#time: its milk stew! delicious!
kitchenwitchtingss · 11 months
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These things are really like garlic rolls meet cinnamon rolls but with delicious sage butter!
They are perfect if you have a little extra time on your hands, and can be served alone or with a dinner, stew, or any type of soup and it pairs pretty well.
Quite the crowd pleaser ^_^
For the Tangzhong:
2 tablespoons  bread flour
2 tablespoons water
4 tablespoons whole milk
For the Bread:
4 cups Bread flour
4 tbsp sugar
1/3 cup milk
A full packet of Instant Dry Yeast
2 large eggs
Half a stick of Salted butter
Pinch of Salt
For the Egg Wash:
1 large egg
1 tbsp water
For the Sage Butter:
7 tbsp Salted butter
1 tsp garlic salt
2 tsp ground sage
1 tsp thyme
2 cloves minced garlic
Heat the Tangzhong ingredients over medium heat until they become very thick, about the consistency of a very thick brownie batter. It should be congealed enough so that it doesn't slide off the spatula very easily. This should take no longer than 5 minutes. Let it cool down completely (If you add it in hot, you will risk killing the yeast and the bread will not rise.
(What is Tangzhong?) Its a mixture of flour, milk, water that really steps up your game when it comes to the fluffiness of the rolls. Once you try adding this to your basic breads, you wont go back!
Bloom yeast in warm milk (Put in the microwave for about 15 seconds, it should be lukewarm, not hot. Add Flour, a pinch of salt, and sugar into a stand mixer with the dough hook attachment.
Crack egg and milk into the yeast and with the stand mixer’s dough hook attachment, mix into the flour mixture. Add in Tangzhong. Add butter 1 tablespoon at a time and mix until the dough is elastic. Then mix for another 5 minutes. If the dough looks too dry, add a tablespoon of water, and repeat until smooth. If it is too liquidy, add a couple pinches of flour.
Put the bread dough in a lightly greased medium bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise at room temperature for 2 hours. In the meantime, make your sage butter by beating your salted butter, garlic, and herbs.
Flour the workspace and roll the dough flat to about 1/4 inch thick. Smear all of your butter mixture onto the dough. Roll as you would a cinnamon roll, from the widest side of the rectangle to the other side.
Cover for 2 more hours for them to proof. Then combine egg and water to form your egg wash and brush it onto the rolls briefly before putting it in the oven. Put in the oven at 350 F for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Americans [...] would sip the rich cocoa as a hot drink. Cocoa made its way to North America on the same ships that transported rum and sugar from the Caribbean and South America [...] and was heavily reliant on the labor of enslaved Africans throughout the diaspora. [...] [B]y the early 1700s, Boston, Newport, New York and Philadelphia were processing cocoa into chocolate to export and to sell domestically. Chocolate was popular in the coffeehouse culture and was processed for sale and consumption by enslaved laborers in the North. Farther south, in Virginia, cocoa was becoming [...] so popular that it is estimated that approximately one-third of Virginia’s elite was consuming cocoa in some form or another. For the wealthy, this treat was sipped multiple times a week; for others it was out of reach. [...]
The art of chocolate-making – roasting beans, grinding pods onto a stone over a small flame – was a labor-intensive task. An enslaved cook would have had to roast the cocoa beans on the open hearth, shell them by hand, grind the nibs on a heated chocolate stone, and then scrape the raw cocoa, add milk or water, cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla, and serve it piping hot.
One of the first chocolatiers in the Colonies was an enslaved cook named Caesar.
Born in 1732, Caesar was the chef at Stratford Hall, the home of the Lees of Virginia, and in his kitchen sat one of only three chocolate stones in the Colony. The other two were located at the governor’s palace and at the Carter family estate, belonging to one of the wealthiest families in Virginia. Caesar was responsible for cooking multiple meals a day for the Lees and any free person who came to visit. [...]
The work was oppressive in the plantation kitchens at Christmas time. [...]
[T]hose working in the big house kitchen and as domestic laborers were expected to work around the clock to ensure a perfect holiday for the white family. The biggest task at hand was to cook and serve Christmas dinner, and chocolate was a favorite addition to the three-course formal dinner. [...] Oyster stew, meat pies, roasted pheasant, puddings, roasted suckling pig and Virginia ham are some of the many dishes that would be served in just one course. The night would finish with the sipping of chocolate: toasted, ground and spiced [...] and served in sipping-cups made specifically for drinking chocolate. [...]
Decades before the two well-known enslaved chefs, Monticello’s James Hemings and George Washington’s Chef Hercules, [...] Caesar was running one of the Colonies’ most prestigious kitchens inside of Stratford Hall, and making chocolate for the Lees and their guests. [...] [H]is son, Caesar Jr., lived nearby and was the postillion [...].
The stress of cooking the most important dinner of the year was combined with the fear of what was to come on Jan. 1. New Year’s Day was commonly known as heartbreak day, when enslaved folks would be sold to pay off debts or rented out to a different plantation. Jan. 1 represented an impending doom, and the separation of families and loved ones. [...] Caesar disappeared from the records by the end of the 18th century. By 1800, his son Caesar Jr. was still owned by the Lees, but as that year ended, Christmas came and went, and Caesar Jr. was put up for collateral by Henry Lee for payment of his debts.
The world Caesar lived in was one fueled by the Columbian Exchange, which was built from enslaved labor [...]: pineapples, Madeira wine, port, champagne, coffee, sugar and cocoa beans. These items traveled from plantation to dining room via the Atlantic trade, and were central to securing the reputation of Virginia’s plantation elite. The more exotic and delicious the food, the more domestic fame one would reap. Having cocoa delivered directly to your home, and having a chocolatier in the kitchen, were exceptional. It was through Caesar’s culinary arts that Stratford Hall became well-known throughout Colonial Virginia as a culinary destination.
All text above by: Kelley Fanto Deetz. “Oppression in the kitchen, delight in the dining room: The story of Caesar, an enslaved chef and chocolatier in Colonial Virginia.” The Conversation. 21 December 2020. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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thebunnyslibrary · 7 months
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To Someone From a Warmer Climate
summary. On Halloween night, a storm rages on outside your door. But when the sheriff of the nearby town arrives and reveals his true nature to you, you will be caught in your own storm in desire and fear.
characters. Witch!Reader x Demon!Lee Bodecker
wc. 4.8k
warnings. Non/Dub!Con, Forced Mating/Marriage, Housewife Kink, Threats and Mentions of Violence, Blood.
an. Happy Halloween! Thank you for joining me for my first Halloween Collection.
BunBun’s Spoop-tober Collection Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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It was the Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve…Halloween. A storm raged on outside, but you could still feel the moon’s power from behind the clouds. The storm itself actually made you feel calm, content, knowing you were safe for the night in your cozy cabin. You’d put out an extra place setting on your table and even dribbled some candy across it just for fun. You were planning a mute supper of the delicious smelling stew bubbling away in your crockpot (much more convenient than a cauldron, in your opinion).
Cooking was your specialty in magic, infusing spells and potions into food to help absorb them faster, and strengthening the effect. Tonight, you were testing a new potion to infuse with the stew; made to keep you warm and give you strength through the cold winter months. After dinner, you planned to cozy up to by the warm fire and tuck in with a collection of scary stories with some Nina Simone records.
 Suddenly, a loud banging noise outside the door made you jump. At first, you thought it was just the storm, but you heard someone hollering, you rushed and threw open the door, fearing it was some poor lost soul. Instead, there stood a mountain of a man.
Tall and stocky with a wide brim hat doing its best to keep rain off his face where dark blue eyes peered at down at you. Soft pink lips pursed in a thin line were framed by 5 o clock shadow. He wore a black windbreaker with a shiny gold star pinned to his chest. You knew him; Lee Bodecker, the sheriff of the local mortal town just outside the wood.
                “Evening ma’am, may I come in?” Wiping your hands on your sweater and crossing your arms over your chest, you eyed him suspiciously. However, you couldn’t sense anything too malicious about him. You stepped back, letting him enter and watching as he easily crossed your threshold. You knew your dwelling was protected from negative forces. You’d made well and sure of that.
                 “Is there something I can help you with?” you asked as you shut the door, not wanting any trouble and trying to be polite. You knew sometimes the teenagers of the town came into the woods to drink or fuck, especially on Halloween night. You’d hoped the storm would keep them away, but if the sheriff was here, maybe something had happened.
                “Wellness check, ma’am. I got a call from some little old lady that said she knew there was a woman living in the woods. She wanted to make sure you hadn’t been flooded out.” He explained. A smile spread across your lips as you breathed a silent sigh of relief.
 There was a woman whose farm backed up almost into the woods. Since her husband died a year ago, a few times a week you would go and help her with some of the chores; and she would give you milk, eggs, and fruits and veggies from the farm. You would also bring her soup and healing herbs when she was sick. She wasn’t aware of your powers, but always thanked you when she remarkably felt better the next day. Of course she called it in; knowing where your house was after you’d brought her there for tea one afternoon.
                “Well, I appreciate you coming all this way Sheriff-”
                “Lee, please” He interrupted. Your skin bristled a little at the interruption, but you nodded gently at him, knowing mortal men could be a little brash sometimes.
                “Lee.” You continued. “But I really am alright. Can I offer you some tea or something for your trouble? I did just mix up some stew.” You’d heard stories about the sheriff, the town hero, who seemed to always be in the right place at the right time. But you were always suspicious of things that were too good to be true. It was your nature as a witch.
However, the man HAD come all the way into the woods in a storm just for one little old lady’s request.  He must have something resembling a heart, you reasoned. You decided to give him some nice warm, strong, stew and slip a little forgetfulness potion into his coffee; then send him on his way, never to remember this place. You could return to your cozy evening.  No harm done.
                “Coffee would be appreciated if you have it.” Lee requested. “And that stew sure does smell good.”
“Have a seat.” You gestured to the chair at your small round table, only fit to hold 3 chairs, 2 of which already had a place set. Lee sat down at the one without, setting his hat down on the table.
“Can I take your coat?” you offered.
“Thank you kindly.” He took his coat off, handing it to you before setting his hat on the table and sitting across from the set place as you hung his coat by the fire. Going back to the kitchen cupboard and grabbing a mug and a bowl. You shook some grounds into a filter, infusing your forgetfulness spell.
Filling the coffee machine with water, you pressed the buttons and let it brew.  You ladled a healthy serving of stew into the bowl and carefully placed it in front of him. He dug in as you sat across from him and tried to think of anything to say. You never had mortal company, only the nice lady who liked to knit and read, just like you; But Sheriff Bodecker didn’t seem the type to knit. Finally, he cleared his throat and asked you.
                “You uh…live alone out here? You had another place set.” He gestured to the table. “Your husband leave you all alone out here?”
                “Of course not.” You answered and he seemed taken aback. “Well, I mean… I don’t have a husband. But I’m not alone. The animals live out here too. And the plants. And my books.” The burbling of the machine caught your attention. “Do you take anything in your coffee? You asked him as you went to pour it into the mug.
“No thank you, ma’am.” He answered. “This stew is absolutely delicious.”
“Thank you, kindly.” You beamed as you set the mug down in front of him. “And I must admit the place setting is more of…personal thing. It’s a Halloween tradition to set a place for those who you have lost in the past.”
                “That’s mighty sentimental of you. Though I’ve never heard of that one. Where’d you learn that?” Lee asked.
“Oh I uhm. I read about in a book.” You said, technically not lying. You just didn’t mention it was a magic book.
“I see.” Lee looked around the room. “You sure do have a lot of books.”
                “Yes, well, sometimes I find the company of the books better than that of people.” You joked, looking to the coffee and hoping Lee would take a sip soon. You looked back at him but his body suddenly seemed a lot closer, his leg resting between yours, leaning against your right knee.
                “Ah c’mon people aren’t too bad. Look at me for example, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Look at him you did. He was decently handsome. Strong arms and a well-built frame. He was heavier set than other men, but you kind of liked that. You knew food was a comfort and you would rather people knew too much than not enough. Even the face you’d been suspicious of when he arrived had a more homely charm as he slurped up the last of his stew. He took a swig of coffee, then turned to face you fully.
“Mmmmm…damn…That’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. And I just love the taste of the forgetfulness potion you added.”  Your heart dropped into your stomach.
                “What did you say?” He didn’t answer, only leaning back in his chair. He blinked and where crystal blue eyes had seemed to make him handsome and rakish; now were two inky black pits. He blinked again and his eyes were human again, but now his irises were crimson red.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. You’d dealt with a few lower-level demons in your travels, but never someone who you could walk through your house’s defenses so easily. Usually, any malevolent force was neutralized before it even touched your house. But he…he was something darker.
“I’d heard about a pretty witch living out here in the woods.” Lee continued. “Thought it was just another one of them dippy mortals wearing peace signs. But then that little old lady came in, bringing some brownies she said you’d made. And when I tasted them, I knew for sure. There was a real little witch somewhere in town.
“Though it took me a while to find ya, darling. All them wards and runes…you’ve kept yourself pretty well hidden. But when that same sweet little old lady called in, worried about her friend in the woods, I knew I’d found you and here you are. Hidden away from the world, cooking up spells your nose buried in a mountain of books. All that defensive magic and you opened the front door for me and invited me in. Silly girl.” His eyes raked over your body, studying you.
“Damn, you are something pretty. You got a name, sweetheart?” But your lips tightened. You didn’t want to say another word to him, fearing what else he might be hiding. “Oh, come now, darling. I won’t bite.” But his wolfish grin spoke otherwise.
 You told him your name in the strongest voice you could muster, trying to think of a plan to drive him out. As if reading your mind, Lee gently shook his head.
“Now let’s not do anything foolish sweetheart. I don’t want to get too nasty with you.” He warned.
“What-what DO you want then?” you asked. Lee paused for a moment, reaching across the table to grab a piece of candy, unwrapping it slowly and staring into your eyes as he placed the candy in his mouth, licking his lips as he chewed and swallowed.
“Quite frankly, darling…you. You’re clearly pretty good with the magic, and you’d be even more so with a little training. I’ll have all the power I need. See, I’ve been living like a king for years, feeding off the darkness of the souls in this town.”
“Darkness…?” The woman from the farm was always talking about how wonderful the town was, how safe it was…all because of him.
“Oh yes, sweetheart. There is a darkness in this here town. Seems half the people are born just so they can be buried. And I’ve managed to feed off of it for years. You’d be surprised how many people will give truly anything to get what they want. Sometimes they surprise me, just wanting basic mortal shit they could get if they tried a little harder. But some of them want to watch the world burn. They offer their souls and what happens? The town sheriff stops their crimes before they’ve even started. I look like got damn hero and never have to lift a finger.” He grinned wide. “All the praise of the good people feeding my pride. All the sin of the others feeding my powers.”
“But why…why do you need me?” You asked, meekly. His smile faded and his jaw clenched. His steely gaze and making you shiver and squirm in your chair.
“The good people have started to question me. Why I haven’t settled down with a wife...  And if the good people are questioning me, I can’t clean up the filth in the town. See, I’m thinking about a run for state senator, maybe even governor. And the higher up the ladder you climb, the darker people will get. I can’t do that without a little lady with me to keep me in their good graces.” He stood up now, his hand on the table, leaning in close to you, but you managed to shove the chair away and rushed to the sink, grabbing the sharpest knife you had and pointing it at him. But Lee only shook his head and smiled.
“Now what are you gunna do with that, huh? You certainly don’t have it in you to use it” He mocked, stepping closer to you. He let out a low groan. “And that’s exactly why I want you. Your innocence, and your kind heart are exactly what I need. Someone to look good for the town, show off at all the little local town events, and keep my bed warm at night.” He licked his lips. “So, here’s the deal. You keep my bed warm and my stomach full, and I'll keep the town safe; keep being the hero.” He was standing in front of you now; still holding the knife in your trembling hands as you shook your head. Lee reached up, grabbing the knife like it was nothing, and throwing it somewhere.
Blood ran down his hand but he made no move to wipe it off. Instead, he grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the cabinets behind you, his lips thundering down upon yours in a harsh and punishing kiss. He bit your lip, making you gasp, giving him a chance to force his tongue into your mouth. Your eyes widening as you swore the end of it was forked. When he pulled away, you were gasping for air. He leaned in close to your ear, his breath hot on your cheek and neck.
 “Maybe you didn’t understand me clearly in that dumb little brain of yours, but I could ruin this town. Your poor little old lady friend? Out on the street. Your library? Closed. I could stand back and make you watch this town suffer. Or you can be my good little housewife.” He leaned back to look at you, his eyes soulless black pits.
 “Or maybe I'll take you out to the town square. And show them what you really are. Some mortals around here get scared, they start getting jumpy…and pretty scary themselves.” Your breath hitched; you knew some mortals, even as time moved forward, who still got too scared of what they didn’t understand and could get violent quickly. It was one reason you kept yourself hidden. “So, what’s it gunna be, little witch?” You stared back at him, your breathing shallow.
 In a flash of quick thinking, you thought to the holy water in your cabinet, and it manifested in your hand. You managed to dump it on his hands, and he roared in pain, letting you escape. If you could make it to the bedroom, your sacred room, you might be able to ward him out, or at least escape to somewhere else.
You were steps away from the threshold when you were suddenly wrenched back and slammed against the wall. Your hands were pinned above your head and your legs were spread wide. You heard Lee down the hall; his heavy footsteps getting closer and closer until he stood directly in front of you.
                “Tsk tsk tsk. Just couldn’t make it easy could you? But that’s okay, Nothing worth having ever is.”
                “But…how…no other magic works in my space…” you stammered. But he only chuckled, relishing in your fear as you struggled against the bond, studying you like a work of art.
“Seems to me you’re in MY space now.” As you fought to free yourself, you realized he was right; nothing in the house, none of your powers were working. “Now Let’s try that again shall we, sweetheart?” 
                “Please…” you begged. “Please don’t do this.”
                “Oh, come now. It ain’t all bad... A powerful demon husband, access to magics you wouldn’t believe, I can make this so good for you.” He forced his hands up your sweater to run them down over your breasts, one hand stopping to fondle your nipple with his thumb while the other slid into your pajama pants, between your legs and cupping your pussy over your panties and rubbing his ring and middle fingers back and forth.
“Well well, for such a good little witch, you sure are dripping wet for me. I’m must say I’m flattered.” He kissed you with a fire that stirred something dark and twisted within your heart and soul.  Something you ignored as a witch who tried to do only good to others.
“God…please...” Your voice was soft, but Lee heard you growled, his hand going from your breast to grab your hair and force your head back. His voice was soft but dangerous in your ear.
“Trust me sweetheart, Even if he gave a shit about you, there’s not a damned thing he could to stop me. You worship me now. Go on, say my name.”
                “Lee…” you breathed heavily. Your resolve was slowly crumbling as you realized there was no way out of this. And that fear, that resolve, was being replaced with desire. The way Lee looked at you seemed like he wanted to devour you whole should’ve terrified you, but you couldn’t deny how wet you were. You didn’t want to want him, but your whimper gave you away.
                “Yeah, baby? You want something? Go on…beg for it…” he ordered; his fingers moving faster as he kissed down your neck, biting gently in just the right spot to make your toes curl. You let out a low moan. Your breathing was heavy as you spoke.
                “You…you promise you won’t hurt the good people?” You asked, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Lee scoffed with a smirk, staring down at you.  
                “Good people, oh if only you knew…but you’ll learn.” Without another word Lee pulled his fingers from your shorts, making your whine in loss and feeling yourself clench around nothing. Lee snapped his fingers and your clothes were gone.
 Before you could react, he grabbed you, lifted you over his shoulder, smacking your ass then storming into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you two and locking it. He tossed you unceremoniously onto your bed, hardly giving you a moment to breathe before he was on top of you. He leaned over you and his black soleless eyes bore deep into yours.
                “The people in this town are bathed in sin. Just you wait and see.” His gaze softened, his eyes returning to their crimson form. He ran one hand down your cheek, using his thumb to hold your chin and force you to look at him. “But you know what, I think you want something darker… I saw some of those books on your shelves. I think you wanna be a little damsel in distress. And I’m more than happy to oblige.” His hand wrapped around your throat; then he leaned down so his lips were just ghosting against your trembling ones.
“How long have you wanted the touch of a strong man?” Your whimper in response only made him grin wider. “You’re adorable and you reek of loneliness. He kissed you deeply before leaning back to rake his eyes fully over your naked form. “So fucking purty…” he growled. “And you taste sweeter than any mortal sin.” He stood up, but you were still unable to move. Your arms crossed over your head and your legs were forced wide.
Wasting no time, he stripped out of his own clothes; Finally he pulled his boxers down to expose his cock which bobbed against his stomach. Your eyes widened in shock at the size.  It had been some time since you’d been with a man, but his thick cock was bigger than you’d ever had. You tried to shy away from him a bit but he stroked it up and down a few times, laughing at the more than apparent shock on your face
“Never had a cock this big before, have you?” he slowly climbed on the bed, kneeling between your legs. “Well not to worry, little witch. I’m here now and I’m gunna take good care of you. Starting by fucking you like the little bitch in heat that you are and making you cum.” He stroked his cock while gently running his fingers up and down your slit.  You wanted to struggle, scream, fight back. But when Lee pressed his thumb down on your clit, you let out a moan and seemed to almost grind against his hand. It was wrong, but it felt so good. He brought the fingers he’d been rubbing you with up to your lips.
                “Suck on em, slut.” Pushing his fingers in your mouth, rather than be repulsed, your tongue laved over his fingers; thoughts clouding your mind of kneeling before him and sucking his cock. “Oh don’t worry, little witch. You’ll be doing that soon enough.” Lee promised. “Tell me you want this cock. Tell me how bad you wanna be my little whore.”
                “Want…want your cock in my pussy Lee…want to be your slut..” you begged.
                “You gunna be my good wife? Give me whatever I want?” You could feel the head of his cock brush against the inside of your thigh.
                “Open your mouth.” He ordered. You did as he said and he squeezed your cheeks, making sure your mouth stayed open as he leaned over and snarled something in Latin before spitting in your mouth. Your eyes widened as you realized what he was doing but he covered your nose and mouth with his hands. “Swallow it, slut. Swallow it if you wanna breathe again.”  You had no choice but to swallow. Your veins came alive like fire travelling through you as you were now soul bonded together. He let go of you but replaced his hand with his lips in another hard kiss.
You felt the last of your resolve crumbling. You hated yourself, but you wanted him…and he knew it. He snapped his fingers again and now your arms were free to move, but they didn’t fight him, instead they sought to hold him close to you. You wanted to feel him against you, he was so warm compared to the chilly night air. Like a blanket wrapping around you on winter’s first night.
                “Well now, we certainly have changed our mind, haven’t we?” You didn’t answer, turning away, and trying to not meet his leering gaze. But he gripped your chin and forced you to look at him.
                “When I ask you a question, you answer, understand? I’m being real nice here, but I can go back to being mean if you want.” He threatened. But you shook your head softly.
                “No please…I’ll be good…” you whimpered and he smiled.
“I know you will.” He kissed you, taking the chance to push his cock inside you making you moan into the kiss.  His hands were on either side of your head and you dug your nails into his shoulder to try and pull him closer to you.
You pressed your knees tight against his sides as he set a torturous pace. Dragging his cock out slowly so you could feel the head rubbing the walls of your pussy, making you keen and moan. Then pushing back in hard so you felt like you were going to be split in two. 
“Lee…please.” You wanted to beg him to stop but it came out as a plea for more.
                “Such a powerful little witchling, reduced to my wanton whore…” His hands grabbed your breasts, tweaking and rolling your nipples between his calloused fingers. “Gunna be so pretty on my arm. And if you be a good little wife, I’ll buy you all the books you want, and I’ll fuck you to sleep every night on my cock.” He took one hand away from your breasts to smack your clit…hard. Your vision went white with pleasure as you screwed your eyes shut; your pussy clenching hard around his cock.
                “Fuck and a pain slut to boot. You’re gunna be lots of fun, little witch. I want you to cum. Cum for your new husband.” His thrusts increased to a punishing pace and he used his thumb to rub your clit. “And when you cum on my cock, I own you. Heart, body, and soul. You understand?”
                “Ye-Yes I understand…Lee…” His eyes flickered to black as he pinched your nipple hard and ordered you in a voice much lower and darker than his usual tone.
“Then cum.” The sound of it making your eyes was the final straw as your eyes rolled back in your head and you felt every muscle in your body clench as you came harder than you ever had before. Lee had made your body feel like it was on fire but your orgasm was like a cooling only water could bring. You called out his name as you bucked your hips up, like you were trying to draw him in more.
He kept fucking you through the waves of pleasure crashing down on you, chasing his own release. “Look at you, all fucked out and all mine. Can’t wait to get you home, gunna bend you over and spank this ass hard before I fuck it…”  His words made your breath hitch and you clenched his cock one final time before he stilled above you, growling and snarling.
You could feel his hot cum filling you as he pumped his cock into you a few more times. For a few moments, only the sound of your combined breathing’s filled the space. You lay there with your eyes closed as your feelings washed over you; shame, embarrassment, but at the base of it all, satisfaction and power. Power stronger than anything you’d felt before. Lee chuckled above you as you opened your eyes to meet his, now back to crimson.
                “You can feel it, can’t you? All that new power from being my mate flowing through you?” You nodded weekly. “Good but just remember. I’m the one in control now, you’re bound to me so if you even think about hurting me or doing something stupid, I’ll strip them away and leave you for dead. We clear?”
                “Yes, Lee.” You sighed, accepting your fate. His eyes flashed once more to black before turning back to the blue that had drawn you in so easily. You bit your lip, staring up at his rugged looks and acknowledging there were worse options to be bound to for all eternity.
“Fuck, I hope you never lose that doe eyed look. I just wrecked your pussy and you still look like the shy little bookworm you are.” He pulled his cock from you slowly, the first gentle action of the night. “Do you need some stew now, little witchling?” He asked, teasing you and tickling your side, forcing a smile onto your face that didn’t last. Lee let out a small sigh.
“Listen, you might look cute when you cry on my cock, but you’ve got one hell of a smile, darling. I’d like to see it for real.” His words struck a chord, all night he’d teased and degraded you, but now he seemed gentile, almost trying to be charming. He brushed a strand of hair back from your face. “You have to remember sweetheart, I may be strong and powerful, but I have to lure in my pray first.”
Lee gently pounced on you, placing hot, open mouth kisses to your neck, nipping and kissing until you were squealing and laughing in pleasure, forgetting for just a moment the rude and brash way he’d taken you, sexually and literally. When Lee stopped, he pulled back to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I told you sweetheart, if you’re good for me, I can be so good for you.” Despite everything you’ve ever known about demons, you decided to trust him; hoping that as his wife, maybe you could do some good and help the people of the town on a wider scale.
“Can I ask for one thing, please?” you asked, reaching for his hand and squeezing it.
“Well, I am feeling awfully generous.” He said, smiling coyly.
“Please let me keep this place. I promise I’ll come home to you every night but…a witch needs her sacred space.” You asked, batting your eyelashes just a little.
“Hmmmm, I suppose that can be arranged.” Lee conceded. “But I have complete and unfettered access, understood?” You nodded, knowing the road ahead as his wife would be rough, but seeing who he was and hoping you could smooth down the rougher edges gave you a sense of relief.
He lay on his side, wrapping his arms around you and holding you against him. You were almost shocked how comfortable you felt in his embrace. But it happened easily, his leg feeling so natural wrapped around yours in your bed.  
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manawari · 6 months
Winter |
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"Winter paused long enough to feel the shiver of trees, the stars and the breeze, the marvel of nature in pure harmony." (Angie Weiland-Crosby.)
Characters: Choi Jong-in, Cha Hae-in, Sung Jin-woo, Woo Jin-chul, Eun-seok, Lee Ju-hee, & Min Byung-gyu.
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Choi Jong-in
• He wondered if he could ever get cold. The soft freezing wind, nibbling on one's skin, always turned into warmth when it touched his own. Snowflakes melted in his palms and had not lasted a few seconds in his hand. Jong-in used to be fascinated with the cold season, wondering how it formed and fell from the sky, but now that he was an adult, winter was rather a passing hello. A hello to the frozen waters, a hello to the desire to feel the heat, a hello to the powdery white snow in the streets. Nonetheless, Jong-in liked watching the snowflakes, tiny particles waltzing in the air until they gracefully touched the ground, dissolving out of plain sight; he reached his hand out and waited for the single snowflake to slowly descend on his hand. He smiled when it finally did, feeling as if the snow had kissed his fingertip. He might not be able to completely experience the winter's wonder, but he always felt the winter's magic.
Cha Hae-in
• For once, she felt at ease; the icy blues of the sky and the tiny specks of snowfall drifting gradually in the air, they made her enamored, drawn in a spell that she could never take her eyes off. There was something about the winter that soothed her soul like a lullaby. Today, she woke up past her usual time, which only meant that winter had arrived. The season allowed her to sleep longer until her body was satisfied. Hae-in made herself hot chocolate milk, added with marshmallows, she stirred her mug and sat on the bean bag next to the broad glass window. She dragged a fur blanket over her lap as she glanced at the city outside of her condominium, the sky was clear and clouds were like cotton, utterly white that there were no trace of a bad weather in them. The streets were engulfed with snow and some areas might be slippery. Hae-in's mind ran over various of ways she could spend her day as the first day of snow. Sure, winter would stay for quite some time, but Hae-in hoped she wouldn't miss a thing. Winter had brought the inner child of her which she never expected it was still there.
Sung Jin-woo
• Inhaling the frigid air, it reminded him of the coziness brought by the heater as he and his sister were wrapped under the comforters, watching the movie their father had chosen. His mother would return from the market and prepare the most delicious stew. Jin-woo tugged on the collar of his jacket, burying his hands into his pockets to feel a tad warmth. Tank and the other bears were rolling around the snow, whining tenderly, their pleasant mood was palpable for Jin-woo to stay longer outside in the empty field where no other person could see them. Kaisel crawled under the snow and sprung up, sending fragments of snow everywhere, flapping its wings in delight. The ants were oddly curious of their surroundings, sniffing and even eating the snow, while Beru and others had found themselves forming shapes out of snow. Whether he admit it or not, he liked what he was witnessing, rather than a bloodshed battle. With his shadows happy, he was happy too. Seeing their other side was enough for Jin-woo to feel as though he had not lost that part of him either. Perhaps he could drag his sister out to play later on. Make snow angels and throw snow balls at each other. But now, Jin-woo chose to relish in the happiness radiating from his soldiers.
Woo Jin-chul
• The barista placed the cup of coffee on the counter. Jin-chul muttered his 'thank you' and grabbed the cup, bringing it to his lips to take a sip on the creamy, chocolatey coffee. He pushed the door on his way out and the temperature immediately changed. From the warm and cozy ambiance of the café to the icy and tough atmosphere of the winter. His breaths came in small clusters of mist, the tips of his ears turned into a soft taint of red, though he did not shiver and continued his stroll. Usually, most would do the best out of snow, but for Jin-chul, he'd rather stay in the background and watch the lives of people and the way they coped with the cold. It was him and his hot coffee against the breezy winter, shrouding the whole city — country — into pale white.
• He had a dream. . . The shivering wind gyrating around his hand, the softness of snow beneath his feet, and the tender warmth from the fire. He wished to feel it again. In his grandfather's home, where it was him and his cousins, curled on the ondol floor, sprawling their bodies as they waited for the old man to finish the oyster stew. Winter had been the happiest season in his life, he loved each day of it more than the rest of the seasons. He couldn't wait to hold a mug contained with hot chocolate and a movie waiting for him in his living room. Eun-seok cracked a smile, staring at the clear blue sky, imagining the things he wanted to do. . . Things he still wanted to do. As his life came short, falling into the deadly hands of the vicious ants, devouring every inch of his dear life, he hoped that if the afterlife existed, he would wake up in winter's embrace, surrounded by endless snow.
Lee Ju-hee
• She was not a big fan of the cold. Lee Ju-hee already missed the beaming shine of sunlight, radiating across the city. Bright and lively. Now, she had woken up to the streets covered in white, so rather than making breakfast, she dressed herself in layers of clothing to keep herself warm and a pair of mittens to protect her hands from touching anything that had been grasped by the harsh atmosphere. She returned to the comfort of her home once she was done, along with the purple petunia that she had picked up after noticing how it was not coping well with the snow, she placed it next to the window where it had the most sunlight. Ju-hee gently caressed the petals with her bare hand, feeling the softness beneath her skin; she smiled, glad how it did not easily waver in the freezing wind. Just like her. Winter had not been her favorite season, but she learned how tender things could be, thus must be held in the warmest hands.
Min Byung-gyu
• Children were always rhapsodic no matter what season it was. Whether it was the embracing winter or the beaming summer, Byung-gyu lived to see those smiles on their faces as if the world they stood upon was a paradise. Laughter echoed in the wind across the neighborhood, kids threw snowballs at one another, Byung-gyu watched with a broad grin; he used his arms to shield his face from being hit by the snowballs and turned to his back on the playful children as he gathered a cluster of snow, pressing it into a ball, then he launched it at one of the kids. He guffawed when he heard them squeal. Unfortunately, it was all when he heard a cry among them. A little boy was sniffling after being hit in the head, so knowing what he must do, Byung-gyu placed his hand on the boy's head to ease the pain; everything returned to the way it was in an instant. Byung-gyu wished to maintain the happiness amidst the cold climate, as well as keeping everyone from pain.
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ankhlesbian · 1 year
femslash february - chloe/merrin
Game: Fire Emblem: Engage
Pairing: Chloe/Merrin
Rating/Length: G, ~1k words
AO3 Link: here
While wandering Elyos after the war, Merrin and Chloé come across a legendary creature. Legendarily rare and endangered from Merrin's naturalist point of view. Legendarily delicious from Chloé's hungry-ist point of view.
“Is that what I think it is!?!” Merrin practically squealed, her usual cool composure gone in an instant. Chloé blinked, intrigued. As far as she knew, this was just another one of Firene’s picturesque flower fields. The flowers were in full bloom, which was nothing unusual.
“Look!” Merrin’s voice came out hushed. She planted one hand on Chloé’s shoulder and tugged her closer, using the other to point at a spot a ways up the hill.
Nestled in the grass, munching on the petals of a purple flower, was a rabbit. With fluffy, brown fur and long, drooping ears… and from its forehead, there sprung the sparkling spiral of a unicorn horn, framed by a downright majestic set of antlers.
“A jackalope!” They exclaimed in unison, forgetting to be quiet. The creature’s ears twitched, but it continued to chew, thankfully unperturbed. 
“I never thought I’d see one up here! Their range is usually further south, and they’re much rarer above ground at this time of year since it’s tunneling season!” Merrin’s tail thumped against Chloé’s leg as it wagged.
Chloé nodded along. “I didn’t realize they were actually real. I’ve heard plenty of fairy tales mention them. Like the little sibling of unicorns…” She trailed off, images of hopping jackalopes cleverly evading those trying to prove its existence filling her head.
Merrin’s face became serious. “As a unique creature blessed with life by the Divine Dragon, it’s my duty as a knight to protect it. I shall watch over it until it leaves this place. I couldn’t live with myself if an ill fate were to befall it while I’m here.” A determined glitter appeared in her eyes, the sapphire blue orbs glinting with a sharp coolness only achievable by knights of legend. 
It was impossible to not admire the resolve in her words, the way the breeze blew back short strands of her hair, dancing in the sun like threads of gold. Her shoulders were set strong and straight, ready to hold up against the weight of the world. She truly was a knight who was the epitome of cool. There was, however, one problem with her words.
Chloé’s stomach growled.
“Ah, the sentiment is sweet, Merrin. But actually, around here, I’ve heard that jackalope is a local delicacy that they use in their folk food. The meat can be pickled and used in stews, and the horn and antler can make a delicate savory, nutty crumble that goes well on anything. They also say a drink made from jackalope milk is indescribable in taste. More sour than goat milk, and even thicker than seal milk.” Chloé’s mouth was watering just thinking about it. “If we catch it and bring it to a local villager, imagine what they could make!”
Merrin’s face was now tragic, mournful. Her perfect brow downturned with a classical sadness, sorrow deep in her blue eyes. “Chloé. I cannot allow that. If you insist on that course of action, I will have to stop you.”
Chloé’s heart ached. To have to turn against such a valiant knight surely made her some sort of villainess in this tale. And yet, her stomach also ached, eager to digest new delicacies. Well, what kind of fairy tale would have no obstacle or villain to stand in the valiant knight’s way?
“Then just try to stop me.” They had both left their weapons with their mounts, so she would have to make do. She shifted her weight, ready to spring forward and sprint past Merrin before the other woman could react.
Merrin reacted faster, launching herself at Chloé before she had the chance to run.
They thumped into the grass, Chloé’s head knocking against the dirt with a thud. Chloé planted her elbows and rocked forward, aiming to catch Merrin before she could regain her balance lost in the fall. They tumbled sideways, tearing up flowers and soil alike as they went. Merrin’s elbows and knees were sharp, sharper than Chloé’s, but the two of them both had good reflexes and strong legs from riding pegasi and wolves respectively. It was an even match.
After a tense struggle, Merrin came out on top, literally. She had pinned Chloé’s legs with her hips, Chloé’s arms trapped at her sides. Merrin’s face was inches above Chloé’s, elbows framing her blue locks. They were both breathing a little too heavily.
Merrin’s face was glistening with sweat and she was smirking victoriously, devastatingly attractive despite the circumstance. She opened her mouth to say something, but Merrin’s head instead jerked to attention, her eyes pulled away from Chloé’s.
And then that smirk broke. Merrin wailed, eyes closing in frustration. Chloé blinked. Suddenly, Merrin was no longer the smirking and suave victor. Instead, Chloé took in Merrin’s messy hair, tangled and full of dirt. A lone piece of grass poked up at an odd angle on top of her head. Her face was streaked brown with soil, and an ugly bruise was forming on one cheek where Chloé had elbowed her a little too hard. Merrin sniffed, the corners of her eyes filling with tears.
“The jackalope,” she explained, heartbroken. “It’s gone. We must’ve scared it off!” She ran a hand through her hair, only succeeding in tugging out the strands caught in her claws. The now loose strands floated to the ground.
She looked downright pathetic. Chloé couldn’t help but be charmed. She had to hold back a giggle. This… is this what they call gap moe?
Chloé leaned up from where she was still pinned and kissed Merrin on the nose.
“Ah, it’s probably for the best. If it ran away that means it has good survival instincts, right?”
Merrin perked up, just a little. “You’re right! If it ran from us, it’d surely run from any hunters. And since I can’t see it at all, or any tracks, it must be just as fast and stealthy as the books say!”
Chloé patted her on the cheek. “Of course! If it was any less foxy than it is in the stories, it wouldn’t be such a rare menu item.”
Merrin nodded. Then she fully parsed the sentence. She turned to look at Chloé, brow wrinkled just a tad. 
“Chloé… you wouldn’t actually have caught and killed it if it were still here, would you? I mean, buying the food if you saw it at a stall is one thing, but…”
Chloé just giggled.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
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Oct. 5, 2022
Stew peas is a dish for gathering, and a dish for celebrating, and a dish for living. But it’s also a dish for slowing down; stew peas call for a certain gentleness, and a certain trust, alongside an implicit agreement allowing time to meld your beans and your meat and your aromatics.
The meal’s origins are Jamaican; in “Caribbean Cooking,” John DeMers even refers to stew peas as the country’s national dish. Red peas, as kidney beans are known in Jamaica, are cooked down and mellowed with coconut milk, then stewed with beef, pork or even vegetarian alternatives. The meal is further flavored with garlic and herbs. While stew peas can be found in home kitchens throughout the Caribbean diaspora, Jamaican renditions almost always include spinners: flour dumplings that make the stew into a full-fledged meal. And this stew is as individual as the hands of the cook preparing it — there are few “wrong” ways to cook stew peas.
The recipe’s base ingredients couldn’t be humbler: dried kidney beans, a bowl of salted pig’s tail, garlic, scallions and a can of coconut milk. But the component binding everything together is time: Much of the work in stew peas resides in what you aren’t doing. You can check in on the simmering pot as spinners form between your palms, rolling and adding each dumpling while the stew reaches the precipice of its flavor. And you’ll know it’s done when the stew’s aroma envelops your kitchen (to say nothing of your neighbor’s, should they be so lucky). Then the only thing you could possibly do is take it off the stove to partake.
Stew peas is less an orchestra than a gauzy jam band playing well after last call.
In the absence of pig’s tail, you could use whatever pork you’ve got on hand. Or you can swap out that protein entirely for beef. Once, in a bind and miles away from the nearest Caribbean grocer, I cooked the dish with the Chinese sausage in the back of a boyfriend’s fridge and genuinely couldn’t have been more pleased with the result. And in the cookbook “Original Flava,” the chefs Craig and Shaun McAnuff remove meat entirely, noting that “there’s so much flavor already that meat doesn’t have to be the star attraction.” Each memory of enjoying the dish created a recipe in itself, entirely honest to the moment in which I partook of it.
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As it did for any number of recipes, our most recent pandemic rewired my sense of the dish. Stew peas had been window dressing for me — familiar, omnipresent, delicious. But as the months passed, this dish’s necessary gentleness became less of a habit or a memory than a remedy — one of the primary compulsions for me to actually cook something. And I’d experienced that with several dishes, like the velvety richness of nikujaga and thit kho; or the elation of chewing ropa vieja after a full day of anticipation. But stew peas had already woven their way into the background of my life: cooked on a lazy Sunday alongside a partner, or munched as leftovers, or shared among friends far too late in the evening, balancing a bowl on my knee beneath a table of beer. The dish laid a foundation for me to really feel every meal that followed it. And, for me at least, this motion — of slowness, of a meal that’s taking form as the day unfolds — became just as much a feeling as a flavor. Another way of feeling the time pass. The sort of ingredient whose absence, when taken for granted, immediately becomes distinct: So it’s no surprise that when I’m away from my place, stew peas is what I’m looking to conjure. And when friends visit, it’s one of the things I most want to share with them.
As Suzanne Barr notes in “My Ackee Tree,” “building flavor is the key to developing any delicious dish.” Stew peas is a chance to allow life to carry you alongside it, less an orchestra than a gauzy jam band playing well after last call. After you’ve combined the peas and the meat, you could start your laundry. For more than two hours, the pot simmers until the peas have softened, bubbling their own low chatter while you fiddle with podcasts or text friends from the sofa. Eventually, you roll the spinners in your hands, adding them to the dish, setting your rice on another pan. And then the dish is done.
Cooking is labor. It’s work. What if one route was looking for gentleness and slowness on this front, toward ourselves and others? Cooking this dish fortified that patience for me, allowing it to settle into my daily revolutions along with all of its ingredients.
Then again, taste can be clumsy. Feeling is easier. A few months back, ambling around Provincetown after a too-late evening, I wandered out one morning on a mission for friends, searching for brunch ingredients with a tote bag full of pot and jam. At a park bench beside a market, a woman who worked there leaned over a bowl of stew peas. I’d seen her in town earlier that week. And this dish couldn’t have been on the menu. But she relished it, and she glanced my way, allowing me to relish it, too — and we shared the moment for another few seconds before we both moved on.
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rudrakitchenworld · 2 days
Kitchen Essentials 
Must-Have Kitchen Tools for Every Home Chef by Rudra Kitchen World
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Creating a well-equipped kitchen is a dream for every home chef. Whether you're setting up your kitchen essentials for a new home or looking to upgrade your current setup, having the right tools can make cooking an enjoyable and efficient experience. At Rudra Kitchen World, we believe in providing top-quality kitchen essentials that cater to every need. Here’s a comprehensive list of must-have kitchen tools that every home chef should consider.
Milk Barni
A milk barni is essential for storing milk/oil/ghee. This traditional vessel helps maintain its freshness and quality. Its robust design ensures that it is durable and long-lasting, making it a staple in every kitchen essentials list for new home setups.
Key Features:
Material: Made of stainless steel
Capacity: Available in different sizes to suit your different household needs.
Storage Containers
Having a variety of storage containers is crucial for keeping your kitchen organized and your food fresh. They help in storing leftovers, dry goods, and pre-prepped ingredients, ensuring that your kitchen remains clutter-free.
Essential Storage Containers:
Steel Containers: Ideal for storing grains, pulses and leftovers.
Steel Containers with handle: Lightweight and perfect for pantry items.
Storage Drum
A storage drum is perfect for storing large quantities of dry goods such as rice, flour, and pulses. Its airtight design ensures that the contents remain fresh for an extended period.
Features to Look For:
Airtight Seal: Keeps contents fresh and free from pests.
Durability: Made from sturdy material like stainless steel.
Milk Boiler
A milk boiler is an excellent tool for preventing milk from boiling over and making a mess. It ensures that milk is boiled evenly and efficiently, saving time and effort.
Even Heating: Prevents burning and boiling over.
Ease of Use: Simple and convenient for daily use.
Smart Steamer
A smart steamer is a versatile tool for healthy cooking. It allows you to steam vegetables, fish, and other foods effortlessly while preserving their nutrients and flavors.
Multi-Tiered: Can steam different foods simultaneously.
Health Benefits: Retains more nutrients compared to other cooking methods.
Cooking Pots
Having a range of cooking pots is essential for preparing various dishes. From soups to stews, a good set of pots is indispensable in any kitchen.
Recommended Pots:
Stock Pot: For large batches of soup or pasta.
Saucepan: Perfect for sauces, soups, and small portions.
Idli Maker
For lovers of South Indian cuisine, an idli maker is a must-have. It allows you to make fluffy, delicious idlis effortlessly.
Material: Stainless steel is preferred for durability and easy cleaning.
Capacity: Choose based on the number of idlis you typically make.
Multi Kadai
A multi kadai is an incredibly versatile tool. It can be used for steaming, frying, and sautéing, making it a valuable addition to your kitchen essentials.
Steaming: Comes with inserts for steaming vegetables and dumplings.
Frying and Sautéing: Ideal for preparing a variety of dishes.
China Pot
A china pot is great for slow cooking and making stews. Its ability to distribute heat evenly makes it perfect for dishes that require long cooking times.
Heat Distribution: Evenly cooks food, enhancing flavors.
Durability: Resistant to high temperatures and durable.
A handi is a traditional Indian cooking pot used for making biryanis and other slow-cooked dishes. Its unique shape helps retain flavors and moisture.
Shape: Rounded bottom ensures even cooking.
Material: Typically made of clay, stainless steel, or aluminum.
Casseroles are essential for baking and serving dishes straight from the oven. They are perfect for lasagnas, casseroles, and other baked dishes.
Versatility: Can be used for baking and serving.
Materials: Available in glass, ceramic, and metal.
Frying Pan
A good frying pan is indispensable for a variety of cooking tasks, from frying eggs to sautéing vegetables. Non-stick pans are particularly useful for cooking delicate items without sticking.
Features to Consider:
Non-Stick Surface: Prevents food from sticking while cooking and makes cleaning easier.
Material: Made from durable materials like stainless steel or triply.
Triply Vessels
Triply vessels are excellent for even heat distribution and energy efficiency. They are made with a combination of three layers: an inner stainless-steel layer, an aluminum core, and an outer stainless-steel layer for perfect cooking.
Even Heating: Reduces hot spots and cooks food evenly.
Energy Efficient: Retains heat well, saving energy.
Equipping your kitchen with these essential tools will not only enhance your cooking experience but also make it more efficient and enjoyable. Whether you’re setting up your kitchen essentials for a new home or looking to upgrade, this list for kitchen essentials ensures you have everything you need. Rudra Kitchen World offers a wide range of high-quality kitchen essentials products, including specialized items like the kitchen essentials idli maker and kitchen essentials multi kadai. Explore our collection and transform your kitchen into a home zone kitchen essentials paradise. Happy cooking!
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belles-place · 3 days
The Versatile Bottle Gourd: Beyond the Soup
The bottle gourd, also known as calabash or lagenaria, is a fascinating and often overlooked vegetable. With its unique shape and mild flavor, it's more than just an ingredient for a refreshing summer soup. Let's explore the versatility of this gourd and discover why it deserves a spot in your kitchen!
From Garden to Table:
The bottle gourd is a climbing vine that thrives in warm climates. Its fruits can grow to be quite large, with some reaching over a foot in length. They start out green but mature to a pale yellow or white color.
Culinary Delights:
Soup's On! The most common use for bottle gourd is in soups and stews. Its mild flavor complements a variety of spices and ingredients. Try adding it to your favorite vegetable soup or making a light and refreshing summer soup with coconut milk.
Beyond Soup: Don't limit yourself to soups! Bottle gourd can be stir-fried, sautéed, or roasted. It pairs well with garlic, ginger, and chili peppers. You can also use it in curries, stir-fries, and even as a stuffing for savory pies.
Sweet Treats: In some cultures, bottle gourd is used in sweet dishes. The flesh can be candied or used to make jams and jellies.
More Than Just Food:
The bottle gourd isn't just a culinary delight. It has several other uses:
Craft Supplies:The dried shells of bottle gourds are used in crafting. They can be carved into beautiful bowls, diyas (oil lamps), and musical instruments.
Eco-Friendly Alternatives: In some regions, bottle gourd is used to make water containers, bowls, and even musical instruments. This makes it a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic and other materials.
Health Benefits:
Bottle gourds are low in calories and high in fiber. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including:
* Vitamin C
* Potassium
* Magnesium
* Folate
The next time you're at the market, pick up a bottle gourd and give it a try. You'll be surprised at how versatile and delicious this unique vegetable can be!
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subikshafoods · 13 days
Idli Dosa Maavu in Madurai: A Culinary Delight in Temple City
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Madurai is often called the ‘City of Temples’. It is famous not only for its rich cultural heritage but also for its vibrant and diverse culinary scene. Among the variety of food served in Madurai, idli and dosa stand out as South Indian dishes. The secret to their perfect taste lies in the flour locally known as ‘maavu’. This article examines the importance of idli dosa maavu in madurai and the availability and cultural significance of the beloved breakfast food.
The essence of idli and dosa:
What’s so special about idli and dosa? Idli and dosa are staples of South Indian cuisine and are admired for their simplicity, nutritional value and delicious taste. Idlis are soft, fluffy steamed cakes made from fermented rice and urad, while dosas are thin, crispy flatbreads made from the same dough. Both dishes are not only delicious but packed with nutrients, making them ideal breakfasts.
Nutritional benefits Idli and dosa are rich in carbohydrates, protein and essential vitamins. The fermentation process improves the nutrient profile, increasing the bioavailability of nutrients. They are also low in fat, making them a healthy option for people of all ages.
Importance of batter in madurai:
Traditional production methods- Making idli dosa maavu in madurai is an art that has been practised for generations. Traditionally, flour is made by soaking rice and urad dal separately, grinding them into a fine paste, and then fermenting the mixture overnight. The ratio of rice to dal and the fermentation time are the main factors that determine the quality of the batter.
Fermentation stock- Fermentation is the key to achieving the desired texture and flavor in idli and dosa. The natural fermentation process not only imparts a unique bitter taste but also makes the dough light and easy to digest. In Madurai, the hot and humid climate is perfect for fermenting the dough, resulting in soft idlis and crispy dosas.
Where to get the best idli dosa maavu in madurai?
Local markets and street vendors- In Madurai, freshly made idli dosa dough is available in local markets and from street vendors. These vendors have been catering to the needs of the locals for years, serving freshly prepared flour daily. The bustling markets are a testament to the popularity and demand of this staple food.
Popular shops and supermarkets- Idli dosa flour is sold in many famous shops and supermarkets in Madurai. This includes traditional stores that have been in business for decades and modern supermarkets that offer a variety of batter options, including organic and preservative-free variations.
Online retailers- With the advent of online shopping, you can now order idli dosa dough from the comfort of your home. By delivering freshly made flour at your doorstep, various online platforms ensure that fresh flour is always ready for your breakfast needs.
Recommendations for Idli and Dosa:
Traditional Companions- Idlis and dosas are traditionally served with various accompaniments:
Sambar: A lentil-based vegetable stew flavored with tamarind and spices.
Chutneys: Coconut chutney, tomato chutney and mint chutney are popular choices.
Podi: A spice powder made from dal and dried chillies, often mixed with oil.
Modern twists- For a contemporary twist, you can serve idlis and dosas with innovative toppings and fillings:
Cheese: Adding grated cheese to dosas makes for a delicious fusion dish.
Vegetable Fillings: Fill dosas with grated vegetables or mashed potatoes for a healthy meal.
Sweet Variations: Serve with sweetened coconut milk or jaggery syrup for a unique taste.
Cultural significance of Idli and Dosa in Madurai:
Breakfast Rituals- Idli and dosa are more than breakfast in Madurai; They are part of the cultural fabric. Families often start their day with a breakfast of idlis or dosas, freshly brewed filter coffee. This ritual is a cherished tradition that brings families together.
Festival celebrations- Idli and dosa have a special place in festive celebrations and religious events. They are often prepared as offerings in temples and served at festivals, symbolizing purity and simplicity.
The future of idli dosa maavu:
Innovations and trends- As lifestyles evolve, so do culinary trends. In Madurai, there is a growing trend towards healthy and convenient food options. This has led to innovations like instant idli dosa flour, organic flour and ready-to-cook mixes that cater to the needs of modern consumers.
Standard procedures- There is a shift towards sustainable practices in food production. Local businesses are more focused on using organic ingredients and eco-friendly packaging, ensuring that the tradition of making idli and dosa continues in a sustainable manner.
Finally, idli dosa maavu in madurai is not just a batter; It is a combination of tradition, culture and nutrition. Whether you buy it from a local vendor, a supermarket, or make it at home, the key to perfect idlis and dosa lies in the quality of the batter. Embrace this culinary delight and start your day with a nutritious, delicious meal.
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Brazil is a country known for its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine. One of the most important aspects of Brazilian culture is its food, which is a reflection of the country's diverse history and influences. From traditional dishes to modern fusion cuisine, Brazilian food is a true delight for the senses.
One of the most important meals of the day in Brazil is breakfast. Brazilians typically start their day with a hearty meal that includes a variety of foods. One popular breakfast dish is pão de queijo, which is a small cheese bread made with cassava flour and cheese. This delicious treat is often enjoyed with a cup of coffee or fresh fruit juice. Another common breakfast item is tapioca, a flatbread made from cassava flour and filled with sweet or savory ingredients such as cheese, coconut, or meat.
For lunch, Brazilians often enjoy a meal called feijoada, which is a hearty stew made with black beans, pork, and sausage. This dish is typically served with rice, collard greens, and orange slices. Feijoada is a traditional Brazilian dish that is often enjoyed on weekends or special occasions. Another popular lunch option is acai bowls, which are made with frozen acai berries blended with banana and topped with granola, fruit, and honey. Acai bowls are a refreshing and healthy option that is perfect for a hot day.
When it comes to dinner, Brazilians enjoy a wide variety of dishes that reflect the country's diverse culinary influences. One popular dinner option is churrasco, which is a traditional Brazilian barbecue. Churrasco typically includes a variety of grilled meats such as beef, chicken, and sausage, as well as side dishes like rice, beans, and farofa (toasted cassava flour). This meal is often enjoyed with friends and family at a churrascaria, which is a Brazilian steakhouse.
Another popular dinner option in Brazil is moqueca, which is a seafood stew made with fish, shrimp, coconut milk, tomatoes, and peppers. This dish is typically served with rice and farofa and is a delicious and comforting meal that is perfect for a cozy night in. For dessert, Brazilians often enjoy brigadeiros, which are chocolate truffles made with condensed milk and cocoa powder. Brigadeiros are a sweet and indulgent treat that is perfect for satisfying a sweet tooth.
In addition to traditional Brazilian dishes, the country's cuisine has also been influenced by immigrants from around the world. For example, Japanese immigrants have brought sushi and sashimi to Brazil, which have become popular dishes in the country. Brazilian sushi often includes unique ingredients such as mango, avocado, and cream cheese, giving it a distinct Brazilian twist.
Brazilian cuisine has also been influenced by African, Portuguese, and indigenous traditions, resulting in a rich and diverse culinary landscape. One example of this fusion is acarajé, which is a popular street food in Brazil made with black-eyed pea fritters filled with shrimp, vatapá (a spicy paste made with bread, shrimp, and coconut milk), and caruru (a spicy okra stew). Acarajé is a delicious and flavorful dish that is a must-try for anyone visiting Brazil.
Overall, Brazilian cuisine is a reflection of the country's diverse history and influences, resulting in a rich and vibrant culinary landscape. From traditional dishes like feijoada and churrasco to modern fusion cuisine like acai bowls and Brazilian sushi, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Brazil. Whether you are looking for a hearty breakfast, a satisfying lunch, or a delicious dinner, Brazilian food is sure to delight your taste buds and leave you craving more. So next time you find yourself in Brazil, be sure to indulge in the country's delicious cuisine and experience the flavors of this vibrant and diverse country.
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Top Must-Try Dishes on Your Leh Ladakh Tour 🌄🍲
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When you think of Leh Ladakh, your mind might drift to the stunning landscapes, the serene monasteries, and the exhilarating bike rides. But what about the food? Nestled in the high altitudes, Leh Ladakh tour packages offer a culinary experience that’s as unique and breathtaking as its scenery. Here’s a list of must-try dishes that will take your taste buds on an unforgettable adventure.
Thukpa: This hearty noodle soup is a staple in Ladakhi cuisine. Bursting with flavors, it typically includes vegetables, chunks of meat, and a blend of local spices. Perfect for warming up after a chilly day of exploration.
Momos: These Tibetan-style dumplings are a local favorite. Whether steamed or fried, filled with vegetables or meat, each bite is a delightful mix of soft and savory. Don’t forget to dip them in the spicy chili sauce for an extra kick!
Skyu: A traditional Ladakhi pasta dish, Skyu is made with hand-rolled dough cooked with root vegetables and meat, creating a comforting and nutritious meal. It’s a true taste of the region's heritage.
Chhurpi Soup: This unique soup features Chhurpi, a traditional cheese made from yak or cow milk. The tangy and salty flavors of the cheese blend perfectly with the soup’s rich broth, making it a must-try for cheese lovers.
Tingmo: A soft, fluffy steamed bread, Tingmo is often served alongside savory dishes like stew or curry. It’s perfect for soaking up every bit of delicious sauce on your plate.
Butter Tea (Gur Gur Chai): This isn’t your typical cup of tea. Made with yak butter, salt, and tea leaves, Butter Tea is an acquired taste but a quintessential part of the Ladakhi experience. It’s a great way to stay warm and energized in the high-altitude cold.
Apricot Jam: Ladakh is known for its apricots, and the locally made apricot jam is a sweet treat you shouldn’t miss. Spread it on bread, or enjoy it straight from the jar – it’s like a burst of sunshine in your mouth.
Chhang: This traditional alcoholic beverage made from fermented barley is a local favorite, especially during festivals. With its slightly sweet and tangy flavor, Chhang is best enjoyed in the company of friends while soaking in the cultural vibes.
Khambir: This traditional Ladakhi bread is thick and slightly crispy, perfect for dipping in soups or enjoying with a side of butter and jam. It’s a simple yet satisfying part of the Ladakhi diet.
Embark on a culinary journey in Leh Ladakh and discover the rich flavors that define this remote paradise. Each dish tells a story of the land, its people, and their age-old traditions. So, next time you find yourself in the mountains, let the food be your guide to the heart of Ladakh.
Bon appétit and happy travels! 🌍❤️🍜
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indiashoppingio · 23 days
Indian Sweets and Spices | Shop Online at IndiaShopping.io
Indian cuisine is a vibrant tapestry of flavours, colours, and aromas, with sweets and spices playing pivotal roles. Whether you’re celebrating a festival or adding zest to your daily meals, Indian sweets and spices bring an unparalleled richness to the table. This article dives into the delightful world of Indian sweets and spices, exploring their history, types, cultural significance, health benefits, and tips for purchasing them online.
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A Brief History of Indian Sweets and Spices
Origins of Indian Sweets
Indian sweets, also known as mithai, have a rich history that dates back thousands of years. The earliest references to these sweets can be found in ancient texts such as the Vedas, where they were often described as offerings to deities. The ingredients and methods used to make sweets have evolved over time, incorporating influences from various cultures that have interacted with India, including Persian and Mughal cuisines.
The Evolution of Spices in India
Spices have been an integral part of Indian cooking and trade since ancient times. India’s spice trade dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization, around 3000 BCE. Spices like black pepper, cinnamon, and cloves were highly valued and traded with ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Romans. The spice trade significantly influenced the global economy and culinary practices.
Popular Indian Sweets
Gulab Jamun
Gulab Jamun is perhaps one of the most beloved Indian sweets. These soft, spongy balls are made from khoya (dried milk) and soaked in a fragrant syrup flavoured with cardamom and rose water. They’re often served at festive occasions and celebrations, symbolising sweetness and joy.
Jalebi is a popular street food and festival sweet. It’s made by deep-frying a wheat flour batter in circular shapes and then soaking them in sugar syrup. The result is a crispy, syrupy delight that’s enjoyed hot or cold.
Originating from the eastern state of West Bengal, Rasgulla is a spongy, white ball made from chhena (Indian cottage cheese) and soaked in a light sugar syrup. It’s known for its soft texture and subtle sweetness.
Barfi is a versatile sweet that comes in various flavours, such as coconut, pistachio, and chocolate. It’s made from condensed milk and sugar, cooked until it solidifies. Barfi is often garnished with edible silver leaf, making it as beautiful as it is delicious.
Essential Indian Spices
Turmeric, known for its vibrant yellow colour, is a staple in Indian cooking. It adds a warm, earthy flavour to dishes and is also celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Cumin seeds have a distinctive flavour that’s earthy, nutty, and slightly peppery. They’re used in various forms, whole or ground, to enhance the taste of curries, soups, and stews.
Coriander seeds and leaves are both commonly used in Indian cuisine. The seeds have a warm, citrusy flavour, while the leaves add a fresh, herbal note to dishes.
Cardamom is a fragrant spice that’s used in both sweet and savoury dishes. Its unique flavour is a blend of sweet and spicy, making it a key ingredient in desserts like kheer (rice pudding) and beverages like masala chai.
The Cultural Significance of Sweets and Spices
In India, sweets and spices are more than just food items—they’re an integral part of the culture and traditions. Sweets are often prepared for festivals, weddings, and religious ceremonies, symbolising prosperity and happiness. Spices, on the other hand, are used in rituals and traditional medicine, highlighting their multifaceted role in Indian society.
Health Benefits of Indian Sweets and Spices
Nutritional Value of Sweets
While often considered indulgent, many Indian sweets are made with nutritious ingredients like milk, nuts, and ghee. For example, sweets like kheer and laddoos contain calcium, protein, and healthy fats, making them not only delicious but also beneficial when consumed in moderation.
Medicinal Properties of Spices
Indian spices are renowned for their health benefits. Turmeric, for instance, has anti-inflammatory properties and can boost immunity. Ginger aids in digestion and reduces nausea, while fenugreek can help regulate blood sugar levels. The medicinal uses of these spices have been documented in Ayurvedic texts for centuries.
How to Incorporate Indian Sweets and Spices into Your Diet
Incorporating Indian sweets and spices into your diet can be a delightful way to enjoy new flavours and health benefits. Try adding a pinch of turmeric to your smoothies, or sprinkle some cumin on roasted vegetables. When it comes to sweets, enjoy them as occasional treats, savouring the rich flavours and textures they offer.
Tips for Buying Indian Sweets and Spices Online
Buying Indian sweets and spices online has never been easier, thanks to a plethora of websites dedicated to delivering authentic products. Here are some tips to ensure you get the best quality:
Check Reviews: Look for websites with positive reviews and high ratings.
Verify Authenticity: Choose sellers who guarantee the authenticity of their products.
Compare Prices: Compare prices across different sites to ensure you’re getting a fair deal.
Look for Deals: Keep an eye out for discounts and bulk purchase deals.
Check Delivery Options: Make sure the site delivers to your location and check the delivery times.
Indian sweets and spices are a testament to the country’s rich culinary heritage. From the delicate, syrupy gulab jamun to the warm, earthy cumin, these foods are integral to Indian culture and cuisine. Whether you're indulging in a sweet treat or spicing up your dishes, Indian sweets and spices offer a world of flavors and health benefits. So why not explore this delicious aspect of Indian culture today?
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truefarmfoods01 · 2 months
The Best Ways To Use Organic Turmeric In Your Cooking
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Organic turmeric has been a staple in kitchens around the world for centuries, thanks to its unique flavour and numerous health benefits. With its vibrant colour and warm, earthy flavour, turmeric has become a trendy ingredient in modern cooking, popping up in everything from smoothie bowls to lattes. But turmeric isn’t just a flavour fad — it’s a nutritional powerhouse that can add a healthy boost to your meals. In this article, we’ll explore the best ways to use organic turmeric in your cooking, so you can enjoy its delicious flavour and reap its health benefits at the same time.
Here are some ways you can incorporate more of this amazing spice into your diet!
Golden Milk
Golden milk is a popular beverage that is made by mixing turmeric powder with warm milk and a sweetener like organic honey or jaggery powder. It’s a great way to start your day or to unwind at the end of a long day. To make golden milk, mix one teaspoon of organic turmeric powder with a cup of warm milk, a pinch of black pepper (to enhance turmeric absorption), and your preferred sweetener.
Turmeric milk reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, improves digestion, promotes restful sleep, and supports brain health.
Turmeric Powder
The glue that holds every Indian Kitchen Together!
You can always find a spice box in an average Indian household and you’ll find that Turmeric is the queen of all spices! The colour, the smell, the taste — Exquisite!
In Indian cooking, turmeric powder is often used as a key ingredient in spice blends like garam masala, as well as in curries, rice dishes, and chutneys. It is known for its ability to add depth and complexity to dishes, as well as its anti-inflammatory properties.
Roasted Vegetables
Roasting vegetables is a simple and healthy way to add more flavour and texture to your meals. Organic turmeric powder pairs well with roasted vegetables like cauliflower, sweet potato, and carrots. To make roasted vegetables with turmeric, simply toss your veggies with olive oil, salt, and a sprinkle of turmeric powder before roasting them in the oven.
Turmeric Tea
If you’re not a fan of milk-based drinks, turmeric tea is another way to enjoy the benefits of organic turmeric powder. To make turmeric tea, boil a cup of water with one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper. You can add honey or lemon juice for extra flavour.
Turmeric Rice / Porridge
Organic turmeric powder can add flavour and colour to plain rice, making it a great side dish for any meal. To make turmeric rice, cook your rice as you normally would, but add a pinch of turmeric powder and a tablespoon of butter or oil to the water. The turmeric will colour the rice a beautiful yellow hue and give it a mild, earthy flavour.
Give it a tadka of cumin, green chillies, garlic and curry leaves and viola! You’ve made Turmeric Rice aka Porridge or as we know in India, Khichdi.
There’s nothing better than smoothies in the morning! And adding a small dash of turmeric can do wonders for you! Adding a teaspoon of organic turmeric powder to your morning smoothie is a simple way to boost your antioxidant and anti-inflammatory intake. Turmeric pairs well with tropical fruits like mango and pineapple, as well as leafy greens like spinach and kale.
Soups and Stews
Organic turmeric powder can add depth and flavour to soups and stews. You can add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a chicken or vegetable soup for a mild, earthy flavour. Or, try making a turmeric and lentil soup for a warming and nourishing meal.
Medical Benefits
Organic turmeric is a spice that has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine, particularly in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Recent scientific research has also highlighted the numerous health benefits of turmeric, particularly its anti-inflammatory properties. Here are some of the proven health benefits of organic turmeric:
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Turmeric contains curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory compound that has been shown to reduce inflammation and pain in numerous studies. A review of 19 studies found that curcumin was effective in reducing inflammation in people with conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Antioxidant Properties
Curcumin also has strong antioxidant properties, which means it can neutralise harmful free radicals in the body and prevent oxidative damage to cells and tissues. .
Digestive Health
Turmeric has been traditionally used to treat digestive issues, and studies have found that curcumin can help reduce symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcerative colitis.
Incorporating organic turmeric powder into your cooking is an easy and delicious way to reap the many health benefits of this amazing spice. From reducing inflammation to boosting immunity, turmeric has been studied for its potential to prevent and treat a variety of health conditions.
Whether you’re an avid cook or simply looking for a natural and healthy way to support your body, Truefarm Foods Organic Turmeric Powder is a great choice.
Truefarm Foods Organic Turmeric Powder is a high-quality, certified organic product made from carefully selected, ethically sourced turmeric roots. This powder is rich in curcumin, the main active compound in turmeric known for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Truefarm Foods Organic Turmeric Powder is grown and processed using sustainable and eco-friendly methods, ensuring that the product is not only good for you, but also good for the planet. The powder is carefully dried and ground to retain its natural flavour, aroma, and colour, making it perfect for use in a variety of dishes, including curries, soups, and smoothies.
So, the next time you’re in the kitchen, don’t be afraid to add a little turmeric to your favourite dishes. Whether you’re cooking up a traditional Indian curry or simply adding a sprinkle to your morning smoothie, this vibrant and versatile spice is sure to add both flavour and nutrition to your meals.
Remember, the benefits of Truefarm’s organic turmeric powder go far beyond the kitchen. So, don’t be afraid to incorporate this powerhouse spice into your daily routine and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer!
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mousumi01 · 2 months
Exploring the Nutritional Wonders of Cow Ghee
In the realm of culinary delights, few ingredients can rival the time-honored allure of cow ghee. Revered for its rich flavor, velvety texture, and remarkable health benefits, cow ghee has been a staple in kitchens around the world for centuries. Derived from the clarified butter of cow's milk, this golden elixir transcends its humble origins to become a symbol of culinary excellence and nutritional prowess.
Cow ghee is not just any cooking fat; it is a nutritional powerhouse packed with essential nutrients that promote overall well-being. Rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), cow ghee offers a host of health benefits that extend far beyond its delectable taste.
One of the most notable qualities of cow ghee is its high smoke point, which makes it an ideal choice for high-temperature cooking methods such as frying and sautéing. Unlike many vegetable oils that can become unstable and release harmful compounds when heated, cow ghee remains stable, ensuring that your dishes are not only delicious but also free from oxidative damage.
Furthermore, cow ghee is celebrated for its ability to support digestive health. According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, cow ghee possesses a unique combination of fatty acids that promote the secretion of gastric juices, aiding in digestion and alleviating symptoms of indigestion and bloating. Its lubricating properties also help soothe the digestive tract, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive stomachs or digestive disorders.
But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of cow ghee is its role in promoting cardiovascular health. Contrary to popular belief, research suggests that moderate consumption of saturated fats, such as those found in cow ghee, may actually improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, the presence of CLA in cow ghee has been linked to lower inflammation and improved insulin sensitivity, further supporting cardiovascular health.
In addition to its nutritional benefits, cow ghee also holds cultural significance in many societies around the world. In Indian culture, cow ghee is revered as a symbol of purity and prosperity, often used in religious ceremonies and festive celebrations. Similarly, in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines, clarified butter plays a central role in traditional dishes, adding richness and depth of flavor to everything from savory stews to decadent desserts.
In conclusion, cow ghee is more than just a cooking fat; it is a culinary treasure with a rich history and an array of health benefits. From its ability to enhance the flavor of dishes to its potential to support digestive and cardiovascular health, cow ghee truly deserves its place in every kitchen. So, the next time you reach for a cooking fat, consider adding a dollop of cow ghee to your culinary repertoire—you won't be disappointed.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Clam Chowder Day
Love clams and chowder? Everyone’s heard of clam chowder, but did you know that it’s also has a holiday? National Clam Chowder Day is a day all about celebrating the history of this beloved fish stew, historical in its origins to the New England area and helped ultimately inspire creations such as the Manhatten clam chowder, Rhode Island clam chowder, and Long Island clam chowder.
History of National Clam Chowder Day
Chowder dates back as early as 1795 when chowder was originally made as water-based fish soup and various thickness featuring onions, potatoes, and carrots.
The origins of this kind of stew are said to have begun with the French, Nova Scotian, and British as it was a commoner’s dish during the 1700s. Crackers and croutons are usually added as a thickener, and it was just around that time when clam chowder started popping up as a popular version within the Boston area.
By 1836, clam chowder became a staple for sailors, as it was another way to make a constant diet of fish palatable. Most were then a creamy white soup, as a diary, later on, became a more popular addition to the soup in cooler regions where milk animals flourished.
Here’s a fun fact; In 1939, a bill was introduced into the in the Maine state legislature that almost made the use of tomatoes in clam chowder against the law. That’s how much they love their clam chowder!
Today, clam chowder has become a staple for many restaurants all over the United States and has also become more accessible for people when companies such as Campbell’s and Progresso introduced clam chowder in a soup can.
On this day, people either go out to their favorite places to eat clam chowder, buy a can of soup for dinner, or attempt to make their own clam chowder for dinner that day.
How to Celebrate National Clam Chowder Day
People all over celebrate National Clam Chowder Day, so why not take a crack at it by looking up a popular recipe for clam chowder and make it yourself! Season it the way you like it, make it milk-free if needed, and see how well you make clam chowder.
If you’re not up for cooking, head on over to a  restaurant you know that’s excellent at making clam chowder; one of the most famous places in the United States for its clam chowder is the Ye Olde Union Oyster House, one of the oldest standing restaurants in New England since 1836. Share this holiday with your friends and enjoy a delicious meal with each other.
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goreview24 · 5 months
instant pot keto digital e book
Effortless Keto Cooking: Unlocking Flavor with the Instant Pot Digital Cookbook" In the fast-paced world of today, where time is a precious
commodity, finding ways to prepare delicious and healthy meals efficiently is a top priority for many. For those following a ketogenic lifestyle, the Instant Pot becomes a culinary ally, seamlessly blending convenience with nutrition. In this digital cookbook, we delve into the fusion of Instant Pot and keto, presenting a collection of recipes that redefine the art of low-carb cooking. Chapter 1: The Instant Pot Advantage Discover the Instant Pot's unparalleled ability to reduce cooking time while enhancing flavors. This chapter explores the various functions of the Instant Pot, showcasing its versatility as a pressure cooker, slow cooker, sauté pan, and more. Learn how this kitchen gadget becomes the secret weapon for mastering keto-friendly dishes. Chapter 2: Keto Essentials Unlock the mysteries of keto-friendly ingredients that form the foundation of each recipe. From wholesome fats and lean proteins to a variety of low-carb vegetables, this chapter provides a comprehensive guide to stocking your kitchen with essentials for successful keto cooking. Chapter 3: Breakfasts to Energize Start your day with a burst of energy from our keto breakfast recipes. From fluffy omelets to savory egg casseroles, these dishes are not only quick to prepare but also rich in the nutrients your body needs to power through the day. Chapter 4: Satisfying Soups and Stews Warm up with hearty and satisfying soups and stews that showcase the Instant Pot's ability to infuse deep flavors into every spoonful. From creamy cauliflower soup to spicy beef chili, these recipes redefine comfort food for the keto lifestyle. Chapter 5: Quick and Flavorful One-Pot Wonders Busy evenings call for quick and easy meals that don't compromise on taste. Dive into our collection of one-pot wonders, where the Instant Pot effortlessly combines various ingredients to create mouthwatering keto-friendly dinners. Chapter 6: Sweet Treats, Keto Style Indulge your sweet tooth with keto-approved desserts that defy expectations. From decadent chocolate avocado mousse to creamy coconut milk panna cotta, these treats allow you to enjoy dessert without straying from your low-carb goals. Chapter 7: Mastering the Art of Meal Prep Efficiency meets nutrition in our meal prep guide, offering tips and recipes to streamline your cooking process. Learn how to batch cook keto meals, ensuring you always have a delicious and healthy option on hand, no matter how hectic your schedule. Conclusion Embrace the marriage of keto and the Instant Pot with our digital cookbook, designed to simplify your cooking journey. Elevate your meals without compromising on health or time, and let the Instant Pot become your trusted companion in the quest for flavorful, low-carb perfection. Happy cooking!
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