#trish writing
herestrish · 9 months
the king of cups
takeru danma x reader (gn)
synopsis; after you safely returned from one of the games, it seemed only fair to erase the memory with the two things you knew how to do best: dancing and drinking.
contents; protective takeru, always the charming bastard, jealousy, homoeroticism, angst, implied murder, nightclubs, pool parties, heavy drinking, dubious morality.
notes; this happens to be my first contribution to the aib fandom & more importantly first take on him so i'm equally terrified & curious to know how it lands <3
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You were always the type to stop when you knew you were having too much. But tonight had you pushing your limits with one gulp more, one at a time, light bouncing off pool water and the gin in your glass.
The dampness of your lips as you sloshed the drink around your mouth. 
Let it collapse from your grasp, it beat a tattoo into concrete, and it felt no louder than the blood thumping in your ears.
So it goes.
You weren’t making too much sense of the music they were playing either, not that you cared too much to try. The crowds at the Beach were especially animated during the night, and after two-something in the morning they began to gradually stream back outside. Lighters clicking, laughter booming, bodies swaying luridly with the tune. You stared across the pool at a volleyball plunging into a beer puddle, two slender girls lurching backwards when it did, their voices taking to a high-pitched sound.
More laughter. Flip-flops dodging shards of misplaced glass. But you were aware that, in the end, they were all taking momento with a knot in their throats. In a reality where a week is traded for suitcases and files and unrolled sleeves, Fridays leave room for everyone to store their mistakes. Entering this one reality was freefall. As if time contracted itself to the same day, droning, trudging, like a broken disc. You closed your eyes, chose to ignore the lingering smell of citrus in your nostrils. 
Someone had died today. 
Because that’s simply how things worked here. Death was a persisting thought for everyone wretched enough to land in this place; even for the ones who had it between their teeth. The Beach came as a band-aid for purgatory, a cheap thrill, yet here you found yourself, flat-eyed and confused, spilling the rest of your drink on the ground and hoping whoever would take it was resting in peace. Heavy breathing, the world distancing from you in waves, your heart tamped between your lungs. Ice-cold chlorine fondling your feet, you started to sort memories from moments ago. You’d renewed your visa. Showered. The night you’d spent in the prismatic flash of the dance floor, knocking back a few shots and losing control of your body to after-hours beats. Sweaty forehead, glitter on your chest. 
As chance encounters go—you spotted him when you last needed to. Elbows propped on the bar with neon running a pink cast across his hair and a woman stitched to his face, he was a homemade majesty for a world that didn’t ask for it. Hatter, with his shoplifted sunglasses and iced whiskey and dubious hospitality. He bit the girl by the bottom lip and watched you from the corner of his eye as he did, his mouth slightly coiling into obscenity. And just like any other object starring your personal history of oversights, it happened that you'd seen this smirk before. You knew it well enough to have the temperature of your blood rise to hellfire. 
She was a pretty thing. A pretty thing with a pretty face, at that, shoulder bone stabbing through skin and hair lining the chin in a symmetrical cut. Her swimsuit was two-piece with a loose string that slid down her shoulder when she wrapped her arm around him. You didn’t remember ever being coupled with her for a game, and for a moment there you envied Hatter’s ability to register even the less conspicuous of names. Dark hair was brushed around his ear in a tantalising way that revealed distant parts of his jaw and neck. The fingers that rested on her chin were long and slender and glimmered when the light shot into a chichi display of rings methodically lined just under the knuckles; over his shoulders he wore the usual robe that made him look like a sunscreen commercial running on loop. Polished and overripe. 
If you were brought to say out loud, there was nothing more going on between you than some chardonnay-prompted chats and an insignificant number of nights spent on the balcony of his suite. For a clinical tongue-wagger like himself he had turned out a decent listener and you were surprised at how much you were ready to reveal about yourself. You watched him lay out his cards in dim-lit solitude and explain the unequivocal importance of consolidated communities. This morning when the executives called you in to head for a game, he made sure to slide a firearm under your car seat. You returned with a splitting headache and metal on the roof of your mouth; Eight of Hearts tossed on the coffee table, red-smudged, his eyes begging for detail, you stepped out into the hallway and promised yourself not to look back. 
Music spread about the crowds like oxygen, someone elbowed you in the arm, and you flinched, blinked, looked over your shoulder. In different circumstances maybe you wouldn’t have even considered it. But you were angry and drunk and all you really needed to brush your pride at this point was to have a sweet someone flutter their eyelashes at you. Flashing lights, collarbones pulsing, lips half-opened, all dulling your thoughts into decision. 
Two could play at this game, after all. 
So you kissed them. Deeply, slowly, as the floor felt like being dragged from your feet. It became harder for you to remember the right order of later events. You saw a hip there, a vomiting head somewhere else. Danced more, touched more, then the next thing you knew you were edged into a secluded place where you didn’t need to shout over the music anymore and whatever you did with the person you brought there would remain up to the world’s imagination. Everything was a whirling blend of faces and colours and suddenly you felt thankful for all these people making you forget about what you experienced during the daytime. You also remembered the nausea, the tiles of the bathroom floor, you floundering outside with a glass of gin and tonic you didn’t know where the fuck came from.
You needed to take some air. 
A sigh left you, hot and heavy. The water hugged your calves in small folds of movement, a slight gush of sobriety climbing in your exploding temples. You turned your head towards the red and blue sitting next to you, a bittersweet smile hanging in anticipation of your voice. 
“So?” you managed, your throat surprisingly soar. 
A moment passed. 
A small chuckle fragranced the air. He smelled like amber and citrus and those fucking cherry superslims he used to smoke. “This is when you tell me to fuck off, I take.”
“Is that what you expect of my manners?” you said. “No, stay, let’s see how long you can feel sorry for yourself.”
“You think I’m pulling an act?” Takeru rested an ankle upon his knee; the movement was soundless, deliberate, a jaded Dionysus brought to divine trial. 
You avoided meeting his stare. A corner of your lips hitched an inch higher at his response, like extracting the solving of a riddle. “Are you not?” 
Then the laughter came out again, hearty this time, with his head thrown back and chest moving in an offensive staccato. You watched him as he regarded you with his tell-tale amusement and remembered the foul ways this world renders a man, edging between sanity and rehearsed conduct. But you knew Takeru well enough to tell he wasn’t a product of the games. 
Unlike the rest of you, he was made for this. Viper sliding out of old skin. 
Swiping the tears from his eyes, he said, “In my defense, I wasn’t expecting you’d know how to use it.”
You shot him a look. “That makes you an asshole and an idiot.”
“Maybe,” he admitted. “You were, I–” a tap into concrete, once, twice, rephrasing the thought. “I should’ve come with you.”
You dragged your feet out of the water. “You simply don’t get it, don’t you now?” your frown was a wretched junction of jeer and accusation. 
“Not really, no,” he said. “But I’m sure hoping you'll break it to me soon.”
“Ok, sure. I’ll tell you what you shoulda done,” 
Takeru crossed his hands, his eyes fixing now an imaginary spot across the pool. 
You took in a deep breath. 
“Nothing,” came out slow, painful. “Absolutely fucking nothing. I shouldn’t have been here, ok? What happened today confirmed it for me if anything. My chance at living is granted by someone deciding to fool around bending the rules, I didn’t do anything to deserve it.” 
“That’s simply not true.” Takeru hummed, taking yet another moment to himself, his profile shimmered graciously with a grin forming at the corners of his mouth. It made you think of satin sheets and Lotus Eaters, staining your lips with the fullness of a pomegranate. “You are more deserving than you give yourself credit for, sweetheart. It wounds me actually that you think I’d go out of my way for someone who isn’t.”
But you’d come out of your way for yourself. Something close to laughter vibrated inside your throat, your stare grew blank. “And if I tell you I find it selfish either way?” 
“Selfishness carves lovers,” he said, heaving a dramatic sigh. “Besides, it saved your life, did it not?” Words took to a whisper as he let his head fall on your shoulder. His breath smelled of cherries and alcohol. “I’m glad you chose to stay with us lesser things.” Me.
Across from you kindled water painted itself in irregular strokes upon the walls of the resort. Sound of glass shattering inside, a group of three lumbered into one another on the way to the bar. With a veer of what felt like losing consciousness, you experienced life in particles and molecules, microscopic worlds overlaying each other so fast and so slowly at the same time. Big-Bang. You wrapped your arm around Takeru, thumb digging into the texture of his clothes. His mouth moved to tell you something more, selfish, and you closed your eyes, pushing a tear off your eyelashes. Apocalypse. 
“You didn’t mean that,” you said, forced playfullness, rested your temple against his. 
“Who knows,” a long murmur of secrecy was wrapping you both in a distant space between movement and sleep. His fingers stroked your eyes to spare you from another tear. “I’ve earned myself a couple more days with your pretty. Better start making every minute worthwhile, for once, for both.”
Behind your eyelids lingered an unspoken ache for a reality where you didn’t kill anybody, and you weren’t versed to look for sympathy in the arms of someone who had done worse, and where you wouldn't worry that this peacefulness could be taken from you in the blink of an eye. His hair was velvet against your jawline and his touch warm enough to make you stay. 
“I’m still hell mad at you,” you said against him, a faint sound. 
You felt a small shrug pushing into your ribcage. “Very well,” he said. “Won’t fault you for feeling that. Sort of saw it coming.”
There was nothing going on between you, you’d convince yourself every morning after. Somewhere you imagined him doing the same. Takeru liked to market himself as a creature of instinct; but there was something serpentine about him, too, still, poised, always calculated. Someone who’d store the right word for the right person and snatch their trust when less expected. Isn’t this what false prophets do after all, sweetheart? your eyelashes brushed the thought against the tip of his thumb. 
It’s always the fear of rejection that would get the worst out of these ones. 
“Perhaps I’m not in the right place to ask,” he said again, and even with your eyes closed, you could see the grin climbing upon his lips as he did. “But have I ever told you how hot you are when you're pissed off? You were electric in there.”
This time you let the chuckle escape you, a little unconvincing under the trails of tears that had rolled down your cheeks, a little wrecked. 
"That right?" 
“Does your friend know that, too?" you said. "Next time tell her I make my own cocktails or something.” 
“I'll make sure the message's heeded,” Takeru’s voice was sultry by your ear, he rolled his head to catch bits of your best angles. “However I’m wondering if this is the best magic you’ve got, darling.” 
“It sure worked with you,” The ease it took to say this was enough to lift your spirits. Neither could you deny the thrill hitching up your throat as you found his eye, first time tonight, dark waves reflecting a flicker of intrigue that for a fleeting second you allowed yourself to indulge. “And I wasn’t even trying.”
It was a strange thing, this feeling that you had, something bitter you couldn't quite place but were clever enough not to associate with love. 
Takeru's sigh came out long and dreamy in the starless night. You smirked.
No, this wasn't love, you concluded further, but rather the unexpected realisation of feeling anything at all, the weight of existence pressing down your shoulders. A drowsy appetite for life with its worths and misfortunes readying to flash at you all at once. 
˖ ࣪⭑roll credits
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agent-troi · 4 months
scully and mulder's dynamic visibly changes after the onset of the season of secret sex
i've been thinking about how dd and ga deliberately played season 7 like mulder and scully were sleeping together, and i think there's solid evidence of that in the differences in how scully reacts to mulder appearing to show interest in another woman before and after the season of secret sex begins (i'm using millennium as the before/after divider bc i think that's what dd and ga decided, but this is based on my vague memory of a reddit comment about it which is how i first learned that the season of secret sex was a thing)
so overall there's an undercurrent of insecurity, borne of scully's uncertainty regarding precisely how mulder feels about her and what her place is in the hierarchy of things that are important to him in his life, that exists in the pre-millennium incidents and is glaringly absent post-millennium:
before millennium:
(i'm not gonna include phoebe/fire here bc i don't think scully's awareness of her feelings had yet risen to the point where she'd be truly jealous, i'd characterize her in that ep as largely protective of mulder and unwilling to let him deal with phoebe's games alone. it also helps that he's clearly not happy phoebe is back in his life again, unlike his much more positive reaction to diana)
war of the coprophages- the second scully finds out about bambi, she immediately hops in her car and drives up to miller's grove to join mulder, bc letting him investigate cockroaches alone was fine but god forbid he spend quality time investigating an x-file with an attractive female scientist who isn't herself- that's their thing!!
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syzygy- to be fair the planetary alignment situation was exacerbating her- and mulder's- behavior here, but her jealousy of and hostility to detective white were still real, even if she would've been able to rein in her emotions better under normal circumstances.
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diana fowley arc- i think this speaks for itself, lol
alpha- this is an interesting period in their relationship: after most of the diana shit is over, but before the tension between them is fully resolved (a process which to me begins with milagro/the unnatural and ends with amor fati, but that would be its own post lol).
other than introducing himself to karin as "fox" (maybe as a way to appeal to her preference for canids lol) and thus implicitly giving her permission to call him by his first name (which she proceeds to do throughout the episode), mulder doesn't seem to show much in the way of attraction to her.
even when he touches her hand to move the mouse, he's more interested in what's on the screen than in paying attention to her:
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karin, however, is visibly affected by the contact, a fact which scully immediately notices:
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later in the car, they have this convo, the last line of which is so heavily laden with diana subtext it's not even funny:
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scully's reaction to karin is similar to her reaction to phoebe in that she's motivated mainly by wanting to protect mulder from his own naive, trusting nature, and from someone she believes is seeking to take advantage of it, rather than being motivated primarily by jealousy and defensiveness. she doesn't really believe that karin is a genuine threat to her relationship with mulder, but with diana still fresh in her memory she can't afford to not be vigilant. hence why she confronts karin alone later:
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here scully demonstrates that she somewhat empathizes with karin (mulder is also someone who challenges her, makes her feel fulfilled and happy and alive). karin's response indicates that she has correctly deduced the basis of scully's dislike/distrust of her, and also acknowledges scully is the dominant one as it relates to the territory (mulder) that they are sparring over.
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scully looks away at karin's "feminine wiles" comment, revealing the nagging insecurity about her place in mulder's life that diana's arrival exacerbated and that will continue to plague her until amor fati.
after millennium:
rush- when mulder looks back at chastity in the hallway, scully's reaction is to possessively grab mulder's sleeve and pull him away into the interrogation room:
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and his response is to laugh and say "what?" like he doesn't know he belongs to her and only her.
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keep in mind this happens just before they interrogate tony reed, and right after they finish interrogating him this shit happens:
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i already made a post last week about how insanely flirty they are in this episode, but this scene!!
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she's pouting and giving him big doe eyes and playing with his tie!! at work!! in public!! she feels comfortable staking her territory in such an obvious way (also playful rather than hostile) bc she's not longer insecure about her place in his life!! i can never be normal about this i'm sorry ssdfgksdgsjdkfhkjsdf
first person shooter- when mulder checks out jade blue afterglow as she's leaving, he leans so far over in such an obvious, exaggerated way, almost as if he's deliberately trying to get a rise out of scully, but all she does is raise her eyebrows at him and lean over to block his view (while smirking):
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and then he says he's "feeling the great need to blast the crap out of something", an almost direct quote of scully's line from their convo in the autopsy room right before they went down to the station:
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and her response is to SMILE at him!!
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pre-millennium scully would absolutely not have reacted this way in this situation. just like in rush, the insecurity that previously haunted scully whenever mulder seemed to be close to or interested in another woman is utterly absent here. they're joking and teasing and enjoying each other's company like they've always done, but there's a different dimension to it now. pre-millennium mulder would never have made a show of checking out another woman like that right in front of scully (unless a planetary alignment is affecting his behavior ofc lol), and pre-millennium scully would never have found it amusing.
(side note: people were debating on twitter a while back about whether this scene was ooc for mulder, and tbh i'm not sure what my own opinion is bc to me the whole episode has an air of... unreality? idk but it gives me similar vibes to post-modern prometheus, like maybe it's real or maybe it's just someone telling a story or it's somewhere in between, and it's also got that same unserious feel idk how else to describe it)
anyway, back to my main point, which is: dd and ga are damn good actors in the way they were able to subtly telegraph this shift in mulder and scully's dynamic. one might be able to argue that the insane flirting throughout season 7 isn't by itself evidence of the season of secret sex bc on some level they've always been like that, but to me these specific interactions provide important clues that the nature of their relationship has changed.
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cheeriochat · 2 months
Hmmmm DMC headcannons 3!!!!
This one's a bit wordy
• Dante and Vergil are the type of twins that when they are close by, are touching in any way possible. Sitting together? Dante is leaning on Vergil. Standing together? Vergil has his arm resting on Dantes shoulder. Walking together? They keep bashing into eachothers side. They can spend time apart (obviously) but when they are close there is always some form of contact.
• Nero felt phantom pains where his hand used to be, but when his arm grew back they kind of just became ordinary pains. He wasn't sure if it was a side affect of growing a whole ass arm back or something but he was happy when they went away.
• I kind of think Kyrie would have depression. I mean she went through a lot and lost her parents and brother but she lived, so I feel like she would have survivors guilt but due to constantly being busy she wouldn't really have the time to process it. It's a sad headcannon but I feel like it just seems right :(((
• On a bit of a lighter note, I feel like Kyrie would have a good support system though. I mean she has Nero obviously, but also I think she would have Lady, Trish and Dante there for her and eventually Vergil too.
• Talking about Trish, Lady and Dante. I feel like Lady and Trish would go shopping Bayonetta 2 style, and have Dante carry all their stuff around. (He gets compensated for his work when they stop at a Cafe and he gets a parfait, although he doesnt mind helping his friends)
• Nero has a huge sweet tooth, but because of the kids, he can't keep anything to satisfy his need for sugar around long enough. Vergil likes to buy him sweet stuff though as a form of peace offering. He's found Nero likes Lemon Sherbets, Sour patch kids, and controversially, Liquorice.
• Vergil likes Hotpot and Shabu Shabu. I don't know, I just feel this in my soul.
• Dante is jealous that Vergil gets a tail and he doesn't. Vergil is jealous Dante's horns are fancier than his. They are both content with the wings that they have. (Also vergil has long skinny fangs with sharp teeth and Dante has wider, stubbier (but still as equally sharp) fangs with more "human" teeth)
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Hi can you do a thing where young auron (like maybe....15 years old) travels to the future and meets adult auron, and is stuck there for 24 hours, and rook comes over for a surprise and sees young him and gushes over him calling him cute and adorable, and young him asked who rook is and auron says.....this is the love of my life
If you don't mind 🙏🏻🥺
They like us because of our personality??
Rook yawned into their hand as they walked to the kitchen to get some water. Groping the wall for the switch they flicked it and saw a kid looking at them with deer caught in highlights look. Both looking at each other the kid had red...hair? Rook looked at them hard as they started to connect that the kids looked a lot like...
"Auron?..." The kid seem to flinch a bit at them calling him out. Eyes flicking at the kitchen entrance and the gun in his hand made them feel a bit uneasy. "Are...you okay?" 'Auron' nodded and tried to speak but Rook's Auron, called out to them.
"Rook? Come back to bed, why are you- Who are you?" Confused was all over Auron's face and tone as he looked at the young man standing in his kitchen for some reason. Said young man step back a bit, why did this man look so much like a older version of himself?? Older Auron seeing the gun flinched seeing it, then glared at the teenager in front of him "Where did you get that?" Hissing out as he walked to him.
Causing the teenager to point the gun up quickly, he didn't know what would happen. Rook grabbed Auron and announced "I think that's you when younger???" Both boys paused looking at Rook, who then gestured to the gun "Put that away please? I just want to know how you got here?" Little A, nickname Rook gave him, put the gun slowly down but still held it.
"I...I don't know how I got here...Where is here actually?" The smaller red head questioned. Auron looked at him and sighed then turned to Rook "Can you make me coffee please? I'm going to need it." Rubbing his forehead he then sat down at the island and motioned the younger man to sit next to him.
Rook sighed as they began making Auron's coffee while humming a tune to themselves. Little A couldn't help but smile a bit when seeing that, "You are in a penthouse you'll own when older." Interrupted his staring. Auron then looked back at Rook that leaned against the island in front of them.
"Awee Auron you were so cute when younger!" Both blushed at the statement while Rook giggled then looked at the younger boy "Soooo are you hungry? Or thirsty I'll make something-" Rambling as they turned checking on the coffee then looking in the fridge in case the teenager wanted anything. Fussing really from both the Auron's perspectives.
"I-I can make something myself if I'm hungry don't worry Mx-" Little A felt flustered by this most of the time adults don't fuss over him because he is the older one. Usually it's Faust getting pampered, which now thinking of him he's worried. Thinking turned dark as he thought of what happened before coming here, he shot- Light laughter shined through his dark thoughts, looking up from the island he could have seen a halo above them.
"Mx? Holy shit! I'm not that old kid I'm probably a good 8 years older! Just call me Rook." Stating with a smile as they passed Auron his coffee. Flustered the younger man nodded, he was taught by....him, to always address a adult like that.
"Rook, dear, your flustering him. Be kind, he's still dealing with shit before coming here. Lord knows my prepubescent years were hell." Chuckling out as he sipped the coffee and sighed. "So, do you have any idea what could have caused this? What is the last thing you remember?" Questioning his younger self felt weird, but he was curious of how this happened.
Little A thought hard of what could have caused this, then spoke "There was this...Blonde man that showed up and tapped my shoulder. Saying I needed to do something?" Mumbling the last bit Auron nodded. So, Finn was meddling again he suppose. But there was a question shot at him from his younger self "So....their our partner?" Rook looked turned again from their breakfast they started making.
"Yes, they are." Simple words made the teen stare in shock. Causing Rook to snort holding their face trying to cover it. "I know shocking." Added by Auron as he sipped again at his coffee, causing Rook to giggle more.
"Someone liked us for our personality??" Yelped confused, setting off Rook in a full laughter as they tried not to drop the pan in their other hand. Auron nodded as he set down his finished coffee, little A was now staring at the counter, Rook and then Auron.
"Awe his confused face is so cute! I need to take pictures!" Declared as they put the eggs and pancakes on the counter. "Take what you want okay? If there is something you wanted but I didn't make, just tell Auron." Explaining as they gave Auron a kiss on the lips before fleeing back to the bedroom. Little A looked at the pancakes and then at Auron, who was smiling after Rook as they left.
"You can trust them, their cooking is good." Speaking as he got up and put his cup in the sink. Little A began to eat them, his body remembering that it only had cereal from this morning. He then heard a snap, turning his head he saw Rook holding a phone.
"Awwweee look at him Auron! His cheeks are puffed up like a hamsters!" Squealing only got a sigh in response as Auron looked lovingly at Rook. Auron looked at his younger self flush once again, this was going to be a long day for him.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Hi, love your blog! Can I request headcanons for Dante, Vergil and Trish trying to conquer a reader with ADHD (inattentive)?
Oh yes, here ya go. 💜
Dante, Vergil, and Trish x ADHD! Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
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-So, you have trouble paying attention to things? You're disorganized? You procrastinate even when you're trying hard to get things done? Now, who does that sound like? Oh yeah, Dante!
-Dante is chill, very, very chill, and doesn't mind your forgetfulness and tendency to get distracted.
-He'll help you remember things but he's not that good at keeping track of stuff either.
-You guys can lie around for hours, just doing nothing, or maybe having a lighthearted conversation, but not much else. It's fine though, he'll eventually pull himself together and get off the couch to do stuff.
-He'll be sure to help you research medications and take you to doctors if you necessary.
-Loves you no matter what, even if you spend 15 minutes trying to find the TV remote when you were sitting on it the entire time.
□ Vergil □
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-Vergil is a very organized and practical dude and is more than happy to help you get yourself sorted.
-Gets frustrated whenever you misplace items or forget the direction of the conversation, but controls himself, because he understands your behavior isn't your fault.
-He started making detailed schedules for you and tapes them up everywhere, so you always have a sense of what you have to do and when.
-Motivates you every morning, reminding you (indirectly, of course) that he cares about you and that he'll always be around to protect you.
-Will help explain concepts/conversations to you if you couldn't grasp them the first time.
-He might get a little irritated by your distracted nature, but he still loves you and wants to help you deal with your ADHD.
▪︎ Trish ▪︎
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-She's patient and tolerating of you and your drifty brain, taking care of you in her own sweet, protective way.
-She reminds you of practically everything when you forget: to take your medicine, that you're supposed to go to work in an hour, that you left your wallet on the kitchen counter again, etc.
-Texts you whenever she's not at home or around you, sending cute little messages, reminders, and sometimes selfies of her doing stuff.
-Though she's not exactly the world's neatest woman, she knows how to keep things tidy and will certainly help you clean your house.
-She also knows to snap her fingers or clap really loudly when she wants your attention.
-Is very careful to avoid putting you in situations where you might face social anxiety, though on the rare occasions that you get overwhelmed, she's there for you.
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figcookie01 · 9 months
some queer and misc. analysis of trish una
im not sure if everyone saw my addition on this post here proposing the theory that bucciarati is a "parental" character in a non-traditional and queer sense, but i wanted to continue that discussion by talking about trish now.. since to me, she has what could be described as araki's first attempt at a true character arc for a female character, who simultaneously has elements that read like queer self-actualization that we watch unfold throughout the story.
for the purposes of this analysis, what is important to recognize about trish's introduction is how she is figuratively (team bucciaratis mission to protect her will get them closer to giorno/bucciaratis goals) and literally (his only known relative and identifiable factor at the start) linked to her father; she loses her mother (loving supportive family), is thrust into a horrifying world out to harm her for factors beyond her control, and is expected to blindly trust her father and by extension his men assigned to protect her. its no wonder she is so guarded, but my point here is how this establishes trish as starting off vulnerable and uncertain of the world she's inadvertently embroiled in beyond her safe upbringing with her mother.
nevertheless, trish is repeatedly described as having the willpower to figure these things out for her own sake, and a tenacity for these frightening events (la squadra's attacks) beyond that on the average person. both giorno and abbacchio mention it at different points (although abbacchios line is changed to narancias in the anime).
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perhaps the most notable early example of her gumption is what she first says at the end of the grateful dead/beach boy fight. although bucciarati is not at liberty to answer her questions about both why she is being attacked, and also what the truth about these strange powers are.
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however, id argue this is in line with what has been previously established for bucciarati's character to say; that it is up to trish herself to determine what these things mean, especially if they are related to her intrinsic identity.
this continues once they arrive in venice at the church, where we get to see trish's human vulnerability and fear. something i find particularly interesting is that, above all else, she is afraid of the uncertainty about what her father will be like and her personal fate.
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this was one of the original things i wanted to talk about under a queer reading; for a queer person to come out to their family, there sometimes may be a concern about alienation of self. that is, coming out may, figuratively and literally, feel like you are revealing an entire side or life you live that they know nothing about. it may be about seeking approval from those who are, in many cases, a major part of life and your upbringing; she wants this week from hell to be over so she can return to some semblance of normalcy as herself, and her father is her only hope for this then.
something of particular note that bucciarati responds with is the probability that she will be given an entire new identity and forced to uproot even further, separated in even her most fundamental identity from the life she once led for the sake of her fathers comfort. even before the horrific reception her father gives her, trishs chances of being accepted as she is and loved are poor, a matter that might be incredibly common for people who try to express who they really are to unwelcoming families.
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in trishs case, diavolo has literally never met her at all in any capacity, nor was he present in her upbringing; there is an extra factor of blind faith she must put into him. but he is the only biological "family" shes got; we will talk about nontraditional families and team bucciarati in a moment.
for this reason, bucciarati assures her (whether it is of his own doomed naivety or something else entirely) that a family will love you no matter what, because thats what they do. its a value that, up until that next moment, was something he himself had complete faith in.
as the rest of this arc shows though, that wasnt the case for trish, and never would be.
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the events at san giorgio are the turning point for the entirety of vento aureo, with trish at the center of it all. and while this analysis is focused on trish, i wanted to include how it is also an earth-shattering moment for bucciarati, now faced with the culminating reality that the boss never gave a shit about family in the first place, and was only after his selfish desire to be unknowable. his attempted murder of his innocent civilian daughter invokes, to me, the needless cruelty some unaccepting families may have towards their children upon coming out or other realization that their child is both related to them, but not in a way they deem acceptable.
while it is laid out rather straightforwardly, this needless cruelty from biological family is relatable enough to change narancias mind and follow bucciarati after he betrays the gang; cementing once more that the only bonds of trust these characters have are with one another, since not even their biological families will care for them, let alone society.
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at the restaurant in venice, narancia is still fearful about how trish will receive this absolute rejection, but her reception is surprisingly determined.
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in the past, ive seen this scene used as the real point where trish as a female character finally comes into her own as a person, but as we previously established, she really had it in her all along, and it was only put to the test then (more on her innate courage in a moment).
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trish, like the rest of team bucciarati, has no choice but to persist as she is, to exist as her own person even if all the odds are against her. not only this, but she tentatively decides to join in bucciaratis cause, a move that she explains as just to find her own origins or die trying. at this point, her motive might be concerned only with herself, but throughout the notorious BIG fight, that matter changes.
aboard the plane to sardinia, trish grapples with the willingness of team bucciarati to pursue diavolo, even after they no longer are required to protect her. i would say this is when she begins to feel comradery with the team and their cause to exist boldly in the face of someone all-powerful (diavolo) who wishes they were dead, rather than just being someone or something reduced to a secondary role (although how shes treated after this fight is another story...)
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the moment trish realizes that she alone can save giorno (and therefore, the entirety of the team), she is struck with the final dilemma of whether or not she wants to get involved with all of these things on the front lines. she decides she does, without being fully conscious of it, because of the courage now awakened and manifested in-full as her stand, spice girl.
spice girl is unique as a stand for being one of the few that seems to have her own consciousness, although it really is a part of trishs consciousness that was always a part of her, now fully realized in literal, physical form.
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the courage required for her stand to now fully manifest was in her all along, and under a queer lens this could be likened to a person now being able to live authentically as they are, the incongruity mostly solved now that she has grown as a person and has a (support) group/system of those who have had similar experiences.
notorious BIG concludes with trish delivering her own beatdown and saving all of the team, seeming to fully cement her as a force to be reckoned with within the jojo universe and her nuanced personhood that had been building this entire time.
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all this in mind, this isnt to say that trish's character doesnt feel stunted by araki after this point, for no other reason than misogyny. her destruction rank-A level stand and fighting prowess is forgotten after they arrive in sardinia, and during the green day/oasis fight she is conveniently relegated to the caretaker position for narancia, even if giorno is the "healer" and her own stand stronger than his in combat. i would argue the biggest injustice towards trish as a fully fledged character was the enforcement of these stereotypically feminine roles on a character who, as weve just discussed, has learned to be confident, courageous, and unapologetically herself throughout the entirety of vento aureo.
when i first set out to write this post, i was concerned with talking about trish from an almost entirely queer angle. it evolved, then, into something much more full-bodied, with that being simply one lens you can apply to her character arc.
id love to discuss these things (and the stuff in my bucciarati analysis) at greater lengths, and also want to say that despite writing this over a period of time, i may have messed up my wording or made points that seem like reaches... none of this is meant to speak for the experiences of any real person, and are rather generalizations. i hope that regardless of these things, more people can see vento aureo for the narrative value i really think it has, especially to the queer fanbase who, including myself, may relate heavily to the subtextual experiences depicted.
special thanks to @fur-bee for going through this with me and giving me key insights and for my other friends to proofread and such :D
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appleinyoureye · 1 year
JJBA p.2 │ The Tongue of My Love Takes Many Forms
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Summary: love language headcanons! what they have to offer and how to make their knees weak!
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Characters: Giorno Giovanna, Mista Guido, Narancia Ghirga, Trish Una
Word Count: 787
Type: headcanons
part one
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Giving: words of affirmation, gift giving
Giorno is a master with words. He knows what, when and in which way should he tell you to make your day brighter. With a soft smile and reassuring glance, he tells you a compliment or two when you need it the most, and it makes you feel like the most special person on the whole freakin’ planet. Very often you don't hear these sentences directly from him – Giorno usually sends you a butterfly with a message spreaded on its wings, or a puppy that has your favorite snack tied to its collar. He is not afraid to use his stand to make the one he loves feel even more adored.
Receiving: physical touch, words of affirmation
Gio often drifts away with his thoughts, his mind busy with developing new plans and ideas. It may be tiring for his smart brain, and nothing helps him in these moments like your soft touch, grounding him to reality again. Your fingers brushing his cheek and catching his jaw, sweet words leaving your mouth are always enough. Whenever you see him struggling with anything, catch his hand in yours and watch the sparkles dance in his precious eyes.
Giving: words of affirmation, physical touch
My favorite boy, baby boo, the love of my life is all about adoring his loved one. He makes sure that you know your worth, and that your insecurities poof! go away. Mista is always, always telling you how good you look, how smart you are, how amazing you do things, and, uhh, how perfect you are! And be ready for a lot of hugs and kisses! He has to maintain physical contact with you almost all of the time. Brushing your hair every morning, tracing small circles with his thumb on your skin in public places, and hugging and spinning you after a long time apart. That’s how Mista shows he’s in love with you.
Receiving: physical touch, acts of service
Okay, I think we can all agree that this boy way too often gets his cute ass into trouble. Always somehow surviving, he comes to you vulnerable with scratches, cuts and all sorts of wounds. And your duty is to help him. Gently caress his body with a cotton swab, wrap the damaged skin in bandages, put cute band-aids on his face, massage sore spots. Just pamper him like a baby! He knows he can do it all by himself, but your hands just do the magic, you know?
Giving: acts of service, gift giving
Sometimes you think that your boo has two left hands, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Narancia makes you breakfast, but always burns one side of a pancake or makes the scrambled eggs way too dry. He cleans your desk, but accidentally throws away an important document (don’t worry, later he’ll duck in the trash can so he can find it!). He wants to make it up for his clumsiness by giving you all sorts of trinkets! He’s like a magpie. Anything that looks like something you may like (or is sparkly) he gets for you because I can’t say that he buys everything…
Receiving: words of affirmation, gift giving
He’s your good boy, your cutie-patootie, your boo-boo-bae-bee. Tell him that. Praise him. Narancia needs it, and you know it! Remind him how much he means to you. How brilliant his ideas are, even though sometimes they make no sense! Just appreciate his efforts, and I can promise you, that you will see his imaginary tail wagging. And if you tell him how much he means to you, and then give you something to eat? Sheesh! The boy may even cry from happiness.  
Giving: quality time, words of affirmation
She’s not the best at showing it, but Trish cares for you. She surely does. That is why she suggests that you should take her more on dates! Like, c’mon, how could you not think that Trish wants to spend more time with you you to take her on yet another date this weekend? That she deserves it? Pfft! You can still make it up to her by watching a movie marathon with her. And if you notice her hints, she may even praise you! 
Receiving: gift giving
Okay, now, I sure hope you know what to do with her. Give her gifts that she deserves! Trish feels the most loved when she’s appreciated. She may give the vibes of a gold digger, but it’s totally not that. Trish is reassured of your feelings when you put an effort when choosing a gift she may like, when she gets something she’s told you once and you still remembered! It’s the thought behind the gift that counts the most, plus, who doesn’t like pretty things?
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flockoff · 6 months
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car-goes-brrr · 5 months
Man I’m going insane over the sheer amount of Phoenix references when referring to Vergil. And the fact that a demons name is the source of its power and ,as far as I remember, there is not a single mention of Vergil’s name throughout the entirety of DMC5 until Urizen and V merge. One of the first things we hear is Dante stating Vergil’s name loud and clear. And yes, V does say Vergil’s name, however as the audience, we do not actually hear him say it. He truly was the reclaimer of his name 😭😭😭
(Makes me super upset tho that they put their entire capcomussy into writing Vergil but couldn’t write any of the female characters better)
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basil-does-arttt · 1 month
been thinking about Trish a lot lately, and her connection to Eva
(Big ranty thing with some analysis into her character + my own headcanons about trish below)
She was created to be a carbon copy of Eva, right down to the most unimportant details. So much so that Dante recognized her immediately he didnt even do a double-take, as soon as those glasses were off he saw Eva standing infront of him instead of Trish. (I mean, blonde haired+blue eyed women arent uncommon and its not like Dante has never been into a public space before. Hes probably seen similar women to Eva many times throughout his life, but only Trish was so perfectly like Eva that he couldnt see anything else but his mother in her that first moment they met.)
But thats just physical features. It'd be too easy, too simple for Mundus to just create a look-alike to Eva. And i dont think that alone would've been enough to trick Dante either, Dante isnt an idiot no matter how dumb he acts sometimes. So, how deep into this "recreate Eva" thing did Mundus actually go?
Does Trish experience the same motherly instincts Eva had toward Dante (and Vergil)? Does she feel the need to protect them and cherish them like Eva did? Does she get urges to hold them, kiss and hug them and give them praise as Eva once did in their childhood? If so, does she ignore these feelings, pushing them down untill they're buried so deep within her mind that she's forgotten them entirely, or does she let them be and let them pass on their own, wether she acts on them or not. She's quite sassy with Dante in dmc4 and seems quite aloof in dmc5, so maybe thats how she copes with it instead - acting the total opposite to what Eva ever would.
Going even deeper into that, does Trish have any of Eva's memories? Even just vague snippets or imaginings of Eva's life, considering how well Mundus made Trish then that might not be an impossibility. If so, how much would she have the ability to recall? Could she even recall the fire, maybe? If she can, how would she feel about it. Would she grieve? Feel anger, regret, or nothing at all?
And how would she feel about all of this overall? Being a clone of Eva right down to the gritty details even Dante wouldn't know. Trish is so strongly contrasted to Eva in personality, style and tastes that i'd like to imagine she isnt that much of a fan, put simply. She's her own person, she wants to be her own person and she hates the person she represents. She hates how her existence causes pain to somebody she's wired to care so deeply for - sometimes against her will - and she hates seeing him cry or drink himself to death over that dusty old picture thats been sitting on his desk for decades, knowing that she'll only ever make it worse for him in the end, that his grief extends so far into the core of his being that nothing in existence will ever truly fix it.
She's conflicted.
She's Trish. But is she really? Or is that just who she says she is in an effort to push back and ignore the reality of her existence? Nothing more than a fake, a husk of a person who's time was cut short prematurely then taken advantage of by the very being that killed her in the first place.
She's Trish. Not Eva. She can't be Eva, and she never will be Eva. Nothing will change that. Not a dusty old picture, not an old man's delusions, not some dead demon king who breathed life into her form in the first place.
She's Trish. But who even is Trish? Her entire being has always been about Eva. She doesnt know anything else. So she overcompensates with acting sarcastic and sassy, looking hot and sexy and playing with guns and swords because those are things Eva wouldn't ever do herself. Eva. Again, it all comes back to Eva.
She's Trish. Devil hunter and the most 2000s representation of "hot blonde" one could get. Thats who she is. Or at least, that's who she's trying so desperately to be.
Trish needs more love from the developers, her character is so interesting. I have other analysis' of the other characters too if anybody would be interested in that but for now, ill leave you with my take on the iconic blonde from this wonderful series.<3
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herestrish · 2 years
accomplice for hire.
toji x reader | gojo x reader
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synopsis; staring down at the blood on your hands, it’s hard to believe things would ever get back to as they were. but when you cross paths with someone twice as rotten, you cannot but hope he’ll help you clean them.
contents; mystery/thriller, murder, graphic depictions of violence, blood n injury, action packed, heavy angst with both implicit n explicit themes, mentions of abuse, excessive use of alcohol, references to classic cinema, morally twisted reader, cisfem reader, one night stands, gaslighting n toxic relationships, eight chapters of detectives & criminals extraordinaire i could no longer keep away from you.  
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track one; 1. iggy pop, the passenger 2. foreigner, cold as ice 3. bill withers, ain’t no sunshine 4. stealers wheel, stuck in the middle with you 5. talking heads, psycho killer 6. eagles, one of these nights 7. amy winehouse, wake up alone 8. billy joel, the stranger. 9. linda ronstadt, you’re no good. 10. joan jett, dirty deeds.
track two; 1. yes, owner of a lonely heart 2. sweet, fox on the run 3. the rolling stones, gimme shelter 4. billy joel, only the good die young 5. elo, mr. blue sky 6. bryan ferry, kiss & tell 7. frankie goes to hollywood, relax 8. donna summer, hot stuff 9. beegees, tragedy 10. corey hart, sunglasses at night  
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Toji didn’t take you as interesting enough to be looked at. Elbow on the bar, cheek propped in a fist, while smoke trailed and hovered from the corner of his mouth: “Just thought you’d like a second opinion on this. Before you blow a shot in the dark and take yourself in the leg.”
“You don’t strike me as the type to think twice,” words came out more honeyed than they sounded in your mind. Like silk, your gaze brushed the path from jaw to shoulder, rested a bit longer where his T-shirt lined the skin.
There was pride in his voice, in how his cheekbone reached eyelashes and his lip hiked to match. “I don’t hit twice.” 
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ONE | a man walks into a bar
TWO | anything less than the best is a felony ⇠
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ariseur · 3 months
trish comforting angry s/o?
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“hey—! hey!” trish called out, jumping up when she heard a glass break in the kitchen. her heels held a stern clack with every step she took as she made her way to the kitchen.
she narrowed her eyes at the sight in the kitchen. you, one hand on your hip and the other frustratedly buried in your hair as you looked down at the broken glass, she could practically feel the heat radiating off of you.
“th’hell?” she waves her arms around, wrapping around to enter the kitchen and get your attention. when your eyes flickered up at her, full of grief and anger as the gap between them wrinkled with your furrowed brow, it felt different.
trish had never seen you this upset before, causing her to cock her head to the side as she placed a hand on her hip herself, looking at you expectantly. almost as if saying, “what the fuck?”
your mouth gaped open and closed like a fish, trying your best to regulate your breathing as you closed your eyes with your eyebrows furrowing even harder.
your eyes brimmed with hot tears, threatening to spill as you tried to beat to blink them away. it was kinda hard to do that when your eyes were glued to the floor, though, avoiding trish’s gaze. you only looked up at her when you heard the familiar sound of footsteps, heels now softer and much less alert on the tiled floors.
it felt as if your throat coated itself in barbed wire as you tried not to cry, lip quivering as trish’s hand came up to your face.
you peered up at her, feeling weak under her stare because shit, was she gorgeous. blue eyes filled with nothing but sympathy as she slowly pulled you in to her chest, your tear streaked face pressed against her skin as she cooed and shushed you.
her hand came to smooth your hair, pressing her face against your head and giving you small brief kisses. a warm feeling seeped inside of you as you sighed, sniffling while she rocked you from side to side.
when she finally did pull away, she kept you at an arms length to get a better look at you. as you wiped your tears away, trish gazed at you, giving you all the time you needed to recuperate.
she watched as your eyebrows twitched once more, furrowing slightly before she broke the silence with a teasing, “don’t do that now, you’ll get wrinkles, sweetheart.” and as you let out a teary laugh, you couldn’t help but smile at her. despite being a demon, she really was a blessing sometimes.
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smartycvnt · 11 months
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Title: Stratusfaction Pairing: Trish Stratus x Reader Minors DNI, 18+ Warnings: smut, top Trish, bottom Reader, strap-on NR WC: 1913
The news Trish and Lita were coming back had put Y/n in a spiral. She hadn't seen Trish in years, and it wasn't like they had left things off on a good note either. Trish had run off to play homemaker and spend all her free time with her "bestie" Lita. Y/n had been dropped and left on her own after that, and it hurt. Lita had tried reaching out to Y/n a little bit, but the way Trish had dropped off the face of the Earth whenever Y/n tried reaching out had driven a wedge between Y/n and Lita.
Now Trish was back, and Y/n knew that it didn't matter how their positions in the company had changed. Y/n didn't know what would happen with them, but she hoped and prayed that someone else on the writing team got Trish and Becky's storyline. Hunter, however, didn't think there was anybody better than Y/n to handle that. A job was a job at the end of the day, but that didn't stop the uneasy tension between Y/n and Trish from bubbling up every single time they were in a room together.
"Does it hurt sitting with that stick up your ass?" Becky asked Y/n after one of her segments against Trish. Y/n grit her teeth and glared up at her friend. They had known each other for decades now, since Becky came over to wrestle in Canada. She had been so excited to wrestle the girl who had been trained by Trish and Lita, the product of two of WWE's biggest stars. It was sort of ironic that Y/n hadn't ever come to WWE to wrestle, instead settling there after her retirement began. She was one of WWE's best creative assets, even if she hadn't been there for that long. She had something that a lot of the other writers didn't have, something that came only from the route she had taken for her career.
"I do not have a stick up in my ass," Y/n argued. Becky scoffed as she sat down on the edge of the desk where Y/n had been sitting at. She always watched the promos closely and took notes on whatever she could. Becky wanted a peek inside of that notebook, but at the same time, was terrified that it'd be full of things she didn't even know she was doing wrong. Y/n had a knack for noticing the smallest of details, the involuntary movements or voice changes that happened while someone cut a promo. "She tore you up a little tonight. Next time, I want you to zero in on Zoey, not Trish."
"Still got a soft spot for the box-dye bat?" Becky teased. Y/n reached forward and punched Becky in the thigh. "Shit, it was a joke. God, you'd think that wouldn't be a soft spot after so long."
"How's Charlotte?" Y/n asked. She knew exactly what she was doing, and Becky did too, but that didn't stop Becky from getting visibly angry. "It's been a long time Becky, and you got your closure and apologies, I didn't."
"Point taken," Becky grumbled. The two of them fell into a somewhat uneasy silence before two heads of blonde hair poked out from behind the curtains. "I'll get going. Good luck."
"Please tell me that next week, she's not going to stand there and screech about me being past my prime." Trish stood in front of Y/n with her arms crossed over her chest. The stupid face mask was back, and Y/n hated it so much. Trish was well enough that she didn't need it, all of this was one big callback to her feud with Lita. It was what Triple H had wanted, and both Trish and Lita seemed to be fine with it. Y/n, however, had wanted something new for Trish, something beyond being the backstabbing, mean, blonde lady.
"She's going after Zoey next week, and you're staying out of it. Before you argue with me, something needs to happen to set them up for a one-on-one before Lita comes back to kick your ass," Y/n said. Surprisingly, Trish just nodded and hummed, as if she agreed with Y/n's decision completely. Y/n had expected some big spiel about how Zoey wasn't really ready, but there was none of that. Trish seemed to have full confidence in Zoey to go out there and hit all of the points that Y/n would write down for her. Either that, or Trish expected Zoey to fail and would rush out there to save the day.
"Good, you know what you need to do. Now, give me a moment with Y/n," Trish said. Zoey walked away like she was expecting this, and suddenly, Y/n felt cornered. Trish sat down on the edge of Y/n's desk, right where Becky had been before, but this time it felt different. The stupid face mask Trish was wearing was pulled off, and Y/n's heart started to beat a little faster as Trish's eyes settled on her. "I don't like that you're always so angry with me."
"I'm not angry," Y/n lied. It was clear to everyone that Y/n was emotionally unbalanced. She had always been a kind of angry kid growing up, but now it was all focused on what Trish had done to her years before. "What?"
"I don't believe that, just like I didn't believe it before. Come to my hotel room tonight, we'll fix this," Trish said. Y/n knew that it was a bad idea, but that wasn't going to stop her from going to see Trish. It would be wildly inappropriate, just like their relationship before. Y/n wanted to scream and physically fight Trish every single time she thought about how she had let that woman have her heart completely. Y/n had been so young and naive that she thought Trish wanted her unconditional love. The worst part of it was that Y/n believed Trish whenever the woman said that they'd always love each other, no matter what. The way Trish had walked away for someone else had shown Y/n that Trish never loved her in the first place. Maybe Y/n could finally get all of the things weighing on her chest off before it caused her to completely break down.
Trish's hotel being nicer than Y/n's shouldn't have come as a surprise. It was only recently that Y/n even started to making a livable wage since Vince left and sold the company. He had not been overly fond of paying someone who had spent so much time helping competitors. Trish had a legends salary, which meant she could live off of an appearance for nearly a year at a time. This hotel room wasn't being paid for out of pocket though. Y/n knew that Trish demanded to be housed somewhere nice on the road, and that woman had high standards for what qualified as "nice" for a couple of nights.
"I was beginning to wonder if you'd actually show up," Trish greeted as she let Y/n into the room. Y/n had begun to debate whether or not she actually wanted to come as well. Trish looked more than ready for Y/n, and not in the way that Y/n had expected her to. Trish's robe looked like an impossibly soft silk material, and beneath it, Y/n could see lace. Y/n's mouth watered at the sight despite herself.
"And here I thought Trish Stratus didn't wait up for anybody," Y/n teased. Trish grabbed Y/n by the collar of her shirt and pulled the woman inside. Y/n crashed into Trish's body sending both of them stumbling into the room. It had been a long time since Y/n had been so close to Trish, and back then, the roles had been somewhat reversed. Y/n had been the one grabbing at Trish in a desperate attempt to be closer, but now Trish was the one reaching towards Y/n.
"You really should be nicer to the person deciding whether or not you're getting fucked tonight," Trish warned. Y/n's cheeks got flushed and burned hot. She felt somewhat embarrassed, as if someone passing through the empty hallway could have heard Trish's words. Y/n had always been sort of shy about intimacy, and Trish was glad that something hadn't changed about Y/n since she left. Physically, Y/n's body had changed with time, but Trish thought that Y/n was even hotter now than she had been then. There was obviously not as much of a pressure to keep her weight down, and Y/n looked healthy and happier than Trish could ever remember seeing her.
Trish grabbed at Y/n's hips as they moved towards the bed together. Y/n let Trish guide her around and take control of their situation. Y/n's back hit the bed first, and Trish climbed onto her lap to straddle her. Y/n's breath caught in her throat when Trish let the robe fall open and fall down onto the ground behind them. It had been years since Y/n had seen Trish like that, and it felt just like the first time once again. Y/n wasn't nearly as inexperienced as she had been before, but in that moment, it didn't matter what Y/n knew and what she didn't. Trish wasn't there for Y/n to show off with her sexual prowess, Trish was there for something else entirely. At least that's what Y/n gathered from the strap-on jutting out proudly from between Trish's legs.
Y/n couldn't remember the last time she had taken on such a submissive role in the bedroom, but she found herself doing everything Trish asked of her. The little bits of attention and admiration that Trish granted Y/n were addictive to say the least. Y/n kept striving for more and more from Trish until there was no possible way for Trish to give her anything else. The steady thrusts of Trish's hips matched up with the heavy thud of Y/n's heart beating in her chest. Y/n foolishly let herself think that Trish was doing it on purpose, connecting them more than physically.
"I love you," Y/n muttered under her breath as Trish fucked her. Trish pretended not to hear Y/n's words as she buried her face in the crook of Y/n's neck, kissing and biting the sensitive skin there. Y/n clawed at Trish's back as she moved her hips to match Trish's thrusts. Y/n was chasing after her orgasm while Trish was trying to run away from her guilt. She wanted to feel the same way about Y/n that Y/n felt about her, but Trish couldn't bring herself to do it. That was why they'd never work outside of nights like this, ones where both women were so willing to give into the thoughts in the back of their heads telling them there was no harm or foul in a little fucking. Trish knew Y/n would go back to her own place by the time that the sun rose, so they wouldn't have to have that awkward conversation about what they were and what they weren't.
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Valentine’s Day headcanons
-Giorno does the thing where he will fake being stood up on a Valentine’s date at a restaurant so that he could maybe get his meal for free. It’s worked every time but once. He always brings flowers and chocolate with him to make it look more convincing.
-Bruno will change the TV in the living room to a channel that has really sappy romance movies on all day. Then he will hide the remote in his zipper portals and watch as Narancia tries to find where the remote is hiding so he can watch something way less cheesy. It’s Bruno’s entertainment for the day.
-Abbacchio uses Valentine’s Day as an excuse to buy a fancier bottle of wine than usual. He also finds entertainment in watching Narancia frantically trying to find the TV remote.
-Mista is always extra dramatic on Valentine’s Day (because he is single). He spends 2/3rds of the day crying and then around dinner time he will treat himself to an extra fancy meal and dessert. And then he will cry later that night when he gets home to the romance movies playing in the living room.
-Narancia doesn’t understand Valentine’s Day, it’s too lovey dovey for him, and he would rather spend the day binge watching one of his funny shows than have to watch the romance movies. He thinks Mista hid the remote.
-Fugo doesn’t think about Valentine’s Day too much until he remembers that his favorite bakery will have a sale on chocolate covered strawberries the next day. He also always ends up reading a romance novel, and then complaining about how poorly written it was.
-Trish loves Valentine’s Day for the aesthetics and she always buys a ton of chocolate for herself. She makes little Valentine’s for everyone that say cute things like “roses are red, violets are blue, if you steal my chocolate I’m gonna kill you <3” and “I tolerate you <3” on them.
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bitterlycursedstars · 5 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
How do you think the characters in DMC feel about snow? How do they react to it?
Hello again!
I think Dante and Nero both enjoy the snow, at least to some degree, since they're both used to seeing it, and would probably start a snowball fight, much to Vergil's dismay, who would almost definitely quickly become their target.
Vergil, on the other hand, isn't as used to snow as the other two. Sure, he's probably seen it before when he was younger, but all that time in the underworld may have made him forget. So when he sees the cold, white flakes flutter down for the first time in 20+ years, he completely stops in his tracks to look up and watch them for a solid 10 minutes, completely surprised when one lands on his nose.
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ladytrish pre-dmc 1 meeting au?
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"A Premature Meeting"
Lady (Devil May Cry)
Trish (Devil May Cry)
Lady x Trish
A sinister plot unfolds to lure the son of Sparda to his doom... But you know that story. This time around, however, a key player visits an old ally of Dante's just before events go into motion.
Content Warnings:
Firearms (Magically Resisted)
Dismemberment (Magically Healed)
Canon Divergence
Author's Note:
This is actually a really good idea, thank you anon. I may actually write a follow-up to this, no promises though.
Lady flopped onto her couch, clutching Kalina Ann in her arms. She hadn't even bothered to change out of her riding suit, but all discomfort and soreness was outweighed by sheer exhaustion.
Her respite was cut short by a loud crash from the far wall. At once, Lady jumped behind the couch and took cover, peeking over to see her own motorcycle lying in the middle of her apartment, leaving a trail of glass and other rubble in its wake.
"What the hell?!" Lady roared.
As if to answer her question, the culprit made herself known. Landing behind the motorcycle was a tall, blonde woman, dressed in black leather boots, with skin-tight pants and a corset to match. Her hair was done up in a pony tail, and her eyes were hidden by a pair of sunglasses.
The woman looked fit, but there was no human explanation for throwing a motor vehicle into a second story window, then leaping in after it. Lady slung Kalina Ann onto her back, and placed a hand on her pistol - the human-sized demons tended to be too fast for Kalina Ann.
The mysterious woman turned, and met Lady's eyes. "Hm... One red eye, one green... Scar across the bridge of her nose... You're the one, alright."
"Tell me why you're here. Now." Lady drew her pistol. "Or else."
The intruder smiled. "Well well... You are a ferocious one, aren't y-"
Lady fired her pistol, hitting her right between the eyes. Even as the bullet crumpled and bounced off, leaving only a bruise, Lady's target grunted. "...That was rude." She hissed through gritted teeth.
Lady scoffed. "I don't know what's considered polite in the Underworld, but up here? Throwing motorcycles into people's windows doesn't exactly say 'I come in peace'."
The stranger chuckled. "I'll remember that next time."
"I won't ask you again." Lady cocked her pistol.
The woman smiled "I just need to know where I can find your friend, Dante."
Dante? Lady thought to herself. This woman knows him... Could she be another family member? Her hair isn't white, but she has his tan, and maybe his nose too...
"Who's asking?" Lady barked.
The demon glared. "No one's 'asking'. You're going to tell me. What's up to you is how much I'm going to hurt you first."
"Wrong answer." Lady fired her pistol again.
This time, the stranger dodged, and in an instant, she tossed the couch aside. "Right back at you." She then seized Lady by the throat, and lifted her off of her feet. "Surely you know by now that your only choice is to cooperate?"
"Think again." Lady retorted. "Look down."
The demon looked down to find that her right foot was planted on top of some sort of metal disk. "What's this?" She inquired.
"That's a landmine. Calibrated to fuck up demons like you." Lady answered.
The demon grinned smugly. "You've never faced a demon like me. I like my chances."
"But do you like mine? If you step off now, we'll both be caught in the blast. And I can't tell you anything if I'm dead." It was Lady's turn to look smug.
The woman's eyebrows raised, and her head cocked to the side. "Well played." At once, she tossed Lady over her shoulder.
She landed right beside her motorcycle, her leathers thankfully shielding her from the broken glass. Lady quickly got to her feet, and pushed the motorcycle upright.
"Oh, no you d-" The demon was cut off by a loud gang, and covered by a puff of smoke.
If this were a regular job, Lady would have stopped to make sure the demon was finished. Instead she climbed onto her motorcycle, and rode out of what used to be her window, landing in the street below and tearing away.
Who the hell was that?! Lady thought to herself. I better get myself to Dante's office. To warn him, and to get some answers.
* * *
"Agh, fuck me..." Trish came to, and looked down at herself to assess the damage. Her right leg was reduced to crystalized ichor. Nothing that wouldn't regenerate, and not nearly as painful as anything Mundus would bestow if he had witnessed this failure, but it was still a surprise.
As the stump began to extend into a complete leg again, she laid back down, and laughed to herself. Looks like I underestimated you, hunter. I hope this isn't the last we see of each other.
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