#una sortas
teapotart · 11 months
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What? A group of weird and charismatic people who do questionable things against the rotten world’s stability and (mostly) die young? I stood no chance.
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Araki put them in different parts because they’d be too powerful together
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joejoeba · 9 months
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figcookie01 · 7 months
what kind of pony is trish?
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i couldnt decide what type or design of hers to use so i did two hehe
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filliteapot · 9 months
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Impossible things keep happening
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How often/easily they cry:
Giorno: like never. Because of his past he doesn’t cry because his body considers it useless. Like he could cut onions and not even shed a tear. He doesn’t mind when people cry, but he doesn’t naturally feel like crying really ever.
Bruno: he cries often, but not because of emotions. His eyelashes are always falling in his eyes, and his eyes are super sensitive so they always tear up when it happens. His eyes also tear up in certain types of light, like a certain bright yellow colored lighting. It just really bothers his eyes. But he doesn’t cry about sad things usually, he can but it’s rare.
Abbacchio: he will cry if you say something touching to him. Actually cries really easily, but tries to not draw attention to it. He hates crying because it ruins his eyeliner and mascara. He isn’t really the type to cry when something super sad happens, every once in a while he will though. But it’s more when something super touching happens or someone tells him something he really needs to hear.
Mista: easily cries. Especially about his least favorite number. He is super inconsistent with what makes him cry though. Like he will suddenly start crying about something really random that no one would’ve thought would make him cry. He will also change his mood really fast, like he will be crying and then he will go back to a toughish guy attitude
Narancia: cries very easily. Very emotional. Has no shame about crying in front of people, even if he wants them to think he is tough. Doesn’t really see crying as something that makes someone weak, and doesn’t really grasp that a lot of people consider crying a form of weakness (rather than something natural and perfectly ok to do). Like if he needs to cry he is gonna do it. The phrase “crying like a baby” just goes over his head, and good for him.
Fugo: will angry cry when he feels a certain type of rage. Like the “no one is hearing me or understanding me” type of rage. Like if he is just angry because of something someone did that was dumb, he won’t cry. But if someone is purposefully ignoring him he will angry cry.
Trish: hates crying because it ruins her makeup, so whenever she feels like crying she will pinch herself or something. She is more of a cry into her pillow at night type.
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idettaglihere · 11 months
io stamattina: "oggi prendo coraggio e dico a mia zia che non voglio più andare a Roma"
lei appena arrivo a casa sua: "ti faccio vedere che itinerario ho messo giù per tutti i 5 giorni, hai tempo?" con tanto di cartina cartacea alla mano
okkkk, come posso diglielo? non so come farò a godermi quella vacanza senza un soldo dovendo io mangiare almeno 6 volte al giorno, contando anche evuntuali spostamenti, e con mia madre a casa che mi fa già sentire in colpa ricordandomi ogni giorno che con il mio stipendio dovremo pagare avvocato, assicurazione della macchina, le mie visite alle quali vorrebbe io non andassi, i miei medicinali che vorrebbe io non prendessi e le bollette
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simptasia · 5 months
of the veronaville sims left in that poll, i hope tybalt wins the whole thing because of the characters left, he's the one with the most personality and flavour
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teapotart · 3 months
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Better Call Saul is just a show about orange cat behaviour
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deathshallbenomore · 2 years
esseri che si dovevano estinguere l’altro ieri:
- i fascisti
- queste farfalline del cazzo che si appoggiano sulle superfici e poi volano in giro e te le trovi dovunque e non hanno alcuna funzione se non quella di essere una manifestazione fisica dei disagi dell’estate
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iltuoanon2016 · 11 months
Senza nome (e senza rancore)
Anche se hai dominato un'intera nazione, dall'alto del tuo potere mediatico, come tutti prima o poi, anche tu sei giunto alla fine.
Anche se in molti ti piangono, anche se in molti oggi godono con disprezzo, c'è da chiedersi del senso del transito su questa terra: le ricchezze e il potere si esauriranno alla fine del nostro corpo.
E puoi esserti lasciato alle spalle il tuo impero e uno stuolo di figli e nipoti, ma quanti ti hanno amato sul serio e non per tornaconto, quanti ti hanno seguito perché credevano veramente in te e non per convenienza?
Sei polvere, sei già polvere, sei solo polvere... destinata ad essere dimenticata...
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goolden · 11 months
quando è stata l'ultima volta che sei stato punito con una sculacciata?
l'ultima volta era con tua mamma prima che cambiassi sesso, quindi chiedi a lei
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filliteapot · 11 days
how you liking it so far? (dungeon meshi)
I just finished the manga and it's just great. I think it's even one of my faves now. I was intrigued by the idea of a story with a lot of cooking in it, in a setting that doesn't seem to be appropriate for cooking, and didn't expect much, but it managed to surprise me in a good way. Actually, after the anime started I learned that it has a character that is attractive to me for several reasons, so I finally decided to give it a try on a very bad day, and watched all the eps at once, and it made me feel better. A friend told me many good things about the manga, so I went there, and it turned out even better. It has a good balance of slice of life and adventure, and just that proportion of humour and darkness which I appreciate. Also it happens to explore the theme of perception of death and human nature, and tbh reminds me of my beloved Furuba in some aspects, so I am very much pleased with this story.
The anime is pleasant to watch, I guess I'll keep watching it ongoing, but the manga is clearly on another level, the mangaka is a brilliant artist and storyteller, so it was interesting to me bc of art/narration reasons too.
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io-pentesilea · 2 years
(Chissà come sopporterai una saccente lamentatrice gelosa... 'impegnata'.
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idettaglihere · 9 months
ginseng pre psicologa >>>>>>
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