Gonna pull Tumblr polls out about this thought I'm having. I'm curious what people think.
I kept this as drafts for a bit but now it's my birthday and some pronoun pins my wife got me made me want to actually post it now.
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cyborgdragongirl · 2 months
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i didn’t think i had any pre transition photos but i found one that’s about ~6 months pre HRT
this is me 10 months on HRT. i’ve never been happier in my life; and if i hadn’t started, i almost certainly would be continuing to wake up and go to sleep and hope i got killed somewhere in the meantime.
literally my second day after starting HRT i stopped feeling suicidal, something that’s been omnipresent since i was 8 years old.
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stationrebuttal · 28 days
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Lies, again.
Station has said in DMs with Jolee that it was worried about her and never had any intention of "turning them against the trio" just that it felt bad that the three of them were STILL mocking her after literal years.
It didnt know much about her relationship with the three of them, just that they cared for each other and a few people messed up. Everyone associated with this blog wishes no harm or distress on Sunny and her friends:- we want bictims to get closure and for Sunny to leave Station alone.
Mod 3 reads Jolee's DMs with it and she never mentioned being close with Al or that they specifically was close. Station doesn't want to make people paranoid when it has paranoia itself.
This may be a surpise, but it doesn't have that many burner blogs or sock puppets. It has maybe 2-3 URLs saved because they were previous ones and people like to steal them to upset it. Sunny and Taylor have both done this along with other people.
According to Station, there was no "harrassment" involved with Jolee. They both had a pretty normal conversation about what was going on and how they were both in the wrong. Here's my screenshots it sent me a few days ago.
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There's no harrassment here, they unfriendes each other after this and the last interaction it had with her was posted on its blog.
It's "two day public breakdown" was over the fact that people kept spam emailing, texting and calling it's new phone number after it had just changed it and threatened to kill it if they saw it in public.
It having a breakdown and attempting wasn't because it got caught lying, which it didn't do, but because what Sunny is doing and supporting is actual harrassment.
We keep saying that the callout was, and always has been a harrassment campaign that could've been solved in DMs if R. Bambeck decided to be an adult that wasn't in a relatonship with a child and decied to write a callout for it.
Station isn't a petty person or someone who "gets off" on drama. It's never said it wasn't in the wrong for what it did or what happened was okay. For the most part it doesn't engage in that behavior anymore and doesn't want to think about Sunny, let alone chew her put about making a joke AMV for two movies it's never seen.
Not everyone is Station, and several people Sunny has called out or harrassed have come to us, we were the first to reach out to Jolee. Station nor Jolee have an introject or selfship with Arty. That's Mod 2.
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haupkmn · 1 month
I. I wish everyone understood that nobody in the TV Station has an introject of Arty because there's other people involved who that friend group have hurt.
Not everyone is me, I'm not crazy enough to come up with personas of different people and claim to be things I'm not. I want to say I'm sorry that people care about me and were affected by this situation but it sounds off.
I don't know how to please anyone without killing myself. I don't want to be involved or spoken about or lied about anymore. All I want is to be left alone.
We aren't even going to Anime Boston anymore. We can't afford it and it's better to be safe than to have fun. Sunny won /hj.
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cripple-punk-dad · 2 years
I'm sick of people fucking trying to pit transfems, trans women, and transmascs, trans men, against each other and leaving non-binary folk out entirely. It's disgusting and it's such a chronically online take.
You wanna hear a story? You wanna fucking listen to trans people? Shut the fuck up and listen.
I went to a back-to-school pride event on Saturday. I live in the heart of Utah valley. There were more protestors than queer people/allies at the event. And they were being loud about it. They had christian rap blasting as loud as the could. They were being inflammatory. One of them grabbed my wheelchair and moved me. There were cops there telling us to keep the peace, "they had as much a right to be there as we did, we better not start anything."
There was supposed to be a drag show that night. The stupid fucking "protestors" kept trying to storm the stage.
So you know what we did?
We formed and held a line until the angels that block homophobic assholes from sight showed up.
The organizers of the event were handing out pride flags left and right.
I was surrounded on both sides by my queer siblings, the person standing next to me, holding my hand, sharing a flag with me for two fucking hours in the hot sun was a trans woman. Most of the people holding that line were trans, and GNC, and non-binary folks holding hands, or linking arms.
We are siblings held together by queerness. Ok? We are united. We have to be. Sure, siblings fight and don't get along but at the end of the day, barring abusive situations (which we are not in, despite what a lot of people want you to believe) we are the only people holding that fucking line. We are the only people who truly have each other's backs. Bigoted cishets don't give a flying fuck, so spit out their boots. stop licking them.
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vikapodliza · 1 year
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polyphonetic · 1 year
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good morning from me and Denali :)
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chxrrykissess · 8 months
friendly reminder trans femmes belong on nsfw blogs just as much as anyone else. Trans femmes belong on lesbian nsfw blogs.
Trans people belong.
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bandomfandombeyond · 9 months
fine I'll be the change I wish to see in the world and write a funny and relatable meme about relationships between transfemmes and transmascs
*stares at phone blankly for 7 minutes while my gf laughs at me*
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the-invisible-wizard · 2 months
transfemme catgirls this, transfemme puppygirls that, but where the hell are the transfemme horsegirls?
i need you whinnying when you get excited, randomly galloping around town, frolicking in lush fields after eating a sugar cube
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Had a fun experience with a classmate who tried to explain to me how trans people aren't real and how she'd never respect them and then got hostile when i tried to have a talk abt it
(We're in healthcare)
((Im not out to my classmates. But i was just like "you just fkn did?")
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stationrebuttal · 9 days
Someone sent us screenshots of one of Sunny's friends who came to this blog recently with this as a frequently used tag on their blog.
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That is... A choice that Sunny chooses to associate with someone like this.
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haupkmn · 1 month
I feel because it's a difference between someone deliberately making a post calling someone a name they do not like/are traumatized by and spreading it as a callout or "awareness" (harassment) and being genuinely unsure what to call someone who doesn't fucking respect you and is transphobic towards you.
It is REALLY WEIRD to discuss someone who is a stranger you hate and want to bomb apparently's genitals with someone else without their knowledge or consent.
One more thing is that it's equally weird of someone to flat out ignore certain things like someone being plural and genuinely not remembering someone else's preferred name and lumping an entire system into one person to accuse of terrible things (like calling someone who's Jewish a fan of a nazi)
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silenthill2ps2 · 10 months
Heads up the motorcycle lesbian art was made by a pedophile
SIGHS HEAVILY i just deleted it, thanks for the heads up
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cripple-punk-dad · 2 years
Transandrophobia, transmisandry, whatever you wanna call it, is 100% a real thing, and there is nothing wrong with using those two labels. The definition of transmisandry/transandrophobia is "the unique axes of oppression that trans men and transmasculine people experience on the basis of being transgender and masculine". The two biggest arguments I have seen against using it are
1) Misandry doesn't exist because men privilege from the patriarchy (Which is true), therefore transmisandry can't exist. Which is wrong on a couple counts because that argument functions on the belief that trans men and trans mascs have male privilege. We do not. Trans men and transmasculine people *rarely* experience the privilege of a cis man. especially if you are not a white, heterosexual, able-bodied, neurotypical trans man/trans masc. And even in that situation, passing as cis in a public space, and therefore receiving male privilege in said space, relies on so many overlapping, usually unlikely things.  If a cis person even *suspects* that you are not a cishet man, than you start to lose the privileges that come from being a cis male in our patriarchal society. But we rarely get that privilege, and to get it we have to conform to the cis expectation of what a man is, which most trans men and trans mascs I know don't identify with that. And we shouldn’t have to. Also, the patriarchy helps a very limited group of people, if any, and trans folks are not in that group. 2) the other argument I have seen is that trans men and transmascs using those terms to describe our issues is transmisogynistic. Frankly this one just makes me angry because I have gotten death threats over this reason, and the main reasoning is that when transmascs and trans men are talking about our issues, that means that we're excluding and silencing trans women and transfemme people. which is just not fucking true. There is this weird expectation we have that trans men are supposed to stand up and protect trans women and transfemmes when they're being attacked, but the thing is, we’re both getting attacked, everyone in the trans community is under attack right now, transfemme, trans men, transmascs, non-binary folks, genderfluid folks. this is not an us vs. them vs. them situation. We’re supposed to be protecting each other here.
Transfemmes and trans women often struggle from hypervisibility, while trans men and trans mascs often struggle with a severe lack of visibility (I'm mostly referring to the United States and Canada). Both are extremely dangerous, and both need to be talked about. But because of the nature of being a hypervisible minority, within trans circles, trans women and trans femme experiences are the most talked about. This is not the fault of transfemmes and trans women, it comes from layers of sexism that are engrained in all of us. Men are expected to be silent about our issues, we aren't supposed to admit that we're struggling. We aren't supposed to complain. Unfortunately this has lead to the erasure of trans men and transmascs.
We really need to stop the whole "masculinity bad, men bad" that has become such a big part of queer culture, mostly from terfs. Because trans mascs and trans men are the ones who are getting the short of end of the stick when it comes to that
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polyphonetic · 2 years
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local curly girl is sleepy
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