#two years is the perfect amount of time to let things marinate
eywaseclipse · 4 months
Back to the Stars
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Characters: curvy human! reader, Jake, featuring; Grace Augustine, Norm, Max 
Request: "if it's possible, may i pls request fluff of 2009 Jake giving plus size reader a tour of Pandora? Maybe on his ikran too. No pressure, and thanks!" For the lovely @cumikering
Synopsis: You’re an engineer working on the Avatar program alongside the incredible Grace Augustine, and other talented scientists with the exception of Jake Sully. An impulsive young ex Marine who was lucky enough to take his twin brother’s place among the group of you. Part of you is jealous he happened upon the program under these circumstances, another part is hiding the undeniable chemistry you two harbor for one another.
Warnings: none just a little bit of self image issues, and fluff
Words: 2k
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The whirring of the machines fill your ears with an array of delight. The excitement of a new day brings you the amount unbridled joy as a kid in a candy shop. “Max I’m going in 3.” Grace Augustine confidently states. “Got it.” Max confirms surely with his advanced screen casting the glow on his tanned skin. “Calibrating pod 3.” You chime in as your fingers work expertly to configure Grace’s link pod for her, as you watch Jake Sully examine his own. You can’t help but feel slightly bad for the guy; after all he lose his twin. Part of you resented his situation in a way. No preparation whatsoever, and he’s thrust into your world of science and decades worth of school and training just like that. You shake your head as the thoughts of self doubt and pity pry their little claws into your brain as you hear the machines enter position.
Several hours go by, as you and Max routinely check on Grace and Jake’s vital signs and link pod statuses. “Looking good on my end” You smile confidently; knowing damn well you’ve taken almost 6 years perfecting the mechanical engineering side of this program. Many years ago back on Earth you dreamed of a life better more well suited for you genius and gift for science. Now almost 10 years later, you’re here as one of the youngest mechanical engineers attempting to follow the footsteps of one of the most prolific scientists you’ve seen in your time; Grace Augustine.
“Someone get me a damn cigarette, wheres my god damn cigarette?” Grace groans loudly exiting the link pod. You here the scurrying of feet chasing her around the lab desperate to ease her clearly irritated nerves, chuckling to yourself as you get the link pods settled into a neutral. You watch as Jake’s pod comes out spinning open, as he groans himself. You walk up to the pod with Max in case he needs assistance. “Don’t, I got this” He waves his hand in protest. You and Max share a knowing look, “You’re not used to the link bed yet, take it easy. Grace almost fainted the first few times she came out of hers.” You laugh. Jake just mumbles incoherently, and jumps into his wheelchair pulling each leg into place. “O.K.” Jake teases you. “Ugh.” You roll your eyes in playful rebuttal as Max watches the awkward yet entertaining interaction.
“So when are you letting me take you out y/n? You know I tamed my own Ikran last week, I’m one step closer to becoming a man.” Jake wheels behind you. “A man you say?” You lightheartedly scoff. This day just like any other, goes the way it usually does; playful banter, knowing looks, sarcasm laced with clear want and yearning yet neither one of you do a damn thing about it. “Yeah a man. Even gave him a name; Bob.” He smiles with his regular shit eating grin. Both of you make your way down the long corridor towards the mess hall, hungry from the day’s work, now almost 3 months into his and Grace’s expedition to help the Omatikaya. “Well Bob seems like a very fitting name for a majestic creature on Pandora Jake, I can only imagine how Neytiri feels.” You scoff sarcastically.
“Oh come on y/n you’re telling me you’re not a little curious what it’s like to ride on an Ikran through the Hallelujah Mountains? Just, lemme take ya for a little joy ride.” He smirks. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a little intrigued by the idea. To ride among the starry night sky with the wind in your hair.. and then it hit you. You’d have to be in close proximity of Jake, holding on tightly to his avatar form intimately close for him to see you outside of your work clothes that you hide under daily. Your mind now riddled with hesitation and self doubt makes your cheeks heat up with blush. “I…” You awkwardly stutter, clear as day to Jake you’re holding back on something. “Come on, please? You gonna make me beg?” He jokes as you approach the cafeteria. “Jesus Jake, fine. You know I’m breaking protocol right? I could lose my job.” You huff out.
“Yeah ‘cause they’d fire you and send your ass back in cryo all alone on a billion dollar ship for a 6 year trip for taking a little late night spin with a hot avatar?” He teases relentlessly. “You’re an asshole.” You chuckle. “Yeah heard that one before.” He snickers out. Both of you get in line to receive your less than pleasant military grade food, and sit down at the table with the other scientists with Grace, Norm, and Max. You dig into your meal, listening to one of Grace’s many stories about Jake’s stupidity, “Then all you see is this angry Thanator chasing after him.” “Hey it’s not something you can teach.” Jake rebukes with a mouthful of Mac n Cheese. The table joins in laughter including yourself, just shaking your head at the image alone.
You finish your lunches, heading back to your respective areas, when you feel Jake tug your hand lightly. “Meet me in the main wing at midnight.” He winks playfully. Fuck, he was serious. You think to yourself. “Fine…” You whisper. “Good, Norm and Max will be there too.” He smiles. “Now how the hell did you get these two in on it?” Your jaw drops in disbelief, but before you get your answer Jake simply waves his hand ignoring you with another shit eating grin on his face. 
Later that evening you find yourself staring at your figure in the full body mirror. You typically avoid that corner for reasons like this one right now. Standing in just your bra and panties you sigh heavily as you gaze at your curvaceous body. Standing tall at 5’9” You knew that for the most part you’d never be as dainty as Julene, one of the tech scientists you’ve come to befriend. Blonde, porcelain skinned, and beautiful princess like features. Entirely different from your whole existence. Where her skin illuminates in the moonlight, your warm caramel skin glistens in the sun. Your dark curls cascade over your shoulders, and your sharp cheekbones stand out as a constant reminder of your ancestors. You wear your features with pride, despite the constant ego death of comparison on a daily basis. But your insecurities lay bare when you see your body, like right now.
I can’t do this. Why am I doing this? You stare in disgust. Rummaging through your drawers you find a loose enough cotton T, and a pair of your favorite jeans. You won’t lie, they fit you like a glove. You zip up and button the jeans comfortably as you look at the material hugging your legs deliciously, maybe I’m overthinking this…. You decide last second to curl your lashes, moisturize your skin, with one final sigh. Just as you finish tying your boots, you hear a faint knock on the door. You take a deep breath and open it to see Jake. His eyes take in your body, as you immediately notice the way they scan you up and down, “damn” he smirks, feeling your ears grow hot. “Let’s go” He nods his head into the other direction. “Right” you sigh and tug on the hem of your t shirt out of habit.
“You nervous or something?” He inquires. “I guess.. I mean I just don’t want to get in trouble, that’s all” You quickly rebuke, but you know Jake’s smart enough to call bullshit on that. “Hm” He just hums. Just like he said, you see Norm and Max in the main room, quietly talking as the screens light up. “Did Jake blackmail you or something Norm?” You chuckle, alongside Jake, but before he can answer Jake pipes in, “Let’s just say Norm here owes me one.” And just like that, a small blush forms on Norm’s face, waving you and Jake away, “yeah yeah.” Your brows furrow with confusion but you make a note of remembering to ask Jake about this later. 
“Alright Jake number 2 is already for you, y/n come with me to the air lock room, you need a mask.” Max instructs. Right, yes this is happening. You follow Max to the air lock sealed part of the wing and get your gear ready, securing the mask tightly to your face and hooking the battery to your jeans clipping it in. “Alright looks good, Jake will meet you out front, his body is only a few clicks away, give him about 10 minutes, I’ll wait here with you.” Max smiles sweetly. “Thanks Max. So, why does Norm owe Jake a favor?” You inquire slyly.
“Jake caught Norm and Trudy hooking up the other day at the outpost shack while Grace was taking samples.” Max blushes. “Ah… right.” You both chuckle playfully. You talk about nefarious things while waiting for Jake when you see the tall blue figure approach the window. “Aright you ready?” Max asks, “yup” You secure your mask once more as you open the door of the air locked chamber, hearing the automated voice countdown from 10. You wave to Max on the other side as all oxygen gets sucked out, opening the seal to walk into the jungle. 
You step down a few steps to see a happy avatar Jake. “There you are.” He smiles. “Here I am.” You crank your neck up to see him. “Hop on, we’re a ways away from where I have Bob hanging out.” He crouches down for you to piggyback onto him. You smile and jump feeling your thighs get secured now walking into the thick of the Pandora forest. Jake carries you as if you’re as weightless as a feather seamlessly weaving through the branches of the large trees, feeling the significant difference in his body since the beginning of the expedition.
You can’t help the way your heart flutters feeling his bulging biceps flex under your thighs, or the way you rest your chin on his shoulder as you gaze into the jungle completely mesmerized by its bioluminescent wonder. “How you holding up back there? We’re close” Jake turns his head. “Yeah I’m good.” You wrap your arms more securely to his neck. A few minutes pass when Jake slowly comes to a stop, “Alright hop down, just wait here.” You feel him squat down for you to glide off his body, watching as he yips into a tree. A giant hiss rips through the leaves, as an Ikran emerges flapping its huge wings. You crouch down shielding yourself, in an immediate gut reaction. Jake chuckles “Hi ” Stroking Bob’s snout. “Don’t get shy on me y/n.” He turns around smirking holding his hand out to you. You slowly rise, and approach Bob, gently as the giant creature chirps loudly, and nudges his face into Jake’s hand further.
“You wanna pet him?” Jake smiles. You whip your head up and stare mindlessly, “I can’t reach.” You smack him playfully. He just rolls his eyes and scoops you up bridal style causing a squeak to escape your mouth. “Alight there, be slow with your movements, he’s nice I promise.” He speaks softly. You hesitantly bring your hand out to Bob’s beak watching his face twitch inquisitively, getting closer to his snout. The sheer size difference alone causes your stomach to fill with butterflies, as you gently stroke the snout of the Ikran. Bob’s body flutters with emotions as he nudges his face into your hand more, “I think he likes you” Jake chuckles.
You smile back, and caress the Ikran more, the rough leathery skin being a stark contrast to your soft flesh, bewilders you with child like fascination. “Alright you ready for the best damn night of your life?” Jake smiles. “Oh god… ready as I’ll ever be..” You laugh nervously. He gently puts down, to secure the saddle on Bob, tugging it lightly, and patting his neck. “Alright.” Jake scoops you up once more, hoisting himself and you up onto Bob with one arm and placing you down in front of him. “Hold onto these reigns, and I’ll take care of the rest.” He lowers his head to whisper in your ear. A slight shiver ripples through your body, as Jake makes Tsaheylu with Bob. The power of the Ikran radiates through your body feeling the vibrations of his screech. You feel a sharp lift as he ascends off the branch and into the sky. “Oh shit!” You shout in surprise, Jake just chuckles, gripping your torso firmly, as you try to get your bearings looking into the disappearing canopy. 
“Let’s go!” Jake happily shouts into the wind, causing a loud exasperated laugh to escape your lungs. The cool damp air caresses your skin invitingly, watching as the who sky lights up with a cluster of twinkling stars. Your knuckles begin to turn white from your tight grip, clenching as you feel Bob bank left in the wind, “relax for me y/n” Jake laughs. “Sorry” You chuckle sheepishly. Your eyes advert from the sky, to the approaching rocks, floating in the air causing your jaw to drop open in complete wonder. Bob seamlessly glides through them, weaving his way in and out, as you feel the spray of a waterfall hit your skin. “Hold on!” Jake shouts, as Bob sharply flies up and onto one of the floating mountains, landing with a loud thud. 
Your breath hitches, while you adapt to the cool tropical air and sudden halt feeling Jake rub small circles on your stomach. “Let me help ya get down.” He whispers. Your ears heat up, while Jake grabs your waist with his much larger hands helping you down. “How was that for your first little joy ride?” He smiles playfully. “Well I can honestly say nothing quite like it” You feel your cheeks blush profusely. “Why’d you take me here anyway?” Jake shrugs nonchalantly and rubs the back of his head, “thought it was romantic” Your eyes widen and you crank your neck up to make sure you heard that right. “Oh” Is all you manage to squeak out. “Is that a good ‘oh’ or a bad one?” Jake laughs nervously. You bite your lip, feeling suddenly more exposed than ever. “I… a good one” You answer honestly. “Alright..” Jake smiles in relief and places his large hand on your shoulder leading you to a mossy covered log. “I thought we could star gaze for a bit if that’s okay with you” He whispers awkwardly.
“I’d love that” You grin widely, walking to the mossy log, and getting seated on the lush grass. Jake’s body heat radiates closely next you, feeling the warmth of his velvety skin next to your legs. “I really took you here tonight, because I.. I uh. Well I like you y/n.” Jake stutters out. You turn you head, and crank your neck to face him, as he lowers himself down to the point where he’s eye level with you, gently tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. “R-really?” You whisper softly. “Yeah really.” He chuckles. “I think you’re really god damn sexy really…” He smirks confidently. “Blue Jake or human Jake?” You tease him. “Both.” He responds with no hesitation. Your can feel your cheeks heat up quickly practically hearing your heart thrum loudly in your throat. You try not to make it obvious but Jake just scoots closer to you, his body practically on top of yours. “What I’m trying to say pretty girl, is will you go out with me? Go steady? Hmm?” He inquires slyly. You laugh and look up to him, “well how could I refuse?” He smiles so wide his sharp canines poke out, scrunching his nose happily, “Alright then..” He grins in victory and pulls your small body in with his large bicep, as both of you watch the night sky twinkle for you.
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conscydraws · 7 months
Here's one of my entries for the @mxtxfoodzine done in collaboration with my old friend Aseneth.
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And here comes a story how we created it.
The goal was to create a dish that can be a gesture of love and require some dedication to cook. Something that warms you up from within and make you sigh with delight after you are done with the meal. A crispy clay pot rice dish was picked almost randomly. Aseneth saw it and was like yeah, look how wholesome and hearty it looks! It has everything: meat, mushrooms, egg and veggies! Let's make it!
Can't say it was easy tho. Neither of us had clay pots and gas stoves, so it was a quest in itself to find the right pot and an alternative way to cook the dish.
Now I can say with confidence that Asian (Korean) pots for soup or porridge work the best. They are wide and have rounded bottoms which are perfect for fitting the ingredients and forming a crust on rice. And it's nice to eat directly from them.
I've tried a number of crispy clay pot rice recipes. I made my mind that I absolutely must add pork belly there, cause I was confident Wuxian will appreciate it. You have no idea how many ways there are to cook a pork belly in China. I had no idea as well. I've bought and used ingredients which I've never tried before. I've ruined my digestion system in the process of trying variants. And yet everything seemed a bit off. Luckily I've found a recipe of cured pork belly from a 103 old woman, which her granddaughter carefully wrote down and shared with the world. And after several more attempts to squeeze some vegetables into the recipe I finally gave up and took the route of traditional approach with that special cured pork belly. The dish became balanced at last. And marinated veggies served separately turned out to make the best garnish because of their sour taste, which suited the warm meaty, oily and earthy tones of the clay pot rice. Finally I was content. This recipe was designed for Wangji to make. It had to be nothing but perfect. And it should be cooked according to Chinese cuisine traditions.
We also wanted to show how meticulous Wangji can be with cooking. That's why he's looking at the cup like he's up to murder. He's just looking very closely if this is the right amount of broth to add to the rice. The recipe is written in academic style for the same reason.
So yeah, that's the story of our 9-month journey of creating this. Was super fun and exiting, I had perfect excuses to visit my friend more frequently than usual. But at times titiring and frustrating, cause oftentimes things didn't go as planned and were very time consuming. I'm totally up to repeating a similar experience in a year or two tho :D
I'll be very glad if someone will cook this and tell me or show me how it turned out. I hope you'll like it as much as I do! 😁
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dellalyra · 1 year
✵ Records ✵
Satoru x Reader
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Part of…
✵ Pixie’s 1.5k Follower Celebration ✵
Request from @luckimoon
Sweet! Tysm :D♡
May I request a moodboard or playlist with Satoru Gojo. (Romantically)
I'm fine with anything you'd like or feel comfortable with, no pressure, hehe. 😂
If I'm missing anything, please let me know, and I'll be happy to help 🥰
Summary: You and Satoru’s relationship, categorised and immortalised through songs, with drabbles and scenarios for each one. NSFW and MDNI 18+ only
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‘Til I Found You - Stephen Sanchez
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you
The life of sorcery is teeming with horrors and Satoru’s Atlas shoulders and the sadness you’ve both encountered can sometimes be a lot. But then, you have each other. You two are the definition of soulmates, you once said to him you think the universe made you both as halves so you could be one whole puzzle piece together - to which he wholeheartedly agreed.
Yes to Heaven - Lana Del Rey
If you dance I'll dance
I'll put my red dress on again
And if you fight I'll fight
It doesn't matter, now it's all gone
I've got my mind on you
I've got my mind on you
You two never faced any challenge alone. Since day one, you’ve been a team. Higher ups? You both hate them, it’s a date to argue with them. Curses? Let’s do it together, baby. Stray children? They’re our kids now. Grief? Shouldered by both. The weight of the world? Lighter on two sets of shoulders.
Stargirl - The Weekend ft. Lana Del Rey
A vision of my nails in the kitchen
Scratching counter tops, I was screaming
My back arched like a cat
My position couldn't stop
You were hitting it
Your man just never failed to hit that perfect little spot, and how could he not? Your tight warmth was made for him. Sex with Satoru was never mediocre - there was nothing that made him feel stronger than having you writhing and screaming him name beneath him, his perfect princess.
You Can Be The Boss - Lana Del Rey
You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
There’s something about having this immense man take complete control of you that will never fail to have your panties damp and begging for his attention. Knowing you’re his, just for him, all for him, is fuel to both your fires. He loves to have you, so fucking pretty and so fucking powerful, under his control, willingly doing as he pleases, that will never not have him straining in his pants. He is wholly devoted to you, worships you like a goddess, and god does it feel so good.
Young God - Halsey
He says, "Ooh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends
I'm the king, and you're the queen, and we will stumble through heaven
The Strongest Sorcerer, the honoured one throughout heaven and earth, the first to wield both the six eyes and limitless in 400 years, head of one of the three big clans - he was the closest thing this world had to a god. You - powerful in your own right, a cursed technique and innate abilities passed down through generations of your family for a thousand years, supposedly descended from legends yourself - the strongest, just below Satoru. Together - you were unstoppable.
Lucky Ones - Lana Del Rey
Every now and then, the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?
Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time
Mariner’s Apartment Complex - Lana Del Rey
You lose your way, just take my hand
You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again
Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am
Unconditional. That’s the love you and Satoru have. There’s nothing that can’t be dealt with by each others side. No matter what - it’s you guys against the problem.
Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift
Don't blame me, love made me crazy
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
Lord, save me, my drug is my baby
I'll be usin' for the rest of my life
There is nothing that you two wouldn’t do for each other. You’re the definition of each other’s ride or die. Satoru’s feral side is most prominent when you’re in the path of danger. You’re his to protect and defend, and nothing - will ever change that.
Sway - Michael Bublé
Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway, I go weak
There was a big Jujutsu society soirée to celebrate something or rather that none of you were paying attention to, all you guys knew was champagne and dancing. Satoru and Suguru in full tuxedos as per the black tie dress code and you and Shoko in the finest of gowns. Mei Mei, Utahime, Nanami and Haibara were there too - everyone dolled up to the nines. Satoru’s jaw nearly dropped to the ground as you came down the stairs in that delectable blue satin gown, arm in arm with Shoko. Your skin became clammy and flushed at the sight of Satoru in a tux because god did he look delicious. At the height of the party, Satoru suavely asked you to dance when this song came on and pressed you against him, around slightly too low for ‘just friends’ as you liked to say and your eyes lingering slightly too long on the pale expanse of the column of his throat. Shoko and Geto looked on, and she slipped him a twenty that you two would finally hook up that night seeing how intimately you two swayed together. She lost the twenty that night, it would take another month or so.
My Girl - The Temptations
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside
I've got the month of May
Satoru definitely sang this very passionately at karaoke one night not long after you both finally got together, your blushing face hiding behind Geto’s shoulder as he just laughed at you both.
She’s Always A Woman - Billy Joel
She is frequently kind and she's suddenly cruel
But she can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool
And she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree
And the most she will do is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me
I can picture this song playing as the soundtrack to a scene of Satoru looking through his office window at you training the students on the field - your raw cursed power visible and amazing the kids looking on your demonstrations. He loves every part of you. Your heart, your warmth, your kindness, you intelligence, the wicked smile when you’re exorcising curses and the mirthful laugh you let out in a fight. You’re the perfect woman to him.
Falling in Love - Cigarettes After Sex
When I hold you close to me
I could always see a house by the ocean
Last night I could hear the waves
As I heard you say, "All that I want is to be yours"
Your head was on Satoru’s bare chest one night, in his dorm room, you were both almost 19 now and finishing high school, and deciding your next step. He asked you what you wanted and you said is all you wanted to be was his, to which he responded forever. You had decided on moving in together, somewhere peaceful, he thought. Removed - and safe. Somewhere pretty, with a garden for you. A place that you could maybe raise kids one day. Somewhere where he’s not the strongest and you’re not the heir to a mythical jujutsu clan. Where you’re just Satoru and Y/N. Yeah, that sounds pretty good.
Pretty Boy - The Neighbourhood
Even if my heart stops beating
You're the only thing I need, ooh, with me
Even if the Earth starts shaking
You're the only thing worth taking, ooh, with me
You two go through so much craziness and so many battles that there is no relationship more solid than you, built on unwavering trust and almost telepathic understanding. You soon learn that all each of you needs is each other, that’s when the world feels most okay.
I’ve Got You (Under My Skin) - Frank Sinatra
I've got you under my skin
I've got you deep in the heart of me
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me
I've got you under my skin
This was your first dance song at your wedding. Something with a happy tune and god the lyrics just fit. Satoru in his navy suit and you in that beautiful cream gown, close family and friends cheering along as you both hum along in each others ears, giggling and swaying along on the dance floor of your rooftop wedding. A moment, truly, crafted by the gods.
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newedensgarden · 9 months
Joy is simple. Who would've thought an old marine would have cracked the code like me. Before they knew it, it grew to four. Two grown girls. One teen boy. And one toddler boy. Moriah crouched through the bushes and trees, vibrant and alive in color and blending in perfect with her skin of kaleidoscope colors. She, for you see, was pregnant. Picking flowers. Picking leaves, sticks. Rocks and bugs. A warrior woman with a little warrior on board. She grips the beads on her wrist. Each charm hanging from her rosegold bracelet. A memory. The birth of the first. A bead for when they adopted. A daughter whose conception was a total mystery. A bead for every memory. "When I first met your father, I tried to kill him." "it was love at first sight." They would tell their little odd fairytales of how they met to their children at bedtimes. West's mom, Elizabeth. She had to always make the joke "It stopped being a bundle a while ago. Now, they are just a gaggle of geese." Then she passed. Everyone did. All the kids of the mason family became a murder of crows. Especially with the news. The family went back to the farm, but some of them stayed behind in New Orleans. Looked after the Anne Rice house. And then…there was the triplets on board. Waiting and ready, far too eager to enter the world. West knew a few things about life. He taught his eighteen year old son how to hunt and fish. And how to pursue things he was interested in. Moriah showed him media to help him through school, taught him what she learned when she was his age. As for the young one, West is still trying to figure that one out. He babbles. The Cowboy tries to babble back. And then they end up yapping at each other in something that could only be described as giberish or perhaps a language they made up. Simlish? Moriah swears it sounds like Simlish. Happiness is simple. Like Moriah decorating the new nursery and arguing between what kind of dinos she wants on the walls. Because believe you me, Westie and Moriah's kids are all creatures. Joy is easy sometimes. Like date night. Getting away from the baseball team of a family. Doing something that Moriah and West specifically love, just for them. Just to bond. To remind. Last time it was a graveyard then goth icecream. But it had stained both their teeth black for three days. Tonight's date, they got to dress each other up however they wanted with no arguments. Moriah, knowing her husband way too well and having a soft spot for certain Cowboys, she dressed him in goth button ups, jeans, and a black fancy hat to complete it. He didn't remotely want to imagine how much the entire outfit cost. Also, as West lead his gorgeous lady to the dance floor, he was thanking whatever deity was listening that he had to spend most of the satan's ballsack summer . . . in the sun. So Daddy Mason dropped a good amount of weight and is regaining muscles. Watch out, Mama Mo. Growing more and more. West let the younger ones meet Chris Pratt once. And he called the Masons a raptor pack. At that time, his wife watched the kids so he could cry in the car briefly before they left. West fucking loves dinosaurs.
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killingkueen · 5 years
Irish Twins
Previous chapters on  AO3
Summary: Aaron Gold always knew, in his own way. Belle Kingston, on the other hand, had no idea. In the end, there really isn’t that much difference between water and wine. A switched at birth AU
Note: Whoops it’s been a long time. I’ve been going through some stuff. 
I edited the previous chapters but it’s mostly just cosmetic stuff so don’t feel you have to go back and reread everything. But there is a change I made: Gaston is now a police man. So. That’s a thing.
Thank you to those who gently nudged me and asked after this story. It really means a lot to me that you still care. 
Bae woke up to someone shaking his shoulder.
“Bae,” he heard. Sounded like Neal.
“Mmmpf.” He turned his face into his pillows, pulling up the covers to his chin.
“Bae,” Neal said again, drawing out his name in a whine.
Eyes blurry and half-focused, he stole a look at the clock, where he could make out the numbers 7 and 4 before he flopped back down and closed his eyes. He rolled over again and instead of smacking Neal with his pillow, he pulled it over his head. Bae didn’t care what time it was—it felt too early to be awake. Especially on a Sunday.
Neal didn’t seem to agree.
“Bae, come on.”
“What do you want?” he asked, turning over yet again, pulling the pillow up so they could look at each other. Neal was lucky holding a pillow over his head made it hard to breathe.
“....your papa’s downstairs.”
Papa was always downstairs. Whether Bae was going to bed or waking up, he rarely found his father in his own bedroom. He was half convinced he never slept, period (which was actually kinda cool. It sounded like a movie: who wore suits and slept upside down in his study like a bat? Vampire Dad! Yeah, he’d watch that).
“Mom’s not up yet.”
Bae squinted. Neal was still in his pajamas, but under one arm was his new sketchbook and the pack of colored pencils that Bae knew had been left downstairs last night.
“Are you…” Bae sat up, frowning. “Are you afraid to be alone with him?”
Neal scowled. “No.”
Bae kept frowning. He knew Neal was different from him, knew that Belle was different from Gold. He and Belle clicked together like puzzle pieces, but like puzzle pieces, Neal and Gold kept having to be turned and moved about until the right sides matched up. He didn’t get why it was taking so long.
“You know, I failed the spelling test last week,” Bae said, sitting up. “And since it was the third in a row, I had to take a note home for Papa to sign.”
Neal’s eyebrows raised in alarm even as they drew together suspiciously. “What’d he say?”
“He asked if I studied, and I said ‘no.’ Then he asked if I was going to study for the next test, and I said ‘probably not.’”
“Yeah. He said ‘fair enough’ and signed the paper.”
“Seriously? That’s it?”
Bae shrugged. “It’s just spelling. That's why autocorrect is a thing.” Gold had told him once that he didn’t care what his grades were as long as Bae was okay with how hard he worked
“Yeah, but you failed a test. You failed three.”
“It’s not like I fail every test,” he snapped, the annoyance sudden and sharp. He was trying to explain that his Papa wasn’t scary. “Why? What happens when you fail?” he said before Neal could respond.
Neal shifted his feet. “I don’t know. I’ve never failed a test before.”
“C’mon. There has to be something you didn’t pass.”
“I don’t do that great in PE,” Neal said after a pause.
Bae flopped down on his back, face to the ceiling. Neal was gangly; all elbows and knees, and shorter than Bae was. He bet Neal was picked last when they did teams, and was probably the first one out. It didn’t make him feel any better.
He felt the bed dip near his feet, and heard the swish of pajamas against a comforter as Neal pushed himself up.
“Bae?” he asked.
There was a long pause, longer than any before. It made Bae push up on his elbows. Neal was sitting at the end of his bed, shoulders hunched over the notebook in his lap. The colored pencils were beside him.
“What is it?” Bae prompted.
“Is…” he trailed off. Bae saw him grip his notebook tighter, then immediately release it only to hold it tight again.
It was on the tip of his tongue to tell him to ask his question or go away so he could go back to sleep when Neal blurted “Is your papa gay?”
Gay? Bae thought about what Neal had said in the kitchen last night during dinner: but you’re a boy.
“Why would you ask that?”
He saw Neal’s shoulder twitch in something resembling a shrug. “Your house is pink.”
“Pink is for girls.”
Bae scrunched his nose. “Emma hates pink.”
“Who’s Emma?”
“She’s my best friend.”
Neal turned to look at him, first in confusion. When he saw Bae wasn’t joking, his mouth set in a half-frown, half-sneer that Bae immediately hated.
“You’re best friends with a girl?” he asked.
“Emma’s cool.”
“Girls are dumb.”
“She’s not.”
Neal scoffed, and Bae hated that, too. He drew his knees up to his chest, the covers following.
“So is he?”
“Why do you care?”
He frowned, his eyebrows drawing down, his head tilting to the side, like he was trying to do a really hard math problem in his head. “I don’t.”
“Then why would you ask me that?”
Neal flinched, but he tried hard not to. “I just want to know.”
(his papa always said that being curious was a good thing; wanting to understand the world around him was a good thing)
Bae stared at him, at his stupid sharp nose and stupid short hair. He wanted to kick him off the bed. He wanted to demand an apology, but for what, Bae couldn’t put into words. He laid down on his back, face to the ceiling so he wouldn’t have to look at Neal.
“So, is he?”
“I don’t know,” Bae said, his chest still feeling tight. His ceiling was white and boring. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Hm.” Neal ran his hands over his sketchbook. He bowed his head a little forward. “Do you think it’s bad? Being gay?”
After a breath in and one out, Bae sat up, kicking his covers off so he could fold his legs criss-cross. “Do you think it is?”
Neal was still looking at his floor (which was just as interesting as his ceiling) and he shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s why I asked you.”
He didn’t say anything for a long time, and Neal didn’t move. They stayed still, like seeds growing roots.
“Ruby has a girlfriend,” Bae said finally. “Her name is Dorothy and she likes horses.”
“She’s gay?”
“I didn’t know girls could be gay.” Neal hummed, and Bae could almost see everything in his head turning the new information over. “I like Ruby. She’s funny.”
Nodding hard, Be said, “If you like Ruby, then you can’t think being gay is bad.”
Neal nodded slower. “I guess that makes sense.”
“Of course it does,” he said, his eyes sliding down to his lap where Neal’s new colored pencils sat. He remembered what brought Neal to his room in the first place.
“Did Papa see you when you went downstairs?”
Neal followed his gaze to the pencils. He straightened the pack so it sat neatly on his notebook. “Oh. No. I was already there. I heard him coming down.”
As if that explained everything.
“Why were you downstairs at all?”
He shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep last night, so I went back down ‘cause I wanted to keep drawing and I eventually fell asleep on the couch. I don’t think he saw me, ‘cause he went into the kitchen without saying anything.”
“You couldn’t sleep?”
“Someone kept interrupting Mom reading.”
“He can’t live in a cupboard. There’s not enough room, even if it is under the stairs. It doesn’t make sense!”
“It’s a story about magic—”
“It should still make sense!”
“Well if you let her get through an entire paragraph, maybe it would.”
“You’re the one that said the first two books were boring anyway,” Bae said, smiling despite himself. He wasn’t that upset, and neither was Neal judging by the same smile on his face. “Did you finish, at least?” he asked with a nod to the notebook.
“Uhm, yeah, I did.” Neal ran his hands over the cover.
“Well? Can I see?”
Neal opened his notebook, but then he swallowed, hesitating. “Do you bring stuff home? From school?”
“You mean stuff from art class, right? Yeah, sure. Why?”
Neal shrugged, frowning down at his lap. “There’s nothing on your fridge.”
“Oh!” Bae wondered for just a second why it was a thing for every adult to pin artwork there, of all places. “I’m not that proud of anything, I guess. I don’t care.”
“Does he throw them away?”
“Nah, Papa keeps everything. He still has my first baby tooth, somewhere.”
“I think Mom kept mine, too.”
Bae shrugged. “Parents are weird.”
Nodding in agreement, Neal seemed to steel himself. He used one hand to hold his notebook steady, then carefully began pulling the first page from the binding. Bae held his breath as the the paper gave a small fpt with each gentle tug. A part of him couldn’t believe that Neal would rip out a page, the first page even, but he was afraid to say it in case Neal decided to stop.
“Here,” Neal said when he was done, the frayed edges catching slightly in the bed spread as he tried to slide it across.
Before Neal could change his mind and snatch it back, Bae picked it up. First, all he saw was shapeless color, but then he could make out a house.
Neal had drawn his house, lines wobbly but mostly straight, but it wasn’t pink. It had been drawn as shapes that all fit together, each shape a different color. It was like looking at a finished paint-by-the-number page, only if Neal had ignored the numbers completely and colored however he wanted to.
It was kind of cool.
“Can you give it to him?” asked Neal, watching his face with bright eyes.
“He’s gonna know I didn’t draw it.”
“Yeah, I know,” Neal leaned over and pointed to the the bottom of the porch steps (one light blue, one dark green, one a deep maroon). “I signed it, see?”
“That’s not a signature. They’re supposed to be messy and hard to read.”
“I want him to know who it’s from.”
Bae just looked at him, wondering if there was a joke he was missing. “Then you give it to him.”
“No.” Neal’s eyes flitted away from Bae, and to the floor, his ears turning pink.
“Why not?”
Instead of answering, he scooted back on the bed so he was leaning against the wall.
“Do you think he won’t like it?” Bae asked.
His only answer was a shrug. He looked back down at the drawing. It was better than anything Bae could draw, and Gold loved everything Bae made, which meant that he would especially love this.
He said as much to Neal, but again, no response. His chin was resting on his knees, and he was watching Bae with a frown.
Bae resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Come on,” he said, throwing his legs over the bed. “I’ll go with you.”
He waited until Neal had stood up before giving him back the drawing, which he took with clear reluctance. “Maybe after breakfast,” Neal suggested.
“You’ll just chicken out if we wait.”
“Will not,” he sputtered.
“Will to. C’mon,” Bae said again, pulling his door open.
“Hey Bae?”
“I’m sorry I called Emma dumb.”
Bae paused in the doorway. He wiggled his toes, the carpet soft.
“If she’s friends with you she’s probably not,” Neal said, his voice fast. He was looking at the floor again.
“She’s not. Thanks.” Something deep in his stomach unwound. It felt a lot like relief.
As they came to the stairs, Bae came to a standstill, Neal nearly bumping into his shoulder. He looked behind him down the hall, to Belle’s door, which hung open to show an empty bed. She must have woken up.
“Don’t tell her I failed my spelling tests.”
Neal nodded, his face serious. “Okay.”
With a resolute nod, Bae made his way down the stairs. Neal was going much slower, but at least he was following.
As they neared the kitchen, Bae thought about how best to say I told you so when they finally made it. He knew no one liked hearing it (Emma called it being smug) but Neal clearly needed to be told several times that Gold wasn’t about to unhinge his jaw and swallow him whole (though it would be so cool if he could actually do that).
Bae paused at the threshold, waiting for Neal to catch up. He heard the clanking sounds of dishes and two voices. It was like dinner last night, but better because this time there was the smell of coffee and his mother was laughing at some story his papa was telling, and the sunlight was lighting up the hall and he never knew how good this all could feel. He woke up to Emma’s parents together whenever he spent the night with her, to them smiling in their kitchen and smelling like breakfast. It wasn’t something he’d ever thought he’d have himself, so he never bothered wanting it.
The novelty ended as soon as his stomach gurgled. With a final look to Neal, he walked through the doorway to see Gold sitting at the kitchen table and Belle leaning against the counter, coffee mugs wrapped in both their hands.
Belle saw him first. “Good morning,” she chirped.
“You’re up early,” Gold said, turning. “It’s not even 9 o’clock.”
“Only cause Neal woke me up. Good morning,” he said to his mother, trotting over as if being pulled by a magnet. She smiled at him, holding an arm out for a hug, which he was more than happy to give.
Gold took a sip of his coffee. “You, Neal, have done the impossible.” He winked at him over his mug.
Neal didn’t say anything, but considering he was the closest one to Gold now, Bae considered it a win.
“How about some breakfast?” Gold suggested. “Still interested in eggs in a basket?”
Neal nodded when it became clear no one else was going to answer for him.
“Great. Would you like to help? I promise they’re a lot more fun to make than pizza dough.”
“Okay,” Neal said. His eyes flickered to the fridge, then to Bae, who was leaning against Belle, her arm slung around his shoulders. “I finished,” he blurted, holding his paper up like proof, like a shield.
“Ah.” Gold’s eyes were drawn downward, to where he could only see the blank side. He set his cup on the table. “May I—see it?”
Neal shot a look at Bae again. “Okay,” he said, taking another slow step towards Gold.
Bae looked up at Belle, hoping to share an exasperated eye-roll, but her full attention was on the scene before them. Neal must not share his artwork all that much.
When Neal was finally close enough and holding his paper out, Gold carefully took it from his hands.
Bae watched his eyebrows rise as he took it in. “Well,” he said around the beginnings of a delighted smile. “Look at this.”
“I can redo it if you want. Make it pink.”
“Oh no. No, no, no. Neal,” Gold scooted his chair back slightly, making room for Neal to step closer. “This is perfect.”
“I got to see it first,” Bae said as Neal’s ears turned bright pink.
“Needed your seal of approval, hm?” Belle asked, running a hand through his hair.
“This is an amazing exercise in color theory,” Gold said, and Bae could see every thought of breakfast go out of his head.
“What’s that?” Neal asked.
“See how well all the colors go together? Even though you have all kinds of different shades, they don’t clash, or look garish.”
“Garish,” Neal repeated. “That means ugly.”
“Tacky,” Gold corrected. “But I can say definitively that this is neither.”
Neal shrugged, looking self-conscious even as he pressed his lips together to keep from smiling. “I just didn’t want to use pink.”
Gold huffed. “You’re a natural.” He risked placing a hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong with pink?”
Neal’s shoulders twitched like he wanted to shrug but didn’t want to displace Gold’s hand. “Dumb color, is all.”
“It’s historic,” he said. “Old Victorians like this one were often painted loud colors, like yellow or purple or, well, pink. It helped enhance the details of the building itself. That was before the first World War, though, because—“
“Papa, I’m hungry.” If they didn’t stop him now, they’d never get breakfast finished.
Gold looked over to where Bae and Belle were still standing.
“Ah. Yes. Of course. Let’s get started on something to eat, hm?” His gaze drew back to the paper on the table. “I...may I keep this?”
Neal’s eyes were round when he nodded.
Gold smiled, and giving Neal’s shoulder one last squeeze he pulled himself from his chair and limped over to the refrigerator, where he proudly stuck the drawing to the front with a magnet.
All throughout breakfast, Neal would steal glances at the fridge, the drawing the only burst of color across the steel.
“Can I call tonight?” Bae asked as he watched Neal tie his shoes.
The day had been spent inside, safe and warm in the pink Victorian. Gold had dug out all the pictures he had of Bae, and he and Belle spent the rest of the morning comparing childhoods; the growth spurts and bandages, the obligations, birthday parties and first days of school.
Gold had expected Bae to suggest another excursion out in the town, but he had been quiet as breakfast ended. After helping clear the table and load the dishwasher, he and Neal had retreated to the den and like the night before had stayed close even as they did their own activities.
It was...nice. Familiar. Again, Gold felt how easy it was to be with Belle and Neal, to have them there as if this was what all their Sundays were.
It made Belle’s constant look to the clock all the more sour.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, right after dinner,” Belle said. Her own shoes were firmly on her feet, her coat buttoned, her overnight bag resolutely at her feet.
Neal looped the laces together, pulling on the loops of the bow. He pulled too far, and the ends slipped through the knot. He started over.
“Can we go to Boston next weekend, Papa?” Bae asked, switching tactics. “We can go back to the science museum, and we can show Neal the parts he missed.”
“You have Emma’s birthday party next weekend,” Gold reminded him.
“Oh. Well, Neal can come,” he said, hardly pausing for breath.
“No, that’s perfect! He can see that she’s really cool and her parties are always fun with lots of—”
He cut off when Belle hugged him. She pulled back to kiss his forehead, her smile sweet. “We’ll see you soon, okay Bae? I promise.”
Bae sighed. Shrugged. Neal pulled his laces tight, the bow finally staying in place.
“Yeah. Okay.”
“Mr. A-Aaron?”
Gold looked to see Neal staring up at him, his backpack slung over his shoulder.
Neal shot a glance to his mom, who was currently locked in a phone call negotiation with Bae. Gold had a moment to admire her will power before two skinny arms wrapped around his middle.
“Thank you for letting us stay,” Neal said, his voice muffled from where it pressed into his waistcoat.
Gold laid a hand on his head, fingers carding through his son’s short hair. “Any time, lad,” he said. He hooked his cane to the stairs so he could hug Neal properly.
“See you next time,” Neal said, ears pink, when he pulled back.
“I can’t wait,” Gold said honestly.
“Tomorrow,” Belle repeated firmly. “And we can talk for as long as you like if your homework’s done.”
“Careful with that promise, Belle,” Gold said as the front door opened. She smiled at him, and with a final wave from her and Neal, walked out.
They were cleaning up the remains of dinner when Bae’s eyes trailed over to the fridge, to Neal’s drawing that was hanging proudly by the magnet.
“You can’t throw it away,” Bae said, nodding to it.
Gold covered what was left of the pasta. “Of course I won’t throw it away.”
“I mean it. You have to keep it on the fridge forever.”
“Forever, hm?” Gold said, raising an eyebrow.
Bae scowled, not appreciating the banter. “I mean it. Gaston throws away Neal’s drawings. You have to keep it.”
Any humor left Gold’s face. His lips pursed, as if he had just bit into a lemon. “He tell you that?”
“No, but Gaston’s an asshole,” he said. “And that’s what assholes do.”
“Language,” Gold chided even as he nodded in agreement, frowning as he studied the picture. “I’m not going to throw it away, Bae,” he said, softly.
“Yeah.” He blew a loud breath through his nose. “Neal asked me if you were gay.”
A short bark of laughter escaped purely from surprise, but maybe he should have seen that one coming.
“It’s not funny,” Bae scowled again. “He asked it like, like, you were sick or something.”
“You’re right, it’s not.” Gold put his hands on the counter. The marble was smooth and clean, cold against his hands. He remembered the hug Neal had given him, and how sweet his smile was at his praise. “I don’t think he meant it like that.”
“Whatever,” Bae said. He walked out of the kitchen, and soon Gold heard his heavy steps on the stairs.
He looked out into his garden. There was an itch in the back of his mind, a thought that he had once pushed very firmly back. Here it was again, though, tantalizing in its underhandedness. Pursuing the thought would likely mean setting aflame the bridge he was building with Belle, or watching it crumble into the gorge. He might lose any chance he had at a friendly relationship with her, intimate or otherwise.
It was either burn that bridge or watch as Neal was poisoned by a man who held no love for the boy.
Really, the choice was easy.
It was a crisp fall evening on a Sunday, and he pulled out his phone to call his lawyer.
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
Well, you've done DC. How about Marvel?
Okay, this one was REALLY tricky. XD The issue with Marvel is that while there is one character who is consistently one I adore, the rest of the characters I can have kink crushes on tend to be in flux, so to speak. Like, sometimes I'll like them a whole lot, sometimes I'll only like them a small bit, sometimes I'll like certain designs or portrayals and not others, etc. So there are NUMEROUS Marvel characters I wouldn't mind writing for and can fantasize about, but how much those levels stand is forever fluctuating. Having said that, this won't REALLY be a Top 5 of favorites, but more...a Top 5 of consistency. Because aside from my number one (and maybe my number two), the other characters here fluctuate in terms of how much I like them compared to others. HOWEVER, they are ALL characters I CONSISTENTLY enjoy to some degree or another in a pred/big eater role. (Mostly pred, if you haven't guessed from previous answers.) Now, let's get into them...
5. Galactus.
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Ah, yes, the Eater of Worlds himself. In point of fact, Galactus' literally cosmic appetite is both his biggest pro AND his biggest con. Galactus is a veritable god of destruction; a nigh-omnipotent being whose entire existence REVOLVES around consumption on a massive scale. Galactus literally eats worlds; he absorbs all energy the planet has into his being, and his hunger is neverending. Time and again he's come after Earth, but every time, he's outsmarted by the heroes and left to find some other place to gorge himself. On the one hand, God-level predators are freaking AWESOME, and that level of sheer hunger is INTENSELY squeak-and-blush-inducing. On the other hand, however, it doesn't leave much room for intimacy or for writing that will present an especially great amount of conflict. As a result, Galactus' appetite is both incredibly appealing and yet slightly off-putting for me.
4. Fin Fang Foom.
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While his name is pretty silly, this giant dragon is actually one of Marvel's most underrated and intensely powerful antagonists. Originally imagined as a sort of unlikely cross between Godzilla and Fu Manchu - a monstrous distillation of all things that terrified people during the Yellow Scare - Fin Fang Foom has evolved with the times and, much like the Mandarin, still has a steady home at Marvel in the comics and in animation. He's not very well known, however, I think mostly because he hasn't appeared in any movies. As you know, I love dragons, and Fin Fang Foom is a dandy of a beast: a regularly rampaging monster who is, indeed, a canon pred. The image used here is actually from a defective clone of Fin Fang Foom, which had much of his power but little of his intelligence; the REAL Fin Fang Foom is actually highly intellectual...but this does not make him any less ravenous than the version depicted above. (Plus...come on, with imagery and writing like that, I HAD to make this the image I shared.) He's pretty much perfect for macro/micro type stuff, if you're into dragons.
3. Nightcrawler.
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There are several X-Men characters I have had crushes on: Beast, Blob, Toad, and Sabretooth are the chief ones. However, in all four of these cases, how much I like them tends to fluctuate, as I've said before: it depends on a LOT of factors. However, the one X-Men character I seem to consistently want to stuff full of food or end up feeding myself to is, ironically, one of the least likely options: Kurt Wagner, a.k.a. Nightcrawler. I WOULD say this is because he's my favorite X-Men character (which is true), but I don't really think that's the reason. There's not much evidence of Kurt being an ESPECIALLY big eater, and certainly no evidence of him being of a predatory mindset...yet he has developed a niche group of vore-loving or belly-loving fans who really love the thought of feeding him one way or another, and I am in that niche. I think it's a mixture of his design and his personality: Kurt looks like a fanged, fuzzy demon, but his soul is actually that of a very fine fellow. He's an impish mischief maker, a charismatic and chivalrous gentleman, and a kind, charitable, religiously devout sweetheart, all at the same time. You can imagine Nightcrawler being a big tease to someone who has certain kinks, but you can also imagine him being very docile or very comforting. He's pretty much a tailor made character for the softer, safer, more playful sides of these interests almost without trying.
2. Tiger Shark.
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I've only come to know Tiger Shark fairly recently, and I haven't READ much of him...but with what I have seen of him and learned of him, he's definitely worthy of the number two spot. Remember how I said in a previous thing of these sorts that Killer Croc was sort of "King Shark done right"? Yeah, I think Tiger Shark is an even more accurate example of that. In the comics, this rogue's story goes like this: Todd Arliss was once an Olympic swimmer who lost his abilities in an accident: desperate to regain his athletic capabilities, he gave himself over to experimentation, and his DNA was fused with that of a tiger shark, and also of the mythical Sub-Mariner, Prince Namor. The resulting mutation turned Arliss into a predatory monster, with superhuman strength and a savage appetite. Over the years, Arliss has been depicted less and less human and more and more animalistic by various artists; whether this is a canon show of his worsening mutation or just artistic license is anyone's guess. Tiger Shark has a more consistent personality than King Shark, and while his design has changed over the years, he's at least retained the basic concepts, as well as his hunger. I have to admit that I actually prefer a version OUTSIDE of the comics for my interests: the version that appears in the series "Avengers Assemble," which gives him a whole new backstory and a decidedly beastly design. If I were to write for the guy, I'd likely follow that one more closely. Still, the comic version definitely has some merits, too.
1. Venom.
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Now, I'm specifically talking about the original Eddie Brock Venom; other versions just don't interest me as much. With that out of the way...Venom didn't START OUT as a predatory beast, but quite quickly, as time went on, the character became more and more focused on that aspect of things. Just looking at the guy, it's easy to see why. The Jekyll-and-Hyde-esque relationship between Eddie Brock and the ravenous Symbiote that controls him is one that can be used for both comedy and tragedy, and Venom's gluttonous, aggressive, and at times delightfully witty personality makes him a very fun character to imagine. He can devour massive amounts, has a canonical love of chocolate (as well as human flesh), and has more appealing dialogue than you can shake a stick at throughout his long history. He's right up there with Killer Croc as one of my favorite predator crushes in comics, and possibly the only Marvel character I can consistently say I adore above ALL others.
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drakewalkerfantasy · 3 years
Consequences: Chapter 2 NSFW*
Jordan Williams is a former Marine who starts a new life joining Medical school at age of 27.
Rachel Ferguson is a freshly out of college graduate and Medical school 1st year student.
Two complete strangers who fell in bed together for a night of solace from their moment of anger and hurt. By chance, they were brought together and their fates intertwined.
Not realising yet that not only they share the same house, they also share the person they cannot lose no matter what.
What will happen when the reality of the one night’s actions filled with lust and anger will hit them both? What will happen when he will find out that the girl he spent the night with is not only his housemate but also his best friend’s little sister? The one he swore to himself never to touch, the one for whom he will never be good enough. Will he be able to keep his hands off her? Or are they doomed from the beginning?
Words: 3600
Authors notes: Some chapters maybe NSFW or have a mature content
Jordan Williams x Rachel Ferguson (Rae, Rae-Rae)
**Warnings: Alcohol consumption, anger, bad decisions, NSFW, sex, heavy make out.*
Warning: Minors DNI.
Previous chapters: Chapter 1
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“Don’t you ever look where you are going,” Jordan grunted. His gaze lowered to the petite blonde girl in his embrace. The one he ran into earlier. The one he couldn’t get out of his thoughts, still feeling the attraction he felt earlier during her dance. Electricity zipping through him mixed with the anger and frustration he felt earlier.
“Don’t you?” she parried as angrily, throwing his hands off her shoulders and taking a step back increasing the distance between them.
“I watched,” he snapped, taking a step forward, looming over her. Ignoring the sharp pain in his hip. Their eyes locked onto each other blazing with fury.
“Funny thing as this is already the second time you run into me. So now if you excuse me I need to go,” snapped Rachel, abruptly turning around.
But as soon as she took a hasty step forward her heel gave way and she felt how the ground started to slip from under her feet until she felt his strong hands on her, grabbing her firmly by her hips and steadying her in place. 
Her back pressed to him and she could feel how his chest raised and fell heavily with each breath. The electricity from his touch struck through her and she gasped quietly from the feeling. 
Slightly she wiggled away from him, brushing her ass against his crotch. Feeling how his fingers flexed, digging into her hips. His hold on her firm but gentle and she could swear that she heard the barely audible hiss leaving his lips before he turned her to face him. 
Their lips just a mere breath away from each other, and their breathing elevated from the increasing desire and attraction flaring up between them.
“For Christ’s sake, what is your problem!” huffed Rachel hoarsely, barely recognising her own voice. Feeling how his body pressed into hers, while his fingers dug into her hips with tiny pressure, making her groan from the feeling, involuntarily arching closer to him.
They both stared into each other's eyes. Their lips parted, breathing heavily, feeling how the electricity crackled between them. Their eyes dropped to each other’s lips simultaneously, and before they could realise what is happening they moved toward each other. Their lips crashing in a passionate hungry kiss intensified by the anger that was still sizzling in them before their minds switched off, giving way to lust. Their kisses grew hungrier and more desperate, fuelled by the fury that they felt only a moment ago. Their lips meeting in a bruising kiss. Their hands exploring each other's bodies, not able to break contact.
“Yours or mine place,” Rachel asked between kisses. Her voice - just a little bit shaky, when the question she didn’t plan to ask dropped from her lips embarrassingly breathless.
She could feel how his body went rigid under her touch. His lips froze just a fraction away from hers not really touching anymore. Immediately missing the heat of his lips on hers. And even though she wanted to feel relieved, she felt nothing but disappointed. 
She tried to order herself to move... to pull away from him, but apparently her brains had other plans, even though she didn’t want to acknowledge that. At least not so openly, and not with her body betraying her so shamelessly. Not wanting to admit, that the moment their eyes met across the dance floor her body awakened the way she didn't realise was possible. Making her want him the way she never wanted anyone before. Feeling the sparks of electricity coursing through her. Thinking that they both felt it, but apparently it was only her.
She was only a second away from stepping back, but before she could do that he kissed her again. And it felt as if all the world around her froze the second their lips touched. Feeling the desire zipping through her from the way his body pushed against hers pressing her into the wall. Feeling his arousal against her abdomen. Instantly silencing all the thoughts she had just a moment ago.
She hooked her leg around his hip, the heel of her shoe digging firmer into the flesh of his jeans clad ass, bringing him even closer to her. His firm thigh slipped in between her legs pressing against her core with the perfect amount of pressure. Making her gasp softly, when he slowly rolled it against her.
His hand traveled up under her dress, caressing her soft skin. His fingers flitted across her thigh and toward her soaking center, raising a rush of goosebumps in their wake. She groaned when his thumb grazed the dampened material, dragging it over her panties toward her clit and pressing it firmly against it.
The question took him by surprise, but he tried not to show it. Her body moved over his thigh pressing firmer against it, while the most delicious sounds he ever heard were leaving her lips. The mix of the breathless gasps and soft moans made his cock throb with desire, and the way her body moved made him groan in return. His fingers flexed on her hip and his thumb worked over her clit with strong but careful strokes, holding her just on the edge of the climax, but not letting her go yet.
He swallowed hard, feeling how his control slipped away from him, grabbing harder to it in an attempt to catch the last bits of self-restraint before taking a minute to assess the situation.
He never was the one to rush into something without calculating the risks. Always was the one to think through the consequences of his actions, making sure that both parties knew exactly what they were going into. Needing to know first if the decision wasn’t spurt by her anger and fueled by the alcohol she consumed. Needing to know first that she could think clearly before he would give her reply. So instead of answering he deepened the kiss, making her shudder with the single sweep of his thumb over her sensitive clit, swallowing her scream.
He could feel the mix of tequila and lime on her lips. The taste was strong enough to know that she had her fair share of shots during the evening. But the way she spoke without slurping, kissed him surely, showed that her mind was clear enough for the decision to be made without it to be blinded by alcohol she consumed. Good enough for him to give her his reply and continue that somewhere more private after she would stop shuddering in his arms.
“Yours,” he groaned after a moment. Feeling how much wetter she became. Feeling how much harder she made him. “I have a roommate,” he mumbled, cutting out everything that she was about to say with the kiss.
The mix of alcohol, lust, and frustration heightened their need for each other and they stumbled toward the exit, catching a taxi. He couldn’t make the address she gave to the driver, not even caring how far this place was from his. The only thing he cared at that moment was to get in bed with this girl and fuck her senseless. For once in a long time not caring about the reasons behind that. For once just wishing to forget about everything. Forget his mother and the pain she caused to both her children. Forget about what he did and saw during the war. Forget at least for the night how many of his friends lost their lives during this ill-fated night in the desert. For once not even caring about the reasons why this girl in his arms was willing to jump into the bed with a complete stranger. For once not even questioning her motives. Just wanting her.. needing her. Complete stranger he will never see again after this night.
It took them twenty-five minutes of the ride to get to Rachel’s place. All the way, they were on each other. Kissing, caressing, touching.
Doing things, they would never do sober, with the person they just met. When they got to her place, he pulled her out of the car effortlessly before paying the cab without waiting for a change. His hands sliding under her thighs, lifting her up so her legs would wrap around his waist. Without even looking around they stumbled toward the house kissing hungrily. He pinned her against the front door. His kisses grew impatient when she struggled to open the front door. His teeth grazed the sensitive spot at the juncture of her neck. Sunking them with the slightest amount of pressure into her soft skin, eliciting a hoarse moan from her lips, before the door finally gave way, letting them in.
When inside he turned them around pressing her firmly to the opposite wall. His mouth moved along her neck. Kissing, biting, sucking on her sensitive skin. The air between them grew heavier by the minute, crackling with tension and passion they felt. Each lick and suck of his lips, each bite on her skin made her moan louder and more desperate, and he silenced them with his lips, crushing them on hers.
Her legs tightened around his waist even more, bringing him closer to her, grinding against his throbbing jeans-encased erection. He groaned, stumbling toward the stairs, breaking their kiss just for a second. Their eyes meeting, filled with something more than raw anger and lust they felt before. When he started to speak his voice was husky and breathless, and his eyes burning deep into hers with an intensity she never knew existed.
“Where?” the only word he mastered to say, his hands rested under her butt, already halfway up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Their lips moving in unison, stumbling through the door into the room she pointed, shutting the door behind them firmly with a loud thud.
As soon as the door got shut behind them, Jordan turned them around, pinning Rachel against the door. Her legs were still wrapped around him, locking tightly behind his back, and her hands tangled in his hair. Their lips moved frantically against each other's. Their tongues danced together, and their moans broke the quietness of the house.
She tasted like tequila and lime with notes of salt following them. His tongue traced hers, sucking on it gently. Mixing her taste with his, sharing the taste of all the drinks he downed this evening. 
His hands ran along her long legs toward her soaked center, feeling how turned on she was for him already, as turned on as he was for her. Their anger turned into a primal need, the need they never knew existed. The need that only they could satisfy for each other. 
Feverishly his fingers found the waistband of her panties, ripping the flimsy material off her with a sharp firm tug. Her hands reached for the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head and throwing it aside. Her fingers ran along his muscles, feeling them ripple under her light touch, making Jordan inhale sharply. His hands roamed over her body without missing an inch of her heated skin before gripping her sides roughly.
His hands roamed over her body without missing a single inch of her heated skin he could reach before gripping her sides roughly and grounding her against him. Her head fell back with a guttural moan, feeling his rigid member through the material of his jeans. His lips finding hers, catching them in a sloppy searing kiss. 
The intoxicating scent of her arousal and the sound of her breathless moans made his head spin, and his hands found their way under her thighs, gripping them tightly. Without another moment of hesitation, he turned around, carrying her to the bed and dropping Rachel on it. She could hear how the husky curse left his lips, while his eyes darkened even more, standing at the foot of the bed, and watching her bounce on the mattress until she stopped. Tantalisingly slowly she lifts on her elbows, taking off her dress, and tossing it aside.
Her legs opened wide, not letting go of his gaze, not missing a flicker of lust and desire shooting through his eyes. His gaze turned black as night, running along her body toward her glistening core. His hands reached for his belt unbuckling it, yanking his jeans and briefs off. Rachel’s eyes widened when her eyes landed on an impressive member that was finally freed from the constraints of his clothes. It wasn’t just big... It was huge and thick with the long pulsating vein running up the side of his shaft. And she couldn’t help it but lick her lips, feeling how her breath hitched with the unexpected desire to wrap her lips around him.
Not letting her recover from the view, he pounced on her, pinning her against the soft mattress with his body. His erection firmly pressed into her, his lips finding hers, catching them in a fiery kiss. He groaned, feeling how she arched toward him, her slick core gliding against his throbbing member. After a moment, he broke a kiss as abruptly as he started it, kneeling between her legs. His hands spread them wider to accommodate his body between them, reaching for her centre and thrusting his fingers deep inside her warmth, coating them in her juices. He could feel how soaking wet she was already, and he made a guttural sound not able to wait even a moment longer.
Grabbing his cock in his hand, he spread her slick nectar over it, aligning himself with her slit. He groaned, pressing firmer into her before thrusting all the way in till the hilt. Jordan’s eyes shut up instinctively from a sensation of her tightness around him, and he clasped her hips in an ironclad grip. His body started to move faster, thrusting in and out of her pussy, his teeth digging into his lower lip, and his jaw tense, trying to suppress a groan and not to lose control.
He thrusted in faster and faster, getting as deep as he could. Rachel’s moans and his groans filled the room, and in a moment he could feel how her body started to tremble in his arms. Letting go of her hips, he braced himself above her, holding his weight on his outstretched arms. Their lips meeting again and again in a fiery kiss, while he continued to pound her faster and deeper. Her legs locked behind his back pulling him closer, deeper. Her hips lifting up to meet him, and the change of angle, that’s all that was needed for them both to fall apart. Her body shuddered under his and her throbbing pussy clenched tightly around his length, while his hot seed shot deep inside her, milking him till the last drop.
After a moment, Jordan rolled to the side, both panting heavily. Their chests heaving. Their eyes raised to the ceiling above them, feeling exhausted and satisfied. Feeling how alcohol finally started to take over, drifting them both to sleep.
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Rachel woke up later than usual, her head throbbed with a headache, and she could barely remember the events of yesterday or why she drank a little too much.
She groaned, stretching her body, instantly freezing when an unfamiliar weight on her hip caught her attention. Frowning, she hesitantly turned her head to see what this could be. Her eyes widened when they landed on the guy she bumped into yesterday, who lay now next to her completely naked with his leg thrown over her hip and his hardening erection against her butt. The loud scream left her throat, and she pulled the blanket with all her might, making a startled man next to her fall to the floor.
“What the hell,” groaned Jordan, getting up from the floor, feeling how his head was throbbing after yesterday. He rubbed the back of his neck, at a loss looking around the room, his eyes landing at yesterday’s stranger in front of him sitting on the bed and glaring at him. 
Her body wrapped in a blanket and her hand rested above her bosom. His eyes widened and he blushed slightly at a sight in front of him, and from the fact that he was completely naked. Frantically, he began to look for something to cover himself up, grabbing the first thing that came into his hands. His hand wrapped around a plush teddy bear from the nightstand table, covering his member. His throat tightening not able to form a word.
“Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my bedroom? How did you get in here,” cried out Rachel, throwing daggers at him, with her gaze. Having some vague idea of what may have happened yesterday from the way her body still hummed in satisfaction, and the wetness between her thighs.
“Even though I don’t remember much, but it doesn’t take a genius to assume that we had sex...,” frowned he, nodding at their clothes that were scattered around the floor, trying not to let the blush cover his cheeks as if he would be some inexperienced boy. “Can you…. hmmmmm…. Can you not look at me? I mean until I get dressed,” asked Jordan, nodding to his half erect cock. Noticing, with the spark of satisfaction, how her eyes widened, landing on his massive member barely covered up with her plush toy. Trying to suppress the smirk, when the blush dusted her cheeks.
“Really? Now you are shy? Don’t you think that this is a bit too late,” asked he rolling his eyes.
“Shut up,” she grumbled half heartedly. But before he was able to reply she raised her gaze to his. Her eyes widened and the blush disappeared from her cheeks instantly, making her look paler than the moment before. “Shit,” she whispered. “Wait did we… Did we use protection?” asked Rachel cautiously, panic gathering inside her and she bit at her bottom lip nervously, feeling a liquid pulling between her legs.
“I don’t remember,” grunted Jordan, lifting his boxers and jeans from the floor and starting to dress. “But I’m sure I did… And if not I can assure you I’m clean and you are on the pill. Aren’t you?” he asked cautiously, watching her, while she shook her head, turning paler than the moment before. Her eyes widening even more, while she rushed toward the en-suit bathroom with the blanket wrapped around her.
Few minutes later, when Jordan pulled on his t-shirt and was zipping up his jeans, she walked back into the room, her face almost white as a sheet.
“Well, this answers the question,” she mumbled quietly, looking at him, “you didn’t, in fact, use protection.”
“Shit,” swore Jordan, watching her with concern. “If… if this may be a problem,” he asked, feeling the blood drain from his face, and he sat back on the bed, raking his hand through his thick dark hair. His ocean blue eyes met her forest green.
“I don’t think so. This shouldn’t be a problem as days aren’t right. So we should be okay,” replied she, getting out from the drawer a pair of shorts and a shirt and sitting next to him to get dressed.
“Thank God,” said Jordan, breathing a sigh of relief. “Then I probably should be going. I just moved in, and I haven't even met my new housemate yet. And I don’t want him to think I have no manners.”
“Ohhhhh, yes… I doubt that his first thought when meeting you will be the lack of manners,” mumbled Rachel under her breath, rolling her eyes, while he was heading toward the door. She followed behind, catching up with him next to the door. “Yes, you probably need to go… Also, let’s hope that my housemate didn't hear what we have done yesterday or stayed somewhere else,” said she, letting him out of her room.
“Do you have a housemate?” he asked, his eyes widened. “You didn’t say it…”
“Didn’t I?”
“I don’t recall it, and as I have an eidetic memory, so either no, or…”
“Or you were so drunk that you simply don’t recall this. You know, considering how you fucked me last night, and even not remembering doing that or the fact that you should use protection I doubt you would even remember a word I was saying to you,” hissed Rachel, marching downstairs to shove him out the door.
Her anger and frustration at this irritating rich boy, returning. He followed after, feeling how his blood started to boil from her accusations but stopped dead as soon as his eyes landed on the familiar blazer, hanging near the door.
“How… How did this get in here? I don’t… I don’t recall wearing it to the club… I would never,” he breathed, a cold shiver running through his spine.
“Maybe it is my housemate’s blazer but like yours?” she asked, already holding the door wide open.
“No…,” he groaned, his face turning pale. Abruptly he turned back, taking off toward the living room, ignoring Rachel’s protests. She growled irritatingly, following after him, trying to keep up. She barely managed to stop in time, preventing a collision after he abruptly stopped. Both standing in front of the fireplace, where a photo of two was standing on a shelf, their eyes widened, and they both gasped.
“I thought we went to your place last night,” husked Jordan, his eyes still fixed on a picture of him and a young woman standing right in front of them.
“We did,” confirmed Rachel, looking perplexed at the photo she didn't recall seeing in front of them.
“Then how, can you explain that my and my sister’s picture is in your living room,” demanded he, still refusing to believe in the most obvious and logical explanation.
His eyes roaming around the room. His face paled even more when his eyes catched the sight of another picture next to this. The young man of Jordan's age in a Marine’s uniform was hugging a younger girl with blonde hair and forest green eyes. Both smiling happily. Slowly he turned to Rachel, meeting her eyes with a mix of horror and faint recognition.
"How... How do you know him?" he asked hoarsely.
"This is my brother, Brandon," replied Rachel furrowed her brows and looking at him questioningly.
“No… this is…. This is not happening. This cannot be happening,” he whispered under his breath. Feeling as if he would be punched straight in the middle of his chest, while the single thought flew through his mind.
I slept with my housemate… I slept with my best friend’s little sister.
Tagging: @choices-bound​​ @lahelasaveiro​​
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
❝𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕡❞
⇢ Episodes 5-6
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. requests and feedback are highly appreciated!
⇢ script form (name: lines) are the interviews
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Episode 5
she was in the back oh hoseok and taehyung’s car with a book open on her lap
“makdung-ah, have a sandwich”
hoseok handed her a sandwich which she blindly reached for and nearly knocked over, making hoseok shout and taehyung shocked
“got it! i got it! sorry, i’m a mess”
she was laughing and settled back in her chair, sandwich in hand and focus on her books
she saw seokjin in his sunglasses and choked a little “hobi oppa, where’s the water?”
they were talking about taehyung’s mixtape at some point
“oppa’s music is really nice, though. the stuff you let me hear is really good, i love listening to them” “thanks, aegi”
“look at you guys and your mixtapes. am i the only one who’s going to promote solo as an idol?”
hoseok and taehyung just laughed at her “we’re your biggest fans”
“we’re heeeeeere! my trampoline!”
hoseok opened her door for her and helped her out. she took her small carriers, still two because one held all her equipment while the other held her clothes and some skincare and makeup
“is it necessary to bring work here?” jungkook asked her
“i mean, you never know when ideas will pop up, right?”
a few minutes later, you can see her running up to the cars again “my guitar’s still in the car!”
miya: honestly, i was just excited to be able to relax again. i don’t think i ever slept that much anywhere else. the oppas say it’s good for me *laughs*
the first thing she did when she got in her room was to pull her blanket from the carrier with her equipment and take her plushies out of her backpack
she put them down inside the mosquito net “alright toph, koda, time for you guys to rest from the long drive”
she ran over to the upper house “yoongi oppa! can i help with the food!” “that would be much appreciated, princess”
she’s chopping up vegetables quickly, drawing hoseok’s attention
“sometimes, i forget you’re a good cook because of how clumsy you are. hyung, you know she nearly dropped her sandwich in the car earlier?” “oppaaaa, don’t tell them thaaaat”
she was grilling some marinated pork chops in the kitchen while the older members were outside. hoseok stopped by, and she cut him a little piece for tasting
“perfect as always, makdungie”
jungkook punching the broth behind her distracted her the slightest bit by making her laugh “oppa, you’re hyperactive today”
she brought the huge dish of marinated pork out to the table and yoongi had her taste the dakgalbi
“ooooh it’s smokey, i love it!”
she made sure to get the bowl with what looked like the least amount of noodles which yoongi noticed and made up for it by giving her a lot meat
meanwhile seokjin looked at her “i still can’t believe you won’t tell us how you make the marinade for your pork” “that’s a secret between me and yoonsungie oppa”
she ran off after eating saying she had to brush her teeth
right after she did, she ended up sitting by the deck with her guitar playing random melodies and writing them down
seokjin surprised her by arriving and going straight into the canoe
“oppa?” “i hit a ball into the lake by accident” “well, looks like a home run”
she laughed when his canoe hit the deck before setting her guitar down and helping him out of it
“oh god, i’m sleepy”
she headed up to the main house with seokjin where jungkook was half asleep
she settled next to him and somehow they made themselves fit into the small bench. they just passed out despite the other members being quite loud
hoseok and seokjin were trying to wake the two maknaes up. seokjin picked her up from jungkook’s grasp and she just ended up wrapping her limbs around him and burying her face in his neck and going back to sleep
“oppa,” she mumbled while seokjin was hitting jungkook with the foam roller, “this game is so violent. and loud. and making you move a lot”
“aigoo, you two won’t be sleeping in the boat house later at this rate”
next you see of her, she’s in the kitchen whisking eggs and talking to herself
“this whole process can’t be aired to protect my fried chicken recipe,” she looked at the nearest camera “please keep it a secret, editor-nims”
while jungkook is filleting the fish, they overlay the sound of her frying the chicken
“simple fried chicken when done well is worth a lot”
seokjin walked in, yoongi close after
“oppas, i’m making chicken! what else are we having for dinner?”
seokjin patted her head “you did well, princess. what about doenjang jjigae?” “oh, sounds good!”
yoongi helped her bring the plates of fried chicken out to the table which she began to set for them
jungkook hopped out to have her taste some of the sushi making her grin
then he threw her over his shoulder
“stop hovering over the chicken and come inside to help taste stuff!” “but the bugs!”
she ended up inside tasting yoongi’s jjigae
she stayed off to the side mixing a bunch of sauces together for the chicken if the others wanted to flavor it
jungkook came and playfully put some of the honey soy sauce on the sushi and tried it
“wah, hold on, that’s actually good” “oppa, save the sauce for the chicken!” “there’s also garlic parmesan and teriyaki!”
miya: it felt nice to have a lot of us in the kitchen. there were so many things going on both creative wise and, well, cooking wise. i usually cook alone at the dorms or with one other person, but being with a lot of people gives it a more chaotic but homey feel. it’s… it’s a very warm feeling”
there were compliments passed around for the chicken, sushi, and soup and she just had the biggest grin on her face while eating
seokjin placed a small plate in front of her “these pieces don’t have wasabi, so you can eat it”
“let’s have yoonmi’s marinated fried chicken tomorrow!” “oh, good. i already marinated them in the fridge for tomorrow, anyway”
yoongi pulled the soju bottle away from her “that means no drinking tonight, princess. we want you awake in time to cook lunch”
she headed for the boat house after dinner
Episode 6
jimin popped into her room while she was settling herself in bed. he crawled into her mosquito net with her and began tucking her in
“i haven’t done this in a while”
miya: jiminnie oppa had a habit of tucking me in before sleeping back when i was younger. we got older, though, and i started staying in the studio later, so he never got to do it much anymore. it was pretty nostalgic, and i felt like i was fourteen or fifteen again
“i though jinnie oppa wanted to play baseball with you” “i told him i’d come back after checking in on you”
he settled her plushies on either side of her head which made her giggle
“you’re growing up way too fast, aegi. i can’t believe you’re an adult now” “i guess so”
he kissed her forehead “you’re still our makdungie, though. sleep well, alright?”
she smiled at him “good night, oppa”
jimin: i think i didn’t enjoy yoonmi’s childhood enough. one minute, she’s a little kid who barely reached my chest. the next, she’s twenty years old, a successful actress and soloist alongside being in bangtan, and she has a boyfriend, too. i know she’s still my baby, but i feel like time flew by way too fast
the next day, she walked into the upper house kitchen to find seokjin and yoongi cooking. she was still rubbing her eyes, and her hair was a mess
“aigoo, our princess is still sleepy”
she walked right into seokjin’s arms and closed her eyes while he slightly rubbed her back
“should i cook the marinated fried chicken?”
yoongi patted her head “we have a lot of dakgalbi, it’s okay”
she settled on the table facing yoongi while he grilled, chin in her hands as she tried to stay awake on the table
yoongi woke her up and placed a fork in her hand knowing she’s too sleepy to properly use chopsticks
she ate in silence, eyes half-closed
jimin chuckled at her “sleep well last night, aegi” “mhmm yes, oppa”
when they finished lunch, she headed straight for the common area in the main house with her book
she sat reading in between jungkook and namjoon while they painted
“oppas, how’s the weather gonna be today?” “really nice, apparently”
she closed her book for a while before getting up. she silently made her way over to the boat house where she started doing her hair and makeup.
“i’ve got to do a self-photoshoot before i let the nice weather go to waste”
a few minutes later, she’s out on the deck with her phone on a tripod on video mode. she sets it up and presses record before posing by the fence
“god, i hope this comes out pretty”
she moves around a little before checking her phone
“ooooh these are kinda good. okay let me put on a dress and take pictures by the flowers”
jungkook glances at the view again a few minutes later and lets out a laugh when he sees yoonmi in a dress all done up and posing in front of her phone
“i didn’t think she’d actually do the self-photoshoot”
nearly twenty minutes later, she’s back in her loungewear in between namjoon and jungkook taking screenshots of herself from her mini self-photoshoot
she looked up and just watched jungkook paint
“it’s amazing how you can just do that” “i’ll teach you if you want to try” “maybe tomorrow”
she headed inside the common room and continued reading in there
when the sun started to set, she headed over to her room to put her book down
she washed off her makeup and headed up to the upper house
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ryoceann · 3 years
J2 Fanfic Rec List <3
In honour of all the j2 content we have recieved, and the amount of fanfiction I have read, I decided to make a rec-list nobody asked me for but EVERYONE has to read k? Capiche? Make sure to heed the warnings, and read the tags. These are some beautiful gems by very talented authors and I’ve only scratched the surface of it.
The Courtship Of Jensen’s Co-Star{Masterpost} by qblackheart-  
Summary:- Somewhere in the time between a handshake and a hug, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki went from being reel-life brothers to real-life best friends, and complete strangers to cosmic soul mates, no rhyme or reason to it that either of them could ever see. Jared was everything Jensen was not: friendly, funny, and full of life; one in six-point-whatever billion the Earth’s population currently stood at. Life was awesome. Work was amazing. Everything was fine until Jared kissed Jensen. Everything was peachy until Jensen fell in love. With desperate times unexpectedly calling for desperate measures, Jensen called Chad Michael Murray for relationship advice – because being in love led to temporary insanity obviously – so it really didn't surprise him that he couldn’t seem to win when it came to wooing Jared. Still, Pisces must’ve been in a really good place in the night sky or something because suddenly, right smack dab in the middle of the miserable courtship of his co-star, Jensen discovered that maybe loving Jared was all he needed to do to win his heart. And luckily for Jensen, loving Jared was also the one thing he did best. ~112k~
The Play Nice Proviso{Masterpost} by qblackheart-
Summary:- When Jensen Ackles first met Jared Padalecki, it was most definitely not love at first sight. It wasn’t even like at first sight. In fact, Jensen hated him, and he had a few good reasons as to why. So what if his new co-star was oblivious to his one-sided warfare? Jensen could deal. Apart from when he couldn’t. So when it came down to picking between Padalecki and his peace of mind, the choice seemed clear. Except for the fact that The Network had his balls in a vice, leaving him stuck with Supernatural, stuck with his idiot co-star, and worst of all, stuck with a ‘Play Nice’ Proviso added to his contract. Well, he could play nice. He would play so nice that the world was going to think that he and Jared Padalecki were the bestest friends in the history of best friends. It was unfortunate then that no one had ever told Jensen what happened when an immovable object met an irresistible force; no one had ever thought to mention that there was a thin line between hate and love; and nothing, absolutely nothing, could have possibly prepared him for Playing Nice with Jared Padalecki. ~70k~
And The Rest, As They Say Is History by Raina_at-
Summary:- Struggling actor Jensen takes a job as big-shot movie star Jared Padalecki’s dogsitter. And the rest, as they say, is history. ~17k~
reinventing love ‘verse{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- With high school graduation less than two weeks away, best friends Jared and Jensen find themselves scrambling to tie up a few loose ends before they’re forced into adulthood. Jared ropes Jensen into helping him get the alcohol for Sandy's graduation party, and what should be a simple night of partying ends up turning into a series of mishaps and misunderstandings that all come to head when Jensen finally tells Jared the secret he wasn't ever planning on spilling. If high school has to end, they're going out with a bang. (A J2 spin on the movie Superbad)  ~200k+~
My Heart Don’t Beat The Way It Used To by Raina_at- 
Summary:- Jared and Jensen have been best friends forever, and nothing’s going to ever change that, not even senior slump, or college anxieties, or even Jared getting an annoying cheerleader girlfriend. Or so Jensen thought. ~26k~
Can’t Point The Way To Your Heart by Belyste-
Summary:- AU in the vein of movies like Hitch - Jensen's an unofficial advice guru, and Jared's his latest project. Except while Jensen's supposed to be helping Jared end up with the woman of his dreams, he falls for him instead. ~33k~
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by Belyste-
Summary:- When Jared desperately needs a date for his brother's wedding, he hires an escort. Jensen's the perfect fake boyfriend, except pretty soon things get a little too real. Based on The Wedding Date. ~38k~
True Colors by muni-playground-
Summary:- Jared is a mentally challenged young man with a very special gift. Jensen is an executive with nothing in his life but work. They meet by accident and discover a connection that defies explanation. ~32k~
The Billionaire’s Reluctant Husband by house_of_lantis-
Summary:- Billionaire Jensen is a playboy and he needs a husband pronto if he wants to keep his company and his inheritance. After a chance meeting with quiet and hardworking Jared, Jensen decides that he’s found the perfect candidate. The arrogant Jensen thinks he’s got Jared in the bag, but when his new husband refuses to sleep with him and doesn’t really even seem to like him, Jensen convinces himself that he’s happy with his open marriage lifestyle. But Jensen becomes increasingly obsessed with his new husband and discovers the truth behind Jared’s dark past. ~98k~
Project Get Jared Banged{Masterpost} by soulmatecest-
Summary:- Jared's had the best stepbrother in the world in Jensen since the age of five — growing up together and more attached than usual brothers would —, only realizing that he’s in love with Jensen by the time he hits thirteen. After five more years of Jared's impossible crush, he knows his life turns and spins around his brother. Luckily for Jared, he and Jensen have always been closer than other siblings, making his feelings seem a little less hopeless. Or that is until Jensen announces he’s moving to Austin to live with his girlfriend next year, leaving Jared's perfectly built Jensen-centric world crashing to the ground. That’s when Chad and Sandy decide to convince Jared that moving on and letting go of his feelings are the only way to get through his lost love for Jensen. Yet their plan to get Jared out of his shell and over his stepbrother doesn't sit well with one person: Jensen himself, who realizes that the more Jared tries to pull away, the more he wants to get him back closer. ~120k~
Burn The Land and Boil The Sea by nyxocity-
Summary:- Eight years ago, Jared spent his entire summer on a tropical island off the coast of Mexico with Jensen. He fell head over heels for Jensen, but their lives were going separate directions at the end of the summer, and they never quite got together. Jensen left for Greenpeace and Jared went off to college—but he never truly got over Jensen. Now, in present day, Jared is a marine biologist working on a project in the gorgeous panhandle of Alaska. He’s amazed to discover the captain of the ship he’s chartered is none other than Jensen Ackles himself. Jared’s overjoyed, but Jensen is less than thrilled—he’s a changed man since that summer so long ago; withdrawn, passionless and solitary. Still something of the bond between them remains, and neither of them seem to be able to escape its pull completely. When Jared’s project leads them into danger and leaves them running and fighting for their lives, Jensen’s secrets begin to come out, drawing them back together—but can they survive long enough to figure out this thing between them? ~53k~
As This Sunset Turns to Morning{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- Jensen spends his life hiding who he is from the family that would never accept him if they knew. When he’s uprooted in the middle of his senior year and suddenly becomes the new kid, his carefully placed mask begins to slip. Especially when he meets Jared – a loud, outspoken spectacle of a boy that fights for everything Jensen was taught to stand against. Jared has no problem going after what he wants, and now it’s just a matter of Jensen letting himself do the same. ~86k~
Leave My Heart Out of This by elless18- (link to the timestamps)
Summary:- AU. Jensen needs to get married in order to get his grandfather’s inheritance and open his own law firm. Jared would do anything to help his best friend. The plan is simple- pretend to date, get married, get the inheritance, get divorced. But things grow complicated when one of them starts falling for his fake boyfriend. Can they find their happily-ever-after from all the lies they’ve built around them? ~35k+~
Who Watches Over Me? by nyoxicity-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles is an ex-Navy SEAL turned civilian bodyguard with a mysterious past. Jared Padalecki is a flamboyant Hollywood star known for his action movies who's been receiving death threats. The case sounds like Jensen's idea of a nightmare, and he takes it on against his better judgment. Jared drags him to clubs and parties and award ceremonies without any care for how difficult he's making Jensen's job, and to his complete lack of surprise, they hate each other. But when hate changes into passion, it begins to reveal something deeper between them, and Jensen realizes he's in over his head. Can he still do his job and keep Jared safe? Or will he fall prey to his greatest fear and fail someone... again? ~96k~
The Billionaire’s Bidding by Raina_at-
Summary:- When idle, slacking billionaire’s son Jensen Ackles lends a helping hand to his old childhood friend, he gets a lot more than he’s bargained for. ~31k~
Hold My Whipped Cream by dimpleforyourthoughts-
Summary:- International Best Selling Author Jensen Ackles is all kinds of specific with the details of his life. He likes privacy, writing, and coffee; black, no sugar, hold the cream. He’s become a fixture at the local coffee shop, writing from his table every day for the past two years. His vices include routine, neatness, and structure. Jensen doesn’t do messes. Then there is Jared, recent post-grad basket case, who’s been coming in every day for caffeine he doesn’t need and bringing the increasing disaster in his life with him. Jared is a mess in all the ways Jensen is not and so Jensen offers to help Jared in the only way he knows how: by buying Jared a cup of coffee. ~37k~
Operation: Mistletoe by dimpleforyourthoughts-
Summary:- FBI Agent Jensen Ackles is a damn good agent, but his devil-may-care attitude, gut instinct, and sheer dumb luck have finally run out. With his job and reputation on the line, Jensen is assigned to a new partner: the overzealous and overachieving Agent Jared Padalecki. Their mission: Infiltrate a ring of drug dealers hiding out in Suburbia in the midst of the Holiday season. The only catch? They have to pretend to be head-over-heels in love with each other. ~39k~
Regaining Sense{Masterpost} by astri13-
Summary:- A vengeful crime-boss cost Jensen not only his eyesight but also a promising career with the FBI. When the man resurfaces two years later, Jensen is not thrilled to find himself taken into protective custody, even less so when the Agent in charge turns out to be Jensen's former partner and boyfriend, Jared Padalecki. Will the two men be able to overcome their differences and work together to not only stop the bad guy but also uncover the mole in their own ranks before it is too late? ~27k~
Say You’re Mine by Belyste-
Summary:- It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much – just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with – so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate. But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother, but you don't need to have seen that to know what's going on. ~56k~
Absence From Those We Love by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles led a great life. It just wasn’t the one he planned on. Now he’s newly single, stuck at a job he hates, and sharing an apartment with his lovably psychotic best friend. When he’s given the chance to go back and do it all over again, he leaps at it. Only he soon comes to realize that no matter what’s in front of him, it’s impossible to leave the past behind. Considering what he’d be giving up, he might not even want to. (17 Again - J2 Style.) ~41k~
Change The Fate’s Design by _mournthewicked-
Summary:-  All Jensen has ever wanted to do is see the ocean. Unfortunately, that's kind of hard to do when your dad won't let you leave your house in the forest because of your magical powers. So, Jensen spends most of his days with no one but his pet hedgehog to keep him company. At least, until a guy named Jared stumbles along and offers to help him realize his dream. (A J2 spin on Disney's Tangled.) ~50k~
A Spotlight On These Desolate Dreams{Masterpost} by _mournthewicked-
Summary:- In high school, Jared Padalecki had it all. He was surrounded with rich, famous, beautiful friends and partied with young Hollywood's elite. As if all of that wasn't exciting enough, he used the tricks he learned from his grandfather to become an amateur sleuth with his billionaire best friend, Jensen Ackles, playing the role of trusty sidekick. But when he got in over his head and lost everything he once held dear, he knew that it was time to move on. That was ten years ago. Now he lives the lonely life of a hardboiled private investigator on the streets of Manhattan, and his fabulous past is nothing but a distant memory. That is, until a tragedy forces him to return to California and the world he left behind. Between juggling rabid paparazzi, sarcastic detectives, and a spurned ex-best friend, it's a wonder that he can possibly find the time to solve a murder that has left the city of angels reeling. ~50k~
Break Me, Shake Me, Hate Me, Take Me Over by orphan_account- (sorry, I can’t access the author’s account but the story’s link still works!)
Summary:- When recklessness, alcohol and a bullet to his hip sees his police career end in disgrace, alpha Jensen Ackles resigns himself to a life spent in the dregs of a bottle, aimless and filled with regrets, watching as the bills and eviction notices pile up. That is, until he's offered a job and lodging with beta lawyer Samantha Smith, as a pseudo bouncer/admin worker. It's a far cry from his previous life, but it might just be what Jensen needs to drag himself from the dark place he's in. Not only that, but little does Jensen realise that taking on the position will bring him face to face with his biggest regret; the person he walked away from three years ago in what was the worst mistake of his life... ~70k~
Whiskey River, You’re All I Got by whisperedstory-
Summary:-  Jensen's life revolves around The Whiskey Sour, the bar he inherited from his grandfather nine years ago. But with too few customers and not nearly enough profit, things are taking a turn for the worse. And then Jared Padalecki walks into Jensen's life and changes everything. ~19k~
Out Of The Silence by annie46-
Summary:-  When hardened, but lonely cop, Jensen Ackles meets Jared Padalecki in his family’s diner, he doesn’t realise that his life is about to change drastically. Jared is a complete innocent, deaf, mute and unable to communicate, he needs a friend. Can Jensen be that man? ~the word count wasn’t mentioned but if i had to take a guess, I’d say something between 20k and 30k~
The Execution Of The Last Steal by soulmatecest-
Summary:- Anyone who meets Jared Padalecki would think he has the perfect life: a college degree, a normal life and an apparently perfect fiancé, Stephen Amell, the son of a Senator with a bright future. Except for one thing: it’s all based on a lie. Five years ago, he created a new identity for himself to cut all ties to his criminal past and ex-boyfriend Jensen Ackles, a world-renowned thief. But Jared can’t run forever. A threat from his past comes back looking for him and the only person who can help him is the man he thought he left behind forever, the only person Jared’s never been able to forget. Incredibly charming and just as cocky, Jensen Ackles is a thief that is too good at his job for his own good, who would do anything to protect Jared now that his life is in danger. Years have gone by, but he has never been able to forget Jared either. And perhaps now that they are forced to escape together, Jensen might be able to do what he’s best at: steal Jared’s heart one last time and win back the only person Jensen has ever loved. ~97k~
Bring Me To Life by alienat-
Summary:-  Jared’s a shy young man, whose life has never been easy. His father hates him, his mother drinks her sorrows away and his husband Paul treats him like he is nothing more than a beautiful toy. When his husband has to go away on a business trip to Europe for two months, he sends Jared away to a ranch in the middle of nowhere to keep him under control. There, Jared meets people who show him what love, friendship and loyalty mean for the first time in his life. Can he escape his life and finally find some love and happiness for himself? ~81k~
Gunpoint{Series} by felisblanco-
Summary:-  Jensen got his childhood stolen away from him when he was ten years old. Along with his memory, his voice and every emotion that wasn’t fear, hatred or anger. Question is, can Jared help him get any of it back? And more importantly, does Jensen really want him to?
Election Day by morganaDW(morgana07)-
Summary:- Jensen's running for President with the deck already stacked against him. He's come out as gay while serving in Congress, his Vice President is a colorful Misha & his family has disowned him over his choice of partners. But that's not the worst of it...On Election Day when he should be focused on winning Jared ends up shot after stepping in front of a killer's gun to save some school children. Election Day is important but to Jensen nothing is more important than Jared and he doesn't care who knows it or if he loses so long as he can be with him. It's Jensen who winds up surprised in the end. ~8k~
A Boy At An Open Door by poor_choices-
Summary:- Jensen Ackles' life is all sorted out, until a blast from the past shows up and makes him realize he's not as happy as he thought. ~10k~
Beautiful Disaster by nyoxicity-
Summary:-  Rock Band AU. Jensen’s the lead guitarist in the number one rock band in the country. Justin’s the lead singer, and they’ve been doing this together since middle-school, been together since just after high school. As on top of the world as they are, Jensen’s starting to become disillusioned with the lifestyle and his crumbling relationship with Justin. And then he meets a new roadie on the crew named Jared who’s got a voice like an angel and a heart to match, and everything starts to change. ~96k~
And that’s the end of it!!! These are absolutely beautiful, gorgeous and epic fanfictions and will keep you buys for days! Hope y’all enjoy these, I’m off to read more sksksksksk. Let me know if a link doesn’t work, if you like any of these in my inbox and if y’all want a part 2! Peace and J2 5 ever!!!
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apageinthecastle · 3 years
A Quarantined Reunion: Chapter three - Ghost Stories
Frank and Karen find themselves stuck with each other for longer than expected, and a memory Frank thought he had buried resurfaces to pull him from the moment.
Good morning, sleepyhead.
Frank woke with a start, Maria’s voice still ringing in his ears. Sitting up, he turned on the single, shadeless lamp beside his couch, the light harsh in the dark of the apartment. The sun wasn’t up yet. Grateful to have slept on the couch (undeniably for the proximity to the coffee maker) he shuffled into the kitchen, tossing the now-empty apple pie container and crumpled burger foil in the trash. He had eaten the cheeseburger while mulling over the fragmented conversation from the night before, stitching the silences together and getting nowhere. With Karen taking the rest of her thoughts and answers to bed with her, he had decided sometime around midnight that it had still been an apple pie kind of day, after all.
He filled Max’s food dish, shaking it a little before starting the coffee maker. From the time Frank had adopted the pit bull, he’d had to rustle any food in his dish to get the dog to eat. Maybe it was something left over from Max’s time with the Kitchen Irish, where Frank knew he had been mistreated. Maybe it was just that he was trained to wait to eat. Whatever the reason, it was a welcome part of their morning routine. He was grateful for Max’s company - after dropping him off at New York Bully Crew, Frank had imagined the pit bull happily adopted by some well-off family, maybe with kids… still, when he had returned to the shelter for work as part of his arrangement with the CIA and found Max still there, there was some relief in knowing he was able to readopt him and provide some semblance of a home.
It wasn’t until the first sip of his second cup of coffee that the Marine turned to the window, nearly dropping the mug at the sight of the mountain of snow already collected on the outer sill.
He’d have to get a whole damn pie delivered.
It was only a few minutes later that a messy-haired Karen made her way out from the bedroom. She adjusted the ace bandage wrapped around her wrist, more out of nervous habit than anything else. Beginning with every intention of saying good morning to Frank, the blonde froze in place when she saw the amount of snow that had built up. Oh, no.
Keeping their distance in the apartment had been reasonable last night. Social distancing hadn’t been perfect - he had carried her back to his place, for Christ’s sake - but it was enough that all things considered, she had felt comfortable with the idea of leaving his apartment in search of her own.
Seeing that snow, knowing there would be no hope of leaving during it…
Damn it.
Good morning long forgotten, she turned to him. “Please tell me there’s coffee.”
He nodded absently and slowly turned back to the kitchen with a resigned sigh, muttering under his breath. “Not enough in the world for this day.”
If Karen heard him, she had no audible response. It was probably for the best - they were both under-caffeinated, and, judging by the look on her face as his eyes flicked over to look, licking their wounds from the night before. To say he felt bad was an understatement; guilt was something that came easily to him, especially when it was for good reason. Max, having emptied his bowl already, nudged at Frank’s twitching fingers with his nose, bringing him back into the moment.
“Mugs are in the cupboard beside the fridge. You hungry?”
Karen shook her head, walking to the kitchen silently. She was, in reality, but she wasn’t about to start asking Frank Castle for more than she had to right now, and coffee, well that was non-negotiable. She reached into the cupboard for the mug, pulling it down and pouring herself a cup. She’d stopped taking milk and sugar in her coffee long ago - just one of many things tossed away from her time in Vermont and college.
She leaned against the counter, blowing down into the mug for a few seconds before taking a sip. She looked up at him, studying him. So much of him was different - well, not different so much as the near present sight of injury she’d come to expect was gone - but so, so much of him was exactly the same. Grimacing against a larger gulp of coffee than intended, she let out a quiet sigh.
“I’m guessing if I try and walk out that door right now to go home, you’re not going to let me.”
He bit down on the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling. “You’d be ankle-deep in that shit, but if you’re that determined, be my guest.”
It took about thirty seconds for her to drain the cup of coffee before she started slipping her shoes on. Did the walk home sound pleasant? Not at all. Did she want to be trapped in an apartment with him for two weeks once they could no longer reasonably argue against quarantining together? Absolutely not. Seeing him last night, waking up to him this morning, well. It had been hard enough on her. She didn’t know if she was capable of spending two weeks living as the choice he didn’t want to make.
“Y-- Ah, Jesus, Karen, don’t be ri-- think about it.” He set his coffee mug aside and rolled his eyes, starting towards her. “It’s freezing out there, alright, the snow is up to your ass. How far do you really think you’re gonna get in those shoes, huh?”
“Far enough.” He had enough of a point to give her pause, though. Another sigh escaped her lips and she stood there, shifting her weight. “You realize if I stay, we’re going to be stuck here together for two weeks, right? You really want that?” It took everything in her to ignore the part that was hoping he would say yes.
If we’re not stuck here for two weeks, already, Frank thought as he considered a response. The damn parameters for what was considered close contact or what prompted mandatory isolation had probably changed another five times since they’d gone to sleep. He drained his coffee mug and refilled it before managing an answer for the annoyed blonde in front of him.
“Seems like a better idea than you freezing to death or getting hit by some asshole who forgets how to drive in this shit.” It was a conscious effort to let her make the decision for herself.
Her fingers found her hair and she shook her head the tiniest bit as she considered. “You know what, why not?” came the exasperated response. She stepped back out of her heels, disbelieving even of herself. In what world had she just signed herself up for two weeks of torture? Apparently, this one.
“You’re going to have to learn to share your kitchen if I’m going to be here for two weeks.”
The visible battle to stop the smile tugging at the corner of his lips was lost, the evidence quickly hidden behind a coffee mug. Share his kitchen, huh? He couldn't remember the last time he had.
Right on cue, mid-morning memories of that day with his family flooded Frank's mind, springing free from their box. That Last Day. He thought he had thrown away the damn key. He gripped the coffee mug in his hands as, for a moment, he was transported to the kitchen in the home he'd turned to dust. The lazy sun of early April poured in through the window, bathing the edges of Maria's hair and skin in warmth. She was making breakfast. Frank Jr. was pestering his sister, begging her to teach him another of the nonsensical rhymes, swapping their juice cups when she wasn't looking. The earthy, bright smell of coffee wafted through the air. Frank had reached for the loaf of bread, intent on helping his wife. He remembered laughing, shaking his head as she lightly slapped his hand away with the spatula, oily from cooking eggs. She had flashed a breathtaking, mischievous smile that had nearly brought Frank to his knees. There was no sharing a kitchen with Maria Castle.
"We'll see about that," he breathed, as the memory dissolved. He found himself flexing his fingers, still feeling the rubber end of the utensil against them.
Karen was polite enough not to pry. A specific look told her better - the look that said his thoughts were no longer here with her for a moment, but years in the past when his family had still been alive. Hearing stories from that period of his life had always been few and far between, and it was something that had always come up naturally. Well, aside from the early days when she’d been crossing police lines and shoving stolen photographs in his face. Not her finest moments.
It was that look on his face once again that made the blonde want to reach out, to rest her hand against his arm in their old familiar comforts. Words had never been the way they communicated with each other, not really. Glances and the smallest of touches… she shook her head to clear it, taking a deep breath and nodding. Even after two years, she knew when he was deflecting, and she knew when to let it go.
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
You Can Count On Me
A/N: Chapter 8
Marty Deeks has been patient his entire life, whether that be waiting until Christmas morning to open presents or until a new Donnie & Marie album was released, but when it comes to one Kensi Marie Blye becoming his fiancé, he’s anything but. So he’s not at all deterred when he steps into the small antique shop in search of a ring. Her ring, without getting a yes first.
No, she hasn’t said yes to his proposal yet, but she did confess that she wanted everything with him. So even if it’s not a yes right now, it will be eventually and he wants to be ready. 
Now here he is at the fourth store today, considering how large Los Angeles is and the amount of people, he thought it’d be easier than this. As he examines the display of unique and elegant jewelry, he begins to lose hope once again, nothing catching his eye. 
The shaggy blonde’s attention is suddenly pulled away from his perusal when he looks over to the man behind the counter and the older lady that’s holding out something to him. He’s only a few feet away but the delicate features of the solitaire diamond ring scream out to him. 
The older black woman feels the shaggy blonde’s stare, she turns, studying his face as his focus continues to stay on the ring in her hand. There’s one thing she’s learned in her 70 years of life and that’s the look of a man in love, but not just any love, a love that’s all consuming. 
He’s pulled out of his trance, realizing that the two have stopped their conversation completely and the woman’s gaze is now on him. “I don’t mean to stare its just...”
“No need to apologize, I recognize that look on your face. Reminds me of my Henry.”
He flashes her sad smile, knowing just by the reverence in her voice that she’s talking about him in the past tense. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. He was my first love...my only love. Some people don’t get that in life, we were lucky.”
“I know what you mean.”
Something in the way he drifts off for a minute with a dreamy gaze makes her consider her ring and the love she hopes it will be a part of again. “Tell me your story.”
Never missing the chance to talk about his girl, Deeks feels his lips pull into an automatic smile. “I met Kensi when I was 11 years old. My mom and I were in a bad situation at home and her family took us in. That first night we were there I had a flashback of sorts, as I was sitting there paralyzed in fear, she wrapped her arms around me and some part of me knew that I was finally home.” Shaking his head, he thinks about how easy it is for him to tell this woman with deep brown eyes full of understanding how much his best friend means to him. “I know its crazy, she was 8 years old, I was 11, but it made sense in my mind. Growing up we were inseparable, still are. We experienced so many life changing moments together and apart, but no matter what we were there for the other. She’s my person...the person I go to for everything, no matter how big or small it may be. I’ve always felt like I’m my most true and authentic self around her and she around me. We’re just synced. A few weeks ago we finally realized what everyone else around us saw from the start, we’re in love. It’s been 20 years and she still makes me feel like that safe little 11 year old boy. I didn’t see any point in waiting any longer, so I proposed to her a few days ago.”
The older woman takes a look around the store, expecting to see the young woman since he’s already proposed, she’d imagine they’d want to pick out the ring together. “Where is she?”
He feels the heat rise to his cheeks, a little embarrassed. “Well, she hasn’t said yes yet. My Kensi’s a thinker, she likes to look at a situation from all views.”
“But you’re still looking for a ring?”
“Yeah, because I know that she’ll be ready one day and when that day comes I want to give her something special with meaning behind it. I’ve been looking everywhere for the perfect ring and I was losing all hope until-“
“You saw mine.”
He smiles hopefully as she finishes his sentence. “Yes, ma’am.”
Without hesitation, she extends the delicate piece of jewelry towards him.
He hesitantly reaches for it, looking to her for confirmation. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. This ring deserves to continue being a representation of our kind of love. It represented mine and Henry’s for 50 years and now its for you and Kensi.”
“It’s so beautiful, I’m sure you could get so much more for it than what I have.”
“How much do you have, son?”
“Four thousand.”
It’s not about the money for her really and that’s when the idea strikes her. “I think we can make that work, but on one condition.”
It takes everything in him not to wrap the woman up in a bear hug. “Anything.”
“You let me meet this woman of yours.”
Nodding his head, he can’t agree fast enough. He thinks about his love and how sentimental she is, especially when it comes to their relationship. She’ll definitely want to meet that’s given them something so special. “I’d like that...we both would.”
The next day at work its as if the universe is helping him out when the death of a marine who had suddenly come into a lot of money lands on their front door step. Of course its tragic but the shaggy blonde can’t help smile at the opportunity this case is bringing him. 
Once the two pair of partners return from their respective assignments they gather in the bullpen, trying to figure out the different angels that could’ve resulted in the marine’s untimely demise. 
“Maybe he was here to spend it.” Kensi speaks up, snowballing off of Callen’s statement about leaving behind a paper trail. 
Sam’s eyebrows raise, nodding his head at the strong possibility that she may be right. “Corporal Peterson said he was thinking about getting married.”
“An engagement ring from Tiffany’s?” Deeks questions, knowing Corporal Porter had a serious girlfriend and it would be logical he’d be hunting for a spectacular ring now that money wasn’t really an issue. 
The brunette locks eyes with her partner, flashing him a small grin. “You have no idea what that little blue box means to a girl.”
He smirks, thinking about the small delicate ring that’s in the black satin bag tucked in his wallet between a photo of them and Marg’s information. One of the main reasons he went in search at an antique shop is because he remembers the gaudy diamond ring Jack had proposed to her with and how it screamed the opposite of what his best friend was. That should’ve set off warning bells from the get go, because if there’s one thing Kensi Blye is not, its flashy. His girl isn’t one for bling and he knows the story behind the ring he bought will mean more to her than any content of a little blue box could. “Oh, but I do.”
She’s been feeling him stare at her on and off all day...well more than usual. It’s when they’re walking towards the home goods store to question Porter’s girlfriend that she’s finally it. “Why do you keep looking at me like that?”
His brow furrows at her accusatory tone, shrugging his shoulders. “What, a guy can’t look at his fiancée?”
“I didn’t say yes.”
“Didn’t you?” He smirks, knowing good and well that they’re as good as engaged. 
She shakes her head. He’s right, but there’s no reason for her to voice that, not that there’s really time to before they’re already at the front of the store.
As her partner goes off to distract Diane’s manager, Kensi’s able to question the blonde without interruption. It’s when the young woman talks about she and Porter picking out rings that she suddenly feels a strange kinship with her. 
When Jack had proposed to her all those years ago she hadn’t really thought about how gaudy and so unlike her that the ring truly was. It wasn’t until he was off in Afghanistan that she would catch herself staring at the large diamond thinking that it didn’t belong there. Everything was different with him, she realizes that now that her rose colored glasses are off. 
She’s been having these moments ever since Marty proposed, finding herself imagining what kind of ring he’d give her. He loves her like no other, he knows she’s not into blingy things. It makes her smile when she remembers all the times he’s seen women with large diamond rings and spouting off something about someone overcompensating. She’d laugh and that would make him laugh, and in turn they’d get stares from strangers making them laugh even harder. Never in her life has someone made her laugh the way Marty Deeks has. 
Kensi’s focus goes back to the woman standing in front of her, against her own will the image of their roles reversed comes to the forefront of her mind. What if it was Marty that had been killed? The answer brings a gut wrenching ache over her. 
The jewelry store op had been a bust. As soon as the man behind the counter got a glimpse of Kensi’s bracelet the air shifted and they were immediately asked to leave. It may have not turned out like they planned but Deeks can’t help but love the fact he and his partner got to deceive their coworkers once again by “posing” as a couple. Kensi didn’t seem too keen on showing affection however, especially when Sam and Callen were just outside. He wasn’t the least bit surprised when the sharp point of her heel lands directly into the top of his foot.
So now here they sit in the bullpen, in silence, trying to figure out the team’s next move. He took over Callen’s chair so they could work more closely but neither have come up with any links to their victim in the myriad of old case files piled on each desk. 
The shaggy blonde takes a look next to him, smiling at the pout that’s displayed on his girlfriend’s face. She hasn’t spoken a word in the past 30 minutes which is kind of worrisome. Afraid that he pushed to far by calling her his fiancée, he speaks up in hopes that she’ll respond. “Are you mad at me?”
“Dogs go mad. People...people get angry.”
The spark in her mismatched orbs makes him want to forget this nonsense and kiss her right then and there, but he quickly remembers the terms of their bet and knowing Callen isn’t anywhere around, he continues this little charade...for now. “Is this about the jewelry store? Listen, I was just trying to sell the fact that we were a couple.”
“Yeah, whatever. Like anybody would believe that we’re a couple.”
He has to hold back a laugh at her words because ever since middle school that’s all people thought they were. “You’re right. You are so not my type.”
It takes longer than any of them anticipated but eventually Porter’s killer is caught. As Hetty congratulates them on a job well done, she hands Kensi a small ring box. The contents of said box are a delicate simple ring much like Diane had described. 
She thinks back to the woman and her heart aches for the loss that she’ll never get over. The life that she’ll never get to experience with the man who she loved. She’s drawn out of her thoughts at the distinct laughter of her love filling the room. Looking across to Hetty’s office she watches as he exchanges some verbiage with Sam making Callen laugh and she could swear there’s a hint of a smile on the Operation Manager’s face. It’s then she realizes that she wants to accept Marty’s proposal. Who the hell cares that they’ve only been dating for a few weeks. They’ve known each other their whole lives and she doesn’t ever want to live without him. There’s just one thing she has to do first.
Taking out her phone, she presses call on the newly added number “Diane, hey, Special Agent Kensi Blye, NCIS. I was wondering if I could drop by. I have something that Tom left for you.”
Deeks watched from the passenger seat of the SRX as his partner handed over the small box to Diane. As she pried it open, tears immediately sprang to the woman’s eyes and before either knew it her arms were wrapped around the junior agent in a giant bear hug. It suddenly made him think about what if he were the one that died, leaving Kensi all alone. The thought alone breaks his heart in two.
A few minutes later the pair bid their farewells and part ways. He’s surprised a little at the look in her eyes, its not one of sadness but there’s something else, something he’s not sure how to describe. 
The shaggy blonde is so focused on his girlfriend that he doesn’t realize she misses the turn towards his apartment, instead she keeps going for a few minutes until she hits the Santa Monica exit. A few minutes later they’re back in the same spot at the overlook where they were just a week ago. 
“What are we doing here?”
She turns towards him, that unrecognizable look still swirling in her mismatched eyes. “Well, I’ve been thinking.”
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oboevallis · 3 years
who is he
AU: amelia never told link he was the father of her son
“Amelia, you have to tell him eventually. Especially if he’s asking.” Meredith reprimanded as she stirred in sugar into her coffee. Since Scout was at school age everyone had been telling her he’d be asking questions about his father, and Amelia had been dreading that conversation. He had asked the question last night though, he asked Amelia why he didn’t have a dad present, his friend has two dads, and he could never recall him having one or mention of one.
“There’s nothing to tell him, Mer.” Amelia sighed as she situated her lab coat, and pulled her hair back.
“Well, he has a dad. Who may I add has no idea, that it’s their child.”
“Link made it clear if the baby wasn’t his he wasn’t interested. So when I found out the baby was his I realized, if he can’t love me for me he doesn’t deserve to love my kid. At the end of the day he’s mine.”
“And Link’s kid. It takes two to make a baby.”
“And only takes one to give them sufficient love no matter what.” Amelia sighed, sending a glare towards her sister before leaving the attendings lounge. Since Link left her and she’s had no contact with him, and wasn’t interested in doing so.
“Mom?” Scout asked as he walked into his mother’s room.
“Yeah babe?” She patted the space in her bed next to her. Scout crawled into bed next to her and passed her a paper.
“We have to do a project about our lives, like where our names come from and our parents and like where we were born and stuff like that.” He pointed to each bullet point that had the criteria.
“Alright.” Amelia smiled, knowing her son he was going to try and find information about his father through this. “Seems simple enough, you want to get started now?”
“Hmm.” Scout seemed to contemplate this. “No, but maybe you can tell me the things I need to know?”
“Okay.” Amelia braced herself and sat up before passing the piece of paper back to him. “What do you need to know?”
“How did you and my dad meet?” Amelia leaned over to see the sheet of paper.
“I don’t see that as a question on the list.” She then pointed to one of the bullets on the list. “Here, we can do the ‘where we’re you born question’.” Amelia chuckled scooting closer to her son and wrapping her arm around her son. “I was in LA that’s in California. It was late at night and I couldn’t sleep, because you were kicking up a storm.”
“Did I hurt you when I would kick.”
“Nope, didn’t hurt a bit. It was just hard to get comfortable. Back to my story, I went outside and sat on the beach, then your Aunt Addison came and sat with me for awhile. It took her a long time to convince me that I needed to go to the hospital.”
“Why didn’t you want to go to the hospital?”
“I was scared.” She forced a smile, thinking about her first son, but she wasn’t going to get into that at the moment. “But then early early early in the morning you came, and I saw your cute little face and you were healthy and perfect. And I wasn’t scared anymore because I had you.” Scout smiled at his mother, before asking the next question.
“Why’d you name me Scout?” Amelia hesitated for a moment. He’d been named Scout because it correlated with his fathers name, and when she told Link it was a boy he’d suggested the name and at first she hated it, but when she saw her son for the first time she knew he was a Scout.
“Your name comes from a character in a book. You’ll get to read it when your a bit older.”
“I don’t have siblings, so can I talk about Zola and bailey and Ellis?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
“So how are they related to us?”
“Well, my brother Derek.”
“My middle name!”
“Yep, he’s the dad of Zola, Bailey, and Ellis. So since Derek and I are siblings his kids are my nieces and nephew, making them your cousins.”
“Do you miss your brother?”
“I do, everyday.” Amelia nodded.
“How about my dad? Do you miss him?”
“Why are you so keen on knowing about your dad?”
“I dunno, it seems like everyone has a dad. And they do things with them, like go to baseball games.”
“Well we’ve talked about how every family looks different. Like your friend has two dads and no mom? Some kids only have a dad, some have two moms. Our family is you and me.” She wrapped her arm around her son allowing him to lean his head on her shoulder. “And we can go to a baseball game if you really want to. We can do all those things.”
“Really? You’ll take me to a baseball game? You always say how dangerous it is.”
“Yeah, but we can go to a game. As long as your not partaking in the game yourself.”
“Deal!” Scout jumped up on the bed, shrieking with laughter. “Can we see the Mariners?” Her heart dropped at the mention of the team.
“Any other team you like?”
“Well yeah, but the Mariners are Seattle’s team. And we do live in Seattle, and I really like their mascot.”
“Okay, we can go to a game.” The neurosurgeon sighed nervously.
“Yay!” Scout jumped on to his mother engulfing her in a hug. “Your the best mommy ever.” Amelia smiled contently, savoring the hug.
“This is reaaaaaaaaaaally big.” Scout said as they stood near the entrance and he was looking up at the stadium.
“It is isn’t it.” Amelia looked down at her beaming son and smiled, he had the same smile as his father. “Now when we go in, you don’t let go of my hand, okay?”
“Mom I’m 6 years old, I’m a big kid.”
“Yes you are a big kid, but I’m afraid I’m going to get lost so I’m gonna hold your hand.”
“Okay, I’ll protect you mom.”
“I appreciate that.” She squeezed her sons hand, and leaded them to ticket booth. Once they got into the stadium, Scout clung tightly to his mother obviously not used to the amount of people around them. “Want to get some nachos?”
“They have nachos here?” Amelia brightly smiled and nodded, knowing they were her sons favorite. “This is the best place ever!”
“Hmm.” Amelia hummed, she knew her son was over the moon excited, but all she wanted to do was run far away. As they were waiting in the concession line, Scout explained to her who the star players were and how the game worked.
“Is anyone a doctor?” A voice shouted from behind, causing Amelia to turn around abruptly. She took her sons hand and went to the person who was seizing on the floor.
“Don’t move, and watch this watch keep track of the time.” She told her son handing him her watch and left him two feet away. She then moved to move the person onto their side, and took off her jacket putting it under the mans head. “I’m Dr Shepherd. Has he ever had a seizure before?” She asked the woman standing beside the man, obviously distraught.
“No, no this is the first time.”
“Heard there’s a seizure?” Amelia’s heart dropped when she heard the voice. He kneeled across from her, and his face visibly dropped registering who was in front of him. The paramedics were standing next to the two with a stretcher ready for the patient, but the seizure had yet to stop.
“Do guys have lorazepam?” Amelia asked, looking at the paramedics instead of Link who had the medical bag.
“Already on it.” Link salty said as he injected the patient with it. After a couple of seconds the seizure ceased.
“How long was that?” Amelia asked looking back to her son.
“5 minutes aaaaaaand 3 seconds.” Scout said as he watched the watch in his hand.
“Alright, this guys gotta get to the hospital.” Amelia said before helping the paramedics ease the man into the stretcher. She then took her sons hand.
“Grey-Sloan right?” Link asked as he walked with them.
“Yeah we’re gonna take him there, are you coming as well Dr Shepherd?” The paramedic asked, Amelia nodded and picked her son up so they could keep up with the fast pace. “What are you doing Dr Lincoln?” The paramedics asked noticing he was following them.
“I was gonna come.”
“No, you’ve gotta stay here. You know in case one of the players get hurt?” The other paramedic said as they loaded into the ambulance.
“Yeah, right.” Link and Amelia held eye contact as the door was shut. He watched the ambulance drive away and sighed, it had been years since he had seen her. He thought lots of times what he’d say if he saw her again, but failed to get the words out.
“I’m so sorry we missed the game.” Amelia apologized as she walked into the attendings lounge where he was sitting with Maggie.
“It’s okay.” He sighed, leaning into his mother once she sat down on the couch.
“I promise the next game we’ll go, and I’ll try really hard not to save someone’s life.” She chuckled, kissing the top of her sons head.
“I have a question.”
“And I may have an answer.”
“Who was that doctor? He knew what hospital you worked at.”
“Oh my God, Link?” Maggie asked, abruptly turning around while she was pouring her coffee.
“Who’s Link?” Scout asked.
“Link. Is. No. One.” Amelia glared at her sister.
“Right.” Maggie immediately looked down at the floor, embarrassed. “I’m just gonna go now.”
“Now, they won’t be stadium nachos, but want to go get nachos somewhere?”
“Yes please!” Scout smiled jumping up from the couch.
“Let’s get some nachos.” Amelia smiled standing up, Scout went to get his coat on while Amelia opened up her phone and stared at her former boyfriends contact, before shutting her phone off and taking her sons hand as they walked out of the hospital together. Seeing Link today brought up old feelings but she had to remember she had all she needed, her son. She smiled as he squeezed her hand and it reaffirmed her he was all she needed.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Can we have some unpopular Sonic opinions?
I tried to cram in a lot, so I hope this satisfies you. :P I tried to stick to the ones that I haven't brought up quite as often, since by this point, we all know that I think IDW's storytelling is dire, SA2's story is overrated, X Eggman is an embarrassing portrayal (at least from season 2 onwards), Blaze shouldn't be handcuffed to Silver, Shadow's backstory had issues with or without the Black Arms, Neo Metal Sonic looks silly, etc. But anyway, here we go:
- Knuckles may be tricky to incorporate into plots that don't relate to Angel Island, but making him obsessed with his duties is no better than having him forget about Angel Island entirely.
- I like Marine, and never found her annoying. Oh, I understood what they were trying to do with her, but I honestly wasn't put off by her, and found her Aussie lingo more endearing if anything. Since her debut was during the period in my life where where I couldn't stand Sonic himself, I instead thought he was irritating (and hypocritical) for getting annoyed with her for doing shit he would often be guilty of.
- Silver is just as guilty of being shoehorned into games and plots as the Deadly Six are. Having more fans than the latter is irrelevant, since we're still talking about a character who constantly has to time travel in order to be present.
- Speaking of Silver, if he has to stick around, please do something different with him. They've pulled the doomed future routine multiple times now, and it's been boring every single time. I wasn't interested when it involved Iblis. I wasn't interested when it involved Knuckles drinking the edgy Kool Aid. I wasn't interested when it involved a council of dumbasses... give it a rest already.
- The Tails Doll can work as a mildly creepy thing, with maybe more to it than meets the eye when it's time for a boss fight or what have you. But the memes about him stealing your soul are just dumb, and I thought it was dumb even back in my teenage youth.
- “Eggman is supposed to be clownish!” Yeah, well he's also meant to be a genuine villain with a 300 IQ. These qualities don't have to be mutually exclusive.
- “Sonic is supposed to have attitude!” Yeah, well that's not the same thing as being an absolute cunt. Sonic was only ever meant to come off as having an edge compared to Mario. He was never meant to be a GTA-tier protagonist.
- Rouge is not a villain, and never was a villain. Literally the whole point of her role in SA2 was to reveal that she was working against Eggman and Shadow the whole time, albeit using sneakier tactics to do so. You'd think all those people who exult SA2's story would remember this, but apparently not. She barely even qualifies as an anti-hero, since aside from stealing the Master Emerald, she rarely does anything morally questionable otherwise. She's got a lot more good in her than people give her credit for.
- Captain Whisker is a better Eggman Nega than the actual Eggman Nega. And as far as robot characters in this franchise go, Johnny's design is pretty underrated.
- I don't like Iblis or Mephiles, but I DO like Solaris, and it annoys me that it was out of focus for most of the story due to all the time spent on its less interesting halves. Had they kept the backstory with the Duke and his experiments, and worked from there, I think they could have provided an interesting contrast with Chaos (since Solaris can also qualify as a monster with a sympathetic backstory) instead of recycling the surface level schtick.
- Black Doom may technically be just as bad as Mephiles, Nega, Scourge, Mimic, etc, since he's yet another villain with one-note characterization and fucked over Eggman. But because he never gained a disproportionate fandom, he doesn't annoy me to the same extent. It's easier to ignore him by comparison, and his Dr. Claw voice and face shaped like a lady's delicate part make him enjoyable to mock.
- Likewise, while Lyric is also on the same level as these other villains, it's easier to dismiss him because I was never invested in the Boom games anyway, and being an obvious alternate universe (compared to Sonic X or IDW, which retain the Modern designs and plot elements), it never had an effect on the main series. I also unironically like his design, and if nothing else, at least this snake didn't start a hypnotism fetish across the internet.
- Sally - and the rest of the Freedom Fighters for that matter - have had their importance in the franchise severely inflated. They may have been lucky to be the face of popular media (SatAM and Archie), but they're not these magnificent entities that the game characters are but a speck of dust in comparison to. Having a “legacy” doesn't make them more entitled to shit than any other character, old or new.
- Conceptually, the treasure hunting gameplay is one of the better alternate gameplay styles IMO. But it was let down in SA2 by its one track minded radar (the levels may have been big, but I don't think that would have been an issue on its own if the radar was better). If they brought it back and made it more like SA1's treasure hunting, I'd be all for it, although it would probably be better suited for a spinoff title.
- This goes for a lot of games, but when it comes to 2D, I prefer sprites over models. Not that the Rush models are bad (though the ones in Chronicles sure as fuck are), but the sprites in Mania and the Advance trilogy are just so charming and full of character.
- I actually like Marble Zone. Yeah, the level design is a bit blocky, but I love the concept of an underground temple prison, mixed with lava elements in a zone that otherwise isn't a traditional volcano level.
- I also like Sandopolis Zone. Again, completely understand why it's not the most popular zone around, but I've been a sucker for the Ancient Egyptian aesthetic since childhood (you can thank Crash 3 for that), and Act 1 is visually stunning.
- I prefer the JP soundtrack for Sonic CD over the US version overall... but I also prefer Sonic Boom over You Can Do Anything.
- SA2's soundtrack isn't bad by any means - I love Rouge's tracks, and The Last Scene is one of my favourite pieces of music - but as far as variety goes, it's a step down from SA1's soundtrack.
- If Sonic X-Treme had been released, it probably would have been unenjoyable and confusing. Whatever your thoughts on SA1, it was probably the better option between the two as far as Sonic's first legitimate translation into 3D goes.
- I have no qualms with Modern Sonic and the other Modern designs and characters, but I also fully acknowledge that changing gears from Adventure onwards - and doing it with a great amount of fanfare - was always going to create one of the biggest divides in the fandom, and fans shouldn't act surprised that this happened. The fact that they felt the need to hype up a new design and direction in the first place (compared to Mario, who has mostly been the same since the beginning, with only the occasional minor change with little fanfare) also indicates that they weren't confident enough in Sonic and his universe being the way it was, which often gets ignored by all the “SEGA have no confidence!!!” complaints you see with their recent games.
- Unleashed did not deserve the incredibly harsh reviews it received back in the day... but it doesn't deserve its current sacred cow status either. It had more effort put into it than '06 to be sure, and I can respect that, but much of it was misguided effort, and even if you like the Werehog, you have to admit that the idea came at the absolute worst time. The intro cutscene may be awesome, as is the Egg Dragoon fight, but 2% doesn't make up the entire game. Chip was also quite annoying, and I wasn't particularly sad when he pressed F in the chat at the end.
- On the other hand, while Colours definitely has its shortcomings, and people have every right to criticse those shortcomings, a lot of its most vocal detractors tend to have a stick up their arse about the game because people actually enjoyed it, and it had a gimmick that people actually liked. Yes, it may have been the first game to have those writers everyone hates, but then SA1 was the first game to give the characters alternate gameplay styles and have other villains upstage Eggman, so...
- Forces is absolutely not on the level of '06. It's nowhere close. A game being flawed does not make it the next '06, clickbait YouTubers. Or should I say, the game they want to retroactively apply '06's reception to, since they've been trying hard to magically retcon '06's own quality...
- To echo @beevean, ALL of the 3D stories have their issues. SA1 is probably the most well-rounded of them on the whole, but even that one isn't perfect.
- To echo another opinion, although I do love SA1, I'm not crazy over the idea of a remake, and would prefer them to just take Sonic's gameplay from SA1 and work from there. Because with a remake, you're stuck in a hard spot: Do you keep it the way it is bar the expected graphical upgrades, and risk accusations of not doing anything to actually improve the experience? Or do you try to address past criticisms, and risk the wrath of the fans who will inevitably go on a #NotMyAdventure crusade about it? What people fail to consider is that the Crash and Spyro remakes were accepted gracefully because their original iterations were still unanimously beloved for the most part, whereas SA1 - and especially SA2 - have always been divisive, and have only gotten moreso over the years.
- People take their preferences for the character's voice actors too seriously. I have my own favourites like anyone else, but I don't make a big deal out of it.
- And with fandom voice actors, they usually focus too much on doing a basic impression of their preferred official voice actor, and not enough on the acting. So you end up getting a lot of fan voices who sound like decent impressions of Ryan Drummond or Jason Griffith on the surface, but they sound utterly empty beyond that impression, because there's no oomph or depth to the actual emotions. They think about the actor rather than the character, when it should really be the other way around.
- The thing with Ian Flynn is that he is capable of telling a decent story, and he can portray some characters well. But he's proven time and time again that everything will go off the rails if he's given too much freedom (ironic, given how quick he is to point the finger at mandates when something goes wrong).
- Ian Flynn and Shiro Maekawa are not the only people in the world who are allowed to write for Sonic. I understand that one should be cautious when seeking out new writing talent, but for all the fandom's accusations of playing it safe, they sure aren't in a rush to experiment outside of their own comfort zone.
- And of course, the big one: You don't fix the franchise's current problems by crawling back to its previous problems. It's much more helpful and constructive to discuss the good and bad alike with each of the games. Less “THIS GOOD, MODERN BAD”, and more “This could work, but maybe without that part...”
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babbushka · 4 years
Head Detective
Tumblr media
Flip Zimmerman x Reader 
3k ; N S F W (Come as lube, come sharing, chest-fucking, multiple orgasms, slight mention of blood)
Also available on Ao3
Alphabet Series: Aftercare & Body Part
You can feel it, the excited tension in the air when you arrive home after the ceremony. A shiny new medal is pinned to Flip’s jacket, an award for an incredible job done this past year, an incredible job being him. He was feeling good, had been riding that high with a subtle smirk on his handsome face the whole way back home, one hand wedged between your thighs in as he drove the mountain roads.
Without saying anything, you take his hand and lead him up to the bedroom, coats and shoes forgotten at the foot of the stairs as you toss a smile over your shoulder. He’s got a cigarette between his teeth -- because when doesn’t he? -- and he looks so sexy following you that you almost ask to get fucked right there, right there on the stairs.
But no, tonight is about Flip, about his accomplishments, about his wants.
Successfully up the stairs, he leans against the wall, watching, waiting for something, waiting for you. You look at one another in the bedroom, simply breathing together. He lets out a great big exhale of smoke, plumes of it through his nostrils that curl lazily around his smirk. He knows what he wants, and he’s been so good, so good for you always, you’re going to give it to him.
You’ve been together so long, you know, almost like you can read his mind, and you hum ever so slightly as your hands smooth up the sides of your stomach, span over your chest.
His eyes snap to the movement, and he swallows hard, stubs the cigarette out in the little ashtray you bought him a decade ago. He chews on his lip for a moment, and his voice is so deep, so handsome and husky and low when he finally says,
“Take off your shirt.”
With a grin your blouse goes up over your head.
Like a moth to a flame, he’s drawn to them, your tits. Obsessed, maybe. They’re certainly his favorite body part of yours, always have been. He loves the way they fill his hands when he cups them, loves how they feel against his palms. He crosses the bedroom in three long strides, the exact amount of time it takes for the blouse to fall to the floor.
The lace of your bra is ticklish under his fingers, but even through the fabric there’s the warmth of your body. He wants to feel it, wants to feel you, bare skin to bare skin. You don’t wear lingerie often, it only ever gets torn away after all. Flip liked to look at it, but he didn’t like to touch it.
No, he only liked to touch you.
“Let me?” Flip asks, his eyes so big and brown as they look at you. You raise your eyebrows, allowing him permission to be in control for the evening. He wets his lips and this time when he speaks again it’s not a question, “Let me.”
You smile, pleased that he’s willing to take charge, pleased that the ego of his is only fueled by your presence. You unclasp the little hooks at the back of your bra, let it fall to the floor along with the blouse. Your breasts don’t even have a chance to hang naturally, before his hands are grabbing at them, kneading them, groping.
He wastes little time, pushing you to the bed. With his hands on your tits, you yank down your bottoms, go to pull down your panties.
“No, leave them on.” He uses his Voice, the one that’s commanding, the one he learned in the Marines, the one that has your cunt squeezing, has you so wet for him.
You frown a little, at the notion though. He’s always so eager to fuck your pussy, always jumps at the chance. Maybe he will later, you don’t know.
The night is still young, there’s still time.
He’s fixated on them, on your tits, and you sigh out a smile as you settle into the mattress, soft satin sheets slinking and sliding around your body. He follows you, moves when you move, a pair of magnets. His gaze is hard and his jaw is set, but you can see the twinkle in his eye as he licks his lips, as he rubs his thumbs across your nipples soft soft soft.
“Like what you see?” You whisper when they perk up, stiffen beneath his calloused fingers.
“Yeah ketsl, yeah.” He breathes a shaky breath, he’s too excited, already getting wound up. He’s still fully dressed and you know that’s gotta bother him, you know that’s gotta irritate him. But he doesn’t dare pull away from your chest, instead he glues himself to you, gets closer, grasps your breasts tighter as he sighs, “Fuck you’re perfect, look at these, look how they fit in my hands.”
“All for you, touch me, taste me.” Your hand comes up to scratch into his scalp, fingers twisting into his feathered hair that you had sprayed into place not a few hours earlier, as you guide his head down.
“Oh jesus.” He groans, shoving your body up the mattress some more so he can get level with your tits.
He buries his face into your cleavage, kisses the flesh of your breasts as he holds them in his trembling palms. They’re sweaty, and you grin, because you love when he gets like this around you – trembling with need, desperate for you.
Your thighs rub together as you grow wet in your panties, as your pussy begins to flutter, wishing he would touch you there. You’ll ask him to soon, wanting him to get his fill of you first. He deserves this, he’d done such a good job on the case, such a good job at work – head detective! He deserved whatever he wants.
You’re spoiled, but you can wait, he’ll make you come in time.
“Baby,” He peppers kisses across your breasts, noses underneath them, clamps his teeth down hard against your ribs. “I could fucking live here, I could die here.”
You only moan and press him closer to you. His hands slide around to hug your back as he sucks a mouthful of your nipple, laves his tongue over it, tugs it between his teeth gently. You sigh into the touch, the hazy buzz of pleasure starting to get you worked up. Your hips press up underneath him, seeking friction, seeking the hard rigid line of his dick.
Flip is breathing hard against your tits, leaving all kinds of marks. His hips are starting to rut against your leg, and he pulls away with a long groan as he grinds his cock in his nice pleated trousers.
“I’m – can I – ” He whines into your cleavage and you laugh brightly because you love him so much, even when he has you he’s still so good, so polite.
“Yes, please Flip, please.” You arch your back for him, and he moves quickly.
His hands are all over you, all over himself. He yanks the buttons of his clothing off, steps out of his pants. He’s in nothing but his socks and the sight makes you beam up at him, because dammit you love your husband to pieces, love him as he strokes his big cock in his hand.
He licks his lips and climbs back on the bed, climbs up up up your body until the head of his dick slides through your cleavage. He groans loudly as you smack his thigh in encouragement, marveling at how he’s made entirely of muscle, watching as he flexes his body for you.
“Fuck, ugnh,” Flip pants, and you smack him again as his hips begin to thrust, trying to seek purchase, friction between your breasts. “Push them together – yeah just like that ketsl.”
He moans loud then, his cock disappearing between your breasts. You’re sweating just from the sheer stifling suffocation of his body on yours, his thighs bracketing your ribs as his hips work work work. But the sweat isn’t enough, the pre-come with smears into your cleavage isn’t enough, and he’s spitting down onto your chest to give more lubrication.
The spit helps, and soon Flip’s nearly doubling over, one hand gripping the headboard tight, the other fisting your hair as he chases his pleasure.
“Does it feel good?” You gasp, hands on the sides of your breasts to keep them in place, knees squeezing together as your pussy drools in your panties, doing your best to hand on, “Fucking my tits?”
“Baby, babybabybaby yes.” Flip groans, looking up to the ceiling with his eyes clamped shut.
You tip your head back, stretch your body so that you go taut, so that as he fucks you he doesn’t jab the head of his cock into your throat. He’s grunting now, and it’s such a marvel to watch him grow red and sweat-slick, a marvel to see how all the muscles in his chest arms thighs flex. He’s covered in speckles and spots, and they blur as he moves fast fast fast.
He shifts himself, moves you, manhandles you with baseball mitts for palms, tries to get a better angle as his cock weeps, a steady stream of pearly white dribbling down his shaft only to get whisked away by the flesh he’s fucking.
“I’m gonna come.” He pants, grunts and groans. It’s the first orgasm of the night, he’s too wound up, he’s too excited still. You know there’s more to come, hell, he’ll probably still be hard after this, probably will still be riled for you.
“Come all over my tits, come on me, paint me with it.” You nod, letting him, letting him do whatever he wants.
You want to be fucked so badly, but you’ve got to wait your turn. That’s okay, it’s okay because his hips are stuttering to a stop and thick ropes of hot come splash up onto your neck, your chin. Some splatters even make it to the corner of your mouth, but most of it slides down onto the tops of your breasts. You’re some great Pollock painting, lying on the bed beneath him.
He lets out a long and low shaky moan, come still oozing out of him. The muscles in his stomach tense, and you’re pleased to know you were right. His cock bobs in front of your face, rock hard still.
You give it a random lick, long and hot up the shaft for good measure, and Flip moans so handsomely.
“Make me come.” That moan did it to you, that was the last straw for you, you simply had to get fucked and you had to get fucked now. His cock was still hard, he was still coming, he could come inside you like he loves to do. But you wanted to come too, so your hands begin to smear the come around around around your breasts, begin to rub it into your skin as you whine, “Phil please make me come.”
He tears your panties in two, the poor thing. Little scrap of fabric that he literally rips apart, brings up to his nose to take a deep whiff. Another rope of come paints your stomach, and he groans, sucks the scrap of cotton into his mouth, tasting you, moaning.
With half a brain you think to yourself, if there were one thing he loved more than your tits, it really was your pussy.
“I’ve got you honey, I’m here.” Flip assures you as he manhandles you once again, pushing and pulling you so that he can slide into you so easy.
Your eyes roll back and your legs wrap around his hips as he shoves his still hard cock all the way into your cunt in an easy go. You’re so wet that it makes such a sucking squelching smacking sound when he pulls out, as if your pussy didn’t want him to go anywhere.
“I’m so fucking close I’m gonna scream.” Your hands grab at him, nails clawing into his back, scrambling to get as close to him as possible. You moan, high and loud with little ah—ah—oh!s that have your throat clicking, sparks dancing up your spine.
“If you’re going to scream it better by my fucking name.” Flip grunts heavy in your ear, pants, presses himself flush to your front, all of his come sticking the two of you together.
You don’t mind, you’d love that, love for you to never be apart, love for you to always be stuck like this. Your body shudders underneath his as he drags his cock in and out of you fast fast fast.
There’s not much else to do aside from hold on, aside from cry on his cock. He punches moans out of you, and if you had the brain you’d wonder how he has enough stamina for it. But he does, and he does, and your body convulses when he collects come from your tits and uses it as lube to rub and press on your clit.
“Flip!” You nearly sit up from the pleasure of it all, your eyes flying open before pinching shut again, because it’s too much, it’s so much, your body’s on fire as he fucks you, “Oh shit, Flip!”
“Louder.” He demands, and your muscles burn now with the effort to keep shaking, orgasm ripping through you.
“Philip!” You scream, chest heaving, nipples rigid and stiff, throat dry but mouth watering, drooling all over yourself as you come and come and come, “Fuck – oh fuck!”
He comes with you, though it’s weaker this time. He’s exhausted, oversensitive, but still somehow you can feel the hot spread of it moving through you. He collapses on top of you, face landing in the sticky spot between your breasts where now they can finally rest naturally, can finally relax.
But even still, even as the two of you try and catch your breath as your vision goes spotty, as you moan and grunt and cry against each other, even then Flip’s nose nuzzles your nipple.
“Phil, honey.” You whisper, whine, and he cranes his neck to meet you for a kiss.
You wonder if he’ll pass out right away, sated and warm. His skin is flushed, and he’s got his head on your chest which is how he sleeps anyway, it’d be easy for him to just knock out and see you in the morning.
He doesn’t, which is a little surprising, but then again not really. He takes care of you, all the time, always. No matter how tired, and this is no exception.
With a groan he stands up on jelly-legs, boneless and pleasure weak with a great big grin on his face. You get lost momentarily in how beautiful he is, blissed out.
“Come on.” He reaches a hand out for you, and you laugh laugh laugh because you can’t even lift your arm to meet it. Flip smiles at you, beams, wraps a hand around your ankle and gives it a shake as he tries to pull you out of bed. “I gotta clean you up honey-bunny. You’re so pretty like this but it’ll itch.”
“It’s itching now.” You complain, somewhere deep inside your head a rational thought is desperate for a wet towel.
Flip being Flip has the sense of mind to roll his eyes, and the two of you venture stark naked into the bathroom, not bothering to turn on any of the lights. You’ve lived here so long, you know the path, why ruin this magical moment with the bright shock of vanity bulbs?
“You’re so beautiful, I love you.” Flip stands behind you at the counter, kisses your neck, your shoulder. He’s got a cloth in his hand and he sweeps it over your body, caring for you, cleaning you.
He does this slowly, an act of passion in its own right. There’s something more intimate about this almost, the care. You allow him, are grateful for it as he cleans you, makes sure to get between your legs where his come is already sliding out of your pussy.
“I love you too sweetheart but you have to drink this.” You fill up a glass of water from the sink. You take the first sip, because he won’t drink it until you do. When you’ve gotten a good gulp, you pass it to him and smile at him, smile because you’re so in love as you cheekily remark, “You came so much you’ll be dehydrated if you don’t.”
And Flip, ever one for the theatrics, downs the rest of the glass in two glugs, smacking his lips together and sighing out a silly, “Ahh.”
You laugh then, on cloud nine as your knees wobble from being so well fucked, at least for this first round. He steadies you and smiles along, just happy to be there, happy to be with you. You’re so proud of him all the time, but tonight especially your pride swells for him.
“Cigarette, my Head Detective?” You rummage through the medicine cabinet for his stash of Camels, sticking one between your lips long enough to light it with a match before passing it off to him.
“A man could get used to this.” Flip replies, taking it and kissing you hard hard hard, kissing you over and over again, tongues smiling together. He replies as if he hasn’t been fucking you like this for years, replies like you haven’t been married from seemingly the dawn of time.
It makes you feel warm, knowing that after all this long while of being The Zimmermans, he still has an eye for you, a hunger for you. Standing there in the bathroom in the dark, nothing but the red glow of the cigarette tip burning away, you kiss one another, drink your water, laugh together, so in love.
And later once you’re all taken care of, once you bounce back onto the mattress, once you scramble to get back into each other’s arms, once your heartbeat begins to race and his hands begin to wander, you can’t help but grin – because the night indeed was still young.
Tagging some pals! 
@kyloxfem​ @heldcaptivebychaos​  @solotriplets​ @formerly-anonhamster​ @lookinsidemyhead​ @candycanes19​ @adamsnacc-kler​  @whiskey-bumblebee​ @magikevalynn​ @tinyplanet-explorers​ @chelsjnov​ @romancedeldiablo​ @helloimindelaware​ @elfieboxcat​ @laurenshit​ @autumnlovesadam​ @peterisparker​  @goodboybensolo​  @the-marvelatic​ @miasera​ @emily-strange​ @proxyfoxy​ @disaster-rose​ @hazydespair​ @yosoymuyloca​ @1-800-choke-that-snoke​ @ktellmeastory​ @anongirl007​ @zimmerxman​ @okk--maaan​​ @flapjacques​​ @thepilotanon​​ @aweirdlookingtree​​ @callmemania-pls​​ @theold-ultraviolence​​ @og-selene​​ @pinkmoontribe-blog​
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buck-nialled · 3 years
Undertow - S. Mendes (VII)
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Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Undertow Character Quiz
CH VII: Not So Casual Confessions
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Wesley’s voice was barely heard as Shawn finally bellowed a plea.
“B-because I love her, okay? I love Y/N!” Every person stood in the cove stilled for an uncertain amount of time. “The day I met her was the same day I was basically banned from the sea for who knows how long and she saved my life. Maybe that was the universe’s way of bringing the ocean to me so I wouldn’t go insane, I don’t know.” Shawn lets an unamused laugh escape, as does Y/N. Hers goes unnoticed by Merlin and Ripley--especially Ripley--as they become captivated by his response.
“But...she made me realize I couldn’t care less if my life was on land or in water, just as long as she is in it. So, you can leave me dead here for all I care. Do whatever you’re gonna do to try and get answers, but don’t expect me to give you anything.” His eyes flicker down to Sandy, still in the viscous grip of his owner. Slowly, Ripley loosens his tight fist around the slimy tube of its body before the eel is flopping to the ground and slithering back into the waters.
“You...love her? A human loves an Atlantean?”
“Yes,” Shawn groans as a painful tremor sweeps through his abdomen. “Why is that so hard to believe?”
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Ripley’s body resembled a beached animal from how eagerly he surged onto the sandy beaches of Hawaii. After reviewing Atlantean history today at Abyssington High and discovering the original plans to venture to the surface and make relationships with Homo sapiens, the urge he had attempted to fight for eighteen months finally motivated Ripley’s legs to carry himself onto land. Of course, he grew up knowing this type of action was forbidden amongst all sea folk and considered treason. If caught venturing to shore by anybody under the surface, he could be charged and sentenced to a life behind bars in the most shameful location and under the highest security--the King’s dungeon.
How Ripley discovered interest in land walker culture? Well, the story isn’t quite a nail-biter. One day while swimming towards the shallower ends of the sea, a sinking brick caught his eye. After swimming towards it and examining the material, he concluded it was not those plastic rings most turtles get tied around their fins, nor the transparent shrapnel he had been warned to keep away from in fear of being sliced to bits. It was a tough piece of plank with thinly sliced papers in between, each holding various names and places. After skimming through each page with lit eyes and enamor for his new discovery, Ripley flipped back to the plank at the front to read the large word staring back at him.
It was the only treasure of his that he decided to sneak up to the surface with. The book was far too heavy for him to add anything else to the load. After surging himself to the surface, he finds the famous, red landmark staring back at him. It was one which he had meticulously mapped and been swimming to for weeks. A sight which he could never grow tired of. Even it’s picture, filed under the letter ’G’ made his heart lurch for a change of scenery whenever he perused it. Staring before the real thing in front of him and knowing at one point he could be standing on it looking down at the home he had left made his heart start matching the beat of an erratic kick drum.
When he marched onto land for the first time, feeling his feet sink into dirt which was dry, Ripley was appalled at the fact that this was still the same planet. He continued in one direction, not exactly sure what to do now or where his unmarked destination would be. Finally, he shoved his way through trees and stumbled onto a square of cement. Seconds later, his entire body was vulnerable lying atop it.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” Ripley’s eyes fluttered open and he brought a hand to his forming concussion. A young woman, no older than him and adorning a vibrant tracksuit halter her jogging on the pavement and leaned down to inspect him for any superficial injuries. Her eyes were shaped like almonds and held the most gorgeous jade color. It’s hue was incomparable to the coral reefs he had been witness to for the last eighteen years. And he thinks it’s his new favorite sight above the Golden Gate Bridge.
“Are you alright?” With the guidance of her soft hand, Ripley shimmied himself into a sitting position and brought up his arm, which was suffering a light stinging sensation. “I’m leaking ...red.”
The girl before him snorts out a laugh, “you’re bleeding. And you’re soaking wet. Where did you come from?” Blinking at her a couple of times, Ripley fully stands up and turns to study the progress he has made on his journey so far. Lazily, he points to the red, steel ladders native to those in San Francisco and she inhales a sharp breath through the nose.
“You jumped?”
“No.” He looks at her. “I swam.”
Furrowing her brows, she nearly scoffs in disbelief at the story of this man slowly unraveling before her. Nevertheless, she remained intrigued and asks, “what’s your name?”
“Well, Ripley, I happen to live a few blocks down and own a dryer and some bandages if you’d like to come with.”
“Okay.” He nods, cueing the two to begin their walk back to her home. “What’s a dryer?” He asks, turning to her. And though she should have been concerned for how hard of a fall the man had taken, she elicits a string of giggles without further thought.
“You have a lot of explaining to do when we get back.”
And when they did get back, Ripley did not know what to say. Though it was nice leaving his home to discover a new one named San Francisco, a part of him still remained allegiant to his loved one’s below the surface.
“I can’t really remember much.” Is the excuse he gave. He hoped the questions would end there, but to his dismay, Stephanie continued her interrogation.
“What’s with the book.” She arched an eyebrow, pointing a finger down at the encyclopedia still in his grip. He opened it up, being careful when flipping each wilted page before coming across the landmark he was basking in the sight of not too long ago.
“I wanted to come here. And see it.” Humming, Stephanie nods and reaches a hand toward the book.
“May I?” Ripley nods, relinquishing the book over to her hold and letting her flip through the pages as she pleased.
“One day, when I become a marine biologist and get rich...this is where I’m going.” She turned the book towards Ripley, allowing his eyes to scan the picture in all of its beauty. The setting sun highlighting the sand and bouncing off of people’s glowing skin. The palm trees casting the perfect shade and shaking in the breeze made Ripley want to take Stephanie and swim with her straight there.
“Where is this?” His finger darted out to trace over the photo, as Stephanie read the title of the section.
“Hawaii.” The word sounded like a symphony when it bounced off of her tongue. It felt like Ripley’s insides were rolling down a hill of lush green grass and never wanted to stop.
“Let’s go.”
“Ripley, you can’t just up and leave like that. I mean, you probably have a life and family here…” she begins objecting.
“I wanna go wherever you go.” She turns from the hypnotizing photo of Hawaii’s sunset to his aqua blue eyes, just as mesmerizing. A smile creeps onto her lips, and suddenly, the word “no” seems displeasing to say. So instead she answers with an optimistic,
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“It’s not,” Ripley says, but is startled as another voice joins him in sync. This cues the man to turn, along with Merlin and come face to face with the wanted runaway.
“You were right, Rip.” Merlin elicits a string of menacing chuckles and administers a clap of his hand against his friend’s back. “She swam right after him.” But Ripley’s eyes were already transfixed elsewhere. Specifically, on his stunned child.
“Dad, what the hell are you doing?” The young man bustled past both of the knights to find his past competitor twitching and curling into himself against the stone floor.
“I...I don’t know, son. It was never meant to go this far--”
“You nearly killed him, dad! God, and for what? What were you going to get out of this?” Wesley ripped mercilessly at the seaweed keeping Shawn’s hands captive.
Ripley repeated his son’s question over and over to himself. No logical answer came up other than saving himself and his family.
“I was trying to protect you--”
“Protect me?” he scoffs. “By kidnapping and beating one of my friends? If you really cared about protecting me, you would actually tell me why you’re always leaving and where you’re going to. You would stay behind and actually ask me how me and mom have been since you’ve left us for some job we don’t even know anything about! More importantly, you would have told me about this!” Wesley retrieves his phone from his pocket, turning the screen towards his father.
Silence passed among the group for a few seconds, before Merlin took the initiative to lean towards Ripley and whisper to him, “You see a black screen too, right?”
“Uh . . . Wesley . . .” Y/N says, glowering her eyes at the boy. Humming, he turns the phone around for himself and gasps. Droplets of water were the only evidence as to what caused the unresponsive device.
“Huh? Oh no, no…” He pats the electronic against his hand, persistently pressing the power button in hopes of some illumination on the screen. His endeavor was fruitless, however, and left the boy sighing in despair. “I knew I should have gotten the warranty.”
“It was a map of the kingdom,” Y/N grumbles beside Ripley. “Not that it really matters anymore.”
“So what are you gonna do now? Take me in?” she asks, turning her stare from Ripley to Merlin. She tries to ignore Shawn’s eyes burning into her profile with dread for what was to come. She just hopes to have one last moment of staring into the hazel rings of his and maybe having her choke her--or kiss her, she is still confused on which was supposed to occur--before she is sentenced to life beneath the water forever.
“Yep.” Merlin smiles proudly to himself.
“No,” says Ripley, earning a hawk from everybody in the room.
“What?” His fellow knight stands beside him, baffled.
“What? I mean—“ Y/N clears her throat. “That’s right you’re not. Now, let Shawn free and we’ll all return back to land,” she commands in an authoritative voice, setting her hands against her hips Shawn’s hands could not wait to squeeze when he finally got the chance to hug her.
“Rip…” Merlin stops him with a hand against his forearm. “What are you doing?”
But Ripley ignores it, absorbing the sight before him. His son finished unraveling all of the seaweed that restrained Shawn’s hands earlier. Y/N approached him cautiously, and bent down to her knees to study the inflictions left on the boy’s skin from Sandy. Shawn tries not to concentrate on his new wounds, and rather, begins rattling compliments toward the woman in front of him.
“That-that dress looks nice on you,” he gulps.
A grin climbs onto her face upon the sight of Shawn’s red cheeks. “I think you already told me that earlier.”
“Well, I’m still right,” he claims through shaky chuckles.
“Eh,” She shrugs, staring down at the floral-patterned fabric. “I think I prefer your hoodie.” A snort comes from Shawn.
He retorts, “I think I’d prefer that thing in the garbage. It probably smelled awful when I gave it to you. And it’s covered in stains and...blegh.” He stiffens when Y/N’s warm hand is pressed against one of his cheeks, which now feels as though it is burning.
“I think I’d prefer you...and your brown eyes...and more of those…”
“Moments?” Shawn offers with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“Yeah, definitely more of those.” She grins, before the unfortunate moment the two shared earlier came to mind. “I’m sorry about what I said...you were right. Getting anywhere close to the water was a mistake.”
“No, I’m sorry. I mean, this is your home for crying out loud. I couldn’t ask you to just abandon it overnight...especially when you make a damn good lifeguard.” His hand reaches to guide a wet tendril behind Y/N’s ear.
“This isn’t my home, Shawn. My home is here, in Hawaii, with cheeseballs and shopping trips with Aaliyah and seafood nights...and you.”
“And Connor.” Shawn adds, earning a chuckle from the girl before him.
“And Connor.” She repeats.
“And Wesley.” The boy straggling behind them coughs, before turning to admire the stone surrounding them.
“And Wesley...but mostly you.” Watching the two lovesick strangers from afar was like staring into a portal from his past. The sight brought proud tears to Ripley’s eyes, despite his attempts to keep his emotions at bay.
“You know that it’s our lives on the line if you let her go,” Merlin states bitterly through his teeth. Ripley’s eyes shine with pride at the scene of Wesley now surveying the cove for the first time, with the two love struck young adults exploring one another’s eyes only a few feet away.
“I know.”
“I’m gonna make sure no one else is coming,” Merlin says. Ripley merely hums, too lost in the moment to be bothered by the knight’s complaints. Merlin glances at Shawn and Y/N, remembering his mission. He slowly walks to the edge of the cove, keeping his eyes on Wesley, who crouched down on a rock and staring at the distant shoreline. With one last breath he slipped into the water, swimming back to Atlantis a fast as he could.
Wesley ran his hand across the top of the water, paying attention to nothing but the ripples he was creating. He felt oddly calm considering how chaotic the past hour had been.
“You know,” Y/N said as she came up behind him. “this is where Shawn and I first met.”
“Really?” Wesley asked. “Was it a ‘meet cute?’”
“I don’t know what that means, but sure,” Y/N chuckled.
“Either way, he definitely likes you.”
“Gee, I wonder where you got that idea from.”
“Just in case you weren’t 100 percent sure.” He turned his head to look at her, offering a small smile.
“Okay, well the fate of humanity depends on us getting to work so I need to explain the plan and get going so you guys can get back to shore.” She nudged his hip and nodded back to Ripley and Shawn, who seemed to take no shame in maintaining their distance.
Wesley grunted as he stood up. “What do you mean ‘you go down and we go back to shore?’”
“We saved Shawn but we didn’t stop the tsunami,” Y/N stated matter of factly. “I have to go down there to finish this.”
“You can’t go down there alone.”
“Why not? That’s the plan.” She turned back towards Shawn and Ripley, feeling like the area was emptier than it was when she first showed up.
“No, the plan was for us to all go down there and finish this off together,” Wesley snapped, drawing Y/N’s attention back to him.
“It’s way too dangerous for you and Shawn to go. You don’t have a map and you didn’t memorize it earlier so there’s no chance I’m letting you come with me.”
“I don’t want you going down there alone.”
“You’re not my father. You don’t get to make that choice for me!” The raise of her voice caught Shawn’s attention. He furrowed his eyebrows at what he was witnessing, still not sure as to what was going on and why he was in the cove again.
“But I’m your friend, Y/N! And as your friend, I care about you and I don’t want you shoving yourself into dagner just ‘cause!”
“I don’t think you understand the gravity of this situation, Wesley.”
“What is going on over here?” Shawn asked as he approached the two, a cautious arm slung over the front of his abdomen while he attempted steady footsteps. RIpley, still feeling a weight of guilt sunken like an anchor in the pit of his stomach from his earlier actions, maintains distance but is still in earshot.
“Y/N’s throwing herself into the face of danger like it’s nothing and we’re not allowed to come with her.” Wesley threw his arm out in frustration, letting it fall to his side with a smack.
“Y/N?” Shawn said her name with hesitance. “Is that true?”
“This tsunami isn’t going to stop itself and you guys won’t make it out alive if you come with me.”
“What do you mean ‘go down there’? What in the world is going on right now?”
“Oh my gosh, how many times do I have to explain this?” Y/N groaned with a roll of her eyes.
“It’s only been one time so far,” Wesley muttered, earning a shove and glare from Shawn.
“There’s a tsunami. It was a distraction so they could kidnap you. I have to go to Atlantis to stop it. You guys are gonna go back to shore. End of story.”
“That is definitely not the end of the story.”
“Wesley, I swear I am going to feed you to the dolphins if you don’t shut up.” Before Wesley could even protest, a few disapproving cries came from Douglas and his pod.
“Oh, you’ve eaten worse.” Y/N turns her head, sharpening her glare at the bottle noses.
“No, wait...say that again,” Ripley directs, now with wide eyes. He walks closer to the group of dolphins, still bobbing in the waters leading onto the rocky platform of the cove. As instructed, Douglas and the others repeat the same series of chirps. Simultaneously, Y/N and Ripley bothe elicit petrified gasps.
Wesley and Shawn stood beside another, watching the scene unfold before them with a feeling of trepidation blossoming inside of both of them. “Do you understand what’s happening?” Wesley whispers into Shawn’s ear.
“Not a clue,” Shawn replies in a similar, hushed tone.
“Merlin went to the king to share our location, that’s what’s happening. We need to leave, now,” she says to Ripley, who confirms her order with a nod. “Douglas, get Shawn and Wesley back to shore.”
“What? No. Did you not just hear me say ‘this is not the end of the story’?” Wesley cries, before a loud clap of a crashing wave makes the group collectively flinch. Slowly, the tide began rising higher and higher, ultimately beginning to fill the cove to the top of its coarse walls.
“I think somebody heard you,” Shawn remarks--but his voice is nearly drowned by another harsh wave against the cove’s exterior. He is now fretful as his feet, once planted to the platform, are now hovering over it as he tried to keep his head above water. The dolphins began overlapping in their clicks and squeals.
“It’s the king,” Ripley begins. “He’s gonna fill this cave up to the brim.” He and Y/N, too began bobbing up and down as the water began a drastic rise.
“Well, you two can breathe underwater so what’s the big...ohhh…” Wesley shares a sheepish look with the three.
“Maybe if we swim out he’ll stop,” Y/N suggests.
“What? No, you two are not going out there. Do you know what he’ll do to you?” Shawn asks.
“Do you not realize what he’s doing to you two right now? You’re both forty seconds away from holding your breath for who knows how long—“
“Seven minutes,” Wesley interjects.
“It doesn’t matter,” Ripley and Y/N reply in sync.
“Seven minutes? Dude that’s impressive,” says Shawn, slightly envious. He looks back to Y/N and Ripley, both giving him a look of disdain.
Shawn clears his throat, “Sorry.”
“You’ll still both be dead in minutes. This current is too strong for you two to push through, remember? There’s no other option…” Once again, she turns back to Douglas, who is already awaiting for further instruction.
“Douglas, take them back to shore, please.” Douglas alerts the others of his clan,. Swiftly, the rubbery grey bodies are seen swooping Shawn and Wesley out of the cove as fast as their fins could carry them, not even leaving time for the two boys to protest.
“Are you ready?” She shares what may be a final look with her ex-nemesis, and is somewhat grateful for him now being an ally.
“You kidding? I’ve been waiting for twenty-three years.” The rising water finally fulfills its duty in submerging the two Atlanteans in the deep blue. Their eyes bore deep into one another’s, illuminating a near identical aqua.
“Let’s do this.”
The two surge out into the deep, barely feeling the coral and other bottom-dwellers graze their feet as they journey a reasonable distance from the cove. Precocious, the two scan their surroundings for any threat which could be headed their way. Alas, they were met with relatively clear waters, other than a few finned friends swimming past them without care.
“I don’t understand, where’s the--” before she could finish her question, Y/N’s temple was met with a brutal force that knocked her to the sea floor. Groaning, her eyelids fluttered open and she endured a throbbing feeling on the side of her skull while witnessing the sight of Ripley, already put under beside her. A looming shadow draws her stare up, and she elicits another groan at the sight of its gaping mouth and filtering gils, swimming in circles above her.
“Hammerheads.” She murmurs in distaste, before her new head trauma lulls her into unconsciousness.
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Join the taglist to see what happens next!
current taglist: @fallinallincurls​ @ilumxna​ @lonelyreputation​ @purely-imagines-and-fantasies​ @shawnmxndxs​ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @sillyquirkymendessupporter​ @itsalwaysbeen305​ @friendlyneighborhood-mendes​ @marissje​ @princessmia1705​ @rosetoronto​ @itrocksmysocks​ @organicpurplepants​ @truthfulteenager​ @bluebellwoods​
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Ok, so, the Corrupt Hylia au
Okay, so, out of the four art posts I've made, two of them have been tagged with "Corrupt Hylia au." An au I haven't really talked about that much. I should probably fix that. (Definitely. I mean definitely) Prepare for an info-dump
The Corrupt Hylia au was created when I was reading a fanfic at the same time I saw a post about how Hylia's existence made everything black and white. Some details of it were on my mind and I thought, 'hmmm, the story is too black and white,' and thus an au where Hylia is a manipulative b-tch controlling everything for her perfect hero villain story was born. Fabricating a curse, creating villains, capturing a certain someone to be the hero's "test," all with the Sheikah (but not the Yiga. They defected for a reason and Hylia is half of it.) I'll explain the 5,000 yrs ago plot, since I have that figured out but not the actual plot. It’s gonna be long and under the cut for those interested.
During one of the loops, one where she's there physically to make sure everything stays on track, a Shadow escapes and finds the hero. Lies are revealed, and all goes well until a Sheikah goes there "searching" for the hero and they have to interact with Hylia. Anyways, anyone can tell there's something wrong with Hylia, including the princess. The (corrupt) goddess just has that offsetting aura around her. Link meets here and they formulate a plan when they know they aren't being listened to. Anyways, it takes two years but they get a lot of people on their side. (Ganon, Vaati, Ghirahim, the Twili, Rito, Zora, Goron, and Gerudo) Vaati and Zelda (who have become research buddies) devise a spell to remember past lives - and that's how they learned the curse was fake, because Hylia f-cked around with the first hero's memories a lot, and the spell undid it while keeping those fabricated memories. You may have noticed, but things are going too well.
Anyways, at a parade or festival for who knows what (certainly not me) the Sheikah - who were sharing "experimental" (read: tech they've been hogging) so even people who aren't there can watch it happening. This was all part of a plan made by the Sheikah because (somehow) replaced Ghirahim's earing with one that would mind control him. (think what happened to Ingo in OoT manga.) The plan was to control him and make him wreak havoc, make people not trust him, and by extension, Ganon. That doesn't work, because Link (and Shadow) manage to break the jewel. Hylia tries to do some sort of "what an evil barbaric individual" speech, but Link cuts her off and calls her out on her bullsh-t. Not just about the parade, but about everything - the fake curse, messing around with the first hero’s memories, creating villains for the hero and princess to defeat, having the Sheikah do dirty work in the shadows, manipulating a darkling for the sake of “testing” the hero, controlling the king’s free will - EVERYTHING. And remember those speakers and cameras the Sheikah were sharing? They broadcasted all of it to Hyrule. And because Link had always been a good person, helping people out of the kindness of his heart, a lot of people believed he was telling the truth. This is the start of the war.
The ruined parade is the battlefield, they win and push back Hylia this time because she was caught off guard. But now she knows what's happening, and she is p-ssed. After the start of the rebellion, it is the first time she infuses her magic with malice. A few more battles later, a major one at Korok Forest that gets the forest children involved, and the crew makes the decision to split the Triforce into eight pieces. Ganon, Zant, and Ghirahim each have 1/3 power, Zelda, Midna, and Vaati all have 1/3 wisdom, and Link and Shadow each have 1/2 courage. If Hylia wants the entire Triforce,  they're gonna make her chances of getting it as slim as possible.
One year into the war, and the scales haven't really tipped to either side. But Shadow (who was incapacitated and couldn't come out), Ganon, and Link were up against Hylia. Hylia uses an illusion on Link to make herself look like either a Marin or a past Zelda, and it makes Link freeze up and give Hylia a chance to attack and try to kill Link. Except that Ganon took the hit instead. Link snaps out of it, stuns Hylia, and tries retreating with Ganon. He doesn't get to Ghirahim in time, and so by the time Zelda can heal him, it's too late. With the demoralizing death of Ganon, things start to spiral downhill. Over the next three years they lost Vaati, Zant, and almost Midna. The only small victory that happened was Shadow breaking the mirror the Sheikah had forced bonded them to, and would mean that the Sheikah wouldn't be able to just count on Shadow stumbling out of there when he died anymore. (Shadow thought this meant his next death would be his last.)
Four more years after that, there are more fights and they get pushed back more and more. Somehow (haven't figured out how yet) they get in contact with the main three goddesses (Din, Nayru, Farore) and Hyrule will be sealed underground by them, Hylia with it. They know this won't be permanent, and hope it buys them enough time for the next reincarnation cycle to happen. As they leave, they're being followed by Hylia and the Sheikah. Link and Shadow make a decision to stay behind and make sure Hylia stays underground until the sealing. They know they're going to die doing this, but the worse they hurt Hylia, the longer it will take for her to break the seal.
The other leaders try to argue to let somebody else do it (mainly Zelda and Midna), but Link argues back that Hyrule needs their leaders, and Ghirahim made a promise to Ganon, one he can't keep if he's trapped or dead. So Zelda caves and creates a bow of light with enough charge for five arrows. The other leaders (and Ghira) all add some of their own magic to it, and Link and Shadow head off. The next part is going to be ripped directly from my notes because I'm lazy I don't know how else to phrase it.
Once they get to where the Sheikah are, Shadow immediately starts using the shadows to teleport and starts killing large amounts of them. Link kills whoever is foolish enough to attack him head-on swiftly with the Master Sword. They carve a path to Hylia.
The fight with Hylia is long and brutal. It is clear now that Hylia is using malice and is clearly affected by it. Malice-like pink is spreading on her along with one of her eyes becoming a malice eye. And it has not done anything for her sanity.
Hylia sends a lethal blast of light magic into Shadow and Link is covered in Malice injuries
Link gets separated from the Master Sword. Hylia is about to land the finishing blow on him when Shadow - who is currently dying btw - picks up the Master Sword (which is actively burning his hands and speeding up his death) and stabs her from behind. Shadow says something and Link uses the Light Bow. One shot in the head, one shot in the throat, one shot in the heart, one shot in the stomach, and one shot right on the master sword - which causes a beam affect that they learned about in one of the war’s earlier battles. Hylia isn’t dead, but she won’t be recovering for a while.
Link and Shadow share some final words before dying.
I still need to figure out the actual plot and stuff, but uh, if you read to the end, I hope you enjoyed! ^_^ 
(Ps: if there’s anything triggering or stuff, ask for me to tag and I will)
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