#tw // emotional abuse mention
milkchuu · 9 months
anybody else been emotionally abused only in their mother tongue and did their healing and growing in a different language and now they don't like using their mother tongue because it subconsciously connects to difficulty and pain while the other language is tied with ease, comfort and healing?
or is it just me?
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
i hate my sibling and i can’t tell them. they are borderline emotionally abusive and manipulative and i hate dealing with them
they claim to have autism despite only really experiencing 2 symptoms and that irks me because they definitely don’t know what it’s like to have autisitc meltdowns and shut downs and they just think it’s quirky and “haha i like minecraft but i’m an adult !! 😅😅😅” disorder
i want out of this house and away from them
they complain about things not getting done (i.e: dishes or bins being changed or changing the litter box) and then never do them. like? jus cuz u cook doesn’t mean u get out of doing the rest of the chores. i am the only person who does the dishes or changes the litter box or takes the bin out (well our dad sometimes does this but i’m the one who does it a majority of the time)
no wonder nobody wants to live with them
they also said “gross” to me.. cleaning our teeth and tongue. which is. needed for good oral health. my bad for trying to look after our oral health for once ig. you literally made the choice to be in the bathroom when i was cleaning our teeth
they also say so many snarky things to us (such as: “what?” when we simply just exist in their vicinity, or “you know two people can be in the bathroom at once” when i hesitate before going in to brush my hair when they’re in there, or “you’re gonna have to learn it. stop being sassy with me” when i jokingly remark that i can’t dance at our opera rehearsals. i wasn’t being sassy. i was joking around
i hate them so much
I don’t entirely know how to respond to this, but I hope things get better for you soon. I hope that everything eases and/or you can get out soon.
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Eclipse: Why am I a disappointment to you!? Why do you hate me!?
Kill Code Moon: You’re not a complete disappointment, son. You’re a good chew toy for Blood Moon.
Eclipse, in tears: Okay...
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
how would the characters react to seeing physical/emotional abuse?
you don't have to answer if you don't want to, i totally get it. i'm just a little curious
Yeah uh, trigger warning for abuse mentions. Nothing explicit of course
Mark: kill the guy. Nothing less. He won’t stand for that shit. He may be a monster, but he has morals.
Jonah: wait until the guy goes to bed before breaking into their room and giving them MAD while they sleep. Probably helps the victim as well
Adam: gives him an excuse to murder the dude. Probably strangles them to death slowly.
Thatcher: mauls them. He doesn’t need to feel sorry for eating them if they’re an ass
Ruth: wouldn’t be sure what to do, but she’d probably murder them too.
Dave: would calmly yet strongly talk to them about how they’re an awful person. Before murdering them.
Cesar: calls the police and/or tries to defend the victim.
Sarah: punches the shit out of the person
Gabriel: arrests them for abuse obviously. Probably kicks their ass if they resist.
Seth: oh boy. They’re fuckin dead. Dead as hell. It’s personal now.
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jimposts · 11 months
To get some sort of, art into it I want to help you guys understand where we come from. This is a small scale thing and I won't reveal like very personal shit. Just enough. This is mainly for my own sake but maybe a few of you can find comfort in this.
CW/TW for the following topics
Dissociation, OSDD, verbal abuse mention, emotional abuse mention
Growing up our abuser was a piece of shit to us. She would try and get us to fear anything and everything. It wasn't just her of course. Leo formed due to the yelling we were subjected to. He's able to handle that in place of someone like Jax.
When our abuser died and we went to the funeral, it was so complicated. So many were crying, sobbing about her. And yet here we were not able to process it. We cried for the fact we will never get an "I'm sorry" or an explanation. We can only wonder. Nowadays we accepted it was shit. We care for the grave and treat it with respect, but we don't miss her.
Everyone in the system as a different opinion on her. Some hate her with all their being. Some are neutral. And some, just don't care. But we all were affected in a way? That's what our GateKeeper says.
Speaking of our Gatekeeper, she keeps things from us. Memories is the main thing. But she also keeps how the system works in general under wraps. But that's due to being able to function I think. She knows what she's doing to care for us.
When we meet other systems, we tend to be happy! It's people like us! But Gatekeeper may tell us not to interact. Or hell someone in the system will out right refuse to message anything. It's hard to convince them to give them a chance. Cause my brain feels so foggy as they control what I do. It's hard even now to tell that in actually a real person.
Y'know I'm sharing this to help others who are like me. And or singlets who are just curious! I'm more happy to be able to share this than keep it in.
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shutterlens · 6 months
[tw: emotional abuse mention, cursing] Is there anyone here who cares about equity and justice for creatives?
I've had a recent call with my emotionally abusive father regarding AI in writing.
I told him that despite thinking that AI has the potential to help inspire creatives, its use can never be ethical under Capitalism since big corporations are trying to use AI to get rid of human writing (which requires actually paying people) to further their profit.
He completely ignored me and told me that I "was just sticking with one side and needed to listen to all sides before believing in something", which I know is just him projecting what he does himself onto me and is him guilt-tripping me for not being an ideological copy-paste of his exact belief system.
When I tried to reason with him, he gave me the cold shoulder and hung up in a hissy fit like a passive-aggressive ninth grader who just broke up with his partner because he only wanted someone to control and bully for some sense of superiority and power and wasn't actually ready for the responsibilities of a romantic relationship.
You can't exactly "both sides" the exploitation of human lives for corporate profit, though I'm not surprised that he's anti-creative since he's also staunchly anti-union and believes that, and I quote, that
"the Starbucks employees are just pretending to suffer because they're being told to",
specifically in regard to the employees being overworked and union-busted relentlessly by Starbucks.
Wow. Un-fucking-believable.
He clearly doesn't care if I end up losing access to any possible job or career and falling into impoverishment and suffering all because the world would rather see the rich get richer than work towards equity and justice for all.
What's worse is that almost everyone I know has that same attitude, that "you need to stop being such a party pooper about AI because human creatives aren't real professionals that can be exploited by leeching capital-owning cronies so you shit-for-brains can go suffer for all I care".
It's starting to feel like no one cares about human creatives anymore and like no one cares to see our value in helping shape the minds of generations to come to help work towards equity and justice for all.
I'd like to ask you this, then. (You don't have to answer the poll if you don't want to)
It's okay to comment on this post. You don't have to if you don't want to, though.
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it irks me when people say its ok to do something, and then get upset when you do it. like, i wouldve been fine with you just saying you didnt want me to eat your food, but telling me i can and then getting mad when i do??
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starry-skies-116 · 1 year
Plural!Sunny and Alive!Mari AU for my personal Omori Angst fulfillment needs (DON'T LIKE THEN DNI):
Full name is Sunny Suzuki.
Their body is Japanese and Filipino American, and also intersex/hermaphrodite with a chromosomal, chemical and gonad variation! He looks mostly like a boy but has VERY androgynous and even somewhat feminine traits in his body!
They were born on July 20th, 1987 to Masayoshi Suzuki and Christine Suzuki (nee Bishop) in their hometown of Faraway Town, Nevada, and are three years younger than Mari, their older sister.
Sunny is definitely a cat person- he loves the texture of Mewo’s fur and will pet him as a stim whenever he’s stressed.
Transneutral nonbinary bigender rosboy who sometimes presents femme and uses primarily he/him but also she/they pronouns and neopronouns. We stan-
Greysexual but also pansexual and nebularomantic.
Both Sunny and Omori do like Basil as a close friend, and both Sunny and Omori have a small crush on Aubrey without being aware that Aubrey feels the same.
Sunny likes steak, steak is a safefood for him: he’s very texture sensitive to food. He does have other favorite foods, but foods such as eggplant, asparagus, sweet potatoes, squash, papaya, black pepper, et cetera, are an instant no-no.
Sunny’s mother has tried to incorporate steak into other foods she makes for him, but in a few cases Sunny doesn’t eat them. Simple salted and grilled steak drizzled lightly with sauce is all he asks for, and it is something he will gladly eat.
He shares many interests with Omori, such as having the same favorite toys, sweets, videogames and comic books (such as Captain Spaceboy).
Sunny is unaware of Omori’s existence until much, much later when he comes back into consciousness again several weeks upon a few months after the recital.
Shy and quiet, he rarely ever smiles.
Sunny’s hair is vantablack, and his eyes are nebulously dark- unlike Mari’s hair, which has a brown-ish tint to it and her eyes are warm and the color of dark chocolate and honey. You could put Sunny in a room where the walls are pure light and his hair would still be pure black.
Sunny and Omori both are big fans of flowers such as the black dahlia, queen of the night tulip, white tulips and white coronations.
When Sunny was younger, he would often zone out and wander off to places, especially particularly fascinating places that caught his attention and interest. Mari and the others had to frequently run after him and drag him back to their intended destination/original location- however, zoning out became dissociative fugues.
When he was younger, he would try and mimic Mari because he looked up to her so much- everything from her speech to her mannerisms and the way she worded certain phrases. This somewhat is like the creation of Omori and his personality in this AU, who was very similar to his sister and his friends in many aspects despite also retaining many personality fragments of Sunny. Yet, Omori is more like Mari, and takes inspiration as well from fragments of the values and demeanors of the Faraway Friends.
Both Sunny and Omori go virtually nonverbal when emotionally distressed, and also when dissociating.
They are autistic and have alexithymia. They pretend to have great memory but actually begin to have terrible memory when he has his first blackout switch an hour before the recital.
Literally has zero self-esteem, someone give this sweetie a hug-
Always loves and cares deeply about his sister and his friends.
He doesn’t have the best relationship with his dad- his mother infantilizes him and his father trivializes his troubles and pain and emotionally neglected him in favor of Mari, the golden child.
He’s traumatized by his parents’s unstable marriage and all the fights they would have, as well as the lake incident and all the pressure they and Mari would put on him to do exceptional at everything they wanted him to do and uphold the family reputation.
Their family is only picture-perfect on the outside- Mari basically had to raise him due to the dysfunctional relationship between their parents. Mari was essentially the Golden Child in her father’s eyes and that also damaged her.
Sunny is very creative and has a capacity for dissociation alongside his rich inner world, which is why he blacked out and switched in his room after he pushes Mari down the stairs and Hero caught her before she could suffer any injuries (save for a little bruise on her legs and the initial shock from falling).
His repetitive childhood trauma may seem minor to others around him, but to him it was utterly damaging and psychologically scarring. He did have several happy memories throughout his childhood, though.
He suffered really bad injuries when he almost drowned in the lake in this AU and has medical trauma from going to the hospital. 
His father’s love was conditional in every way- whenever Sunny did fail, he was subjected to harsh emotional and verbal mistreatment, followed by gaslighting and trivializing after said incident, leading Sunny to develop a mixed and turbulent relationship with his father. Sunny would walk on eggshells around his father similar to how his mother did, and every time his father would point out that Sunny was ‘just like his mother’ or ‘just like Mari’, Sunny would grow increasingly uncomfortable.
Of course, Sunny was always in touch with his more feminine side, and being told by kids often to ‘man up’ or to ‘speak up more’ when he was younger didn’t exactly help with such a feeling.
Doesn’t consider home to be exactly a safe place, and is overattached to and emotionally dependent on Mari because of the emotional immaturity of his parents- because of this he’s a huge fan of escapism and has struggled with maladaptive coping and daydreaming since he was a very young child.
He is significantly more timid, volatile and self-destructive than Omori.
Unlike in the canon of Omori being a manifestation of Sunny’s guilt, anger, negative emotions and self-hatred/unhealthy escapism, Omori in this AU is also "Sunny", in a way: he's Sunny’s protector, and was created to be a coping mechanism. But they both experience many terrible side effects for the both of them such as blackout, dissociation and large gaps in memory and much more.
Because of this, instead of being a blank slate, Omori is instead a distinct personality visibly different than that of Sunny’s despite them being both technically “the same person”, and despite the similarities they may share in certain traits, habits, likes and dislikes.
Omori is noticeably more outwardly expressive, compassionate, gentle and merciful than Sunny.
Omori was the name engraved on Mari’s piano as well as the piano in Faraway Town’s church- Sunny’s mind, and therefore Sunny himself, had created Omori to be a 'better' version of himself so he could dissociate during upsetting and/or traumatic events and remain functional afterwards, and even if Omori had never made his presence clearly known to Sunny, he knew that Sunny always had a feeling that something protected him during his darkest hours and that he was never alone, which comforted him.
He is also autistic and has alexithymia.
Transneutral genderfloren using all pronouns and he’s grey aroace (rarely feels romantic attraction except towards Aubrey, exclusively asexual).
If Sunny and Omori were made aware of each other’s existence and acknowledged each other officially, they would have an extremely close relationship, brotherly and familial and deep in nature. After all, they do share everything- and by everything, I mean everything, from a body to a heart to a mind to a soul. Everything.
A few minutes before the recital, Sunny blacked out and Omori had taken over with no memory of pushing Mari down the stairs or Hero catching her. He didn’t have any memory of his arguement with Mari or nearly being about to destroy his violin in a fit of rage. As a result, he acted cordially and sweetly towards Mari instead of out of contempt and seething fury, which shocked and utterly confused both Mari and Hero. Why exactly was Sunny acting so different and cheery, and being significantly more emotive than usual?
Omori is more like Mari in terms of personality (kind of like how Sunny would always mimic Mari when he was younger)- he is outwardly more kind, goofy, gentle, polite, and the manifestation of more positive emotions of Sunny (with a more carefree and mischievous side to him, unlike Sunny, who is uptight, paranoid and straightforward). He esembles Mari in terms of personality and demeanor, as well as some of her likes and dislikes. Mari grows incredibly unsettled when she realizes this when Omori switches in for the first time and the Faraway Friends get to know Omori better.
For example, his favorite color is purple, he’s an incredibly forgiving and perceptive person, he loves challenges and riddles, and he is somewhat of a semi-perfectionist (nowhere near as bad as Mari- and yes, Mari has OCD in my AU, pry this from my hands I dare you).
Omori is visibly more different than Sunny in the way that he carries himself- his face muscles relax, his features become more kind, loose and expressive, he becomes more soft-spoken and polite/sweetly sincere in his words, his brows unscrunch, his muscles slacken, and he looks significantly more approachable than Sunny, who’s blunt, vigilant and cliff-faced most of the time.
Even his handwriting and drawing style changes- although they both can draw, Sunny’s drawings are usually more morbid and abstract in nature, while Omori draws whatever he sees/creates in the system’s inner world/headspace- the latter loves to use markers that are purple and turquoise, and just loves pastel and neon colors and palette and draws frequently with them in general. Sunny meanwhile, prefers colors like black, white and red. They both love the colors purple and yellow, however, because those are Mari's favorite colors.
Omori has a very prominent sweet tooth, even more so than Sunny.
Just like Sunny, Omori dearly loves Mari and his friends, and has a complicated and strained relationship with his and Sunny’s father. He sought to keep his existence a secret from the rest of the group until the recital, when he was forced to take control of the body to protect Sunny from harm as he was aware that his other self had self-destructive tendencies.
The purpose of Omori’s creation was to protect and take care of Sunny as well as the body that they shared, and Omori loves and cares about Sunny more than anything. Sunny, being Omori’s first priority first and foremost above all else, was the reason why when the former was having a panic attack an hour or two before the recital, Omori forced Sunny to dissociate and black out, and he forced himself to take control and discarded all plans of keeping his existence a secret to the world: protecting Sunny was paramount to ensure their survival and their continued existence. 
Afterwards, Sunny remained blacked out for a long period of time, and Omori was the one interacting with the physical world, including Mari, Hero, and all his friends and the residents of Faraway Town. Everyone was very unsettled by how different “Sunny” was acting, and nobody really knew the truth behind why. The Faraway Friends resolved to try and find out somehow.
Sunny didn’t break the violin in this AU, Mari stopped him and grabbed onto his wrist so tight it sort of bruised it before he could throw the violin down the stairs. This still resulted in an argument, and Hero did catch Mari when Sunny pushed her down the stairs in a fit of anger before she could receive any injuries. The recital went on as usual, so did the pizza dinner afterwards, but it wasn’t Sunny playing at that recital alongside Mari, nor was it Sunny talking to his friends: it was Omori.
Ngl I might write a fanfic about this-
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ways to make me dislike a series: open on a scene of child emotional abuse and set up the abuser as the main character
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hyenasnake · 10 months
HEY!! i js read ur fanfics w jordan and i think i’d die for her. mayhaps. how will her relationship w beelzebub/gabriel differ from before season 2? especially after knowing that gabriel and beelzebub are cheesy romantics 💀 “wherever beelzebub is, is my heaven” “and wherever gabriel is, is my hell” LIKE?? THEYRE SO SWEET??
Hello! Thank you so much for reading my stuff!
I’ve actually been working on Jordan’s story a lot over the past few days and I’ve done some heavy editing to the stories with her that were published pre-s2
So prior to season 2, I (like many ineffable bureaucracy shippers) envisioned Gabriel and Beelzebub as having a very competitive love-hate relationship with lots of quarreling. So of course when it came to them having a child, I imagined it’d be no different.
Originally, for the past four years, Jordan’s story actually mirrored my own past a lot. I was a child of divorce AND I’m from an interfaith family, so you can imagine how well my childhood went. Most of my life has been spent between a rock and a hard place, being raised by two extremely messed up people who are polar opposites of each other and with whom it seemed I could never make them both happy at once.
So Jordan’s old story reflected that and was much the same. She used to be a victim of emotional/psychological abuse by her own family the same way I am, and her parents were too wrapped up in their own issues to notice how it was affecting their daughter’s mental state.
Now after season two and seeing how Gabriel and Beelzebub’s relationship has developed and become WAY more wholesome than we could ever imagine, Jordan’s story has changed as well, and it’s become even more tragic.
Without giving too much away, I’ll say this:
Jordan has an extremely loving family, two parents who care deeply for her and are fiercely protective of their daughter. However, they can’t protect her from everything, especially when she doesn’t communicate with them, and heaven and hell aren’t the type to give up a grudge.
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toomanylegos · 12 days
The horrors are kicking me today. And it's not even motivation related horrors. It's past ones. More specifically, a realization about a past experience.
Tw: mentions of grooming and abuse
I hesitate to say it for many reasons...but I was groomed.
I didn't even realize that's what happened. I knew I was manipulated, emotionally abused, and trapped in a toxic relationship, but I never saw it as being groomed.
Until a couple of days ago, when I stumbled upon a video about Lily Orchard and the way she had groomed and abused others.
That video showed text logs...
I couldn't help but realize how similar they looked to ones that my old online friend and I would exchange...
I remembered how she started to lean our role plays into a more sexual direction...
But I went along with it because I did like it and it was something I had never done before, so I was interested.
That doesn't make it better, huh?
I hate how much I'm still affected by her after 10 fucking years
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
tw: emotional abuse, sustem origin
just a bit of an info dump, i split/started dissociating at like 7 years old after a huge traumatic event and i was really getting into video games at the time. we were a really lonely child - called bossy, mean, ugly, weird. we only really had like 4 or 5 friends.
after that traumatic event - and after i subconsciously started realizing the people i was friends with weren't very nice to me either, and the emotional neglect from my parents started piling on - i started getting really into imaginary friends; i had a twin sister named emily, i started talking to my stuffies more, started coping with escapism, and more relevantly to what im gonna talk about - imagining fictional characters as imaginary friends.
enter sonic the hedgehog!
he split off when we were about 9 years old, and has been here a very long time. i'd say he's been here the longest. presently he protects my inner child alter, but he wants to branch out more. he's been in a regressive state as of lately but usually he's a little younger than i am. he's definitely grown up over the years that he's been with me. and although that progress may have been muddled with discovery/reemergence, he's every bit the same sonic i've known for almost 12 years.
i guess i just wanted to infodump on how being a lonely child kind of impacted my system - most of my introjects are comfort characters. somewhere in this brain are several little girls/lonely enbies that just want to be listened to without having to shout. and now we have eachother, and we have them. i dunno. i hate what happened to me and how we were treated, but them being there helps us remember we can confide in other people. and we're here to help them remember that too.
i lorb my syssem
I’m glad that all of you are there for each other!
You didn’t deserve any of that growing up and I’m sorry that happened to you.
Sorry for the small response, I don’t want take away from your info dump :)
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What if:
Eclipse gets really, really attached to this one singular person in particular because they’re practically perfect for him, and got him to trust them but it turns out they’re not as nice as he thought they were and they were actually just playing around with his feelings for the sheer fun of it
How would his brothers react to Eclipse being hurt like that?
Most would resort to violence, especially Lunar. Good Eclipse won’t hesitate to defend his alternate selves with a flamethrower. KC and the twins have no issue simply destroying or hiding a body and making it untraceable and going about their day, whereas Good Eclipse and Lunar would make an entire day of it. Sun and Moon are more of the cleanup crew, taking care of Eclipse and caring for all the emotional support.
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v0idedl1es · 1 year
So? what's wrong with my life?
well, I have helicopter parents
my friends hate me
everyone hates me (including myself)
I'm never good enough for everyone
I'm useless
My great aunt emotionally abused me
aaand that's about it I think.
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coophawkinsshq · 1 year
Tumblr media
full name: cooper elias hawkins 
date of birth: october 31st, 1984 
age: thirty-eight years young 
gender: cis male 
pronouns: he & him 
sexuality: heterosexual 
neighborhood: downtown 
occupation: homicide detective for east haven police
tw: sibling death mention, tw: drowning accident mention, tw: boating accident mention, tw: emotional abuse mention, tw: mental abuse mention, tw: physical abuse mention, tw: smoking mention, tw: alcohol mention 
Cooper Elias Hawkins was born on October 31st back in 1984 to two loving and hardworking parents named Thomas and Heather (nee’ Cooke) Hawkins. The Hawkins clan was very well known and well liked in their town of Southport, North Carolina which is where they resided and where Cooper had grown up. Thomas & Heather are very successful owners of a diner that’s family owned. It’s beloved in their town. It was a small town and one of the hot spots for tourists to always go to.
Ryan Hawkins was the first of the Hawkins clan, then Ethan, then Annie, then Cooper and finally the baby Megan whom they all called Meg. Growing up Cooper idolized his older siblings, his brothers were his best friends and his sister Annie was someone whom he admired and aspired to be like. Meg was someone Cooper always took care of and adored and wished to protect with everything he had. He made a promise to himself to always watch out for Meg. The Hawkins siblings were well known and well liked by the town and could do no wrong.
They were one big happy family. They were fun and successful and everyone loved them. That was until one 4th of July Annie and Cooper had decided to take their family boat out onto the water alone, without their parents permission. Thomas and Heather were too busy at the diner to notice they were gone. He was eleven at the time and Annie was a little bit older. They drove it illegally, neither of them having a boating license but Annie really wanted to go and she always had a way of making Cooper follow in her footsteps. So he did, because all he cared about at the time was if Annie was happy.
They were having a good time and being safe until Annie decided to jump into the water after Cooper had told her and begged her not too. It was a while until Cooper had realized she hadn’t come up from the water. Panicked and scared, Cooper illegally drove the boat back to shore for some help. Once reaching his parents & some cops, they ruled it as a drowning accident. This nearly destroyed not only the family but the town. They always said that Annie held the family together and her death tore it apart.
His father was furious and devastated and wrongfully accused & blamed Cooper for Annie’s death even though he knew it wasn’t his fault. Growing up for Cooper wasn’t easy anymore. He wasn’t the happy go lucky kid he used to be. His father mentally, and sometimes would physically and emotionally abuse him . It went on for years, and his two older brothers followed in their fathers footsteps. Cooper closed himself off and didn’t talk to them until he actually needed too. The only ones who truly cared about him and were worried about his well being was his mother & his little sister Meg. He was thankful for them even if he didn’t show it often.
He kept to himself and got into reading and writing. Cooper found that he hid himself away in his room, and only had a couple of friends. He felt exiled in his own family and in his own town. Excelling in school Cooper kept his grade average high, he graduated high school with honors and had decided to move as far away from Southport as possible to get a fresh start. Choosing the city that never sleeps, Cooper was accepted into almost every New York City College but ended up choosing Brooklyn College. He majored in Criminal Justice, and minored in Florescence Science.
However that wasn’t what he wanted to do in life. After graduating college with honors again, he decided to go into the academy and become a police officer. A couple years of being a cop, he took the detectives exam and has been in the homicide unit ever since. He was in Brooklyn for a really long time, up until he fell in love with his partner who also happened to be his best friend which was rare for Cooper. Though he wouldn't of wanted it any other way. It wasn't good being together while being on the job, and they hid their relationship as best as they could. Though their Sargent soon found out, it placed a toll and a strain on their relationship. A beautiful blossoming one ended and it crushed him. The man had a ring and was ready to settle down and start a life with her. Though after the brake up, Cooper had decided to transfer to move to another state so that this way, he can officially start over. A place where no one knew him. A place where no one knew his story or what had happened to him and his family as child. Or what had happened to him within his young, adulthood life. The one spot he chose was East Haven, Vermont.
He essentially transferred so that his ex girlfriend, the love of his life, Nora Freeman wouldn’t have too. Cooper was trying to not only protect her but protect her career as well. Their brake up was unexpected for him and it took him a while to get used to living here by himself.
Though with the death of his sister that still haunts him, Cooper has finally found peace within East Haven. However, when he can not sleep at night, he’ll sit out on his front porch and smoke cigars to make himself feel more at ease. He’ll leave empty beer bottles on the living room table and his apartment’s mess. Though he’s happy, he’s happy in East Haven, Vermont. A new state and a new town where no one knows who he is, where no one knew what he had to go through in order to get here.
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faramirsonofgondor · 5 months
“Gabe isn’t abusive in the show” ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME SHOW???
Gabe is literally introduced by yelling at someone who, when Percy apologizes for Gabe’s behavior, says “I’m walking out, you’re walking in. I should be apologizing to you.” And then Percy reluctantly and slowly walks inside. And Gabe immediately starts in on him (calling him “Genius” in a mocking tone) as Percy repeatedly expresses that he just wants to talk to his mom ( and Gabe’s subsequent “Is that all you have to say to me?”) The fact that he answered Sally’s phone and acted like he had every right to do so?? The way he shows begrudging respect when thinks Percy was violent towards another kid at school?? The “you would think that because you’re a child, you don’t understand things…” The way he gets annoyed that Percy wants to know where his mother is. The “what are we doing Percy? every time! wow…wow!” in such a condescending tone??? Percy’s immediate alarm when Sally calls Gabe’s name. Gabe immediately yelling at Sally, not knowing anything about Percy’s life (he didn’t even know his school’s name despite literally just talking to them), the way he makes Sally negotiate to use the car (“Why am I okay with this?” “Make sure they put the hot peppers on my sandwich please!”) the way he acts like his tone of voice shouldn’t matter to Sally because he said “please” the aggressive behavior even after he concedes to letting them use the car (getting in Percy’s face, pointing his finger at him, etc.), like???
Just because he isn’t depicted as smacking the shit out of them doesn’t mean he isn’t abusive. He is constantly yelling, even when it’s not necessary, and is overall condescending and rude towards both Percy and Sally. He has a positive reaction towards the idea of Percy being violent, which means that he probably has no problems getting violent himself, even if it isn’t show on screen. The fact that he is constantly trying to redirect Percy and Sally’s decision to make himself the center of it (he is trying to goad Percy into an argument when he gets kicked out of school and overall keeps trying to redirect the conversation back to himself, he acts like he is allowed to breach Sally and Percy’s privacy but then makes Sally get his permission to drive somewhere, and even then she has to give him something in return). Like he is very clearly controlling and emotionally/financially abusive (he acts like Sally’s things are his despite not having a job and likely blowing through their money). It also seems like he tries to diminish Percy’s self esteem, possibly to keep him and Sally under his thumb (it’s a common tactic used by abusers to make the victims feel like the need to depend on the abuser). Overall, just because he might not be physically abusing them, doesn’t mean he isn’t abusing them and doesn’t mean his actions aren’t harmful. Furthermore, just because he isn’t violent on screen doesn’t mean he isn’t violent.
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