#today i’ll be using my 4th skip out of 6 for two of my classes and we’re only halfway through the semester so that’s awesome.
crying-gay-tears · 4 years
Brighter Than the Sun
August 25th. Today was the day. Gon had been waiting for this day for years, and the anticipation only intensified when he received his acceptance letter in the mail a few months ago. After a teary goodbye with Aunt Mito, he was finally off on his own and starting college.
A freshman in college AU!
Chapter 1: New Places, New Faces
August 25th. Today was the day. Gon had been waiting for this day for years, and the anticipation only intensified when he received his acceptance letter in the mail a few months ago. After a teary goodbye with Aunt Mito, he was finally off on his own and starting college. Whale Island wasn’t that far from York New City, though Mito fervently disagreed--”Not that far?! It’s a boat, train, and bus ride away!”-- Either way, Gon had arrived safely, and as promised, he texted  her to let her know. The entrance to the campus was a large iron gate, and a statue of a catbear stared down at him.as he crossed the threshold of his father’s alma mater.  
Ging had walked these same grounds decades before and went on to become a world renowned Archaeologist. His career was demanding and exciting, so much so that it kept him abroad most of the time. It became Gon’s dream from a very early age to follow in his father’s impossibly large footsteps, traveling the world exploring and discovering artifacts and lost civilizations. It had to be amazing if it was worth missing out on so much of his son’s life.
Suitcase in tow, he climbed the stairs leading to the administration building two at a time, and eagerly tugged on the large oak doors. Once inside, he noticed a small line forming across the lobby. A banner reading ‘Freshman Check In’ was hung above a long table on the back wall. He joined the line and waited, shifting from foot to foot as excitement coursed through him. When it was his turn to step up to the table, a petite woman with blonde pigtails came into view. She smiled warmly at him as he approached. 
“Hello! Welcome to York New University! What’s your first and last name?”
“Hello, thank you! My name is Gon Freecss.”
She sifted through some folders lined up neatly in front of her before pulling one out of a stack and handing it to him. 
“This packet has your room number and key in it, as well as a brochure of course options. You’ll want to select your classes and build your schedule online as soon as possible. You’re in Hunter dorm located just North of the library. Follow the brick walkway through the courtyard and you can’t miss it. Best of luck and welcome to YNU!” 
Before he could say anything more, the next student in line was being motioned forward, so he turned and headed out the door and to his dorm. Grass and trees decorated the space between buildings, and the walkways were buzzing with students. The biggest and oldest looking building he passed had a cool tower on the side of it. He wondered what it was, and couldn’t wait to find out!
After a while he arrived at a large, multi story brick building. Gold lettering over the entrance read ‘Hunter Dormitory’. With a deep breath, he headed inside. His room number was 405A, so he boarded the elevator, and pressed the button for the 4th floor. It let him out on the top level of the building and into a long hallway. He passed room 400, then 401, 402, 403, 404, and finally, at the very end of the hallway, 405. 
The front door opened to a common room with a couch, mini fridge, a tv, and a coffee table. On the far wall there was a door to the right labeled ‘A’ and one to the left labeled ‘B’  His room was pretty standard, just four white walls with a bed, desk, and dresser. It looked so plain and boring, he couldn't wait to make the space his own. He had to remember to thank Mito for reminding him to pack some decorations. There was a window by the bed overlooking a courtyard, and on the left wall was the door to the bathroom. When he stepped into the shared bathroom, he saw another door on the wall opposite his. Curious, he turned the knob and peeked inside. It opened to a room that was identical to his own. His roommate must not have arrived yet, as the room was still empty. Disappointed, he closed the door with a click.
He returned to his room and flopped onto the bed. His mind was racing, imagining what his roommate would be like, what his classes and professors would be like, what friends he would make and what clubs he would join. This had all been just a dream for so long, and now he was, finally living it. His phone buzzed in his pocket, letting him know that it was 12:45. Oh! He almost forgot! He stood in a flash, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and skipped out the door for freshman orientation.
Killua was not very excited about being forced to attend a freshman orientation. Wasn’t the whole point of college to get away from people telling him what to do? Nevertheless, here he was, making his way to the small group forming under a large oak tree in the center of the campus’s main courtyard. As he approached them he noticed a tall man standing in the center of everyone and motioning for people to move as he called out. 
“Please gather around me so everyone can hear!” The man was wearing white slacks, and his dark hair was shaped into a large pompadour. When the group was settled, he spoke again. “Hello everyone, and welcome to York New University! My name’s Knuckle Bine, I’m a junior here and the RA of Hunter dorm! I’ll be your guide around campus today. It’s my job to help you guys get acclimated to your new environment, and to teach you the in’s and out’s of life here at YNU!”  
His eyes scanned the group from one end to the other, a smile on his lips. “To start, I’d like to break the ice here with an introduction game! We’ll go around the circle and introduce ourselves. When it’s your turn, tell us your name, your major if you’ve chosen one, something about yourself, and a reason you’re here at the University! I’ll go first. I’m Knuckle and my major is Pre-Veterinary Medicine. Something about myself is that I love animals! I came to college to make a career for myself that helps them!” His smile was warm as he turned to the person to his left with expectant eyes. “Now, your turn!”
Killua did his best to focus on the petite girl who was now speaking--shit, what did she say her name was? Ponzu?--but his mind was busy rushing to think of the right thing to say for when it was his turn to speak.They were a group of complete strangers, standing together in the grass, and they were really expected to just… introduce themselves? With such weird and arbitrary questions? What was he supposed to say? This was not how he wanted to start meeting new people once he finally got away to college. 
Alright, name was easy, major was undecided so also pretty easy, if a little embarrassing. What was next? Something about himself? What? That was such a broad thing to ask! And he only had a few more people before his turn. And shit! He had not been paying attention. He glanced up to see where the next person speaking was. Okay, he had about 6 more people before it was his turn. His eyes fell on the next person, a boy about his height with black spiky hair and bright, round colored eyes the color of honey.
“Hello!” he waved cheerily around the semi circle, a bright smile on his face. “My name is Gon Freecss. I’m not exactly sure of my major just yet, but I’m thinking about Environmental Biology or maybe Anthropology. I’m from Whale Island and I love hiking and exploring. I’m here because this is my life’s next adventure and I’m excited to learn and make some new friends!” 
Killua thought this guy was a little overzealous, but he seemed nice enough. He was wearing green shorts and a cream tank top that revealed tan, muscular limbs. His gaze roamed up the boy’s body, noticing broad shoulders, a strong jaw, full lips, and then, those eyes…eyes that were now staring right back at him. Crap. He quickly turned his head away, a blush creeping across his cheeks. Welp. That was awkward. Oh shit, now there were only 2 more people before him. When it was finally his turn, he spoke quickly and avoided eye contact. 
“I’m Killua. I’m undecided and I’m here because I graduated high school and this was the next step. I guess something about me is that I like to skateboard.” He felt a rush of relief as the next person started speaking, and focused intensely on the rest of the people as they spoke so his eyes wouldn’t wander back to that boy--Gon--again.  
A few people later, and Knuckle was the one speaking. “Alright! That’s everyone. Now that we’re all acquainted, we can begin the campus tour! Follow behind me closely, and feel free to ask any questions you may have along the way!” With a bright smile, he turned on his heel and walked across the lawn. 
The tour was relatively uneventful, Killua was pretty bored most of the time. Hadn’t these people done a campus tour? His mother barely let him attend a college so far away, let alone without touring it first. The only thing keeping him occupied was occasional glimpses at Gon’s facial expressions. He was very easily amused and his face lit up with each new place they entered. Killua had never seen someone so happy and energetic before. It was almost tiring to watch, but he found himself looking up at the boy frequently. They walked through some of the classrooms, followed by the main campus administration building, a few of the degree program offices, the campus gym, and finally the cafeteria.
“Okay guys, we’ve got one stop left, but first, we’re going to break for lunch! I like to eat my lunch on the green,” he motioned to the expansive lawn they were standing on, “but you’re welcome to eat inside as well. Just make sure you meet back here in 45 minutes!” 
With that, the group dispersed. Killua, deciding he wasn’t hungry enough to venture into the cafeteria, sat down under a shady tree. He was scrolling mindlessly on his phone when he heard soft footsteps in the grass next to him. He glanced up to see who it was and his breath caught in his throat. Golden eyes were staring down at him, accompanied by an ear to ear smile.
“This seat taken?” 
“Uh, no?” Killua watched as Gon crossed his legs and plopped down in the grass next to him.
“You don’t have any food, aren’t you hungry?” Gon asked, voice tinged with concern.
“Oh, I guess I just didn’t feel like dealing with the cafeteria line.” 
Gon immediately began rifling through his backpack. He pulled out a sandwich, an apple, and a bottle of water. “Here, have some of my lunch!” He passed the apple to Killua, and offered him half of the sandwich as well. 
“No thank you, I couldn’t take your lunch from you.”
“You’re not taking it from me, I’m sharing it with you! C’mon, at least have the apple.” 
He wanted to argue, but Gon’s smile was almost a pout and his eyes were burning into him, so he quickly grabbed the apple and took a bite. Gon grinned in response and took a bite of his sandwich.
“So, your name is Killua? I’m Gon! It’s nice to meet you!”
Killua swallowed hard and ignored how his stomach flipped when Gon said his name. 
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too.” The two sat in comfortable silence for a bit, eating and watching the activity on the lawn around them. Gon was the first to speak. 
“So, are you from York New City?”
Killua shook his head. “My family lives on a compound in the Kukuru Mountains, a few hours North of here.”
“Oh yeah? That’s so cool! My Aunt Mito and I went on a hiking trip there a few years ago. The forest at the base of the mountains is beautiful!”
Killua raised an eyebrow. “The forest is also pretty dangerous, y’know.”
Gon chuckled. “Don’t worry, I basically grew up in nature, my survival skills are pretty good. Not that Mito would’ve let me hike off trail or as far as I wanted to anyway.”
“You said you’re from Whale Island, what’s it like there?” 
“Whale Island is beautiful. The forest there is lush and the wildlife is diverse. I spent all of my free time outside exploring alone, learning every inch of the island.”
“Yeah, there weren’t many kids my age. It’s a small port town; so a great deal of the population there is people in town for business for a few weeks or months at a time. The locals are mostly older folks. There were only a few families around when I was growing up, but they all had girls. I made friends with them just fine, and with the kids that would move in and out of town. But I never really had solid friends, and never a best friend.”
 Killua nodded solemnly. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I never had any real friends either. No one I could trust or that I actually enjoyed spending time with. I got to know the kids that my parents’ business partners would regularly bring to parties, and I knew some kids at boarding school too; but most of them were boring or snobby or both. So I was alone a lot.” Killua’s gaze shifted down, his fingers nervously raked through the grass. He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly spilling his guts to a stranger, but something about Gon being so open made him want to open up as well. He could feel Gon staring at him, and when he looked up he was met with a pair of warm golden eyes, and an understanding smile. That smile made his stomach flip...again.
“Would you like to be friends?”
”I--w-what?” he stammered, eyes wide with surprise.
Gon didn’t waiver, his smile only grew wider. “I think you’re really cool, and I’d like to be your friend! Would you like to be mine too?” 
“Uh, s-sure. Yeah, we can be friends.” he rubbed at the back of his neck, trying to calm his embarrassment along with the excitement bubbling up inside of him. 
Gon was positively beaming. “I’m so glad! This is gonna be great!” 
Gon’s excitement was contagious, and Killua couldn’t help but smile.
For the rest of their lunch break, the two talked and laughed. They were really hitting it off, and Gon was so happy to have made such a cool new friend. Killua even promised to teach him how to skateboard if he taught him how to fish! Before they knew it, Knuckle was clapping his hands and waving for everyone’s attention. 
 “Okay folks, it looks like everyone’s finished eating, so it’s time to finish our tour!” He pointed to the large building behind them and motioned for them to follow. They all stood and headed across the lawn towards a large brick building with a marble staircase on either side of the double door entrance. It was the building with the tower Gon noticed earlier. 
Knuckle led the group up the stairs and inside. When he spoke next, it was in a hushed tone. “Everyone, welcome to the library! This is the biggest building on campus, and where you will probably spend most of your time.The best way to learn this place is to explore it yourself, and since this is the last stop, feel free to stay as long as you like.You’re also free to go whenever you’d like. I’ll be around for a bit if you have any questions or want to chat. I hope you enjoyed the tour today and again, welcome to NYU!!” He ended with a bright smile, and the group began to disperse. 
After a chat with Knuckle, Gon headed straight for the elevator to explore each floor. He asked Killua to join him, but he declined saying he had some stuff to do, so they exchanged numbers and went their separate ways. By the time he finished in the library, it was well after 5. He stopped at the cafeteria for a quick bite to eat and then headed back to his room. 
He was unpacking when he heard shuffling in the other bedroom. His roommate must be home! He headed out to the common room and knocked on the other door. Gon heard some more shuffling before the door swung open to reveal a familiar face. He stared in surprise and ocean blue eyes stared right back through a frame of silver hair.
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What else was She to do?
Chapter 1:
The Summer Job
We met at our job. It was the summer of 56 and I had just been certified as a lifeguard. So naturally I sought a job at the neighborhood YMCA. She had already worked there before. She had experience with the people there. I was new and therefore nervous. Eager as I was to make friends I also had a hope in the back of my mind that I might meet someone. My childhood sweetheart Janice Spence had just dumped me. As soon as I walked into the first staff meeting I knew.. that I was in love with the girl sitting next to her. Yeah, I won’t lie about it. I didn’t initially notice her, but once I did there was nothing I wouldn’t do to get to know her. The girl next to her was Melissa O’Riley. Melissa had lovely red hair was cut in a sort of bob at the neck. Her eyes were bright blue and she had a persuasive laugh- the kind you want to listen to again and again. So I made her laugh as often as I could for the first two weeks. She was obliging and I was in heaven until I realized she wasn’t funny at all herself and had little interest in anything but gossip. Within 20 minutes of speaking to her I learned more about every staff member than I could ever want to. So eventually my sights drifted and settled upon the true heroine of this story: Eva Sandoval. Eva was quick witted. And that’s all I knew about her for a long time. She wasn’t shy and she wasn’t obnoxious. When she was talking to you it seemed as if she might love you for all the courteous attention she bestowed with those entrancing brown eyes. But as soon as she walked away you felt unsure of her admiration, and doubted she had ever had any interest in you at all. She was spectacularly mysterious and I was desperate to gain a better understanding of her. Thank goodness we had the same shift or I might have never gotten to know her and my life would be drastically different than what it is now 5 months after this story begins. 
It was my 4th year working for the YMCA of Pendleton Springs, AZ. I had renewed my lifeguard certification again for this year because Ma kept nagging me about it. “Miha you must have a job if you wish to be anything. Learn to work now so you never struggle as I did. When your sainted Pa was taken from us I thought we would starve, but you know what I did? I walked into town and asked every shop on the street if they would hire me- I mean it! Every single store I asked! And when I reached the end of the street I had the means to a living. Ah, but it was brutal- learning to work hard takes time Miha. And I don’t want you wasting it! Go down to the class after school today and get re-certified!” She had delivered this monologue in variation after variation since I was 11. The year after my father was killed. Me and my little sister Mari listen attentively every single time but I must admit after 6 years its getting a bit old. But no matter! I went down to the pool directly after school that day and Mari tagged along. When we got there the instructor hadn’t arrived. There were a few familiar faces milling about in the water. Melissa, David, and Patsy I had worked with the past two summers. They smiled and called for me to change quickly so we could adjust to the chill of the water together. I dragged Mari from the edge of the pool, over to the changing rooms, where she had been animatedly trying to engage Melissa in conversation about how she was thinking about bobbing her hair too. For a few months now Mari has been seeking out other girls my age for advice and validation. She’s 13 years old and is desperate to be a fully-fledged teen. I asked her once why she didn’t come to me for stuff like that and she answered after thinking a minute, “You’re just different than the other girls Evie, I’ve seen you dance to the crooning of Cosby. I can’t ask you for advice after seeing that!” I actually thought it was kind of funny. But I still didn’t see why she had to talk to Melissa about it. Melissa is alright I suppose, I just don’t want Mari to become half as dull as she is. Soon we were changed and I was reviewing strokes with the rest of the gang. Sooner than I’d have liked our instructor arrived. I was expecting Mrs. Taner like every year, but was surprised to see a man striding forward in a swimsuit with a whistle slung around his neck. He seemed to be in his 30’s. I couldn’t tell for sure because I was overwhelmed by how absolutely mature he looked. So calm, so above it all, and with a dark mustache to boot! I was already smitten. “Hi,” said he with a look into the pool, “I’m here to teach the recertfication course. Am I correct in assuming you are my students?” We stared dumbfounded for a moment before Patsy spoke up, “ Where’s Mrs. Taner?” 
Melissa chimed in, “Pats didn’t you hear! Mrs. Taner is pregnant.” 
“Yes and I will be taking charge of the pool over the summer while she is unable to supervise.” The man said, “My name is Mr. Micklesby and I look forward to a great summer.” He spoke all this with energy and dropped a quick and somehow remonstrating smile. He didn’t seem to be nearly a peppy as Mrs. Taner. But I didn’t mind at all. 
Any ideas I had about finding a new job for the summer were wiped from my mind by that afternoon. Mr. Micklesby was demanding and stern and utterly charming. I never performed stronger or faster strokes than during that course. Now please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not the type to go after someone older than me. I’m not the type to go after anybody. But I did have a terrible crush and was determined to prove my proficiency and worthiness as a member of the staff. And thus my summer began. Staff meetings came and went and I adored Mr. Micklesby from atop my tall wooden chair- while of course scanning the pool responsibly. 
“Why do you think Mr. Micklesby is in charge now?” David pondered aloud after one of our shifts ended. Pendleton Springs has one of the largest pools in the state so many of us had to be on duty at a time and thus got to take breaks together while the other staff took a turn. 
“I don’t know, but he seems very qualified.” I answered trying to keep the partiality out of my voice.
Melissa came up behind us, “My mother says he was in charge of the pool in a neighboring town and wanted to be at Pendleton for the pay raise. Some say he actually saved a child from drowning once!” She finished this with an impressive look.
“As uptight as he is I can’t imagine him swimming for fun. Wonder how he got into this line of work?”, this came from Thomas the new guy. Melissa laughed appreciatively then slipped into the locker room. He gave her a satisfied smile and followed suit.
We all have lockers for our clothes and lunches while we work. That’s why my locker is my favorite sight at the end of a long shift. It means lunch and giving your eyes a rest from the monotonous task of watching people bob up and down below the surface.
Chapter 2: 
 My Father, Mr. Micklesby and that new kid Thomas.
So I started that summer thinking I’d actually be swimming. Wrong. It was mostly watching other people swim and telling kids to stop holding each other under the water for too long. In a word, it was boring. Luckily, I had an interesting cast of characters to entertain me. To start there was Patsy. Patsy was colorful and cheerful until she saw kids running. To watch the split second transformation from beaming benignity to the ferocious dragon of a girl who screamed across the water for the kids to halt was fascinating. She sat nearest to me so I had a front row seat. She also had a deep infatuation with bugs. Anytime I was with her she had a new fact about a different species. Not being especially keen on insects I would try to steer the conversation away from the topic. She however could relate every subject to a different bug and its behavior. The second week I worked there she was obsessed with the banana spider and she didn’t run out of “interesting” facts till Thursday. Melissa and Eva I’ve already taken time to describe so I’ll skip them. There was David. He, I got to know on breaks mostly. He was vegan and well informed. He knew everything there was to know about American history and modern politics which would have been dandy if he didn’t assume I was as knowledgable as he. I spent a good deal of time faking my way through conversations about people I had never heard of. However I stayed close to him because he at least, was talking about people instead of creepy-crawlies. He was a perfectly friendly chap till you took out your lunch. Then he would eye my roast beef sandwich with dismay and mutter to himself about the cruelty animals were subject to. And then finally my boss: Mr. Micklesby. The ridiculousness of his name extended to his looks and demeanor. He was short and mean. His dark hair was styled in a positively ancient do involving copious amounts of gel so that it looked as glazed as a donut. His feet were especially large for a man of his height but who knows maybe he’ll grow into it. But for now it rendered his walk rather absurd. I would never say all this about him if it weren’t for the fact that he obviously thought himself superior and was incredibly short tempered. Now I know that as a newbie I was bound to make mistakes, but his bursts of short cutting commentary never helped. He was even curt with the more experienced staff. So I did my best to avoid him. That is until I noticed Eva was always near him during breaks. I thought she must have been a super hard worker because she was always asking if there was anything else she cold do to help out before she went to have lunch. So despite my wariness I began to ask if I could help out as well. Mr Micklesby almost never had anything for us to do, but I would come up to him at the end of every shift because I knew Eva would be there. After days of asking for more work and being turned away we were given something to do.
“Good gracious I never saw such eager kids,” Mr. Micklesby said with a derisive snort, it didn’t appear to be a compliment, “ugh, fine why don’t you- I don’t know.. Scrub down the old paddles boards huh? I guess I’ll just assume you two will figure it out?”
“Sir, I’ve been doing this for four years. I know what to do.” Eva said with composure.
“Yeah and I’ve been breathing since birth but that doesn’t mean I know how it works,” He said with a condescending chuckle.
I had barely muttered, “What does that even me-,” when he started again.
“Look there are some wipes in the shed, just use those- I don’t want you two rubes handling anything stronger than that ok? No cleaning chemicals allowed.” 
I was surprised by how well Eva took all this. I had seen her tell off quite a few people since week one and I knew she wasn’t opposed to really letting someone have it. But she nodded her understanding and set off towards the shed. Catching up with her a few feet later I tried to make a joke, “if only his temper was as long as his feet right?” I said looking at her hopefully. She gave a quick but uninterested smile and didn’t slow her pace. I tried again, “I think it’s really cool how much you want to help. Is that just how you are or is it the job you care about?” 
She actually slowed a little when I said this and answered in the direct and confidential tone I’d soon come to know well, “ Thanks, but I only really do this job for my Ma. She makes such a big deal out of it every year. How important it is that I’m a worker and how much it means to her to see me as independent.” 
“That’s sweet. Does the job make you feel independent?”
Her eyes were on mine now as we reached the shed and started unloading the paddle boards and searching for the wipes, “It should!” She said with a merry laugh, “I’m paying rent. My ma never mentions that to me. She always says its for my betterment that I work.” Her jovial manner had slackened as she concluded.
“Wow, you.. pay the rent? That’s a big responsibility..Do your parents not work?” As soon as the words left my mouth I realized what a personal and harsh question I’d asked. How open she had been with me had lured me into a false sense of security. I didn’t know her near well enough to ask her this stuff. To my immense relief her attitude towards me didn’t change. She continued.
“My mom does. And my abuela takes in small sewing jobs. And my father is.. dead. So he doesn’t work.” She finished with a significant look. 
“I’m so sorry I-“
She cut me off placing a hand on my shoulder in an older sisterly way, “Of course you couldn’t know, you needn’t be sorry because you didn’t know him or me till now, and I didn’t mind you asking.” Her words were so unapologetic and yet she said them in a way that made me feel I hadn’t done anything to upset her opinion of me. I decided to change the subject. 
“Hey, you never really answered my question though.” I said with a tsk.
A smile returned to her eyes. “What was the question again?”
“The point of it was to determine why you’re always asking Mr. Micklesby for more work.”
She actually colored a little at this and with a sigh said, “Since you know me a bit better I don’t mind telling you I’ve got a bit of a crush,” she laughed a little and continued, “I know its silly, but it’s still my summer and I’m going to do what I like with as much of it as I can. Now, you seem like a decent guy- won’t tell anyone will you?”
As horrified as I was this new information I avowed in a joking manner to never tell a soul. I couldn’t understand it for the life of me why she could feel anything friendly towards such an absurd fellow. This hardly mattered though as we wiped down boards and chatted our break away. It was during that hour I knew she was someone I wanted to spend time with. Thankfully I think she felt the same. 
About the fourth week of the summer I got to know New Kid Thomas. That’s what everyone called him anyhow. I first took especial notice of him when he started asking Mr. Micklesby for extra jobs at the end of our shift. Which is what I had been doing. I was greatly annoyed at first. I was just using those moments as an excuse to talk to Mr. Micklesby and attempt to guide him into a conversation with me or at least get him to compliment my work ethic! Of course New Kid Thomas made it impossible to do this any longer. With both of us badgering him he dismissed us double quick. I made a point not to encourage Thomas even when he would try to joke as we walked to the locker room. But one day when we were finally given a task I actually took time to talk with him. He has a way of making you at ease. Maybe it’s how he alternates so quickly from goofus to focused. When I talk I know he’s paying attention to what I say and making mental notes. I like feeling heard like that. With four very opinionated people in one household its hard to have the last word on anything. So I ended up sharing a lot with him. Nothing specific just the basics of who I am. He could have asked anyone at school and gossips would have mentioned most of it. But the more we talked the more I wanted to share. I even told him about my crush on Mr. Micklesby and we had a laugh about that. When we were done wiping down paddle boards I checked my watch and saw we only had 20 minutes left before break ended. 
“Lets head back and get lunch!”I suggested standing up and stretching. Sitting all day takes such a toll. 
“Yeah ok! I know it’s silly but do you wanna race back? I’m so sick of not moving.” 
“On your mark get set go!” I cried tearing away from the shed and across the lawn towards the locker rooms. He set out after me and was gaining when a piercing whistle rang out.
“Are you KIDDING me?!” Shrieked Patsy. Her eyes were wide with anger and if possible her dark curly hair seemed larger and more intimidating than it ever had before, “I spend ALL DAY telling these dratted kids not to run near the pool and look up to see my FELLOW LIFEGAURDS.. FLAGRANTLY disobeying such a SIMPLE rule?!” 
“Pats I am so so sorry,” I stammered, out of breath. Taking a few steps back I continued, “We weren’t thinking and-
“Is it gonna happen again?!” She spat.
“No way ma’am. I mean-I’m so sorry Patsy-it was my idea and-,” Thomas made to keep talking but Patsy cut him off.
“Whatever- as long as it doesn’t happen again… you both are forgiven.” She said, slowly becoming the dear and charming friend I knew and loved once more. 
Seeing Patsy in such a terrifying state always gave me chills but having it directed at me was another thing entirely! I thought I might never run again. Then a though occurred to me.
“Patsy dear what are you doing so far from the locker room? Isn’t it your break too?”
“Yeah but I was worried Micklesby was making you guys work through your break entirely. I wanted to come over and remind you two to eat something before the next shift starts.” She said in such a concerned and gentle tone you would have never known she’d just been screaming her head off.
I turned to Thomas with a laugh, “No I’ve just been getting to know the new kid. We were just heading back to grab our lunches.”
“Yes I saw.” Said Patsy with a stern glance.
“Well lets all head back now,”Thomas interjected with a worried look at Pats. “How much time do we have now?”
I checked my watch, “15 minutes and we can make it back in time if we.. walk quickly.”
So we walked at a checked but rapid pace and got our lunches out of our lockers. I watched Patsy join Melissa and David outside then followed with Thomas close on my heels. 
“What you have for lunch today?” Said Thomas seating himself between Melissa and myself.
“Eva always has the best food!”Melissa said eyeing my brown bag.
“Its true!” David interjected, “One time she let me have a bite of a tamale and I thought I’d gone to heaven!”
I smiled with more than a little pride. My abuela and ma are the best cooks in the world. Not that we eat out often or anything, but I’m pretty sure they cook better than anyone in Pendleton. “Today I have the classic chicken quesadilla.” 
“Can I try a bit?” Thomas ventured timidly. 
I thought about it for a full minute before responding, “Sure- I’ll even give you half (Melissa uttered a gasp and Patsy hmphed) If!..You give me half of your weird sandwich thing.”
Like I said we don’t eat out. Ever. As much as I love and enjoy the things my family makes me sometimes I’m in the mood for something new and can’t get it. Going to a restaurant would cost too much so I never even mention it to Ma. 
Thomas laughed, “From what I hear, you’re being more than fair. Its a roast beef sandwich. Try it!”
We switched and on everyone’s countdown took our first bites. Thomas’ eyes lit up and even I had to admit his roast beef was excellently juicy. This started a tradition that would have lasted the entire summer if things hadn’t changed so drastically for me a week later. 
It started as such a pleasant afternoon. Thomas and I were playing cards by the side of the pool during our break together. He had become very quickly a confidante. I had a great amount of faith in his judgment and soon was spilling open with the little things I hadn’t even admitted to myself I was upset about. He was soon familiar with my family stories, my worries over money and Mari. He opened up to me as well. He explained how afraid his parents had been of migrating to America from Vietnam 12 years ago when he was five. They had come because his father had been offered an excellent job which he still had today, but his mother always worried about what would become of them if he were to lose it- arguing there was no other future for them if anything should go wrong. He shared his fretting and frustration over having to go with his parents everywhere for even the simplest of things so he could translate. Our friendship was so special to me after so little time. It made work so much easier knowing we would split or lunches and talk after every agonizing shift. 
It was on a fabulous afternoon such as this when things went wrong. Out nowhere storm clouds were amassing themselves over our pool and at the first roll of thunder everyone was ordered out and told to go home until further notice. It was only 2 and our break time was just about to end. Mr. Micklesby, who I had started to care for less and less, told the staff to go home. He warned us to stick to our landlines in case he called to say the pool needed to be reopened. 
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agirlinjapan · 6 years
Red Data Girl: My Wish on the Night of the Shooting Stars (Week 2)
Red Data Girl: My Wish on the Night of the Shooting Stars By Noriko Ogiwara A Translation
Miss the last piece? Read it here!
Check out the RDG Translation twitter!
Help me pay for my next translation project on Ko-fi.
It’s hard to believe that the summer is almost over. While admittedly, I can’t say that it feels like it just started, it definitely doesn’t feel like we’re so close to the end. Where I work, the teachers’ first day is September 4th, and the students return on the 6th. That means I have just over a week left of summer. Wow... It’s been a great one though! I’ve focused on my translating this August, and have translated over 100 pages in less than a month. By the time school begins again, I expect to be about 60% finished with the RDG 6 translation. Isn’t that crazy?!
Translation note: In Japan, students stay in their classrooms while teachers travel from room to room to teach classes. Without a “designated classroom” which “belongs” to each teacher, teachers instead have all their desks together in the teacher’s room. Generally, teachers return to this room to collect what they’ll need for the next lesson in the 5-10 minute break that occurs between each class. Students often use this time to visit the teacher’s room and ask their teachers questions or help bring materials up to the classroom.
Red Data Girl: My Wish on the Night of the Shooting Stars By Noriko Ogiwara Chapter 1: Disappearance Part 1 (2 of 2)
The next morning, many students, unprepared for returning to the normal school schedule, barely made it to their classrooms on time.
Izumiko, her hair back in its usual tight braids, was later than usual as well. She had stayed up late the night before, finally feeling awake after sleeping the morning away.
As she flew into 1-C, Miyuu Hatano called out from a group of girls directly behind her.
“Good morning, Izu! We haven’t seen you in a day or two.”
“Good morning—huh? Izu?”
“You’re Izumiko, so ‘Izu.’ It’s okay if we call you that from now on, right? You’re one of the girls, after all.”
What’s going on? It sounds like they’re trying to say Isolde, like that girl from Tristan and Isolde…
Izumiko was reminded of the heroine from the world famous legend. This was what happened when you were raised by your grandfather on a mountain and only read classics. Still, it made her happy that her classmates had a nickname for her. She responded, saying that she didn’t mind the name at all.
“Is it okay if I call you Myu from now on?”
“Of course!”
After everything 1-C had been able to put together and accomplish together for the school festival, they seemed to be closer than ever. Karin Hasegawa and Mako Sagawa, who were standing next to Miyuu, also asked to call Izumiko by her nickname. They chatted for a bit, but the conversation never touched upon her dance or the ghosts.
Relieved, Izumiko headed towards her desk. Only then did she see Manatsu Souda just ahead of her. He was seated at his desk, currently in the middle of a large stretch.
I wonder if Manatsu slept completely through the days off, too…
Izumiko gave an absent smile as they noticed each other.
“Ah, morning. I thought I’d ask you something if I saw you. Do you know where Shinko went over our days off?”
Izumiko’s eyes went wide. “Huh? Sagara went somewhere?”
“I haven’t seen him around the dorm at all. I tried asking his roommate, and he said Shinko’s been off campus. People are saying he’s at the hospital.”
“What? I didn’t know… I didn’t hear.”
She stood there, staring at nothing. This was unexpected. She knew she had gone pale. Manatsu, who was always so carefree, didn’t look so happy at the moment either.
“I’m sorry. I thought he would have said something to you. Let’s not worry too much until we know exactly what’s going on. Going to the hospital could just be a story he’s using to cover up something else.”
Their conversation ended for the time being as their homeroom teacher, Mr. Sasamoto, came into the room. Still, Izumiko couldn’t concentrate on the homeroom discussion or the class that came after it. She began to shake more and more as she thought about how she had slept for so long, doing nothing.
He didn’t tell me anything…Something serious happened, and I didn’t even have the slightest idea…
When first period ended, Izumiko hurried to 1-A. Worried about how flustered she was, Manatsu followed after her. When they peered inside 1-A’s classroom, Miyuki, as suspected, was nowhere in sight. Mayura, however, was there, a frown on her face. When she noticed Izumiko and Manatsu, she joined them out in the hallway.
“Yeah, Sagara’s absent. But he must have given some notice about it because our teacher didn’t seem particularly surprised. It is a little strange that Takayanagi’s absent too, though.”
“Takayanagi, too?”
“Claus as well.”
Izumiko’s worry grew larger and larger. She put a hand over her mouth. “What if Sagara and the others never woke up in the nurse’s office?...”
“That didn’t happen,” Manatsu quickly put in. “If that was the case, I would have heard more about it in the boy’s dorm. Shinko went back to the dorm. But his roommate, Hiraoka, doesn’t know when he left campus either. I was sleeping yesterday and the day before that, too, so I didn’t look for him.”
“When did you know that Sagara wasn’t in the dorm?” Mayura asked her brother. “Did you try texting him?”
“I heard it from Hiraoka this morning at breakfast. I tried calling him, but his phone seemed to be dead. I haven’t gotten an email or text from him, either.”
“…If he’s really at the hospital, we’d know that too, though.”
“What about Takayanagi? Did you ask about him?””
“Ask about him? How could I ask about a guy in a white yukata?”
“You live in the boys’ dorm. Keep a better eye on our opponent!”
After the exchange between the two siblings, Mayura said it Izumiko, “I don’t think we have to worry right now. Sagara and Takayanagi probably have completely different reasons for being absent. They’ll probably be back this afternoon. If they don’t come back to school today, I’ll start asking around quietly. Let’s just keep our eyes out until then. You can do that, right?”
Izumiko had intended to nod her agreement. However, she found that she couldn’t.
“…This has to be my fault…”
“This is exactly why I said we were going to wait before jumping to conclusions,” Mayura said worriedly. “Hang in there, Izumiko.”
As hard as Izumiko tried, she couldn’t wait quietly by for something to happen. She couldn’t sit still.
That’s right. Mr. Sagara will definitely know if something happened…
Izumiko rushed away without taking the time to respond.
After watching her go, Mayura turned to her brother. “It must have been hard for her to hear this so early in the morning. First Masumi and now this. Do you think Izumiko can handle it?”
“I can’t say. But I know how you feel,” Manatsu replied.
They both turned back to watch Izumiko go.
Arriving at the teacher’s room in the administrative building, Izumiko took a deep breath and peered in from the door. However, beyond that, she didn’t know where to look or where Yukimasa Sagara’s desk was. They were currently in the short interval of time between first and second period, and people were hurrying in and out of the room.
Izumiko watched a number of people come and go, and then finally worked up the courage to ask one of them.
“Um, Ms. Miyamoto. Excuse me. Is Mr. Sagara here?”
Ms. Miyamoto was an English teacher in her twenties who was quick to raise her voice. She looked at Izumiko’s demure expression before frowning.
“Too many girls have asked me that this morning. It’s getting exhausting. Maybe I should put a sign on the door. Mr. Sagara’s out today. Visiting teachers don’t have classes every day, alright?”
Her tone was cranky enough that Izumiko couldn’t bring herself to ask if Yukimasa’s day off had been unexpected. Izumiko watched Ms. Miyamoto go, thinking she should get back to class, but she had absolutely no interest in sitting through more lessons.
Maybe I’ll go to the nurse’s office. I doubt Mr. Sagara’s volunteering there today, but maybe I should check…
Heading back towards the stairs, Izumiko noticed for the first time that Manatsu was standing nearby. The expression on his face was less serious than it had been before.
“Where are you going?” he asked. “Are planning on skipping class?”
“I’m going to the nurse’s office for a bit. You don’t have to go with me though.”
“That’s okay. I’ll join you.”
Cheerfully catching up to Izumiko’s quick steps so that they were walking side by side, Manatsu asked, “Can I ask you something? Why did you go looking for an English teacher because Shinko isn’t here?”
Realizing she had made a mistake with her immediate reaction to Mayura’s words, Izumiko remained quiet for a few seconds. But then, she soon began to feel badly about the secret she had been keeping from the Souda siblings up until now. She knew there was nothing left to do but tell Manatsu.
“Because he’s Sagara’s father.”
Manatsu laughed. “So even you tell jokes.”
“I know it sounds like a joke. He doesn’t want anyone to know, so please don’t tell anyone, even Mayura,” Izumiko said then hurriedly added, “It’s on the same level as how no one knows Hayakawa’s from Togakushi. You get it now, right?”
“Wha….. What?”
Manatsu flung both arms over his head and jumped back as if a horse had made a leap for him. The action conveyed his true astonishment.
“How is he Shinko’s father? That English teacher Mr. Sagara is so young! Is he like a stepdad or Shinko adopted or something like that?”
“No. He’s his real dad.”
“…I feel like I just heard this century’s greatest mystery.”
Manatsu was always so indifferent to the things happening around him. What he was saying now though made Izumiko rethink a few things. If a run in with ghosts hadn’t fazed Manatsu, then the identity of Miyuki’s father very well could have been the more unbelievable phenomenon in his mind. The only reason Izumiko wasn’t so surprised by the news along with him was because she had already known.
“Manatsu, the problem isn’t that they don’t look like father and son. It’s that talking about his dad makes him angry. Please understand that.”
“When you say angry, you’re talking about him releasing a total waterfall of rage, aren’t you? He really would be pissed off...”
Izumiko arrived at the first floor nurse’s office with Manatsu walking at her side, grumbling his thoughts. She knocked on the door, and Ms. Sakakiba appeared from the other side.
Before Izumiko or Manatsu could open their mouths, the nurse said, “Mr. Sagara isn’t here. He was only here for the school festival, so go right on back to your classroom… Oh, You’re Izumiko from 1-C, aren’t you?”
Izumiko lowered her head into a small bow so quickly her braids swung back and forth. “Thank you for helping us on the day of the school festival.”
Ms. Sakakiba’s expression softened immediately. She usually was an easy going woman.
“Well. You didn’t come all this way just to say that, did you?”
“No, we didn’t…”
Seeing whether or not Yukimasa was there was only half of why she had come to the office.
“Ms. Sakakiba, you know how Miyuki Sagara and Ichijo Takayanagi were sleeping here after the festival?” Izumiko asked before she could change her mind. “Do you remember how much longer they stayed here after I left?”
“I woke those two up before dinner. They were just snoozing, and they didn’t have fevers. Nothing else seemed to be wrong with them either. It was just sleep deprivation. First years aren’t used to the big events here, and they overexerted themselves.”
“Both of them are absent today though. Did you hear anything about that?”
Ms. Sakakiba looked surprised at Izumiko’s insistence. “Huh? Are they absent? I haven’t had a chance to look at the morning health check list yet. The attendance just arrived.”
She returned to her desk, flipped through the papers on it, and then said, “There certainly are a number of students out sick in 1-A. But I don’t know any details yet. However, the health office is only given names when a student has an excused absence.”
Izumiko was disappointed. She hadn’t learned any more than what she had already heard from Mayura.
“Thank you very much. Everything’s fine then, I guess…”
“Wait a second.”
Ms. Sakakiba’s worried voice stopped them as they were about to walk back out into the hallway. “Izumiko, I’m curious about something. You and those two disappeared in the middle of the festival, and then you showed up here all together. That’s been bothering me.”
It was natural that she would be suspicious. As Izumiko fumbled over how she could possibly respond, the nurse continued. “If you’re worried over something you can’t say to your friends, would you consider speaking to a counselor? Do you want me to make you an appointment? Do need to talk to someone?”  
…Ms. Sakakiba definitely lives in this reality, Izumiko thought. Knowing this made her feel an emotion that was something like a mix of relief and loneliness. The school wasn’t only populated by teachers and students with connections to sacred spirits and ghosts. She felt that fact quite vividly just then.
“I’m okay for now.”
As Izumiko left the nurse’s office, Manatsu gave a quick bow to Ms. Sakakiba, and then followed after his friend.
Izumiko walked out the building’s front door, and did not stop until she had reached the small stone bridge further down the path. There, she looked up at the autumn sky dotted far above with little white clouds. The day was peaceful and bright, but that light did not reach all the way to Izumiko’s heart.
Something’s definitely going on… But even so, Sagara hasn’t necessarily disappeared from the school.
“Izumiko, you should just wait patiently for now. That’s what Mayura said,” Manatsu stated from behind her. He was still a few yards down the path. “If you don’t want to sit around in the classroom, how about going to the barn? Taking care of horses calms people down.”
“Thanks, but I think I’d rather go back to my own room,” Izumiko replied without turning to look at him. “Don’t worry about me. I won’t leave the school or anything. They’ll notice if there are two people missing from the classroom, so you should go back to class.”
For a moment, Manatsu stood there, reluctant to leave Izumiko on her own. However, he didn’t have the time to walk her back to the girl’s dorm, and so he grudgingly gave up his objections to the situation.
“If you’re going back, promise that you won’t leave the room. Mayura can look in on you there, so don’t move.”
Keep reading!
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101scenes · 7 years
Wanna-One Bae JinYoung - Together
✽ featuring: bae jinyoung
✽ genre: fluff
✽ word count: 1693 words
✽ summary: your strong and masculine front that you put on everyday with your group of friends has suddenly dissolved into nothing from the touch of his hand.
the incident happened during our third year of high school
having moved to new classes, you were separated from your usual group that you hung out with ever since freshman year
i guess you could say they weren’t the greatest of influences
you usually hung out with a group of 6, consisting of 2 girls and 4 boys
you and kang daniel were the alphas of the group, leading the group into causing a commotion around school
this consisting of bullying people from the top academic classes
one time, you 6 were up to it again
bullying some poor boy, pushing him around after school, making him drop his materials and stationary
jinyoung, your class prefect, was doing patrols around the school after school that day
hearing something odd just attracted him to the sound
after seeing your inhumane act, he quickly barged in to diffuse the situation
“hey! you six again, lay off him. mrs kim is just in the next room you know,”
the act of him exercising authority made the group of you scoff
one by one, the group of 6 left the scene
however, when it was your turn to walk past jinyoung, he snickered
“its the 4th time for you, y/n, before you get suspended”
“yeah yeah whatever,”
with a simple wave of a hand, you signalled for him to leave your sight
he ran towards the victim to help him up
joining back the 6, you heard them talking about jinyoung
“tch, he’s such a good-two-shoes,”
“no shit sherlock, he’s a prefect”
“i hate those people”
this made the group of you laugh
after that incident, you noticed jinyoung started to pay attention to you more
he probably just wants to find fault in your actions in school just to get you suspended
his slight smirk on his face as you pull out a packet of sweets during class just says everything
did i mention he sits beside you during class? i guess that makes it worse doesn’t it aha
you tried to avoid all forms of contact with him after that
but that failed after your teacher paired you two up to conduct a chemistry experiment in the lab
for some reason, you felt a bit tense
its probably because of chemistry right? it was your first experiment that year, maybe its that
once the experiment was signalled to commence, you two faced each other
“i’ll get the retort stands, burettes and pipettes okay? you can set up the acids”
ok, jinyoung wants you to set up the solutions. not that difficult right?
as you read the instructions, you just could not determine the type of acids used
as you tried to analyse the instructions page as if it was morse code, jinyoung was just staring at you
“tch, its hydrochloric acid, you slowpoke”
he reaches over you to grab the bottle of hydrochloric acid, allowing you to take a whiff of his cologne off his sleeve
{what the hell am i doing?}
the rest of the experiment had to be guided by jinyoung as you were not especially bright in chemistry
for some reason you just could not figure out what was on your mind
why am i feeling this way?
questions of wonder clouded your mind, preventing you from writing the formula correctly and performing the experiment effectively
“you okay? you look like you have just seen a ghost,”
jinyoung said, as he peered from behind his retort stand
you didn’t reply him, only to look around frantically and nod slightly
he noticed something was wrong, and slowly approached you
placing his warm palm on your forehead, he tried to check if you were having a fever as you were oddly different today
“your face is pale today, you sure you don’t want to take a rest at the sick bay or something? you can get an excuse letter from the teacher,”
during this point of time, your faces were unnaturally close to one another
your heart pounds your ribcage, trying to force its way out
{what is going on with me???}
your face burns
(oh no, am i blushing???????????)
“i-i’m fine!” you said as you pushed his hand off your forehead
you looked at the ground in shame
your strong and masculine front that you put on everyday with your group of friends has suddenly dissolved into nothing from the touch of his hand
you felt so inferior, you had no idea what this feeling was
“okay then, if you need to stop and take a rest, tell me okay?”
you nodded and looked away
trying to begin the experiment, you stood up
but unfortunately, your legs were as weak as jelly
your hands were shaking as well
so trying to pour the acid was a hard task
and apparently your hands thought it was a hard task too
and you spilled some hydrochloric acid on your hand
“oh my god, shit!”
you ran towards the sink, placing it under running water
it burns your wrist
jinyoung notices, and runs over as well
“what happend?”
he glanced over at your lab table, only to see some spilled hydrochloric acid on the table and a open jar of acid accompanying it
he glances back at your hand, sighs and takes it into his hands
still under running water, he proceeds to rub the burning spot
your stomach churns
his hand is so warm and soft??? is this even a boy???
your heart skips a beat
actually multiple beats
you could have died on the spot right there
carrying your hand to the side-benches, he reached for a towel and slowly dabs the spot
“does it still hurt?”
you shake your head
“you should really sit out on todays experiment, you’re not like your usual self today,”
“i’m fine,”
you glanced away again, only to feel your cheeks turning bright pink
“are you sure you’re okay? i can help-”
he reaches for your hands and this shocks you
you turned to face him, letting him see the bright pink that has burned through your cheeks
seeing that, he let go of your hands and rubbed the back of his neck as he turned pink as well
“a-ah, sorry, let’s carry on with the experiment,”
he walked swiftly past you, and carried on with the experiment
after that, he started communicating with you more
and you didn’t seem to avoid him anymore
he would say hi to you in the halls
and you would say hi back
which kindoff confused your lil rebel squad
you tried to amend your rebel ways, so you stopped hanging out with the squad
you started spending your lunch breaks with jinyoung in the library as you found out his group of friends were in another class with a different lunch break timing
so you decided to accompany him
he would be studying, and you would be beside him, probably sleeping
while you sleep sometimes he would just glance at you, seeing how cute you are
but immediately feels bad as he thinks he’s taking advantage of you and he looks away in shame, all red-faced
as he always comes to school early to complete homework, you would surprise him from the back
after school he would have student council meetings and you would wait for him to walk home together
this one time you guys were walking together and he told you you needed to extend your skirt (you shortened it as you thought it would be cool in le rebel squad)
you immediately turned red as you thought it was some kind of way to make a move on you
but he realised what he said and took it back
“i-i mean its part of my duty as a prefect! it’s like, violating the dress code..”
this created a lil playful relationship between you two
and obviously he likes you a lot
so he would try to find ways to confess to you
once you two were walking home together through a park
your hands were only inches apart, which sparked the idea in him to hold hands with you
but when he tried to move in, you literally used that hand to point to some bird in the trees
this kindoff made him retract his hand and make him think about what he almost did
but one final time he decided to do it was during lunch break, in the library
while you were busy sleeping, he slipped a note into your skirt pocket
your hair also draped onto your face, so he would use his fingers to shift it behind your ear (wow what a kdrama action)
and you would wake up from it, so he acts like nothing happened
once you got to your last class of the day, you were rummaging through your pocket and found the note
you read it and it basically had his entire confession written on paper
you were super happy!!
you almost screamed and interrupted the teacher
when jinyoung left the class to help the teacher to carry books, you slid a note back under his biology textbook
when he came back, as usual you were waiting for him to finish packing and fell asleep (girl you need some slEEP)
no one else was in class
he noticed and read your note, which made him super bubbly
he slowly approached you
seeing you peacefully sleeping always made him warm inside
sitting on the chair in front of you he pulled over to you
he laid a small kiss on your forehead, waking you up
once you woke up, you rubbed your eyes, only to see jinyoung looking at you with a loving face
he took both your hands and brought it to his face
“want to go to the dessert shop today?”
you smiled and nodded
yAy yALL are cUtE
dates with him are super adorable
you would go to sweet shops, the amusement park, and lil cafés
he loves to tease you and make you all flustered because thats cute af!!
he loves to spoil you with desserts and win you toys in like claw-machine games
ahh boyfriend goals
✽ it moved from a story to a bullet-point thing
✽ i guess its my style??
✽ suggestions boxes are always open~
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dearmyblank · 7 years
Haven't written to you in a while. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
We were talking more about the Haunted House at Crew. This year is going to be weird if you're not there. I'm not really expecting you to be with college and all. Why would your dad drive you from there down to here, and back for two nights? Maybe even more because of setting up. Now I know how E feels. She was the oldest out of all of us before she aged out. Now that's gone down to me. I know you're only 6 months younger, and that means I'm aged out 6 months sooner than you. I even feel more like her now more than ever because T and A are both taller than me. You wouldn't believe that I'm almost 19 without knowing me. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT.
I was walking through college today thinking, "What the hell am I doing with my life?" And later on in Psychology class I was thinking, "How am I in my 4th week of college already?" 
For my English class we have to write a narrative about a remembered event. You can bet your ass I'm writing about Vermont. (That was the only thing, besides a pool party I went to, that was good over the summer.) He told us to write about one specific day, or an event in a day since a day is kind of way too much for a 1-2 page paper.  
You can also bet that I'm probably going to throw a conversation of ours in there. He suggested we have dialogue in it, and honestly I remember our conversations more than anything. Maybe i'll write when we went through Burlington and through the stores with the rest of the boys. Or maybe the last day we were there and it ended with us watching the sunset, and skipping rocks. (To think skipping rocks could make me the happiest girl in the world.)
Back to last meeting, I actually couldn't stop smiling while I was there. I don't know why. I would think with you not being there I'd be sad. I mean I am, because I kinda do miss you. But I don't know I guess I just enjoy being there with the rest of the group. I actually forced myself to stop smiling a couple times.
The boys were actually making me laugh harder than I did in such a long time. I wish you were there, you probably would've made it funnier. You're usually the one who cracks jokes, but we all do now. (Not that we didn't before, but it was mostly you. I just have side comments half the time.)
I try to think back of what 14 year old me would think of how her life turned out now. I say 14, because that's when I met you. (Well before we started Freshmen year, but not the point.) I don't know if she'd be happy with how things turned out. She'd probably change some things, but I know the one thing she wouldn't change. She wouldn't change how our friendship grew over the years. That's the one thing I don't regret for the world.
I haven't hung out with anyone since summer. All those trips to the movies I used to take with the girls is over. That's never happening again unless K doesn't go. Even still, it wouldn't be the same. They'd walk eggshells around me because of what happened between us, or try and tell me I should've forgiven her. No, I wasn't going to. Using someone's mental instability as a reason for their actions is crossing a line; one you can't get back from. If she was truly sorry, she would apologized days after not weeks. Not when my friend went after her ass.
Sometimes I wish I could go back to high school. It was hell, but at least I had friends back then. (Albeit a lot of them were shit, who I'll never talk to again but meh.) I know I joke around that 'I don't have friends', but when I really get down to it, who'll drop everything to help me when I need them? I'd do it for you, some of the friends I have at college, and some of the other friends I still kinda have from high school, but would you guys do the same?
I honestly don't know why you've stuck around as long as you did, I really don't. I've been a mess since Sophomore year, and a mess that I haven't cleaned up. Sure I've stopped self harming, but that's because I have to make the effort to go into my drawer and I just don't feel like it. Didn't think I'd be at that point where I wouldn't do that because it wasn't worth the effort.
...Wow this got depressing yikes, maybe I should go back to therapy. Eh whatever, I'd still be this way because I'd lie until I was discharged like this time. Or hell I'd probably take medication next time around. (Yea, I'm betting on a next time because I know I'm going to fuck up badly. Or someone will blab if they think I'm serious.)
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songofsaraneth · 7 years
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time for another life happenings post!! I think it’s been like 3 weeks or so since i updated, and in that time i have done a BUNCH. 
firstly, I did 2 weeks of nightly circus skills intro training! I really really miss the circus group I was in in college, but there hasn’t been anything similar here--until this group from Arizona showed up to teach a couple classes. They were only here for two weeks, spending the weekends visiting friends here, the weekdays running a kids camp and the evenings for adult classes. It was just for about 1.5 hours each night and not very in depth, but we tried out a bunch of different things in that time. I learned a bunch of basic trapeze poses (photo 1), some aerial silks climbs/hangs/tricks, relearned how to juggle, and was bizarrely very immediately good at rolling globe (photo 2), which is where you jump up on a large plastic ball and then roll it around back and forth while still standing on top of it. Once I got that down I added some poi in (which I’ve done for years) just for fun! Met a couple local folks I didn’t know before as well, and learned about a local acro yoga/partner acro group I’m gonna hopefully try to join in on a bit. 
Then last friday, I drove up to the Denver area after work, and on Saturday went to Denver Comic Con! My boyf and his friends from Wyoming were dressed up as Steven Universe characters, but I didn’t have anything prepared since it was very last minute i found out I could head to CO for the weekend. So I wore the dragon hoodie i made when i dressed up as Smaug for the premiere of the 2nd Hobbit movie, a skirt to hide my legs, and went as the Wyverary (Wyvern + library) from the Fairyland series by Cat Valente, since I was gonna get a few books signed by her while there (photo 3, me with her post-signing). Also got some stuff by Robin Hobb signed, went to a few talks by other authors, a couple writing panels, and stared at a lot of pretty merch! I wanted to get into the Felicia Day talk but the line filled up over an hour beforehand so :( And I was too cheap for autographs of anyone who cost money to see, but I did see Nathan Fillion and James Marsters from a distance. After the con wound down that night we all went out to dinner and wandered Denver a bit, and then I drove up to my other friend in Fort Collins. 
Sunday! My pal Ash and I met while we were both studying abroad in Ireland, and one of our other friends we made there (who was actually from Ireland) happened to be in the US/CO this week! So we got up early on sunday to go to the archery range (photo 4), since we all met on the archery team and NUI Galway. I hadn’t shot for like, almost 2 years which is SAD considering how big a part of my life archery was for a while, but at least I hadn’t forgotten everything. gonna have to just buy my own bow someday. After that, we went down to the Colorado Renaissance Festival, and I don’t care how historically inaccurate they are, I really love any excuse to wander around in costume and stare at pretty crafts. It was awesome and I bought a very extravagant mask (photo 5) for a costume I’m planning on making. Drove our Irish friend to his cousin’s house after and spent the night at the boyfs. 
Monday! After J went to work I wandered up to Boulder. Stopped at the small Natural History museum on campus to stare at all the fossils and pottery, then skipped to a farmers market thing and was very good about not spending money except for a ginger-maple lemonade. Then up on back to FC with Ash, where we went to this EXTREMELY fancy single-origin chocolate shop, two fancy cheese shops, some thrift stores, and the grocery store. When we got home we realized that between us we had like... 19 types of cheese. so naturally we assembled the most fantastic cheese platter that has ever been created (photo 6), with berries, avocado, bread with whole cloves of garlic baked in, salami, and wild boar sausage. it was so good and we did not even come close to finishing it all, lol. But it made a good breakfast the next day too.
ANYWAY then... we went to bed around 10:30pm and woke up around... 3:30-4am on the 4th. So we could do a sunrise photoshoot back at the archery range (photo 6). Because we have priorities I guess. But we got all dressed up and went out to take lots of photos, which turned out really well and I’ll post more eventually. but we shot from like 5:30am-8:30am for that sunrise light, and then when we got home at 9 promptly went back to bed. Eventually roused myself enough around 11am to join J for brunch as he drove through on his way to Wyoming for the 4th. Then, alas, I had to make the drive back to Utah, which is very long (6hr) but at least the mountains are absolutely beautiful this time of year. Man I really love the desert, but driving through summer mountains just makes me want to run out and frolic in all the lush green meadows and just like, hug a tree. We have a couple small lacothithic mountains pretty close to where I live but it’s different from seeing them extend on and on around you with green and snow-capped peaks forever. 
Anyway, got back to Moab around 8pm on the 4th, just as people were starting to set up firework things. unpacked a bit and then hopped over to where one of my housemates is currently housesitting for some wealthy couple, in this really big beautiful house on top of a hill with a hot tub. we planned to sit in the hot tub for the main fireworks display (which we could see perfectly from it) but it was like 105º out during the day and still in the 90ºs around 9:30pm, so after like 15 minutes we just sat on the edge with our feet in instead. 
anyway! work has been hot and exhausting (manual labor fence building in 100º+ weather with the occasional interspersed long photosynthesis measurement days), so I won’t talk about it overmuch. but I do have next week off, hurrah! Gonna be meeting up with my old college advisor in New Mexico for some volunteer plant collecting for the genetics research lab I used to work for. Exciting! I’ll drive down there on Monday and camp out for a night before meeting up with the group, is my current plan.
Today I got brunch+read and then have been aimlessly wandering the internet. Tonight though is the Moab Grassroots Music Exchange, which happens on full moons during the warm months. Basically a bunch of people drive out into a semi remote part of the desert and there’s a stage with a band or two and a lot of bonfires and general hippie festivities. I don’t drink so that cuts down on some of the amusement for me, but there are usually a couple firespinners I can spin with/bum fuel off of. I might camp there overnight (there’s tons of space to do so so people don’t have to drive home the same night) or I might just come back home, still undecided. And then I’ve been invited along a mountain summit hike tomorrow and a rafting trip, so I have to decide which of those I’m going to join in on I guess! Such a hard life in a small adventure town, sigh. 
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I was talking about schooling today. And I started to think back to my experiences with school. In the beginning of 8th grade, my Dad took me out of public school and started me on "home schooling". He ordered the books from a company called "Christian Light". That fizzled out pretty quickly. My Dad stayed so busy with work, to support our family of 5 (two grown brothers, never worked). He didn't have time to grade my work. And my Mom and brothers could care less. I asked them a few times, they acted like I was being "silly" by asking. I gave up on that. I did some of the work, then checked in the answer key book, to see how I did. Eventually, I did feel silly, why do it at all, with noone wanting to be the "teacher". So, it stopped.
I did, however, graduate at 17, with a program where I graduated through the high school I would have went to. My scores were pretty high, surprisingly (because, basically I had  2nd grade education....i'll get to that later). I went on to finish a year of college (mostly A's, did very well). I didn't go back, because I had some health issues. I tried it again, and dropped soon after I started, when my oldest brother died. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle anything. I had dream. I wanted to become  clinical psychologist and have my own practice. I had originally wanted to go for psychiatry. But, how could I make it through med school? I wanted to, but I think i'm too scatter brained with the bipolar, ptsd and anxiety. I had so many dreams in life, once. 
Anyway......back on track... School was always hard on me. I didn't go to preschool. I should have. It would have helped me get used to socializing, and routine/structure. I skipped straight to 1st grade, no kindergarten. I feel it was more difficult for me to adjust to school, for this reason. The other kids had some experience with "school". All I knew about school was the stories about how bad it is, how my brother hated school, dropped out early. My Mom dropped out in 5th grade. School sounded horrible and scary. 
My first day of school was rough. My Mom and Dad took me to school, into the classroom. I remember it all so well.. My name on my desk, the frogs everywhere. There was even a little frog tent. lol My teacher was obsessed with frogs. She was so sweet, though. Anyway, I clearly remember my parents telling me that they would be "right back", they were going to "get some coffee". I waited, I wondered where they were and why they didn't come back for me. Did they lie to me? Were they ever coming back? Did something happen to them? I was scared. I felt abandoned. So long as I live, I will never forget how I felt that day. 
First grade wasn't easy for me. I was NOT used to structure, at all. My home life was chaotic, no routine whatsoever. My teacher paired every kid up with another kid, so we would all have a "friend". I remember the little girl I was paired up with. This little girl with a pixie haircut named Shawna. She was friendly. But I really couldn't identify with her. She would talk about Peewee Herman, kids shows, and kid things. I didn't know much about kid stuff. Most of the time, I watched tv and movies that were for adults.. Sitcoms (mostly old shows), movies (not kid's movies).. I rarely watched Sesame Street (tv's were occupied by someone watching the news, etc).. And Fragle Rock (spelling?). Anyway, back to the point.. I was used to talking to adults. I wasn't used to talking to kids, playing with kids, etc.. There were hardly ever kids around when I was really young. I had two friends when I was 2 and 3. I didn’t get to be around the first friend very often. The 2nd one, a boy named Lance. We were close. It really hurt when we moved away. He liked to just sit and talk a lot of the time, just like I did. Then, when I was 5, I took up with a little elderly neighbor named Dorothy, she lived next door to us. I loved her. She gave me an old doll, a bride doll. I think her dress and flowers were white and purple, if i’m remembering right. My memory for colors is bad. My first real female friend around my age, her name was Desiree and lived across the street from me when I was 6. But, I still had  difficult time identifying with other children. Her, in particular...She had a vivid imagination, and liked to play fairy tale type stuff. I did not. lol I felt like it was silly. I had made an older friend, also when I was 6. She was 11 or 12. We would talk, listen to music, sing. We got along great. Until my Mom intervened and ended my friendship with her. Kids my age.....it was foreign to me.
I couldn't talk in school. At all. Not intentionally. I never knew it had a named, until a few years ago. It's called "selective mutism". It's a serious anxiety issue. I could talk, yell and be a wild child at home. Not a problem. But, at school.....not so much. When I would try to speak, it come out as an inaudible whisper. Other kids thought something was wrong with me. Teachers and school officials that I had autism. Which angered my Mom! She was so upset at the thought that people would think I was autistic, and I would be in trouble for not being able to speak. As if I were doing it on purpose. The teacher would call on me to read, and I couldn't talk. I was then put in special reading class, because they thought I was struggling to read. I started reading the newspaper at barely 5 years old. Reading was not the issue. I didn't mind being in special reading though, this boy named Nicolas was also in the class and would so things to make me laugh, and only me. I felt special, and he was my first big crush. lol Baaaaaack to the point (I tend to get off track and ramble!). Anyway, I even urinated on myself twice, because I could speak to ask to go to the restroom. It was bad.
My Mom told the teacher that I was a completely different child at home. So, she asked if she could take me home from school one day, to see how I acted at home. I remember that day, well. She was astonished, I was actually talking, not the quiet, odd behaving child that I was in school. Noone could understand it. Selective mutism was either unheard of or rarely heard of in the 1980s. It wasn't until well into my adult life that I found an article about it, and was ecstatic. I finally had a name, and a reason, for my odd behavior. I knew I wasn't alone, it wasn't just something "weird" about me. I had a reason for the behavior.
I called it "extreme shyness". It lasted through 5th grade. A little less severe by the third grade. And, in the 5th grade, I had a good teacher. He helped me feel a little more comfortable, and speak more. I still struggled with anxiety and shyness, all through school. All through my life, actually. 
Anyway, by late 2nd grade, I started not wanting to go to school. More than before. (I never wanted to get up and go to school). I was missing school, not doing homework and barely doing school work IN school. Everyone thought I was being defiant. The teacher were mad at me, my family was mad at me. Everyone was mad at me, and it made everything even worse. The school started to talk to me Mom, she started getting angry and defensive toward school officials. She was livid at me for putting her through it. I was having trouble. I couldn't sleep at night. I couldn't sleep alone, I would have severe anxiety, and i'd hear the loud tv going, loud voices (laughing or fighting, depending on the night). I had a very insecure attachment to my Mother, and I would beg her to come to bed, so I could sleep. She would get annoyed at me, and she's be up until 1 and 2 in the morning. So of course, so was I. Then, getting up early for school was so hard. I couldn't sleep at night, could hardly wake up in the morning. During school, I couldn't concentrate. My mind would be on going home, or things that were going on at home, often times it was the loud arguments that were going on the night before. I was a mess. 
After 4th grade, we moved across the country to Martinsburg, WV. It was all very different from what I was used it. I had lived in Casper Wyoming for a few years. The other kids even seemed different to me, the school was very different, it was just weird to me. It didn't help that I started a couple months into the school year, made my shyness/anxiety worse. The teacher was a nice guy, he helped me be a little less shy. But, the next year, it was middle school. This big, multi-level school. Lockers. No friends, didn't know anyone. It was scary and intimidating to me. I remember walking down those halls, feeling lost, no idea where I was going, what I was doing. Once i'd find my class, it just felt different, I didn't feel like I belonged. I couldn't concentrate, all I could think about was getting out of there, going home. I missed a lot of school (started missing school early, though, around 2nd/3rd grade). Not long into the school year, we were moving again. Moved back to Wyoming. This time, my Mom was tired of the public school system, blaming it for all the problems. So, they put me in a Catholic private school, late in the school year. So, again, I was starting late, no friends, didn't know anyone. I made one friend pretty quickly though. We became pretty close. Until my Mom had an argument with her Mom, and ended our friendship (See a pattern? She ended a lot of my friendship, she didn't seem to want me to have friends). Anyway, that school and that time in my life was traumatizing. I still have nightmares (I mean this literally) about that school from time to time.
That school year was difficult. Not that the others weren't. But, I didn't have much in common with anyone. I was missing school. I wasn't doing my assignments. My teacher disliked me, I believe she felt I was being defiant, by not doing my school work. But, I was distracted. I couldn't concentrate. My mind was racing, a million different thoughts. I wanted to do better in school, but I really couldn't. The principal had several meetings with my Mother. I remember one in particular, I was sitting right there and she told me Mom that I wouldn't graduate and i'd never amount to anything. I will never forget that. Soon after, she told me to get my school supplies from my desk and come to the office. She took me to this small room, the size of a closet. It was used as an office, boxed and papers all around me. A spot cleared off on a desk and a chair. That was my new classroom. The office worker would come check on me a few times each day, and ask if I had to use the restroom. Other than that, I was alone. I will admit, I did get more done on assignments without all the distractions I had in the classroom and without the severe anxiety of being around all those kids who seemed to look down on me. But, to be locked in a tiny room, secluded from people. That was not right. I felt like an animal being locked up, and even locking an animal in a large closet would be inhumane. 
Next year, started junior high. The beginning of 7th grade wasn't so bad. Over the summer, I had made some friends at the skating rink, and one of them was in my grade. So, at least I knew someone in the new school. I made friends. I was pretty distant with a lot of the people that tried to befriend me, but it was difficult for me to open up to new people and let them into my life. I heard people say I was stuck up. Far from it, just really shy and dealing with anxiety and some issues. Anyway, I had to best friends at that school. Then, at the end of the first semester, I had a falling out with them. After Christmas, when we went back to school, they were treating me like trash. Other kids were acting weird with me, giving me looks. Then, my Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. I started to gain weight. My Mom banned me from being around another of my close friends, she was like a little sister to me. It was a bad time in my life. I started missing a lot of school. I was held back a year. And the school was threatening to charge my Mom with educational neglect. 
The next year, 7th grade again... Starting over. Knowing noone. Kids who I should have went into the 8th grade with, laughing and whispering about me. There were some harsh kids. I was bullied for my weight. I became quiet again. Had a hard time talking when I was at school. I was stressed about my Dad, stressed about family issues, stressed about school. I couldn't concentrate, I was dealing with depression. I missed a lot of school, and of course, didn't do many of my assignments. Teachers were frustrated with me. Principal was angry. My Mom was threatening to send me to a foster home (she started threatening that when I was 9 or 10). I barely made it through 7th grade. The principal actually made it so that I had 1/2 day of school - morning until lunch, to have the basic classes (math, english, science an social studies). I was still struggling to deal with school. And home.
8th grade... I gained a LOT of weight by this time (265 pounds at the time). The school nurse pushed me into joining a "overweight" support group. Which was embarrassing. She was visiting my home, having discussions with my family about me. My Mom was called into the school for meetings to discuss me. . I was being bullied by this boy in my science class. He was beyond harsh. I had been bullied all through school, but not like that. I would sit in front of me in class, and turn around to taunt me. Most of the class would laugh, and that would encourage him to keep going. One day, I was already feeling bad. And he started making the same remarks about my weight. But, he went further. He told me that noone likes me, even my own family hates me. That I should just do everyone a favor and kill myself......among other things. At the time, I was having serious family issues, and I actually FELT like my family couldn't stand me, like I was in the way and I was nothing but a problem for them. I was already feeling suicidal. Several times previous, I had talked to the teacher about it. He was normally a fun, silly teacher, and of course he seemed to favor the jocks (and this guy WAS a jock). So, he'd tell me to toughen up, it's just words. That day, some of the other kids told him he's going too far.. And I stood up an walked out of the class room. I was tempted to walk out of the school, but instead, I went to the principal's office. Again, I was told it's just words, that I was making too much out of it. Go back to class. Instead, I went to the nurse's office. I was able to lay down (they had 3 cots for kids that were sick or injured) for the rest of that class. 
I spent a lot of time in the nurse office. She would let me lay down in the cot with the curtain pulled during lunch period, that started in the 2nd year of 7th grade. I wouldn't eat (didn't feel like eating, and I didn't eat in the morning, I waited until I went home), all I would do is take a couple caffeine pills that I had to sneak to school, to make it through the day. I dreaded the end of the lunch period. I just wanted to be home, or anywhere other than school. 
One day, during choir, I was called to the office. My brother was there and told me i'm going home. When we got in the car, he told me that our Grandmother passed away. I never returned to school. My Dad told the school I was being home schooled. And they never checked up on it.
I consider myself to be "self taught". Everything I know, I taught myself reading books, and on the internet. I would consider myself to be fairly intelligent, and though I didn't participate in school most of my life and basically dropped out in the 8th grade - I do not consider myself to be uneducated. I've always have the desire to learn. And, so I have. I do wish I had an easier time in school and in life, and could have learned everything I needed to learn in school. I still lack in some knowledge, such as, I can't do algebra. I have tried to learn it, but I confuse myself. lol And, I missed out on the whole high school experience. I didn't have a prom. Instead, I spent what should have been my high school years partying, drinking, getting into trouble. I just went wild after losing my Dad. He passed away a month before I turned 16. Between losing my Dad, dealing with family issues for so long and my own issues (I feel I had Bipolar for several year before my diagnoses) - I just went completely out of control. I didn't care about anything. Didn't care about life, didn't care about death. Made a lot of bad decisions, put myself into a lot of dangerous situations. I didn't care what happened to me. I didn't feel like anyone else really did, either. 
*If anyone is reading this, and if you are a parent or plan to be a parent.. Socialize your kids early. They need to learn how to be around other kids, play with other kids and how to talk to other kids. Otherwise, they will be at an extreme disadvantage and other kids will think they are the "weird kid". And if you have a child who doesn't speak at school or in other social place,  read about selective mutism. It's an extreme form of anxiety, and a child should never be made to feel "weird" or have an angry parent or teacher over it. It's not defiance. It's an actual problem. Anger will ONLY make it worse. Also, routine an stability, from a very young age, is so much more important than you may realize. It kills me to think of a child going through what I went through. 
I honestly doubt anyone actually reads this blog. lol It’s long, rambling blogs. And it’s mostly just personal memories and feelings that I share. Even if noone reads them, they are very important and personal to me. It’s kinda a therapy for myself. I have to get these memories and feelings out of my head. 
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"carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do I need insurance for my car with a suspended license and no registration in NJ?
I cannot drive due to suspension of license, and cannot renew registration due to suspension.Do I need to get insurance for this car?""
Does anyone know a good AFFORDABLE car insurance provider for someone with a DUI/accident?
I'm in New Jersey if that matters.. thanks!
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old male? 10 points?
I'm getting ridiculous quotes for a Citreon C1 Group E insurance for 7000+ under 1 liter engine size !!! By using compare the market and other comparison sites! Where can I find affordable insurance quotes? My brother was insured on a 06 1.2 Polo for 2,300 and only been driving for 6 months. surely a C1 will be cheaper!! Need help""
Which car insurance is cheaper a brand new car wi the same engine size or an old car wi the same engine size?
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""My car was towed, I still owe payments, No insurance...Now what?
Okay...so first things first.... My car was towed without insurance. I do still make monthly payments. I was in a wreck 2days ago :/ and my car finally died today (Radiator gave out) ...show more
How much does plow insurance cost?
I'm about to turn 15 and I'm looking to buy a truck to fix up. I know plow trucks are much cheaper than one that Has never plowed jut because of the wear and tear on the front end tranny and engine. If I were to buy a plow truck I'd plow with is. I am aware of most of the other costs buy I'm looking to know how much liability insurance for plowing for cost me?
How can I lower my car insurance rates?
I'm 17, and got a car a little over a month ago. My car insurance (with Gieco) is $250 a month. My mom's is $100. I'm on her plan, or something. I never took drivers ed (and with two jobs, school full time, and online classes, I most likely never will). I do have all A's though, does anywhere give a discount for that? I've got no tickets or accidents. Please help me find something cheaper!""
Does medicaid take someones life insurance money AFTER they die?
My father used medicaid briefly, i think some hospital and a few months in a nursing home...before he died. My mother and father had very little, didnt even own their home. My mom is afraid to have life insurance on HER, because she was told that after HER death...medicaid would try and take whatever she has....including a life insurance policy on her....which of course I'm the only son would recieve it. There is nothing else, she rents a small apartment and is making payments on a car...so its not really hers either. we live in MISSOURI...""
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Cheapest car insurers for 17 year olds?
Which websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers for new drivers? Im 17 so I wanna find the best deal!
Is buying a sports car going to completely destroy my insurance rates?
Quick run down - I am 22, I work full time, go to school part time, I've had multiple tickets on my record but they were all 2-3 years ago and I will refinance my insurance to deal with that later. Currently I drive a '98 Toyota Corolla and my insurance is $3000 a year (tickets). I am planning on buying a Mazda RX-8 coupe this summer. Will this completely murder my insurance costs? I have Allstate. How much would this really affect my insurance, given my situation. Roughly?""
Insurance will not pay for storage?
I reside in California, and I was recently involved in an accident. The other party accepted 100% fault for the accident. My vehicle has been in storage since November 19th. The other party's insurance says they will only pay for storage up to the 23rd because paying more is not a reasonable amount. Can they really do this? If I do pay the storage that they will not cover, it will still cost me over $500! I mean they accepted fault, and it is their client's fault that I have been without a car for so long. It is their fault that my car had to be towed and put in storage. They are the professionals. They should be able to negotiate with the company, and not put the responsibility on me. What is the best way to handle this?""
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
Health insurance in USA?
hello, i have few questions regarding health insurance for americans. 1- What is the average annual cost of health insurance for adults? 2- do children get free healthcare or should they be covered by the insurance? 3- who can benefit from free healthcare in america? 4- if americans pay tax how come theyre not entitled to free healthcare?""
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Cheap derbi insurance?
hey im 16 the end of the month and i am getting a derbi gpr 50. my question is, where can i find really cheap insurance for this bike in the UK?""
Where can I add my name to health insurance waiting list and what are average waiting times?
In our state we imposed rent controls 10 years ago to help the poor with more affordable housing, and apartments available for rent disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason. I spent 6 years on a waiting list and still my turn never came. To tell you the truth almost all vacancies are filled either through bribes or nepotism. One week ago our Governor imposed price controls on health care insurance premiums to help the poor with more affordable health care, and policies available for purchases disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason.""
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
Car insurance for 4 months.?
I'm going to uni in 4 months but my mum is planning to buy a car. I'll be the main driver for the 4 months prior to uni and after that it will be my mum's car and I won't be driving it at all. How would I go about getting insurance for this situation?
Will police know if your car insurance policy has been cancelled?
Paying my car insurance is my number one priority but after being unemployed for 2 months and finally starting a job, I can't pay my next bill. I called my insurance company and got a 15 day extension but I start my new job on Monday so I might not be able to pay the bill. If my proof of Insurance says it ends in August and I missed July's payment and the insurance is cancelled, can a police officer find out? Again, I am not asking because I want to skip out on my insurance. I have run out of funds and I am starting a new job on Monday. Also, if it matters, I live in Michigan.""
Can there be two different auto insurances on the same car?
Im a new driver, im 17 and im in the state of illinois. I dont have a license yet, just a permit. My parents only have one car and i cannot afford my own at this time. My parents have allstate and their rates are too high for me. So i contacted another insurance agency and their rates for liability were lower. So, can one car be insured with two different insurances?""
Insurance quote on 1989 Jaguar XJ6 for 17 year old?
Hey, just for the record I'm not buying this car to speed, I just plan on fixing it up and taking it for cruises. Just wondering how much it would be, thanks. Also does it go under classic or historic car insurance?""
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
Whats the best insurance company for young male drivers?
im 17. passed my test in sept this year. want to insure new citeron c1 1litre or 2001 or 1999 corsa expression 1 litre. whats the best insurance company. best quote is 3k so far.
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
Cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
i am 20 and my boyfriend is 19 any cheap car insurances known as i am currently paying 1800 for the year on an S reg saxo for us both thanks in advance
""I only pay car insurance, what should my credit score be?""
I have car insurance in my name (I haven't been late on a payment yet), this is the first and only thing I make payments on. What should my credit score be? Also what are small things I can do to bring it up?""
About how much is a persons car insurance after a dui?
I had a dui earlier this year that caused a car accident. This was my first time ever having a car accident or even getting a ticket. About how much could my car insurance be a month? Please no negative comments
Has Tort reform had a beneficial impact on Health Insurance rates in California.?
California has had Tort reform in medical malpractice for 30 years. Has this kept Health Insurance affordable in California? Ask the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how they feel about tort reform. Rather than pay for an expensive transplant and a lifetime of expensive care, her insurer simply denied the claim knowing they most her parents could get in punitive damages was $250,000. Seems to me that tort reform is another name for death panels!!!""
Where can I buy my own health/dental insurance at the cheapest price?
When I turned 19 I was no longer legally able to be on my parents insurance coverage. I need to find out where I can purchase my own insurance at a reasonably cheap price...It's ...show more
Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I Plan on trying to get these three type of cars Toyota Corolla SR5 1983 Nissan 240sx 1989 Mazda Rx-7 1991 You might notice two of these cars are sports cars but they're 20 years old so I just thought the insurance might be cheaper but anyway, Would you guys like estiamte how much insurance would be if I had bought any three of these cars. Also if anybody has any of these cars how much do you pay for insurance for that car and how old are you?""
Why is my credit ratingscore brought down for getting car insurance quotes?
I'm trying to get auto and renter's insurance and I do not understand why my credit score is brought down because of this. Can't they tell I'm not our trying to get several credit cards or lines of credit or loans? How can this be dealt with and changed or stopped? If this is going to happen, how will my credit look in two years when I am ready to buy a newer vehicle?""
Car tax and insurance?
how mich is yax and insurance on a car for over 25s my bf is nearly 25 and starting to drive xxx
First time Car Owner Getting Insurance?
I'm a college student, not living with my parents, which means I will need to start my own parents. and I'm looking to buy my first car, which might be an out-of-state title. Say I eventually, locked on a deal. The question is: Do I have to buy insurance before paying for the car. But then how does the insurance company assess the quote since I haven't had a car yet. Do I just tell them the make and year of the car I'm Going to buy for sure or how does it work? What if I bought the insurance, but the deal didn't work out, and I have to choose other car/ make/ year? Or, can I get it insured soon After I make the purchase? If so, what happens between I picked up it from the seller and driving it to get it insured. Do I get screw if I had an accident during this time. I probably sound pretty stupid by now.. but dude help me out here.""
How much does company car insurance cost for your personal car?
If i was to take out insurance for my car to cover it for company use how much does this usually cost??? i guess every car/individual is different but on average whats the usual cost??? thanks
Which is the best of the car insurance price comparison websites?
And is there like a website that you can go to that lets you compare them easily?
California life and health insurance exam?!?
I took it once but only got 60% and it was super difficult with only studying the pre licensing course. Can anyone give me some other materials or advice for getting a passing score. Please and thank you. And please no bulls**t answers-___-
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
Car insurance policies for minors?
So, if you are under 18, and are paying for all car expenses yourself, including insurance, what is the difference between being under your parents car insurance policy, and being under your own with parents approval signatures? Can your parents still be charged if you can't afford damages to an accident if you are under your own insurance policy?""
I am looking for the website for the Illinois Insurance Auto Assigned Risk Pool?
This pool provides insurance for high risk drivers on a rotating basis.
Is my life insurance cheap or expensive?
I pay $4 a week and I get $30,000 insurance and I'm 22 years old, male, is this a good or bad deal?""
Young Driver. Big Raise in Auto Insurance Rates! Can you help?
My son is 15 and is getting his learner's permit. My insurance company wants almost $200 a month to insure him on my policy. I had low rates and a good record so this shocked me. Can anybody help?
Volvo S40 insurance cost?
I'm going to lease a new car soon and I had my heart set on a 2008 Volkswagen Jetta SE ($21,040), but yesterday I found an really good deal on a 2007 Volvo S40 ($20,800). It's never been sold so it's technically new (it was a dealer demo). I'm just wondering if the insurance on this car would be similar to that of the Jetta. It's the base model 2.4i with no options except the automatic transmission. Do you know if if the Volvo would be more costly to insure?""
Accident with no insurance?
Hi I got in an accident in linconwood with out any insurance but the accident was his fault and there's no police report and now his car insurance company is during me b.c they said it was my fault. Can somebody please help me out here
Full or Limited Tort with no car or insurance?
I was in a single car accident in March. My car is not drivable and I am donating it. I want to cancel my insurance on the car and my agent said that I would have a lapse insurance which would make it more expensive for me to get insurance in the future. I live in PA and also wonder that if I no longer have car insurance does that mean I have limited tort if I'm passenger in someone's car or get hit while walking. I'm currently driving my mother's car which is registered and insured in DE I have concerns as to my liabilty and hers if I were to be at fault in an accident in PA. Doing some research today has just made me more confused.
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where can i get cheap car insurance? I'm now 18, and I did use to drive a 1.2 Renault Clio, but I had to sell it, because the insurance was so high. I've been looking at other cars with small engines, and I have been using price comparison sites, but the cheapest quote I ever got was 3000 (and have done Pass Plus too!!) Is there any way to make insurance cheaper, or is there any insurance companies, that specialise insurance for young drivers with Pass Plus? And is there any other ways to make quotes cheaper? Please help :)""
Is triple a the best car insurance?
Is triple a the best car insurance?
How much does auto insurance cost for a 16 year old male with Erie?
I just got my license and now I want to get a car but my dad wont pay for insurance, I was wondering what the possible prices might be. I would like a Jeep Wrangler or a VW ...show more""
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
How much is car insurance usually in UK?
I live in London and don't have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29. I've got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month and what is the best insurance company?
17 year old car insurance help?!? Modification!?
Just got a Nissan micra 1.2 10 year old, insurance quotes cheapest is 2700 with a parent as a named driver, how can I get this Down and I wanted to add some mods""
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy?
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy? I am Looking For the Best Life Insurance Policy We are having another child and I have to do something about not having any life insurance Can I get A free Online Life Insurance Policy Quote somewhere. Thanks for your time
What is the average car insurance for an 18 year old male who is just starting to drive?
I just want to know how much car insurance will cost me i know a lot has to do with the cost such as what type of car and such. I want an estimate because no insurance website has a quote for new drivers.
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Why is the insurance on my 1982-83 2.5L landie cheeper than my 0.9L corsa W reg?
i just dont see how the insurance on any landie could be cheaper than a corsa, especially as it is my first year driving, does anyone know why this could be?????""
Why the heck is insurance so high?
So I'm 17 trying to get insured on any car from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I've tried practically everything and it's so expensive. I get quoted 15,000 for a MINI COOPER S and 12,000 for a corsa. The area I live in insurance is low. I passed in july and I really need a car. Any suggestions for cars or insurance?""
How to get cheap insurance without no claim bonus?
Hi basically I had been a additional driver on my brothers policy for 3 years and I do not hold any no claim bonus as it was on my brothers name. I want to get insurance done on my name now but I am looking for any good deal being a only driver with no claim bonus as I have no accident history, I have clean record of driving so any ideas on how to sort it out cheap let me know thanks in advance :)""
Insurance of a replica sports car ?
Would I have to pay high insurance on a replica of a sports car, when really the car is actually that the body kit will be going onto is only worth 600 ?""
Insurance on a Firebird?
looking for cars with the lowest insurance rates but idk anything about that... i know sports cars are more expensive. age, location, record and all that too.. but are firebirds generally expensive to insure?? and bc its older will it be less expensive?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance for me and my self employed husband?
For just me and him we pay $927 a month! He has no medical conditions. I take 3 medications for depression and anxiety, but its been a lifelong thing, and I require not psychiatrist or anything , like that, just the meds from my family doctor to keep my chemicals level. Can we get assistance, or is there special help for the self employed? I'm 35 and he is 40.""
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
How much auto insurance do I need if I own a home and some other assests?
My auto insurance company told me that if I'm in an accident and I don't have enough auto insurance I can be sued and possibly lose my home. I never heard of anyone losing ...show more
Can't decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
I wanted to go to college to be and insurance salesperson but im not sure. If i go to a community college and get an associates degree in business-insurance sales what does it quallify me to sell, like what type of insurance? How much do they make? Will it be easy to find a job? What are the typical hours? Will i have a secure job? Do you work off comission? Any additional info plz""
""Where is best for cheap car insurance for a new driver, curfew insurance?""
I am just turning 17 and want to know the cheapest insurance companies out there. I know Quinn direct is good, but are there any better ones. I also know that there are curfew insurance companies that stop you going out after 11 and before 5 in the morning, but what are the companies called? Thanks""
Car insurance. Confused.com?
Hi, I have to do the car insurance for my dad. My dad used confused.com last year. I have all the information stored there and i want a new quote. What to do press because the page has changed and I don't know much about these things. I want to get a new quote with filling anything in again. What to I do? Thank you very much.""
Quick insurance quote for a 2006 range rover sport hse?
i am 16 and found a 2006 range rover hse sport for only 10 grand. the car is immaculate and freaking loaded to the top with upgrades. i know you are all thinking WTH? but the car is not salvaged and runs perfectly. i can afford the payments for the loan i am getting, but what insurance company would charge the least amount of money with decent coverage, cause liability aint covering the rover. thanks for all ure help, P.S. how much would registration be?""
How much will my insurance go up?
I rearended someone on the highway. There was no damage on either car and no one was hurt. Unfortunately, my front airbags deployed and the seatbelts locked up. I've got an estimate of 4k in repairs. I believe my deductible is approx $400. 4k is a pretty hefty amount. But the question is should I claim or pay out of pocket? Basically, will the increased insurance rate exceed that of the 3.6k difference that they'd be paying? I'm currently paying 1k a year. Thanks.""
Will my car insurance rate rise if someone on my policy gets in an accident?
If I add someone onto my car insurance policy and that person gets in an accident, will my rate climb. If it does can I remove that person from my policy to keep my rate the same.""
My car was wrecked and the insurance company paid to have it fixed. Now they have found something they missed?
After paying out around 12,000 to fix my car (body damage only, but new car so everything came from factory) we found out there is something else that needs to be fixed and because the car is so new and they don't make parts for it, whole transmission needs to be replaced, even though nothing it actually wrong with it. Now insurance wants to total my car. I have gap coverage and want to know my options if i would like to keep my car and have transmission fixed myself. At first insurance told me they would pay off car, I keep it and get settlement money, then they told me no settlement money, but I would get to keep car with salvage title and it would be paid off, now they are saying they r trying to make sure I can keep it at minimal cost to me . The lien holder says if the insurance pays it off, they (lien holder) will not allow me to keep the car. If the insurance pays for it, isn't it their option to allow me to keep the car or not? What are my options?""
What to do if someone doesn't want to use car insurance to pay for accident but pay privately?
Someone just rear ended me. There are deep scratches on the bumper. He has car insurance, but doesn't want to use it. I got most of his information - driver's license #, car insurance info, ect. What are the steps I should take? My car insurance company said I have to call in and report accidents as soon as they happen. Should I do this in case he doesn't follow through and pay me for repairs? Should I go get an estimate right now, and have him send me a check?""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for insurance companies?
I'm in the u.s.
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
Who owns Geico insurance?
Who owns Geico insurance?
Anyone in PA know about the car insurance discount?
Supposedly you can get about 7% to 8% off car insurance if you have an Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does anyone know anything about this?
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
What are some really good auto insurance companies?
I just turned 18 and my parents are basically kicking me off the insurance. i need some good but affordable car insurance (full coverage) What insurance company are you with and about how much is it a month for 1 driver?
Car insurance loopholes?
Are there any loopholes or 'tricks' I can employ to lower my car insurance? I'm 19, and the quotes I am getting are between 4000-5000. It's obscene, especially when my motorbike does 0-60 in 3 seconds and has a top speed of 160mph yet it costs me 350 a year to insure. Apparently I might not be able to 'handle the power of a Vauxhall Corsa'. Car insurers won't even take my 3 years motorcycle NCB into account. Is there anything I can do?""
How is affordable calculated in obama care?
How is affordable calculated in Obama care? I have tried to find the criteria of what is considered affordable in Obama Care but haven't found it. How is it calculated? Who determines what is affordable? I think $1/ month is affordable. I'm sure the government and the health insurance company's say it's more.
Car insurance whats the diff?
I got two insurance quotes and one is for 20/40 liability (the state min) and the other is for 100/300 what exactly does this mean. I know its the amount that they cover, but I only have liability so whats the difference?? Please, help.""
Do insurance companies rate based on points or violations??
I am 23 and have no points on my licence. I live in maryland and i was pulled over in virginia for speeding and recived a 'failure to obey a highway sign' violation. The officer said he gave me that cause it was a lesser fine, i think it was B.S. cause he didnt have me on radar (i asked to see the radar becase he said i was going 75 in a 65, i felt i was going 70 max.. he said they arent supposed to lock in the speed int he radar but that is a different issue) I contacted a rep from the MVA and he said no points would transfer to my driving record, but the violation would go on my record carrying no points. My question is, do the insurance companies look at just the points on your licence, or do they look at the violation even if there are no points. Also, about 2 years ago I got a ticket for speeding and i went to court and they dropped the points and declinded the fine a little. Im assuming this is on my record as well, but carried no points, would this effect rates as well""
What is the most affordable cancer insurance for a girl in her 30s in japan?
not including shakkai hoken and kokumin hoken. i got those already. i want supplement insurance
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
To get a car insurance quote do they need my social security number?
I called an insurance company and they asked for my social security number. I gave it to them and my mother got mad at me. Are they suppose to ask for it for a quote?
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
What can I do about auto insurance price gouging?
I backed into someone in a parking lot. Thay had a claim off $1000. this is my first and only accident. My insurance company say's because I was moving it's a collision and my insurance has doubled. this is wrong.
I dented my friends car. can my insurance cover it?
i accidentally kicked my friend's 2011 Camry SE's back side door. He treats his car really well and i know it really upset him. I was going to pay for it, but when we took it to the toyota shop, not only was it $2000 but they also need to keep it for a week. He would need another car to go to his full time job and full time school, so he asked if my insurance could cover for it and give him a rental car. My insurance is in my parents name so i want to know whats going to happen before i decide to ask them. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks.""
Anyone know a dentist in NH/MA that is affordable?
Hey , my parents are having a really hard time with their teeth , and it kills me to see them in such pain and having nothing to help them. The thing is they don't have dental insurance because medicaid doesn't seem to cover it , my parents are both in need of some dental work for an affordable price because we do also live on a fixed income . Some please help , any places?""
""For a 16 year old how much does insurance cost for a year, an average, and what is out there that is the best?""
insurance plan, only answer if u have insurance or have experience""
Rental Car - minimum liability insurance in California?
Does a car rental company in California have to provide minimum liability insurance required by state law without extra costs?
Moped insurance in texas?
I am looking into getting a 49cc moped and am trying to figure out how much it would cost to insure it. I am a 25 yr old female with a clean driving record if that helps.
Question about car Insurance.?
I live in Canada, Ontario. My question is, if I am 16 years old, can I call insurance companies for insurance quotes? Of course if I have my license and tell them everything honestly and truthfully. Do I have to be 18 or above to do this? Just please tell me if I am eligible to call insurance companies on my own to gather quotes. Thank you""
Why doesn't Obama want people to be able to get health insurance from other states?
wouldn't this create more competition in the insurance business?
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
Car Insurance for Teens?
Hi, Im 16 years old, going to get my license, and did parent taught drivers ed. All my life, ive wanted to drive, but now, I hear that car insurance for teenagers is so damn high. I heard it is at least 200 a month, and I know for a fact my parents cant afford that? What should I do? Some people I heard pay only 20 dollars a month, how the hell did they get suc ha low rate? Also, Id like to drive a sports car, which im guessing is gonna make insurance way higher. So where can my parents get affordable insurance for me?""
Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?
In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.""
How long do I have to wait till I get cheaper car insurance?
I have saved enough money to buy a used decent car cash. However, because my licence is super new the liability insurence came up to $270.00 and I cannot afford it. They said is because of I'm considered I new driver. So, how long do I have to wait before I get cheaper insurance?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company for a first time driver?
I just got my provisional license, I'm 19 and I'm looking to buy a car. Now with that car I'm also going to need insurance. My parents went to their car insurance company and said that adding me to their insurance would raise their insurance from $500 to 2,000 meaning I wold have to pay $1,500 for my part every 6 months, $3,000 a year! Is there another car insurance company that could be cheaper whether it be just me on the policy or with both my parents? I don't have a car yet because I want to see how much it would be all together. Thanks for your help!""
How can I lower my auto insurance rate in California?
Details: Licensed at 19/Now 25yrs old. I have a clean record but can't afford full coverage because it's in the thousands. Is it pricey for me because I'm Asian? I don't get it, I hear about people being fully covered for a whole year for less than $1200, but I only have basic coverage and I'm paying $1100 per year. Can anyone help?""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in kansas for a 16 year old driver?
im 15, about to turn 16 and want to get a motorcycle. i only have a few dirtbikes that aren't street legal and im thinking about getting a 1993 gsx750r this july for my bday. how much would i expect to pay for the insurance? i live in a rural area so it SHOULD cost less right?""
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well today was pretty good. I have to take back a little of what I said about my abs not hurting very much, because they hurt a bit more today, mostly just when stretching or moving or like, laughing lol. Still not as bad as over the summer though. Alarm went off at 9, got up and got ready and headed to church. I was signed up for the nursery for the 11 and I would go to the 12:30. Once I got off the train another girl who works in the nursery had just gotten off so we walked the few blocks together, she was attending the 11 and working in the 12:30. Once we get there I go upstairs, it's only like 10:35 at this point so the 9:30 service is about to wrap up, which means there's still like 15 babies and 7 volunteers up there lol. It's always the craziest service but luckily it's always pretty well stocked with volunteers, so that's good. I helped work through the transition, and then our service was underway, two other volunteers with me, and I think we got 7 of 8 babies, so a good number. Things were...interesting, lol. There were a couple that were in and out of crying for most of the service, and we did have to text the mother of one of them because she just wasn't stopping anytime soon, but I think we got the other two to settle down after a while. The boy who was there last week and just stood by the gate for the second half of the service was back, and he pretty much just wanted to stand by the gate the whole time this week too haha. He's a real cutie, he's like 23 months (so about to get moved to the preschool room) and he's a big little guy, but he's just kind of like a teddy bear. I couldn't get him interested in any toys, so I decided to try one of our tricks to occupy crying babies, which is pulling up some "baby songs" on YouTube on my phone and watch how they get mesmerized looking at the screen which generally has adorable illustrations and just listen to the music. I'm sure their parents aren't thrilled at the prospect of them getting more "screen time" but I mean the poor kid was just gonna sit at the gate the whole time, I didn't want him to be totally unoccupied because that would likely lead to boredom followed by tears. But he was captivated quite quickly, and just sat down and basically just looked at and listened to my phone the whole time haha. Interestingly enough, it kind of attracted most of the other well-behaved (not crying) kids, so by the end I had a little crowd of them, most of whom were fine with just leaving the phone on the floor and watching haha so that was cool! Towards the end it got a little hectic because they all wanted snack and the other two volunteers were in the other room with the two crying babies and I had like 6 of them being like "more please!" and it was a little crazy haha but mostly it was fine. Service ended and I ran downstairs to the next one. I know I say this every week, but I really do love my church so much. It's always just so awesome to be there and feel so surrounded by God's presence and people who love others so well. The female lead pastor ("the wife") was speaking, and she was talking about Romans 8 and the idea of being "more than conquerors" in our lives and how that plays out on a daily basis. She told this really adorable story of being at a fitness class at the gym and being like, so out of energy and ready to give up until "firework" by Katy Perry comes on and she gets this amazing second wind and of course they start playing the song when she says it and I just couldn't helps thinking how happy I am that I go to a church where people are fine with a pastor referencing Katy Perry and playing a little bit of her music. I feel like I say this a lot (and I probably do) but never in a million years would that happen in the church I grew up in, so this is such a welcome change. Service wrapped up and I realized I left my coat in the closet in the nursery, and more so I just wanted an excuse to go in there and play with my little tiny girl because I know she was in there this last service and she's always the last to get picked up since her parents have other church responsibilities. So I go up and she's hanging out, and she sees me and starts jumping around and laughing so I go in the gate and start chasing her around and tickling her and she was laughing so much and loving it and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever. So I ended up hanging out with her while the rest of the people actually working that service headed out haha because I had to hang around anyway for a babies coaches meeting. Her family was kind of hanging out in the little foyer area so we went over there and then I went to sit down and took my little bag of cheezits out of my bag because I was hungry haha and she's like, looking at me from across the room with her eyes getting big and she comes over and I'm like, I know you you little sneak you just want me snacks and it was also pretty cute lol. Not long after that I was joined by the other babies coaches, who at this point are one of the ladies I served with and the couple that heads up the 9:30 usually and both actually graduated from law school last year, so we always have fun conversations. After a few minutes the babies coordinator or whatever her actual title is (I really don't know) came out and we went into one of the classrooms and just talked about like, procedure about checking kids in and out, how to handle things, different scheduling things and just a bunch of other little things that need to be handled. They're trying a new check in this so we get a little more info about the kids that can definitely come in handy. We started at 2:30 and talked till 4, so we obviously spoke for quite a while. By the time we got out I knew it was gonna take me another like, hour to get home if took the train/bus and I knew I had reading to get done so I opted to take an uber, which didn't really turn out to be a better option, lol. The guy was nice enough and we had a good conversation, but he like didn't know how to work his GPS and took us like wayyy out of the way and then had to go back, and he definitely like cut in and out of traffic on multiple occasions, all of which had multiple cars honking at him....yeah, it wasn't a very pleasant experience haha and by the time I got home it was almost 5 anyway. Sigh. I knew I needed to get groceries at some point but it was snowing and the sun was setting so I didn't want to go back out, so I instead put in an instacart order, which then when I was done told me they wouldn't deliver until tomorrow morning which was like UGH because at the beginning they definitely said they could deliver tonight. Sigh. So I have to be up at 10 tomorrow for that, which could be worse of course, but still the extra sleep would've been appreciated. Oh well. I dove right into my crim pro reading, because at this point I've pretty much decided reading for mission based lawyering and trial ad isn't really mandatory so most of the time I'm just not going to do it....lol, it's bad that I'm saying this on like the 4th week of class, but I know my limits well enough to know that if I do have to do the reading I will, but also when I can get away with it. I got like 2/3 of the way done with that before kind of losing interest since I'll have other time during the week to possibly do it because the class wasn't until Wednesday night. But that still left the trial ad assignment, because I can skip the reading but I still gotta prepare the directs and crosses and such. There were four this week, with alternating directs and crosses for each "team," and I was the witness for one so I had to do 2 directs and 1 cross, and then just the witness problem which was about like, an old lady who slips on ice in the grocery store parking lot and gets a severely sprained ankle and a mild concussion so that should be plenty of fun to play of course (I'm planning on being like "and my head was hurting and my ankle was burning and I was just like Jesus is gonna take me any second now!!!" 😂). The others weren't too bad, the thing is this week the topic is objections, so of course the problems are full of objectionable content that they want you to prep for objections to, mostly hearsay ones in like 10 different contexts and you gotta find an applicable exception for all of them haha so that was interesting. Finished with that by 8:30 and was planning on watching Conviction at 9, so I put on the Chicago episode of legends until then, but at 9 I ended up getting a call from a friend from undergrad who asked earlier if we could talk, so I of course went to take that. Usually when I'm asked to do this kind of stuff it's either mental health related or legal related, my two main areas of expertise haha (though for the former while I'm fine talking people off the proverbial "ledge" and have done so many times, I always always say I am not a therapist and they need to get professional help). This one was legal though, which is always interesting because some people will assume (and have done so my whole life, even before law school, just on the count of my dad being a lawyer) I know the answer to every obscure legal question they can come up with, which of course isn't quite true. This one, however, unfortunately was right up my alley, unfortunately being that I deal in a very hard line of work that I wouldn't wish on anybody. I won't get into details because of the sensitive nature of the issue, but basically there had been an initial physical incident by a parent after a long pattern of emotional abuse (not my friend, someone she knows who's still a minor) and they really just didn't know what to do, and unfortunately in that situation the only real answer you can give is that if you want to do something you really have to call DCFS. If you tell anyone, school counselor or doctor or teacher, they're mandated to call them so it's gonna end up happening. People don't realize though that calling DCFS doesn't immediately result in the kid being taken away, that DCFS offers a variety of services designed particularly to keep families together and fix the problem so the kid doesn't have to be taken away. It's just that beyond that kind of thing, there's really no way for an "outsider" to deal with such things, like my friend said she thinks the dad really needs therapy and I'm sure she's right but how is that going to happen without external assistance? It's just not possible. I am always a big proponent of calling DCFS though because I know child abuse tends to be WAY under-reported because people "don't want to get involved" or they'll make excuses that "oh they'll just end up making it worse" and ignoring signs of child abuse like that is how we end up with dead kids- because leading up to a child death there were always, always be signs, and in those cases they were just ignored by everyone for long enough that a child ends up dead. I'm ranting now though. But I think my advice at least helped settle things a bit. I went to turn on conviction when I finished, knowing it was their last episode. It was....okay I guess. Nothing spectacular, and definitely not a whole lot of closure, which is pretty much to be expected being that they got cancelled mid-season, but if was still kind of disappointing that it kind of ended just like it was any other episode. The case was okay, not really all that interesting, though the ultimate cause of death was intriguing. The whole Sam kiss thing in the end was weird because at first I was like WAIT WHAT WHAT IS HAPPENING DID I MISS SOMETHING then she said it and I was like oh okay good I was gonna be worried there for a moment, lol. But yeah, I'm sad it's gone before it got to live up to its full potential, but that's life I guess. Hung out for a bit longer before heading to bed and now here we are. Eyes are wanting to close now, and wake up is in t-minus 9 hours and 8 minutes, so I'll end things here. Goodnight my loves. Stay sweet.
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