oppositionaltics · 3 days
Anyone have this oppositional tic?
Eye contact tic is when a Tourettor has a tic or compultic where they are forced to look at someone, someone’s eyes or a camera. Sometimes it’s known as “direct tics” since it seems like the tourettor is speaking to the person or giving them a look.
(Just) eye contact tic (staring, eye rolling, looking back and forth at them, etc.)
Eye contact + other motor tic(s) (clapping at someone, facial expressions, rude gestures, etc.)
Eye contact + vocal tic(s) (tics appearing social, appearing rude, phonics, etc.)
Eye contact + other motor and vocal tics
Compultic - obsessive tic symptoms include unable to not focus on the tic energy (premonitory urges) and or mental tic - compultic symptoms include getting rid of the tic energy in sets, loops, symmetry behaviors. It’s a complex type of tic that needs to repeat the tic until tic energy goes away, instead of a impultic where it’s more on the involuntary spectrum.
Mental tics - like any other tic it’s an automatic symptom that appears through thoughts, although the symptom is intrusive (like any other external tics) they do not display any intrusive and compulsive symptoms, and are not associated with emotions. Anxious behaviors may be due to fear of having it as an external tic or are uncomfortable with the repetitiveness nature of tics with oppositional tics.
(Impultics includes little awareness and less time to redirect the tic energy, compultics includes strong attention to the tic energy physically and or mentally and are unable to not tic, compulTICS are still involuntary and not a compulSIVE behavior that can be changed, compulTICS are still associated with the tic energy (premonitory urges) and still need treatment like any other tics, and often react very poorly and tend to be dangerous to use traditional OCD treatment on compulTICS.)
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spidermkai · 9 days
hinata has tourette’s.
that’s it.
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crowscadence · 1 month
I lost my voice and my vocal tics sound so sad 😭
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hanniballover67 · 2 months
Hub putting his jeans in wash
Me “have you emptied your…drawers but they’re not called drawers in jeans. What are they!!!!”
Hub “Pockets?!”
Me “Yes! Pockets. Not jean drawers!”
He just stalks off as though I’m not a twat!
I love brain fog!!
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so I realised literally a week ago that the weird little stims/impulse things I did were actually tics that I’ve had my whole life and the people around me have just gotten so use to it they dont think it’s weird. I think as well that I suppress it so much and have suppressed it since I was a kid that it’s just normal for me to shove it down or go somehwere quiet so no one can see m. But lately it’s been getting so much worse
also me thinking about it makes me tic even more and I get annoyed as well that I’ve been ignoring something that does effect me for so long because my parents tell me that it’s just because I’m special and they mean that in a bad way. But it also makes me feel like I’m faking it because I can just say no we cannot scream that outloud sometimes but other times I can’t and like today I’ve barely ticked at all, the not I able ones at least. I think I don’t realise all the little tics I’ve been doing since I was a kid because I’m so use to it?
anyway. How would one go about getting diagnoised with Tourette’s with out having to discuss w my parents, they will not care or believe me. They convince everyone I lie about being abused and stuff like that. But its seriously effecting me and its harder in school to act normal. I feel just weird telling my therapist or even bringing it up. Like im just faking it. But I don’t know I’m sure I’m not.
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Sharing things about myself is so hard because like.
Someone will ask “you’re really good at whistling, it’s impressive!”
And then I’ll tell them how I developed motor tics just before I turned 15 which was an extremely mentally physically taxing time for me, only for a month later to develop vocal tics as well, one of which included whistling the Peppa pig theme song, but because I couldn’t whistle very well, the tics wouldn’t be satisfied meaning I would frequently have tic attacks, all in al lleading to me eventually having a very good, accurate whistling ability, which is now mostly used for bird-noise tics.
And they have nothing to say to that. I don’t blame them. But they started it, and I feel compelled to answer, so it’s just awkward for both of us.
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the-grape-entity · 5 months
Me, in my own head: yeah I’m not that disabled. should I even be using the word disabled?
Also me (going Black Friday shopping with friends for the first time): shoves my cane in my bag even though it in no way fits and awkwardly pokes out, transfers my all of my fidget toys and hunts down my nice chewlry to put into my bag, refuses to leave the house without earplugs/earbuds/fingerless gloves/rescue meds/my ‘I have Tourette’s’ pin (I was 20 minutes late)
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xxmolls · 6 months
dang this Ingrezza does not fuck around
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It’s called coprolalia cause fuck cops
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milo-the-creature · 6 months
sometimes i feel like frankensteins monster . a monster that only wants love but is shunned for the things i can’t control. the town’s people would drive me to a cliff, forcing me to jump off and wish i get put into another, more beautiful body.
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andeeznuts · 6 months
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oppositionaltics · 3 months
What is oppositional defiant tic or oppositional tic?
This term is coined by Jess Thom aka Touretteshero. She has Tourette’s and is a public speaker and advocate on Tourette’s. She has a blog dedicated to sharing information and personal experiences. (This link will directly take you to her sharing her experiences with ODT)
Oppositional tic is a tic that makes you say, do, or think of something you’d normally wouldn’t do or never would do.
Ticcing a Christmas gift secret in front of the person
Tics forcing you to tense your stomach muscles until you pee (bladder tic)
Gagging tic that could lead to a vomiting tic
Ticcing insults or rude comments when you’re the type of person that keeps negative thoughts and opinions to yourself
Ticcing slurs
Tics mimicking regular conversations and makes it seem like you’re directly speaking to someone, when you're not meaning to or are shy and would less likely strike up a conversation (e.g. ticcing questions, ticcing specific words or paragraphs like: “Cool shoes!” “Hello!” may be combined with waving, “How’s your day?” Etc.)
Suggesting or requesting the ticcer to stay silent in certain places (library, movie theater, etc.), not to do something in the building (e.g. A sign says not to tap on the glass after hearing or reading the sign the ticcer may immediately tap on the glass as a tic, etc.), giving an assignment not to drop or spill something the ticcer may end up breaking or spilling it.
Getting a mental picture (spilling food and drinks, throwing stuff, hitting someone or something), words or phrases (these will not lead to anxious behavior or OCD as tics are exclusively a tic disorder neurotype, if one has a anxiety disorder or OCD, mental tics can trigger anxiety and OCD)
What makes it an oppositional tic if the disorder is oppositional itself?
Oppositional tics includes more range of complex tics and not just inappropriate and slur tics. It shows and open up minds that tics can mimic everything the human body possibly can do.
Are coprophenomena terms problematic?
No, though it caused uneducated people to create / use the ablest term “the swearing disease / disorder”. It also has lead people to believe it's something we want to do or choosing to do to get away with it, which can be really difficult to talk about tics including mental tics.
Coprophenomena terms are perfectly okay to use. Coprophenomena only focuses on insults, slurs and inappropriate vocal, motor and mental tics, while oppositional tics focuses on more range of complex tics.
ODT / OT also focuses more on the ticcers experience with their inappropriate tics, instead of focusing on how society is distressed by it.
Here's a video of a tourettic women who talks about OT / ODT
Snapple and Cats! - Oppositional Tics on youtube
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g1owingmushr00m · 7 months
tourette’s and testing DOSE NOT mix well💞💞
i don’t fucking know why they fucking expect me to test with other kids when it’s has to be dead silent for FUCKING HOURS
um wish me luck for tomorrow 💞💞
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autismburrito · 7 months
When my Tourette’s says “it’s time” in an ominous flat tone
Ngl that shit creeps me out I’m kinda scared it knows something I don’t
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wanting to shout cunt so badly but being with normal beings and having to just shout out UGHHH instead to get rid of that itchyness
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Me: God I wish to be struck with a mythical illness that causes me to act out, so I can act out of own volition and then blame it on the mysterious illness.
God: you already have Tourette’s.
Me: God I wish for people to believe me please. Or for someone to take me to the doctor for a diagnosis.
God: no.
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