#tye longshadow x you
maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Tye longshadow x outsider -reader | surprise
A/n: this is platonic or romantic
⚠️: reader is genderneutral, you are implied meta
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All you heard was the alarms. Full blast, at 2:47am you are not sure why.
You walked out of your room to see Jamie looking like he just committed a crime
You also saw violet,garfield, and froager leaving their rooms
Violet was tying a Hoodie to hide her hair
Garfield was rubbing his eyes
And froager was well forager
"Jaime reyes why in the love of granny is the alarm going off"
He look up to you hair a mess and in oversized pajamas
"Surprise" he said as he moved back to show tye looking around. She was in every day clothing but looked exactly that tired as you were
"Violet can you heal me please im seeing thing" you ask as you walk to her
"Sorry you are just fine" she said calmly
Tye looked up to see you for the first time on 5 years
You looked different yet the same
Your hair was (shorter/longer) and (different hair color) but Your eyes were the same
You grabbed a support beam and slide down it to Jamie and tye
"Is it truly you" you asked all je did was nod before you hugged him close
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I just had random inspiration to write this so I hope you enjoyed. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Working on a list of (mostly underrated) characters and ideas for multi-part, x reader fics.
So far I have:
Eduardo Dorado Jr & reader end up in the same batch of Metateen abductees, and after the Wally thing, the Runaways all go their separate ways. Season 3, Reader shows up at the Meta-Human Youth Facility to offer their services as a counselor, and they reconnect with The Golden One. How does their relationship progress?
Tye Longshadow grew up with both Jaime and reader. After his abduction and Jaime's subsequent "school trip", reader gets nervous and asks Jaime what happened. He admits that he got Tye's call (which reader did as well), and when he showed up, Tye was already gone. Queue Reader moving away and somehow meeting their childhood friend again. He offers for Reader to join the Runaways. How can they respond?
Icicle Jr! He meets you when you have a school.. idk, psych or law or something project and visit/interact with inmates at Belle Rev. He takes a liking to you - the first person who's tried to actually connect, even for just an assignment. Just before he knows he's set to escape, he tells you to meet him "when you think you can" and hands you a rose made of ice. He's taken away immediately and the rose is confiscated, but handed back to you with the rest of your stuff as you leave. (Changed this one a lil bit, it's this now)
Anyways. Wrote these while tired asf. Open to more suggestions 💙🩵💙
Ps everyone thank @cherry-aqua-blossom for giving me Icicle Jr brainrot 🩵💙🩵
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kaldurahms-lover · 3 years
My Masterlist
Young Justice:
Tye Longshadow:
Ember || Tye Longshadow x Reader
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy:
Racer || Garfield Logan x Reader
Imagine Being In a Poly Relationship With Gar and Perdita
Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder Girl:
Cassandra Sandsmark Dating Headcanons
Kaldur’ahm Dating Headcanons
DC Comics
Jason Todd/Red Hood:
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
Bruce Banner:
Ignored || Bruce Banner x Reader
I Need My Boyfriend Back Dude || Bruce Banner x Reader
Imagine Being In a Poly Relationship With Dean and Castiel
Ben 10:
Kevin Levin:
Bad Dreams || Kevin Levin x Reader
My Hero Academia:
Izuku Midoriya/Deku:
Izuku Midoriya Dating Headcanons
The Inheritance Games
Grayson Hawthorne:
You Picked Her || Grayson Hawthorne x Reader
Paper Rings || Grayson Hawthorne x Reader
Tooru Oikawa:
Can I Come Over? 
(more fandoms and characters to be added as i write)
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Tye Longshadow x Barnes!Reader
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Anon Asked:  Hi! Do you think you could do Tye Longshadow x Barnes! Reader? Bonus for Jaime’s reaction and stuff too, thank you so much in advance! I just can’t get enough of dad! Bucky
You join the Young Justice team as kind of an act of rebellion
You were getting pissed off because the Avengers wouldn’t listen to you
It’s not like you were powerless, you had abilities
Your father didn’t want you out on the field because you were his little girl and it was dangerous out there
And while you did understand that
It was pissing you off because they wouldn’t listen to you when it came to something as small as what route to take
Just because you were a kid
So, you decided that you’d go to a team where being a kid isn’t a problem
You’re integrated quite quickly since you’re representing the Avengers
When your dad found out though, he was heartbroken
Steve tried to comfort him being like “She needs to leave the nest so she can spread her wings and fly.”
“Shut the hell up, Steve.”
“I’m sorry dad, I just had to do this.”
“I understand, baby doll, just be safe okay?”
“And bring back a batarang or something!”
The others are quite jealous that you have such a non-problematic relationship with your dad
You meet Tye through the team and you immediately hit it off
He was very lowkey and cool which was a welcome change from Tony and Thor back in New York
You two spend a lot of time together, even outside of the team
Mostly at the skatepark
Even if you don’t know how to skateboard
“You know how to shoot a gun and steer an airship. But you can’t skateboard?”
“I just don’t understand how you can control where this thing goes just by putting your feet on it.”
He usually teaches you how and definitely teases you about wearing knee pads
“You’ve been through countless fights.”
“And I never scrape my knees thanks to these babies!”
He hears ALOT about your family
Since you’ve never been away from your family for too long
You begin to miss them very quickly
He can tell you’re getting homesick because of the sheer amount that you talk about it
Even when it doesn’t seem related
“You know my dad likes pecan pie.”
“We’re eating quesadillas.”
But you never say that you miss them or are feeling homesick because you don’t want anyone to think you’re a baby
But Tye realizes and wants to do something nice for you
So, he snatches your phone when you’re not paying attention and contacts your dad
And Bucky is only too happy to drop everything and fly over there to see you
“Hey, baby.”
You totally ran across the room, flying right into your dad’s arms
Good thing he has a metal arm because otherwise the sheer impact would have gotten him flat on his ass
Tye is quietly watching from the side-lines and he’s unknowingly smiling just watching you hug your dad tightly
Even though it’s not the case for him, he knows that you’re really close to your dad
And it makes him happy to see you happy
But he never makes anything of it
Until Jaime literally brings it to his attention
“You literally bent over backwards so her dad would be allowed in here.”
“That’s only because she missed her dad.”
“I miss my mother, too.”
“Then call her for god’s sake, are you that lazy?”
After hearing it from Jaime, Tye becomes a little more aware
And he quickly realizes that he’s falling for you
It kind of freaks him out a bit
So, he gets a little quiet
More than usual
“You sure you’re okay, Tye?”
“Yep, Bueno.”
You don’t spend a lot of time with Tye that week, opting to stick to your dad and show him around
He isn’t as upset as he thought he would be
And a part of him wants to bring to your attention that he was the one who called your dad so he can get your affection
But ultimately decides against it
But you find out eventually, through your father
“You aren’t going to introduce me to your boyfriend?”
“Who? Tye?”
“Yeah, he was the one who called me over here.”
That day the hug you give Tye nearly knocks him off his feet and he’s blushing but hides his face in your shoulder
“Thank you...”
“No problem.”
The crush becomes embarrassingly obvious after that
But it’s quite obvious that he’s stuck in the friendzone
And everyone around him just cringes every time he tries to tell you how he feels and you just have no idea
“Let’s go on a date to that restaurant.”
“Great idea! Let’s call Jaime too, he wanted to try out the food there.”
“(Y/N), I like you.”
“Cute, but flattery doesn’t work on me, you’re not getting any more of my fries.”
Your dad finds it incredibly amusing
A part of him wants to tell you because it’s downright painful to watch
But another wants to kill Tye for even looking at you
Tye eventually thinks of a good idea
He knows how much you look up to your dad
So, he thinks that taking your dad’s permission before asking you out would probably be a good way to show you that he likes you
But your dad wasn’t born yesterday
“Drop and give me 50.”
“You heard me. My daughter isn’t going to date a weakling. I want 50 pushups.”
He can’t even get through 15 of them but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try
Luckily for him, you get there just in time to see him faceplant onto the ground
“What the heck is he doing?” You ask your dad
“Physical test.”
“For what?”
“Application to be your boyfriend.”
“Oh. OH!”
And your blushing and really very happy because Tye? The guy you’ve been crushing on since you got here? Likes you back?
And he’s just like “I’m sorry did you just say physical test? You mean there’s a written test?”
There isn’t actually a written test
But Tony sends him 300 questions to be finished in 16 minutes just to mess with him
“Who’s (Y/N)’s favourite avenger: A) Tony Stark. B) Iron Man. C) Tony Man. D) Iron Stark.”
Tye is touched-starved and loves affection so you spend a lot of time in each other’s rooms just cuddling
Dates are lowkey but still intimate
And he is possibly the most supportive boyfriend you can find out there
Totally supports you in anything
But offers his true judgement and honest advice when you need to hear it
Since you still miss your dad at time, zoom calls with the three of you are a thing
“Move over Tye, I can’t see my daughter.”
“Whoops, sorry sir.”
In actuality, you were sitting on his lap and Tye pouted when you had to move off it
Tye and Bucky being part of the ‘Amazing hair team.’
“Can I join?”
“No, Clint, your hair sucks.”
Bucky doesn’t give him the traditional dad speech but he does intimidate him every chance he gets
Of course, it doesn’t help that he actually owns and knows how to use multiple guns
Tye thought that meeting the Avengers would actually be normal
He can’t imagine why
Tony kept trying to embarrass you; “Hey, boyfriend! Look at pictures of (Y/N) crying when her dad had to go for a mission.”
Clint was fake-crying; “Oh, my darling baby is all grown up.”
Thor was generally confused but what’s new
Bruce was just in the middle of the chaos, trying to pretend that these are not the people that he works with
Natasha was like; “You’ll name your daughter Natasha, right? You won’t betray me like Clint did?” “I DIDN’T BETRAY YOU; GOD DID!”
And Steve just comes up to him in a pink apron, offering cookies
“Yep, let’s go back now.”
“Good idea.”
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Can I request Tye Longshadow dating the princess of Wakanda, daughter of King T'Challa of Wakanda and the X-Men Storm.
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⁃ Him and the Outsiders came on business
⁃ He obviously knew you guys were royalty, but he wasn’t intimidated or worried
⁃ Like whatever, you’re just people
⁃ But you were absolutely stunning
⁃ Like come on. T’Challa and Storms kid would be drop dead gorgeous
⁃ You politely greeted them, then your parents had you show them around since you were closer to their age
⁃ Your Aunt Shuri was the one to point out Tye’s already obvious crush on you
⁃ Virgil and Jaime were teasing Tye the entire time
⁃ ‘Shut up you morons I don’t like her! Focus on why we’re here, shall we?’
⁃ Operation Get-Tye-With-Princess Munroe-TChalla was a go
⁃ Eduardo would swoop in and become the ultimate wingman and drive your attention to him
⁃ Eduardo, Jaime and Bart are all charming in their own ways so they’ll keep your attention on Tye by “getting lost and missing meetings”
⁃ Tye was really nice to you, most people your age talked to you differently because you were royalty, but Tye treated you like any normal person
⁃ Shuri joined in on your friends schemes
⁃ When you finally started dating (after weeks of pining after each other) you invited him over for dinner
⁃ T’Challa and Ororo liked him a lot, he was quiet and respectful
⁃ Shuri loves him, she probably talked more than you
⁃ ‘I bet I could make something that would help your astral form be stronger you should come back over and we can run a couple tests on this new tech I already made for you and-‘
⁃ ‘Shuri leave the poor boy alone’
⁃ ‘Stfu up, brother, I’m speaking’
⁃ ‘Oh dear lord’
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Young Justice Masterlist
The Team:
Poly Relationship Headcanons ft. Bart, Eduardo and Jaime
Bart Allen
Dating Bart Includes: (Headcanons)
Love Languages Ft. All
Tye Longshadow
Tye x Fire Meta reader
Tye x Artist reader (hcs + drabble)
Eduardo Dorado Jr.
Lazy Day (Imagine)
Favorite Place To Kiss You
Nicknames for their S/O
Devapsimon Dates (My hcs)
Tiny Flame (x Small! protective! fire-power reader)
Meet Cute (Imagine 300)
Little Love (x College Student reader)
Icicle Junior
Cam as a father hcs
X Alt! Reader hcs
A Rose By Any Other Name (Would Feel As Frigid)
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years
tye longshadow x outsider reader
⚠️: divorce mentioned,death, murder
A/n: This is apart of my redoing headcannons series. My first big headcannons was the original headcannon so I chose to re do it but better. I say "you" a lot
tye longshadow x outsider reader
Original headcannons ↑
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Ahhh i love him
I haven't written for him in months
Anyways let's start
He was shocked to find out your an outsider
But letting do a back ground because I didn't do one for the original headcannons
You had a messed up he life
You parents separated and you lived with you dad
You mom was not in you life
You dad was trying to help and support you and your sister
You lived in a bad neighborhood and you father was killed
You ran with you sister who was 13 when you ran you were 15
You got taken and tested on
You became meta
You ability was control air
You sister sadly did not make it
You ended up at star labs
Slowly falling for tye longshadow
All you free time was with each other
You help fight in the war against the reach
The war awoke something in you
You stared training to be a hero
Finally you became a hero with one other runway
You took the name cloud walker
You and virgil
Not anything romantic just really close friends
You and tye lost touch after a few months
You had join the outsiders and gained some fame
Tye had seen Jaimie
But he was shocked to see you on the screen
It was hard to tell because of you hood but he could tell
He had left home and chosen to be a hero
It was not just for you and Jamie also yo help others in his situation
He called Jamie and arranged a meeting
Read the rest here
I love him too much. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years
Hey have you seen the insidious movies? If so could you do a female reader x tsu'tey who has the abilities Elaine has including Astral projection
I have not seen the insidious movies. What are they about?
I can still do a version of this request with reader having power like rich or Mary from the super power books or something like tye longshadow from young justice?
Mary and rich when there powers are together they can enter and control peoples dreams.
And tye can make a large version of himself that is much stronger and faster than him.
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kaldurahms-lover · 3 years
Ember || Tye Longshadow x Reader
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pairing: Tye Longshadow x fem reader warnings: idfk, fluff? too much straight dialogue? OH, swear warning and warning for shitty writing lmao word count: 1364 words a/n: this is based off of Tye in Young Justice, and by that i mean the show Young Justice. I haven’t read the comics. Also Y/N is a meta with Pyrokinetic abilities (able to conjure and manipulate fire) and the alias “Ember”
(also this is a little long so have fun, hope you all enjoy <3)
Y/N was getting so damn sick of lying. It wasn’t not telling her family about her identity, it wasn’t the constantly having to make excuses for why she was so tired after a mission. It’s the fact that out of her two best friends on the world, she was keeping two huge secrets from one, while the other was helping her keep them. Y/N was on the team even before Jaime was. You can imagine the look of surprise when he was being introduced and saw a girl he’s known since forever just staring at him dumbfounded. “Do you two know each other or something,” Nightwing had asked. “Oh yeah, this is only one of my best fucking friends” she replied. Of course in all his glorious nosiness Beast Boy had felt the need to whisper (or what he considered whispering, everyone heard) “the one that's basically your brother or the one you like?” Y/N’s eyes widened in horror as she smacked him upside the head. Hard. “GAR! The one that's like my brother! God, you’re so fricking lucky that Jaime is the one here and not Tye or I would personally see to it that i ended up with a green tiger skin rug in my room.” Some of the others on the team were enjoying it, but Jaime was just processing 1) the fact that you were there and on the team, and 2) the fact that you liked Tye. “Wait Y/N, why are you here?” She turned her head back to her friend. “Oh, right! I’m Ember.” she said casually. Holding a small ball of fire in her palm. Safe to say, Jaime didn’t look at Y/N the same for a few days.
It seemed like such a cliché that she would end up in a spot where one of her closest childhood friends was like family, and she was romantically interested in the other. She acknowledged that fact. She hated that fact. But it was true. Y/N really did love Tye. Always had, always would, but the type of love had shifted, and she didn’t know how to tell him that. Especially with the whole behind the scenes superhero gig. But after Tye was abducted? After The Reach got their hands on one of the people she cared about most? There was no hiding it from him anymore. So she went to STAR Labs.
Tye had been there with the others roughly a few weeks. She went in costume. It was essentially the same as Nightwing's suit, but red, without a bird on the chest, and most importantly? Fireproof. 
It wasn’t like she had to dramatically reveal herself to him. He knew her voice better than anyone else’s. Countless nights stayed at someone's house after running off in anger did that to someone. He didn’t necessarily want or expect to be able to have visitors, though. He wouldn’t even look up at Y/N until she talked, despite hearing her walk in. He just sat there on a bench in an almost empty room, staring at his shoes.
“Tye, hey”
his head snapped up
“Y/N? What the hell?”
“Shhh, I don't know who all’s listening in here. We can't go revealing my identity to everyone.”
She sat next to him. Leaning her head back against the wall before straightening out again when Tye spoke.
“Then why come in here knowing I would recognize you?” “Oh, maybe because I care about you? I missed you? Because Jaime and I made the team want to fucking kill us because of how worried we were about you?”
“….what do you mean Jaime and you?” “shit”
“He’s one of you too, then? One of us? A meta?”
“Not exactly”
“Well, then what the hell?”
“shit I'm really not supposed to tell you this-“
“Just spit it out, Y/N.”
“Blue beetle.”
“He’s blue beetle. And he’s not a meta. He has alien tech fused to his spine.”
“Yeah. anyways, I didn’t come here to sit here and expose Jaime”
“Speaking of which, what are you here for??”
“To tell you I love you.”
“Y/N we’ve said I love you about a billion times in our lives. We’ve established this. I love you, you love me. You didn’t have to come all the way here for that.”
“Not the same way I used to, you dipshit”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t love you the way I love Jaime and the team and my family. I love you the way, that makes me really hate the fact that I can't kiss you right now.”
“Yeah dumbass. I know you’re not into me, but I wanted to tell you, in case anything ever happens, since we’ve both got targets on our backs at the moment”
“Who the hell said I wasn’t into you?”
“Um, me?”
“well, tell yourself to shut up”
“So, you do like me romantically?”
“Isn’t that what I just said?”
“But then, why did you never say anything?”
“Thought you were into Jaime. You guys were always a little more secretive, a little more busy. It makes sense why now”
“EW please don't make me think about that, Tye, Jaime’s like my brother how could you–“
“shut up”
“hey but imagine, you get a hold of your powers enough to either convince them to let you out or i convince them to let you on the team, you get to say your girlfriend’s a superhero”
“First of all, who in their right mind would believe me? And second, when did we skip to the term girlfriend?”
“Okay, I'm sorry, random bitch you just so happen to like very much?” “Mmm, definitely more along those lines.”
Y/N laughed, lacing her fingers with his.
“Tye I'm really fricking sorry we have to leave you here. I tried to ask if we could just train you guys, but Batman wouldn’t even hear my argument, he just asked Nightwing to bribe me with food to shut up. Which by the way only worked for so long before Impulse stole almost all my snacks— but that's besides the point, I don't like the idea of not being able to see you as much, but I’ll be here whenever I can, and I convinced the people here to give you extra special phone privileges for when I call, and I'm certain by this point you have my phone number memorized if you ever need me.” 
He laughed lightly, 
“ ‘course I do. And I’ll be fine here, I promise.”
“Oh, one more thing, feel free to tell your friends, the others abducted by the Reach, you can tell them who i am. Partially. Assuming you want to actually skip to the girlfriend thing and tell them you’e dating teenage superhero ‘Ember’?”
“Again, like they're gonna believe me”
“Dude, you literally got abducted by aliens and have superpowers. Nothing should be hard to believe.”
“Point taken.”
“Mmm, you never said no to the girlfriend bit, though.”
“mhm I would take that as a yes if I were you.”
It was a nice moment. Until Y/N’s phone rang. It was that distinct number, never kept in a contact. Nightwing. She answered with a sigh. 
“What's up? New mission?”
“Yeah, how fast can you get here from STAR?” “Depends. I'm around 15-20 minutes from the nearest zeta tube, so gimme 25”
“Alright. Get here quick, though.”
“If I'm not there on time, you can always send impulse to come get me.”
And with that she hung up.
She ran a hand through her hair, then brought it over to rake through Tye’s. He leaned into her touch. He loved when she messed with his hair
“I'm so sorry I have to leave. I love you”
she stood up
“I love you too”
She started to walk out before turning on her heel right before she reached the door. 
“One more thing.”
Y/N pulled Tye up to stand, then took a moment to cup his face in her hands before pressing a gentle, yet full of passion, kiss onto his lips. He brought his hands to her hips and smiled into the kiss. 
“I was waiting for you to do that."
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