#ty for comeing to my tedtalk
arl-the-beloved · 9 months
One of my favorite Detective Conan episodes is probably episode 538, the second part of Kaitou KID vs the Strongest Vault, the banter between Kaito and Conan was so cute, and the fact he sent the police away to talk to Kaito was feeding my Shinkai/Kaishin obsession, nothing tops when Conan brought up Kaito how usually choses to dress as women, and instead of it being turned into some sort of pervert joke or the usual "people dont expect women to commit crimes" Kaito just said smth along the lines of "i think its cute"
I just love how hes comfortable in his skin and he doesnt mind (probably even enjoys) doing and wearing feminine things and not in a "this is getting me to my objective" but "why not" ykk
He seriously couldve been the secretary and yet he chose not to </333
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pup-pee · 7 months
hands u old birdflash drawing
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u just know wally is making dick take a break or hes throwing the laptop out the window w/no remorse
wally; hey babe! im back & can totally tell uve been working all day even though i told u 2 sleep,
so i got u ur favorite coffee(pure sugar) & ur gonna cuddle w/me on the couch while i tell u how susan from work taught me color theory & i realized i may b a lil color blind lol
((also yes the cup says 'dont b a richard' its a cup i keep drawing dick w/even though its bland))
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yippetbh · 9 months
Ok unpopular opinion but
The RE fandom needs to talk about Luis' trauma more. Like, his backstory, not just his death and the crushing guilt he carried with him. Maybe its just Me but i barely see anybody talk about it and it pains me because truly hes one of the best written characters ive ever seen
Not only did he work for Umbrella, but that man was in the Raccoon City Destruction Incident. And when he returned to his hometown he saw it had been taken over by Los Illuminado's. At some point he was recruited for them.
A cult. He was apart of a cult. Thats fucking horrifying. And the fact he had the courage to betray them despite how powerful they are? God.
Even before that he had some insane trauma. He watched his grandfather basically die inside of a burning house and while everyone stood in shock that man stared. He stared and stood and didn't move a muscle until dawn when he disappeared.
Luis wanted to make up for the life he had, despite how a good amount of it wasnt even really his fault. Surely he didnt willingly join Los Illuminados, (or maybe he did, who knows,) and yet when he found Leon and Ashley he had put his current mission aside to help them thinking it would change something. The Don Quixote parallels are beautiful as well. I remember someone on Youtube once had said that Luis died similarly to Don Quixote; accepting that he couldnt be something he wanted to be. That shit has stuck with me ever since and hes just such a tragic character in general.
Dunno, sorry for my ranting, just wanted to bring this to ppls attention cuz I've noticed that people will dig up stuff for other Resident Evil characters but I never really notice the fandom ever mentioning Luis' religious and past trauma. The remake really fleshed out his character and I wil NOT let this man be overlooked
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raylasrightbraid · 11 months
so we all agree that callum is the “will sacrifice the world to save you” and rayla is the “will sacrifice one to save the world” except the one she sacrifices is herself and that is what makes this relationship so beautiful and messy but make it work at the same time
and theres a reason why rayllum didnt kiss this season because they were an old wound thats healing and learned the valuable lesson that they are stronger together
rayllum is coming back s6 stronger and healthier than they ever were in previous seasons and I CANNOT WAIT EHHEHEHE
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lavampira · 8 months
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what am I, if not yours? what do I do with my hands when they are just hands?
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qualek · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every time i liked a franchise with a spiky haired male character who is very much bisexual with a female love interest that tried to kill him and a grey-haired male love interest who reluctantly helps him as a way of dealing with his repressed emotions id have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice right?
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ninemelodies · 1 month
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sooooo the lighthouse basement has good lighting
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lu-sn · 1 year
#vegas is doing an excellent job of walking that line#it's his only positive one so it makes you wonder where he picked up this kind of nurturing behavior from#(WHERE is the MOM BACKSTORY!!!!!) i can never get enough of your tags, even when it's you talking about eating wall paint or being pushed under a train because same. but also, these tags make me think that vegas and pete will be fine in the grand scheme of things because vegas still has that nurturing side? he still knows how to treat someone he loves because of macau, and now, when vegas is set on 'you are no longer my pet, you are the most important person in my life'??? aaaaaa, i am not okay.
(the post in question)
awww anon thank you i am glad someone enjoys my morning tag rambles 💜
but also, anon, YOU ARE EXACTLY CORRECT.
it is really hard to learn how to love someone! and it's much much harder if you have no idea how it's done, and what your partner might need from you. vegas has probably never been in romantic love with anyone before pete, and he has no healthy frame of reference for what that kind of relationship should be like, because he's never seen one up close. frankly, if i were vegas, i would see all the shit going down around me and wash my hands of any sort of romance (which, like. maybe he did do that. 😔)
but vegas's saving grace — his tie to humanity, his one existing relationship where he both gives and receives love — is with macau. so even if he doesn't know how to love pete, he does know how to love macau, and to respect him, and take care of him.
so here's this soggy wet paper bag of a man who has no idea what he's doing, only knows that he wants to keep pete happy. and he's only ever kept one other person in his life genuinely happy, so i bet he's just going to try all that stuff for pete too.
i see vegas cooking for pete in the safehouse, and i think about a young vegas standing on a kitchen stool in the dead of night, trying to cook something for a tiny macau who couldn't sleep and is very hangry about it, and then i think about vegas making sure pete is well-fed for the rest of his life. i see vegas pulling pete's head onto his lap in the hospital, immediately pulling macau in too — casually dropping a kiss on macau's forehead and then immediately repeating that for pete like it's nothing, like he's done that to pete a thousand times before.
and i think, yeah. vegas is suuuuper fucked up. but he does know how to love. the rest is just details, and they're gonna figure it all out just fine.
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dailyneuvillette · 10 months
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day twenty two; reading
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bl-inkstone · 1 year
every action has an equal opposite reaction, but love and hate aren't opposites now, are they? it's love and indifference! here, traveler, have some soft childe thoughts about some of the little things you love about him that he'd never think twice about <3
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walking with childe, if you asked anyone else, is a workout and a half with how long his strides tend to be. but with you? it's almost second nature for him to slow down and match your pace so that you don't have to do that awkward half-walk-half-jog the traveler and any of his shorter companions have to do when they travel with him. it doesn't even look like he's aware of it, you've noticed. it's like he's so attuned to you and your comfort that childe just adjusts himself accordingly without thinking. and he stands so close to you as well! in the early days of your friendship, the two of you would often almost trip or bump into each other with how close you'd end up being during your walks. it's something he used to apologize for ("sorry, i'm used to being close to others when walking. it's easy to lose companions in the snow if you're not careful"), but no matter how hard childe tried to keep a reasonable distance, he'd always find a way back to your side. thinking back on it now, it was really cute how he'd gravitate to your side even before either of you realized that your feelings were, very much so, requited. does that make up for all the bootprints and scuffs he's left on your shoes from walking too close though? no.
more often than not, holding hands with childe means resigning yourself to losing autonomy over whichever hand he's clinging onto for the foreseeable future. he gestures quite a bit when he talks — a habit he's picked up from watching his older siblings tell stories when he was a child and integrated into his own way of speaking as he grew older — and he can sometimes forget he's still holding your hand when he moves to gesture just how big the fishes are back in morepesok when retelling stories of his homeland to his companions. even when you're just walking in the harbor and conversing, every other statement is accompanied with a flourish of his wrists and some other grand gesture, and you usually just watch him fondly from his side. you think it's so endearing that childe never lets go of your hand, not even once, through his entire performance. he casts frequent glances your way as well when you walk and talk together this way, like he's making sure he still has your attention that he, in all his puppy-like glory, can never seem to get enough of. he squeezes your hand, rubs his thumb over your knuckles, slides his forefingers down to feel at the pulse he loves listening to at night on your wrist. he'll take any excuse to hold your hand and maintain some form of skinship, and you especially love it when it looks like he's forgotten he's still holding you but hasn't forgotten that he's connected to you. you think about telling him that, sometimes, but you don't think you'd be able to properly explain to the man the difference between the two.
eating with childe is a comfort you look forward to at the end of every day. he loves eating meals with you and just winding down together at a table that he still, sometimes, can't believe he can share with you, but what you love most about your dinners is just how domestic he can be about the whole affair. it's an unspoken agreement between you that whoever doesn't cook is the one that sets the table. when childe's the one at the stove, he can be very fussy about you not eating anything any light snacks while dinner is still cooking because "you'll ruin your appetite, honey. don't let my efforts go to waste!" he's very big on healthy and hearty meals, so you always end up pleasantly content when you go to sleep. it's so easy for you to tell when a dish is cooked by him too. but when you're the one cooking... well. he's always been the type to say things like "do as i say, not as i do." he's a menace in the kitchen, always trying to sneak "taste tests" from whatever you're cooking and chattering your ear off about his day as he goes about fulfilling his assigned role. he does set the table pretty well, thankfully, and your playful annoyance at his antics subsides just a little when you notice him placing the "nicer" china in front of your chair and opening your windows just a little to let in the cool night breeze. childe talks to you throughout the entire process, moving around you in the kitchen like it's a song he's danced with you for years even though at this point, you've only known each other for two. childe habitually leans down to press soft, chaste kisses on the side of your head when he passes by too, and it's something that never fails to send the butterflies in your stomach off in a frenzy. honestly, at this point? you might as well just come out and say that your favorite parts about eating with childe is how easy it is to see your future with him. (and if you ask him, he'd say he loves how easy it is to see his future with you too.)
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[more soft childe thoughts posting! this time, about the little quirks and habits that you've noticed and find so so endearing bc even though i love childe being down atrociously bad for his beloved, the scale must be balanced. if he's a simp, the reader must simp in return.]
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karasunotebook · 2 years
It's the Bokutos! (4/4)
Warning: 18+ content, timeskip!haikyuu, fem-bodied!reader, cursing, smut, overstimulation, slight breeding kink, dig bick Bokuto, Bokuto is very caring 🥺
one • two • three • masterlist
minors do not interact
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After two or was it three? Releases later, you thought he’d finally give you what you’ve been craving for the last month but he only spread your legs with his fingers which you had licked clean, holding your knees apart and kissing his way down your chest.
“Kou, what are you doing?”
“Wanna taste. It’s been a while. And plus,” he says, while kissing down your navel. He places a wet kiss on both your inner thighs. “I’m still warming you up.”
“Kou—oh,” you moan before you could argue, feeling his tongue slide up your folds and he groans.
“Shit, I missed this.” He continues to thrust his tongue into you, bulky arms wrapping around your thighs to move you closer to his face. “Delicious lil cunt,” he mumbles. Your moans encourage him to swipe his tongue in you faster, creating a squelching sound.
His stubby chin grinds against your cunt, creating a new sensation you wish you felt before. He starts twirling his wet muscle around your clit, bringing another whine out of you. He creates a rhythm against your taut area, urging you to your release. He moves his tongue down to clean up the spill you created, flattening it against your folds. He hums out of satisfaction against your pussy giving it one last kiss before heading back up to kiss your mouth, offering a taste of yourself once again.
“Are you ready?” He asks, rubbing his hardness under the cloth of his underwear. You snort.
“I’ve been ready for so long, I don’t know about you,” you say.
“Oh, honey,” he slips himself out of his remaining clothes. “I am. See for yourself,” he says, revealing his cock huge as ever with the red angry tip, dripping with precum. Your mouth almost waters at the sight. It’s been so long, you don’t remember it being that large. The size never fails to amaze you.
“Alright, darling,” he breathes, eyes scanning your naked form. “I’m going in.” His statement makes you laugh. But that laugh morphs into a moan when he pushes his tip into you. Not fully in but slowly pushing.
“Mmphm, still huge,” you whine. It only makes him groan hearing you talk about his size.
“Still tight,” he says, grunting, as he tries to push himself in without breaking or hurting you. It kind of frustrates you so you blurt out.
“Hurry and push it all in!” You start to grind against his shaft, making him lose the ounce of control he had left in him.
“Fuck.” He shoves his whole length into you, balls hitting against your skin. He pushes back out and thrusts into you at a leisurley pace, bringing his lips to your neck to pepper lazy kisses onto it.
“I miss you, I miss this,” you cry, a tear rolling down. It scares him at first when he sees your tear, making him freeze as his cock stays inside you, still hard.
“Are you okay, baby? You hurt?” he asks, tenderly holding your face.
“I’m fine Kou. J-just keep going. Don’t hold back, please.” He nods, breathing through his nose as he continues thrusting, gradually moving faster.
You were about to let out a loud moan when he dives down to kiss you, hips never stopping. “Shh, don’t wanna wake our baby,” he murmurs into the kiss. You nod, kissing him back, vibrations escaping your mouth as you try to bite back moans.
His balls begin to slap against your wet skin, when he pushes a thigh up against your chest to go deeper. “Shit!” Bokuto mutters several curses as his eyebrows furrow in concentration, hitting you in the right places. Places he’s memorized.
“Ah, fuck..feeling…good, baby?” he grunts, wanting to check on you. Making sure your not hurt anywhere. You were too out of it, feeling close to your next orgasm. You feel him give a hard thrust when you don’t answer. “Hmm?” he questions you again. You nod feverishly.
Bokuto bends down to your ear, his messy owl hair streaks tickling your cheek. “Use your words, love.” His voice is deep and sultry, that feeling in your stomach tighten.
“Y-yes, babe. It feels so, ah, good,” you breathe, trying not to scream from the way his cock is massaging your walls. You could feel his veins and the throbbing of his cock as he continues to swirl his hips. “I’m…almost there,” you whisper, practically breathless by this point. “Cum in me, Kou.” When he sends you a worried look, you give a reassuring nod. “Please.”
Ready to let go, your partner slows down and goes back on his knees, this time focusing on making deep and hard thrusts. He feels something in you, choosing to hit that particular spot, which makes you reach the breaking point.
“There you go, pretty. Mmph, that’s right,” Bokuto huffs. “Come on my cock.” Your release combined with the sight of your glistening and heaving chest makes him let go.
He groans, biting his lip as he watches himself enter in and out of you from the angle. Your wetness and his mixed together, seeping out of you. Overstimulation fills you both and you come once again, suprising you both. He laughs at your shocked expression and caresses your cheek once he halts his movements.
Bokuto’s stamina is endless. He could go on and on for hours. But he wants you to rest up so he pulls out of you, plunging his fingers to replace his cock. “You wan ‘em in, right…” he mumbles, pushing the essence back into your throbbing hole.
You hum in satisfaction as he moves himself back up to your lips giving you a tender kiss. “I love you, y/n, my darling.” He kisses you once more. “My wife.”
“My husband,” you call him breathlessly and kissing him back. “I love you.”
Your husband attempts to get up to go wash up but you push him back down. “Let’s stay a bit like this?” Of course he’s not gonna decline. He would never refuse a cuddle session with you.
“Okay,” he says with a giddy laugh. And you’re both laying, tangled together basking in each other’s warmth and scent.
He hums the same tune that he sang to your child, reminding you how grateful you were to have him as your husband and the father of your baby.
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serioussimming · 1 year
Los Santos - Progress Report 2022 - Part 4b: Back on track talking about roads
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Okay now again...
This is a pretty in depth, technical and passionate talk about road textures I guess
During last years work on Los Santos (which was mainly september... Okay actually I think it was only september. But hey I haven’t made that much progress in any other year!) I replaced some road textures and reworked some road layouts that already existed. When a project is stretched out in such a long time window (2016-now) you not only work in one direction (from start to finish) but you also occasionally completely rework stuff from before. In all these years from 2016 this has been the only CAW project I’ve worked on. With every year I’m learning new quirks and tricks about the game and caw.
Now this is the point where I diverge from Part 4a
My issue with the previous roads is that they were compelety random textures grabbed from everywhere (GTA V Assets, Store Worlds, Internet and more...). They kind of looked like what I wanted them to look like but they didn’t match that well across the board.
If there was one single thing that I could change about how the worlds work in The Sims 3 it would be the road system. Don’t get me wrong. The roads in The Sims 3 are miles ahead (haha miles) of what we got in say The Sims 2. Sims 3 Roads can curve, run in any angle to the world grid, have different textures, working bridges,... Thats all stuff that Sims 2 can’t. At least from neighborhood view. In lot view roads can be a bit more flexible. But still I’d say that Sims 3 Roads are superior. Yet they only have one lane per side. They always have a sidewalk. They always have the same width. They are completely flat and normal maps can only do so much. I mean it’s okay. Its not Cities:Skylines or SimCity but things could be better.
My new roads work around many of the issues that I previously had with Sims 3 Roads. The new road textures are AGES ahead of the old ones and I spent like 2 weeks making and adjusting the textures (shoutout to the Pixelmator Pro developers for creating an Image Editor that doesn’t drive me crazy)
But let me go into detail:
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The difference in detail when you see before and after next to each other is simply astonishing even for me. Look at how much more grungy and used the new roads look. Also note the asymmetric nature of them.
The old textures for this road were mainly modified roads from Roaring Heights. I had then made minor modifications by adding a curb to give the road more dimension. I originally picked that road because I liked the yellowish sidewalk which is also in Sunset Valley I think and it was the only one that also had these red plastered crosswalks that LA is so famous for.
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Here you can see more of how much more detail the roads have. The curb has proper coloring compared to the sidewalk and there is a *whatever you call that part between the curb and asphalt* which has a dirty appearance while not looking too repeated.
Note: The curb has no seams and seems to be like one super long piece of curb (new insult unlocked you pice of curb) because the road detail texture repeats three times in one sidewalk til. If there was a seam the curb pieces would be super small.
A difficulty with repeating textures is always making them look detailed, contrasted and sharp without making them look too busy and repeated.
The sidewalk texture is a blend of the default sidewalk texture and a concrete texture. I then changed the color and added details by hand like the all the cracks and irregularities. Notice how the sidewalk gets very slightly darker to the seams too add more depth. Something like this has to be done very subtly so it doesn’t get overdone.
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By crafting the road textures myself I can also work around issues that I had before.
I was actually a bit sad replacing the road texture in the vinewood hills area since that light road texture was the very first I used in this world. It was here from the start you could say. The textures were sourced from Lucky Palms where they’re used as freeway.
Now with the new roads I can fix the crossings that can’t have transparency on the sidewalk. The corners have the dirt/sand texture painted onto them so It gives them the illusion of transparency and they blend with their surroundings.
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The road details are also handpainted. The yellow lines in the middle and the white borders. In the newer picture you can see how this unifies the different types of roads. The darker old road had white lines in the middle, while the lighter road had yellow lines that were also bigger.
Notice how the old roads were all over the place. The dark and light roads had no actual connection to each other. I mean they were connected but there is no relation between them. They could very well be in two completely different worlds. They don’t tell a story. The new roads do. You can see how these two roads are subject to the same law. The lines have to be the same as that’s how they are meant to be. You could think about how the darker roads are more fresh and how they were paved onto the lighter roads because they were too broken but they didn’t pave the road completely because of financial constraints and other parts still being okay.
It’s laughable but you can really think of an entire story just for a section of a road.
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Now onto my favorite part about the new roads! I got really excited when I realized I could do this. Using the road detail overlay I created road sections that are bicolored. In my opinion this little detail makes the world look so much more realistic. It just gives it that extra layer of depth and I love it.
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Previously I only had roads connected to each other that had completely different colors (top picture). Now I am able to connect these in a way that makes them look like only one side got new pavement and the other lane was still okay so they left as is. This one road you see in the bottom picture looks completely natural like one road that got new pavement in some areas, when it’s actually technically 3 different roads:
more used light colored road, mix of new and old road, newer dark road
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How much a neighborhood can change when you replace the roads. Kind of funny how clean perfect roads were replaced with cracked used roads yet the crappy roads make the area look better.
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Some roads in Los Santos are really, really broken and in dire need of complete repaving! Why do I even pay taxes??? I wanted a road that resembles just that! Look at how broken the road is. Full of seams filled with tar and how each tile is colored a bit differently. Also I alternated the direction of the road every now and then to break up the repetition. Do you notice the thin lines that run on each tile?
I feel like this was the hardest road to not overdo. It’s a really busy pattern but in my opinion it still looks good. For each road I had to balance the textures between GTA V’s art style, Sims 3′s art style, my desired art style, and reality. I wanted to make them look as good and realistic as I could without making them look completely out of place. Always remember: They need to look good with a Sim standing on them, a house being next to them and a Sims 3 basegame car on them. All of these have to fit together without making any one of them looking edited in. I cant replace every single game asset after all. Or could I? *Vsauce music starts playing*
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Road beside 12 Residue Apartments
Only a few weeks ago I learned that red curb means no parking lmao
Do you notice that one side of the road looks a bit different from the other? One side is lighter and other a bit reddish. Another example of depth/detail
Wow. You really read a nerd talk about roads for like 10 minutes?
Now after my TED Talk about Sims 3 Roads is over I may have come to the conclusion that the roads are the single most important thing to mind when creating a world (next to terrain). They are the connection between every single point in the world and a gateway into the heart of the created world. When you see the roads, you know what kind of place the world is trying to represent. Just take a look at all the different EA worlds and how different the roads can be (e.g. Monte Vista vs Twinbrook).
Now thank you for reading this <3
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I hope the road of your life is not as bad as this...
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spookykestrel · 10 months
tell me about bugs ! /lhnp
Aah ty for the ask this is so general there’s so many facts and things um (edit I didn’t mean to write a whole essay you don’t have to read the whole thing)
Recently I’ve been enjoying learning about spiders which is ever so slightly ironic considering how afraid I was of them and how I still am a bit scared to come across ones I’m not familiar with. Learning about them makes them so much less scary though. A lot of the most venomous and scariest spiders are actually relatively docile and won’t bite unless threatened or they’re a mother with babies. In the US there hasn’t been a death from a black widow bite in 40 years bc their bites are rare and able to be treated. A lot of venomous spiders can actually administer dry bites too or control the amount of venom they inject which is super cool. Since their venom is used to kill prey, when they bite a human it’s usually just in self defense so a lot of bites from deadly spiders aren’t actually that dangerous. Ofc it’s still imperative to seek treatment just in case you have a reaction or they did inject venom (although you’d be able to tell there’s some nasty symptoms). Most cases are able to be treated, too, with anti-venom and while not a pleasant experience they’re rarely deadly.
I feel like there needs to be a picture here to break up this post so uhhhhh here’s a bunch of bees on a clover ( and a Yellowjacket)
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One of my other interests rn is misconceptions/misidentifications. Which ig ties into spider bites. One common myth is that daddy longlegs spiders are super venomous but their fangs are too small to bite humans. This is very wrong for several reason uhh first is that daddy longlegs is a super broad term used to refer to cellar spiders (actual spiders of the araneae order), harvestmen (arachnids in the opilione order so Not Spiders), and crane flies (these are literally flies as the name suggests. They…. They aren’t spiders they have wings they aren’t venomous. Although they do have long legs). Cellar spiders are a little venomous but their venom poses little harm to humans (just a typical insect bite yk) and they rarely bite humans. Harvestmen actually don’t have venom and don’t have fangs just hollow claws used to grip. Which can’t harm people.
anyway harvestman are the absolute silliest guys I love seeing them bounce around
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(Photo credit evanaturalist on inat <3)
Another quickl thing (I promise I’ll stop soon you invoked a topic I’m incapable of being normal about and gave me no limitations or anything so I’m on a ramble there’ll be no survivors etcetc) is also about flies. A lot of people assume those itty bitty sweat bees that hover around you at the park or whatever are actually more likely to be hoverflies (instead of a real sweatbee)! They only have one set of wings (unlike a bee) and no they can’t sting. I told this all to my friend at a concert who was being very annoyed by the one following her around and after explaining them and marveling over the super cool patterning of the calligrapher flies (specific type of hoverfly) they actually came around and admitted they’re very cool and it was a lovely moment bc once you know more about something then you can accept it more yay woohoo.
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^ the black and yellow is deceiving it only has the one set of wings. If you cared the one pictured is a maize calligrapher specifically . Very common in the US and Canada.
Oh and I got a millipede tatto did you see :]
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shecharm · 11 months
being involved with inari means that she bites your finger and leaves teeth marks in a perfect circle to resemble a ring as a means of claiming you.
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lavender-femme · 8 months
also for those of you who care i finally finished reading Harrow!!!
it only took me nearly a year bc my brain could simply not handle it but oh my gOD.
I plan on doing a gideon reread and then a Harrow audiobook read bc that really helped last year when I first read gideon and tbh the first half? 1/3? Of Harrow is truly a blur bc I started it months and months ago and only finished it a few weeks ago
but anyway just know I <3 my little femme bone gremlin and also gideon is the love of my life etc etc
taking a sort of intense sci-fi fantasy break and starting An Island Princess Starts a Scandal rn bc apparently it’s a stunning sapphic romance and ugh I need that in my life
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softleesam · 1 year
imagining fluff w my tickle crush to distract from the cramps💫
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