#trying to find tracey fanfics like
flyingpochama948 · 2 years
Would like Ao3 to consider making a main character filter because it kinda sucks searching my fav character's tag only to have them have a relatively minor role in a fic that focuses on the fandom's popular ship.
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sastielstories · 5 months
A little update on Electric Indigo...
It looks like the story is finally coming to an end and will likely have 4 more chapters before the ending. I have caught up a lot recently and have 3 chapters in the works so yay for that!
In case you never knew about it, it was an AU Sastiel story which involved a love at first sight scenario where Castiel meets Sam at a nightclub and passion ensues. Not before all the fluffy awkwardness though 🤣
It's a fun story with plenty of meet cute scenarios, eating at a diner cafe, a walk through Central Park, Castiel’s best friend (OFC) Tracey getting to know Dean (implied relationship) and both Sam and Cas trying to play it cool the entire time with only some success. All of this happening in one night!
The aftermath of the night is coming... and also more smut in all honesty. It is my first fanfic where I have properly written smut and published it. I get cringe about it but I know that if I can't write it at least somewhat well, then I will always find it awkward.
ANYWAY, here is the link to the whole story below:
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markeronacomputer · 3 months
The Two Best Fanfics I’ve Ever Read
I’m bored and today is my birthday, so I figured I should post a lot so I get a lot of the seratonin that comes from messages from Tumblr. Anyways, if some of you guys are bored and want to read something, here’s the two best things I’ve ever read… neither of which are on any of my main fandoms (unless you count Pokemon, but I’m not THAT into it…):
Blackened Skies - A Danganronpa Fic by MrCynical and CSpratt (AO3)
Blackened Skies takes place after the events of the three main games, and sees all 16 of the series Blackened (give or take a few characters who aren’t technically Blackened but might as well be) mysteriously brought back to life on a gigantic cruise ship called the Despair of the Seas.
A ship that belongs to none other than their former captor, Monokuma. Naturally, what follows is a Killing Game: a Killing Game more heated and intense that the first three combined, with the line between friend and foe blurring more and more each day as new bonds are formed, old ones are tested, and secrets- wether ones hidden by the students or taken by Monokuma- are unveiled.
As tensions continue to mount and bodies begin to pile, our protagonist- who I won’t name for the sake of spoilers for Chapter 1 of V3- must find a way to reestablish harmony among their classmates, and escape the ship or die trying… for a second time.
This fic is… awesome. I mean, it feels so accurate that it’s basically just a fourth game. A fourth game that treats even the most hated Blackened as people and not just running gags, shines a spotlight on underdeveloped and unexplored characters, and overall actually might even be BETTER than its source material.
Naturally, it contains major spoilers for all three of the games- and the anime, too- and it gets knee-deep in spoiler territory QUICKLY, but it is worth it. It is so worth it. I can’t imagine how much of a ride this fic must be without the context of the three games, but it’d still be really good.
Boldores and Boomsticks - A Pokemon x RWBY Crossover AU by DarwinCandidate (Spacebattles)
Boldores and Boomsticks sees the ragtag team of Huntresses we’ve come to know and love, Team RWBY, and throws them into an another world: this one overrun by not Grimm, but equally strange creatures that are just as widespread and perhaps even more powerful, yet far more benevolent. Creatures called Pokemon.
However, the Grimm threat is still an issue to worry about in this world. They weren’t the only things to come through those portals, after all. Along with their new, powerful little animal buddies, they’ll have to face enemies new and old to protect their new friends on the other side, and find a way back home.
This one is just as cool as Blackened Skies. I actually didn’t know anything about RWBY before reading this, but from what I’ve seen since, it is VERY in-character, especially with the tone and humour (Tracey’s depiction of Gary’s crash and burn, for example, will never fail to make me smile.)
This little guy has inspired a whole bunch of hypothetical Pokemon Isekai AUs from me, one of which I actually kinda like but at the same time I’m like light years away from being able to write it because I’ll need to wait until the series is finished which could take like a year for all I know and also it’s a really small channel so I need to ask permission oh wait shit I’m rambling again forget I said that
ANYWAYS, go read it! It’s funny and weird and cool and Pokemon crossovers are so awesome and I’d love to read more of them!
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gaycey-sketchit · 1 year
Hello again! Today let’s ponder this: do you have any ships you like? If so, talk about them! Why do they spark joy? If not totally cool, shipping isn’t for everyone! Alternate/bonus question- what’s your favorite friendship in Pokémon? I personally love Ash and Pikachu’s friendship, but also the main character and your partner in mystery dungeon games! Or, bonus question, two characters who have the funniest mutual hatred. 
Hi! Oh, I absolutely do. I love love and I'm a multishipper, so there's so many ships I like. To name a few of my favorites:
RespectShipping (Ash/Drew): my blog title was "The RespectShipping and Sickfic Guy" for like two years, and my old URL respectful-ramblings was also a reference to just how much I like this one. I got pulled into it by the fanworks, particularly the AMVs on YouTube! Like all my other rarepairs with little canon interaction, it's about the Potential. Their personalities pair together in an interesting way, I like the contrast of Ash's friendliness and open, earnest nature versus Drew being more aloof and putting on a facade a lot of the time. Plus the fact that Drew is the most traditionally romantic mofo and Ash is oblivious on that front. But at the same time, they're not without their similarities. It's also really nice aesthetically, I think. They look nice together.
I also have a lot of positive associations with it because I was hyperfixated on it when I met some of my closest friends and my life was generally taking a turn for the better after some really rough years.
OakShipping (Gary/Tracey): this one took hold of me pretty recently--I think early or mid 2021 was when I happened upon a fanfic that just. Did something to me. (The fanfic in question was Secrets Kept by MetalPrincess13 on FFNet, and I can literally pinpoint the exact moment in that fic that well and truly sold me on the ship.) And then roughly a year later I was doing Sicktember and most of my ideas were for them, and things just sort of snowballed and this is one of the ships I'm most known for being obsessed with now.
As for why I like it so much, I think it's again, about the potential and the contrast. There's a lot of opportunity for interactions beyond what's been shown onscreen since they literally live under the same roof (which makes getting them in the same place way less difficult for me than what I've been used to), and the way their personalities play off each other is fun. There's also a good range for what you can do with how their relationship progresses, from a very smooth friends-to-lovers transition to a situation where they're both well aware of how much is at risk if they pursue their feelings and things end badly, making it a really big deal when they both decide it's a risk they're willing to take.
ArroganceShipping (Drew/Gary): hands down my favorite nevermet, and I think a big part of why is because they're just so fun to write together. They're both so quick-witted the dialogue practically writes itself (the hard part is getting them to stop when I'm trying to end the fic) and I find it interesting how inverse to how the other ships I tend to gravitate towards have a "seem like polar opposites on a surface level, but are actually Not So Different" thing going on, they seem similar on a surface level but there's actually a lot of differences between them.
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The infamously corny Star Trek TOS episode The Omega Glory was on TV last night and I watched it. My ideas for how I’d rewrite it to make it less silly:
The Yang ancestral culture wasn’t literally the USA, it was just a society that looked kind-of sort-of like the USA in the same way some pre-Columbian American and ancient Indian societies may have looked kind-of sort-of like ancient Athens. That by itself would make the episode much less stupid, and you could keep most of the same basic ideas.
Since we’re not bound to absurd levels of parallelism anymore, I’d personally be inclined to make the Kohms light-skinned blue-eyed blond(e)s and make the Yangs darker-skinned with darker hair and eyes, and imply that the Kohm ancestral society was fascist instead of communist. Maybe sprinkle some symbols distantly reminiscent of Nazi iconography around the Kohm village. It’s not like there was any meaningful connection between the Kohms and communism anyway, and I feel this resonates better with a lot of the ideas the episode was going for. Admittedly, this is probably influenced by my own biases.
Basically swap the roles of Cloud Williams and his mostly silent female companion who doesn’t really do much.
Why? Let’s think about how Yang society might work for a moment. I’m going to say they’re horse-riding big game hunters, like the nineteenth century Great Plains native American cultures on Earth, because 1) that fits with the idea that they’ve been driven into marginal lands and had to become nomads, 2) if you want nomads capable of assembling armies of thousands of people it’s either that or Eurasian-style herders, 3) it fits with the “they’ve become like native Americans” idea. They’re very slow-aging, theoretically capable of living over a thousand years ... but if they’re like their precedent cultures on Earth they probably live fairly rough and dangerous lives and I think would probably tend to live only a few decades or centuries before dying in a hunting accident or battle or something like that. But... going by Earth precedent, it would probably be mostly the men who do the most high-risk activities of hunting and war, which might result in very gender-asymmetrical life expectancy patterns, where men tend to only live a few decades or centuries while women stay relatively safe and have a decent chance of living to be thousand year old ancients. This would be compounded by 1) a lower death rate would mean a lower birth rate for replacement rate reproduction, 2) they’re almost immune to infectious diseases, which would make childbirth in primitive conditions much safer, so that would greatly reduce the probable primary cause of death for women in such a society (childbirth complications). So I think it’s pretty plausible that they’d have a more-or-less matriarchal society where women have a lot of power because they live a lot longer and hence have a lot more time to accumulate experience and become repositories of culture (important for a low-tech nomadic society that will have a mostly oral culture!).
So, I’d gender-swap Cloud Williams; my version of her would a matriarch with a leadership position in her tribe because she’s one of its oldest able-bodied members, she’s got a thousand years of experience and she’s had time to memorize a lot of the oral histories of her tribe and become basically a living library. Why would such a person be anywhere near a battlefield? Well, “the oral histories of her tribe” would include a lot of war stories, with detailed and often basically accurate descriptions of tactics and strategy because that’s how knowledge of how to win wars against Kohms and rival Yang tribes is transmitted in her society. She’s a living tactical manual, so of course she leads her tribe’s warriors in battle.
She could have a companion who’s a big guy who doesn’t talk much and does the brute strength side of what in the episode is Cloud Williams’s role (fighting Kirk in the cell, ripping out the bars). Maybe he’s her grandson, and was captured with her because one of his roles in the tribe is to be her bodyguard in battle.
Related to what I just said, have a bit where Captain Tracey says that he expected the primitive and superstitious Yangs to be overawed by phasers, but instead it was almost like they have a recent cultural memory of war with modern weapons and war against technologically superior opponents and they quickly started using effective counter tactics. Given the explanation in the episode for the long lifespans of people on Omega IV (very strong selection pressure for disease resistance), none of the Yangs would actually remember the ancient high-tech Yang civilization and original war against the Kohms, but the generational transmission chains from a lot of presently living Yang matriarchs to that time might be relatively short. For a lot of the presently living Yang matriarchs shooting down Kohm helicopters with surface-to-air missiles and ambushing Kohm armored columns in mountain passes might be something like “my grandma’s time.”
The reason the “Eee Plab Neesta” sounds like gibberish is that Cloud Williams is reciting it in its archaic original language, which the living Yang language has evolved into mutual incomprehensibility with. The Yangs might have one lovingly preserved paper copy of their equivalent of the Declaration of Independence, but their culture is mostly oral, and they mostly preserve the “holy words” in the heads of the matriarchs, who memorize it and transmit it from mother to daughter exactly (“by heart”), being careful to get every syllable right so it does not become distorted. The oldest matriarchs can still speak the ancient language, but for most of the Yangs, especially the relatively short-lived men, it’s like me listening to somebody recite Beowulf in its original language.
This is more-or-less my headcanon for what’s going in the actual episode too: the “Eee Plab Neesta” is just the text in its original now archaic form of the Yang language, which the universal translator can’t translate because it doesn’t have a big enough sample to work on. I’d make that much more explicit though.
The way I’d handle the scene is to have Cloud Williams start to recite the Eee Plan Neesta, and then have Kirk ask her what it means and suggest that she try to translate it into the everyday language of the Yangs so all her people could hear it with understanding, and of course it wouldn’t be the actual Declaration of Independence but something different but with a similar spirit, something like this:
“We the people of these five colonies of the nation across the sea and seven nations of the original inhabitants of this land, establish a Union, which we found in and organize according to the following principles: that all people are equally precious, that laws exist by the consent of the people and to serve the people, that leaders serve the people and hold their offices by the consent of the people...”
Then have Kirk give his speech about how these words are meant for everyone and not just for chiefs and should be something shared among all the people and lived by and not something gatekept behind archaic language most people can’t understand. Have him reference the USA founding documents by saying that his world has something very similar and he knows from the history of his own world how world-changing these ideas can be and how precious they are.
Obviously you can’t do that “the Yangs try to find out if Kirk recognizes the holy words, and Kirk almost recognizes them but not quite” thing with this version, so the equivalent I propose is:
Kirk recognizes the original functions of Yang “holy relics,” i.e. relics from the ancient Yang civilization: one is part of a machine that once carried people through the air (it’s a snapped-off piece of a helicopter blade), one was a device for seeing far away things as if they’re near (it’s a broken pair of binoculars), one was a machine which people could use to talk to people who were beyond the horizon (it’s a broken-down cell phone), etc.. OK, the last thing is anachronistic for TOS, but if I were writing this as a fanfic it’s what I’d do.
Cloud Williams starts to recite a long epic poem the Yangs have that tells their entire history, to see if Kirk will recognize it. Of course Kirk doesn’t, but while the Yangs don’t have history books they do use visual textile art as an aid to memory and they’ve set up a big story cloth that depicts the narrative in the room and Kirk goes over to it and starts pointing to pictures on it and correctly interpreting them:
“Here, the Yangs were oppressed by kings. The Yangs rebelled and overthrew their kings and made a new nation that had no kings. After this the Yangs became very rich and very powerful, they built great cities. The lords of the Kohms were threatened by this and they used terrible weapons on the Yangs and invaded the Yang land with great armies. Here’s a Yang city being destroyed in an instant by a Kohm weapon. The Kohm lords were so threatened that they tried to destroy the Yangs’ whole way of life. The Yangs retreated to the bad lands and kept fighting. Here are Kohm flying machines attacking a Yang village, and a Yang warrior hiding behind a rock destroying one of those flying machines with a lance of fire. The Kohm lords couldn’t overcome the Yangs until they brought the Death Thirst to the Yang lands in a box and let it out. But that weapon had a life of its own, and turned against the Kohms, and almost destroyed them too. Only a few Yangs survived in the bad lands, and the Kohms claimed the good Yang lands and settled them. But the Yangs survived, they learned the bow and the lance, and eventually their numbers started to increase. The survivors lived longer than people had before; you interpreted this as a gift for the Yangs and curse on the Kohms by the Great Spirit, so that both might live to see you retake what was once yours. And little by little, you did retake what was once yours...”
One way to suggest the Enterprise crew making a positive difference on Omega IV at the end of the episode: have Kirk convince the Yangs to spare the Kohm civilians in that village.
The victorious Yangs are all set to give the last Kohms the Numbers 31 treatment, which is what they usually do when they overrun a Kohm community. Of course, Kirk is horrified by this, and he manages to use arguments involving the Yang “holy words” to convince the Yangs to be merciful instead. “Your own holy words say that every person is equally precious! Every person! That includes the Kohms too! If you really mean it, it includes the Kohms too! They’re no threat to you anymore! Did you fight for so long just for a chance to do to them what they tried to do to you? If so, how are you any better than them? Your own holy words claim to be for all people! Your own holy words say that all people are more alike than they are different, and all people are capable of appreciating the gift of freedom! If that’s true, then your holy words are for the Kohms too! That’s why the Kohm lords were so threatened by you, because they were afraid of what would happen if the Kohm people heard those powerful, good words! Tell the Kohms about your holy words!”
So Cloud Williams agrees to make a merciful and peaceful settlement with the “last of the Kohm places,” let it integrate peacefully into Yang society with no further bloodshed and no abuse inflicted or spoils taken. And then Kirk says “If you mean your words of freedom, your work didn’t end today, it’s just starting. Build good seaworthy boats that can cross the ocean, and send people to the Kohms across the sea, so they can hear your words of freedom too! The words of your ancestors are for them too! You’d never be able to conquer them, but they can hear your words!”
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alolanrain · 4 years
Raihan taking pictures with ash having fun with friends, raihan social media followers didn’t know who’s that person with raihan, many followers thinks that raihan best friends just like Leon and others just ship it with raihan and ash as a joke/fanfic
This honestly got away from me very quickly, so have this basically fic that does really keep to the ask.
They were out on some camp sight, Ash’s property he got through his grandpas will that he never touched until last summer when his mom reminded Ash about the property. it was just Ash, his closest friends, their significant others, and Raihan.
Over all it was good. He couldn’t remember a time when he went camping-camping. Like without constant training and devising a way to kick Leon’s ass which he never ended up doing but that’s besides the point. They even brought three awesome Malibu Boats between the semi large group. Most people were paired off into to their respective partnerships or friends pairing up for the night. Raihan was with Ash and they had a good system down.
Raihan is usually placed on the supper side of the two sleeping bags that were dipped together to creat one large one because then Ash wouldn’t accidentally open it up while they were sleeping and stumble off the air mattress and onto the cold floor. Raihan also cornered him to the side of the tent and the past two nights they’ve been essentially cuddling, which they didn’t mind since both were naturally warm and Unova nights can get pretty cold out in this dessert... forest?
Over all they started to slowly stick more around each other. Raihan taking a bunch of pictures and Ash happily joining him when ever he asked. It got to the point where Ash would either slide into Raihans lap or side without prompting when he saw the Rotom Phone flying around Raihans head. It honestly felt good holding Ash by his side and Raihan refused to look at May and Misty’s pointed eyebrow wiggles as they cuddled through the trip. It’s also gotten to the point where, at night by the fire, Ash would pad over with the s’mores stuff and happily sit his cute little butt down in Raihans lap.
Internally Raihan is freaking the fuck out slightly, wanting to either pull Ash closer and kiss the top of his head all over or kinda push him away and go to their tent because Raihan is definitely sure a boner is gonna pop any second, outwardly Raihan keeps his face in his phone and raises a hand to hold onto Ash’s hips as the shorter male kept wiggling about. Getting comfortable while also setting s’mores crackers, chocolates, and peanut butter cups on one of his legs Liz neutral look on his face forced on, especially when Ash did a hard grind against his hips as he wiggles about to get even more comfortable. Inside Raihan was dying, though that didn’t stop him from raising his phone a little and pointed the super HD lense at the smaller one in his lap.
“Hey Ash?” Raihan rumbled. Keeping his voice down because it looked like Brock was dozing off with Olivia happily tucked in his side and fast asleep as well.
“Whu?” Ash spluttered. Desperately trying to swallow the mouthful of a s’mores that he just made and turned to look at Raihan.
“Smile.” The gyn leader grinned. Trying to not sound dreamy as Ash gave Raihan one of his most stunning and happiest smiles Raihan had ever gotten out of him. “Thank you.” He reached out. Gently caressing Ash’s back and smiling a little when Ash lent back a tiny bit, arching his spine to press more into Raihans palm before returning to his s’more that Pikachu had tried to steal without its trainer noticing.
Raihan was angled enough that neither anyone sitting besides him on lounging chairs would be able to see his phone screens. Not like they would anyways because Zoey is trying to silently argue with Dawn that four s’mores is already enough and Gary was sleeping in Tracey’s side, one of the firsts to go down and even before the sun had set.
Raihan looked back at the photo he just took of the Champion in his lap. Ash looked absolutely stunning with the almost twisted almost side profile he gave Raihan. Brown eyes and white teeth lit up by the roaring bonfire behind him and Raihan could easily pick out where Marshmello stuck to his upper lip and chocolat at the sides of his mouth. Half of his freckles on his nose lit and looked like golden specks flicked on while the others were darker but could still be seen by the faint mini lap that was held on by a branch a little up ways and behind the two. Raihans signature hoodie was big and loose on Ash, gathering at Ash’s elbows and exposing his back and fluffy black hair that was a little greasy. Raihan didn’t hesitate posting that picture to almost every sight he was on. Insta, Facebook, Twitter, both private and public Snaps, you name it and it was on there. Captioned it all with;
“Can’t believe I’m out here with him and everyone. such a blessing to know Ash and the gang ❤️”
He did something he normally didn’t do unless he was at home and was one hundred percent certain that he wasn’t gonna be headed for the day and told his Rotom to go have some fun and charge up as well. The shiny little electric Pokémon zoomed off to where Ash’s Charizard and Raihans Flygon was. Hopefully the little bugger won’t make anyone mad. Setting down the now rotom-less phone Raihan leaned back more into the reclining camp chair. Being careful not to knock Ash back or off the chair entirely. Soon enough though some telekinesis snatched the box away and sent it back into the main trailer where they soley keep their utensils and food cold and dry, also because Gary had hurt his back a week prior before the planned trip so they had to be accommodating as much as they could because Gary refused to be left behind.
Ash glared at Zoey and her new Gothorita and the two stuck their tongues out at him before turning back to Dawn and squishing her under her quite complaints. He shrugged and looked back at Raihan. eyeing his chest and bitting his bottom lip like he wanted to ask a question, that sight sent more blood down south because Arceus dammit that was a sinful look and Raihan really wants to cover Ash’s face so he can either calm his dick down or not see Ash’s realization on what’s going on.
“Can I...?” Ash waved his hand and pointed to Raihans chest where one of his arms were crossed over. A hopefully look in his eyes and he leaned down while giving Raihan a look.
“Su-sure!” Raihan coughed into his fist. Thankfully his face was a little to far from the fire and skin to dark for anyone to notice his raging blush. Raising the arm over his chest Ash gladly sunk down. Moving and wiggling about, much time Raihans enjoyment and torture, until he tucked his head a little under Raihans head and had one of his arms reaching across and up to cling to the light jacket Raihan was wearing at the upper shoulder area.
“Comfy?” Raihan couldn’t help but chuckle. His own hands falling back down to curl Ash closer and shift him slightly so that he was hurting each other in anyway like this.
“Mhmm,” Ash sighed, deflating slightly and closing his eyes in bliss, “you’re warm.” Punctuating the last part by Turing his head up and nosing along Raihans lower neck before stilling and enjoying the heat he was getting from both the fire and Raihan.
Raihan really couldn’t move his head much because of how Ash was laying on him and he was thankful. No doubt by the prickly feeling in his spine everyone else, who was awake, was wiggling their eyes at him or giving Raihan a pointed glare. Choosing to take the moment he started running one of his large palms up and down Ash’s back slight. Tipping to the side and not his hip so that he didn’t rub Ash’s ass and and going as far down Ash’s thigh that his long arms could allow without jostling Ash to much.
Said trainer his his arms was practically purring as Ash was becoming putty in his arms. Arching and leaning his back a little into every touch before soft snoring could be heard and Ash didn’t move anymore. Sighing Raihan moved both arms over Ash again and tilted his head back, looking at the stars above and trying to find some constellations to pass the time before someone calls bed time and the rest follow afterwards.
Raihan didn’t post anymore pictures after that one surprisingly, it was only the third night there out of the week stay, though that doesn’t say he didn’t take a lot of pictures.
Most of them just happened to be of Ash or Ash with him or Ash with everyone pokemon. Especially of Ash in his swimsuits.
Raihan drove the biggest Malibu boat, not very keen to know what kind it is or power it had just that it could go fast and faster then the other two boats piloted by Gary and Brock. Everyone was happy that there was a public boat launch not to far from Ash’s property and that they’ve been out in the sun and taking dives into the cold water that had come from a nearby mountain.
Back to the phone, it was flying everywhere and being careful not to attract a lot of bird Pokémon, Rotom was currently near the back of the boat. Catching videos of Ash and Dawn surfing separately on the waves the boat made. He had to be careful and not go to fast if he didn’t want to automatically sink Ash and or Dawn. Ash was currently the one who was surfing. Dawn had quite two sessions ago and held onto the green rope that they use to get up and into the wave.
Zoey did her call, “flag up!”, and Raihan immediately slowed down to boat even more as he turned to the right. Letting the giant waves crash into the haul head on and grunted at the up and down motion as the boat bobbed.
“You good?” Raihan called. Motioning first Zoey to keep the bright orange flag up just in case Ash wanted to go again.
“Little sore,” Ash called from the lake water, grinning up at Raihan before squealing when Dawn all but hurled the green rope at his face when he came into launching distance, “I’m hungry though.”
“Yeah,” Zoey piped up, “Lunch sounds good.”
“I agree,” Dawn yawned into her hands, “and I actually want to get some tanning done today.”
“Sounds good!” Raihan directed his lazy smile at the three, the only ones who wanted to do some water sports as the others just wanted to swim and play with water squirter‘s and chillax, “I’ll call Brock and see how far we got away from the other boats.”
He quickly turned back to the control panel at the steering wheel. Not keen on catching a glimpse of a happy and wet Ash out in the bright sun. That would K’O his ass right then and there and nobody needs that since Raihan is the only one on the boat with a legal driving license.
“This is Big Dragon calling to Hot Chef and Country Gay, where’s your guys’s location? Over.” Raihan had to keep himself from chuckling. Both Gary and Ash were insistent to use fake names over the clip on radio and nobody knows why. Raihan also didn’t have to wait long.
“This is Hot Chef, Country Gay is currently in the water and we’re by the Deschutes side of the lake. Over.” Bricks voice was a bit staticky but it was all good.
Raihan also didn’t bother answering. Just telling everyone to hold on as he slowly ramped up the speed until they were shooting across the water back near to where the boat launch is.
Rotom had fluttered near a holder that the boat had for phones before the take off and decided to be a little shit and show him all the photos it took. Especially all the ones of Ash’s. It only took one look and a sharp under the breath curse to note that Rotom tried especially hard to get some absolutely stellar pictures of Ash. If he was honest with himself and Ash even had a social media account, the smaller trainer would have girls and guys just begging on their knees to take him out on dates.
That irked Raihan a bit much then he was expecting. Hot searing jealous flashed in his chest until a smaller hand came out of no where and gently settled, as much as it could with the wind that was buffing everyone, on his bicep.
“You good?” Ash called over the wind.
The jealous settled down. Content to know that all the photo’s Raihan room were his and that no one else had the exact same pictures as the one in his phone, except for the one he had already posted before. “Yeah.” Raihan answered. Not wanting to bother anyone with his own emotions at the moment.
Ash nodded from the corner of Raihans eye and went to sit back down. A hard wave hit them and Raihan cursed a bit more loudly and quickly apologized before continuing off.
At least he has those pictures.
Which he uploaded when they got to the airport after their stay. Olivia and Dawn were particularly happy about the air conditioning and so was Tracey who had to carry most of his and Gary’s luggage because Gary’s back still hurt a little.
Ash and Raihan were almost always together as they waited for their flights. Raihan was going back to Kanto with Ash, Tracey, Gary, and Brock while the rest were saying good byes to each other.
Raihan, which hes finding a common reoccurrence this week, ignored most of his other media to focus on posting a few more pictures on his accounts. Slightly arguing with himself not to post to many pictures of just Ash and also sprinkle in some other candid shots of a few other friends and a group picture they took at the entry way into the park that they had to drive through to get to the property. Though most of his pictures still ended up being dominated by Ash.
His favorite was the one one, that he didn’t take but Zoey did by snatching his phone out of the air as quick as she could before Raihan noticed, of him and Ash. Shoulder to thigh as much as they could with their feet on the backboard and letting water wash over the hot tips of their feet. Zoey at the time was on another boat during lunch, helping Misty take out the drinks from a cooler in Gary’s boat, and had a perfect clear view of just Raihan and Ash in Raihans boat of the two. Raihans head was ducked down more towards Ash, his original hat was long gone in favor of one of those straw sun hats with some cool orange colored fabric on the bottom to keep more of the sun from his eyes from shining through the little holes of the weave. Ash had a more sturdy floppy sun hat, pushing the brim up to he could smile at Raihan. Cheeks rosie and brown eyes soft.
It competed with the fire and s’mores picture Raihan had taken the night before that day happened. Putting his phone down Raihan focused back on Ash and Gary who were joking easily together about buying each other some touristic Unovian hats just to give to Ash’s Mom and Gary’s Grandpa. An easy smile glittered over Raihans lips as he came over and sling an arm behind Ash as they both asked him what hats should they get.
Raihan didn’t look at his phone, after posting yet another picture of the gang before they had all split up, until after he and the other three had touched down in Kanto.
Gary kept giving Tracey jaw kisses in apology for not being a big help this trip around. Tracey didn’t object to much as he was enjoying the extra treatment that he was getting from his Fiancé.
Raihan was lazily pulling Ash along. Pikachu decided long ago that Raihans shoulder was better then his trainers and had tucked his head against his jaw. He didn’t mind but it did make it a little hard to keep track of Ash who stumbled and grumbled behind Raihan, clinging to his large hand, until they got to the front where Daisy and Professor Oak were waiting. Two separate cars because Ash had warned ahead that Raihan is a tall bastard and is gone need a full back seat to himself.
He was to tired to fully freak out over meeting two very high end Professors, he just wanted to get to Ash’s place and take a three day nap. Raihan gently pushed off Ash and nudged him over to the front of the car where Daisy caught him in his stumble and helped him sit down in the front passenger seat. Raihan placed their luggage in the back of the trunk and cursed under his breath as he awkwardly climbed into the semi small car and tried to situate himself the best that he could with his lanky ass body. Raihan waved away Daisy when she made a wounded noise as she looked how scrunched Raihan was as he took up the whole back seat with his legs and his shoulders were still slouched down with his head to avoide hitting the roof of the car.
It was an hour drive home. An hour where Raihan couldn’t look anywhere without hitting his head but directly at Ash. Who, for the love of Arceus, woke up from his slumber to look back at Raihan with the most sappiest looks Raihan as ever received in his life and shifted so he could reach out a hand to Raihan. Wiggling his fingers until Raihan’s slow moving brain caught up and he reached out his own hand to grasp Ash’s. Who then promptly fell asleep seconds after. Their hands still connected.
Daisy made a snorting laughing sound. Raihan could barely see her goofy smiling reaction through the review mirror as she eyed him and Ash. “You like him.” She quietly sang. Eyes moving back to road again after taking one last look at Ash.
“Uh. Wrong,” Raihan slurred, head not really catching up to what his mouth was saying, “I love him.”
“Even better.” Daisy replied.
“Damn right.” He sniffed before shifting his hand that was holding Ash’s a little.
Next thing Raihan knew he was waking up in Ash’s small childhood bed. Legs cramping horrible and back aching from the way it was arching and how Ash’s elbow is digging into his stomach. His Rotom Phone was right above his face, bright light shining down in his eyes, and displaying over fifty different text messages and calls and stuff from his social media apps.
Raihan blindingly reaches up and snatched his phone out of the air with an angry half growl. Lips curling in a sneer when he noticed that it was only five in the morning. Lazily looking through his messages Raihan only garnered that his fan base was blowing up about his pictures that he posted and that it’s causing the league to freak out as well for some reason.
For all Raihan cared that was the normal with his fan base, even his more normal chillaxed fans, so he didn’t even see a reason why anyone would be calling him this early in the morning.
“Mute all calls and messages unless it’s a complete dire emergency.” Raihan mumbled loud enough for his Rotom to hear before letting go of the phone and trying to gently shift about without waking Ash up. It was an impossible mission to find a better sleeping position with how small the bed was compared to him so Raihan just let it go and slung an arm over Ash curled up body. Feeling the tinnier trainer shift more into Raihan’s chest at the motion.
Eyes falling shut with a heavy sigh. Raihan went back to sleep. Completely and blissfully unaware of the storm that was raging over Galars social media for the last week.
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kittenshift-17 · 5 years
What are your favorite dramione fanfictions??
Ok, so I’ve been sitting on this Ask for over a month trying to think of favorites because I honestly haven’t read a dramione fanfic that wasn’t written by me or one of my besties in a really long time. But I’ve put together a list of those I have read, and those I liked enough to add to my “Favorites” list on FFN. I’ve included a bunch of my own stories, too, since I honestly do enjoy reading my own work and hope others will too. *shrugs*
Presque Toujours Pur by ShayaLonnie Bellatrix's torture of Hermione uncovers a long-kept secret. The young witch learns her true origins in a story that shows the beginning and end of the Wizarding wars as Hermione learns about her biological father and the blood magic he dabbled in that will control her future.
Howl For Me by Kittenshift17: The Ministry enacts a Marriage Law, magically pairing couples who'd never in a million years agree to even speak, let alone wed. Paired off with Malfoy, Hermione has to suffer the added indignity of the Ministry banning all contraception and forcing fertility treatment and aphrodisiacs on them all. Draco's secret makes it worse.
The Alkahest by Shadukiam The Marriage Law, once enacted, has the power to destroy Hermione's perfectly normal life. Luckily, she and Ron are already planning to obey the horrific law together as a team... Until a Malfoy-shaped wrench gets thrown into the works. Dramione. Cover by littleneko1923 (thank you!).
Lady of the Lake by Colubrina Hermione and Draco team up after the war to overthrow the Order and take over wizarding Britain. "I don't even especially mind belonging to you most of the time," he closes his eyes and just breathes for a bit, savoring not being in pain. Finally he adds, "Just… try to take better care of your toys." Dark Dramione. COMPLETE
Last Year by Canimal There's nowhere to hide when a victorious Voldemort sends his best tracker to find Hermione. Draco won't give up until he finds her again. A story of the unraveling of the lies we tell ourselves. (Dark!Hermione)
Give Unto Me by Kittenshift17: The Ministry is offering rewards for having children. They've got a list of unconventional pairings and their willing to give certain people the thing they want most. When Ron overreacts to the idea of Hermione being paired with Mafloy and does something stupid, Hermione's life is set on a new path. One that involves having a baby with Draco Malfoy.
Eros & Psyche by RZZMG Draco challenges Harry and friends to play EROS & PSYCHE, a scandalous card game with a dark, mysterious history. It's Slyth vs. Gryff, male vs. female, pride vs. desire in the ultimate game of hearts and amour! Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Blaise/Ginny, Ron/Pansy, Seamus/Lavender, Theo/Daphne, Harry/Tracey. AU 7th yr. Secrets, romance, angst, and sex await the turning of the first card...
Summer of the Dragon by Lena Phoria 3 years after the war Hermione takes a break from Ron and accepts a summer job collecting supplies for Ollivander's wands. What she doesn't expect is having to work with Draco Malfoy, who's more haunted by his past than she ever would have believed. Together they will travel the world, fight dragons, conquer demons and maybe find exactly what they're looking for. COMPLETE.
The Silver Dragon by Kittenshift17: "This can never happen again," he warned quietly, waving a hand between the two of them indicatively. Hermione nodded emphatically in agreement, not daring to say a word lest she be terribly rude. Or vomit. Either was an option. Hermione wondered why she had a terrible sinking feeling inside to think that it still might.
The Green Girl by Colubrina Hermione is sorted into Slytherin; how will things play out differently when the brains of the Golden Trio has different friends? AU. Darkish Dramione. COMPLETE.
Stripped Bare by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* Dragged to Malfoy Manor, Hermione is tortured for information on Harry's whereabouts. When the Cruciatus curse proves useless, Bellatrix settles on a heinous course of action to loosen her tongue. Forced to come together under threat of death, Draco and Hermione are about to learn there is more to their relationship than hatred.
Ninety-Five Percent by HufflepuffMommy A new Wizarding Marriage Law has come into effect and Hermione takes her chance with the Ministry and lets them decide who would be the best match for her. Who would ever believe that Draco Malfoy would be her best match with a 95% Compatibility? (Hermione/Draco). Rated M for language and mature themes later on. COMPLETE!
Sang et Lumière by Freya Ishtar  *8th Year* Late one night, Hermione hears a sound that chills her bones—a howling from the Forbidden Forest, yet all werewolves fled at the end of the War. When she finds Draco stumbling back into the castle the next morning, she becomes his confidante . . . and something more. 
Tip of My Tongue by Kittenshift17 When Draco's wife is caught cheating and pregnant to another man, Draco must fight for custody of his son, Scorpius. Hermione, determined to ensure her son, Aurelian, grows up knowing his brother without Draco finding out, somehow winds up tangled into the middle of Draco's impending divorce. Can she help it if she also keeps finding herself tangled in his embrace, and liking it?
His and Her Bruises by lezonne "I congratulate your ability to leave a mark on me, Granger. Although I must make a point of it that my bruises on you are far larger than yours on me. When competing, you should always aim to win, yes?" Fractured timeline from fourth year up; will eventually look into their lives after school. Violent references. Sequel "His and Her Scars" is now up!
The Wayward Familiar (complete) by Freya Ishtar Returning for 8th year, Hermione unexpectedly winds up with a 2nd familiar when the one she buys for Ron as a gift—a ferret she jokingly names Draco—refuses to go to him. When she realizes the creature isn't what it seems, she goes further than she ever thought she would to get the real Draco back.
Addicted to You by Kittenshift17: An act of kismet whilst herb gathering sees Hermione interacting with an unknown werewolf. When he bites her while she is in her animagus form, he sets into motion a twisted destiny that binds them together as mates. With Remus and Sirius there to help her through, Hermione's biggest worry is finding out the identity of the werewolf who marked her.
Star-Crossed by HeartOfAspen Three years post-DH (EWE/Dramione). A prophecy handed down the Malfoy line for generations revolves around Draco, throwing a wrench into the life he's trying to rebuild. Even more perplexing, it somehow also seems to involve one Hermione Granger? Angst and murder, fluff and stuff.
Amuse Me by sloanwolves DMHG head boy and girl share a dorm. Draco walks in on Hermione doing something naughty then blackmails her. And Draco has been secretly been pining after the head girl all year! - Rated M for explicit sex scenes, language and lots of casual drug use.
Little Do You Know by Kittenshift17: Post-war, eighth-year marriage law fic. In a world where pureblood pomp collides with muggleborn sass not everything is as it seems. As the pairings unfold in the most peculiar matches, the current and former students of Hogwarts have a learning curve ahead of them. Little do they know that those people they called enemies might turn out to be their perfect match.
A Dangerous Affair by krissh Hermione was terrified. The rage in Draco's eyes was unmistakable; He looked like he was ready to kill someone. When she did not answer, he slammed her arms above her head, pinning her to the wall. "How dare you mock me like that," he snarled in her face. "You filthy mudblood."
Curls and Bruises by s l y t h e r i n d o l l  "When I'm done with you, I won't need your permission. You'll simply be begging for it."
Better Dig Two by Kittenshift17: Hermione never expected she'd fall pregnant with a lovechild fathered by a mystery man to get back at Ron for cheating. Her drunken revenge leads to the birth of her son. 5 years later she is confronted by Draco Malfoy with a photo she thinks is of her son. Things get complicated when he tells her it's not.
The Risk-Reward Ratio by MissiAmphetamine Set during TDH; a maimed, disillusioned Draco surrenders himself to the Order after he earns Voldemort's displeasure. Hermione's pity for him blooms into something more and he stops seeing her as just a mudblood, as they both discover there's far more to each other than they ever thought possible.
A Regular Life by acro acro Draco's mouth popped open. He'd seen hair like that before in his other life, all curling golden-brown madness, rippling and crackling with an intensity that matched the gold fire in its owner's eyes. Her eyes. Her…Mione. Draco stumbled forward on disbelieving feet. "Granger?"
Lost Images by EvilGu  MARRIAGE LAW Hermione must marry Draco Malfoy- the only wizard that (begrudgingly) petitioned for her who is not actively trying to kill her. If only there was some loop-hole... Can the unlikely pair survive marriage, in-laws, ghosts, murderous enemies, and their own traitorous feelings?
Unrequited Snowfall by Kittenshift17: Draco Malfoy has a secret. An Infatuation. An Obsession. '"I have to admit Granger, I was less than pleased with some of the things you drew in this book of yours" he said, pulling his hand away before he could do something crazy like sliding it into her hair and tugging her close so he could snog those pouting lips of hers.' Sequel: UNREQUITED SNOWSTORM.
Unrequited Snowstorm by Kittenshift17: SEQUEL TO UNREQUITED SNOWFALL. The trial of Draco Malfoy was the most controversial of the year. Most felt that he ought to be thrown into Azkaban for his crimes, the other half passionately believed it was wrong to lock up an eighteen year old boy for choices he'd been forced to make under duress. Hermione Granger never expected the trial to take a turn like this. DMHG.
Isolation by Bex-chan He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP.
Draconian Heart by camnz Hermione had known the bitter end was coming, but it still took her by surprise as their cottage was crumbling from the force of the Deatheaters' assault. There really wasn't any hope left, but she would fight none the less. The dark side had won and there was no place left in the world for the remnants of her side, so this is how it ends. Very DARK - contains non consentual.
Wrapped In Red by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* During a school wide Secret Santa, Hermione has the bad luck of picking Draco Malfoy, suspected Death Eater. When she tries to sneakily learn his secrets in order to get his gift, and Malfoy winds up trapped under some mistletoe, things get out of hand. Who said snogging a Death Eater wouldn't land her in a strangely addictive mess? A Christmassy Dramione tale.
The Switch by BackInBlack99 When Hermione and Draco wake up in each other's bodies, chaos ensues. Will they set out to make or break the other's reputation? And can they find something more along the way? Pride, pranks, and forbidden temptation...
The Boy in the Hammock by galfoy Hermione tugged at the string holding the hood onto the boy's head, gingerly pulling the fabric back to reveal his face. Lying before her, barely recognizable beyond the swelling and the blood, but still very much himself, was Draco Malfoy.
Seeds of Seduction by AnjaliMalfoy There is only one rule in the game of seduction...Never fall in love. Draco Malfoy is a prized Death Eater. Hermione Granger, a member of the Order of the Pheonix is sent to seduce him for information.
Fallen by cyropi What can you do when hatred is tearing your world apart? Can you survive when love is all you have left? And how can you win when you’re fighting your own reflection? DMHG, HPGW.
Mistletoe Masquerade by Kittenshift17: *COMPLETE* Hermione Granger receives a strange and beautiful gift anonymously, and is swept off her feet at the Ministry's staff Masquerade Christmas Ball. Caught beneath the mistletoe, Hermione finds herself snogging an incredibly intoxicating young man, only to be shocked when she learns with whom she had been locking lips.
Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes Two years after the war, a young stranger pays a visit to the burrow. His arrival alone is baffling, but the news he brings of an upcoming war turns the world upside down. Hermione's quiet, post-war life will never be the same.
Someone Saved My Life Tonight by JadedDragon4 COMPLETE! They didn't choose to be partnered together or for tragedy to strike. But now, lost, hurt, and together, they must choose to save each other . . . or die alone.
Bathwater by xXBeckyFoo It's their 7th year,the Dark Lord's dead and the Death Eaters are all rounded up. Nothing could go wrong, right? There's a sense of peace in the air, but how long can it possibly last when the Ministry's throwing people together for all eternity? Curse the new Marriage Law.
An Aversion to Change by Mel88 Sent back to Hogwarts with the suspicious title of Head Boy, Draco is forced to share a dormitory with none other than Hermione Granger. With a war looming on the horizon and another danger even closer to home, their final year is anything but ordinary.
A Marriage Most Convenient by AnneM.Oliver Hermione lost it all when she divorced. Draco would lose it all by age 30 if he didn't marry. Marriage to each other would be perfect, one would even say it was most convenient. Her daughter even looked like him, although, he wondered why that was.
What A Difference A Night Makes by Kyra4 DHr prefects, top students in their year and Houses. Makes sense that they'd be chosen by the faculty for an honors project that requires them to be locked in the astronomy tower all night. Will they fall for each other or rip each other apart? COMPLETE!
Soooo.... Yeah.... Lemme just fling these 42 recommendations at you. *laughs*
All I ask in return is that if you read the works by these talented authors, please, please, please, make sure to leave them some kind and encourgaing reviews in return.
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quinnmorgendorffer · 5 years
What’s... what the gay Jason Bateman show
Let me tell you about this show. This show. This fucking beautiful, awful, terrible, amazing, gay sHOW.
So, Jason Bateman did a Vanity Fair interview on YT talking about his biggest roles. Not all of them were really big or iconic, unlike the GQ one, which I highly recommend. So, anyways, he does the VF interview and he brings up this short-lived show in 2001, because his career has been like almost exclusively short lived TV shows since he first popped up in like one season of Little House on the Prairie. And this show was called Some of My Best Friends. And the conceit of the show is that a gay man and a straight man live together. Oh the hilarity!
Trust me, he was very much making the same sarcastic jokes about that, about how “apparently that was progressive back then”. And he already said it in the interview, but one look at this picture tells you who exactly the gay man is supposed to be:
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That’s right, it’s Jason Bateman playing a gay man. But, like, a Will Truman gay man with a Jack best friend sort of thing. It lasted nine episodes. It’s a dumbass concept based off a film written by a straight man that based it off his own experiences I guess and he was really trying his best to be a good ally. But like…it’s not good lol.
So, the full set-up is that Jason Bateman’s character—whom we call gay Michael since it’s gay Michael Bluth—was living with his bf, got home one day and found the bf left him. He puts out an ad for a roommate and calls himself a “GWM” - gay white male. This Italian—they emphasize him being Italian so much, so I just call him Italian dude—wants to be an actor and needs to get out of his controlling mother’s house. So, he sees “GWM” and thinks it’s “guy with money”. Eventually he realizes what it really means and after at first freaking out, the pilot ends with them deciding to stay roommates. And the remaining episodes are just wacky hijinks and misunderstandings.
Now, I love sitcoms of all kinds. And I love truly awful shows, too. And so when I found out all the episodes are on YouTube, I fucking rejoiced. As did @theonewherelaurynhasablog. She gets me that way lol.
So back in February, after I got home from work one day, we sat down to rabbit them (RIP, man). We invited others btw and got no interest. Whatever, it was their loss.
And yes, it was awful. But also not awful. There were jokes that landed. Stories that I found highkey hilarious—as did Lauryn, btw. 
There was a very weirdly delightful episode where gay Michael hangs out with his very gay friend and the Italian dude’s mother and ends up, after some persuading, giving her sex tips. There’s an episode where he helps Italian dude throw his parents a big anniversary party and shit goes down. There’s an episode where Italian dude think gay Michael is into him and then vice versa. It’s all so dumb.
But weirdly funny.
And so fucking shippable. 
The last episode we ended up watching—I think we have one more left but like I had work the next day and she had uni—they find a stray dog and, after some convincing, gay Michael allows them to take it in. They become a fucking family. But Italian dude has gay panic because a girl in their building assumed he was in a relationship with gay Michael. Eventually, since it’s a sitcom, the owners find the missing ad and take the dog back and gay Michael is so sad because they were a family and he liked that!!! 
Keep in mind btw that his fucking sister is his LANDLORD! He has a family!!!
So, what does Italian dude do to make it up to him for his gay panic and all?
So, yeah, we ended up loving it despite how  horrible it was. We were planning an AD fanfic around it—Blunder style, obviously, with gay Michael being Tony and Gob as the Italian dude, Lindsay as his best friend, Sally as the landlord, and Michael and Tracey were going to be the over-involved “parental” roles. IF we ever have the time, maybe we’ll make it happen. We had an over-arching plot starting anyways like it’s so easy to make this straight story into a straightbait story.
But, again, the show’s not good. It’s not horrible, but it ain’t good. And, yes, I’m glad it got cancelled or else we probably wouldn’t have gotten AD. Still, it’s really fun. And, as an added bonus, YT has both the pilot AND the unaired pilot.
Best part of the unaired pilot, you ask? Well, it’s almost exactly the same, except a different woman playing the Italian dude’s mother, bUT! BUT!!!! For whatever reason, all the transition music is “Blue (Da Ba Dee)”. For LITERALLY! NO! REASON!!!
Yes, we watched both.
Anyways, I’m sorry this got so long, but I am so fucking passionate about this show. I love dumb, awful, multi-cam sitcoms like this. I love trash TV in sitcom form. And this is as trashy yet as good as it gets. So bad it’s good to the max.
And today Lauryn brought it up in a discord server we’re in and then made that moodboard and I told her to publish it so I could have it somewhere and that’s why it’s up months after we watched it.
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea Rambles - Parents in the Pokemon Anime
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If you watched Pokemon the way I have for the last 20 years, you start to notice things along the way and start to get a little curious.
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Take the second episode of the original series for example. A simple line that might have come and gone. When Ash reaches Viridian City and his mother mentions that it took Ash’s father four days to reach that town. You probably won’t give it a second thought especially if you just started the series.
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Fast-forward another year or so and you start to question about Ash’s father a little more. You only see Delia. And at times you’ll see Delia being accompanied by Professor Oak. Go a little further and you watch the third Pokemon movie. Sure this guy Professor Hale has a wife and child, but what kind of past does he share with Delia? More years pass by and you start keeping this question in the back of your mind. Who is Ash’s father? And along the way, you’ve compiled several theories on that question. And for added drama, you might have added Giovanni from Team Rocket to this paternity suit. And then you meet some of Ash’s other companions and notice that some of them are also without another parent...or just flat out DON’T have any parents (to our knowledge).
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Don’t get me wrong, I love how Pokemon has given us different families to look at throughout the years. From Ash’s small family with Delia, to May’s family, to Clemont and Bonnie’s father, and despite it being dysfunctional as fuck, Brock’s family, we see different things.
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But when I see single parents like Delia, Johanna, Grace, Meyer, and Abe (and if you’re not keeping up that’s Ash, Dawn, Serena, Clemont, and Mallow’s parents), I often wonder what happened to their partner. I don’t find anything wrong with this. Single parents rule! I was raised by a single parent and have the highest respect for them. I just get curious is all. I’m sure everyone else does too. I know I spent just about 20 years speculating who was behind Ash’s creation. And I know we will never know Ash’s father’s true identity. Though thanks to a certain light novel, we can officially squash any chances of it being Professor Oak, Professor Hale, or Giovanni. I know it seems wasteful to bring up the parents of this show. I mean, they send their child out at the ripe-old age of 10 to catch wild monsters in a ball and get caught up in butt-loads of trouble. Meanwhile, they stay at home or do their routine day-to-day jobs like proper adults. But we have to remember this one thing.
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THEY BROUGHT THESE CHARACTERS INTO THIS WORLD! Delia didn’t spend God-knows-how-long to squeeze Ash out of her lady clown-car to not get a mention or appearance every now and then. So yes, mention these parents! In most cases, they’re great, offer great comedic relief, a home-cooked meal every now and then, and there to wipe away the tears. Well...those are the good ones. Brock and James had some interesting families. And I use the term ‘interesting’ loosely. I will mention Jessie’s train-wreck of a life later. And then there are those characters whose parents are never mentioned. While Misty has three older sisters, her parents are never mentioned or seen. Iris’s parents are never mentioned and all we know about her is that she was probably taken care of by the village elder (not even a grandparent). Cilan has his brothers Cress and Chili, and once again, no mention of parents. And then there’s Tracey...Okay, here she goes again!
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*sighs dreamily* TRACEY! No mention of parents. Not a damn thing. We’re not even sure if Tangelo Island (the island where Ash and Misty first met him on) is where he’s originally from. Yes, I’m guilty of writing fanfics of Pokemon and decided to add backstories to characters like Tracey, yes especially Tracey because he’s worth it and deserves it. I’ve written fics where his mother dies when he was younger, fics where she’s just sickly, and other ones where she’s perfectly fine and she’s actually there. And while I was at it, I had Misty’s parents be on constant business trips, Ash’s real father died in a car accident, and Dawn’s father did bad things (that’s the cleaned-up spoiler-free version of it) That’s the fun of writing fanfics. It’s fun to imagine your favorite characters with things the show would never think of doing or bother throwing a bone to. It’s been 13 years Pokemon. Are you gonna show my anime husbando or not? Tick-tock. Needless to say, the Pokemon anime has been rather lax about the identity of these missing parents. And people without a trusty search engine or are not fluent in Japanese are shit-outta-luck. Because some of these characters have some interesting, sad, and down-right fucked up family back-stories.
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On the anime’s surface, there are only a few standard families shown. May and Max have their parents Norman and Caroline. And despite having one almost fall-out episode in mid-AG season, they’re quite the happy family. Sophocles’s parents are quite the cute-lovey type and because they look too much like each other, I’m starting to have other theories. Like are Sophocles’s parents brother and sister...like Milhouse’s parents? (don’t be silly Medea, they’re not). And the same happiness can be said about Kiawe and Lana’s families.
And then you have the single-parent household as seen with Dawn, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, and Mallow. I’ll get to Mallow later.
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Brock... *sighs* Yeah, fun times with this one. As we all remember from episode 5 (and in the dub), his mother died and his father ran off, leaving Brock alone to take care of the 10 brothers and sisters. In actuality, Lola left the kids in Brock’s care, she didn’t die. Imagine my shock in 2004 when I learned that Pokemon Chronicles was a thing and that the bitch was alive and well this entire time. Thanks a lot 4Kids. Even when Lola and Flint are around, they often leave and do erratic actions. And usually it’s up to the eldest siblings (Brock and Forrest) to take charge. Trust me, their doofy behaviors have lead to the Pewter Gym to almost be shutdown several times. So, they’re not the best of parents.
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Lillie and Gladion gets a little complicated. In the games, we all saw that Lusamine wasn’t a very caring mother and would put her work ahead of her children. She even downright verbally disowned them at one point. Harsh. The anime decided to be nicer to Lusamine. Yes, she’s dedicated to her work, but also cares for her children Lillie and Gladion (though Lillie had her own reservations about her mother early on). Lusamine even sacrificed herself to the Ultra Beast in order to save Lillie. That’s a mother for you! Where does it get complicated? The father, Mohn. In the games he disappeared while researching the Ultra Beasts. And in the anime, Gladion and Lillie have assumed that he has passed away. But thanks to revelations in SM108, there’s hope for both as Mohn could still be alive. I just fear that his memories will be gone like in the games.
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James of Team Rocket had one of the best backstories in the entire anime with the one episode Holy Matrimony back in season one. I’m actually surprised they kept a lot of things in tact in the English dub. Yes, both of his parents are alive and they are horrible people. Faking their deaths to try and drag James back home and force him to marry a dominatrix. Yeah, Pokemon has some fucked-up backstories. Time for it to get more fuckier! Again, if you’re not fluent in Japanese or haven’t lived in Japan during the height of the Pokemon fandom, you probably didn’t know these existed. RADIO DRAMAS! Yes, Pokemon had them! And with that, Jessie’s backstory time!
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In the dub, we were pretty sure that Jessie was either very poor or in an orphanage and very poor. In actuality, Jessie’s mother was a high-ranking member of Team Rocket and left her daughter at a young age in order to search for Mew. And because Miyamoto was never heard from again, Jessie was sent into foster care. Wonder why the anime never wanted to cover that little detail about Jessie! Kinda shines a light on how sad it was that she used to eat snow for dinner.
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And then between 1997-1999, Takeshi Shudo (creator of the Pokemon anime) came out with the light novel, Pocket Monsters The Animation. And that’s where we learn a little more about several original characters. Ash’s mother Delia was indeed a young mother. She met a man, got married, and had Ash when she was around 18-19 years. And in a flash, Ash’s father left on a journey and hasn’t been back since.
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Brock’s mother Lola married and divorced SEVERAL men after Flint left the family. Most of Brock’s siblings are just half-siblings, if not all of them. Do you know why Brock keeps hitting on older women? He wants to bring one home to be a mother to the young siblings. DAMN. And as for Misty, her parents left Misty and her sisters. Yeah, you’re gym leaders now. Laters! Okay, I can see why the Pokemon anime decided to be a little laxer when it comes to some of these stories. Abandonment is not a happy story to write for an age-appropriate anime like Pokemon. And maybe because of the rate of women having babies at younger ages, they probably didn’t want to show that Delia was one of them. And then Brock’s story...Yikes, man! Yeah, stories like Delia, Lola, Misty’s parents, and even Jessie’s mother might be a little much for little children to absorb. Or so people thought in the 90s when Pokemon first debuted. Nowadays, there’s so much in western media and even anime that has advanced from just 20 years ago. Look at how parents are portrayed in western animation like The Loud House and Steven Universe. Who knows, Gen8 of Pokemon could possibly give us a same-sex family (one can only hope).
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In the latest episode of Pokemon (Sun & Moon episode 108), we get an unanswered question of a character’s parent. All we knew about Mallow was that she has a father and a brother. This being the 20th year watching Pokemon and have gotten so used to seeing characters in single family homes, I decided not to give it a second thought and write fics later down the line. That was until a couple of weeks ago when we learn about an upcoming episode involving a pokemon and communicating with the dead. And we get a screenshot of Mallow crying. Holy shit. Is Pokemon really going to do this? Or is this going to be a bait and switch?
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Guess what, they gave us a story about Mallow’s mother. They even went the extra mile to show us that she was actually sick in the hospital and mention how Mallow’s anger-induced words were her final words to her mother. In this episode, we see Mallow reunited with her deceased mother even for just a moment. I’m glad we got an episode like this. There are children who have lost a parent at a young age and sometimes don’t know how to deal with the feelings that come up pre, during, or post-death. And many of us wish we could say one last unresolved feeling to that loved one again. Mallow definitely wanted to see her mother again and she got to say what she wanted to and even hug her before she disappeared.
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DAMN POKEMON. Mother/daughter moments are like my absolute weakness. And while I didn’t cry, I still felt the feels deep in my soul. That also means Misty and Togetic’s goodbye is still my #1 for saddest Pokemon moments. However THIS is now #2.
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I honestly think Pokemon is evolving when it comes to stories about the character’s parents. And other heavy subjects including death. Writers are seeing that children are more mature than they originally thought. In the last two years, Pokemon has talked about death 4 times (three of those were pokemon deaths). God only knows what the English dub will do to this episode. We’re getting more heart-wrenching stories from this series. I’m glad I kept with watching Pokemon well into my adult years. Cut through a lot of the crap and sometimes, you get little gems like this. I can’t wait to see if Pokemon has it in them to continue giving us stories like Sun & Moon episode 108 (and others) or even on the same level as the radio dramas and Pocket Monsters light novel. Maybe not the Brock story. Okay, I think that’s all I wanted to talk about here.
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water-writings · 5 years
I was tagged by @demidemonwrites and @ezwriting. Thanks you guys and sorry this took so long to write! 
I know I will be breaking the rules to some extent, but I will be answering both their sets of 11 questions here. I don’t have exactly 11 people to tag, let alone 22 at the moment haha. Sorry!
Demidemonwrites’ questions!
1) Least favorite writing trope?
I’m going to be honest, I’m not entire sure. I’ve never thought of this before. I actually went through a couple forums where people are telling their least favorite tropes to see if anything struck with me. Honestly, I couldn’t find anything. Maybe I haven’t read a lot to know what I don’t like or if I’m just not that picky. I guess if things are written well I’ll be down with anything. 
I guess if I had to pick one, it would have to be “the good guy is actually the villain” trope. With Frozen I remember when I first sat down in the theater and thinking “Haha what if Hans was the villain” and then BOOM I was right. There was some other movie I watched where I called one of the good guys being the villain, but I can’t remember what it was.
2) Which of your characters are underdeveloped but you want to develope more?
My current new character for My Hero Academia, Yuriko Umeda. She’s the first character since my Marvel character, Tracey Madison, that I’m super excited to work on and write for!
3) Do you prefer writing stories or worldbuilding?
I prefer writing stories. I’ve mostly written fanfiction and gone off of worlds from fandoms. But I have recently been practicing worldbuilding by attempting to add onto the already existing worlds. I have an original story in the works, but I haven’t touched it in nearly four years. It’s there, but I’m struggling with it. Maybe one day I’ll finally figure it out. But yes, I like writing stories more so than worldbuilding at the moment. 
4) Where do you do most of your writing? (In bed, at a desk, ect...)
Literally anywhere. I write on my computer and on my phone on Google Docs so writing is portable for me. I do tend to write more on my bed or on a couch. I guess somewhere where I’m comfy.
5) If you have multiple ocs, what do you do to keep all their info organized?
Hahahaha I don’t. I’m pretty sure there have been times where I created a character in my head, came back to them months or even years later and forgot what their name was. I used to write a list of characters I created (even ones that I didn’t have stories for) back in high school, but now I don’t. I guess I just remember characters I really like. If I write for them I remember them of course, but if they are characters I have in my head and create a story for them then I tend to remember those characters. Although, I probably should start keeping them organized somehow.
6) Do you write your ideas down or are they mostly in your head?
Both. I tend to come up with ideas in my head (as everyone does haha) and when I have time I write them down on my notes section of my google doc for the story. But I also have ideas written down and in my head. Small ideas come to mind every now and then that I forget about that pop back up or they are minor details that I’ll write in as I write the story. 
7) What is your character(s) favorite food?
Yuriko’s favorite food is omu rice.
Tracey’s is Hawaiin pizza. 
Barry’s would be fried rice.
Aria’s is cookies.
Wes likes pretzels. Crunchy or soft he loves them.
Lyra’s is meatloaf. 
I haven’t thought of Barry’s, Wes’, or Lyra’s before but those popped in my head. It might change, not sure haha.
There are probably other characters that I can’t think of at the moment or characters that I haven’t written for in forever that I just omitted from this list. These are my recent projects. 
8) Out of all your character, which has the best story arc?
I guess Tracey? She’s the character who I actually write a complete story for instead of abandoning it. To this day I’m not sure how I did it, but I did. I have four stories completed in the series with her in it. The second one I liked, but looking back on it there’s some stuff I’d like to change in it. But I also think with that story I was able to develop her character more after that. 
9) Do you prefer heroes, villains, or anti-heroes?
D. All of the above. I like characters who are well written. Even if its a villain I will like their character. 
10) What character have you had the longest?
My longest character would be from my very first fanfic ever, but I don’t want people looking into that one hahaha! Out of my recent characters its definitely Tracey and Barry.
11) Favorite villian trope?
This was another thing that I’ve never thought about before and once again I looked into lists of villain tropes. I think I like bad just to be bad. One of my favorite villains is Joker and he’s evil just because. Another trope (if you count it as a trope or personality) is crazy. Harley Quinn, Junko Enoshima, and Himiko Toga are happy crazy and I don’t know why, but I love characters like that. 
Ezwriting’s questions!
1. Do you listen to anything while you write? Music, television, white noise, etc.
I tend to have something on in the background, whether it’s music, TV, or YouTube. I just like to have background noise. I do like to use music to picture scenes for stories. There’s been times where I’m listening to a song randomly one day and I just picture a new scene that has that song playing as background music and I just add it to a story. 
2. Can you describe your favorite character? Either yours or a beloved favorite from a book or any other media – I’d just love to hear about them.
Tracey and Barry are my MCU OCs. They are the Madison twins and they’ve been with me since I was a freshman in college. So about six years or so. That may have given away my age who knows lol. 
Barry worked with SHIELD and was picked up right out of high school. Tracey didn’t know what he did until the Battle of New York where she basically interrogated him on his uniform. Tracey is a hacker. She majored in Computer Science (even though I know absolutely nothing about it) and she has been playing with computers since she was a kid. She had an interest in them. 
Pepper was a friend of their mom’s so that’s how they met Tony and then the Avengers through Tony. Everything just falls into place or goes down hill from there! 
I’ve worked so much on them that they have become my favorites. But at this point, I’m taking a hard hiatus on them and focusing on other characters.
3. When you write, do you have any particular requirements before you can start? (Have to be a specific somewhere, need music, etc.)
Nope! If I end up writing, I’m lucky. I have the worst attention span and lack of inspiration at times that the moment I sit down and try and write I end up watching the most random videos on YouTube or scroll through Tumblr. It’s bad haha. 
4. Do you prefer to be hot or cool when writing? Do you snuggle up with blankets or have fans running, or are you somewhere in - between?
I’m in between. It depends on the day. Like right now I’m fine sitting on my couch in some comfy shorts and a shirt and write. But some times my legs might get cold and I’ll lay a blanket on them. But that’s usually if it’s cold out. I’m in between.
5. What kind of writing ‘quirks’ do you have?
None. I literally sit and write. I usually have background noises I mentioned in the first question (sometimes, very rarely, will I write in silence). I might have a cup of tea or a snack, but other than those I don’t think I have any writing quirks. 
6. What is your favorite book or book series?
Harry Potter, Peter and the Star Catchers, and The Truth About Forever. 
7. Is there anyone who inspires your writing?
@pen-in-hand @apocalyvse They’re writing is amazing!!
8. What first got you started in writing?
I honestly can’t even remember. I think it was this anime that’s my favorite called D Gray Man. A friend got me into it late 8th grade early freshman year of high school and I loved it. I was also a major major dork back then (probably still am but not as much) and had a crush on one of the characters that I wanted to create my own to add into the story. I think one of my friends told me about ff.net and I picked up a notebook and pen and started writing. 
I do remember a couple times in elementary school where I had to write short stories. One I think I still have in my junk somewhere that was about a dog wanting to be a sled dog and the other was I had to write how the Oregon Trail was made. That one I don’t have, but I think I remember I wrote about how a girl ran into a goblin in a forest and had some competition with him over something. She ended up using this basket she had and used it to create the trail. 
Elementary school Mel was wild. I don’t even know how I remember that Oregon Trail one. Star Kid pick up my story and make a prequel to Trail to Oregon.
9. What would you suggest to new writers?
Just write. Even if you think it’s bad, just write and post it. Someone is going to love it. You are also your worst critic. I look back at my first fanfic and CRINGE when I think about it. But I have reviews on it. I also look back on it and realize that I have improved so much since then. You improve as you write and you can only go up. If you enjoy it, keep writing. 
10. Do you prefer to write first, second or third person?
Third person for sure!
11. How do deadlines affect your writing? Do they hinder or help you?
I don’t set deadlines for myself. Unless I’m writing something for a holiday or as a present to someone. I don’t do deadlines, but I think it would either help or hinder me. It would help me sit down and write, but I also think - knowing me - that I’d procrastinate and then rush to meet the deadline. Rushing would then result in my worst work I think. Maybe. But I just don’t do deadlines. I post when I want to.
My questions
1. Do you write fanfictions or original stories and did you ever write fanfiction? 
2. Did you ever write your stories in the middle of class instead of paying attention? 
3. How many notebooks do you have filled with your writing? 
4. What’s your favorite way to write? Notebook, Word Doc, Google Docs?
5. Do you write by yourself or do you need people writing with you? 
6. Have you ever cowritten with someone? 
7. Who do you bounce ideas off of? 
8. Have you ever taken an experience from your life and written it into a story? 
9. Favorite type of music to listen to while you write. 
10. Have you ever had anyone give you “advice” that hurt you and prevented you from writing for a while? 
11. Have you ever had fans of your writing pester to write a certain way? 
I tag @pen-in-hand @apocalyvse @starsandstormyseas @loopally @morganwriteblr @writing-and-nutmeg @luciandra-writing @nightwingshero @scouthearted @invernessie41 @odpadkywriter @alalawrites
I did 12 instead of 11 since I had two sets of questions haha!
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rainythefox · 6 years
Reap What You Sow (Far Cry 5 fanfic)
Chapter 8: Little Brother
The Hope County Jail looked even more like a disaster from when she was last there. Allison remembered Sheriff Whitehorse mentioning the Cougars getting into heavy gunfights with reinforcements from the cult, thanks to Jacob. There were no bodies around, but the junior deputy could tell there had been several. The air carried a trace of burning flesh, and Allie could only figure that the Cougars had burned the bodies of any casualties.
One wall of the jail looked about ready to crumble, a semi-truck jackknifed into it. Shells from different calibers of gun were scattered on the asphalt around the entrance, and the remains of several charred vehicles were strewn about as well.
Allie and Boomer were greeted with several barrels of guns poking down at them from the top guard walks of the jail wall. She immediately raised her hands and called out at the Cougars.
"It's me, Allison!"
She saw a familiar face and hat come over the wall, staring down at her. "Rook, you gave us a scare! Thought you were another of Jacob's Hunters."
"Sheriff! May I come in?"
"Of course! Hey! Unlock the side entrance for her."
When Allison and her dog entered into the front courtyard of the jail, Sheriff Earl Whitehorse descended the ladder to greet her. It wasn't long after he walked up that she saw Tracey Lader coming out of the building with a rifle slung on her shoulder.
Whitehorse clapped Allie on the shoulder, looking happy to see her. He looked her over, frowning at her appearance. "Jesus, kid, what happened to you?"
If he wasn't referring to the bruising all over her neck, he must have noticed the bloody spot on her jeans from where her stab wound had broken open in her escape earlier in the day. Shooting her weapon had also severed the stab wound on her hand once more, and she had wrapped it with an old cloth from her pack.
"Oh, this is nothing, just leftovers from my meeting with John Seed," she said.
Tracey wasn't shy and grabbed Allie's shirt and pulled it down to see her chest, but she didn't find what she was looking for. "Oh look at you go, escaping before he could put his mark on you, lucky little bitch."
"Heh, we'll see. Had to hide out in Dutch's bunker but he found me there, and I escaped to this region. Apparently, he killed people in Fall's End looking for me. I just hope with him seeing me come this way, he will leave my friends alone over there."
"So he can come antagonize us, like we have nothing else to worry about?" Tracey snapped, folding her arms. "Thanks a lot. You do know we've had Jacob's men hounding us for the past few days, right?"
Allison felt guilty, but soon shook her head. "Sorry, not meaning to cause or bring trouble. I just hope to get a few supplies and I'll be on my way. My brother is here in Henbane River, and I need to go meet him before I lose him again."
"Wait," Whitehorse said. "I thought you told me Eli said that your brother wasn't in this region?"
"He wasn't. He was in Jacob's region, but was moved here yesterday. He's at the youth camp, it's been taken back over by the cult."
"Yeah, by Jacob's men," Tracey growled. "And you think you're just gonna take the camp back by yourself?"
Allison shrugged. "After what I've been through, I don't want to risk anyone else's safety."
The Sheriff dipped his head. "Understandable, youngin' but I can't just stand back and let you do this on your own. I know drastic measures have made us go separate routes in this war with the cult, but I owe you my life, and I'm still responsible for you…even if I can only manage that while you're here."
Tracey rounded on Whitehorse. "Earl, we can't lose you too. Dammit, we've lost so many since Jacob's been pounding on the front door. We can't risk it!"
Whitehorse frowned, barely nodding. "I know Trace…but I owe Allison. We owe her…"
Allison shook her head. "It's fine, I can manage. I can't let you guys risk anymore than you have already."
"No," Tracey sighed. "Earl's right. We do owe you, and it wouldn't be right for me to leave you on your ass after all you've done. I can gather up a few Cougars and we can head out when you're ready."
"Okay, uh, do you happen to have a CB radio linked to the marina's frequency or a phone I could call them on? I need to contact Adelaide. John somehow got a hold of my channel, so I don't want to risk trying to contact her right now."
Tracey nodded, motioning to Whitehorse. "Sure. Earl can show you while I round up some fighters."
Dutch greeted them with a scowl and clenched fists as John as his followers invaded his bunker and started looking around. The old prepper watched them for a moment, glaring as the cultists made a mess, tossing over chairs and scattering papers around.
"Come in, I guess," Dutch grumbled.
"Ahh, Mr. Roosevelt. It's been awhile," John said, walking over to the ex-Army veteran.
As usual, the older man remained composed, nodding at John. "It has. Why are you here? You know Allison left, I heard the commotion she caused."
"Just…checking," John answered, watching as his followers made their way through several rooms, making a mess. "You never know what she could've left behind." His lips twitched up a little. "Don't worry, I'm not taking any of your possessions. Not today, anyway."
"We both know that ain't why you're here. So just cut to the chase, John," Dutch growled. "Just say what you're gonna say and leave."
"Always straight to the point," John chuckled, rubbing his palms together. "I do like that about you. You should know what I'm going to say, even though we've been through this before. And you know how I hate…repeating myself over and over."
"Coulda fooled me with all that bullshit propaganda you spread for the cult over and over," Dutch retorted sarcastically. "Besides, I thought you liked hearing yourself talk?"
One follower raised his gun, readying the butt to slam into the survivalist's gut, but John halted him, eyes never wavering from Dutch's. "Brave words for someone in the predicament you're currently in. I can pluck you from this hole you live in, hide in. I can send you straight to Jacob. He would get much enjoyment watching you go through his trials. So don't test my patience or my generosity."
The old veteran dipped his head reluctantly, hands clenching at his side. "Alright. I'm all ears."
"You know good and well it is against the will of the Father to hide and protect sinners wanted by the Project. I've warned you out of the kindness of my heart once already, the Father as well, and here I am doing it again. I better not find out that you took in Allison once more after this warning, because next time I won't be as understanding. Next time, I will take you to Jacob. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Roosevelt?"
"Crystal," Dutch replied through clenched teeth.
"Good," John said, smiling. He nodded at his followers standing with them. With a dip of their heads, they moved off to start rounding up the others. "You have a…blessed evening."
Once his posse was all rounded up, John led them back to the lookout tower where the convoy vehicles were parked. One cultist asked if they were going to leave for Henbane River to track down the junior deputy.
John opened the passenger door to his truck, pausing as he took in the question. He looked east, through the opening in the trees, past the body of water that separated the island from the neighboring region. He slowly smirked, although the followers didn't notice it as his back was to them.
"No need. God will bring her back to us."
It took three vehicles to haul Allison, Whitehorse, Tracey, and the crew she had chosen to come along. They parked at the administrator's cabin, south of the youth camp, as it still remained abandoned. Allison had kept Boomer back at the jail just to be safe, as the cattle dog had an injured leg from running from John and his posse away from the bunker.
Tracey ordered her Cougars to spread out and make a perimeter around Sacred Skies Youth Camp. Before doing so, Allison had given them as much detail on her brother as she could come up with. Without having seen Aiden for three years, it wasn't much. Early twenties, blonde hair and green eyes, tall and probably lanky still was all she could come up with. As a part of Eden's Gate, he would've grown a beard and been tatted up by now.
They kept low and quiet while walking through the forest to the youth camp, guns ready and steps cautious. Allison's nerves were getting the best of her. She was anxious to see her younger brother again after a little over three years of being separated. She wondered what he would think upon seeing her.
Within their act of recon on the youth camp, they noticed there were few peggies around. It wasn't near as populated as it once was when the cult had it as an outpost. Allie could see the Bliss flowers and flower racks used to dry them out had all been burned down from when the Resistance took over for awhile. Some Bliss still remained, however, and the faint aroma from them that touched the air tried to warp Allie's senses a little.
The Cougars reporting to Tracey over radio told of five peggies at the camp, and only one of them matched the description that Allison gave them. He was cleaning up burned supplies and flowers in the middle of the camp. This made her heart soar, but Tracey soon dampened her excitement.
"I don't like this. There's usually more than this," she whispered.
"Jacob's been moving 'em around," Whitehorse said, keeping alert. "Could be that."
The leader of the Cougars shrugged. "Not sure. I just don't like it. If we're going to do this, we need to do it now."
"We can wait for Addie, Hurk Jr., and Sharky if you want. They're on their way from the marina," Allison suggested.
"Let's just do it. You ready, Allie?"
The junior deputy nodded, anxious once more. Tracey gave the go ahead over the radio for the Cougars to knock out the other peggies and to disarm the one that matched Aiden's description and keep him under control. Tracey then motioned for the camp with a nod and headed that way. Whitehorse and Allie followed behind as they heard yells and commotion resonate from the camp.
Entering into the middle of the camp, Allison's heart leapt to her throat. It took all she had to hold herself back from running to him. But it was him! It was Aiden! He had his arms up, looking with worry at the Cougars that threatened him. They reached around and took the handgun from the holster on his hip and gave him a quick frisk down. Tracey ordered the other Cougars to keep watch around the youth camp, leaving only one to keep Aiden in place with a gun pointed at his back.
"Aiden! Oh my god, it's actually you!" Allison exclaimed, her steps brisk and short as she approached him.
He looked to her, bewildered, confused. She was sure it took him a moment to recognize her. He looked so different than she remembered, but it was definitely him. He had grown a short beard, untidy and a bit darker than his head hair, which was also untidy. He was still tall and skinny, though his skin sported more tattoos, as given from being in the cult. He also wore the usual cult attire as well.
Aiden's eyes widened upon recognizing her, but he didn't move much and kept his hands where they could see them. Whitehorse and Tracey stood on either side of Allie, keeping alert. "A-Allison? Is that you?"
"Of course it's me!" she replied. She badly wanted to go up and hug him but knew she couldn't. He was her brother sure, but now he was a follower of Eden's Gate, and she didn't know what the cult could've done to him in the three years he had been with it. Allison thought back to Mary May and her brother Drew, and a sharp prick hit her heart and made it heavy. "You look so different. Still skinny like a twig though."
Aiden smiled, although it was uneasy, nervous. "Well you know me, sis. Always had that rockin' good metabolism." He then frowned. "Wh-why are you here?"
"For you, why else? I transferred here just so I could find you."
"Oh right, you left just before I graduated from the police academy," Allison said. "I'm with the Hope County Sheriff's Department. I transferred here from Colorado…from home."
Realization dawned on the young man's face, and he almost looked bewildered. "Oh my god, you're the deputy that's been causing problems? You're the deputy that killed Faith?"
Allison felt Tracey cringe beside her, a hand going to her holstered gun. Allison took a deep breath and slowly nodded at her brother. "Yes. But Aiden…Eden's Gate is horrible, you've got to know that by now. Surely, you've seen it. I've been trying to help all these good people take back their lives while trying to find you. To take you back, get you out of here."
Aiden shook his head. "N-no! They are my home, my family. I've atoned, I've gone through so much with them, I can't leave. They…they accept me."
He pulled his shirt down, and Allison saw several new tattoos on his upper chest representing Eden's Gate, however, one tattoo stood out amongst the rest on the center of his chest. SLOTH. The sight burned her. It meant John had got a hold of him. Had put him through his torture, yet Aiden was adamant the cult was his family.
"Rook, I don't think he's going to come with us. We should leave," Whitehorse murmured to her.
Allison ignored him, determined to talk some sense into her brother. "No, I'm your family. Aiden, please, I know you cannot believe with 100 percent certainty that this cult is anything good. I know you've seen the truth and just deny it. I've come all this way for you, to save you. Come with us, help us fight back!"
The radio on Tracey's belt buzzed, as if someone was going to speak into it, but it stopped short and became quiet. Tracey grabbed it and brought it up closer to her face, listening, her other hand still close to her gun.
"I can't sis. This is my home now…do you honestly think I would want to go back? After all we've been through growing up? I found peace because of the Father. I want to serve him…return the favor in any way that I can!"
Allison couldn't believe that her brother wasn't going to budge. At least not right now. She frantically thought of a way she could convince him to come with them. Tracey looked nervous, eyes going around the silent youth camp.
"We need to leave. If he isn't coming willingly we can kidnap him but make a choice. Now," she said.
"Oh no," Aiden gasped, looking out towards the woods to the south of the camp. "It makes sense now."
"What does?" Allison questioned.
Aiden didn't answer and grew nervous. Allison swore she saw him start shaking. His eyes darted around before he finally looked to her again. "You need to leave...right now. I don't…I don't want to watch you get killed."
Before Allison could say anything, several low whistles echoed around them, singing an ominous tune. Red dots lined up on Allison, Whitehorse, and Tracey. They saw half of the Cougars that came with them being escorted into the youth camp by armed cultists that hadn't been there before. The other Cougars didn't come around, and Allison had a horrible feeling in her gut they weren't going to.
"Fuckin' Hunters," Tracey hissed under her breath. "I knew it. Set up."
"He's here," Aiden whispered. He gave Allison a look of hopelessness, one of heartache, of guilt. "I'm s-so sorry, Allie. I didn't know."
"Shit," Whitehorse cursed.
Then she saw him. The man approached them with a few more Hunters. She recognized him from when she arrested Joseph Seed at his church, but as he came up to her with a dark smile, she suddenly felt more afraid than she recalled ever being during this whole mess with Eden's Gate.
Seeing Jacob Seed this close and personal put a whole new perspective on fear, and Allison scrambled in her head to figure a way out of this situation, but she knew they were very much trapped. Eli had been right all along.
"Look at this," Jacob said, that dark leer still on his handsome face as he stood before her.
He was so tall, taller than even the Father. He was strong-built and burly, his red beard and hair not as nicely kept as John's or Joseph's hair. He was scarred and burned all along his arms and even on his chest, neck, and face. His eyes were a lighter shade of blue than John's, but just as enthralling. He wore an Army jacket with his name on it, a dirty, tattered grey shirt, jeans and boots. Around his neck he wore his dog tags, a rabbit's foot, and a dog whistle. A red sniper rifle was slung on his back, and a red pistol and large Army combat knife were holstered on his right leg.
"I came expecting just the pretty little deputy, instead I get her and some Cougars, their leaders included. Killing two birds with one stone here. Bet ya don't feel so tough right now, huh?"
Whitehorse and Tracey were silent, rigid. Allison would've never thought to see them both falter in such a way. Then again, coming face to face with Jacob Seed, she understood why. The Resistance often talked about the three Heralds under the Father, and when it came to Jacob, the words fear and power were often exchanged.
Allison wasn't sure why, but she tried to step in front of Whitehorse and Tracey, as if to protect them. Jacob noticed this and cocked his head with a ghost of a smile. He might have appreciated the bravery, but he could still snap her like a twig, she was sure of it.
She swallowed her fear and glared up at him. Why was he so fucking tall? "Well…you got me. Nice tactic there, luring me out by using my brother. How did you know?"
Jacob's eyes rose to glance at Aiden, then went back down to her. "It wasn't me. It ain't my style. If I wanted you, I would've had my Hunters bring you to me, simple as that. I don't do this sneaky shit. Nah, this was all John right here. And I have to hand it to him. You did exactly what he thought you would do. My brother's a lot of things, but dumb ain't one of them. There's times I think the little shit is too clever for his own good. And here we are."
Allie cursed under her breath, a fist forming. She should've known, should've expected it, considering what happened with Mary May and her brother. She should've understood why John looked that pleased that she got away on the boat.
"How did he find out who my brother was?" Allie asked the oldest Seed brother.
A brisk shake of his head, a short chuckle, Jacob slightly leaned in towards her. "Does it matter? Truth is, John has you all figured out already. He's like that. Joseph…he has you all figured out too."
Jacob took another step towards her and she baulked, her mind screaming to move away but her limbs tensed up. He bent down slightly to make his face even with hers and he sneered once more.
"Me? I just need to do a little diggin' around in your noggin, and I'll have you figured out too." He flicked her on the forehead with his large fingers.
Allie took in a shaky breath, but glared at him. "Fine. I'll go with you, but let the Cougars go."
Jacob looked amused by her words. "It don't work like that, sweetheart. You're in no position to negotiate."
Allison had to find a way to get Whitehorse, Tracey, and the Cougars out of this predicament. She knew it was futile. There were too many of them. But it didn't stop her from trying. It was her fault they got trapped.
A loud whirring sound caught her attention for a split second before something just to her left exploded. It knocked her, Tracey, Whitehorse, Aiden and even Jacob off their feet. Rapid gunfire erupted in the youth camp, and yells followed behind. She saw fire, and it was quickly spreading. The explosion rattled her ears and made them ring.
Taking the chance, Allison hit her fist on the ground and jumped to her feet, calling to her friends. "Run!"
The Cougars had already taken the opportunity to fight back. Whitehorse and Tracey yelled out for them, running off. Aiden had hunkered down behind some cover, but she didn't get to call out to him.
"Go, go, go!" Tracey yelled out to the Cougars.
"Rook, run!" Whitehorse yelled.
Jacob unholstered his red 1911, taking aim to the back of the retreating sheriff. Allison knew this was going to hurt. She threw her whole body weight into his arm to knock off his aim. The gun went off just as she hit him, the bullet striking into the ground near their feet, the shot echoing in her already ringing ears.
Like instinct the solider reacted, grabbing her after a hard blow to her head. He flipped her onto her back onto the ground, a foot striking her chest and knocking the air clean out of her. The world spun as she struggled to breathe, pain spreading throughout her body.
"I like your spirit, Deputy," Jacob's voice echoed as she slipped into unconsciousness.
In the inner blackness of her subconsciousness, Allison heard a song. It was an old song, one that reminded her of an oldies station she used to listen to with her father…the good one. Of old black and white movies she would watch with her mother, the one who was a victim. She tried to listen to the words, but it was hard to concentrate on. The tune reverberated in her skull, and with it came a taste of bile. She felt anger, she felt bitterness. Memories of screaming and crying flooded her. She heard herself crying out Aiden's name, calling out to her mother. She heard grown-ups hitting each other, yelling and more cursing. She wanted to kill that man. She reached for anything she could use as a weapon, but blackness still swirled in her mind, still prevented her from being awake. In her frustration, her anger, she cried out, although no sound left her throat. She clawed, she swung her arms, she wanted to kill that man. Allie wanted to wake up. She was supposed to be past this part of her life. That was supposed to be behind her, buried and gone.
Something pulled her. Allison fought it at first, but realized it was dragging her from her inner hell, from something she was supposed to have forgotten. She grabbed hold of it, crying out again. And then she awoke, gasping. The outer edge of her eyesight was tinged with red. Her head pulsed with pain. She was panting, gasping. Freaking out, she looked around. She was bound, held by two peggies on each side of her, and she was on her knees.
It was night time now. Her heart pitter-pattered unevenly from anxiety, from fear, from anger. Gulping air, Allison tried to get a grip on herself, tried to figure out what the hell just happened.
"Holy hell." The dark chuckle, and his words, they snapped her to attention and she stared up at the tall figure of Jacob Seed.
He held a small, wooden box in his hand, but Allison was too freaked out to figure out what it was before he stuffed it in the pocket of his Army jacket. He took two steps towards her and Allison recoiled, fearing pain and suffering, as it was still fresh in her mind. The soldier crouched before her, looking quite fascinated.
Her breaths slowed slightly but she was trembling now as the high she was on started to subside. Allison looked all around her but didn't recognize where they were. All she could see was that they were at some kind of abandoned gas station with several cult trucks parked around. Peggies stood watch around her and Jacob and the two that held her captive.
Jacob reached up, lightly touching her temple and she winced, even though his touch was soft like a feather, despite his calloused hands. "That was quite a reaction. So much hate…so much turmoil. What the hell happened to you?"
"Wh-what happened. Wh-where am I?" she stammered.
"Relax, I was just pokin' around in there," Jacob said, patting her head. "John's on his way. But now that I've seen how you've responded, I really don't want to hand you over."
Jacob smiled as he looked her over. "I love that reaction. You could be what I need in my trials, what I need to…cull the herd."
Allison blinked her eyes hard, trying to focus. Then it registered. She was high on Bliss. Still, the Bliss shouldn't have brought all those inner demons out like that. All those emotions and past memories that she kept buried deep within her.
"What are you talking about?" she groaned.
Jacob shook his head, chapped lips thinning as he rose to his full height. Allison saw the flash of headlights as new trucks pulled into the gas station. "Doesn't matter. You belong to John as of right now. I'll have to talk to Joseph in order to change that."
"What did you do with my friends?" she asked, hearing vehicle doors open and shut in the distance.
"Don't worry, they got away…for now. They're lucky more of your friends showed up and caught us off guard. Lucky break."
Jacob motioned for the peggies holding her to pick her up. They did, heaving her up from her aching knees onto her feet. Allie felt exhausted now that all her emotions were subsiding. Her heart slowly returned to a normal beat, but the Bliss still affected her head and senses some. Her limbs were sore, her throat felt like she had been screaming for a century.
"Where's Aiden?" Allie asked, glaring at Jacob as his eyes were fixated on something behind her.
"Around. You don't need to worry about him. He's where he belongs."
Allie clenched her jaw, tugging on the hold the cultists gripped her with, but they didn't budge, their fingers digging deeper into her arms. Light footsteps approached, crunching under gravel. Jacob's eyes narrowed for a moment, but then they softened, like the object he was watching was dear to him in some way. The look didn't last long though, and soon Jacob's eyes flashed sternly.
"You're late."
Her eyes tore away from Jacob as the figure stepped around to her front, and she looked straight into John's eyes as he looked her over. She didn't recoil from his touch as she was too exhausted.
"I had matters to attend to. It was unavoidable unfortunately," John said, averting his gaze from her to look to his older brother. "What did you do to her?"
"Just tested her, is all," Jacob replied with a shrug. "Very interesting response."
She didn't understand why, but John looked angry. "I didn't say you could do that."
"I know," Jacob stated flatly.
"You had your fun," John retorted, turning to his men and nodding. They walked over, taking her from the peggies who held her. "Save it for the Whitetails."
"Nah, I like her response better. Think I might ask Joseph to let me take her instead."
John rounded on Jacob after that response. The two brothers glared at each other.
"Not going to happen," John seethed.
Jacob wasn't the least bit intimidated and shrugged. "We'll see."
"I have to get her to atone," John said, some kind of strained emotion in his words that Allison couldn't grasp.
Jacob clapped John on the shoulder. "Ahh, don't worry, little brother. You'll have that done by the time I take her."
John bristled but kept his composure. "You're the one testing my patience now."
Jacob sighed, shaking his head. "John, don't let it eat at you. You know Joseph is just trying to help you. He didn't mean it the way you think he did."
John snorted, waving him off. "Easy for you to say."
Jacob grabbed the Baptist as he walked off and turned him around. They glared at each other once more.
"I'd beat the shit out of you right now if you wouldn't enjoy it so much," Jacob growled.
John cracked a smile then, snickering. "Hasn't stopped you before."
As if deciding it wasn't worth it, Jacob relaxed and let his brother go. His look was gentle for a moment, and he exhaled deeply as he fixed John's shirt collar and then stroked his brother's head.
"Get it done," Jacob said.
John struggled with the subtle show of affection and pushed himself away. "I will," he grumbled, and walked away.
Jacob gave Allison one last hard look, a tiny upturn of his lips foreshadowing something before he nodded to his men. They started gathering up to leave, and now she was stuck with John as he stepped back over to her.
"Found your brother, did you?" John asked, easing a smirk.
"Gloat all you want, "she growled. "I don't care."
"You'll see him again soon," John purred, reaching up to grab a strand of her hair. He played with it in his fingers as he peered at her playfully. "But, really, can you believe Jerome and Mary May ratted you out like that? Not very good friends I'd say."
"They did it to save lives. I don't hold it against them…not at all."
"If that's how you see it," John chuckled, shifting her strand of hair through his inked fingers. He pulled her forward with a sharp tug on her hair and she leaned into him, too tired to fight. He tilted his head to whisper into her ear, and she felt a shiver run up her spine.
"Time to confess, darling."
To read the full story, go here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12917971/1/Reap-What-You-Sow
More chapters to come!
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Here’s the fifth chapter of my GTA V Fanfic, and my somewhat lame attempt at getting back into the swing of writing.
Title:  The Ghosts You Draw On My Back
Summary:   Charlotte Weston is a reluctant Vinewood actress, doing minor league roles that her grandfather, Solomon Richards, coerces her into. After one too many tantrums by demanding co-stars, she gets fed up – only to find herself talked off of the ledge by our favorite criminal-turned-producer, Michael De Santa. Will he be able to hold up his promise of being a better man, or will each of them fall victim to the Vinewood Dream?
The sunlight cascaded through the high-rise apartment’s windows, chasing the shadows out and welcoming in the promise of a new day.  Trying (and failing) to stifle a groan as he stretched out, Michael was hit with the realization that he wasn’t alone before the previous night’s memories came rushing back in, filling him with a happiness he had long ago stopped believing existed.  
Almost as if on instinct, he found himself reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Charlotte’s ear, taking note of the soft sigh that escaped her lips at the most gentle of touches, such a stark contrast from what he had been privy to just a few hours prior.
Amanda had never been more furious – screaming, shouting, throwing anything within arm’s reach.  He had never been more glad for his children’s insistence that they not spend any more time together than he had been in that moment; The break-down of the last remnants of their parents’ marriage was not something to which Jimmy or Tracey needed to be exposed.
He had begged Amanda to understand, tried to show her that neither of them had been happy in an exceptionally long time.  “Happy people don’t have as many affairs as we have, Mandy”, he begged, pleading with her to try and see things from his point-of-view.  “We tried the counseling and it didn’t work.  It’s time for us to cut our losses and move on.”  She had signed the begrudgingly signed the papers, but not before promising that he was in for the fight of his life – but he didn’t care; He’d gladly pay any amount of money a hundred times over if it meant that the illusion of a happy marriage with Amanda was finally over.
The shrill sound of a cell phone ringing cut through the air, and Michael found himself half-diving out of the bed to answer it before Charlotte woke up, praying that it was just a wrong number.
“Hey there whatever-the-fuck-your-last-name-is-now, are we just not answering our home phones now or what?”
Stepping out onto the small balcony, Michael slid the door shut behind him.  “What the fuck do you want, T?”, he struggled to keep from yelling, ever cautious of the woman sleeping just a few feet away.  
“What’s the matter, Sugar Tits? No love for your old buddy, Trevor? Well you can relax, It ain’t like this is a social call.  See, my boy up here, Ron - Yes I fucking heard you, Ron, now calm the hell down, I swear to Christ, this is why your wife ran off with the fucking gardener”, Michael heard Trevor shout to the person he assumed to be the lizard people-fearing neighbor he had met during his temporary stay in Sandy Shores. “ANYWHO, my boy seems to think we might have a little trouble from our old FIB buddies headed our way.  It seems Haines isn’t too happy that you turned down his request for a chat.”
The mere mention of the FIB agent left a horrible taste in Michael’s mouth.  He hadn’t wanted to get into bed with the bureau in the first place, but had thought it was his only option; An option that nearly got him, Franklin, Lester, and Trevor – not to mention Amanda and Tracey – killed, but an option none the less.
“Yeah, well, good ole’ Agent Haines can take his meetings and shove ‘em up his ass.  We just got clear of that shit, I ain’t about to go crawlin’ back into bed with those assholes again.”
With a sigh, Charlotte rolled over in bed, desperate to keep the real world from intruding on her bliss, even if just for one more moment.  The night before had been so much more than she had expected, but with the joy, came the nagging voice of doubt – the one that insisted that she was the reason the De Santa marriage was coming to an abrupt end, that her father would be furious about her getting involved with a person with a criminal background like Michael’s.  
Slipping on the robe that she kept beside her bed, Charlotte grinned at the man smiling in her direction from the balcony, mouthing the words “I’ll be right back” before turning to head downstairs.  The Saturday morning paper awaited and with it would be the review of their film.
Desperate to see if the months of hard work had paid off, she bounced down the stairs, flinging the front door open only to be greeted by the smell of the chloroform-soaked cloth being pressed tightly over her mouth, beckoning her into unconsciousness.
“T – T, I’m not going to sit here and argue about this shit.  If you’re so goddamned desperate to stay off of the FIB’s shit list, YOU go to the fuckin’ meeting.”, Michael groaned, wiping his hand over his tired face.  Any other time, he might have paid Trevor’s ramblings some heed, but things were too good – finally having served Amanda with the papers, having had one hell of a night with his dream girl – He wasn’t all that eager to be reminded of his dark past, not yet at least.
“Where in the hell… No, not you Trevor, I’m just lookin’ for Ch – someone, that’s all.”, he caught himself before slipping, knowing Trevor would never let it go if he were to know who he spent the night with.  “Yes, someone that wasn’t my hand – You’re fuckin’ hilarious.”
Turning the corner, Michael took note of the open door, his eyes flicking towards the state of disarray in the entryway as he was filled with a sense of dread – Someone had put up one hell of a struggle.
“T, I think you need to get to Los Santos – Now.   I’m going to need your special brand of help.”
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winter-is-ending · 7 years
Flower ask: Anemone, baby's breath, daffodil, hyancith, hydrangea, iris, poinsetta, rose, sunflower, daisy, tulip, petunia, and lilac (my question for lilac is: If someone wrote you in a fanfic, would you make guesses on what you'll end up actually doing in the story before your official story/chapter debut is uploaded, or keep your actions a surprise? Regarding this, what do you predict you'll end up doing by yourself or with Tracey and Barry by the time you're in Subzero Hero (my fanfic)? :P
Anemone: how old were you when you first started writing?
I was either 13 or 14. I was a freshman in high school at the time when I first found out about fanfiction.net
Baby’s breath: about how many fics have you completed?
Full chapter stories: 3 
Oneshots: Too many haha
Daffodil: do you prefer to write about an OC or an unnamed reader (y/n)?
I prefer to write about an OC (as the numerous stories with OCs tell you). I like to be able to create a personality and backstory on a character rather than reader insert. That’s just my preference though. I do read plenty of both OC and reader insert stories.
Hyancith: do you prefer to write angst or fluff?
It honestly depends on my mood when I write and whatever is happening in the story, but I LOVE fluff. If I read something with really fluffy stuff I will be smiling the entire time. Fluff is also how I’ve met some friends on here and on fanfiction like @thewintersoldierdisaster when I read her storTuy where Bucky was babysitting Steve’s son. So cute!! I was smiling through every chapter haha.
Hydrangea: what inspired you to begin writing in the first place?
I think I’ve always liked to write even when I was little. I wrote two short stories for some assignments back in elementary school (I just found one of them recently actually). But to start writing fanfiction I was inspired by this anime/manga I used to watch and read called D Gray Man. My friend let me borrow the third book one day and I was hooked. I developed a crush on one of the characters (as 13 year old me does) and fell in love with the story and the world. I created a character in my head and it wasn’t until that same friend or another friend told me about fanfiction.net that I decided to build up the courage to start writing. Looking back at that fanfic I cringe so much at the cheesy-ness and the horrible writing, but it shows how much I’ve improved through the years!
Iris: do you prefer writing about a man or a woman character? why?
I prefer women because that’s all I’ve been writing for mostly. I’m not sure why though. I think it’s because I can relate to some things that happens to my character or because I’m a woman and know how we think. However, I do want to write more for men I’m just horrible at creating male characters, but I need to practice more if I want to get better.
Poinsettia:  is it hard for you to make up names for characters in your fics?
Sometimes. Sometimes the names come to me in an instant and other times it takes me forever to think of a good name. I’ll have a character already in development and ready to start writing for but it will take me a few tries to get a name just right. For instance, one character I created was for the anime Fairy Tail and I had her look and personality finished, but I couldn’t think of a good name until I talked with @the-argosy and got a better name from her than what I had at the moment.
Rose: which of your works is your favorite? why?
The Winter Series because it’s the first series that I have actually successfully finished chapter stories in. The number of chapter stories I have started I have failed to complete. I also love the characters I have created, they’re my trash children. 
Although one story that holds dear to my heart is my Four Brothers story. It’s a story I started and had a lot of plans for that I haven’t touched since high school, but I have this feeling that one day I’ll get back to it and continue it. I love the characters from the movie and I love the character I created. I hope to one day get back to it.
Sunflower: what is the best feedback/compliment you’ve ever received regarding your writing?
That’s honestly the hardest question to answer out of all of these. I can’t remember the best feedback/compliment I’ve ever received. I’d have to look through all my stories to figure that one out. But there is one recent review I’ve gotten that was from the recent chapter of What Happens Now? 
Loved this chap. I just want to say that no matter how long between updates, I will always follow this series until its completion! It is one of the best fics I’ve read for Avengers and it is amazing. You will always have my views!I know that, for me at least, I need someone to tell me they are still reading my story even after I haven’t updated in a while. So, I’m doing that for you! Can’t wait for your next update!SuperWhoLandLocked
Seeing this review after nearly of year of not updating made me smile a lot. I’ve been feeling down about my writing and my story. I feel like the series hasn’t been doing as well as it did when I first started and that I lost readers. I also have been really busy which has kept me from writing which has always been a stress reliever and a hobby of mine which has made me a little upset. Not upset to the point I’m depressed every day, but just upset when I try to sit down and write and nothing comes to mind. But this review honestly made me really happy. Reviews have always encouraged me to continue writing and have let me know that I still have readers who are waiting for what will happen next. Seeing this review made me so so happy and this person is one of the sweetest people I have talked to in the past. So thank you so much for this review it definitely made me a lot more confident after posting the recent chapter!!
Daisy: would you ever consider a career in writing?
Yes! I am studying journalism as my minor along side my fashion retail major. I hope to one day write for a fashion magazine. But for now I am working on a fashion blog at mstreetfashion. It’s not the best, but it’s a start. I’m still developing it and learning how to edit the blog itself so it looks 10 times better than what it is now. I also am thinking over the name and trying to find a new name for the blog.
I hope to one day have a strong following with the blog and inspire people to be themselves and dress how they like to dress! Fashion is a way of expressing yourself and my clothes show my personality and my favorite things like my graphic tee shirts I wear every now and then. I want to be able to show that it’s a great way to express yourself and be who you are. 
Tulip: what is your favorite writing blog on tumblr that you feel deserves more followers and reads?
That’s a hard question. I have a good number of friends who write that deserve readers and followers! There’s @booksthegreatestweapon @herebesparrows @thewintersoldierdisaster @step-into-my-office @the-argosy and @puffandproud. And you, you have a lot of good stories on your account. There’s so many more that I could tag and one day if I ever reach my next 100 followers I’ll do a follow forever or just tag people who deserve recognition because I know way too many writers on here who deserve recognition.
Petunia: who is your favorite character to write for? why?
Out of my OCs definitely Tracey. She’s grown so much on me over the years and she’s the OC I’ve written the most for. 
Out of canon characters that’s hard. It’s a tie between either Clint, the Maximoff twins, Sharon, Sam and Bucky. They’re just a few of my favorites. I also like adding Sharon into the mix of the series because she needs more screen time than what she got in the two movies she was in. Pietro and Wanda because I love their relationship so much! Clint because he’s a little shit. Sam because he’s Sam. He’s cool. Bucky because he is such a dynamic character and it’s great to show a happier side to him but also get to write a dark side to him.
It depends on the story. If I come in right away I can’t exactly guess on what I’ll do because I’m not sure where the story is going. If I appear in the middle of the story I could take a guess as to what I could do. It also depends on the author because it depends on how well they know me personally to get my actions and personality down for whatever situation I am thrown in. 
What I’ll be doing or what the twins will be doing in your story is a mystery to me. The twins could either end up being teachers somehow in it or you could have made them teenagers and part of the student body. The same goes for me. I’m excited to see what you’ll do though!
I am sorry for the long post. I still have no idea how to do the whole “keep reading” thing. If anyone knows I’m all for a tutorial haha
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sakura-soldier · 7 years
To-Do List
I was tagged by @winter-is-ending and boy, it's a lot to think about! Do this: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, arts, gifsets, whatever. 1. I'm drawing fanart for @crop-stomper (also known as CelticGames4 on fanfiction.net) about the escorts of Danzón: The 125th Hunger Games! I'll be making 2 drawings, actually. I'll explain them individually. a) Right now, I'm drawing one depicting the escorts wearing their Reaping outfits (or something close to it) in headshot mode. I'm currently almost done the pencil sketches and I'm hoping to finish it as soon as possible; I just need to draw my own OC (and my current bae), since he's also an escort and working for this Quarter Quell. I have some problems figuring out how to draw his hair though.... *scratches head* I'm not gonna tell you his name just yet though, or the other escorts. *smiles mysteriously* b) Ok, I'm REALLY excited about this particular project. According to the plot of Danzón and Celtic's words, there'll be a Pre-Games Party/Victors' Ball hosted by the current president, Pilotheos Blossius, and it will take place after the interviews but the night before the official Hunger Games. Alongside the headshots, I've also gotten permission from Celtic to design the escorts' outfits specifically created for the party! \^.^/ I got, like, so many ideas and I'm so hyped I can't wait to draw them all!!! Besides, my experience in art and knowledge in fashion should come in handy for this project. Depending on the individual escort, I will be taking inspiration from the Hunger Games movies, high fashion/fashion shows, Flare and Elle magazines (maybe Vogue?), fashion shown and created in places like tumblr or Pinterest or Etsy, fashion blogs, and lolita, while still keeping true to the Celtic!verse, the submitters' descriptions, and my own twists on things. I'm also gonna draw my OC in his party outfit for the story (I have something awesome and unique just for him!), but chances are, he'll end up having his own separate page compared to everyone else's because there's a lot of detailed components in his outfits (it doesn't help that his "date" for the night is one of the mentors/co-worker) and he's PROBABLY gonna make ovaries explode (and dicks). The bigger question though; should I draw my OC first or draw the other escorts first? If you want more information on those drawings or have any questions about the escorts before I unleash both of the drawings to the world, just tell me and I'll be willing to answer it! 2. Finish chapter 13 and 14 of Subzero Hero. Subzero Hero is an Ultimate Spider-Man/Rise of the Guardians crossover of mine; so basically, at some point, Spider-Man discovers and meets a superhero who can use, create, and manipulate snow, frost, and ice, which is Jack Frost. At the same time, Peter and his teammates discovers a new student who's attending Midtown High and Peter ends up befriending him. But little did Peter know that his involvement with the new kid, and the new hero in town, will end up triggering and unfolding Jack's motives in the superhero business, with Peter as a catalyst.... believe me, it's a long story, but I promise you it's gonna be epic. It will even be part of a Marvel/Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood series that I've been planning for about 3 years now, with Subzero Hero being the first book. Chapter 13's supposed to contain the 2nd half of the cockroach cockfight (trust me, it's better and worse than it sounds). Chapter 14 will feature bento, somewhere, and I'm plotting another chapter (either 15 or 16) that will feature @winter-is-ending and her 2 OCs, Tracey and Barry. Not gonna spoil everything, but I'll give out several hints: Mel's old YouTube account. Disney. Video games. Ovaries will explode. Then MORE ovaries will explode. Followed by a shower of nosebleeds and hard-ons. 3. Try to stop procrastinating so much and do AT LEAST 1 chapter of either Spying For My Love (a Hetalia spy AU story that involved Norway and Iceland, agents of a top-secret spy organization called WISH, trying to win Liechtenstein's affections while trying to deal with an over-protective former agent and the notorious crime lord (?) Arthur Kirkland/England), Glacial Blaze (Bakugan drabbles about Keith Clay/Keith Fermin/Spectra Phantom, and how he became Spectra), New Lenses, New Insight (originally supposed to be an Ultimate Spider-Man Christmas gift fic for a guy named FrivolousThoughts, but it looks like it will become a two-shot instead..), or Costume Personas (an Avengers Halloween reader-insert where everyone in the world, including the Avengers, got transformed into murderous versions of their Halloween costumes and reader-chan, who's the only one unaffected, has to find a cure before she, or everyone else, gets killed). 4. Finish chapter 28 of Heroes of the Star and the Maple Leaf (a second fanfic of a Bakugan/Hetalia crossover series; this one takes place in Bakugan: New Vestroia and follows a similar plot to the original, but America and Canada are on a mission to save Japan, who somehow got kidnapped and tortured by the Vexos). Honestly, I have NO idea how to work out the plot for the chapter, but it will involve Ace, Marucho, and Shun waking up from their coma-like state and finding themselves in Earth somewhere. I'm hoping to actually finish that one because Bakugan's been around for 10 years now, so I'm planning to celebrate by bringing that story back up somehow. 5. Finish constructing my tumblr blog here. Yeah, it still looks messy but at least I'm getting better at organizing my profile. Hopefully I will also post and reblog stuff for real this time, too. I'm not sure who to tag so... I'm gonna tag @crop-stomper, @americanpi, @nerfherder-han, @vanjestic, @imaginaryanon, and @i-aim-to-overanalyze.
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motherpsyduck · 7 years
House Guest (A GTA V Fanfic)
Summary: You’re a foreign exchange student who’s been granted a scholarship to attend the University of San Andreas, Los Santos (ULSA). Tracey De Santa signed herself up as a volunteer for one foreign student to reside at her home for as long as they need (without asking her parent’s permission of course). You’ve been randomly selected by the university to reside at Miss Tracey De Santa’s home until your studies end. Good luck!
Chapter 1: Meet The Family
“Oh my God! We’re going to have so much fun!” She squeals and grips the steering wheel of her car in excitement. She being Tracey De Santa, your new friend. You watch her try to concentrate on driving through the Los Santos rush hour traffic. You’re both on your way back from being introduced at your new university. It’s about 3pm and the scorching sun almost blinds you from bouncing off her mirrored aviator shades.
You decide to enjoy the passing beauty of LS and let the air whip through your hair. It cools the rays of sunlight on your skin. Rockford Hills has some beautiful but expensive looking houses. You’re unable to enjoy the full extent of the scenery as the radio was deafening; blasting some Pop radio station. A few of the songs you actually didn’t mind. You were nervous but Tracey reassured you with a glancing smile, then the two of you were singing your lungs out.
You’re unsure whether this was a good idea; signing up to the foreign exchange programme back in your school. You hate to make judgements before getting to know someone, but Tracey doesn’t look like the kind of girl you’d get along with. She seemed like the bratty, spoiled, rich Daddy’s girl who was probably one of the mean popular kids in high school. You appreciated having time alone with just yourself and your music, and weren’t interested in drinking until you lost control of your own bladder or having sex with the entire football team like most people your age. There’s still time, Tracey may end up surprising you.
The orange-yellow Weeny convertible pulls into a curved brick drive leading to a huge mansion. You’re in awe at the Spanish inspired architecture and are still staring at the house when Tracey kills the engine.
“You live… here?!” You say with a pause.
“Uh yah, that’s why I drove here.” Tracey puts her sunglasses in the glove box and leaves the car. You watch her enter her house. Even the front door was massive. You emerge from the car to open the trunk and grab your bags and suitcase. You stumble almost falling backward when you sling your heavy than expected duffle bag on your shoulder. Thanks for the help Trace.
Once you step inside and close the heavy wooden door, you hear Tracey speaking to presumably her dad. You place your bags in the corner out of the walk way and take a look around in the hall you’re stood in. It’s spacious and everything looks too luxurious to touch. You empathise with whoever has to clean this huge house. Your breathing slows as you try to listen to what Tracey is mumbling from the living room to your right, but you can’t work out what they’re saying and inch closer to a doorway opposite the staircase.
“YOU FUCKING DID WHAT?” You jump at the sudden outburst coming from the living room. Peaking your head around the archway you watch Tracey fold her arms and initiate an argument with her dad. He held a lot of tension in his shoulders when he stood.
“WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT? I DON’T WANT SOME KNOW-IT-ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS USING MY HOUSE AS A FUCKING FRATERNITY!” Tracey’s dad threw his arms up in frustration as he paced the living room. You noticed the raspiness in his voice when he yelled.
“OH MY GOD DAD! You’re so embarrassing. It’s just one student!”
“I don’t care Tracey! You can’t rent our house out without mine or your mother’s permission! This isn’t a fucking motel baby! So you better fucking unsign yourself up for this shit” Tracey’s dad begins to walk away and in your direction, he hasn’t seen you yet and turns his head to listen to Tracey’s reply over his shoulder.
“I can’t Dad.” Tracey replies in a defeated tone.
“And why not?-” He stops and sees you standing in the hallway. The man frowns his brow above his pale blue eyes at you in confusion.
“Hi.” You smile politely and rub your palms on the sides of your jean legs awkwardly.
The man sighs and runs his palm down his face and over his jaw line. You notice his mole on his matured face when he cracks his neck. You get the feeling this isn’t the first time Tracey has done something major without consulting him or her mother before. Tracey moves from the middle of the living room and carefully slides past her father down the couple of steps connecting the living room to the hallway. She stands next to you in the hall. You watch his eyes watching Tracey’s every move.
“Dad, this is the foreign exchange student from college.” Tracey’s standing slightly behind you. It’s almost as though she’s using you as a shield. There’s a painfully long pause.
“Nice to meet you… I’m Y/N.” The words stumble out of your mouth. He’s staring at you and descends from the living room to stand a step above you and Tracey. Those must’ve been the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen.
“Michael.” He nods. Michael drags his feet into the kitchen area opposite the front door. You watch him in the kitchen fix himself a drink of whiskey and then walk through the glass doors of the dining room. You watch him light a cigarette.
“Don’t worry about him, he’ll get over it.” Your attention is on Tracey. She pulls you by the hand. “C’mon! I wanna show you your room!” Tracey pulls your hand up the staircase to the second floor of the house.
“What about my stuff?” You point to the pile of luggage in the corner of the hall near the door.
“I’ll get my brother to help my dad later to bring it up. C’mon!” Tracey lets go of your hand at the top of the staircase. She opens a door to her left and walks into a spare bedroom with a comfy looking double bed complete with a striking bedspread and decretive pillows. The tall headboard was made of a dark velvety fabric. The bed alone must’ve cost a bomb. On the same wall of the doorway were a chest of drawers and a wide mirror that hung on the wall above it. Tracey sat down on the bed and supported herself with her arms. On the carved, dark wooden bedside tables were stain glass lamps, keeping with the theme of a Spanish style villa.
“Blame my mom for the decorating.”
“It’s beautiful. This bedroom is huge!”
“Mine’s bigger.” Tracey then bounces out of this room and you follow her to a bedroom opposite to the one where you’ll be sleeping. You push the door she didn’t hold open for you and enter Tracey’s bedroom. You’re quickly grabbed around the shoulders and blinded by a flashing light. You rub your eyes.
“What the fuck?” After blinking your vision back you see Tracey holding a pastel pink camera that’s printing out a polaroid. She waves it in the air until she sees an image and hands it to you. You take it from her hand. You study the unflattering face you’re making in the image and sigh, but you soon ignore it and notice the funny looking open-mouth pose Tracey is doing in the photo and smile. “Thanks Tracey.” You smile at her and hold the picture with a genuine look of gratitude. Tracey smiles back at you and turns to sit down on her bed. You like the way she’s decorated her room but it’s not exactly your taste.
“So, what do you think of my room?” Tracey asks.
“It’s very… purple…” You say looking around at the paisley print of her wallpaper. When your gaze is back on Tracey you’re anxious that you’ve offended her with your bluntness. “-in a-uh good way.”
“Thanks… so what do you want to do?” You shrug your shoulders and are about to reply with: I don’t know, what do you want to do? before being interrupted by a whiny, masculine voice coming from another bedroom.
“I know what you can do. You can shut the fuck up for once-HAHA YEAH! Headshot! Suck my fat balls bitch! Dude, do you even have a penis? Or are you one of those hermaphro-dudes born without genitals?” You lean out of the doorway of Tracey’s room and see another room next to hers with a door ajar. Inside this room it’s dark, all you can see is a massive TV screen with a video game character holding a gun, squatting on a lifeless body. You can hear the clicking of a console controller.
“Fuck you Jimmy. Go fuck a Burger Shot” Tracey shouts.
“No thanks. Unlike you Trace, I have some standards.” Jimmy fires back. Tracey stands, stomps passed you and into the room you were watching a moment ago. She flips the light on and you watch her snatch Jimmy’s controller out of his hand and she throws it at the wall. It lands and breaks on his floor. Jimmy stands. “What the fuck?!” You approach Jimmy’s bedroom and watch the two siblings begin to scream at each other. Jimmy is slightly shorter than his sister and holds some more weight around his stomach.
“That was a limited edition controller!” Jimmy rips his headset off and throws it onto his bed.
“I don’t care. Buy another one, oh wait, you can’t because you don’t have any money because you’re a bum who can’t get a job.”
“I can get a job! I just need some experience.”
“You’ll definitely find that playing video games all day-” Tracey laughs.
“Hey! Stop arguing” You shout, surprising yourself as well as Tracey and Jimmy. They’re watching and waiting for your next word. “… please. I don’t want to only listen to you two argue while I’m here. I understand you’re brother and sister but please just drop it for tonight yeah?” You look at Tracey and Jimmy in the eye and they both hang their heads and show as little eye contact to one another whilst nodding. “I’m Y/N by the way.” You introduce yourself to Jimmy.
“Jimmy. A.K.A Jizzle, Big-J, J-Dog, Dangerous-J take your pick.” Jimmy was flirting. You nodded and smiled politely. Tracey rolled her eyes. Your attention was quickly drawn to hushed words in the hallway downstairs. You moved towards the stairs and leaned over slightly to look down from the top of the stairs and saw Michael. He had come back inside and was talking to a woman of similar age to himself. She was dressed in white tennis gear and was trying to understand his anger whilst trying to reason with him.
“I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it Michael. She was probably thinking she was trying to help out. A lot of schools have trouble housing foreign exchange students.”
“I know ‘Mand, but she didn’t even ask us.”
“I’ll talk to her.” The woman rubbed Michael’s back and glanced in your direction. You sprung backwards avoiding her gaze. “Tracey?”
“Yeah Mom?” Tracey was lying on her stomach on her bed with her knee socked legs bent upward. She’s scrolling through her phone. Jimmy closes his bedroom door and salutes you with his index finger and middle finger together, as a gesture of goodbye before his door closes. You hear the audio from his video game continue and he’s shouting profanities into his headset again.
“Can you come here please?” Tracey descends the staircase in a huff. She tells you as she passes she won’t be long. You decide to wait at the top of the stairs. You hear a mumble of Tracey and her mother talking about your situation and Michael loudly chimes in a couple of times. Then it ends abruptly and Tracey comes up the stairs to get you.
“My mom wants to meet you.” Tracey says and turns for you to follow her. You do so and are lead into the shiny kitchen where you see Michael, and Tracey’s mother shushing him as you enter the room. You wear a courteous smile as Tracey’s mom approaches you.
“Hello, I’m Amanda and this is Michael.” Amanda points to Michael.
“Hi. I’m Y/N.” Your hand does a little awkward wave.
“Don’t look so nervous, if you’re going to living here, you may as well have a tour of the house. I’ll show you around” Your first impression of Amanda was positive. She seemed nice enough.
“’Mand?” Michael says sharply before being cut off by Tracey.
“So Y/N can stay?” Tracey’s tone was high.
“It’s ok with me. Are you ok with it Michael?” Amanda turns to face Michael and he throws his hands up in defeat as though whatever he said wouldn’t matter anyway.
“Yeah, sure.” Michael said flatly with a sigh. Amanda returns to you and Tracey.
“It’s a bit sudden though Tracey, so don’t ever do anything like this again without consulting us first. Deal?” Amanda was firm yet forgiving.
“I promise Mom. Sorry-YAY THANK YOU!” Tracey screams and claps.
“Tracey has shown you the guest room I assume?” You try to retain eye contact with Amanda but Michael catches your eye when he pours himself another drink. You look back to Amanda and nod. “Good!” Amanda ushers you to the dining table “This is our dining room, out there is the pool, hot tub and down the steps there is the tennis court.”
“Wow. This place is amazing.” You hear Michael scoff rudely from the kitchen. Amanda flashes a frown in the direction of the kitchen and continues. “In here is our living room” Amanda was standing in front of the white sofas of the living room and then points to where you met Michael. “And through there is the hallway where you came in.”
“Did you decorate the downstairs too Mrs De Santa?” You ask as you’re admiring the strange portraits of Jimmy and Tracey that stand out amongst the other lavish paintings and furniture.
“Please, call me Amanda.”
“Okay, Amanda.” You smile.
“Yes, I did actually, why?”
“It’s lovely just like the guest bedroom.”
“Well,” Amanda was flustered, she wasn’t expecting a compliment. “Thank you very much Y/N.”
“You’re welcome.” You reply. Amanda smiles warmly at you.
“Right. I’m going to have a nice relaxing post workout bath. Sit down. Tracey watch something with Y/N will you?” Amanda heads upstairs and Tracey sits you down where Michael was sitting before. She takes a seat next to you and presses a button on the remote. A projector screen slowly inches down in front of you. She flips through the channels and settles on a program called Fame Or Shame.
“Oh I’ve heard of this show, aren’t the contestants like bat shit crazy?” You laugh. You thought you heard a small laugh from the kitchen, Tracey however doesn’t laugh with you. You look over to her and try to find out why.
“I was a contestant.” She says annoyed.
“Sorry, I- You’re not bat shit crazy.”
“I was disqualified.”
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything. I was just doing my routine, and killing it, the judges were really into it” You began to notice when Tracey spoke a whole lot, the tone of her sentences would always go up at the end. She began to shout so her Dad could hear her from the kitchen. “Then my bat shit crazy Dad and his best friend barged into my audition and totally freaked out on Lazlow the presenter.”
“Why did they do that?” Tracey shrugs her shoulders.
“I was stopping her from being the national laughing stock” Michael enters from the dining room. His presence makes you jump slightly.
“I could have been famous.” Tracey spits with some venom.
“Try college first. Then if you feel like it, go try again. I can’t stop you.” Michael sits next to Tracey on the longer side of the sofa.
“That was my big break Dad! Fame Or Shame probably won’t be around when I’m done with college.”
“Maybe then it wasn’t meant to be.” Michael says with compassion.
“OR maybe it was, and you and Uncle Trevor just blew it?” Tracey was genuinely hurt from her Dad’s decision to stop her auditioning, even if it was the best thing for her. Michael downed his glass of amber liquid to stop himself from lashing out in front of you. After he finished he cracked his neck again.
“Ooh, ouch. My ears are burning!” You and Tracey looked to see who this additional voice was. Michael sprung up from staring at the floor and stood protectively. You saw a very tall, top heavy man in the archway leading to the hallway. He was leaning like he’s been stood there for a while. Tracey changed her tune and ran towards the man to hug him.
“Trevor! What are you doing here?” Tracey said with a smile. Trevor wrapped one of his big, meaty arms around her caringly and she gave him a squeeze around his small waist.
“I guess this is the Uncle Trevor Tracey was talking about” You laugh quietly to Michael. He just looked down at you and gave you a forced smile and then continued to keep his eyes on Trevor. Michael was tense; you weren’t sure as to why. Tracey let go of Trevor when he advanced toward you. You stood out of courtesy but Michael was quickly by your side. Trevor didn’t notice Michael’s demeanour when he entered the living room.
“And who are you cupcake?” Trevor gave you a creepy smile before turning to Michael. “Miiichael.” Trevor tuts and shakes his head. “Shame on you.”
“What?” Michael’s confused.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” You’re very aware of where Trevor’s eyes are and clear your throat. You try not to make eye contact with him. Before Michael can say a word, Tracey introduces the two of you for him.
“Trevor, this is Y/N, she’s a foreign exchange student from my college. She’s going to be staying with us while she studies at ULSA. Y/N this is my uncle Trevor, he’s my dad’s best friend.”
“Nice to meet you.” Trevor holds out his hand for you to shake it. You’re hesitant but respectfully accept the handshake. You notice a small tattoo of a scorpion above his thumb and the rest of his tattoos on his knuckles. His hand is warm but rough. Trevor lingers a bit too long with the shake and Michael pulls his hand away from yours. Trevor gives him an angry stare before following him into the dining room and outside by the pool. You can see them doing a lot of hand gestures and frowning at each other but they aren’t loud enough to hear clearly.
“He’s not supposed to be here.” Tracey remarks. She’s sitting down on the sofa again texting someone.
“Who? Trevor? I thought you said he was your dad’s best friend.”
“He is. But my mom doesn’t want Trevor around us; she says he’s a bad influence.”
“That’s probably why your dad took him outside to talk to him, to see what he wants?”
“I guess.” Tracey replies without looking up from her phone. Her phone begins to ring. “I’m just gonna go upstairs, I gotta take this call. I won’t be long.”
“Okay. I’m gonna get a glass of water and then probably unpack.” You call to Tracey as she’s heading up the stairs.
“Okay!” She shouts back. You’re stood alone in the living room and try to casually avoid looking in the direction of Michael and Trevor as you enter the kitchen. You’re intrigued to know what they were talking about. You catch the end of a conversation of an unknown topic. You can hear them better in the kitchen.
“So what’s the score?” Trevor asks.
“What?” Michael replies.
“The foreign exchange student. She’s beautiful, in a young and naive sort of way.”
“The fuck? Trevor she’s the same age as Tracey for God’s sake.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit! As if you haven’t thought about it.”
“Fucking Christ.”
You’re embarrassed to what you’ve just heard and try to drink your water as quickly as you can. It doesn’t occur to you to just take it upstairs with you. You rinse the cup and turn towards the kitchen archway leading out to the hallway. You’re cheeks are burning as you try your hardest to take your entire luggage up the stairs by yourself in one trip. You’re about half way and lose your balance from the weight and stumble.
“As long as she’s legal I don’t give a fuck.” Trevor holds his arms up in a shameless way and shrugs.
“Yeah, we all know you and the not giving a fuck, T.”
“Fuck you Mikey.”
“Can’t you just leave now?”
“Fine. I’ve got shit to do anyway-” Trevor turns on his heel but is startled with Michael by a loud noise from inside. The noise is from your suitcase crashing back down the stairs. The two men come jogging into the hall and observe the suitcase on its side. The contents of your suitcase spill onto the floor in front of them. Trevor notices some of your underwear. You’ve witnessed Trevor and Michael eyeing your sexy underwear, the ones you packed just incase.  Before any of them get a glimpse back at your tomato of a face, you’ve bolted into the spare bedroom. Seeing you run away from the situation makes Trevor grin wickedly. You drop the bags you were able to hold onto, on the floor of the spare room and slide your back down against the closed door. Meanwhile, Michael is scooping up your clothing back into your suitcase and carries it to your door and leaves it outside. You’re listening closely to their footsteps. They’re getting further and further away before you jump out of your skin due to some hard knocking on the door.
“DELIVERY!” Trevor teases. His voice is high pitched as if he’s about to burst out laughing. You hang your head in the palms of your hands and cringe. - [CH2->]
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renaroo · 7 years
Any thoughts on Venus de Milo(tmnt)?
I wonder if this is related at all to MovieBob’s recent video about her being the worst female character ever because the moment I watched it I wondered if anyone would be asking me about her. 
So. Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation is... a thing that in itself is almost too difficult to explain outside of “you had to be there”, but I’m going to do my best. Because I was there. Oh, man. Was I there. 
While I had VHS tapes of the original ‘80s TMNT cartoon I grew up with and watched religiously, the show stopped airing new episodes before I was born, and stopped resyndication by the time I was four. So while I definitely grew up with them and loved them and read the Archie comics religiously as a kid and watched the original live action movies pretty much every weekend we rented movies from the down the road movie rental store (anyone remember those?), my actual first memories of watching any TMNT show as it aired was the 1998 flop show, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. 
In fact, I distinctly remember getting the chicken pox that year and part of the only good thing that came from it was I got to watch episodes of NT:TNM without impediment from my then-one year old sister because they kept her away from me as if I had the plague. 
Which I kinda did, but regardless. 
It was actually just 4 years later, in 2001, that I’d come to build an online presence with TERRIBLE Pokemon, Inuyasha, and Star Fox fanfics that I first started looking up geocities communities for various fandoms and one of those was TMNT. 
If anyone remembers geocities or pre-ff.net fandom lore in the Ninja Turtles circle, here’s how old I am: I, personally, used to talk to the likes of Kali Gargoyle, Azure the Turtle, Kat, Sakan (FREAKfreak), Ame Musashi, Buslady, and Machias -- a statement that I can almost guarantee means absolutely NOTHING to 99.9999% of you.
Now, an interesting thing about the fandom culture just before the 2003 cartoon aired was that there was actually a large contingent of the fandom that were defensive of Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation and thought of it as being only as bad as the current Power Rangers season of the time (which was the one right before Dino Thunder, so I can’t remember which one it was). In fact, people were so on the bandwagon for it, that the geocities community started an online petition -- which at the time was a difficult thing to do because it meant everyone sending a single email chain around and around so everyone can sign it with their online names and then email it to Saban, who owned the rights. The petition was to allow the show to have another season and tie up its loose ends with the (most likely misinformed) opinion that Next Mutation had had better viewership than the Power Rangers season it ran side-by-side with. 
Did it deserve it? With my nostalgia goggles off, having bought the DVDs of the series and watched it within the last four years, can I say Next Mutation and Venus de Milo deserved that type of fandom swelling in support?
Um. Noooooo?
Okay, my extensive fandom history aside, I cannot defend The Next Mutation because... it was really bad. Like, made the Shredder a good guy in the pilot and got rid of the most iconic villains for the rest of the series bad. Instead we had the Dragon Lord (eh) and Wick (his servant, again eh), Silver the Gorilla... gangster whose gang came straight out of the (also flop) Dick Tracey movie, and... 
Vam Mi. Who was probably the first indication my parents had that I was into girls. Because. Well shit. I mean. 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A Chinese vampire obsessed with the female of the show and wore tight leather and heeellllooooooooo
Vam Mi is actually the thing I remember the best about the show and I could probably write an essay on defending the storyline “Unchain My Heart” which goddamn if we’d had episodes like that throughout the show and a villain like Vam Mi throughout the show, well it probably would’ve gotten that mythical second sense that would have made sense of the other garbage. 
But I’ve obviously gotten away from your question. Which is about Venus herself. Or, as I prefer to call her (for reason we’ll get into) Mei Peih Chi. 
The reason I’ve had all this build up and quandering about the show itself is because Mei herself is such a product of this series that removing them from each other leaves out how things went so wrong with an idea that came from such an obviously positive place. “Hey, little girls deserve to want to be Ninja Turtles, too!”
Best intentions. Worst executions. 
If you read a lot of my meta, you know that I actually despise the concept of “Mary Sues” and how female characters are carelessly cast aside by people for basically having attributes of any main character. But. Well. Let’s just look at Mei’s character in its context: 
Mei is a fifth turtle who was in the same bowl that fell into the sewers and was mutated along with the turtles (aka, does not have her own unique origin story and was there from the beginning but WE’RE JUST LEARNING ABOUT IT), she was found by a Chinese monk (Chinese, not Japanese which is the ethnicity of the Hamato family of the turtles and Yoshi, sort of glazing over the cultures as being interchangeable), was raised as his daughter in the monastery back in China even though... he seemed to somehow know about the others Turtles and Splinter and inform her where to go after his death in the pilot?, and she -- in a series called Ninja Turtles, was not a ninja but a Shinobi priestess with psychic abilities. 
Oh, and throughout the show they keep bringing up the fact that none of them are blood-related, despite the turtles being brothers being a cornerstone to the franchise since the 80s comics, for the sole purpose of having a love triangle between Raph, Venus, and Leo without it being incest. 
(This hilariously backfired and became the justification for the ever growing T-Cest fandom that shipped the boys together for years afterward by the by)
She is a fish out of water, has zero fun throughout the series, is not as physically strong in a fight as the boys, and is basically the plot equivalent of Deus Ex Machina in the end because Magic > Ninjitsu in a franchise that is completely dependent on the physicality and Ninja-ness of the characters. 
Also. Despite Mei growing up in China, still learning English and Western culture, and having an obvious struggle with mourning the loss of her home in China and her Chinese father, in the goddamn pilot the main guys rename her “Venus de Milo” because she knocked the arms off a statue and they thought it was funny. Because while the guys are named after Renaissance artists, Mei is renamed and for all purposes “Anglicanized” for an art object. Like. It’s difficult to understand who okayed any of this. 
Like. Were they thinking?
Mei, from the start, was kind of a broken character with a gross costume design (turtle boobs turtle boobs what’re you gonna do there’s a turtle with fucking boobs) that still forces girls to see themselves as thin and demure even if they’re bulky, shell having turtles. BECAUSE WE GOTTA HAVE THEM HIPS AND CURVES i guess. 
She’s so loathed by Peter Laird (co-creator of the TMNT) that he made the overly drastic declaration that he’ll never allow there to be female turtles in the franchise again, period. Which I kinda... find extreme. 
As bad as she is. As problematic as she was. 
.... When I was six, I loved her. 
How could I not love her? She and Vam Mi were the only girls on the whole damn show! (April and Casey didn’t even get cameos). The face value of representation for a long time made me defensive of Mei and of the show because of how it made me feel as a kid.
It’s that Maya Angelou quote personified: “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.“
I didn’t remember how bad the props and puppetry was until I rewatched the show. I didn’t remember how annoying Venus’ “spot” in the team was as immediate den mother and object to be fought over (like Raph and Leo needed more to fight over really). I didn’t even remember that the show kept pushing for the Turtles to not be a family. 
I remembered having a lot of affection for seeing a female ninja turtle along with the characters I had grown up loving. I mean, seriously, do I have to post that picture again of me as a baby in the scariest Ninja Turtle themed grocery store ride in the history of ever?
So she’s bad. And there needs to be more effort in being progressive and being more inclusive, especially for old properties trying to adapt to the changing times. 
And I’m someone who believes wholeheartedly that any idea can be done well. 
.... Venus was not done well.
But she had her part in making me a lifetime Ninja Turtle fan. A complicated, twisted, only could happen in the late part of the Clinton administration way. 
So I will criticize the hell out of Mei, out of the series, but I’ll always be mindful of how it made a six-year-old Rena excited every Saturday. 
I’ll remember that and the hot vampire in leather. 
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