should return to my lord husband before any more misunderstandings occur.” 
His eyelights stuttered. “I, I BEG YOUR PARDON?” 
There was a beat of awkward silence before Axe broke into heavy laughter, the loudest and deepest you’ve heard from him. It was enough to warm your cheeks as he beckoned you out and away from the room. Black gaped, slack-jawed and sputtering as you passed. You were already being guided onto the deck by the time he was able to call out one last time from his doorway. 
Axe only laughed harder, closing the doors behind you. 
The sun had mostly set by the time you stepped out into the humid sea air. You would have done anything in the past to be able to look up, out, and around but Axe was swift in guiding you down the main hatch. You didn’t want to linger longer than necessary anyway. 
You didn’t have Rus’s coat to hide under. 
You were grateful for the darkness once you were under. The lanterns were farther spread, some empty of light altogether. It helped ease your mind against the wandering eyes. Most gathered under the brightest lamps, playing cards at makeshift tables, drinking, and socializing while others lounged in hammocks hanging interspersed between the canons. While some watched you pass, Axe was surprisingly good at slipping through the darkest areas to avoid the unwanted attention.  
The closer you got to the front of the ship, the fewer people there were until you came upon barrels and crates stacked near and around an area quartered off by familiar heavy sheets. You could even recognize the stack you and Blue had hidden next to, the sheet on that side still halfway pulled down. Axe was kind enough to hold the flap for you to enter. 
Finally, you were able to relax the tension out of your shoulders and pained joints. You wanted to climb back into the hammock and rest your aching pelvis, maybe snuggle against Axe and his warmth. The way he moved about though had you gingerly sitting on his stool, setting it upright from where it had been knocked over. 
You wondered when that had occurred. What happened after you had been taken? 
A quiet curse had you looking back at Axe as he re-fastened the makeshift wall. There were a few more rips in it than you remembered. If he had any sewing supplies, you would have to mend them. It was the least you could do as thanks. 
You let out a slow breath, peering down at your clenched fists. They were cold and stiff on your lap. Black had been interested in them. The lot of them had been interested in general, but he had seemed so focused. 
Your voice was soft, hesitant as you summoned the courage to speak. “Axe? I have so many questions, but I’m afraid… I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask.” 
Axe chuckled. “Don’t gotta be afraid with me, Dove. It’s good ta ask questions around here. The more ya know the better, good or bad. Don’t let anyone tell ya otherwise.” 
You picked at the hem of the shirt, smoothing it down as much as you could. “Is that true?" Axe simply grunted. Collecting yourself, you forced yourself to ask the questions burning your mind. "What is a Banthos? What does it mean to be one? And what did Black mean when he said my magic was too thin? I don’t have magic. I’m not… I’m not even a monster.” 
It was hard not to flinch when, from your peripherals, you saw him stop. His voice had become more serious but thankfully still soft.  
“The hell yer not. Listen, I don’t know what you’ve been told, where ya come from, or what ya been through. But you’re as much of a monster as the rest of us. You’re made of magic and hope just like me.” He came over to place your hand in his scarred one, taking a knee to look directly into your sockets. “We’re the same. Dust and all. It don’t matter about anything else. As fer your magic,” he rubbed his face with a frustrated sigh, “let me worry about that. Just know ya got it and I’m gonna make damn sure ta get it where it needs ta be.” 
You didn’t know what to say to that, but it sent a comforting feeling to your chest. He was always so warm. It reminded you of your mother.  
Nodding, you were about to ask about your first question when footsteps interrupted you. Axe stood, moving between you and the flap.  
Axe only slightly relaxed at the sound of Papyrus’ voice, not moving but calling out to the other skeleton. “I can take her when we’re ready. Just got a few–” he bristled when Papyrus entered and smiled down at you, hand twitching at his side –“more things ta take care of.” 
You both tensed. “Papyrus. Paps. At least let things settle before ya drag er away. You saw Sans. I don’t trust him.” 
Papyrus looked a little sheepish at the accusation. “I UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCERN, BUT I HAVE FAITH THAT THIS WILL WORK. I MYSELF WILL KEEP AN EYE ON THINGS IF I MUST. He Means Well. NOT THAT, THAT IS AN EXCUSE FOR HIS TERRIBLE BEHAVIOR.” He came forward to place a hand on Axe’s shoulder, humble and pleading. “WON’T YOU AT LEAST TRUST ME?” 
You couldn’t place the look that crossed Axe’s face from the question, the red orb of his eyelight quaking until his free hand brushed the edges of his empty socket. “That’s cheat’n…” There was a heaviness to the silence.  
When Axe’s shoulders sagged, Papyrus gave him back his space. “All WILL BE WELL. I’M SURE OF IT.” 
You were uncertain as to what you needed to do, but before you could stand, Axe nudged you back down. With the reluctance of a stubborn cat, he then went about gathering items he had deemed yours, going so far as draping his favored blanket over your shoulders. When all was said and done, you were left with a surprisingly intricate box full of puzzles, Axe’s blanket, and an affectionate nuzzle to your neck.  
It was with a heavy heart and a glowing face that you eventually followed Papyrus back out into the darkness. 
You did your best to keep up with his long strides, missing Axe’s purposely slowed gait. You could feel the grinding strain on your pelvis and lower joints with each step. You focused on the clack of your feet to keep your mind off the aching. Papyrus was already several steps ahead of you when he got to the steps.  
Blessedly, he turned to wait for you. 
It was embarrassing how out of breath you had become from such a short distance, especially when you knew you didn’t technically need to breathe. You were even more so when Papyrus cocked his head to look you over with a contemplative hum. 
Without so much as a warning, he picked you up and draped you across both of his arms. You almost dropped your box, squeaking in surprise as he ascended to the deck. Your mind and tongue had stopped working from the suddenness. Though Axe had carried you once before and had moved you a few times, you didn’t quite know what to think of this stranger picking you up so nonchalantly. It was as if it was the most normal thing in the world for him, smile just as polite and kind as before. 
With him carrying you, it took little time to cross the rest of the way back through the double doors and down to the end of the hall. Standing in front of the windowed doors, you were only jostled a little when he turned the knob. He used his boot to kick it open the rest of the way with a bang, making you flinch when the glass shook precariously. 
You thought you saw a flash of blue, but when you looked, there was nothing there but a railed raised platform with an extravagant-looking bed, windows lining the entirety of the back wall. 
You shuddered. It smelled overwhelmingly of snow and cold rain. 
Scrunching his nasal ridge, Papyrus walked around a heavy round table with a scattering of papers and a lantern. Stepping onto the platform, he carefully set you down, turning to furiously rip the blankets off the bed to ball and fling them across the room with a fwump. 
When you didn’t move, he gently ushered you to sit before making his way to the windows. It was so dark now that the light from the lamp effectively turned them into mirrors. You were grateful, too afraid to look through them. To your relief, Papyrus closed the many curtains for each once. Once done, he gently took your box and stood at the end of the bed, bowing slightly from the waist. 
With a wave, he picked up the bundle of discarded blankets and walked out the door, closing it behind him. 
It was frightening, alone in the dark.
Previous Next SOH Master Grandmaster
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blaisenova · 24 days
hello, my beautiful, awesome, coolest husband.. ♡
I demand a killer x dust fic !!! do it!!! It's an order!!
thank you ❤
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your wish is my command and all that
putting this one under the cut since it's got some vulgar language and is just generally pretty toxic. y'know, it's killer and dust. all par for the course LMAO. also i would just feel bad taking up too much of someone's dashboard if they weren't interested XD
as usual, the link to this fic on ao3 will be in the reblogs, and if YOU want a fic like THIS!!! my requests are open. i cannot promise swiftness, but i do my best
please do enjoy :)
or don't. i can't make you
“Oh, lover boy!”
That lilting voice was carefully crafted to be as infuriating as it was unmistakable, and the reaction it evoked was equally instinctual; the tensing of the shoulders, and the crackle of magic. Dust didn’t have to turn around for Killer to know exactly what expression would twist his features: one of undeniable annoyance; thinly veiled fury that Killer knew exactly how to pull taut until it snapped.
The moment he laid his hand on Dust’s shoulder, the skeleton whirled around, hand wrapping around Killer’s neck as he slammed him into the wall. The impact was enough to rattle the glass lantern mounted high above them, providing a meagre amount of golden light that was just as quickly swallowed up by the castle’s darkness. 
Nevertheless, Killer didn’t even flinch. In fact, his grin widened. “Geez. Handsy today, huh?”
And, there was the snap; just as sudden and quick as it always was.
A growl erupted from Dust’s throat as his grip tightened enough to hurt. “What the fuck do you want, whore?” he snarled, sounding every bit as furious as he looked. “Haven’t you been indulged enough today?”
Indulge he had, but wasn’t indulgence the point of their missions in the first place? Nightmare had plenty of negativity to not only survive on but, also, to thrive, but that never stopped him. Plentifulness, Killer had learned, was naught but a tool through which to obtain the true ecstasy of life: shameless, unnecessary indulgence. 
Gluttony was one hell of a sin and, often, Killer found, lust went right alongside it. Pleasure of the body was far holier than pleasure of the mind, for not even the most powerful of deities could take away the physical sensation of pure instinct; not even his own, innate numbness could douse the heat sparked between one body against another (or, more, if he was really feeling shameless).
Whore, Dust had said, and wasn’t it true? 
He knew how to use his body to draw attention, and he did just that. He’d pluck the frayed string of his soul and offer it to whoever would take it so that they could pull him apart at the very seams, and, then, he’d thank them. There was nothing quite like the feeling of being unravelled, over and over again, and, so, Killer indulged in it. If that made him a whore, then he’d be one gladly.
“Oh, stop, you’re making me blush,” Killer drawled, undeterred. “I’m afraid I’m entirely insatiable, as always.”
As if disgusted – and maybe he was; Killer was never sure – Dust immediately released his grip, backing away and grimacing at his hand like it had been contaminated. Then, his vitriol turned right back towards the source, and he made a point of keeping eye contact while he wiped his hand of Killer’s filth. “Do you care about anything other than getting your dick wet?”
Absentmindedly, Killer raised a hand to rub at his neck; it would surely bruise, but it wasn’t as if he minded the idea. “Sure I do,” he hummed. “I’ve got a pussy, too.” Then, he grinned, wide and sharp. “And a mouth.”
Scoffing, a soft purple tinted Dust’s cheeks. “Didn’t have to mention your mouth with how often you fucking use it.”
“I have a lot to say,” Killer said, snickering.
“Yeah, and all of it is needlessly vulgar,” Dust hissed in return.
Gracefully, and too quickly to be stopped, Killer stepped around Dust’s frame before pushing the shorter skeleton up against the wall, switching their positions. The motion was notably more gentle than the furious pin of earlier, and Killer’s arms boxed Dust in on either side without touching. Purple rushed to the hooded skeleton’s face in an instant, and it almost would have been unnoticable in the dark shadow cast across his face if Killer hadn’t known it would be there. His fingers curled into fists against the wall while Dust’s hovered uncertainly in front of his chest, as if he hadn’t quite decided whether or not to push him away.
“I’m thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts right now, actually,” Killer finally agreed. “Wanna hear them?”
With a shaky inhale and eyelights pointedly avoiding Killer’s face, Dust nodded.
“Are you sure? They’re absolutely filthy,” he breathed.
“Just spit it out already,” Dust hissed.
And, with all the tenderness in the world, Killer took Dust’s hand into his own. Their fingers interlocked perfectly, like they were made for one another, and it would have been impossible to miss the way that Dust’s breath immediately hitched at the contact. His eyelights stared at their union with an uncharacteristic longing, and Killer relished in it. 
Then, he snickered, and the sound made Dust jump. “See?” Killer chirped. “What’d I tell you? Premarital hand holding. We’re fucking disgusting.”
The almost reverence that had beheld Dust’s expression fell away into complete and utter distaste. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Not in the slightest!” He wiggled his fingers, testingly, enjoying the feeling of them against one another. It wasn’t a new sensation, by any means, but, nevertheless, it never got old. “I mean, my god! Is this lewd or what?”
Again, Dust scoffed, though he didn’t attempt to pull away. “You’re not funny.”
“I think I’m hilarious,” Killer mewled.
Like the words were a spark to gasoline, Dust immediately bristled. His grip on Killer’s hand tightened, their bones grinding together achingly. “You’re leading me on,” he hissed. “Why? Because you think it’s funny?”
With an over-dramatic gasp, Killer placed a hand to his chest as if he’d been scorned. “I’ve never led you on. I’m just getting started.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked, voice dripping with sarcasm. “What’s next? Premarital kissing?”
All at once, Killer yanked Dust’s hand, forcing him forward and against his chest. His other hand wrapped around to press against the small of Dust’s back. He smiled wickedly down at the other skeleton, and a fresh wave of flushed purple magic dusted the other’s cheeks. It was a pretty shade, Killer had to admit, and he’d always loved that wide-eyed, unabashed desire that the slightest touch seemed to elicit.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he purred. “Not before premarital eye-contact.”
“I hate you,” Dust snarled, though his furious expression was subdued.
Laughing, Killer pulled Dust along in a half-hearted, clumsy sort of dance through the hallway. The floor was plush against their feet, and the walls were too narrow to allow for any sort of grace in their movement, but it was enough to be pleasant; enough for them to dance anyway. Each time the warm, orange light of the hall’s lanterns shone onto Dust’s face, Killer drank in every expression he tried to hide beneath his hood, or harsh words, or violence, and it was enough to be pleasant; enough for it to feel like love.
Clutching tightly to Dust’s hand, he spun away, then allowed himself to be pulled back, flush with Dust’s chest as they continued down the hall, and he smiled down at him wryly. “You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
Dust pressed his head against Killer’s shoulder, shrouding his face from view, and, when he spoke, it was almost too quiet to be heard. “I just want this.”
Browbones furrowing, he snickered, though there was something about Dust’s tone that made his soul wobble and the sound of his laughter come out hollow. “What, terrible dancing?”
“No,” Dust immediately corrected, and there was more insistence to his tone this time. “To be held. To be with you.”
And, Killer’s smile widened. And, he ignored the way that it didn’t reach his eyes. “And, nothing more?”
“Isn’t that enough?” he asked, and it sounded like a plea. “Aren’t I enough?”
It was difficult to speak around the inexplicable knot in his throat. The one that always showed up when it came to conversations like this. “Of course you are.”
Slowly, their dance came to a stop; the hallway couldn’t go on forever, so neither could they. But, neither of them released one another, still clinging to what they could reach as if they were afraid for the dance to end. To dance without movement is simply to embrace, but there’s something more intimate about that, that Killer cannot face.
“Then, why…” Dust choked, and the words were lost, but they both knew them anyway. 
Why are there others?
Why isn’t enough enough?
Why does this have to be indulgence?
Why can’t this be love?
“Let go of me,” Killer whispered.
Dust scoffed, and there was something rueful in it. His grip on Killer’s shoulders tightened. “Thought you never led me on.”
“Get off,” he hissed, and he pushed away from Dust as if he’d been burned. Feeling the way that his bones buzzed, he couldn’t be sure that he hadn’t been. Something burned in his chest, and it must have been fire. There was no other explanation. “Go fuck someone else if you need it so bad.”
Stumbling backwards, Dust caught himself on the wall, and his eyelights glowed dangerously when he looked back up, shining ever brighter as they reflected off of unshed tears. “Fuck you,” he spat, venemous. “I’m not some fucking slut that sways his hips to get the attention of strangers. I’m not like you. I don’t need that. Enough is enough. You are enough.”
“You’re making this into something it’s not,” Killer breathed.
“Fuck you,” he repeated, even harsher. He stepped forward, and Killer fought off the instinct to step back in tandem; another dance. “Why isn’t it?”
“It can’t be,” he said.
And, there was the snap; just as sudden and quick as it always was.
Again, Killer found himself pinned to the wall by his neck, feeling an awful lot like cornered prey, with his teeth gritted into a smile. His hands wrapped around Dust’s wrist, though he didn’t attempt to pull it away. Sharp fingertips pressed into bone, almost as sharp as the look on Dust’s face; features alight with magic that sparked between his joints and made the spots where there was contact tingle unpleasantly, like a warning. Maybe it was one.
“I love you,” Dust said, and it sounded an awful lot like a damnation.
Killer didn’t answer – couldn’t find the words, or, maybe, refused to. His grip on Dust’s wrist tightened as the hand around his throat turned vice-like and stole the breath that he didn’t really need.
“Say it back,” came the demand.
With a laugh that came out more like a wheeze, Killer spat thick, black determination into Dust’s face. “Or, what?”
All at once, with a crack that Killer wasn’t sure was entirely in his head, his skull connected harshly with the wall. He bit back a noise of pain and forced it to come out as another laugh. Once the stars cleared from his vision, he was met with another furious flush of purple and white hot tears as Dust wiped at his face, and he wished that it meant anything to him.
“You think I won’t kill your little side hoes?” Dust hissed. “You think I won’t make you fuck their dust?”
Wasn’t that indulgence, too? To kill that which got in your way? It wasn’t necessary. It was strictly something done because it felt good to. Wasn’t that, by the definition of the word, indulgence? Maybe Dust hadn’t spent as much time under Nightmare’s care as Killer had, but, clearly, he’d learned something. 
Violence, which clung to indulgence’s hand in the same way that lust did; equally disgusting; equally unnecessary; equally beautiful. Killer couldn’t help but to laugh at the thought.
Dust cut him off with a growl. “Is this funny to you?”
“It is, actually,” Killer purred. “You’d find a way to be jealous of a pile of dust if I gave it attention in front of you.”
A choked sound fell from Dust’s throat, and, for just a moment, he averted his gaze, hand squeezing Killer’s neck harshly and drawing a matching noise from him. Then, it loosened, and his eyelights bore into Killer’s empty sockets once more. “I love you,” he said again. “Say it back.”
“Or, what?” Killer wheezed again, undeterred.
“Or, I’ll kill us both,” came the response.
His expression was carefully even, sockets half-lidded and mouth smoothed into a thin line. Magic crackled dangerously through his form, making his eyelights flare that same bright, terrifying purple, and the glow of his magic reflected prettily off of his tears. His touch burned like fire; the same one that burned in Killer’s chest that not even the instinctual, icy dose of panic that flared in his soul – because both of them knew that Dust wasn’t bluffing – could put out. It was perfect. Disgusting, unnecessary, beautiful indulgence.
“God, I love you,” Killer breathed.
And, in an instant, their mouths crashed together in a sloppy, desperate kiss, pressed up against the wall like art.
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