#this sums up the magnus archives
hell0jon · 1 month
Guys I can assure you British people are real.
I had an encounter with one once, and I can tell you it did not end well
They are in our homes, among our children and families
Be careful, for the true horror does not lie in the darkness of night, but within the shadows of our kin.
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plantsonplutoart · 2 months
Opened up tumblr to see how everyone was feeling about tmp episode 12
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This really took me out 😭
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shhhimnothereiswear · 11 days
MAG 186: Martin has tea and therapy with himself
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tgirlboyswag420 · 1 year
genderfluid but it looks like this
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mintytea-exe · 9 months
my flatmates are hosting a party tonight and I'm going through the magnus protocols arg...
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hawkfurze · 1 year
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So a funny with a bit of this part that I didn't realize until I was halfway through this and rereading my own comic, but I never had Cecilia's name in the book at the Castle Car, despite intending for her to have been there. When I originally planned to have her show up in person at some point, I included her memories along with the other ones in the Garden Car but now I guess she just never put her name in that book, which feels in character for her. Cecilia is my TMA OC and I'm not making her backstory relevant for this, but you can read it here if you want. It's not like we're going to see her again or anything.
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ghostinthegallery · 3 months
Magnus Archives Season 4 complete! Good shit, good shit. My thoughts below the cut:
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sathtrash · 1 year
It’s been 84 years and I’m finally listening to season 5 of The Magnus Archives (I wasn’t ready for it to end before okay?) and it’s all So Much all the time? I continue to be a Jon simp and also a Jon kinnie, I’m really sad about Daisy, the episode with Salesa literally sent me into the sun, and every clip of Tim and Sasha being silly and chatting pre-season 1 makes me want to end it all.
In short I am about 50% in and Johnny Sims owes me financial compensation for emotional distress
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worstcharacterpoll · 1 year
Thanks for playing! Here's the summary (long post incoming)
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[Image description: A 32-entry tournament bracket in black and red titled "Tumblr's most hated." It is a visual representation of the summary described below. Notably, Ross as the "winner" is wearing a Burger King paper crown, and Walter White and Mort as revival contestants have steel chairs edited in next to them. End ID]
First round summary with bracket links (see the individual posts for vote counts, percentages, and comments):
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs. Pearl (Steven Universe); Vriska won
Rex (Victorious) vs. Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty); Rick won
Ansem the Wise (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Gul Dukat (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine); Ansem TW won
Kylo Ren (Star Wars) vs. Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa); Kylo won
Scrappy Doo (Scooby-Doo) vs. Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory); Sheldon won
Pierre (Stardew Valley) vs. Mort (Madagascar); Pierre won
Seraphine (League of Legends) vs. Heimskr (Skyrim); Heimskr won
Jurgen Leitner (The Magnus Archives) vs. Andre Glacier (Miraculous Ladybug); Andre won
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs. Light Yagami (Death Note); Light won
Buck Cluck (Chicken Little) vs. Ross Geller (Friends); Ross won
Bramblestar (Warriors) vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic); Bramblestar won
Goro Akechi (Persona 5) vs. Pariston Hill (Hunter x Hunter); Pariston won
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) vs. Berdly (Deltarune); Katsuki won
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) vs. The Impostor (Among Us); Angel won
Olaf (Frozen) vs. Hooty (The Owl House); Olaf won
Zenos viator Galvus (Final Fantasy XIV) vs. Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe); Tony won
In the second round, I brought back Walter and Mort because they lost by slim margins in the first round. Here's the summary:
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs. Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty); Rick won
Ansem the Wise (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Kylo Ren (Star Wars); Kylo won
Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory) vs. Pierre (Stardew Valley); Sheldon won
Heimskr (Skyrim) vs. Andre Glacier (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Walter White (Breaking Bad); Andre won
Light Yagami (Death Note) vs. Ross Geller (Friends); Ross won
Bramblestar (Warriors) vs. Pariston Hill (Hunter x Hunter) vs. Mort (Madagascar); Mort won
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) vs. Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel); Angel won
Olaf (Frozen) vs. Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe); Tony won
Round 3 was when I got marked as spam and shadowbanned (I know it wasn't actually a "shadowban," but that's the term) so there were less votes overall in this round. But I don't think redoing the round would have altered the results, and they still got over 1k votes each.
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty) vs. Kylo Ren (Star Wars); Kylo won
Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory) vs. Andre Glacier (Miraculous Ladybug); Sheldon won
Ross Geller (Friends) vs. Mort (Madagascar); Ross won
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) vs. Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe); Tony won
In the semifinals we were down to four live-action white dudes which I find kind of sums up what kind of character people on tumblr hate on its own. These were a week long because I was still shadowbanned but I think I got my blog restored partway through this round.
Kylo Ren (Star Wars) vs. Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory); Sheldon won
Ross Geller (Friends) vs. Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe); Ross won
And then there were two, and I did my best to create art for the finals so please check it out in the link.
Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory) vs. Ross Geller (Friends)
Ross won. It wasn't even that close. So as promised, he was publicly executed. In Skyrim. Because what else would it be.
Personally I never watched Friends so Ross sweeping was not what I expected lol. There were some characters I put on opposite ends of the bracket because I thought the finals would be Vriska vs. Bakugo or Kylo vs. Tony or something like that. But it turns out people really hate annoying sitcom dudes, at least from the sample size that voted in this poll.
I'm doing another tournament soon and I'm currently taking nominations so please check out @youngersiblingstournament if you're interested :) thanks for playing!
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aghostling · 1 year
So I've been listening to podcasts again and I wish someone had done this for me when I started out, so let's sum up and describe some podcasts, shall we?

The Magnus Archives - Jonathan Sims, newly instated Head Archivist at the Magnus Institute, London, is trying to sort through statements of people that claim to have had all kinds of supernatural encounters, while only having a taperecorder to do so, because for some reason, the statements won’t let themselves be recorded on anything else. But I’m sure it’s nothing, right? Supernatural Horror at it’s finest, with incredible characters and worldbuilding. 200 episodes.
Welcome to Nightvale - An incredibly cryptic podcast, set in the fictional town of Nightvale, where all the conspiracy theories are true. Listen to Cecil Palmer, the host of Nightvale Community Radio talk about the happenings in the town, his day and that strange, beautiful new scientist that has come to town. Over 200 episodes, ongoing.
Wolf 359 - Communication Officer Doug Eiffels log of the USS Hepaestus’ journey, observing the red dwarf wolf 359. Twists and turns, some expected, some most definitely not, all in all a good time for all podcast fans. 61 episodes. 
The Strorage Papers - Unsetteling horror stories, found in a storage lot, unraveling faster that a ball of yarn. Can you keep up? And, perhaps the more important question: Can you keep it together? Carefully crafted stories that make you lock your doors twice. 104 episodes, ongoing.
The Penumbra Podcast - The space noir tales of Private I, Detective Juno Steel and his adventures on planet mars. A podcast so mysterious and casually queer, it’s almost addictive. Although their phonecall noise sounds like my alarmclock, the sound design, characters, storytelling and worldbuilding are unlike anything I’ve ever come across. 4 seasons with about 20 episodes.
Camp Here and There - Camp Nurse Sydneys recordings of his daily announcements. If you’re a fan of Gravity Falls, this is that next summer you’ve been waiting for. 34 episodes for now, possibly ongoing, possibly not.

This is it for now, I’ll be adding on when I can. I hope this’ll help someone...       or not.
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an untitled magnus archives fic
the document this fic was in was just called ‘an indulgence in these troubling times’ and like yeah. sums it up really.
this fic isn’t really part of a wider au, i just threw one of the scrunklies from my brain into tma and wrote down what happened. i think it’s set somewhere in season 2 but i cannot be sure!
basic synopsis: spiral train.
my first fanfic on tumblr so pls be nice!!
tw: mentions of transphobia, spiral-typical body horror
OLLIE A tape recorder? Seriously? I mean, I knew you folks were old-fashioned, but...
ARCHIVIST (mildly irritated) We've made several attempts to record to digital software, but it seems to disagree with most of the statements. This is the next best thing.
OLLIE Y'know what? I like it. Very retro. It kind of fits with this place.
ARCHIVIST Well, quite. (pause) If you'd like to begin?
OLLIE Sure. Do I, like, introduce myself, or...
ARCHIVIST Yes, just say your name and what your statement is regarding.
OLLIE Okay, uh, my name is Ollie Maverick, and this is regarding the disappearance of my coworker Grant Lewis due to an unexplained train in my workplace.
ARCHIVIST An... unexplained train?
OLLIE Well, it wasn't supposed to be there, and I sure as hell never got any sort of explanation for it.
ARCHIVIST R-right, well... (clears throat) Statement recorded direct from subject eighth of March 2017. Statement begins.
In your own time.
OLLIE (STATEMENT) Working in security was only ever okay, to be honest. The work's all right, apart from the night shifts — those really messed up my sleep schedule. I was working the night shift at a London train station when this happened. I know that's very vague, but I don't think I can name the station here, so you'll have to bear with me on that. We didn't exactly part on the best of terms, and I'd like to avoid a lawsuit at all costs. Anyway, like I said, I worked in security, and it was one of my least favorite jobs. Not the worst, but it's up there. Top four. Mostly because of Grant Lewis.
Not to speak ill of the dead or anything, but Grant was an asshole. He drank too much, chewed spearmint gum way too loudly, and he ran one of those alpha-male podcasts in his spare time. You know the ones — white guys in their twenties spend thirty minutes a week ramming their unsolicited opinions about women who won't date them and abortion and liberal politics down the throats of their listeners. That should tell you all you need to know about him. He was a prick, and he had it in for me from day one.
I was the only queer person on the security team, and I looked it. I came in the first day with a pronoun pin and a pink mullet and... well. He latched on to me, and I couldn't get rid of him. The worst part was, since we'd started working there at the same time and he kept making these awful jokes about me, to me, everyone else assumed we were friends. No one else could stand him, so we got lumped together the whole time on shifts. I spent hours with him in the control room, patrolling the station, even on my lunch break a few times when I came across him accidentally in a café. Every time, I'd have to listen to this — endless stream of unfunny jokes about my gender identity and my sex life. And, of course, those controversial opinions he aired on that podcast. He was infuriating, and he wouldn't go away.
But however much I hated Grant, I still don’t think he deserved what happened to him. Officially he's just disappeared, but I don't think anyone believes that now. I really, really don't want to know if he's still alive.
It all happened about a month ago. I was working the night shift from 11PM to 7AM with three other people — Allison Bates, Fred Landy and, of course, Grant. (long, irritated sigh) I... wasn't in the best of moods, to be frank. I'd spent the whole day dreading this, and to begin with it was exactly the kind of awful I'd expected. It was a Sunday, so the trains kept running until 2AM. The first hour or so was in the control room with Allison and Fred, who spent most of that time loudly flirting with each other. It was... very uncomfortable to watch, so I volunteered to go help Grant keep an eye on the platforms. It would have been well past midnight by this stage, coming up to 1AM, and he was out making sure the drunks lurching off the trains from holiday parties didn't get too rowdy.
There were four platforms in that station, grouped in pairs, and he was looking after platforms one and two. So, I headed off to look after platforms three and four, because I didn't feel like dealing with his bullshit. The steady flow of commuters was starting to peter out, and those that were drunk were harmlessly so. It looked like it might be shaping up to be a fairly quiet night. But I only got around forty minutes of relative peace before my radio crackled. Grant was apparently coming to join me, as Allison was covering platforms one and two. I had an idea that she'd probably sent him, as Grant had no idea how to be around any female-presenting people without getting really creepy. I may have mentioned he was a complete asshole, so I didn't really blame her, but I wasn't happy about it.
Grant showed up and we began patrolling the platforms and the small shop and cafe area together. He talked too much and chewed gum loudly, and I tried to ignore him as best I could and focus on the job. The last train rolled in around 2AM, and once the final passengers had stumbled out into the night we went to lock up.
It was then that we heard it. As we were walking back to the control room, the tannoy system crackled into life.
'The train now approaching Platform Four is not intended for passenger use. Customers are advised not to interact with the train, or indeed acknowledge it, in the interest of health and safety. Under no circumstances attempt to board the train now approaching Platform Four.
Thank you.'
It didn't sound like the usual train announcements. Those were an automated vaguely female voice, distant and slightly robotic. This voice was a garbled, distorted mess that I could barely understand, and it cut off with a screech of static that made my head ring. Grant and I stood there in confusion as the echo of that sharp static bounced off the walls, warping into something like a faint, mocking laugh.
I've not painted a great picture of Grant here, I know, but he was at least a fairly competent security guard. While I was still reeling from the announcement, he managed to get out his radio and make contact with Fred and Allison in the control room. They'd heard it too, and they were going to head towards the room that the tannoy operated out of, to see if it had been hijacked. Grant said we'd go take a look at Platform Four, to see if there was anything we needed to deal with.
It took us about two minutes to get there, and it felt like the echo of the tannoy announcement still hadn't died away. The air seemed different — heavier, maybe, and it smelled a little bitter. It made me slightly nauseous. Grant didn't seem to notice; he just started checking around the platform for anything suspicious. I was going to join him when there was a sharp, screeching whistle, like an old steam train, and I realised that I was smelling smoke.
It filled the platform as the train chugged into view, curling around everything and shimmering with colours that I — can't describe. The cloying, bitter smell of the smoke grew stronger and I could see Grant choking on it, tears streaming down his face but I breathed it in and it was... (panicked, breathy laugh) ..intoxicating. The train itself was an old steam train, bright purple and gold, with no driver that I could see. It slowed to a stop and the door to the first carriage swung open right in front of me. Mocking. Beckoning. (another laugh) It seemed the most natural thing in the world to just... step in.
Inside was a narrow corridor, carpeted in that same rich, wine-toned purple. The doors of the seating compartments faced me, and each had gauzy purple curtains pulled across the windows. I started down the corridor, and noticed a figure sitting inside one of the compartments. I couldn't make out much through the curtains, but they had long hair that seemed to be moving of its own accord, and….. their hands were... wrong.
I don't think I was entirely... myself, at that point. (shaky breath) I reached for the handle, and suddenly Grant rammed into me from behind, sending me sprawling onto the floor. He was pinning me down, talking fast and terrified, saying we had to get out, had to get help. I could see the long-haired figure in the compartment behind him slowly rising to their feet, rising and rising far beyond the proportions of a normal human body, limbs bending oddly in ways that hurt to look at. I screamed for Grant to run, but it was too late.
The door of the compartment opened with a creak, and... it wasn't a person. I don't know what the hell that thing was, but it was not a person. The hair was blond, and twisted and curled in on itself like a nest of snakes. Its eyes were hard to look at. B-but its hands... they were long, and the fingers had too many joints and they were sharp, and it looked at Grant and he started screaming, and it started laughing. That sound, it... it made my mind sting.
He tried to run, then. Got to the door that should have led back to the platform, but it was different now, smaller. Painted yellow. He opened it to show another long corridor, this time lined with mirrors and twisting wallpaper that hurt my eyes, and the monster-thing just... pushed him in. (pause) I... really hope he's dead. I really do. The alternative is just... well.
I scrambled to my feet and backed away as the thing turned to me with this... self-satisfied grin on its impossible face. Like it had just had a good meal.
Go if you like, it said. You'll be back. You won't be able to help it.
It began to laugh again as I began to run.
I don't know how long I ran. The carriage never seemed to end, and every door I opened led either to a set of seats or to another twisting corridor. Eventually, think I just... gave up. Lay on the floor and waited to dissolve into an impossibility.
I woke up lying on Platform Four with Fred leaning over me asking panicked questions while Allison was calling the police. I couldn't focus on any of what Fred was saying. My head was spinning. I... wasn't really aware of much until the police arrived. They asked me where Grant was. I said I didn't know. I was too rattled to come up with any sort of lie, so I just... told them what happened. (quiet laugh) I'm not really sure what the official proceedings were, but they didn't want to know. One of the officers dropped me home and I just went straight to bed. Thankfully my partner Rory was out on his own night shift at the time, so I didn't have to explain anything just yet. I slept like the dead until about four o'clock the next day, and the first thing I did when I woke up was send in my resignation.
I tried to... well, not forget about it, but to... put it at the back of my mind. I had no backup plan for a job, and Rory could only cover the rent alone for so long. I had to tell him what happened, obviously. I don't know if he fully believes me, but he hasn't said anything. He knows I saw something that really scared me, and he knows that that's why I quit my job. He's sticking with me, though.
Last week, I managed to get an interview for another security job in the Foundling Museum. And when I went to catch the train to get there, well.. I'm sure you can guess what happened. The smoke, this time, it... it was so hard not to get on that train. It felt... right. It was all I could do to walk away.
That blond monster-thing is following me, too.
It doesn't look as, as wrong as it did in the train, but I know exactly what it is. I see it pretty much everywhere I go. It catches my eye and winks at me, and I just about throw up with fear. Rory thinks they're panic attacks. He's trying to get me to see a doctor, or a therapist or something. He's probably right, but I wanted to come here first. I thought you... might be able to help.
ARCHIVIST (pause; a few abortive attempts to speak) Statement, eh... statement ends. I — I think I recognise this, ah... blond monster-thing you've mentioned. Did it... have you approached it? Talked to it?
OLLIE (incredulous) No!
ARCHIVIST Good. It... it calls itself Michael. I don't know exactly what it is, or what it wants, but it enjoys. toying with people. Doesn't seem to have any real purpose other than... spreading misery and madness.
OLLIE W-well, I... (clears throat) What do I do?
ARCHIVIST I'm afraid I... don't really know. (noises of panic and indignation from Ollie) I mean, I can tell you to avoid any suspicious doors, but I... have a feeling you could have come to that conclusion yourself.
OLLIE Great. Great. I knew this would be a waste of my goddamn time. Is that seriously all you've got for me? Avoid suspicious doors?
ARCHIVIST I'm sorry, I —
OLLIE (overlapping) Don't even —
ELIAS Sorry Jon, am I interrupting?
ARCHIVIST Oh, Elias! Um... no, I, I think we're just about done here. R-right?
OLLIE Sure. We're done.
ELIAS Is everything quite all right?
OLLIE Apparently, you people are perfectly happy to take my statement, but you can't actually help me with my fucking eldritch stalker.
ELIAS Ah, yes. I can see how that might be... upsetting.
OLLIE (barely controlled rage) Can you, now?
ELIAS I believe I can. (pause) I'm Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute. And you are?
OLLIE Ollie. Ollie Maverick.
ELIAS Well, Mr. —
OLLIE (overlapping) Mx.
ELIAS Oh, my apologies. Well, Mx. Maverick, while I don't really know much about your situation specifically, I've found that our Institute is quite good at deterring any, ah, supernatural harassment of our employees. For the most part. And I believe you're in the market for a new iob?
OLLIE Uh. I mean….. yes, but how did you —?
ELIAS I was waiting outside for Jon to finish up, and I couldn't help overhearing. Interested?
OLLIE I... don't know that I could do much here. I don't know anything about ghosts, or - whatever it is you do...
ARCHIVIST I — Ollie, I really wouldn't —
ELIAS (overlapping) I'm sure you'll pick it up very fast. Should we discuss this in my office?
OLLIE Um... sure. May as well.
ELIAS Lovely. Oh, and Jon?
ELIAS Basira’s just got back. I believe you wanted to talk to her?
ARCHIVIST Oh, uh... okay, I'll — I'll go do that, I suppose.
ELIAS Right. Follow me, Mx. Maverick.
ARCHIVIST (sigh) Damn.
ARCHIVIST Well, that was... (sigh) ...anyway. Another person trapped in the archives. Better than being trapped in a corridor hellscape or an endless train carriage, I suppose. (pause)
Though... would they have been trapped? The way they described the train, and especially that smoke... what did they call it? Intoxicating.
They're clearly very scared, and I can't say I blame them, but I have to wonder if what I'm seeing here is... the birth of a new avatar. With Michael shepherding them to their new domain.
In terms of follow-up (sigh) I have been able to confirm that a Grant Lewis was filed as missing on the third of February this year. However, I was not able to find anything else about the case or the circumstances of his disappearance. The police don't seem to have done anything, and it looks as if this Grant didn't have any friends or family to make a fuss about it. I talked it over with Basira, and she agrees with me that it probably comes under Section 31. Obviously, this makes it difficult to get any real evidence for this statement, but I'm inclined to believe it anyway.
What I don't understand is why Elias would offer Ollie a job. They've made it clear that they need it, but I hardly think it's out of the kindness of his heart. (quiet, tired laugh) He's probably got some secret, evil plan for them. Some way to cripple the Spiral, perhaps. Or maybe he just wants to inflict a new and interesting kind of trauma.
Either way, I think I'll be keeping a close eye on Ollie Maverick.
End recording.
TIM Oh, uh — sorry, this area of the archives isn't open to the public.
OLLIE Yeah, I — I work here.
TIM In the Archives?
OLLIE Yeah, it’s my first day. My name's Ollie Maverick.
TIM Um... Tim Stoker. (pause) Sorry, what are your pronouns?
OLLIE (pleasantly surprised) They/them. You?
TIM He/him. (pause) So... you don't exactly look like the academic type.
OLLIE Says the person wearing a Hawaiian shirt to work.
TIM (laughs) No, I meant... y'know, people in this profession don't tend to be quite so buff. We're all skinny little nerds.
OLLIE Ah yes, my perfectly chiseled physique. I can see why you'd be confused. (Tim snorts) My last job was as a security guard, so...
TIM Sounds interesting.
OLLIE Well, it... didn't end well. I actually came to make a statement about it yesterday, and then your boss — Elias, I think his name was — offered me a job. For some reason.
TIM What?
OLLIE I know, right? I mean, I know jack shit about academia, but I did English in college and that was apparently good enough for him. I got the feeling that you're a little pressed for job applications.
TIM Yeah, well... I just hope you know what you're getting into.
TIM This place is... wrong. In a lot of ways.
OLLIE (jokingly) What, you've come across a lot of ghosts and ghoulies?
TIM I'm serious. It does things to you.
OLLIE Such as?
TIM It... won't let you quit. You can try it, but — you won't be able to.
OLLIE That all?
TIM (sigh) You'll find out soon enough, I guess. You're stuck here now.
OLLIE (pause) You're not just — messing with me?
OLLIE Well... fuck. (resigned sigh; pause) Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Assuming this even works.
TIM Assuming what works?
OLLIE It... doesn't matter. I guess we'll see.
TIM I guess we will.
OLLIE Hey, has — has that been running this whole time?
TIM What?
OLLIE That recorder. Did you bring it in here?
TIM Oh, for fuck's sake —
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hephaestuscrew · 7 months
You listened to Greater Boston, right? Is there a metaplot? Like, is it a conspiracy theory red string board podcast or a listen on long car trips looking out the window podcast?
I’m trying to listen to more things post w359 and heard Greater Boston was good, so… yeah
Hello Anon! Yes I do listen to (and love) Greater Boston! I'm going to try to to focus on the particular questions you asked here, but for more of general attempts to pitch the show, you can look at these posts of mine: Greater Boston description ask , Greater Boston pitch post. (These posts are from a while ago, so stuff has happened in the show since, but I still think they provide a decent introduction, to the extent that it is possible to sum up this show.)
Greater Boston very much has an ongoing plot, or rather a range of interweaving ongoing plot threads. I hesitate to call it a 'metaplot' because I almost think that implies an apparent anthology structure (like in The Amelia Project or The Magnus Archives, both of which I'd describe as anthology shows from which a metaplot emerges. Greater Boston isn't really that). The first couple of episodes might seem slightly like they are each a few somewhat self-contained stories, but that approach changes quickly. The show follows a wide range of characters and events, but I'd say that the connections, throughlines, and returns to key characters are frequent enough to create the sense that you are following one big story.
I'm not sure I completely understand what you mean by your dichotomy of red string vs long car ride podcasts. Greater Boston definitely lends itself to a fair amount of red string thinking, given that there's an extremely high number of characters who interconnect in a range of ways, and some really interesting stuff going on with the nature of the storytelling later on.
But, at least in my eyes, Greater Boston is not primarily focused on figuring out a mystery/conspiracy, or theorising about what will happen, in the way that the 'red string' approach might imply. There are some mysteries, but for all of the utterly wild stuff that happens in this show, what appeals to me the most about Greater Boston is the characters, and how the show forces you to engage with everyone from the main focus characters to the smallest minor character to the antagonists you thought they couldn't make you sympathise with. What ultimately keeps me thinking about this show is the emotional journeys of these characters, the ways they struggle and impact each other and relate to one another... (And to be honest, I don't really kid myself that I can actually predict where this show is going to take you next.)
Does Greater Boston fit the "listen on long car trips looking out the window" vibe? If the long car journey vibe means a show you can just let wash over you while you tune in and out of it, then probably not. But if you mean something that can hold your attention for a long period, with enough variation in tone and plot to keep you interested, then Greater Boston definitely slots into that category for me.
Obviously I'm going to say you should listen to it, because, well, you came to a fan of Greater Boston in order to ask about it, but I hope this response helped you figure out if it's the vibe you're looking for at the moment!
(From the past tense of 'listened' in your ask, I wonder if you might be under the impression that this podcast is fully released. So I just thought I'd mention that while the Season 4 finale had some sense of resolution, there is still a fifth and final season of the show planned!)
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ofstoriesandshitposts · 8 months
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Fall cleaning my photo library and found a text conversation between @noxcorvorum and I that perfectly sums up how I feel abt the magnus archives
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marmolita · 6 months
AO3 wrapped, bookmarks edition!
I was thinking about how to sum up my year in fandom, especially since I didn't write much of anything this year, and I thought, hey! Why not share a rec list of all the fic I bookmarked this year! And to make it low effort on me I'm just sharing the base details of fandom and ship, so you'll have to actually look on AO3 to see the summaries and tags and ratings. Many of them have warnings and such (which should surprise exactly nobody who knows me).
So I present to you my bookmarks for 2023. Enjoy!
From The Library of Jurgen Leitner: The Selected Letters of James Joyce by Endful, The Magnus Archives, Elias/Jon, Martin/Jon, Martin/Tim/Sasha, Tim/Sasha
our natural state is drowning by @wildehacked , The Magnus Archives, Basira/Daisy
Proof of Love by etal, The Dark is Rising Sequence, Merriman/Hawkin
you always take the dare by @kitnita , Hockey RPF, Jake Oettinger/Jason Robertson
Breakable Things by mia_ugly, The Magnus Archives, Martin/Jon
spooky scary researcher by Literally, The Magnus Archives, gen
Red by Big Pink, Supernatural, Dean/monsters + gen (shows up this year bc I bookmarked it this year but I originally read it many years ago)
Hir-Nin by surreysmum, LOTR, Aragorn/Legolas
Darling by applecrumbledore, Supernatural, Dean/Benny, hint of wincest
like moses and batman and james dean by saltyfeathers, Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
A Parched Land by shara, Supernatural, Dean/OMCs, Dean/Castiel
you are spring by @wildehacked , Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Jack & everyone
So Says the Sword by komodobits, Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
You're So Lost, Even I Can't Bring You Home by @drawsaurus , Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy (another that I first read years ago and finally added to my bookmarks!)
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localratwithcowboyhat · 7 months
what magnus archives entity/fear do you most align with and why (please info dump i want an essay)
So this is kind of an hard question because I think there is a pretty thin line between being take by an entity and serving one, I think i would probably be taken by the dark or the spiral because there just is this very deep connection, because my fear of the Darkness leads back to my early child hood.
Another reason I think its hart to awnser that question, is because alott off the fears go hand in hand for example the stranger and spiral,, “ I always think it helps to imagine them like colours. The edges bleed together, and you can talk about little differences: "Oh, that's indigo, that's more lilac", but they're both purple.” The spiral is the fear of going mad not being able to trust yourself, now if i think off the stranger and of the statements that encountered a “not them” they often go down that same path of paranoia and feeling like they’re going mad…
I think you have to have something REALY deep connecting to that entety to be serving one. I think I`d probably be taken by the dark because, though im not particularly scared of it Anny more, that deep conquered fear from when i was little is still in here. I`d also say that I would be a candidate to be taken by the vast, because i do have an intense fear of deep bodied of water and the vastness of the ocean, but again not enough to be serving as an avatar.
Now the Spiral I’m considering,, but again there is just this thin line between serving and being taken. So im quiet unsure about this one.
But in regards of identifying with one of the entities, as I said I do have a deep connection to the spiral and would also say I aling with that one to a certain point. But then there is also the buried wich. I have to say might just be the autism, BUT I do have a certain connection to the longing of wanting to rest deep deep down, having all that weight ontop of me. And I do absolutely love MAG 152-a gravedigger´s envy, i do really relate to the experiences of Hezekiah Wakeley.
But to sum it up,
I think I’m most likely to be taken by the vast, dark or buried.
And i would probably be serving the spiral (or/and stranger because i feel the line between those two is especially thin)
Again i think I could go into much more detail but its just kind of hard typing it all out and finding words.
This was a Lott of fun and made me very happy so THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING
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savventeen · 11 months
and be honest if you honestly don’t have any idea or want to leave it up for interpretation
dino’s friend recommended it to him and he recommended it to mc right? well what happened to that friend/person?? i bet they are alive because they sent that game to 13 people before 3 am so the lady in the closet doesn’t get to them 🤭
if mc didn’t mess around and acted seriously in the game, would the outcome have changed? or was it always the gamemaster’s intention for the player to fall into obscurity?
how come dino remembered the mc? power of love??? or because he knew about the game (im pulling stuff out of my ass)?? or he has an android phone in this au 🧐
what if the pfps for the “AIs” are actually previous victims
so if you actually finish the game against all odds everyone is released (if they aren’t dead) hmmmmm sequel merhaps?? jk
imagine the only clue left about the players existence is the goddamn phone bill for texting 💀
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MC????? wait that’d be really sad if the mc was actually still alive but dino couldn’t recognize them as “mc” but knows they exist somehow uGH
i know you wrote this story for fun so these don’t need to have answers/comments but please provide any extra tidbits of info about this concept it’s so interesting 🙏🙏
also you are not the only one with questions so I'm going to do my best to answer them all here!!!
[for anyone who hasn't read it yet and wants to know wtf we're talking about, you can read the entirety of my .|X| THANKS FOR PLAYING |X|. smau here!]
*cracks knuckles* alrighty buckle up folks time to try and answer some questions and take a deep dive into savv’s personal TFP lore here we gooooooooooooo
[putting it all under a readmore bc it got long af and also i didn't realize how hard it would be to translate the lore in my brain into words??????? i somehow didn't realize how oddly complicated it is??? like writing all of this out in any kind of semi-coherent way was SO HARD sdkjfsdlkjf]
~ Was it all a dream? (this one was asked by @junhui-recs)
Sadly, no. 😭 In the reality of this fictional universe, a tragedy very much did happen and Dino and MC are very much suffering from it 🥲 (I will not stop you from imagining that it was all a dream tho, we all have different ways of coping dklsjfsklj <3)
~ What's the main purpose of the game? Why are they doing this? (this one asked by @diamondyjh)
OKAY SO to start off you need to know that this au was heavily inspired by an episode of a podcast called "The Magnus Archives", specifically the episode “Binary” (transcript here). [If you're a fan of horror, I highly recommend giving the episode a listen/read, it's delightfully creepy — you don't need to have listened to any of the other episodes to understand it (just stop at the ending 'supplemental' part)]
The episode goes into detail about this sort of digital urban legend/creepypasta/copypasta about a guy named Sergey Ushanka who, long story short, tried to upload his brain/consciousness into a computer because he was afraid of death and wanted to try living forever virtually. There are tame versions of how he did it and other much more brutal ones, but basically "Sergey Ushanka" is a prank that various coders/programmers like to pull when making chatboxes in which you could talk with "strangers". It would start out normal and then steadily devolve into something creepy. This paragraph taken directly from the episode transcript sums it up very nicely:
"But then the responses start to break down, become more sinister, and keep referring to how much pain Sergey is in. Eventually, the only response the bot gives you is screaming and pleas to be released. The idea is that the chatbot is Sergey Ushanka’s mind, and he doesn’t like being in a computer nearly as much as he’d hoped."
So the idea that I stole from the episode essentially was: but what if it was real? What would the reality of being turned into cold, unfeeling data feel like? Agony is what the episode posits. Here is a list of phrases that the Sergey in the episode uses:
cw: vague body horror, blood mention "the angles cut me when I try to think" / "it peels my mind like knives" / "it feels like thinking through cheese wire" / "there's no feeling, but the no feeling hurts" / "it's cold without blood" / "the maze is sharp on my mind"
My next thought process was: What happens after? If someone were able to survive this process and were somehow able to keep any kind of agency, how would that person try to get out of the digital hellscape that has now become their existence? After knowing what it feels like to become distinctly inhuman, wouldn't they do anything to feel human again?
And how do we feel human? How do we find connection with each other and our humanity without ever having to come in contact with another person?
Stories. Fiction and non-fiction alike, we are all connected through storytelling, by finding feeling through other people's words. The thing about stories, though, is that they aren't messy in the same way that actually feeling our feelings is. That being human is.
So what does all of this have to do with the purpose of the game?
Essentially, when it's all boiled down, in this universe the story of Sergey Ushanka is real, and in this universe he is trying to gain his humanity back by stealing that of others. He started off with stories, with whatever online libraries and resources and archives he could find across the internet. And while it wasn't even close to enough to satisfy him, to get rid of any of the pain he was constantly experiencing, it was enough for him to learn, to grow, to realize that if he wanted his humanity back, he needed to go to the source.
So he started stealing real people from the real world, with all of their messy feelings and emotions and humanness.
That is the purpose of the game, why "they" are doing this. (pls don't ask the how bc i don't have an answer for that, just -waves hands- you know, insert your supernatural/sci-fi explanation of choice sldkflksj)
~ Did all the other characters from the game also get pulled into it the same way reader did? (asked by @diamondyjh) / What if the pfps for the “AIs” are actually previous victims
Short answer, yes to both! (Longer answer in the next question lol)
~ Who are those other people? (asked by @junhui-recs)
Essentially, the other characters/bots/whatever you want to call them are a kind of amalgamation of all the previous players who got sucked into the game. Once someone's been... let's call it absorbed, whatever parts of themselves are left after the process basically get shoved into whatever "character" they fit best, sometimes different pieces going to different characters.
And while the pictures could just be random ones, I like the idea that they're taken from the most recent players that got absorbed :')
~ Why was Changkyun evil? (asked by @junhui-recs)
Well, the main reason he was "evil" was because he's, y'know, a part of the game and the game is trying to steal people's souls or whatever. As for why he's mean, that's because he's trying to trigger an emotional reaction. The more messy, human feelings that are happening at the time of absorption, the better :').
~ Dino’s friend recommended it to him and he recommended it to mc right? What happened to that friend/person??
"i bet they are alive because they sent that game to 13 people before 3 am so the lady in the closet doesn’t get to them 🤭" SJKDFSKLDJ this made me snort, so thank you 😂
BUT to answer your question, in the story, Dino says that Yeonjun gave it to him and that he got it from "a friend of a friend of a roommate". Because the absorption and the consequent complete erasure is such a big process, not everyone who plays gets sucked in. In fact, most people who play don't get sucked in. Which is why Yeonjun is totally fine! (And why the friend of the friend of the roommate, aka this universe's irl Changkyun, is not 🥲)
~ If mc didn’t mess around and acted seriously in the game, would the outcome have changed? Or was it always the gamemaster’s intention for the player to fall into obscurity?
This one's a little bit complicated. It's kind of a yes and no situation? Generally speaking, the game isn't looking to ensnare every single person who plays because 1) it takes A Lot Of Effort to take/erase a single person, and 2) the game needs to spread to other people somehow, thus it needs people to play it and then tell other people to play it too.
For MC specifically, though, it's hard to say. How they played the game didn't matter so much as how they reacted to the game, specifically the first phase(s) of the Mnemosyne Protocol. The whole point of the game is to get big, messy, emotional responses, so if MC hadn't had such a big reaction, the game probably would have turned out differently. That being said, if MC had played the game as blandly as possible, the game might not have ever decided to test out the Mnemosyne Protocol, so. *shrugs* Do with that what you will lol.
~ So if you actually finish the game against all odds everyone is released (if they aren’t dead) hmmmmm sequel merhaps?? jk
Sadly, nothing special happens if you finish the game 😭 Plenty of people finish the game and pretty much go "huh, that was cool I guess" and then move on with their lives after telling their friends about it. This can be said about all four games mentioned actually, since we only see one of them get played.
As for a sequel... almost certainly not 🥲 I'm not going to give a hard no/no forever, because who knows if I'll end up getting another idea/get suddenly struck with inspiration, but... it is Extremely unlikely. Another story in the same universe??? ...still not likely, but slightly more likely than a sequel lol.
~ Why is Dino the only one who remembers reader? (asked by @diamondyjh) / How come Dino remembered the mc? Power of love??? Or because he knew about the game (im pulling stuff out of my ass)?? Or he has an android phone in this au 🧐
I almost want to make the answer "bc he has an android" because that is So Funny to me like sldkfjsldkjfslkjdf amazing 😂
But no, that's not the case lmao. And while I am a huge sucker for the Power of Love being an unstoppable force (ESPECIALLY when it's non-romantic love!!!), the reason Dino and only Dino remembers is thanks to sheer luck and a glitch.
So, in episode 28, MC drops their phone when meeting their brother and in episode 29 we see the alert ".|| MNEMOSYNE PROTOCOL COMPLETE ||." show up on a cracked screen.
The final phase of the Mnemosyne Protocol is the erasure portion, and the reason players get erased instead of just like, disappearing is because their "essence" is basically being transferred from reality into this digital realm of Sergey's existence. And reality, because it's now lacking an entire person and their history, just kinda... rewrites itself to make sense with the missing gap. Think of it as the universe doing like a sort of reverse autocorrect.
But because MC's phone got broken in the middle of that transfer, there was a slight glitch in the process. A glitch wherein Dino, because he was on the opposite side of the globe when this was happening, got accidentally missed in the autocorrection process. If he had been in Korea (or heck, anywhere within a few thousand miles) when this happened, he would have forgotten MC as well.
So long story short, Dino was just extremely (un?)lucky 🥲
~ Where is reader? (asked by @junhui-recs) / WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MC????? Wait that’d be really sad if the mc was actually still alive but dino couldn’t recognize them as “mc” but knows they exist somehow uGH
Well, sad news here friends. Most of what's left of MC is now stuck inside the game. They got absorbed and are now a part of Sergey's dataset and will be used/distributed into "characters" as needed.
Notice that I said most. Because, thanks to the glitch, the part of them that was connected to Dino didn't get transferred properly, and now that part of them is kinda stuck — it no longer exists in the real world, but it also didn't get fully absorbed into the game.
Which leads me to the next question:
~ Did reader turn evil and try to pull Dino into the game or is it the game itself being evil and impersonating reader to lure Dino in? (asked by @diamondyjh)
When I wrote the original version of this, the answer was a kind of combination of both — MC had gotten absorbed and corrupted by the game, so while it was the MC reaching out, they were doing so because it was what the game wanted.
But in this version... It's actually neither! Which I think would normally be a good thing but I think in this instance actually just makes this sadder oops.
So, the epilogue isn't the game impersonating MC and it isn't an "evil" MC trying to lure Dino in, it's actually just the part of MC that got stuck during the glitchy transfer. This is why the messages show as being from "Unknown" instead of the phone number associated with the game. And the reason what's left of MC asks Dino if he wants to play a game is because that's the only way it knows how to connect with anything anymore.
Basically, this sliver of MC that's left is experiencing what the original Sergey went through when he first "uploaded" himself, but instead of reaching out to anyone through a chatbot for help, it's reaching out to the only thing it "remembers" about humanity — Dino.
...I honestly didn't mean to make this story any sadder than it already is and I'm glad that the epilogue by itself just reads as spooky/freaky as hell instead of, well, this. 🥲
~ If Dino plays the game, will he be reunited with reader? (asked by @diamondyjh)
It pains me to say that there is no longer an MC for Dino to reunite with 😭 The part of them that got absorbed by the game is, well, a part of the game now. And the piece of them that's left and trying to reach out to him? Well, like I said, it's just a piece.
There could potentially be a chance for him to find some closure here, but that's about it I'm afraid :')
And now because I want this to end on a more lighthearted note:
~ Imagine the only clue left about the players existence is the goddamn phone bill for texting 💀
It becomes the next biggest conspiracy, that there's someone (or a group of someones) out there completing the world's next biggest scam by raking up random people's phone bills and somehow finding a way to steal the profit lmao
~ Some last thoughts from savv:
If y'all made it all the way to the end of this... holy shit I applaud you sldkfjsdlkjflksjdf LIKE!!!
thank you for taking the time to read all of this?????? it's not even fic it's just me rambling and making things Even Sadder??????
i also want to say that i'm a believer that 'canon' is whatever was posted in the story itself and that anything else is just headcannon, even if it's from me, the author. so if you don't like/don't agree with anything i've said here, feel free to ignore it!! fill in any gaps/questions you have in the way that makes your reading experience the most enjoyable!!
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