#tywin lannister when i find u……
ilynpilled · 1 year
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visenyaism · 1 year
Top 5 asoiaf historical characters or top 5 povs to read from ?
my favorite chapter of all time still goes to the tyrion boat school chapter in adwd but in terms of favorite POVs to read?
6. joncon- giving myself a bonus one to talk about how reading his chapters made me feel like i was dissolving like a powerpoint transition. there’s just so much grief and love and bitterness and doom packed into there it is unreal.
5. sam- gender. he is just so special i’ve never read a fantasy protag quite like samwell tarly and his quest to realize his compassion, empathy, and courage are his greatest strengths despite being discouraged by hypermasculine violent feudal society. he is the real protagonist of asoiaf to me.
4. jonsnow- i liked his pov’s in all the books, but ADWD where he is just trying as hard as possible not to be the protagonist after going though like 4 different genres (can u BELIEVE he started off as a boarding school protagonist) even though he literally has super strengthis so beloved to me. His ongoing crisis where he has to realize that despite everything everyone tries to impose on him he has only ever been just himself is so so real (just as real as him being king beyond the wall. btw) though getting immediately killed for it has to be a downer. MY son was turncloak of the month at castle black👍
3. Jaime- he’s funny. he’s cringe. he stares a lot for someone who can’t fight. he’s delusional. he can’t fit a whole knight in his head. he hasn’t emotionally matured past the age of seventeen. everything he says is insane and also heartbreaking. i love jaime POVs so much y’all don’t get it.
2. Cersei- reading cersei i for the first time last year rewired my brain and i was loud about it. Unlike cersei i was not raised by a fascist nightmare but as a nonbinary girltwin i can say that getting raised alongside a direct example of what your life would’ve been like without misogyny can be very hard, especially when you hit puberty and the “your brother is a person and you are the girl one” starts to get even louder. I was fucking alarmed how personally compelling her weird gender thoughts were given EVERYTHING else the Lannister twins have going on that is NOT personally relevant to me. Don’t know how george rr martin old cishet man that he is knew about any of that.
She’s completely delusional, and at times her mental gymnastics are so so fucking funny, but the like roiling layer of unspeakable (literally unspeakable she refuses to speak or acknowledge it) pain and fear underneath is what got me really. Watching her scheme out of arrogance and mortal terror really just to gain respect and bodily autonomy (though in the Tywin way where freedom from abuse and the “right” to abuse others are the same thing) and then just losing everything incredibly fucking hard was really compelling. i hope you win.
1. Melisandre- wait i said another chapter was my favorite of all time in this post? no i didn’t not when melisandre i is in the room. i have talked about this one extensively and probably will do so again. Finding out that r’hllor is literally her enslaved and her entire black and white apocalyptic worldview is her attempt to feel safe within that truth because she is still just a scared little girl at heart who needs what she’s saying to be true because if it’s not none of her suffering was worth it was the revelation of all time. That and the revelation that she actually does have a human attachment to Davos to the point that she’s watching over his son to spare him the grief. We WILL get melisandre ii in this lifetime and it will break my heart all over again because she is going to outlive stannis and have to survive the worldview shattering.
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Wait hold on- I need to hear more about cersei flipping her lid after finding out about Joanna-Lookalike reader getting married and is pregnant. Like I just imagine Cersei rocking up to winterfell all excited to see her bby after she was ripped away from her and just seeing her daughter heavily pregnant (like days away from giving birth), and just freezing for like a solid minute just trying to comprehend wtf has happened, before snapping out of it and demanding who defiled her sweet daughter and who dared put a bastard in her, and everyone's in winterfell is like 'bish tf what u talking about they got married', because everyone was under the belief that the lannisters knew and just didn't want to go to the wedding.
Tw: Mentions of pregnancy and death during child birth
Oh my gods- Cersei pulling up to Winterfell only to act like a complete fool in front of everyone and Robert’s just busting his ass laughing?? It would no doubt happen like that too.
Not to mention that Robb would be attached to the hip of Joanna!lookalike, especially if she were so far along in her pregnancy. He’s on one side. Greywind’s on the other helping and keeping a watchful eye out for every step the Reader takes. So, when Cersei’s realization hits her she would immediately know that Robb was the one to have ‘defiled’ her bby.
Also, I can’t help but imagine Cersei trying to get a good look at them after having been away for so long only for all the direwolves to protectively get between her and the Reader. Not to mention that Joanna!lookalike has her lion there too. So just imagine six direwolves and one lion staring down Cersei. She would be so infuriated, especially given that she sees Robb as more of the actual threat than she ever could pose to her own child.
I also imagine Tywin being in attendance too since he also wouldn’t have seen his precious grandchild after so long. And he would be just as upset if not more so, the only difference is his reaction comes out a lot more calm and collected than Cersei’s. It’s safe to say though that Robert is getting two fucking earfuls from them.
Myrcella and Tommen would be so incredibly happy not only to see their beloved sibling but also to know that she’s married and with child. They of course would be upset that they couldn’t have been at the wedding and witnessed it themselves but they’re happy nonetheless. Joffrey would be utterly horrified, both seeing his sister so very pregnant and at the fact that they got married without his knowledge. He’d pick a fight with Robb about that too.
It’s not too much to speculate that everyone would have their hands on Joanna!lookalike’s belly. Especially the younger Stark kids and Robb himself but once House Lannister pulls up their hands would be even more glued the Reader’s pregnant belly. Myrcella and Tommen are the first to want to touch it and feel the baby kick. Cersei and Tywin would be the last to do so. Imagine Robb and the Stark’s reactions to the Mountain touching the Reader’s belly with his big ass meat glove of a hand, even if the Reader was the one to insist Gregor do so.
Back to Cersei, she would be hit with an overwhelming amount of anxiety upon seeing her child not only pregnant but how far along she is and that she’s up and about when she should be bedridden. Cersei would immediately want to get her child to a chair or to their room after she’s been able to process everything. Hell, she would command the Mountain to carry the Reader around, particularly have him carry her back to her bedchambers where she should be staying. Cersei would have no plans of leaving Winterfell until her grandchild is born and she will be in the room during the delivery. Poor Joanna!lookalike will have Cersei on one side and a Robb on the other while she’s in the midst of giving birth. And Cersei will be glaring daggers at Robb the entire time, blaming him for doing this to her beloved daughter.
Also, while she’s still in the middle of acting like a fool, Cersei would no doubt demand that Jaime or the Mountain (yeah cause Gregor’s there too) kill Robb for ‘defiling’ the Reader and putting a ‘bastard’ in her. And also for basically giving the Reader a death sentence if she weren’t to make it out of the delivery alive.
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e3 recap: i just called to say are you a cunt? 1/2
ding dong the bitch is dead!
today we celebrate! extra long recap! (you'll find part two here and at the bottom)
it's finally time to fire gerri:(((
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this has been in the cards since the hazmat suit remark, but still shakes me to the bones.
and sticking her with cruises? horrifying.
almost as horrifying as logan asking roman to kill her...
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"you two, you know, you were close"
dickpickgate, the laughs were too high a price to pay.
on a more positive note, greg is also not having a good day.
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is he out of the inner circle? was he ever in? did kerry really look up if a focus group existed and pull him apart like string cheese?
my guess is it's because he is annoying. on this, logan and i agree. visually aggravating, indeed.
(on a more serious note, yes, i've seen the posts about nick and all i can say is believe women)
big boss man's last words:
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i wasn't paying attention. karolina was in the scene.
tom uses one line to summarize the episode we never got.
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wanting to kill cyd and gerri on the same day can kill you, you know. it's called karma.
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felt a strong impulse to skip the intro having seen the trailer, but i'm a good lil nick britell fangirl of course.
also, you know it's going to be a good episode when it's a mylod.
roman is very nervous about breaking up with his girlfriend firing gerri. "let's enjoy this sham marraige and the death of romance", he said...
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i know i asked for more gerri. THIS NOT WHAT I MEANT!
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roman is me, i am roman etc.
i'm also sad to report that i am, in fact, team hat.
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they are sad and angry but not in a perverted way:(
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so, so pretty<333 j. for supporting! sarah for lead, please!
it's the least they could do. seriously.
looks like having to kill gerri was the last drop for our romey.
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calling your dad a cunt right before he dies? it's shakespearean.
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connor associates victoria spunge with the loony bin. some of you might think the cake is not an essential part of this episode, but you are wrong.
shiv doesn't pick up the phone. first the cake, now this!!
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this is what my mom tells me all the time: gotta pick up the phone, i could be dying.
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and just like that... logan roy died. on the toilet. where all horrible fathers deserve to die. special shout out to tywin lannister!
the writers are absolute sickos for making me actually morn this guy by watching how his children absolutely fall to pieces:
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roman repeating how everything will be okay. ken saying he can't forgive logan, but that he loves him. shiv immediately reverting back to her younger self and calling logan daddy...
anyone else have some trauma responses to share?
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these asshole kids crying over their asshole father </3
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they frantically go back and forth between accepting that he is dead and making action plans on how to save him. it's a beautiful and heartbreaking throwback to the first season, when they still believed their money and status could save them from experiencing death.
even billionaires are mortal. really makes u think 👀
frank calls kendall son and i think it finally sinks in. i'm a pool of tears ready to be wiped up off the floor.
shiv and ken go to let connor know.
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they look so smol and lost and sad, i CAN'T. they really are kids.
connor is on some GOAT shit with this line:
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well, his father may not ever have liked him, but at least he got the world's strangest hug from his homey romey.
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being in denial too hard can cause hug disfunction.
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it's not a nice thing to call someone dead.
truly a heartbreaking rant we get from kieran here. one emmy for our favorite slime puppy!
karl continues to be the voice of reason:
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i feel connected to this man, spiritually and emotionally.
he should pour one for kerry as well.
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our girl is simply not dealing. fingers crossed for a delicious breakdown to come.
tom agrees.
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funniest shit i've ever seen.
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this is why we like to keep karl around, for the drinking and the nicknames.
part 2
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melrosing · 2 years
YOU do your top five fave asoiaf relationships!
WELL they’re kind of half the same as yours lol but:
1. Jaime & Brienne: nobody is surprised. But also they’re the best relationship in the story if u ask ME (which u did)
2. Jaime & Cersei: it’s like you said that it’s this relationship that could’ve been quite innocent and healthy once upon a time but under Tywin’s parenting it just soured into something twisted. and I think most stories would be inclined to show how a relationship becomes like that but instead GRRM depicts the madly complex way it falls apart which is a v interesting choice. I mean there’s a lot of Interesting Choices when it comes to Jaime and Cersei but yeah. Trying to stop myself putting another jam relationship on this list so I will just add that I like Jam and Tyrion as well. The best writing in this series is all Lannisters I’m sorry
3. Sansa & Arya: I wish constantly that we had more scenes of them together because as someone who once had a stupidly similar dynamic with my own sister I’m just obsessed w it lol. As an extension of this I love Cat and her daughters and how she and the girls are always thinking of one another, GOD I’m gonna cry
4. Tyrion and Cersei: I said no more Jam relationships but I didn’t say no more Lanns. Anyway they’re great, I love how many times you see them come so CLOSE to realising how much they have to gain by standing together (I mean I don’t think this is lost on Tyrion at all) but the cycles of abuse are such that it’s just impossible. And the desperation in Tyrion for some affection from Cersei despite never having received anything of the kind is painful. As is Tyrion lashing out cruelly at her because the cause is so lost. AH
5. Joncon & Aegon: there isn’t a ton on the page for this relationship as yet but I am honestly obsessed with the possibilities for what might happen if Joncon ever finds out who Aegon truly is. I’m obsessed w the idea that deep deep down he may already know but he just can’t admit that to himself or what else is left!!! I’m so excited for twow (which is certainly coming out soon no doubt no doubt)
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 11 months
Dearest Mint,
Haven't been on tumblr since it deleted my account a while back (rest in peace anonymousgothic) but I simply had to get back on here to commend you on your work. You've done it, once again. Another hit. This 3rd gen book has punctured one of my organs and rotted my brain -- that is how deeply it managed to nestle its way into me. Like I genuinely have to break bones to make room for it.
First, we must discuss Laena. There are no words in the English dictionary that can describe how satisfying it is that a Targaryen/Lannister baby has been born and bred within the walls of the red keep -- with Tywin and Robert and Cersei none the wiser. I wish so badly for her to know her true identity and understand her worth; I want so much good for her. I find it so thrilling that you chose for her to be based in King's Landing (for now) -- and do not think I didn't pick up on the fact that she's mapping out Shaemond's tunnels and yearning for the sea! I miss nothing!
I also cannot wait for her to know and love Jaime, but I am nothing if not a patient woman when it comes to you and your perfectionist pacing, Mint. I see a Daemon x Shaera dynamic in their future (and a very angsty journey à la Jaime-held-captive-while-Laena-sleeps-with-a-wolf-king!) and that hope alone will keep me sustained for now.
Second, Brynden. If I had a nickel for every time a bastard believed himself to be the son of Ashara Dayne, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice! Am I worried that Dany will take this betrayl even worse than she took Jorah's? Yes. Am I hoping the power of love overcomes? Also, Yes. Cannot wait for him to meet his aunt (who I know you will do right by) and his uncle (truly the most beautiful Targaryen, if only his personality matched). His history with Jorah and honesty just his background in general intrigues me, Arya would worship the ground he walks on, I already know. Also, whilst I see much of Rhaenyra in Laena's demure and yet childishly wild persona, I see so much of Arthur in Brynden. All of that honor -- um, career choice aside!
Third, the TRUE heir to the iron throne. Rhaegar's emo boy complexity is strong in this one. Quite possibly the most original storyline to ever be given to a Game of Thrones original character. And by far one of the most enticing. He's so morally grey and to see that clash with Jon's annoyingly fierce sense of honor will be...delicious. The fact that he wields Dark Sister honestly put me in a coma, and I only awoke to type out this novel-length review (Do not attempt to contact me once you finish reading this for I will be falling back into my state of prolonged loss of consciousness).
Also do I have a major soft spot for him because he is eldest daughter coded? Do I love him because of how much he mirror Viserys -- the older siblings who remembers everything and has been left with nothing on the outskirts of the kingdom he was due to inherit? Answer is maybe.
In short; wow. Truly, Mint. You created a multiverse that puts Marvel to shame. I cherish each and every one of your characters, and can do nothing but thank you and remind you of how powerful you truly are. I still have people emailing me about your work -- and it takes all the power in the world to simply point them in your direction and not go on a 10 page rant about how much they're gonna love it.
All my love, your biggest fan,
excuse me while I go scream cry and throw up, I love you for this so so so much, I can’t even articulate it (and I’m so sorry I can’t put it into such beautiful words how grateful I am for this cause I am deceased by how big my heart is for you, and for this). Thank you for picking out the smaller details and thank you for the love and support. Pls know u are adored (by me hehe)
- mint
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dragonsbone · 2 years
I’m so curious about Marcellus! How did he become heir to Casterly Rock? What’s his relationship like with his sister? With Tywin? Does he have a love interest? How does get along with Tyrion?
Sorry about so many questions I’m just curious and love Bradley James hahaha
omg hi thank u sm for asking about my beloved marcellus !!! and oh babe pls do not apologize at all!! i am an absolute whore™️ for bradley james like i cannot believe it took me this long to use him as a fc!
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how did he become heir to casterly rock? 
marcellus is the firstborn son of tywin’s second brother, jafford lannister. obviously, he was never supposed to be heir of casterly rock. the role was intended to pass down onto jaime as he is tywin’s first son. then, aerys targaryen chose jaime to be a part of his kingsguard and that immediately fucked up tywin’s plan. and. as we’ve seen from asoiaf content, tywin absolutely despises tyrion even though he is his second son bc of him being a dwarf and being the cause of his wife’s death. i haven’t read the books ( yet ), but in the show, tyrion discussed with his father on wanting to take his place as lord of casterly rock to which tywin refused relentlessly. with that knowledge, it would be plausible of him to pass the legacy onto jafford and his sons once tywin is dead. thus, marcellus ending up as heir of casterly rock.
what’s his relationship like with his sister? with tywin?
they get along very well! he is EXTREMELY protective of his younger sister and heavily argued with his uncle on josana being sent off to the north to marry a stark. he doesn’t want his favorite sibling to be live far away like how was he gonna survive the world of politics and strategies without her? likes to joke with her and push her buttons, but is a good big brother when the time calls for it. him and his younger brother, tryton, are totally a different story lol.
his relationship with tywin is vastly different than his uncle with josana. josana was perfectly molded to follow every one of tywin’s demands with little to no conflict. she strives to appease him and be viewed as his prized pupil. on the other hand, marcellus often disagrees with tywin. sometimes for very valid reasons, sometimes for the hell of it. of course, tywin does get his way in the end, but marcellus tries to put up a good fight. marcellus does not enjoyed being manipulated and viewed as a chess piece. he is “rebellious” in that sense, but he wouldn’t dare to fully go against his uncle no matter how amusing he would find it.
does he have a love interest?
at the moment, not yet. i do plan on having one for him at some point, but i just don’t have any solid ideas.
how does get along with tyrion?
so book tyrion vs show tyrion would have very different dynamics. going off thee show since it’s what i’ve seen, marcellus would really like tyrion. they would get along well enough, but there would always be some sort of underlying tension and jealousy, which ofc is super fucking valid. marcellus does pity tyrion and blames tywin for ruining their familial bond.
thank u sm for asking again anon !! if you would like to know more about him or anyone else, please dont hesitate to ask <3
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swordmaid · 5 years
me @ j*im* l*nnist*r
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Family, Duty, Honour
Pairing: Tyrion Lannister x reader
Requested by: anon ‘Can you do Tyrion with his arranged marriage wife on their wedding night/first time?’
Notes: the reader in this fic is a Tully cousin. Let’s see if I can actually get to the smut without almost 1k words of worldbuilding this time! (The answer is no- do u see why it takes me so bloody long to write!)
(Part 2)
Warnings: Arranged marriage, smut, loss of virginity, clearly not canon compliant lol
Gif creds to owner
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Being summoned to Tywin Lannister’s office was never a pleasant experience. More often than not, it meant you were in serious trouble, and in Tyrion’s case, he was always in trouble; his father often referred to him as a drunken, lusty little fool. As Tyrion entered the office, he instantly did not like what he saw; his father was stood with his hands behind his back, rather than being sat behind his desk. He gestured for his son to sit, before he began speaking.
“As you know, your sister has been married to King Robert for some time, and is now pregnant with their second child. Their first, Joffrey, will be the next king of the seven kingdoms,” Tyrion nodded slowly as his father spoke at him, rather than to him. “In case that child is a girl, she must fall pregnant again to ensure there is an heir and a spare to fully consolidate the Baratheon dynasty. Your brother Jaime has sworn an oath that prohibits him from siring children,”
“Legitimate children,” Tyrion quipped, relishing in the way his father’s jaw tightened.
“Siring legitimate children. And I will not sit a bastard on Casterly Rock when I am gone. That leaves you,” Tyrion sat up a little straighter- was his father finally agreeing to acknowledge his claim now that Jaime couldn’t be lord of Casterly rock? “I have therefore arranged your marriage, and your son will inherit Casterly rock.”
Tyrion frowned. “My son? Surely it goes to me first,”
Tywin snorted. “Don’t remind me,”
Tyrion was quiet for a moment. “Who have you promised me to?”
“One of Hoster Tully’s nieces,” he said flatly. “What, disappointed? There aren’t many noble houses willing to marry off their daughters to a dwarf, even if he is a Lannister. You will marry YN Tully, splitting their ties with the North and the Vale with West. Your son will have Casterly Rock, and gods be willing, your spare will have Riverrun,”
“Hoster has other children, as well as his niece,”Tyrion reminded him.
“Yes. But Catelyn’s children will be shared about the North; Eddard Stark is unlikely to let them stray further south than the Neck. And Lysa has struggled to conceive, and her only child is sickly. If the it comes to it, one of the Stark heirs will take the Vale. Edmure Tully is a cocksure fool, and Brynden Tully has gone rogue. It’ll be easy to place your spare on that seat. But an heir for Casterly rock should be your priority,”
Tyrion sighed. “I don’t have a choice in this matter, do I?” When Tywin shook his head, he sighed. “Then I would like to meet this girl before we wed. To settle her nerves. Is she… of age?”
“She has flowered,” Tywin said sternly. “That should be enough for you,” with that he turned on his heel, leaving Tyrion to mull the concept of his wedding over. He sighed, returning to his chamber- he was in dire need of a drink.
As you walked up the steps to Casterly Rock your breath caught in your chest and you squeezed your uncle’s arm subconsciously as he escorted you.
As you entered the keep, Lord Tywin came around the corner, closely followed by his son. You gave a little curtsy to Tywin, before allowing Tyrion to kiss your knuckles. “My lady,” he said, his voice gentle. “I thought we might take a stroll through the garden. I’m afraid it’s not as impressive as the likes of the Reach, but it overlooks the sea,” your uncle gave a nod, allowing Tyrion to escort you on a tour of the gardens while he finalised the wedding plans with your soon to be father in law.
As you walked, Tyrion stole small glances sideways at you. It was undeniable that you were a Tully, possessive the sharp bone structure and deep red hair of your family. You knew your airs and graces, listening attentively as he told you about the history of Casterly rock. Sighing, he gestured for you to sit on an elaborately carved stone bench.
“My Lady… I know that this marriage is not… well it’s not anybody’s idea of perfection. I may be the ‘Imp’ but I promise to you I shall treat you well. I will protect you, honour you, treat you properly as my lady wife,”
You nibbled your lip nervously nodding slowly. “Thank you, Lord Tyrion,” you said softly, and he couldn’t help but stare longer than was decent into your piercing eyes.
“H-how old are you, Lady YN?” He asked gently, fearing the worst.
“My nineteenth name day will be in four moons,” you said. “Why?”
Tyrion shuffled slightly. “I only ask… these marriages usually do not take age into consideration. My father only told me you… were fertile. I feared that I would be wed to a child. And if that was the case, I would wait until you were older for the… I will still wait now, if that is your wish,” he promised, and you nodded, feeling much more at ease with the prospect of marrying the Imp.
The vows were said and you had been cloaked under the rich red and gold of house Lannister. Seated at the head table of the grand hall of Casterly Rock, you watched as the feast and the dancers went on. As Tyrion placed tidbits of the rich food on your plate, you were increasingly aware of the rising drunkenness in the room- over the hubbub of the feast, you could hear several bawdy jokes about the upcoming consummation of your marriage.
Tyrion noticed your growing anxiety, and placed his hand gently over yours. “Remember what I told you,” he said in a quiet voice, leaning close to your ear so that you could hear him. “If you want me to, I will wait,” you nodded at his reassurance, your shoulders relaxing slightly in your wedding gown, and you slipped your hand into his, giving it a gentle squeeze in thanks.
After the final course was served- small cakes decorated with and intricate motif of a lion frolicking in a river full of splashing trout in honour of the new alliance forged between the west and the riverlands- Lord Tywin and Lord Hoster rose from their table and made their way to the head table. Tywin gestured Tyrion away until you could no longer hear, though you were sure your father in law was lecturing him on his expectations for a son. Your uncle took a seat beside you, pouring you a half cup of wine.
“When your mother died,” he began. “I swore to the old gods and the new to protect you. The Lannisters are proud, and dangerous no doubt, but you are one of them now, my girl, and I’d rather you be married to the Lannisters with their power and wealth than to be treated like a whore by the Dornish or even the Baratheon… the Lannisters aren’t likely to let harm come to you, but I swear, if the imp ever hurts you, I will raise the men of the Riverlands, and I will get the Vale and the North on board as well. Even in Casterly Rock, you will be protected,”
You smiled. “Thank you, Uncle. But Lord Tyrion is a good man, kind and gentle. And even though I am a woman grown, he swore to me he would not force himself on me, nor would he betray my honour,” your uncle gave a tight smile, kissing the top of your head.
“Honour,” he said stiffly, stiffly, seeing Tywin and Tyrion returning to you. “Remember our words, My girl. Family, Duty, Honour,”
You nodded, squeezing his hand, before it was announced that it was time for the bedding. But instead of a boisterous display involving stripping both you and Tyrion out of your clothes on your way to your marriage chamber, Tyrion took your hand and led you out of the great hall alone, walking you to your new bedroom in relative silence.
As you shut the door, he looked at you, sighing quietly. “Shall we have some wine?” He said gently, gesturing to the table set out with wine and bread and fruit, in case the happy couple needed sustenance throughout the night. You gave him a small smile and nodded, letting him pull a chair out for you as you sipped on wine and nibbled on bread.
“I… expected a bedding ceremony, my Lord,” you said quietly, before quickly adding “I’m glad the traditional one didn’t happen though! My cousin, Catelyn didn’t have one, because her husband didn’t want to dishonour her,”
“Eddard Stark and I have that in common,” Tyrion said lightly. “And I told my father that I would not have his bannermen manhandle my wife to her room,”
You smiled gratefully, setting your cup down. Tyrion held up the jug, but you shook your head, not wanted to get too inebriated. You sighed softly, your fingers tracing over the embroidery on your wedding gown, and Tyrion watched as you worked over the stitched trouts- although Casterly rock glittered with jewels and gold, he had to admit that the embroidery of the riverlands and the north was superior to the rest of Westeros. “Are you nervous, My Lady?” He said gently, asking the obvious, before reminding you again of his promise.
“I am, a little,” you murmured. “But… I must do my duty and give you a son,” you looked away, taking a deep breath. “I am nervous because I’m a maid, and I am scared it will hurt, or I will not please you, or fulfil my duties to my family. But I… I trust, my Lord. I think I’ve trusted from the moment you invited me to Casterly Rock ahead of the wedding, despite that being only two weeks ago…”
Tyrion smiled gently as you rambled, taking both of your hands in his and leaning down to kiss both sets of knuckles. “I won’t hurt you. I’ll be gentle with you,” he promised. “I must ask one thing of you, YN… just call me Tyrion,”
You smiled gently, leaning down and pressing your lips gently to his. It was your first proper kiss, aside from the one under the eyes of the gods, and you were initiating it. Tyrion couldn’t help but smile against the cushion of your lips, finding your tentative gentleness endearing. He reached one hand up to curl around the back of your neck and was relieved to feel you relax as he stroked your deep red hair. He grazed his teeth against your bottom lip, before pressing them down gently, you let out a shudder and-gods- a moan.
“Tell me to stop and I will,” he murmured.
“Please don’t,” you replied, voice breathy as you felt unfamiliar heat and… longing stirring within you. With your gentle plea replaying in his head, he slipped his hand into yours, pulling you gently towards the canopied bed.
Slowly, you undressed one another down to your smallclothes. Tyrion gulped as he looked over you, the peaks of your breasts pushing against your chemise. “Magnificent,” he murmured, and you smiled, ducking your head down to hide your bashful expression.
“What do I… what do I do?” You whispered, sitting on the bed. Tyrion smiled gently.
“We must prepare you,” he said gently. At your frown, he carried on. “If we are to continue with comfort in mind, we must ensure your body is ready to… accommodate me. This will relax you… make you… slick,” he explained and you nodded slowly, shuffling back so you could lay on the pillows. As Tyrion made to climb up onto the bed, you took a deep breath, lifting your chemise up and over your head to bear your chest and cunt to him. Tyrion suppressed a groan at the sight, urging himself to go slow. You were his lady wife, not some whore. He approached you slowly, coming up to your side and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, before trailing his lips down. You gasped as you felt his teeth scrape against your skin, before you let out a low moan as his lips wrapped around your nipple, suckling gently. He waited until your breath came in little desperate pants, your body twisting and pushing up to him before he trailed his hand down to the thatch of curls between your thighs. You gasped and tensed up, but as he began rubbing your thigh gently and you soon relaxed, allowing him to push your thighs apart.
“T-Tyrion,” you whimpered, feeling the palm of his hand cup your pussy. He was about to ask if you were okay, but your next words put his mind at ease. “Please… more…”
He gave a light chuckle. “As my lady wife commands,” he said, a slight smirk tugging at his lip as his finger dragged between your folds, swirling around your clit on every other stroke, until you were dripping and squirming with anticipation, grasping onto his arm, little moans tumbling from your lips. Tyrion smiled slightly, sucking his finger clean and groaning at the taste. “Are you ready for my cock, YN?” He asked, and you bit your lip.
“I-I think so?” You murmured, watching with wide eyes as he undid his underwear and shoved it down his thighs, his straining cock springing free. You bit your lip hard, and Tyrion smiled softly.
“I will be gentle with you, YN, I promise,” you gulped and nodded, reaching for him.
“Please…” you murmured. “I-I’m ready,” Tyrion gave a slight smile as he moved to line up with your entrance, slowly pushing his cock into you. You whimpered, back arching, and when he hit the barrier of your maidenhead, you hissed.
Tyrion petted your thigh gently, shushing you. “This will hurt for just a moment, I promise,” he told you, and you nodded, squeezing your eyes shut as he breached your maidenhead. What was an uncomfortable stinging sensation soon dissolved into a feeling of fullness, of being stretched. It felt… good.
“M-move,” you begged, bucking your hips up despite yourself, and to your delight, Tyrion complied, groaning as he grasped your hips, his hips beginning to roll against yours, his girth caressing all of your most intimate pleasure points, watching the way your eyebrows tugged together and your mouth went slack as you let out needy gasps and moans, increasing in pitch and volume as he dragged you closer to the edge. He was close himself, his movements becoming more sloppy, his head tipping back as he groaned and grunted. “Tyrion,” you cried, back arching, and his mouth practically watered at the sign of your bouncing tits. “Tyrion I’m- I feel-”
“Let it happen,” he groaned, and when he felt your channel spasm around his length he grunted, spurting his seed into you with a shout of your name, spurred on by your cries of ecstasy.
Shaking, gasping, you whimpered as Tyrion pulled out of you, and smiled gently as you watched him pour you some wine and get you some fruit. You curled into his side, now under the covers as you sipped the more watered down wine, humming softly as Tyrion fed you plump, sweet berries. Sleepy, you settled down under the covers, resting your head on his bare chest, and as you nodded off to sleep, Tyrion swore to himself that he would put his young wife and any children you had before all else in his life.
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess @lazyotakujen @janelongxox @honeyofthegods @lxoxtxtxi
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
To Serve Our King and Queen
Fandom: Game of Thrones Pairing: Daenerys Targeryen x Baratheon!Reader, Sansa Stark x Baratheon!Reader Summary: A story of heart break, love and heart break again. Word Count:  2,407 Request:  Hey can u do a Daenerys x Baratheon reader where he is the son of cersei and Robert the true son. He used to be In love with Sansa but she wanted Joffrey so she break his heart. Reader leaves king’s landing with tyrion and meet Daenerys where both fall In love with each other. Later Sansa sees the reader with dany and Jon when they arrive to the north. Sansa is being disrespectful towards dany and reader put Sansa in her place and tells her to not talk to his WIFE like that ever again please. A/n: I changed it a bit, I wish it was a little bitter but oh well. 
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Cersei and Robert were married before he even became king, Tywin had faith that the Baratheon would overrule the Mad King. It was the start of the downfall of their marriage, the sex was lousy, but it got the lioness pregnant. You were a beautiful babe that Cersei had fallen in love with your looks.
You were a year old when your father overthrows the throne and becomes king of the seven kingdoms. You had a somewhat happy childhood, you were spoilt by your father more than your younger brother - Joffery. Whilst your mother somewhat loved you, you knew that she loved her golden crown children more than you, you had a suspicion about your siblings, they look too much of your uncle Jaime than your father, which was known that Baratheon seed was strong.
So, you were more of a father’s boy than your mother’s. At a young age, you were trained hard, went through advisers and teachers - teaching your expanding knowledge, your father demanded that you were to start off young in training to be king, making sure you know how to fight and be a respected knight just like your father. When you were growing up, you were told tales from your uncle Tyrion, who adored you because he could hold an intellectual conversation with you.
As you grew up, often at times you went with your father to go on hunting, even met with your dad’s best friend and his children. You often had playtime with them, being good friends with Robb and Jon, but you were always wanting to be with Sansa, your father laughs that you would marry Sansa when you two were older - Ned would laugh too.
As years gone past, you tried to ignore your father’s debauchery and your mother’s ever growing hatred towards you. You grew up to be a fine young man, despite being the son of two fucked up people, you were a loved prince - charming, caring and a fighter. You were too familiar with your mother’s manipulation that you were just as smart as her in playing games.
Tywin saw your potential to rule. The people will love you, they already do, because you weren’t fake but you knew when to stand your ground. You weren’t going to be pushed around, you knew your worth to that throne and you will be king whether your mother likes it or not. 
You knew what you wanted but sometimes that’s not how it works out.
You wanted Sansa as a bride, when you arrived at Winterfell after so many years later, you saw how beautiful Sansa was. But, you could see how she was ogling on your brother Joffery, you scoffed - he’s not that big of a deal. 
“Sansa be wise, pick (Y/n),” Robb says in their little family circle after being dismissed in greeting the king, “Jon and I know him better than you, and he’s a delight.”
“But, he’s not Joffery.”
Arya snorted, “Of course, you would want a little prat than an actual prince.”
“Joffery is a prince,” Sansa argued, “He’s handsome and I love him.”
“You barely know the boy,” Robb says with concern on his voice, “How do you even know if you love him?”
You tried winning Sansa’s heart, but before you left Winterfell, Sansa had pulled you aside, you had a little bit of hope but you had seen how she was all over your brother and was by his side every opportunity she could get.
You got your heartbroken by her, she was honest and you were thankful for that, but it hurt your heart. Sure, the two of you were still young, feelings can change like the wind and nothing is certain in the future. 
When you arrived home, you talked to your dad about it and for once, he got serious - talking about that even if you were rejected you should always try to pursue her. He then laughed it off saying Baratheon men don’t have much luck with Stark ladies, but you could see in the pain in his father’s eyes as he remembers Lyanna Stark. 
When your father died there were talks about who will inherit the throne, Cersei was quick on her game to get Joffery on the throne, you were livid. There was a screaming match between you and your mother in front of the small council before venomously bidding her hell. It was Varys, who started to tell you to leave because there were talks of your mother that she was going to hire people to kill you. 
You couldn’t risk that, so you took a route down to the deepest part of Kings landing, keeping yourself out of sight, picking up a stray sword that caught your eye.
That’s your story really.
Anyone back home would believe that you were killed or dead, and suffered in the rule of Joffery Baratheon. People called your the lost prince of hope, their last strand of hope.
Tyrion did not expect to see you alive and by Daenarys side when he entered Esso, running away with the potential of execution on his head. When he saw you, it had been a few years that had past, you were a lot different. 
Your hair was longer, you had grown more muscle mass, must of because you trained with Greyworm. You stood up straighter as if you had a purpose, but you looked happier. What your uncle did not expect was to look at the silver haired woman with such love.
It was a familiar look that he had seen, it was the same look you used to stare at Sansa with. But, to Tyrion’s surprised the look with returned. When you weren’t paying attention or was looking away, Daenerys would give you the same look of love. Tyrion asked Barristan, who laughs and nods.
“Those two? In love like any other teenagers!” He laughs, shaking his head, “They’re betrothed to each other, looking for the perfect time to marry. Daenerys has explicitly said that she wanted no one by her side when she becomes Queen, but learning Ser (Y/n) story, she realised that the two of them have the biggest claim to the throne, rightfully, and on the way, she fell in love with him as did he.”
“Of course,” Tyrion nodded, “I would have liked to see my nephew rule the seven kingdoms, at least he has the birthright unlike Joffery and his siblings.”
“Bastards?” Ser Barristan asked as Tyrion nodded, “Well, that explains the blond hair.”
“I know for the fact that (Y/n) would rule with a good heart, he was trained and he has compassion, he fought any manipulation and lies that were fed to him.”
“Yes,” the knight nods, “I wonder what the people of Westeros would think when they find out a Baratheon could ride a dragon.”
As months past, years past on, Tyrion watched his nephew enjoy his life fighting for what is rightfully his alongside his wife, who loves him as much as he did. There was no one better to rule the Realms other than two great leaders. Tyrion watched how Daenerys freed slaves and took control, Tyrion remembers how you were as a prince. 
“Was there someone you loved before me?” Daenerys asked once, it was on the sail back to Westeros, she could see how excited you were to return home.
You looked at her, “I did, once,” You say, remembering how Dany had disclosed her lovers to you before, “She was fiery, but unlikely you who is made of fire and blood, it was her striking red hair - her name was Sansa Stark.”
“Is she-?”
“My uncle has told me before he had fled that she was alive, but I have no idea where she is now or if she is alive. I’m sure she turned to be a fine young lady.”
Dany raised an eyebrow, “Do tell more.”
“Well, as you know I am of Lannister blood.”
“I am aware,” Dany says distastefully, cringing that you were of blood of the man who murdered her father and you were the son of the man who killed her brother.
“She was more in love with my brother, Joffery. Half-brother because I had my suspicion that he wasn’t of Baratheon blood. You could say he’s pure, like you.”
Dany nods, knowing what you mean, after all, she is in a long line of keeping her blood pure as her relatives were all related one way or another. She hates to think the fact if she were to marry her narcissistic brother, Viserys, whilst both of you acknowledge that you two were distantly related - it was a fact that she was willing to ignore. 
“He was a cunt,” You laughed whilst your wife giggles next to you in bed, “Spoilt and full of himself, I don’t want to imagine what his rule was like, but stories from my uncle it seems to appear as hell.”
“And she picked him over you?” Daenerys asked, raising an eyebrow, “Well, her loss, I think I have a great man before me. A true king.” 
You chuckle, smiling at her lovingly, kissing her forehead, “Shall we sleep, my love?”
“No,” She pouts as you can’t help but find it adorable, “I think you should tell me tales of Westeros, after all, it’s more of your home than it is of mine.”
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You weren’t expecting to return to Winterfell, but, it demanded it’s independence, which you thought was outrageous - really. You were reunited with Jon, who greets you with a smile, a joke and good hug - it has been a while since you’ve seen your best friend, glad to see him alive.
You thought that you were going to take over Kings landing, but having to take a detour route to Winterfell to battle in a war of the undead. Although, you get to see your mother before going to the North.
You relish the sight to see her and your uncle Jaime astonished that you were alive and knowing you were going back to claim for the throne. Cersei did not miss how your eyes darken and the glimmer of your sword.
It was the only interaction you had with her, she refused to come to talk to you, you weren’t surprised - you lacked a mother’s love as you grew up. But, Jaime tried his best to get you to talk to him. You shook off his advances before turning to Jon and Daenerys.
You were surprised to see Sansa, as she was with you. Arya had noticed how she was staring.
“You’re staring, do you have regrets?”
Sansa cleared her throat and stood up straight, “No, he’s just grown.”
“So, have you, perhaps you have a chance at wooing him,” Arya hums looking over to you, talking to Jon with Daenerys by your side, “I can’t deny that he is very handsome.”
You barely got to talk to Sansa when everyone was preparing to war, luckily that your group of people survived the war. But, Missandei was down in the tombs with Sansa and Tyrion where she had heard that Sansa was disrespecting your wife.
Missandei was going to tell her Queen, but rather think other when she sees you walking towards her with a smile - she knew that you were better to handle it. She saw how your jaw locked, no one was going to disrespect your wife.
“Thank you, Missandei, please be with Dany, I’ll sort her out.”
You went to Jon first, who was confused at his cousin after you and Dany told him that he was actually the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna. Jon had his whole heart to support you and Dany’s plan to rule the seven kingdoms, agreeing that despite Winterfell wanting independence, they would struggle.
Sansa was trying to find the right ways to talk to you, perhaps try and mend the relationship. But, when you were looking at her as you stride towards her - she thinks differently. 
Tyrion was in the room, trailing behind you as well as Varys. Jon followed closely behind whilst Arya looked confused, looking at her sister. 
“How dare you disrespect your Queen!” 
No greetings, no smile upon your face, fury on your expression and for once in her life, Sansa no longer recognise the sweet boy from many years ago.
“You should owe her your life after she came to rescue your home! She brought dragons and not once has she spoken about the clear disrespect that you and your people wore. She is not mad like her father at all.”
Tyrion, Varys, Jon and many other people could agree to that, Daenerys was nothing like her father and it was mostly because of you. You were her constant grounding, bringing her to reality and knowing that you will always be by her side. 
“She’s not my Queen!” Sansa snaps back, gritting her teeth, “I don’t think she should be if anything if someone was to take the throne it should be you! It’s been rightfully yours since your father died.”
“It is my throne,” You sneered as Sansa stops upon hearing your words, “You’re not only disrespecting your queen, you are disrespecting my wife.”
Her hearts shatter, she wonders is that how you felt when she had rejected you. Your eyes were cold, your stance was stiff and the lost Valyrian sword matches it’s current owner - you. It reflected who you were, shiny and attractive, but can cut so deeply - it was hard to recover from it’s inflicted wounds.
“You shall never bad mouth the throne, you hear me?” You pressed on, your tone turning stern that she reluctantly nods, “Don’t test me, Stark.” 
With that, you turn on your heel and leave the room, leaving the occupants confused and somewhat terrified. 
“Well...” Arya breaks the silence, “Sansa?”
Her heart was broken, she thought this time she could find love. She was never Joffery’s, she refuses to be claimed by Ramsey and she lost Theon. But, she could not let a man ruin her thoughts, putting up a wall as she looks away from where you last were.
“I believe we all have a meeting on how we will accompany our King and Queen to the throne.”
She dreads to see you because she knows when she arrives - you will look at Daenerys with love and it’ll be returned. 
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wolfsneedles · 3 years
when cersei says, "she had a warrior heart, but the gods in their blind malice had given her the feeble body of a woman"
i actually felt it. no not the way she does ofc since she is essentially an antagonistic character but more like, the comparisons she makes the way she hates her own sex and wants power how she assumes herself as tywins daughter and how jaime thinks she call herself tywin lannister with teats, all point to her major disgusting internal conflict. ofc when we later see walk of shame it was worse the comments thrown on her body. in first books when we never had her pov i thought she too would admire herself her beauty, however cersei, in all her honestly hates her female traits and doesn't flaunt her beauty like i always thought or got idea from in first books. she is very mean and dehumanising to women and sees them inferiorly, not to say she herself was treated with a lot of hatred and sexism and then sold to marry a man she doesn't desire who himself was brutal on her, however i think she would have never been personally happy with anyone. cersei sees the entire point of being woman to please men with what she tells sansa, and then to be used as woman too . she doesn't like or meets appreciates strong women she hasn't seen or met dany obv neither would she ever have pleasant thoughts about brienne and arya even, she comments sometimes how woman is pretty but she herself always reduces her worth and others to just a girl to be sold and mounted. ofc her internal conflict i find is v interesting and confusing at times. she hates women but also wants other to accept her everything her every cruel practices even perhaps as woman. she doesn't like being woman to please people at all, yet its so sad and helpless to see her try to tempt jaime or osney even later just so they could listen to her. she hates the rampant sexism and misogyny in westeros even exhibited by her brothers and father but she doesn't realise she is using the same notion and definitions of sexism people have about women to demean and hate woman around her. its like she hates men definitely but she hates doing effort herself too to be a same female figure or woman we see other asoiaf women exhibit or do.
i was wondering if her behaviour towards women themselves, how she sees them inferior even when the men around her aren't seeing them like this, but she sees women with sexist approach too she mentions about rape or septa being or longing for rape, she ridicules and discusses margaerys virginity so much, she talks about uncensored stuff to sansa lol, when she is young girl literally, points to the fact how blunt and hateful cersei is of herself but also of female definition. i think this has a lot to do with her maybe not having to experience a mothers love??? i never liked how she was always surrounded ironically by men around her. we never see major strong female lannister representation i just realised. we only see or hear about tywin who had brutal approach to westeros the, holier-than-thou approach. we see jaime who is prob not worse like tywin at all but he also constantly tries to berate and pass quite nauseating remarks for women and ill hold this opinion about him until i see him say sorry to brienne lol (not to mention he does not hate women as whole even as being a man), we see tyrion also not really ideal partner and excessively morally grey character although i have never or maybe remember sexist or extremely insensitive remarks about women by tyrion until we see him in adwd only blurting out pretty worse sentences and maybe acting same like his father, and then we just know kevan who always well * saw cersei as not so perfect person and is kind of weird to her or idk maybe i never liked that lad because he also kind of sexualised her in childhood as cersei says maybe that men never looked at her like they do at others and she was seen with different eyes, all this time i wonder kind of where was tywin though he could have given or taught her good wholehearted valuable values anyway my anti tywin agenda not here today*, and then we see lancel, well for all we know he slept with her too but its just weird again that she slept with him to get rid of her obnoxious husband and well, lancel doesn't really hurt her though or ever saw her like her brothers do, considering his religious changes. but all this time im wondering cersei kind of missed having any wholesome woman in her life as, friend or companion which contributes to her internalised misogyny even more (its like she is opposite of catelyn hundred percent but cat also has internalised misogyny and i realised she never had loving sister cousin friend or companion) maybe im not thinking right but doesn't it click to u all that they both esp cersei of course see women in diff colours and not like how arya dany sansa brienne see women, because they lacked any stronger female character to look upto too. cats treatment of jon which is separate thing was quite questionable and so how she feels weird too when she sees mya stone! but cat or cersei never both, confronted their husbands or told them anything or even discussed any issues with them (this is for cat esp when she should have been angry over ned for jon :/ but she changed her energy to jon) . and it makes me wonder its also because they both were raised in a v male dominated society with diff kinds of fathers, uncles and brothers, that cersei especially has diff notion to what a random woman outside castle would even look like or act like and that all of them aren't really linked to their virginity or marriages and babies. i dont think ofc she would have been different if she had wholesome female friend but she did or should have had someone as girl who had her back when she was growing up???
(btw this isn't pro cersei thing at all - i was kind of horrified by her analysis of women we get to see in affc and then the melara thing at her young age was well fked up also pinching tyrion when he was baby "until he cried" or calling him "little monster" or whatever shows infact how she is quite disdainful of men like tyrion too and not just women. i was wondering maybe her losing joanna maybe played significant role only that being said, she is biggest antiparallel to dany and catelyn! )
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ilynpilled · 9 months
Do u believe that Jaime might kill Cersei and then himself at the end of the series? I saw other page theorizing about him killing himself as a final act or something like that…
i think about jaime and suicide a lot bc i do think it is a permeating theme with him in many ways, and he does do a lot of passive suicidal ideation. he is one of the characters who does not fear death really and is reckless in a way that it is clear that part of him seems drawn to it because of his existential dread. idk bc the thing is that i do think that “what else can i do, but die?” passage indicates the opposite of an ending with suicide specifically, and i think there are themes relevant to him here that i think are more likely to be followed through rather than be tragically rejected:
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nonetheless, theres a certain part of me that is morbidly drawn to him succumbing to despair anyway. like if he dies with valonqar, i think thats the only way i would actually like it. i was never someone that felt particularly moved by the “poetry” or “irony” of dying together because i always thought all of that is much richer if it is treated as desperate self affirming delusion that is bound to collapse. and we already see jaime reject dying with her once. there is a visible degree of acceptance of their fates not being entwined that is not feigned bc he did actually leave her to her fate and no longer feels the obligation to die with her, pretty clearly juxtaposed with his mindset in asos where he revolves his life around her “needing” him, and ofc cersei’s own desperate narrative rn. and i think george writing it so they can die exactly at the same time doesnt just feel unrealistic but also would hurt the weight of the scene to me because it would give me no aftermath. a wall falls on them both? valonqar doesnt even happen then. jaime killing cersei and then a wall falls on him or some shit? whats the point? double suicide? where is the ‘betrayal’ and irony and subversion of the jc dynamic’s narrative? cersei’s mindset is proven right. cersei kills him? idk if that works with cersei’s tragedy/betrayal/shock + how would she? he’s injured from something else and makes sure to bring down cersei with him? ig, still feel eh about it. if it happens, i wouldnt feel that much about anything thats not an actual suicide after a murder. and even then, it would make more sense for jaime to attempt suicide by rushing into the nearest battle/suicide mission based on his established characterization. that is the type of act that would be in character rather than just falling on a sword then and there ig. u can argue that the choice itself of him going back can be framed as a suicide attempt where he wants to go down with a sinking ship bc he thinks thats what he deserves, and ofc depending on when this happens the city might be beyond saving already, but still, the execution and circumstances matter to me. i also obviously dont want it framed as him being unable to live without cersei. i find that reductive of his character and boring on top of kind of incongruent bc he already made that choice of key separation once. he already proved himself capable of treating their lives as not entwined. i would only like suicide if it was about a complicated and ingrained sense of failure over not being able to triumph over reckoning with the world and the self (this is what makes the light go out in the weirwood dream too. cersei leaving is not where it ends), esp bc i assume the whole thing is playing on history repeating itself in the most ironic and dark way imaginable. ofc a bigger part of me wants triumph over that this time and for that flaming sword that he gave brienne to still burn and provide light in “his darkness”, replacing cersei’s torch that she takes with her in the dream as she joins tywin and joffrey and the lannister ancestors and leaves jaime in “the dark”, to represent some deeper purpose also embodied by brienne that allows him to continue past this point (the flames will burn as long as you live when they die so must you), and i also think it works better in a lot of ways. i have talked about widow’s wail currently being in the red keep, the twin swords set up, twftd foreshadowing, how i interpret the prophecies in the weirwood dream and how it works with the past and future etc, even how it all comes together thematically when it concerns knighthood and the cynicism/idealism synthesis. but still, a part of me is attracted to that kind of painful tragedy. im fairly open to a lot of things in general if they are not halfbaked and incongruent and dont make me feel empty in a bad way on top of being unsatisfied. but yeah, when thinking about the narrative as a whole, idk how it could work in a way that id like based on all that i have read.
to me, theres too much cost in terms of set ups, unless it happens at the very end of the story ig. but how would that work logistically? and when and how would he acquire widow’s wail? that sword’s a chekhovs gun for twftd that i think jaime has the most foreshadowing and set up with. what else would he do at the red keep? why put him there again when this part of the story could be wrapped up? like theres a certain order of events that seems to work and make the established pieces fall together much better in my head, but ofc i could be wrong.
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lipstickbisous · 4 years
the lion and her sun. (1)
notes: so the tywin lannister u see in here is completely different from the show, but goes on to be cruel and blah blah blah. i hope you can get the hint about who/what aurane is. and this is abt 9-10 years (seemed like a good time) before shit starts happening so oberyn wants to kill literally every person in kings landing.
this is NOT exactly like the show or books i’m going at my own pace/twist/point.
reader hates oberyn. oberyn is..well...amazing as always.
pairing: oberyn x oc!reader
summary: the youngest daughter of tywin lannister is sent to live with the ones who wish nothing but her end.
word count: 4.8k
screams filled the hallways, painting its walls with terror and agony. the metallic stench roamed though out the palace of casterly rock, meeting anyone’s senses with a pang. there were several nurses in the lady mallery’s room as she sweat from her pores, sobbed from her throat and pushed in her torso. murmurs and whispers were passed about as a single maiden had spoke a final, “push!”
with one last ear-crushing scream, there was a high-pitched cry echoing through the room. all feel silent, even mallery herself, disregarding the faintness she began to feel all around her body. “a girl,” one nurse whispers, holding the child in her arms. mallery fell back on the birthing bed and closed her eyes. without opening them, she could hear the doors being pushed opened as tywin lannister barged into the room.
mallery could hear him shushing the quiet cries of the baby as the nurses placed her in a bath. “ty...” she whispered, clutching the blankets below her that were now soaked with blood. 
“my love,” he whispered, rushing to the lover that had been left on the bed with attention to the new princess cradled in the nurses’ arms. “my love, look at her. she’s perfect, absolutely perfect.” tywin whispered, pressing a kiss to mallery’s forehead. 
mallery was a dornish maiden who tywin had met on a small trip to sunspear. with her hazel-green eyes and chestnut-colored hair, the lannister king had fallen deeply. his wife had passed, his children were fighting, so the only thing that seemed to give him some piece of mind was this goddess woman. and now she had given him a child. 
there were more cries from the babe to be heard. “she’s a bastard,” mallery whispered. she could barely find the strength to raise her head. tywin noticed.
“bring her here,” he ordered, to which he was immediately obeyed. the child was now silent, bundled in a crimson-colored blanket. her head was as big as mallery’s palm, topped with fuzzy brown hair already. “she won’t look like the rest.”
mallery nodded. “they’ll know what she is.” she held her child in her arms, knowing it was the last time she’d be able to. even tywin could see it, silent tears tailing down his face. “they’ll hate her.”
tywin shook his head. “i won’t let them.”
“aurane,” mallery cooed, and with that, the child’s eyes opened while the mother’s closed.
aurane lannister had not been given the bastard she should’ve rightfully have. her royal name had upset the people of casterly rock for thirteen years until tywin lannister had spoken out. not only had aurane been hated by her people but her father had kept her away. no risks would be taken against his youngest child that he viewed as his favorite. jamie and cersei had been vile and evil towards others and tyrion had taken away tywin’s first love--not to mention he had been born a dwarf. but all three of the lannister siblings had shown nothing but affection and love to their bastard sister.
the princess had lived a perfect life in her castle, until the year her father had waged war against rhaegar targaryen and elia martell. now, aurane had been moved from her home of twenty-five years to a new place and a new castle--king’s landing. she could not deny that the city had been grand and the rooms in the castle were definitely bigger than in casterly rock, but it was not home to her.
and it might’ve been because a year after elia martell had been brutally murdered along with her children, aurane was being sent to marry her brother. oberyn martell, the red viper.
the news had struck a month before at a dinner. the loving father that aurane had knew finally disappeared into the tywin lannister cersei, jamie, and tyrion grew up with.
“you- what?” aurane asked in disbelief. her brown hair contrasted against the crowd of her siblings at the table. jamie, still dressed in his golden armor from battle sessions that day, remained quiet while cersei dropped her cutlery. 
even the eldest sister couldn’t believe it. “father...”
tywin sighed and took one long sip of wine before placing his goblet back on the table and setting his hands in his lap. “it’s settled, aurane,” he spoke sternly, looking away from her broken expression knowing that one glance would surely cause him to change his mind. “they arrive in a month. he’ll spend one night and you’ll be on your way to dorne.”
aurane shook her head with ragged breathing. “no...” she whispered.
“father, perhaps we should discuss the terms and effects of this-” cersei began, leaning forward in her seat and noticing how her twin brother remained in silence. tyrion also spoke nothing of it, but seemed more in shock of the situation than jamie had. 
their father sat back in his chair at the head. “the deal has already been settled,” he settled one hand against the edge of the table. “aurane is to wed the youngest martell sibling as a peace offering.”
aurane scoffed and stared down at the plate of food she had been enjoying no more than five minutes ago. “a peace offering? they wouldn’t need a peace offering if you hadn’t waged war!” she began to yell, enabling cersei to grab her hand underneath the table. “you-you’re selling me? to savages? as if i’m some whore?”
“to be a woman in this word, aurane, is to-”
“gods, don’t start that.” aurane spoke again. “i don’t care about your standards of this life or your beliefs, father, you can’t rightfully do this.”
there was no answer to her question, which resulted in aurane huffing and sitting back in her chair. her lips were parted and her eyes began to tear up. “father,” tyrion began to whisper. “perhaps we can reconsider who exactly it is we’re talking about here.”
tywin barked, “enough!” earning silence from each of his children. cersei’s hands met aurane’s underneath the table and gently squeezed. “i will not let you speak to me this way!”
a silence again. the servants that stood at each entrance of the dining hall didn’t even let out an audible breath. the wind outside had begun to blow as it did each night in kings landing, but it did nothing for the uncomfortable tension in the room. 
“you knew,” aurane whispered, eyes meeting her eldest brother sitting fine in his armor. “didn’t you?”
the accusation shocked both cersei and tyrion as they looked to him for a reply. his words got stuck in his throat in hesitation before cersei cleared her throat. “dorne was ready to wage war on us, aury,” earning himself a dropped jaw from aurane. “we had to do something.”
aurane threw her napkin on the table as tyrion fought back. “you think our sister is a war tactic?” 
cersei scoffed. “they will eat her up alive there, jamie,” as aurane walked away, ignoring the tears that had already fallen before leaving the room, she could hear her sister’s opinion, to which she realized was extremely true. “they’ll...they’ll beat her, rape her. they’ll do anything to get revenge for elia.”
that was exactly what aurane had believed for a month. she now stood near the edge of her window, hands on the railing and feeling the sun against her skin. she had loved the warmth of king’s landing--she could imagine how painful the blazing heat of dorne would be. if the rumors that the city spread were true, she wouldn’t burn so easily under the sunlight--if the rumors were true.
her door opened with the latching opening and closing and footsteps retreated behind her. aurane could see the four boats floating about on the sea, growing closer and closer to land with their golden-colored sails and the martell sigil. 
“you look ravishing.” tyrion’s voice spoke softly. he had always been the most understanding sibling to aurane, although she loved them all equally. 
aurane gulped. when she had awoke that morning, she had made herself a promise that she wouldn’t let out a single tear drop, unlike every other day of the month since she had been given the news. “you’re too kind to me, tyrion.”
he chuckled and she could hear him pulling up a chair beside the one behind her. “i do believe your prince is just arriving,” he spoke to make some sort of conversation, but aurane only scoffed. 
“really?” she whispered to hide the rasp in her voice. “i didn’t notice the boats arriving and the blinding colors.”
tyrion laughed. aurane finally turned to notice he had set a small table between the two chairs; on the table was a pitcher of wine and two golden cups. aurane chewed the inside of her cheek before politely smiling at the kind gesture. she sat down next to her brother and held the goblet as he poured a fair amount of the red drink for her. 
they sat in sweet silence until aurane had finished half of her drink. “i hope the wine is good there.” she sighed, placing the cup back on the table and looking down at her lap. all of a sudden, the intricate design of the fabric of her dress was so interesting.
“it’s dorne,” tyrion smiled, pouring himself another cup. he pointed to hers but she rose her hand and shook her head. “almost everything they have there is perfect.”
aurane looked up and out of her window. “i don’t want perfect,” she spoke longingly, noticing how the ships were now docking and soon enough, the passengers would be entering king’s landing. she could only imagine the hateful glances prince oberyn would send their way and the snide remarks from the savages of the sands. “i want fair. and none of this is fair.”
tyrion nodded and sipped more of his wine. it wasn’t very surprising to aurane that her brother would get drunk the day she would meet her to-be husband. “i know,” he whispered, tracing the rim of his cup with his right index finger. “i’m sorry.” 
the princess simply shook her head as a way of shooing the subject to be gone. talking of the exchange that demoralized her only made her feel worse. “is father sending you all up?” she smiled unamused. 
“next is cersei.” he took another sip. aurane reached for her cup but never touched its surface. no matter how much she longed to get drunk for the meeting, she knew that it would be unacceptable to her father. 
she bit her bottom lip and nodded. “and jamie?”
tyrion looked to his younger sister, the one he had loved so much. with the hatred of his eldest sister and father, and the on-and-off love of jamie, aurane had always been there. her childhood had been full of art sessions with tyrion, blankets forts with tyrion, garden games with tyrion. “he’s with father,” aurane sighed. “he thinks you still hate him for betraying you.”
aurane chuckled breathlessly and began to fidget with a loose thread she’d found in her dress. cersei had a fine and beautiful robe crafted to aurane’s measurements for the meeting today, but aurane loathed the time when she would have to don the painful corset. “i don’t think he betrayed me,” she smiles and shakes her head. “but he’s right about me hating him.”
with one last sip of his wine, tyrion rose from his chair and set his cup on the table. “he wanted to escort you to dorne--so you wouldn’t have to be frightened.”
“i’m not frightened,” she whispered. the tears were on the brim, and the burning threat of them falling began to hurt. “i’ve accepted it. i’ve accepted that after all these years, father sees me as some object to trade. i’ll be beaten and raped, just as cersei said. it’ll be my life.”
tyrion placed a hand on aurane’s as she smiled. he patted the inside of her palm with two fingers before leaving the room, and as he left, aurane was instantly met with cersei’s perfume. 
“i see you still haven’t put on the dress,” cersei spoke like honey dripping from its comb. the robe was a beautiful currant color with long sleeves to protect aurane from the bitter wind. it showed just the right amount of her chest, which had been unusually tan for a lannister. 
aurane stood from her chair and turned around as cersei walked closer to the windows. the younger princess followed and noticed what the blonde began to stare at. down below, below the stone walls of the castle and on the stone pathways and wooden docks that led to the city, stood a tall man with messy dark brown hair and, from the distance, what looked to be glaring eyes. he wore his lips in a thin, unamused line. aurane chuckled. 
“i suppose you should quickly slip it on,” cersei whispered without breaking her eye contact on the dornishmen exiting the ship.
aurane nodded. “i suppose so.” there wasn’t much to think about as cersei helped her younger sister enrobe the dress that complimented her skin tone and hair color. cersei let out small puffs of breath as she pulled the strings of the steel corset; it tightened around aurane’s rib cage with every second, gently pushing around her organs and the air out of her lungs. 
“s-stop,” she whispered, to which cersei immediately carried out. the strings of her corset were tied behind her bags and the dress covered up the loose ends. “how am i supposed to meet someone if i can barely speak?” she managed to wheeze out. 
cersei patted several taps onto aurane’s shoulder in some sort of comfort but aurane couldn’t find it. she couldn’t see her sister’s golden hair or the morning sunlight bleeding through the windows. she couldn’t hear the bustling throughout the castle as the dornish prince entered king’s landing or the crowds below in the city murmuring and whispering. while slipping on the shoes cersei had set out for her, she could think of one thing.
gods, i’m going to die.
there was a sigh, but not from aurane. as she was snapped out of her small daze, she noticed her sister holding out her arm, wiggling her fingers as a motion to follow her. “let me escort my lovely sister,” aurane stared at the hand held out to her and hesitantly took it. “no reason for her to be so sad. it takes away the lovely glow.”
aurane’s brown eyes met cersei’s with a sly smile. “i have every reason to be sad and you know it.” she spoke with her chin up. they walked through the halls and down the staircases; there were so many of them that aurane still couldn’t memorize them all. not that it would matter because soon, she would say goodbye to king’s landing and greet dorne as her new home.
“yes, but my sweet,” cersei spoke, pushing every door that came in their way open. there were guards at each entrance and finally they arrived to the main entrance of the castle. outside stood their father along with tyrion and jamie, and aurane could envision it. they were most likely standing in a small line, waiting for the two lannister daughters to reveal themselves inside the castle walls. “you mustn’t let them see it.”
two guards put both of their strength into opening the grand entrance. the sudden sunlight slightly burned aurane’s eyes, but she found the sight even more painful to endure. her breath hitched as cersei’s arm tightened around hers. in the front courtyard stood tywin, jamie, and tyrion lannister, each dressed in appropriate attire due to the spring weather. across from stood a line of five men dressed their own armor, but they looked completely different than the people of casterly rock or king’s landing. their skin had been a darker tan, more similar to that of aurane’s, and just like her, their hair was a deep shade of brown, unlike the family that stood across them.
and in front of the line of soldiers stood on particular man. with even darker hair and deep brown eyes, he stood valiantly in the sun, soaking it in like it was a hobby. it was clear that some sort of discussion had taken place before aurane entered the meeting.
she clenched her jaw when she noticed that cersei began to walk towards them, gently dragging along the young princess. her dress just barely dragged against the stone of the stairway that led down to the courtyard. perhaps it was just aurane, but the weather that day had been especially hot, blazing even when she met eyes with the prince.
he wore a robe that ended almost at his ankles made of some sort of stiff material aurane couldn’t recognize. on the hem and edges, the dressing had been decorated with fine golden and orange embroidery that had been delicately crafted she had no choice but to admire it. underneath the robe-- which aurane had no desire to see anything above the knee--he wore what looked to be beaten and tired leather boots. around his neck was a golden chain that must’ve been heating up underneath the sun. 
“princess aurane lannister,” tywin spoke up and cersei let go of her younger sister. there was a slight breeze that began to blow at the exact moment and aurane cursed the gods for the shiver she began to feel; it took every bone in her body to not shake at the sudden cold. 
the prince of dorne nodded and chuckling. it was something hateful and cruel, and although aurane felt nothing for anger against her brother, jamie almost sneered. “i thought she was a bastard.” oberyn stated.
his sudden comment left tywin speechless, but one single remark back and dorne could easily bite them in the ass. cersei clenched her jaw and squeezed her fingers together, leaving tyrion to look to the stone ground for comfort. aurane squinted and cocked her head. “pardon me, my prince, but i seem to remember that bastards aren’t looked upon differently in dorne.”
although aurane couldn’t see it, she felt her siblings’ smirks. much to her surprise, the prince smiled back. “well, our bastards are created from love,” his arms were folded behind his back, creating a somewhat threatening stance. “not rape.”
there it was, there it had been. aurane had waited an entire month to meet her suitor only to hear words of rumors? without knowing her mother and only hearing the truthful--although she didn’t know that--words of her father, there was no way to tell if she had been born of love or of rape. of course, it had been the former.
cersei looked to the skies, almost as if she could see the gods above them. was she begging for this moment to end? was she begging for them to go to bed that and not awake in the morning? aurane couldn’t tell. before she could even part her lips to speak, her father beat her. 
“please,” he sounded desperate, and it was not a tone that fit him very well. “let us keep it as civil as possible.”
the prince smiled again, but this time, aurane felt those same uncomfortable shivers down her spine. “of course.” the silence that followed was extremely awkward, but each person at the greeting of the dornish prince didn’t seem to mind it. 
“well,” tyrion spoke up, earning a cheerful grin from oberyn. aurane’s eyes had placed themselves on the features of her dress and had remained there until cersei wrapped her arm around her sister’s again and began to tug. “dinner?”
aurane wasn’t sure why, but every part of her body begged for her to eat something. for a month since the news, she had eaten nothing for breakfast, nothing lunch, and almost, just barely, nothing for dinner. her mind had not wanted a single piece of food, knowing that after an hour of sitting in her stomach, she would only regurgitate it from the anxiety rushing through her brain. now, out of all nights to be piggish, aurane wanted nothing more than to gobble down every piece of food in her sight. 
but she didn’t. she left her golden plate full with food as it began to turn cold, her silverware sitting exactly where the maidens had set it. the only object that had kept running on empty was her goblet of deep red wine, which she finished every two minutes to be refilled as soon as possible. aurane wasn’t totally sure on what her father had been discussing with the prince. it had been something about the nature of men, but anything would be better to listen to at the moment than her father’s beliefs on society. 
“you better eat,” cersei whispered from beside aurane, her lips parted against the edge of her cup and she took a generous sip of wine. “father will notice.”
aurane’s jaw clenched as she began to play with her fork and knife, gently clinking them together. the sound of her cutlery was better than that blathering of her father. “father never notices,” she brushes it off before raising her cup and finishing the last of her wine. 
a brow was raised from her sister before grabbing aurane’s wrist as the younger decided to fill her cup again. “yes, but the prince will.” aurane only rolled her eyes before ripping her hand away from cersei and raising it to another servant. jamie had surely noticed something because he inhaled for a release of a command against the maiden but stopped when aurane shot him a mean glare. 
“you think i give a fuck about what the prince thinks of me?” she whispers, enjoying the sound of the wine splashing about inside her goblet. in one sip, she finishes half. 
the boasting and conversation between tywin lannister and oberyn martell continued as each lannister sibling sat in silence. tyrion continued to slowly eat his food, taking small bites. jamie had already finished, but to ask to leave the table be to interrupt his father. cersei had finished half of her food, ignoring the vegetables because she had always hated the greens.
loud laughter left the throat of the man sitting at the head of the table, irritatingly grabbing aurane’s attention. perhaps she did have a bit too much wine because a sudden and tired haze fell over her. “aurane, prince oberyn tells me he enjoys the playing of a harp.”
aurane almost spit out her drink at the mention of the instrument in laughter. her father, as much as he loved his youngest daughter, never noticed a thing, just as she had told her sister. “father,” she began, sitting her cup on the table. “i haven’t played the harp in six years.”
without knowing how to respond to such words, tywin lannister let out another laugh, to which oberyn chuckled awkwardly. “well, perhaps you can learn again once you arrive at dorne.” and with that, the conversation between the two was private again, excluding everyone else at the table.
the youngest lannister shook her head and, just as she had done a month ago, threw her napkin onto the table--her father did not notice. “aurane?” cersei hissed. 
aurane grinned. “i told you he doesn’t notice.” 
she exited the great hall and ignored the pleading whispers of her sister and the stares of her brothers. she could hear her father continuing to speak but, at that point, was receiving no response to his stories at all. without even thinking of where she was in the castle, aurane roamed about each hallway and staircase, attempting to trace her steps from before of which direction her room was in. 
perhaps a left? she thought. or...no, a right and then a left...right?
aurane truly had no idea how long she walked through the halls, but after what felt like a few minutes they had all begun to look the same. she now stood in a small winding staircase unsure of whether to return to the bottom or to see what was above her. then, she had begun to hear footsteps padding against the stone of the stairs. it couldn’t have been her father, had dinner been finished already? perhaps it was cersei come to pinch her ear and drag back to the table. 
instead, it was a round woman holding a small basket of what looked like dirty linens. a maiden who, if cleaning had not been her job, what would be beautiful. “your grace!” she exclaimed, placing a hand against her chest. “you gave me a fright!”
“i apologize...” aurane trailed off.
the maiden curtsied the best away a maiden can curtsy on a lower step in a tight staircase with a load of laundry in her arms. “celesse.” she smiled.
aurane nodded. “i apologize for frightening you, celesse.” hearing her own name come from the mouth of the lannister princess must’ve brought some sort of joy to the maiden because her cheeks began to blush and a smiled creased her cheeks. “i believe i sound completely stupid, but...i can’t seem to find my way back to my room.”
celesse stood in confusion for no more than five seconds before widening her eyes and nodding. “of course, your grace!” she smiled, squeezing her past aurane and began to trail up the staircase. “definitely don’t sound stupid, your grace, these hallways do get tricky.” aurane chuckled in response and celesse began to lead her up the winding staircase to the door at the top. “i just remember like this, your grace,” she spoke with what had been considered a low-class accent. she pushed the door open the hallway that aurane could finally recognize. “your father wanted you protected. so he put your room in one of the highest hallways of the castle.”
aurane trailed down the hallway until she stood in front of her bedroom door. “gods,” she whispered, pushing it open and instantly meeting the familiar scent she had displayed. “i am thankful, celesse.” she smiled, running to her dresser and grabbing five gold coins from the bowl on top. she rushed back to the maiden waiting outside of the doorway and pressed the currency in celesse’s palms. 
the maiden’s lips parted and her eyebrows tilted in happiness. “anything, any time, your grace.” she spoke before exiting the hallway and down the stairs again.
aurane wasn’t sure how long she had remained in her room, but to remain completely unbothered for the night, she locked the door. the sun had just been setting, letting the purples and pinks and yellows and oranges of the sky drip together into one large painting when aurane had been sitting in a chair against her window, a candle lit behind her.
something about her last night in king’s landing had been frightening and yet peaceful. the city, loud as always, didn’t bother aurane that night--if anything, the sound of the people retreating to their homes, closing their markets, and saying goodbye was supportive to the weight that threatened to crush aurane. the words in her book that had been set in her lap soothed her, placing comfort over anxiety.
it had been sudden, but there was a knock at her door. a loud noise in such silence had aurane jumping her chair, immediately closing her book and placing it on the floor. stood from the seat and quietly walked closer to the door, careful that whoever was outside couldn’t hear her footsteps. “who is it?” she yelled after hours of not using her voice.
the answer was hesitant but loud and clear. “prince oberyn, your grace.” his voice sounded exceptionally different in that moment. what had once been stone-cold was now sweet and gentle. 
“and why are you at my door?” she asked, now standing five feet away from the barrier that stood in between her and her suitor. 
it almost sounded as if he chuckled before speaking again. “i noticed you were not eating at dinner,” his voice was muffled but aurane could understand some sort of kindness to it. there was also comfort in the foreign accent. “i brought you some berries i had found in the kitchens.”
berries? the prince of dorne, who hated aurane’s family more than the idea of dying, had brought her berries? this kind gesture struck shock into aurane’s heart and she couldn’t but let herself believe some of the worst thoughts that began to pop up in her head. was it poison? did the prince really think she was that stupid.
she stood there, standing in her room, gaping in disbelief. he couldn’t even wait until they were married, until she would be called a martell, to kill her and bring justice to elia? she silently scoffed. “my prince, i think i should find rest before our long journey tomorrow.” she spoke with hate and spewed her words like they were acid. 
there was a beat of silence, and a for a split second, aurane felt bad. that was, until he spoke again. “of course, your grace.” aurane then threw herself on the bed and thought of every reason why she hated oberyn martell.
but behind that door, the prince of dorne had stood with a clay bowl of berries in his hands, the bowl being a gift he had brought for her from dorne.
tags: @absurdthirst @zeldasayer @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @pedropascalito @qveenbvtch @heavenbarnes @cyarikaaa @honeychicanawrites @ohpedromypedro @vintagethereal @pascalpapi @pedropascalispapi @pedropascalonline @wakalas @fleetwoodmactshirt @otherthingsinhead
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
How the GoT Characters Comfort You Before an Arranged Marriage
This request was interesting bc ayyy, as anon said, this is Westeros and this would probs happen! Also I just realized u requested this ages ago i am so sorry lmao. I really need to keep track of dates n shit
In this preference, you'll be comforted by: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Dolorous Edd, Mance Rayder, Tormund Giantsbane, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Podrick Payne, Petyr Baelish, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Beric Dondarrion, Gendry
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He’d take it upon himself to talk to you before the arrangement was official, even if your family had already decided on it. Ned would take your hands in his and reassure you, hoping he could put what he was feeling into words. He was sure you’d do well in Winterfell, which had gone so long without a proper Lady in its walls, but you were also much younger than him, which made him worry that you wouldn’t be happy. However, your genuine thanks and a sweet smile would be enough to make the “cold” Lord Stark blush a little.
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He had been told about this arranged marriage some months ago, but evidently your family didn’t bother with the same consideration. You didn’t find out until you were on the road to Winterfell. Robb had a fondness for you right away, so he gave you a tour of Winterfell to cheer you up. He was very considerate, asking what kinds of things you liked and pointing out places you could go to relax if things got too overwhelming. The whole time Robb was touching and guiding you gently, trying to prove that you didn’t need to be afraid around him.
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Both of you knew it was only a matter of time before your marriage was arranged, since that was the entire reason your parents brought you to the Red Keep. It didn’t mean you had to be happy about it. Several times Sansa snuck into your room, bringing stolen sweets with her, letting you vent and pout while she held you. Sansa would try to be the optimist, assuring you that you were still a courtier in the Red Keep and once she was Queen, the two of you could visit anytime. They were nice fancies, something to distract you two from the inevitable. 
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For a long time Jon had known he couldn’t marry you, but it still stung fiercely when you told him about the arrangement. His own pain was dwarfed by how much he hated seeing you this upset. As much as you both talked about this happening, now it was actually here, and Jon just wrapped his arm around you while you were petting Ghost. He alternated between reassuring you that it would be alright, but now that he was leaving for the Wall, he wasn’t so sure. He decided to visit you every day until he left, bringing you small gifts and making sure Ghost gave you plenty of attention. He hated having to leave you like this, so he made Robb promise to ensure you were treated well.
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It had to happen eventually, but Benjen always casually brushed off such things, and you grew used to that. When the news finally arrived and you told him, you didn’t expect such a strong reaction. He was trying to keep a cool face, but it quickly broke as he asked if you were sure. He didn’t outright ask you to try to break it off, but it was obvious he hated the idea of losing you, even if you weren’t supposed to be together in the first place. Benjen would have a hard time letting you out of his embrace as he promised it would be alright, although you knew he was already thinking of ways to keep the two of you together.
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He didn’t think much about marriage, only that he should eventually get around to it. He had always privately thought that, since he was from such a minor family, he would choose his own bride, but that didn’t turn out to be the case. Still, you were a pretty girl and clearly beloved in Winterfell. He wanted to make a good impression, so he tried to talk about different things and show you around the keep. Sometimes he’d become nervous and stumble over himself, and your cute laugh didn’t help him feel less fumbling. 
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He always said he’d pity the bride who got “stuck” with him, and that was true now. He was genuinely curious to meet you, since this arrangement helped his family far more than your’s. You were far more reasonable than he expected, but he still lowkey suggested that you could back out if you wanted to. You two actually spent a long time talking. He found it easy to talk to you, since you weren’t immediately off-put by his dour humor and you thought it was more amusing than rude. He was still worried you’d regret the match, and figured you’d call it off eventually. 
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Your father was the leader of the largest group of wildlings that had yet to join Mance. He would only accept the promise of a marriage. You agreed to the arrangement, but Mance already knew you weren’t some Southern bride. He admired your strategy and stories of your battles, and genuinely wanted to get to know you. He could tell you’d make a capable strategist, even second-in-command, and he wanted you to know he valued you as more than a simple agreement.
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He was not happy with Mance about the arrangement, even if he knew it was the only way your tribe would join the massive army. He did a complete 180 once he realized who you were. He’d heard stories about you, and suddenly he was beside himself with excitement. Once you arrived, Tormund was quick to regale you with stories of his own triumphs, hoping to impress you and gain your approval. Mance was totally entertained by this change, figuring the both of you would get along. Tormund would find out your tribe’s courting traditions and do them, wanting to prove he would be a capable partner even without the arrangement.
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Right away he’d brag about what an honor it was to be marrying a Greyjoy, and when he tired of that, he’d casually mention being a prince to the Iron Islands, too. This hadn’t impressed you much, since your family was one of the biggest ones on the Iron Islands, and just as old as the Greyjoys, besides. Still you humored him, and since Theon was attracted to you right away, he wanted to get to know you. He wanted to see how you fought and sailed, but also how you rode and if you knew some archery. It was amusing how much he liked the idea of a tomboy wife, as opposed to the proper ladies he met in the North.
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Shit like this happened all the time to women, and you and Yara already knew it wasn’t going to keep you two apart. Yara didn’t have to worry about such things, but you were from a less powerful family that needed connections. To cheer you, she took you on a wild night before your wedding day. You both would hit up a chain of wine sinks, drinking and dancing your way into all sorts of debauchery. At one point, she’d honestly tell you what you meant to her, and if you were the slightest bit unhappy in your match … She and her axe would be there. 
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She wasn’t happy about the announcement, but she understood the politics of it. You had a say in it, at least, although she could tell it wasn’t what you wanted. You both could carry on your relationship - who was going to stop you? - but she still hated that it was necessary. On your wedding night, Daenerys would find your husband during the feast and pointedly tell him that if he did anything to cause you pain or distress, she had three dragons just outside that she was more than happy to introduce him to. Daenerys would ask you several times if you were comfortable with this arrangement, and she’d begin to think on ways to get you out of it. 
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He knew he didn’t have much to offer, so the proposal from your parents came as a surprise. Jorah had always admired how polite and graceful you were at feasts and in court, you’d even spoken kindly to him several times, even when most brides were told to disregard the Mormonts as a serious match. When you two met up, he made a point to bring flowers he heard you liked and was nothing but kind as he promised you’d be comfortable with him. He didn’t need to say how considerate he’d be; you could tell by the gentle way he held your hand and spoke so honestly. Even if you’d be living modestly, you knew he’d be loyal and amiable.
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She was familiar with the marriage customs of most cities in Essos, so you telling her about the arrangement shouldn’t have been such a shock. Missandei should have known it was going to happen, but she was just so happy with your relationship and the time you spent together. Things would still stay the same between you two, since it was a marriage of convenience, and that cheered her some. While she helped take off the stress of planning it, she shared ideas of how you two could still meet, especially since you were an important advisor to Daenerys. Before long Missandei had come up with several plans that made you tease her about being so sneaky. 
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While he understood the reason you had to go through with this arrangement, especially since it benefited Daenerys’ army, he wasn’t pleased about it. Grey Worm hadn’t imagined for a moment that you and him would have anything like that, but … It still hurt to see how displeased you were with making plans. He became even more protective of you, pointedly glaring at your “betrothed” anytime they were in the room together. He’d also make a point to bring you simple, nice things, like a cup of tea you liked or flowers, especially on days when the pressure of the date was grating on you. 
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This marriage was part of a larger plan he made, and your family was in no position to refuse. He would never marry a fool, however, and while he wouldn’t admit how much he liked your cleverness and wit, he knew there was no sense in making an enemy of you. Tywin would make it clear that you had every luxury available in Casterly Rock, your family could visit, there would be feasts and galas. As he expected, you took the news well, although you wondered when and how you’d come to the attention of such a powerful man. 
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Well, the day had finally come, his father suddenly decided Tyrion was useful for a political match. He figured he should meet you before the day and warn you about what sort of family you were marrying, and what kind of husband you were going to have, as if both weren’t obvious to all of King’s Landing. Tyrion was pleasantly surprised by how considerate you were to him, and understanding of the situation, as your family had gladly offered you up to be a Lannister bride. Still, he carefully stressed that it could be dangerous for you. He promised to look after your safety and ensure you had every comfort you wanted, and he’d always treat you respectfully no matter what. 
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It seemed to Jaime that the gods were punishing every aspect of his life they could get to. He really didn’t think his father was truthful in this threat of arranging a marriage, but here you were, just an hour after he was informed of the decision. He had a nagging feeling that you didn’t understand the extent of his family’s ruthlessness, like his sister - and worse, in the past, he would’ve left you at their mercy. He was different now, and he knew you from court. You didn’t deserve to be thrown into a lion’s den. Jaime tried to be casual as he explained to you the marriage was a bad idea, but since there was no way to avoid it, you had to be careful. He asked you to come to him if you saw anything suspicious, or especially if Cersei said anything. He’d even ask Tyrion to keep an eye on you. 
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Your “arrangement” was so thoughtfully put together by King Joffrey, who thought his dog needed a woman to keep him from barking so much. It was all a big jape to the court, a slight against you and your family… and there was no getting out of it. After days of avoiding each other, Sandor finally cornered you in the evening. He was totally drunk, but spoke to you bluntly. He wouldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want, and he’d never hurt you. You two could completely avoid each other. He was quite calm as he said all this, drunk as he was, and it surprised you. You’d heard such awful stories about the Hound, but here he was speaking softly and trying to reassure you. 
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The fact that he, a great stuffy knight, would have to go on with a typical, stuffy arranged marriage. Your family was fairly wealthy, but a new name most old families weren’t interested in. He met you as a formality, but he was surprised by not just your looks, but how easily you sized him up and told him off. He was expecting a timid proper girl, not a woman who spoke fouler than most men under his command. Bronn made a point to visit you several times, bringing bottles of expensive wine and wanting to keep talking to you, even if you were prickly. Tyrion told him not to push your buttons but now Bronn was too interested.
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The arrangement was a surprise to the both of you, and something Podrick never expected, as he was always treated as a less important member of his family. He’d immediately go to Tyrion for advice, and if possible, a way to call it off. He was sure whoever was going through with this was an old spinster or a frightfully young girl. Worse than either, he was told by Tyrion that you were his age, pretty and well-liked in the court. When he met you, he tried to make conversation, but his nerves kept biting at him. He finally asked if you were alright with the arrangement, as he couldn’t fathom why you’d want to marry into his family. He appreciated your honestly, and figured you two could at least be on friendly terms, even if thoughts of a sept and wedding night was a bit too much at the moment.
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He’d made this arrangement in the first place, all but backing your family into a proverbial corner to ensure they’d comply. Since you knew him as little more than a friendly acquaintance, he made a point to visit with you before any official wedding. Petyr was all charm and amiability, promising you’d have whatever your heart desired, and he’d treat you better than a princess, especially since the arrangement was so sudden. Each day before the event, he’d send a gift with a nice letter attached. All the sentiment made you wonder if this arrangement was your family’s idea after all. 
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Stannis isn’t the best with comforting words, and arranged marriages were expected of lords and ladies. But you were a much younger woman being arranged to marry an older man as a second wife, and he could understand how that could make you uneasy. He’d make a point to tell you about Dragonstone and the sort of comforts you could have there, and promise you could change things if you wanted, like rearrange a library or have a stable to yourself. He’d also promise to be loyal and respectful to you, since ideally, he wanted a wife who could help him run the household. 
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He never dreamed of being part of a “political” match, because when would he ever have the position that was sought after? He’d been a widow for years, besides, but this was still presented to him. He felt bad for you, a fourth daughter being sold off to a man far too old for her. When he met with you, Davos was clearly nervous, but your understanding made him feel a little better. He tried to reassure you that there could be a way to get around the arrangement (somehow), but even if it had to happen, he assured you that he’d be nothing but gentle and would make sure you were cared for. Davos had seen some terrible conditions ladies had to live in, and while he was pleasantly surprised by your wit and understanding of the situation, he still thought you deserved much better. 
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She wasn’t able to prevent a match from happening, but she could ensure you were matched with one of her brothers or even a cousin. Margaery’s family was aware of her fondness of you, and she was stubborn in wanting to keep you close. Her grandmother warned her against such sentiment, but you knew she wouldn’t be swayed. Long ago you both had talked about what you’d do when duty called, and Margaery made it clear she would keep you as close to Highgarden as possible. She was so confident in herself that she’d help you plan the wedding, giving suggestions on jewels and wanting to be the first to see your gown once it was finished.
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It happened, he was finally worn down and forced into a match. The fact you were so young and the match was highly beneficial to the Tullys was even more irksome. He argued with his brother that Edmure would be a better choice, an obvious one, but the deal was done. By the time you arrived he had simmered down. It wasn’t your fault this happened, and he admittedly began to get a soft spot for you as you two chatted. He still felt he was too old for you, but he straightforwardly said that he’d be loyal and make sure you were provided for. He was quite serious as he said this, but he was also holding your hand very gently and had to lean down because of how tall he was, so … it just ended up being endearing. 
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He was very delighted by this marriage proposal - Edmure remembered you from a gala several years back. You were the prettiest girl in the room, so it was great luck that you were engaged now… Except he learned that you weren’t told anything about it until the last minute. He hated the idea of you being unhappy in Riverrun, or worse, with him, so when you arrived he tried to give you a nice tour, showing the nice room you’d have, the pretty Godswood and sept, the lovely view of the river, and so on. His desire to please you would be obvious to everyone.
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The only thing that lessened the blow of your arranged marriage was that she could still be your personal knight. Had anyone tried to send her away, they’d have to deal with the two of you. You tried to reassure Brienne and promise that she’d always be by your side, and it would be easy to keep the relationship under wraps. It wasn’t an ideal situation, and you know she struggled with it, but as a Lady of a prominent House, your options were always limited. Brienne was comforted by your constant reassurances that you were always her’s, and in turn, she promised to protect you if your husband ever attempted anything untoward.
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His father made it clear that you were a beloved daughter of a powerful family, and Ramsay wasn’t to toy with you in any way. If being scolded wasn’t irksome enough, you’d already heard unsavory rumors about him. When you arrived, Ramsay put on his best charm, treating you like the lady you were. There wasn’t much to the Dreadfort, so Ramsay asked questions about you and showed you his most docile horse and hound. He’d be pleased if you were a rider, as it was something you both could do with little talking. The charade was annoying, but it didn’t take long for him to form an interest in you.
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This arrangement had been a long time in the making, unbeknownst to you, as Roose had desired you ever since he first met you years ago. You only knew his family’s questionable reputation, and he knew he had to ensure your first visit to the Dreadfort was a good one. Roose was very gentle in speaking to you, considerate of your space and made a point to ask you how you wanted things arranged. You could have your own room if you desired, horses to ride, the Godswood to yourself, and so on. There was no way for you to back out of the marriage, but Roose didn’t want you to be unhappy. In time, he wanted you to enjoy being at the Dreadfort, and with him. 
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His family finally managed to tie him down with an arranged marriage, and he would have refused it had he not already known of you. Oberyn was intrigued and attracted, and he did want your powerful family to ally with his. When you arrived in Sunspear, it was easy for Oberyn to be his charming and slightly scandalous self - even if his brother begged him to tone it down - and he gladly gave you a grand tour of the liveliest places in the city. He’d want you to meet his daughters, since they were your age, and he regaled you with all the fine rooms and things you’d have as a Princess of Dorne. Honestly, it was a bit overwhelming, but you could tell he really wanted your happiness. 
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He was a knight of good standing from an honorable house that had long needed a Lady, so Beric understood the arrangement, but he also understood why you might be uneasy. With his well-known sunny smile, he’d want to know your honest feelings and how he could make you more comfortable. It didn’t matter if it was filling a room with your old things or going out riding alone, Beric would indulge you. Truthfully, he was fond of you from your first meeting, and he wanted to make a good impression.
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Being legitimized was already terrifying, then he learned he had to marry a proper lady. It gave him stress headaches just thinking about it. To make matters worse, you were beautiful and you greeted him nicely. He’d try his best to sound”confident, but once you both were alone, he’d just come clean and apologize to you. He felt like you expected something different, a “real” lord, not a glorified bastard. Gendry would be relieved how considerate you were, not at all like most ladies he heard about, and hoped you two could at least be friends.
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ihaveastorminme · 3 years
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When i tell u Brans chapters are fast becoming my favorites, u better believe me bc im so wound up rn im ready to cut a bitch
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Where other hunters ruled
I just....
Also i was about to tag this with sansa and then i thought, wait i must have misread that because both sansa and arya went sounth, tecnically for those places of man-rock, but no (ofc i should have known that already since he was just talking about lady's death). So yeah, that explicitly marks this "return" for sansa. Marks it as a return "to the wilds" and i want to cry cause i read this Fantastic meta once, avout how the starks story was one where they return/become a live version to the myths of their ancestors. How their path is one that will take them into legends. (It was so well worded, so facinating, and i cant find it anymore) and contrasted this path with that of the lannisters and their houses destruction, tywins legacy being one of destruction and the irony of that since he so wanted to make house lannister part of mythology - with his "dynasty to last 1000 years horseshit"
ANYWAYS bran had my whole heart (i have to grow extra hearts cause these povs r fucking killing me)
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Warrior Queen
Request: Hey can u do Rhaegar x reader where rhaegar survive the battle and she is his Wife instead of Elia martell and the mother of his children she is very kind witty knows how to fight and is beautiful and angry at him and lyanna ( she survives) but loves little Jon since she doesn’t blame a parents sin on the child and rhaegar tries to win her trust and love since he loves her and reader tells him she was pregnant but lost it when she tried to protect the children and a lot of angst but fluff plea. Requested by anon.
Request: Hey can u do a rhaegar x reader where he wins the Robert rebellion and lyanna survive to and the reader is is wife instead of Elia and the mother of his children’s the reader is loved by many she is sassy beautiful treats the poor people with respect and is a deadly warrior she love little Jon as her own but is angry at rhaegar and lyanna since her children almost dies and lost on while protect the children rhaegar who is madly in love with Her tries to win her back some angst and fluff please. Requested by anon.
Request: Au rhaegar x wife reader where rhaegar survives and reader is angry at him and lyanna but adores Jon rhaegar tries to win her back but she refuse and can’t look at him without thinking how her children’s are dead because he decide to marry another man women . Can the reader be immune to fire and tells rhaegar she was pregnant but lose it while trying to save their children’s please (rhaegar loves the reader and reader is called the warrior queen. ) please. Requested by anon.
Warnings: violence, miscarriage, cheating, angst!
Word Count: 2149.
There were rumors about Rhaegar being with another woman, but you decided to trust your husband over silly people’s words. How foolish of you! Then Lyanna Stark was supposedly kidnapped and raped by Rhaegar, but you knew better. He took her away, fearing what you might have done to her out of rage. Her father and oldest brother came to plead with your father in law, but he killed them, starting a war, which was called the Robert Rebellion.
At first, you thought he was sleeping around with some random whore because you were pregnant. Since,men tend to do that due to the lack of sex, but you never thought Rhaegar would be one of those men. After all, he was kind, gentle, loving and caring. For all the years you’ve been together, he’s been nothing but good to you. Never raised his voice or hand on you.
The two of you met, while you were training. He immediately noticed your skills and instead of announcing himself, he decided to fight you with a knight’s helm on. You came close to defeating him, but he won. He was the first man to ever defeat you. You were curious to know who that man was and at that moment he revealed himself. Instead of bowing down to him, you complimented his fighting skills as if he was a normal man. That’s what he liked about you. You treated him like anyone else. With kindness and respect but not as if he was in a higher class than you or anyone else.
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Naturally, you were loved by your people and each one of them would die for you.
Flashforward to the war, there were rumors that Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon. The mad king was murdered by Jaime Lannister and the army of the Lannisters sacked the city.
“My lady, we have to go now. The King is dead and there are orders to kill you and the children” your handmaiden entered your room and locked it behind her. Luckily, there was a secret corridor that led to the sea, where a boat awaited you.
“Let’s go! It’s alright, you’re gonna be safe, I promise you” you kissed Aegon and Rhaenys’ forehead.
From the secret corridor, you took the children and stopped by Rhaella’s chambers.
“Your majesty, it’s time to go. King’s Landing has fallen” you informed her.
Unfortunately, she her water broke and she was about to have a baby girl; Daenerys.
“Your majesty, listen to me! You can’t have this child yet. If you do, they are going to kill it in front of you, then they will rape you and when they’re done, they will kill you. We need to move now! Just hold on a little longer” you wrapped her arm around your neck and helped her up and out of the chambers.
Your handmaiden took Viserys, Rhaenys and Aegon ahead of you.
When you reached the boat, you helped the queen on it first and started boarding the children, when three guards appeared.
“Kiyara take the children and leave, now!” You instructed your handmaiden.
“But my Lady-“.
“Do as I say now!” You kissed your children goodbye and as the guards tried to reach them, your Valyrian steel sword blocked their attack. “NOW!” You started fighting them and prevented the guards from reaching the children.
“Just three?” You asked.
“One can take you down” one of the guards said.
“If you’re so sure of yourself, why bring three? I’m the Warrior Queen. Who are you?”.
“I will be remembered as the knight who killed a queen” he smirked.
“Presumably you do live to see another day, do you think people will think that’s honorable. Three soldiers against a pregnant queen? I don’t know what’ll be more dishonoring that or that that queen defeated you and spared your life”.
“You are in no state to win” he looked at your belly and you looked down to see. You had been wounded when you tried to defend the children, but only now did you start to feel it. You feared that your nightmare has come true and that you’re losing your baby. You were so enraged, that you attacked them without thinking, tearing them limb from limb until two of them were dead and the third wounded and begging on the ground for you to spare his life.
“I would have, but you harmed by unborn baby and now I’m gonna rip your heart out with my bare hand” you knelt next to him and took his heart out from him to see before he died.
You may have one this fight, but you’ve lost the war. You lost everything. Your children were gone. Your husband was supposedly dead, the Lannister army control the city now and you were sure that you were losing the child you carried inside of you. You were badly injured and didn’t know what to do next. You lay on the sand next to the dead guards and waited for your death. Until you heard the bells.
A feeling inside of you told you that Rhaegar is still alive and is back with a bigger army.
You took your sword and went back to the city. Tywin Lannister saw you and because he knew he was losing, he wanted Rhaegar to lose as well. He took an arrow, lit it on fire and shot you in the stomach with it. Fire was surrounding your body, but luckily for you, you were wearing war clothes made of Valyrian Steel, so they didn’t melt, exposing your naked body to the world.
You took the arrow out and started bleeding again. You wanted Tywin’s head and you eventually got it.
“H-how?” He was surprised to see that you were immune to fire.
“You don’t have the time to find out” you slit his throat and ripped his head off.
Your army was winning the war and Rhaegar was searching for you, worried that you might have died.
“Y/n! Y/n!” He shouted in the streets of King’s Landing until he saw you from behind. He knew that outfit right away.
You turned to face him, blood all over you. Some of it yours, the rest of your enemies “Rhaegar” you muttered dropping your sword and collapsing on the ground.
“Where are my children?” Was the first thing you asked once you woke up.
“They’re on their way home. You need to rest” Rhaegar placed his hand on yours.
“No, no! I need to see my children”.
“Y/n, you lost a lot of blood. You need to let your wounds heal”.
“You want to talk to me about wounds? How do I let my wounded heart heal? While, I was pregnant with your child, you were fucking Lyanna Stark. Then you dared to run away with her, leaving me and your children alone. Where were you when they sacked the city? Where were you when they almost killed your family? Your mother? Your brother? Your unborn sister? Your children? Me? You were too busy fucking her that your flesh and blood didn’t matter to you”.
“Y/n, I- I’m sorry”.
“Is that all you have to say? That you’re sorry? My baby is dead, isn’t he? His blood is on your hands, but mine as well, for staying here when I knew you’ve gone with her. How foolish of me!” You sat up and tried to leave the bed, but you were too weak to do so.
“Hey, hey, listen to me! It’s not your fault. I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I truly am. I will do anything to make it right again”.
“Can you bring me back my dead son? No, I thought so. I want you to leave! When the children are back. I’m going to take them away. Away from here, away from you. Away from the danger that surrounds you”.
“Y/n, don’t do this”.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t”.
“I- I love you”.
“That’s not even a reason to begin with”.
“I’m the king now! I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you”.
“You promised me that a long time ago, but look at us. How can you not let anyone hurt me, when you’ve been doing that all along?”.
“I won’t let you leave! You can’t take away my children from me!”.
“Your children? The same ones you left to die? Now you want to be their father? If it wasn’t for me, they would’ve died and me along with them, leaving you to return to nothing”.
“You need to rest. I will place guards in front of you chambers and a handmaiden and the healer will stay with you” he informed you.
“Are the guards for my protection or to prevent me from leaving?” You asked.
“Both” he admitted.
“I hate you!”.
When Aegon and Rhaenys returned, Rhaegar immediately took them to your room escorted by Kiyara.
“Oh, my babies!” You sat yourself up and they ran towards you to hug you.
You winced from the pain but didn’t let them go.
“Alright. Children! It’s time to go, let your mother rest” Rhaegar instructed.
“No, I just got them back, I won’t lose them again”.
“They are safe here! Nothing will happen to them” Rhaegar reassured you.
“My lady” Kiyara bowed and greeted you.
“Kiyara! I’m glad to see you. You’re the only one I can trust in this place” you looked at Rhaegar.
“Then, she’ll stay with the children”.
Days have passed and you were still locked in your chambers. The children would visit you every day, but Rhaegar didn’t let them stay that long. Finally, you have recovered and started walking normally again. Today was the day you’ll get out. You didn’t know what was happening outside those four walls that you confided in.
“I have brought you food” Kiyara entered your chambers and greeted you.
“I’m finally leaving” you expressed.
“About that…” Kiyara seemed uncomfortable.
“What is it, Kiyara?”.
“It- it’s nothing”.
“Everyone out of my chambers!” You ordered the others to leave “you can tell me now, what is it?”.
“You’re scaring me! Did something happen to the children?”.
“No. His majesty brought someone back with him” she informed you.
“Not just her. Aegon-“.
“What does Aegon have to do with it?”.
“He had a child with her a- and named him Aegon. I wanted to tell you so you wouldn’t be surprised when you see them”.
“That monster! He dares bring his mistress and his bastard child to my residency. My city” you were so angry at him. After all, this was a sign of disrespect.
You got dressed and went to the chambers where Rhaegar was having a meeting.
“How dare you do that to me?! What kind of honorless man are you?” You barged into the room.
“Y/n, we can talk about this later. We’re discussing important things”.
“Don’t ever speak about importance again! I’ve had enough. I am leaving you and I’m taking the children with me” you threatened and he immediately ordered the men to get out and close the door behind them.
“What has gotten into you?” He held your upper arms.
“First, I lose my child because of you. Then, I’m confined in my chambers for weeks, only to find out it’s not because of me, but so you could have more fun with her. And now, you bring her and your bastard child here. Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to deserve this?” You crumbled in front of him and he knelt next to you.
“I don’t! I love you! I didn’t tell you before because I wanted you to heal properly and I knew if I told you, you would’ve collapsed again. She’s only here because of my son. He needs his mother. Once he’s old enough, she’ll go back to Winterfell. I do not love her. It was a mistake! But I will not abandon my son, the way I did with you and my other children. Give him a chance!”.
At the beginning, you hated that baby so much and couldn’t bear to look at him. Whenever you were walking in the Red Keep, Lyanna wouldn’t come out of her chambers, but Rhaegar took the child out, for your children to familiarize with him.
With time, you have grown to love him. After all, he was innocent and wasn’t to blame for his parents’ sins. He was like the son you lost. That’s how you treated him, but you called him Jon.
You didn’t let Rhaegar into your chambers or anywhere near you, but he understood. You needed time to heal and you might never forgive him, but he was trying his best to make it up to you for the mistakes he made.
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