#turns out the 3 star family ending is canon.. this is an absolute win
rinisdrawing · 1 year
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evening downtown stroll with the family 🌟
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 303: And What, Pray Tell, Is a “One For All”
Previously on BnHA: The Todorokis (really just Enji) looked at their children and went “how can we screw up all four of them in uniquely different ways” and proceeded to do just that. Touya was all “just because practicing how to set myself on fire better hasn’t worked to win my dad’s affections YET doesn’t mean it will NEVER work”, because child logic. Turns out setting oneself on fire real hard isn’t so effective at winning affections, but is actually incredibly effective when it comes to burning oneself to death, so there’s that. Back in the present day, the Todorokis basked in their various misplaced (again, except for Enji) feelings of guilt, and were all “anyway but get over yourself already Enji, you still have to do something to stop this kid”, and Shouto was all “I’ll help too”, and Enji was all “(╥_╥)”, and Hawks and Jeanist were all “[surreptitiously listening in from outside the door]”, and that’s basically where we left off.
Today on BnHA: Hawks and Jeanist are all “mind if we join you on this family journey?” and proceed to stroll in uninvited with their puns and their perceptive insights. Hawks is all “so to sum everything up, we’re fucked, but at least you have us here to help you out! by the way, no clue why I’m the first person to ask this in three hundred chapters, but wtf is One For All.” We then cut to Deku, who’s still all “[(--)]z”, and All Might, who is all “I’m just going to ignore the extremely loud racket going on right outside this room.” Which, btw, is happening on account of Bakugou, who is all “(╬◣Д◢)” as Satou, Tsuyu, and Mineta cart him away. Anyway so that’s a lot of antics, and also it looks like Hawks has gotten tired of the Todorokis refusing to put the pieces together on their own about OFA and so he is fast-tracking that shit. And meanwhile Deku is chatting it up with the Vestiges exactly like we all thought. And now we have to wait another whole week for updates on all of this. This really is not fair.
omfg lol
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“our bad, we were kind of accidentally listening in on purpose.” like I said last week guys, no fuss. it’s a tradition
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I am absolutely fucking floored. Hawks literally said that so casually that it’s impossible for me to rewrite it so as to be even more casual. that’s literally what I would write in the “today on bnha” section. in fact I probably will write that
(ETA: just for laughs I tried it and it really worked.)
a couple more things to point out about this panel: 
“TOP 3” omg yes. more like “top only” at this point, honestly. interested to see how that goes
Hawks’s phone is freaking the fuck out about something, calm down there
I know this is a standard Jeanist hair-fixing gesture that he does all the time, but I can’t help but form hypotheses about this being a stress reaction because Hawks’s hair is making him internally freak out. Hawks, if this man tries to get you alone with him and some hairspray and a comb, please for the love of god do not listen to him. get out of there and call the authorities
omg Shouto’s face
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okay confession, I wasn’t really sold on the whole “Shouto has a schoolboy crush on Hawks” thing until exactly now, when I became 100% sold on it. that is adorable
and heck with it, gotta show Enji and Rei’s reactions here as well because lol
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“omg my son who’s not my son, and he just overheard everything about me being a terrible shitty father and person overall, oh and plus my actual-son set him on fire and called him out on a national broadcast. I’m just gonna stare at him baffledly.” versus Rei, who is all “hmm, who are these people”
so Hawks is all “I got released from the hospital after one day for some reason so I made Jeanist drive me around places while we talked about life” but uh, heyyyyy, what’s Rei doing
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okay, uh
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let me tell you a secret Hawks, it’s my default response too. ahahahahahahaha oh thank god Jeanist is helping her up -- AND MAKING A JEANS PUN, OF COURSE. IT’S BEEN ALMOST THIRTY SECONDS. MY MAN WAS DYING
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“WTF IS ILLEGAL DENIM” he’s talking ‘bout them counterfeit jeans, Rei. Antoine Bugleboy knows
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damn straight. we’re not gonna sit around waiting another 300 chapters for this information on this man’s watch
now Hawks is telling Endeavor he used to watch videos of him all the time, and calling him his “childhood obsession” I can’t
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and meanwhile that look on Hawks’s face while he casually-but-not-really-casually-at-all asks this question. that phone app better be using his actual voice. I’m not sure I could take this scene in the anime at this point if it was like Alexa talking or something
that look in his eyes is basically saying that so far, based on the information he has absorbed up until this point, Hawks is prepared to view his former childhood obsession as a flawed but changed man. however I get the distinct feeling that depending on Endeavor’s answer now, he would be willing to drastically shift some of his opinions on him
(ETA: this is maybe my favorite panel in the entire chapter. the fact that his question isn’t addressed to anyone in particular, but his eyes are zeroing on on Endeavor. and the way his leaning-on-Shouto pose manages to be simultaneously nonchalant and yet ever-so-slightly protective. there’s so much going on in this one question and gesture and I’m mildly obsessed with it.)
however, Rei is all “that was me” and ONCE AGAIN WITH THE FACES IN THIS CHAPTER holy shit
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Hawks definitely did not see that one coming sob. it’s so fun watching him frantically recalculate his ideas about this family every two seconds
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yes, Hawks, you get it. it’s not exactly the same, but it’s close enough. though unlike your shitty parents, Rei and Enji are at least trying
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fljkdlaskfjlwkjl okay we’re doing the bullet-points breakdown here
first of all, the fact that poor little Shouto’s heart is still thumping away at this proximity and all he can think is “CLOSE” all intelligently as he stares at him with that face omg
but all that said, he immediately recognizes that Shouto would also have had cause to do the same in his situation, and yet hasn’t. and so he has that much more admiration for him all of a sudden, which is just super sweet, and fully appropriate. Shouto does deserve props. I’m choosing to take this as an “it takes a lot of strength to be able to forgive, and people who choose to do that even though they’re not obligated to are really amazing" type of thing, as opposed to “people who don’t forgive other people who severely wronged them are bad.” and if I’m wrong and Hawks’s line here is meant to be seen as actual failing on his part, well then fuck that, but we’ll move on
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I am so, so curious as to what kind of strategy Hawks has for this (if he even has any), so I’ll just be quiet now and read
so Hawks is summing up basically what we already knew -- that Tomura and his inner circle (curious that there’s no mention of AFO, because if Hawks doesn’t know about him, that implies almost no one does) are still on the lam with a few PLF stragglers and some High Ends; that a bunch of prisons have been “liberated” (I assume this means all of the inmates escaped, so if that’s the case then where’s Kurogiri??); that the HPSC is fucked; and that heroes are resigning all over the place, and so civilians are taking matters into their own hands
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does this mean we’ll actually see some international heroes?? I will LOSE MY DAMN SHIT omg
(ETA: apparently people who paid more attention to the first BnHA movie than I did recognized the silhouettes as belonging to some background characters from Two Heroes. so maybe they were just cameos and they’re not actually new characters who are soon to join us lol. oh well.)
anyway so Hawks agrees with the other Todorokis that Endeavor has no choice but to fight
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so Enji is very pertinently asking why they’re standing by him in spite of the... [gestures vaguely to everything]
oh my lordy lord
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Shouto you had better do something to combat this soon, or this man will sneak past you on my favorite character ranking after all. his face. his cheeky lil finger gun. the fact that he sums it up so fucking simply. “if someone is trying to do the right thing, I want to support them.” exactly. exactly
(ETA: and one last thing I love but forgot to mention, which is the fact that Hawks calls it a team-up despite the fact that he is clearly in charge.)
meanwhile Jeanist is all “as for me, at this point I just straight up don’t give a fuck”
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I can’t handle how fucking cool this chapter is you guys
so Hawks is all “you good?” at Enji. and Enji...
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if anyone needs me, I will be building myself a discourse-proof fort made entirely out of problematic characters. I don’t even care. I will go on living my life very happily in here
lol at Natsu being all “BUT DON’T THINK THIS MAKES US FRIENDS”
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I’m living for this weird and no-doubt entirely unintended implication that Natsu and them all are gonna join in the fight with the rest of them. I mean, they do presumably all have very powerful ice quirks. and Natsu has medical training on top of that, and Fuyu is skilled at getting eight-year-olds to behave which could be a useful talent for dealing with Tomura hahaha I kid, but I’M JUST SAYING. who needs hero licenses anyway
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and now for some reason we’re flashing back to Natsu and Fuyu’s attempts to navigate through the media crowd outside the hospital
well I guess this is why I’m not the mangaka. if I were writing this I would have done something trite and predictable like using that “One for All” line as an excuse to cut to Deku!! as opposed to this entirely unrelated scene!!
seriously though why do we need to see this lol
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no one in this crowd has ever heard of Alexander Dumas huh. or even the popular 2007 Disney Channel original movie, High School Musical 2
so now there’s an entire page of Hawks saying they need to know what One for All is, and Endeavor having one of those patented Todoroki WHOOSH realizations lmao look at this
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just wait until this man figures out that one of the scrappy new interns he took on three months ago was actually the main character all along
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(ETA: can we just take a moment to appreciate how Bakugou even got so close to Deku’s room in the first place though. in this giant hospital with no idea of where to even go. does he have Deku Radar or something.)
(ETA: btw just to be clear, I’m not actually angry lol; it makes total sense that they don’t want this rampaging feral toddler who was still in his own coma all of fifteen minutes ago to come and start screaming at the other coma child until he tears all his stitches out. if there’s anything we Bakugou fans should be familiar with by now, it’s being patient.)
also, Tsuyu wrapping her tongue around Bakugou’s still-healing torso wound absolutely can’t be hygienic at all. also wait is that Inko??
(ETA: pretty sure it is her. she got all of one line smdh.)
Iida is all “thank god Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight pulled through, I thought for sure he was a goner back there”
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for the record this is actually really sweet to see how relieved he is. he’s one of the few people who saw the original injury close up, back when he was still at the battlefield and unconscious, so I imagine it really did freak him out quite a bit
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“sometimes I just like to stand here and tug on my imaginary suspenders, what of it”
how come you guys get to loiter around Deku’s room but Kacchan doesn’t. god fucking dammit. AND WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN
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"this seems to be an entirely normal and above-board situation that we have just stumbled onto”
I see Jeanist comes from the Iida Tenya school of respectfully using people’s full names
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Jeanist becoming one of the main characters is the best thing to ever happen to this series
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BUT I’M SURE HE’D MAKE AN EXCEPTION FOR KACCHAN THOUGH!! [elbowing my way back out of the fort] HAWKS, PLEASE --
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“there’s absolutely no way this angry wriggling shoulder burrito kid here could answer literally all of my questions, so I’ll just ignore him”
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[jumps up, throws a folding chair at Iida and the rest of the gang, and then runs]
oh my god. actually this chapter was awesome. but I’m so fucking mad at this cliffhanger though lol
at least we got a couple of answers! and some hints and teases! poor Deku looks so worn out even though he’s asleep dlwkjl my little green baby. and is it just me or is his quirk activated?? All Might’s all “I can feel it” as if it isn’t obvious just looking at him, why are you trying to be all mysterious dude
anyway! so at least we finally have confirmation and a date for those vestige antics at long last. looking forward to meeting Mister The Fourth next week so we can finally ask him “hey dude, what the fuck”
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solange-lol · 4 years
hiii in celebration of AUctober, what are some of your fav solangelo AUs?
Anonymous said to solange-lol:
Hi! Kinda a random question: do you have any favorite riordanverse fanfics that you’d suggest reading? I’m looking for ones to read, but I’ve been having trouble finding new ones! Thanks!
rec list #1 | rec list #2
all recs can be found under the tag ‘lizs solangelo fic recs’ on my blog!
technically its past auctober now, but better late then never to drop my third solangelo rec list!! especially considering the state of the world rn ... lets just say its a celebration of me actually participating in sw for the first time in a while
rec under cut as always!! its not all aus but its the count that thots
Find Another Place to Stay by @unwieldyink
personally i think breakup fics are incredibly underrated, and i also think annie is incredibly underrated, so enjoy ur little cry if you read this one (tw // violence in this one)
Hershey’s kiss by @unwieldyink
we love a godswap!! it’s actually been a while since ive read this one and i reread this while making this rec list and can i just say that zeus!nico and hermes!will are both such valid concepts and this just has a rly good dynamic to it
Actors by @buoyantsaturn
i could talk about this fic for hours but lets just say ao3 has told me ive visted this fic 40 times. im not kidding. fake dating is just a godtier trope
start of something new by jinniefic
if you know me, you know that i fricken LOVE high school musical, and this is literally just the start of the first movie but solangelo and honestly a little more iconic please read even if ur not a hsm fan
paper/plastic by @rosyredlipstick
the fact that this is from 2018 and took this long to get into my rec list is tragic because i think about this fic a lot... a lot. mortal au. very chill, strangers to lovers, very good vibes, will be rereading soon (everything rosy writes is amazing we already knew this)
10:37pm by @buoyantsaturn
surprise another cj fic! fun fact she debated with us for a good half hour about what to title this fic so go read it so you can tell her you like the name (and the fic itself... its a very good fic) (tw // alchohol and drug use for this one)
Sunflower by ChiseHatori
3 days in the infirmary is probably the easiest trope u can find in the solangelo tag but i have to say this one really made me soft just bc it feels a lot more in character than some of the others ive read, and it basically picks up right where they ended in the books
Will You, or Will You Not? by @thebluesideofmyworld
marriage fics... also very soft. just boys bein boys. dual engagements. mortal au. all that good stuff vv soft i loved it
let your heart win by @justanothervampiregirl
this one is short but its also probably one of the most in character fics ive ever read and i really like this style of writing mixed with canon compliance so :)
The Magic of Naomi Solace by Sweetymomo
naomi solace, underratted legend. i aspire to have her relationship with will. lots of familial background if you like that!! and its set at a bnb!!
forget all the shooting stars and silver moons by itotallyreadthatbook
when i saw this in the tag i was SO excited bc we love high school aus here and it was!! very good indeed!! this trope is one ive never seen before and i recommend 10/10 good banter
They won’t always live by Phantomxlegend
will overworking himself and coping with loss always makes me :(( so if ur okay with some will angst then buckle up
“I am fully capable of kicking your ass” by @unwieldyink
i remember i saw the email notification for this one and immediately was like yup absolutely im in and it 100% lives up to its title we love capture the flag solangelo
the night we met by peachyytomlinson
a lil ooc but also very angsty and did make me emotional when i read this late at night. i think i wrote something similar a while back but i just aaaaa will angst man
“look how hard i can cry FWSHHH”  by @buoyantsaturn
call me biased bc i like to claim that i originated the idea of demeter!will and cj dedicated this fic to me but like BRO its so soft and i love it here nico leave the plants along challenge failed
femboy hooters, or the time percy jackson failed to keep a secret by luciethebean
its all fun and games until the fic turns out to genuinely be really good. like, yes the title is exactly what you think it is but it doesnt matter bc its so fricken well written im^@*#&(*)($_$#&^@$(@*)* yeah
Of Ties and Significant Annoyances by seokjinvilla (@thechampagnecocainegasoline)
we dont support jkr in this household but what we do support is this bc this plot is genius and i love it
everything’s going swimmingly by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
fun fact i posed the idea of a sports/team prompt to the sw mod crew literally just so someone would pull through and write a swim au and ethan DID without even knowing. i love them and their writing style is so !!!! please read it
when you smile (the whole world stops) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
another ethan fic!! this is the perfect fic for a rough day where u just want some cuddles bc thats literally the plot of the fic. i love this one with my entire heart its very fluffy 10/10 do reccomend
pumpkin spice (i hate it, it's not nice) (ok maybe it's a little nice) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
ethan fic part 3!! bc i binge read these all in one night!! literally again their writing style is so amazing and the witty banter!!!! also we love a retail bookstore au 
Burnt Plastic (and Other Bad Ideas) by More_of_This
so this one isnt exactly romantically solangelo but it is hilarious in my opinion and i absolutely adore well written college aus and while i know nothing about college this fic is so funny to me (if you read the tags there is, in fact, a raccoon involved) (tw // drinking for this one)
all because you kissed me goodnight by @buoyantsaturn
i have been WAITING for a mortal counselors au and im sure theres some out there already but y’all already know im a cj stan! lots of slowburn, friends to lovers, coworkers, all the good stuff (and i named this one and offered cj a lot of materials from my own camp so this one especially hits!! i reccomend for those good ol summer vibes!!) (tw // drinking for this one)
Waiting With You by @buoyantsaturn
oh boy buckle up if u want an angst ride because this fic tore me apart. i keep threatning cj with “dont pull another waiting with you”. that being said, very much feels like a movie while youre reading it, very fluffy in the middle, we love mutual pining. 
Little Italian Boy by @buoyantsaturn
stream little italian boy by grace gilmore. youll get it. thats it.
The Clues by @thebluesideofmyworld
secret dating when done well is legit one of my favorite tropes of all time and this!!! this!!!!!!!!! its outsiders perspective also which is another one of my favorite tropes, and just little views on nicos life and i love it
So Come On, Talk it Out (your voice brought me back from the dead) by @buoyantsaturn
will solace, sponsered by kitkats, cj edition
no but if you read tower of nero you’ll really like this missing pieces pre-ton fic this is a really soft little fic with a bunch of easter eggs from the book in it, so i highly recommend! if you havent read ton yet and are still avoiding spoilers, come back to this one!
reaching for the sun (you, you, you) by moonswords (@tortadelimao)
i just read this one about 2 hours ago for the first time and i am Still thinking about it. its like the getting together that i literally feel like is canon and the vibes are Immaculate (also william “what about me looks straight” solace)
“Are we on a date right now?” by @unwieldyink
overworked will, nico helping out in the infirmary, first dates & hikes, canon compliant, we love to see it (also its an annie fic so ur required by law to read it)
Outrunning karma by Phantomxlgend 
more will angst! featuring angry overworked will!
Everlasting Ring by minyoongurt (@blueblackslowtown)
i was Very excited when i read the summary of this one, and i think minyoongurt did a really good job!! healer will, injured nico, the whole dynamic. also i love the idea of nico only knowing “thank you” “go away” and “fuck you” in sign language. im pretty sure thats canon
The Little Thing by Rainbow_Mess
i belive this is also a pre-toa fic thats just exploring all the stuff we found out about will in ton and its very short and sweet :)
and of course, a few of my recent works for your consideration
who is he (and what is he to you?)
just doing my silly little tasks
i don’t need three bars to tell me we’re meant to connect
truly, madly, deeply
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let-it-raines · 4 years
CS Fic Rec Monday
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I hope you’re all staying safe and inside as much as physically possible! I said I was going to do this weeks ago, but I finally remembered to queue it all up! Here are some dang good multi-chapter fics you can curl up with! You’ve probably already read them if you’ve been around for awhile, but rereading is fun, too! Plus, I know these writers would get excited to see a new comment or two 😘 
As Real As You Want it To Be by @ive-always-been-a-pirate​: Teaching at the same school as Killian Jones was both infuriating and distracting, but when he throws Emma under the bus for the final time, she devises a plan to get back at him. After all, nobody likes to go to a wedding alone. Time for some CS AU fake dating.
Warm Nights and Firelight by @oubliette14​: When in the wake of a messy breakup Emma makes the impulsive decision to return home to her parent's ranch in the Rockies, she certainly doesn't expect to find a strange Irish guy living in what was once her apartment over the garage, and she definitely doesn't imagine that the home she couldn't wait to be rid of five long years ago would be the very place her heart begins to heal.
If Looks Could Kill by @wellhellotragic​: Emma Swan is a dedicated FBI agent getting over a bad breakup. When she and her partner, Ruby Lucas, are forced to go undercover as contestants on a reality show, Emma is forced to try and win the affections of Killian Jones, a man she despises.Killian Jones is a lost boy. Having recently been nicknamed the ‘Bad Boy of Boston,’ he’s been living up to his moniker using women and rum to avoid dealing with his dark past. When he’s forced to take the lead in a reality show, he encounters a gorgeous blonde who turns his world upside down. Miss Congeniality meets The Bachelor.
The Reason by @xemmaloveskillianx​: The three of them share a laugh before they all look to Emma. She has yet to comment on the new addition because she isn’t sure what to say. She usually doesn’t like change, they have a good thing going there, just the four of them. Plus, they all know him and she doesn’t, but she trusts their judgement, and she’s sure any brother of Liam can’t be all that bad.So, with a shrug and a smile she says, “Welcome to Storybrooke, Killian Jones.
The Wife by @ineffablecolors​: No one knows all that Emma has been through and certainly no one knows all that Killian has been through and being husband and wife doesn’t make them any less unknown to each other. And really, how can you help someone heal when you don’t even know how hurt they are?
Beauty in the Aftermath by @high-seas-swan​: Confronted with the sudden appearance of her birth parents, Emma, in a moment of panic, flees. She flees the diner, Storybrooke, the country. She finds herself a day later in the Dublin, Ireland Airport terminal wondering what the hell she has gotten herself into. With some fear, a little determination and a considerable amount of faking it along the way, she sets off on a trip she never planned on taking but needed more than she ever knew. She finds herself, she finds a Brit adrift on his own journey and finds out what home really means.
Playing the Part by @shireness-says​: As a stage manager who's clawed her way up from the bottom, Emma Swan can handle just about anything thrown her way. But does that include handsome lead actor Killian Jones? A CS Broadway AU.
Love, Kindness, and Other Useless Things by @joneskillian​: CS AU, set in 1815. Lord Killian Jones is haunted by the demons of his past which makes him nowhere near the man he once was, so he can't be the father he wants to be. And above all, he believes he is undeserving of love. Perhaps with Emma that is all about to change. But falling in love is never easy, that's just how it is.
Something Like You Love Me by @bemusedbicycle​: Emma decides the best way to get Mary Margaret off her back about Walsh is to say she already has a boyfriend. Except she doesn’t. That’s where Killian comes in. Fake!Engagement fic.
a one time thing (and other untruths) by @weezlywrites​: "She supposes the reason she tells him is the same reason she kept his phone number after all those weeks." Pregnancy has a way of throwing a wrench in one's plans.
Alone, until I get Home by @peglegsjones​: In Boston, Henry Swan's six-year-old brother Ian finds a book titled "Once Upon a Time" hidden beneath the seat in their mom's old yellow bug. As soon as Henry touches it, he remembers.Season 3 Canon Divergence-Emma finds out she's pregnant a few weeks after she and Henry leave Storybrooke with new memories and new lives. Nearly seven years later, another Dark Curse puts her family in danger, and Emma must return to Storybrooke to help them.Who's powerful enough to cast the Dark Curse? And how the hell is she going to tell Hook they have a son together?
Knock, Knock by @charmingturkeysandwich​: Emma Swan has made the best of her crappy apartment ever since she became best friends with her neighbor, Ruby. But when Ruby moves out and a loud Brit takes her place, the thin walls and lack of space are suddenly not so endearing. After a particularly stressful day, Emma decides to confront the nightmare next door, and entirely against her better judgment, she might just be making a friend.
These Nights Aren’t Made For Thinking by @nowforruin​: AU. Emma Swan came to Portland, ME to start over. She's got a job she loves, but when a particular case gets under her skin, she finds herself visiting the Jolly Roger and its curious bartender, Mr. Killian Jones, more often than she thinks is wise. But some nights aren't made for thinking. Captain Swan.
On the Two by @lifeinahole27​: He’s one bad trip from ending up in AA, and she’s one performance away from a solid job and moving closer to home. Their paths were unlikely to cross until Camp Hope brought them together. How and why they meet and intertwine is against the odds, and definitely against the rules, but will that really stand in their way? A Dirty Dancing inspired modern au.
Separate Lives by @lenfaz​: Set after 3x20 "Kansas". After saving the town one more time, Emma decided to return to New York, leaving her past behind. Three years later, she realizes that might be not have been the best decision.
Natural Opposite by @searchingwardrobes​: Dance is more than Emma Swan’s career; it’s practically saved her life on more than one occasion. But when it comes to reality TV shows, she’s always danced in the shadows of her twin brother David and her sister Elsa. Her first season as a pro on Dancing With the Stars was a disaster, and she enters her second season determined to prove herself. All she needs is a good partner. Hollywood bad boy and ladies’ man Killian Jones isn’t what she had in mind.
Walking in a Straight Line by @msgenevievee: It’s one of the oldest stories in the book. Two old friends have a few too many drinks, two old friends share a kiss. Happens all the time, right? But what happens when only one of them actually remembers it?
Out of the Frying Pan by @welllpthisishappening​: Emma Swan is only doing this for one reason, well, make that two. To get her show's numbers back up and, maybe, impress her son. She doesn't like admitting to that second one though.Killian Jones is doing this for absolutely, positively, just one reason. To expand his restaurant. And maybe get Regina off his back. So that's kind of two reasons.Neither one of them is doing a year-long Food Network all-star competition because they're celebrity chefs and there's not really any other choice. Of course not. And neither one of them is enjoying it because they maybe, kind of, sort of enjoy each other. That would be insane.
A Cold Awakening by @swanderful1​: Modern crime AU. Twenty years have gone by since Storybrooke was shaken to the core by a gruesome crime that went unsolved. Sheriff David Nolan and his partner, daughter Emma are forced to revisit the crime. At the same time, Killian Jones and his older brother Liam have been drawn back to the town they had longed to never see again, struggling to find their own answers. As taunting notes and clues show up they are taken on a journey to finally bring justice for the Jones family. And Emma Nolan finds herself caught in a situation more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.
Beyond the Horizon by @alexandralyman​: AU: When Princess Emma's ship is captured by the Jolly Roger and Captain Killian Jones, she offers herself as a hostage for ransom if he will let the ship and the other passengers go. With Emma, Killian remembers the honour he once held dear, and Emma catches glimpses of the gentleman Killian had been. Against all odds, the pirate and the princess begin to fall for each other.
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sourestlemon · 4 years
So. I made a bet with my friend that I could get through Omegaverse Haikyuu fanfiction because he says I can’t so if I read https://archiveofourown.org/works/13330632/chapters/30514041 that I’m going to get free icecream and twenty bucks.
But still, Bokuaka! Bokuaka is beautiful, I should rant about it more actually
This is me talking about this fic as I read, so it’ll be updated until I finish
Note, I’ve finished and it’s very very long. You’ve been warned
There’s my review and meta at the end of this as well as some critiques
Spoilers ahead.
“The Jewel of Seijou”
Bokuaka is so fucking cute dear god.
Oh. It’s sinful now
Ushijima better stop throwing shade at my boi’s
“"I can't believe you all think that you can go against the crown and live!" Ushishima says silencing them all. The alpha was slowly emitting his pheromones wanting to show them all his superiority. No one said a word against him. "Toru! I didn't know you'll be as lowly to use your family name to gather us here!" The alpha seethed to the omega that could have been his wife. Iwazumi hackles raised and bared his lips at the beginning of a growl. "And you!" Ushijima turned to Bokuto full on emitting his pheromones making the rest of the alpha's shoulder hackle cautiously and Oikawa to cling at Iwazumi. But Bokuto meet Ushijima calmly, unfazed by the bloodlust while Akaashi was frozen to his spot but didn't show any emotion.”
So what we get out of this paragraph is
1) Bitchy Ushi. I love Ushijima don’t get me wrong he’s precious but like. This fic Ushijima? Son of a bitch walking up in here like “Toru! How dare you be so lowly—“ and fucking trying to dominate everyone.
2) Protective Iwaizumi. Protect the precious Seijou Jewel. Do it, fight for him, protect him he’s scared.
3) Is Ushijima salty because Oikawa didn’t choose him? Oh god, he is isn’t he.
4) Akaashi’s go to emotion isn’t emotion.
5) Shits about to go down, Bokuto is gonna flip eventually, if Ushi threatens anyone—it’d probably be Oikawa or Akaashi seeing as they’re omega’s—I can see Bokuto and Iwaizumi just flipping their shit.
God I’m way to invested. Why did I read this
Awww Kageyama cares, Tsukki cares
More people came surrounding them. "What the hell," Akaashi recognized Iwazumi's voice.
Iwaizumi’s reaction is the only respectable reaction.
Wait this has major character death in the tags
Everyone has decided that Oikawa and Akaashi must be defended but just once I want them to flip their shit and kill someone. Just once.
Bokuto, Lev and Iwaizumi all want to protect Oikawa but Iwaizumi doesn’t even fucking trust em.
Why does everyone act like Nishinoya not wanting to move on so quickly is a bad thing? It’s perfectly reasonable and I hate how everyone is like “What’s wrong with you, do you not like us?” And getting super standoffish or snappish simply because Nishinoya loves Asahi so much and doesn’t want to feel like they didn’t need him.
I really don’t like how Nishinoya/Tanaka/Ennoshita became a thing in this fic. It would be cute if it didn’t just happen because Nishinoya was desperate and if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have fucked Tanaka.
Oh dear god I don’t want Kenma to die.
Oh thank god it’s okay.
Fuck I forgot they had boobs
Did Bokuto almost name the Kuroken baby Oya but changed last minute?
I’m feelin a little sniffly. I might fucking cry over an Omegaverse fic. Oh how the mighty have fallen
Oh my god the stars. I don’t think Bo is coming back y’all. I’m so nervous
The fuckin royals aren’t getting Keiji. No. Nuh-uh FUCK THAT SHIT
-cue mac worrying about oikawa because seijou is allied with fukurodani and an easy way to tear seijou away from the alliance is to kidnap oikawa and iwaizumi might split to keep him safe and ushi fucking knows this and possibly tendou also oiks is pretty as fuck-
Iwaizumi making Bokuto promise to save Oikawa if things went to shit makes me so worried but the same time his lil speech made my IwaOi heart so happy.
Suga bby...
Tendou, Ushijima I never thought I’d say this but I fucking hate them right now. They better not hurt the other best Boi’s.
Ushijima is salty as fuck confirmed.
"You truly are a piece of art," Ushijima said gently ...."But not as beautiful as him," the alpha muttered as he threw the omega to the floor.
So, this little snippet sent disgusting shivers down my spine for two reasons.
1) Ushijima just yeeted Akaashi, my son and
2) Any reader knows who the ‘he’ Ushi is talking about is, the only person in this book who is said to be as beautiful as Akaashi. You guessed it, the boi who rejected Ushi-fucking-jima, Jewel of Seijou himself Oikawa Tooru.
The thing that grosses me out the most about this paragraph just on its own is that Ushijima is either guessing about what Oikawa looks like, or he actually knows which overall just gives me the heebie jeebies because Oikawa definitely didn’t want that. What makes my skin crawl in this little snippet is what Ushijima would do when if he got his angry little hands on Oikawa—or Iwaizumi, but Iwa would probably be killed or used as a bargaining chip.
Hmmmmm, I’m pretty sure Ushi is in love with Tendou but the beauty statement still stands possibly???? Unless specified otherwise, because Akaashi and Oikawa are canonically considered the most beautiful people in the fic.
Also this entire chapter just makes me feel so gross, fuck Ushijima man. Fuck him.
My Ushijima loving heart hurts reading this fic.
I just want Akaashi and Oikawa to straight up kill someone. Please, anyone who I don’t care about
"I came right on time," Bokuto forced out his voice cracking with emotion. "Now I can engulf you in my arms and brighten your days despite the absence of the sun. You will no longer have to endure the cold winters alone. I'll be with you, I be there for you and our child," The alpha vowed his hands itching in need.
"Are you going to leave us again?" Akaashi needed to know. The omega already knew that he wouldn't be able to survive being apart from the alpha. He knew that he wouldn't win the battle with the overwhelming loneliness.
"The seas could dry up, the mountains could turn to pebbles, the trees could die and the whole world could be on fire and I still won't leave your side."
That was all Akashi needed to hear as he leaped into his alphas arm and let go of all the pain he has held in
I’m not crying I swear
They walked together side by side and Akaashi finally faced them. They were both beaten, bloody, and torn butinstead of feeling satisfaction he felt remorse. They both looked at him with soft, wide eyes, and he realized that this was the moment they were waiting for. They wanted to see the child that they both desperately wanted and Akaashi decided to give them a parting gift.
Akaashi had won, he had won from the very beginning and he held his trophy who was a small babe with golden orbs, with mutant white and black hair. He hadn't lied to Tendou when he had said that the baby looked exactly like his father.
Meta and Review
So I just read A/B/O for the first time and I knew absolutely nothing about the entire trope that Mpreg existed and to stay the hell away from it. Please remember this in the meta and tell me if there way of dividing characters is ever specified or if it’s just decided by top-bottom dynamics.
The story was pretty good outside of what I’m about to talk about. I liked the ships and most of the buildup, the worldbuilding seems solid, the war and UshiTens situation was really interesting to me and it made Ushi and Tendou a bit morally gray and could’ve talked about how people could do bad things for what they thought were the right reason and everything was clean cut.
Overall? Eh. Could’ve been done better
Not onto the rest
This doesn’t seem as toxic or inherently bad as most fics I’ve seen, I didn’t really like how Omega’s are always inherently feminine—the dresses, jewels, how they’re seen as inherently weaker and sometimes helpless, how they’re always referred to as “my lady”—and aren’t really given another choice because they might have the ability to reproduce in A/B/O but they aren’t women. It’s okay if a man is really feminine but for all of them to be? It rubbed my the wrong way.
I wish that the power structure was handled different in A/B/O in general. Omega’s seem to be treated like they’re helpless and I just...don’t like it? Omega’s might be submissive but that doesn’t make them physically weaker and if it did, I would’ve thought they would have picked up some other useful skills like diplomacy or strategy.
As usually, my example of how a character could’ve been handled better is Oikawa.
He’s my favorite character and I adored him but he just didn’t really deliver. It felt like he was being treated like a kid throughout this entire fic, it didn’t seem like he was doing anything during the war. Even if Omega’s don’t have a lot of physically prowess and abilities, what happened to Oikawa’s strategic and analytical nature? Why was it never mentioned in any of Bokuto’s POV sections because out all the leaders of the Allied Kingdoms, Oikawa is the best strategist—Kuroo is the exception, not the rule and I thought they should’ve been working together because smort boys—but he was simply hidden away.
Now I have no problems with all the protective IwaOi scenes when they’re in immediate danger—it makes perfect sense if Omega’s are physically weaker but have other usable talents that are taken seriously—and Oikawa simply can’t talk his way out of said problem.
I do however, have a problem with cowering Oikawa. That feels so OOC at the beginning of the first scene I cited, where is all of the quick wit and worthless pride from the show? Now, it makes sense for Oikawa to start getting scared and simply slip behind Iwaizumi once Ushijima tries to dominate everyone and all the Alphas start freaking out if Oikawa is at an actual, physical disadvantage—I feel like the alpha’s their have similar frames, or at least most of them do. Bokuto, Ushijima, Kuroo and Iwaizumi are jacked and beefy, everyone but Iwa is relatively tall too. Now, Oikawa’s tall too but he’s much thinner and leaner. I’d be scared too if everyone could break me like a twig if it came down to it—but no ??? Apparently at the first sign of any conflict he just gets scared??? He doesn’t know what’s going on in his own fucking kingdom ???
This is not Oikawa.
I didn’t like how they treated most of the Omega’s actually, it felt like they were just reverted to helpless damsels in distress. What happened to Kenma’s observation skills? Nishinoya’s everything?
More importantly, what decides Alpha’s and Omega’s? Is it up in the air like gender is? What are Beta’s then? It can’t just be who’s top and who’s bottom, that would mean the alpha-beta-omega- status wouldn’t be decided until you had a mate
From what I’ve seen in the fic, it goes by ship dynamics but what if the characters who had more strategic, cunning, observant traits and weren’t as buff and muscly would be Omega’s and had the brain power while characters who relied more on physical prowess would be Alpha’s and dominant in a purely physical way sometimes while characters who were an odd combination of the two would be Beta’s.
Going by my logic, instead of the top being the alpha and the bottom just being an omega without any personality it would be...
Bokuto- Alpha, like he was in the story. He’s definitely more physically inclined then Akaashi.
Akaashi: Omega, same as in the fic. Not to say he isn’t athletic but he relies more on his mind.
Iwaizumi- Alpha, like in the fic but from a purely physical standpoint and because he can rein Oikawa in when his friend starts going nuts.
Oikawa - Beta, he’s quite powerful but he’s also manipulative, strategic and his mind is scary as fuck.
Kuroo- Beta, he relies on his physical prowess and dorkily perfect brain a lot so he’s also a mixture of both.
Kenma- Omega, physically he’s a twig but his mind is what makes him the brain of Nekoma
Hinata- Alpha, he doesn’t use his brain a lot and has a lot of physical power
Kageyama - Beta, he’s pretty smart when it comes to volleyball and he’s also physically strong
Suga - Omega, he’s quite clever and his brain power out ways his physical prowess by a landslide
Daichi- Beta, he firms strategies and relies on his brain, plus his killer thighs
Tsukishima - Beta, he has his hue fur and athleticism but his brain power is also strong as fuck
Yamaguchi - Beta, he seems to be really people smart and eventually his serves are pretty good.
Can Betas get into a relationship with other Betas? I don’t know or care, we stan Alpha-Alpha, Beta-Beta and Omega-Omega ships here
do I have to read more
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veinereastath · 4 years
Far Cry: New Dawn was a disaster, and here’s why.
Okay, just to be clear - this is my personal opinion, not pure, cold facts that I’m trying to push down people’s throats. I just felt the sudden urge to break down piece by piece my utter hatred towards this game. So, let’s go. What exactly went wrong with it, and why Far Cry 5 was way better? I will try to present my ramblings and point of view by putting both of these games side by side. So, when reading every sentence in this... thing, add in your head a “it’s vei’s opinion” bit to avoid misunderstandings. Thanks in advance! First thing, to make everything clear - Far Cry 5 was not a perfect game. No, actually, it was far from so; there are many games much better plot-wise, with more entertaining gameplay, bigger world, more interesting side quests and so on. But, one thing for sure, this game has a spirit, an unique aura that makes many people want to come back to it and replay it over and over. The way Ubisoft portrayed Hope County is absolutely fantastic - the music, the landscapes, the characters. It was something new, something fresh, and despite quite a lot sceptical voices when the first trailers came out, it turned out really well, and in general, people really liked this game, or loved it even. Yeah, some people hate the endings, the fact that every single one of them is bad one way or the other and that you can’t basically win (I always thought this was fantastic, because, hey, you can’t be a perfect hero every time - even so, I love how this game, Seeds especially, mock the “hero attitude” that protagonist tries to have). But even so, Far Cry 5 was mostly a success, right? And the canon ending when the nukes get dropped seemed to leave a perfect opportunity for a sequel. So, what could go wrong? Well, about that...
1. How long is this game? New Dawn is short. It’s fucking short, because I installed it right after it became available (fun fact, this was the first and the last game I ever pre-ordered, so imagine how excited I must’ve been), and started playing it as soon as I could. In my case, it was around 2-3 am. I had a break then, woke up at 7 am and continued playing. I was playing it slowly - completing the side quests, because I wanted to know what has changed in Hope County, and, of course, I was looking for some easter eggs regarding the Seeds (surprised pikachu - there weren’t any, Old Compound, John’s bunker and Ranch are too obvious).  Took me around 5 hours to move on and actually start playing the main story. I was pretty sure that it will take me at least 10-15 hours to complete it (why was I thinking so, don’t ask me, I guess I still have way too high expectations after what Witcher 3 expansions have shown me). Again, surprised pikachu! I finished the whole game in 16 hours. Sixteen. Including liberating all the outposts (1 star in each, didn’t bother to get 3) and finish all side-missions + driving around the County just to look around. The hell? And it wasn’t a DLC? Just for a little comparison, because, yes, FC5 can also be completed pretty damn fast if you rush it, but my 1st playthrough of it, with all the quests and admiring the landscapes took me 33 hours. Which leads us to the next point on this god forsaken list, and that is... 2. The map.
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The next reason why I am shocked this game wasn’t a DLC - the heckitty hecck they did with the map in New Dawn. Radiation zones? Sign me the hell up, they make sense, are cool and stuff, but adding them just so you could bite off half of the original map is stupid, and extremely lazy thing to do. Okay, you can take off some parts, but if you’re doing so, add something new - some new paths, caves, mountain routes, something. And no, expeditions don’t count. To make it worse, the parts that were deleted were one of the best parts of the FC5 storyline. Faith’s Gate, Drubman’s Marina, Jacob’s Armory, Wolf’s Den, and the fucking Veteran’s Center. The opportunity to make this a haunted location with an entertaining quest in it was HUGE and it was absolutely wasted. It’s not like they couldn’t done it, we’ve got the mission in old Joseph’s statue, and the crocodile pikachu in Inquisitor’s Grave (which, by the way, shouldn’t actually exist - this bunker was blown up to pieces, but it seemed pretty decent in New Dawn, there are barely any sings of explosions, not to mention that “The Confession” room is untouched!). You bought this game with an intention to actually go back in time and find out about something that FC5 didn’t tell you? Kekus maximus, you don’t. Have some photographs instead (which are a nice addition, but seem lazy). To give this post even more personal hatred - I really don’t like the Henbane River region, so you could literally hear my heart breaking when I saw that we got 50% of the River, 80% of the Valley and 10% of the Whitetails, which were my absolute favorite. So fun!
3. The Villains. I must admit, in the trailers, back when the hype for this game was insane, Mickey and Lou seemed to be quite interesting. Even though back then it was obvious that Highwaymen won’t have that kind of depth that Eden’s Gate had, it was still something I was looking forward to, even though those vibes aren’t really my cup of tea; but most of my excitement was born from my love for Far Cry 5, so if course I had to try out the sequel. So yes, the trailers were quite nice (just not the live action one - that was a fucking disaster, and killed my hype for a few days afterwards).
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Mickey and Lou were quite fun, but to little extent, sadly. I liked their sister-sister dynamics, they really seemed close, and it was nice that shey were so different from each other - Mickey was more calculating, while Lou was living for the action and brutality in itself. The Highwaymen as a faction in itself wasn’t really that great for me, because their only purpose was to cause mayhem, and I simply don’t like something like this. But the sisters were something different, right? No, they weren’t, and that’s the point. I felt like there was little to no depth in their actions - it was all for fun, and I find this just boring and pointless (pr maybe I’m the boring one). I know that this is often how the world works - people take and destroy simply because they can and because it’s considered cool. We suck as a species, that’s official and well known, but I expected something more entertaining from a videogame. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I did. And Mickey and Lou were literally Highwaymen members with a VIP crown above their heads and nothing more. They left their mother? Okay, that is something that could lead to other interesting things. They killed their father for power? Huh, alright, I can work with that. The point is, it didn’t give them that much depth, their main purpose was to plunder everything. Which would be all good and nice if they were some kind of a side-faction. But this was The Villains™, and I wanted to feel something more towards them. And to be honest? I didn’t even hate them. I felt absolutely nothing, they just existed and I didn’t care, because they didn’t make this game interesting. What I will say now may sound brutal, but I will say it: I don’t consider two young people (they were around 19/20) just wanting to blow everything up “for lulz” a good villains. I fucking don’t. It was a huge downfall after what FC5 has given to us. I was just so bored when fighting the Highwaymen, because they were shallow, and their personalities were only focused on one thing. 
Of course, there is also Ethan. Yes, I hate him (he even has a very punchable face, what a coincidence!), but I admit he was somehow a nice touch in this game. Yes, he was a prideful, irritating kid, but while I was just utterly bored by the Twins, Ethan actually managed to make me hate him. The only thing that I’m quite bothered by is that I don’t believe that he’s actual, biological son of Joseph. To put it shortly, and say it louder for the people in the back - The Twins were just meh. Boring. How was the situation in FC5 better? Oh boy.
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Putting their obvious... Attractive physical appearance aside, and focusing purely on their personalities, because that’s what I’m trying to explain - they were something else, and something new. Ubisoft took a risk with creating four villains for a single game, because it’s extremely hard to give each one of them the screentime they deserve, and make them interesting and unique. Did FC5 succeed? In a way, yes. I’m not saying that Seeds are absolutely perfect villains (they aren’t), but they can eat Twins for breakfast and still stay hungry. To show you what I mean, have some short descriptions: JOSEPH: Cult Leader, “The Father”, a person who claims to hear the voice of God himself. Someone from a broken family and difficult life, who was in prison (according to song dedicated to him), lost one job after another, lost his wife, killed his daughter, and then formed a religious cult. JACOB: military veteran suffering from PTSD, with a massive knowledge about history and psychology, someone who literally brainwashed nearly half, if not more of the County, and manages to combine religion (something he clearly isn’t really fond of) and personal, darwinistic look on life. JOHN: former lawyer, a person skilled in adapting to any environment, charismatic manipulator abused as a kid, forced to spend most of his life pretending to be someone he hated to be, battled with addictions, emotionally unstable and with sadistic outburts. FAITH: young woman devoid of purpose in life, also battling with addictions in the past, probably on the verge of suicide at some point, who was manipulated (and quite possibly drugged) in order to comply; a broken girl hiding her pain behind lovely smiles. Sounds pretty diverse, right? And I bet that at least one member of this family was somehow entertaining for everyone. Now, here’s what New Dawn has given to us: MICKEY: the more calculating sister; young girl who followed her father and chose brutal life, creating entertainment for herself by making others suffer. Shows some kind of regret when you defeat her by the end of the game. LOU: the more brutal sister; young girl who followed her father and chose brutal life, creating entertainment for herself by making others suffer. Doesn’t show any regrets towards her actions.
And honestly, that’s it. I really tried to write something more for the Twins, but I couldn’t put my finger on anything. That’s all we know. And yes, I know that there is a major difference between them and the Seeds, which is the age gap - FC5 villains are simply older and have more life experience, but honestly, this doesn’t make it better. Mickey and Lou could have much more depth and be far more interesting despite them being young. Age is not a problem in such a case. I suggest to compare Mickey and Lou’s descriptions with the Faith one, since she’s just few years older. There is a difference, isn’t it? And even when playing both of these games, the Seeds just seem to be better developed than the Twins. Ubisoft did something weird, because they managed to focus on four villains and make each one of them interesting in their own way, but made just two main villains flat, and nearly identical. 4. Radio calls. This is a continuation of the point above, because it’s also something I wanted to point out and is connected to the villains of both games. The things you can hear directly from The Twins can be mostly described as “hey rabbit, you’re pissing us off a bit”. Same with the things they say at outposts and direct them to the Highwaymen - it’s always about the same thing, and there isn’t a single line that I found interesting or worth remembering (okay, my bad, the fact that Mickey and Lou seemed to be dissapointed after Nana chose to stick with the Captain rather than them was a nice touch). Meanwhile, I can recite most of the dialogue lines from the Seeds from my memory, and it’s something I could do after 2 playthroughs. They seem to be on a whole different level - and yes, it is true that to some point, the “rabbits” thing is similar to “the weak” theme of Jacob, or “the sinners” in case of John, but it didn’t seem to be that much tiring to hear about. Faith’s radio calls were interesting, because with each one of them you could hear her demeanor towards the Deputy changing - in the beginning, she was friendly, but after you destroyed Joseph’s statue, she was scared, and at the final confrontation - maliciously hostile. Jacob started his radio calls history with a threat towards you, and kind off keeps that all the time, but the closer you get to the final meeting with him, the more... Okay, how the fuck do I describe it in a non-thot way amused (I guess we can call it this way?) he sounded. He was still far from friendly, you still didn’t have any doubts he’s your enemy, but there was something in those radio calls, something that suggested he actually sees the Deputy as something more than just enemy, as a tool he crafted all by himself and he was proud of it. John welcomes you with this cheesy ad at the beginning of the game, and as time goes on, he goes even more obsessed with making you atone and confess; not to mention his absolutely fantastic reactions to stealing his house and destroying his sign. His calls are something unpredictable, because once he’s all official and charismatic, but suddenly he switches to this ominous mode that actually makes you want stop for a bit and look around you, as if he was lurking somewhere. To sum it up, this game made you feel like if you were actually developing some kind of a relationship with each one of the family member. But the radio calls from the Twins seem to be always the same, it’s all about “rabbits” and “problem solving”. Yes, it might've been better if only one sister was all about it, and the other one had something else on her mind, but making them nearly identical was a lazy move.  5. Landscapes.
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Far Cry 5 was amazing, because every region was different and had something else to offer. Henbane River was full of Bliss, which created weird hallucinations, Faith dancing around you was also pretty interesting addition, and The Pilgrimage was also a nice touch (I recommend going with it, it’s a really nice experience, actually). Holland Valley was the pure definition of Montana countryside, and it felt fantastic to walk around and see those little farms, cows, windmills and so on. Whitetail Mountains were also something unique, with less open spaces, a huge amount of wildlife, combining massive mountains with deep forests. And even though the colors of this game could be simply described as beige-green, I didn’t really feel bored when wandering around. New Dawn had a cool concept, actually - makind the post-apocalyptic world colorful, instead of making it a grey wasteland was something new and I was excited. And, honestly, I really liked how it all looked like during the first 2 hours of playthrough. After that... I was just so done. The pink colour in itself wasn’t bad, really, but the way they added it everywhere made me feel sick. Those flowers were nearly everywhere and they were always the same. And while I love screenshoting landscapes in games, New Dawn didn’t really felt like something I wanted to spend time on. I like to admire the views of FC5, but not in ND. Combining the small as hell map with nearly the same flowers on your every step was a bad solution. 6. Other. To mention other things - well, I guess we could mention the music, but I feel it isn’t fair, actually. Both games did this well in some way, FC5 songs are certainly something unforgettable, and I mean both the cult ones as well as the OST. New Dawn did what it could - gave Highwaymen music that fits them. The OST, however, isn’t that good. Maybe because it just doesn’t feel unique to me, while the different type of music in each region in FC5 is, for me, unforgettable in many ways.  I won’t really talk about The Deputy >> The Judge metamorphosis, because everyone sees it in a different way. I personally don’t consider it as a bad thing, it’s quite a nice plot twist, and I like it (even though I went with a totally different path with my deputy OC).
Okay, I think it’s time to get to the main point. Why I consider New Dawn as a disaster? The Villains were devoid of any depth and felt exactly the same, the map was small as hell, the story was way too short (and these two things should be enough to make this game a DLC, not an actual installment of the franchise), the landscapes were repetitive, 90% of what was left from FC5 (locations, for example) didn’t get a chance to shine. Just imagine how much more entertaining this game could be if we would find some old recording of the Eden’s Gate songs somewhere. If there were mentions of some terryfingly huge wolves roaming around, if the members of Prosperity actually mentioned something about John Seed (which house they are living in!), if we could visit the remnants of the Faith’s Gate, hear the ominous “Only You” when approaching the Veteran’s Center and read some old notes about experiments that were happening in there, and so on. Basically, the main opportunity that got wasted was focusing on continuating FC5 legacy in a more respectful way. The things I mentioned above seem like small details, but they really could make the experience something else entirely. So, yeah. I hate New Dawn, in case someone didn’t notice. :)
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cherrygorilla · 3 years
Since I’ve had no free time to write anything lately, enjoy some little head-canons based on stuff that has kept me sane during all my uni assignments to celebrate my birthday today!
1. There’s not really any concept here other than the fact that I’ve been loving The Masked Singer/Dancer series that have been on lately in the uk, and it got me thinking about how fun it would be to write a little one-shot based on this show being filmed in my Drive My Car universe. Because since Carrie’s an actress she could compete, and I feel like it would be so fun to see how everyone would react when she got unmasked. I feel like Mick would get so invested in the series because she’s so clever that she’d be able to figure out all the clues and make a bunch of educated guesses, Butchy would just dismiss every clue that could have led to Carrie’s character being her because he couldn’t bare the thought of her actually competing and inflating her ego even more, and Miles, bless him, would just be so nonchalant about the whole thing because he couldn’t imagine when she could have gone to film the show without him knowing about it, so when she’s finally unmasked he’d just be absolutely dumbfounded, the poor guy haha.
2. Again, not really much of a concept, I’ve just become super invested in the Frenemies podcast and I feel like Ethan and Trisha have a really similar dynamic to how I imagine Butchy and Carrie interacting - especially in the sense that their relationship starts off pretty tumultuous but they end up becoming low-key besties. Maybe I could spin it into some kind of one-shot where Mick and Miles get sick of them bickering and sit them down, cook them dinner and then just leave them alone to talk out their issues. Then maybe they could turn it into a regular sort of thing after they start to see some improvement in their dynamic. I honestly don’t know but I just think it’s a fun idea. Plus it gives Mick and Miles some time to hang out together, so it’s a win for everyone lol.
And 3. I’ve mentioned in another one-shot about how I think Miles and Carrie’s wedding would be a really spontaneous, drunken idea at an awards show after party, and I just feel like that fits them so well. But I do think they deserve to have a proper big day too, especially with Carrie’s pay cheques being as big as imagine them getting once Find Your Voice’s popularity is recognised (that could be another one-shot in itself: Miles almost fainting when he finds out how much Carrie’s been offered per episode in order to ensure she’ll go back to film a second season - but I’m getting off topic). I feel like they wouldn’t think to arrange anything for ages though, until years later when Carrie’s character gets married on Find Your Voice and they get to film a super fun wedding episode. Neither Carrie nor her co-star had big traditional weddings in their own lives outside of the show, so getting to film it was super fun for them both. And their real life spouses even got to make little cameos in the episode as wedding guests (yes, Miles got to make an on-screen debut, much to his friends’ amazement)! All in all, Carrie and Miles both had so much fun on set filming stuff for that episode that they decided to throw a huge vow-renewal party and got to have the big family/friend affair they’d always wanted - no expenses spared! And I think it’s safe to say that it would go down in history as one of the best weddings any of the guests had ever attended, but all for varying reasons I’m sure lmao.
Most of these will probably never be written up, but they’re still fun ideas I wanted to share. And I’m sorry I don’t have more to offer you as a birthday treat, but at least this is better than nothing! Plus, it’s fun to let your imagination run wild with ideas sometimes, even if they are ridiculous!
I hope life has been treating you well! Sending all my love and best wishes!
- cherrygorilla
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astralarias-old · 4 years
Extremely detailed asks for Atlaki please!
@salamanderapocalypse also asked about Atlaki so I’ll tag you here if that’s alright!
Thank you!! 💗
Sorry for no cut, I’m on mobile
The basics
1. Age, birthday, star sign
He’s 8 years old and /whispers/ I don’t know his birthday, shame, shame on me
2. Gender Identity
Masc-aligned nonbinary (he sees himself as ’male’ but how he relates to gender is from a non-human perspective that would be considered nonbinary)
3. Orientation and Relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?)
Bisexual, taken by Cassien
4. Race and Ethnicity
5. Height and Body type
6”0, fairly lean body type.
6. Headcanon VA
I forget the actor’s name, but Hazel from the 2018 Watership Down remake.
7. Occupation
Commander and griffon trainer.
8. Weapon of Choice(?)
Axe and torch with a heavy touch of firebrand magic thrown in.
9. Hometown and current residence
The Grove; currently lives aboard a large airship.
10. Do they have any markings, piercings or scars?
Aurene-branded scar from where Bangar shot him, just over where a human heart would be. Ears are a bit torn here and there. Scar on his stomach from Balthazar.
11. Do they have any notable features, like horns, tails, or so on?
His canines are very pointed, and his nails tend to grow into claws, but he keeps them cut short.
12. Own any pets?
Two griffons, Buttercup and Orion!
13. Have any kids?
Nope. Unless you count Aurene.
14. Can they cook? Can they bake?
Don't let him in a kitchen unsupervised.
15. Can they sing? Can they dance?
Not fantastic, but he does, and yes, he enjoys dancing in private.
16. Can they drive?
17. Can they fight?
Yes, very well
18. Have any special keepsakes?
Caladbolg, although he doesn't use it. A magically preserved pressed flower from the Grove, to remind him of his roots (pun intended)
19. Hobbies
Griffon riding! He also enjoys sparring, and likes to paint in his (limited) free time.
21. Clothing/Aesthetic
Usually formal / armour, to present a strong appearance as commander. In casual settings he prefers to wear soft fabrics, as he struggles to grow his own armour nowadays.
23. Fave food(s) and drink(s)
Soups, potato dishes, bacon, chocolate, and for drinks he enjoys hot cocoa and just water. Isn’t too keen on alcohol.
25. Fave Color
27. Fave Genre
29. Fave Season
31. City or Country?
33. Guilty Pleasure
Eating way too much candy whenever he gets the chance.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
Cassien is his partner, and Aurene he considers a daughter. The rest of Dragon’s Watch is like a family to him. The Pale Tree he feels conflicted towards - he is loyal to her, but also has some resentment towards her.
29. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level?
Yes, he learned to read during the war on Zhaitan. No school, being a sylvari.
31. What was childhood like?
33. What was adolescence like?
35. What’s their current main conflict?
Stopping Bangar and figuring out what Jormag’s deal is.
37. What steps have they taken to overcome this conflict?
Aside from canon story stuff: he’s started deeply researching Jormag, from old spoken legends to written accounts, in order to try to determine whether they are trustworthy or not.
39. How have they changed over time?
He went from an idealistic and naive sapling to someone desperate to make the world a kinder place even if it costs him his own life.
For Fun
34. What’s their room look like right now?
He lives on an airship and his room is pretty small. It’s kept neat and tidy, save for a few clothes on the bed. There’s one of Aurene’s glittering scales on his bedside table, and a vase of blue, night-blooming flowers
36. What are they like as a friend?
He’s loyal, attentive and sometimes overbearing. Always there if you need him, but needs encouragement to learn to have fun.
38. What are they like as a partner?
Supportive to the max, to the point he can be suffocating if he doesn’t get a hold of himself. Very loving and considerate, and again, extremely loyal.
40. Do they have any phobias?
42. Did/do they go anywhere special for vacations?
He enjoys going the Labyrinthine Cliffs for the Festival of the Four Winds!
44. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
Hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows, and a chocolate chip cookie.
46. What time do they go to bed, usually?
11 pm - 3 am
48. What’s their morning routine like?
Get dressed, wash face, feed griffons and let them out to fly, have breakfast, contact Dragon’s Watch.
50. What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
Attempted a nosedive on his first griffon. Immediately passed out from the G force and fell off. Luckily the griffon caught him in midair and set him down on the ground. It isn’t a story he likes to tell.
52. What pokemon would your character be (if they’re already a pokemon/gijinka tell us what they are, and how that’s affected them)?
I know like 5 Pokemon, rip
54. What’s their pokemon team? Try to pick all 6.
Again, my Pokemon knowledge is sadly limited.
56. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Perseus - the Unknown Brain
58. If this character was in a musical, what would their motif be (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, ect).
Strong but sad violin, slow tempo.
The Deep Lore™
47. What was this character’s biggest turning point in their life, something that changed them almost completely?
Trahearne’s death. The entirety of HoT marked his turn from “everything will work out in the end, good always wins, etc” to “maybe I can’t do this, but I have to try, even if it kills me.”
49. What was their lowest point? What was their highest point?
Lowest point was again, Trahearne’s death. It shook him to his core. His highest point wasn’t really one specific thing, but when Cas began to recover from the Nightmare. Every victory felt like a step towards healing for the both of them.
51. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
Doing what’s right no matter the cost, found family, recovery from trauma.
53. What are some motifs associated with your character?
Deep blue, birds of prey, ancient ruins, stars, fire, pine trees.
55. What were some inspirations for your character (people, movies, games)?
Katara was a big one! I can’t recall any others by name right now but I really like how Katara’s anger and her kindness are so intertwined and I wanted to incorporate that into a character of my own.
57. How are you and your character the same? How are you different?
We both have a strong sense of morality and get angry when people cause unnecessary harm. We’re also both pretty stubborn, and shy. The main difference is Atlaki is a lot better with words than I am, I think xD
59. Expectations vs Reality: what did you expect and what did you get with this character?
I made him just wanting a sylvari character, and I ended up with my main commander.
61. What does your character want, and what do they need?
He wants to save Tyria.
He needs to learn he doesn’t have to carry that burden on his shoulders alone, and it’s okay to not do all things all the time.
63. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? When happens when these all interact with each other?
His core trait is determination.
His best trait is kindness.
His worst trait is how he can have a single-minded focus on things to the detriment of other issues.
Put together, he can be very determined to help someone in what he thinks is the right way, but in reality he could be missing the underlying cause of their problems.
65. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
My goal is to get him to a point where he can balance his own life and desires with his job as Commander, and move on from his trauma to a happier future. He will absolutely get that happy ending!
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Dr who for the ask game
Thanks for playing! This is also a big, fun one! :O (I do love that the majority of these asks hit target on my own biggest obsessions x3 We checked off like all the live action shows at this point, I think, the only things left are anime/animated xDDD)
Again with a cut due to the sheer size. ^^°°°
Top 5 favourite characters: CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, The Doctor, Yasmin Kahn
Other characters you like: Rory Williams Pond, Graham O’Brien, Mickey Smith, Bill Potts, Sarah Jane Smith, Craig Owens
Least favourite characters: Rose Tyler by a landslide
Otps: not realy any actual OTPs but ships I guess I’m fond of would be Vasta/Jenny and Rory/Amy
Notps: every ship involving the Doctor, because I just honestly find it weird and uncomfortable to look at the Doctor as a romantic or even worse yet sexual being, but most of all Doctor/Rose and Doctor/River, also Jack/Ianto
Favourite friendships: I am living for the current team dynamic, 13-Yaz-Graham-Ryan are really good but my forever favorite is the Doctor and Jack, also the best team-up was the Doctor with Donna and Martha, that was perfect
Favourite family: THE FAM! 13′s team
Favourite episodes:oooh mmh, I do have multiple favorites, so let’s do this!
Blink: it is such a good episode, there was a time I just popped that one in when I had 40 minutes to waste
Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords: for me personally, this is where Doctor Who peaked. My absolute favorite storyline and episodes and team-up - my favorite Doctor with BOTH my favorite companions in an episode with my favorite Master as the enemy. Amazing. There was a time when I would regularly rewatch this, just these three
Turn Left/The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End:Suuuch a satisfying conclusion for a four series plotline, all of the companions coming together like that? It was so good
The Lodger & Closing Time: I love Craig and I love how these two episodes switch things up!
Favourite season/book/movie: Rather obviously, series 3 - the return of Jack, the series where Martha is the companion, a series with my favorite Doctor and four of my favorite episodes in it!
Favourite quotes:THE ANGELS HAVE THE PHONE BOX! xD And the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff! I got that one on a necklace even! *laughs*
Best musical moment: uuurgh the soundtrack of this show is actually so good? I listened to it on a loop for years. Series 3 and 4 being my favorites, they make you feel things, man.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Just this series when Jack returned. And let me elaborate to just convey how hard I fangirled at that, because it wasn’t just “oh a fave!”.
You see, Jack is... kind of why I’m here? I watched the first series with my mother back when it started airing in Germany. But they kind of... stopped dubbing it and it stopped airing in Germany and eh, I was okay with it because this show seemed weird like they just switched out the actor of the MAIN CHARACTER who does that what the fuck and I really liked Jack but he was gone now too so oh well.
However, then I read online about how Jack was in series 3. So... I went online and Doctor Who is genuinely the first TV show I ever watched in English, because I wanted to see Jack but there was no dub.
Then series 3 ended and both Jack and Martha left and I was very meh because I remembered that this is the show that constantly replaces its whole cast.
You can probably guess what happened next, but Jack was in the finale of series 4. So I went back into Doctor Who, rewatched what there has been so far all the way up to the series 4 finale - and that was when I was sold, because holy shit even with the switching of companions, they just bring them back! They just brought them all back! That was such a good pay-off.
Ironically, that was when I actually stuck around and started watching the show in real time instead of waiting for the next Jack appearance to bring me back from hibernation. Ironically because - well, that was the last we saw of anyone. (Aside from 10 in the 50 year special.)
That hard, hard cut from 10 to 11, no return of any companions...
Needless to say that when 12 came and went with no care for anything pre-11, I kind of... came to accept that this was it. Especially when they announced yet another hard cut - as in Moffat would finally be replaced and with the new era, both a new Doctor and new companions - I was so sure we’d never get to see anyone from the old crew again.
So when, after literally ten years, Jack Harkness returned and was so... so... Jack, I made the loudest, most unholy sound and the excitement of them actually acknowledging that he would be back for more and he would be there when the Doctor needs him? Tears of joy.
(but aso pls #LetMarthaMeet13 okay? Okay)
Saddest moment: When 10 regenerated
Most well done character death: Surprisingly enough, this show makes me care even about the one episode characters to the degree that I find their deaths frustrating. It’s pretty good at character deaths overall
Favourite guest star: Does Craig Owens count? Because he only had two appearances in total. And the second one was genuinely a surprise to me; I was sure that The Lodger would be a stand-alone, never to be seen again kind of deal
Favourite cast member: John Barrowman! David Tennant! Freema Agyeman! I love all three of them and seeing them in other things always makes me really happy!
Character you wish was still alive: I mean, Bill. Can you imagine if the lesbian companion had gotten to meet 13?? Death :D
One thing you hope really happens: Martha. I mean, come on. Jack is back, Jack warned the Doctor, promised to be there when needed. There’s no way Jack lost contact with Martha and Mickey, even with those two off in space fighting aliens alone. I’d love for this... very, very big plotline that is currently happening to include the Doctor’s old friends coming back once more to help.
Most shocking twist: I mean... I mean it’s gotta be this series’ Surprise Origin Story. Like, I still can’t quite comprehend that one.
When did you start watching/reading?: As mentioned above, when it first started airing in Germany
Best animal/creature: Does the TARDIS count as a creature? Because then Sexy wins!
Favourite location: THE TARDIS. I wish they’d show it more often just casually. I wanna see the companions hang out in there, I wanna see their rooms, see that indoor pool and stuff
Trope you wish they would stop using: "OH NO THE DALEKS ARE STILL ALIVE AFTER THE LAST TIME I TRIED GENOCIDE ON THEM *gasp*”... Like. The very first time they brought them “back from the dead”, it was really cool because as a newbie you never met them before but you get they are important. Then they were wiped out. And then they returned again. And okay, sure. So they were wiped out again. And miraculously survied again.
Look, I get it. Doctor Who has three recurring entities in the villain gallery who are like... obligatory - the Master, the Daleks and the Cybermen. But for the love of everything, stop trying to show it as a “surprise twist” that the bad guy is a Dalek like we all knew they’re coming they’re the cockroaches of the universe, they ALWAYS surprise, stop acting like we should be shocked that they’re back again.
Every time, the Doctor goes Pikachu meme but with sad eyes and like just... have the Doctor groan, kick a Dalek and go “not you again”, instead of “how did you POSSIBLY survive THIS? :O” because after the sixth miracuous survival of a genocide, it stops being a surprise twist... -_-
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Clearly something, because it has me come back for more like a masochist despite me being a character-driven viewer - me, abandoning the show after the first series was very in character, because I’m attached to characters and if you routinely replace all the characters, that’s... not really my thing. Somehow, this show defies the odds there
Couple you would like to see: NONE. NO ROMANCE. KEEP THAT SHIT OUT OF MY DW!!! Urgh. Just give me fun found family space adventures. I swear ever since the cast announcement I have had a twitchy eyebrow waiting if they’ll push for Ryan/Yaz and so far I am sooo glad they are NOT. I just... want friendship and space adventures, no fucking romance. At all. Not with the Doctor, not between companions. No drama
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: ...to stay in character, I have to say Dominic Sherwood. Partially because I am obsessed with him, but also because I WANNA HEAR HIS BRITISH ACCENT FOR A WHOLE ASS SERIES PLEASE
I would also like to see the return of James Marsters though. Time Heist teased by showing his face and acknowledging his existence in Doctor Who (it’s not like DW has acknowledged a whole lot of Torchwood canon so far, considering the catastrophic events TW has dealt with without the Doctor...), so that had me kind of hopeful he may at least cameo for an episode...
Favourite outfit: I looove Martha’s red leather jacket and Jack’s coat
Favourite item: The chameleon device
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: *clears throat awkwardly* ...Yes?
a metro card holder thingy with the TARDIS on it,
an I pin I have on my pencil case,
a necklace with a miniature TARDIS,
a necklace with the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey quote in a swirl on it,
a necklace with a Weeping Angel pendant,
a mug with the 10th Doctor as a cat on it,
a lanyard with Police Call Box written all over and a miniature TARDIS dangling on it
a TARDIS dress,
a whoosh-sound making door opening TARDIS with size-fitting figures of the 10th Doctor, Jack, Martha, K9, Idris, 11, Rory and John Hart (it’s James Marsters’ pretty face, okay?),
a Funko Pop 10th Doctor,
another TARDIS but this one is smaller and can’t open,
a larger TARDIS that can open (and is the right size for my Doctor Whooves),
a Doctor Whooves (if that counts since he’s technically My Little Pony but also he’s the Doctor so like...),
a TARDIS-blue stuffed owl with Police Owl written on it,
the first four series on DVD,
a poster from the 50th Anniversary with the War Doctor walking away from an explosion and 10 and 11 on either side of him,
a pocket watch that is the chameleon device
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Mmmh I would like to be on the current team the most, I think? Generally speaking, their adventures were less intense than most others and I dig the family vibe
Most boring plotline: Boring, huh? There are always a couple stinkers, at least one in each series, but a really boring plotline was... Clara’s post-Impossible-Girl one. I LOVED her as the Impossible Girl, she was so interesting and I think that after she went into the Doctor’s timeline, the character should have been retired. Have her, I don’t know, dissolve there, since she is spread out through time. But that she stuck around was... not good, for her character? Her love drama with Danny was incredibly boring and not fun to watch (especially when she tried to kill the Doctor :D)
Most laughably bad moment: THAT FUCKING MOON EPISODE. THE FUCKING EPISODE WHERE THE FUCKING MOON TURNED INTO A FUCKING EGG AND AN ALIEN HATCHED TO THEN LAY A NEW MOON EGG IMMEDIATELY AFTER BEING BORN AND HUMANS JUST FUCKING SHRUGGED THAT SHIT OFF. Urgh. There are a lot of cringey things happening on this show, but this takes by far the crown. It was so stupid, so dumb, so ridiculous
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Every time we learn more about the Doctor’s past *^*
Most layered character: I... I mean the Doctor. So many layers, so many lives, so many years
Most one dimensional character:Mh, this is harder... Among the not one-episode-off characters? I guess Nardole. Like, sure, good guy, but... not really all that deep that one
Scariest moment: Blink with the Weeping Angels. They lost A LOT of their scariness the more they were used - Moffat really overused them, in my opinion; they would have done better only appearing very rarely. But that first episode with them was just daaamn
Grossest moment: Cassandra?? Woman only made of skin?
Best looking male: CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS
Best looking female: MARTHA JONES
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Martha Jones
Favourite cast moment: John and David being cute behind the scenes is always amazing, but the bes moment is definitely the 500 Miles video!
Favourite transportation: The TARDIS, that’s not even a question!
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Whenever we get to see (not destroyed) Gallifrey? It’s so gorgeous??
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:SO MANY AFTER THAT LAST SERIES. But also things like: Where did Clara fuck off to in her flying diner? What exactly is Jack doing now that there is no Torchwood anymore? How in the world did Torchwood ever even work like how was the Doctor just never around during these gigantic problems?? WHO WAS THE DOCTOR’S FIRST WIFE? And what was the Doctor’s child like? Because the only one ever even mentioned is the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan, but a granddaughter implies one more generation between. WHERE IS JENNY? Since she is also the Doctor’s daughter but also just fucked off into space and like why is she not trying to track her parent down??
Best promo: I mean, it clearly works when they show me Jack’s face so that’d be it for me :D”
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: At the series 4 finale, as above more elaborately explained
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betheflame · 4 years
creator tag game
tagged by my darling @onlymorelove
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1. And I’ll Give You A Safe Place to Land
My first fic written since 2008 and my first fic in the MCU fandom. What a kind and lovely reception I got, even though I wrote a rare pair and didn’t even know it! 
Love is complicated but it always wins.
Before the suits and the super soldier resurrections, Pepper loved Tony. Then he ended up in a cave and got brave enough to tell her he loved her, too. Then Steve showed up and needed a family, and then Peter needed one, too.
Then there was the Winter Soldier and trips to Wakanda and battles against Thanos and through it all, they all needed a safe place to land.
(Complete fic that's essentially my re-write of the Tony & Steven centric MCU canon (Iron Man 1 - Endgame) with SIGNIFICANTLY more smooching and guaranteed happily ever afters.)
2. Turns Out, I Have a Rose Garden
The reception on this political AU still blows me away. 
President Steven Grant Rogers was gearing up to run for president again and he had yet to deliver on his major campaign promise from the first term: reverse the effects of climate change by at least 40%. Luckily for him, billionaire genius inventor Tony Stark had just the technology to do it.
Less luckily for Steve, he was totally into Tony, who had no idea Steve was gay because essentially no one knew Steve was gay. If Steve has to choose between a second crack at the office or a first crack at true love, which one wins?
3. He Used to Be Mine
My first Stucky fic - it’ll always be close in my heart for that reason. I loved creating this world and giving Bucky his happily ever after. 
Steve and Bucky were it for each other, until life happened. Now, nearly 20 years later, they meet again. Bucky's boyfriend is an abusive jagweed, however, so Steve has some work to do.
Love, however, might be complicated, but it always wins.
4. A Teddy Bear That Smells Like Family
My version of a EG fix-it, that brings our folks to the afterlife and heals a lot of old wounds. I loved, loved, loooooooved writing this and think it’s probably some of the best prose I crafted the entire year. 
Nat & Tony meet at a bus stop in the afterlife and take a ride through heaven and hell.
Eventually, everyone else does too.
5. Sobriety Chips and Salsa
The most emotional hurt/comfort I could bring myself to write for the POTS server event. I’m pretty fucking proud of this one, folks. 
Sure, they all knew Tony was an alcoholic, but he had it basically under control, right?
Or, the story where he absolutely didn't, but eventually does, and both he and Steve remember the meaning of their vows.
Now, I basically tag everyone because I love these posts and want to know what you’re proud of, but off the top of my head, the folks that haven’t been are @hogwartstoalexandria @iam93percentstardust @dresupi @sablier-bloque @em-dibujsb @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @stargirl222 @avengersnewb
If you are seeing this and you haven’t been tagged - I TAG YOU! 
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femslashhistorian · 5 years
Supercorp AU Fic Recs Part 4 - Different Realities
Tumblr media
In the fourth part of my SuperCorp (Supergirl) AU Femslash Fanfiction Recommendation, I have collected 13 excellent Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Alternate Universe (AU) stories which Kara and Lena live very different lives and meet under very different circumstances from the show: Stories in which they are actresses, models, singers, figure skaters, baristas or professional cuddlers - and one in which Kara is French. This collection includes many of my favorite SuperCorp fics and is maybe the ultimate testament how many talented authors have poured their creative energy into different ways for Kara and Lena to fall in love.
Nearly all of the included stories are No powers AUs, in which Kara is human. All of the stories have a happy ending.
 Overview of the 13 Kara / Lena stories
Detailed recs and links after the cut. My favorites are marked with *
A) Actor and Model AUs
No one mourns the wicked * by kellsbells: The wickedly angsty musical AU
We're playing to a full house, darling (but this show can't go on) * by The_Ominous_Owl: The actors AU in which Kara is an actress that used to play Supergirl
Blockbuster (it's the movie au ok) by unnecessary_databass: The nonlinear actors rom-com
Maybe we were made to dance around each other, babe by goon: The Kara/Lena and Alex/Lucy model/singer AU
B) Coffee Shop/Barista AUs
Dripping Onto You by spymaster: The Barista & Public Pool AU
The Name Game - A SuperCorp Coffee Shop AU by DKGwrites: The Coffee Shop AU
C) Other Job AUs
These feelings I can't fight * by Jazzfordshire: The Ice Skating AU
Hold me, my dear (and don't let go) * by potstickermaster: The Cuddler Fic
D) Fluffy/Happy No Powers AUs
As luck would have it by spacemanearthgirl: The fake dating AU in which Lena rescues Kara from Mike
Jar of Happiness by Cloud_Lightning: The sweet AU in which the Luthors are not evil
Of Charcoal Lines and Accents by IHaveTheWrongGlass: The College AU in which Kara is a French exchange student
I'll be your muse? by heryellowcup: The College AU in which Lena models for Kara’s art class
What if I asked you to stay? * by heryellowcup: The one in which Kara and Lena are neighbors
This series includes
Supercorp AU Fic Recs Part 1 - Distorted Realities: of Time Travel, Amnesia and Black Mercies [tumblr] [WordP]
Supercorp AU Fic Recs Part 2 - Hope and Despair: of Lighter and Darker Worlds [tumblr] [WordP]
Supercorp AU Fic Recs Part 3 - Complicated Realities: Weddings, One Night Stands and Friends with Benefits [tumblr] [WordP]
Supercorp AU Fic Recs Part 4 - Different Realities: Actors, Baristas and Other No Powers AUs [this post] [tumblr] [WordP]
Originally this was planned to be the last AU recs part, but there might by one more. This collection took me a while to compile and I concluded it in July 2019 (between the end of the shows 4th and before the 5th season), but most stories were written and finished long before that.
This post might be a bit long for tumblr and with the links above you can also the complete series on my blog.
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A) Actor and Model AUs
The actor AUs of course share a few similarities (and I loved them all) but they all are quite distinct and different enough to include all of them here.
One aspect in which they are clearly different is in the amount of angst: Most of them are not to not particular angsty, but No one mourns the wicked has a substantial amount of angst. It also carries over the strongest Lena tries to redeem for the sins of her family vibes from the show, although this is also present in we're playing to a full house, darling.
 1) The wickedly angsty musical AU
No one mourns the wicked by kellsbells
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 16 chapter, 69k words, 2017-2018
Lena Luthor has just reluctantly returned to her role as Elphaba after a messy break up with her co-star. Her new co-star is a young, enthusiastic and incredibly talented performer who initially drives Lena crazy in the worst way. In time it becomes clear that they have a less-than-ideal history, along with a chemistry that neither can fight. Can they make it together despite the history between them?
This actors AU that takes place behind the scenes of a Wicked musical production. You don't need to know anything about musicals or the particular musical that is featured in this fic (I did neither) to enjoy the story, the story explains everything you need to know (and not more). This is a no powers AU, but the author manages to construct a background that creates a very similar tension between Kara’s and Lena’s families (and where Kara is coming from) as the Super vs Luthor dynamic in canon.
 While this is clearly a Kara / Lena story, this is not the only relationship we come across in the story. There is background Sanvers (pretty usual in SuperCorp fics) and there are more past and present ships that are discussed and/or shown: we have Kara / James and a hint of SuperCat (actually Kara crushing on Cat) and several reverences to one of Lena's previous relationship. I loved that Cat was Kara’s mentor and how the story dealt with Kara’s crush on her.
This is a novel length story with a long story arc with ups and downs: while most fanfics have a relatively linear romance progression towards a happy ending, this one has a more complex plot that features a pretty substantial crisis in their relationship (that I don't want to spoil).
This is a brilliant, very well written story. A long story that was very well paced and never felt too long. Absolutely loved it. One of my favorites.
Favorite Quote
You need your pills, am I right?”  
Lena looked startled, but nodded. ...
“How did you know?”
Kara touched Lena’s forehead gently, right between her eyes.
“You get a tiny line here when you’re especially tired or in pain,” she said, stroking Lena’s forehead slightly with her thumb automatically. She swore internally when she realised what she’d done.
Lena took a breath, one that hitched just a little, and Kara took her hand back.
“You always knew me best,” Lena said, turning away.
I thought I did.
2) The actors AU in which Kara is an actress that used to play Supergirl
we're playing to a full house, darling (but this show can't go on) by The_Ominous_Owl ; @the-ominous-owl
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 9 chapter, 37k words, 2017
AU, actors, fandom, consAU, actors, fandom, cons
Kara’s struggling to find work. Lena’s struggling to find herself. When fate (with some help from Cat Grant) casts them into the same orbit they find themselves completely off-script, because while everyone knows about the sins of the father, they're somewhat less clear about the sins of one’s siblings. Throw into that an audience hungry for stories at the expense of fact, a showrunner with a plan nobody saw coming, and a co-star who steadfastly refuses to keep it in his pants, and you’ve got a tale so dramatic even the protagonists have noticed. or the one where they’re both actresses with a surprising amount of baggage for two people who haven’t met yet.
Kara Danvers is an actress who played Supergirl in a series of movies until her boss Lex Luthor ruined the movie series, the whole studio and it seems Kara's whole career with it. Set behind the scenes of a successful crime mystery show, at the core of this story is a love triangle. While Mon-El/Mike, Kara and Lena love triangles are not that unusual in Supergirl fic, this story turns it on its head as Lena and Mike are a coupe at the start of the story (or are they?).
Usually I don't like love triangle all that much, but I enjoyed it in this story - I guess because it was written well, was less of a traditional triangle, and ultimately nobody I cared about got hurt. (emphasis on nobody I cared).
While there is drama and angst, it is pretty benign compare to No one mourns the wicked. I really enjoyed the look at fandom, especially when the cast of the crew went to a con. This is a wonderful and well written story that I loved.
Favorite Quote
“What?” Alex looked up at her, distracted, then waved a hand. “Your thing’s easy. Lena’s in love with you but she’s convinced herself that she doesn’t deserve you because her family looks like a Bond Villains Anonymous meeting and she thinks you’ll never reciprocate,” she explained, glaring back down at her phone and oblivious to the way Kara was staring at her with wide eyes, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly. “My thing is that Lucy is being a stubborn, infuriating pain in the—what?” she asked, finally looking up to notice her sister’s poleaxed expression.
It took several seconds for Kara to force words up through her throat. “Lena doesn’t…She’s not…”
Alex smiled sadly at her, leaning over to rescue her ice-cream before it slipped from her slackened grip. “Kara, I love you, but there is a reason I am a cop and you are an actress. Trust me, Captain Oblivious, Lena’s been completely gone on you for months, ...
 3) The nonlinear actors rom-com
blockbuster (it's the movie au ok) by unnecessary_databass ; @unnecessary-database
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 30 chapter, 90k words, 2018-2019
Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor are the stars of a groundbreaking new lesbian blockbuster. It's the film that makes you cry, wins all the awards, and defeats all the stereotypes. And the chemistry between the stars in real life is insane. Everyone says so. Except for them. Mhm.
it's the freaking movie au all in one place wouldya look at that
This is an oblivious idiots in love rom-com. Unusual for fanfic it is a non-linear fic, in fact it jumps around quite a bit in the timeline and it is done very well.
This well written fic started out as a serial fic on tumble.
Favorite Quote
“I still don’t understand what’s so funny about my abs,” Kara said petulantly, jerking her hips so Lena rolled off her.
“Because you eat like a starving five year old at a birthday party whose parents never let them have sugar,” Lena said, waving aside the information like it wasn’t important.
 4) The Kara/Lena and Alex/Lucy model/singer AU
maybe we were made to dance around each other, babe by goon
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp), Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane (Director Danvers) (f/f)
Completed, 4 chapter, 21k words, 2017
The next day, Kara's phone almost overheats from the sheer number of text messages she receives. Most of them are from her publicist, insisting she call them. Some are from Eliza and Alex and the other angels, others from people she hasn't spoken to in three years and one from Lucy just reads, hahahahahahahahahahahaha with a thumbs up emoji.
The close to crack AU where Kara and Lucy are models, Lena is a popstar and Alex is like wtf (basically the Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift AU)
Unusual for fan fic there is not a main and a background pair, but two equal main relationships: Kara/Lena (SuperCorp) and Alex/Lucy (Director Danvers).
Each of the  four chapters in told from one of the four protagonists point of view. One from Kara, one from Lucy, one from Lena and one from Alex. And this works amazingly well.
This is a pretty angst free story especially for Kara and Lena. There is a bit of angst for Lucy as without wanting to, she is falling in love with Alex, while doubting that Alex really does want a relationship.
Pretty lighthearted. An excellent and well written fic, that I enjoyed.
 Favorite Quote
"I'm on a massive billboard in front of your apartment!"
Lena gives her a puzzled look, eyebrows drawn together. "My band is on the massive billboard next to your massive billboard in front of my apartment, and we're also on the cover of Rolling Stone this month."
Kara winces. "Cool, so I'm just blind and deaf then." Lena grins at her knowingly, probably because she's too nice just to say yeah, you are, or maybe because this method is extra smug. She opens her mouth to say something else, but Lucy stumbles back into the fold, cheeks flushed and glowing.
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B) Coffee Shop AUs 
1) The Barista & Public Pool AU
Dripping Onto You by spymaster ; @spymasters-blog
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 4 chapter, 23k words, 2017
Meaningless sex to lovers
Kara went to relax at the pool where she met with Lena and they fucked in the shower room
In this no powers AU Kara is a barista. The story, however, does mostly takes place outside a coffeeshop. Lena and Kara meet at a pool. They have sex. Lena never intended for this to mean anything, but things turn out differently.
This medium length story has a satisfying story arc but ends long before a full novel plot. I enjoyed it.
 2) Coffee Shop/Barista AUs
The Name Game - A SuperCorp Coffee Shop AU by DKGwrites
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 11k words, 2017
Kara Danvers, an art student in National City, works part-time at her local coffee shop. Every morning while she works there a mysterious woman shows up and orders a cup of coffee but always with a different alias. At her sisters coaxing, will Kara finally get up the nerve to ask this mystery woman her real name? When she does what will happen next, and will fate rear its ugly head?
This is a wonderful, sweet and funny no powers rom-com. I loved the Sanvers & Kara interaction. Alex and Maggie tease her mercilessly but they support Kara lovingly.
Favorite Quote
“Maybe you should ask her,” Alex suggested.
Kara sighed.  “That would require talking to her, wouldn’t it?”
“That’s generally part of the whole dating process,” Alex replied.
“Argh.” Turning and falling onto the couch, Kara flopped back.  “Not my strong point.  Can’t I just be pathetic and long for her?”
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C) Other Job AUs
1) The Ice Skating AU
these feelings i can't fight by Jazzfordshire ; @jazzfordshire
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 3 chapter, 28k words, 2018
Kara only gets better with each practice session, and slowly Lena comes to accept two things. One, Kara is an infinitely better fit as a partner than James ever was; and two, she’s hopelessly attracted to her. OR
When James gets injured, Lena needs a new ice dancing partner if she wants a chance to qualify for the Olympics. Kara Danvers offers her services, and Lena is thrown headfirst into a gay panic.
 I watched a little bit of figure skating when I was younger, but I don’t have a clue about it - and this does not matter at all to enjoy this story.
Why is this such so brilliant, perfect AU?
Everything is different, but the core dynamic and characters are intact. In fact, Kara and Lena are spot on. And so are all supporting characters: Alex, Sam, James, J'onn, even Winn have roles that are true to their characters and fit nicely into this world.
The love story is powerful and beautiful. There is a perfect setup and just the right backstory to create a brilliant but troubled and lonely Lena. The right amount of tension with her mother. The perfectly balanced obstacles to create the Romeo and Juliet dynamic that is in the heart of so many Supercorp love stories in a universe without Supergirl/superpowers.
And finally, there is a perfect balance of romance and angst that makes the conclusion even sweeter.
This is a brilliant and very well written fic that I adore. Jazzfordshire is a fantastic author and I think this story is a masterpiece.
  Favorite Quote
There are a hundred little things she misses about Lena. She misses her scrunchy smile and the high, surprisingly girly sound of her laugh, which she always tries to hide with a hand over her face. The prominent beauty mark in the middle of her throat, the one that practically calls out for Kara to kiss it. She misses the way she runs her teeth gently over the edges of her fingertips when she’s nervous without biting down, as if she’s trained herself to stop chewing her nails but finds the memory of it comforting. How she somehow manages to always smell good, even after four straight hours of exercise.
  2) The Cuddler Fic
hold me, my dear (and don't let go) by potstickermaster
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 17 chapters, 119k words, 2017-2019
Service provider/client to friends to lovers
“So… How is this done?” She asks seriously, to which she replies, quite simply, “We get on the bed and we cuddle." Lena Luthor is the last person to admit she's touch-starved, but after one hour of service from Kara Danvers, professional cuddler, she finds herself craving it.
Apart from no powers this AU is relatively close to canon: Lena is the CEO of L-Corp and Kara is a professional cuddler (and in her day job she is a junior reporter at CatCo).
This is Lena centric fic, told purely from her POV. It covers a range of popular and important SuperCorp themes:
Kara has a cute pet (her puppy Krypto). Lena's difficult relationship with her mother Lilian (who is not evil in this fic) and their work to salvaging their relationship. Glimpses of a past Lena/Jack relationship. Lena as CEO and scientist. Her loneliness.
Lena has exactly one (1) sassy friend, and in this story it is Veronica. While she only has a small part and is crass and a bit of an asshole, I loved Veronica and her friendship with Lena. And especially her comment in the quite intense sparring scene: “Please don’t fuck on my ring …”
We see Lena slowly falling in Love with Kara, at first without realizing it. And her uncertainties and fears.
This wonderful and beautifully written fic is one of my favorite stories.
  Favorite Quote
Lena chuckles again. “... but I didn't expect you , is all.” She gestures for Kara to sit down. The blonde doesn't take the offer though, only continues to speak.
“Ah, right. Ta-dah,” the blonde makes jazz hands. “My day job—junior reporter at CatCo. Can I just say that it’s really nice to see you outside the bedroom?” 
She laughs, then halts completely and she frowns. “Okay, that- that sounds wrong. I just mean it’s good to—” She flails her hands and laughs again, the sound strained this time. “It’s good to see you, is all." Lena is unable to hold back an amused smirk as she replies.
It isn’t odd why meeting someone new makes her nervous. It’s not the first time she felt such trepidation either. She has grown hesitant meeting anyone that isn’t with the facade of business; she hasn’t done so for a long time. Kara had been different—she had been introduced to Lena’s life at the pretense of some service, and the offer of friendship had been after the fact. The idea of meeting someone, Kara’s sister no less, is something that she thinks she can handle, hypothetically, but it doesn’t mean she wanted to do it.
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D) Fluffy/Happy No Powers AUs
1) The fake dating AU in which Lena rescues Kara from Mike
As luck would have it by spacemanearthgirl ; @spaceman-earthgirl
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 7 chapter, 30k words, 2017
Who knew that bumping into a stranger in a bar could turn into this? Or Kara meets Lena at a bar then Lena pretends to be her girlfriend to get rid of Mike.
This no powers AU is pretty close to canon: Lena is the CEO of L-Corp, Kara is a reporter. Technically this is a fake dating AU, but only the first chapter: although they just met in the bar for the first time, Lena helps Kara to get rid of Mike/Mon-el by pretending to be Kara's girlfriend.
No drama, no action, no angst. Just romance and fluff. I really loved their first date. A wonderful and very well written story.
  2) The sweet AU in which the Luthors are not evil
Jar of Happiness by Cloud_Lightning
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 6k words, 2016
No powers, Luthers are not evil AU
It was just a joke from Lex when he told his sister that maybe she really should start to put a dollar in a jar every time people told or ask her whether she and Kara were in a relationship. Plus Lillian really wanted to win the betting pool. Lionel promised to not make another bet. And Lena just wanted to fill the jar with a piece of paper containing the details of her happiness.
Kara and Lena become best friends and Lena is afraid to ask Kara if she too feels more than friendship for her. The jar of happiness is a nice idea and done well.
This is a cute and sweet story that I enjoyed.
  3) The College AU in which Kara is a French exchange student
Of Charcoal Lines and Accents by IHaveTheWrongGlass
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 32k words, 2018
Introvert animation student Lena is left to take care of the the new French exchange student. Abandoned by her family who've decided to go on holiday, how will Lena survive trying to take care of a flirty, bubbily blonde?
It's only 6 months, what could go wrong?
In most SuperCorp AUs in this collection some core aspects of Kara's and Lena's life stay unchanged or are only slightly changed: Kara being a reporter, having lost her parents as a teenager or suffered a big tragedy in her childhood; Lana being rich / a CEO, has a problematic relationship with her family, her brother committed crimes. This story, however, has more differences different, it actually reminds me a bit of Korrasami (modern day) AUs that I have read.
Lena's family is not evil but absent for most of the fic. As a college student without a tragic upbringing, Lena feels very close to her character in the show. Kara is enthusiastic, likable and a bit strange, her backstory however is very far away from Canon and she is much flirtier than on the show.  As the story is told exclusively from Lena's POV we don't get to know French!Kara that well.
I liked this light and angst free story.
 Favorite Quote
Kara, in all her smug Frenchness, looked Lena right in the eyes as she paid for not only a bullet vibrator but also a small dildo. It only got worse because Lena was under the impression that both were for Kara, but oh how wrong she was. Nup. Because as soon as Kara paid for it, she linked their arms and pulled Lena out of the shop. It was only once they were walking down the path that Kara, in her fucking beautiful accent, bent to whisper in a bright red ear. 
“I bought the phallus for you, mon chéri. It’ll help with the stress.”
 4) The College AU in which Lena models for Kara’s art class
I'll be your muse by heryellowcup
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 13k words, 2018
She’s sitting on a simple chair, stark naked, and Kara forgets how to breathe, just for a second. Maybe more than that, perhaps a few too many. She vaguely remembers their prof telling them about a model, but he has clearly left out some very important details. Like the fact that she’s an act model, or the fact that she’s incredibly stunning in a way that makes Kara’s heart stop momentarily, then speed up immensely right after.
Or, Kara is an art student in College/University and Lena is the stunning act model she immediately falls for
 There is not that much story above what is stated in the author's blurb. Told exclusively from Kara's point of view, this story very much focuses on the here and now: Kara is completely fascinated by Lena and starts crushing on her as soon as she sees her for the first time.
I loved how Kara is flustered constantly and gets teased mercilessly by her sister Alex and her best friend Sam.
Funny, fluffy, sweet, no angst: this is a beautifully and well written story that I enjoyed a lot.
 Favorite Quote
If there’s one thing Kara can’t deal with, it’s compliments. Another one being pretty women, meaning that she’s literally turned into a puddle of incomprehensible stuttering at this point, unable to find the words she’s looking for, unable to act like a normal human being around Lena. She’s almost surprised Lena’s still there with her, still talking to her.
 5) The one in which Kara and Lena are neighbors
What if I asked you to stay? by heryellowcup
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp) (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 17k words, 2019
Neighbors to friends to lovers
She forces the words out of her mouth before she can think of the certain humiliation that will come with her question. They don’t know each other, the encounters they’ve assembled together are countable on two hands, the times they’ve actually talked to each other on one. It’s foolish to even entertain the thought, foolish to think of Mike’s priceless face when he hears about this, hears about Kara saying yes - because she most certainly won’t.
“You could stay with me, if you wanted to.”
Or, Lena invites her charming neighbour (that she totally does not have a crush on), Kara, to live with her while her apartment's being fixed. Lots of mutual pining and some smut ensues, but it's mostly just them being adorable.
 This novella length no powers AU is told from Lena's POV (nice character study).
There is no substantial amount of angst. The story is funny, romantic and very well written. I loved it.
 Favorite Quote
Leaning back against the wall, Mike looks at Lena and embarrasses her further. “The infamous U-Haul, huh?”
Lena feels her cheeks turn red and her heart speed up while Kara reduces her own reaction to nothing but furrowed eyebrows. She notes how flustered Lena is, she has to, but in the end all she does is tilt her head and regard Mike with a curious look. “What?”
The way Lena’s stomach sinks is more humiliating than the situation itself. The joke is lost on Kara, which can only mean that clearly she is not gay.
  This rec was cross posted to Pillowfort, tumblr and my WordPress blog.
109 notes · View notes
achronologyofbits · 4 years
GOTY 2019
I wanted to write a personal Game of the Year list, but I realized I really didn’t play that many games that were new in 2019. So I’m ranking them, but it’s less a “top 10” and more a “10 games I played and how I felt about them.”  
10. Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III plays like a game from 2005.
I’m not sure I can fully articulate what I mean by that. Maybe I mean its combat is largely simplistic and button-mashy. Maybe I mean its rhythms of level traversal and cutscene exposition dumps are archaic and outdated. Maybe feeling like this game is a relic from another time is unavoidable, given how many years have passed since its first series entry.  
But there’s also something joyful and celebratory about it all — something kind of refreshing about a work that knows only a tiny portion of its players will understand all its references and lore and world-building, and just doesn’t care.
Despite all the mockery and memery surrounding its fiction, Kingdom Hearts’ strongest storytelling moments are actually pretty simple. They’re about the struggle to exist, to belong, and to define what those things mean for yourself. I think that’s why the series reaches the people it does.
Those moments make Kingdom Hearts III worth defending, if not worth recommending.
9. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Admittedly, I only played about 10-15 hours of this in 2019. Perhaps fittingly, that’s about the amount of time I originally spent on Dark Souls when it released in 2011. I bounced off, hard, because I didn’t understand what it was asking of me. Once I did — though, it has to be said, I needed other people to explain those expectations to me, because the game sure as hell didn’t — Dark Souls became an all-time favorite. And I’ve played every FromSoft game since then, and enjoyed them all. Until Sekiro.
Part of it is, again, down to expectation. Dark Souls trained its players on a certain style of combat: cautious movements, careful attention to spacing, committing to weighty attacks, waiting for counterattacks. In every game since then, FromSoft have iterated on those expectations in the same direction in an attempt to encourage players to be less cautious and more aggressive. The series moved from tank-heavy play in Dark Souls, to dual-wielding in DS2, to weapon arts and reworking poise in DS3, to the system of regaining health by attacking in Bloodborne.
In some ways, Sekiro is a natural continuation of this trend toward aggression, but in others, it’s a complete U-turn. Bloodborne eschewed blocking and prioritized dodging as the quickest, most effective defensive option. Sekiro does exactly the opposite. Blocking is always your first choice, parrying is essential instead of largely optional, and dodging is near useless except in special cases. FromSoft spent five games teaching me my habits, and it was just too hard for me to break them for Sekiro.
I have other issues, too — health/damage upgrades are gated behind boss fights, so grinding is pointless; the setting and story lack some of the creativity of the game’s predecessors; there’s no variety of builds or playstyles — but the FromSoft magic is still there, too. Nothing can match the feeling of beating a Souls-series boss. And the addition of a grappling hook makes the verticality of Sekiro’s level design fascinating.
I dunno. I feel like there’s more here I’d enjoy, if I ever manage to push through the barriers. Maybe — as I finally did with the first Dark Souls, over a year after its release — someday I will.
8. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
In December, my wife and I traveled to Newport Beach for a family wedding, and we stayed an extra day to visit Disneyland. As an early birthday present, Aubrey bought me the experience of building a lightsaber in Galaxy’s Edge. And the experience is definitely what you’re paying for; the lightsaber itself is cool, but it’s cool because it’s made from parts I selected, with a blade color I chose, and I got to riff and banter with in-character park employees while doing it. (“Can you actually read those?” one asked me in an awed voice, when I selected a lightsaber hilt portion adorned with ancient Jedi runes. “Not yet,” I told her. “We’ll see if the Force can teach me.”)
Maybe it’s because I just had that experience, but by far my favorite moment in Jedi: Fallen Order is when main character Cal Kestis overcomes his own fears and memories to forge his own lightsaber, using a kyber crystal that calls to him personally. It’s maybe the only part of the game that made me feel like a Jedi, in a way the hours of Souls-inspired lightsaber slashing didn’t.
I think that’s telling. And I think it’s because so much of Fallen Order is derivative of other works, both in the current canon of gaming and of Star Wars. That’s not to say it’s bad — the mélange of Uncharted/Tomb Raider traversal, combat that evokes Souls and God of War, and vaguely Metroid-y power acquisition and exploration mostly works — but it’s just a titch less than the sum of those parts.
Similarly, as a Star Wars story, it feels under-baked. There’s potential in exploring the period immediately after Order 66 and the Jedi purge, but you only see glimpses of that. And I understand the difficulty of telling a story where the characters succeed but in a way that doesn’t affect established canon, but it still seemed like there were a couple of missed opportunities at touching base with the larger Star Wars universe. (And the one big reference that does pop up at the end feels forced and unrealistic.)
When I got home from California, I took my lightsaber apart just to see how it all worked. Outside of the hushed tones and glowing lights of Savi’s Workshop, it seems a little less special. It’s still really cool…but I sort of wish I had had a wider variety of parts to choose from. And that I had bought some of the other crystal colors. Just in case.
That’s how I feel about Jedi: Fallen Order. I had fun with it. But it’s easier now to see the parts for what they are.
7. Untitled Goose Game
Aubrey and I first saw this game at PAX, at a booth which charmingly recreated the garden of the game’s first level. We were instantly smitten, and as I’ve introduced it to family and friends, they’ve all had the same reaction. When we visited my brother’s family in Florida over the holidays, my eight-year-old niece and nephew peppered me with questions about some of the more complex puzzles. Even my father, whose gaming experience basically topped out at NES Open Tournament Golf in 1991, gave it a shot.
I’m not sure I have a lot more to say here, other than a few bullet points:
1) I love that Untitled Goose Game is completely nonviolent. It would’ve been easy to add a “peck” option as another gameplay verb, another means of mischief. (And, from what I understand, it would be entirely appropriate, given the aggression of actual geese.) That the developers resisted this is refreshing.
2) I’m glad a game this size can have such a wide reach, and that it doesn’t have to be a platform exclusive.
3) Honk.
6. Tetris 99
Despite the number of hours I’ve spent playing games, and the variety of genres that time has spanned, I’m not much for competitive gaming. This is partially because the competitive aspect of my personality has waned with age, and partially because I am extremely bad at most multiplayer games.
The one exception to this is Tetris.
I am a Tetris GOD.
Of course, that’s an incredible overstatement. Now that I’ve seen real Ecstasy of Order, Grandmaster-level Tetris players, I realize how mediocre I am. But in my real, actual life, I have never found anyone near my skill level. In high school, I would bring two Game Boys, two copies of Tetris, and a link cable on long bus rides to marching band competitions, hoping to find willing challengers. The Game Boys themselves became very popular. Playing me did not.
Prior to Tetris 99, the only version of the game that gave me any shred of humility in a competitive sense was Tetris DS, where Japanese players I found online routinely handed me my ass. I held my own, too, but that was the first time in my life when I wasn’t light-years beyond any opponent.
As time passed and internet gaming and culture became more accessible, I soon realized I was nowhere near the true best Tetris players in the world. Which was okay by me. I’m happy to be a big fish in a small pond, in pretty much all aspects of my life.
Tetris 99 has given me a perfectly sized pond. I feel like I’m a favorite to win every round I play, and I usually finish in the top 10 or higher. But it’s also always a challenge, because there’s just enough metagame to navigate. Have I targeted the right enemies? Do I have enough badges to make my Tetrises hit harder? Can I stay below the radar for long enough? These aspects go beyond and combine with the fundamental piece-dropping in a way I absolutely love.
The one thing I haven’t done yet is win an Invictus match (a mode reserved only for those who have won a standard 99-player match). But it’s only a matter of time.  
5. Pokemon Sword/Shield
I don’t think I’ve played a Pokemon game through to completion since the originals. I always buy them, but I always seem to lose steam halfway through. But I finished Shield over the holidays, and I had a blast doing it.
Because I’m a mostly casual Pokeplayer, the decision to not include every ‘mon in series history didn’t bother me at all. I really enjoyed learning about new Pokemon and forcing myself to try moving away from my usual standards. (Although I did still use a Gyarados in my final team.)
As a fan of English soccer, the stadium-centric, British-flavored setting also contributed to my desire to see the game through. Changing into my uniform and walking onto a huge, grassy pitch, with tens of thousands of cheering fans looking on, really did give me a different feeling than battles in past games, which always seemed to be in weird, isolated settings.
I’m not sure I’ll push too far into the postgame; I’ve never felt the need to catch ‘em all. But I had a great time with the ones I caught.
4. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
I have a strange relationship with the Zelda series, especially now. They are my wife’s favorite games of all time. But I don’t know if I’ve ever actually sat down and beaten one since the original Link’s Awakening. Even with Breath of the Wild, which I adore, I was content to watch Aubrey do the heavy lifting. I know the series well, I’ve played bits of all of them, but most haven’t stuck with me.
Link’s Awakening has. I wrote a piece once about its existential storytelling and how it affected me as a child. I love the way the graphics in this remake preserve that dreamlike quality. It’s pretty much a re-skin of the original game, but the cutesy, toy-set aesthetic pairs well with the heavy material. If this is all a dream, whose dream is it? And when we wake up, what happens to it?
Truthfully, some of the puzzles and design decisions haven’t held up super well. Despite the fresh coat of paint, it definitely feels like a 25-year-old game. But I’m so glad this version exists.
Oh, and that solo clarinet in the Mabe Village theme? *Chef’s kiss*
3. Control
I actually haven’t seen a lot of the influences Control wears on its sleeve. I’ve never gone completely through all the episodes of the X-Files, Fringe, and Twin Peaks; I’m only vaguely familiar with the series of “creepypasta” fiction called SCP Foundation; and I have never endeavored to sit through a broadcast of Coast to Coast AM. I’m also unfamiliar with Remedy’s best-known work in the genre, Alan Wake. But I know enough about all those works to be able to identify their inspiration on the Federal Bureau of Control, Jesse Faden, and the Oldest House.
Control is an interesting game to recommend (which I do), because I’m not sure how much I really enjoyed its combat. For most of the game, it’s a pretty standard third-person shooter. You can’t snap to cover, which indicates you’re intended to stay on the move. This becomes even more obvious when you gain the ability to air dash and fly. But you do need to use cover, because Jesse doesn’t have much health even at the end of the game. So combat encounters can get out of hand quickly, and there’s little incentive to keep fighting enemies in the late game. Yet they respawn at a frustratingly frequent rate. The game’s checkpointing system compounds this — you only respawn at “control points,” which act like Souls-style bonfires. This leads to some unfortunately tedious runbacks after boss fights.
On the other hand, Jesse’s telekinesis power always feels fantastic, and varying your attacks between gunshots, thrown objects, melee, and mind controlling enemies can be frenetic fun. That all comes to a head in the game’s combat (and perhaps aesthetic?) high point, the Ashtray Maze. To say more would be doing a disservice. It’s awesome.
The rest of the gameplay is awesome, too — and I do call it “gameplay,” though unfortunately you don’t have many options for affecting the world beyond violence. The act of exploring the Oldest House and scouring it for bureaucratic case files, audio recordings, and those unbelievably creepy “Threshold Kids” videos is pure joy. The way the case files are redacted leaves just enough to the imagination, and the idea of a federal facility being built on top of and absorbed into a sort of nexus of interdimensional weirdness is perfectly executed. And what’s up with that motel? And the alien, all-seeing, vaguely sinister Board? So cool.
With such great worldbuilding, I did wish for a little more player agency. There are no real dialogue choices — no way to imbue Jesse with any character traits beyond what’s pre-written for her — and only one ending. This kind of unchecked weird science is the perfect environment for forcing the player into difficult decisions (what do we study? How far is too far? How do we keep it all secret?), and that just isn’t part of the game at all. Which is fine — Control isn’t quite an immersive sim like Prey, and it’s not trying to be. I just see some similarities and potential, and I wish they had been explored a little.
But Control’s still a fantastic experience, and in any other year, it probably would’ve been my number one pick. That’s how good these next two games are.
2. Outer Wilds
Honestly, this is the best game of 2019. But I’m not listing it as number one because I didn’t play most of it — Aubrey did. Usually we play everything together; even if we’re not passing a controller back and forth, one of us will watch while the other one plays. And that definitely happened for a large chunk of Outer Wilds. But Aubrey did make some key discoveries while I was otherwise occupied, so while I think it’s probably the best game, it’s not the one I personally spent the most time with.
The time I did spend, though? Wow. From the moment you wake up at the campfire and set off in search of your spaceship launch codes, it’s clear that this is a game that revels in discovery. Discovery for its own sake, for the furthering of knowledge, for the protection of others, for the sheer fun of it. Some games actively discourage players from asking the question, “Hey, what’s that over there?” Outer Wilds begs you to ask it, and then rewards you not with treasure or statistical growth, but with the opportunity to ask again, about something even more wondrous and significant.
There are so many memorable moments of discovery in this game. The discovery that, hey, does that sun look redder to you than it used to? The discovery that, whoa, why did I wake up where I started after seemingly dying in space? Your first trip through a black hole. Your first trip to the quantum moon. Your first trip to the weird, bigger-on-the-inside fog-filled heart of a certain dark, brambly place. (Aubrey won’t forget that any time soon.)
They take effort, those moments. They do have to be earned, and it isn’t easy. Your spaceship flies like it looks: sketchy, taped together, powered by ingenuity and, like, marshmallows, probably. Some of the leaps you have to make — both of intuition and of jetpack — are a little too far. (We weren’t too proud to look up a couple hints when we were truly stuck.) But in the tradition of the best adventure games (which is what this is, at heart), you have everything you need right from the beginning. All you have to do is gather the knowledge to understand it and put it into action.
And beyond those moments of logical and graphical discovery, there’s real emotion and pathos, too. As you explore the remnants of the lost civilization that preceded yours, your only method of communication is reading their writing. And as you do, you start to get a picture of them not just as individuals (who fight, flirt, and work together to help each other), but as a species whose boundless thirst for discovery was their greatest asset, highest priority, undoing, and salvation, all at once.
I don’t think I can say much more without delving into spoilers, or retreading ground others have covered. (Go read Austin Walker’s beautiful and insightful review for more.) It’s an incredible game, and one everyone with even a passing interest in the medium should try.
(Last thing: Yes, I manually flew to the Sun Station and got inside. No, I don’t recommend it.)
1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
If I hadn’t just started a replay of this game, I don’t think I’d be listing it in the number one slot. I started a replay because I showed it to my brother when we visited him in Florida last month, and immediately, all the old feelings came flooding back. I needed another hit.
No game this year has been as compelling for me. That’s an overused word in entertainment criticism, but I mean it literally: There have been nights where I absolutely HAVE to keep playing (much to Aubrey’s dismay). One more week of in-game time. One more study session to raise a skill rank. One more meal together so I can recruit another student. One more battle. Just a little longer.
I’m not sure I can put my finger on the source of that compulsion. Part of it is the excellence of craftsmanship on display; if any technical or creative aspect of Three Houses was less polished than it is, I probably wouldn’t feel so drawn to it. But the two big answers, I think, are the characters and their growth, both mechanically and narratively.
At the start of the game, you pick one of the titular three houses to oversee as professor. While this choice defines who you’ll have in your starting party, that can be mitigated later, as almost every other student from the other two houses can be recruited to join yours. What you’re really choosing is which perspective you’ll see the events of the story from, and through whose eyes: Edelgard of the Black Eagles, Dimitri of the Blue Lions, or Claude of the Golden Deer. (This is also why the game almost demands at least three playthroughs.)
These three narratives are deftly written so you simultaneously feel like you made the only possible canonical choice, while also sowing questions into your decision-making. Edelgard’s furious desire for change is just but perhaps not justifiable; Dimitri hides an obsession with revenge behind a façade of noblesse oblige; Claude is more conniving and pragmatic than he lets on. No matter who you side with, you’ll eventually have to face the others. And everyone can make a case that they, not you, are on the right side.
This is especially effective because almost every character in Three Houses is dealing with a legacy of war and violence. A big theme of the game’s story is how those experiences inform and influence the actions of the victims. What steps are justified to counteract such suffering? How do you break the cycle if you can’t break the power structures that perpetuate it? How do good people end up fighting for bad causes?
While you and your child soldiers (yeah, you do kind of have to just skip over that part; they’re in their late teens, at least? Still not good enough, but could be worse?) are grappling with these questions, they’re also growing in combat strength, at your direction. This is the part that really grabbed me and my lizard brain — watching those numbers get bigger was unbelievably gratifying. Each character class has certain skill requirement prerequisites, and as professor, you get to define how your students meet those requirements, and which they focus on. Each student has certain innate skills, but they also have hidden interests that only come to the surface with guidance. A character who seems a shoo-in to serve as a white mage might secretly make an incredibly effective knight; someone who seems destined for a life as a swordsman suddenly shows a talent for black magic. You can lean into their predilections, or go against them, with almost equal efficacy.
For me, this was the best part of Three Houses, and the part that kept me up long after my wife had gone to bed. Planning a student’s final battle role takes far-seeing planning and preparation, and each step along the way felt thrilling. How can you not forge a connection with characters you’ve taken such pains to help along the way? How can you not explode with joy when they reach their goals?
That’s the real draw of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, I think: the joy of seeing people you care about grow, while simultaneously confronting those you once cared about, but who followed another path. No wonder I wanted to start another playthrough. I think I’ll be starting them all over again for a long time.
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mtraki · 6 years
Headcanon Request: 6 Headcanons for Gilgamesh
Hmmm… I don’t have many established headcanons for our Blademaster.  The game just kind of used him as a set piece or a prop.  We don’t learn a lot about him or his real impact on the world outside of being one more ancient big bad to conquer– and that it apparently shaped Cor’s history, but even that isn’t fleshed out.  As you know, my dear, I prefer building on more original materials than blank canvases.  So here are some headcanon questions I have and my thoughts on them!
1. Gilgamesh and Ardyn?
It’s never explicitly mentioned that Gilgamesh was Ardyn’s Shield.  We assume so, because he was the Shield of the Founder King and Ardyn is the Founder King– right?  I’m not entirely convinced, though.  Ardyn was erased from history.  If anyone is remembered as the “Founder King” it would be Somnus.  Ignis mentions Ardyn as the Founder King, but Ignis would also have special access to records that managed to escape destruction.  Gilgamesh is also zealously loyal to the Lucis Caelum line and its prophecy– which Ardyn is the antagonist of.
He might have been Ardyn’s Shield, before Ardyn was stripped of power and cast aside by man and god alike…  But that leads me to my next question and theory!
2. Haunting Taelpar Crag?
The wiki suggest that Gilgamesh may have been involved in the War of the Astrals because he’s there in the wound in the Star that was caused in all the fighting.  Yeah maybe.  But why is he a ghost?  Most ghosts you fight are daemons, and as far as anybody can tell, Gilgamesh is not a daemon.  He’s a powerful spirit.  Fine.  Cool.  Why?  Why doesn’t he get to ascend into ever after?  Or is that something I’ve missed concerning the afterlife in all of FFXV? (Let me know!)  I think there are three alternatives here:
- We could go traditional “unfinished business”.  His zeal for Lucis Caelum keeps him around until the King of Kings does his prophecy thing.  This is probably what was intended, but honestly, it makes me want to throw up.  I’m so sick of how wanky this story is about that family…
- I better like the punishment alternative.  Angelgard is rumored to be where Ramuh passes judgement.  If Gilgamesh was Ardyn’s Shield, and stayed loyal to Ardyn instead of Lucis Caelum and the prophecy… perhaps he was punished for it.  Now he serves his penance to prepare the Shield of the King of Kings to be a proper fit for the prophecy, like he wasn’t.  Maybe THAT’S why he’s so overzealous and blood-thirsty about it! (And maybe that’s why he spared Cor: because Cor was there to be more useful to Lucis Caelum)  Again: super wanky, but I can only do so much without deviating from canon entirely…
- Adding on to above: maybe the opposite happened.  Maybe Ardyn was betrayed by Gilgamesh.  Nothing happened to him in life, but Ramuh was sure to judge and curse him in death for his treachery.  “You are so eager to serve Lucis Caelum?  Then see your ‘good work’ through to the end.” sort of deal…  Justice is justice, after all, and betraying a King of Lucis Caelum (even a blacklisted one) probably doesn’t come cheap.
3.  Speaking of Ghosts…
He’s got an army of ghosts who serve him.  Cor says they’re the spirits of those who dared the Tempering Grounds and died.  I usually don’t like to contradict the Marshal, but… how does he know that?  Did somebody tell him?  Does he recognize some of the corpses?  For argument’s sake, let’s just assume he’s right.  Well then that means…
4. Gilgamesh is a Wizard?
Or something.  Not only is HE a ghost, but he can a) ensure everybody he kills is trapped with him as a ghost and b) they turn from trying to defeat him to absolute loyalty to him.  So either Gilgamesh himself has some powerful magic or…
5. The Proving Grounds are Cursed?
The only people with magic, canonically, are the Oracles and Lucis Caelums.  So unless we delve into a mess where the Blademaster was one of them, it’s more likely that something is magic about the area.  It’s established that elemental/magic power can be pulled out of the ground.  Perhaps that place is a locus for pooling magic, manifesting itself as a curse, so that everyone who dies there is trapped?  Maybe that’s how Gilgamesh got there too?
6.  Gilgamesh and Cor
It’s very clear that the encounter with Gilgamesh had a very profound impact on Cor’s life– not just the cool (but shameful) moniker, but apparently the encounter humbled the hot-headed youth into the pragmatic man we know in the game.  What was also very clear to me, however, was that Cor had a very profound impact on Gilgamesh– and I don’t just mean the arm and sword thing.  As Gladio works his way through the ruins, the spirits throwing jabs and threats, they mention Cor several times.  They sound like they were impressed.  Cor even makes a self-deprecating joke about it.  I don’t think the ghosts recognize him at all, but that makes sense with ghosts anyway.  Still, somebody came through here and impressed them enough for them to remember somebody did it, even though there are corpses and swords all through that chamber you fight Gilgamesh in– so Cor wasn’t the first/only person to make it that far.  But he was the most memorable.
Cor also has the means of opening the chamber.  I don’t know if that was supposed to be something significant, but it sure looked significant and ritualistic, especially if you consider that Cor may have taken that sword from the Proving Grounds after losing his.  Even if he didn’t, I think it’s clear that Gilgamesh intended for Cor to come back.
But Cor was different, now, changed by his experiences.  He had no intentions of facing Gilgamesh again, and I think he damn well knew if he followed Gladio into that chamber, it wouldn’t have been about Gladio anymore.  Gilgamesh would recognize him, even if the other ghosts didn’t, and it would be all about Cor.  This is why Cor didn’t help with any of the trials.  Not to test Gladio, not because the ritual required it, but because he wanted to make absolutely clear to everything in these caverns that this wasn’t about him this time.
And I think Gilgamesh was honestly very disappointed.  This might just be me meta-ing again, but the resolution of the fight was really awkward and lame.  The answer to Gladio’s problem was just to believe in his own strength after all.  There you go.  You win.
Lame.  Especially considering all the people who died, who likely thought the same thing “Just believe in my strength!”  Even hot-headed young Cor probably did!
So it seems to me that Gilgamesh just kind of… phoned it in.  “Yeah, I guess that other guy really isn’t coming in… What a shame… Alright, fine, you can win… Yep, yep, whatever– Oh I know!  I’ll give you this sword that used to be his and maybe he’ll come in here and face me at last! … No?  Worth a shot…”
The Immortal has many fanboys.  I headcanon that Gilgamesh might be the original. ;)
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aftgficlibrary · 6 years
Here is a list of fics set after the books so we can live on even after the series ends (Note: due to the sheer amount of Post-Canon fics, this only includes completed fics and is an extremely long list)
light fires at night (to push back the void) by inthesea (M | 61,862 | 3/3)
The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew.
(Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.)
Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by SpangleBangle (E | 84,557 | 13/13)
Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it’s uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it’s time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
right side of rock bottom by allyasavedtheday (M | 20,019 | 1/1)
Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
A little look into Neil and Andrew’s relationship after The King’s Men where they learn to touch, to talk and to trust.
The Name Game by minyrrds (G | 3,042 | 1/1)
What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys
something like home by nightswatch (T | 5,197 | 1/1)
Andrew keeps showing up at Neil’s apartment. But that’s what he gave him the key for, isn’t it?
lessons in trust by nightswatch (T | 3,609 | 1/1)
They don’t talk about what exactly they are, but Neil is more and more convinced that they’re on a good way to becoming something.
raze it to the ground by ilgaksu for badacts (T | 4,511 | 1/1)
It stops being about Neil entirely, and it starts being about this: Andrew is really, really fucking tired.
sugar, spice, and something nice by ephemeralsky (T | 6,258 | 1/1)
Andrew appears by his side seconds later, takes one look at the charred disaster, and says, “At least you did not burn the Tower down.”
Neil sighs. Happy birthday, he thinks mockingly as he chucks the brownie into the garbage bin.
(or: Neil finds a new hobby and indulges his family with sweets, Andrew indulges Neil, and they both can’t stop staring at each other)
a love song for the cliffhanger boys by ilgaksu for clockworkmoon (T | 1,680 | 1/1)
Some days, you work with what you got. 
thorn in my skin by ephemeralsky (T | 5,861 | 1/1)
These days, both of them are able to sleep on the same bed without any weapons underneath their pillows and on their person, and Andrew is not sure what he wants to do with this knowledge. They have poured years into forging their armors, and now they are stripping them, piece by tattered piece.
(or: the five weapons Neil has at his disposal + the one weapon he wields without knowing it)
/Graphic Depictions Of Violence
next stop: nowhere by nightswatch (M | 8,117 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew have a week to themselves and decide to hit the road.
i’ll carry you home by broship_addict (E | 4,257 | 1/1)
“I thought we agreed that you were getting rid of it. Not coming back with two.”
“We agreed that I would take the cat to the shelter. I did.”
Or, Andrew and Neil and their cats, in seven parts.
above us only stars by nightswatch (T |  2,206 | 1/1)
Neil wants to say that he is fine. He wants to say that Nathaniel Wesninski doesn’t own a single part of him.
The Days That Followed by lipsstainedbloodred (E | 7,410 | 1/1)
Andrew’s hand moved up further to Neil’s ruined cheek and he held a hand over it briefly. “These are not ugly,” Andrew said, forcing Neil to look up and face himself directly in the mirror, “You will not be ashamed of these. You will not shy away from your reflection because of them. These are not ugly.”
or, the fic where Neil is self conscious of his scars and Andrew forces him not to be.
Hold It Together (Until You Can’t) by Joana789 (M | 5,560 | 1/1)
Andrew holds his gaze just for a second longer before turning away, and Neil breathes in, because even if Andrew Minyard, with his extraordinary memory, remembers the date — which is likely, Neil knows — he gives no sign of it.
Neil thinks that perhaps it is carved into his memory only.
Exactly a year after Baltimore, Neil doesn’t expect to feel like this.
Kisses on Scars by rememberednoah (G | 1,941 | 1/1)
In which Andrew decides to kiss all of Neil’s scars. In which Neil isn’t quite sure how to react and feel about this.
Josten Has A Neck Fetish by keihtkogane (T | 2,301 | 1/1)
An full length ficlet extension of my tumblr headcanon which ends with Andrew revealing Neil has a neck fetish on live television.
Written for the anon who asked: omfg can i pleASE get an extension of the last part of your andreil and subtle touches headcanon? the part where andrew’s like “josten has a fucking neck fetish”
Every Choice Leads To You by SpangleBangle (G | 2,809 | 1/1)
Andrew knew they had to get up at some point, if only for the bathroom, but was loathe to hurry the moment along. He would take every greedy minute of Neil snug in his bed, for as long as he could. It was the choice he’d made years before, and the one he made every day when he saw Neil’s ‘good morning’ smile. He had a feeling it was a choice he’d be making for many years to come. And while that thought should be terrifying, with Neil sweet and content in his arms, fear was far away.
All Hail the Underdogs by wildfrancium (T | 25,411 | 10/10)
Ten years after Neil Josten becomes Neil Josten, life is full of Exy and Andrew. And then they decide to try fostering a kid.
Late Night, Welcome Home by ThePackWantstheD (T | 1,160 | 1/1)
“I thought Andrew shredded those pants,” Kevin answered.
Neil’s lips quirked further up. “Wymack got me another pair.”
“What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment?” Kevin asked. “You’re the problem child.”
Fighting Heavy Shoulders by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,718 | 1/1)
He would stick a knife in the throat of anyone who tried to make him admit it, but Andrew was actually a little concerned about Neil running this race. From what he can tell, this can go one of two ways. Option one: Neil would be reasonable and just survive the race. Run at a sensible pace, make it across the finish line alive, and keep his mouth shut the next time some asshole reporter starts harassing him. Option two: Neil, because he is Neil, would try way too hard to keep up with the people who actually put in a lot of time training for these things. He would pull a muscle or pass out on the course, and Andrew would have to drag his ass to the nearest hospital, which would really throw a wrench in Andrew’s weekend plans of doing absolutely nothing. Not even to mention the absolute hissy fit Kevin would throw if Neil were injured. If Andrew were a betting man, his money would go to option two.
Wymack follows through on his threats, and Andrew is a protective asshole in love.
built this house on memories by modernpatroclus (T | 4,138 | 3/3)
Prompt: OMG when i was reading ur last andreil fic i started thinking “okay but what if neil woke up and didNT REMEMBER ANDREW” CAN U MAKE THIS HAPPEN I WILL PAY U
Or: Neil gets amnesia and can’t remember anything past the night he was drugged in Columbia.
Something Borrowed by Pi (Rhea) (T | 7,266 | 1/1)
After graduation, Neil and Andrew go on a road trip to return particular items to Neil’s mother’s contacts.
Or: two times Neil visited the Henrietta, Virginia.
Perfect by SpangleBangle (G | 1,547 | 1/1)
Ten years on, and things are just perfect.
But Broken Pieces Make Beautiful Mosaics by lipsstainedbloodred (T | 1,926 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is a broken, damaged thing. Pieces of a tattered personality and a traumatized mind, scared and skittish with one foot always out the door. And on Nathaniel Wesninski’s birthday, he runs.
Pillow Talk by zayndehaan for ohwhatanight (M | 3,826 | 1/1)
Neil finds a new fear, and doesn’t know how to bring it up without sounding foolish.
(a.k.a. lots of snuggling and banter and feelings)
Take Another Drag by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,233 | 1/1)
Andrew knows exactly who Travis is. Travis William Patterson, 27 years old, 6’3” backliner from middle of nowhere, Texas, current starter for the Boston Hurricanes, #9. As a matter of fact, Andrew is looking at him right now. ESPN is showing Exy highlights from last weekend, and Neil’s team just happens to be up at this very moment.
The Neil on screen has just performed some ridiculous move that absolutely should not have ended with a goal but somehow did, and he is immediately met with high-fives from his teammates and an affectionate-looking hug from Travis. Andrew can most certainly be objective, and this exchange looks pretty platonic. But Andrew is also a man attracted to men, and he has to admit that Travis is good looking. Really good looking.
Neil seems to be spending a lot of time with his new friend, and Andrew is Not Jealous.
dreamed in red by Frostandcoal (M | 7,261 | 1/1)
Four times the nightmares don’t win, and one time they almost do. Post-canon.
Minyard-Josten: A Rivalry For The Ages by dustbottle (M | 4,203 | 1/1)
After four years of playing together at Palmetto State University, Neil and Andrew end up on different professional teams. Neil is the new striker for the Atlanta Hawks; Andrew is goalie for the Boston Rebels. This is the story of their so-called rivalry.
Three guesses as to who starts the rumours.
(Spoilers: It’s Neil.)
Inside the Outsider by ouroboros for finkpishnets (M | 2,215 | 1/1)
It is little things like that that make this okay. Small rules, steps to follow: Pants staying buttoned, Neil’s hands where he can see them, no words but “Yes or no.” And, now, door locked. Check.
(Andrew looks back on the first time he does more than kiss Neil)
uncurling lifelines by Frostandcoal (M | 3,202 | 1/1)
That Andrew likes Neil being vocal in bed – that’s a key, and Neil intends to use it. This is something that Neil can give Andrew, a thing Andrew likes, that doesn’t involve touching or crossing boundaries Andrew is not yet ready for Neil to cross.
Besides, if Neil is good at anything besides Exy, it’s running his mouth.
Or: Neil learns that Andrew “I’m An Instigator At Heart And So Are You” Minyard might just like hearing Neil express not only his consent, but his enthusiasm, when they’re in bed.
back and forth by broship_addict (T | 2,573 | 1/1)
Years later Andrew and Neil find themselves revisiting Palmetto. It’s a lot more fun than Andrew’s ready to admit.
Lost Boy by the_ocean_burned (M | 6,401 | 1/1)
A look through Andrew’s eyes during some of the major events in the series.
Since I did use scenes and quotes from the series, I’m going to put a disclaimer on this one: All copyright rights to the characters, dialogue, and canon events belong solely to Nora Sakavic. I don’t own any of it; please don’t sue me. I’m broke.
The Self I Am by dustbottle (E | 5,536 | 1/1)
Though Neil and Andrew have been on the same professional team for years, the Minyard-Josten rivalry is still going strong. No one has caught wind of the truth of their relationship – but maybe it’s time for that to change.
(Or: Neil and Andrew decide to come out. This is how it happens.)
late night by Frostandcoal (G | 2,355 | 1/1)
People think that Exy “saved” him, but they are wrong. Exy is not a savior – there are no saviors for people like Andrew.
In which Andrew Minyard decides to pay it forward thanks to an all-night bodega, terrible ice cream choices and a cashier who just happens to play collegiate Exy.
out of breath by Frostandcoal for tycutiovevo (G | 3,418 | 1/1)
For tycutiovevo, who wanted Andreil in cold!weather, no angst. I hope you like this, bb! <3! <3!
Neil wants to live his life like he plays Exy – he wants the freedom to take chances, he wants the thrill of last-second goals, he wants the exhilaration of pushing his body to its limits, wants the ache and burn of every single bruise and scrape. His body is marked by other people’s cruelty and other people’s choices made on his behalf – he wants to cover it with the marks of the life he chose for himself.
Neil doesn’t understand what a “blizzard” is, and thinks it’s a good idea to go running in one. Andrew is not impressed.
Delayed Reaction by run_for_me (T | 3,035 | 1/1)
It’s been so long since he’s felt anything but affection for Nicky that he’d almost forgotten there was time when he’d been viscerally and intensely afraid of him.
In which the events of Neil’s first visit to Eden’s Twilight are finally addressed a year later.
I Want to Hold Your Hand by conniptionns (T | 5,009 | 4/4)
If this was Allison and Renee it would be cute and fluffy and very Across the Universe for this song, but it’s Andrew and Neil so
until the end of the world by broship_addict (T | 2,731 | 1/1)
Twenty years, two cats, and a whole lot of sports-related injuries later, they’re still home.
light it up by broship_addict (T | 1,879 | 1/1)
Neil Josten is probably the only person in the world capable of getting Andrew into an ugly Christmas sweater.
missing you (is all i am) by dustbottle (T | 2,677 | 1/1)
After graduating college, Andrew starts his professional Exy career as goalie for the Boston Rebels. Meanwhile, Neil is in his fifth and final year at Palmetto State University. Being apart turns out to be harder than either of them expected, and adjusting is a struggle.
When Neil visits Andrew in Boston, things come to a head.
maybe just the touch of a hand by niallszayn (G | 1,822 | 1/1)
All the Foxes come to Nicky and Erik’s wedding. Bets are made, and no one ever understands Andrew and Neil’s relationship.
Careless by Poteto (G | 1,474 | 1/1)
Matt likes to think Neil is done saying things that will get himself killed. Andrew disagrees.
way i tend to be by Frostandcoal (G | 1,665 | 1/1)
For erinaceinae-lutrinae on tumblr, who gave me the following prompt:
“Someone on Neil’s pro-team decides his nickname should be junior, and Neil does not take it well.”
Blossom Under Kindness by dustbottle (E | 3,433 | 1/1)
After Neil’s first year as a professional Exy player, Andrew and Neil spend their summer together in Columbia. There are good days and bad days. Today is a good day.
take my breath away (you know i’m bound to choke) by essenceofheroism (Not Rated | 1,620 | 1/1)
or the one in which andrew dreams neil runs away.
We Can Be Soft by SpookyMiscreant (M | 20,229 | 13/13)
Andreil and their daily lives. Fun ensues as always. Some of my HCs and some HCs from Tumblr. This has no plot or timeline please forgive me.
of being happy by artemis_west (E | 4,774 | 1/1)
On his flight home, Neil could barely sit still. He kept going back to his phone and staring at the message on his screen, the last one he’d received from Andrew:
I’ll be there.
Sounds Like a Good Excuse for Coming Home by OrdinaryVegan
Andrew is stressed, and Neil is problematic. Long-distance can be rather inconvenient, especially when your not-boyfriend is a murder magnet.
Summer Showers by Previously8 (T | 1,852 | 1/1)
Includes, but is not limited to: lots of staring, one (1) mention of chia seeds, Neil Josten’s new phone, the colours blue, green, and orange, talk of walls, a visit to Home Depot, and "452%”.
Rated T for swearing.
billboard. by lolainslackss (T | 2,940 | 1/1)
“Even when I turn away I can’t unsee it,” Aaron continued, his back to the rest of them, “It’s disgusting.”
Neil follows Kevin’s advice and agrees to be part of an ad campaign for Exy shoes. This ends up with Neil’s face on an eight-hundred-foot-wide moving billboard, and he’s not at all sure what to make of it. Neither is everyone else. Especially when Andrew notices everything.
Right Here in the Light by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,398 | 1/1)
It takes all of his willpower not to physically react from shock when he finds Piper curled up tightly on Andrew’s chest, King tucked behind the bend in her knees. His surprise is two-fold. First, he can’t believe he slept through another person being added into their bed. And second, he can’t believe that Andrew is actually asleep in his current position. His arm is wrapped tightly around Piper’s shoulders, the entirety of her small upper body resting on his chest. Neil can do nothing but stare in awe at the pair of them. He thinks of how far they’ve all come, each of them with their own unique struggles, and his sentimentality nearly gets the better of him.
“Staring,” comes Andrew’s low voice, disguised by disuse. All these years, and Neil still doesn’t know how he does that. His eyes aren’t even open. Ridiculous.
A few members of the domestic Andreil household find themselves awake in the middle of the night. In other words, Andrew Minyard is the best father in the universe, and no one will convince me otherwise.
this calls for a toast by Frostandcoal (G | 1,872 | 1/1)
Three years ago, Andrew Minyard threatened to kill her if she ever spoke to him. She hasn’t, but only because she’s had nothing to say.
Until today.
It’s Katelyn’s wedding day, and she’s got a little something to clear up with her brand-new brother-in-law.
As the Fire Spread by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,022 | 1/1)
Neil’s weight beside him is now familiar and even a comfort, sometimes. But on the occasions when Andrew’s senses are on overdrive and the smallest movement feels like an avalanche, an earthquake, a fucking planetary realignment, Neil knows better than to take Andrew’s abandonment personally.
Neil’s hoodie is thrown over the back of his desk chair, so Andrew makes his way over to dig out the pack of cigarettes from the pocket. He thinks he could light it with just the fire on the edge of his tongue, but he grabs a lighter from the drawer just in case.
Neil wants to help. Andrew just wants to breathe without feeling like his lungs will go up in flames.
Weddings and Other Kinds of Vows bya_case_for_wonder (T | 12,328 | 1/1)
“Lord, Andrew, you’d think you hadn’t been dating the guy for half a decade!” Nicky said. “When is he going to ask you to marry him, of course!” Andrew had known it was coming, but it still felt like the world slowed down a little. The question hung in the air between them like an ugly spell, until Andrew shook himself enough to answer. “He’s not going to ask me.“
Nicky is finally getting married, the third Fox wedding in as many years. Andrew is just trying to get through it, Neil is just trying to have a good time, but with all this love in the air, their friends keep insisting on asking questions they are Not Ready For. They try to work through it together.
Time is Standing Still by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,441 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil have a daughter, and she is an actual ray of sunshine.
Leave Me on the Tracks by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,092 | 1/1)
If this had happened a few years ago, Andrew would have stood by and watched him leave. No argument, no attempted persuasion. Because that’s what people do. They leave, or they treat you badly enough that you leave first. People are never worth the trouble.
But not this time. The past decade with Neil has made Andrew come to terms with the fact that this means something. Andrew is rather shocked to find that he believes he himself should be enough to make Neil stay. That he is worthy of it. That he wants Neil to stay, and he will be damned if he lets him go without a fight. Andrew is asking. And if that won’t make Neil stay, nothing will.
In which Neil tries to protect Andrew, and Andrew tells him to get over his hero complex.
Patch Your Wounds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 2,290 | 1/1)
“Really, Neil,” Andrew drawls. He could have chosen to phrase it as a question, but Neil knows he isn’t surprised. It’s more of an acknowledgement of Neil’s apparent inability to remain injury-free. “You’ve been here for less than forty-five seconds, and you’re already bleeding on my carpet.”
In which Neil is a klutz, the cats are a nuisance, and Andrew is his own special brand of helpful.
I Want You To Know by kayxpc (G | 733 | 1/1)
one love, one house by freefall for cats-are-assholes (T | 2,592 | 1/1)
It’s the little things that make an apartment into a home, that make a sequence of moments into a life.
Or, five times Andrew hates that damn couch, and one time he thinks it isn’t so bad.
Missed This (Not as much as You) by kayxpc (E | 2,087 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew finally get a weekend off of their professional teams and pickup exactly where they left off.
Hidden by kayxpc (G | 2,000 | 1/1)
His Father’s Eyes by maeusetod (Not Rated | 3,012 | 1/1)
Sometimes Neil had thought about, when and under which circumstances he would hear the name Nathaniel again, but he had not expected it to happen like this.
Shut Up, Baby by aftgandreil (arituzz) (E | 693 | 1/1)
“Can you not call me Josten when we are about to have sex?” Neil protests, tugging the hem of his shirt up and over his head.
“What do you want me to call you, then? Asshole?” Andrew says with a smirk on his face, already taking his boxers off.
“Fuck, no. Just–” The advances they’ve made so far have been amazing, Neil thinks, engraving the sight of his naked lover in his head. He can’t help biting his lower lip at the vision in front of him. They’ve come this far, which is more than Neil could have ever hoped for. He guesses it won’t hurt to try for a tinsy little bit more. Locking his eyes with Andrew’s, he says, “Call me baby.”
restless by wesninski for lorcathegreat (G | 2,121 | 1/1)
It’s an expression of restlessness, the kind of bout of spontaneous recklessness at which Neil has always excelled. A new city with new teammates and a new apartment and new stress, and Neil turns to Andrew one summer night, the smell of cigarette smoke mingling with the perfume of Andrew’s flowers on the balcony because they haven’t picked the lock to the roof yet, and says, “let’s get out of here.”
Or: Andrew and Neil go on a road trip and bring the cats along. They should have just found a cat sitter.
if things went differently by yuhee (T | 1,810 | 1/1)
The day Neil Josten disappeared on the Foxes, he had died in a fire incident along with his father and his men. Or so they said. Because Andrew now sees the man in flesh and bones at a city in England after two years.
this place is a shelter by Joana789 (T | 1,786 | 1/1)
”Well,” Andrew says, and the answer feels raw on his tongue. ”Someone has to make sure you don’t run again.”
ask me no questions (and i might not cuss you out) by WingsOfWax (T | 2,77 | 1/1)
Neil’s and Andrew’s relationship becomes public - without their permission. It’s annoying because now they have to actually deal with it. Neil gets more than a little rude when someone asks the wrong kind of question.
"Call me Marcus; he’s strong and noble.” by AroPeterWam (E | 6,899 | 1/1)
“Which one is Sir Fat Cat McCatterson? And why does he have a long name? I like the name King Fluffkins, but isn’t that too many noble titles for the cats?” Marcus, slowly coming out of his shell reached under the coffee table for one of the cats. – In which Neil and Andrew come across a boy who might not be like any of their stray cats.
wake your ghost by Frostandcoal (G | 2,741 | 1/1)
“Kevin’s been obsessed with Riko Moriyama his entire life. It’s going to take more than a bullet to stop that.”
The amount of mental energy Kevin has wasted on Riko is like a faucet, and Andrew has yet to see any definitive proof that Kevin’s ready to turn off the pipes.
In which Kevin has Complicated Feelings ™, Neil does not approve, and Andrew does not care. And Andreil!Banter, for it is like crack unto me, and I love them :|
Close & Closer by kayxpc (E | 1,290 | 1/1)
Andrew & Neil map another safe place out in their relationship
You & Me by kayxpc (E | 782 | 1/1)
A bottom Andrew fic because the fandom is in need of more and I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Here With You by kayxpc (G | 295 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil sleep together after being apart for far too long
an acceptable surprise by kayxpc (G | 1,181 | 1/1)
permanent key//permanent home by kayxpc (T | 1,025 | 1/1)
Andrew visits Neil
She Was Found by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,591 | 1/1)
"We’ve been over this and over this. We have looked at it from every possible angle. We agreed on this, that this is what we both want. You agreed to get over your daddy issues, and I agreed to actively ignore every parenting example I’ve ever had. Right?”
Neil nods his head once with a little too much force to be convincing. “Right.”
“Okay,” Andrew says, not really sure if it was loud enough for Neil to hear. He tightens his hand on Neil’s neck, pulling him closer until their foreheads are touching. Neil’s hand has made it up to hang off of his bicep, gripping like it’s the only thing keeping him on the ground. Andrew fights to keep his voice as even as possible. “Neil. You have to tell me that you’re in this all the way. This is permanent. Once we sign those papers, she is ours. Forever. I refuse to send her away. I will not be like them,” he says, fiercely. “Do you want this?”
AKA Piper: The Prequel
Sundays by celestia (G | 887 | 1/1)
A lazy sunday
something just like this by kayxpc (G | 566 | 1/1)
happy holidays from the foxes by artemis_westfor OneSweetMelody (G | 5,446 | 1/1)
This is my gift exchange for Jules, who wanted Fox family bonding during the holiday/post-grad! A fic set in the future after the books, when all the Foxes have their kids. They have a yearly reunion during the holidays! Soft andreil living their happy life, Andrew healing and having a better relationship with Aaron and Nicky, everyone is happy and sappy. Merry Christmas!
Always by merlypops for badtemperblue (G | 583 | 1/1)
“Am I annoying you?” “You always do,” Andrew said, cradling Neil’s cheek gently before he shoved his face away again. “Always, Josten.” Neil’s heart squeezed in his chest with something that felt dangerously like happiness. He was glad that name was still alive. He was glad he was still around to hear it. He was glad Andrew wasn’t gone.
Neil and Andrew on a plane. Fluff ensues.
smile, smile, smile by mikeymomoo (G | 744 | 1/1)
andrew is getting groceries and a fan spots him. he fucks with him.
All We Ever Knew by OrdinaryVegan (G | 1,317 | 1/1)
Robin comes to Neil for life advice, and he is surprisingly helpful. 
Phone Calls by celestia (G | 3,339 | 1/1)
It’s Andrew’s birthday. Even though he and Neil don’t celebrate birthdays, Andrew always gets three phone calls on his birthday.
tell me pretty lies by kayxpc (G | 754 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil apartment shop after Andrew graduates.
out & proud by kayxpc (G | 1,417 | 1/1)
Same sex marriage is finally legalized in Germany and the foxes come to support Nicky and Erik! Lots of love and happiness in this fic, angst who?
Eventually by writerforlife (T | 850 | 1/1)
Eventually, Andrew Minyard found his version of happiness.
Weddings in Germany by kayxpc (G | 978 | 1/1)
all the foxes visit Germany for Nicky and Eriks wedding! :) pure andreil fluff ahead
New Places by Q_Jem_Bee (M | 937 | 1/1)
That was the greatest thing about this, about them.
They had all the time in the world.
[Podfic] right side of rock bottom byfrecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (M | 20 | 1/1)
Author’s summary: Neil thinks it might be the first time he’s taken a breath in days.
He hadn’t realised it because he’d been so caught up in packing and saying goodbye to everyone but now that it’s over he remembers his self-imposed countdown was meant to be up by now. It’s the end of the school year and five months ago, he thought he’d be dead by now.
Instead he has a team and a future and a home and Andrew.
(The last two might be interchangeable.)
Permanence by justapipe-dream (ginita105) (T | 702 | 1/1)
Neil wasn’t the reason for Andrew’s newfound stability, but he had been the eye opener. Neil had taught him that not all humans wanted to break the glass walls he built around himself, some had the decency to find the door and knock.
For the Vagabonds by OrdinaryVegan (T | 1,301 | 1/1)
Neil and Andrew versus the Maserati and the mountains.
Out by Q_Jem_Bee, shewhoisntnamed44 (G | 4,378 | 1/1)
Chris was lucky enough to have a co-worker who Neil Josten owed a favour to – and was about to launch her journalism career through the roof.
Beg and Borrow and Steal by OrdinaryVegan (T | 3,349 | 1/1)
Andrew and Neil are dragged into a school dance by their certified Sassmaster and Ray of Sunshine daughter.
pull me back by thetinyconstellation for lethargicawe (T | 2,032 | 1/1)
Neil has a bad day and his boyfriends do what they can to help. Well, if he lets them.
Children of the Universe by aceaaronminyard (necklace) (Not Rated | 1,630 | 1/1)
in which aaron and andrew figure their shit out with only a minimal amount of bruises
“If Aaron is being honest, Andrew looks like a spawn of Death herself; dark and weathered and just as lethal. Aaron smiles cruelly at the glare Andrew fixes him, and for the first time in months, feels galaxies explode in his lungs and make a home under his fingernails.”
mel i mató by R_Gunns (T | 1,934 | 1/1)
Being away from Andrew was harder than Neil had anticipated. Missing him was loud, thinking about him was like a cacophony of sounds, a discordant mess of sensory memories that Neil couldn’t make sense of.
(Neil’s final year at Palmetto is over, and he’ll be moving in with Andrew soon. In the meantime, he pines.)
home (is whenever i’m with you) by nightquills for apear55 (G | 2,067 | 1/1)
It’s been weeks since he saw Andrew last, and Neil can’t wait to finally see him in person, have him near, hear his voice without the tinny echo of a phone call between them.
Neverland is home to lost boys like me byjustapipe-dream (ginita105) (G | 627 | 1/1)
‘Oh, how lucky you are,’ it said, ‘Two lost boys found their Neverland in each other.’
proper punishment for an angel by artemis_west (E | 5,912 | 1/1)
Neil’s mouth gets him in trouble. What else is new?
In which… by Nikotheamazingspoonklepto (Not Rated | 22,238 | 1/1)
…the Foxes get the love they deserve. ~ This fic is a story of growth, character development, and happiness, where Neil loves his Fox family in varying degrees, ranging from platonic to romantic or sexually. Beginning at the start of Neil’s Sophomore year at PSU, he is becoming more confident, self-assured, and a happy person, supported by his original Fox family and learning how to be a leader toward the six Freshman that arrived at PSU.
Ice Cream by kayxpc (E | 944 | 1/1)
Nora’s tweets have inspired andreil smut. It’s what they deserve.
[Podfic] The Name Game by frecklebombfic (frecklebomb) for Fleur Rochard (fleurrochard) (G | 18 | 1\1)
Author’s summary: What happens when Andrew and Neil change the names on their jerseys.
Independence Day by imagined_melody (G | 1,054 | 1/1)
Neil Josten graduates from Palmetto State University on May 12—five years to the day after he arrived.
In which a life transition falls on an important date, and Neil deals with the prospect of his life changing again.
To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it bywesninskids (Not Rated | 2,203 | 1/1)
Some nights, Kevin Day jerks awake with the weight of his past. These nights, Neil’s there to pull him back to the present.
Sunday Mornings by cleopatras (T | 1,178 | 1/1)
how Neil and Andrew spend a Sunday morning in their home in San Clemente
three keys by lovelyloss (T | 516 | 1/1)
andrew thinks about the three keys neil and him share. [my descriptions are bad whoops]
Another Lonely Christmas by SpookyMiscreant (G | 1,112 | 1/1)
This is a gift for ten-paces-fire for the aftg winter exchange! Kevin is stuck playing Exy overseas instead of in Columbia with his family for christmas.
this is it by morticianists (T | 207 | 1/1)
the future isn’t as bleak as it used to be.
Neil is forbidden to have a relationship with Andrew by his new contract by Vinjana (G | 586 | 1/1)
Neil, who joined Andrew’s team, doesn’t read his contracts…
a haze of fleeting moments by luna_lovegood (G | 2,666 | 1/1)
Renee looked at her as she sat up on the couch and undid her braid, eyes bright and lips stained red. “Alright,” Renee agreed. “That sounds like fun. Do you have any nail polish?”
“Chanel or Essie?” Allison shot back and smirked.
(Or, five moments Renee spent with people she cared about.)
“Why did you name it Burrito?’ by AroPeterWam (Not Rated | 6,828 | 1/1)
“So, is this language barrier ever going to end?” It was Dan who spoke, seemingly entertained by them as she rubbed her temples. – Marcus meets the Foxes and other issues his dads help him through.
You Found Me by howmanyshipscanashippership ( T | 1,539 | 1/1 )
Andrew wakes up a few days after the Foxes win the championships from a nightmare. He wants to look to Neil for comfort and wonders when that became a thing. He falls back asleep and remembers various scenes from when Andrew first met Neil and then things some more about that. Andrew never says to Neil "I love you" but it is heavily implied.... so cannon compliant.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 6 years
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Congratulations Ailin! Kylie Greenaway is all yours. Oh my gosh, we could just gush about Kylie for the rest of time but more importantly so could you. You’ve definitely tuned into her character, focusing just right on her relationship with Joy and her tendency to backbench the things that she wants for the sake of others. Her #intensity too was just exactly how I envisioned her relationship with Frankie and I loved reading you build on that aspect of her. There’s so much to work with and we cannot wait to see what you do with her!! Plus the Greenaway/Watts family interactions, I am excited!!
Please send your account in ASAP and you know the rest.
--Admin P
Canon Application:
Character Name: kylie greenaway
Why do you want this character?: kylie is this young woman with such a huge potential that lives in the shadow of a sister that underestimates her because of her own ego, that just wants to be the best and will be the best, whereas kylie’s desires are simpler: friends, love and the right amount of fun that any twnety-one year old wants to be having in the big apple. she pretends to be so different, so distant from the paps world, the rumors and the tabloids, but she’s drawn to it because she wants it, too! she’s been neglected by her family and herself. she shrunk herself into occupying the lesser space the better, and left all that space for joy to be the star of the show. the sharpay evans, and she’s just kelsey, the pianist, that gets substituted by a stereo. and yet kylie isn’t resentful towards her sister? no, she isn’t. she likes seeing her thrive and more often than not finds herself being worried. all in all, she wants her sister’s love and happiness before some… acting career. or julliard. or any crush. for now, of course. all things change in the UES with the right stimuli and the right amount of pressure. will the shadows continue to be enough or will she be swayed to hop into the fame bandwagon? to say screw you and take up the space she could be occupying? to allow herself be hurt over her failed not-relationship with frankie? nobody can be so good and pure all the time… least of all in the upper easy side.
Any changes?: hell nah i adore her
Wanted connections?: we’ll see but she got plenty so i’m pumped
Character’s birthday: july 19th (i couldn’t find if joy’s bday was up so i done it, but if it’s already up somewhere nd i missed it do tell me pls <3), with cancer sun, scorp moon and libra rising.
3 virtues and 3 flaws, explaining each:
PEACE-MAKER: kylie’s not the fondest of confrontation. well, she can do confrontation, but she doesn’t want to most of the time. she wants to be liked or, at the very least, more invisible than anything else. perhaps that wouldn’t be so and she wouldn’t be battling her desire to go out to the world and show them what she’s made of if she hadn’t grown up next to thundergirl joy. it’s okay, it’s whatever, and not talking about it nor acknowledging it is totally the way to go for it to not blow over, definitely. in kylie’s head, ceasing to be the peace-maker, ceasing to compromise her own desires for her sister’s would mean the end of an era. an era of calm and balance, and she’s not ready for that. she’s not, she’s not. this is not to say she doesn’t have a backbone, because she’ll bite back and she’ll bite back hard. she’s a peace-maker in the way that she keeps balance and shrinks herself, but she takes absolutely no bullshit. sarcasm queen supreme.
ADAPTABLE: you won’t find kylie greenaway being down in the dumps. ever. she is constantly happy, constantly adapting herself to circumstances. constantly spreading smiles that radiate warmth and welcomeness, or she’s quiet. that’s the closest she gets to being down in public, becoming aloof and taciturn and ignoring absolutely everyone except for her parents.
THEATRICAL: with her people, she adores to put on a show and make people laugh. when she tells an anecdote, she invests herself wholly and acts it out like a play. kylie’s charisma is magnetic and her theatrical antics are one of her worst-kept secrets. even in the way she presents herself, she puts on a show. she likes to call attention to herself, she likes to be the spotlight when the spotlight is willfully given to her, and she can own up to it with natural skill.
CONCEAL-DON’T-FEEL ARCHETYPE: it’s whatever is one of her most commonly used phrases about… well, just about everything. it’s easier if she just ignores that things affect her, that she has actual emotions aside from a smile or her nose in some type of book. but what is she supposed to do? show that she’s hurting, lost in life or scared shitless? hell no, that’s not her, y’know. perhaps when she was younger, she’d tell her mother about it, but then again, where did she learn her conceal don’t feel routine from if not from mrs. greenaway?
COWARD: this is not to say kylie greenaway doesn’t enjoy jumping off choppers, or high-risk sports like swimming with sharks and hamptons brunches with cricket games post-caviar, she does. but if she doesn’t impose herself to people when they push her around and occupy the space she is entitled to taking up, when she has to shrink herself again, it’s because she is afraid. doing that would include upsetting a certain stabilished balance and it’s whatever (more like “i’m terrified things will never be the same and people will absolutely hate me for that”, read by “people”, her sister and the rest of her family).
EMOTIONAL EXTREMIST: kylie’s very intense, she lives and breathes for the rush of adrenaline certain situations and emotions give her. in love, she’s an extremist. not with the other person, no, because she does understand people have their rhythm to life (although she would very much enjoy someone keeping up with her franctic pace), but within herself. she’s had more crushes than she dares count and they’ve all been so intense that she’d dare call it love each and every time. right now, she doesn’t take up space in her own life, but it feels like if she were to own up to the space that’s rightfully hers and start really living and stop postponing life like a snoozhed alarm, she’d go hard and win it over in a whim, unapologetic and proud. extremes are the only way she can feel comfortable, greys make her uncomfortable within herself, although she tends to choose the middle ground for surviving circumstances (exterior), inside it’s a whole other world.
If you don’t get this character, who would be your second choice?: nah im good
Para Sample (A couple of paragraphs, as the character you’re applying for):
sat by the window, her leg hops up and down franctically, without her noticing in the least.           ‘ kylie … ‘         no response ,      teeth stop squeezing the top of the pen and it starts tapping against the marble counter where a maid cut fruit and her mother supervised the process ,    not like beatriz knew how to properly cut fruit apparently .          ‘ kylie ,     are you listening to me ,   child ? ‘         a hand comes down on her tapping pen ,   stops the motions dead ,     the young woman’s eyes drift from her turned - off cellphone screen to her mother’s furrowed brows and displeased face .
she missed her father .
         ‘    yeah   ——–   no ,     not really .      sorry ,     mom ,     i’m –   ‘           damned before telling you what’s up with me ,          kylie thought and while the thought mildly distressed her ,    it wasn’t long until she’d supressed the nostalgic wave of times gone by when she’d tell everything to her mother ,     with her head laid down on her lap and manicured nails wading through her long ,     un - dyed locks .      but her mom’s not willing to wait for kylie to explain herself and it’s only enough for kylie to be looking at her for the woman to keep droning on about …     whatever it was that she was droning about .      failed marriages or gossips about old people ,     possibly her sister’s character in the tv show and how absolutely   incompetent   was her agent proving to be .     meanwhile ,    kylie’s waiting for a …      CALL  !!     a call !     her phone screen lights up and she grabs it before her mother can see the caller’s ID ,     or the panicked thrill in her face ,     hops off the stool .          ‘    i   —–   gotta go ,     i -   ‘           giggling nervously ,     the woman slowly starts backing away ,     grinning at her mother’s confusion .      she needs to get the phone ,   but she can’t do it in front of her mother ,     so she’s quick to turn on her heels and sprint off ,    reaching the front door in a flash as she called out   BYESEEYOULATERSORRYILOVEYOU  ,    the sound of the door slamming shut .
with no breaths inbetween ,     nothing to calm herself down ,     she picks up and it’s the producer ,    once again calling her to see if she’s made up a decision already .            ‘  kylie greenaway !      the missing half to my greenaway duo !  ‘           of course ,     of course ,      ( her heart drops a little ) ,      it’s okay ,     it’s whatever .                    ‘  heeeey ,   doug …   ‘             she begins ,     walking over to her car and getting inside with her phone on speaker ,      backing it out the driveway .                ‘  can y’ hold on a sec?     i gotta get out of the house and y’know ,     the paps .  ‘             it’s not like she’s waiting for an answer ,    much like her mother in that sense ,     she turns the cellphone’s screen downwards and waits for the gates to open ,     tinted glasses up and unforgiving to the photographers .       once she’s far enough so that no rumors could possibly spark up ,      she lowers her window ,     smiles to the mirror as she heads for the coast .                 ‘   sorry ,     safety measures .   ‘             her voice is apologetic enough for doug to perceive it ,     but he’s a producer and he doesn’t give a shit .            ‘   safety for what ,    sugar ?      will you tell me if you’re joining the team or you’re joining the team ?     ‘cause it will happen eventually and i’d like it to be sooner rather than later .     did   you see the script i sent you ?      we’re waiting for an answer to announce it to the crew ,   sugar .    ‘
that makes her stomach turn ,    cartwheel turns in her guts .     kylie swallows thickly .             ‘   you think you can hold off telling the crew for a little bit longer ?     i  ——  wanna tell my sister first .  ‘          tell her what ?         ‘   IS THAT A YES I’M HEARING ?     FUCK YEAH SUGAR YOU KNOW IT !   ‘         oh fuck .                ‘    NO !    no no no no no ,    no !!      i mean i want to   talk  to her about it first and see how she feels with it ,     i’m not saying yes !    ‘           but there’s no remedy ,     doug’s gotten the   emotional   yes that he wanted ,     so now all that’s left is …         ‘   we’ll meet with the writers tomorrow ,     do what y’ have t’ do before then ,    sugar .      you’re gonna be famous as   fuck ,     gorgeous !     ‘             is that good news ?    her heart’s thrumming in her chest ,     ringing in her ears ,    deafening her .    she’s terrified ,    terrified ,    oh so terrified .    how’s she supposed to tell joy     hey i was offered a part in your tv show and i kinda maybe already said yes without talking to you but anyway you don’t mind do you?      maybe if she clarified     you’re still the favourite in everything and you can keep the paps and the tabloids   the blow wouldn’t be that hard .                ‘     o -  okay …     i’ll ——- yeah ,    sure ,    i’ll do that .     see ya then …    ‘              
okay ,     so she’s terrified but she’s also    happy .     excited .     thrilled .          ‘   i’ll send you the specifics tomorrow ,   keep an eye out and keep your panties on .    ‘           the line goes dead .         there’s a moment of …    nothing .     silence .     pulling over ,     she stops .         her hands girp the steering wheel with mighty force ,      her breathing is agitated and her eyes remain wide and set on nothing in particular ,    the mid - distance .         but then she begins laughing ,     a watery laugh that comes with her eyes glassing over .     fingers let go of the steering wheel while she leans back on her seat and breathes out .       the tears wash off ,    replaced by a wide grin that takes up her whole face .  
‘   here’s to new beginnings ,     kylie .   ‘              she mutters to herself ,     turning the radio up and flooring the accelerator .         terrified ,    but excited nonetheless .
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uzumakiaoshi · 7 years
Reverse Falls HCs
So, I’ve been thinking a lot about Reverse Falls and read a lot of fanfics and this is sorta what came into my head so far
- The journals aren’t written by Ford, and instead it’s author is a mystery. There isn’t Ford’s six fingers on the cover and instead there’s a silver triangle. The journals are also blue and aren’t written telling a story, they simply catalog all the anomalies in Gravity Falls, except for journal #3 which is full of blue coloured notes taken by Will who had it for a short time so he could find a way to escape the Gleeful family. Since he couldn’t, he merely wrote a note on the last page and then hid the book so the Gleefuls wouldn’t find it. The note read, “When gravity falls and earth becomes sky, fear the twins with bright blue eyes. Trust no one.” A warning to whoever found the book.
- Mabel and Mason (Dipper) were sent to live with the Stans when their parents died when they were about 4-5. Stanley didn’t want them, but Stanford saw potential on the twins and decided to keep them to assist in their plans. They were raised with little to no affection and physical abuse from Stan as well as psychological abuse from Ford. One day, when the twins were twelve, they came across journal #2, Stan and Ford who had been looking for the journals for years were extremely pleased and praised them from the first time since they had arrived at their house. Wishing to be praised even more and discover more about magic and the weird things in Gravity Falls, the twins became obsessed with finding the final journal.
- Reading journal #2 Ford found out about a mystic amulet which gave the wearer the power of telekinesis as well as mind control and other feats. Power hungry, he found and began to use the amulet and with it he managed to build two more which were capable of the same feats, but were flawed. He gave those amulets to Mabel and Mason. The flawed amulets poisoned the twins’ minds, the more they used it, the harder it was to take them off, the more power and blood thirsty they became. Mason became more and more narcissistic and began to take joy in watching other people suffer while Mabel started to grow obsessed, selfish and prone to fits of rage. They began to give magic shows in the Tent of Telepathy, winning the whole town’s respect and love. They used their shows to torture and sometimes even kill people and used the amulet’s magic to fool the audience.
- But the most important thing in journal #2 was the mention of a demon who could be subdued and used for his power, Will Cipher. Stanford knew he needed the demon, and with the twins’ help he managed to break Will and turned him into their slaves. But the demon was weaker than he should’ve been and aside from being able to recharge the mystic amulets, he wasn’t of much use. Enraged, Ford tortured the demon for years before finally giving up and giving Will to the twins while he searched for another way to get the power he needed. Being bound to both Mason and Mabel, Will got a little freedom and with it, he managed to find the final journal and began to study it to find a way to escape the Gleefuls. Unable to, he wrote the warning and hid it back, sure the Gleefuls would never think about searching for the journal in the abandoned Shack in the woods.
- Bud Pines moves into the old abandoned family Shack and turns it into a tourist trap to win money with his son. 16 years old Pacifica Southeast moves to Gravity Falls with her mom and dad to visit her cousin Gideon. They find journal #3, face the town’s mysteries together and then they come across the Tent of Telepathy. Gideon knows right away the Gleefuls are dangerous, the words from the journal burning in his mind. He tries to convince Pacifica, but she doesn’t listen, the twins are a little odd, but they haven’t showed her anything but kindness.
- When the twins do find out Pacifica and Gideon have the journals, the fighting starts. Gideon tells Pacifica he told her so, but the blonde doesn’t listen, she’s still convinced there’s good in the Gleeful twins.
- Mabel is absolutely disgusted by the girl’s kindness and selflessness and begins to follow Pacifica around, subtly at first, making small things happen like mind control her dates so they leave her and later on she straights out bullies the blonde and seduces Pacifica’s potential love interests in front of her, just out of spite. Not that she would ever admit it to anyone or herself, but the only thing going through Mabel’s mind when she does that is that Pacifica Southeast is hers and hers alone.
- Mason couldn’t actually care less if Gideon and Pacifica have the journal. They’re not something to be feared or an enemy worthy of acknowledgement, they’re toys. They’re his toys. And Pacifica is a particularly pretty one. He tells Mabel he wants Pacifica, that he can’t wait to break her and make her his. Mabel brings a knife to his neck and growls, eyes glowing bright blue, “She belongs to me.” Mason is furious, bitter, but he complies. Pacifica is a pretty one, but she’s just a toy. Mabel can have her.
- When the Stans find out Gideon and Pacifica have the final journal, they’re livid. They punish Mason and Mabel for not telling them, for not killing them both and ending the stupid game, for playing with their food. They make Mabel trick Pacifica into going at their Manor in the pretense of helping her fight a ghost. Gideon tells her not to go, he tells the Gleefuls are the worst… Pacifica doesn’t listen and the second she steps inside the manor, Mason and the Stans corner her and grab the final journal. Stanford and Stanley tell the twins to get rid of the girl and leave with the journal, ready to begin their plan. Pacifica is furious, both with the twins and with herself. Ashamed, Mabel has Will trap Pacifica and hide her somewhere no one will ever find her. She tells him to make sure she has a happy dream while she sleeps.
- Stanley and Stanford open a portal to another dimension, freeing demons into the world and becoming all powerful creatures themselves. Mason and Mabel find out too late they have outlived their usefulness. They’re part of the zodiac, Ford tells them, they can’t be allowed to live. But the twins manage to escape, barely, and meeting with Gideon and Will they learn just what Stanford was talking about.
- The zodiac is meant to give power to Will so that he can fight the demons and send them back to their dimension. Gideon says the Gleefuls can’t possibly be a part of the zodiac, that they can’t be trusted. Will reveals the twins he warned him about weren’t Mabel and Mason, it was Stanford and Stanley. Gideon is the pine tree. Soos, the butler of the Gleeful family is the question mark. Robbie, the cool laid back guy Pacifica had a small crush on is the ice. Bud is the symbol he has on his fez. Mason is the Big Dipper constellation. Preston and Priscilla Southeast share a symbol which represents peace. Mabel is the knife. Pacifica is the shooting star. Wendy, the gothic girl Robbie dates is the stitched heart. Tate McGucket, the town’s crazy hillbilly is the symbol for the society of the blind eye which was founded by Tate’s father, the late Fiddleford McGucket.
- Mabel, Mason and Gideon set out to free Pacifica from her bubble so she can be a part of the zodiac. Will warns them that the only way she can leave is if she chooses to. Pacifica tells them she doesn’t want to leave, that she’s happy in that world, a world where Gideon is supportive of heir choices, a world where Mason and Mabel are nice, normal people, a world where she wasn’t a fool to trust them. Her dream world’s Mabel, May, is like canon Mabel, much to Reverse Mabel’s annoyance. Mabel asks for her forgiveness and tells Pacifica her story, about her parents’ death, the abuse she and her brother suffered, the amulets and how she fell in love with the blonde. They leave hand in hand, tears in their eyes and smiles in their faces.
- Completing the zodiac, Will is able to defeat the demons and the Stans, trapping them into another dimension for good. Having used too much of his powers he turns into a statue, slowly recharging his powers so that one day he might come back.
- Mason begins to study how to get rid of the amulet’s influence. The Southeasts decide to move to Gravity Falls for good as Pacifica and Mabel begin to date. Gideon still doesn’t trust the Gleefuls at all and vowed to keep an eye on them. Unaware to everyone, he learned the spell to banish people from the universe.
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