#top was having war flashbacks lmao
gunsatthaphan · 7 months
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"our first guest!!!!"
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diorsluv · 6 months
feather , part 10
“ i’m saying ‘no, no, no, no more’ ”
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liked by lhughes_06, adamfantilli, mackie.samo, and 74,028 others
yourusername little women hurt my brain so i went back to my happy place (aka gossip girl)
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edwards.73 i’m kinda scared to ask but uh… what’s the difference between gossip girl and gilmore girls
→ yourusername unfollow me rn
→ colecaufield wait no he’s valid (i don’t know the difference either)
→ yourusername both of u have asked me this 20 times already. i’m blocking u two.
markestapa i know the difference between gossip girl and gilmore girls!
→ mackie.samo me too!!
→ yourusername yeah bc u come to my place for gossip girl marathons like every other day
username64 LITTLE WOMEN
jackhughes little women gives me war flashbacks
→ yourusername i wonder why 🤨
→ jackhughes hmmm maybe because you CALLED ME FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT JUST TO RANT TO ME ABOUT IT
→ yourusername IM SORRY
username14 is no one gonna talk about how she posted this at 2 in the morning 😭😭
bookerburke_ gossip girl is the one with the guy that played sam in supernatural right
→ yourusername no sweetie that’s gilmore girls…..
→ cole.caufield HEY HOW COME YOU’RE NICE TO HIM ABOUT IT BUT NOT US yourusername
username21 at least bertram isn’t in one of the pics this time
→ username35 LMAO BERTRAM
username69 i’m kinda sorta in love with your taste in tv shows and movies
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liked by jackhughes, adamfantilli, trevorzegras, and 82,185 others
yourusername went through my old photos and i guess this is sort of a photo dump.. if u ask me to explain the pics i might…….
so for all the trev, luke, jack, quinn, luca, mark, rut, turcs, eddy, and mackie girls, i hope you’re happy 🫶🫶
tagged: trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, mackie.samo, edwards.73, jackhughes, lhughes_06, _alexturcotte, rutgermcgroarty, luca.fantilli, markestapa
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lhughes_06 please for the love of god don’t explain the cow photo
→ username44 what happened in the cow photo 😧
→ yourusername okay username44 so basically i walked out of my parents house and i saw luke’s dumbass in a cow suit standing right next to my car
adamfantilli why didn’t you post me 🫤🫤
→ yourusername i didn’t have any old bad pics of you 😕
username4 quinner is contemplating his life in that fishing pic
luca.fantilli okay but that cake was kind of good
→ yourusername uh huh maybe bc i made it
→ luca.fantilli ok i don’t know bout all THAT 🤣
→ yourusername ur the worst fantilli brother
trevorzegras i didn’t know everyone fell asleep on top of me on the couch 😅😅
_alexturcotte let me just say i beat cole in arm wrestling
→ cole.caufield yeah butttt who got the bigger gains??
→ _alexturcotte oh shut up
→ yourusername it’s okay turcs, not everyone’s as strong as cauliflower here
→ _alexturcotte BUT I LITERALLY BEAT HIM?? yourusername
→ cole.caufield hey lil drizzy i thought we left that nickname in 2020 🙃
markestapa you know i actually rode that skateboard pretty well
→ yourusername you fell flat on your ass
username76 i love how she’s exposing EVERYONE
edwards.73 hey it was fun getting thrown into the pool
→ yourusername says the one that started screaming bloody fuckin murder as soon as he hit the water
mackie.samo i look so disheveled eating that cake
rutgermcgroarty see me and jack held each other up in that second photo bc we’re just too strong for our own goods
→ jackhughes 🗣️🗣️
→ yourusername whatever helps you sleep at night
next chapter notes ) i’m actually grinding these chapters out it’s insane this one was really fun to make, esp the second post 😈😈 and also no booker this time so i hope yall like it a bit more lmaooo
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miela · 9 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter I: The Expo & The Files • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Angst Chapter Warnings: Flashback Death (writing it hurt me lmao), Mentions of substance abuse and alcholism. Masterlist
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
DIARY / Dream Log #3 / 10 NOV 2024
Dear Diary,
 I dreamt of him again last night…the faceless boy
For the past few nights I've been dreaming of this boy. I didn't remember the dreams but I remember him. I can't remember what he looked like. It's like I remember the essence of him. Like he existed but he's nowhere to be found.
Only this time I remembered.
We were at the studio on a rainy day. I was wearing a long sleeve fitted crop top and matching leggings with my ballet shoes on.The pink of my slippers were a stark contrast against the black of my outfit. He was wearing a black fitted muscle shirt with black leggings under a pair of loose fitting Midtown Tech PE shorts. He was wearing a pair of star wars socks, which I found quite adorable. We were dancing playfully around the studio as we laughed at ourselves for not dancing so seriously but instead sliding across the floor and twirling each other as if we were ipart of a dance number in a musical
I wish I could remember his face.
I remember loving his smile. It's such a pretty smile, that much I know…but I don't remember what it looks like. I just know it brought me comfort and joy. His hair is soft and curly. He has such lovely hair. It feels soft and silky in my hands as I ran my hand through them a few times just to feel them. His eyes are puppy-like but I don't know what color they are. I just…know how they are.
It's strange to dream of someone and have no idea what they look like, but knowing little details that explains what they look like. It’s like running to a destination and then having no idea where you’re going. 
He likes to kiss my cheek and his lips feel velvety on my skin. He calls me different pet names too. 
"Baby, you’re going to hurt yourself."
"My little Lovebug." 
"Are you hungry, Darling?" 
"Princess, you’re doing great!" 
"There’s my Pretty Girl~"
His voice is soft, just like everything about him. (Well…minus his arms and chest and abs…) but his voice is like music to my ears. I would respond with my own pet names for him.
“Don’t worry, My Love, I’ve been doing this my whole life.”
“My Sweet Boy~”
“No, I’m okay, Baby.”
“It’s like you’re my own Disney Prince.”
“And there’s my Handsome Boy~”
We danced around the studio for about an hour until we laid on the floor facing each other tiredly. His fingers traced over my hips and waist several times causing my skin to react to his touch. I scoot closer to him until our faces are centimeters apart. I could hear his heartbeat and I’m pretty sure he could hear mine. We have a special connection that is different from most. It was a biological connection that I couldn’t place. 
I wish he was real. Then maybe I wouldn't feel so fucking lonely.
I leaned in to kiss him before something happened. He glitched. He glitched and my head felt like it was splitting in half with a migraine so painful that I woke up dizzy, shaking and sweating. 
How strange…and terrifying. 
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The night was in good weather and the streets of New York City were bustling and busy, as per usual. Life was moving on as usual. The sun and moon cycled as usual.
The year is 2030.  
Five years had gone by after the incident at the Statue of Liberty. Five years since you were forced to forget him along with the rest of the world. 
No one knew who Peter Parker was. Not a single soul. To anyone that would be a terrifying thought, but it was something Peter himself had to accept.
He was swinging across buildings in the city one night, as usual. He was on his nightly patrol doing the same thing he's always done—protect the little guy. He figured it would be a somewhat busy night considering today was a special day so, he would probably have to protect some of the…not so little guys as well. He only stopped when he saw one of the big screens in Time Square and decided that this was a good spot to watch from. 
It was showing the Stark Expo. 
It had been awhile since he'd been excited about the beloved and annually anticipated event. Before, it hurt too much to bear with everything that happened but he was particularly intrigued with this one this year because this is when you made your official debut as the new owner of Stark Industries, and he knew you always wanted to make a big entrance. Much like your father, Tony Stark.
Only you wanted to do it bigger. Better.
Peter remembered different ideas you came up with for when the tech company torch was passed down to you. You said no to fireworks because the constant loud noises bother you and it was disrespectful to veterans, animals and those who are like you and sensitive to sound, even more so as a mutant human with super hearing.Other ideas you thought of were outlandish like setting something on fire or blowing something up (which Peter reminded you, contradicted your statement about the fireworks) and some were outrageous like blasting out of a giant cake. Eventually you came up with a solid plan that seemed to have fit your personality and mission as the legacy. You had it all planned out in a digital notebook with blueprints, lists, distributors, catering options and many more categories. Peter loved to watch you while you were fixated on something. It showed how much passion you had. He wondered how you felt leading up to the event. 
He wished he could have been there. 
There was a countdown on the screen for when the Expo was going to begin. Peter's friends invited him to go with them to see the Expo but he decided against it and used the excuse of having a lot of work; for school, for home and his job. Really he just couldn't handle the crowd right now he didn’t think he would be able to handle being so close to and yet so far from you. 
Also he's Spiderman. He's got his hero duties to do. 
With school, work, trying to function as an adult and being Spiderman, he was a busy guy, and that was the only thing that kept him distracted from thinking about his friends, his family, Mr. Stark, you…
Especially you. 
There were times when he looked at the necklace you gave back to him and remembered what you had said to him. 
"Give this back to me, I'll remember you."
But he knew it wouldn't be that simple. 
Five years ago, he had full intentions of calling you at seven like he promised but...he didn’t. He went to your window later that night instead. You were sitting on your bed sadly looking at a picture of you and your dad. It had been a year since you both lost Tony but it was taking you a longer time to move on for obvious reasons. He was your actual father and you knew him much longer. Tony was like a father figure to Peter, but he's been to this rodeo four times already. 
This was the first time you lost someone so close to you in such a way. 
Peter recalled that day. He remembered how you were.
Pepper had her arm around a crying Peter’s shoulders. Rhodey had given you a sad and apologetic look as you went over to Tony. You kneeled down by him.
"Dad, we did it." You said going up to him, your voice shaking as you put your hands on his shoulders. "Pops, we won. You did it. You…you…"
You paused when you saw the state of him. Half of his body was fried from using the infinity stones and he was taking his last breaths. Peter put his hand on your shoulder and you glanced at him with a fearful and hopeful look in your eyes. He pressed his lips together in a thin line giving you an apologetic and pained look. He had that same look you had in his eyes a moment ago. 
“No,” you shook your head and looked back at Tony. “Dad, please. We….we….we won.”
Tony looked at you one last time and weakly pointed to his heart before pointing to yours. You understood what he meant by it and you sighed deeply, nodding before he forced a small smile on his face that was barely there and took his final breath.
Your lip quivered and you leaned your forehead on his. “I love you, Daddy. I love you so much.”
Then the arc reactor light on his chest went out. 
Peter sat next to you after a moment and you instantly wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug and you hugged him back both of you crying your eyes out and attempting to comfort each other. Peter had to carry you back and he didn’t put you down until you had cried yourself to sleep on his shoulder.
Remembering that moment and then remembering how you were afterwards, it dawned on him how things played out. Peter was your rock, and you were his, but he had already made his decision. 
Your name was called and you perked up before quickly wiping your eyes and softly calling “Coming!”
You put down the photo on your end table and then walked out of your room. Once it was safe to do so, Peter climbed into your window and gathered any trace of his existence and put it in a box and left with it.
 Would he regret this? He had no idea.
He had run into once or twice or three times after that but as Spiderman and when he was saving your life from any danger. Nothing too eventful.
And that is how he ended up here five years later with a new life so different from yours.
The countdown made it to the 10 second mark and Peter was knocked out of his thoughts to pay attention to the screen. Once the mark hit zero the intro began.
Instantly he recognized the song. Back in Black by AC/DC. 
Different forms of tech and inventions were brought onto the stage in an almost cinematic way. Lights flashed, sparks flew, and the crowd went wild. Fireworks went off in the sky to Peter’s surprise but he was even more surprised when they made no sound. He concluded that you somehow made soundless fireworks. He wondered when and how you came up with that one. 
Once the platforms finished forming on the stage he spotted something flying in the sky. He didn’t sense danger from it but it was headed towards the expo. 
“Hey Karen, zoom in on that thing in the sky.”
“Okay, Peter.” and with that the lens of his mask zoomed in on the flying object. It was red and gold and mechanical…
Wait, could it be…?
“It appears to be an Ironman suit.” Karen stated.
“Who is it…?” Peter wondered.
“Activating X-Ray Scan Function.”
“Wait a minute…!” Peter panicked. “What if they’re naked…!”
“Be serious, Spiderman.” Karen retorted while deactivating the x-ray scan. 
Peter was taken aback by his AI. “Wow, Karen, I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“All Stark Industries AI have been updated with a Bestie Feature created by (Y/N) Stark.”
Peter smirked to himself. “Classic (Y/N/N).”
You landed on a mid-rise platform on the stage as it lowered to the regular height. The crowd was cheering loudly as you stepped out of the iron suit and Peter was taken aback.
You looked amazing. 
You wore an oversized blazer with a black dress underneath and knee high combat boots. Your lips were painted a bright red color and your nails were a teal blue that Peter recognized you always wearing.  Under the dazzling lights of the Expo. You looked happy, healthy and lovely as ever.
Just how Peter hoped for you. 
You danced your way across the stage before you stood poised at the podium, your confidence radiating, much like how Tony was. The audience hushed, anticipation hanging in the air as they waited to hear from the new owner of Stark Industries, Tony Stark's eldest daughter, (Y/N) Stark.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and partners," you began, your voice steady yet carrying an echo of nervousness that Peter recognized all too well that others wouldn’t. “How are we all doing tonight?!”
The crowd went wild and you grinned in response.
"Good glad to hear it because today marks a significant milestone – not just for Stark Industries, but for a legacy that my father, Tony Stark, entrusted me to carry forward."
The crowd erupted in applause, the memory of Tony Stark's genius and charisma still fresh in their minds, even five years after his passing. Your presence on that stage, the spitting image of confidence of your father with a twist of your own determination, stirred a mix of nostalgia and curiosity in everyone. Even people on the street stopped and watched curiously and anxiously. Once the crowd calmed down, you continued on with your speech. Peter sat on top of the tall building that was right across from the screen that he was watching. You looked a little different but you were still as beautiful as he could remember. 
“Tony Stark was many things; a visionary, a genius, a multi-billionaire, a philanthropist, an American patriot, a playboy, a raging smart ass…”
The crowd laughed, and you continued.
“But to me, he was my number one supporter, my greatest mentor, my biggest inspiration and my best friend."
You looked back at the Ironman Suit that you arrived in longingly for a moment before turning back to the crowd. 
“When I was nine years old, my dad was taken by terrorists. He told me those three months were a huge awakening for him and changed the trajectory of his life. Through those dark times he went in a man, and came out a hero. A year later, he had learned that he had made enemies and then one day, our home in Malibu was blown to pieces. Each and every attempt to knock him down only made him come back stronger and stronger...and each time he became more and more my hero.”
Peter agreed with you from his sitting place in the building and the crowd cheered once again.
“Obviously, I began to notice at a young age what was happening. I did inherit his genius after all. And I began to ask questions, lots of questions.”
“One day he pulled me off to the side and He told me, ’(Y/N/N), one day this company will be yours and I want this to be a learning lesson for you. I want you to learn from my mistakes, instead of your own. I want you to grow to be a better person than I am’... I still hold those words close to me and I wonder how I can even be half of the genius and a fraction of the hero that he was...and still is to many people? I don't think I ever could. But because he believed in me so deeply, I will be. Even though he is gone from this world, he's still in my heart, guiding me.”
"Change is inevitable, and with change comes the opportunity to create a brighter future,” you continued, your eyes alight with determination but Peter could tell that you did it to hide the pain. "My father once said that his suit was a cocoon, and he emerged as Iron Man. Stark Industries is my cocoon, and I am committed to guiding it toward new heights of innovation and impact.”
“I remember his speech here at the expo, after he revealed himself as the iron hero and how he said ‘it's not about us, it's about legacy’. I stand before you as a testament to my father's belief in progress, innovation, and the power of human potential," you stated. "Tony Stark was more than a genius inventor; he was a visionary who saw challenges as opportunities, who dared to dream the impossible and then turn those dreams into reality."
The holographic screens around the stage displayed images of Tony Stark's greatest creations: the Iron Man suits, the Arc Reactor, the revolutionary technologies that had changed the world and his one of his greatest creations stands in the middle of all of it. 
“So I will go on with this genius mind and this heart made of gold and iron that I inherited from one of the greatest people I have ever known and be the heir of legacy that he believed me to be.” 
Peter looked at the screen, his heart swelling at your words and the emotion and passion in your voice. He could only imagine how this was for you.
"As the new owner of Stark Industries, I take this responsibility seriously," you asserted. "My father's legacy was not just about technology; it was about making a difference. And that is what Stark Industries will continue to do under my guidance, because with great power comes great responsibility."
Peter could have swore that his heart exploded. That was what his Aunt May had told him right before she died. He wondered where you heard it from. “Now, just because I came down in the suit, doesn’t mean I’m trying to be the new Iron Man. Oh no, I’m trying to be a different kind of hero…but I will work hard to find someone who will be suitable to wear it.” You stated and the crowd seemed to look at you understanding. 
After that, you spoke of a renewed commitment to clean energy, sustainable technologies, and global initiatives aimed at improving lives.The audience was captivated, witnessing the torch being passed from one generation to another, seamlessly transitioning from Tony's leadership to your vision. Peter was also captivated by the strong and determined person you have grown to be. 
Maybe it was better this way. Maybe it was better that he was out of your memories and your life.
“Now a few words from the man who walked and the man who ran so that I could fly.” You smiled.
Your words resonated deeply with the audience as you concluded your speech. The applause that followed was thunderous, a testament to the faith they had in your ability to carry on your father's legacy. Peter couldn't be anymore proud of you than he already was.
He just wished he was by your side, supporting you.
As you stepped down from the podium, Peter couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment.
 The Stark Legacy was in your hands now, and you were ready to honor it and not by imitating your father, but by carving your own path while staying true to his spirit of innovation, determination, and a desire to make the world a better place. Just as you had told Peter once before.
Peter pressed his lips together under his mask as he watched you. He watched as you walked off stage as a video of Howard Stark began to play. He talked about the initial mission for Stark Industries. Then Tony’s video came on, and he spoke about legacy and the future. It sure seemed like the future of Stark Industries was bright with your mission to push it even further with technology for space exploration of the solar system, and making technology that can advance cybernetics and construction tools. 
Peter wished nothing for the best for you, but he couldn’t help but wish he could be by your side while doing all of it. Something told him to go to you and tell you everything but another part of him told him to do the opposite and stay as far away from you as possible, but he had decided a while ago that he would just let you have your own space to grow before he attempted to come back into your life…before he would return the necklace to you, but the more he thought about it the more he feared doing it. He had tried once  with Ned and MJ before they left for MIT, but he also chickened out. He couldn't even get close to Celina since she was training with Doctor Strange. He figured by now it would be a dead end anyways. 
So he promised to support you guys from a distance. A big one. 
The wail of sirens echoed down below fading in and out as they passed by and that was Peter’s signal to resume his duty as the beloved web slinging, wall crawling hero that he was meant to be. 
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You had left the Expo early.
You left after you actually gave your speech. You had better things to do than to pretend that everything was okay. These five years were tough on you. You have lost so much and so many people and even five years later it deeply affects you. You were definitely better than you were years ago though. You pretty much flew off the handle and went off the deep end. You did some dumb shit and did some bad shit, took some dumb shit and took some bad shit and now you’re trying to forget all of the dumb shit and the bad shit. Lucky for you, you always kept a low profile. 
Everyone knew Tony Stark had a daughter but he kept you out of the public eye for good reason.
You preferred it that way anyways. It made life and school easier. You went as far as to take up the name (Y/N) Jarvis and take the bus home from school to keep your identity a secret. You were in no way ashamed to be a Stark, in fact, you were proud of it. You just didn’t want the unwanted attention that comes with being a famous person’s offspring. You could already hear the nepo baby accusations for everything (not that they were really wrong…).
So, when you went on a bender for a year, no one knew who you were. When you decided to take things to forget your pain, no one batted a pretty eye.
Except those who did know you of course. 
You’d rather not think about how you broke Pepper and Happy’s hearts seeing you like that. Or how selfish you had been. It wasn’t until you were at your worst one day, where you finally decided that you were gonna get your act together. It wasn’t easy…it was far from easy. You had spent the first half of the first year utterly depressed from the loss of your father and the next half was your party girl bender era, much too young from doing anything that you were doing. The year after that was recovery and the years after that was making amends with everything you made crash and burn. 
This year you worked. A lot. 
You spent most of your time in your lab at the avenger’s compound creating and inventing while also scolding DUM-E, the help robot your father created, for doing too much. Which is where you were right now instead of networking with people you really didn’t give a flying fuckaroo about at the expo.
You had more important matters to attend to. 
Usually you would be working on a new AI format (that wasn’t the debauchery that Ultron was..) or the car you were supposed to build with Tony before he passed, but with the world in near shambles all the time, you have a different project you were working on.
The NAI— New Avengers Initiative. 
After the fight with Thanos and the blip coming undone by the hands of your father’s sacrifice, shit went sideways in your eyes. You recalled how people reacted when the world went back to normal, you recalled Sam and Bucky going on missions to stop a literal child from causing a mass murder attempt on government officials, you recalled Sam becoming the new Captain America and his beautiful call out speech to those government officials, and you recalled the day five years ago at the statue of liberty.
 Sort of.
You had remembered a battle, you had remembered being there with Ned, Celina and MJ, but you honestly weren’t really sure why you were there and you didn’t understand why you were crying so hard. 
Come to think of it, why were you crying at all? 
You fought all types of enemies including the Big 3 (Aliens, Robots, and Wizards) as Sam likes to put it. You have fought terrorists, governments, hell you have fought in the civil war of the avengers, and yet you had the waterworks about a battle you couldn’t even remember. You blamed it on the realization that you would have to fight big battles without your biological family and chosen family the same way anymore, but…you felt like something else was missing, like a big part of you was carved out of your life. It was like there was this big hole in your chest and you tried to fill it with everything imaginable. You failed miserably.
It must be the dreams you were having. 
You kept dreaming about a boy, and everytime you dream about him you’re super happy. The happiest you have ever been. The only problem is you couldn’t remember who he was and why you kept dreaming about him. Since those dreams began you have been having terrible headaches and nothing has been really fixing them. Morgan would tease you in her oh-so-annoying-little-sibling-way and basically say that your brain is trying not to be stupid for once. 
God forbid she knew you were dreaming about a boy. You wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“FRIDAY,” You stated as you sat in your chair in thought. “Pull up all the files on the Avengers.”
“The remaining ones or All of them?” the voice asked.
“All,” you replied. “Minus me, I know me. Very well actually.”
“Pulling up Avenger’s database right now, miss.”
Holographic screens appear in front of you. “Spread them out. Circular please.”
The screens surround you as if they were a council meeting. You walked to each one studying them as you reminisced on your past relationship and current stance with each of them now. 
You heavily looked up to Natasha Romanoff and she was like a big sister to you.
Now she’s dead.
You deeply admired Wanda Maximoff, and even had a mini crush on her.
But she went rogue and is now nowhere to be found.
You adored Vision, since he was the personification of AI Jarvis.
But you don’t know what happened to him either.
You also admired Steve Rogers, and he was like a big brother to you. 
But he decided to go back to the past and live his own life. 
Thor was like your goofy uncle and you loved him like one.
But he has his own thing going on in New Asgard and with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Doctor Bruce Banner you felt so much for. You honestly admired him too. You were one of the only people who didn’t fear him as the Hulk but rather felt pity for him.
You decided he needed to be left alone, even though he was better now.
Scott was cool. He was also like a cool uncle figure. 
But he has other matters to worry about. Including a family.
Same with Clint. You learned alot from him.
But he only came out of retirement by force. You didn’t wanna bother him. 
Doctor Stephen Strange you found amusing. 
But you currently hate magic, that’s more of Celina’s thing. Possibly Ned too apparently.
You look at each of them as if this is the only way you could send them off with good riddance…for some of them it was true. Some of them you expect to never see again. You long accepted that already and wished nothing but the best for the rest of them and you hoped they all could find peace as much as they could. You sighed and smiled as you looked over all of them, but your eyes landed on a screen that would change the trajectory of your life.
You let your eyes scan the face of a puppy-eyed figure with brown curls and boyish features. There was something vaguely familiar but so foreign about him. It bothered you. You read the name.
“Peter Parker…” His name tasted familiar on your tongue, like you had spoken it many times before.
Could it be…?
“FRIDAY,” you asked. “Give me all the information on Peter Parker that we have.”
“Certainly,” she responded and pulled up more screens. “Peter Parker. Age: 21. Would have been 26 but he was part of The Blip. Hair Color: Brown, Eye Color: Brown. Ethnicity: Some sort of European descent, seems to be English by the last name.”
“Okay, okay but like ...who is he in the Avengers?”
“He is Spiderman and he was taken under the wing of your father.”
Your face twisted in confusion. “Huh? How…?”
You knew Spiderman. You remember Spiderman as your partner on Missions. You two bonded over the fact that you both had Spider powers. You even built his and your suits and begged your father not to tell him that it was you for some odd reason…oh yeah you had a major crush on him. Your suits synced up to each other making you both the Iron Spider. 
Two Spider Mutants + Stark Tech = Iron Spider. 
As you scanned your neurons for memories, you tried to remember his face. Surely, you knew his face…but you couldn’t place it. Really, all this time you just thought Spiderman was Harley Keener, but now that you think about it…nothing in that thought process would make any sense. After all he’s from Tennessee and has been in the same room as Spiderman. You recall sleeping on the Quinjet with Spiderman with your head on his shoulder and his head on top of yours. You recall even fighting “against” him in the Avengers Civil War.
That’s a different story for a different day.
You went through a plethora of memories but you could never remember his face and it peeved you to no end. Did he just hide his identity from everyone? He was young and honestly you did the same thing for a while, so you don't really blame him. After you gave the heroic works, he continued being the friendly neighborhood spiderman, helping the little guy. But things weren’t adding up in your mind still. 
Especially if he knew your father on a close level to wear he took him under his iron wing. 
“Peter Parker,” you said softly again. “Who are you? How did you meet my father…? Are you the boy in my dreams…?”
“The Database says he was part of the Stark Internship. Which was a Pseudonym for his Avenger call.” FRIDAY responded. 
“Something isn’t adding up,…” you said, chewing your lip, vexed. “Why don’t I recognize him?”
“Would you like me to do a deeper search, miss?”
Invading his personal information? You thought. 
“How deep are we talking, Fri?” You squint your eyes at the picture of Peter Parker, as if you were addressing him. 
“I can go as far back as to the day he was born and as deep as to where he is right now.” 
You nearly fell out of your chair. “FRIDAY…!” 
“It’s the way I was built, miss. You can’t blame me.”
You snorted.
“FRIDAY, that is stalker behavior,” You respond, thinking no more than ten seconds on the idea. After all, if you knew each other personally I’m sure he told you most of this stuff already. 
And if he’s the boy from your dreams…
“Do it.”
And this is how everything changed.
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eggtartz · 2 years
a/n : based on real life events lmao 😭
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summary : rindou fluff where rindou is struggling to handle you when you're having your monthly period.
wc : 544
rindou always wanted to took care of you. after the big war his gang was involved with, he intended to be at home with you at all times however this time it was so different and.. difficult. it was getting overwhelming for the younger haitani.
you weren't the most difficult person to handle while you were on your period, the worst he had to go through was your emotional bursts here and there but rindou had it fine. he always remained patient, amazed even that girls like you can even do any daily activities like there isn't blood streaming down there. he always marked the calender to note when you were on your period so he could prepare. he would buy extra pads, painkillers and lots of snacks.
he did it and thought he was doing okay until you cried in the kitchen. wailing even. at 3 in the morning. rindou heard your crying voice and frantically went to the kitchen to see if you hurt yourself or something. but you were in front of the fridge and went through the freezer while still crying.
"rinnn where's the chocolate ice cream? i can't find it anywhere" you hiccuped in between words, hands rummaging through the fridge while rindou mentally made a flashback of snacks he bought this evening for you. he doesn't remember buying any chocolate ice cream.
"uh, i don't think i bought chocolate. i bought a vanilla one though, you like it right?" he reached for another ice cream tub and hand it to you. you took it with a blank face then continued crying again. your tears were streaming so much and there was no sign the tears were going to stop. a panicking rindou reached another ice cream tub but you still cried because it wasn't chocolate flavored.
"don't you love me anymore rin? am i not important anymore?" rindou pinched the bridge of his nose and tried calming you down to no avail. "okay hun, i'll go to the convenient store. stop crying and stay here" you looked at him with a puffy face as he grabbed his glasses and his motor's key.
to say that the worker at the store was surprised was a understatement, considering how rindou bought every ice cream brand that was chocolate flavored in the store. "move it" he warned making the worker quickly scanning the ice cream and shakingly said thank you. he came home at full speed and was greeted by you who was in bed, enjoying the vanilla ice cream. rindou looked at you in disbelief.
you beamed at him when your eyes met and jumped to hug him. "ack all this ice cream for me?! perfect! c'mon rinnie i found a new crime podcast, hurry take out the ice cream before it melts!" you jumped back in the bed, patting his side of the bed while he moved to the bed. when he saw you were on your stomach munching on the ice cream you hated, he sighed and kissed the top of your head tenderly.
he was confused at how drastic you changed but again, this was just another day on your period. well, and some experience for your boyfriend on how to handle woman's craving on her period.
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glittercake · 2 months
@downwarddnaspiral thank you for the tag to share some of my wips :) which... i cant believe i actually have unposted wips for a change! i normally just write one thing at a time and finish it. i cant say when any of these will be done though, but at least they exist lmao. i've been busy irl and too tired to write.
so. here goes:
The sambucky divorce AU: titled Moments Away for now (from the Mango Groove song) i have about 6k, redid the outline 3 times because it was just too much, and had some personal war flashbacks while writing it so i had to take a breather 😂 Excerpt:
Sam's mama always said love’s never going to be enough and he didn't understand how that was possible. He didn’t understand—as a seventeen-year-old, so in love he could barely see out of his own eyes, or as a sophomore on the back of a dropout, bad boy’s motorbike, or as a new father of beautiful twin girls with the love of his life—how that could ever be the truth. But he gets it now. 
more below the cut!
Next is a Sambucky Night Agent AU: based on the netflix series. it's basically cap sam/modern bucky but with suspense :) this is literally all i have so it might change completely:
There’s murder on the news. The Vice President’s dead. The nation’s in uproar. They’re saying he did it. They’re saying Captain America has committed treason. His face is plastered across the news, on every station on every street pole, his description is flying through the airways as he sits here covered in blood, trying to catch his breath. He didn’t do this. Sam can’t fucking breathe. He’s not someone to admit this easily, but he needs help. He needs help in a big fucking way. He eyes the number that dying woman stuffed in his hand earlier and hopes his phone line is still connected.
This one is a post canon fic where they run into each other on vacation and decide to have a little summer fling and then drama happens when bucky joins thunderbolts when they return.
Technically Sam wouldn’t be fucking his co-worker. Technically, they’ve only worked together like once, really. Bucky’s mouth is in his neck right now, and Sam can feel a bruise forming but he’s doing nothing to stop it because Bucky’s hand is also on Sam’s dick and it’s all going downhill real quick. So does he want to shit where he eats? No. Is he going to tell Bucky to stop? Also no. They’re on vacation and it’s anything but separate, like they threatened—in fact they’re plastered together—so something, something stays in Vegas…
then a fucking vampire AU?? which was very unexpected but I'm having fun planning it and writing little bits at a time. basically sam is a photographer looking to advance his career and bucky is a 100yo vampire. hmm.
There’s a sudden movement at the top of the stairs, so swift it’s dizzying. Sam can't place it. Just a gust of black night and bright blue, like the electric zap of lightning in a storm. Sam’s instinct is to retreat, wanting to back himself out of there. Overcome with fear. But something else sticks him in place, makes him hone in on the movement. A tall, slim figure, pale as moonlight, glides down the steps as if they’re not there at all, with the grace of an encroaching predator, salivating with deadly hunger, and Sam can’t move. Only after a few paralyzing moments does he recognize the shape as a person. A man. Sam realizes now that the flash of electric blue he’d seen is the man’s eyes.
anyway, that's it. i'm actually keen to get work done on these. hopefully i get some time soon :)
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quietbluejay · 1 month
The Buried Dagger 1
OKAY mortarion time ….i forgot this was the book with purple prose and i had to go back in terror to make sure I didn't accidentally buy a McNeill novel again i did not, this is thankfully (?) someone else
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I'm trying to figure out what about this pushes it into "Wow Edgy" rather than being genuinely compelling well actually this isn't too bad, to be honest, it's really the next bit which is that the population of ynyx (and WHAT a name) doesn't have mouths "the cold ember of his familiar, obdurate resentment" I feel like I'm being unfair to the book by feeling bathos instead of pathos but i think it's that everything is so over the top
wait what year was this written Mortarion is literally breathing in the chemicals 2019 I'm now going to suffer from the belief that the writer of this was listening to Radioactive (due to this plus some other things) and now I've got it stuck in my head
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i want to take this seriously but i just can't, I'm sorry no one understands meeeeeeeee owo uncomfortable memory surfaces
i will say this, the prose is quite evocative
ok so mort has a giant chip on his shoulder and is an enormous misanthrope but just about every single person who has ever been in a position of authority over him DOES just use him as a tool
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boy did he choose the wrong side of the war
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tumblr has poisoned my mind regarding "the horrors" so it feels like "every day mortarion gets emails" mortarion: hm maybe i should get rid of the daemon and also all the stuff i used to summon him and go back to normal warfare
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holy shit holy shit he really is his father's son also hey uhhh mortarion do you remember that whole slippery slope speech you gave at Nikaea about literally this exact topic
the irony is killing me you're killing me, Reaper of Men, and I'm not even a man the manreaper of….justice (????) is unisex oh yeah i forgot to bring it up but Mort calling Magnus an "arrogant braggant" fills my salty soul with glee
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morty continues to try out for that fantasy villain role i think i'm warming up to the prose though
im breathing in the chemicals- im breathing in the chemicals- im breathing in the chemicals-
i think swallow's cd kept skipping while he wrote this
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this is the third time he's breathed in the chemicals
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it's totally not a ritual, honest! okay, this is a cool fight scene mortarion can be cool in a fight, as a treat
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yes. this is funny to me. Mortarion is just so done with this whole thing Mort: why did i get sent on this sidequest rip typhon killstealing
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mortarion would really like to be starring in a different genre oh no cursed idea my thought was "what genre would be funniest to put him in" which was followed by "this is our get-along harem protagonist" but it's mort and rob idk at the end of godblight they got yeeted my next thought was magical girl anime he's the dark magical girl's mascot creature he is having friendship! just hdu call him and the magical girl friends
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typhon plotting out how to ambush mortarion with a hug
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typhon: yeahhhh better not bring up the Fallen honestly typhon feels like one of the most intelligent characters in the series! ….huh why weren't the dark angels at Terra
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dude and then typhon internally cackles evilly like a kids show villain everything is going according to keikaku does your brain on nurgle turn you into snidely whiplash?
Mortarion what the heck
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normal behaviour to go along with the poison drinking or breathing in the chemicals and breathing in the chemicals- and breathing in the okay i'll stop
literally everyone on the ship is choking but typhon that was fast owo flashback time
okay so his evil dad (the first one) sent him out with golems to fight other golem things from other evil overlords as a test of some kind this is just his entire life, huh
oh lovely like wow the only reason mortarion's alive is that he's a primarch the abuse is kind of getting to ridiculous angst-fic levels and yet the way it's written is genuinely compelling? probably because he's not actually a normal human so it is survivable and not ridiculous but it is kind of walking on that line thrown to starving dogs when he was a toddler like
this really is his entire life huh
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annnnd also Necare experimented on him with poison what next did necare give him a dog and then kill the dog in front of him we're starting to get into bathos here
the last bit of this scene is, yeahh
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a bit. on the overwrought side.
The book is tap dancing on the line which is to be honest, making me sad i really want this to be good :/
if it's going to go all the way into goofy, i want it to go all the way so i can mock it if it's going to be half hard hitting and half goofy it feels like im pulling back to punch a small child this book also unfortunately has some kind of subplot on earth with a bunch of rando characters and also, unfortunately, Garro
oh this is i guess foreshadowing for what's going to happen to the death guard? so garro's friend got hit by an evil knife and unlike guilliman he did not have plot armour
so garro is working with a bunch of other dudes who defected from the traitor legions secretly working for malcador oh, and a psyker ultramarine
oh wait psyker ultramarine met garro on calth??? what??? how did he get to calth and back what is a timeline (i should be fair and stop banging on about this since i have not actually read the relevant books. at least I assume this has to be covered in a book I didn't read)
oh yeah sure let's undress the catatonic chained up woman oh she's a sister of silence my beloved
okay so context she had her name and serial number tattooed under her collarbone so. i guess that was more important??? apparently??? they did not take off the chains they just snapped them off of the wall and basically pushed her to start walking you couldn't just. pick her up??? wouldn't that be faster?? okay this was funny malcador sends an illusion of himself across the planet
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I'm rolling my eyes
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this is the guy running the imperium
does he have nothing better to do also why give them the job in the first place if he's not going to trust them not to "creatively reinterpret" his commands
oh we're back with Teen Mort and he keeps a diary ohhh a bunch of humans are rebelling and attacking
oh it's Teen Typhon meeting Teen Mort
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psychic powers time
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this is not the time to get angsty also he is kind of a grimdark rapunzel huh
back in the present and apparently mort broods a lot in his room and if you interrupt him he yells at you because of course he does you're interrupting his linkin park listening bluejay note: i love linkin park so i am allowed to make this joke annnd typhon is setting up the navigators on the ship to take the blame oh he just killed them all that was fast and now they're all trapped blind in the warp and typhon is being obviously evil and according to keikaku which is visible to everyone but Mort well tbf to Mort, he's very angry at Typhon for killing the navigators so he's probably missing stuff
typhon: this lifeboat is full of leeches just trust me typhon: throws it overboard
back in the past, Mort successfully rescues the spunky teens but his dad is coming so he tells them to get out while they can and then has his disney princess song realization that it's time to stand up for himself and he'd do it all again! and face his dad! and dieeeee okay the last bit isn't disney princess …ah
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ah mort: wait, that's an option??? rip his hair is getting in his eyes i hate when that happens
okay this is a cheesy line but it's working here
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okay i made the joke before about mortarion being the kind of guy who likes to stand on cliffs/balcony edges and look down but i DIDNT KNOW IT WAS LITERALY DONT STARE INTO THE WARP YOU IDIOT
i. oh boy we get to see an emperor-mort interaction
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i think the emperor is….actually trying here? but what the emperor is trying to say here is not what mort took from it
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nonhumanhottie · 10 months
Andor rewatch
Syril's mum is such an important addition to the star wars universe
Mon is ready to fucken scunt Luthen go off queen
Maarva gives me aunt may vibes
Mon really said fuck Perrin and I respect that so much
The way I didn't notice it's clone troopers in the flashback too caught up in Maarva being I queen I guess
My housemate has no idea why I keep groaning in distress at mention of Cassian's future
Housemate so mad at the beach troopers lmao
Narkina 5
Syril just cracks me up
Yularen is still a Sass king good to see you again you bitch
I'm so glad star wars double dipped with Andy Serkis
Oh saw I will always stan you
Nobody's listening!
Not Dr Gorst smiling and waving
Dedra absolutely slays top isb officer
Housemate was so sad about the batshit torture method
The stupid prison PA voice reminds me of Jigsaw in Saw lmaooo
God I love Andy's face. It's just. Everything. It's so much.
Housemate is screaming over Syril's mum
I love how the Narkina 5 plot shows that once communities form, they're tough to break
One way out
Housemate is absolutely living for this. It's the best of the best bestie
Davo really said rich people have no taste
The anticipation of the prison break still gets me
The speeches in this show give me years to my life
'I can't swim' still fucks me up even if i know he makes it out
Daughters of Ferrix
It's so fucked up that the droids have feelings who allowed this
I have so little to say at this point everything is so good
Mon breaks my heart oh my god
You know you've extreme when even Saw is gagged
Housemate is so mad that Cassian didn't hug Maarva one final time
Rix road
I don't even know what to say about this other than its literally A+ star wars
The lesbians in this show are so powerful
Housemate freaking out over Nemik's manifesto
'This is the funeral to be at apparently' - housemate
I'm just flailing like a muppet at this finale
Maarvas speech is peak modern star wars to me
I bet she'd be so glad to know her stone wounded an imperial
I love when Dedra's mask finally cracks
Man I i love this show and I'll happily wait years for the second season if it's just as good at this
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astranne · 1 year
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VISIT OF A HERO !blue lock
kunigami rensuke x gn! reader
notes // i watched the bllk anime and i‘m still having war flashbacks of the manga, which i read probably a year ago?? i don’t know and i don’t care because this was a good decision. going back to my multifandom blog origins LMAO so don’t be surprised if y‘all be getting blue lock content hehe and ofc kunigami has the honor <33 also, this was not proofread, it's literally a bainrot/word vomit so yeah- also, first work in the new year yay!!
wc // 652
tags // @stellumi , @keqism , @venexus for you my darlings <3
You knew Kunigami was in this… project that was announced days ago. Whole Japan was in turmoil, and there were whispers. About those who had already left- those who had already lost. There was nothing but tears and ashes of them left, their future career destroyed for just one striker. 
Oh how you hoped and prayed that this one striker was him, your hero, soon everyone’s hero. He deserved it, so long he had worked hard, training hard while sweat was running down his face, muscle aches paining him- he deserves it. He deserves being in Blue Lock, in this insane project, after all it meant he was one of the chosen ones, one of those many, many soccer players who were just better. 
You knew Kunigami deserved this, but you still worried. After all, you didn’t know what exactly happened there, if he got enough breaks, enough time to rest. You worried, you worried he would lose himself but the moment your mind started spiraling, you chided yourself, believing in Kunigami, believing in his strength as human and as a striker. 
It was unknown to you, when he would return, and if he ever would. If he would come out at the top, he would travel to train more, he wouldn’t come back to you. You knew this, you knew this the moment Kunigami became your boyfriend. He was a nice guy, of course, but he was also an egoist. How could he not be, as a striker? How often he had to cancel your dates, because the training was timed longer, because he wanted to run more, to shoot more goals, to be better. And everytime it hurt, deep in your chest, a stinging pain but you were also filled with pride. Kunigami has always given his best and he was yours. Yours alone to hug, to kiss, to love- he was yours and you were his. And even if it hurt, being left behind while he went to train, while he went to this insane project, you were so proud of him, you were so proud it hurt. It hurts to love him and maybe this was exactly why you did. 
You knew Kunigami was selfish, after all he wanted to be the best and have you by his side, regardless how he neglected you for his training. You could never be angry at him, not for this reason, not when he was so nice, so loving, so- not when he was yours, even if he gave his heart to soccer long ago. 
You knew Kunigami was an egoist, even if it was hidden, hidden behind his handsome face and a nice character. And so you were surprised, when you opened the door, with him greeting you with a blinding smile on his face. Before you could even ask him what he was doing here, he had your face in his calloused hands, taking you in, with love clear in his eyes. 
“I striked some goals in matches against other teams. They give points you know, gift points. Food, a phone or a day off. And I needed to see you.” Need. He needed to visit you, he wanted to hold you again, to kiss you, to keep you close, even for just one day. He was selfish, egoistic, greedy, always has been. He wanted you and he wanted to be Japan’s striker, he wanted to be the best striker, he wanted to win, always, since he was young. But he will only do so with you by his side. 
You knew Kunigami was a hero, because strikers have always been hero in his eyes. And so he left you, after one of the best days in your life, left to train, to be selfish, to be egoistic again. He left to be a hero, for you and for the whole world. 
And you would wait for him, always. 
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nirikeehan · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @rowanisawriter for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
*gulp* 60!!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
348,147. I repeat the question. (Almost a third is one fic, though.)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I have written for Dragon Age, the Star Wars sequels, a teensy bit of the Witcher... and I GUESs now an obscure actual play DND podcast no one has heard of 🤷‍♀️
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Force's Will (Star Wars sequels, Reylo)
Tactical Maneuvers (Dragon Age, Thalia x Cullen)
Through a Glass, Darkly (Dragon Age, Thalia x Cullen, Thalia x Samson)
Stealing the Light (Star Wars sequels, Reylo)
Forbearance (Dragon Age, Cullen & Dorian)
5. do you respond to comments?
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Bold of you to assume I finish fics. But among the one-shots Hiraeth (Cullen x Thalia) and Save Me a Dance (Blackwall x Thalia x Cullen love triangle) are sure in the running.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lmao idk. Maybe License to Lick (Cullen x Thalia)? It's very silly and I was deliberately trying to write fluff. (It's hard!)
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, fingers crossed! I did get a spam comment once about one of my chapters of Through a Glass, Darkly supposedly being AI generated and just laughed. I was like, joke's on you, you WISH AI could come up with shit this weird. I think that was just (ironically) a bot programmed to hit any new updates at a certain point in time, though, because scores of people were getting them at once.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I guess so. The kind that's often awkward and imperfect, but hopefully still satisfying?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I wrote a Dragon Age/Witcher crossover exchange fic once where Cassandra Pentaghast kissed Geralt of Rivia. And um, I am currently *checks notes* writing a Dragon Age OC adventure crossover with the DND campaign Curse of Strahd, also featuring at least one character from Curse of Strahd: Twice Bitten, that aforementioned obscure actual play DND podcast. Because Metrion is fucking amazing and there's nO FIC ABOUT THIS SERIES AT ALL AND IT'S MURDEIRNG ME DEAD
I had the idea while high on drugs. Sue me.
(Literally. I wish I could say they were the fun kind but I was prescribed some allergy meds that really FUCKED ME UP for awhile.)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of! Pravinquisition AU is a collaborative series between me and @monocytogenes, but we generally write different fics in the same timeline, not like, one fic together.
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
*blank stare* I have to pick one?
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The Star Wars ones, currently. Once I started running a Star Wars ttrpg campaign, all my SW mojo went toward that, unfortunately.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, plot-heavy stuff, coming up with weird af canon divergence aus, writing relatable characters and campy villains
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing literally anything
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
hot take maybe but I think there's almost never a good reason to do so. you're basically just othering whatever culture it is you're trying to represent.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Ironically, Star Wars.......... when I was 10. Unless you count Barbie as a fandom (which, maybe we are now?). Then I was doing that when I was like 7.
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm a broken record when it comes to this, but it's probably A Little Grace, and Some Elegance. Cullen has a near-death experience overdosing on lyrium and then tells Thalia some key backstory between him and Samson via flashback. Started my Cullen & Samson doomed friendship obsession, and is probably some of the whumpiest whump I've ever whumped.
Tagging:  | @oxygenforthewicked | @monocytogenes | @inquisimer | @bluewren | @little--abyss | @theluckywizard | @melisusthewee
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friedchickenluver · 8 months
Listen we know Zuko and his s/o fuck because look at them they have 4 kids the oldest is 18 and the youngest is 8 months but let’s talk about Sokka and his s/o.
I imagine them having one kid, like mama went through that pain and said this is all your getting and Sokka agreed bc the threats she made while pushing scared him. However they fuck as much if not more than Zuko and his s/o like half the time people see them they’re already sneaking off during the event to the point where it’s an ongoing joke to see how long it takes till they just leave.
LMAO THE THREATS ARE SO REAL . listen sokka was already a nervous wreck while you gave birth , palms sweating , stumbling over his words when spoken to , and constantly getting lightheaded during the whole situation , and when you were PUSHING A HUMAN BEING OUT LITERALLY and on top of that cussing this man out as if he said he was going to become a deadbeat dad , that was straight war ptsd right there . to this day , whenever his kid asks him how was mommy like in the hospital , he can practically hear the echo of your screaming voice like damn traumatic flashbacks . (😂)
but all in yet , he could go allllll day being in you honestly . she just so happened to end up pregnant bc she just showed the fuck out that night talking about some do it inside . (and that’s exactly how you got knocked up smh .) but seriously , like his libido is always so damn high but you’re not complaining bc at least he can give it good you know . i mean he has scared zuko with how much he wanted to fuck , even before he settled down baby when i tell you he was literally in EVERYONE’S PANTS . (😓)
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top five favorite songs (or artists/albums, whatever you wanna gush about!)
Oh Lydia.. you have no idea what you have unleashed by asking me to gush about music 😹💕 Music is truly one of my nr.1 interests of all time! 🫶
So me answering this got way out of hand... Therefore, here a (somewhat) brief summary:
Top 5 songs of last week:
The grudge by Olivia Rodrigo -> “your flowers filled with vitriol” is a line that goes so hard istg! (the whole song is a banger tho)
Midnight by Ed Sheeran
Making the bed by Olivia Rodrigo
Stick Season by Noah Kahan
That’s on me by Ed Sheeran
Top 5 fave artists atm (artist -> fave album -> fave song on it)
The Amazing Devil -> Ruin -> Drinking Song for the socially anxious
Taylor Swift -> evermore -> cowboy like me
Sleeping at last -> Enneagram -> Nine (my own type lmao)
Bo Burnham -> Inside -> Goodbye
Ed Sheeran -> (currently) Autumn Variations -> Spring
Way too extensive elaboration under the cut (bc once I start talking about music it’s very hard to stop)
So out of the 5 arrtists I mention, I also have fave albums and on those albums at least 5 songs so… I don’t expect anyone to actually read through all that, no worries 😹💕 (I was also about to include fave lyrics, but then I was reminded of several irl deadlines so… another time maybe…hopefully... cause I love talking about lyrics so much!)
(fave songs in order of their track nr. On the album, not their actual rank; fave bolded)
1.) The Amazing Devil
Love Run -> King, Shower Day, Elsa’s Song, Two Minutes, Not Yet/Love Run
The Horror and the Wild -> The Rockrose & the Thistle, Welly Boots, Farewell Wanderlust, Fair, That Unwanted Animal
Ruin -> The Calling, Drinking Song, Chords, The Old Witch Sleep, Ruin, Inkpot Gods
2.) Taylor Swift (okay, I am just doing top 5 albums for her, cause otherwise we’ll be sitting here all day)
Evermore -> champagne problems, ivy, cowboy like me, marjorie, right where you left me
Red -> The Lucky One, Better Man, Nothing New, Forever Winter, ATW 10 min
Reputation -> I did smth bad, King of my Heart, Dancing with our hands tied, Call it what you want, New Years Day
Folklore -> the 1, my tears ricochet, seven, peace, the lakes
Midnights -> Maroon, Sweet Nothing, The Great War, WCS, You’re losing me
3.) Sleeping at last
Space -> Sun, Earth, Mars, Neptune, Pluto
Enneagram -> 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
4.) Bo Burnham
Words words words -> WWW, Oh Bo, What’s Funny, Rant, Art is Dead
What -> left brain right brain (yt amv flashbacks istg…) , from god’s perspective, Nerds, Channel 5 News, Hell of a Ride
Make Happy -> straight white man, country song, lower your expectations, kys, can’t handle this (+ r u happy – bc oof…)
Inside (deluxe) -> problematic, welcome to the internet, that funny feeling, all eyes on me, goodbye + five years
5.) Ed Sheeran (also just 5, bc I am ignoring that = exists)
Plus -> it’s been too long since  listened to this one, so I only remember “Little Bird” and “The A Team”
X -> Don’t, Photograph, Tenerife Sea, Thinking Out Loud, I see Fire
Divide -> Shape of you (idc that it’s overplayed!! I still unironically like this song!), Happier, What do I know?, Supermarket Flowers, Save Myself
Substract -> Eyes Closed, End of Youth, Curtains, Vega, Stoned
Autumn Variations -> England, Midnight, Spring, Punchline, When will I be alright
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hekateinhell · 1 year
omfg DA here, I think we had near identical fandom experiences as 12-13 y/o VC girlies awww we probably did cross paths on livejournal at some point lmao the actual war flashbacks I’m having rn!!! But look at us now, I’m so proud 🥹 ok ok my top three choices were impact play, body worship and voyeurism and I ended up going for impact play and I was SHOCKED to find out it’s the least popular of the three 😞 those were his humble beginnings pls, the type of shit that stays with you forever, informs your future experiences, rearranges your DNA. But also yes he’s 100% meant to get a train run on him, has been downright begging for it for 500 years!!
adhsajdjsjd this got buried because my inboxes combine on desktop tumblr and that's where I've been checking lately. yesss, almost thirty, flirty, and thriving on armandblr. 🖤
I know! I'm shocked because I thought impact play and/or degradation would be a lot higher too, but so far the people have spoken. There's still five days left though.
Speaking of impact play... I just saw this L/A whipping ficlet on ao3, it's rated T but surprisingly it still really hit the spot for me.
Hope to see you later for Smutty Sunday purposes! 💖
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nahoney22 · 1 year
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I posted 1,572 times in 2022
386 posts created (25%)
1,186 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@nahoney22 (you gotta love yourself too)
I tagged 400 of my posts in 2022
#the bad batch - 128 posts
#star wars - 106 posts
#clone wars - 101 posts
#tbb - 69 posts
#nahoney22 writes - 54 posts
#tech bad batch - 31 posts
#bad batch - 23 posts
#hunter bad batch - 21 posts
#crosshair bad batch - 20 posts
#bad batch tech - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#i have a three hour social visit in the morning and the last thing i need is to be crying because of spoilers.
My Top Posts in 2022:
See You Again***
Doc Ock X F!Reader
word count: f knows it’s long probably like 5-6k sorry lmao
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You’re visited one night at work by Doc Ock himself and every memory you once had of him came swarming back; as did the untold feelings you shared for him.
warnings: 18+ so minors shoo. Ock being a bit creepy to reader, slight manhandling but nothing sinister. Nsfw, Smut, praise, dirty talk, p in v sex, restraints used by tentacles, bit angsty and a bit of fluff, cream pie, swearing, not properly proofread. One off shot, won’t do a part 2 ❤️
A/N gif by me. Request for my beautiful @itsjml - Happy belated birthday 👑 and this is my first Doc Ock fic! So I hope you enjoy you doc ock fuckers 🐙
Italics is flashback
When the news struck about Otto Octavius robbing banks, destroying buildings and becoming the new villain of New York, you couldn’t believe it.
This was Otto, your Otto. Well, he never was but you had once or twice imagined in your silly thoughts that he could be. Funny, right? The only man to pay you any mind, only one to actually talk with you about everything and anything. And now he is gone; replaced by a villain that terrorizes the city.
When you met Otto, it was your second week into the job at Oscorp. It was Harry who initially hired you as the two of you had been friends in college and when he heard you were looking for something just to help pay rent at your small apartment, he just had a new position open up; a receptionist.
It wasn’t the glamorous job you always thought you’d have as a young, naive kid but the pay was decent. It was just a tad boring, answering emails and phone calls on a phone that you had to hold the cord in a certain place to hear the customer properly all day long.
But, you found yourself enjoying it more when you met Otto. You had seen him a few times and low-key admired the tall, slightly heavy set man from afar but it wasn’t until one storming morning you first spoke to each other.
Running towards the building in the blistering winds and heavy downfall of rain as black clouds wrapped around the city sky, you didn’t realise that in your mad sprint you had dropped the fob onto the floor.
As you went to let yourself in, you cursed as the fob wasn’t anywhere on your person.
By now, your hair was drenched, strands clinging onto your damp face and your white shirt did you the injustice of becoming transparent and showing off your dark navy bra. You didn’t even bring a coat because the forecast was supposed to be bright and sunny all week - not torrential rain.
Suddenly, a shadow loomed over you and a strong arm wrapped around your shoulders and brought you close to their side. Since you were always told to be wary about foes in the city, you were about to make a swipe at them and tell them off for randomly grabbing you but as you looked at them the side profile of the Doctor you had been admiring stood at your side with an umbrella sheltering you both.
“Drop your fob, ma’am?” He questions, not taking a look at you as he pulled out his own entry device and swipes it against the door as the two of you piled into the warmth of the building.
“Uh, yeah. Looks that way.” You shudder once his arm leaves you and you turn to see him shake out the rain from his umbrella before he looks up at you and smiles. And what a charming smile he had.
You weren't sure, but you would hazard a guess that this man was trying his damn hardest not to tear his eyes away from your face to gaze at your slight state of exposure but, being the gentleman he seemed to be, he didn’t. “You’re Harry’s friend.” He says more of a statement than a question.
Stupidly looking at him all awestruck like, it was when he cleared his throat that you snapped out of your gaze and thanked your red cheeks on the cold weather rather than the embarrassment of staring at him. “Yeah, that’s me.”
See the full post
448 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
Touch Starved with Tech
Tech X GN!Reader
word count: 3.4k
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The fifth and final instalment of the Touch Starved Series with the gorgeous Tech.
warnings: none, touch starved Tech, fluff, a little suggestive if you squint. Enjoy 🤍 SCHEDULED POST.
Affection was not something Tech had any particular interest in when growing up nor was it something he was ever on the receiving thing of. It didn’t bother him, no. In fact, he never felt as though he needed to hug someone or shake someone’s hand to show comfort or gratitude. Why would he when his mind was racing with a thousand different ways to show these types of feelings?
That all changed however when you came into his life.
You had met him and the rest of the batch on Kamino, working under Master Jedi Shaaki Ti as one of the medical team. It was her who had signed you up to work with Clone Force 99 and although you all seemed reluctant, it was the best thing to ever happen.
There was no mistaking that Tech had found you attractive, every one of his brothers did and it didn’t help that you were also incredibly kind-hearted and funny. You were patient but brutally honest when you had to be and most of all? You listened to him.
It was a calm day for the Batch, relaxing on the sands of Tatooine and waiting for the next set of missions to come fire their way and Tech was doing his typical daily repairs. However, he ran into a small problem with one of the compartments under the control panel that controls the reflector shields and needed an assistant.
You just so happened to be walking past and glance in his way to see the harsh concentration grace his sharp features. “Everything alright, Tech?”
Glancing up from under the panel upon hearing the sound of the voice, an idea popped into his mind. “Ah! I don’t suppose you could spare a minute or two and assist me with some general repairs?”
“Are you sure? I’m not exactly good at that kind of stuff.” It’s not that you did not want to help but the thought of possibly accidentally breaking something triggered in your mind. It wasn’t until Tech said that you only had to hold some wires and maybe pass him some tools that finally convinced you to help.
“Well, okay then. Let me just take my jacket off and I’ll come under.”
“Not a problem, I can wait.” Tech confirmed by pulling himself back under the panel, laying on the flat piece of his armour on his back and awaited your return.
When you did, the top half of your body only sported a vest top since the ship was hotter than usual (obviously because of the planet and obviously because Wrecker had accidentally broken the cooling system… another task for another day) and got on your knees beside him.
“Alright I’m ready! Can I come under?”
Tech made a noise of what could only be a grunt of approval, slightly shifting more to his left to give you some room as you lay on your back and shimmied your way up beside him. “Okay sir, what would you like me to do?”
Your formal address to him made him chuckle in amusement. “Please, you do not need to call me such formalities as I am nothing more than your teammate. But, I would like you to hold onto this yellow wire whilst I calibrate the circuit board just here.”
Subtly, you rolled your eyes at Tech’s correction to the nickname you gave him but nonetheless took the yellow between your fingers and watched him tinker away.
As you watched him, your eyes traveled down to spot the side of his face, small beads of sweat trickling down from his temple. His face remained set in concentration, jaw clenching and slightly gritting his teeth.
Safe to say that if you were wearing something with a collar, you'd be hot underneath it.
Out of all the members of the Batch, you were probably closest to Tech and but that has unfortunately led to you feeling some kind of way around him. You tried to brush it off as a little crush but the more he taught you, spoke to you… it was definitely more than a little crush.
You tore your eyes away once he asked for the wire back and as you passed the wire towards him, his gloved fingers wrapped around your index finger accidentally causing Tech to gasp and pull back quickly.
Eyes widening a little at his reaction, the first thought that came to mind was that he had an electric shock of some kind.
“Tech, what was that? You okay?” You asked quickly, shifting a little on your side to look at him better as he inspected his fingers closely after dropping his spanner onto his chest.
“I am not too sure what it was but I can assure you that I am alright and you should not be alarmed.” He said simply but on the inside, his blood was boiling and his heart was racing.
See the full post
449 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
I feel like none of this would’ve happened if Plo Koon didn’t die
486 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Touch Starved with Echo
Echo X GN!Reader
word count: 2.6k
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The fourth instalment of the Touch Starved Series and this time it’s with the handsome Echo who feels as though he’s not worthy of any comfort.
warnings: This ones a little angsty as Echo is super insecure about his relatively new ‘modifications’. Reader comforts Echo so fluff will be expected too.
Masterlist 🤍
My Ko-Fi 🤍
Echo being touch starved was not a surprise to anyone. Echo knew he was and so did you and so did his vod to be honest.
The only problem was that he did not like to be touched. At all. The only contact he had recently was with Tech who makes adjustments to his newly modified body and the thought of anyone else touching him made him feel sick.
Sick because he no longer felt like a human and sick at the thought of someone being disgusted by him.
When he met you however, he saw no signs of disgust on your face when you first met in that hangar. However, he stayed way back from you whenever it came to physical contact.
In fact, you thought that you had insulted him when you stuck out your hand to shake his but as he went to put his hand towards you he winced silently and just nodded instead.
But, the two of you got along and that’s all that mattered.
It was a quiet day for the squad, drifting through space as Hunter and Crosshair took control of the cockpit, Wrecker was snoozing in his bunk meanwhile Echo and Tech were tinkering away in the main hull of the ship.
Echo was calibrating something for Tech, the use of his scomp being a valuable asset to the task but Echo noticed that it began to malfunction. He pulled it out of the socket and gave it an experimental twirl but sighed as it got jammed. This wasn’t the first time either, it had been happening at least three times a week and it happening in the middle of working wasn’t great.
“Hey Tech,” he called over to the goggled clone who was head down in his datapad and scanning through the ships files, “my scomp is jammed again.”
He looked up and frowned. “I’m afraid I can’t assist you at the moment.” Then, you walked in and a lightbulb ignited in his brain. “Y/N can help you.”
“Help you with what?” You question, surprised at the sudden task being put on you as soon as you entered.
Echo felt a little nauseous. “Oh, er- it’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing when we need your help with repairs on my ship. Now let them help.” Tech said almost dismissively as he stood and went to speak with Hunter about whatever which just left you two alone.
You immediately sensed his slight hostility about you helping but you were now adamant to tend to whatever he needed and so sat on the swivel chair next to his and smiled. “Is it your scomp?” You nod towards his arm and he arches a brow.
“How did you know?”
“Heard you were having trouble with it a few days ago is all.” You tell him, grabbing some of Tech’s tools that he left on the side by his workbench. “I probably won’t get it working perfectly but I could have a nosey at it.”
Echo chewed on the inside of his cheek, tossing the proposition of you helping him up in his mind until he sighed and nodded. “That’ll be helpful.”
“Not a problem, just place your arm up on here.” You pat the workbench and Echo does as he is told, begrudgingly laying his arm or what was left of it on top and watches as you inspect it before grabbing a small scalpel.
“I’m just gonna see if it’s jammed with dirt first.” You figured telling him what you were about to do with his body was the best step to take, not wanting to do something that might make him snap at you which if you were being honest, didn’t think would ever happen. Echo was always so kind to you and made you caf in the mornings but you soon began to realise you didn’t know much about him. You knew he was a ‘reg’ but you were not told the whole story of how he joined the squad in the first place.
You only joined a month or two after he did as a medic who also knew their way around a power converter and repairing engines so Echo knew he was in somewhat good hands.
You scraped the scalpel alongside the socket, gently tugging at any dirt or oil residue that may have slipped in and cleaned it on some tissue before putting it back in.
See the full post
671 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,628 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hunters-heathen · 2 years
how did you feel about the obi wan kenobi finale!!!! id love to hear ur thoughts
Let me tell you, it’s been several days (I think? Time isn’t real) and I still can’t even begin to compose my thoughts into something articulate
So instead I leave you with how I felt the entire time while watching:
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Okay I lied here’s a chaotic list
Vader Vader Vader Vader Vader supremacy 🧎🏻‍♀️
I lost my marbles when Ben did his ~pose~
ThEn YoU WiLl dIe (plz just tear my heart out miss Chow)
^ he threw his whole Vadussy into that fight fr
^ he threw his whole Vadussy into that fight fr
Can we talk about how despite knowing they both live I was literally so tense the entire duel
BERU SUPREMACY she pulled out those guns and Owen said 😳 lmfaooo as you should king, she’s the top fr
^ I have a weird thing for the slight roughness/gravel in Owen’s voice though bye-
Also no freaking high ground comment??? Bye pt. 2
Vader literally getting pummeled with rocks I-
Vader wheezing
The way Anakin shown through and his face was lit with blue but then Vader came back & it was red
^ adding onto that I saw someone say how Ben had to watch his eyes turn Sith all over again and now I’m crying
^ adding onto that x2: saw comparisons about how Ahsoka opened the right, Ben opened the left, but only Luke could lift the helmet off completely and I have not stopped thinking about that since
I am not your failure, Obi-Wan
^ that’s it that’s the tweet
Then my friend is truly dead 🥲🥲🥲
Leia and Ben reunion 🥲 also I’m tired of him calling himself old / other ppl calling him that lmao (smash)
^ btw I LOVE Alderaan I wanna live there okay
I just think… I miss Padmé Amidala so much (Ben compared Leia to her parents and a homie was ~sobbing~)
Lowkey I wanted a Padmé grave visit by Vader but okay-
Also wish there were more clone wars flashbacks maybe? But I’m not one to complain, the duel flashback was far beyond what I expected ✨ plus perhaps we will get clone wars flashbacks in Ahsoka (this is really Hayden’s year, go king)
I lowkey wish Reva did have a villain arc of some sort but I’m glad they didn’t just kill her off. Mayhaps a spin-off is in order
^ on that note I’d also love to have a Vader spinoff. Or two. Or five thousand. There’s so much to do with him
Qui-Gon FREAKING JINN 🗣 love him but also all I could think about was the bts pics of Liam Neeson dressed as Qui-Gon under that umbrella lmao bye
I like how Ben’s outfit at the end was like one of the ones from the comics
There’s been a lot of talk about Ben & Anakin being dyads bc of what was presented in the show and lowkey I’d be here for it
^ I think it’s an amazing and fascinating concept that wasn’t super properly touched on in the sequels so it’d be neat to see it again somewhere else as well
Ummm all I have to say in conclusion is that this show tore my heart out SO much and I literally cannot believe it’s already over. Hayden was incredible, Ewan was incredible, Vivian and Moses were incredible, ugh- I’m in love. Some shows I watch and then I’m like ‘okay I don’t think I need to revisit this’ but I’ve already watched the finale like 5 times (literally even just as background while I’m reading or something) so I’ll definitely be revisiting it
Some things could’ve been executed better, mostly the pacing and also some of the action scenes (let’s be real the Leia chase was ridiculous fkfkfk) but overall it’s been a wonderful ride and I really really am hoping for a season two or something of the sort. I’m simply not ready to let Ben go yet ✨
^^^^^ I know I have so much more to say but literally my head is so chaotic rn so this is all you’re getting 💀
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the-invisible-queer · 29 days
oh my godddd not zoe myers aka THEE video girl. i just had a war flashback reading that name in 2024 lmao that was literally the og jonas drama, like long before nick and joe started fucking around pissing off the pop girlies left and right there was fuckass zoe and her pink bob wig, wooing kevin off his feet on the year 3000 video set and bringing endless SCANDAL with her (by this i mostly mean a bunch of pictures kept leaking of them partying with her wearing skimpy crop tops and/or really short skirts, which is literally the height of outrageousness when it’s 2006 and your fans are almost exclusively sheltered christian 10 year olds. in hindsight this was probably important practice that saved some fans from having actual strokes when nick and miley’s naughty picture scandal happened a couple years later but AT THE TIME WE WERE IN THE TRENCHES LIKE IT WAS SO SERIOUS.) no one who wasn’t there in those oceanup comments reading endless cheating rumors and unverifiable claims from people who allegedly knew her that she was a bad influence and using kevin for fame and his family hated her etc. etc. will ever understand what a fucking gag it was to hear video girl for the first time and realize AT LEAST SOME OF THAT WAS ACTUALLY TRUE AND THEY WERE READING HER FOR FILTH OVER IT???? top ten most scandalized moments of my life to this day tbh like my little ass was absolutely shook. like bro HIS MAMA DIDN’T EVEN LIKE HER 😳😲😱🤯
I thought it was a Joe song - like it was his experience - for some reason
Bruh I don't know any drama from back then because I WAS the sheltered Christian 10yr old fan who only knew how to use Yahoo Music and YouTube to watch videos
I wasn't allowed on any other part of the internet
Honestly I'm so glad to have this fixation reignited because I've gotten so many questions I've had for the past 15+ years answered
I would have gone to my grave never knowing who Video Girl was or who Nick wrote "Jealous" about because I didn't care enough to look it up but it was just a curiosity
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gryffinwolf · 3 years
respectfully, why does everyone always act like remus was a saint?
#i.    [ . . . 𝚆𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙴𝚁 . . . ]    /    OUT OF CHARACTER#i mean the fandom at large like#mans was a marauder#just because we don't see him supporting/hyping up james and sirius in that one flashback doesn't mean that he didn't join them before#he only stopped because he felt bad about the prank#but even then he never told james and sirius off#he just stood there and pretended to be busy lksdjfgh#everyone always gives sirius shit for suspecting remus of being the spy during the first war but remus suspected sirius too?#he defended james's treatment of snape#until ofc jolene did a 180 and suddenly remus LOVED snape lmao ok jaundice#there's more but this is just off the top of my head#and i won't bring up the stuff about leaving tonks cause he'd have rather died than be with her and raise a kid#because that does get talked about and i'm mostly referring to his actions in the marauders era#sirius said remus was the good boy and he got the prefect badge but#all other evidence points to remus being VERY much like james and sirius#they were literally best friends lmao if remus was SOO different from them then they never would've been the marauders in the first place#this just means that he was more lowkey about it and better at sneaking around which#he had to be as a werewolf#he couldn't attract that kinda attention to him#anyway my point is#remus Iupin was absolutely not a saint at school#he only tried to be one because he nearly killed a fellow student#remus didn't enchant the marauders map to say#mr moony presents his compliments to snape and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business#for this fandom to pretend like he was always against j and s#and that he was the little angel bb who never did anything wrong#whilst j and s were evil incarnate lskdjfhg
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