#tumblr fixer
madamepestilence · 8 months
This is a very long post, so have a breaker so your feed isn't taken up by this every time it circulates
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This is a list provided by another person which blocks every known Digital Hapsburg Engine ("AI art") website from your search engines
For XKit Rewritten, please use:
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the rest is up to you
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I fucked up the last poll so we'll have one on this blog I guess???
Original Tumblr:
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Tumblr with uBlock Origin modifications:
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I have the newer version of the uBlock Origin code here, please replace the old, buggy code with this
Also, if you're wondering what the XKit Rewritten bug mentioned is - the Widescreen dash option is broken and shouldn't be used
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sidacer · 11 months
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After creating the oc, I planned to draw something that would reveal her story, but all I can think about is drawing silly pictures with Yes man,,
(btw I just realized that someone had already posted a similar picture of Yes man with Burgerpants' face, bruh(╯_╰))
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spicyspell · 11 months
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Ireena and Escher :)
I plan on doing more COS posting, hopefully more of the PCS pretty soon. I'm really itching to post my character, as I love them dearly.
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bwabys-scenarios · 18 days
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Self insert/Reader and Kurapika reference for drawing!!
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gingerbreadss · 4 months
Another wip from Hollow Glen. I keep building and deleting because everything i create sucks
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purpleapplebird · 7 months
WxS Fixer: Computer Viruses, Invasion, and Trust
The more that I look at the WxS Fixer MV, the more I feel that Rui is being depicted as, or at least is analogous to, a computer virus.
(All translated lyrics are from MML!opinions!Fun!Chocolate! on the Vocaloid Lyrics wiki)
Exhibit 1: "permission..."
The main thing that I noted from the following two shots is the word "permission…" like when a program is asking to be run on a computer.
The first verse has Xs and ?s, showing that the program (Rui in this case) is asking for permission but is being blocked out.
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The 2nd verse, meanwhile, has =) and glitch effects surrounding Tsukasa, as if the program has successfully hacked in / been given permission to run.
(The smiley faces are also a neat nod to the lyrics, though they also remind me of the "YOU ARE AN IDIOT" virus LMAO)
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Exhibit 2: "this is right" -> "hello, world"
The first few pictures are from the 1st verse. The words "this is right" at the bottom are initially normal, but in the next few shots, the letters "h" and "t" turn purple and shift downwards. The apple is also changing color here.
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In the 2nd verse, "this is right" appears yet again with the imagery of the changing apple, but at the very end we see a shot of Rui with "hello, world"* in purple. Notably, this is also right before the shot of Tsukasa mentioned earlier with the smiley faces and glitchy parts.
*(For those who don't know, a "hello world" program is a computer program that prints out the words "hello world", used to showcase a programming language's syntax. It's often the first program one writes when they are learning a programming language.)
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Exhibit 3: INVASION
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. Tsukasa's "INVASION" text is purple while Rui's text is just white, as if Rui IS the invasion while Tsukasa is being subjected to it.
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Exhibit 4: Changing colors
AKA Easily the most discussed part of the MV. The text progressively gets more purple and, at the very end, Tsukasa and Rui switch their initial colors. The ending makes me think that though Rui is the invader / fixer (haha), he has also been influenced by Tsukasa.
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My thoughts? Well, this 2DMV is fucking awesome. Like, if you're going to give me one of my favorite Vocaloid songs even prior to PRSK with my two favorite PRSK characters AND give them at 2DMV of said song, I'm going to overanalyze the shit out of it.
To me, the MV shows how much Tsukasa and Rui's relationship has developed from the main story to now. Though Tsukasa is the one who invites Rui to WxS, Rui at first joins for more self-fufilling purposes (getting a chance to do the best show)* and Tsukasa is more apprehensive and suspicious of Rui, though he also doesn't back away from the challenges Rui throws at him due to his goal to become a "world future star".
*he also initially joins more to get Nene to break out of her shell as opposed to anything for Tsukasa's sake
As Tsukasa and Rui become more familiar with each other, Tsukasa wants him and Rui to trust each other more, as seen in the Potato event. Tsukasa becomes the one who wants Rui to go all out while Rui is apprehensive.
By Smile of a Dreamer, it's clear that Rui isn't just in WxS to just "put on the best show" anymore. He's doing it for the friendships he's formed there and to be with people who see him for how he is as opposed to a weirdo. Tsukasa and the rest of WxS are willing to take risks for Rui without turning on his back, something that Rui learns in Potato event and RMD.
In that case, Tsukasa blocks out Rui at first, but, through working together in WxS, Tsukasa ends up accepting Rui for how his is, letting Rui's stage directions influence / "invade" him to become a better actor. In turn, Tsukasa's acceptance changes Rui as well, breaking him out of the shell of loneliness he built for himself and making him more willing to trust others.
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brainrotgoverner · 4 months
FINALLY have time to watch an other episode of the Scracthed Universe series so I'm just gonna write this post as I watch it cuz I'm OBSESSED with them:
The way Jumpsuit signaled Fixer to get behind him permanently altered my brain chemistry. THIS is the reason I'm watching this series so slowly, im writing them a fic wherever they like of or not XD
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Okey, pausing my 2013 fangirl rant to talk about how GREAT the infected are
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The mutilated faces are a basic yet extremely effective way to show the virus. It corrupts their faces, like corrupted files. Because that's exactly what they are, they are in a video game and they are made out of digital blood and 01100100 01101001 01100111 01101001 01110100 01100001 01101100 guts. The faces are unnatural and unique to the character (and even according to game mechanics as the Spy's can hide it), it makes you feel uncomfortable in a way only uncanny valley could and I love that XD
ALSO this moment I'm losing my MIND here with this series-
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Another reason I like their dynamic so much is even though Jumpsuit is more comfortable in this environment, Fixer is in no way helpless. Shown in the way how he efficiently held up his own before Jumpsuit showed up to save him from the infected Spy (WHICH only got the upper hand because he was about to backstab him) in the last episode, the way even though he panics frequently and Jumpsuit calming him down definitely helps, he throws in ideas on what to do, fixes sentries and jumps right back up to headshot that Demoman after getting blown up. I like how they both have strong suits in different departments and complete their dynamic. I'm fairly positive they are going to make it out <3 please don't tell me I just jinxed them
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WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?????? THIS IS ACTUALLY DISTURBING LIKE I'M NOT KIDDING- the other infected were spooky, yes, but this is downright bone-chilling this is WRONG THAT THING SHOULD BE PUT DOWN the only reason I added scared Fixer there is because I genuinely can't handle looking at that thing in full size BUT I might be biased since I was always uncomfortable with hyperrealism in animated horror lol
WHY WON'T IT DIE?????? I mean, I'm happy about the full-white eyes since it's less creepy but NOPE THE EYES ARE BACK JUMPSUIT DO SOMETHING YOUR BOYFRIEND IS SHAKING
To be honest I'm not really sure if the BONKBOT can access the map interface and or if he knows how many people are on the map thanks to his visors or something BUT he is a brilliant character XD he is a perfect way to lower the stakes and sprinkle in some comedy without it feeling out of place
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...what's going on with Fixer?
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uhh-scout · 3 months
how do i use this. uh. shakes this in front of you ooohhh ooohh its fixer oooh you wanna like it ooohhhh
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stuffedeggplants · 1 year
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Republic Commando but Delta Squad gets a letter from a child on Kuat. This was going to be Fixer but I’m not going to finish this.
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ruffolive · 18 days
dashboard fixer no longer works ;_;
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potatopep · 1 month
shizume, shizume...
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i'm so sane about Fixer nulut. ESPECIALLY the pjsk cover. mhm. i have an important paper due tomorrow but y'know it be like that sometimes
(in all seriousness, despite a bit of wonkiness here and there I'm really proud with how this turned out. Especially as I don't normally do backgrounds lol)
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Tumblr Fixer 2.0
I'm making this the first post of my sideblog - I'm the same user as madamepestilence, and you can message me on my other blog if you'd like to confirm that.
I'm not affiliated with Tumblr whatsoever, but I'm sick of their changes. This list will provide exclusively the uBlock Origin changes, which alter their site to a much more bearable condition.
This list of changes will alter your page to look this clean:
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What you need to add to your uBlock Origin dashboard is as follows:
www.tumblr.com##[href="#managed-icon__shop"]:xpath(../../../../../../..) www.tumblr.com##.I6Lwl ||assets.tumblr.com/pop/src/components/one-piece/assets/toggle-dff697e4.png$image www.tumblr.com##div.MNkkC:nth-of-type(2) www.tumblr.com##.RAEnv ||64.media.tumblr.com/eb3cc57ecea1ea4f54214a39526675ff/ea6c161a5fdfdce8-25/s512x512u_c1/0b98d9d20de62cdcb6798fd0c54a72ad8ebc7f01.pnj$image ||64.media.tumblr.com/eb3cc57ecea1ea4f54214a39526675ff/ea6c161a5fdfdce8-25/s512x512u_c1/0b98d9d20de62cdcb6798fd0c54a72ad8ebc7f01.pnj$image www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(2) www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(41) www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(50) www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(89) www.tumblr.com##.Gav7q www.tumblr.com##li.g8SYn.IYrO9:nth-of-type(4) www.tumblr.com##.oNZY7 > .FtjPK ||assets.tumblr.com/pop/src/components/one-piece/assets/toggle-6d176646.png$image www.tumblr.com##li.g8SYn.IYrO9:nth-of-type(8) www.tumblr.com##li.g8SYn.IYrO9:nth-of-type(9) www.tumblr.com##li.g8SYn.IYrO9:nth-of-type(3) www.tumblr.com##div.MNkkC:nth-of-type(3) www.tumblr.com##.ZyGTE.I_SFh www.tumblr.com##div.FZkjV:nth-of-type(4) www.tumblr.com##div.FZkjV:nth-of-type(3)
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sidacer · 9 months
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-*raiders* "Give me the case!" -"Fuck you. Shoot me" -"Pass me case or I shoot you" -"You know what? Fuck you too."
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sophiethewitch1 · 2 months
Nothing like there being something visibly wrong with you <3
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bwabys-scenarios · 4 months
Just wanted to say: NEVER be scared to send or tag me in fanart of my stories! It doesn’t matter if you think it’s “good” or not, I will ADORE it!
I’m sure any other writer would agree, that fanart of our series/fanfictions makes us beyond happy! I’ve gotten fanart a few times and honestly it made me cry!
I love and appreciate every piece I get <3
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