filez34 · 9 months
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these idiots need to touch some grass asap
ost: cosmo sheldrake - pliocene
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bad-comic-art · 18 days
the more i fixed the more there was to fix but i liked the style of the face and hair so i did my best
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kinda gave up on drawing clothes tbh
I think they look much more natural
fix by @arunneronthird
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keirashark · 9 months
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simnopke · 3 months
Body Temperature Fixes & Changes
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Download on Mod The Sims
simNopke-coldDiseaseFix simNopke-insideActionsTemperatureChangeFix simNopke-passedOutAndFrozenSimsFix simNopke-supernaturalTemperatureCapsFix simNopke-combustionChanceChanges-no simNopke-combustionChanceChanges-chance0.1%-threshold85 simNopke-combustionChanceChanges-chance0.1%-threshold99 simNopke-combustionChanceChanges-chance1.1%-threshold85 simNopke-combustionChanceChanges-chance1.1%-threshold99 simNopke-visitorsMayPassOutOrFreeze simNopke-visitorsMayPassOutOrFreeze-tryLeaveEarlier
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boringbones · 3 months
Have you ever imagined what The Sims 3 would be like if, when changing characters, the camera didn't have to navigate over the entire map, freezing and causing small lags? I'm working on my camera mod, to make switching even simpler, easier and faster, without the hassle of batches being rendered while the camera navigates around the map. Enter HERE to vote and help me take the best path for this mod (and who knows, why not, both)
Take advantage and tell me here in the comments what you think of the idea. If you like it, share it with your friends
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serendippertyy · 1 year
☀️ retired sisters! 🌙
I'm in the same boat as fans who didn't really like the idea of the sisters completely giving up their roles and leaving twilight to do everything, so I made up a concept to change that- here they are after they've given up half of their magical abilities to twi, which changed their hair just a bit, and they also don't rlly need to wear regalia so they're just chillaxin but they can be called to action whenever needed!
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maxxxam · 6 months
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oldmanffucker · 3 months
Thinking abt Wilson pulling a prank where he only writes/types when he talks to House, before the funeral roadtrip (or worse, after but he forgot),& House is getting increasingly hurt by it as the days go by & he starts avoiding Wilson, not going to him for consults or mooching off him in the cafeteria & finally storms into Wilson’s office looking angry and .. frightened? throwing Wilson’s keyboard off his desk, telling him to stop fucking typing, demanding to know why he is punishing him. Bonus points if it’s after the road trip & Wilson forgot abt the 2 months of John House ignoring his son this way and House asking if Wilson thinks he isn’t doing a good enough job of grieving his dad so this was his way of making him snap and deal w his daddy trauma. Wilson has that deer in headlights look as he realizes he’s seeing House in a triggered emotional state & that he genuinely hurt him.. .
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madamepestilence · 8 months
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More on my Jay passes lightning on to Sora au (I really need to get better at naming aus)
I really needed to doodle this before i slept. I like the idea of Cole being the only other person who can see ghost Jay. I also like the idea that sora doesn’t even know Jay follows her, but idk, I also like him telling her about how her powers work etc. and for people who don’t wanna click the link, the au is basically Jay dies during the merge and let’s his power pass on to someone else. Instead of sora having “tech” power, it’s lightning, but she uses it to jumpstart her mechs and tech etc. the angst and humor is just too good to pass up
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serinigalini · 5 months
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tvickiesims · 8 months
No Bump Maps On (Certain) Floors
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I remember back in base game (or very early EPs) all of the floors pictured above had no bump maps and I liked them. But then Maxis decided to add them in and they started having those horrid dark shadows when zoomed out. Today I decided that I had enough of them and made this fix 😃
It's a tiny TXMT edit and takes almost no place. Only fixes the floors pictured above.
Compressed, clearly labeled, gif included.
Download at SFS
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bad-comic-art · 8 months
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Here's a "fix" i did from one of the many Artemis panels posted, mainly just a red lined anatomy critique that i drew based on the og proportions
This may be more thought put into this than Ed Benes put into his entire career lol
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imfromsixam · 1 year
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Hey guys!
For those who want the #BathroomClutterKit! functional switches, here's my contribution. I added a couple more colors. I'm very sorry for the quality of the textures, I tried to improve it with AI but it wasn't possible, it's way too small.
It's base game compatible. 
Download here
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simnopke · 1 month
“Sim Dropped Out” Memory Fix
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Download on Mod The Sims
simNopke-simDroppedOutMemoryFix simNopke-simDroppedOutMemoryFix-collegeTruition added 26 Mar 2024
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hamham-moments · 1 year
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