#trans mulan
g3nd3rg4y · 1 year
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*transes your modern au mulan*
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he is just like me frfr
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multifandotakugirl · 2 years
hi I just saw ur reblog of that trans mulan q and i wanted to say hi and ask if there was anything else to that concept
HI!! how are you? and uhm, well, i'm not sure it would happen but if it did... here are some possible headcanons for that, if you wanted it.
instead of waiting for approval from her parents or coming out to them, he just cut his hair awfully, and real short, so they HAD to get him a haircut to fix it
when he would feel really cowardly, he would remind himself of all the transphobes he met and faced to get to this point and to man up and do whatever he was feeling cowardly about doing
Meaning he probably flirted with like everyone he found hot
and was more honest with his feelings, so... like no sleeping warrior silent pining most likely
but that's not to say he wasn't a mess of a gay
because he was. he is. he blushed and he's terrible at flirting if the person he likes flirts back
Li-Shang made him spit out his drink when Mulan first saw him
Ping tried to act like a top and flirt with him but he's not great at that
Li-Shang found it adorable
Ping tried for a while to get his pride back and act like a 'top' and flirt
it was a long list of fails
Li-Shang asked him out first eventually, bc he got tired of waiting
Hope you liked it!
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ascandalincamelot · 3 months
That guy from "Mulan" was like "I'll make men out of you" and judging by the transmasc fanbase, did exactly as he promised
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 3 months
I’m trans because Shang said he’d make a man out of me and I said “okay”
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s-t-r-e-a-m · 2 years
I was wondering what I could do to be more masculine as a FTM pre-T and I finally found some good tips that I hope maybe will help you too
Be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
All the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
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sparklemaia · 10 months
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From my Top Surgery Recovery Sketchbook!
I had to wear this post-op compression binder for a month and this is how I made myself feel better about it, because obviously Mulan rules 🤘
I have a substack! Subscribing (free!) puts comics and sketches right in your email inbox directly from me! (There's also a $5/mo option if you want Secret Bonus Comics)
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alphie-in-the-sky · 7 months
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spoekelse · 6 months
very interesting how james somerton's misogyny bleeds into his transandrophobia. calls N.D. Stevenson and Rebecca Sugar women, steals from Alexander Avila, assumes all Yuri On Ice fans are straight teenage girls..
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riddle-city · 1 year
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This scene really awoke something in me huh 🧐
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yomamaslefttoenail · 6 months
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Jim Hawkins and Mulan being friends (and they both trans ofc)
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im-secretly-a-frog · 5 months
Did anyone else get really disappointed when Mulan changed back?
Yeah, we were robbed of the gay transmasc love story we deserved.
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scholar-of-yemdresh · 5 months
The TERF brigade in the BES fandom makes my skin itch. God forbid you interpret Mizu as transmasc. Like having a different interpretation of the character is somehow taking anything away from cis women. Musty asses already castigated any HCing Mulan as transmasc are you not tired of harassing asian transmascs by now???
Anyway instead of getting cis "people" in your mentions crying about the "evil [white*] transes taking away wombmyn stories". Protect your peace and stan a book series that's got a transmasc asian(fantasy Korean not Japanese) swordsman as one of the main characters, his name is Keun-ju and he's so pookie ☺.
It's called The Crimson Empire trilogy by Alex Marshall. It's a batshit heavy metal dark fantasy trilogy with pretty much every queer imaginable. Also If you can handle the gore/violence of BES then this shouldn't be an issue. The Main character(there are a lot of important characters) is a scarred up brawny bi woman who's in her late 50s/early 60s.
Oh and all those ot3 Mizu/Akemi/Taigen shippers I see you...so Keun-ju is bi and gets into a throuple with a feisty(Low key a dumbass tbh 💀) princess(who's his childhood friend and he's her bodyguard because I know yall eat up that shi) AND a cis guy who he starts out with a pseudo antagonistic/rivalry relationship.
Caveat unlike BES these three do start off the series as teens (16-17/18) but by the end they're all firmly adults.
*Totally ignoring the trans POC specifically the East asian trans people because "transness is a taint forced by white people" or some other bullshit. And it make it easier for the TERFs to pretend they're fighting the "oppressor" if they act like trans poc calling them out on their shit don't exist.
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trans-leek-cookie · 6 months
i feel like we are conflating "not realizing you were being lied to" and "accepting/ignoring obvious gross behavior" in the same realm of being Not At Fault. Yeah this is abt James Somerton cause like. Yeah you're not going to notice plagiarism unless youre familiar with the plagiarized work (or someone calls out said plagiarism) that's fine. But like? You aren't irredeemable or anything, but maybe in the future be more critical when someone you respect or like says stuff that's misogynistic or lesbophobic or biphobic or transphobic? Like you don't have to instantly persecute them, but please let that inform how you see them? Don't just write them off as having good intentions or important things to say (even if they do), you can acknowledge those intentions while also acknowledging their faults. Again: it's not an unforgivable sin, but there's a difference in being lied to and listening to someone Say Misogynistic and Bi/Trans/Lesbophobic Shit openly
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Things you need to be, to be a man: -swift as the coursing river -with all the force of a great typhoon -with all the strength of a raging fire -mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Things you don't need to be a man: -a penis
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your-queer-dad · 9 months
LGBT actually stands for
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