#this storm absolutely devestated them
supportingfire · 2 years
              so here’s a fucking vent idk where else to put but as a floridian STILL riding out this shit, i’ve been seeing a lot of gross shit on social media regarding SW florida and the people still there. 
“why didn’t you evacuate?”
“you should have listened. this will be a lesson for you.”
“you had plenty of time.”
             FIRST AND FUCKING FOREMOST these people who say shit like this , i can guarantee, more than 90% of them have never lived in a major hurricane state, much less florida, because they wouldn’t say shit like this. there is so much that goes into the decision to up and leave, and this is coming from someone who evacuated way back when we were slammed by four hurricanes within a month in ‘04. we stayed for charley, and my mom didn’t think our house would last another one right after, so we left. she cried in the car as we crossed over into georgia, while i held my two cats with my brother in the backseat. we were LUCKY ENOUGH to have a vehicle to get us out, and money to make arrangements elsewhere. but we almost didn’t. 
            you have to have a lot of resources available to be able to just up and leave. you never know how long you’re gonna have to stay away, first of all, not to mention you don’t have guaranteed availability ANYWHERE (hotels book up quicker than graduation weekend at your local college) and even if you do find accommodations, a lot of them don’t cater to pets or disabled guests. my grandmother is at an ALF nearby and thankfully we felt safe enough for her to stay there, consider the elderly and disabled who don’t have that luxury. are they expected to just up and leave, too? and if they didn’t do they deserve the ten feet of water destroying their lives, or worse, fucking actual death? you need a means of transportation, money, and somewhere to go. having access to all three of these is a privlidge. 
“you had a week. you knew it was coming.”
            when you live somewhere where hurricanes happen so often it’s literally a season, like fucking winter and summer, you treat these kinds of things a little differently. yes, we knew ian was brewing, yes we knew it had potential, but there was no actual guarantee where and when it would hit. imagine going to your boss and saying “i need two weeks off because of a potential.” right now, as i type this at 11:30 on thursday DAY OF, we got hit with the eyewall TWO HOURS AGO, and i am still expected to clock in and work remotely “if i am avaialble to do so.” and i have the luxury of being able to do remote work. a lot of middle class people do not. they stayed to work. they stayed to keep the lights on, and they stayed to see what was going to happen. the trajectory of this hurricane changed within hours, and fort myers had no chance. naples had no chance. to assume you know better than the people who actually live and work and die here, shame on you. not to mention, when you issue “mandatory evacuation” and offer NO HELP to facilitate it, that’s basically the state going “well, we’re not going to take responsibility, we told you to leave.” its desantis and florida absolving themselves of responsibility for the outcome of it’s people. “just go to a shelter” ALSO A FUCKING ABLEIST THING TO SAY. 
            when evac orders started to roll in, it was almost too late. twelve hours might seem like a long time to you but when you’re on a peninsula, it feels like there’s one way out, and there kind of is. it’s north. some people took a gamble and went south to miami, and even miami got some severe rain and wind. people evac’d tampa TO FORT MYERS thinking they’d be a little bit better off, only for ian to take a fucking right turn and go south and slam fort myers FIRST. this happened within six hours. 
            and finally, yES there are assholes and idiots who go by the mentality that “floridians are built different” and “we’ll be fine, lets have a party!” and they stayed, and they got far more than they were expecting. they got a very, very harsh lesson about taking weather warnings seriously. i have a great uncle who was one of them, and there’s a good chance he didn’t make it through this, no one’s heard from him. does that mean they deserve having their entire lives destroyed? do they deserve to die for being cocky and stupid? the utter lack of compassion from other people blows my fucking mind. SW florida is going to be feeling this one for a long fucking time. death tolls haven’t come out yet because WE’RE STILL DEALING WITH IT. 
            i’m so fucking livid, being on tiktok trying to find updates. there’s a woman on a literal pool float in HER OWN LIVING ROOM as water rises, only for the comments to be “should have left” or “dumb for staying.” how fucking dare you. 
           fuck this man. if you can help, please help, whether it be monetarily or just spreading some sort of compassion. below is a twit thread i found of some reputable organizations providing help on the ground. we’re doing alright in orlando, downtown flooded a lot and i imagine roads will be closed a few days, but southwest florida is literally underwater. please be kind and please be compassionate. 
https://www.newsnationnow.com/weather/hurricane-ian-latest/hurricane-ian-florida-heres-how-you-can-help/ <-- a news article advising how to help
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Demon Slayer Characters and if I Think They Can Walk in Heels
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Now that I’ve moved into my new place, I’m just trying to get some stuff sorted out so apologies for the delay, I swear I’m working on your requests T_T
In the meantime, here’s this post that I finished a few days ago that I started during finals season
Word count: 1.4k~
Part 1 (you're here!), Part 2 (coming soon), Part 3 (coming soon)
Modern au-ish...
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Mitsuri Kanroji
She doesn't really wear heels unless she's going out somewhere
Mitsuri will wear heels if you take her to a club, a date, a restaurant, and any other nicer event
But honestly, she prefers running shoes!
They're convenient, comfortable, and they tend to match their outfits more often than not
Do not get me wrong, Mitsuri can definitely rock a pair of heels
I would say that the highest she can go is six inch heels and that's it
Anymore than that and she's wobbling
Mitsuri's favourite pair of heels is a knee high gladiator sandal that's all gold, and maube about 4-5 inches high?
It pairs lovely with her favourite dresses and skirts, especially when she's going out of her way to turn a few heads
I also think that she's the most graceful out of everyone here
Overall 9/10 she absolutely slays this
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Obanai Iguro
He thinks it's stupid that he needs to clarify this at all
Can Obanai walk in heels? Without a doubt
Your next question should be if Obanai chooses to wear heels
And shockingly, he does
I think that Obanai will sometimes wear a two inch loafer heel just for some added height
Hella confident in them too, look at him go
Obanai will totally wear them to work, class, or anywhere he feels like putting on a little bit of effort into what he's wearing
I think on more fancier occasions, like a high end date or club, he might wear some pointed toe stilettos with a nice pair of slacks
Honestly he's not really one to exclude heels from his wardrobe, he's just weirded out by how fascinated people are on this topic
8/10, nailed it
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Tengen Uzui
Do I think Tengen can wear heels? I know for a fact he can
But I just think that he never does because he can never find any in his size
Poor guy
To be fair, this man is fucking huge
I even have problems finding boots that fit my calves, deep down in my heart I know that Tengen has it so much worse
Cause even if he manages to find something that fits his foot, it might not fit the rest of his leg
He's actyally really devestated about it
All he wants is a nice pair of pumps to match Hina, Suma and Makio
And maybe a pair of lobster claws...
3/10, a slay in theory but not in practice
I WILL GIVE HIM THIS, if he manages to pay for a custom pair of heels, he will probably rival with Mitsuri in who looks the best in heels
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
He says he can walk in heels
But I assure you, he cannot
I think that Sanemi is lowkey intimidated by the results of the other Hashira on this list and now he's in too deep to back down
So when asked if he can wear heels, he will lie to your face
"Obviously, you think I'm gonna allow a pair of shoes to get the best of me?"
Sanemi, you've got a big storm coming
All his machoness goes away the second that he puts them on
Why is he walking with his knees out...
He's not even wearing stilettos, no
Sanemi's wearing three inch cork wedges
They don't really suit his style so he'll never go out of his way to wear them
I think after embarassing himself like this, he's never going to want to learn how to walk in them
-2/10 Sanemi you fucked around and found out huh
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Shinobu Kocho
Can absolutely strut in six inch heels no problem
I think that Shinobu wears heels often, especially if she's going to be out in public where she is certain she's going to encounter someone she knows
But I don't think she enjoys wearing them
In some way I think Shinobu wears heels on a semi-daily basis to compensate for her short stature
She wants to be on equal standing with others and in a way, this is her way fo tring to achieve that
Two inch boots aren't going to stop her from being taken seriously
She does try to find some light in her circimustance though
Her favourite pair are these cute mary janes, and she has another pair with a platform sole
So even if you see her wearing heels, please don't mistake that she finds them powerful to wear
It's more of a social thing really
7/10, I wish she had a better experience :/
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Kyojuro Rengoku
I am going to say this as nicely as I can
Please be patient with him, he's learning T_T
He can still get to where he needs to go, he just looks a little unstable???
Kyojuro would really appreciate if you held his hand a little
Though I will say, he is enthusiastic about learning!
In a few months he can probably walk just fine in them
I don't think that he would wear them to work or on a date, but he might if he's going to a particular event where you try to look better than usual
Like a high end club or exclusive event, he'll probably wear something classy
I think his go to is wither a pair of corset heels or high blocks
Obanai is lowkey jealous because Kyojuro doesn't really need the extra hight
4/10, keep up the hard work :)
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Giyu Tomioka
My first instinct was to immediately put Giyu on the 'Not Allowed' list
A hunch just told me that he would somehow cause more trouble if he wore any
But I considered it further and came to this conlcusion
Giyu can and will walk in heels, just nothing above three inches
He tried walking in four inch platforms and he was nearly tripping every two minutes
And if Tengen sees him exiting his apartment wearing them again he will not hesitate to put those things back where they came from
Giyu does like wearing heels though, even if he's not allowed to wear very high ones
Only wears them if he's going to a club though
His favourite pair is a professional looking pair of blue, beige and black slingbacks with a three inch heel
5/10, but he's walking on thin ice
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Gyomei Himejima
I don't think that Gyomei could walk in heels smoothly, but he can certainly get from point A to B
He just can't do it gracefully
If Gyomei walks in heels, he won't ever admit that he's struggling and he'll insist that he's walking just fine
But he has his arms outstretched like he's walking on a tightrope
It's honestly just not his thing, and I don't think he would be able to incorporate it with his current wardrobe
Even if he had the desire to learn, I think he would hear the struggle that Tengen's going through and just give up
He already has to go on a lengthy search to find anything to fit him regularly, let alone a pair of heels
2/10 I can't say I would recommend this for him, no
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Muichiro Tokito
You know those pictures of kids wearing their mom's heels?
And their foot barely fits in the shoe?
And they just look so awkwardly out of place?
That's Muichiro
Poor baby
I think he has some growing to do before he's going to learn how to walk in them
But Muichiro definitely wants to learn!
Given how his sense of style is usually baggy or loose fitting clothes, I can see him maybe going to Obanai for style advice in the future
Probably nothing high or flashy either, just probably a pair of classy heeled boots
I just don't think it's for him right now, at his current stature
Muichiro just looks a little bit out of place in them right now though...
1/10, maybe when you're a bit older buddy
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Thanks for reading! I have two more parts of this prompt with the slayers and demons so I should be sending that out in a while. I’m also working on a Kyojuro request and I’m hoping to have it out soon, so stay tuned lovelies ^^
Also thank you all for 200 followers, I swear I’ll work harder so I can post more often! I’ll be working on some requests in the meantime :)
Asks and requests are still open, just please read the rules before submitting anything ;)
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
ok found The Tornado by owl city and it finally kicked me into finally fleshing out the little idea i had originally from Ao E Mukau-
Its a storm world constantly covered by thick clouds, ruins of towns and cities no longer used as the old societies broke down- Giyuu and Sabito were born on the knife's edge of that collapse before the constant deadly storms made living like they were nearly impossible
one of the worst thunder storms in decades ripped through a large swath of area; Giyuu & Tsutako's parents getting killed while Sabito's mother and little brother were killed hours later when it passed over them, they both continued on with what family they had left for a few years, just trying to get enough money for food on the table and a house over their heads
when they were 13 a massive, absolutely devestating tornado hit the town Sabito lived in in the middle of the night- he was making a quick trip to the store for midnight snacks and ended up dragging his bike into a little culvert under a road with him, it mostly protected one side but when it started getting really bad some small debris started flying through and one jaggedly cut across his cheek before he curled up to wait it out. Hours later when day shouldve broke & the storm had calmed, he crawled out to finally see the total destruction of the place he called home- there was almost nothing left. His heart broke as he realized just how lucky he is to be alive, and how his dad and little sister weren't. He ran into a group of survivors and got his cheek patched up by some of the medical professionals who stepped up to check everyone over; months later an earthquake hit the city Giyuu & Tsutako lived in, she had shoved a screaming Giyuu in the only little saftey box they had and Giyuu survived falling & getting violently tossed around when the building collapsed- he was stuck in it for a day or so, crying and screaming to be let out and for his sister to be okay, before search and rescue teams found him and pried it open. they thought he was dead at first before he woke up and started crying again when he saw the damage to the area, they treated the cut on his forhead and he ran away before they could put him in an orphanage with the other only-survivor kids
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#loserboy giyuu posting#neros art tag#sabito#giyuu#kny sabito#tomioka giyuu#tw claustrophobia#tw buried alive#giyuu probably does get claustrophobia after that....#poor boy :(#downfall au#their storms were the start of the super-storms & natural disater events getting much more frequent- people stopped rebuilding big#city stuff like that just for it to topple over/get damaged during construction-#they grouped up into flocks of people with similar interests like researchers/educators- first-aid/medical/search&rescue- etc-#Urokodaki was born in a family that already lived a pretty secluded self-sufficient lifestyle so by the time things got that bad he was#already taking in stray kids & loners and teaching them how to do stuff on their own#he forcibly adopted sabito when he found him trying to survive on his own & like a week after that earthquake he took giyuu in after findin#him severely malnourished passed out on the forest floor#giyuu woke up feelin nice and cozy with someone gently running their hand through his hair only to break down again when he realized it#wasnt his sister because that shit wasnt just a nightmare-#Urokodaki dealing w 2 more traumatized kids what will he do#oh!! also!! the kasugi crows! theyre just normal crows that they befriended that do lil tasks and favors for them#giyuu fucking Loves kanzaburo he spoils the everloving shit out of that crow & the other crows r so jealous#a crow took a liking to sabito and he named them shide- theyre a snappy little fucker sometimes and other times they just wanna play w him#and hes very fond of shide even if he denies it whenever hes bandaging his fingers from them biting him#ough i wanna draw them w their crows now.....#i need adult designs for them i dont actually have anything yet
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a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
Please could I request reader telling silco hes so handsome etc etc and that she loves both his eyes and the scar. He's just perfect. And he is loving all the praise and compliments. Fluff or smut up to you either would be amazing <3
Ps. I love your writing!!!
Yesssss, lets get this fluffy, a bit feely AND smutty!
Silco X F!Reader
Wordcount: 2K+
Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings: NSFW/Minors DNI. Language, brief mention of violence, sex-work, praise kink, body worship, light bondage, oral (male receiving), P in V sex, Reader almost being as much of a simp as we are
The first time it had slipped out, was on his 17th time visiting you.
The moment it had, he had froze, before the hand unclasped the grip he had on both your wrists, and pulling out of you smoothly but with a visible haste in his actions. Gasping the moment his presence left you, an ache in between your legs at the sudden loss nearly unbearable as you rubbed them together as you sat up onto your elbows with a caught-back whine. "I-is something wrong?" You panted, swallowing and letting out a mute curse as the aches, both pleasurable, began to dull between your legs.
Faced only with the scarred side as he caught his breath, you are left with few clues to what was in his head, save a tense jawline and flaring nostrils as he breathed sharply, in and out, again and again. The red eye seemed to glow brighter with each inhale, lighting up like the embers at his finale smoke, per every session. You could watch it for hours.
Pushing up further, resisting the groan in your core, and you reach. Fingers barely brushing his bare shoulder as you breath in concerned, "Beloved...?"
Stinging with the smack he gives to knock your hand away before it touches, it still remains in the air as he growls, launching to his feet and storming about the private room, gathering his things. Shoving feet into gold-lined boots, half-buttoning up a shirt; a rush, it seemed, to escape.
You called his name, a breach in the contract, but you did it anyways. He didn't even hesitate, all but slamming the gold down on the low-lighted rooms dresser as he shoved his arms through his jacket. "Silco, wait-" You're caught in the glare of hellfire and mortal, both just as devestating, deadly and raw as that of a snarling predator.
"You are to keep quiet, next we meet. Understood?"
The Eye of Zaun doesn't wait for the reply, the mask concealing his identity as he exits secured before he slams the door behind him.
Leaving you with trembling legs, half kneeling on the bed as you stared after him. Any other woman would be shaking from terror from being the subject of such a flaming look, so off-put by the scarring and the shift from his normal cool, suave demeanor. You do not shake with such fear, however. The shaky breath you release as you fall back onto the bed, catching your breath as you pressed your palms into your eyes, was how utterly, totally beautiful your client was.
And, as consequence, how utterly screwed you were, in the fact that you thought that.
Love wasn't supposed to happen. Not here, and not like this.
You definitely shouldn't be feeling love for a client while he has his cock pounding between your lips.
And you absolutely, positively, shouldn't be finding the way he's throwing his head back, slicked-strands of dark hair wild around his face as he lets out something guttural, and almost fragile, claw from his throat as he cums straight down your own, utterly captivating.
It's almost reflexive at this point, how easily you take him to the hilt as his length twitches and drains hot ribbons down your perfectly sore throat. As reflexive as the several, gentle press of your lips you leave down on his spent length, before pressing an kiss directly on the dripping tip, the taste of him coating your tongue as you gaze up through your eyelashes.
Lovingly stroking his thighs as he came down from his peak, your hoarse voice said it, again. It takes his mind a few seconds to hear it, absorb it and understand it's every syllable, but then his eye snaps back open as he pulls himself away immediately, going for the provided cloth on the table.
"There are many, many terrible stories, about whores that don't listen." The threat doesn't work; you both know he won't follow it, and you pant, reaching up to delicately thumb off the remains off him off your lips. He doesn't turn, but you watch the man's muscles jump as he hears you moan delightfully as you suckle the cum off your digit. "And lie."
A frown as you breathe, "I've never lied."
"You," Now cleaned, Silco turns, and once more, you are breathless under the glow of his red. His coat already in hand, he sightlessly pulls out the clanking pouch from his pocket. "... are a whore..." The first click of gold is all but a punch onto the bedside table. You never move your eyes from him, even as he loudly stacks each and every coin atop one another.
"A whore, that's paid." Another ten clacks. "Paid to like it."
Another ten. "Paid to act like that..."
A final ten, and his fist is shaking, chipped teeth gritting as he bores his duel-colored gaze into you. There's sweat still dotting his brow, hair still sticking out from his thrusts between your ravaged lips. "Paid," He whispers, hoarse as if your positions were flipped. "...to say such pretty, pretty lies."
You stare straight into his eyes. And whisper it again.
That pure, perfect devastation crosses his gaze once more before he turns on a heel, breaking a world-record in his haste to put his clothes, his armor back on, and stride out the door, leaving you on your knees, with the taste of him in your mouth, and fifty shining, golden coins on the polished wood.
A moment later, you throw every single one of those damn coins out the window, and scattering into the street three floors below.
Paid, you are not.
Liar, you are not.
"You're sacked." You aren't surprised, and say nothing to the Madame. Only give a cool side-glance to your co-worker beside you, smirking smuggly. She's of similar height, coloring, body type to you, and was Silco's second choice if he hadn't picked you.
The greedy bitch already has the glitter in the color of his gold in her eyes as she watches you lose your job. A consequence of you whispering the name of your client when you thought you were alone at night. "Immediately," The Madame continues, and you interrupt, reminding her of Silco's appointment tonight. "Don't care, be gone by then."
Your next question finally has her glancing up from her paperwork. "What was that?" "I said, what if I paid you for the room?" A haughty chortle of disbelief from your ex-coworker, and a sigh from your Madame. "This isn't a damn hotel. Get lost, before I get the guys to drag you out."
You turn, and walk out of the office. And return a handful of moments later, an armful of all the pouches of coins you'd procured over the last several months as Silco's. Dumping them without care onto the desk, the Madame's cigarette falls from her teeth as she stares. "... oh, you poor thing," She mutters, raising one dark-leather bag and feeling it's heavy, heavy weight. "You've fallen hard, haven't you?"
You don't answer that question, but she answers yours, agreeing to a one-night stay in the room you've been fucking the Industrialist in. And, of course, one more thing.
"What do you want?" Silco's runner-up snarls as she strides back in; you, the first-prize, only sweetly smile and curl your fist at your side. "The five seconds I paid for."
If Silco takes note of the bruised knuckles, or the muffled crying he surely had to have heard as he walked past the office, or one of the teeth staff still hadn't managed to pick up off the ground yet, he makes no comment as he tightens his tie around your wrists.
For a moment you fear the gag, in which case he'll hear nothing of what you have to say. You're relieved, emotionally as physically, as he guides his cock into your body with knees on either side of his hips.
"Beautiful," You breath as his nails dig into the curve of your ass as you lift, then lower onto him again. You see those gritting teeth grind as you moan out the word again, adding it's twin between your heaving breaths, "Gorgeous..."
A hand comes up to cup your breast, rolling and gripping at the plump flesh almost tenderly, but another whisper of the dreaded B-word has pain zapping to your brain from how hard he pinches your nipple.
"Stop that," He orders, mortal eye closed tight as he rocks his hips up into you, choking your next word with the thrust of his cock deep inside. "I'm not paying you to say those things." The laugh slips out from your tongue before you think, tone loving as you inform him, "You can't pay me. I don't work here anymore."
You were staring into the hellfire-gaze as you confessed that. You now face both, utterly fixated on your face as his nails grip your hips, as if you could escape, or want to escape, his attention. "What..." A swallow, and you follow the curve of his throat with your gaze, causing a second swallow. "... what did you just say?"
A smile, as you gaze upon his every serious, ever careful, ever stoic face that looks up at you in pure shock and disbelief. "I was fired today. I paid for this room, it's essentially a motel for the night... I don't know if you'll ever see me again after this." You give a small, experimental clench around him, and his eye-contact never breaks as he gives a shuddering, low exhale.
"... You're beautiful, Silco." You begin to move again, slowly, inner muscles pulsating around his erection deep within your heat as you whisper your confessional. "I can't stop looking at you, or thinking about you, and thinking how gorgeous you are. H-how-" Your moan cuts you off as both his hands slowly snake up your chest, this time giving both breasts slow, caring attention. "... h-how marvelous you are..."
A choked sound from below. Your hooded eyes watch as he closes his green eye, the red nearly disappearing as it dilates into the black.
"I love when you look like this," You admit, between gasps as his hips start rolling in earnest up to meet you. "I love those rare smiles you get afterwards, w-with a cigar half-hanging out. I love... l-love the way your eyes, both of them, g-get so concentrated even as you fall apart. I-i love it when you bite your lip with t-those damn perfect teeth... just like t-that-" Even with his cock now slamming into you from below, you let out a breathless laugh as you see his canine pricking into his bottom lip in his carnal euphoria.
You're so concentrated on watching this man fall apart, from your words and body, that you almost miss the way the tie is nearly ripped off your wrists.
"You mean it," Silco gasps into your ear as he tugs you down atop of him, arm wrapping around you with nails biting into your back as his teeth bites into your shoulder as he fucks you in belief. "I-i do..." You groan against this ear as it earns you a lap against your skin, before a deep bite that'll be stinging for days. "I-i had to tell you... d-don't know i-if I'll ever see you again-"
"You're coming home with me."
You let out a near-sob as one hand reached between your legs to stroke your clit with fierceness, and how certain his words are. How quickly you accept.
Your hand comes up to brush against grey, ragged skin, palm sliding on the sweat and fading make-up as you begin laying a trail of kisses from his ruined side of his chin, up.
A snap of his hips. Another loving kiss.
A deep, wicked moan that shakes at the end.
You feel how erratically he's slamming into you, palm practically a blur on your clit as your vision starts to go white, and you press your open mouth at the corner of that stunning, wonderful eye of fire and darkness.
Your orgasm comes in sync with him, as you hoarsely choke out the one word you think of whenever you lay eyes on this man:
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firemama · 3 years
Its 5:30am and i have a ragging fever and im tryna sleep and thinkin about dragon age
And u know what!! I dont care WHAT the inquisition party mages start with!! Theres no fuckin WAY Solas specializes in ice magic!
Have u SEEN his classification? Like yeah rift mage, obvious, of course, he is Fade and Veil man. But the literalness of it? HE LITTERALLy! THROWS BIG FUCKIN ROCKS. Punch with fist!
Ice magic is all about defenses and traps and buying time, it is NOT solas' style. What is his style is throwing flaming rocks at people. You know what that IMPLIES? FIRE MAGIC. Especially when you look at fire amd ice magics clinically. Because ice magic, or rather, cold magic, would be removing energy from an enviorment (most easily, sending it to the surronounding Environment) to create a lack of energy, and thus make things colder. where as Fire magic, or Heat magic, would be injecting energy so suddenly that shit COMBUSTS. In the insance of SOLAS, a RIFT mage, how fucking easy would it be to spit out energy from the fade at a target? Its the same violent and straight forward tactic as, you kno, spitting a ROCK outta the fade. And also solas is a self admitted hot head (though he says its his youth in which he was short tempered, he litterally fell the fuck asleep for xyz number of years and then woke the fuck up and said "im wiser now" and continues to make wildly rash decisions like "shit lets give this blight guy my magic orb this will all work put fine" and also "hey almost all my fucking people died but im pretty sure if i tear down this veil thing i made which killed them, the current species of elvhen people that have probably adapted to the world as it is now will just be imortal probably!")
But my theory that elvhen people of current thedas plausably having changes to a point of no return aside:
Solas should totally use fucking fire magic, fuck the ice magic spell he starts with that everyone seems hellbent on taking as his elemental style.
That said, Vivienne is absolutely a fucking ice mage? Unquestionably? I mean its totally her fuckin style? She would totally take pleasure in immobilizing targets and taunting them (she litterally does this exact thing during her introduction sequence). And also shes an indirect, ice cold bitch (tone indiactor: kinda fucking love that about her). She would definitely be the kind of deadly ass mage that uses a style pension for defense and traps, cause thats BASICALLY what the game is but like, with words. And also sucking the energy out of something to freeze it is just the kind of a-emotional tactic you can expect in her calculative nature.
This leaves our last elemental school to Dorian, who should definitely be the fuckin school of storm? Lightning man? Like i know eveyone wants him to be fire because oho flamboyant little flame. But like everything about dorian is ententionally weaponized and volatile, even his flamboyant personality. His sharp tongue is a live wire and he litterally lives his life by the motto, "oh it looks pretty, but if you touch it, zap!" Like hes the embodiment of arching electricity. And it just fucking works more with his chaptic style! He a Necromancer! CHAOS! PANIC! FEAR! SPIRIT BOMBS AND THUNDEROUS CHAIN LIGHTNING = MASS HYSTERIA AND SWEEPING DAMAGE! Dorian comes from a country where the front lines and the battlefields are run by magic rather than armor or sword, his magic should reflect that. Quick, light on the feet, devestating. And dorian, himself: unpredictable but a whole school of science and research, to know the finesse of his craft and its nature, whether its the spirits he forms or the lightning he crafts.
Anyway it seems violently obvious to me
Tldr: Dorian it Storm, Vivienne is Ice, and Solas is Fire. It matches their nature, it matches their fighting styles, it matches their specializations.
Im sure this post is riddled with typos but cut be some slack it is now 6:10am and im exhausted
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Haha, hey you remember that incredibly angsy ask I sent you about Sam finding Dream's stash of secret dirt that you wrote an absolutely devestating fic out of? So I may have. possibly. thought up an even angstier alternate ending ahaha.
So, y'know the Four Fs? Y'know how people respond to danger with Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn or some combination of? And which response you have, as instinctual and uncontrollable as it is, is what will ultimately decide your fate? I was thinking about that as I sent that ask and it occurred to me that Dream was quite lucky that he'd responded the way he had. He'd frozen, he'd fawned, he'd been just non-threatening enough that Sam had time to assess the situation. Wow, wouldn't it be awful if he hadn't been so nice and compliant :)
Dream panics when he sees Sam, furious, in full netherite, storming towards him. He takes a step back, heart pounding. Sam says something but all he can hear past the haze of terror is the anger in his tone, the sound of Sam's sword unsheathing, the heavy footsteps getting closer and closer and-
And Dream runs. He stumbles back, darts for the exit, barely keeping out of Sam's range. He runs through the forest, frantic and desperate, not knowing where to go except /away/. He's good at running, always has been, since he was a kid playing at being hunted by his friends. But this wasn't a Manhunt. Back then his bones didn't ache and his hands didn't tremble and when he was cornered, on two hearts, with a sword to his neck, he didn't go cold with the realisation that he was about to die.
Sam keeps his sword trained on Dream's throat even as he watches the fight die in his eyes. There's no satisfaction in it, just the trembling relief that he stoped this before it was too late. His heart is still racing from the few terrifying seconds where he thought Dream had escaped, that Dream would be free to fulfil whatever awful plan he'd made and that Sam would be responsible for whatever followed. The fear and the guilt turn to anger. He digs his sword into Dream's neck, just a little, just to see him flinch. Sam should kill him. For one awful second, Sam /wants/ to and feels sick at himself for it.
Sam takes Dream back to the prison, alive, makes sure Dream knows this is a mercy. He leaves Dream to rot in his cell and takes away his visitation privilages, indefinitely. Sam stumbles home, exhausted, and collapses into bed. He curls up with Fran and tries not to think about the pale, hopeless terror on Dream's face.
It's not until the next day that Sam remembers the room full of chests. He realises that he should probably confiscate Dream's equipment, though there's little rush now that Dream's locked safely away in Pandora's Vault. It takes until the afternoon for Sam to work up the energy to deal with Dream's stuff but eventually he sets to work searching the chests for dangerous items.
But there's nothing there. Sam searches every chest twice, he even digs into the walls looking for hidden chests, but all he finds is harmless junk. As he's starting to realise what actually happened his communicator buzzes. He knows what it says before he opens it, he'd been brushing off the notifications all day but something cold settles over him as he reads them now.
Dream tried to swim in lava
Dream tried to swim in lava
Dream tried to swim in lava
anon. ANON. how dare you literally break my heart i am simultaneously in love and in hate with this /pos
this is SO GOOD holy shit ,, god, sam and dream both really need therapy ,,,
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cthulhubrain · 3 years
skimming/reading through x-men the hidden years, and i come across a nice warren story of grounded absolute tragedy...
so naturally i have to rant to my sister about it (spoilers under the readmore for issue 15. but like some information might have been retconned later, so... not really spoiling much i guess)
(i’m just gonna copy-paste what i wrote in discord to her, and then eventually put in images for the comic pages when i shout about them, rather than screenshotting the whole convo):
alyson — Today at 4:55 PM im GONNA HAVE TO WATCH THIS OH ALSO KAIT, I'M CRYING BECAUSE OF STUPID AWFUL BEAUTIFUL WARREN BACKSTORY TIDBITS FUCK0 i'm reading 'xmen the hidden years' which is just a bunch of more O5 adventures and shit before they went to krakoa for the first time and storm and wolverine had to be recruited to save them aNYWAYS waren's FUCKIN UNCLE AHEM HANG ON, I GOTTA BRACE FOR THIS. OKAY. HIS UNCLE IS A SUPERVILLAIN AND KILLED WARREN'S DAD. AND ALSO FOUND OUT ABOUT WARREN'S WINGS AND XMEN-ING. AND WARREN FOUND OUT ABOUT HIM so warren's been keeping this to himself and eventually he tells the o5 when he finds out his supervillain uncle (who he thought was dead as well) is suddenly alive and like, inviting them all to a wedding or something and the o5 are like 'the fuck warren, why didn't you tell us?' and warren's like 'LISTEN, THIS IS HARD FOR ME OKAY.' sooooooooo warren's fuckin evil uncle is marrying his mom warren's mom who also doesn't know about warren's wings in this continuity anyways SO this fuckin secretkeeping has all been the suggestion of the family butler doctor who has been with them since before warren was born and he's like 'nah don't tell your mom about your uncle being evil warren, he's making her happy and she was so devestated by your father's death like, this is the only thing keeping her from keeling over p much' and warren's like 'THANKS I HATE THIS' BUT THEN IT TURNS OUT DOC HAS ONLY BEEN DOING THIS BECAUSE HE'S BEEN PLOTTING WITH EVIL UNCLE BERTRAM TO KILL OFF WARREN'S MOM AFTER THE MARRIAGE TO I GUESS INHERIT BULLSHIT and warren's likE 'THE FUCK DOC? WHY??? YOU FUCKIN DELIVERED ME WHEN I WAS BORN!' AND THEN THE DOC REVEALS HOW FUCKIN EVIL HE IS:
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(comic page image and following images from xmen the hidden years issue 15 pages 21-24)
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
Honestly, your writing reminds me a lot of the buffyverse. Just the perfect balance of humor and sadness and romance and heart that just feels like a vivid window into the world you've created.
God the Body...the best forty minutes of television I may never watch again. I've rewatched Willow and Tara's kiss (because I'll adore them forever), but just...the weight of it. It took me a full month to work up the nerve to watch the episode, to be ready to cry that much.
What you said about not wanting people to suffer, because of your work...It's never once felt like that for me. And I've cried a LOT while reading your work. I'll try to explain it the best I can
Grief can be so isolating, and disorienting. Your world goes topsey-turvey, supports you took for granted go flying into the abyss and suddenly it's a minefield of those glass shards. And no one's grief is identical. No two circumstances are the same. It's not possible for anyone else to know exactly how you feel, because no two hearts break alike.
Sometimes, it's because people just don't understand. Sometime's it's because they no longer want to. But some days, that feeling of aloneness can be crushing.
Then one night, I stumbled upon Let These Shadows Fall Away Like Dust. That one hit me way harder than I was ever expecting. The question of how to grieve the living, the dilemma on when forgiveness is deserved...Alex's anger, his devestation, the rawness of it all....That's my broken glass. Those are concepts I've been struggling for over a year. I'm still picking up pieces every day.
I sobbed, because it was such a relief. To see the feelings that had been scrambled up in my mind just reflected there, on my screen. The reminder I had desperately needed, that I was not alone. That even though my circumstances were different, I was not the only one trying to unravel those messy emotions.
Then again, I also read your deathfic for fun, so maybe I'm not the best judge of this. I tend to like angst. I tend to get a lot of "WHY WOULD YOU MAKE IT THAT SAD" in group chats :D
Please don't feel any pressure to respond to me quickly or anything. I never mind the wait. I'm so sorry for the rough times. Wishing that you and your family gets whatever you need to help ease your storm. Sending love and support as well.
(sorry for all the metaphors. I'm super sleepy and apparently, I resort to purple prose when tired lol)
I know exactly what you mean about Emily. I understand why people don't like her, but I just love to see her written as such a grey character. It's just so much more powerful when the love is so clearly there.
I mean, that's what a tragedy is, really. Love cut short. Grieving a future that could have been everything, if fate had not been cruel. I don't know if you know musical theater, but I like to think about the Barber and His Wife, from Sweeney Todd: the whole tragedy of that show, is that they were happy all together, and then permanently broken. How their paths keep crossing, but they never connect to heal. Never lost, but never found.
And that's the tragedy of Luke and Emily: too stubborn and too late. You find that grey area, the messiness so well, and just bring it all out so wonderfully. You do the same with Bobby/Trevor, ESPECIALLY in the horror and the wild. God, that absolutely devestated me. I'm not a big fan of horror in general, and I haven't explored the genre that much but...if all horror is like yours then DAMN, I might just have to become a fan.
This got super long (lol) so I'll wrap it up now but! THE SIC FIC QUEENS TOGETHER???? When I tell you I lost it.... all too well Bobby and what you've lost reggie in the same story are killing me. I am hooked and incredibly hyped. Loved both updates so far, and cannot wait to see where the story goes!
Oh yeah and I forget: I have to ask, do you have a fan cast of the one, the only, the incredible Keith Richards? (and that goblin is so cute!!! I really want to pet the blood thirsty monster. So badly)
Love, your totally-not-undead-pen-pal, :D
-Vampire Anon
Know musicals? Vampire Anon my beloved, I am a musical theatre bitch. Take a look at my high school graduation cap! (Anastasia is my favorite musical... something about the themes of home, love, and family, the idea of always finding a place in the world even after enduring incredible hardship, that anything is survivable with faith and love in your heart... I'm also a Romanov history bitch, and Christy Altomare is such an incredible talent and human being.) Literally, talk to me about musicals anytime!
And yeah, I definitely see your metaphor... the tragedy of The Barber and his Wife was how close they came to each other throughout the whole show, existing within reach the entire time, after being separated for so long. But it wasn't the same; it never could be. Time and trauma had changed them both into something unrecognizeable, and when they came face-to-face, they could only hurt each other. At a certain point, the ghosts of your past are meant to stay ghosts. Sure, you might want them back more than anything --- but what would it mean? What would you truly be getting back?
Luke's "back", of course, and he comes home to visit his parents multiple times... but they're not the same people he left. They're older, greyer, changed by grief... while he's just the same. A snapshot forever frozen in time, a memory crystalized in amber. You can't hold memories in your hands. You can't pull them close and refuse to let them go. Eventually, they'll slip away... and to Mitch and Emily, a memory is all their son is, now. That's what's so heartrending about the situation we see in the show, especially --- so much love still exists between all of them, but it has no place to go.
Okay, sorry, it's 3am here and I'm rambling too, haha --- mentioning musical theatre was a mistake.
I'm so glad my stories have been able to connect with you, especially 'shadows' --- that one resonated with a lot of people, more than I ever realized it would. It's not the most personal story to me... but definitely one that needed to be told, and the emotion in it... hits home for a lot of people. It means so much to me knowing that story, and Alex's internal struggle, has made people feel less alone.
I think I'm going to have a hard time looking back on that one, though. We were staying at my aunt's house for the weekend where I wrote most of it; I read a few excerpts to her, and she said she liked it. She was always interested in my writing... I kind of wish I'd gotten the chance to share more of it with her.
Like you said. Grief's a funny thing. Disorienting, relentless, and crushing.
Please just remember, though --- whatever you're dealing with, you're not alone. You don't have to cut yourself on those broken pieces... one day, you'll wake up, and realize you feel whole again. It will never feel the same, and the pain will always be there... but healing around it is what makes us stronger. You don't owe anyone your forgiveness; it's okay to grieve when you've lost something, regardless of whether death has taken them from you. Grief doesn't have to be earned, it simply has to be felt.
You'll be stronger for it, in the end. I'm sorry you've been hurting so much.
Anyways! Oh gosh! On to lighter, happier topics! Please tell me...
What are your favorite fics? (Like, my fics, obviously, which fics of mine do you just go gaga over? Please praise me or else my ego will shrivel like a worm on hot pavement.) No, okay, I'm kidding --- what are your top fics for this fandom? Like, what are the ones that really resonate with you, that you could read over and over? The JATP fandom has so many greats, but I'm always drawn back to Some Killer Queen You Are by pearlcaddy (buffyverse meets jatp!! iconic!!), Lantern's Light by thefairhero (literally the SOFTEST reggie), the sky's not empty tonight by firefall (just... devastating and beautiful in a dozen ways), and literally anything by foundfamilyvevo.
How long have you been in the JATP fandom? Who are your favorite characters? What's your favorite JATP song?
And finally, most importantly... what are your favorite musicals?
(also... since u asked... behold keith richards and tremble)
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handlewcaare · 4 years
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When one read the comic books, being a teenage hero was a helluva lot easier than it was.
Spiderman didn’t have to watch his grades gradually plummet with each “emergency” meeting the Avengers set up for him. Nor did he have to turn in half finished homework because he forgot to do it when he ran off to handle a Behemoth of a beast. It was smooth sails for the likes of some friendly neighborhood vigilante.
Badd wished it was that simple.
He couldn’t complain it was all that rough. Kids at school knew of his devestating strength, so much so that a few would text him about a monster nearby. At times, he’d handle a monster in exchange for a free tutoring session for a class he was struggling in. It was a fair exchange, a life for a decent test grade.
Some people at school would greet him, but he was hardly popular. If anything, he was just as good as company as a cardboard cut out. Someone to briefly pause what he was doing to stoically pose for a photo-op. Though, some people just assumed he wasn’t as friendly as the stature he put on.
“Badd, right?”
His brow arched, momentarily breaking the signature snarl he naturally adorned (it wasn’t a scowl, it was just his face). The voice came from a girl who’s face was speckled with a constellation of freckles. He knew of her, that she was a new transfer student from H-City, but he never got to know who she really was.
“Ya know anyone else that looks like me?”
“Yeah,” the girl remarked, “hate to say it but a pompadour isn’t exactly a unique feat of yours.” Despite his frown, she went on to resume, “I was gonna ask if you had a spare hair tie.”
Out of all the things she could have asked him to do, she asked for a meager hair tie. She might as well have asked a practical mountain of a man to do her makeup. What an odd thing to ask, “how the hell do ya know I even have one??”
What should have been a snide remark about how he always had a spare hair tie for his little sister was accented with a shrug, “The girls in my track team say you do. I don’t mind using my shoelaces though—!”
“Ya can do that??” He implored as he surrendered the hair tie that was nestled within his pants pocket, “wouldn’t it be flying out of yer hair or somethin’ ?”
“You just have to know how to tie it,” after she briefly gave her thanks, she secured her dark hair within a high-ponytail. After a beat, she made a full presentation of the bun atop of her crown. “Ta-da! How does it look?”
“Like a pineapple.”
What insult would have made girls scoff or bark out a bigger insult at him only prompted a wrinkle from the girl’s nose as she laughed. Her grin radiant, almost contagious for a guy renowned for his intimidating glare. It didn’t take the girl long to skip back to her team—‘thanks Badd!’ She would chirp over her shoulder—and he offered a small wave of goodbye to her.
To say it had been the last time they spoke would have been a blatant lie. The girl, who’s name was revealed to be Hikari, would be variant in her greetings. Some days would just be utter small talk: ‘how are you?’ ‘Fine, you?’ ‘Could be better,’ and other days would be exclusively full of excitement. Most notably were they the days that she had just finished her track season or after practice:
“—what I’m saying is that Ayame started acting funny when she dropped the baton,” Hikari said as the two of them sat along the edge of the rooftop during lunch. Her brows furrowed as she plucked a piece of grilled salmon out of her bento box and set it over for Badd to eat.
“Ya still won though, right?”
“Yeah, but it was like something startled her? I can’t say what exactly, but she got a little frazzled after the tournament,” she hummed as she pursed her lips, “maybe ‘m overthinking it.”
“Ya gotta bad habit of that,” he quipped as he took a bite of the surrendered salmon, “she prolly jumped cus she dropped it.”
As it turned out, that wasn’t wholly the case.
The more he talked to Hikari throughout the months in school, the more exposure he got from Ayame. How she often would ask for one of her friends to come with her to the bathroom or how she would stay longer than an hour or two after practice. He wasn’t a psychologist, but Hikari’s concern became more understandable.
Once he was invited to eat lunch with Hikari and her track team, that was when he met Ayame.
As always, Hikari was rather jovial with introductions. Her excitability practically lightened the mood, even when some girls felt a little unnerved to be around a guy who could easily crush a monster’s skull with an indestructible weapon. Those girls he left very well alone for their comfort. The others were met with his gruff nature, he wasn’t sure whether Hikari told them he had a soft spot or not, but Ayame was the one who stood out the most.
The girl was kind and soft-spoken. She loved talking about her cat named Sakusa and she couldn’t help but find pictures of Tama to be an absolute delight. Though, Badd couldn’t lie, Sakusa was just as adorable.
The thing was she couldn’t afford to look him in the eye, nor could she barely manage a tone beyond a small murmur. When Badd would growl out a ‘huh??’ over a mean jest, she would flinch instinctively. Such a response evoked a small ‘sorry’ from the bat-wielding hero.
Lunch became rather awkward between them after that. Fortune came in Hikari’s emotional intelligence, otherwise Badd would have tried to make some means of dramatic compensation. He picked up a giant bouquet of roses for Zenko’s concert when he missed her piano recital once.
It wasn’t until school was no longer in session that he caught a glimpse of Ayame retreat to an older man. Her arms folded across her chest, though the heightened bark of the man made her flinch once more.
The man could have blended in well with the white collar types: nicely trimmed suit, slick back hair and an expensive pair of gloves that would have made Amai Mask green with envy. Their insignia was rather reminiscent to a bamboo lily.
He didn’t just have money, he had money to buy himself out of consequences.
By now, the grip around his signature bat became rigid in a white-knuckled grasp. His storm merely accented with a twirl of his instrument to rest atop of his broad shoulder.
“—and I told you to do the dishes!” The older man exasperatingly barked, “the hell were you doing??”
“I just...” Ayame paused as she shuffled closer to the masonry, “I h-had practice okay? It’s not a big deal—“
“It is a big deal!” His voice was now a tornado that swam tension within the air. His face was beet red and his fists practically quivered from the intensity of his own storm, “I had my fuckin’ brother over and—!”
Without a hint of hesitance, Badd rammed the hilt of his bat directly into the man’s diaphragm. The sheer velocity of his strength evoked a shriek from Ayame and a wheeze from the stranger. Had he known he shattered a rib or two, he probably would have offered a menacing simper.
“Do Yer own damn dishes next time,” when the man attempted to scramble to his full height, Badd hadn’t hesitated to step in front of Ayame. It wasn’t everyday he handled an abusive shithead, but they were marginally easier to handle than a stray papermache volcano come to life.
As the man scowled, his glare dripped over to Ayame, “this isn’t over—!” Once the threat had seeped, Badd simply let his metallic instrument slam into the concrete. A cobweb of weight bloomed under the strain.
“You bet Yer ass it is,”
This was a monster, no doubt, but he had heard from Daichi that some monsters liked to isolate their victims. Norte dam syndrome or something like that. As soon as the man retreated, Ayame began to present signs and symptoms of that.
“He wasn’t going to hurt me,” her voice was distant compared to the staggering man who retreated with a very polite warning. “He was just being an ass, okay? You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know what bein’ an ass is,” Badd scoffed, “and that wasn’t it.”
Being an ass meant Hikari poking fun of Badd crying in the middle of Zenko’s piano performance or Badd poking fun of Hikari not knowing how to do algebra, but being able to chemistry. Neither of them would have dared to clench their fist at the other, let alone make the other flinch in response.
Ayame only shook her head, “no, he just... he didn’t mean it.”
“ ‘s that what he tells ya?”
“Of course not, I—“ she sighed, her small shoulders slumped when she practically hung her head, “look, I know you’re supposed to be a hero, but he’s just a guy. You must have bigger priorities, right?”
Bigger priorities meaning bigger monsters; nothing like the abusive asshole nextdoor. Badd couldn’t help but wonder if that was really what being a hero meant to these people, that they were just as fictional as their comic book alternatives.
Whether the answer was blatant or not, it didn’t matter, “I don’t want ya gettin’ hurt, so call Hikari and stay with her, alright?”
“W-What are you gonna do??”
Badd simply unbuttoned his uniform jacket and let it draped over his shoulders.“ ‘m gonna go be a hero.”
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It was a slow day at the notorious deadman detective agency. The gentle hum of the fan being the only company the detective had, among the various files of cold cases he tried to decipher in his day off. He didn’t mind the breaks, rather he milked them as often as he could, but they could be rather tedious at times.
Fortunately, his answer came in the form of his phone vibrating against the table. The caller ID consisted of a simple “Badd”. Chances were that the kid needed someone to pick up his sister or ask about homework he didn’t understand.
“Well, good afternoon to you too,” Daichi hummed leisurely.
“Ay, real quick!” If Badd hadn’t been huffing so much, he wouldn’t have assumed the intensity of the situation required a running start, “ya know anyone who’s got a flower on their gloves?”
There was a pregnant pause when Daichi tucked the phone along his shoulder. What sprawled evidence files had been tucked into their respective cabinet drawers, yet there wasn’t anything that could have resembled a nondescript flower. Aside from the insignia a murderer had carved into the wood of his victim’s furniture.
“What kind of flower was it?”
“Iunno??” Badd grunted, seemingly vaulting himself over a fence from how the chains rattled under his weight, “like a Lily or somethin’ ??”
Had his blood not been lethargic like tar, it would have ran glacial through his veins. He never quite noticed how reminiscent it was to a lilac flower, only that it was scrawled and messy. Though, it would have been a bold assumption to make Badd would keep him alive, “You’re planning on going after him, aren’t you?”
He figured.
Hastily did Daichi retrieve his beige coat and slid his arms through the sleeves, “don’t do anything like kill him. I’ve been looking into cases like—!”
“Ah, I gotta go. I think I see him!”
“Badd, wait-! Wait, did you hear—?!” When the line was cut off to evoke a triad of monotonous beeps, Zombieman hissed a curse under his breath when he rushed to grab his keys and head to C-City. He didn’t even bother to shelf his evidence back when he bolted out the door.
Kids, he swore...
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theleigeofnerd · 4 years
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The Definition of Dark Side {Ch 2}
It was dark.
Virgil was falling.
And he felt like a monster.
He was a monster...
Those were the only things he knew for certain at the moment. He had trusted the light sides but then they-they tried to silence him. Even if it would only be temporary, he didn’t know how long temporary would have been and given that he had caused Thomas to physically hurt somebody, it wouldn’t have been like a week, it could have been years... When a side is forcefully ducked out, they didn’t decide when they came back, the person who forced them did, unless someone stronger miraculously came to the rescue, which was was unlikely.
Virgil hit the ground with a soft yet violent thud, he wasn’t falling anymore, he felt grass in his hands. Virgil looked around and saw the all to familiar tangled trees of the forest that surrounded the dark side. He cursed silently to himeslf, of course he came here of all places... He thought he might as well sink into his room because he didn’t know what the dark sides would do if they found him, they wouldn’t likely be pleased. Virgil froze cold as he heard a high pitched cackle in the distance. Looking up he saw the Duke hanging upside down from a tree branch by his knees looking at him with a wide toothed razor sharp smile.
“EMO! It’s been awhile, huh?” Remus cackled more as he jumped down from the branch, doing a flip (probably to be extra) in the process. Remus half stalked over to Virgil eyes mere slits and the younger side couldn’t help but think about the other sides lighter half doing the same thing only minutes prior. Remus squinted at Virgil’s stomach before his expression dark and serious, a rarity for the typically bouncy side.
“Is that a SWORD wound!” Only then did Virgil remember the slash wound that was now bleeding just a little to much. Ah shit I’m in for it now... Was one thought of many swirling as he looked at Remus pleadingly and to all things MCR if looks could kill Virgil would be dead where he was, Remus looked truly menacing.
“Don’t move.”
It didn’t come out as a question and it most certainly wasn’t supposed to, it was a command. The distortion in Remus’ voice chilled the anxious side to the bone. Remus sunk out and Virgil decided that now would be the best time to make his escape despite Remus’ command. He tried to sink out as quick as possible but before he was half way down a yellow gloved hand grabbed him by the hood and pulled him up. He was eye to eye with a very pissed Deciet and Remus wasn’t far behind. Deceit’s mismatched eyes were like daggers glaring into Virgil’s soul.
“And Remus!” Remus screeched in the background. Deciet gave a long annoyed sigh and hoisted Virgil over his shoulder with protest of the younger side and started walking. Along the way Virgil retracted his extra limbs and he now had his normal single set of eyes. Eventually they came to a wide river rushing with black water. No light sides could cross the river without the assistance of a dark side or Thomas himself. It’s the only way for a light side to enter the dark side. Normally dark sides would be able to pop in and out of their corner of the mind as they pleased, but Virgil was a light side, so they had to take the long way much to Deciet’s dismay. They walk towards the eerie looking river and the water parts like the Red Sea. The rest journey to the dark side was silent between the three, aside from Remus’ humming of Disney villain songs. They all had barely readable expressions but you could see some pain and regret in all of them if you were looking.
Once they entered the dark side Virgil was set on the couch while Deciet went to find the first aid kit they kept on hand for Remus’ “antics”. The side in question was starring intensely at a wall, as though he were on the brink of winning a staring contest with it. The tone of his humming got steadily darker as Deciet re-entered the common room with a first aid kit that so big it looked like it could store a whole hospital closet of supplies. The oldest side looked saddened as he started to work on the sword wound, it was bleeding like Niagara Falls, if Virgil was a human he would most likely be dead by now.
“Please Virgil, what did they do to you? Do dare to lie, I totally won’t know by the second.” His tone was dipped in sadness, did he actually care?
“It-it’s nothing, it’s not their fault. I messed up...”
“That sword wound says otherwise Emo.”
“And what didn’t I tell you just now?”
“I hurt Thomas along with his date and most likely his social life! I messed up! How is that a lie?”
“Don’t tell me Virgil, what isn’t your job?”
“Being Thomas’ anxiety, his worry, his doubt, what’s holding him BACK-“
“-his fight or flight response Virgil! That’s not holding him back, it’s the opposite, it’s vital, you are vital to Thomas!” Deciet stopped speaking in lies, this was too important to make Virgil even begin to doubt his words. He had to get it through his thick skull that he was important! He knew Virgil was close to breaking, his voice starting to distort was a tell tale sign-
“So needed, but not wanted...” -and now the flood gates were open, lovely.
“NEVER, VIRGIL, STORM CLOUD, WE WANT YOU! We were devestated when you left... If those dammed light sides can’t see what we see, they don’t deserve to want you. I’m not saying we can forget what happened, but we can forgive and work it out, right Remus?” Deciet yelled over his shoulder taking his attention away from the still crying Virgil. Remus had migrated to the kitchen and was making toast with deodorant spread on it.
“Yeah no shit, I was actually planning on ripping my brother a new one later-”
“Absolutely do not wait for me, I too wouldn’t like to join you.”
“Please don’t, it really wasn’t his fault-“
“If it wasn’t their fault, then tell us what happened and prove it!” Deceit wasn’t asking this time, Virgil knew this and gave a long sigh releasing most of the pent up tension he had.
“Alright, um, I-I made Thomas do something, I’m sure you know about that though-“ both sides gave a sad nod, they knew, but they were more interested in what the light sides had done to Virgil that supposedly wasn’t their fault. It had to have been bad if it made him spiral this way... “-well Patton called me up to the commons, I didn’t know how Thomas reacted to the adrenaline until they told me, I was caught in the moment doing my job... It didn’t matter, they didn’t care... They told me to “take a break”-“
“They wanted you to duck out?!”
“Y-yeah, but it wasn’t Roman’s fault, or Patton’s, or even Logan’s... They tried to stop me from leaving, but I’m the one who lost control... I-I stabbed Roman in the shoulder first. Maybe- maybe I should just duck out-“
“Do DARE to try it! Do you not know the definition of vital?!” Virgil recoiled back, Deciet looked pissed.
“I-I know...”
“Good, now I do not need to finish dressing this wound, it won’t get infected if I don’t treat it.”
“And Storm Cloud?”
“I’m still most definitely sure it was your fault”
“Thanks, I guess”
“Does anyone else want toast?”
Previous / Master List
This series has been discontinued.
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onewfantaesy · 5 years
In adoption au,, once Taemin becomes famous does his bio dad try to get back into his life (for the money/etc)?
Taemin’s biological dad absolutely does not approve of him being an idol. He still signs all the permission slips and what not, but he loudly makes his opinion clear to both Taemin’s mother and taemin himself. He blames heechul, says he’s a bad influence.
Then after not quite one year into Taemin’s idol career, he completely surrenders all parental rights to taemin. Doesn’t even tell them himself, just goes to the courts and lets them get a letter about it.
He no longer gets visitation rights, but more importantly, he no longer has to sign all of these waivers and contracts to allow Taemin in tv shows and radio shows and photo shoots and everything. He said it was a pain in the ass, constantly having to sign shit so Taemin could galavant around on tv.
Taemin was completely devestated. He never had the best relationship with his dad, sure. Hardly ever actually saw him. The man flaked out on his weekend and holiday visits at least 95% of the time. But to read the letter from a judge that said his father no longer wanted him at all? That was a really hard blow for the 15 year old to take.
Taemin has only come home to his mom and heechul’s place because they said they needed to see him about something important, he was supposed to go to a photo shoot right after, but after reading the letter he stormed into his bedroom, slammed the door, and fell into his bed.
Taemin’s mom was on the phone with Taemin’s father, screaming at him, asking him why in the world he would do this now, after fifteen years.
Heechul just wanted to make sure Taemin was alright. Which was dumb, because of course he wasn’t alright. But he goes over to Taemin’s bedroom, knocks on the door, then goes inside to find Taemin with his face buried in a pillow and his shoulder shaking.
“Hey,” heechul says softly, closing the door and going to sit on the bed next to him. “You know, he has no idea what he’s missing out on.”
That just pisses Taemin off. And he yells at heechul, tells him he’s being stupid, that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks because his own father doesn’t even want him.
“I want you though,” heechul tells him, not at all phased at Taemin’s outburst. He just kneels in front of him and holds his hands and looks him straight in the eye. “You are the coolest kid I have ever met. You’re the best! And to think that someone out there gets the privilege of being your father and gives that up? Well I just don’t understand that. It makes no sense.”
And taemin hardly ever cries, but he completely breaks down and heechul holds him so close and so tight.
“Why doesn’t he want me?”
The way Taemin’s voice cracks just breaks heechul’s heart.
“I have no idea,” heechul tells him. “I wish I knew. I wish I could tell you, that I could make everything better for you, but I don’t know.”
Heechul moves to sit back on the bed, and he just holds Taemin close to him for a long time. Just makes sure that Taemin knows he’s wanted.
After a while, heechul cards his fingers through Taemin’s hair and says softly, “you know, how about you skip this photo shoot, we go get ice cream, and you sleep here tonight? How does that sound?”
“I’ll get in trouble.”
“No you won’t,” heechul promises. “I can call your manager right now. All you have to do is ask.”
Taemin is quiet for a while, and heechul can hear that he’s still breathing too quickly, but eventually he says, “can you call him?”
“I’ll be right back, alright?” Heechul says, patting Taemin’s leg.
“Please don’t leave,” Taemin begs, holding on tighter.
“Okay, okay,” heechul says quickly. “I’ll call him right here then.”
It’s a difficult battle to get taemin out of this photo shoot, to get it postponed, but heechul does it. Then Taemin, his mom, and heechul go out and get ice cream to bring back home and watch a movie with.
When Taemin’s mom gets up for a moment and goes into another room, Taemin turns to heechul.
“Hey Dad?”
“You want me though, right?”
Taemin’s voice is so worried, as if he’s afraid of the answer, but heechul wastes no time in saying, “I do. You’re the best son I’ve ever had!”
And he leans over to hug Taemin tightly and obnoxiously, and it does make fake laugh.
“I’m the only son you’ve ever had.”
“And that’s why you’re the best!”
Heechul does everything he absolutely can to make Taemin know he loves him, he wants him to be his son. But he had already been doing that anyway, had already been the better father figure in Taemin’s life. Taemin has been calling heechul “Dad” since he married Taemin’s mother when Taemin was three years old.
That night, heechul posts a picture of him and taemin from when Taemin was a toddler on his Instagram with a caption about how he just wanted to show off his favorite son.
It made a dumb, goofy smile appear on Taemin’s face when he saw it.
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hearteyedsims · 5 years
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Meet Niana Keoni for @jhiyo ‘s Kaipo Hoapili!
about Niana: 
Niana had a rough start to life. When she was 8 years old her mother, father, older brother, and her were all out sailing on their boat. A storm came rolling in fast. They were too far out to call for help or get away from it. Her father tried the best he could to keep them safe and steer the boat but in the end the storm was too much for him. Niana doesn’t remember much, she remembers before the storm and after. The rest is just snippets.  Niana lost her whole world in what seemed like an instant. Her mother, father, and older brother were all killed in the storm. She was the only survivor. She was badly hurt and absolutely devestated. After that, she hardly spoke. Her uncle took her in and raised her the best he could. He put Niana into therapy and helped her cope and survive the best he could. Niana is still heartbroken but is striving to live each day to the fullest. She still hasn’t been on a boat and going in the ocean past her hips terrifies her. But she’s getting better and better each day. Niana is now 22 years old and ready to start the next chapter of her life. She’s working as a freelance artist while she tries to figure out what she wants to do with her life. She’s ready to share her life with someone though and hopes to find love through this.
Niana loves to be outdoors so one of her hobbies is hiking. When she needs to be alone you can often find her walking the island. She loves to explore the beautiful place she lives and soak in all its beauty.  Niana also loves to paint and wants to be a professional painter one day. 
some facts:
her favorite color is orange
always has a scrunchie on her wrist
that scrunchie always compliments her outfit
always has her nails painted
loves to paint and draw
her favorite food is pineapple
hates sneakers and long pants
will only wear them if she absolutely needs too
wants to have a big family one day and name her kids after her lost family
is scared of the deep ocean
is terrified of thunderstorms
never wears black
hardly ever makes her bed
mostly goes by Nia to her friends
Do NOT call her NiNi- that was what her family called her
traits: child of the island, loves the outdoors, family-oriented
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the-gay-in-the-way · 6 years
Yo, still(not really)dying.
I just dragged my way thru some mandatory chores and now I’m back in bed trying not to make it worse than it already has become.
In the meantime, while I was filled with pain earlier, I had a thought that is deliciously horrible.
So, yknow the marriage proposal au everyone freaked out about a while ago?
The one with Patton and Virgil communicating long distance while maintaining the promise to marry each other one day?
Well, I had another idea for an alternate version of it.
Basically, during the last year before Patton and Virgil are finally supposed to meet each other face to face, Virgil decides to send Patton a special Christmas gift.
It’s a video of himself.
Which is shocking since Virgil absolutely hates being in photos and videos.
But he makes the video for Patton anyways because he knows that Patton has been waiting to see his face for years now and has been so incredibly understanding of him not showing his face anyways.
So he makes this little video of himself talking to Patton and telling him about how excited he is to finally see him in person again and how (Kap-search/explore)Thomas and Deceit are also super excited to finally meet him in person and how he misses him and how he can’t wait to finally propose to him properly.
And Patton watches the video on Christmas and cries his eyes out the entire time.
And it makes him even more excited about finally meeting up with Virgil again.
But then he doesn’t get any letters from him after that.
And when the time comes for them to both meet up with each other(cus they were smart and planned it better this time)Virgil doesn’t show up.
And Patton waits for a while, thinking that maybe Virgil just ended up meeting some kind of delays or something.
So he waits.
And waits.
And waits.
Months go by and finally Patton gets a letter from Alaska.
But it’s not from Virgil.
Instead, it’s from Virgil’s uncle Ansley.
And it completely shatters Patton’s heart.
In the letter, Ansley explains to Patton that Virgil had gotten into an accident right after Christmas.
How there had been a rush to deal with a sudden storm that was going to hit the town and how Virgil had gotten caught up in it and hadn’t returned home that night.
How they’d all gone out and searched as soon as they could.
And how they hadn’t been able to find him.
How they’ve been tirelessly searching ever since.
And how the only thing they found was his hoodie, caught on a low tree branch far into the wilderness.
He tells Patton that he’s sorry he couldn’t find him or even keep him from disappearing in the first place.
And he offers to send Patton some plane tickets.
So that he can be there for the funeral.
Despite how devestated he is, Patton replies quickly and accepts the offer of plane tickets.
He arrives in Alaska barely two weeks later and is met by an entire town still in mourning.
He meets everyone and they all talk to him about Virgil.
And it hurts, but it makes him happy too.
To hear about him from other people.
To know that he was truly happy and loved here.
And Mackenzie, the man who was basically Virgil’s boss, gives Patton the rings that Virgil had made for the both of them.
And Patton wears them(one on his finger and one on a necklace, since that one was Virgil’s and it didn’t fit his fingers)because it’s what Virgil would have wanted, he’s quite sure.
And then the funeral happens.
And it’s beautiful and fun, since Virgil ha always said that he wanted everyone to have a good time at his funeral instead of just crying and making themselves more miserable.
And Patton finds out that Virgil had kept a Will, cus he was paranoid about everything, and he had actually left a good chunk of his money and belongings to Patton.
And it hurts.
To lose Virgil right when he was finally going to properly be with him.
To receive so many things that had once belonged to him.
To know that there was no way of getting him back now.
It hurt a lot.
But Patton would strive to get past that pain and learn to be happy instead.
Happy for his own life and the things that Virgil had given him while he’d been alive.
The time they had shared and the memories they’d given each other.
Patton decides to stay in Alaska after that.
He doesn’t really know what else he should do instead so he just stays there and moves onto the little plot of land that Virgil had been thinking of buying for the both of them.
He purchases it with some of the money Virgil had been saving up to use for this exact purpose, and he works alongside the rest of the town to build a nice house that resembles the one He and Virgil had always wanted to live in.
It’s not quite right when it’s finished.
And nothing Patton does makes it seem any better.
But he tries his best to ignore that and be happy anyways.
It doesn’t entirely work.
A few months pass by like this.
Just under a year.
When, one day, a very strange and ramshackle man limps into town.
Thomas is the first one to greet him and also the first one to realize who he is.
As it turns out, Virgil was far more resilient than any of them had given him credit for.
He’s rushed to the hospital to be checked over and taken care of, and the entire town freaks out as the news of Virgil’s survival and return spreads throughout it.
The last person to find out ends up being Patton when Ansley finally asks if anyone’s told him yet and is met with a lot of horrified and guilty faces.
So Patton is finally informed and he’s instantly scrambling to get to the hospital.
And, when he gets there, he only has to wait for a few minutes before he’s allowed to enter Virgil’s room.
When he does, Virgil has already gotten himself cleaned up from taking a shower and being given some warm clean clothes to replace the rags he’d been in before.
He looks tired and malnourished and a bit pained.
But it’s definitely him.
And, when he sees Patton, he starts crying quietly and asks him with some uncertainty if he’s real.
And Patton cries too and slowly reaches out to him, only to end up being dragged onto the hospital bed and into Virgil’s arms.
It’s a happy reunion but it involves some complications.
Apparently, Virgil got caught in the storm and ended up having to take shelter in a cave.
The cave ended up falling in around him and he ended up stuck in there for a while, barely surviving off of some small rodents that had also taken shelter within the cave and whatever water that came dripping down from the ceiling.
It took him an unknown but long amount of time to finally find a way out of the tiny cave system.
But, when he was free, he had no idea how to get back home.
So he ended up wandering around and just remaining lost for months on end until he found a familiar bit of wilderness he recognized.
He used that to finally get back, but ended up rushing in a panic to do so as things grew more and more familiar.
So he got a little injured in the process.
Past that, and the introduction of the occasional panic attack, he was fine.
No serious illnesses or lasting injuries.
An now he was home.
And with Patton.
After he was checked out of the hospital, Patton took him back to the house.
Seeing it made Virgil cry again.
And when they got inside, Patton handed over his own ring and got down on one knee while holding Virgil’s.
He says that he’s sorry he doesn’t have a ring he personally made or picked out, but this was all he had.
And then he presents Virgil’s ring to him and asks him to marry him.
And Virgil cries even more and says yes and ends up on his knees too, holding out Patton’s ring and apologizing for not being there sooner and for taking so long to get back, Patton reassuring him that it was okay all the while, and then he proposes as well.
And Patton also says yes.
And, later on once Virgil is fully healed again, they work on the house together and make it perfect.
And they continue to live in Alaska.
But there is now a number of rules and regulations that are strictly kept in place to make sure that nobody ends up disappearing like Virgil did.
And there are extra rules for Virgil specifically because Patton doesn’t wanna take any chances.
And Virgil doesn’t fight him on it because he doesn’t really wanna take any chances either.
And I bet you guys totally thought for a second that I was actually gonna just straight up kill off Virgil and make Patton live alone for the rest of his days. Which is a fair thing to think, since I almost did exactly that. You’re lucky I didn’t want it to end like that this time.
Anyways, that’s that. Hope you enjoyed this other alternate ending to my weird romance au. I like this au a lot. It’s one of my favorites. You can probably tell by my wall of text down here that I ran out of text blocks on my phone. Whoops.
So yeah, I’m done now. Here’s the gen taglist.
@a-snoway-afternoon @ashrain5 @virgilscat @gumdrop2113 @chelama @dragonsight9 @marse-422 @derpiest-unicorn @i-identify-as-a-mango @fearfilledvirgil @let-me-be-an-individual-rachet @blitzgamev @the-life-ofa-troubled-ace @satanblessi
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atlasllm · 6 years
Wizard101 stories to celebrate
Since I’ve had quite a few years on Wiz101, I thought I’d share some stories from my past years of playing the game!
 As a beefy life Wizard, I helped some guy defeat The Harvest Lord(?) in Triton Ave. After the fight though, the guy asked me to be his girlfriend in a... very Extra sort of way for an MMO. I was nine at the time so I technically couldn’t say anything out of fear I’d get banned for being too young to play so I just agreed. Except I ran away and never spoke to him again, whoops
I took the Kembalung Village Quest probably 3 years ago and still haven’t done it out of fear it’s too high a level for me. It’s still in my quest log. I also got a quest from Moolinda Wu for a level 60+ life pet but I’m unable to complete it because I haven’t done Wintertusk and would rather do so after completing Zafaria 8(. I still even have the Yarbirds quest from when I first completed Grizzleheim. Help me
Me and my sister, back when we played Wiz together, both got the Penny Dreadful quest as noobs and were both horribly devestated because we couldn’t get into the Dark Cave to get her. Luckily, my sister made a Wiz friend who teleported her there and we both completed the quest after ages! 
When I was younger I absolutely ADORED the unicorn pet, first because I was the typical “OMG OMG UNICORNS!!11!1!” kinda girl and eventually it was because I got obsessed with the Life Wizard aesthetic. I ended up making gijinkas of my unicorn (and future unicorns!) and ended up drawing a bunch of them as sort of OCs of mine! I had Princess Mocha/Luna, Prince Sparky, and the two Nightmare pets I always wanted and got a short while ago, Princess Roxy and Prince Max!
Fairly recently I decided to do a Mount Olympus run, and as luck would have it I was the only girl in a group of guys. I was ALSO the HIGHEST leveled Wizard, as all the guys were no more than 1900 health and I was there with 3200+. While this was okay, I liked helping people and playing support on either Olympus or Loremaster runs, ALL of the guys wanted to take on that secret boss in Eris Goldenapple’s arena. Needless to say, it was HELL. Each of us, me included, had to keep teleporting back with potions again and again as three noobs and a life wizard slowly chipped away at his health. Surprisingly enough, we managed to get out alive! But one dude crashed at one point, and another one simply left instantly (I don’t wanna jump to conclusions but I kinda assumed the dude was younger and got yelled at by a parent for being up at 2am). As tired as I was, I pulled through for the last dude and completed Olympus with him! He even thanked me over and over again for staying with him, cause at one point I had to leave Zeus’ battle to use a potion but still came back. It was kinda fun to be in a group of chatterboxes and be the highest level in the group, heh! I’d... rather not do the secret boss with lower levels again though. Shit was hell.
Shit always happens in Olympus runs? One time I got trapped with a low level Storm Wiz, and I kept having to heal and reshuffle her D: she was a good player since Storm is pretty OP even as a low level, though it made the Ares fight take hours! Another time in the Ares fight I jokingly said “No please I have a wife and children” and one of the dudes said “But you’re a girl XD” in response. I never felt more lesbian rage in my life. I shut up though since I don’t think you can actually say “I’m gay” in chat so >8(
The only Wiz friends that I’ve been close to that AREN’T IRL people were both named Amanda, Amanda and Amanda Pixieshard. Pixieshard was a long time friend, and got so excited when she was back online again! Amanda also invited me to house parties, and introduced me to most of the crowns shop houses! Alas, both of them aren’t in my friends list O_O I was either not active enough or they deadass saw through to my childishness 
I only found out how to properly strategize in battle in Wizard101 after watching Blaze Lifehammer videos in 2016, so that’s fairly recent. I didn’t realize feints were absolutely 100% useful and that TC blades and enchants were also helpful as well. I also didn’t know that gear could help you in battle, I always just bought any gear from the Bazaar that gave me the most health boost. I may be in Zafaria. But I am still but a noob in battle.
I’ve had the same house, one of the Wizard City basic houses, my entire Wiz career. I want to switch houses at one point but I haven’t found anything as comfy (or affordable) as my current one D: 
I would be NOTHING without this one Christmas. One of my gifts a good few years back was a giftcard for Wizard101, one that helped me GREATLY into continuing to play the game again. I’ve been living off giftcards ever since, and I absolutely adore being able to play Wiz (even if it’s cost me... quite a bit...) I’d grinded from level 12 to level 14 just from the free Wizard City areas, and I’m so happy that the giftcards had helped me be level 65 in Zafaria!
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imaznowflake · 3 years
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Posted @withregram • @dean_farm_trust STORM DAMAGE APPEAL An absolute disaster this morning with one of our hen houses blown across hen haven, completely smashed, landing on the fence. We had everything prepared for avian lockdown which starts on Monday and we are now a house down and with 56 girls to keep safe this is devestating for them. We also have 2 field shelters over and broken fence lines. Please help if you can, we need another house as soon as possible and repairs to fences. Any donation even a £1.00 will help us. Please share and If you have fencing experience and can help please message us. Despite the storms all our residents are well no one has been injured. Thank you Mary 🙏😔 Please link to our bio. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWyqJ1_PRfI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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warpswimming · 4 years
Keepers of the Faith - Priests of the Adeptus Astartes.
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Hi, today i'll be looking at the PRIEST units of the Space Marines, the warrior priests of the Reclusiam, the Chaplains.
There’s quite a bit to pack in here so expect a couple of posts.
Every Space Marine Chapter maintains the spiritual purity of its warriors through the constant vigilance of the Reclusiam. The Chaplains are the military arm of this function of the Chapter preforming Rites for their brothers and leading them in combat, instilling them to ever greater feats of heroism through their oratory. Various Chapters Chaplains preform varied roles. The Chaplains of the Blood Angels watch for the onset of the flaw, consigning those brothers who succumb to the Death Company, whilst those of the Dark Angels seek to extract information and confessions from the Fallen. As an arm of the Chapters structure, the Chaplains act as command and advisory staff to the Captains and the Chapter Master as well as serving as a contact point for those Battle Brothers who's conviction has waivered.
On the table top these warrior priests lead often from the front and their rules represent this.
There are 4 differant options for your Chaplain on the table, Firstborn, Terminator, Primaris and the new Primaris Bike Chaplain, and depending on your playstyle, you can always find a fit for them.
At their core they have an AURA ability to pass their leadership, a formidable 9, to any Chapter CORE units nearby. Whilst thematic, marines are usually pretty hardy and resilient, you never know though, we could be looking at Leadership tricks as armies come out, and I'm thinking Night Lords and Drukhari here.
All Chaplains sport a 4+ invulnerable save as base and the ability to recite a litany each command phase on a 3+. All your base Chaplains know the Litany of Hate and one additional one from the litanies section of the book, and all are able to upgrade to Master of Sanctity, but more on him later. They all come wielding their weapon of office, the Crozius, which hits at +2 str -1 ap and 2 dmg, not shabby as a base weapon. If you're a Space Wolves player all your Chaplains gain the WOLF PRIEST keyword so maintain your synergies and stratagem usage.
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I'll start off as I usually do, looking at the Firstborn options. Your basic Chaplain is as normal, your most customisable. naturally sporting his pistol and Crozius, he can add a jump pack, gaining all the normal benefits such as Death from Above and the FLY keyword. His bolt pistol can be swapped out for a bolter or combi bolter, or replaced with a powerfist. If you want to maintain your pistol then you can swap that for another pistol, including the Blood Angels only options of a hand flamer or inferno pistol. With not being Primaris he can embark on your older transports including a drop pod, but as ill get to in a sec, not being on the board in the Command Phase does limit their potential.
Your second Firstborn option is your Terminator Chaplain. Swapping power armour and bolt pistol for Terminator armour and storm bolter is nice, especially when coupled with the Bolter Discipline part of their Angels of Death rule. Being in terminator armour he can swap the storm bolter for a combi bolter and gains the Teleport Strike ability. If you're a son of Caliban you'll get the DEATHWING keyword as a bonus, though no Inner Circle.
Now back to the Angels of Death, Teleport Strike and Transport options. As you're reciting litanies in the Command Phase and don’t come down until your Reinforcement Step of the Movement Phase or disembark until your Movement Phase, your turn one and 2 utility can be negatively impacted. There is a stratagem to recite one in any phase automatically, but we'll cover that later on.
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The Primaris bring their own Chaplains into the battle in two ways. Your foot option is relatively basic, with his fixed loadout, but not shy of threatening. With an extra wound and attack over the basic Firstborn he will take some extra beating down (for the same power level its worth noting), he also carries a pistol with the punch of a heavy bolter round at 18 inch so ignore him at your own risk.
Its the Primaris Chaplain on bike that I am very keen on. Confession time, I like the Bikers of the Adeptus Astartes and have a Ravenwing force. This chap, gains the RAVENWING keyword which fills me with so many exciting possibilities though I'll wait for the Dark Angel book to explore that. Being mounted on a Primaris Bike he gains the BIKER keyword, twin bolt rifles, and extra point of toughness and 2 extra wounds over his foot slogging brother (3 over the basic Firstborn). He's also sporting a 14 inch movement and auto 6 advance. Unlike the Primaris Outriders, he doesnt gain the Devestating Charge rule, but honestly he'd be an absolute monster and an overpowered character does nothing for the enjoyment of the game.
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For a little investment, you could upgrade any of these to Master of Sanctity. For what you get its a cheap upgrade. reciting 2 litanies in your command phase, rather than one, and knowing an extra means you could double stack buffs on a unit. I’ll look at the litanies in the next post but they could be really compatable. Litanies inspiring with +1 to the roll, so 2s in most cases for the extra reliability and the stratagem I'll look at only costs one point, really useful. The relic they gain prevents rerolls against them and gives a 2d6 pick highest debuff AURA on leadership of units nearby. With moral changes its pretty nice, you could force a leadership test on a horde unit looking for those ones in combat attrition.
So they are all pretty useful in their own way. My Bike Mounted Chaplain is on my desk surrounded by Outriders and soon to be joined by ATVs.
Next post I'll look at litanies and the important stratagem to give your reinforcing or dismounting Chaplains some extra play tricks.
"If your life is given in service to the Emperor, your death shall not be in vain."
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