#this was rlly fun to write :))) ty
cepheusgalaxy · 1 month
@clickerflight @whump-art-exchange
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Image ID: An ink drawing of Kolt, naked, from the whump series Fallen. He is bruised and looks away as the chain attached to his collar is tugged. He is inside what appears to be a cell, with multiple eyes on the walls watching him intensely. /end ID.
Ok, so, I tried to do this like two times and it took me a while to lay the sketch. I had an idea for what to do--i went to give the series a shot, once i noticed this buddy here is a part of one so i could get better context--and so the idea i had was for making something from his villain days! It appears that Kolt as a villain was very intriguing (at least for me) but I couldn't make a sketch I was satisfied with, so I decided to go more whumpy! I remember a part where Kolt is in his recovery and he remembers when multiple people were watching and mocking him....couldn't get this over my head. Overall, I haven't finished it yet, but Fallen is a great series! They write it so well!
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Art taglist:
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machinegrl · 9 months
tag game: bold the facts ! ☆
tagged by: @vicciouxs & @mattodore (ty for requesting syera!) 🥰🤍
other ocs: lilith & dione
tagging these lovelies: @intramoon @hazelsnakes @byou-shin 😘💌
rules: tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. easy! the person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
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SYERA - mechanic cyborg 🤖
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
 ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other (growing up in a lab, most of the education she received were from lab scientists)
 ✖ Criminal Records: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet (lilith's accomplice in smuggling goods) / yes, but charges were dismissed
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor (lilith taught her a few moves tho just in case) / none
 ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
 ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes (she rarely needs to eat but would occasionally munch on snacks) / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes (she loves buying little trinkets that she finds pretty) / frequently / shopaholic
 ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently (uses her genius to cheat & swindle unsuspecting locals) / compulsive gambler
★Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀Philosophical: yes / no
◒Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable 
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual (immediately had the biggest crush on lilith when they first met) / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
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cowboyinternist · 2 months
may i ask why red moon is your favourite will wood song? :O (/gen i like hearing people talk about things they like + i am genuinely interested)
eeeee ty for asking!! i love thinking about this song.
one of my favorite things about will wood is that he’s a WONDERFUL lyricist and i think that red moon is one of the strongest examples of it. there is such a specific imagery there that he describes very well and very vividly.
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this verse in particular really stands out to me. the song as a whole is just really poetic.
something that makes the song even more standout is the fact that this imagery is enhanced by the instrumentals as well. this is where i start going of the rails a lil bit and it’s more difficult to conceptualize but i think that once it clicks,, it clicks. but the instrumentals remind me a lot of tides/waves? the way that it switches between this very strong- almost rolling- sound and a much smoother/soothing sound? i don’t know how much that makes sense because i don’t have the vocabulary to describe it right now but. it’s there to ME. and that just makes this song a really good example of his composition skills as well? which is another thing he does that never fails to amaze me.
i think it’s genuinely one of his best works, and because it doesn’t fall into the like,, “spooky jazz” genre that people have decided his music is (despite the fact that that descriptor really only encapsulates one. of his albums. but i digress) it often gets overlooked. and this feels like the case for a lot of other songs that i think are his best. and that isn’t to say that his more well known/popular songs aren’t worthy of praise!! or that they aren’t as good! there isn’t a single will wood song that i don’t like. i just find it BIZARRE that so many of his songs end up being so under appreciated.
but yeah :3 that’s why red moon is my favorite will wood song.
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Op what’s your favorite scene you’ve ever written and why is it your favorite
OOO, this is a hard question! I usually have like 2-3 fics rattling around in my brain and everything else I forget exists for a hot min, and apparently I have (checks notes) a whopping 42 works,,, damn. So, uh, three come to mind! (。。 )ゝ
I think in terms of being descriptive and writing emotion/sensations, the beginning scene of my body's in backwards. Like, I really love how I wrote the kind of agony during the first chapter, as harsh as that sounds adjkskds, stuff like: "Mark feels like his entire body’s just completely crushed and squeezed like a nearly empty tube of toothpaste," feels is pretty solid imagery! It flows well, too! Plus, I reference writing I like to while writing, and that includes my own work sometimes, and this is one of 'em!
In terms of, like, technical ability like metaphor, even if it isn't particularly impressive on a quick glance, the cumulative of step-up in all the time in the world makes me feel proud? It's my first time really trying to go ham with metaphor, so when Bruce actively hugs Alfred on his own in chapter 4, it's like a payoff of like 3-4 chapter's worth of step up lmao. To make a long story short, young Bruce dealing with intense emotions with literal, physical distance (pos=high up, neg=lower, like basements), but by the end of that mini-arc is the one to close the distance between himself and Alfred through closing physical distance via hug he initiates, which is huge! I'm very proud of it.
In terms of emotion the ending bit of i've got no time to live (and i can't say goodbye) ! It was one of my fav pieces for a long while, not so much anymore (waves to above, much more proud above), but I'm still proud of it! The kind of rage and frustration still feels super palpable to me, like "Inky MK throws his true half to the ground, knowing the very conviction making them fight, is the same one his true half refuses to see through, and the same one that makes him want to scream to the heavens, drag them down with bloody claws and demands answers, real answers about his stupid, destructive and powerful, pitiful and terrifying, messed up, tragedy-in-the-making life."
It still feels intense, and therefore I wrote it right, haha! TYSM FOR ASKING!!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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mariatesstruther · 7 months
For the WIP game:
You've got me intrigued with the "maria and ellie" fic. Do you have a snippet? Is it canon compliant or an AU?
Also, I don't see the Christmas fic?!?!?! Maybe because you don't consider it a WIP yet because I know you've been sick.
I hope you're feeling better 💜
hello ameera 🥰🥰🥰 tysm, i am feeling better 🫶🏾
im glad you’re intrigued with this one! i was actually just working on this! i do have a draft, although very unedited because i’m terrible and don’t autocapitalize when i’m drafting, so be warned. it is a show/canon-compliant fic (haven’t decided if it’s a one-off or maybe the start to a whole mariaellie thing) in which ellie and maria have a meaningful one-on-one sometime shortly after ellie and joel get back, right after the end of tlou 1. i just really wanted a fic centered around the beginnings of the relationship between these two, especially addressing their conversation about joel from 1x06, because ive rewatching tlou2 gameplay and got struck by how close they seemed pre-joel’s death. i think plot-wise, it could also be an interesting start to a story about ellie finding her place in jackson under a mentorship program maria is piloting to help newcomers get acclimated to jackson. in this au, i’d imagine maria would want to mentor ellie, but ellie would need some serious convincing. here’s some snippets, i hope the it’s not too rough!
joel sending ellie to talk to maria:
“youre just too pussy to go over there and talk to her yourself,” ellie grumps, huffing down onto the couch to start pulling on her converse.
“that may be true,” joel says dryly. he doesnt look up from his stupid fucking carpentry book as he continues, “but i’m sending you anyway. have fun.”
“yeah, yeah, asshole. fuck you.”
“and try to watch your language.”
“oh, my bad! screw you! how’s that?”
maria talking to ellie:
“tommy told me yall had a hard time out there,” maria tries, attempting and failing at subtlety. it was always easier to her, both naturally and due to her career, to be more direct—but direct with ellie doesn’t always go well, in her experience. so she tries something different. “and that maybe you didn’t have the best time in school before, so. i get it.”
“yeah, well,” ellie snarks, and maria knows already that subtly isn’t the way to go with her, either. “tommy’s an asshole, and he has a big fucking mouth. you guys should find better shit to do than gossip about me and joel.”
jesus, this kid, maria thinks. the tone of her voice, honestly, is hilarious. despite herself maria barks out a laugh. “i have a feeling, ellie, that maybe you and i have the wrong impression of each other.”
“you mean you have the wrong impression of joel.”
“maybe,” maria says, which she can tell is more than ellie was expecting. “i admit, i have a lot of unresolved… feelings, i can say, about joel. i’m working on them. i’d prefer if we could focus this conversation on you and me.”
ellie seems uncomfortable at the prospect, shifting in her chair and fiddling with her long sleeves in her lap. “there isn’t really a you and me to think about.”
“there can be, if you’d like,”
“not if there’s shit between you and joel,”
“how i feel about joel has no bearings on how i’m going to treat you, ellie, and he knows that.”
“but it should. it has to. he’s my—“ ellie stops herself suddenly, cheeks going red and jaw locking in familiar tween-aged embarrassment. “he’s mine.”
“he is. and tommy’s mine.” maria decides to respond in the same way, putting things into ellie’s terms instead of her own, as juvenile as those terms sound to her ears. she’s realizing now, frankly, that this girl is quite the master at leading conversations, whether she realizes it or not. maria can’t help but wonder if it’s something she got from joel. “but they’re also each other’s, whether we like it or not. can we both agree on that?”
“i guess.”
“then it seems to stand to reason that we’ll be quite present in one another’s lives, right? whether we like it or not?”
ellie doesn’t seem to respond too well to the rhetorical questions, immediately bristling at maria’s leading on. “don’t fucking patronize me.”
“i’m not trying to, ellie. i’m trying to propose a proposition to you.”
thats’s what i’m giving for now! and i do have the xmas fic on my wip list, i just don’t have much drafted to post, at this point. it’s been hard to do anything this week on account of being sick, but i’m feeling better and writing more this week! hopefully i’ll have something soon, but i’m going to knock out the few wips i have on ao3 first.
@bumblepony ur ask is coming next bae i totally forgot i had one more thing to add to my catching fire au before i move to mockingjay!
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trans-spidey · 1 year
I so badly want to do an X Files fanfic where Scully and Mulder have a little girl right at the start (it can be some type of AU where they knew each other way before they started working together so they do like a co-parent kind of thing) of the series but I have only seen the first like 11 episodes of the entire series. In this essay I will—
honestly that would be super fuckin cute
bc I feel like it could be they were exes but had a mutual breakup (maybe mulder was always busy with the X-Files and scully felt she didn't want to share her attention or mulder thought she was more focused on his career and didn't want to take second place) but it was still amicable, they had mutual problems but they're alright and still friendly, and then realized they were having a kid so they had a co-parent situation figured out between the two of them, they had it solidly down
and then scully gets assigned to the X-Files and it kind of throws their whole co-parent situation because suddenly they're spending tons of time together and it's no longer as simple as when mulder's out of town on a case scully can take her or when scully's busy on a case mulder can take her
plus they're growing closer again but the both of them are worried that a relationship between them will disrupt their daughter's life, because they don't want to change anything up on her when she's settled and okay, and both are worried for a similar fallout to what happened with their relationship last time because sure they ended amicably but that doesn't mean it'll end the same this time especially with a child involved, so they're both anxious towards their feelings
which I feel like could lead to a more angsty confession overall
but overall leading to them being a family again
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skullzy20 · 2 years
What were each of the main Subjects like when they were human?  How would they have reacted knowing exactly what they were going to become?
Wren when human was pretty similar to how he is now! He was straight-forward and serious and worked a job as a hitman for a few years.
If he were to know he was going to become a Subject he would most likely try everything in his power to either get as far away as possible from the area, or would try to prevent himself from it happening. He would be on the defensive to anyone he meets
Rainer was slightly similar to how he was when human. He was a lot happier back then and had a need to explore things that he never has (due to him not having a chance to when he was younger). He had trust issues and was socially awkward and kept to himself a lot. Rainer's mood dropped significantly and his trust in others got significantly worse after becoming a Subject.
If Rainer were to know about being a Subject he wouldn't know what to do! He'd kinda be in denial of it as well. He would probably end up staying in the same place without realizing because he was stressing too much about creating a plan to prevent it.
Leo is probably the most different from their human self, due to losing it's memory when becoming a Subject and all. When human they still had that cocky and adventurous side but rarely showed it. It was filled with anxiety and fear for most of their life and similar to Rainer, also kept to themself a lot.
If Leo knew they'd become a Subject eventually they'd run away from it as well and would isolate themself as much as possible to not take any chances with anyone. Leo would be absolutely terrified after getting the news.
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morningmarionette · 2 months
im currently writing an atsugawa (I hate the name shin soukoku or whatever I'm sorry but I'm actually not. also I cannot pronounce soukoku {this is the real reason I don't use soukoku}) and I don't even ship it lmaoo
#maris bsd 🗞️#like its not a bad ship for my personal tastes#I like them alot more in trios tho I've realized#absolutely adore anytime atsu aku and kyouka are together#two disaters and a teenage girl going through the inexplicable horrors#my favorite#I also desparately wish more people saw the atsulucygawa vision.....#anyways the fic is actually more like before an establish relationship but you can read it as romantic if you want#you'd have to work extra hard though because their bickering isn't like#romantic bickering they're actually kinda getting on each others nerves#but then they have a cute moment talking about their respective agency co workers and realize they do have common ground and that's how muc#they love their lil found dysfunctional families#actually its mostly akutagawa talking Abt port mafia (IM SICK OF PPL SAYING HE DOESNT CARE ABT THEM IDC I wRITE CANON NOW TY) and atsu#realizing that akus never rlly been in a position where he could safely and openly show his affection for anyone#and the one time he did they left (dazai) (this is how the conversation starts)#(aku says smth Abt gin and atsus like “awhh you care alot :3” and akus like “no I don't” and then atsus like “ykw its okay to care Abt ppl”#and akus like “:(( but what if they leave again” and atsus like “but what if they stay?” and basically lists all the reasons why they'd sta#and then akus gets all soft and has a nice moment of caring about everyone he works with#(except maybe chuuya I cant rmb any times they've interacted and i cant think of anything fun or like core memory things they'd do together#and then aku is like “what Abt you and your family? how are they?” and then it's atsus turn to be all sappy about their family#and so then they end up having a way better day than expected AND they walked away from it with a new friend and an even better#understanding of each other and stuff#yeah#reminder I don't even ship atsugawa but wow I feel deeply abt them both.#maybe Id like them as like QPR??#I can see that alot better#but man atsulucygawa....#even they'd probably be QPR though imo#anyways pushing my “aku doesn't feel like he can allow himself to share his affection for people because he doesn't want them to leave”#agenda ty for coming to my Ted talk
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astarriscus · 1 year
i am. look ive always loved music but lately ive been really fixated on music as a whole and literature as well for a while now! i really want to write inspired off that <3
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fawnpires · 10 months
hi! if the requests are open could you please do sex pollen with Simon Riley? if you don't write smut, that's fine. thank you for your time and I wanted to say that ur blog is rlly pretty<3
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꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ contents: sex pollen, car sex, porn with some plot, tit-fucking, size kink, manhandling, praise, unprotected sex, loads of dirty talk, missionary position, eye contact, cum play.
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ notes: omg i've done a sex pollen fic with simon before and it was literally so fun to write for, i would def write for it again. (and tysm angel! you’re literally the sweetest, ty again for requesting. <3)
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The assigned mission had gone in several directions — one being the fact that a majority of your team had split up directly after being ambushed by the enemy with smoke grenades filled up with this sour yet saccharine-smelling powdery substance which had not yet been identified by the general public. For seconds, you had somehow ended up slumped in the cramped backseat of a hijacked pickup truck on the outskirts of a well-camouflaged forest right alongside your brooding, composed lieutenant who had unfortunately been impacted with that same substance a great number of your other team members had been affected with too — including yourself.
And you don't know how, but somehow you ended up with your military uniform torn off of you and discarded onto the flattened floor of the truck with only the white lace of your panties encompassing around the curves of your anatomy — laying on your back against the plush of the backseat's leather while your head rested against one of the locked, closed truck doors. Your skin was clammy, head overcrowded with incoherent clouds of thoughts while that swirling aroma of that substance lingered within your nostrils and never seemed to vanish away despite being impacted so many hours ago. Those doe eyes of yours were angled upwards, taking in the rare sight of your lieutenant's naked and brawny statuesque frame towering right above your more vulnerable figure.
"You're drivin' me fuckin' crazy, doll. Keep those pretty eyes on me now." he pants out between heavy breaths spilling past his parted lips, his body now slanted over you which caused his shadow to envelop you in its entirety.
Those tactical jeans of his were left to be undone and forgotten at his ankles alongside the cloth of his boxers while the softness of your bare breasts engulfed the pulsating, girthy length of his kept cock as it thrusted between the flesh. His hands and arms of exposure, now bulging of some veins and hardened muscles, kept a firm yet gentle grip at your breasts — kneading them in calloused palms enhanced of faded scars, some new and some fresh; most hard to recognize beneath the provided lighting of the truck's dimmed dome light. Aroused sighs and moans of contentment were drawn from the deep backs of your throat, flowing out in undetermined intervals. Your thighs were pushed and rubbing together as it creating some sort of friction and a distraction from the substance's strangely arousing side effects while you were basically getting off on the sight of his cock fucking right amid the valley of your breasts.
Your eyes never wanted to leave his, something about them was so entrancing in the moment. Each thrust at the flesh left you in a puddle of a needy mess, the blunt head of his cock peaking out between the tops of your breasts while his thrusts grew more desperate and sloppy to reach his initial high. Suppressed grunts were pronounced from past the darkened black fabric of his balaclava, the corners of his eyes twitching as he threw his head back; large hands continuing to maintain a hold on your breasts, tweaking your nipples while he fucked them with a ferocity that left him panting like a dog in heat. Slick began to drool past your panties, running down your inner thighs in a line of fluid while your jaw hung open to discharge those sounds of ecstasy. The atmosphere of the truck smelled of sex, the panes of the windows beginning to fog up in a hazy mist.
"Gonna cover these pretty lil' tits all full of my cum, lovie. I can't believe I've never given this pretty body a chance. " he gets out while a loud groan comes from him, the more he desperately moved his hips through the sensual simulation your breasts provided him — the more his climax got onto the verge of spilling out of him.
"Lieutenant, please..." your voice had the slightest hint of a whine to it, almost pleading him in a more high-pitched tone of voice.
"You sound so good f'me right now, sweet girl. Just hold on a little longer for me, baby. Almost there."
With that, he gives one last and particularly vigorous thrust between the mounds of your softened breasts; his hands traveling down to either sides at your waist, fingers depressing upon the skin as his head slanted a little more further back in pleasure with satisfied groans no longer being held in. His seed jetted out in fervent pulses onto the smooth stretch of your chest, adorning the skin in a sheet of pure and sticky fluid. As his head slanted forwards again back in regular position, his pupils appeared to be more dilated — giving him the look of some sort of rabid animal, seeking out for a way to quench his hungering lust. (In this case, using your body would be that designated method for appeasing that hunger - thanks to the substance's effects on the man.)
In a craving manner, you find Ghost briskly pulling up the lower edge of that skull balaclava he almost always sports on the physical features of his face; head lowering towards the supple flesh while his tongue eagerly laps at the liquid, brushing over either one of your nipples periodically — drawing one of those needy and pent-up whines from you. A hand is felt dragging down between your thighs, parting them from each other as his index and middle finger formed circular motions at your pantie-clad cunt, your body slightly shuddering at the contact towards your wet and sensitive area.
"God, you look even better with my cum all over your tits," Ghost chuckles lowly against your breasts, suckling and licking at them with his exposed lips. "Didn't know you were this desperate to be touched like this by a superior."
"Can't take it, Ghost, please. I need you inside me already."
"I know, sweetheart, I know. Just a little bit more, I promise. Acting like a needy lil' thing, aren't you?" he responses in a breathless vocal tone, his accent more accented with each gravelly word spoken.
His fingers slip around the waistband of your panties, the wet article of clothing worn around your curves before it was yanked down your legs and left to be abandoned with the rest of your uniform. Ghost lets out a deep grunt at the sight of your naked figure, his lips granting both of your breasts subtle little kisses before straightening himself back up and imposing right over you. He was moderately leaned over you, his hands adjusting your legs to rest on top his shoulders before drifting down to settle at both sides of your waist. His now solid cock rests at your lower abdomen, kisses being pressed into your right calf while his body slowly grinds against the perspired surface of your exterior skin.
The precise, kept movement of his raw hips had your head rolling back against the door of the vehicle — right in a state of an almost overwhelming, yet such raw ecstasy — in addition to more sweat trickling and trickling down onto the leather beneath where you laid at. His mouth stayed attached to your calf, advancing and pressing those gentle kisses of his onto the clammy limb, (Despite his rough, cold-blooded presence out of the field; he was the most gentle towards you, almost in resemblance to a lover.) Your teeth bit into the flesh of your lower lip, gnawing feebly at it while your cunt throbbed excessively in unrhythmic patterns. His teasings were going straight to your aching head as the aftermath of the substance, now well-acknowledged to be running through the course of your veins, only seemed to worsen without relief.
Fortunately, he took notice of your practically pleading exterior on display just for him; causing him to lean back a few inches from your body before steadying himself over you, eyes never faltering from yours as his cock angled right at the entrance of your sopping cunt as he slowly inched himself inside the warmth of your walls accompanied with a squelch audible throughout the vehicle. His free hand was left to press up against the fogged pane of nearest window, a prominent cast of his palm being left there. His other hand held at your hip, beads of sweat outlining at his cloth-wrapped forehead while it trickled down past the visible eye area of his balaclava — combining with that black, smeared eye-paint gracing around those dulled brown eyes. A distinct grunt came from him at the sensation of your cunt engulfing him, and a whimper of a reached relief sourced from the initial contact of his hips pressed against yours.
"There you go. Such a good girl, taking me in so well." the lieutenant cooes from above you, his voice hoarse and slightly strained while his hips sustained a pleasant rhythm.
"Mmm— fuck, Ghost... feels so good." you moan out, eyes nearly closing to fully indulge in the sensation.
"And your pussy feels like damn heaven, Jesus." his words were spoken through a grunt, his hand at the window smudging at the fog. "Keep those eyes on me, want you to look me in the eye — know who's fucking you, making you feel this good."
The smallest smirk is held at one corner of his lips at your words of praise, his hand at your hip using the thumb to gently stroke at the skin while his thrusts increased in speed. Shamelessly, soft moans and various noises of pleasure were being pulled out of you now as his each pump of his hips into you was shaped into the interiors of your cunt. Your nails dug into leather below you, legs trembling out of bliss on-top of his sturdy and muscled shoulders tensing from the vast mass of euphoric feelings the both of you were undergoing. With each passing thrust within you, his motions quickened up through you, the head of his cock kissing right at your cervix repeatedly without stop.
Arousal was the only thing, the only emotion that your body could be running on at this exact moment — your inner thighs stained with your slick, leaving a small pool of fluid under you; evidence to how good he really made you feel when fucking right into you. Resonates of skin-against-skin and more noises of sexual matter filled up the once silent truck, the windows nearly curtained and blocked off with fog sourcing from the both of your bodies continually pressing up against each other. His hips angled in different kinds of ways, just to aim his cock right against the spots that would cause your back to arch off the seat and your hips to slightly raise in the air. More sweat began to form at your skin, glistening underneath the dim lights.
Your legs were more spread apart, nevertheless still perched on his shoulders as the positioned of your body arched off the seat raised body gave him a better approach to pound into you. His sweat mixed in with yours, cock drilling into your pussy at an pace that could be almost considered violent by the looks of it. He had his hand pushing down a little more into your hip, his build tilted over your own. Moans of his title — of his military title — were being moaned out from you in a head full of rapture where you saw stars in your vision, which fueled that arousal just about leading to his climax once he heard that angelic tone of yours speaking his name.
"You fuck me so good, sir." you whimpered in a fragile voice, that built-up tension in your stomach almost at its high.
Those words of yours were almost enough to drive him over the edge, but his composure was held onto just for a little longer.
"That's right, lovie. I'm the only man who can fuck you like this, nobody else, yeah?" he pants out, the violent pace of his beginning to stutter just at the slightest. His composure was slipping off now, without a doubt. "Can feel you squeezing me — shit, — let go for me, angel, come on."
With his words basically giving you the permission, your body stiffens while a series of whimpers and moans are mainly heard from a clear volume. Your cunt clenches around his cock while it remains still up against your cervix as he gives into a climax the same time as you do, his near-animalistic groans merging with your much softer moans. Ghost gives a single, last thrust before hot waves of pleasure spill from him as he fills your cunt to the brim with the warmth of his seed. Heavy breaths of almost exhaustion come from him for a few moments longer before he slowly pulls out of you, your weakened body vaguely at the feeling of it. His eyes sweep down from your eyes, to the rise and fall of your breasts, to the perspective of his seed spilling out from the puffy lips of your cunt and onto the splattered material of the seats.
By now, the influence of the substance has sufficiently gone down considering the quantities of alleviation that you and Ghost had managed to release off of each other. (In the most intimate, non-expected way possible — and during a full-on mission.) He cautiously lowers his hand at your hip to dip between your soaking thighs, the heel of his palm rubbing at your raw, delicate flesh dripping of both of your sticky releases. Your mind finally goes conscious for the first time since both you and him had temporarily hid out in this truck; a faint flush coming to rise at your cheeks once the realization hits you — you fucked a superior, your literal lieutenant.
It’s not like the either of you were to blame, you think.
He then leans down to you, palm still rubbing at your folds as you shakily sigh out, a kiss being pressed into your forehead. It was abnormally sweet, especially coming from someone like him. But you weren’t complaining, — as long as he wasn’t pissed about fucking a subordinate, such as yourself, or had any regrets about doing any of this with you; drug’s influence or not. You can’t help but allow your face to flush lightly at the kiss, a small blush blossoming around your cheeks. He then wholly lowers back the edge of his pushed-up balaclava, his full face now concealed like always.
“You regret any of this?” you asked quietly, not out shame or sadness, but a genuine curiosity to hear from his side. Your breaths were still coming out shaky from his rubbing palm.
It’s dead silence coming from him, before he then speaks up with a slight unpredicted chuckle.
“Regret this?” Ghost repeats back to you, his head cocked to the side as his eyes find yours once more. He looks at you as if you told some kind of joke to him — or just said something really stupid. “No way in hell would I regret doing something like this with a girl that has your looks, or your sweetness, sweetheart.”
“Good, but you better not be saying that because of the stuff we got hit with.” your said more teasingly.
“Nah. I only speak truth from my cold, dead heart, love.” his deep voice responds back to you, the corners of his black-smudged eyes crinkled in an indication of a grin.
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cassandraclare · 4 months
Rhea asks" Is Kit going to be like super super powerful? Because I'm rlly rlly rlly excited abt his powers and I'm literally picturing him being like super super powerful (more powerful than like Magnus, Tessa, Clary, Ash, Jace ect. but only once he meets full power obviously). I'm just so so excited!! Also Kit and Ty doing necromancy is going to have major consequences in TWP right? I'm so excited for all the drama when the rest of the Blackthorns find out ect."
Well, the problem with super super super powerful characters is that nothing is really much of a threat to them. You see it in superhero movies where the more the hero powers up, the more his opponent has to be like, THE GALAXY PERSONIFIED. Also it makes the small conflicts of daily life a bit silly, like if you have the power of a god, you don't spend much time worrying about catching the bus.
Not that I want to write a book about Kit being worried about catching the bus. I do like characters with power! — often because what will always remain a challenge to them is other people. Love, friendship, those always remain issues they don't have power over and can't control. Which is fun!
I suppose all that is to say Kit may well be very powerful. But he will also need to be clever, and also need to work with others as a team, if he wants to defeat the fairly enormous evil they have to face in TWP.
And yes, there are always consequences to necromancy!
*if a question doesn't have a tumblr username it probably came in through my website or was posted on Instagram
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oo-delallymrcrow · 19 days
A Slice of Love
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A/N: Ur my fav cooper howard writer all ur writing is so good 🤭🤭 could i request some coop smut? I had the idea of him being like really depressed after the divorce and frequenting this dinner like every night. He started going initally to drown his sorrows in pie but then he kept going because he started falling for the night shift waitress. Hes like rlly embarrassed about it bc hes old and jusr got divorced but shes all he can think about like a love sick puppy. Idk if you do 2nd person but if you do could i request this be in 2nd person too ty :))
I hope this is what you wanted 😆 it took me a while, but it was fun writing this. So I hope you enjoy. I also messed up and didn't do it in second person but don't worry I went back to fix that so if I missed something I am sorry.
18+ no minors, wrap it before you tap it, whole different meaning to creampie
The bell above the dinner rang out. It was getting close to midnight so ot was a loud sound in the small diner. You looked up from the counter you were cleaning to see a tall man come into the diner. He looked around for a second to take in the scene.
A young couple was sat in a booth talking quietly to themselves lost in their little world. An older gentleman sat at the bar, nursing a hot coffee and having a piece of pie.
He nodded to me in greeting but you noticed his eyes didn't meet with yours. He then sat himself in a corner booth. You finished wiping off the counter and walked up to Bobby, the old man at the bar.
“Need more coffee Bobby?”
“Nope all good here dear.”
You nodded with an alright before walking to the corner booth. You stopped in front of the man and pulled out a pad and pen.
“Welcome to Ruby’s Dinner. Can I get you anything?”
“Uh, how about a cup of coffee.”
“Nothing else?”
“No thank you.”
You walked over to the pot of fresh coffee and bring him a mug and poured his coffee out for him.
“So what brings you in here this late?”
“Just need a different view.”
You sat for a minute for him to continue but he didn't. You walked back over behind the counter and started sorting the silverware. The young couple walked over to the register and you met them there. You rang up their total before the woman gasped.
“Darling is that who I think it is?”
The man handed you the cash before following her pointed finger. He scoffed as he shook his head.
“Sure is baby. That's Cooper Howard.”
You glanced over your shoulder to said man they were talking about. He was just staring out the window with his mug between his hands. You turned back to hand the man his change and added in polite conversation.
“The movie star?”
The man scoffed again, “Yeah that washup. He sold himself out to vault-tec and ruined his career. Then his wife divorced him and took everything. He's nothing at this point.”
The couple walked as the lady on his arm giggled at his explanation. But you just didn't understand why they judged him. Yeah he's a movestar but that doesn't mean we know everything about his life. You walked by the display of sweets and stopped. You pulled out a piece of cherry pie and placed a dollop of whipped cream on top. You then grabbed the pot of coffee and the pie.
Walking over to the man, now you know as Cooper Howard, and placed the plate in front of him. As you set the plate down it startled him out of whatever thought he was in. He stared at the pie before looking up at you.
You felt most of the air leave your lungs as the diner light caught the color in his eyes. They were pretty like a dark forest. He pointed at the pie.
“I didn't order this.”
“I know.” You looked down as you filled his cup again. If anything, to catch your breath as his eyes stayed on you the whole time. You smiled and took a step back, catching his eyes again. “But everyone deserves a little sweetness.”
You then turned and walked back into the kitchen. Walking over to the walk-in fridge and standing in there for a while. You waited until the heat went away from your cheeks and walked back out. Harvey was cleaning the grill as you walked past.
“You good kid?”
“Yep all good Harv.” You grabbed a wet rag and walked back out into the dining room before walking over to the empty table that the couple left.
Cleaning it off was a quick process but you felt hot from someone staring. Knowing its Cooper Howard and you try your best to ignore it but can feel your cheeks get warm again. You turned to take the plates back and catch his eyes again. He smiled as you walked past and you smiled back. When you came back out he was standing by the register.
“Was that all for you tonight?”
“Yes miss. That pie was delicious thank you for that.”
You smiled as you rang him up for the coffee.
“Alright that will be thirty-two cents.”
He stopped and was confused, “what about the pie?”
“On the house tonight.”
He looked down before pulling out the money and handing it to you. You smiled and realized he was blushing. You hummed as you handed him his change and a receipt.
“I hope you have a wonderful night sir.”
“You too miss.”
You walked over to clean up his table and smiled at the empty plate.
It was another week before you saw him again. It was earlier that night. You still had a few tables with people eating late diners and Bobby at the counter again. You helped the next customer before turning around at the bell running out. It was Cooper again. He caught your eye as he was glancing around. You gave him a smile before turning and giving an order to Harvey.
You turned and watched Cooper settle himself down on a stool at the counter instead of taking a booth. You took in a breath before walking out to greet him.
“We'll hello again sir.”
“Hello and uh call me Cooper please.”
“Alrighty then Cooper,” You drawled out as you smiled. “What can I get you today?”
“Coffee please miss.”
“Y/N please. If I get to call you Cooper.” You placed a mug in front of him and poured out his coffee. “You can at least call me by my name.”
He chuckled as he lifted the mug up to his mouth, “Alright then Y/N.”
You had to turn around and make yourself busy as he said your name. The southern voice made you melt a little and you always loved a cowboy. After the night he was here, ypu went home and turned on your TV to see that they were playing a Cooper Howard movie. It made you fall a little in love with his character and wanted to just hear him talk forever with that twang.
You grabbed the next order as Harvey put it out and walked over to the table to give it to them. You had a great thought of giving him another pie as you walked past him. Walking back to the kitchen and pulling out a tub of vanilla ice cream. You popped a slice of apple pie into a warmer for a bit before putting it on a plate and scooping a bit of the ice cream next to it. You grabbed a cherry pie with whipped cream for Bobby before walking out.
You gave Bobby his pie and got a ‘thanks dear’ for it before walking over and placed the apple pie in front of Cooper. He was surprised and licked his lips as he looked up.
“More pie?”
“You deserve some sweetness Cooper.”
You turned and helped people at the register but couldn't keep the burning off your cheeks as you continued on with your shift. You could feel the heat of his gaze every time you walked past him but other than that you both didn't interact. It wasn't until he was ready to pay did you talk to him again.
“How was everything tonight Cooper.”
“Delicious like last time Y/N. How much do I owe you?”
“Same as last time,” you blushed as he shook his head.
“Now sweetheart. You can't keep giving me pies without letting me pay for ‘em.”
“But you don't ask for them. I give them to you as a gift.”
You chuckled as he just shook his head again. He paid for his coffee and put a couple dollars in the tip jar.
“I'll at least make sure you're taken care of.”
He flashed a bright smile and you couldn't help but blush. As he walked out you couldn't help the sigh that escaped. A chuckle came from your left and turned to see Bobby.
“You look like a little puppy in love girl.”
You pouted as you cleared Cooper's dishes.
“I do not.”
“Uh huh.” He shook his head as you walked past.
‘You were not in love.’
‘Shit. You may be in love.’
Over the past few weeks it became a little routine. You would work late at night. Cooper would come in for a cup of coffee and you would serve him whatever pie you had for the day. He was polite and always seemed to charm with his little southern accent. Always loving a man with an accent.
As time went on, the laughter that didn't quite reach his eyes started to become genuine. There was a sparkle in his eyes again that shone just right when you could catch them.
A few times he actually ordered a meal. You would bring it out to him and he would let you steal a few fries off his plate if it got busy. You would still bring him a pie then he would ask with his southern charm to share a bite with him.
When there were quiet moments between pie bites, he would opened up a bit about his life. Who he is. What he did before the networks stopped working with him. The divorce and the custody battle.
You sat and let him just talk. He seemed like he had no one to talk to about this and you were happy to just sit and listen. When he cried, you couldn't help the little tears that slipped out.
You just couldn't believe this sweet man was going through so much. You just wanted to hold him and let him just hide away from the world. To just take care of him because he deserved to be taken care of.
“I'm so sorry that happened to you Cooper
I just could not imagine the pain your going through.”
He nodded as he wiped a few tears away. He smiled a little as he looked out the window.
“Out of everything though, I'm just happy I can still have Janey in my life. I do everything for her and I just want to make her proud of her dad.”
You couldn't help but to reach out and take his hand in yours. He stopped and looked at your hands then up. You gulped a little as you just stared at your hands.
“You, Cooper Howard, are a good man. You are a wonderful father to Janey and you show that by still being good to her and your ex-wife. After everything you still show people kindness. That makes Janey proud of you. By being good to people.”
It was silent for a few minutes and you slowly moved your hand away before Cooper wrapped his hand around your wrist. You gasped in surprise, looking up at Cooper as he smiled.
“Thank you darlin'. That means so much to me coming from you.”
You blushed and just waved away what he was saying.
“I'm just a waitress-”
“You're a waitress that showed me kindness,” he stopped me. You were just watching as his thumb rubbed against your pulse point.
“I heard that couple the first time I came in. They called me a washup and I deserved what happened to me. And you-” he shook his head with a laugh. “You didn't say any mean thing. You brought me a pie and said ‘everyone deserves a little sweetness’. I didn't think it was true but you kept being sweet to me. You always brought me a pie and talked with me. Even when you were running around busy.”
You laughed as you looked around at the now empty diner. As you turned to face him again you stopped to take him in. His eyes were tracing over myou before they stopped at your lips. You licked them subconsciously and he did the same. He caught your gaze and you felt a fire ignite inside of you. You glanced at the clock above the door, jumping as Harvey took a step out. His eyes shot between you too before nodding his head.
“You good at closing on your own?”
You nodded as you stood up. “Yeah I got it Harv. Have a goodnight.”
“You too,” he yelled out as he walked away. You stood for another few minutes before moving over to the front door and locking it, turning off the open sign. You started going through the motions of closing up before realizing Cooper was still there.
You stopped turning up the chairs to look over at Cooper who was just watching. You blushed before clearing your throat.
“Sorry Cooper I almost forgot to ring you up.”
“You're good darlin’.” He then stood and walked over to you as he pulled his wallet out. “How much do I owe you.”
“On the house today Cooper,” you felt yourself get breathless as he stopped right before you. You raked your gaze up from his chest to his face and saw he was already watching you. He licked his lips again as he put his wallet away.
“How ‘bout I pay you back I'm a different way.”
You tilted your head before he took another step forward. He had you pinned against the table and you threw your hands up to his chest as he placed his hands beside my hips on the table. He was leaning into you as his lips brushed against your ear.
“I hope I'm not being too forward when I say I want to try a different sweetness tonight.”
Your eyes shut tightly as a shiver ran through your body. You shook your head no as you grabbed onto his shirt. You felt his lips brush against your forehead and down your cheek. He brushed them against your lips and you couldn't stop the whimper of a please before he crashed his lips against yours.
You moaned as one hand grabbed your waist and the other wrapped around you to pull you even closer to him. You couldn't move away from him even if you wanted to. Being held this close was making you shake with need as you ran a hand up and into his hair. He pulled back to lick at your lips and moaned.
“Just sweeter than fucking pie.”
You moaned as you felt him through his pants and started panting like a bitch in heat.
“Cooper please. I need you.”
“Yeah darlin’? Do you need little ol’ me?”
He pushed his hips against you as you nodded yes. His hand got tangled in your hair as he pulled it back until you were nose to nose. You opened your eyes to see his burning with lust.
“Can you say it for me darling? Tell me you want me. That you need me. Please darlin’ I want to hear you say it.”
You moaned and closed your eyes as your thighs squeezed together. God, this man was so sweet and you just couldn't understand why everyone is so mean to him. You opened your eyes and could see more in his eyes. It wasn't just lust, there was a need to be wanted. And you were so happy to give it to him.
“Please Cooper. I need you. Please, I want you so badly. I need you to take care of me please.”
He slammed his lips against yours again and lifted you up onto the table. The skirt you were wearing gave him easy access to rub his hand against your panties. Making you roll your hips as he slowly rubs the wet spot that just keeps getting worse with the way he's handling you. His fingers slightly pressed harder to your clit and it made you pull away with a gasp.
“Can I take these off, sweet girl?”
You nodded as he placed a hand on your chest to push you down so you were laying flat on the table. You placed one foot on the table to lift your hips up so he could pull your panties down. He quickly put them into his back pocket before lifting your skirt up to see your pussy. You blushed as he cooed at you while he pushed your legs up.
“Look at you. You're so wet for me. Did I do this to you sweet girl?”
You whined out a yes as he ran a finger up your slit and rubbed your clit. You couldn't help but reach up to pull at his shirt. Pulling him down as you pushed up to meet him in a kiss.
“Cooper,” you moaned as he pushed a finger into you. “please just fuck me.”
He was trailing his lips down your neck before he pulled back to stare into your eyes.
“Are you sure? I don't have any protection with me.”
You kissed him again as you reached down to rub his cock through his pants. He pulled away with a hiss and bucked into your hand.
“It's alright. I want this and I know you want this too.”
He nodded as he fully pulled away from you. He fumbled with his belt buckle but quickly shoved his pants and underwear down. You couldn't stop your mouth from opening in awe at the size of him and reached out to stroke him. He groaned and threw his head back as he let you before grabbing your wrists to stop.
“You keep that up and I won't last.”
You giggled but laid back as he pushed your thighs up and wrapped both arms around them to pull you closer to him. You gasped as he shoved your legs up and rubbed his cock against your opening.
“You sure darlin’?”
“Yes,” you moaned as he pushed into you. You couldn't stop as your eyes began to water at how hot and heavy he felt inside of you. He pushed until he was fully inside and then stopped to breathe. You both sat there for a minute panting as he got comfortable. You wiggled your hips and he moaned before pulling out just to slam back in.
You squealed at the feeling and scrambled to hold onto his shirt. One hand grabbed the side of the table as one of his hands slammed down next to your hip as he leaned into you, almost bending you in half.
You couldn't help the noises that were coming out of your mouth as he kept moving. He just smiled and watched your face as he kept his pace. He suddenly shifted his hips and hit the spot that devastated you. You pulled his shirt until he was on top of you as you cried out.
“I'm close! Please, please just right there.”
“Are you gonna cum sweet girl? Come on, you can cum on my cock sweet girl. You deserve it.” He cooed into your ear as he kissed your cheek and captured your lips.
He snuck a hand between you and pressed against your clit. Giving it a little rub before you came with a cry of his name. As you tightened around him, you could feel his cock twitch when he trusted a few more times before coming inside of you.
You just saw white for a minute as the ringing in your ears died down and your shaky limbs relaxed. You were panting and carefully reached up to run your hand through Cooper's hair. He murmured something before nuzzling into your neck. You laughed as he cuddled with you.
You blinked your eyes open to finally see the dining room. You could feel both of your juices running down your thighs and settling under your ass. You pushed his shoulder with a groan.
“I gotta finish cleaning up, and clean myself up.”
He groaned but lifted himself up enough to kiss you. It was slower and sweeter than the way he was kissing before. You both smiled into the kiss before he slowly pulled out of you. You both hissed at the feeling before he leaned over and grab a few napkins to clean you both up.
“I'm gonna need a shower,” you sighed as he finished. He smiled and helped you stand, making sure you were stable before speaking.
“That makes both of us. Mind if I join you?”
You smiled as you grabbed his shirt and brought him down to kiss you again. His hand came down to squeeze your ass before his other hand came down to rub a finger against your wet pussy. You moaned before taking a step back.
“Help me finish closing and then you can join me.”
You never seen someone be so happy with mopping but you couldn't blame the man with how fast you finished wiping down the table. Both of you giggling and smiling as he drove you home that night for a long weekend.
Taglist: @danveration
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
i saw u wanted val requests and well hes my fav. this isnt rlly a requst so much a thought tht has been festering in my brain and im too scared to post on my own acct imagine breaking val. imagine taking the time to ruin his grandiose showboating persona. he's always so cocky and arrogant, even when he got used to bottoming he remained an arrogant prick. he would smirk and act like a brat the whole time. it was fun sometimes. not always. you wanted so badly to see his arrogant face in tears. thats how he got here. tied tightly with ropes making sure he had no way to escape. of course this was accompanied by another arrogant comment "so tight, chiqui~ you worried i might flip the script?" you rolled your eyes. tying the silk blindfold to his face was met with similar comments and teasing. but what he didnt expect was you to slip away to sit in the corner of the room. at first he's sitting, waiting impatiently with the occasional comment. he expects at any minute you'll bring him a fun toy to fill his holes or to slap him around. maybe you're getting undressed and he'll soon feel your hands all over him. as time ticks longer he makes more comments, each growing more irritated in tone. it doesnt take more than 30 minutes for him to begin to get truly angry at you. hes yelling, cursing, screaming violent threats at you. its the farthest you've seen his facade fall. his body twisting and fighting his bonds as he tries as hard as he can to free himself. he can't. now its been 50 minutes and his thrashing has only gotten worse. his comments of harsh threats as loud as he can have turned his voice hoarse until he's making rough whining. his wings twist and write against his bonds kicking up little gusts of winds as he strains himself so hard you're worried he's going to get hurt. so you speak. "calm down, you'll hurt yourself" at the sound of your voice his whole body perks up and he tries to find your voice. finally you hear it, a pathetic whimper from his hoarse voice. "chiqui?" its so sad and sweet like a whimper from a kicked animal you almost wouldn't know its him. "im right here." you assure him finally getting up from your seat. tears start spilling from beneath the blindfold as he fights against his bonds, weaker this time. you place a gentle hand on his chest. "im right here." you repeat as his bound arms try desperately to get to you. "want you... n.. need you." you crawl over him and gently lift his blind fold exposing his tear eyes to you. you rub your thumb gently over his cheek to brush away his tears. "im right here for you, val. tell me what you need." "need you." he rubbed his head against your hand. "need mmm" you immediately retracted your hand and looked at him with a stern look while keeping your tone gentle. "you need to use your words." another whimper left his lips. "t-touch me please just. use me. need you so b-bad i dont care how i-" your hands were back on him in moments, making quick work of some of his bonds. mostly you were making sure he could flex his wings comfortably. before you turned him on his stomach. "you're such a good boy." you cooed in his ear which was met with shaky purring from deep in his chest. with all his showboating broken it was going to be fun breaking him down to a sobbing begging mess.
Nah this made me forget i’m a writer like WHAT NEXT??? WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT??? Part two in my inbox NOW. I’m on my hands and knees.
No because like “use me” from Val has got be acting up. I’m clawing at the walls of my enclosure. Him breaking down into tears when he hears your voice because he’s so desperate to be touched, because the poor baby can’t even go one full hour without your attention. IM COOKED.
Anyways, i’m impressed, and this delivered on so many levels. I’d sell my soul to have more anons like you in my askbox, much love lil homie. PEACE ✌️
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hoshigray · 10 months
Hiii!! I rlly love your work & I appreciate you! Ty for ur writing <3 I was wondering if you could do something where reader convinces Toji to let her do his makeup and and and and she straddles him while he’s laying down to do it 🥺 maybe reader gets a little confident n bratty bc of the position n it gets a little spicy ? if you’re feeling up to it ! 🌲💕 this is my first ask so please lmk if my etiquette is off!
Oh, no worries, noonie! Your etiquette is okay, and your request is so cute like wth!!? :00 I worked on this after coming back from my trip, so apologies if this doesn't seem to be in my usual writing style. Also, to make this funny, I tried makeup for the first time while I was away!! Lol, so the experience really came around for this ask, so I appreciate it and hope you like what I jotted down! Other than that, hope you had a wonderful weekend ♡
Cw: Toji x reader - fluff mostly, but it gets suggestive at the end - grinding (m! receiving) - thigh riding (?) - impact play/spanking (2x) - pet names (baby, princess, pumpkin) - putting makeup on Toji <3 - reader and Toji being adorbs omg stop hehehe~ Wc: 1k
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"How long is this shit supposed to be?"
"Sit still, will you? I can't work with you constantly moving."
"Tch, you're lucky I'm lettin' you do this because of a bet."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Open your eyes so I can see how it looks." Begrudgingly, Toji opens his eyelids to reveal the emerald eyes you're familiar with. "Okay, close them again."
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. You and your boyfriend hang out at your place to chill, spending time cuddled up on the couch and watching television. It was your usual weekend routine, being close o your boyfriend like this. However, today was different compared to the other relaxing days prior.
Here you are on your living room couch, straddling Toji's lap with your hands occupied by a palette of green and gold eyeshadow in one and a brush in the other. Reason why? About two days ago, Gojo and Toji got into an argument as they usually do, something about their favorite sports team going against each other. Your man then had the fantastic idea to bet on his team, saying he'll do whatever Gojo says if his team doesn't win.
Why was the idea fantastic? Frankly, it's no surprise to you and the snow-haired other that Toji cannot win a bet to save his life. So when the score showcased the apparent outcome of the older man's loss, Gojo took his win in playful pride. And the punishment? Well, mounting on top of him today should explain it.
"You know, you got a pretty nice eye shape. You're pulling this look off quite nicely." Dadding his closed eyelid with the brush, you paint lime green atop the dark green eyeshadow cascading around his eyes. You chose to do nothing too audacious for the man, as you're just taking pictures and sending them to Gojo afterward.
He scoffs at your comment. "You said that about twenty minutes ago with the other shit you put on me."
"Yeah, well, can't blame me for admiring my handsome man being so fetching. If I slapped a nice dress on you and headed to the club later, I'd bet you'd have a line of men and women trying to ask you out."
"You tryin' to say I'm hotter than you, pumpkin?" He lifts a brow and then snickers after you bonk him in the head with a white highlighter pen.
"Shut up and stay still so I can put this on." You use the pen to apply by the corner of his eyes. Now two white hearts are harbored close to the bridge of his nose. After asking him to open his eyes again, you maneuver around to ensure that both eyes are even. And you beam when you feel accomplished with what you've done. "Perfect! Alright, onto the next part."
"The liner thingy?"
"Yup!" He chortles at your enthusiasm while you grab the item from your makeup bag. Closing his eyes again, you work on the bottom of his lids to form a steady black wing that ventures out. You giggle; who knew doing makeup on your boyfriend would be so much fun? Maybe I should put him in a dress.
With a gleeful attitude and a merry hum, you swing your hips around as you work. But you halt when you feel Toji's hands come to your hips, and you stop moving.
"Hold on there, baby." Toji's hands rub your hips. "Movin' too fast."
It doesn't click you until you realize the position you're in. Your legs still slip apart to sit atop his lap, your bottom directly above his groin. And that's when an idea pops up in your head, unable to fight the grin sneaking up on your face.
Your hips move once more but in a slower motion this time. Toji opens the eye you're not working on to look at your face, but you don't acknowledge it and just continue applying the eyeliner.
"I know you heard me the first time." A silent giggle confirms his suspicions.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Close that eye up." He gives you a furrowed look, yet he does what you instructed, allowing you to examine your work before laying the black material on his other eye. And as your hips continue to apply pressure on his crotch, Toji groans at the motion.
"So you're just gonna act deaf on me, huh."
You bit your lip to conceal the giddiness in your smile. But then it's replaced with an abrupt shriek from your lips when a sudden smack of pain comes down on your ass. "Oww!! Hey, quit it!"
"Quit what?" Now it's his turn to act dumb, giving him a glare while Toji chuckles.
"Whatever. Let me finish this up." You grumble while laying the last strokes of your eyeliner, yet you still grind on Toji. And you can feel the tent of his sweatpants slowly protrude. After a few seconds, you close the eyeliner and put it into your bag. "Now for the final touch. Some cute lip gloss for you...Ahhhh!! Toji, stop it!"
"Then quit grindin' up on me, brat." he snarkily warns you, rubbing his hand on your ass after hitting it again.
"Why? Hate that I'm making you hot and bothered like this?" Your hips grind harder on his tent, and he exhales with scrunched brows. He scowls at you, lidded emerald eyes branding holes into yours. But you don't falter and resume acting tough. "Don't want me to give you attention for being so pretty?"
Before you get an answer, Toji grabs for your ass and shifts to stand up from the couch, and you scramble to warp your arms around his neck before you stumble off the older, muscular man. He walks out of the living room with your arms. And he throws you down to the bed of your room with a tiny 'oof' coming from you.
"You wanna give me some attention, huh?" Toji crawls up on the bed and kisses your lips while sliding a hand down in your leggings, fingers nestling and pushing onto your soaked panties. Your whimpers are taken by his mouth as he kisses your neck. The gloss on his lips leaves sticky marks where he places them. "How 'bout you sit there and look pretty fr' me, then?"
"Mmmph...At least, let me take a picture of your makeup," you say with eyes sewn shut. "Gotta send it to—Ahhmmm..."
"Later," Toji withdraws himself to take off his sweatpants. "In the meantime, lemme fuck the shit outta y'r cute and bratty ass, princess."
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upsidedownwithsteve · 11 months
this is so oddly specific and silly (embarrassing personal experience yeah ive cried in a restaurant cause i was sad and starving) but could you write a little blurb about the party going out to dinner and reader is super hungry but the wait at the restaurant is rlly long so shes just grumpy and steve is trying to cheer her up while they wait
i just think steve would be so good at cheering you up when ur sad and borderline hangry! ty ily even if u dont take this req! <3
Steve shook his head at Dustin as he readied himself to flick his balled up straw wrapper across the table at you. Dustin had great aim, and Steve knew it would’ve landed square in the middle of your forehead.
And then Dustin would’ve been buried in the diner parking lot before the food arrived.
Dustin frowned, annoyed that his fun was interrupted but Steve just shook his head again, tilting his chin to where you were slouched in the booth beside him, arms crossed, pretty face borderline thunderous.
“You okay there, honey?” Steve asked carefully, his arm around the sticky leather seat.
His fingertips brushed your shoulder and you squirmed, throwing your head back in despair. “I’m so goddamn hungry,” you whisper wailed. “I think my stomach is eating itself.”
Steve suppressed his grin and tried to act understanding. He’d watched you eat the grilled cheese he made you not even four hours ago, but he wasn’t about to argue with a hungry girl, not when you’d already shredded your napkin and glared at the booth across from you. They’d gotten their food ten minutes ago.
“Uhuh,” Steve agreed, patting at your thigh sympathetically. “My poor girl.”
“Stop being nice,” you groaned, even though you leaned into him, seeking out his touch as you stared at the kitchen door behind the bar. You peered up like a meerkat every time it swung open, swearing when the waitress bypassed your table. “I could eat your arm, you know. Just bite right into it.”
“Cute,” was all Steve said and he slid his coke over to you, pushing your empty cup out the way. “Here, babe.”
You ignored him. “Could eat your arm and your face, ‘cause it’s so stinking pretty. Then chew on the table and maybe go into the kitchen and cry until the gave me my goddamn panca— food!”
Steve smiled and said thank you to the waitress who’d arrived with your plates mid rant, sliding your tower of pancakes across to you.
Dustin was aghast.
Both boys watched as you popped a piece in your mouth, humming around maple syrup, wiggling happily in the booth, a weird little shoulder shimmy occurring every time you took another bite. Steve just smiled, an awful fondness for you taking over as he took a mouthful of his own burger.
Dustin was still staring, jaw dropped.
“Good?” Your boyfriend asked you.
You hummed again, nodding, leaning your head on his shoulder so he could press a kiss to your forehead, more than happy to be touched now your hunger had been satiated.
“Still wanna eat my face?” The boy asked.
“S’too pretty,” you mumbled, stealing a sip from his coke that was now your coke. “Why would I wanna do that?”
Dustin got rid of all evidence of his paper straw attack, terrified.
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all444miles · 11 months
hi this is my first time requesting! can you do e42 miles and his girlfriend on her quinceañera please and ty <3
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pairing: earth 42!miles x fem!afro-hispanic!reader genre: fluff summary: it's your quince, your big day, and your boyfriend is right there with you, dancing with you (and shi, he can dance) reveling in your beauty ‹3 a/n: this is your first time requesting? this is my first request, so, im honored!! this was acc like, really fun to write 😭 the fact this isnt even long but i still took so long is SILLYY, im rlly rlly sorry for that.. + if these translations r wrong PLEAAASEEE CORRECT ME bc ion wanna mess up on this at all
a/n 2: anything underlined with probably have a link to give you a ref to wtv the context is, (e.g, your makeup), the nails, dress, n bouqet are in the three pics above!! also, the large spaces between paragraphs is js basically a lil skip to the next part (like the entrance to the last doll !) please do listen to the song shown in the fic when the waltz happens to feel how the reader did, n i tried my best to describe what was happening but this quince vals kinda shows it best, js imagine more men around em n the start of this for the surprise dance, i think its called wepa? (MILES HAS A COWBOY HAT ON AGGGHHGHH) 😭 enjoy!
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It was your day. the day you turned 15, the day you transitioned from girlhood to womanhood, and God, you were estatic. It was all planned perfectly.
You were outside the hall, and it was time for your entrance. Your mother and Rio were adding the finishing touches to your hair, while your lover carefully put on your necklace for you, as you didn’t want to mess up your nails. He paid for them, after all.
“Mi amor, you look like proper royalty right now, y’know that?” he says to you, making your heart feel warm as he speaks. You smile at him, “Thank you, Miles. Ma, are you sure everything is gonna go okay?” you look at your mother with slight concern, fidgeting with your fingers. “¡Cálma, cielo! Te ves goregous, y me he asegurado de que todo salga perfecto, ¿de acuerdo?” (take it easy, angel! You look gorgeous, and i’ve made sure everything goes perfectly fine, alright?). You nodded your head, as Rio motioned you to take two deep breaths, Miles chuckling in amusement.
Your father stepped in and announced, “Es hora princesa, ¿estás lista?” (it’s time princess, are you ready?). You smiled, your nervousness fading and your excitement overtaking as you quickly fixed your dress. “Mhm!” And with that, you walked into the court as Lo que paso, paso by Daddy Yankee played, your left hand in your mothers and your right in your fathers, as four of your cousins, as your chambelanes, (including Miles, the chambelan de honor), danced behind you as the three of you danced into the court, the MC announcing your arrival.
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You sat down on your “throne” as your little sister came up to you, twirling before stopping to face you and handed you your last doll, a smile on her face. “Gracias, hermanita” (Thank you, baby sister) you whispered to her as you kissed her forehead and she hugged you, giggling before walking off back to your mother.
After your crowning, changing of shoes and your father daughter dance, it was time to do your waltz. The setting faded as a light shon on you and Miles, a smirk on his face, Golden Hour by JVKE playing in as your chambelanes moved around you two.
She’s got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night..
Your boyfriend had your hand in his, close to eachother, a loving smile imprinted on the both of your faces. “Ya sabes, cariño, puedes bailar bastante bien.” (You know, baby, you can dance pretty well.)” He chuckled and slightly put his head down and shook his head, “Por supuesto que puedo, ma, lo aprendí de y para mejor.” (Course I can, ma, I learnt from and for the best.)
As the incoming line came in, Miles spun you three times, then your primos (cousins) and your boyfriend circled around you before lifting you up and spinning you, your dress flowing.
It’s your golden hour..
A grin from ear to ear, you watched everybody around you looking up at you astonishment as you spun, hearing cheers from your aunties and your mother (Rio included). They put you down, as the song continued, your chambelanes on one knee around you, you in the middle taking a curtsy, before continuing your dance.
The song faded, it had ended, but it was time for your surprise dance. The loud blasts of el mariachi and fizzing of the indoor pyrotechnics could be heard from every angle of the room; the boys on stage as you stood back till it your signal to come in.
Your primos and Miles’ stomps echoed through the court—holding onto their hats as their body’s moved, to the flow of the music. Miles was actually better than you expected at this, and he looked quite fine with that hat on too, you thought. You heard whistles coming from your tios, and a small shout of encouragement from Rio to her son, which make you chuckle. She patted your back and motioned you to step in.
You walked into the middle as the boys stepped back, sprinkling roses onto you as you spread out your arms. As you stepped in and stepped out, Miles on one knee as you circled around him, your cousins stomping once again to the beat of the sound. He stood up as you held your dress to dance along with them, them picking you up one last time, earning trills and cheers from the people sitting down.
The very last song came in, and it was just you and Miles, dancing cumbia together, your cousins stepped back hyping you two up. You kicked forward as he kicked back, you two dancing in pure sync, the whole court cheering your names while you two tried to hide your laughs. It was one of the best nights of your life, a smile on everybody’s face the entire time.
At the end of your quince, you and Miles were talking in a corner. You looked up at him, pupils dilated “Te ves muy guapo con ese sombrero puesto.” (You look pretty handsome with that hat on.)
He laughed to himself, shaking his head. “Oh, word? Aight, i’ll keep it on then.” You pressed your forehead with his, “Gracias por hacer que esta noche sea tan divertida para mí, cariño.” (Thank you for making this night so fun for me, baby). He kissed your forehead, “No hay nada que agradecerme, mi reina, fue muy divertido ser promocionado por tus primos.” (There is nothing to thank me, my queen, it was a lotta fun to be cheered on by your cousins.)
He planted a kiss to your lips, “I love you, mami.”
“You know I love you too.”
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© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission.
likes, reblogs, comments and asks are always appreciated !
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