#trans healtcare
February 15, 2024 — We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the Government of Alberta’s planned changes to gender-affirming care, education, and sports in the province. These changes amount to an attack on trans people, and in particular trans youth. On January 31, 2024, the Premier of Alberta announced sweeping policy changes that will disproportionately impact trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse youth. The changes include restricting and/or blocking access to gender-affirming care for minors, requiring parental opt-in for sex education related to gender identity and expression, and requiring parental consent for name and pronoun changes at school.   As feminist and gender equality organizations, we recognize that feminism is deeply interconnected with trans liberation — supporting the rights of trans, non-binary, Two-Spirit, and gender-diverse people is essential to protecting ALL women from violence and discrimination. 
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lady-vetinari · 2 years
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The opening of Philosophy Tube's I Emailed My Doctor 133 Times: The Crisis In the British Healthcare System
An amazing video that I want to recommend anyone interested in trans healthcare, the NHS, philosophy, the problem with changing large systems, impeccably styled video essays, or all of the above.
[id: The camera pans across a desk holding several brown envelopes, an old-fashioned military cap, a book titled Complaint!, and a laptop. Cut to Abigail Thorn in an old-fashioned military uniform and fitting styling violently smashing the laptop with a hammer before facing the camera and saying, "Hello, my name's Abigail. Over the last few years, I have emailed Britain's national healtcare provider 133 times, trying to get a doctor's appointment." She then stares into the camera silently.]
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bearded-shepherd · 1 year
Good News in the State of Missouri!
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the-sandfleas · 2 years
Hey, seriously though. The admin of this blog supports civil rights, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ+ rights, and racists, TERFS, and bigots across the spectrum can die mad about it. A joke seemed in poor taste today.
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fio-ui · 2 months
With her sweet taste still lingering on my lips, touch still lingering. Forced to shower, to wash it all away as I can't handle the humiliation the doctor has put me through.
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What are the WPATH files, and what do they expose? | Leak uncovers 'national trans health scandal'
Andrew Doyle: The ideological march through the medical institutions has been rapid and unexpected. In recent years we have seen leading pediatric specialists asserting the children who say they are in the wrong body must have their feelings immediately affirmed. We've been told that if a boy claims to be a girl, or vice versa, they must be believed and fast-tracked onto a pathway to medicalization. First, puberty blockers, then cross-sex hormones, and in some cases, irreversible surgery.
This is known as the gender affirmative model, and while its advocates claim that it is evidence-based, its critics say it is pure pseudoscience, and that we're permitting widespread medical experiments on this generation of children.
And now, messages and recorded video conferences from an internal chat system at WPATH, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, have been leaked. WPATH is the leading authority on gender medicine in the world, with considerable influence throughout the anglosphere and here in the UK via the NHS.
These leaked materials have revealed something that many of us suspected all along. That leading medical practitioners in the field of gender pediatric healtcare are all too aware that many of these procedures are experimental. And, most significantly, that they have been proceeding with irreversible surgery on patients who cannot possibly give informed consent. Either because they're too young or that they suffer from some psychological disorder.
The WPATH Files were leaked to journalist Michael Shellenberger at the Environmental Progress think-tank, and have been presented and analyzed in a comprehensive report by journalist Mia Hughes. It is called "The WPATH Files: Pseudoscientific Surgical and Hormonal Experiments on Children, Adolescents, and Vulnerable Adults."
So, are we dealing with the medical scandal of the century? Tonight, I'm going to be talking to a range of experts to take a deep dive into the WPATH Files and explore precisely what they reveal about the ideological capture of the medical profession.
Now, I should say that some of the subjects discussed in tonight's show will be very disturbing and viewer discretion is advised.
So, let's begin. We're going to talk to the two journalists most responsible for bringing the leaks to our attention, Michael Shellenberger and Mia Hughes. And Michael, I want to start with you. How did these leaks come about?
Michael Shellenberger: Sure, well first, thanks for having us, Andrew. Really appreciate your coverage of this.
So, a source or sources provided me with these internal files. As you mentioned, there's a video and then there's also a number of written messages from a internal messaging board. And what they show is quite shocking. It's discussions of doing potential surgeries and drugs for children including ages 10, 13, developmental delayed people with diagnosed as schizophrenic, developmental disorders, identity disorders. We also see the people within WPATH, meaning the people inside what's called "gender affirming medicine" explicitly recognizing that neither the children nor the parents understand the consequences of these procedures, which include lifelong sterilization and loss of sexual function.
So, this is extremely serious. This is up there with past medical scandals in without question in my view. I think the response to this that we've seen across the board has been real shock and horror and that it is going to result in some kind of a reaction from governments.
Doyle: Now, Mia, I want to bring you in here. It's an extremely long report that you've written, but perhaps you might want to tell us about some of the key findings.
Mia Hughs: I would say, I'll give you some individual cases, but some of the key findings, the main finding for me was that you can see from these conversations that this is not a medical group. This is not a scientific group. This is a group that is engaged in political activism. So, somebody will show up in the forum and they will, they'll have a really difficult case and they're really concerned. Let's say it's the 13-year-old developmental delayed child who is on puberty blockers. And they don't know whether this child will ever reach the stage that they can consent to cross-sex hormones. And then along comes a corpus of people encouraging medicalization, encouraging the hormones, dismissing the caution, dismissing the doubts.
We've got cases of teenagers with liver tumors, vaginal atrophy, uterine atrophy from the testosterone. We've got males experiencing erections that feel like broken glass. We've got very seriously mentally unwell people being discussed. And again, there's no caution. They always encourage the hormones and the surgeries.
Doyle: Okay, well let's have a quick look at some of the leaked video recording. So, this one is about whether children can consent to treatment.
Um, I think the thing you have to remember about kids is that we're often explaining these sorts of things to people who haven't even had biology in high school yet. And I know I've heard others in this kind of a, in this kind of a setting say, well we think adults are like really slick biologically. In fact, lots of people have very little medical understanding of stuff like, that we just, medical professionals and mental health professionals, take for granted. But I don't know still what to do for the 14-year-olds. The parents have it on their minds, but the 14-year-old you just... it's like talking with diabetic complications with a 14-y old. They don't care. They're not going to die. They're going to live forever, right. So, I think when we're doing informed consent, I know that that's still a big lacuna.
Doyle: Okay, he mentioned informed consent there. So, let's consider what the parents might have to say. Let's have a look at this clip.
I try to, kind of, do whatever I can to help them understand best they best I can, but what really disturbs me is when the parents can't tell me what they need to know about a medical intervention that, apparently they signed off for.
Doyle: So, Michael I want to ask you about that one clinician there saying that, you know, a lot of these kids they haven't even got biology at high school level. So, the clinicians are aware as you say that they can't get informed consent in this situation. Am I right about that?
Shellenberger: Yeah, that's very clear from those clips that you showed and also from the larger video. It's, I believe, it's an almost an hour and a half long Zoom video and we released it in its entirety. They know that they're not getting informed consent, so they are acknowledging that they themselves and their colleagues are in direct violation of standard medical ethics. Ethic of informed consent is right up there with "do no harm."
And I would just point out it's also just such an interesting look into the power of ideology that at no point in that conversation did they say, yeah there's this lacuna. We can't figure out how to solve this problem, the fact that 14-year-olds don't understand what they're getting into with lifelong sterility and potential loss of sexual function. At no point do they then say, you know we probably really shouldn't be doing these procedures on anybody under the age of 18 or maybe 21, because the brain as we know is still growing after you're 18, you're still developing your forebrain. I think of how I was when I was 19 and 20.
So, I mean, I just think it's such a shocking case. I think there's been a rush by some people online to sort of call these people evil and to use all sorts of names. I mean, what you're struck by is that they're so obsessed with this idea that gender is this sort of, you know, real thing and that it really has to be affirmed and that there's no other way to do it. I mean it's as simple as basically saying that gender medicine is their only hammer, and that makes them see everything that comes to them as a nail to be hammered. And that includes things like, you know, various eating disorders, anxiety disorders, things that are clearly -- there's other things going on that's quite obvious and they're just mistreating them.
Doyle: So, Mia, just finally I want to ask you about a recent piece of investigative journalism in Quebec that showed just how dangerous WPATH's affirmative approach to gender medicine can be. Could you tell us, you know about this, you've written about this. The 14 year-old girl who was given hormones after a 17-minute appointment.
Hughes: That's right, I got that wrong actually. It turns out that she was given hormones after just 9 minutes. So, this is, it was a CBC, the French version of the CBC, they sent an actress in posing as a 14-year-old girl. She said that she had come across the idea of trans online and that she had an eating disorder. And within 9 minutes, this clinician had approved her for testosterone. Her parents weren't there, she didn't have parental consent. And when the journalist asked them about why they had done, that they said, I was just following WPATH. And in the WPATH standards of care, they pointed out, you need to do a comprehensive psychosocial assessment. And the clinician said, well I did, it's not duration it's the quality of the assessment.
So, in the wrong hands, such as this clinician, WPATH standards of care and this affirmative model can mean that you end up with 14-year-old girl getting testosterone after 9 minutes.
Doyle: Well, there's a lot to think about there. Michael Shellenberger and Mia Hughes, thanks so much for joining me tonight.
I'd like to emphasize that the leaked recordings and messages represent the views and remarks of certain members of WPATH, but they are not speaking in the capacity as spokespeople for the organization as a whole. And in addition, it is likely that WPATH itself would dispute the interpretation of these leaked conversations that had been made by the author of The WPATH Files and the associates. Now, we have of course reached out to WPATH and invited them to appear on the show, but they have declined.
Full episode [1hr 24m]:
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The way radfems treat sex and gender kind of drives me mad let me explain hold on-
If you oppressed based on SEX and SEX alone- gender roles are ascribed to SEX, not what you call yourself. You can’t say anyone is opting into or out of oppression or privilege. The way people treat their sex doesn’t change. They preach “changing your language doesn’t change oppression” while insisting I call myself a woman. Did the oppression change when I call myself a woman vs a non-binary person?
And of course, if sex was the sole axis of oppression, extremely feminine men should still be treated as men every day in society right? Or do they experience misogny because people think they are women- and treat them as such? Suddenly their sex doesn’t matter against the bigotry- it’s perception.
Medical care is a different ballgame too. It still doesn’t matter what I call myself- I will be seen and treated as a woman anyway. Perception doesn’t change- unless you transition.
A trans man will look like a man, and will need female healtcare. Often- their healthcare will be denied because they don’t look the part. Same with trans women- they need male healthcare. But since they don’t look the part- no one takes them seriously and their treatment can be denied.
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iliketoydinosaurs · 1 year
Missouri's new trans healtcare bill is terrible for a lot of reasons but the fact that you have to be screened for autism before you can medically transition, even as an adult, is disgusting. Far too much legislation treats autistic people, even adults, like children or like we're incapable of making decisions on our own. People need to learn some history because treating adults of a marginalized community as "too dumb" to decide things on their own has always been a tactic to oppress people. Look at the U.S. government and Native Americans. Look at the treatment of women. Look at the treatment of just about every marginalized group. But I'm sure the government doesn't care about any of that because it's somehow different this time.
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knightpilled · 2 years
you know the uk is fucked up when the country who murders the most trans people in the world has public trans healthcare and they dont
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nose-bl · 2 years
i opened netflix and saw there's a show about a cisgender man who gets pregnant. and people are saying that it's super woke because it shows what the world would be like if men could get pregnant and that it shows the roles reversed and etcetc
and i got so fucking annoyed. at first i thought it was really cool because i assumed this was a show about a transgender man who got pregnant and the show was about the struggles of being pregnant as a trans person. but nope! it's just the whole "omg what if men got pregnant?? obviously men can't get pregnant but if they could the roles would be reversed and they would all be treated better than women :0" and i fucking hate that
men can already get pregnant. trans men exist, they can and do get pregnant, and guess what?? they face the same struggles a cis woman would face while pregnant, and more. do you know how hard it is for trans people to get good healtcare? do you think a trans man is going to be super well treated and accepted and acomodated when he gets pregnant just because he's a man? because no, that's not the reality. the reality is trans men have so many issues when pregnant because of the lack of acceptance and understanding of trans bodies
now, i don't wanna judge this show harshly bc i haven't watched it, it might be good or whatever, but i just got annoyed at the fact that i thought this was going to be about the experience of pregnancy as a trans man and yet again it wasn't. it was an awesome opportuniy to talk about these issues but people are again gravitating towards the idea that men getting pregnant is something absolutely fictional that could never ever happen when it already does
but what upset me the most was the comments i was seeing of people completely ignoring the existence of trans men and going off the assumption that no man can get pregnant and that if men got pregnant they would all be treated well. because, that's just not the case
if all cis men could get pregnant, then yeah things definitely might be different for them and that's an interesting conversation, i get it. but right now, men can get pregnant, it's just that the men who can are trans and this is important to keep in mind because the fact that they're trans men is exactly what makes it harder for them to get the same care a cis woman would during pregnancy
you can't make a commentary about what the world would be like if cis men got pregnant while ignoring the issues that pregnant trans men already face, because you're ignoring a big part of the conversation, and ignoring the fact that in that hypotetical world, trans men definitely wouldn't have the same privileges as cis men (they already don't in many other aspects)
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pern-dragon · 3 years
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witty-wat · 4 years
Straight leftists are kind of a problem because they don’t seem to think or care about queer people at all........ it won’t matter how high the minimum wage is if I get fired for being gay.............. it won’t matter that trans people have healtcare if they can still be denied treatments for being trans.......... we need protections in place at a federal level.......... or none of it matters...........
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thexforgottenxones · 4 years
Not to get all political on main but just fyi, Trump has taken away healtcare rights for trans people during pride month. I felt the need to inform you guys here since I know I have a few trans followers and stuff. I also just feel ... very tired of all the transphobia going on this month.
Anyway, if you are trans and in the United States, please stay safe and make sure you have doctors you can trust.
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myvalzpival · 5 years
it's the last day of the Pride Month!
and i didn't forget, i'm just rather useless these days. i would gladly finish this rainbow month with some uplifting message, however, it's not quite possible, is it.
tomorrow all the companies that changed their logos to rainbow start pretending that we don't exist again, since we've given them enough money already. the straights will keep yapping about their straight pride. bisexuals will still be seen as untrustworthy in relationships, the gays and lesbians as bad fathers and mothers and transgender people will be seen as attention seekers sucking money out of the healtcare system.
nothing changed for the czech community. all remains the same. nothing gets better. we're still given the signs that we're not wanted here.
nevermind. it used to be worse. we’ll make it better. ❤️💛💚💙💜
this one goes for all my trans sisters, brothers and siblings. we're all in this together. you are not alone. you are loved. stay safe. stay you.
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citizenboy · 4 years
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We, the people demand the right to be alive. We, the people demand the right to not be judged by our skin color. We, the people demand the right to religious freedom. We, the people demand the right to not get killed by hate crimes. We, the people demand the right to universal healtcare. We, the people demand the right to knowledge and education. We, the people demand the right to housing and feeding. We, the people demand the right to freedom of speech. We, the people demand the right to decide our gender identities. We, the people demand the right to not be judged for our sexual orientations. We, the people demand the right to protect lives over property. We, the people demand the right to feel safe. We the people demand the right to be free. Remember always that #Pride is a Riot! Today is the beggining of the #PrideMonth and in troubled times like this don't forget that were our Trans Sisters of Color (Marsha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera) some of the first who demand the equal rights to our #LGBT + community. This fight is ours because not all lives matters until #BlackLivesMatter #BLM Spread the #LOVE and help this society to be more equal everyday. #NYC https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6isLZJQJY/?igshid=dkv9z2plpuko
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myvalzpival · 5 years
i know the post you put here with the ridiculous title is from a desinformation news portal but still aren't they kinda right? i mean you need glasses to see, you're fucked without them but if you want a sex change you should save up for the surgeries if you want them like i'm not trying to be offensive here but state can't have money for everything
Hi!I’m sorry my reply took quite some time but a) it’s the exam term and i have a buttload of shit to do and b) i need to fully explain some things to you. Since you can read the article title (and if you don’t know what we’re talking about, anon is referring to this post), I suppose you are Czech or Slovak, which, in fact, doesn’t really matter because you still probably have no knowledge of the process of “sex change” in the Czech Republic. Not saying you’re stupid or not educated, it’s simply a thing no one talks about in here. I absolutely understand where you’re coming from and I want you to know I’m not mad at you for voicing this opinion, but let me maybe try to point you to a different approach to this situation. 
The one problematic phrase in your ask is “if you want them”. The Czech Rep has very strict laws in regards to transition for transgender people and one of the rules is mandatory sterilization. In other words:
You can not get your documents legally changed to your desired gender if you don’t get sterilized!
That’s the law. And, yes, it’s been recently described as torture and abuse by the WHO, but our government does not intend to do anything about it (yes, there’s a new law on the table, but they’ve been refusing to even look at it since last year). but yeah go on about gay marriage i guess. Transgender people are not “choosing” to undergo surgeries, they are forced to undergo them. On this note, transgender people pay for health insurance just like everyone else in this country and everyone’s surgeries, whether it’s a raptured appendix or a dislocated knee, is paid from the insurance, so transgender people are entitled to having their surgeries paid from these funds.
Another sidenote: not all surgeries are paid for them. Within the transwomen, i think some of the surgeries apart from sterilization are considered “not necessary for improving the quality of their life” so they have to pay for them from their own pockets. Also, transgender people still have to pay for their medication, aka hormonal therapy. They don’t just get shit for free, even though it’s important for their health since once you get sterilized, your body needs to get the hormones from somewhere.
And one last note - Czech medicine in this field fucking s u c k s. So if you’re worried that transgender people are sucking money out of the healtcare system, don’t worry. A lot of transwomen travel to Thailand and pay for everything from their pockets because they would end up mutilated in the Czech Rep. A lot of transmen are refusing to get their genitals modelled for the same reason and have to either reconcile to the fact that their genitals will never be the way they want (either due to not undergoing the surgery or undergoing it with a terrible result), or they have to save up a LOT to afford the procedures in Germany. And, as much as i always assure people that there are way more transgender people here than they think, as a matter of fact, there’s not nearly enough of them in the Czech Republic to make any difference in the healtcare system money.
Also, the last time I bought glasses I got 300 Kč which i was entitled to once in 3 years. My glasses are usually like 2500 Kč so that help is fucking useless, especially when most of four-eyed people buy glasses more than once in three years.
Tldr: Your uncle who drinks 6 beers a day and smokes probably costs the state way more than a trans-dude who’s getting his body ruined by mandatory surgeries.
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