#this was going to go in my queue but no i need to dunk on him Right Now
tiredassmage · 9 months
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That was more enjoyable than expected. 3V = deliver feedback to Master // first trial = currently too entertaining
absolutely spluttering about alucren's ass getting dunked on. 3V-1L has known him for less than five minutes, really.
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I’ve seen so many of these and have been wanting to do one myself. It’s a great way to keep up with what I’ve read and to let you all know what I’ve written, and what I have coming up.
So I’ll be keeping track of everything during the week and I will post these on Sundays (evening for me)
What I Read:
Me and My Husband Chapter 1- by @beskarandblasters - A take on Mando that I haven’t seen before- Din feels the cultural pressure to settle down and marry after the retaking of Mandalore. Then he meets you working the front desk of an inn while pursuing a bounty. I’ve had the pleasure of beta reading this and I PROMISE YOU, this will not disappoint
Paranoid Heart Chapter 5- by @goodwithcheese. Oh, Javi. A good ol’ fashioned make out sesh is just what I needed this week! Hopefully he finds his way to that clinic soon!
Real Gods Require Blood- by @proxima-writes. Cult leader!Joel Miller. This is so GOOD! Joel is just the right mix of creepy and sexy. The way I would join this cult immediately, no hesitation.
Sunnyside Cemetery- by @hellishjoel. This is chapter 4 of Kylee’s Table For Two series. Reader and Frankie get up to some cemetery shenanigans. This made me feel my feelings and I’m still not over it.
Blessed Be The Fruit Chapter 4- by @romana-after-dark. Joel Miller Handmaid’s Tale AU. He’s a commander and you’re his handmaid. But there is definitely more to him than meets the eye.
Deja Vu Chapter 3- by @ilovepedro. The conclusion to this mini-series. You and Javi P are best friends and FWB. Idiots in love might just be my favorite trope. This series is hot and cute!
Love Me Back Chapter 10- by @chloeangelic. Another conclusion for me this week. I’m so sad to see this series go. It’s hard to even believe that it’s been ten weeks! Couldn’t have asked for a better ending to this story!
Three’s A Crowd- by @walkintotheriveranddisappear. Another installment of Emma’s I Can Be Your Pretty Girl series. And its a surprise Double Feature. Two deliciously filthy tales fro the price of one. And speaking of two-for-one, Tommy makes an appearance in the first part, and so does a pool table!
Trick or Treat?- by @morallyinept. Jett’s first foray into dark! territory was an absolute slam dunk! Dark!Frankie, Dark!Joel, and Dark!Dave!!!! YUM!
Blue Dream- by @amanitacowboy. First installment of Lindsey’s stoner!husband!Frankie series, Flying High, and I could not be more excited! She teased this to me a while ago and I have been waiting for frankie and his gray sweatpants to grace my eyeballs!
I also had one reread this week:
Chapters 1-4 of Psychomanteum by @whatsnewalycat. I’m obsessed with this story and I got some Dieter inspired tattoos this week so I decided a reread was due to celebrate!
What I Wrote:
I finally finished my dark!Frankie fic, This Charming Man. It’s in the queue for tomorrow at 7 pm CST tomorrow! I really hope you all like it, I worked super hard on it!!!
The Clink- The first chapter of a new miniseries, Excuse Me, Mister Officer. This was supposed to be a PWP one shot in which Javi P gets a job at the county jail where you are incarcerated. But I got quite a few requests for more and another two installments popped into my head!
Chapter 2 of Excuse Me, Mister Officer is already in the works and should be done this week!
A sequel to a request I received for my 500 follower event! In Blackout, you take a naked dip in your pool while the power is out. Tommy Miller catches you in the act. Nice Night for a Dip takes place during the next scheduled blackout. A certain older Miller brother may or may not make an appearance.
There also are some thots thotting regarding expanding my Javi P jerk fic, Pent Up, into a collection of P-Boys, tentatively titled Solo Sessions.
See ya next week, Besties! 💚
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 9 months
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I FEEL FOR YOU ALL...Q-Q Honestly I didn't even break my high score until near the end; it absolutely isn't easy and some persistence is key
Here's some specific tips on how to get closer to achieving Top 5%: (Just for anyone reading this who needs the tips!)
Watch the previous top 5% scores carefully! The score is climbing, so knowing what to shoot for helps! Last time was 150 eggs, and this time is 156, so fully expect 160 or more to be the bare minimum for next Big Run! That's an average of 55+ eggs a wave, which is very tough, but doable.
Mind your weapon RNG! Sometimes we'll just get unlucky! Pay attention to the entire weapon comp of your team! If you have a high inking weapon and your teammates don't, you may need to focus more on clearing out the chum/smallfry to help your team! YOU may not be able to get a ton of eggs, but if you help them live and move, they may be able to!
Lure + Let eggs gather by the basket before collecting! People get very antsy to go grab a ton of distant eggs first (and dying a lot in the process), but sometimes you do have to let eggs sit in a bunch while you finish off crucial bosses! (Flyfish, Stingers, Big Shots, Eels). If you watch Overfishing videos, you'll often see teams let like 20+ eggs sit around the basket for a bit as they clear the immediate area, THEN spend time mass-dunking a ton of them when they get a moment to breathe! Also make use of the egg throw for distant eggs to get them closer!
For best chances, squad with allies! There's no escaping this: Squads will have better chances to get the high score than 100% solo queue. It's not impossible! I have gotten good scores with randoms, but you're playing a game of chance with the overall skill of your team. There are servers and pools of people who are always looking for good help! If you believe you're EVP material being stuck with bad randoms, go find 'em!
Climbing the ranks is MANDATORY. Top 5% doesn't happen in Overachiever ranks, unfortunately. 8( You need to be up in EVP to get the higher boss spawns, higher egg requirements, etc. My average has been EVP 400 or so before I start hitting the large numbers, so if you're having trouble getting up there, make that your goal! Practice in Salmon Run until EVP 200-300 is doable for you! There are tons of guides out there on optimizing eggs and surviving tough rounds!
Also this isn't many people (and not directed at you guys at all, just generally) but please do not get mad at or blame the overfishers! It's "Top 5%" for a reason, which means just by nature, 95% of players participating WONT get the gold trophies! It's a small pool of people competing to get there.
Ya gotta compete! You gotta give it your all, and work on learning and improving! That's the nature of a competitive result!
You can do it!! If Top 5% is something you truly want to work towards, I believe you can get it! 💪💪💪
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basedkikuenjoyer · 3 months
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Oh darn, I forgot my queue ran dry. But it's a nice, rainy day off and an old story has been on my mind. Let's call it Thursday Afternoon Toriyamaposting this time. I like Dragon Ball. Especially colloquially to mean I like the part where Goku's a weird kid from the mountains. The Z arcs have some fun parts but it's just such a roadmap for what I don't like in anime in others but I loved early Dragonball. It has a magic that made it so popular, really hitting at that common trend of popular manga featuring a clash between old and new. The Red Ribbon Army saga is where that fully feels like it comes o fruition which is why I love it so much.
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It all starts with Muscle Tower, which like a certain first act I'm extraordinarily fond of works as an overture. This little moment has always been a favorite though. Girl save Goku, tells him of troubles, he sprints off to smash them, a young Eiichiro Oda is taking notes. But here Goku stops and figures out what snow is for the first time. The theme won't fully mature until the great side story of going to the city to find Bulma but it's here. Up until now Dragonball's world was hard to get a good grasp on. The Red Ribbon Army was a great vehicle to solidify that through. What technology they had, their operations beyond the magic balls that could make Red taller. Talking about inspiration, I wonder how much Toriyama took from Cyborg 009 here. That one wasn't afraid to rip from ongoing Cold War headlines, but the RRA clearly draws from the Axis Powers. Which by that point felt quaint and campy. Seriously, even the relatively clean landmark Japanese manga of the 80s has the hero dunking on foppish Germans and Japanese caricatures. Speaking of.
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Then you have this weird usage of a past series. Arale and Penguin Village just end up being a theater of combat because fuck you that's awesome. Goku should have brought Arale to Namek. Look how fearsome she is. But honestly, also cool how the Red Ribbon Army keeps coming back. My favorite part of Z is when we're dealing with rogue androids of their making. Because you have 8 in this early part of the original arc it ends up being one of the most brilliant connections in the whole series. Saw they had come up again in Super, probably need to check that out.
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hey everyone, quick little announcement thing
I'm going to queue up a bunch of older edits to run on the blog, so I apologize in advance for the sudden drop in quality
I will throw in a few scattered higher effort gifs if I have the time, but the blog will be running primarily on (my own) old and (others') reblogged edits (if you're the OP and would like it deleted, please message me and I will as soon as possible)
I've just been dealing with the beginnings of burnout due to personal reasons dunked on me within the last 24 hours, as well as current events (US politics regarding queer people primarily on that part), and need a little break from making higher quality edits when I need that time for college stuff and what little solid relax time I can get
hope you have a lovely day and please take care of yourself, drink water/stretch/take meds/a nap/do something stupid but fun, and know that you are the swaggiest king of the jungel
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acacia-may · 1 year
Hmmm… What to ask? 🤔/lh
1) Between sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and salty, which do you like best?
2) What’s one piece of media you thought you might watch but just never found the time/energy for?
3) Favorite character (from any media) to dislike/dunk on?
Hi Erika! Thank you so much for such a fun ask and for playing my game!
From this Ask Me Any 3 Questions About Myself Game 🥰
1) Between sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and salty, which do you like best?
Definitely salty! I can enjoy the others from time to time, but I think I gravitate most towards salty foods when I'm picking meals or snacks for myself. I actually got a bag of my favorite kind of potato chips as a birthday present this year! It was great! 🥰
2) What’s one piece of media you thought you might watch but just never found the time/energy for?
Goodness, my to-be-read and to-be-watched lists are embarrassingly lengthy... I feel like there's a time and place for certain stories so even things I end up really loving tend to sit on those future media lists for a long, long time. With Fairy Tail for instance, a family friend stayed with us for a while about 5 years ago and recommended it. I finally started it last year 😅 (which was perfect for me because it was really the uplifting and wholesome story I really needed at the time, but it was still a little embarrassing when I reached out to my friend like "hey thanks for that recommendation from 5 years ago. It took a long time for me to actually get around to it, but I loved it!" 😁😂).
Until recently Fairy Tail was kind of "the big thing" on my to-be-watched anime list so I had to think about this one a little bit... but I think I'd say Noragami. I had a friend who was really into it for a while, and I actually watched the first episode with her and liked it. Always intended to go back to actually watch it but kept getting distracted by other things. It's been in my queue for years now... 😅
[This was not part of the question but for manga, Blue Exorcist... I watched the anime and wanted to know what happened so I checked out a ridiculous amount of volumes from my local library (probably around 15 or so)--three separate times! Never got around to reading any of them and had to return them each of the three times. Now I'm too embarrassed to try to check them all out again 🙈]
3) Favorite character (from any media) to dislike/dunk on?
Ooh! This is such a fun question! I actually really love doing this in real life, believe it or not. My sister makes a lot of jokes that I need "Swear Jars" for certain characters because I can just bash them for hours at a time. 😂😅
I have code names for all of them so I don't give my friends spoilers if they haven't seen, read, or watched the story they're from since a lot of them aren't to that level of visceral detestation upfront and my friends would be all "What? Why this character? I know they're an antagonistic character, but...really? You don't like them that much..." (And yes, really! I don't like them that much! But I want my friends to get to have the experience of coming to their own conclusion about things without being swayed by the fact I just can't stand this or that character).
All the code names are various specific and/or unusual forms of milk (i.e. Bagged Milk, Spilled Milk, Moldy Milk ect.). It's a bit of a long story but "The Milks" phenomenon basically started when I completely misread a meme my sister sent me about one of them ("Bagged Milk"), and (after thoroughly teasing me for my silly mistake) she thought it was such a funny insult to this character to call him “Bagged Milk” so we just started calling him "Bagged Milk" when bashing on him (which was one our favorite activities at the time). It just so happened that all of my friends and all of my sister's friends were starting to get into this particular series around this time, and we wanted to have a way to discuss it with them without spoiling things, so when I went to a party with my friends and mentioned to someone that my sister and I call a particular character in the story "Bagged Milk" (trying to avoid spoilers). My friend started laughing and said he knew exactly who I was talking about before having to explain, and the code name quickly took off in my friend group and we all started calling this character "Bagged Milk." 😂 My sister introduced the same thing with her friends too so now we have a very small circle of people who just call this one character "Bagged Milk" (which honestly might be my greatest contribution to the world given how utterly detestable this character is). One of my best friends actually read this entire series for the purpose of discovering the identity of "Bagged Milk," and memes have even been made amongst my family and friends using a picture of literal bagged milk in lieu of a picture of this character. 😅 (My sense of humor is really bizarre at times, friends).
Anyway, after that really round about answer to your question, I'm going to put my actual response under the cut because I don't want to be responsible for anyone's accidental spoilers, but, naturally, I've chosen "Bagged Milk" who is the King of All of "The Milks" and started "The Milk" phenomenon in the first place. I definitely detest him the most and will bash on him for hours and hours and hours (and have so much fun doing so), so I'm going with him. 🥛
(Warnings: Spoilers for Demon Slayer below the cut)
The answer to your question is Doma from Demon Slayer (otherwise known as "Bagged Milk" in incredibly specific, small circles). UGH!! Freaking Upper Moon 2! I can't stand him. I thought about including a picture, but you know who he is and even looking at him makes me feel viscerally disgusted. I fully admit he is a well written villain and an incredibly interesting character. He is even entertaining at times--admittedly he even made me laugh on occasion which only makes him so much more detestable than he would've been otherwise. Admittedly, he is a masterfully crafted antagonist, but I cannot describe to you the complete and utter loathing and disgust I feel for him viscerally, deep in my bones. I have never enjoyed detesting a character this much (and probably never will again though I do enjoy bashing on the other "Milks"), and I have literally bashed on him for hours and hours at time. (It's one of my favorite things to do with my friends! 😁) I will spare you from me doing that here, but yes, Doma deserves to be bashed, detested, disliked, and dunked on. And I have taken it upon myself to do so which is why I need a "Bagged Milk" swear jar... 😅
Also for your trouble, please have this poor quality meme that was being passed around between my friends at the beginning of the "Bagged Milk" phenomenon... 😂
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Superior Specimen - Chapter 8
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Summary: One night when you are following the Archaeology tag on instagram you stumbled across a fun looking dig… and an even more interesting Paleontologist who soon follows you back. Over the following weeks you start chatting and a friendship soon grows.
Relationship: AU Henry Cavill x Female Reader (No race or body shape mentioned)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Warnings: Slow Burn, NSFW, 18+, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex, Drunken Piggy Back Rides, Oral Sex (Female Recieving), Drama, Theft, Amateur Heroics, Hospital Visit, Shower Sex, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Blow Job, Fingering, Lavish lifestyle, Henry is loaded, The Shard, Expensive Gifts, Sixty nine, Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Angst, Argument, Jealousy, Talk of car crashes, heroics, rough sex, use of safe words, Anal play,
I do not operate a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified whenever i post something new.
I don’t have a masterlist, but all my works are on AO3, link here. Usually i post oneshots to Tumblr and AO3, and multichapters exclusively to AO3, but as this is my first henry story and its going to be a short series, i’ll post to both places.
Chapter 8
 On the tube an old woman had offered you a tissue and had whispered quietly;
 “He’s not worth crying over my dear”
 You swallowed and smiled weakly at her;
 “Unfortunately he was… he was just an idiot too”
 “They all are my dear, they all are”
 She got off at the next stop, giving you a pat on the arm before leaving the carriage, leaving you ride the rest of the way to Fulham Broadway on your own.
 You were on autopilot when you arrived, walking through the small shopping mall that had grown around the tube station, grabbing a pair of overpriced knock-off designer sunglasses from the concession stand to hide your puffy and red eyes, swollen from crying. As you stood in the crowd at the lights to cross the road, a stream of Ambulances and Police cars screamed past, lights and sirens blasting, but it was London, every day there was a crisis or accident and you were used to them. 
 The walk to your flat was quick, just a few roads from the tube, and you were thankful you’d brought your small clutch bag from the hotel room that had your phone, wallet, and keys in. Once inside you pulled off your clothing, everything Henry had bought for you, tossing it into a heap on the floor before you climbed into bed and curled into a ball, sobbing into the pillow.
 You woke to the sound of a metal on plastic crunch from the street outside, familiar with the sound and you knew it was vehicle vs wheelie bin, an all too familiar occurrence when collection day was on a Friday and people went out that night, so the street would still be littered with bins the following day. Staring up at the ceiling you heard the doorbell ring, glaring at the ceiling but refusing to move. You didn’t care if your bin that had ended up a casualty of a car not looking where it was going, so when the bell finally timed out you closed your eyes… only to be rudely disturbed by a loud knocking on the door a minute later, a muffled voice from the other side;
 “Princess… it’s me; Henry… please, just tell me you’re ok… I’ve got to know you’re ok…”
 You could feel your emotions rising within you; a heat, an anger, and as the knocking continued you grabbed the dressing gown hanging on the back of the door and was still tying it as you pulled the door open, but surprised to see state of Henry, his clothes a mess and his face blotchy;
 “What the hell happe…”
 Your words were cut short as he pulled you into his arms, hugging you tight;
 “You’re alright… my god, you’re ok…”
 “Henry, what is going on?”
 He let you go and started pacing;
 “I was an ass, I didn’t follow you, I was stupid… I tried calling you but you never picked up…”
 “I had it on silent… I didn’t want anyone to disturb our date”
 “And then the accident, I’d gone back to the hotel, I knew it was the closest tube to where we were...”
 “There was an accident, on the road outside the London Bridge Tube, a bus and council truck collided and ran into the queue… I stayed and helped the emergency services; I was trying to find you… but you weren’t there…”
 Your hand was over your mouth, tears pooling on your lashes as you looked at him, and realised he cared so much for you that he had literally pulled people out of the wreckage of an major accident because he thought he had lost you. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you cradled the back of his head as he slumped to the floor, sobbing into your shoulder and the softness of your dressing gown. 
 Finally he pulled his head back, a weak smile on his face as he looked into your eyes, and you saw a different Henry, one that was fragile, one that needed you as much as you needed him.
 “C’mon, let me put the kettle on”
 Sipping on sweet tea as you both sat at the kitchen table, dunking Digestive biscuits in the deep brown steaming mugs, you looked him up and down;
 “You are a mess”
 He glanced down and realised his shirt and jeans were covered in dirt, grime, and in some places blood;
 “You’re right” he paused before looking back to you; “Look, I’ve got a suggestion… pack a bag. Comfy clothing, overnight things. We’ll head back to the hotel and collect our things, then head back to my place. I’ll cook dinner and we can talk… ask all those things we’ve both wanted to ask since we met, yeah?”
 He looked at you like a hopeful puppy, his deep blue eyes watery where he feared you would say no, but as you nodded he let out the breath he had been holding, and a genuine smile spread over his face.
 Henry opened the door to his place and stepped aside, letting you enter and look around as he shut the door, resting all the bags from the hotel room on the shiny white tiles that covered the floor. 
 “This is your place?”
 “It’s home for the next few months” he shut the door and wrapped his arm around you; “I gave up on having a permanent place about five years ago. I would always come back to a dust filled nightmare and a fridge that was a biohazard. I keep a PO box for any mail and a storage unit for my things that I don’t need when I’m away”
 You looked at him;
 “It sounds very… lonely…”
 He paused, considering your words;
 “I’ve never thought about it that way… but, you’re right” he wrapped his arms around you, his gaze intense; “I’m sorry I over-reacted earlier… about your flatmate. I was just… I don’t know, so focused I guess on this amazing thing we have now, and what we were talking about last night… how those I fall for push me away when I have to leave… I could only think ‘this guy will be around when I’m not’...”
 You reached up and cupped his cheek with your hand, realising in that moment that for all the bravado and confidence, beneath that Henry was just like you, like anyone else, and feared losing those he cared for;
 “I would wait… I will wait…”
 You pressed a kiss to his lips, and the pair of you just held each other for the longest time, before he pulled away;
 “What kind of host am I? I haven’t even offered you a cup of tea!”
 Laughing you followed him into the kitchen, looking around at the sparse worktops, all the cupboards pristine white. Even the appliances were just plain brushed aluminium. As the kettle bubbled away you pushed yourself up onto the central island, sitting on the marble countertop as you watched Henry move around the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of milk, sniffing it and cringing;
 “Okay, tea may be off the menu… the milk’s off”
 Pausing he opened the cupboard, shoulders slumping when he saw the empty tea caddy;
 “No tea either…”
 Leaning back you pulled your phone from your pocket and opened google maps;
 “This is Warwick Square, right?”
 You pinched the screen and zoomed out, jumping off the counter;
 “C’mon, there’s a Tesco Express just around the corner”
 Walking hand in hand around Pimlico with Henry, it dawned on you that you had never visited this part of London, the sights and sounds much like most of the city, but where each little borough had its own character. Once you reached the supermarket he grabbed a basket and picked up the few things he needed, before his hand hovered over the selection of biscuits;
 “Ok, make or break time to find out if we are truly compatible” his voice had an element of mischief in it as he spoke; “Milk or Dark Chocolate Digestives?”
 You looked at the selection before you set your hand down on the bright blue packet;
 “Trick question, we both know the true answer is Milk Chocolate Hobnobs”
 He laughed as you dropped the packet into the basket, wrapping his massive arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest;
 “I knew there was a reason I loved you” he turned to the row of refrigerators on the other side of the isle, unaware of what he’d said, and how your eyes were a little wider as you took in his admission; “Shall I make some burnt offerings for you tonight? I have somewhat limited culinary skills, but I can rustle up something with meat or fish…”
 Nodding you were still a little stunned, finally finding your voice;
 “Yeah, I’ll eat anything”
 He cocked an eyebrow and you playfully batted at his arm;
 “Oh shut up” you laughed
 Dinner had been nice. An easy dish of roasted pork, Henry had thrown in some potatoes and had let them roast with alongside, and a simple salad. The one thing he did have readily stocked in his place was alcohol, and between the two of you an entire bottle of vintage Pinot Noir had been sunk over the course of dinner, and as you watched him stack the dishwasher you spread out on the massive white sofa that dominated the open plan space. You couldn’t help yourself but you popped the button of your jeans, letting out a sigh of relief. 
 Checking your phone you reopened your roommates’ email and read it again, before hitting reply. You knew deep down you wouldn’t be able to get a mortgage, but asked that you be kept in the loop and would start looking for another place come Monday. Having hit send you saw another email, this time from your Manager, requesting that you attend a review on Monday morning;
 “Huh, so much for giving me a week off” you muttered to yourself, before looking up and seeing Henry approaching you, two full glasses of red wind in hand.
 “Everything ok?”
 Taking the glass you smiled;
 “Yeah, work want me to go in for a review on Monday morning”
 “Did they say what it was about?”
 “No, but I’m guessing ‘playing heroics and injuring yourself on the job isn’t in your job description, please don’t sue us’ is probably on the agenda”
 Settling next to you he rested a hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze;
 “I’m sure you’re right” he sipped at the wine before setting it on the small table at the side; “Hey I meant to ask, does your roommate have an Instagram account or Facebook page?”
 “Yeah, I’ll pull it up. Its where he’s trying to do more serious photography”
 He nodded and tapped at his phone for a few seconds before setting it aside, raising his glass again and clinking it against yours;
 By the time the last dregs of the 2nd bottle of wine were drained from your glasses you were drunk as skunks and just an amorous. You were draped over Henry’s lap, his hand was attempting to sneak under your t-shirt as you curled one hand in his hair, wrapping a deep brown strand around your finger as you kissed him lazily. When his hand finally found your breast you moaned at his touch, his lips brushing against your neck;
 “I think we should take this to the bedroom”
 You giggled;
 “With the amount of wine we’ve had? Can you still get it up?”
 He pushed his crotch up against you;
 “Princess I’m already ‘up’, now I need to be in, and I don’t care which hole, I just want to feel you around my dick as we have some nasty drunk sex”
 You attempted to slide off his lap and land on your feet, but what really happened was you tumbled into a heap on the soft white rug, one leg still on the sofa as the other hit the coffee table and your ass in the air;
 “Help!” you cried out, giggling as Henry stood and swayed, before wrapping his arm around your waist and carrying you under his arm to the bedroom like a misbehaving poodle in Harrods.
 He dropped you onto the bed and in the light from the lounge you watched as he yanked his t-shirt over his head, and started to unfasten his jeans, letting out a sigh of relief when the massive bulge in his boxers was allowed more room to grow. With a growl be bent over you and pulled your jeans down your legs, your panties following suit, before flipping you over so you were on your front. He went to reach for your ass but had forgotten his jeans were still around his thighs, and he proceeded to trip-tumble onto the bed beside you. You couldn’t help but to giggle into the soft duvet, and it earned you a single spank on your ass that make you squeal.
 Rolling onto your back you looked at Henry as he huffed and puffed to take his jeans and boxers off, and you spread your legs as your hands strayed to your pussy;
 “Are you doing to fuck me, or shall I just get myself started?” you said with more sass than needed, but it earned you a low groan and you could have sworn you heard seams ripping as he finally rid himself of his clothes.
 “Cheeky wench!” Henry pounced on you, pulling your top over your head before fumbling with your bra, finally getting you out of it as he flung it across the room and you heard it hit something in the darkness; “I’ll show you, gonna fuck you so good you’ll have to sit on a cushion when you go into work on Monday”
 He flipped you over and pulled your ass up, and you instinctively arched your back and bared yourself to him, prone and ready, begging for attention. You felt his hands smooth over your ass before dipping between your legs;
 “Already so wet for me, you need me to fuck this cunt Princess? Fill you up with my cum? Or should I cum over your beautiful tits, so you can watch me as I spray my load on you, huh?”
 He slid two fingers into your soaked hole, stretching you as his thumb found your clit and he rubbed harshly at it, the wine making him lose his finesse but up his pressure. When he pulled his fingers out you let out a needy whine, only to feel him press his dick against you, rutting into your crease and smearing your juices over himself. 
 The friction was delicious, and you found yourself pressing back and eager for more, earning a low chuckle to rumble up from Henry’s chest;
 “You like that Princess? Like me rubbing my dick against your asshole?”
 “Oh fuck… fuck… more…”
 You felt him spit on your ass as he lowered his dick and slowly but firmly filled your pussy. As you were getting used to be filled so deep you felt his thumb press against your asshole;
 Suddenly Henry stopped;
 You turned, looking over your shoulder;
 “Look Hen, I may be up for some anal play, but lube… you gotta use lube…”
 You saw him look back and forth between your ass and his bedside drawers, as if trying to work out whether to forget the ass play and just fuck your pussy, or to give up your pussy for just a few seconds and get the lube. In the end the lube won, and he quickly slid out of you, leaning across the bed and yanking the drawer open, before pulling out a small bottle of Durex Lube. You saw it and grinned;
 “Ooh nice one. Make sure there’s enough for a tit-wank in the morning”
 Henry paused and looked at you, and you could almost see his brain short circuiting at what you’d said as it fought through the wine haze;
 “Fuck, if I didn’t want to fuck you doggy style quite so much I’d say let’s do that now…”
 He settled behind you and rammed his dick straight back into you, making you squeal as he filled you. You heard the quiet squeeze of the pump on the bottle before the cool gel fell on the crease of your ass and his fingers started to massage against your back door. He ran his finger around and around your brown rose, and you could feel yourself relaxing and trying to push back to get him to go further, making you whine;
 “Please Hen… do something…”
 He ran his thumb over your asshole and rested it on it before finally pushing in, holding the digit inside just up to the first knuckle, and that’s when he started to move in your pussy.
 “So. Fucking. Good. My dirty little Princess…”
 You whined for more, for him to go harder, deeper, and he did so with glee;
 “You want more? Fuck yes, take my dick, can feel your insides parting for me, you like my thumb in your ass? Like being double stuffed?”
 “Fuck…” your head was swimming, your chest resting against the bed as you snuck your hand between your legs and started to strum at your clit, urging your orgasm on as Henry turned into a feral beast behind you, fucking you raw and dirty, you pushing back for each thrust to feel him deeper and split you wider.
 Your orgasm happened without warning, screaming out his name as you came so hard he was sure if he hadn’t pulled his thumb out your muscles would have broken the bones in it. Your knees gave way and you slumped down onto the bed, Henry still deep inside you, fucking you as you lay spent on the bed;
 “So close… almost there…
 “Cum on my ass Hen…” you muttered as he railed into you, and you heard a groan as he pulled out of you, seconds later the splash of his hot seed landing on your naked ass, back and thighs.
 For a moment everything went quiet before you felt him wiping his cum from you, and he moved you in the bed until you were curled up in his arms, the little spoon to his big;
 “You’re fucking amazing Princess, I fucking love you so much” he slurred, before the two of you feel asleep in drunken stupors.
Chapter 9 >>>
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I posted 700 times in 2021
100 posts created (14%)
600 posts reblogged (86%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.0 posts.
I added 155 tags in 2021
#community nbc - 25 posts
#community - 22 posts
#six seasons and a movie - 21 posts
#but i love queue more than words can say - 16 posts
#six seasons and a goddamn movie - 14 posts
#jeff winger - 12 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 12 posts
#gravity falls - 11 posts
#atla - 11 posts
#abed nadir - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#(cough cough that scene towards the end where jeff is arguing that britta is crazy because she doesn't want to try to succeed because she…
My Top Posts in 2021
Okay, hear me out: 
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They have the same energy.
45 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 04:46:28 GMT
Why do all the Desi people on this website know each other I feel like I broke into a very exclusive club and everyone's judging me while I dance
49 notes • Posted 2021-04-01 22:05:16 GMT
@Community fans, I just thought of this while eating dinner, and it was too cool (at least, IMO) not to share. Have fun with it!
Okay, so, remember the brightest timeline from “Remedial Chaos Theory?” This episode made me wanna find a group of strangers to be a found family with and solidly cemented found family as my favorite trope in all of media
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Well, obviously, the lesson to take away from that is that Jeff can (and does) often go overboard in shutting others down. Kinda like an anchor - he can tell the study group when to stop and reign them in, but sometimes he’s too intense and ends up dragging everyone down instead. 
Some people even jokingly say that this is the best timeline because Pierce doesn’t get to tell his Eartha Kitt story. And he even has the perfect segue to do so - whereas in the other timelines, Pierce has to kinda shoehorn the story in there, he doesn’t have to for this one because Troy literally says that Jeff sucks harder than an airplane bathroom. And yet he chooses not to tell the story! 
And while I believe that this timeline is the best because of those reasons, I also believe there’s one major player being overlooked: Britta.
Britta is a buzzkill. The show has established this (though personally, I don’t see it) continuously, ever since the season 1 episode “The Science of Illusion.” (leading to one of the most tragically funny lines in the entire series for me - “Knock knock! Who’s there, cancer? Oh, good, come on in, i ThoUGht iT wAS bRitTA”)
But a surprising thing to note is that the best timeline, this timeline, is the only one where Britta is allowed to be herself. Britta, the notorious buzzkill, actually starts the fun. Britta, who is constantly dunked on in the show for ruining things, is the one who lifts the group’s spirits. 
I guess one could take that to mean Britta is, actually, the heart of the show, to paraphrase from Jeff in “The Science of Illusion.” 
And this is what makes me so upset about the Britta haters in the fandom and the way her character was treated by others in the show. Britta brings so MUCH (the group was basically/indirectly formed because of her) but she still gets so dunked on by the rest of the group and a (significant minority) of the fandom. 
But I guess that’s also what I admire about Britta. Her determination. She gets hated on day after day after day (thanks for that, Dan Harmon & co.; look, I love the guy’s writing, but...like...he’s not perfect), but she still comes back, day after day after day, ready to love and wanting, at her core, to be a good person. She could have become so jaded and cynical after being constantly hated on, but she still wants to do right by her friends and be good. 
Britta has her flaws, sure, but people often forget that Britta brings a lot to the group because she’s low-hanging fruit to laugh at. And I think the fandom needs to hear this every once in a while: Britta is more than a flawed, hypocritical soapbox Sadie. Britta is a kickass role model, overcompensating for what she lacks with her heart. 
I know Britta would hate this comparison, but I’ve always felt that Britta is the Cinderella of Community - a kind and caring female badass trapped in a place that doesn’t (always) appreciate her worth, even though she’s making said place so much better. And “Remedial Chaos Theory” is a good reminder of that. 
50 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 04:01:55 GMT
Dr. Drakken ran so Doofenshmirtz could fly
54 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 03:47:13 GMT
If your partner doesn’t wanna name the children Toby and Roby, F it. Throw the whole relationship away, it’s not worth it
56 notes • Posted 2021-01-22 18:48:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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justicebled · 3 years
some psa / vacation / etc.
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so, a few things, also explains my slowness / focusing on asks above threads to raven, all my new brave vesperia pals / castmates / and mutuals.
next week i’m going on a vacation trip for a week! bringing my laptop and i’ll pop in to fill the dash but. it’s not my priority to focus writing when i’m supposed to get a well needed rest. shit happens in life. as you know it’s been happenin’ to all of us! i’m not so stubborn and prideful ( i kinda am ) that i won’t know my limits.
 so i’ll be leaving on sunday, and i’ll give a small psa that i’ll queue fo you to get a head’s up. and yes i’m goin’ somewhere tropical i love my nieces and nephews but i am the cool aunt and i am going to spray them with water guns and splash them silly. no mercy. ( i actually do care i’m just the chaotic / neutral aunt / cool one. ) 
new theme by @zelotae​ ! gonna put it up at her discretion and make it dash only while i tinker with it. i’m bad at coding! 
also this is exciting but...for a year and a half i’ve been planning to rescue a dog from an adoption agency. i sent in my application three days ago. my first one so far is for a great pyrenees. you’d think i’d have a german shepherd or wolf like dog but! big polar bear. either way i’ll likely if she doesn’t come through name the dog sasha. in essence? she’ll be my partner. my repede so to speak.
this really takes a lot of my stubborn pride but i’ll be going on some meds to get the brain fog’s ass kicked post trip. i’m pretty tough so i’ll be able to manage and do what i wanna. but if i act weird head’s up i guess?
as my brain fog clears, by my own desire, my ability to do threads i owe will. like the strawberry moon incident ( looking at you raven ) . 
essentially also i’ll be focusing on giving some attention to fullmetal goblin aka edward el.ric / yu.na. yuri is the blog. but i consider them projects / hobbies. so thanks for bein’ patient i guess! i really do appreciate everyone’s interest and if we haven’t interacted before you  genuinely can ping me. my focus is organizing for the trip and packing and also my application has me a bit distracted. i really like the dog i looked at it, but as a hard realist as awesome as the app i feel was? i know if it’s not her it’ll be someone else. and yes she’ll get a ‘pede’ at the end of her chosen name as a nickname because 
short threads will be prioritized and i won’t take on any more asks at this time. me bein’ ‘slow’ doesn’t equal disinterest. i have a lot of admittedly talented partners, and some of you got inside and have even become friends. so you know my intentions for a rough personality. anyway!
........i really wanna splash or dunk my nephew. okay not dunk but. i am the one who encouraged him in minecraft to set stuff on fire. i was so proud he did. my sister was not pleased...
that’s it folks and as it draws nearer i’ll drop the dates for my own organization of the trip HAH. your girl’s gonna be sipping pina coladas and trolling her family.  stay rebellious.
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squirrelstothenuts · 3 years
Tagged by @senjo thank you! A little late but things go wrong, shit happens, life goes on I guess
Why did you choose your url? It’s actually a quote from the movie “Cluny Brown” directed by Ernst Lubitsch from 1946 about a rather unconventional girl who refuses to understand what her “place” in society is. Basically it just means: do what you want if it makes you happy - who cares if everybody else thinks you’re nuts.
Ninotchka, To Be or Not to Be, Design for Living, The Shop Around the Corner... You can't go wrong with any of his movies especially his Hollywood career. Probably my favorite directors with Wilder, Kurosawa, Capra, Ford, Mankiewicz, Howard Hawks, Keaton...
The full quote courtesy of IMDB : Nobody can tell you where your place is. Where is my place? Where is everybody's place? I'll tell you where it is. Wherever you're happy - that's your place. And happiness is a matter of purely personal adjustment to your environment. You're the sole judge. In Hyde Park, for instance, some people like to feed nuts to the squirrels. But if it makes you happy to feed squirrels to the nuts, who am I to say, "nuts to the squirrels?"
Any side blogs? none. only have a squirrelstothenutstest url on private for theming purposes.
How long have you been on tumblr? Since 2012 but was private and didn’t post anything until 2017. I was only browsing classic movies back then on tumblr (silent, western, screwball, film noir, musicals...)
Do you have a queue tag? No but it’s super rare when I don’t queued/scheduled a post.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? It’s not obvious but my original intent behind this blog was to scan and share some photos (Gene Tierney, Toshiro Mifune, Bogart, Cagney, Crawford, Bergman, Harold Lloyd…) from my collection… but scanner died.
And now it’s just for sharing some cool cuts/moments in animation. Still waiting for Tumblr to implement real native webp, gif is an old format from another time. It’s so superior: a 9mo gif is equivalent to a 3mo webp (and without grain).
Why did you choose your icon? Because In This Corner of the World had me in tears when I saw it in theater. I was crying for half of it (the second half).
Why did you choose your header? in the desktop version of my theme, nothing. On mobile, it’s the JJK ending with Haikyuu’s characters. I’m a sucker for dancing sequences in animation.
What’s your post with the most notes? not sure... maybe this blade runner’s gif (when the size limit was 3mo^^)
How many followers do you have? π 
How many people do you follow? 616
Have you ever made a shitpost? probably not
How often do you use Tumblr? everyday but not on my dash anymore, I’m using a rss aggregator (feedly) it’s easier to not miss a post that way and you don’t have to deal with ads on mobile. The internet would be useless without rss for me.
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? nope, i got twitter for dunking on right wing people lol
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”? I'm the kind of the person who tends to compartmentalize my use of social media... so I mostly ignore it on tumblr.
Do you like tag games? Do you like ask games? yes, there’s some ask game about music I would like to do but I’m too anxious that no one would pitch it back to me^^
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? we’re on tumblr, everyone is a misfit right here, being tumblr famous is useless
Do you have a crush on a mutual? come on, we’re adults.
Tagging (it’s up to you, you don’t have to if you want): @spaceghosting @nuzell07 @halfpints @kabochapie @flowerymoments @mysterymellie @1gm @mangacapsaicin @silvadour
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 113
Sooo.... I completely did not realize my queue dumped itself again, or that this chapter didn’t post when it should have. So I’m sorry for the slightly-delayed update!
Thanks to @baelpenrose​ for their beta-reading, as always.  This chapter loops back to something that came up previously and I hate loose ends dangling around everywhere. Content warnings for anger issues, trauma, and poor coping mechanisms.
“Dude, I’m making soup,” I jokingly scolded Maverick as I took the bowl of pumpkin seeds away from him.  After the camping trip, I had made the brilliant decision to roast the seeds we had harvested. All of them. Ten pounds of them, it turned out.  How he wasn’t sick of eating them, I had no idea.
 With a pout, he made grabby-hands at the bowl. “What kind?”
 “Potato,” I informed him as I pivoted away and carried the bowl back to the kitchen and put the lid on it.
It didn’t take long for him to join me and start requesting potatoes from the food console.  Even though they were freshly-generated and already clean, he started washing them anyway.  I was pretty sure the action ranked up there with utensils being in exactly-the-right place, because he always washed the vegetables that he got from the console.  It didn’t hurt anything, though, so we generally just let him do it.
About an hour later, we were sitting at the table with two bowls of velvety, off-white soup - his topped with sour cream, bacon, and cheese, mine just topped with scallions - and dug in.  Conor was on Beta-shift at work currently, so we made sure to put the lid on the rest to keep it warm.  Even though the temperature on the Ark never changed beyond a ten-degree variance, the camping trip had triggered something in me that said “Autumn”, and soup was exactly what I needed right then.
I had just finished my first bowl, and Maverick was halfway through his second - with somehow even more bacon - when the door opened and Conor stalked in.  Everything in his body language screamed that he was angry about something, and I subconsciously held my breath.  Glancing at Maverick, I saw him arch an eyebrow at me before turning to our clearly-upset partner.
“Everything okay?” he ventured slowly.
“Work. Huynh,” he grunted, shoving a hand through his hair as he started pacing into the kitchen, past the table, into the living room, and back.  “Stupid pre-fab structures. We don’t… Stupid!” Grasping for words, he only seemed to get more and more frustrated.  On his next trip into the kitchen, he grabbed a bowl and  thought he was going to try to eat, but instead I saw him start to raise the bowl higher.
Maverick stood, rushed over, and snatched the bowl from him. “We talked about this. If you throw that, you’ll give Sophia the panic attack she is trying not to have right now. I told you before, if you give her a panic attack again, I would knock you out. Please don’t make me keep my word.” Rather than angry, he sounded distressed and sad. “What are you supposed to do when you get frustrated like this?”
“Run,” Conor grunted, rubbing his face briskly before gesturing at his sweat-stained coveralls. “And I did. For miles and miles. It didn’t help. And I’m supposed to try to talk about what I’m angry about, but that’s even more frustrating, because I… I can’t explain it fast enough.”
Nodding, Maverick ladled soup into the bowl before gently pushing Conor to the table and setting the now-full bowl in front of him.  Without even realizing what he was doing, Conor started tearing a roll in half and dipping it in the soup - he ate every soup like that, and it was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. But it meant he was calming down, apparently, because he couldn’t rant and eat at the same time, and the man had priorities.
“I’m frustrated, because Huynh wants us to start prototypes for the pre-fabs that we will be using on Von,” he confessed, angrily dunking another chunk of bread and shoving it in his mouth. “I still think it’s too early.  I talked to Noah, and the last information they have about the planet is a decade old.  We aren’t close enough to drop out of whatever FTL we are using and get fresh scans, and we can’t get communications while we’re travelling, apparently, because… FTL.”
I nodded tentatively, encouraging him to go on, and started putting butter on a roll to keep myself calm.  So far, he wasn’t nearly as angry as it usually took for him to start throwing things, and he hadn’t had an episode in a while, so…. So far, so good.
He saw my nod and kept going. “I just think he’s putting the cart before the horse. We shouldn’t be constructing things based on old data, and major climate change can happen over ten years.” We’d found that out the hard way, unfortunately.
“What does Charly think?” Maverick asked.
“She’s on Gamma shift this week, so I didn’t get a chance to ask her,” he confessed sullenly.  At this point, he was out of soup and still trying to stab a piece of bread through the bottom of his bowl, so Maverick gently took it away and refilled it. “Thanks, love. So, I couldn’t ask Charly her suggestion, Huynh won’t listen, and I just… I feel like I’m barking in the wind.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I tried to do everything I was supposed to do.”
“I don’t think it’s working.” Maverick’s statement wasn’t said unkindly, and Conor shrugged and nodded in response. “What else have you and your therapist discussed?”
“I have an appointment tomorrow,” he answered, rather than answering the question.
“Then you need to talk to them about another way to vent your frustration,” Maverick insisted. “And where these anger issues are coming from.”
Conor mumbled something, prompting us to lean forward to better hear him.  When I made a gesture to repeat himself, he sighed. “We’ve talked about that, and I think I know where it’s coming from, it’s just…. It’s embarrassing.”
“It can’t be any more embarrassing than anything you know about either of us,” Maverick tried to point out, prompting me to scowl at him. “Hey! I literally slept through the end of the world.”
That got a chuckle out of Conor, but he got serious again quickly. “The anger…” he started, clearly reluctant. “So, I was an orphan. Parents died when I was - four? Five?” We nodded - this wasn’t new information so far. They’d died in an accident, and neither had any family. He’d mentioned siblings, but they were his foster siblings throughout the years. “I got bounced around the foster system a bit as a kid, but I think I got lucky.  None of my foster families were bad, necessarily, but I think that made it worse when I got moved from home to home.  Every time I started to let myself get close and open up…. I would get taken and moved to another family for one reason or another.  This family moved, that couple got too old to keep fostering kids, one of my foster mom’s got cancer and her wife couldn’t take care of me and Mum at the same time.  No one’s fault but… I felt so betrayed. So I… I started getting angry and pushing people away, making sure that I wouldn’t get close to them just to lose them again.” That word, betrayed, tickled something in my mind.  It was too familiar. “I got moved from family to family even more after that, but it hurt less, right? Because I wasn’t getting attached, and I was being moved because of anger issues. Because of something I did.”
“So… you’re pushing us away?” I asked, not even trying to hide my hurt feelings.
“I’m getting there, swear.” His response was very firm before he picked up where he left off. “Eventually, I turned eighteen, I was on my own, and now I really felt like I had control over my life.  I started an engineering program, I saw a therapist, and a lot of that anger went away.”
“That’s where the You we normally see came out?” Maverick asked, direct as always.
“Yeah. I was happier, calmer… I wasn’t a scared little boy anymore. I felt more stable.”
“And then…?”
“And then the world went tits up,” Conor laughed sadly. “I didn’t have much control over which people were in my life and which weren’t, but it was the After, right? I did manage to find a group who were pretty peaceful, and I stuck it out there.  Then I woke up here, and I could be happy again. I tried to be the version of myself that I liked, instead of that angry little boy.”
That was when it clicked. Betrayed. “Then Arantxa…”
“Yeah, then Arantxa,” he confirmed quietly.  “And you almost died.”
Tyche’s words from the day she busted my lip came back to me. For three weeks, I had to watch you try to figure out if you were going to live or die! Conor had to watch you… “Three times,” I whispered without realizing it.
“Twice,” Conor corrected, not realizing I was talking about what Tyche had said. “Once after you were attacked, and once when we were trying to figure out what was going on with Else.” Huffing, he shoved his now-empty bowl toward Maverick. “Please take that, I’m getting angry again.”
“Thanks for recognizing that,” Maverick nodded. “But I don’t think you’re mad. I think you just feel out of control again thinking about it.”
“That’s what my therapist says,” he admitted. “But inside, it feels like anger. And after Arantxa, when I started feeling that kind of angry, I… I felt like that scared little boy again. I didn’t realize I was doing it, until I started talking to Josh, but they think I subconsciously started pushing you away more every time something would happen.” He took a deep breath to compose himself. “To… I don’t know, make you show me who you ‘really’ are, to make you leave me before you can decide to leave, or before you actually die one time.”
“So, this is about me,” I ventured slowly. “Not Maverick at all.”
“I don’t mean it’s your fault,” Conor objected quickly. “None of this is your fault, that I react the wrong way when I feel like I need more control over situations.��
It started dawning on me what he was talking about. “PTSD.  You’re talking about PTSD. Not just the kind we all have from the After, but… from moving around so much when you were growing up. From not having a secure situation.”  
My mind started racing, connecting the dots.  Before moving in with me, neither Maverick nor Conor had what would have been considered ‘proper’ quarters - both had essentially chosen personal quarters barely big enough for a bed.  Maverick had admitted early on when we were still only friends, that he had chosen his because he never really had anything and spent his entire life after his dad died wandering from place to place, never really belonging. So he had a habit of being ready to pick up and go at a moment’s notice, and tried to take up as little space as possible in the process.  It was no secret - he did it deliberately and had no shame regarding the situation.  
It had never occurred to me that Conor did the same thing without realizing it.
Maverick shook his head.  I thought he was negating what I had said, but then he sighed. “We’re a mess, you know that?” Leaning back, he stretched and put his hands behind his head. “I think we should have a therapy session or four, together, about all this.”
Both Conor and I turned slowly to stare at him, wide-eyed. “When did you start being the sensible one?”
He pointed a finger at me. “You run headfirst into every dangerous situation you can find.” The finger flicked to point at Conor. “And you are convinced you’re an idiot, which is the only idiotic thing I’ve actually heard you say.”  Smugly, he put his hands back behind his head and smiled. “I’ve always been the sensible one.”
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dual1pa · 4 years
late night swim
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(gif isn’t mine)
A/N: Hi! This is my first time writing an Outer Banks imagine! Hope you like it :) requests are open for JJ requests!
Warnings: fluff, light smut
Word Count: 1.3k
Secretly dating a Pogue was tough. It was hard keeping a secret from your rich, privileged family. Yes, you were a Kook. You were more comfortable with your Pogue friends rather than your Kook friends: they all were so preppy wearing their Vineyard Vines button up shirts and kakis. You weren’t into it. You definitely preferred the Pogue lifestyle. And no, your parents didn’t know a thing and you planned on keeping it that way… at least for the time being. To meet up with your boyfriend, JJ, you would wait anxiously by your window and watch for him as he entered your backyard. Thankfully, your room was on the first floor so it was easy for you to get in and out quietly and safely. Sure, you could hang out with JJ and the rest of his friends daily, which you do. But it’s always fun to sneak out every night. The chance of getting caught macking on a cute blonde boy excited you. You had plans to tell your parents about JJ one day, you just didn’t know when that day would come. You desperately wanted your parents to be proud of you. You wanted them to accept the person you want to be with, and that person is JJ. A typical night with JJ would consists of heated make out sessions behind trees, walks around the neighborhood, or just ended up hanging out in your room. When you went out, you mostly stayed in the area of your house just in case something happened and you needed to get back in your room ASAP. You’ve been successful for weeks, you just hoped it stayed like that. - Once 12:00 A.M. hit, you were up and dressed waiting for JJ to come pick you up for another date night. You heard your phone ding, walking over you pressed on the notification. It was a text from JJ. “Wear a bathing suit under your clothes babe. Have an idea.” read the text. You bit your lip, trying to contain your smile. What did he have in mind tonight? You quickly changed into a black bikini and put on a pair of jean shorts and gray spaghetti strap tank top. Right on queue, JJ quietly knocked on your window. You turned off your lights and put some pillows underneath your sheets to make it look like you were asleep. You quietly opened the window and left it open just a crack so you could get back in. “Hi.” your arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him in for a wet kiss. “Hello, beautiful. Did you get my text?” “‘course I did! Have on your favorite bikini on.” you lean forward, biting down on his lip. He moaned at your gesture. “What do you have planned, JJ?” He winked and grabbed your hand, walking through the green grass not telling you a thing. You walked hand in hand down the dark road. The only light sources were the dim street lights and the moon. You broke the silence, “So you’re really not gonna tell me where we’re going?” JJ shook his head, “Nope. It’s a surprise.” Once we got to the surprise location, he double checked his surroundings before leading you to a giant backyard with a pool. “JJ… what are we—“ He cut you off, “Shh…,” he put a finger to your lips, “Mr. Jannsen lives here alone and he’s definitely passed out by now. Figured we borrow his pool for a couple hours?” Mr. Jannsen is a retired realtor and he isn’t the nicest of people. His wife died a few years ago. Once that happened, he turned into a grump who only leaves the house for essentials. People rarely see him… ever. “JJ, we literally can’t be here!” you whispered, pulling him back. “We can be here… as long as we don’t get caught.” he winked. He kept glancing at the house to make sure no lights or movements were seen. “What if he’s awake! You don’t know!” You couldn’t lie, you were a bit nervous. Luckily, if you were to get caught, the houses were pretty far apart that it would be hard to hear someone yelling “GET OUT OF MY POOL!” “Oh will you relax? Actually, get into the pool and I’ll get you relaxed.” he pressed a quick kiss on your lips and walked over to the side of the pool. He dipped a toe into the pool. 
JJ scrapped his shirt and shorts and got into the pool first. The pool light, thankfully, automatically goes off and on every night. Thank God it wasn’t motion censored. Once he was comfortable with the cool temperature of the pool he stretched out his hand for you to hold onto as you stepped into the water. He watched as you stripped into your bathing suit. You twist your hair into a bun. Don’t want your hair getting wet, not tonight. 
Goosebumps rose on your skin. When you make it all the way into the water, you latch onto your boyfriend. His hands roam your back and eventually land on your ass. Your legs end up wrapped around his torso. He dunked his head underwater, his hair slicked back due to the weight of the water. 
You got off of him, now standing.“This is fun. The thought of us getting caught is kinda hot.” 
“We won’t get caught!” JJ said for probably the hundredth time. 
He carefully pushed you backwards till your back hit the wall. His hands explored your body. His lips attached to yours, his tongue licking into your mouth. You moan into his mouth, moving your face so his lips hit your cheek. His hands roam up to the back of your bikini. He began to untie the string. Your bathing suit becoming looser. His hands went up to massage your breasts. You were so into what he was doing until bright lights lit up the backyard. Both of you stop your actions immediately. 
“Shit!” JJ whispered. The two of you got out of the pool as fast as you could. 
You grabbed your clothes and ran to hide behind the thick bushes. The both of you breathing heavily as you watched the old man come onto his porch and look out into his backyard. 
“Whoever you were better be out of here before I come down there with my gun!” Mr. Jannsen warned. 
Luckily, he didn’t see specifically who it was. He turned off the lights once he thought the coast was clear. 
“Fuck! That was close.” you giggle. 
JJ helped you tie your bathing suit so you could put your clothes back on, JJ the same. The two of you walked hand in hand laughing at the new memory you would talk about forever.
 “Are you gonna come with us on the water tomorrow? Gonna be a beautiful day.” JJ asked, opening your window enough for you to sneak back in. 
“Sounds amazing. I’ll meet you at John B’s house around 11?” you asked, giving JJ one last hug before sliding back into your room. 
“Sure. I think most of us will still be asleep at that time, but I’ll make sure I’m awake. You know where I sleep.” he leans against your window sill.
 “Okay.” your lips close to his. He closes the space between you and pressed a sweet, wet and long kiss to your lips. 
This was the hardest part of the evening, saying goodbye. If it was possible, he would just sleep with you and leave early in the morning but the people who work in the garden and on the lawn come really early in the morning and it would be impossible to sneak him out.
 “Bye, baby. I love you.” he said. 
“Love you, too.” you blow him a kiss. You couldn’t wait until you saw JJ and the rest of the new tomorrow.  
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Darkwing Double Feature: The Quiverwing Quack and Paint Misbehavin (Paint Misbehavin Comissoned by WeirdKev27)
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Greetings darkwings of the night! It’s time to return to our daring duck of mystery for a third double feature! This one’s been a longtime coming.. as in since around black friday when I did a comissions sale. As usual Kev was my only customer and he bought both Splatter Phoenix episodes... and I shamefully admit this one has sat in my queue for a while as I wanted to finish the justice ducks retrospective first, as I also wanted to cover Quiverwing Quack’s first appearance, on my own time, and I wanted to save doing any Negaduck till I got done with Justice Ducks.  And that’s where errors were made, as I PAUSED said retrospective forgetting I both had this review sitting in my queue, and that I really didnt have that much left to go on it. SO yeah this took WAY longer than I usually do for a commission, and I apologize for that and i’m happy to correct it, with this, along with the freebie I gave him at the time, coming out tommorow i’ll finally be caught up and promise this won’t happen again.  So with my needed apologizes out of the way, let’s talk about why this is a double feature. Simple: Paint Misbehavin is Quiverwing Quack, Gosalyn’s superhero alter ego’s, only other appearance on the show. It would appear in the comics.. in a fashion.. but we’ll get to that. So it dind’t feel quite right covering one without the other, especially since this version of gos is a fan faviorite of many. So does our  archer live up to the hype? Let’s get dangerous under the cut and find out. 
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The Quiverwing Quack:
This.. may be the best Darkwing i’ve seen so far. There is some competition of course, but this one is easily the frontrunner. It’s hilarious, has a really great and intresting plot, few faults, and is just.. about as good as this show can get. I could end that here but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t, so let’s get into why. 
The episode starts with a fairly typical day for Darkwing: Fighting Negaduck, hilariously as always, and mocking his arch enemy for only being Public Enemy #2 behind Dr. Slug, an oft mentioned but never seen in an actual episode villian that’s apparently one of DW’s deadliest foes. So already we have a great motive for Negaduck, who usually just has the motive of “destroy darkwing’ or do evil, though to the show’s credit, just looking at the summaries for his other eps alone, they NEVER ran out of ideas for the guy or forgot he was as clever as he was ax crazy. 
But just as he’s about to beat darkwing, Gosalyn arrives with an archery set Launchpad purchased for her and easily holds him down. And rather than be greatful Drake is mad at her and feels the arrows are too dangerous which.. fair those look to be real arrows but not the time or place.  Gosalyn however is angry her dad stopped her and is chafing both under his overprotectivness and feeling this is about ego, creates her own crime fighting alter ego Quiverwing Quack, dragging Honker along as her sidekick Arrow Boy. He dosen’t WANT to get into hero work, but he’s afraid she’ll pulverize him if he dosen’t. HA HA.. GET IT.. BECAUSE SHE’S A GIRL AND IT’S NOT LIKE GIRLS CAN ABUSE BOYS HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA
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Yeah as you can tell that bit hasn’t aged well and is the one down note in an otherwise great episode. And I do mean great. Because this essential conflict works perfectly and is expertly built on what we’ve already seen of the characters. 
For starters Gosalyn forming her own hero identity feels like a natural evolution of her character. It genuinely feels that, given her love for adventure and of her dad being a superhero, that she’d take the next step in wanting to follow in her footsteps and put on her own costume eventually. Her making her OWN rather than something derivitative of darkwing also perfectly fits both her anger at her dad’s overprotectivness and her own individual nature. The costume itself is.. okay pretty simplistic, with an early green arrow style hat and some gloves and boots.. but while I didn’t like it at first It’s grown on me a bit, as I realized it feels like the kind of a costume a kid would throw together and given Gosalyn dosne’t have her dad’s backing, it makes sense the costume would be slapped together. Grante dit dosen’t explain her trick arrows, but given we’ve seen gosalyn is pretty talented and that she can easily acess Darkwing’s lair, it’s not a huge stretch to say she went into her dad’s lair while he was gone, took some suplies and made the arrows herself. 
And i’ll freely admit i’m a sucker for a good archer hero as Hawkeye is easily one of my faviroite superheroes. Which granted is a sentence I know will probably baffle anyone who hasn’t picked up a comic with clint, or has but it was written by brianmicheal bendis, as in the movies up to Endgame you could easily replace him with a block of wood with a purple h painted on it and no one would notice the difference. And other archer heroes like Arowette, Speedy, Kate Bishop, Arsenal and Green Arrow are also on the whole pretty fucking awesome, as is the Young Justice Cartoon version of Artemis and the JLU version of Green Arrow. So this was kind of a slam dunk for me and the fact Gos’ costume comes off as a combination of Hawkeye and Green Arrow, having Ollie’s hat but Clint’s purple color scheme and gloves with no sleeves aesthetic, just makes me all the more on board for this. 
What truly makes the episode though is Darkwing, whose internal conflict is masterful to watch. While his being overproective isn’t anything new to the show, this episode takes it in a more dramatic directon: While there’s still a few jokes the episode gives some very painful reasons why he’s like this: He dosen’t want to loose his baby girl, both figuratively in her growing up and becoming more self sufficent.. and literally in her dying. It’s a terror any parent faces and it makes him sympathetic: While he IS overreacting at times and would be better off training her and helping nurture her while still keeping her safe, so when she DOES run off to do her own thing she’ll be ready, you can’t blame him for not wanting that, for wanting her to just stay home, stay safe and stay ALIVE.  The comics, which i’ve read some of and will cover here at some point, make this hit HARDER as during the second arc, where we meet a bunch of Darkwing Ducks from other dimenisons.. and one of them is Quiverwing Duck. You can probably guess just by the name what happened to his Gosalyn after years and years of working together. 
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So the risk .. is very real. Loosing her is VERY possible. Being a kid to teen superhero is a VERY dangerous line of work as with less experince and being a possible target if you have any mentors, and sometimes you genuinely DON’T make it. Cypher, Jason Todd Robin, Ultimate Peter Parker, Synch, Danny Chase, Kid Devil, Skin, Wallflower, Icarus, Genisis.. the list goes on, and on, and while MOST of them came back even then the ones that did didnt exactly lack in scars: Jason was never the same after the joker’s beating and Doug, Cypher, had severe trauma he never adressed. The danger Darkwing fears is VERY real.. but is a danger she faces ANYWAY by rushing in and acompanying him. The tragedy is traning her would at least give her a fighting chance as it’s clear from the above that Quiverwing Duck’s Gos died not because she wasn’t ready or because her dad din’t train her.. but because , like MOST of the heroes above.. she died a hero saving the world.  And the show recognizes this even if it doen’t mention the death because the show has to have limits and it was the early 90′s, wiht Darkwing’s fears also being that she’s growing up. He knows sh’es capable of this.. he’s just tearful she’s growing up.. and that she could be gone. It puts his overprotectiveness from other episodes in a much more understandable light, and makes it clear that while it comes from a good place it’s not really healthy: As the episode shows, Gosalyn thinks ALL he sees of her is a baby to be coddled and protected and not as her own person, and while he’s right to protect her.. he’s gone so far in it and in dismisisng her again, and again AND AGAIN, that he’s given the poor girl a complex. Leaping into danger alone isn’t the answer.. but when we get to the climax of the episode you can see why it’s gotten this bad. It’s suprisingly layred for what’s normally a pretty simple character conlficts. Here there’s no easy answer and even while by the end Darkwing’s accepted she’ll be a hero someday and both earnestly apologize, ther’es no real resolution. And sometimes.. that’s okay. It’s something they could’ve revisited had the series gone on and we did get at least one sequel episode at least and the comics do explore the issue of gosalyn being a kid hero and drake’s overprotectiness, with his issues there being why he retired and ended up badly straining his relationhip with gosalyn and ending , for a while, his friendship with launchpad and relationsihp with morgan as well as his costumed career. But obviously as I said we’ll get to that another day. But as an episode.. this one is truly excellent and one of the best the series put out, with plenty of humor but the more complicated dynamics at play BUILT on what we’ve seen before, including Gos rightfuly supsecting dakwing’s against her due to his own ego at points, are what elevate it to the series best. So how’d they follow it up?
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Paint Misbehavin:
This one’s in an awkard middle place, where it’s FAR better than the previous splatter Phoenix Episode but not as good as “The Quiverwing Quack”. Still it’s a pretty fun episode all together.  So the main plot is that Darkwing and Gosalyn are at cross purposes because Darkwing is overshadowed by Gosalyn, in this case at the local comic con where Gosalyn, returning to her Quiverwing Quack guise, is the big new thing while Darkwing’s practically ignored. 
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Yeah no way around it this is a rehash of “Whiffle While You Work”, same basic conflict, just with suprheroing instead of a video game. So naturally at first it annoyed me especially since they had a debate over who was better, Darkwing’s old traditional hero or Gosalyn’s new very 90′s hero. This.. goes about nowhere and is just cringe inducing for me as a comics fan, whose not against 90′s characters but acknolsges the vast majority got better LATER under new writers, with the exception of some such as superboy, steel, kyle rayner and impulse, who were fresh out of the package.  Thankfully.. the episode pushes past this and it ends up being a better version of Whiffle While You Work, as Drake isn’t as overbearingly obnoxious as he was there: Here Gosalyn is just as egotsitical, at one point trying to lead him away from a crime scene, and it’s only when they finally work as a team that they become unstoppable. It does say something though that Darkwing has genuinely grown as his objection is pure ego instead of overprotectivness like last time and he willingly lets her tag along even if he’s trying to show her up. It’s not the BEST conflict, and it ends with egos clashing, but while this part of the episode is recycled.. at least it’s recycling an episode that genuinely wasted the idea and using it better. Darkwing being jealous here is FAR more understandable as he’s been a hero far longer and while his ego is way too big for his head, it’s understandble to be a big pissy, and agian he dosen’t go nearly as far in how he treats gosalyn. He just wants to show up his own daughter and he’s shown as fully wrong for this. Not great but far better than before.  What IS great and what makes this episode fun, is Splatter Phoenix, whose even better than last time. I attribute this to the change in voice actors. While Dani Staahl was excellent.. her replacment is far better and far more notable. It’s SCTV’s andrea martin... who i’m realizing most of you have probably never heard of. 
Or know what  SCTV is. It was before both our times trust me: it was an early 80′s sketch comedy show that had a unique premise as the sketches were all programs for a fictional tv station, and there’d often be wraparounds about what was going on at the station that oftne led to sketches or impacted them: From dealing with sponser issues brought on by the Moral Majority, aliens, the russians hyjacking their signal, and forging checks from Fred Willard’s account, yes that was a plot and yes he was indeed a guest star, there was no end to the number of shenanigans in and out of program. IT was really good stuff with an all star cast: John Candy, Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Cathrine O’Hara, Eugene Levy, Joe Flarhety, Martin Short, and of course Martin. Even Harold Ramis was on the show for it’s first season. It was just a damn good time and if you can find the dvd’s or clips on youtube I recommend it.  My point is Martin is vastly underated and really deserves better than she’s gotten, and this eps proves it as her energy really adds to Splatter’s astetic and really fits the show like a glove and it’s a shame the show ended shortly after this episode, as it would’ve been nice to see her return in the role. But for a one shot she’s UTTERLY awesome, and Splatter gets to do far more this time as her brush has now expanded to be able to create, so we get helicopter cats, pumpkin dogs, a pink gorilla with a toaster for a head and when told superheroes always win she creates her own, absract man, with a hand for a head and a weird body and I just want to see more of him. He even skips off with Launchpad’s faivorie hero, bascally mr rodgers as a weasel, after launchpad draws the guy in. I want to see this gay couple fight crime with love and existetaalism dammit!
But yeah she’s just fun, as is her vandalism of various art works including making the dogs playing poker into skeletons.. which I now want a picture of for my room because that is nice. SHe also brings back the art shitfts from before in little ways, transforming darkwing into abstract art and to blocky art at diffrent points with her brush. And that’s what puts this episode over the other: The creativity is still there but without the whole “Honker being gaslighted” plot that I still hate to this very second, it’s allowed to be fun and fancy free and with Splatter out in the open she’s allowed to get a LOT more ambitious and thus the writers and martin get to have a LOT more fun with the gimmick. 
So while I do feel the episode’s a bit crowded, as they try to cram in both splatter phoenix and this super feud between family into the same space and both episodes would’ve been better served seperatley, i’ts so fun with clever use of the magic brush by our heroes and what not I can’t help but love it. I don’t love the climax though as splatter gets turpentine spilled on her by gosalyny and .. melts for some reason. Because she’s made of paint now even though that was never a thing before? Not to mention the fact our heroes just killed a person...
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So yeah the ending’s a bit wonky but it’s a fun episode with the return of a great villian, a decent of played out main conflict and some great gags and fights in it. All in all i’m glad I got comissioned for this one and finally tackled it. Good stuff.  So that does it for this. We’ll be back to darkwing next week just in time for valentine’s day.. and back with Negaduck too. Until then it’s been a pleasure. 
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‘twas tagged by the beloved mutual @kamwashere for a mutual tag game! 💕
why did you choose your url?
I was on the Voltron Amino and ended up doing an art collab. Most of the others were on Tumblr, and since I didn’t have one I just created one to be tagged in the collab. I RP’d Coran all the time and had basically been going by that name as I do now on occasion. Coran was my man. @/corancoranthegorgeousman was taken (by a rocking blogger who I don’t think is a mutual so I shan’t at) and so I think it was @robbingroses (a wonderful person and artist) who actually made the suggestion that stuck.
any side-blogs?
...None that I use.
As mentioned before, used to be heavy into RP’ing whilst I was in the Voltron fandom, so I’ve got a bunch in relation to that. I also have two URLs that I really like saved, but I could never switch from being the magical man.
how long have you been on Tumblr?
Early 2018? Or something? That’s how long I’ve had my own account. Been stalking Tumblr since at least 2012.
do you have a queue tag?
I do despite not knowing how they work! The tag is ‘cqueue’, a play on words of my AO3 username CBlue. 
why did you start your blog in the first place?
As I’ve already lore dropped (whoops), I did it because of an art collab! Made sense to do it since I was already snooping all over the platform, and then just slowly migrated from the Amino based community to here. Now I’m stuck in Turbo Hell.
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Currently? Because it’s a recent art and I’m trying to convince myself I’m an artist. I’m going to be changing it soon though, haha.
why did you choose your header?
Because I made a funny and found it funny. Also I listen to Radio Company too much so I have to dunk on myself.
what’s your post with the most notes?
I don’t... know? I’ve lost the site that configures that for me :(( I get like five notes on average for original posts so let’s just say I’m very popular amongst my peers ✌️
how many people do you follow?
okay to be fair most of them are dead as I literally was scrolling through them this morning. But I won’t say. 
have you ever made a shitpost?
all day e’ry day
how often do you use Tumblr?
I used to be normal. Then who the hell knows went on a hunting trip and the finale happened and now I’m here daily. I get my global news through tumblr memes, though. Like the morning paper.
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
I mean yes and no? I’ve butted heads and narrowly avoided getting into heated back and forths, but I think I back off before it escalates into arguments or fights. I don’t get involved in that stuff anymore. Like, if people just get too negative for me or if they’re aggressive to me, I unfollow and block. I don’t have time to stress over fighting with someone in a space where I come to relax and have fun. I’ve got enough in my real world life with my real world consequences without debating on whether or not I should tag that post with John Winchester only for you to also tag it with John Winchester when you rebloggeed it from me. This is my good times space, so I don’t want to taint that with arguing and fighting.
That being said, maybe this just means I’m the loser in fights because I refuse to fight.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
I think it’s terrible. I love informative posts. I love spreading information about important causes and even just different cultural things. But I cannot stand the anxiety-inducing pressure to reblog every little burning fire and asshole-CEO exposure or else I’m a terrible person. As mentioned before, I come here to relax. I know I said I get my global news through Tumblr memes, but I also try to stay strictly to the fandom side of blogging. Unless it’s a ‘cause that moves me enough to overlook the “you need to reblog this”, I hate facilitating that culture that I know causes people stress and anxiety.
do you like tag games?
Yeah! But I always feel bad because I’m terrible at tagging other people? Like what is a mutual? Is it a spiritual mutual? We follow each other but how active are we in each other’s notifs? Do they recognize my name like I recognize theirs?
So I just crumble and die.
do you like ask games?
Yeah I do! I’ve got a few asks from ask games still burning in my inbox. They’re only so late because I lost my computer for a bit like two months back when I kind of had the free time to answer them. Now the answers are slowly getting drafted so I can post them an awkward amount of time later and I hate it lol
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
idk I think that @kamwashere blog might be pretty famous. Also again I wish I just... had an easier to view list of who my mutuals are? Not for this question but in general.
Mutuals sound off please I love you <3
do you have a crush on a mutual?
Hell yes ;)
[No I don’t lol. But I crush on mutuals in the sense of “please be my friend.” So friend-crush. I guess. But then the ones I actually actively think of as mutuals are my friends.]
Again, we’re supposed to tag mutuals. Here’s a few who I know are my mutuals, but no pressure to partake!!
@morai-the-swann-king @jitter-bugss @damejudyhench @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie 🌺
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cappucosmic · 4 years
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Some more concept doodles. I really need to get on actually making some comics, like I said I would. Time got away from me, I guess. I’m going to focus on my comic for a bit, I think. I have other stuff in the queue but afterward I’m going to try to spit out some proper ‘intro’ comics, I think.
First pic is Fennik’s love interest again, Solyom, with his sister, Merpati, and a concept pic of what his father looked like. Next to them is the little brother of Merpati’s fiance (Csongor), 2nd son of the chieftan. His name means Egg in Mongolian. A nickname because the kid has a cute little egghead, and also kinda a callback to GRRM’s Dunk and Egg series.
The 2nd pic is a random concept girl and a scene from the area I want surrounding Vulpo and Fennik’s homeland. Their homeland is an oasis, surrounded by water, I think. the water fades into an infertile marsh that is populated by people who ferry people and supplies back and forth, and it’s based off the Mesopotamian Marshes. This is the most fertile land outside of the Fox homeland (the people of whom I think I’m gonna call Canites), but even then, it can barely grow anything edible. It fades into the prairies that fade into the desert that fades into badlands.
I’ll try really hard to make my next post on this comic be an actual comic piece, even if it’s just an introduction piece. And not just a doodly one. I like the pencil look so I think I’ll go with that rather than inking or coloring, but I’ll plan them out before drawing it out so it won’t be very sketchy and hard to follow like one-page ones you saw before. And ideally they’ll be a few pages long.
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snapsicle · 5 years
Chalk Flu- Chapter 3 (Final Chapter)
It’s finally here! Chapter 3! 
Summary: Rudy, Penny and Snap harvest the Chameleon Lotus.
Tw: plant death, plant blood, gross-out, sickness, some sad stuff but not that much
Snap, Rudy and Penny all walked the same path back into the forest- But it wasn’t quite as dull now, and Snap struck up a fun and silly conversation which kept them busy- and kept their minds off of it. Once they made it to the tree line, Snap’s memories seemed to come rushing back, and he gave a fond smile, which was only a little bit somber. That seemed like just yesterday that they were going to the forest for the first time. 
“Should we grapple up?” Penny said, breaking the silence. Snap shook himself out of it. “Oh, yeah, of course!” He said, and they shot to the top of the tree line almost immediately. 
“Alright gang,” Rudy began. “Barney’s hideout should be somewhere around here.” He said, and looked around. They quickly located the cliff that he had dug his home into and made their way across the forest following behind Rudy in the front, Penny cautiously keeping up in the back, cutting through brush as fast as they could until they made it to the familiar tarp hung haphazardly against the gash in the side of the cliff. 
“Barney, We’re back, and we’ve brought Snap!” Penny cried. 
“Oh good.” Barney’s voice responded from somewhere in the cave. “Well come in now, we haven’t a moment to waste.” 
The three climbed in one after the other, and sat down in the living room- seemingly awaiting instruction. 
“Okay. Now that we have Snap, I can tell you how to harvest the Chameleon Lotus.” Barney said. “This plant is very tricky. And carnivorous,” 
Snap gulped. “Carnivorous?” He said. “I assumed it was just rare or somethin’...” Snap shuddered. “Is it big enough to eat someone like me?” 
“Yes, of course it is, why do you think I needed you to help us? The Chameleon Lotus lives on the opposite side of my cave and only comes out of camouflage when it strikes it’s prey.” Barney said. “We need you because I’m absolutely not going to risk my life again for these prying buffoons. No offense.” 
“So what you’re saying is. You cured me just so you could use me as bait for a GIANT, CARNIVOROUS PLANT?!” Snap said. “I’m getting REAL sick and tired of things in this forest trying to EAT ME!” 
“Don’t be such a baby, Snap.” Barney said, and opened the fridge. “Ah.” He pulled out a bottle of barbeque sauce. “Cover yourself in this stuff and it’ll make you smell tastier.” 
“Are you serious.” Snap said. 
“Do you want all of your friends to die of a horrible disease,” Barney said, “or do you want to cover yourself in barbeque sauce and go dance in front of a voracious giant plant.” 
“Just shut up and hand me the sauce already.” Snap grumbled. 
Nightzone felt darker than usual. The smell of spicy bbq was almost overpowering and Snap was just a little bit nervous. Ok, maybe a lot nervous. 
Rudy and Penny stuck behind a rock after following Barney’s instructions on where the Chameleon Lotus makes it’s home. Rudy had drawn a very, very sharp sword.
Snap walked out carefully, jittery- and weakly waved his arm around. “Gee, I accidentally covered myself in barbeque sauce, I better go home before something big and scary comes out and eats me,” Snap said loudly, and giggled. “I sure would hate it if something like a carnivorous plant came out and ate me,” he said, and walked straight by a little indent in the side of the cliff where he was sure the Chameleon Lotus was nesting. He heard a rustling noise and he almost jumped out of his skin. “H-H-Helloooo?” He said, and felt something grab onto his leg. It was a strange looking vine, that was quickly shifting through the colors of the rainbow, and it dragged him to the ground immediately. Snap clawed at the ground as the plant the vine was connected to was revealed. It was a massive plant, about twice the size of a grown man, and it had several psychedelic color-shifting vines sprouting from it’s back, and a head about twice the size of Snap’s, which looked like a beautiful pink lotus flower! 
Rudy and Penny burst out from behind the rock, and the flower turned to face them- and stuffed Snap in it’s mouth and immediately swallowed. Rudy and Penny’s jaws drop. 
Rudy shakes it off. He runs towards the giant beast and jumps over the many twisting vines, and in one fell swoop, jumps into the air, brandishing the shiny grey sword, and WHOOSH! In a moment that felt like lightning, the horrible thing’s head fell onto the ground and the whole thing went limp. Rudy tried desperately to catch his breath, covered in multicolored plant juice. The thing was dead. 
Rudy cuts open the thing’s stomach cavity. Snap bursts out and takes a big, dramatic gulping breath. “BUCKO! You saved me!” He said, and started gagging, covered in weird plant stomach juices. “UGH… I was not expecting to be digested today.” He said. But Rudy was too shaken up to laugh, so he just weakly chuckled. 
“I really killed that thing.” He said. 
“You sure did.” Penny said. “How do you feel?” 
“Guilty,” Rudy responded. “But, it had to be done. For the good of the Chalkzone,” He said. “It’s my responsibility to see everyone cured.”
Penny looked to the side. “Because you have the chalk, right?” She said.
“Yup. I’ve got the chalk, and that means this world and everything in it is my responsibility, and I can’t let anything happen to it.” Rudy said. “I was really hoping we could just have a normal hang-out today. But…” Rudy almost sounded choked up. 
Penny put her hand on his shoulder. Snap, meanwhile, stopped his grossing-out to look a little concerned. “C’mon bucko. Let’s get this flower back to Barney’s place,” He said. “Then we can have dinner, and everything will be alright,” Snap smiled, in an attempt to cheer him up. 
Rudy wiped his nose. “Alright.” His voice cracked. “Let’s go.” 
Once they made it back into Barney’s cave, He already had a giant pot of boiling water going. They picked the leaves off the thing’s head one by one, and dunked them into the water, Snap taking a very long shower, and once he was out of the shower, The tea was finished. The whole place smelled heavenly. 
“Let’s get this tea back to the rest of the ‘zoners.” Rudy said, smiling weakly. 
Once they got back to the general area of Snap’s house, they handed out little cups full of tea to everyone who brandished purple spots and green faces, and it was very light outside- Everyone was cheering for Rudy Tabootie, saving the day once again- a chorus of “The great creator has done it again!” and “You’re amazing, Rudy!” followed by insistence by Rudy that he isn’t as great as you think he is. 
Blocky was the last one to get a serving of the tea. He smelled it and immediately perked up- although at this point it was lukewarm, at best. He sat up, sipped the tea, and the purple spots faded away, his smile grew, and he pulled Snap into a giant hug! 
“Snap! Snap! I’m better now!” Blocky said. “Thank you so much!” He looked happy, then suddenly gasped. “THE POTATOES! THE POT ROAST!” He cried. 
He ran into the kitchen and Rudy, Penny and Snap all burst into laughter. “That Blocky,” Snap remarked, shaking his head and smiling. 
“This crazy impromptu adventure is NOT how I wanted to spend my Saturday,” Rudy said. “But you know what? I’m kinda glad I did, but at the same time, really NOT glad I did. Catch my drift?” 
“Kind of reminded me of the good old days,” Penny said. “It was nice to see Barney again, even though it was for a less-than-awesome reason,” She continued. 
“I’m just glad it’s all over.” Snap said. “And I’m sure the darn thing will grow back,” Snap said. “It’s a plant.” 
“Yeah.” Rudy said. “Yeah,” He repeated. “Group hug?” 
And they hugged. Soon after, Blocky came out of the kitchen and called for dinner. He was wearing a frilly pink apron and holding a wooden spoon. “Snaaap! Dinner’s ready!” He said. 
Snap smiled and his face flushed. “Welp, looks like that’s my queue, see you guys later.” Snap said. “I love you two.” 
Rudy and Penny smiled. It was still light outside, but it was dark coming from the portal- Penny checked her watch, it was about 7. Penny climbed into the portal leading into her house, and waved goodbye. “Some day, huh?” She said. 
“Tell me about it.” He said. “See you on monday?” 
“Of course.” She said. “Love you,” She continued.
Rudy smiled. “Love you too.” 
And then Rudy went home, and went to bed.
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