#this post probably won’t get much attention but i love her sm so i don’t care
giuokx · 1 year
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more kája 🥹🥹
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Hello!! I just took your milgram friendship uquiz and it was So Sweet 🥺 Maybe it's silly to ask, but have you/could you post all the results? I got Mikoto and the description was really nice -- it suited him so well, I'd love to hear the others :') Either way, thank you for such a cute quiz!!!
aaaa thank you sm!!! that makes me really happy to hear, youre so sweet :’3 not a silly question at all, dw! i put all the different results under the cut, i hope they dont disappoint!!
your best friend is haruka sakurai! haruka is an anxious, awkward, and skittish, but ultimately kind guy. he has trouble socializing and getting to know people, so it’s very likely that you’re the only close friend he has, and he’s very grateful for that. you don’t laugh at him, or scoff at him, or see him as abnormal – you accept him as he is, and give him the attention he’s craved all his life. knowing you’re there, and that you have his back, means the world to him. he knows he’ll never be able to express his gratitude properly, but he tries to! he tries to be attentive, always ready to hear you out, and spend time with you. he gives you gifts, often small things, like cool rocks or flowers he found, or a colorful drawing he made – as often as he can, hoping they’ll convey even a sliver of the admiration he has for you. you’re just so incredible? he can’t believe you’re real at times. he can’t believe someone so kind, smart, talented and funny is his best friend. haruka is truly your biggest hype man – no matter what you’re doing he’s there, supporting you, eyes sparkling. he gets giddy talking about you to other people, because he’s just so incredibly thankful to have someone so comforting and unchanging in his life. he hopes you’ll never leave. he can’t be the best friend you deserve, but he can at least do his best to be decent, so you won’t leave him behind. he’ll probably need a lot of reassurance before he can start to accept that he’s your best friend, just as much as you’re his. haruka often wishes he could go back to the past, but having you by his side makes him think that he doesn’t need to, after all. maybe even someone like him is allowed to have hope for the future.
your best friend is muu kusunoki! muu is shy, affectionate, and a bit spoiled. she can be demanding and even a bit cruel, at times, but never to you. to muu, you are the one safe corner in her world, one of the few people in her life who haven’t hurt her yet. she’s very scared that you’ll slip away from her, like sand between her fingers, if she isn’t careful – so she can be a bit clingy. that being said, she won’t hesitate to be a little snarky and blunt, even to you; that’s just the way muu is. if she ever seriously hurt your feelings, though, she’d feel terrible. all muu wants is one good friend – someone who listens to her, and supports her. someone she can laugh with and paint her nails with and enjoy a normal friendship with, without gossip or pain or jealousy. she wants to make lots of good memories with you, and will probably try to bring you along on every expensive family trip or outing. she’s skittish, at times, and very much anxious and closed-off after the bullying she faced – but she’s getting better, slowly but surely. she knows you won’t hurt her, and would never hurt you, either. again – muu isn’t perfect. she’s very much spoiled, very much arrogant, and sometimes even cruel; but with your guidance, your normal, lighthearted presence in her life, even that can change. you’re her very best friend, in the whole wide world, and she truly loves you. she hopes you can stay the way you are now, together forever, for all her life.
your best friend is yuno kashiki! yuno is a cheerful, bubbly, kind girl – at least, that’s what she wants you to think. yuno’s smile is usually plastered on, as a means to reach an end, as a way to get others to dote on her. in actuality, she’s cold, calculating, and blunt, never letting anyone close enough to see her true self – well, except you. in some way or another, you have managed to see through the facade, and reach out towards the true yuno – who isn’t the same as the bubbly and cheerful yuno, but far from evil or cruel. the real yuno struggles with apathy and a feeling of emptiness, that she’s desperately trying to fill. the real yuno doesn’t need people to understand her, but deep down she’d probably like them to. the real yuno can be blunt and cold, but also kind, and she cares deeply for her loved ones. you’ve seen the real yuno; she’s your best friend, not all the other yunos she takes the role of when the situation calls for it. and she’s grateful for that. you’re one of the few people she can be transparent with – she likes to hang out with and have fun with you, but doesn’t feel like she constantly has to be smiling when she does. she doesn’t feel like an actress when she’s around you, and at the end of the day, maybe that’s all there is to it. maybe that matters more than anything. having even a single person who understands you like that is a privilege, and yuno doesn’t let important things out of her grasp. she’s not always entirely earnest and genuine – that’s something she also struggles with – but she does occasionally let you know that she appreciates you. you’re one of the few people in her life that makes her feel warm, and you don’t demand anything in return. the word “friend” doesn’t sound fake when she says it, not when it’s referring to you.
your best friend is kazui mukuhara! kazui is relaxed, easygoing, and generally easy to get along with. he’s also very good at lying. or, rather, acting – he’s good at pretending nothing’s wrong, and good at acting like someone he’s not. at the end of the day, though, he has a kind heart, and values friendship. kazui doesn’t care for the things that are dubbed as most “important” in society – getting a job, finding a wife, having kids… what kazui values are the small moments, and the fleeting, lighthearted connections you make along the way. he doesn’t need a lot of friends, just a couple good ones, and having you around is more than enough. kazui isn’t someone who’s good at expressing his love for another person, not in a way that properly conveys his feelings, but he is good at showing it. it’s in every lighthearted jab, sarcastic quip, ruffle of your hair – he does love you, his best friend, but he doesn’t really feel the need to say it. he simply enjoys your company. if he could choose one thing to keep all his life, one thing guaranteed not to change, he’d probably pick you. having someone around who understands you, and who enjoys your company as much as you enjoy theirs, is a very important thing. the most important, maybe, he muses. kazui is also a dad friend, even though he’ll jokingly punch you on the head if you say it to him – he can’t help but be worried about the people he values, and although he denies it, he enjoys being depended on. kazui is a good liar, at the end of the day, and there are times where not even you will be able to completely see through him, and know what he’s thinking – but one thing you can always be sure of is that he values your friendship more than anything. he hopes you’ll stay in his life for a long time to come.
your best friend is shidou kirisaki! shidou is calm, observant, and very, very kind. he’s caring by nature, always doting on someone without realizing it, like a worried mom – especially to you. there are things shidou doesn’t talk about, some things buried deep within his heart, a kind of guilt that can’t be shaken off, no matter how much time passes. he doesn’t speak about it, but it’s there, and if you’re close to him, you’ll see it. he doesn’t speak about these things, but he does trust you. you are a constant comfort in his life, bringing some color into his monotone world. shidou doesn’t feel like he deserves such an untainted friendship, doesn’t think he deserves someone who’ll stay with him even after all that he’s done, yet there you are. and he can’t bring himself to push you away. selfishly, he wants to be happy, even after everything. he wants to have a good friend to talk with, who knows him, who will judge him properly and still stick around. shidou is, again, very doting without realizing it. you’re sad? he’s by your side to hear you out. you’ve had an argument? he apologizes almost immediately, or at the very least communicates to reach an understanding. you’re sick? he goes full mother hen/doctor mode, tending to you like you’re dying (it’s just a cold, shidou). shidou is kind, and he’s very happy to have you in his life. just this one good thing is enough, he thinks, just this one good thing is enough for me. if something happened to you, he doesn’t know what he’d do. probably break, or repeat the same sins he already has, over and over again. so, please – take care of yourself, won’t you?
your best friend is fuuta kajiyama! fuuta is snarky, irritable, and very determined. he wants you to think he’s cool, strong, and edgy, but he’s actually more like a very angry chihuahua. more than anything, though, fuuta is kind. he just doesn’t want to show it. you’re fuuta’s best friend, his ride or die, the person he feels closest to in the world – which is why it’s absolutely vital that he bully you and bicker with you as much as humanly possible, to cover up all those gross, tender emotions. he never takes it too far (or, well, he tries to), but there’s nothing he loves more than starting stupid fights about stupid stuff, and making fun of you. he likes competing with you, and will literally never shut the fuck up if he wins whatever dumbass competition he started. on the other hand, if you win and start gloating, he’ll call you immature. the right way to handle having this loser as a best friend is simply to bully him back – and he expects you to! if you don’t, he’ll probably feel bad and distance himself. he wants to be able to bicker with you, and watch dumb movies, and kick your ass in mario kart. but deep down, he truly, truly cares for you. definitely more protective than he lets on, too. if someone else were to bully you, he’d get defensive and annoyed – god forbid, if someone made you genuinely sad? his lil 165 cm ass is FUMING. all in all, fuuta isn’t good at showing his appreciation for you, but he hopes you know it’s there. he really, really hopes you know, because if you don’t he’ll have to say it, and that’ll end with him red in the face, hands sweaty, stammering out a timid “you’re my best friend” like he’s proposing. fuuta is kind, too kind for his own good, but he’s so afraid of being seen as a coward that he’s closed himself off, in an attempt to make himself look tougher. if he ever shows his more vulnerable side to you, don’t make fun of him, for once – you’re the only one in the world he trusts enough to show it to. fuuta is kind, and pathetic, and deeply respects and cares for his best friend – and he’ll deny it til his dying breath.
your best friend is mahiru shiina! mahiru is affectionate, bubbly, and loving, almost overwhelmingly so. it’s impossible to be in any kind of relationship with mahiru, platonic or romantic, without knowing that you’re loved. she’s very vocal about it. mahiru loves to love – that’s the very core of her identity. she wants to experience fun things, things that make her heart race, sad things, emotions too heavy for a name. more importantly, she wants someone to experience these things with her. that’s why she feels so giddy to have you, her best friend, someone who doesn’t get weirded out by her, and doesn’t try to push her away. she wants to do everything with you, wants to be the best friend she can be, so she gives and gives and gives until she has nothing left, and then she just kinda.. retreats into herself. mahiru wants to be loved, but she doesn’t really know how to be loved – or love, for that matter! the last time she loved someone this strongly, they died. if the same thing were to happen to you, she’d… well. best not to think about it too much. what mahiru needs isn’t someone who will reject her, or tell her that she’s wrong, but someone that can show her how light love can be. how light love should be. mahiru’s perception of love isn’t wrong, exactly, but it is skewed, and she needs someone who can show her a different kind of love. the love you feel when your best friend laughs until their stomach hurts, the love you feel when your best friend shows up at your doorstep with your favorite snacks in hand, the love that surrounds you when you’re with people who accept you. mahiru wants to be the best friend she can be, and in her own way, she is. she’ll never leave you, will always be there to comfort you, and will support you no matter what. she’ll laugh with you over bad jokes, cry her eyes out at the sappy romance movies you watch, and tease you if you ever get a crush on someone – all around, mahiru’s love, when you strip away the flames and ashes, is very light.
your best friend is kotoko yuzuriha! kotoko is a cool, confident, determined girl, who won’t hesitate to take what she wants when the right moment strikes. she’s not as scary as she seems (although still very intimidating), and with people close to her, she allows herself to relax a little more. her smile is softer, somehow, and her shoulders aren’t as tense, and her eyes look almost tired. this side of her is something even her best friend will rarely see, though – kotoko prefers to be scary and guarded, ready for an attack at any moment. she has a strong, good heart, with good intentions, but she is a bit… misguided, in some ways. kotoko loves violence, especially when she can justify it, and there are times when her eyes don’t look sharp or tired, but scary, in an animalistic way you’re afraid to identify. still, she has a soft spot for you, and will be more open with you than most others. with you, she has no problem discussing her ideals, and her views, and her deepest desires. if she’s allowed you to come that close, you probably agree with her in some way, anyway. kotoko can be snarky, sarcastic, and scary, but she very much respects you. she’s likely very protective, even if she might not show it, and you probably contribute to her ideals, in some ways – she wants you to be safe from the evil people in the world, and that just gives her a greater reason to eradicate them. you’re a stable presence in her hectic life, and although she can’t let you come too close to her (as much as she wants you to), she respects and values the friendship you share. she’s your fang, at your service, ready to eradicate anyone who tries to – hey, don’t laugh, she’s being serious here!
your best friend is mikoto kayano! mikoto is…. hard to pin down, exactly. at first glance he’s a very normal guy, with a standard job, always all smiles and jokes, coming up with nicknames for people he meets at the drop of a hat. from first impressions alone, you’d think he’s a completely ordinary person, but the truth is.. a bit more complex. even you, his best friend, might not understand him completely – but you’re close, and the closest by a long shot. mikoto has a tenderness to him that’s hard to fake, but there’s something else, too. something deeply ingrained. something hard to shake off. something almost ominous. something that flashes in the corner of his eyes, something that breaks in his voice, something odd about him. like he was hit a little too hard over the head as a kid. he’s hard to understand, but mikoto’s affection for you is undeniable. he hangs out with you whenever he can, joking around and dragging you out to get boba with him, throwing an arm over your shoulder and tickling you. your friendship, too, seems very normal. it might actually be the most normal thing in mikoto’s life, ironically enough. mikoto seems very ordinary, but you know better, although you try to ignore the signs (a bruise. a trash can overflowing with cigarettes, even though he claims to be a casual smoker. an ominous, dark stain on one of his shoes). even so, you stay. you’re his best friend, wholeheartedly, and whatever secrets he has, whether he himself is aware of them or not, he’ll surely open up to you someday. mikoto is hard to get a read on, and more than meets the eye, for sure – but at the end of the day, he’s simply your best friend. a little silly, but well meaning. more stressed than he lets on, even though he’ll laugh it off if you ask. a nice guy whose smile rarely reaches his eyes, but when it does, you swear you’ll spend the rest of your life engraving it into your memory. he’s mikoto.
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honeybomb4thebear · 3 years
Congratulations, Yasuhiro!
Setting: Non-Despair AU
Yasuhiro tires his S/O sometimes, yet she still loves him. Which is why, it feels good when he touches her like that, even though he is as virgin as he could be.
Congrats on losing your virginity, Yasuhiro!
Yasuhiro Hagakure x Fem!Reader
Genre: N//fw (secks!), sm/t
Even though his fingers were on your panties, teasing you shamelessly he couldn't even look at you. Even when he moved his finger between your labia and pressed it against, he still couldn't look. You liked how shy he was, maybe more than the attention your... Lower parts were getting. "Y-Yasuhiro," you said, your head on his forearm, "just like that... p-please," your voice was barely above a whisper. "You like it," Yasuhiro said, his cheeks showing the faintest hints of pink. "You like it... Right?" Instead of answering, you let out an involuntarily moan. Yasuhiro's fingers were moving quickly, yet not harshly, which was causing you more pleasure than you'd expect. Seeing you as the hot mess you are, Yasuhiro seemed to be even more encouraged, since he touched your pussy directly without worrying about taking your panties off, just slipping the bottom part of it. He was clearly excited now, yet still tried to hide it. His eyes weren't open wide, but they were shining nonetheless. He seemed to be observing you completely, eyes scanning every curve of your body, undressing you with them. His lips were pressed into a thin line, probably to prevent heavy breathing like a creep. Yet the way his chest went up and down gave it away, causing you to snicker a bit. You then noticed his boner, which made your insides pulsate, and of course, Yasuhiro wasn't late to catch on. He gulped. "Like what you see?" His attempts at dirty talk could succeed if it weren't for his nervous and clearly excited expression. Yet you liked him the way he was. "I...I really do," you managed to let out, as Yasuhiro teased your bare entrance without even penetrating his fingers inside. "You are... Really wet," he said, almost surprised. You had to make a great effort to not laugh there, but you wouldn't be lying if you said the way his fingers moved helped. As you let out pants and low grunts, Yasuhiro became more impatient, resulting in him to push his fingers inside you all the way down to knuckles. You jumped in shock and pleasure, a long and loud moan filling the bedroom. This was kind of sudden yet it didn't take much time to get used to it. Your boyfriend then pulled you on his lap, letting you sit sideways so that he could kiss you easily. As his lips crushed on yours, he started scissoring, which naturally made you moan inside his mouth. You were a bit embarrassed by this, but Yasuhiro didn't seem to mind, even separating your lips to hear them loud and clear. While his one hand scissored you, his other hand started to toy with your clit, kind of clumsy but still pleasurable nonetheless. Whilst his fingers worked on you, Yasuhiro landed his lips on your neck this time, and you gladly allowed him, rolling your head back for full access. "Y-Yasuhiro... I'm c-close," your voice sounded really pathetic this time. Shaky, whiny, and extremely erotic. You understood that he liked the way you sounded when he instinctively bucked his hips up to your ass, his erection pressing against you even more. "You can... Cum." he said, letting out a sigh in pleasure right after. He was even harsher with his fingers now, working on you with enthusiasm Yasuhiro had rarely ever shown before. "I-I'm gonna, ah-!" you were out of breath as you felt your body strain with pleasure,  and went limp on his arms as you came back from your high. Yasuhiro slowly pulled his fingers out, a thin line of your cum the following suit after them. He looked at his now cum-coated fingers, eyes still shining and cheeks pink. You felt his erection twitch under your butt. You were slowly gaining breath now, the afterglow losing its primary effects gradually. Even so, your body was still super sensitive. Yasuhiro gulped as he stared at your trembling body with a serious expression on his face. "Do you want to... Go all the way? We don't have to, it's just, umm..." "Maybe," you said, your voice still low yet eyes refraining from eye contact. "Okay," Yasuhiro tilted towards the nightstand, taking out a condom as you worked on his pants. "Y/N, could it be that you are excited?" he asked almost smugly, looking at you as he held the condom in his hand. "I'm just... Helping you out." "Sure,"  he said, his nervousness having reduced a bit. He then requested that you got off of his lap, which you did quickly. You then took off your clothes, which Yasuhiro awkwardly imitated, taking off his clothes as well. When he finally put the condom on, he shyly looked at your entrance, even though his cock wasn't really shy. His dick was twitching at the sight of your pussy, much to his embarrassment. You looked at him, eyebrows raised. "I won't force you, buddy," you said, hint of disappointment in your voice. This caused Yasuhiro to panic, and he immediately started to tease your entrance. "Not that you have to force," he said, still not brave enough to enter you. "Sheesh, Hiro! You bully, stop teasing me..." you murmured, still sensitive so when he teased you your insides were tightening almost painfully. "Sorry, my fault," he said with a sheepish smile, failing to look guilty. And it became even more apparent after he rubbed his cock on your pussy, making you more of a whimpering mess than you already were. "Yasuhiro... Mhm--! Please, I can't take it anymore!" you cried out. Yasuhiro's smile didn't vanish, yet he steadied himself. "You do look nice and wet," he said as he looked at his cock, shining because it was coated in your juices, which made you wonder what had happened to the nervous and ultra virgin Yasuhiro he was a minute ago. "Mhmm... It...It's your fault, so take responsibility." "I-I can, right?" "...Dummy. 'Course y-you can..." "Then I'm going to put it in, Y/N." You failed to talk back to him- because your focus was shifted somewhere else, that somewhere else being his cock entering your vagina. Meaning instead of an insult, it was a moan that had come from your mouth. "Y-Y/N," your dumb boyfriend said, a dazed-yet-perverted smile on his face, "the sound you just made was so hot..." Again, right before you could answer, Yasuhiro started to thrust deep into your pussy, pulling you towards his cock so that he could bury himself inside you as deep as he could. The harsh slapping sounds that were caused by the smacks of your hips as Yasuhiro fucked you were accompanied by your cute moans- which only encouraged your beast of a boyfriend further. You wrapped your legs around his hips, yet Yasuhiro moved one all the way to your head, presumably to get better access to your cunt. The feeling of Yasuhiro's cock stretching your pussy felt better than you could've imagined, now that you were actually able to hear how wet you were. Yasuhiro was almost enchanted by your lewd state. The way your tits bounced as he thrust inside you was almost hypnotizing for this no-longer-virgin boy- and watching his penis penetrate your pussy harshly felt better than any fantasy he had about you. The real deal was the best, after all, he thought to himself. Getting more pumped up, he pushed your other leg to get the best access to your pussy, his dick growing bigger inside you. "I-I feel like if I told your fortune right now, I'd get 100% accuracy for sure!" You tried to insult him but the way his dick stretched your insides turned what was supposed to be a snarky remark into lewd moans. This resulted in Yasuhiro giggling in between his low grunts. "Ahh, Y-Y/N... In order f-for me to get more accurate results c-could we do this e-everyday? Um, uh, w-we will be rich." "Dumbass!" you managed to let out, but that didn't sound as harsh as you intended- it just sounded erotic. The more you tried to hide your pleasure, the more it showed itself. Making you wrap your left leg around his waist, Yasuhiro slightly pulled you on his lap, fucking you in a different angle now. The angle must have worked because your moans were louder than they were before, Yasuhiro felt like he did something. He didn't exactly know what he did though, but you were definitely enjoying it. "Pretty..." He whispered, his finger fondling your clit. "Y-Yasuhiro I'm-" "Cumming?" Two in a row?, he thought to himself. Guess he WAS a Casanova. "Y-yes, please..." He continued to rub your clit, watching your back arch as his thrusts became erratic as well. And not much later, you came undone on his dick, walls pulsating and desperately trying to milk him. The way you wrapped around Yasuhiro was more than enough for him to climax. His loud moan was too cute, you wished to hear it more often but you were glad to see his cumming face nonetheless. When he pulled out, you almost felt lonely. Almost. Because right after removing the condom, he said: "Should I make my fortune tellings more expensive, now that I have post-nut clarity?" "Yasuhiro get out."
sorry i’m so unfunny.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
I haven’t seen other isekai villainess series yet, I didn’t even realize it was popular until after getting into my next life, so if you have recommendations, I’d love to try out more!
HameFura was my first Isekai villainess ever! Coincidentally, I'm also a fan of reverse harem so the series really excites me! I don't think there are other animes for isekai villainess (in fact, I think HameFura is the first of its genre to have an anime adaptation. I wish they'd adapt more in the future though) but as you'd probably guess, there are a lot of Light Novels featuring that genre! There are also many manga adaptations of them! Some of the popular and the ones that I'm currently reading are these, though i must tell you that some of these recs are just isekai in general/reborn/reincarnated/transferred to isekai. So these are a variation of isekai genre rather than just a "reincarnated as isekai/otome game villainess" (ho boi,,,, this is a long ass one forgive me)
The Villainess' Slow Prison Life Began With Her Broken Engagement (completed, pretty short but there are the continuation in the LN, which I'll def check in the future!)
Middle-Aged Man's Noble Daughter Reincarnation (haven't read it yet, but it seemed interesting, so I'll just add this too!)
The Vengeful White Cat Lounging On The Dragon King's Lap (this is a transferred into isekai but i thought it's pretty cute! Ongoing)
The Mage With Special Circumstances Wants To Live Peacefully (MC originally lives in the this fantasy world, so i wouldn't say this is an isekai, but it's cute and interesting, so i totally recommend it! Ongoing)
Since I Became A Saint, I'll Do Whatever I Want With My Second Life ~The Prince Was My Lover Who Threw Me Away In My Previous Life~ (reborn in the same world, really interesting and I love the MC. Ongoing)
I'm Thinking Of Quitting The Villainess' Entourage (This is cute 🥺🥺 still ongoing though)
Tensei Saki Ga Shoujo Manga No Shiro Buta Reijou Datta (similar to HameFura where the villainess recovers her memories and changed for the greater good, but the setting for this one is shoujo manga rather than otome game. I think the MC is really cute and love how hardworking she is. Ongoing)
I’M A Villainous Daughter, So I’M Going To Keep The Last Boss (WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO END SMH 😢 Like, I love LOVE this manga so freaking much! Totally recommend it 10/10! Just a heads up, original otome game heroine who's kind like HameFura Maria in isekai manga/LN is considered rare. Original otome game heroine like this manga are considered to be more common. So,,, prepare yourself 💀)
Mahoutsukai No Konyakusha (the world the MC is reincarnated in doesn't have any relation to something from her past life, so this is a general fantasy setting. BUT IT'S CUTE SO WHATEVER 🤗 I believe this one is completed 🤔)
For Certain Reasons, The Villainess Noble Lady Will Live Her Post-Engagement Annulment Life Freely (interesting MC, story has main subject, which is medical stuff cause mc was a nurse in her past life, ongoing)
Of Course, I'll Claim Palimony! (This is just so interesting, and i love how straightforward the MC is, not a reincarnated MC or anything, she is originally from the world :) ongoing)
I Was Reincarnated, And Now I'm A Maid! (Reincarnated as the villainess maid instead! This is pretty heartwarming but there aren't many chapters currently, still ongoing)
Endo And Kobayashi’S Live Commentary On The Villainess (This is just so amazing and interesting! Not reborn/reincarnated, but instead, the ones from the normal world is playing the game and gave commentary on the game, one of the character (the prince) can hear them, even though he's in the game. Ongoing)
Milady Just Wants To Relax (reincarnated in a novel world as the villainess! Tells the story of the after life of MC opening up a cafe after she was exiled. So fluffy and the Love interests are beastmen)
Fiancée’S Observation Log Of The Self-Proclaimed Villainess (One of the most popular isekai manga after HameFura! Instead of the female MC's point of view, this is told in the villainess' (aka MC's) fiance's point of view! Also, the villainess in this one wants to confront her bad end rather than avoid it like in HameFura 😂 and she's as dumb as Katarina so 😔😔👌👌👌 ongoing)
When I Woke Up, Twenty Years Passed! ~The Villainous Daughter’S Afterlife~ (cute as shit and hot male LI 😌😌😌 ongoing)
Seijo No Maryoku Wa Bannou Desu (this one is transferred into isekai, i stan the MC so much, she was treated like shit at first, but it gets better dw,,, and the lead male is just so 😍😍😍)
The Villainess Want To Marry A Commoner (this is honestly just so cute and relatable! The reincarnated MC loves one of the supporting cast rather than the main LI in the otome game, so she gets engaged with him and decides to stay away from the heroine and the LI, ongoing)
The Result Of Being Reincarnated Is Having A Master-Servant Relationship With The Yandere Love Interest (reincarnated into yandere otome game! Male lead is a lowkey yandere for his master aka the villainess (MC), ongoing.)
Isekai De "kuro No Iyashi Te" Tte Yobarete Imasu (similar to seijo no maryoku, but still quite different! This is enjoyable too! Completed)
Inso's Law (the only manhwa I'll list here. I just love the relationship the MC and all the LI and original heroine. This one is set in a world of romance novel, but not one that the MC already read or knew. The MC just knew she got transferred and is forced to live in a romance novel world because of how all the laws that applied to a common romance novel is shown when she was living her life there. She was assumed to be the heroine's (normal looking) best friend. Ongoing)
The Banished Villainess! Living The Leisurely Life Of A Nun Making Revolutionary Church Food (ONE OF MY FAV! This is just so cute! (Heads up, shit may or may not go down 👀) but this is still the cutest shit ever, male lead is a scary looking guy that's actually really soft and dense and he loves the villainess (MC) but again, MC is too dumb to realize that 😔 BUT IT'S CUTE SO IT'S ALRIGHT! Ongoing)
May I Ask For One Final Thing? (BADASS MC! YES!! MC is originally from the world and she kicks ass at the people who wronged her, ongoing)
The Villainess Is Adored By The Crown Prince Of The Neighboring Kingdom (again, one of the most popular isekai villaines after HameFura. And again, the original otome game heroine is the exact opposite of Maria, so prepare yourself! This thing is cute as heck! It shows how the Villainess (MC) was treated like shit by one of the male lead (a prince)but then a hotter guy (the neighboring prince) came and proposed to her,, lmao serves the prince right, ongoing)
Isekai De Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tame Ni Ganbattemasu. (Reincarnated to a fantasy setting world, and the smol MC is adored by all animals, SUPER FLUFFY, just like the title)
I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! (Reborn again in the same world,MC decided to stay away from the Heroine and won't bully her.....which backfired horribly 😜ongoing)
Marielle Clarac's Engagement (MC originally from the world, just shows the life of her as a romance novel writer in the noble world. This one is super cute too, ongoing)
I’M Not A Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness Doesn’T Mean I’M A Bad Person! (Set in shoujo manga world, and the MC was a misunderstood girl 😢😢😢😢 i love her sm 😔 ongoing)
The Reborn Witch Foretells Destruction (reborn to a fantasy world, and the artstyle is my personal fav! I just love the relationship the MC has with the love interests)
I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is A Villain (just sum cute shit, MC born as a side character, but somehow caught the attention of the otome game Villain and was proposed by him. Also the original otome game heroine is....i think you already get it by now)
The Villainess Will Crush Her Destruction End Through Modern Firepower (BIG BAD BITCH ENERGYYYYYY even though she's a freaking loli, lol remind me of Youjo Senki...villainess MC was reincarnated to an otome game and one interesting trait of her from past life, she loves guns and revolver,,, and all those stuff, ongoing)
It Seems Like I Got Reincarnated Into The World Of A Yandere Otome Game (again, yandere otome game, but the yandere flags are all taken down, so it's safe, (still have some of those yandere tendencies tho) ongoing)
Fake Cinderella (just a patisserie reincarnated to a fantasy world, and she was engaged to a prince that is really fond of her (i say fond because their age gap is a little....questionable) ongoing)
Koushaku Reijou No Tashinami (i barely understand what's going on half of the time but i love the romance the MC villainess has with her LI. (And the LI isn't one of the capture targets from the og otome game) focuses on the subject of politic so.....RIP. but i still love the romance 🥳)
Lady Rose Wants To Be A Commoner (I 👏 LOVE 👏 THIS 👏 It's just freaking amazing and cute! MC is reincarnated as the otome game heroine, but she lets the event flowed to her bad ending, so she got to be exiled and live her life as a commoner. Interesting MC and amazing artstyle! Ongoing)
I Reincarnated Into An Otome Game As A Villainess With Only Destruction Flags... In A Dire Situation!? Verge Of Destruction Arc (HameFura spinoff! This one is set in the world where Katarina is already bullying Maria because her past life memories came like, 5/7(?) years after the incident with the scar with the prince unlike in the OG. I actually just need more HameFura content so,,, 🥺😔👉👈 Katarina's still the same ol dumb so dw,,,also more side characters are introduced! Ongoing)
The Villainess, Cecilia Silvie, Doesn't Want To Die, So She Decided To Cross-Dress! (Haven't read it yet, but i LOVE the genderbend idea!)
The Earl's Daughter Was Suddenly Employed As The Crown Prince's Fiancée (MC is already originally living in fantasy setting world, and her interactions with the crown prince is just so freaking cute i can't,,, ongoing....i think?)
The Daughter Of The Albert House Wishes For Ruin (This is so much fun to read! Same as fiancee observation log, the villainess MC wishes to confront her dead end for some reason, ongoing i think?)
AND THAT'S ALL I CAN GIVE! This post is long as heck, and i haven't even talk about ALL of them, plus there's also the manhwa. 😂😂😂 but i hope you'll like these!
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peppusae · 4 years
How to say 'I love you' without saying 'I love you' | Chae Hyungwon pt 1
part: 1 of 3
other parts:  pt 1 || pt 2 || pt 3
pairing: chae hyungwon x reader
genre: fluff, little slow-burn and angst, smut
word count: 5.6k words
note: i had a dream about this plot so i must write this because after this dream hyungwon became my bias wrecker and i cry about him every day since pls send help gbye
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ugh i love him so much :(((
How to say 'I love you' without saying 'I love you'
What’s every kpop fan’s goal in life?
To meet their idols, attend a concert, and attend a fan sign, right?
Some others... They aim higher than that.
And you’re one of those people.
In fact, you love k-pop so much that you found your career took a whooping turn and you ended up majoring in language, for the very simple fact that you could apply to join an entertainment company and be a staff/writer, the latter which makes you feel the proudest of yourself.
But life….
Life can be super mean sometimes. And you learn this the hard way, when you get rejected by SM entertainment - your first and actually the only choice because you are a major Shinee fan and life is just NOT fair at all!
One way or the another, after multiple applying, you finally get a good job in another company - Starship Entertainment.
Now, Starship was definitely not one amongst your top 5 agencies. But you always try not to let that affect your work - and over time, you come to love your job.
Especially when you get assigned as Monsta X’s writer and interpreter.
You find the members of the group very very appealing, all of them having their own charms.
Hyunwoo, who goes by the name Shownu and has an appetite that makes everyone giggle; He is such a soft-hearted soul and you really look up to him because he is always kind enough to give you a hand if he finds you doing something like lugging some boxes around, and would give the prettiest eye smiles when he gets a compliment.
Hoseok, who goes by the name Wonho and is probably the person you would sacrifice everything for; because of the heartwarming smile he has to offer, the way he continuously asks you to go through the comments he received on his vlives, and would politely request you to review what fans are saying about him on his posts.
Kihyun, who is very much Korean down to the bone with his extremely polite mannerisms and the way he always makes sure the staff - you included - are always eating as well; even if it’s a show about them. And also, the way he had once asked if he was your bias, and looked shocked to hear he wasn’t - and then continued to do things to get your attention and ask “Am I your bias now?” in the middle, like an idiot.
Jooheon, who also occasionally comes to you and asks for mini English lessons, and then gets bored after learning two or three new words - and then instead likes to chat about random things like the cats he owns, and your line of cacti which he, for some reason, is obsessed with, and your chats with Jooheon usually end with a compliment battle, and he always made you feel proud because he always says that chatting about normal things like that always inspires him a lot too.
Changkyun, who you consider as your bias wrecker because he keeps his own cool, stays in his own bubble and get things done, and doesn’t brag; instead, he’s very gentle, always the first person to notice if you’re sitting out in the lounge by yourself racking your brains for new content, and uses you as a guinea pig for testing out his lame new puns or pickup lines.
And then… Hyungwon, who doesn’t talk a lot when he’s with the rest of the group, but you found to be startlingly talkative when he’s doing a solo vlive or with only a few members like either Shownu or Wonho. In fact, you remember being wide-eyed when he continuously chatted with his fans on a vlive for a whooping 2 hours, and you can’t forget the precious and warm smile he had on his face when you said you liked seeing him so lively and talkative.
“I have a lot of things up my sleeve which you probably don’t know that much about, [Name]-ah.” He had said that time, and sometimes, you can see the way his eyes would filter through the staff during shows and land on yours, and smile at you.
And finally, Minhyuk, who was your absolute favourite out of the entire group, your bias because he gets along so well with everyone, always making everyone - including the staff - laugh, and would not hesitate to call anyone out if they’re doing something they shouldn’t. It makes you giggle, the way he would approach you in the middle of a variety show shooting they’re doing and ask if you were the writer of the show and how you had the audacity to make them walk around like lunatics. He acts like a crackhead like that, but you’ve grown to be so attached to him when you realized that, beyond his bright personality, he also is an insanely sweet person; You found this out when you had mentioned applying to SM entertainment because Shinee was your favorite group ever, and Minhyuk -even if he asked how dare you talk about other men in his presence - met up with Shinee while hosting a show and got the members to sign, and even got Kibum, your Shinee bias, to sign you a message inside their recent album.
Undoubtedly, Minhyuk was your favorite, for a good reason.
But still, to be put frankly, Hyungwon was the member that has your heart, for the simple reason that he was so unpredictable and has his own sense of humour and personality.
Since you got assigned to work with Monsta X, your life has been a messy tangle of fun, a normal day being you having a chat with Hyungwon and then getting interrupted by Minhyuk who would have zero filters and ask “Are you two dating?”, which causes the two of you to flush red for no reason, while Kihyun would overhear this and say “Huh?! You’re picking him to date but you don’t think of me as bias material?”.
The cycle would be endless, with Wonho laughing while watching the entire scene unfold, while Jooheon would join in with Minhyuk while Shownu would butt in and say “Minhyuk-ah, we have to go back to practise now tho,” and Changkyun sticking his head out from his dorm room and saying he still has 5 more minutes to finish the session of his favorite game.
You’ve grown to love this cycle and it doesn’t feel like a job, doing something you love with good people to work with, and life has been even easier after you got a dorm room within the building.
So, even if you had a roommate - and she’s nice, just not too close - things at Starship has been working out well for you.
Your daily chaos started simmering down a little once the pandemic hit, and all of the staff got confined to their rooms for work.
Because some of the shows you’re writing the scripts for are getting approved easily, you feel lucky to be one of the few staff who is now allowed to go alongside the members when they’re out for shows.
The times when you’re working from your dorm room, you feel so tired - perhaps missing the chaos you were so used to for the past couple years.
One day, you get a kakao chat from Hyungwon, asking if he can come over to discuss something with you.
It’s early in the morning - 8:15 am, and you’re half awake but you let him in, trying your hardest not to yawn too much in front of the member you considered the most attractive from the bunch.
Your roommate, Dawon, was kind enough to clean up the room a little bit when you said Hyungwon was coming over - and you said it on purpose because you knew she called Hyungwon her type and admits to having a teensy crush on him even though she knows it won’t work out anyways.
Hyungwon is wearing a caramel sweater and grey baggy sweatpants, and it always warms your heart to see the boys dressed in comfy clothes because they have to spend so much time wearing clothes that probably look good but not feel as comfy.
“Hyungwonnie, come on in!” You greet him, and he reacts with a chuckle and he always does that ever since you started calling him by that nickname after the day he said you should use casual language with him.
Hyungwon gives a little nod to your roommate in acknowledgement, and waits until you draw the curtain separating the room, before he speaks.
“I have a magazine shooting next month, and these are the set of questions they’re gonna ask me.” He says, putting the big envelope he had in his clutches on the top of your desk after he takes his seat. “I need help coming up with answers.”
Hyungwon was usually one of the few members who always comes to use the opportunity; the artists are free to ask the writers for help with answers they’ll give for their interviews, and Hyungwon always makes full use of the opportunity, and Shownu and Wonho occasionally drop by too, as well.
You’re always happy to be asked for help, but today, you find yourself sweat-dropping at the thought. You were so sleepy, the only reason you’re not dozing off is because you had forced yourself not to sit down.
“You’re usually always excited when I ask for something like this, so why today?”
Ouch. Sometimes, much like you can read the boy’s faces and know what’s going on, they can sometimes do the same for you, too.
“Well, you see....”
“Have you been getting enough sleep?”
Double ouch. You knew the boys - at least, most of them - were good observers, but you didn’t expect Hyungwon to catch on so easily.
“I actually do get enough sleep, but these days, I feel extra sleepy for an hour or so after I wake up.”
This makes Hyungwon chuckle, putting the papers back inside the envelope and turning back to you.
“Welcome to the life of every human being. You sound like you’ve been babied too much.” He has to say, and you watch the way he gets up from his seat and places the envelope inside one of your drawers.
“Let’s get some breakfast.”
This makes the male raise an eyebrow, glancing around the room as if he was unsure if it really was you who said that.
“You’re acting as if we have never gone out for a meal together.”
“Well…” You say, because you’ve actually gone with him a couple of times over the four years you’ve been assigned to them.
That was probably because the boys enjoyed ordering in mostly, and eating at their own free times.
Anyhow, it was only a few times, so it definitely did surprise you.
“Okay. Where do we go?”
“I’m in the mood for some eggs and sausages, do you have anything you want to eat?”
“Hey, we’re gonna split the bill okay!?” You hurry to race Hyungwon outside, who goes out in a very knowing way, one that was like a deja vu of the times when he’d butt in when you’re trying to innocently pay for your delivered lunch tray and he’d ask to tab it over to him.
Kihyun was right, he really was different from the way most Monbebe actually looked up at him.
At the restaurant, Hyungwon takes his mask off only after you two are seated at one of the sectioned booths and have ordered your food.
“The pandemic isn’t good, but this is the only thing that I enjoy about it.” He admits, eyes going over to the lack of people inside the place which would usually be filled to the brim with office workers trying to grab a quick breakfast.
“This pandemic has made me a sleepyhead like you.”
You find yourself smiling so hard around Hyungwon because during breakfast and after you had forcibly paid for you two, on your way back when he offers to buy you coffee - and even remembers your usual order - and the next two hours he spent with you while you helped him write answers and edit what he wrote, it really does not feel like he’s a celebrity at all; but more so as a close friend who makes you feel warm in ways you’ve never felt before.
You snap out from your little trance and go back to typing your script on the laptop, when he interrupts you.
“Why are you smiling? What kind of madness of a show are you writing now?!”
“Hey! Don’t accuse me of writing madness when your Monbebe loves it so much!”
“Yah, that’s too much! Our Monbebe will love us anyway even if you show them us being normal!”
You giggle, because really. When has Monsta X ever been normal?
The next day, right after you wake up, you’re working on the itinerary for Monsta X’s upcoming vacation show - a little too late, you had to admit, and that too, when you’re feeling so desperately sleepy like you’ve been feeling lately every morning.
Dawon had gone out to grab breakfast with some of the other staff, and you’re munching on your melon bread, knowing well that the espresso shot you’ve had just a while ago won’t last you for more than 15 minutes.
And it doesn’t.
In fact, you’re actually snoring when your phone rings loudly, making you lift your sorry face up from your laptop keyboard and answering as soon as you pick up the phone.
“Yes, Manager-nim? I’ll send you the itinerary in fifteen minutes!” You say the impossible, because your task in barely done, and you had a feeling you’d fall back onto the laptop keyboard the second the manager hangs up the call.
The sound of familiar chuckling makes you raise an eyebrow and glance at your phone, horrified to see Hyungwon’s name on the display.
“I need it in ten minutes, not fifteen.” He says in a heavy voice, and it makes you huff in embarrassment, glad that he couldn’t see you.
“Very funny, Hyungwon. What did you need?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to wake you up.”
“I was up!”
This makes him laugh yet again, and you sigh, typing on the keyboard as you think about what good excuse you can say.
“If you were up, you wouldn’t have thought I was your manager.”
You let out a little groan, connecting your headphones to the phone so you could multitask while speaking to the male.
“Really, now, Hyungwonnie, what did you really want? Is there something you wanted to ask again?”
“No, I really just called to wake you up.”
“Well. Isn’t that sweet of you.” You say, sarcastically.
The mini banter and sarcastic comments continue for about ten minutes, by which you’d even finished up the itinerary.
So, even if he did laugh at your sleepyhead behaviour - as if he could talk - you made sure to thank him before you go out to take the printouts and finish off your task.
And then, that becomes a ritual.
Hyungwon calls you every day at 8 am, right when you’ve signed in for work and are about to head to get some coffee.
He makes small talk with you, talks about little episodes he’d had, and listens to your ideas.
After the first week, you don’t feel sleepy even if you don’t get the coffee; and you don’t even get sleepy after he hangs up.
Every day, it feels like he’s prepared something new, because he makes you laugh so hard that your sleep completely vanishes.
In fact, after a couple of days, he searches up English songs on Genie Music and sings, butchering up a lot of the lyrics on purpose - you know it’s on purpose because Hyungwon has a really good pronunciation when he tries.
One day, you’re butchering up the lyrics of a song along with Hyungwon while you’re writing talk segments for Monsta X’s comeback showcase. Your roommate has been giving you funny looks recently, especially after she asked who was calling you every day and you couldn’t lie and told her it was Hyungwon.
The sudden sound of your door flying wide open and a blonde Lee Minhyuk barrelling into your room makes you stop your singing.
“Oh. So it was you, huh.” He has to say, making himself comfortable on your beanbag chair, and drawing the cloth partition between your room when Dawon - your roommate - keeps staring.
Really, Minhyuk does not know what filters are supposed to be.
“What do you mean?” You ask, and from your headphone, Hyungwon hears his friend’s voice, so he dismisses the call after saying he’ll see you again later.
“So it was you Hyungwonie has been getting up every morning to sing his heart out, huh?”
You stare at him, baffled. “Well, he does sing some normal songs, but he mostly sings crack-”
“He usually never wakes up on his own even if he has schedules, and now he has an alarm to call you every day? What, are you guys dating or something?”
“Yah, Minhyuk, what are you saying!!” You hiss, horrified, because the cloth partition does little to block out sounds from the other side.
“I always tell people if they like someone, to stop being so obvious and just ask them out. It’s easy!!”
“It’s not easy and omg shut up!! He’s just calling me because he’s waking me up, he’s just being kind!”
“Hyungwon never wakes up for us, he’s never kind to us, then! And he’s always still sleepy even if he wakes you up, because he goes straight back to bed after he wakes you up!”
You sigh out loud in frustration, shaking your head. “Come on. What did you want, Minhyukkie?”
Minhyuk gives you a knowing smile before he shakes his head, handing you the binded notebook he had in his clutches.
“You’ll give me a read-over, right? I told you about the radio-show I’m gonna start hosting in a few weeks, right? The concept is clear, but I have some topics I want to talk about and I made some scripts about how I could continue the talk.”
“You got it. I’ll need some time, though, how does Thursday sound?”
“Perfect. Thanks!” He gives you a flying kiss that makes you laugh, and then he’s out as fast as he came barreling in.
You expected Hyungwon to stop the calling after the confining to your room rule gets lifted up and you’ve started to go to the office for work.
But he doesn’t, and he sounds as if he’s never been as prepared before as he is now.
Even when the comeback is near and he must be practising into the late hours of the night, he never misses a single day.
A few days before the comeback, you find him having lunch with Shownu, and it’s the first time you’ve seen him in a while - and you hadn’t seen his new hair till then too.
For the first time in the four years you’ve been assigned to work with Monsta X, you take a good look at Hyungwon.
A really, really good look.
At first, he hadn’t noticed you, and while you’re refilling your water bottle with chilled water, you notice the way he’s smiling a little while he listens to what Shownu is saying. The way he uses his hand to brush the fringe of his hair he’s dyed blonde is attractive for the first time - and you’d always thought he was a really, really handsome young man… But this is the first time he looks so attractive that you feel like you’re in a daze, staring at him until chilled water fills up your bottle and pours on your fingers, finally catching your attention.
What gives?
The little yelp you let out makes both Shownu and Hyungwon glance over at you - noticing you for the first time. Hyungwon’s eyes go wide, the top of his palm going up to cover his mouth.
“Ah, [Name]-ah. How are you?” Shownu calls over to you, ever so naturally, and you greet him with a smile when it looks like he’s motioning for you to come over.
“I haven’t seen you in a while. Are you doing well?”
“I’m doing good, Hyunwoo-oppa. You guys must be working super hard for the comeback, right?” You say, glancing at Hyungwon, and for the first time ever, you think he’s actually… blushing ?!
It makes you flustered, thinking about what Minhyuk had talked to you about, while he accused you two of dating. Really, Minhyuk had no filters, it never fails to drive you insane sometimes.
“Yeah! You can expect a lot, please do support us a lot!”
You turn to look at Shownu, beaming at his friendly and charming smile before you excuse yourself and head back before you felt your head would explode.
Now, what the heck was that all about!?
Whatever it was, you were definitely going to blame Minhyuk for this!
It absolutely surprises you when Hyungwon doesn’t fail to call you, even the following morning.
You guess you had just imagined it in your head yesterday when Hyungwon looked flustered to see you.
Stupid Minhyuk! It was all in your head after all.
“Now that today’s dumb song segment is over,” Hyungwon says, after he sings a butchered up version of Pretty Please, “I’m gonna sing a song from our album!”
“Oh? Will that be okay?”
“Well, you’ll hear the album preview later today, so, why not?” He has to say. “It’s one of my favorites from the album.”
And then, he sings up to the second chorus of Beautiful Night - a song you fall in love with instantly, because the lyrics are so beautiful and Hyungwon sings as if he’s doing so with his whole soul. It almost makes your eyes teary, and you can barely tell him that you love it, before you have to excuse yourself with a little lie.
Since when did Hyungwon’s voice sound this emotional? It’s been over four years, but his voice has always been the same, beautiful voice as before. You open up Genie music, playing some of the older albums, listening to Hyungwon’s voice in the songs, and you feel like you’ve missed out this side of Hyungwon completely, this madly romantic side of him that sounds so sincere that it makes your heart race.
What is going on, seriously…
As the days pass by, the little tingle in your heart whenever you see or hear Hyungwon keeps on getting more and more painful.
In fact, by the end of Monsta X’s three-week promotions for Fantasia X, hearing Hyungwon singing songs for you become almost unbearably sad.
Despite having to wake up earlier, or even having to excuse himself in the middle of getting his hair and makeup done, he makes sure to call you - even if you’re sitting and listening to him when he’s in the same room as you are in.
You realize you can’t hold out your expressions if it’s in front of him, so you make sure to get up and go away somewhere when Hyungwon’s call arrives every day at 8 am on the dot.
It’s a warm Saturday morning, and you’re on your bed, your earpods on and listening to Fantasia X on Genie when Hyungwon’s call of the day arrives.
Today, it’s different.
Usually, he sings a trot song, or a really ugly version of an English song with the hopes of making you laugh so much that your sleep completely vanishes.
But today, he doesn’t say anything and immediately starts to sing soulfully; today, he sings Newton, one of your absolute favorite songs by the group, and…
The way he sings it is so, so sad .
Something inside your heart feels like it is burning, and unknowingly, your eyes brim with tears, because…
All the things Minhyuk had told you, all the things you’ve been thinking about Hyungwon lately, all the little glances he sends your way and then looks away when he sees you’re watching…
You feel your emotions going haywire, and your wishful thinking makes you start crying and you pray to god that Hyungwon, who’s singing the chorus so beautiful and sincerely does not notice.
It’s almost unbearable, and you take off your earpods and have him on speaker, thankful that he doesn’t notice you’ve reached for tissues to wipe your tears.
Since when did I start feeling this way about him?
How can I think this way about one of the members I work for?
Why does Hyungwon sing as if he’s singing just for me, and only me?
Why does it feel like we are never able to meet eyes now?
You have so many questions and no answers, and your hands are shaking as you try to press record on your phone because he sounds so, so beautiful and your crying is not helping you in focusing on his sincere singing.
It is at this moment that the door to your room flies open, and your roommate, Dawon enter the room, then freezes when she sees you crying.
“What’s going on?!”
You’re only able to hand over the phone to her, and mumble a little “Please record it for me” through your sobs.
Dawon looks very confused, raising an eyebrow when she looks at the receiver and sees that it is Hyungwon, on the call.
At that moment, Hyungwon wraps up his singing, clearing his throat a little and speaks for the first time today.
You find yourself sniffling, glancing at Dawon who looks visibly upset now… and you can’t even blame her…
“[Name]-ah.” He calls your name again, and this is one of the things that makes you sad in regards to Hyungwon, because… He is a member of Monsta X, one of the manlier groups in the industry for sure, but… He’s so gentle and sweet, a kind-hearted soul, and he does not lack in anything, as he has proudly claimed so.
Even the way he calls your name out is so gentle that it makes more tears stream down your face, and you’re almost scared at how to answer whatever Hyungwon would ask from you.
“[Name]-ah. I have something I have to tell you, in person.”
Your eyes meet with Dawon, who now looks wide-eyed, and you were sure you would probably look the same.
“I… I have to tell you this in person, so, if you… If you’re willing, would you like to… go for dinner with me today?”
More tears stream down your face, and now you know you can never look Dawon in the eyes either so you bury your face on one of your pillows, heart aching too much to do anything else.
Dawon speaks into the speakerphone, and it makes you glance at her, wondering what she was going to say.
Hyungwon replies with a loud ‘Huh?’ in confusion.
“Hyungwon-ssi, I’m sorry, but [Name] is outside and she left her phone here.”
Dawon looks at you, lips pressed into a thin line. You feel so uneasy, and it felt like Hyungwon felt the same, because he starts to stammer.
“Wh-Wha? What?! If [Name] wasn’t the one who answered, then wh- Whaaaaa!” You hear a loud whine before the call gets disconnected with a quick mumble of “Sorry!”.
Dawon hurls the phone at your bed, and leaves the room without a word, and it pains your heart so much that you feel like you’ll die.
A text message pops up on your phone a little while later and seeing the text makes you feel a little dizzy, even.
‘If you’re freely going to allow other people to roam through your phone even, I don’t think I have any other choice but to come to see you right away.’
Wait, does he mean-
You hurry to grab your phone and iPad, wiping your face as best as you could and going out of your room. You find Minhyuk and Kihyun using the Xbox in the lounge, so you quietly take a seat near them, greeting them and opening up your iPad without another word.
“[Name]-ah, why do you look so weird?”
“Yah, Minhyuk, how can you say something so rude?!”
You shake your head and give a weak smile at the two, opening up your notepad and leaning against the couch.
A moment passes by, and Minhyuk moves closer to you on the couch, so close that you actually move a little back as well.
“I finished my game with Kihyunnie. So. Why? Why do you look so sad? Did Hyungwonie hurt you?”
Now, you’ve been doing a good job of not crying since you got out of the room, but seeing Minhyuk’s worried face and then remembering Hyungwon’s words - along with Minhyuk hitting a bullseye right away… All of that combine together and it makes you start to cry again.
“Wha? Hey?!” Minhyuk looks very startled, and he usually never looks surprised like he doesn’t know what to do, but today he looks like he’s at a dead end, and you allow him to grab your hand and tell Kihyun he’ll be right back, before he hurries to drag you over to the other end of the lounge near the vending machines.
“Yah, what is going on with you lately? Hyungwon really said something mean to you, didn’t he? Sheesh. Acting like he’s in love with you and then making you cry like this? I didn’t expect him out of everyone to behave this way.”
The more Minhyuk spoke, the worse you felt, and you’re barely able to ask him if he could be kind enough to leave you alone for a second when you hear a familiar voice calling your name.
“[Name]-ah…. Minhyuk-ah?!”
You and Minhyuk glance up to see Hyungwon approaching you, and you hurry to take your hand away from Minhyuk’s clutch.
Really, Hyungwon couldn’t have caught a worse timing.
Minhyuk shoots you a sad look, then gets up from his seat, goes to say something to Kihyun, then the two of them leave while Kihyun glances at you with a worried look on his face. You can’t get yourself to look at Hyungwon, so you’re looking at your hands, fingers fumbling while Hyungwon stands in his spot in front of you, not saying a single word.
More tears fall down your face when you remember Minhyuk’s words - and how wrong was he to assume the worst from the sweetest person you know, and it pains your heart because you knew if you looked in his eyes, you wouldn’t be able to stop crying.
Hyungwon says a single word, and honestly, that was the only thing you didn’t have an answer for.
Why were you crying?
You didn’t know.
Why can’t you look at Hyungwon?
You had no clue.
Why did Minhyuk know right away?
That too, you didn’t know at all.
Why can’t you answer him?
You had no reason.
So instead, you find tears streaming down your face, and you wish you could leave, but you felt like you owed Hyungwon at least this much, to hear what he had to say even if you felt like something was cutting through your heart.
“Stand up.”
It’s the first time you’ve heard him ask you to do something in that voice, an angry, impatient voice you’ve never imagined you’d ever be on the receiving end for.
You hum in response, eyes on the ground. Hyungwon lets out an exhale and you can feel your hands trembling because it’s while you’re looking at his shoes with an aching heart, that you realize something you’ve been wishing so hard was not true.
You were in love with Chae Hyungwon.
Out of completely nowhere, so naturally.... You were so madly in love with Chae Hyungwon; so much that looking at him now would be too much to take, now.
“You heard everything I said, didn’t you?”
Now, that’s something you didn’t expect to hear from him. He had sounded so worried and embarrassed on the phone so you didn’t think he would have any suspicious, but here he was, showing you that he certainly did.
It makes you look up at his face for the first time today, and it pains your heart.
It paints your heart, because he’s wearing clothes with a lot of creases - something he’s been wearing to sleep, and he has on a beanie that covers most of his messy-looking hair, and he’s looking at you with puffy eyes and a frown that hurts so much to look at.
You couldn’t bear to look at him anymore so you shake your head in response. Hyungwon looks visibly disappointed, like he knew right away that you were lying. You think he has something more he wants to say, because his lips part a little… And then, he lets out a sigh and shakes his head as well.
“If you are this burdened by how I feel, then…” Hyungwon’s voice trails off, taking a step back and then turning around. You watch the way he walks out of the lounge without a word, and if you felt like you’d never been more hurt before, you were completely wrong, because nothing pained your heart more than watching the male leave like that, as if he had so much to say and couldn’t…. Just like how you felt while you sink back on the couch and cry your heart out.
And from that day onwards, Hyungwon doesn’t call you again.
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :)
apparently y’all have some thoughts™
Why is it so hard to choose between the two? 😭 I love these pretty setters so much
What if she just ends up with both of them jk jk jk. Unless...?
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- @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa
Dhhshdjdkfkd bby this made me laugh. also the idea that the reader’s gonna have a choice 😌
BUT LISTEN. SWEETHEART!SOULMATE ATSUMU. Reader deserves a Good Boye 🥺 and also......the Drama™
you’re assuming that i’m gonna make atsumu a good guy here which is a Bold Assumption (you’re not wrong though, darling deserves somebody who’s gonna love her right and softer(ish) atsumu probably would) 
i love oikawa with my whole heart, he’s actually my kin but don’t u think it’s a little unfair if atsumu didn’t end up with his. Imagine waiting all your life for a soulmate that won’t be yours. In a way, atsumu and oikawa are both cocky bastards who has big dreams. So why does atsumu have to be left out because of oikawa’s wishes. But again, I’m an oikawa kinnie and an oikawa bitch. I WOULD LOVE FOR HIM TO END UP WITH OIKAWA but whaf abt atsumu?
there’s not gonna be any winners here regardless. somebody’s heart’s gonna get broken. if the reader stays with oikawa, atsumu’s left without his soulmate, if he manages to steal her away, oikawa’s gonna shatter. if she runs off with iwa rather than dealing with their shit, both of them get hurt 🤷‍♀️
Can I vote for Oikawa??💖
why not? :)
oya oya? i'm going all atsumu out bby
i still haven’t decided whether you’re gonna get Good Guy atsumu or yan atsumu, what if he’s worse than poor oiks?
I vote for my Tsumu too - @beany-goes-dark (tumblr doesn’t like it when i try to tag you bby)
noted ;)
Ooh can she end up with Atsumu, I’d love to see the drama from the switch
there’s gonna be drama regardless hehe
Okay but what if the reader ends up with both Atsumu and oikawa
poor reader lmao (why have one possessive, jealous soulmate when you can have two, fighting for every second of your attention?)
I can’t choose between atsumu and oikawa your honour it’s just too difficult!!! What a cruel world it is where we can’t just have them all 😖😭😩
careful what you wish for bby 
If soulmates were real, i would def be worried about ending up in Oikawa's situation. How is it that Atsumu is one of my fav characters and you got me rooting for Oikawa??😖
poor oikawa, but yeah, i’m with you on that one lol
I am all for Atsumu being the soulmate and having reader be with him in the blind soulmate fic
i wonder if you’re gonna feel like that once the fic’s done 👀
Lol I’m too shy to write this like un(?)anonymously (is that even a word??) but just wanted to say you’re super talented and I’m literally amazed every time you post shdhsj- I love your work a lotttt!! hope you’re having a good day <3 remember to take care of yourself mwah
ahh thank you so much, sweetheart!!! i hope you’re doing good too bby!
Hello! I like your works. Can I be 🍀 anon?
of course! :)
black magic bby :)
Lol I’m too shy to write this like un(?)anonymously (is that even a word??) but just wanted to say you’re super talented and I’m literally amazed every time you post shdhsj- I love your work a lotttt!! hope you’re having a good day <3 remember to take care of yourself mwah
🥺bby you’re so nice!! thank you sm ily and please look after yourself too!
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slightlymore · 4 years
Dood I love NCT Sm I rly jus wanna come up to them n educate them all abt Cultural Appropriation so they don’t repeat the same mistakes over n over again. I can’t stand seeing the hate they receive for stuff they do that they possibly DK the significance of 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
long post
although we don't know if they actually know it or not, I think they're smarter than doing ca knowing it's offensive on broadcasts on purpose, like you have to be an absolute idiot (maybe they are at this point idk) 
also, it's obviously not fans' duty to keep educate them and I've seen a lot of discourse of people being rightfully tired of keep doing so. but at the same time, it's worth mentioning that a lot of international discourse hardly gets to their ears anyways. there was the wondering as to why sm is so quick to react when less important stuff happens but it won't react with ca even if many people email them about the matter. my answer is that sm as a general company will not take into consideration elements that are not directly impacting their name or the name of their artists in korea. for example, no one in korea probably knows about the ca issues and if they know because they've seen it on Twitter they don't care to spread the word. unless it's something huge when everyone talks about it (and from our perspective ca is huge but still, just some people are talking about it on Twitter, it's not on the trendings in korea) then sm will not make a statement because they think it's useless and it will only get them negative attention (in my opinion, sm will get positive attention if they apologize or make a statement because it will make them look aware, educated and responsible but that’s just my opinion). 
you'd think that since sm is expanding a lot overseas it would be more careful to take into consideration every culture and every country's opinion but it's not true.
at the same time, even if they don't care as a company to educate their artists and even if they're assholes (idols legit receive an education as in "if you date we will cut your balls" so I don't think it's hard for sm to do a workshop once a year and have a person explain ca to them or get the idol and say “yo, what you did is shit, stop”) since they're business people at least they should care about the money they would lose if they keep acting poorly. their money still comes from fans and if fans turn their backs to them they won't have it anymore.
idols could definitely educate themselves without companies stepping in but I think if the general korean public started to get educated first so international voices can be heard and spread by everyone then it will definitely help a lot
to give you an example, I live in Italy which can be seen as a cultured country when it comes to social issues, yet no one knows about the Indian dance moves, using black hairstyles if you're not black, calling roma people slurs, even all types of slurs going around. I personally know about it because I live on the internet and I speak English, but the average Italian person has no idea about it, no one talks about it ever. of course some of them will not give a fuck after you educate them but most of them after I say "hey this is why you should not do this because of this reason" they will stop and say that they had no idea. my mom was shocked to hear about black people not getting jobs or getting made fun of because they have natural hair and her rightful question was "why would they be denied work because of that?" because no one here really knows about other cultures' struggles if they're not actively spending a lot of time studying about it.
this is absolutely not to justify the lack of education koreans have as a population, but it’s still an element worth mentioning. if idols keep doing shit im inclined to say that maybe they don’t care about it (very dangerous take for them if they want to keep their reputations intact so it’s probably not the case) or they legit still don’t know about it which to us sounds absurd but I am a international relationships graduate and there’s still so much about the world I have no idea about and i am learning everyday. 
people like taeyong, although i have no fucking clue how he really is irl, will probably listen and understand fans’ concerns, especially him. and i can’t imagine him knowing about it and not giving a single damn. i also wish there were easier ways to make them understand certain things. 
I will end this long ass post by also mentioning how i think it’s very offensive and rude the way fandoms use social issues to feed into their wars and honestly it makes me boil with anger. everytime there’s something going on, i see the “yeah but your faves did this and this” or the first to act upon an issue is the “rival” fandom just because they finally have something to shit on the other group about. most of the people ive seen lamenting about ca are people that have no reason to feel offended about said thing but they just jump on the hate wagon because they generally hate a certain group. ca and other sensitive topics should not be the object of petty conflicts. people are appropriating someone else’s pain for their own stupid use instead of being mature and responsible people 
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
Which characters are your fav ones in Naruto and which do you not like?
Okay thank you for asking this! I’ll tell you why I love/hate the characters too 👀
Also disclaimer: This is long as FUCK which I apologize about. I got a bit too into this I think lmao. You probs don’t even care why I like/dislike these characters :’))))
Because this is so long it’ll all be under the cut :)
He’s the entire reason I got into Naruto in the first place. I loved the intrigue/mystery surrounding his mask and I won’t lie, I think he’s really hot lmao B UT I can also relate a lot to his backstory in the sense that we’ve both had a really rough life!
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Dude Deidara is the best! Yes he’s hot okay, most of my faves are for this reason BUT I also love his personality! He feels so human and well thought out, even if he is a villain who we don’t really see all that long. He’s fun and energetic, plus I love art too!
Let’s be real tho, I literally love the entire akatsuki. They’re like my fave villain group of all time. I want an akatsuki cloud tattoo okay 😩
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Okay okay okay I know this is weird and random but hear me out. I love this character, sm. I love his design, his personality, his voice, just, everything about him? I know he’s a minor character we very rarely see but idk I’m just so drawn to him 🥺
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hhhhnnnnNNGHHHHHH I love this man I s2g 🥺 like, he’s so pretty??? Eyelashes for days??? And long silky hair???? It’s mostly an aesthetic thing, but I do really like his backstory. I think he deserved so much better too!
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I feel like most people either love or hate him. Nobody ever is just like “he’s okay”. At least, no one I’ve ever met. Personally, he’s creepy as hell and I just *shudders* I just really don’t like him lmao
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I can feel the hate I’m gonna get from this but oh well. Sasuke to me is very... overrated, which is weird considering I love his brother/emo boys lmao. But Sasuke just feels ridiculous at times. I also don’t like how he went crazy, psycho, murderer and then was just accepted back with open arms, for the most part anyways. I didn’t watch Naruto until I was 17 so that may also have something to do with it but? Idk, just really dislike him 🙃
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Hiruzen Sarutobi (Third Hokage)
Okay. So. I really actually hate him lmao. I always see people ranting and raving about what an amazing hokage he was. Ummmmmm excuse me? He was awful! He promised to take care of Naruto, love him and treat him like his own but he actually didn’t? He never payed any attention to him and shoved him into some shitty ass apartments on his own? Plus the WHOLE VILLAGE bullied Naruto and he did nothing to stop it? Yeah, he’s awful. I understand he’s not biologically related to Naruto and all, but he still made that promise to Minato/Kushina and should’ve respected it. Yes, he could’ve just left him on the streets which is worse, but there was so much more he could have done FOR Naruto. I also understand he barely payed attention to his own grandson but still. You get the point. I don’t think he did anything right by those kids. I also think he’s to blame for the Uchiha massacre. Like, he knew what they were doing and went “ya know what itachi, why don’t you go kill them all and then fuck off even tho we know about this bc fuck you????” He knew about the Uchihas plans for YEARS and then with Danzo-
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L O V E / H A T E
I know you didn’t ask for this but I have to talk about this one person
Alrighty. This one is gonna be long like the Third Hokage’s. So I have moments where I both love and hate Sakura. I really do want her to be my favorite characters, but it’s really fucking hard. Honestly she’s probably my fave female character besides Temari, who was turned into a useless housewife, and Tsunade who is actually a /decent/ female character, post-Naruto fucking knocking some god damn sense into her. So really, I guess that makes her my fave female of the Konoha 12? Idk. A N Y W A Y S. Most of the women are done poorly, but Kishimoto has admitted to not being able to write them well so, it’s more understandable
Anyways. I’ll start out with why I dislike her
I HATE what she did to Naruto. It was seriously fucked up of her to use his feelings for her against him and just- Ugh, that shit really grinds my gears and pisses me off because I’ve been in Naruto’s shoes before in a situation like that with someone. I also hated how she STILL pined over Sasuke and ENDED UP WITH HIM???? Honestly, I don’t think Sasuke should have gotten with anyone and that’s because he does not seem emotionally ready/available to be in a (healthy) relationship, NOT because I don’t like him and I think he doesn’t deserve happiness. But anyways, I digress. I know that looks aren’t the most important things buuuuuut Studio Pierrot really made her look bad. Not only does she look more badass in the manga, but she actually has decent sex appeal. The only reason I bring that up specifically is because a LOT of people like to compare her to Ino and Hinata and make fun of her flat chest. I feel like it’s also worth mentioning, that anytime Sasuke was around or even mentioned, she turned into a babbling idiot, which is probably her biggest downfall to me
Now, on to why I like her
Sakura is the strongest NORMAL person in the world of Naruto, whether you want to believe it or not. Naruto and Sasuke are literal GODS. Even if they are reincarnations, they’re still gods. Of course Sakura is going to be useless compared to them. BUT compare her to other characters and she’s def stronger than them. She has surpassed her teacher, Tsunade, who was one of the Legendary Sannin. She’s also much stronger than Kakashi, who was a child prodigy and jonin at the age of thirteen. She also was also able to nearly go toe-to-toe with a member of the Akatsuki. I know she had help from Lady Chiyo, but she still did well, all things considered. Deidara has also stated previously that Sasori was stronger than him, so with that in consideration, she would have probably been able to beat him on her own and possibly several other members of the Akatsuki
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epouvantes · 4 years
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❛ jeon jungkook, demiboyflux, he/they ❜ was that kim moonsik? the twenty-two year old freelance photographer has been in town since birth. the witch has a reputation for being disorganized & affectionate. you know they’re around when you get flashes of ( mismatched socks, taking buzzfeed quizzes into the dead of night, dancing when no one is watching & believing in signs ). rumor has it, they are a member of the high coven. { samu, est, 25, she/they }
( OOC: TW: ANXIETY MENTION AT THE END OF THIS PARAGRAPH. hi! i’m samu, i’m 25 and i use she/they pronouns! i’m so so so so so excited for this rp and for you all to meet my babies!!!!! i wanted to make this lil ooc section just to let y’all know that i’ll be posting longer and more detailed intro-like posts for my charas eventually, but i wanted to be able to give lil summaries and connection ideas before then so!!!!! there it is!!!!! thank u sm for reading!!!!! also if i ever message you to plot, which i’d like to do with everyone if my social anxiety allows it, pls don’t feel obligated to plot with me at all!!!!! i love connecting with other writers and stuff but i’ll completely understand if you’re not up to plot with me and my charas <33 ) ← this is the same ooc paragraph in all of my first three intros, so pls feel free to skip it! <3
brief introduction.
moonsik’s parents moved from ulsan, south korea, to blackthorne about eight years before the boy was born. he grew up in blackthorne along with his two older siblings (they’re fraternal twins a couple of years older than moonsik), and had a pretty comfortable childhood! however, his mother left the family when he was only five years old, and he’s never seen or talked to her since. the reasoning behind her departure is still a mystery to moonsik, and he’s definitely still confused/sad about it, but!! i won’t delve too much into that yet!! i’ll def write about it in my longer bio/intro thingy later on, though!! 
his dad remarried, when moonsik was nine years old, to a woman who had lived in blackthorne all her life!! i’m not gonna develop the step-mother too much bc i’ll definitely send in some wanted connections soon (for her + moonsik’s dad, siblings and step-siblings! and maybe more?), but she actually has a really good relationship with moonsik!! he doesn’t see her as a mother tbh, but he really loves and respects her and!! even during his more rebellious phases in high school she was like the one (1) person in the family he always felt he could talk to!!
relationships with siblings and step-siblings are to be developed tm!! i’ll be sending in wanted connections for them soon as i said before so i might add a bit to it in there but tbh i’ll try to keep things vague so that they’re easier to fill!!
moonsik did NOT like school. like, at all. i think probably at least one of his siblings was like...... super strong academically, and it mayhaps played on moonsik’s confidence a bit to constantly see his sibling(s) get praised for their accomplishments?? and like..... his dad, siblings, step-mom and step-siblings have never put pressure on him?? he did so himself after seeing others succeed so much and wishing he could do so as well?? and don’t get me wrong; he’s skilled at plenty of things (especially visual arts)!! but having difficulties academically really did affect his self confidence :(
i said this was going to be short rip sdlfijsdlkfjsdlkfjsdklf i’M SO SORRY!!!!!
ok so!! outside of all the family stuff!! moonsik’s been exploring his gender identity for about three years now, and he finally feels like he has the right word/definition for it all!! demiboyflux is honestly a word he didn’t even know of until a couple of months ago, but as soon as he saw the definition for it (here’s a link to a simple definition!) he was so happy because it was him and it felt perfectly right??
he’s not exactly out to that many people concerning his gender identity bc as much as he loves who he is he just isn’t ever sure how to bring it up?? also, most of the time he’s fine with masculine nouns (boy, man, brother, son, boyfriend, husband, prince, etc.) AND he’s perfectly fine with both he and they as far as pronouns go, so...... he just doesn’t feel like it’s absolutely necessary for him to discuss it with EVERYONE, you know? but at the same time sometimes he kind of feels like just ranting and rambling and gushing about all of it, which is why he actually started an anonymous blog (eyes emoji tm) last month, and it’s been super helpful for him!!
he’s a freelance photographer rn, and he honestly really likes it!! however, since he’s not super well established yet (and doesn’t have an official diploma or anything like that - he quit university after two semesters), he isn’t making tons of money, and is therefore currently living with his dad and step-mother. it’s becoming a bit suffocating to him tbh?? and he’s highkey considering getting a part-time job too so that he can maybe make enough money to afford renting a lil apartment or room or something!!
super disorganized!! it’s probably one of the things he fights about the most with his family bc they kinda see his lack of organization as him being quite irresponsible (and they’re not completely wrong maybe, but still), and he’s never really done anything to change this part of him?? like, he’s always losing stuff, forgetting things behind, not remembering appointments, forgetting to send in important documents on time, never checking his voice mail and/or inbox, etc.
affectionate af!!!!! a sweetheart, tbh?? like, he’s kind of reserved so people tend to assume that he’s not the most friendly, but he’s actually rlly sweet!! he’s very openly affectionate with the people he’s close to, never hesitating to wrap himself around someone or plop down in someone’s lap or anything like that (though he is careful about who is and isn’t comfortable with that ofc! tbh in the past he didn’t take that into consideration all that much and he honestly feels really bad about it now, so he’s SUPER careful about other people’s boundaries now)!! also....... he will 110% deny it, but he LOVES attention. like he’ll wither away without attention i sdlfjslkdjfksldf
he’s bi and has known for a long time, and he’s actually been out as such since he was seventeen years old! 
( WARNING: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY ) he’s had two serious-ish relationships in his life so far, but outside of those he’s actually quite enjoyed doing more casual sexual things with people he finds attractive/interesting/etc!! he actually prefers fwbs to one night stands and i can DEF see that leading to some tension in the future with some of his friends.........
HE’S SO PROUD OF BEING A WITCH!!!!!! his entire family are witches (maybe not his step-mother and step-siblings, though? it’ll depend on whether or not they get taken up as wanted connections and, in the case they do, what the people playing them prefer!), and he’s so!!!!!! passionate about it!!!!! he hates learning in school and stuff but when it comes to learning about magic, especially healing magic, he’s so eager and passionate and !!!!!! he loves it :( idk if his father and siblings are in the high coven tbh but!!!!! he is definitely quite proud to be part of it!!!! also he’s probs definitely one of the most eye-roll-y judgemental ones when it comes to what he thinks of the bloodstone coven !! he deadass doesn’t get why they would practice the kind of magic they practice and he’s???? like he wouldn’t be straight up /rude/ to them without reason but he’s def not as friendly as usual around them i think (though ofc there might be exceptions!!)
connection ideas.
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS: probably around 2 to 4 of those?? i’m picturing this lil group to have been thick as thieves since they were little kids (although maybe one or more of them joined their lil friend group later on in their childhood and/or teenage years?), and i just really want a group of super close friends who know each other better than the backs of their own hands and who may tease each other mercilessly but who still love and adore each other (no matter whether or not they actually say those words aloud dlffkjsdkjfsdlkjfsdlkf)!! age-wise i was thinking they could all be between 21 and 25 years old?? ( 00 / 02-04 )
EXES: as mentioned earlier, moonsik has been in two romantic relationships in the past that were somewhat serious? one of them was probably a high school relationship that last for like 14 months and ended just because they did not click well together AT ALL but had gotten into a relationship bc high school and stuff, you know?? (i think that ex would have probs identified as a cis woman back then - whether they still do or not is up to you - since they probs started dating before moonsik came out as bi?) and i feel like mayhaps recently they’ve gotten in touch again and actually click quite well as friends nowadays, although there are zero (0) romantic feelings between them anymore (just saying, but..... mlm/wlw solidarity is rad tm!! it’s not a necessity ofc but!! yes!!) NOW THE OTHER EX!!!!!!! i feel like this one would have been a bit more recent?? and probably with a man or masc presenting person?? since it’d be more recent, and the relationship would have been quite important to moonsik, i’d like not to add too much to it here and instead work it out with whoever may end up being interested in that connection? ( 00 / 02 )
EMPLOYER(S): people who’ve hired moonsik for his photography skills!!!! maybe also a future/eventual employer for when he ends up finally looking for a part-time job?? mayhaps they could be friends of some of moonsik’s family members?? oooooh what about someone who knew his mother?? (although ig that’ll be easier to work out when i 100% decide why she left dslfjksdkjfsdkljf) ( 00 / ?? )
FRIEND AND/OR ENEMY WITH BENEFITS: ( WARNING: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTS ) i’m thinking that moonsik probably doesn’t hook up with too many people at the same time unless he knows for sure that the other person doesn’t mind it? so the number for this connection will change depending on that!! also i reaaaaaaally love BOTH the idea of friends with benefits AND enemies with benefits since they can both bring in v interesting storylines!! also i’m not totally opposed to having moonsik hook up with his most recent ex (bc i love angst), but it’s definitely not a necessity! ( 00 / 01 )
DEALER: ( WARNING: DRUGS TW ) he did quite a few hard drugs in hs, which was 100% part of one of his rebellious phases, and although he doesn’t do anything too strong anymore, he does rlly like weed (prefers edibles to smoking tho bc no matter how often he does it he always coughs and it’s embarrassing!!!!!), and i’d love a connection with his dealer?? preferably one that’s kind of humorous?? ( 00 / 01 )
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starstruckbigsis · 4 years
Birthday Surprise - Zhang Yixing
Characters: Yixing x Reader
Summary: you get a nice surprise for your special day.
For @shesdreamingofamonster ! Happy Birthday sweetheart… Hope you get to spend the day well and with lots of love and laughter.
When you woke up this morning, it was to a couple of messages that came through while you were asleep. Three of which were birthday messages from Yixing himself.
‘Baobei, happy birthday!’
‘You’re probably asleep huh? I’ll make sure to call later on in the day ok? We’ll talk about what I can get you as a present next time I’m back’
‘Happy birthday again honey!’
A big smile appeared as you read the messages, knowing that by “present” he really means something extravagant, that you didn’t really need, but he decided to get you it anyways. With a giggle and a shake of your head, you got up and got ready for the day. Your day would consist of going to work, going out to lunch with a friend, who insisted (it’s your birthday after all!), then working some more before going home for a quiet night in.
After your morning shower, you headed into the kitchen to see what food you could scrounge up for breakfast, only to change your mind and decide to go to this secluded café instead. So, without wasting time, you headed back to your bathroom to get ready for work.
Just as you were finished with putting on your outfit, the sound of your door chime rang through the house. Dropping everything in your hands, you went to see who was at the door. When you looked through the peep hole, you saw a delivery man there with a bouquet of roses. Happiness and joy overwhelmed you as you opened the door with a flourish.
“Good morning, bouquet for Ms Z?” the delivery man greeted with a smile.
“That’s me,” you said before he handed you the small delivery pad to sign on, then the flowers. Remember when you said by “present” he really meant something extravagant? Well, let’s just say, the roses were a little on the extra side. From what you remember seeing from passing various flower shops, the bouquet in your hand had about 50 roses in it, maybe a little more. This for you was a little much, considering the only vase you have may not fit all of these roses in.
You thank the delivery man and waved him off with a smile, as you quickly work on getting the roses into some water. A small happy sigh and a ‘huh’ left your lips, as the roses fitted perfectly in your small vase. Taking a second to admire them, you took your phone and snapped a quick picture of it to post online as well as send a message to Yixing.
‘Thanks for the flowers baobei…they’re lovely as usual. But you know I would’ve loved them even if you just got me a dozen, right?’
Without waiting for a reply, you went back to finish getting ready, heading out for the day some 10 minutes later.
By the time you finished work, it was around 6pm and you had received a last-minute message from Yeol asking you out on a birthday dinner and to dress “fancy”. You politely declined, saying you won’t be home in time to be able to meet him, but he had kindly insisted, so you eventually accepted, not wanting to disappoint the other.
You arrived home roughly 30 minutes later, and were soon in the bathroom getting ready for the second time in one day. It took you another 30 minutes in there, washing up and reapplying make up, only to come out wondering what outfit to wear.
Green dress? Blue? Black?
In the end, you decided on a purple/black dress that you had bought on a whim some months ago, but ultimately loved when you wore it to a party. You took your phone and checked Yeol’s message again to double check where he wanted you to meet.
‘Meet me in the underground carpark of SM, I’ll wait for you by the elevators’
Confusion took over you again as you wondered what you could be doing at SM when he said he wanted to treat you to food. It didn’t take you long to walk out your door, while sending him a reply.
‘SM? I thought we were going for food?’
You only get a reply back when you were in the cab, half way there, but stuck in a bit of traffic.
‘We are’
How ominous, you thought. Just what is Yeol up to? Your eyes gazed out the window, staring at the night sky and enjoying the view that passed by. Between work and studying, it was hard for you to leave the house to do something, and even if you had time, you always decide to stay home and not waste your energy. When you reached the building, you quickly made your way through the underground parking lot towards the elevators, only to find a girl standing by and no sign of Yeol.
Cautiously, you walked up and was about to bail because you were scared to be around the building without any of the boys with you, but the girl called out to you. How did she know your name?
“Yeol asked me to come get you, he had to do something last minute, but he’s upstairs when you’re ready,” she said as she turned and pressed the button for the elevator.
“Oh, um… ok,” you followed her into the elevator and watched anxiously as the numbers on the screen rose higher and higher. The ding of your arrival startled you from your staring contest with the red numbers and when the doors opened, you could see Yeol a little ways down the corridor. Except, he was in sweats and a hoodie.
“Yah…you tell me to dress fancy and here you are in sweats and a hoodie! What’s going on Yeol?!” you called out to him. Yeol turned to look at you with a cheeky smile and bowed goodbye to the girl.
“Well, I actually have a different surprise for you…but only if you wear this blindfold,” he answered you, as he waved a blindfold in your direction.
“No. I don’t trust you…” you took a step backwards and sent him your best dagger eyes.
“Please?? I promise you’ll love the surprise…! If you don’t…I’ll really treat you to food,” he bargained only to have you smack him in the arm. He faked hurt to get you closer to him, blindfolding you in a surprise attack when you were paying attention.
“YAH!! Yeol take the blindfold off! I SWEAR IF YOU DON’T TAKE IT OFF, I’LL KILL YOU YEOL!” you yelled at him, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he laughed at you and tighten the knot and when you raised your hand to take the blindfold off yourself, he restrained your hands with his own, making sure you couldn’t reach.
“You’ll love the surprise…it’s going to be your best birthday present yet…” he said as he led you down the corridor to who knows where. A door was opened and Yeol ushered you in only to leave you and close the door as he walked out.
A different pair of hands guided you towards the centre of the room and very gently pushed you down to sit on a chair.
“What’s happening??” you sounded on edge, anxious at not knowing what is happening. Hot breath tickled your ears, indicating that whoever was in the room with you was right behind you, very close to your ear mind you.
“Don’t be scared…you’re in safe hands…” the sultry voice whispered to you, the voice alone making you shiver. It sounded really familiar, but…there’s no way that HE was here, now. Or…
With quick but trembling hands, you reached up and took the blindfold off. The bright light blinded you for a few seconds, and when they adjusted, you saw the one person you had been wishing would be here.
“Yixing…” your own voice was a mere whisper at this point, too shocked but elated to raise it any higher in case it was all a dream and he would just vanish before your eyes.
“Hi honey…” he whispered back from his now crouched position in front of you, hand cupping your face lightly and pressing a light kiss your lips.
“What are you doing here?” you asked him, eyes never leaving his form, which was now going to the music system and pressing a few buttons on the screen.
“Giving you your birthday present of course…I couldn’t let my baobei spend today alone…” he answered you with his signature smile.
“Yeol asked me to dress fancy for dinner and we’re only here in the dance studio…” you whispered more to yourself than anything else, but Yixing heard you.
“We’ll be going to dinner in a little bit, after I give you your birthday present… though with you looking like that, I think we should just skip the fancy dinner, I don’t want anyone else coming for you…I wanna keep you all to myself!” he joked towards the end, a smirk on his face.
“Ohh, since when have you been possessive Mr Zhang? I must say it suits you…” you slyly told him and he giggled at your almost sexy voice, which you rarely used.
“So, what’s the present you’re going to give me…? A performance just for me??”
“Well, let’s just say that it’s something everyone’s been wanting, but lucky you, cause you’re the only one who gets to see it…” he moved towards the other side of the room, the tell tale instrumental of The Eve playing through the speakers.
He was going to dance The Eve, just for you…
11 notes · View notes
Right now some of you are probably wondering why the fuck you're seeing a post about SDCC when it's September and the answer to that is that I did not have a computer when SDCC happened back in July so I couldn't make this post then, trust me I would have preferred it if I could have, and why am I even bothering to make it when so long a time has passed? Cause I said I was going to and as I've  stated in the past I was going to watch the panel and some interviews anyways and share my opinion so I might as well make it into a proper post. Or at least try to, this turned out a little over the place. Now, originally, back in July, I was thinking of doing something like I had done last year meaning a massive post full of spoilers and info available but as you can guess from the title of this post that did not happen this is because of two reasons: 1) I feel like there was less info than there was for s14, to be fair like I said I didn't have a computer during the time and I wasn't on SM a lot so it's entirely possible that there was a bunch of info and spoilers that never made their way into my very limited radar. 2) September is ending, the s15 premiere is literally around the corner, I don't have the time necessary to go through any and all news and info and spoilers about s15, and to be very honest I don't have the patience either. So this post is going to be just my opinion on the panel and on some of the things that were said in SDCC interviews, there are still timestamps and some transcripts and all the interviews I talk about plus the panel are linked at the end in their entirety.  I watched 4 interviews for each person on the panel with the exception of two people, I did not watch any of M. Collins interviews, I also didn't watch any of Berner's interviews I was going to but Dabb, Singer and BuckLemming test my patience enough as it is. Also I want to keep this post brief so I'm only talking about things that really stood out to me. Standard disclamer applies that these are all just my opinions and you might not agree with them.... SDCC 2019 Panel I don't have much to say about this panel, most of it was everybody talking a bit about the legacy of the show, there wasn't really any info given about s15  and in that regard, I am a bit disappointed, I wish they had used the panel more and found a balance between talking about the legacy of the show while also incorporating info about the final season. But I can understand why they would do something more subdued. The only things that stood out to me was Dabb trying to make what I hope is a joke about the ending of the show pleasing only 30% of people and bringing up GOT,  regular which I'm not gonna comment on cause I want to keep this post general but those who know know 😉, should go without saying that my heart broke all over again seeing j2 cry over the show ending 💔 And I cannot go without mentioning Dabb's intro to the panel cause it fucking killed me, he must have written it himself 😂 "our next guest very first job on tv was writing for supernatural, after eight seasons in the trenches he ascended to the coveted position of showrunner. Armed with genius talent and deep respect for the characters and stories he's beautifully shouldered the shows vision for the past 3 seasons and now leads us bravely forward on the shows final chapter" [TIMESTAMP] Interviews
Let's talk about Chuck, everybody seemed to be on the same page about this, they all gave similar answers when asked about it which is a nice change of pace usually they all give different answers but to me it seems like they, once again, dug themselves into a hole they don't know how to get out of and are trying to back out of it, like in one of the interviews Lemming says at one point Castiel will point out to Sam and Dean that whether or not it was god playing tricks on them they would have come across the same crossroads and they are the ones who made the decision about which direction to go not someone else ("cas will point out to them weather it was god playing tricks on us or us doing it ourselves out in the world we would have met the same crossroads or they would have been different crossroads but whatever crossroads we would have come across we made a decision whether  to go right or left no one else did that to us" [TIMESTAMP] ) which to me sounds a hell of a lot like free will. And look, everybody has a different interpretation or views on what free will is, I, personally, think free will has nothing to do with whether or not someone/something puts an obstacle in front of us it has to do with whether or not we're the ones who decide how to deal with it meaning that someone/something doesn't make the choice for us. So to me what Lemming is talking about is free will which is what supposedly Sam and Dean never actually had, to be fair it's possible that scene won't happen or that explanation won't be given or it'll be something different but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that it was all a test by Chuck and when Sam and Dean go to kill him or something he'll be all 'surprise! you passed your mission is done now you can have peace'; I also wouldn't be surprised if Dabb&co do what they usually do and ignore things after the first three episodes until the mid-season finale and the finale. But hey, maybe they'll prove me wrong, and do something really interesting and complex...not gonna hold my breathe for it though. Since I already mentioned Lemming there was something she said that irked me, she was asked about the shows influence/impact on sci-fi shows and stuff, I'll leave a link so you can see the whole thing point is she was talking about early seasons and said: "....we really worked on the physical nature of horror and the psychological results of that, but that takes you just so far as a writer then you sort of realize we have to write about personalities and psychologies of the people living in that horrible universe, so you end up once again revisiting what drama is..." This irks me. Look I'm not a horror buff, so perhaps it's not my place to talk and to be fair maybe this is not the way she meant to come across and I'm probably alone in this but the way she talks about horror at least in this particular answer comes across to me as somebody who doesn't understand or respect horror. I don't really know how to properly explain myself but her going "but that takes you just so far as a writer then you sort of realize we have to write about personalities and psychologies of the people living in that horrible universe, so you end up once again revisiting what drama is"  to me this come across as somebody who doesn't know or understand that you can write personalities and the psychology of people and still be horror. Still stay in that genre, without going into drama territory like horror is so much more than just jump scares. I don't know maybe it's that I'm so tired of everything being put in what I consider outdated boxes of either comedy or drama. Or that I'm tired of horror being shoved into drama's box. Or horror being shoved into a box where it's just gore and jump scares and if it's more than that it's a drama or artsy horror or classy horror or some other bs  people say when they don't wanna admit they like horror. Or maybe it's the fact that Eugenie Lemming of all people is the last one that should be saying this when with the exception of ONE episode she and her writing partner don't actually explore personalities or peoples psychology. Or maybe it's the fact that the early seasons where this show was more horror it explored personalities and the psychology of the people in that world way better than the later seasons, even though the later seasons have moved into drama territory and have moved away from its horror roots! Anyways I'm gonna leave a full transcript here plus the timestamp so you can go and get full context, this was just something that like I said irked me: "when the show started the mission was to do an hour horror film every week, and really pay attention to the elements of what made horror horror and really put a lot of money into production and make it look good i think we didn't really break ground- yes there were some scary things and special effects in prior shows but we really approached this and build up a post production community, we really worked on the physical nature of horror and the psychological results of that, but that takes you just so far as a writer then you sort of realize we have to write about personalities and psychologies of the people living in that horrible universe, so you end up once again revisiting what drama is love between brothers betrayal between family members, hope dreams promises honor deceit and you do all that- so that can be in every genre it's just packaged as a very classy horror genre..." [TIMESTAMP]
Let's move on to Buckner, he, unsurprisingly, said a lot of things that made me roll my eyes, like he said romance might make an appearance which why??? that's not the point of this show, and: "that's one of the more exciting aspects of this season is that it's actually covering new turf instead of just doing the things that ave worked for us and just going out on a high note actually it's going to be quite experimental"  [TIMESTAMP] 
Do I even need to point out why this is a dumb ass approach to handle a shows last season? Speaking of dumb asses...Dabb. He got asked if Sam was still psychic he answered: "No, since Sam decided to stop drinking demon blood his powers have gone away, unless he picks it [demon blood] up again" [TIMESTAMP] 
Sam had his powers before he got addicted to demon blood, he got his powers when he was a baby because of Azazel, ffs we saw him use his powers in an episode! In season 2! Before the demon blood addiction! He drank demon blood to enhance the powers he already had; it would have made more sense if he had said something like Sam burned his powers after what happened in s5. Sucks that we might never see Sam with powers again but with Dabb behind the wheel it might be for the best. 
Now you’ve probably noticed that so far I’ve made no mention of Jared, Jensen or Alex and that’s because with the exception of Jared and Jensen talking about the ending nothing stood out that much to me and as for why I don’t talk about the ending it’s cause I don’t have much to say, Jensen said it took some time but he’s ok with the ending now, Jared that he was ok with the ending they had planned but that it might change and I am both comforted and concerned by their words; even though I didn’t talk about them I am going to link to the Jared and Jensen’s interviews I watched, I personally really enjoyed Jared’s (I love the way he answers questions ❤), sadly I forgot to save the links to Alex’s interviews but if I might try to find them and add them. 
So there it is my edited down opinions on this year’s SDCC, if you read this whole thing, thank you. If you read it and didn’t agree with any of it that’s ok, this is as I said just my opinion. 
SDCC Panel
Lemming Interview 1
Lemming Interview 2
Buckner Interview 
Dabb Interview
Jensen’s Interviews:
Interview 1
Interview 2
Interview 3
Interview 4
Jared’s Interviews:
Interview 1
Interview 2
Interview 3
Interview 4
11 notes · View notes
torestoreamends · 5 years
Mine to Make: Chapter 11
Draco gives a warning, Albus tries to figure out the future, Scorpius does some ill-advised detective work, and Delphi reveals her true colours. 
Beta’d by @abradystrix.
N.B. This fic is complete on AO3, so binge read away there if you want! Here on tumblr I’ll be posting a chapter every day until it’s all done.
Read it on AO3
XI  Scythe
Delphi is bored of scrambling over rocks. Her hands are cut up, her feet hurt, it’s burning hot in the sun. Nothing is worth this. Yes it’s probably reckless, but she must be far enough from the nearest town by now to just use a tiny bit of magic, surely?
She looks around at the deserted mountainside and throws caution to the winds. She doesn’t even need to draw her wand, she just bends her knees and lets the air carry her upwards.
There’s a strong updraft today, and as she spreads her arms she rises fast, soaring into the blue sky. It would be easy to fly as high as any of these mountains, but that might not endear her to any of the people she’s going to visit. Some of them are wary of magic, and such a display would be more than reckless – it would be idiotic. Instead she stays close to the ground, skimming over the rocky ground, toes brushing the occasional bit of scrubby brush that grows up here.
It’s much faster going by air. What would have taken her another hour to hike only takes ten minutes or so, and soon she’s at the deserted mountaintop she’s been heading towards since sunrise this morning. She sets down at the top of the hill and looks around, taking in the view, and searching for any sign that she’s in the right place. She turns slowly in a circle, and as she does a voice sounds behind her.
“You asked to talk to us. Talk.”
She spins round to face the person who’s spoken. He’s a tall man, wearing a soft, loose blue linen shirt and a pair of threadbare blue denim shorts. His skin is tanned and lined, weatherbeaten, with a smudge of dirt on one cheek. If Delphi didn’t know better she’d think he were a farmer or a vintner or something. Someone who spends a lot of time working out in the sun. There’s something unthreatening about him. But she does know better, and she also knows that this is someone to be threatened by.
She holds her hands up to show that they’re nowhere near her wand. “I did ask to talk to you,” she says. “I think you worked with my father, or knew people who did. I want to know if you‘d be interested in putting yourselves in an advantageous position within society.”
The man stalks around the edge of the mountaintop, eyeing her. “You are very audacious. So young, untested, inexperienced, coming here and telling us that you can give us a position in a world that will be impossible to create.”
Delphi steps towards him. “Not impossible. When my father was in power he envisioned the world I’m now looking to put in place. If he saw it then it’s possible.”
The man snorts. “Lord Voldemort was powerful, skilful, a visionary leader. Even he couldn’t make it happen. How does a little girl expect to do it?”
Delphi folds her arms, trying not to let the sting of his words show. She’s far more than a little girl. She’s a young woman, every bit as bright and talented as her father was, and she’s learned from his mistakes. “There’s a plan in place,” she says. “I don’t need you and your pack to be part of it. There are other people I could have chosen instead. But I thought it would make sense to reward your loyalty, and I know you have contacts, friends. I need to see the giants, the trolls, vampires, goblins, anyone, everyone. For this to work I need an uprising.”
The man walks across and perches on the edge of a large rock towards the side of the mountaintop. “The world is improving for people like me. It’s far from perfect of course, but the werewolves in your country, across vast swaths of Europe, are not as poorly treated as we once were. Why should we rise up with people who still think we’re filthy half breeds when we’re making progress with people who are willing to listen?”
“People are good at pretending to be tolerant,” Delphi says. “We can give you far more than they will ever be willing to. Believe me. Allies will be rewarded, and I want you as an ally.”
The man gets to his feet and comes over to her. He circles her once, and she follows him with her gaze, twisting her head to watch him.
“I have Harry Potter’s son,” she says. “He’s on my side, which means he will be on our side soon enough. That’s the most powerful weapon we could wish for. We won’t lose this time.”
The man stops in front of her and considers her for a long moment. “I’ll think about it,” he says. “We will think about it.”
“How long for?” Delphi asks, not moving an inch, solid as the rocks that make up this mountain. “I have other places to go, other people to see. This sort of offer doesn’t remain open for long.”
“I’ll be back here tomorrow. Noon. Then I’ll have a decision.”
Delphi doesn’t nod, she just looks him straight in the eye. “Noon. I’ll be here.”
The man looks back at her, then he gives a curt incline of the head before walking away. He gets several strides across the rocky ground before he pauses and glances back.
“When you say you have Harry Potter’s son...”
Delphi gives him a bright, sparkling smile, already knowing that tomorrow at noon the answer will be yes. “He thinks I’m his best friend. I haven’t even had to enchant him. He’s waiting for me at the bottom of this mountain right now.”
The man scrutinises her for a long moment, and she just smiles at him. Finally he turns his back on her and walks away, leaving her alone, windswept, triumphant, to start flying back down the mountain. She’s certain that the answer she gets at noon tomorrow will be a yes.
 Scorpius loves going to the library. It’s the one place in the world where everyone else is so wrapped up in their own business that they pay him no attention. He’s safe here, and surrounded by books, which have been his only friends for such a huge part of his life.
He weaves his way through the space, breathing in the scent of crisp paper and binding glue, and watching dust motes dance in the air. The languages section is at the back of the third floor, and he goes there a lot, mostly for fun, rarely on business. The fact that he’s on business today gives him a jittery, excitable sense of purpose. He loves the moments when he gets to feel official.
There’s no one else in the section when he gets there. A serene stillness hums in the air. Scorpius has always thought that libraries hold an incredible magic of their own. There’s so much power in all this knowledge waiting to be unleashed. The potential energy hangs in the air, potent and heady, setting all his senses on edge.
It takes him a while to find the book he’s looking for among the thousands on the shelves, but that doesn’t matter. He’s not on a deadline here. The longer he can spend in this space the better.
Part of the problem is that the book is so small and unmarked. It’s the only book on Parseltongue, stuck next to a large section that looks like Mermish. The most distinguishing feature that marks it out from the rest of the books is the fragile snakeskin jacket wrapped around it. Even if he didn’t know the exact contents, Scorpius would recognise that this is unmistakably a book about serpents.
When he finds the book he gently slides it off the shelf, careful not to damage the jacket, and carries it across to one of the tables. Opening it up, he discovers that the pages are as thin and delicate as tissue paper, and they’re yellowing and crinkled with age. He turns each page individually, with the utmost care and reverence. This book is old, probably unique, and the fading symbols inscribed on every page are beautiful, fascinating, even a little bit sinister. To damage this would be unforgivable.
Once he’s taken his time examining the book he pulls the note from his pocket and sets it down on the table. Instantly he realises that his assumption about it being Parseltongue was completely correct. The symbols on his copy of the note are identical to the twisting, writhing ones that slither across the pages of the book.
He has no idea where to start, he realises as he stares at the two. He doesn’t know this alphabet or anything. This might take hours. Maybe Searching Spells work on Parseltongue, but he’s not sure. He draws his wand and gets to work.
The spell does work but it has limited effect. Whoever wrote the note used a lot of colloquialisms and unfamiliar words. They also had rather poor spelling and grammar. It takes a while for him to piece together enough to make the note intelligible, but eventually he has most of it, with a few words missing here and there.
Dear D,
Thank you for meet two nights ahead. Will come Scythe as told.
Wish great things ahead. ASP will work out – against HP can’t wait. If only solve SM problem...
For SH and brave,
Scorpius frowns down at his scribbled translation and tries to make sense of it.
For starters the individual letters have to be names. D is Delphi, ASP can be no one other than Albus, HP must be Harry, and Scorpius is SM. The E and SH are more difficult, but Scorpius isn’t sure how relevant they are.
As for the rest... There’s some sort of meeting at a place called Scythe – he’s heard vaguely of a bar called that in Knockturn Alley, which would make sense. The writer is wishing Delphi luck, telling her that everything with Albus will work out, and something about him being against Harry that Scorpius doesn’t quite understand. Then there it is again, the reference to Scorpius as a problem, even though he hadn’t even met Delphi when this note was written. He must be interfering and interfering hard in whatever plans Delphi has for Albus...
The final bit, without knowing who SH is, makes no sense, and even when he goes and finds a book about former Death Eaters and runs through the list of names there he doesn’t find many people it could be. That part at least will have to remain a nonsensical mystery.
But the rest of it gives him something. Maybe if he can work out what Scythe is, whether it is that bar or not, he’ll have somewhere to search or surveil. Up until now he’s only had a house that’s now burned to the ground, so it would be good to have a concrete location. If only Albus knew where Delphi lived...
He scans the scribbled translation again, looking for anything he might have missed, but he can’t spot anything. It’s so short that it’s difficult to imagine it might contain any hidden meanings, and now he’s understood the gist of what it’s saying he doesn’t know what else to make of it.
It’s another lead. That’s what it is. Another lead, and concrete, written proof of what he overheard at the race: that he’s a problem in whatever plan Delphi has, a problem that needs solving.
He sits and gazes down at the paper for a moment more before deciding that he’s definitely not going to get anything more out of it right now, then he replicates his translation just in case he loses it, tucks the Parseltongue dictionary back on its shelf, and heads home with his mind buzzing.
 “You’re very quiet,” Draco says that night, when he and Scorpius are sitting together in the Manor library.
Scorpius has been staring into space for the last five minutes. He’s not reading or working or doing anything. His mind is a whirl of Dementors and flames and chasing footsteps, and his dad’s voice only barely breaks through, enough to make him shake himself.
“You’re very quiet this evening,” his dad repeats. “Are you alright? You look like you’re doing an awful lot of thinking.”
“Oh,” Scorpius says. He looks down at his knees. “Sometimes it’s difficult to get my brain to turn off. It’s like someone’s cast a Sonorus Charm on my thoughts, and now they’re so loud I can’t stop hearing them.” He bows his head and rubs his temples. “I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?” Draco asks, turning the page of his book.
Scorpius shakes his head and drops his head from his hands, letting his chin flop onto his chest. “No. Not really.”
Draco hesitates for a moment, then he sets his book aside. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Scorpius lifts his head to look at his dad and blurts it all out in a rush. “Delphi, Albus’s best friend, is up to something, and I don’t think he knows, and I know she knows that I know, and I don’t think she wants me to know. I think she needs Albus for something, and I think she thinks I’m getting in the way, and I think she wants to kill me.”
Draco blinks several times, taken aback by the rush of information. He leans back in his seat and absorbs it for a moment before nodding. “That does sound like something that would stick on your mind. What makes you think she wants to-“ His voice catches in his throat and makes a jerky little movement with his hand instead of finishing the sentence.
Scorpius wraps his arms round his body and fiddles with the sleeve of his pyjama top. “There were the Dementors, there was the house she set on fire, and yesterday at Albus’s race someone was following me. I think it was her, and I think that if she’d caught me she would have done something...”
“Have you told Potter about this?” Draco asks sharply.
“He knows I’m in danger,” Scorpius says softly. “I had to persuade him not to take me off the case. He gave me a spell so I can call for backup if I need it, but I didn’t have the chance to use it yesterday...”
“You persuaded him to...” Draco passes a hand over his face. “Scorpius, for once in his life he was trying to do something sensible and you stopped him?”
“I had to!” Scorpius shifts forward in his seat, looking desperately across at his dad. “This is the most interesting case I’ll ever get. If I do well here someone might notice me, they might promote me. I need this, Dad. You know that.”
“You need to stay safe,” Draco says. “You can’t get promoted if you’re dead.”
Scorpius swallows and looks down at his knees. “I don’t think I care. If there’s something bad going on, something sinister, I can stop it. I can clear my name properly. If everything ends up well then I’ll get my life back, and if it doesn’t, then...” He gives a tiny shrug. “At least some people might feel guilty.”
There’s a second of stunned silence.
“You don’t mean that,” Draco says in a soft, hoarse voice.
Scorpius looks up at him, and when he looks at his dad’s face some of his defiance melts away. His dad looks like he’s been cursed, shock and pain written across every inch of his face.
“I don’t know,” Scorpius whispers. “I don’t know, Dad. Maybe I do.” He twists his hands together as he tries to work out how to explain it. “You can’t tell me that you don’t understand,” he says. “Of all people you know what it’s like to have the whole world hate you. If you could make all that stop, wouldn’t you?”
“It’s not worth getting yourself killed for,” Draco says, voice rising to a scalding volume that makes Scorpius reel back in his seat, cheeks burning with frustration.
He gets to his feet. “I’m going to bed. I have things to do tomorrow.”
“Scorpius,” his dad says sharply, giving him a hard look.
“What?” Scorpius asks, folding his arms. He knows he looks and sounds like a petulant child, but he doesn’t much care.
“I can’t lose you.” His dad’s voice breaks and Scorpius’s resolve crumbles, body sagging.
“I just want to be someone other than the Son of Voldemort,” he says, going across to his dad and curling up against his side on the sofa. “I want to be someone.”
His dad gathers him into a tight hug, brushing his fingers through his hair. “The best way to do that is by living,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of Scorpius’s head.
Scorpius buries his face in his dad’s shoulder and closes his eyes. “I don’t want her to kill me,” he says in a broken little voice. “I want to live. I want to clear my name. I want a job I like and the boy I love, and I want people to stop hating me. That’s all I want. Isn’t the best way to get all that to solve this?”
“I can’t deny that,” Draco admits, rubbing a hand down Scorpius’s back. “What’s the next step?”
Scorpius sits up and shifts far enough from his dad that he can look at him properly. He crosses his legs and messes with a hole in the toe of one of his socks. “I found this note and translated it from Parseltongue.”
Draco raises his eyebrows, and Scorpius can tell he’s impressed. “From Parseltongue? Go on...”
“It mentions this place, at least I think it’s a place, Scythe? I’d like to go and have a look there, maybe ask some questions, try to find out how Delphi’s connected to it. I need to know more about what she’s planning with all these people, what she wants Albus for.”
Draco frowns. “Scythe... There’s a bar in Knockturn Alley called The Scythe.”
Scorpius nods enthusiastically. “That’s what I thought! I was going to ask you if there was anywhere else it could be instead.”
Draco shakes his head. “I can’t think of anything...” He looks at Scorpius. “Are you really going to go to Knockturn Alley alone? The Scythe isn’t a nice place to be. It looks welcoming enough, but things happen there. There’s magic in the air that’ll numb your mind. You won’t be as sharp. People know that, and they take advantage. If Delphi has been arranging meetings there then she must know it well, and she must know what it can do for her. I can’t stress enough that you need to be exceptionally careful.”
Scorpius nods. “I will be. I might not even go in. There’s stuff I can do from outside. I promise I’ll be sensible.”
“Don’t get caught sneaking around either,” Draco says. “People know you, Scorpius. You’re a familiar face. You’re my son too. I know you have enemies among the law abiding population, but you have more among the sort of people who frequent The Scythe. Don’t give anyone the chance to do anything to you.”
Scorpius sighs. “I know, Dad. I know how to take care of myself.”
“I know you do, but it always bears repeating.” Draco reaches out and puts a hand on his shoulder. “I want you back in one piece.”
Scorpius smiles and collapses against his dad’s side, hugging him round the middle. “Don’t worry about me. I’m a well-trained Ministry official now. I’m not your little boy anymore.”
Draco gathers him in, squeezing him tight. “I am painfully aware of that. Gone are the days when I could cast Cushioning Charms on every corner and hard surface in the house to catch you when you fell. You have to cast your own Cushioning Charms now.”
Scorpius’s smile widens and he looks up at his dad. “I’m actually really good at Cushioning Charms, you know. They’re one of my favourites.”
Draco kisses him on the forehead and strokes his hair. “Will you go tomorrow?”
Scorpius nods. “In the afternoon. I have to be back by six. I have a date with Albus.” He grins and gives a happy little wriggle in his seat.
Draco tuts. “Another one? You see more of him than anyone else these days.”
Scorpius pokes his dad in the side. “I thought you wanted me to get out more?”
“I’m very happy for you,” Draco says. “But he’s still a Potter, and you’re definitely obsessed.”
Scorpius gives a happy sigh and rests his head on his dad’s shoulder. “I might be a little bit. I’m in love with him.”
“I’d noticed,” Draco says drily, looking down at Scorpius, who grins up at him. “Have you thought about what you’ll do if Albus is a key part of Delphi’s plans? If he’s a willing participant, even?”
The smile fades from Scorpius’s face and he looks down at his hands and shrugs. “I don’t think he knows what she’s up to... I’m expecting- I don’t know what I’m expecting. Nothing good. But the thing I’m most worried about is trying to persuade him that she’s up to something. She’s still his best friend. She gave him everything he has. It must be hard to hear that your best friend is...” He shakes his head.
“I suppose you can worry about that later,” Draco says gently. “But if it helps, you’re trustworthy, and I have no doubt that Albus knows that. I’m sure he’ll listen to you.”
Scorpius bows his head. “I hope so.”
Draco ruffles his hair and gives his shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Where are you going for your date?” He asks, and Scorpius is grateful to his for changing the subject.
“I’m taking him to that restaurant we used to go to with mum,” Scorpius says. “You know the really nice one? Down near Godric’s Hollow?”
“I know the one,” Draco says. “I took your mother there for one of our first dates. I think that was the night I realised I wanted to marry her.”
Scorpius reaches across and takes his dad’s left hand, so he can inspect the ring on his fourth finger. “I don’t want to lose Albus again,” he murmurs. “I think I want him in my life forever now. He’s special.”
Draco snorts. “Special is certainly one word for it.”
Scorpius drops his hand and bats him on the arm. “Dad! What do you have against Albus?”
Draco gives him a look. “Is that a serious question? Let’s think. He was a self-centred idiot for years, he abandoned you, he broke your-“
“Okay okay okay.” Scorpius waves a hand for his dad to stop. “I know all that. I know...” He looks at his dad for a moment, thinking. “What does he have to do to get you to change your mind? He’s earned my trust. How does he earn yours?”
“That’s a good question,” Draco says softly, thoughtfully. “I suppose I’d need to see proof that he’s different now. That he truly cares for you, and that he’s trying to make amends.” He points at Scorpius. “And you can’t tell him that. I want it from him. Just from him; because he’s realised there’s something that needs fixing.”
Scorpius nods. “I suppose that sounds fair... I won’t tell him. But I hope you get what you want from him, Dad. I really do. I want him to be welcome in this family one day.”
“I hope so too,” Draco says.
 Albus knocks on the doorframe of the open backdoor and steps over the threshold. “Mum?” He calls.
The house is quiet, and he feels slightly strange just letting himself in, but he must have been told ten times in the last week that this is his home, so maybe he can just go in...
He puts the biscuit tin and bunch of flowers he’s holding down on the table and puts the kettle on to boil, then he perches on the edge of the table and swings his feet as he gazes out at the sunny garden. The air is warm and scented with freshly mown grass. A gentle breeze ruffles his hair. Everything is peaceful, and he relaxes his shoulders, truly feeling like he’s home.
“Oh, hello sweetheart.”
He jumps so hard he nearly falls off the table as his mum comes up and puts a hand on his back, planting a kiss on his cheek.
“I didn’t hear you,” he gasps. “You snuck up on me.”
She gives him a sparkling smile. “I didn’t hear you either. How long have you been here?”
“Just a few seconds,” he says. “I brought you these.” He hands her the flowers and picks up the biscuit tin. “The flowers are for you. I, um, I made the biscuits myself, so you might not want to eat them, but I think they’re quite good. I used dad’s recipe.”
His mum sighs and breathes in the scent of the flowers. “Well this is a wonderful surprise. I’m not sure James even knows what flowers are, and he’s certainly never baked us anything. You can definitely come and visit again.”
Albus smiles and hops down from the table. “I thought I should start making up for not being here, and biscuits and flowers is the best I can do. I put the kettle on as well.”
Ginny hugs him. “You have nothing to make up for.”
“I do,” Albus says. “Do you want milk? Sugar?”
He makes tea for both of them, insisting on it, and refusing to let his mum help with anything. In the end she seems to get his point and starts putting her flowers in water and investigating the biscuit tin. While he finishes the drinks she leans against the kitchen counter and makes appreciative noises as she munches on one of the bits of shortbread, licking her fingers when she’s done.
“Was it okay?” Albus asks bring her tea over.
“Absolutely delicious,” she says, taking the mug from him. “Thank you. I’ll have to lock them away so no one else can find them.”
Albus laughs and hops back onto the kitchen table, setting his own mug down next to him to let it cool.
“What did you want to talk about?” His mum asks, taking a sip of her own tea and looking at him. The sunlight dances through her hair, dust motes glittering around her, and she looks as warm and approachable as always. Kind, caring, and if there was anyone in the world Albus was going to talk to it would be her, but that doesn’t make it any easier.
“I’ve been thinking,” he says carefully, trying to choose the right words. “About what happens next, you know, for me. After everything’s over.”
His mum takes another sip of tea and sets her mug down on the side next to her. “This is about the league,” she says. “Isn’t it?”
Albus nods. “Right. It’ll stop, and then... I don’t know what then. That’s the problem.” He leans his weight on his hands and looks at his mum. “How did you decide what to do when you stopped playing Quidditch?”
His mum sighs and leans back, folding her arms. “When I decided to stop playing it was my choice. I could have kept going, but I wanted to spend time with you and James and Lily. The writing was an extension of that. I was done playing but I didn’t have to let go of what I loved, and it was always nice to have something to do, somewhere to go. I imagine for you it will be quite different – you’re not choosing to leave, are you? If the league kept going, would you keep racing?”
Albus shrugs. “I’m not sure... Stopping seems so scary, I don’t know what else my life has in it; I don’t know what else I can do. I’ve always been so rubbish at everything, Mum. I don’t think I can do anything else that’s not this.”
“Now that’s not true and you know it,” she says, shooting a hard look at him. “You didn’t struggle in school because you weren’t talented. You struggled because you were unhappy and anxious. And even struggling like you did you still got your Es in potions and charms, and you passed plenty of the other subjects. You’re a lot of things, Albus, but rubbish is absolutely not one of them.”
Albus looks down at his knees. “Even if I’m not rubbish I’m still lost. I spent seven years thinking I’d found how I wanted my future to be and now I realise I was completely wrong. It was such a waste of time.”
“You needed those seven years,” his mum says gently, getting to her feet and coming over to sit beside him. “That was your time.”
“It was stupid to run away,” Albus mutters. “Another rubbish mistake.”
His mum puts an arm round him and gives him a tight squeeze. “Mistakes are important. Mistakes are how you learn. If life was perfect it would be boring and we wouldn’t grow.” She pulls away and looks at him. “Albus? I can see how much you’ve grown since you’ve been away. I can see how much you’ve changed. And now a lot is happening all at once. Give yourself time to get used to it. You don’t need all the answers straight away. You don’t need to know the exact shape of your life before you’ve lived it. I don’t think anyone ever does, and that’s part of the fun of it.”
“But I don’t know what I’m doing,” Albus mutters, messing with his fingers.
“Can I tell you a secret?” His mum asks, giving him a gentle nudge on the arm.
He looks at her. “Yes?”
She smiles. “Neither do I.”
“But you’re you,” he says. “You’re my mum. You’re Ginny Potter.”
She laughs and hugs him. “I know.” She kisses his temple and rubs his back as she holds onto him. “You’ll work it out,” she says. “You have time, plenty of time, to work out what you want to do next. Trust me. And it’s okay to be scared too. But if there’s anything I can do to help you, if there’s anything your dad can do, we’ll do it.”
He leans against her, feeling very small and miserable and confused. “What if I never figure it out?” He asks.
“Some people don’t,” she says, looking down at him. “The only thing that matters is that you’re happy.”
“Lost and happy,” he murmurs. “Sounds impossible.”
“Think about it,” she advises. “Don’t panic just yet. And one day you might just find that things have fallen into place.”
He looks up at her for a moment, then he nods. “Okay...”
She gives him another squeeze, then gets up and goes to get her cup of tea from across the kitchen. “Didn’t you take Scorpius to a race last night? How did it go?”
Albus starts telling her all about it, and as he does a contented happiness blossoms inside him. Even if the rest of his chaotic life makes him feel lost, Scorpius helps him feel found, and he tells his mum so. He tells her about the date, about winning the races, about the date tomorrow night too. He could talk about Scorpius forever, and she seems quite happy to listen.
When he’s finally exhausted everything he can think of to tell her about his boyfriend, she tells him about the family, filling him in on what Lily and James have been up to in the last week or so. It makes him miss his little sister more than ever, and it must show on his face because his mum pauses and scrutinises him.
“Why don’t you come for dinner,” she says. “While Lily is here. We can have a family dinner. I’ll get James to come too, and I’ll make Hermione kick your dad out of the office for a day. How about on Sunday?”
Albus thinks about the idea of being in the same room with all his family. It’s overwhelming, but he likes the thought of it. He likes the idea of being part of the family again. That alone sounds wonderful.
“Okay,” he says, then nods and smiles as the concept sinks in. “Yes. I’d like that. Thank you.”
She beams at him. “It’ll be wonderful to have everyone back together again, even if it is just for one evening.”
“Can Dad make his Yorkshires?” Albus asks, mouth watering just at the thought.
“I’ll ask him.” His mum comes over and rubs his arm, then she hugs him. “I’m so glad you want to come. I’m happy you’re back.”
Albus squeezes her tight and buries his face in her shoulder. “Me too,” he murmurs. “Me too.”
 Scorpius sets off from the Manor at noon. His dad is already out so he doesn’t say goodbye. He sets off alone down the driveway, already dressed for his date with Albus. This way he won’t have to come home and change if investigating takes a little longer than planned, and he won’t be nearly so recognisable without his sky blue Ministry robes. He also takes a potion to temporarily change the colour of his hair, making it not quite bright red but close to it; he just hopes it will wear off before his date like it’s meant to. Besides the clothes and the hair, all he has with him are his wand and Delphi’s note, folded up in the inside pocket of his jacket.
At the end of the drive, he taps the gates with his wand so they lock behind him, then he inhales and turns on the spot. Next thing he knows he’s falling sideways and tumbling over the bins at the back of the Leaky Cauldron. Not his finest Apparition moment, he thinks as he picks himself up and dusts itself off, glancing around to make sure no one has seen. Thankfully there’s no one around, so he stands the bins upright and heads off into Diagon Alley.
It’s a Thursday afternoon so it’s not particularly busy, which is nice. The few people who are there don’t pay him much attention, and he wonders if perhaps it’s because for once his face isn’t emblazoned across all the newspaper stands in the street. Today he’s been temporarily replaced by Hermione giving a speech about vampire legislation.
He slips down the street, enjoying his anonymity. This is one of the first times ever that he’s been able to have a proper look around. The circumstances aren’t ideal, but he’ll take the opportunity as it comes.
Curious, he skirts close to the Apothecary, peering into the barrels of frog spawn, beetle eyes, and something that looks like threads of pure starlight, which can only be unicorn hair. Next he passes the Owl Emporium, pausing briefly to talk to a tiny Burrowing Owl, that glares at him and clicks her beak irritably when he stops to say hello. The Tawny Owl next door is far more friendly, and obligingly turns her head so he can stroke the soft feathers on her back.
A little way further up the street is Quality Quidditch Supplies. There’s a new racing broom in the window that Scorpius has been meaning to look at for a while, but he’s never dared to stop long enough. Today, though, he stands and stares in through the window at it, admiring the clean, sharp lines and perfect aerodynamics. The holly wood handle gleams, and the arrow-straight sweep of the tail is breath-taking. Scorpius can only imagine how good Albus would look on that thing; how fast he’d be. He wonders if Albus has seen it. For all these years has Albus been coming here to gawk at brooms? He must surely take a professional interest, musn’t he?
Scorpius rests his hands on the window ledge and gazes at the broom, lost in his own little world. In his mind he can see Albus on this broom outstripping everyone as he dives. He can see Albus dancing round a corner, brushing past flames with ease. He can see Albus lying flat against the handle, urging the broom on to ever faster speeds. And he can see Albus just sitting astride the broom, hair ruffled, a big grin on his face, all clad in dragon hide, which hugs every inch of his body and does wonders for his magnificent-
Scorpius shakes himself and pushes off the window ledge, cheeks heating up. He glances around to see if anyone has noticed him standing there, whether anyone might somehow know what he was just thinking about, but no one is paying any attention to him. He’s definitely safe.
He makes himself walk away from the beautiful broom, but he glances back at it as he does, making a mental note to mention it to Albus over dinner later.
After that he stays on task as he walks the length of the rest of the street. He’s already spent too long being distracted. At this rate, he won’t even make it to The Scythe before he has to leave for his date.
It doesn’t take him long after that to reach the entrance to Knockturn Alley. He checks that he’s still not being watched, then he turns into the shadows of the alley and sets off towards The Scythe.
There was plenty to be curious about walking down Diagon Alley, and there’s no less to be curious about down here, with its abundance of potion suppliers, antiques shops, and apothecaries, but this isn’t the sort of place to linger and browse. He keeps his head down and walks with purpose past the shops, not wanting to attract any attention. His dad has always taught him that in Knockturn Alley, whether you’re on business or not, you make it look like you have an urgent appointment. Avoid eye contact, walk like you own the place, stop for no one and nothing.
Scorpius knows he doesn’t have his dad’s presence or confidence here. He doesn’t really have it anywhere. But he does his best, even though goosebumps are rising on his arms now he’s in the shade, and he feels like someone is watching him.
Don’t look back, he tells himself, rubbing his arms. It’s just your imagination.
He winds his way down the street. His ankles turn as he picks his way across the cobbles, and he has to pause a couple of times to make sure he hasn’t sprained anything.
Even though it’s midday and sunny, the buildings are so high and so warped that they lean in over the street, blocking out the sunlight. If they were any more twisted or crumbling the facades would probably meet, and the buildings would become one. Knockturn Alley would become a tunnel, full of even more shadows than it already is. It’s not a great thought, and Scorpius shivers and glances up, searching for any glimpse of the sky. There’s only the tiniest slither of it up there, just visible between the rooftops.
The Scythe is a bit further into the alley, on a wider section of road that’s not quite so shadowy. The buildings here are a bit neater and tidier, better kept. The window displays are less dusty, and the owners clearly take pride in making a good impression. Scorpius knows only too well that there are plenty of people that frequent places like this who have money to spare, and this part of the alley is clearly aimed at them.
Despite its surroundings, The Scythe itself still has a peeling sign outside, and a dingy, grim-looking entrance that’s bathed in shadow. When Scorpius steps inside he finds himself in a cool entrance area. A man is standing behind a podium, staring down at whatever paperwork he’s doing and pointedly ignoring Scorpius.
This is the point where Draco would assert his dominance and right to exist in this space, and Scorpius attempts to do the same. He folds his arms and draws himself up to his full, impressive height. He knows he looks good in his date clothes too. Perhaps he’s not as attention-grabbing as Albus would be, but he looks well put together, the sort of young patron with money to splash around that this sort of place survives on. He clears his throat and fixes the man with a steady, patient look that clearly says he’s waiting.
The effect is immediate. The man looks up at him, and leans on the podium.
“How can I help you?” He asks.
“I’m here for a meeting with a friend,” Scorpius lies. “Delphini Black. I believe she’s got a room here, and she asked to meet me.”
The man scrutinises him for a moment. “We don’t have a Delphini Black staying here,” he says.
Scorpius tries to hide his surprise and disappointment. Perhaps it really was just a meeting Delphi was arranging. Perhaps she has no other connections here. Perhaps there’s nothing to find.
“That was the name she gave me,” he says. All isn’t lost yet, he’s not giving up that easily. “I know she sometimes goes by pseudonyms. Maybe she’s given you a different name.”
There’s another pause and a long hard look that Scorpius meets, cool and calm, giving nothing away. Finally the man looks down and shuffles some papers on his podium.
“We’ve got a Delphini Lestrange,” he says. “She’s just gone out, but she’ll be back soon. You can wait for her in the bar.”
Lestrange. Delphini Lestrange. Scorpius knows he looks like he’s just been hit by the Hogwarts Express, but he tries to rearrange his face back into a more neutral expression as he nods. “Yes,” he says. “Lestrange. That sounds about right.”
Lestrange. What does that mean? Who is this woman? How has Albus become best friends with a Lestrange?
“The bar’s through there,” the man says, pointing to a blacked out door to one side of the podium.
“She told me to wait by her room,” Scorpius tries, throwing caution to the winds.
The man smiles and points to the door again. “Don’t push your luck. She’ll be back in a bit. When she arrives I’ll tell her you’re here.”
Scorpius considers lying and telling the man he wants to surprise her, but he knows he’s already given away too much. He doesn’t want to get thrown out. Instead he takes the more sensible option and gives the man a smile and nod.
“That’d be great, thanks. Tell her Rookwood’s waiting. Hyperion Rookwood.” Then he rushes away through the door before he can be questioned anymore.
The bar itself is deserted. The room is dark, bathed in a deep purple enchanted light, and it takes Scorpius’s eyes a moment to adjust. A sort of thick, sweet smelling smoke hangs in the air, and Scorpius wonders if this is the enchantment his dad was talking about. If it is, it’s impossible not to breathe it in, but at least he knows it’s going to dull his senses. He’s prepared and he knows he needs to be careful.
He approaches the bar because he’s not sure what else to do. Somehow he’ll have to blag his way upstairs. Maybe he can pretend to have asthma and ask if he can wait somewhere else away from the smoke, or-
“Afternoon,” the barman says, leaning forward across the bar so he becomes visible past the smoke. “I wasn’t expecting to see someone like you in here today.”
Scorpius goes over to him, hesitant, wondering if something’s given him away. “Someone like me?” he asks uncertainly.
The man smiles and nods. “Exactly. You know,” he gestures to Scorpius, gaze sweeping the length of his body. “Someone young, gorgeous, clearly not an alcoholic.” He takes another look at Scorpius. “You’re not an alcoholic, are you?”
Scorpius shakes his head and smiles back, uncertain and a little disarmed by how nice this man is being. “Not that I know of. I, um... I’m here for a meeting.”
The man nods. “Business?”
“Meeting a friend,” Scorpius says. He sits down at the bar and gestures to the drinks, trying to look like he knows what he’s doing. “What do you recommend?”
The barman picks up a bottle and shoots him a smile that’s undoubtedly flirtatious. “A Love Potion.”
Scorpius blinks at him, taken aback. “Not an actual love potion? Because I don’t really want to fall in love with my friend when she gets here...”
The man laughs. “Why, not your type?”
“Not... exactly,” Scorpius says. “I mean, she’s lovely, but I prefer...” He thinks of Albus clad in dragon hide, and leans his chin on his hand, smiling. “I prefer something a little different.”
“This isn’t an actual love potion,” the barman says. “You might fall in love with my cocktails though. I hope you’re prepared for that.”
“Go on,” Scorpius says, the heady scent of the room permeating his brain as he watches the barman opening bottles and pouring drinks. “Seduce me.” The second he says it he realises how stupid it sounded, and he buries his face in his hands with a groan. Thankfully the barman just laughs.
“For that,” the barman says, “beautiful, ridiculous man whose name I don’t know, it’s on the house.”
“Hyperion,” Scorpius says instantly. “Hyperion Rookwood. That’s my name.”
“Hyperion,” the man repeats. “Nice name. I’m Leo.” He finishes shaking up the cocktail and pours it out, then places it on top of the bar, adding a sprinkle of something that shimmers in the light as a final touch. “Who‘s your friend, Hyperion? I’m curious to know who has the honour of spending time with you.”
“Delphini Lestrange,” Scorpius says, deciding that as much as he knows he should tell this man to stop openly flirting with him – that he’s very not single thank you very much, and that he’s only going along with it because the weird smoke is dulling his senses – this might actually be useful. He still needs to get to Delphi’s room, and maybe this is how he does it.
“Have you met her?” He asks. “She stays here.”
Leo nods. “I have met her. She doesn’t like a Love Potion, she drinks Augurey Tears.”
Scorpius frowns, wrong-footed again. “Not... actual Augurey Tears? That’s a cocktail too?”
“Not just a pretty face then,” Leo says, shooting Scorpius a smile, and Scorpius doesn’t know if he’s being made fun of now or not.
“I’m not,” Scorpius confirms. “Why, did you think I was?”
Leo shrugs. “You’re here on a Thursday afternoon, dressed very nicely for a meeting with a girl who’s not your type. That to me says you’re someone who likes to be looked at.”
Scorpius shakes his head. “I definitely don’t like to be looked at.”
“Why’s that then?”
“Most people look at me the wrong way,” Scorpius says. “No, I just have a date. Later. After my business meeting.”
Leo sighs. “You’re a taken man. That’s a shame to hear, Hyperion Rookwood.”
“Do I have to give the Love Potion back now?” Scorpius asks.
Leo laughs. “No. It’s yours.” He leans in close and lowers his voice. “I recommend drinking it, Hyperion. It makes you immune to the smoke. You’ll need it if you’re going to talk to her. Someone who’s more than a pretty face would know that.”
Scorpius frowns at him. His face is still partially obscured by the smoke and harsh lighting, even though they’re not far apart. “How do I know you’re not trying to poison me, or make it worse?”
Leo’s smile widens, and he shrugs and picks up a cloth and starts cleaning glasses. “Definitely not just a pretty face. You decide for yourself, Hyperion.”
Scorpius looks down at the drink on the bar in front of him. There’s a pink powder glittering on top, and the drink underneath is a soft peach colour. It looks delicious, but he doesn’t trust it. He doesn’t trust anything here, not this man, not Delphi. This is dangerous, and he should probably leave, but now he knows Delphi comes here often he can’t just walk away. He’ll never be able to come back if he does. He’s in too deep with his lie now.
“What’s this on top?” He asks, brushing his finger through the dust.
Leo glances at it. “Pearl Dust,” he says. “The key ingredient in any Love Potion.”
“Isn’t Pearl Dust rare?” Scorpius asks, licking his finger. He gets a soft, fruity flavour, and the slight tingle of the dust.
“Rare and expensive,” Leo says. “But delicious. And important. It allows your mind to be shaped however you wish.”
I want my mind to be clear, Scorpius thinks, and immediately it feels as though a haze has lifted from him. He blinks twice and looks at Leo. “You weren’t lying.”
Leo nods. “You’re welcome. Be careful with that Lestrange, she’s vicious.”
“She stays here, you said,” Scorpius says, taking a sip of the Love Potion.
Leo nods. “Upstairs. Room Three. She’s been here for... forever really. I mean she comes and goes, she disappeared for a whole year recently, but she always returns and it’s always Room Three. No one else goes in there.”
Room Three. Scorpius’s insides leap with triumphant excitement, but he keeps sipping his cocktail and tries to look casual. “When you say she’s been here forever...?”
“Longer than I’ve been here,” Leo says. “And I’ve been here for years. She’s a permanent fixture. Like a particularly savage family cat.”
Scorpius smiles and nods. “I can imagine. Does she at least keep the mice away?”
“She likes to play with her food,” Leo says, putting a glass away on a shelf behind the bar. “If she got hold of you you’d probably wish you were dead.”
“You’re almost making me regret meeting her,” Scorpius says, finishing his cocktail and sliding the glass back to Leo. “Thank you for this. It was delicious.”
“Just make sure you’re on her side and you’ll be fine,” Leo says, taking the glass.
Scorpius nods. “Is there a loo around here?”
Leo points to a door across the bar. Now Scorpius has finished the drink, the fog seems considerably less dense, and he can see further through the room. Before he wouldn’t have been able to see the door, but he can now.
“Down the stairs, turn to the left.”
Scorpius gets to his feet. “Thanks. I’ll be back in a minute.” He hurries across the bar, lets himself through the door, and finds himself facing a set of stairs going down, and another set of stairs going up. He goes up, in search of Room Three.
The first landing he comes to has just one unmarked door on it, right at the top of the stairs. He leaves it, not wanting to waste time, and heads down the corridor to where a spiral staircase curves away upwards.
He tiptoes up the creaky stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible, and when he gets to the top he peers up and down the landing before he steps out onto it. There’s no one around. It’s the middle of the day, so anyone staying here must be out by now. Everything is still and quiet. Even the cleaners must have finished their work.
Scorpius follows the corridor, looking at the doors. He finds rooms One and Two easily, but it takes him a moment to realise that Room Three is tucked away out of sight and around a corner, well away from the stairs. When Scorpius tries the handle he’s not surprised to find that the door is locked.
After glancing around again to confirm that there’s definitely no one in the corridor with him, he slips his wand from the pocket of his trousers and points it at the door lock.
He’s about to do a simple unlocking charm, but something stops him. He doesn’t know Delphi that well, but there’s every chance that she’s paranoid enough to have put security charms on her door. Any simple spell will give him away in a heartbeat. Something more complicated will probably work a lot better for his purposes here.
He pauses for a moment, considering his options, before deciding to go for a fiddly little spell that reads the shape of the lock and creates a phantom key to fit it. It’s the spell that fools all the most basic and some of the more complex security charms. He’s heard Harry enthusing about it to the Aurors too many times to ignore it.
He crouches down and lays the tip of his wand just on the edge of the lock, and starts muttering the incantation. It takes a good minute or so to complete, but when he does, a white, smoke-like substance floats from the end of his wand and into the lock. After a moment it coalesces into a solid shape, and when Scorpius slides it fully into the keyhole and turns it, there’s a soft click and the door swings inwards. Perfect.
Scorpius nudges the door open with his shoulder and stands on the threshold, looking into the room. It’s very bare, so bare that it almost looks uninhabited. The only thing indicating that anyone lives here is the open window, a bag strap poking out from under the bed, and a pair of shoes tucked neatly into the corner. Aside from that there’s nothing. Even the desk looks unused, with not so much as a single quill on top.
Scorpius sweeps his wand across the whole room. “Specialis Revelio.”
A beat of silence. Nothing happens.
Scorpius tries another couple of spells to check for traps or any other dark magic but there’s nothing here that he knows how to detect. Either the room is perfectly safe or there’s some darker, better hidden enchantment here. But if he wants to go exploring then he doesn’t have much choice but to assume that his detection spells are up to scratch. He cautiously steps into the room and turns around on the spot, trying to decide what to have a look at first.
In the end he goes for the bag under the bed. He carefully eases it out and starts going through it, making sure to replace everything exactly where he found it. There’s nothing much in there of interest. It must be her kit bag, because it’s got a dragon hide jacket in there, a water bottle, and a couple of tiny bottles of potions and salves that must be for healing.
He nudges the bag back under the bed and goes through the bedside drawers next. These too contain nothing of much interest. There are a couple of ordinary books that don’t reveal any hidden messages when Scorpius casts spells on them. Aside from that there’s very little in there at all, and he quickly gives up on those and goes to the desk.
When he touches the handle of the top drawer, he instantly recoils as an electric shock crackles through his hand and up his arm. He wriggles his fingers and looks at the handle. Sparks of magic flicker up and down it, and he points his wand at it and casts Finite Incantatem. Instantly the sparks crackle brighter, flaring up and arching out towards him. He dives back and tries a couple of other more powerful spells, eventually succeeding in killing the enchantment so the sparks fade and die.
He gives it a second before he inches across to the desk again, and this time when he tries to open the drawer nothing stops him. It slides open easily, with just a little rattle, and inside he finds a single notebook and a quill.
He takes the notebook out and quickly checks the second drawer, but there’s nothing inside. A quick check of the rest of the table doesn’t reveal any hidden drawers or cupboards, and there’s nothing much on the table top besides a couple of pieces of blank parchment. The notebook is the best he has to go on.
He flips it open to a random inside page. It’s blank, so he flicks through the pages, running his thumb over the corners of each page so they rifle past. The whole book seems to be blank. But if it was really blank why would Delphi have protected it with a complicated bit of magic? Why would she bother?
He leans in close and presses his nose to the page, trying to see any trace of writing. There’s nothing to indicate that anything has ever been written here. No sign of anything erased of vanished. But there has to be something.
“Specialis Revelio,” he mutters, giving it a sharp tap with his wand. Nothing happens.
He picks the book up and inspects the front and back covers. There’s nothing written on either, no instruction for revealing the text or anything. But there must be a key. Perhaps he has to use Parseltongue to ask it to open or something, not that he knows any Parseltongue. Or perhaps this is like Riddle’s diary, and he has to write in the book.
He picks up a quill and lets it drop on the first page, but after several seconds it becomes clear that the ink isn’t going to sink into the paper. It blots the surface, leaving a big black mark. Still the book does nothing.
Sighing, he steps back and stares at the book. If he does have to use Parseltongue then this is going to be hopeless. He doesn’t know any, and even if he did it’s supposed to be impossible to learn. If only he’d kept the dictionary, then he might have had a chance.
He pulls the folded up note from his pocket and looks at it, trying to work out if there’s any way of using it, any hints at the translations of the words. He’s made a few scrawlings in the margins while he’s been working on his translation, and for one of the words he’s jotted down a rough pronunciation guide.
He tests out the sounds, and he knows he sounds absolutely ridiculous. If Albus were here and the situation less dangerous, they’d probably both have a good laugh about it. But right now he’s alone and Delphi should be back any minute, so he has to get on with it.
The sounds – they’re not really words to him – feel strange in his mouth, and he has to practice them a couple of times before he can even begin to work out what he’s doing. There’s a lot of hissing and spitting, and it sounds more like he’s mimicking an angry cat than trying to talk snake language. Finally he runs his fingers through his hair and decides that, unless the diary is designed to self-destruct when someone speaks terrible Parseltongue at it, he loses nothing by having a go.
He braces his hands on the desk and leans in close, looking down at the cover of the diary. There’s a little crest embossed in gold in one corner, and at the centre of the crest is a snake. He looks at the snake and tries to imagine that he’s talking to it.
His first attempt comes out all wrong. He gives a sharp hiss makes it sound like he’s being strangled, and spit flies everywhere, all over his face and the desk.
“Whoops,” he mutters wiping away the little flecks with his fingers.
He sighs and stares down at the book again. For some reason he gets the distinct feeling that Albus would probably be a lot better at this than he is, but sadly Albus isn’t here and he has no real option besides having another go.
His second attempt is a little bit better. It doesn’t get the diary to respond, but at least he doesn’t spit all over himself, and he thinks he might be starting to get his mouth round the words.
Attempt three is his best yet, and the diary starts to glow with a faint purple light. He flips open the cover and sees that the faintest outlines of words are starting to appear, shining luminescent in the strange glow. They’re not quite readable yet but they’re getting there, so he tries the Parseltongue again and this time, finally, the book is fully convinced. Purple light bursts out of it, and the room seems to dim around him, throwing the letters and words within into sharp relief.
He claps a hand over his mouth to stop himself cheering out loud and pulls the book closer to him. Thankfully the writing in here isn’t Parseltongue. It’s English, written in a messy scrawl that’s just about legible enough for Scorpius to read it.
The diary, and it is definitely a diary now that the text has been fully revealed, takes up almost the whole book. There are a few pages still blank at the end, but other than that everything is full of Delphi’s scribblings.
The book seems to date all the way back to 2018, and when Scorpius starts reading he realises with a jolt that Albus is mentioned on the first page.
Watched youngest Potter boy on Platform 9 3/4. Later discovered he was sorted into Slytherin. Something to keep an eye on?
When he flips further through he finds that many of the entries mention Albus. In fact the diary charts almost every one of the events Albus has told Scorpius about over the past week and a half. It’s like seeing the past seven years of Albus’s life charted in front of him. Even stranger is seeing it from Delphi’s point of view, with notes of Albus’s behaviour and attitude, tiny hints of triumph when she’s getting what she wants from him, and frustration when she’s not.
And then he starts to find the other little bits and pieces, things from Delphi’s own life, things that he can’t imagine Albus even knows. He finds notes from the last year spent in Europe. She had meetings with werewolves, giants, trolls, and those are just the ones mentioned that he spots as he skims. Her writing grows increasingly excited as her plan comes together, but he still can’t find what the plan is. Perhaps she wasn’t stupid enough to put it down in writing.
He flicks feverishly through the pages, wanting to find whatever it is he’s looking for and copy it before he needs to leave, because time must be running short by now.
“Come on come on,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair and searching faster and faster. When he gets really frustrated he taps his wand on the page and searches the book for ‘plan’ but he’s not surprised when nothing comes back.
In the end he stumbles across the truth by chance. He turns a page too fast and hard and tears the corner. As he swears and casts Reparo to fix it, he spots Delphi’s words, a frustrated little musing to herself.
I hate him. If I could kill him I would, but I need him. It will be far more fun with him involved. Use the boy to lure Potter in, son kills father, and in the chaos that follows I take the place that should have been my father’s almost 30 years ago. Fate, just as the Augurey prophesied. I am Voldemort’s daughter and this world is my birthright.
Scorpius reels back in pure horror. He blinks several times to make sure his eyes aren’t deceiving him, but every time he does he sees the words as if they’re burned into the insides of his eyelids.
I am Voldemort’s daughter.
Even though his hands are shaking, even though he wants to run a hundred miles from this place and drag Albus to safety with him, there’s one last thing he has to do before he leaves. He draws his wand to make a copy of the page, but just as he does he hears a floorboard creak behind him and he freezes.
“Did you find something interesting to read?” Delphi asks.
Scorpius’s grip tightens around his wand and he puts a hand on the edge of the desk to stop his knees buckling. Caught in the act. And this time there’s no Albus to come and save him.
He turns slowly to face her. “Delphi,” he says brightly. “I just thought I’d-“
“Petrificus Totalus.”
His body goes stiff and he falls straight backwards, slamming the middle of his back against the edge of the table. He gives a groan of pain and closes his eyes. His wand is still in his hand but he can’t move to wave it, so it’s worse than useless. He can’t even use it to call for help. He’s trapped here, stuck, and whatever she does next isn’t going to be pleasant.
“It’s not nice to read other people’s diaries, Scorpius,” she says, in a sweet voice, waltzing over and treading on his foot as she leans across to shut the diary. “Didn’t your parents teach you that? Although I suppose that’s the sort of thing mothers teach you, and yours wasn’t around for very long, was she?”
Scorpius boils with rage. He may be trapped but he’s not going down without a fight. “Don’t you dare talk about my-“
“Silencio,” she says, with a casual flick of her wand.
Scorpius’s words die in his throat and even when he moves his mouth nothing comes out. Trapped and silent. No one can hear him scream.
He looks at her, just about able to move his eyes to see where she is, but she doesn’t make it hard for him. She leans in close, right in his face, and grins at him.
“It’s been such a touching reunion between you and Albus, and now you’re going to tell me why.”
He wants to ask what she means, but he can’t speak. Instead he just stares at her and hopes that she’ll at least have the mercy to end whatever’s about to come quickly.
“I’ve been with him for seven years,” she says. “Every single day. But he’s still obsessed with you. I don’t understand, but you’re going to help me. Now, let’s have some fun.”
She touches her wand to his temple and he screws his eyes tight shut, waiting for a flash of green light and a rush of wind. But it never comes, instead she breathes into his ear, soft and intimate, “Crucio.”
The pain that follows is only made more excruciating by the sudden shock of it. There’s nothing Scorpius can do to temper it. He can’t scream, he can’t clench his fists or contort his body. He just leans there as he’s wracked with it, too much to bear, shooting from his brain down his spine and through every single limb. He’s locked in place, screaming inside, and he doesn’t know how much more agony like this he can take.
When it ends he can’t even show his relief. All he can do is open his eyes and try to draw in breaths.
Delphi pulls her wand back and walks away a few steps, turning on her heel in the centre of the room, a big grin on her face like she’s enjoying everything about this.
“It’s almost no fun with all those spells on you,” she says. “I can’t even see or hear the pain. What’s the point of that?” She points her wand at him, and he realises that she’s about to release him. His wand is still in his hand. Maybe he can cast the spell to call for help, or-
“Expelliarmus,” she says, and his last hope of salvation flies from his hand and spins away into a corner. Before he can mourn its loss the Full Body Bind Curse releases and he collapses in a heap on the floor, curling into a ball and rubbing his aching limbs. As he falls, the diary on the table is knocked down too, landing on the floorboards right beside him.
“Fulgari,” Delphi says, hitting him with another spell before he can think to do anything else. His wrists snap together, a searing band of fire burning around them. Next thing he knows she flicks her wand again and he hears himself gasp and cough. His voice is back.
“I know,” he says. “I know everything. You have to kill me. You don’t have another choice. Torture me as much as you like but I’m going to tell Albus and Harry everything the second they rescue me.”
Delphi gives a high, cruel laugh. “Rescue you? No one is coming to rescue you, Scorpius. You’re alone here, with just me. And in a second you’re going to remember nothing.” She directs her wand right at his head again.
“You’re going to torture me into insanity?” Scorpius asks. “Is that your grand plan? You know Albus might notice that and be a little bit-“
A soft, warm numbness spreads through Scorpius’s mind. For a moment he doesn’t know anything at all, but then his thoughts coalesce and he discovers that he’s kneeling on the floor with Delphi, Albus’s friend, pointing a wand at him. There’s a book on the floor next to him and he knows it’s important, that he needs to take it to Albus, but he doesn’t remember why.
“What am I doing here?” He asks. “Why are you pointing your wand at me? I’m Albus’s boyfriend. You’re his friend. We’re on the same side.”
Delphi comes over and crouches down opposite him. “That’s better. Although you should know, little Malfoy, that we’re not on the same side. Not unless you tell me exactly what I need to know.”
Scorpius frowns at her, confused. He looks down and realises that his wrists are stinging because they’re bound. The spell around them is making beads of blood stand out on his skin as it scorches him. “What do you need to know? Can you take this off me too? It hurts.”
Delphi puts her wand under his chin, lifting it so he’s looking at him, he stares up at her. “Why is Albus obsessed with you?” She asks. “What have you done to him? Is it a spell? An enchantment? A love potion? You’ve warped his mind. How?”
Scorpius swallows and pulls back, getting the wand away from him. “What? I haven’t done anything. Albus just... he loves me. I’m his boyfriend. He’s in love with me.”
Delphi pulls her wand back and twirls it between her fingers, scrutinising him. “Love,” she says softly. “I know that. I’ve had to listen to him talk about it enough. But how did you get him to love you? What did you do?”
Scorpius shakes his head. “I-I don’t think I understand the question. I didn’t do anything. I just... I was. I am. He... He loves me. Because I’m me, or... I don’t even know why, but he does.”
“That’s rubbish,” Delphi says, getting to her feet. “You’re lying to me. You’re not telling me everything.”
“I’m not,” Scorpius says, struggling onto his knees. “I promise, I-“
He screams. Waves of pain wash through his body like a tsunami, leaving only wreckage and devastation behind. His limbs cramp and he can’t stop himself from contorting. His throat is raw with the intensity of his screams. He hits his head on the floor as he falls sideways, and when the pain stops he lies there in a daze, gasping for breath, terror coursing through him because he doesn’t understand. What is Delphi doing? Why is this happening? He doesn’t know how to stop this.
“Now,” Delphi says, sitting cross-legged on the floor opposite him and laying her wand there. “Tell me how you made Albus fall in love with you, or I’ll make the pain even worse.”
Scorpius manages to get his elbow on the floor and push himself half upright without hurting his wrists too much. The spell binding them still burns and aches but he doesn’t let it brush his skin any more than it was already.
Once he’s propped on one elbow he looks at Delphi. “I didn’t make Albus do anything. He loves me because he wants to. I can’t tell you why because that’s not how it works. Why does anyone love anyone? Because... because they find something in the other person that brings them joy and life and... and makes them want to get to know that person as intimately as they can.”
Delphi nods and slides forward towards him, an eager look on her face. “I want to know Albus. I want to know his secrets, how he can be used. I understand that. Keep going.”
Scorpius recoils from her, falling onto his backside but managing to stay upright. “But that’s not love. You don’t use someone you love. You’re his best friend, why don’t understand that? If you love someone you want to know them just because... because. Because they’re fascinating. Because they’re beautiful. Because they’re another human that you respect, and- I can’t tell you how to make Albus love you. I don’t know how I made him love me. I didn’t make him love me. He just did it because he wanted to.”
“You must have done something,” Delphi says. “Love is magic. I know that. Lily Potter’s Charm, and- How do you do that magic? What’s the spell?”
Scorpius shakes his head. “There isn’t a spell. That’s not how it works. It happens.”
Delphi scrutinises him for a long moment, then she gets to her feet and flicks her wand dismissively in his direction. “Useless. Crucio.”
Sharp agony, inside him, around him, overwhelming him, utterly unbearable. He falls backwards, and when his body jars on the floor the pain pales into insignificance beside the pain of the torture. His toes curl, he claws at his torso trying to tear the pain out of him somehow. There’s no relief. It goes on and on, never ending, until it stops and he lies there, trying to feel nothing.
“Last chance,” Delphi says, cold and sharp, undeterred by his failed attempts to answer so far. “Tell me the secret.”
“I’ve...” Scorpius grunts and twists round to look at her, “told you. There isn’t a secret. I haven’t done anything to him. I offered him sweets on the train when we first met, I stuck by him when he was miserable, I helped him feel connected to his life again last week, that’s it.” He sits with his bound, aching hands between his knees and looks Delphi in the eye. “Delphi, you’re his best friend. He already loves you. I don’t know why you can’t see it but there’s nothing you need to do. There is no secret. You’ve already won. You don’t need to do this, I promise.”
“No,” she says, levelling her wand at him and shaking her head. “No that’s not true. He’s more loyal to you than to me. You’ve been here a week and a half and he’s fallen in love with you. You’re stealing him from me, and you can’t deny it.”
Scorpius sighs. “Just a thought but have you tried being nice to him?” He lifts his hands. “If this is what you do to make people tell you things then maybe he’s not inclined to be helpful. He’s not as tolerant as I am.”
A smile curls across Delphi’s lips. “I didn’t know you could be a smartass. Maybe this is what Albus sees in you. You have spirit.”
“I’m very flattered,” Scorpius says. “Will you let me go now?” He holds his hands out to her. His brain is foggy, his whole body aches, especially his back, and his wrists are really bleeding now.
“No,” Delphi says bluntly. “You haven’t helped, even a little bit. I think you’re being difficult. I think you need more persuasion.”
“But I-“
Delphi’s wand slashes through the air. “Sectumsempra,” she barks.
Instantly Scorpius’s neat new shirt, the one he’d put on specially for his date, blossoms scarlet. It takes him a second to realise that he’s in terrible pain, and another second more to comprehend that he’s bleeding from a long gash across his torso. He curls in on himself, pressing his hands to it and staring up at Delphi.
“You’re going to make me... bleed to death?” He asks, already feeling faint. There really is a lot of blood. His hands are already soaked with it.
She slashes her wand through the air again and another bit of his shirt goes bright red, the two spots merging into one. Scorpius slumps sideways against the table leg, head spinning.
“I can’t tell you anything, if you-“
“You’d better talk quickly then,” she says. “Hadn’t you.”
“I don’t... have anything to tell you,” Scorpius says, trying to put pressure on both wounds at once, even as he slides further onto the ground. “I’ve already... said that. And even if I did I... I think I’d rather die.”
Another slash, and Scorpius’s body convulses with the pain of it. He collapses sideways, the world going dark around the edges. So this is it. A death of confusion and excruciating pain, at the hands of someone who’s supposed to be his boyfriend’s best friend.
As his eyes flutter closed he spots the book lying on the floor, now splattered and stained with his blood. No one will know it’s here. If he dies no one will know what’s inside it. If by some miracle he survives this, someone needs to find out about the book. But he’s not going to survive this, so...
Everything goes black. He floats in nothingness. The pain slowly subsides. And then he realises there are hands on him, supporting his back, sitting him up slightly.
“Albus?” He whispers.
“Unfortunately for you, not Albus.”
He opens his eyes to see Delphi again. She has an arm round his back, and there’s something hard pressing into the back of his neck. It takes him a moment to realise that it’s her wand.
“I’m not dead,” he says softly. “I thought I was bleeding.”
“Not anymore,” Delphi says. She strokes her fingers through his hair, making him shudder. “Poor Scorpius. Useless Scorpius. Unable, or perhaps unwilling, to tell me anything. But Albus will never know how loyal you’re being. You’re all alone again, Scorpius. Always alone. Well, I suppose you’re technically not alone now. You’ve got me.” She gives a high-pitched, cold laugh that sends chills down Scorpius’s spine. He tries to wriggle away but she grips the back of his shirt and holds him steady.
“You’re going to help me,” she murmurs. “You’re going to break eventually. It’s only a matter of time, I know it is. There are some things that no one can resist. Crucio.”
This time the agony shoots straight down Scorpius’s spine and he loses himself. His limbs are trembling. He doesn’t know if he’s shouting or screaming or if he’s in too much pain to make a sound. He can’t see or hear and think. He almost can’t even feel because the pain is burning white hot through every inch of him, overriding every other part of his existence. There’s nothing beyond the pain, and it stretches on from seconds into minutes into hours and days, weeks, months. The pain goes on forever. There’s sharp bile in his throat and warm wet against his legs, but those are distant human sensations, and Scorpius isn’t human anymore, because you can’t go through this and remain human.
When Delphi finally removes her wand, Scorpius realises that he’s managed to roll onto his front and there are hot tears stinging his face. He must have thrown up from the agony of it because there’s sick among the blood on the floor, and he realises that his trousers are damp too. He lies there, still in too much pain to move, limbs still shaking, humiliated and exhausted.
“Why haven’t you killed me?” He whispers, voice hoarse and raw. “I don’t understand. I can’t give you what you want. Just let me go.”
Delphi pats him on the back and he twitches and groans. “No. You’re too useful to be killed. I’ll just have to keep going with this instead. Don’t tell me you’re not having fun.”
Scorpius fixes his eyes on the book that he’s now managed to kick under the desk by accident, which Delphi seems to have forgotten about. He needs her to not remember it. “So much fun,” he murmurs. “This is wonderful.”
“Good,” Delphi says. “Then we can-“
There’s a whooshing in the distance, and suddenly Delphi’s hands are gone and he hears footsteps creaking across the floorboards and a wash of green light fill the room.
“What do you want?” Delphi asks. “I’m busy, I’ve got a guest.”
“Augurey,” a man says. “I’m sorry to bother you, but the meeting at the Sign of the Black Dog... You asked us to wait for you there. We wanted to know if you were still coming, because if not, then we can-“
“Shit. Is Von Strasser there?”
“Yes, everyone is.”
“Fine. I’m coming. Give me five minutes and I’ll be there. Send my apologies.”
“Yes, Augurey.”
Another whoosh and the green light fades. More footsteps, and then Scorpius is yanked off the floor by the collar of his shirt, and pulled onto his back.
“You’re going to wait here,” Delphi says, face looming right in front of his. Her eyes are so cold and black. There’s barely any spark of life in them. “You’re going to lie here until I come back, and when I do we’ll continue this discussion.”
“Okay,” Scorpius breathes.
“Glad to hear it.” She grabs hold of his hair and twists his head to the side, pulling his hair hard enough that he lets out a cry of pain, but she doesn’t seem to care. “Silencio. Petrificus Totalus.”
Scorpius goes silent and his body goes rigid. Delphi drops him to the ground and he lies there, immobile and unable to talk. With his head tilted to the side he can see the space under the desk. He can see the notebook. He can see hope. He’s not dead, and he can see the thing that contains all the answers.
“Be good,” Delphi says, tapping her wand on his head, so the trickling sensation of a Disillusionment Charm passes down his whole body. “Oh, and I suppose I should...” She presses the tip of her wand to his temple, and Scorpius expects more torture, but instead she says “Obliviate” and his mind goes blissfully numb again.
When his thoughts coalesce he can hear footsteps walking away across the room he’s in. He knows that he’s covered in blood and vomit and urine but he doesn’t know how or why. His body is in unbearable pain but he can’t speak or move to get any release. He’s trapped, immobile, and whoever did this to him has just walked away.
Does anyone know he’s here besides them? Is he going to be rescued? Panic rises inside him and his chest gets tight. He tries to steady his breathing and keep calm. He tries to think about Albus. They were supposed to have a date. Maybe Albus will notice he’s missing. If Albus can find that he’s here – wherever here is – then maybe he’ll see all the blood and realise that Scorpius is invisible and abandoned on the ground. That thought calms Scorpius down a little, and he exhales a shaky breath, just about keeping his fear and pain at bay.
He gazes into the darkness under the desk and sees the pale pages of a notebook, hidden in shadow under there. That notebook is important. If anyone does come to save him they need to take that. That has the answers to everything. Nothing has ever been more important.
So as a rushing sound and a wash of emerald green floods the room then ebbs away and he settles in to wait either for oblivion or for salvation, he focuses all his thoughts on the book. His brain may be foggy and confused, he may have never felt more scared in his life, he may want to just lie here and cry, every inch of his body may be in the most excruciating pain, but the book gives him something to hold on to. The book is his reason to keep remembering; to stay alive, to stay conscious, to stay sane. The book is his reason to keep hoping for rescue.
Time passes. The sun wheels round in the sky beyond the window. Shadows shift and lengthen. And Scorpius lies utterly immobile, drifting in and out of consciousness, but always holding that one mantra in his head: the book is the answer, we need the book. The book is the answer, we need the book. The book is the answer, we need the book...
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Hey Jen! Happy Birthday first of all!! As my favourite TXF-era Louis hate-watcher/enthusiast/scholar (and one of my all-round absolute fave bloggers) I 1) would love to hear your thoughts on his post-TXF comments and 2) Remember when there was this nice nerdy boy auditioning on XF? Simon said he lacked personality, but Louis defended him passionately saying that just bc he wasn't the bad boy Simon was looking for didn't mean he didn't have any personality. And then fast forward to... 1/2
Louis’ interview with Satan Cowell’s #1 provider of anal unguent… his answer about having been a “party boy” was so interesting to me. He seemed uncomfortable and said “yeah there’s a responsibility at both ends, to be good and also to be a little bit bad, a little bit mischievous sometimes”. Super interesting choice of words… “a responsibility”. And DW, transparent as always “that’s what we want from our rock stars”. Mmh. What Simon wants for sure. 2/2
Hey, thanks for the birthday wishes!! I’ve had a few (got drunk on you, etc.), so I’m gonna try and answer this, but if it comes off as incoherent, let’s all just blame sweet lady vino. As you (correctly!) suggest, I’m so here for all XFUK talk, and I’m curious to hear more about Louis’s experiences on the show as we get deeper into promo that neatly swerves Louis’s personal life. Olivia got some GREAT INTEL from him, but he’s hinted in previous interviews about being nervous or having to be a certain “character,” and a LOT of it is tied in to this Sun-perspective, which is more or less run by the people running Simon (I don’t like to give him coded language because that gives him more attention and power, like we’re watching a shitty soap villain, when in reality, he’s a sad, vain little man whose “empire” is imploding faster than his cheap tit job). Make no mistake, XFUK was a calculated risk to salvage Louis’s rep in the UK (the demo that engages with it is the demo that reads the Sun, and he’s been trashed there for years), but it WORKED, and part of that is Louis’s natural charm, but it’s also down to the edit, both on screen and in print. And Louis knows it, calls it out with Wootton, the whole thing about the responsibility, as you say, but also that most of those shit articles are Dan’s work (just like Niall hinted at, with pretty much the same smirk). They all know it’s part of the game, but it does do some damage, and he’s in damage control mode…seemingly, everyone’s on board with it, but the shrapnel (at least in print) is Zayn, and that’s because Louis didn’t throw Harry under the bus like he was supposed to (Dan needed a headline about someone Louis hates in the band, so he took Louis’s sad resignation about Z and puffed it up because there’s literally nothing there about H…and don’t even get me started on the whole “party boy” image and who it was originally intended for). I have so many thoughts on all of it, but you have to watch everything to talk about it, and I’m not here to engage with anyone who hasn’t. I’m drunk enough to share some of my random unpopular onions, so here you go, in one go:
El’s definitely “vital” for selling an album about long-term love for an artist who’s closeted, and she’s the best fit for it (they get along, they’re coworkers, “she’s” been there through all the ups and downs, so get ready for those long-term love songs because they ain’t about her)
bg won’t end anytime soon, so if you’re one of those who’s constantly screaming ‘end it’ in tags, you’re only upsetting yourself (I think it WILL end eventually, but with a whimper, and trying to push for a scream is not worth your own personal angst)
That said, look at the negative space here, there’s less and less and less talk about him having a son, seeing him with a son, but he can still talk about his “boy” and do all kinds of other things that play with that narrative subversively (is it his bf, his son, his brother? an emotion? we’ll never know)
Simon has an outdated idea of what “sells” for rockstars, but so does Irving Azoff (Louis’s media rollout with his team is on POINT, and it hits all platforms, but he still has to deal with shit related to the Sun, Metro, etc.; the Azoffs are notoriously not plugged into SM, they use print like Billboard and a fairly outmoded form of non-print pub PR, but Harry has a lot of charm that bleeds out into OTHER PEOPLE’S SM…oh, and p.s., he STILL has to deal with the Sun, Metro, etc. from time to time)
But this is why Louis’s current media push is so GOOD, you don’t even know…all platforms, all of the biggest ones, there’s a strategic plan here, please stop pretending like you have this more figured out than they do, my god, he has GOT THIS
XFUK was an intentional move to repair tab damage in the UK, and it worked (it was fucking SMART, and he smashed it, so much damage was repaired, and on an actual schedule)
I don’t know any BTS arrangements (before you @ me, let me stop you right there, neither do you), but clearly, more than one party/contract is at play here, and you really should do yourself the favor of listening to ALL OF IT, because he drops hints all over the place (that Olivia interview alone had so much happening that wasn’t excerpted or giffed)
There’s a very real possibility that Louis and Harry don’t WANT to come out because of the invasive interest in their lives, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! But it might also explain when things appear that aren’t aimed at the gp
Argh, I’m rambling, and this is getting too long/too boring, but yeah, I’m probably drunkenly blanking on even more fantastic thoughtsTM, but XFUK was a game changer in a lot of ways, for everyone involved.
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, May 26 - June 1, 2019
Another week, this one with the Legacy update. ... Though that was technically last week...
Legacy #007
1) I'm so excited to see were this will go poor moon and sun I can't wait to see what will happen. Also I can't wait to see what you'll have for moon's full team
Poor Sun... he wasn’t even in the chapter. Haha... What I’ll have for Moon’s full team? I’m waiting for her to fill up her canon team before I overhaul it.
2) Um, holy sh*t that was brutal
Perhaps it was. Hehe...
3) Why you gotta do moon like that feelsbadman
Hey, now. I said I was going to set Moon on fire in Legacy from a LONG time ago. Like... back when I was going through my Ultra Moon version. What is the reason behind Moon getting an attire overhaul? Her previous clothes burnt off. That’s why. Heh.
4) Firstly, the scene at Red's living room at night was adorable. Poor Y, so lonely... (actually, not really) And secondly, damn! That was so f*cking brutal! Oh god, please let Sun, Moon and Lillie be OK! Can't WAIT for the next chapter!
I'm also really anxious about the enemy's next plans and (hopefully) Blue's confession.
Hehe. Poor Y, just stuck in the middle of three couples. Damn it, X!! Hehe...
I like how absolutely everyone thinks that it’s Sun. Sun hasn’t appeared in Legacy yet. He’s not the one synonymous with “malasada”. So Sun is FINE. Moon is in the top 5 favorites thus will be able to walk this off. Lillie... is expendable.
... And Blue’s confession didn’t fit in the chapter thus it was postponed. Drat.
5) Things sure did heat up in this chapter and quickly. If there’s going to be platinum possibly in a icey situation next, then would y follow this trend of top favourites with something related to lightning/dragons or endangering the whole group? After that would leave us with red and blue hmmmm?sorry just some speculations
Anyways this story is one of my faves so keep the good work up!
This chapter was hot! It sure heated up! Aha...ha... ... Ahem. ... What, you speculating on some elemental shenanigans? Or... I guess types, given Pokemon. Heh. ... Nah. Y’s Dragon shenanigans has to wait until her Dragons fully evolve... soon.
And thanks!
6) Oh God, how do you even survive a direct hit from a Fire Blast? Hopefully Toxapex managed to get out somehow or at least the dex-holders and Lillie survived in some way (I don't think you'd kill them fast, though, but I just hope "lifelessly" was just an adjective as opposed to what I'd rather it didn't mean). Look at that, X can get jealous after all, huh? And poor Platina..glad she at least has Dia for some emotional support.
Now I really wanna see Dia floor those thugs. Awesome writing as always and can't wait for the next chapter!
Well, you usually don’t. But if you’re in the top 5 of my favorites, your durability increases!! Hehe... ... This was a glancing shot, I guess?? Sun is not in the fire, so he’s fine. Moon is... well, in the top 5. Lillie is expendable. And the guy who literally everyone mistook as Sun is equally expendable. ... Hell, even more, since I like Lillie more than that guy.
Yes, X will get jealous! He better be nicer to Y and fast before he loses her!! Hehe... And yes, Platinum has Diamond for emotional support as always. Her sweet Diamond. Her one. Hehe... ... Oh, Pearl’s there too.
With Diamond and Pearl using new/updated teams, they shall be quite the formidable force, enough to wallop any thugs who attempt to hurt their Lady! Her true knights!!
Destiny #002
1) I FUCKING KNEW IT. I NEVER TRUSTED THIS PETER BITCH FROM THE MOMENT I SAW HIM. Anyways, it's been a long time since I've reviewed, but here I am! Ugh, let me tell you, your stories five me life. I was so engaged that I wasn't even paying attention to the screaming, whirring, and the song I was listening to. Your writing was very smooth, like always, and it definitely did not feel like anything was rushed. Even though you put in three different stories in the same chapter. I am curious though, as to how they all tie together. Because now it seems that the only stories that might go together are Blue's and Y's stories, but then you wouldn't add in Platinum's for no reason. Unless... this vacation she goes on is to Kalos... If so, you are definitely very clever. Now, I think it was Mac who spoiled this for me. He said there were going to be deaths and I want to ask you, "HOW COULD YOU?." This is going to make me cry as I am already really invested in the story because your plot and writing is just so damn good. And honestly, even if you make me cry, you are a blessing and I would not be able to live without this. Thank you so very much.
I’m glad you’re really enjoying my stories, Mel! The multiple “stories”, as you put it, are to show the Dex Holders doing their own things before they all converge together. For Platinum, it shows her enjoying her life and time with her friends in a very sweet and cute setting!!
... Is the fact that the story will have deaths really a spoiler? ... Well, I guess if you never fully read my non-compilation stories (SA, Destiny, Legacy), then... I suppose. Oh, don’t worry. Destiny won’t make you cry as hard as SA would. Huhuhu...
I look forward to seeing more!
Destiny #003
1) I keep forgetting to put my name on these things dammit. Anyways, by the time I realized I hadn't left a review for this chapter, I was already on the next. That is how engrossed I was. But moving on to other matters, reading this chapter really took a toll on me, form the beginning to X and Y, realizing from your oh so subtle hint that Platinum was going to be a victim of this dude, to Diantha being defeated. It's tough, 'cause you're good at causing grief. Consider that a compliment from me because I find that a very useful talent (but I'm still cursing you for it). I have a feeling the other dexholders will be in this fic, so I am actually really curious as to how they all fit into this story. It would be great to see my babies once again. And with the way you write I find that they're not OOC like in other fics. That is very difficult to do as I'm sure you know, and I applaud you for that as well. Something I have noticed tho, is you haven't outright said that the enemy in this story is the Peter we met earlier. And that makes me wonder because naturally one would think that it would be Peter. But hmmmm, could it all be a misunderstanding? I don't think so, but it's a possibility. Anyways, its been a pleasure to read your work (like always) and I greatly appreciate you writing this!
Interesting to think that this chapter took a toll on you already. If THIS takes a toll on you... huhuhu... ... I mean, what? And yes, the others will be in the story. ... I think Destiny has everyone in it except for the BW2 cast and SM since Generation VII didn’t exist at the time. Destiny began when the XY arc had started, hence X and Y’s teams not being full or fully evolved. Your “babies” will have their moments in glory!
And thank you!! I was hoping to get your review for the next chapter before I made this post, but damn. Well, that response will have to be next week then. ... On Sunday the 9th, though since I’ll be gone for all of Saturday. So you have 8 days to cram in as many Destiny reviews as you can!!
DE #001
HES BACK! Now we need a chapter about it
Kind of late spoiler given the clusterf*ck that’s been going on since the update, but... heh. Yes, he’s back. Hell, it’s about time. Now, a chapter about it... well... I have one in mind that I’ll be working on... eventually. No doom though.
Heart #003
1) HOLY CRAP I love this fic so much? Haughtyshipping is my favorite (followed by commonershipping) so I’m so happy I found a work so well written and thorough!
Thank you! ... Well then. Thanks to you, I might have to update this story once more before this year ends.
Heart #004
1) Heh. That was pretty devious of White. I kind of want Y to find out what she did just to see her reaction. Then again, she'd probably kill White even if she is her senior.
Pearl's being quite sneaky. I wonder if Diamond will catch on to what Pearl's doing once he notices all of the extra clothes Pearl brought. He isn't the smartest of the dexholders, but he would be quite perceptive of anything that involves Platinum like that.
I'm sure the time at the villa will be a fun read, and I look forward to it.
Well, Short Story - The Feast is basically what happened in this chapter, except with the focus on the lunch, and White’s revenge. And in that one, since the “issues” of Heart is not present, the focus is all on White and Y. And Y does find out in the end that it was all bullsh*t. And thus vows vengeance. And so the infinite cycle of revenge begins again.
Oh Diamond will notice what Pearl is doing immediately when he shows up in the villa, and then doesn’t leave. Now the issue will be to hide their conflict from Platinum. ... But will he succeed with that?
2) AAHH this chapter was so cute! I love the female dex holders getting to hang out— so sweet! I’m so excited for the next chapter, too:). Amazing work!
Oh, I love writing interactions with the younger female Dex Holders. ... Especially since three of them are in the top 5 favorite Dex Holders... And thank you!
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jiminshoney · 6 years
Where You Belong (Part 1)
Word Count: 7,522
Summary: When your relationship hits a rough patch you fall into the comfort of Taehyung who has, unfortunately, fallen for you. Possibly a soulmate au, not a typical one. // Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook
A/N: I haven’t posted my writing in quite some time so this is giving me lots of anxiety but I can’t stay away from writing angst so thank you to my dear friend Natalia for supporting this story and encouraging me to share it
When you met Jungkook during your first year of college, you were enchanted the very moment his big brown eyes locked with yours and he smiled. He’d been chatting with your friend outside one of the science labs while she waited on you. Upon your arrival she introduced the two of you quickly, explaining that Jungkook was her partner for a project in their biology class. You remember feeling like you could melt when he’d shaken your hand, the contrast of his warm fingertips against the December frost swooned you alone. You felt yourself unable to tear from his gaze while your friend’s voice blurred into the background.
He’s beautiful, you thought.
After he left your friend shoved you harshly, commenting on how obvious you were.
“You’ve practically got fucking hearts bulging out of your eyes,” she’d said. But you were too busy watching his figure disappear off the trails to care. So what if she noticed? “You can forget about it, there’s 20 other girls like you right now who want him. He’ll never give you the time of day.”
You only scowled at her, annoyed. She was wrong, you had just experienced love at first sight. Mutually. At least that’s what you convinced yourself initially. Why else would he have smiled at you so confidentiality, or stared into your eyes for so long. What else could explain the way your heart was forcefully pounding in your chest.
Well, not love, because after that day your friend’s words proved to be true. The second time you ran into him was during a brief exchange in the library, if you could even call it that. You saw him a few feet away walking out of the computer lab just as you were heading there. You waved your hand high to get his attention, stopping in your tracks as you stood there grinning, expecting him to meet you in the middle. Instead, he offered a toothless smile and nod as he continued towards his original destination, not faltering at all. The rush of air that passed took the breath out of your chest along with it, leaving you with a genuine feeling of stun.
Did he just reject me?
Anytime you think back to that day your ears burn with embarrassment. You wonder how stupid you must’ve looked standing there expectantly. He probably brushed it off though, tossing you and the memory into file with other thirsty girls who sought after him like puppies.
You didn’t want to be like them though. And not for the sake of standing out from the other girls to get noticed- not for that at all. But because you didn’t want to be a trivial memory in his mind of someone who was probably desperate or going to chase after him. You were neither of those things. So you chose to crush on him silently from a distance. You didn’t know much about him back then if anything at all, maybe it was only his attractiveness that drew you in, but it didn’t stop the feeling in your heart whenever you saw him around. Even if he paid you no mind.
It became apparent nearly a year later that the boy never even remembered your name. It was the first day of sophomore year then and you finally found yourself in a shared classroom with Jungkook. The professor had put you all in rotating groups to do self introductions. When you found yourself in front of him he smiled at you the same way he had before.
Maybe I’m not special and he smiles at everyone like that.
“You look familiar...” He’d said.
You prayed that familiarity was from your first meeting and not that cringey moment in the library.
“Er, yeah… we’ve met.”
“We have?”
“I’m Mimi’s friend.”
“Seriously? You had a bio class with her last fall, you guys did your final project together how can you-”
“Ohhh! Oh, oh, oh! I remember her now! Sorry…” He looked down solemnly and pursed his lips, “I’m forgetful, I’m sorry. Especially when it comes to ridiculous prerequisite classes I never wanted to be part of in the first place.”
Chuckling you told him, “It’s alright.” Voice coming out softer than planned. You felt apologetic yourself to him though you’d done nothing wrong.
He looked back up to you and smiled warmly, “Tell me your name again.”
“It’s Y/N. But I assume you’ll forget again in three months time when the quarters over? Since this is another ridiculous prereq and all...”
Laughter bubbled out of him at that, and you noticed the way his nose scrunched when he did so. His adorableness had you reeling. It made you want to lean over the table and peck his face, and without self-control you just may have. But you had it so instead you admired how cute he looked from your seat. Heart squeezing in your chest all the while.
“Nope.” He shook his head, raven black hair brushing over his twinkling eyes. “I won’t forget you this time.”
Like a real man true to his word, Jungkook didn’t.
Not that he even had a chance to.
During that quarter you and Jungkook hit a spark and ended up spending more and more time together. It started off innocently, using ‘studying’ as an excuse to invite the other over to their dorm. But those days frequently turned into movie nights or you’d end up together at some 24-hour diner past midnight. (Those nights happened more than they should have for two college students.) Eventually you both stopped pretending homework was the only thing bringing you together and just hung out as usual whenever possible. You two were inseparable. Jungkook had become your best friend.
Jungkook never confessed to you, never came right out and said hey Y/N I like you more than a friend, he didn’t need to. The feelings were always there, they came on early and they came on strong. His reciprocation was simply understood through his actions and your bond, communicating it wasn’t necessary.
That’s precisely why you didn’t pull away shocked when he kissed you at a New Years Eve party. Sure the timing surprised you a bit because you weren’t expecting it, but your hands naturally found their place on the back of his neck to pull him closer. It was nice not having to go through the- waityoulikemesincewhenohmygod conversation. When he broke apart from you, you only had to say, “Finally.”
That’s when the two of you became official. You hate having to tell the story though.
“It’s fucking cheesy,” You tell him every time. “Like, of course you’d kiss me on New Years.”
He just laughs at you, eyes crinkling the way you love so much.
For your senior year, you and Jungkook decide to get an apartment together off campus. It’s nothing spectacular, the rooms have been remodeled but the building is old so it comes with it’s fair share of problems and the location feels inconvenient at times. But it’s a space you get to share together.
February, just a month after your two year anniversary, Jungkook lands an internship with a budding gaming company. It was an amazing thing, you felt just as thrilled as him when he got chosen for the opportunity. The only real annoyance that came was that he spent nearly all his evenings at the company which just meant you spent (too much) time alone.
One Wednesday afternoon when the air happened to be too thick to only be inching its way towards spring, you’d went on one of your typical solo errand runs to the grocery store. You didn’t like to go to the store too frequently so you almost always ended up buying enough food to last the both of you about two weeks. It ended up being a hassle though to carry the multiple bags alone on the walk back to your apartment. The squishy sound of thin plastic rubbing against itself always seemed too loud without Jungkook there to make you forget what you were doing anyway.
Coming up to the entrance, you struggled to get a proper grip on the handle, unable to pull open the heavy metal door to your complex with hands full of grocery bags. You huff, annoyed because there’s a gentleman inside who doesn’t seem to notice, so you kick the door to get his attention. He rushes over quickly, pushing the glass forward to let you in easily.
“Do you need help?” He offers, seeming to count just how many of those plastic filled bags you’re carrying.
“It’s fine,” You mutter. “Thanks.”
With perfect timing the elevator dings and the man rushes in front of you, holding his arm out to make sure the doors stay open while you step on.
“What floor do you need?” He asks, already pressing the 5 as he comes in behind you.
You look at him quizzically then, you realize you’ve never seen this man before and you knew everybody from your floor. “Uh, five…” You twist your wrists as the doors shut, trying to easy the strain in your joints.
“Oh, we’re going to the same floor! You sure I can’t hold a few of those?”
“It’s fine.”
“What room are you in?”
You arch a brow at him, how much caution should you be taking? He seems harmless, but the fact you’ve never seen him before and he wants to know where you live is strange. To your knowledge there aren’t any vacancies for new tenants on your floor either.
The doors ding open again upon reaching the fifth floor. Suspicious, you don’t step out quite yet.
“My apologies, this is improper. My name is Kim Taehyung, I’m the new property manager. Just tryin’ to get acquainted with everyone that’s all. Didn’t mean to rub you the wrong way.”
“Ahhh,” Visibly relaxing, you exit the elevator in timing with his steps, remembering a notice the landlord mailed out to everyone after the holidays. “Mr.Lee said he was going to hire someone to help out here!”
“Yes, that’s me.” He says proudly, revealing a charming boxy smile.
He’s handsome, you think, finally noticing the amount of radiance this man exudes and the most endearing smile you’ve ever seen. After Jungkook, of course. It’s almost alluring.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N. I’m in 503.”
“Y/N from 503. I’ll remember that. Mr.Lee will send out another notice on how to reach me quickly by phone but I’ll be in 511 if you ever need me. Just down the hall.” He giggles and there’s a familiar thump in your chest but you don’t put much thought into it.
“You’ll be living here?”
“Well, yeah?”
“Sorry- you seem young it’s weird to think of you as the property manager.” You tease.
“Mm, should I call myself an assistant then? Between you and I my jobs pretty easy actually. People come to me with the problem, I’ll check it out, then tell the boss whether it’s a real problem or not so he can pay for it.”
“I hope that’s not what you put on your resume.”
“Oh no, I’ll fluff it up with shit about me doing regular electrical and plumbing assessments and taking the lead on conflict resolution for tenant complaints.”
Taehyung’s humor makes you share a bout of laughter momentarily, before the air around you starts to feel too hot. The outdoor humidity must’ve followed it’s way in.
“As much as I would love to stay and chat with you, I should go… I’m putting on a brave face but I feel like my hands could fall off any moment now.”
“Right, of course, go! It was nice meeting you Y/N.”
“You as well.”
You couldn’t have known it then, why your insides felt so warm and the air so stuffy. The weather seemed easy to blame when it was already in the mid 70s and maybe the ac isn’t adjusting properly. But that wasn’t it, if only a small piece of it.
Sometime during the summer after you and Jungkook graduated, he was offered a full time position from the company he’d been interning for. He was hesitant at first, unsure if he should even accept the job. He’d gone to school for graphic design and always knew he wanted to do something in the realm of multimedia. Unfortunately, they created a role to stand beside the web developer. His words were that it felt insincere, as if they’d just flicked him into a random department to assist. He also complained the developer worked in seclusion, keeping to herself downstairs in a room where it was quieter. Surely, having to be stuck with her every day all day would be boring… he would have nowhere near as much fun as he’d had for the past half-year being able to dabble with different teams.
You on the other hand were as excited as you were the first time around. Sure it wasn’t his dream, he hadn’t imagined assisting on web content right out of school. But hell, he was lucky enough to even be offered a job related to what he studied. Plus, they made room for him. They liked him that much, so much so that they created a job just so he could stick around. It didn’t mean he had to stay in that role, he could move around as other opportunities became available. And if not, he could at least take the experience to help land him his next job.
Reluctantly, he accepted.
The first few weeks he complained a lot. There were lots of mornings he ignored his alarm and you had to force him out of bed. There were nights he came home so dejected there were no amount of kisses in the world that could pull him out of his rut.
“You hate it that much?” You sighed one night, plopping down next to him on the edge of the bed.
He shrugged, kicking his feet childishly. “I’d rather be working on game development or animation or something with the other guys upstairs. I don’t give a shit about the stupid website.”
“But you still get to design stuff right?”
“Not even…” He lets out a frustrated sigh, letting his body fall back on the bed. You follow his actions, wrapping an arm around his middle as he continues. “There’s barely anything for me to do since Lia just takes on everything. She makes me fix bugs or upload new updates. Like today, a new banner of hers got approved so I literally just dragged it onto the page, waited 30 minutes for the sync to complete, then when I was done she told me to figure out why the paypal link on the checkout page wasn’t working and fix that.”
He rolls his eyes and you know none of this is supposed to be funny but seeing him pout like this you can’t help but chuckle. “I’m sorry, baby.” You coo, tilting your chin to kiss the underside of his jaw. “Maybe it’s just because she doesn’t quite trust you yet, you know? You gotta show some initiative, come up with your own ideas and share them with her. Maybe then she’ll let you handle bigger tasks.”
“I don’t know. It’s starting to feel like some shitty internship-- Y/N I swear to God if she ever asks me to go get coffee I’m quitting.”
You wish he would have been more resistant. You wish he would’ve ignored your initial attempts to convince him. You wish he threw in the towel when it first started making him unhappy. You wish he would’ve just put his foot down and said no, this isn’t what I want to do. Even if it meant he had to settle elsewhere until things looked up.
You wish he never stayed with that company. Because as things got better and he became more satisfied with work, he became more detached from you.
The change wasn’t blatantly obvious at first, it happened gradually. He always gave you a hug and kiss as soon as he got home, sometimes he didn’t. He always texted you throughout the day, sometimes he didn’t. Sometimes eventually became all the time when you two never spoke during the day anymore and you realized you always kissed him first.
But he’d still kiss you back, still cuddle up to you at night and tell you that he missed you today, still say I love you before you left off to work. Through the changes he kept you hanging somewhere in the middle.
Weeks went by and his supervisor finally let him take lead on an app the company was about to launch. Like always, you were happy for him, though it proved to be no help in your relationship. Being able to execute all his ideas and design layouts- he left work before you now, and if it wasn’t that he wouldn’t be home til nearly midnight. When he was home during the evening his attention remained on his laptop. You started falling asleep outside his embrace, his hands too busy tending to his tablet where he was probably drawing something.
“Don’t stay up too late.” You’d say, though it would already be nearing 2 AM. You would try to fight your own fatigue, wanting to wait for him to finish so you could fall asleep together but there was no use. He’d hum a response, at least giving you enough attention for a second to let you know he heard you. But he wouldn’t kiss you or at bare minimum utter a goodnight.
You couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Perhaps life was sending your relationship to the ringer. You’d gone these years in your own little world of secluded bliss, maybe it was time that life tested the strength of your bond. Perhaps no longer being students but two working adults in the “real” world was just taking its toll. Maybe he was so focused and happy about projects at work that by the time he got with you he was distracted and didn’t have the energy to give that enthusiasm back to you.
It wasn’t all bad all the time, at least you had Taehyung.
During Taehyung’s first few weeks getting acclimated with the building and all the new faces and names he had to memorize, you often saw him around, always dressed neatly in a white button-down tucked into black slacks. He came across professional and put together, making you feel the pressure of needing to remain poised and impressionable even though he was the one trying to do just that. He always addressed you by name, a nice change from Mr. Lee’s scratchy “Uh, 5th floor right?” when he saw you. To be fair, the old man was hardly around and owned two complexes which meant more people to keep up with.
Taehyung was a delight and winning over everyone’s hearts in no time. He added a vending machine in the gym, stocked with gatorade and water bottles which was a thousand times better than the dinky fountains. You heard from a girl on the floor above yours that when her window cracked he had it taken care of before the weekend. Through word of mouth you heard he always bought coffee for the security guard working graveyard shift, supposedly dinner sometimes too. You never had to call him for anything but everyone always said he was extremely easy to get in contact with. It probably helped that he lived here and didn’t seem to have any other day job but it was still another nice change from Mr.Lee who’s record response time was three business days.
The two of you first got close one evening when he was entering the building just as you were leaving. He was dressed in a sapphire blue dress suit, the first time you’d seen him in anything other than his normal attire and of course it would be even fancier than before.
“Woo, look at you!”
For a moment it seemed his cheeks were turning color but he was doing a spin before you could fully tell. “Like it?”
“You look... great!” Truly he did, like a model plucked straight from a catalog. You were lost for the appropriate word. “Where are you coming from dressed like this?”
“A date.” He smirks.
“Ahh… a date…” You ponder the word, wondering what kind of date it must’ve been if he had to dress up like this. Could it have been at one of those upscale restaurants that make you pay just to reserve a table.. Where would he have got the money for that anyway... and, I wonder what kind of girls he’s into?
You shoot your eyes at him, seeing he still has a smirk on his lips. His eyes are teasing but the word still annoys you, or you’re just flustered with yourself for letting your mind wander. “I-Taehyung, I have a boyfriend.”
“I know... I’ve seen him. “
“You met?”
“Not formally. One night I just saw some guy trying to get into your apartment and I was staring at him and finally he looked back at me like why is this guy glaring at me go into my apartment. I guess I put two and two together.”
You nod but don’t say anything, still the slightest bit annoyed but you couldn’t say why.
“I was joking, I’m sorry. Uh, I had dinner with my parents. My dad’s a super important business guy so if I’m not dressed to a T my mom will scold me for days about it.” He laughs but it feels forced and the smile from it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Anyway, where are you off to?”
“Uh, I’m hungry and I don’t feel like cooking so-”
“Boyfriend making you walk by yourself this late?”
For some reason his question makes you tense, “He’s working.” You feel a strong urge to defend him, to tell Taehyung Jungkook’s a really nice guy and he cares about me and if he was home I wouldn’t even be out here right now. But that would just be you emotionally rambling. You knew deep down even if he was home he probably wouldn’t have noticed you walk out anyway.
“Well there’s this taco truck on the other side of the block I know of…If you don’t mind me showing you.”
“Didn’t you just have dinner?”
“Sitting with my dad for more than ten minutes kills my appetite. I could use some food.” He chuckles, a bit more naturally this time, and the depth of his tone eases the anxiety that was starting to build in you.
“Sure.” You smile. “Let’s go.”
It was the beginning of fall then but traces of summer kept you warm around him, or could it have been his energy?
You got to learn more about Taehyung that night. You learn that his true passion lies within photography, and it’s what he does for extra money, but his dad doesn’t support it and has been nagging him for the longest to get a “real” job. He lived with his parents up until March of this year when they  got fed up and kicked him out. By some type of strange luck, his dad happened to be good friends with Mr.Lee and helped him get this job.
At the beginning of the year his resolution was to save up the money he was making from different gigs until the summer, that's when he would kickstart his dream of becoming a travel blogger. That all changed when his dad threw a wrench in his plan.
“I like helping out at the apartment, I feel important there.” He tells you. “But now I’m worried I’m gonna get trapped here and never be able to explore my dreams.”
It’s interesting to hear life problems and fears from someone who comes across calm, cool, and collected all the time. It makes you feel less insecure about the fact your own life isn’t what it appears to be behind closed doors.
Maybe everybody’s world was like this, collectively walking on rocky ground while trying to stay optimistic even though you’re scared. By letting down his walls it naturally allowed the two of you to become close and from then on he becomes one of your closest friends.
It wasn’t all bad all the time, you had Taehyung.
You ended up spending a lot of your free time with him. When places came up that you wanted to visit he’d be the one you were dragging along because of course Jungkook would be too busy. Somewhere along the line you two started having dinner together nearly every night whether it was his place, your place, or somewhere out in the city. Although, eating at Taehyung’s place might as well have been the same as eating out because the boy couldn’t even cook anything decent which meant he always ordered delivery. That was alright, it never really mattered what you two did together because being in his presence on its own was enjoyable. He kept you comfortable and kept your spirits up, always forgetting that one thing that otherwise kept you sad.
For Halloween you and Jungkook make plans to see a new horror movie that drops that night. It’s your first date in who knows how long, but without fail he texts you an hour before he’s supposed to get off.
From: jungkook♥ [4:57 PM]
Hey babe, I’m really sorry… Namjoon invited me to this bar. It’s supposed to be really fun on Halloween. You know I haven’t been able to hang out with the other guys in a while so I’m gonna go, ok? We can still see the movie on Saturday. Promise
It’s not shocking but still really disappointing. You two hadn’t spent any quality time together in ages so to be blown off for his coworkers of all things admittedly hurt a lot. You found yourself in the same old situation, treading your way to Taehyung’s door to invite him instead.
“Trick or treat!” You beam when he opens the door, already masking your emotions so he wouldn’t worry or ask questions.
“Oh- I- I didn’t buy any candy.” He looks back into his apartment worriedly, and you can read in his eyes that he’s trying to figure out where he may have some tucked away.
“Hey, it’s fine.” You laugh, tugging on his arm to make him face you again. “That’s not why I’m here. Got any plans?”
“Uh, nothing in particular. Mr. Lee told me to stay home to make sure the building doesn’t get egged though.”
“Okay that’s literally never happened and not going to, sooo... I was supposed to go to the movies tonight b-”
“Ahh,” Taehyung hums, his expression flattening. “Let me guess... your boyfriend flaked and you’re here to try out option number two.”
“Don’t be like that,” You pout. “I always wanna go to these places with you just as much as I want to go with him.”
“That’s supposed to make me feel better?”
“You know what I mean! Why are you being like this?”
He ignores the question and turns back into his apartment, “What time is the movie?”
You follow his lead and shut the door behind you, watching him head down the hall to likely go get ready.  “If you don’t take a year to do your hair we can go to the show that starts in two hours.”
You’re able to make it there an hour before the movie starts, the theater unsurprisingly having two equally long lines already. There's an array of people waiting to buy tickets, between horror movie fans there for the same reason as you, mom-friends with their children dressed in animal and princess costumes, and then the handful of couples with the shared unoriginal idea for a Halloween movie date. You can’t blame them, you would’ve been one of them.
Taehyung speaks up just as you notice more people trailing in behind you, “Don’t think I missed what you said earlier. I don’t think I take that long to do my hair. You make me sound vain.”
You smile up at him, knowing he knows it too since he settled for wearing a beanie tonight. “You do take a while but I don’t think it’s that. I just think you care a lot about how you’re perceived.”
“That’s not a bad thing.” He counters.
“Mm, no. But does it really matter, what others think?”
He tilts his head, thinking before deciding, but before he gets a chance to answer one of the employees steps out of the ticket booth holding a sign and instructs everyone to form a new line if they are here specifically for the new movie premiere. He unfolds the stand that has the movie’s poster on it and a big black arrow to guide people to a designated window.
Taehyung links his arm with yours and pulls you along with the crowd as nearly half the people there rush to get toward the front of the new line. You’re able to mostly avoid the pushing and shoving as you settle behind a couple in front of you.
The girl happens to glance back at you and smile, her curly hair bouncing when she turns back and lays her head on the guy’s shoulder. His arm automatically wraps around her waist and the action has you pulling your own away from Taehyung quickly. It makes you self conscious that you’re here with him and not your own boyfriend, despite no one knowing the difference. Someone could look at you two and assume you’re no different than the pair in front of you.
Something seems oddly familiar, you realize after staring at the back of him, something about him and his dark hair feels like you’ve seen him before. Taehyung starts speaking again but you’re zoned out studying the nape of his neck, waiting for something to click in your mind or hoping he’ll just happen to turn around.
Could it be an old friend from school? Maybe someone who also lives at the apartments…?
The sound of your name pulls you out of your thoughts and you see the line has moved and Taehyung is waiting a few feet in front of you.
“Sorry!” You blurt, darting forward. “I- I was-”
“You okay?” His eyes flicker back and forth, he notices somethings on your mind.
“Yeah! This guy just seems like someone I know.” You keep your voice low as you point to him.
“Really?” He leans forward, attempting to be casual as he tries to get a better look of his face, but the guy notices and turns his head to frown at Taehyung.
“Can I help you?”
He whips around fully, releasing his hold on the other woman. “Heyyy…” He smiles slightly and it’s clear from his furrowed brow he doesn’t actually recognize you.
“Its Y/N! Jungkook’s girlfriend?”
“Right, Y/N!” His dimples bloom once you say that and he remembers. He steps forward to hug you and it catches you off guard but you return it nonetheless. The two of you met months and months ago when Jungkook was still an intern. You randomly brought him lunch on a day they happened to be working together and Namjoon ended up inviting you inside and let you stay a while. He was very welcoming. “How are you?”
“I’m fine, what are you doing here?”
“Um, here to see a movie.” He says obviously through a quiet laugh.
“Right, I just thought-”
“NEXT!” The employee’s voice breaks through a tiny speaker, interrupting you from revealing something you shouldn’t say- thankfully.
The girl he’s with breaks away to go to the window.
He’s already pulling his wallet from a back pocket, “Welp that’s us.”
“Hey-” You call, before he’s out of reach. “Did you come with anybody else?”
He shakes his head a negative. “Just my date.” He smiles once more before going to pay for his tickets where they were both waiting.
Anger bubbles, it comes in and rushes to a clenched fist. And beside that, laying in the pit of your stomach, is pain. You’re not sure what to say or how you should react. It’s a messy combination which makes you want to lash out and break down all at once. What does this even mean? All you know is that you’ve been lied to and it’s maddening. Where do you go from there?
“Tae-” Your eyes are glassy, not necessarily from tears of sadness, just overwhelmed by emotion. “I wanna go home.”
That’s all you are for the time being. You’re quiet the whole twenty minute train ride home, quiet while you walk side by side down the street, you’re quiet upon entering the complex, quiet up the elevator, and quiet following Taehyung down the hall.
It’s not until you’re in the safety of his apartment that Taehyung cuts the silence.
“You don’t have to pretend in front of me.”
You’re already curled up on his couch, he comes from around the corner with a tissue box in hand. He doesn’t say anything about it, just places it gently on the coffee table and sits at the opposite end of the couch from you.
“I don’t know what you mean.” You turn your head away from him, pretending you don’t notice the gesture.
“Come on, what happened back there? Tell me who that guy was.”
“No one to me. He works with Jungkook.”
“Okay…” His voice trails, waiting for you to answer the other half of his question but you won’t. Even if it means you have to sit here in more silence. He’ll let it go eventually, like he always does whenever you get a bit moody. He’ll ask what’s wrong and you’ll say nothing, he’ll press it once or twice and when he’s unable to get through he’ll find something else to talk about. He’ll usually say something funny and you end up forgetting whatever it was that made you upset in the first place.
Not this time.
“Does that have something to do with why you’re upset right now?”
“No. I’m fine. I’m just-”
“Just what, huh? Tired? Is that what you’re gonna say?”
The harshness of his tone surprises you, but when you finally look at him you can tell he doesn’t mean to be rude. He’s frustrated, annoyed, probably with you. It would be fair, you think, since this happens more than it should. You end up bothered over something to do with Jungkook and as much as you try to suppress or hide it Taehyung always senses the change.
He drawls out your name, voice softening as he scoots closer. “Look, I know something is going on between you and Jungkook. You never wanna tell me what it is but I see through these things, I know it’s about him. You can talk to me about it, it’s okay.”
He rests his hand over your thigh and his touch feels too warm. Like all the heat from his palm is trying to melt away your facade. It works, annoyingly it does. Because in seconds you feel your wall deteriorating. Your heart aches unpleasantly, you want to let this feeling out. If anyone was going to support you right now it was him after all.
“He lied to me.” Your lip quivers and you pause to take a deep breath in. Regardless, you still couldn’t cry in front of him. You won’t allow him to see you like that. “He lied, he flaked on me because he said he wanted to hang out with Namjoon but he lied.” Your tears have a mind of their own, despite your resistance they manage to fall on their own accord. It’s frustrating and you try to look to the ceiling and blink them away but Taehyung grabs onto you and presses your head against his shoulder. You’re weak under his hold, it only makes you break more.
“It’s okay.” He repeats, silently letting you know it is completely fine to cry.
“It hurt that he’d rather hang out with his coworker than me but it wasn’t even that! Like, what is then? Maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal if it weren’t for the fact we’re already not in a good space. It’s just not the same, you know… He’s not the same, he doesn’t treat me the same. It feels like he doesn’t love me anymore.”
Your voice wavers through the sentence, saying it out loud hurts even more than thinking it. Saying it makes it feel more real, like it’s not just a paranoia but a fact. Maybe that’s why you hid everything from Taehyung for so long. It wasn’t because you didn’t trust him, you told him everything else. It makes sense to you now that it’s because you haven’t wanted to face it, facing it meant dealing with it. It’s like finding a bug in your home, who knows how long it’s been around or where it’s crawled out from, but once you find it you have to get rid of it somehow.
You break away from him to reach for a few tissues, when you sit back you notice a small wet spot soaked through the red cotton of his sweatshirt. You feel apologetic but it makes you chuckle a bit too.
“How’d you know?” You decide to ask. “That we had problems.”
“Well…” He releases a shaky breath, eyes roaming through his living room while he tries to find his words. “You spend too much time with me, for starters. Which is okay, I know you said he works late but then you were always asking me to go somewhere with you because he bailed. I mean every single time Y/N, how busy can someone be? It seemed weird. And one day we were out and it just kinda dawned on me… you don’t talk about him anymore. You used to bring him up a lot, compare him to what somebody else had done, tell me about things he was doing at work, little things like that they just stopped.”
“Ugh, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, I get it. It’s love. I remember the first time you told me about him, your eyes were sparkling like they do to those little Barbie dolls.”
Laughter breaks out of you at the comparison, “A Barbie doll? Nice...”
“That’s what it reminded me of! All wide eyed, bright, and happy. Jungkook’s an asshole.”
The moment turns serious again. Sure you were mad at him right now and as he should be Taehyung was too. Still, that didn’t open a door for him to talk badly about Jungkook.
“No, I’m gonna say it. He’s an asshole and he’s a dumbass. Jungkook’s got the second greatest woman in the world and he just… he just leaves you like this.”
“Mom comes first.” He chuckles, boxy grin making an appearance.
“You’re sweet…” Your voice remains calm and seemingly unbothered but internally you’re melting at the fact that this pure and thoughtful gentlemen puts you at such a high ranking. He’s literally perfect.
“I’m serious, Y/N. You’re amazing. You’re smart, you always seem to know the right thing to say. You’re loving, you’re sincere… You’re passionate. I love how you don’t half ass anything, you put effort and thought into whatever you do. I mean everything you do. You’re… everything, and… you’re so, so beautiful.”
“Alright.” You sigh, playfully rolling your eyes but really trying to hide the fact you were blushing hard.
“If Jungkook isn’t balls deep in love with you then-”
“Tae!” You laugh, shoving his chest, but his hands just find your hips and tug you closer. Too close you realize when his breath fans across your face.
“I’m being serious.”
Your eyes lock with his, “What are you saying?”
If that wasn’t some type of full blown confession, you aren’t sure what is. But that’s not what you want from him. You don’t want him to confirm it. You want him to say ‘You know it’s not like that…’ Even though it blatantly is. You’ve always known, the desire in his eyes boring into your own right now has always been there. The difference now is he’s only inches away, which makes his feelings that much harder to ignore. You need him to say otherwise because you can feel yourself cracking under his guise. He makes it hard to breathe, the proximity of his body to yours is making you too hot and it’s too much and you don’t know why.
“I think you know.”
His gaze lowers to your lips, the temptation stronger than it’s been before.
Time seems to stop then.
There’s a magnetizing pressure surrounding your bodies that awakens something inside of you. Something that sparks to life and swirls around in your chest. Maybe Taehyung has always made you feel this way. The way the first touch of the sun wraps you in it’s warmth, but sitting under it too long burns. Maybe you’ve always felt the same- a little bit... but never fully been able to reciprocate.
His eyes flutter shut, it seems like so slowly, and you’re caving under the pressure.
I could throw in the towel, you think, letting your lashes fall too. Your relationship has already run its course, hasn’t it? Already hit its peak and crashed. It’s unsalvageable anyway, right?
Delicately, you let your hand cup the side of his face, urging him to come closer. You can give in like this and give this part of you to Taehyung, who’s here and present with his undivided attention.
He’s leaning in and so are you. Your minds made up, you shouldn’t, but you’ve already cracked. It’s too late, you figure when your nose brushes his. You’re so close you can already imagine the taste of him but he’s hesitant, he’s careful, waiting on you to close the gap. It’s up to you after all.
But you don’t.
I shouldn’t.
“I can’t.”
You push his hands off of you, opening your eyes to reality as time snaps back into place.
Jungkook is still your boyfriend. It wouldn’t be right to cheat on him like this. No matter the circumstances. You didn’t have all the answers yet.
You push yourself back into the arm of the couch, you’re trying to break away from him but there’s no room left to go. You mold your hand over his knee, nudging him the slightest bit. You need room to breathe, you need the room to get your head back on straight, but a part of you didn’t want to push him where he might become unreachable.
He moves back, guiding himself all the way to the other end of the couch. The sudden space has your heart squeezing unpleasantly. He doesn’t look at you so you can’t quite read his expression with his head hung low, he could be sad or he could be angry. The guilt you feel is overwhelming either way. You know he’s not an egotistical person, but you can’t help but feel you just broke some part of him. On top of that, you almost just threw away a three year relationship in the heat of a moment.
“I’m gonna go.” Standing from the couch your legs feel like jelly, but you do your best to make your way to the door.
“Hey,” He’s quick to come after you, holding your arms in place. “You don’t have to. You can stay.”
“I can’t stay.”
“You can stay. If you don’t want to deal with him tonight you’re welcome here.”
You don’t miss the way he avoids saying Jungkook’s name. You shake your head. “I can’t stay here, not like this.” You don’t have to elaborate. The last ten minutes should say enough. You pull out of his grasp and hastily shove on your shoes .
“Y/N, stay.” He pleads. “I’ll even let you take my bed, I can sleep on the couch.”
“No! I wanna see Jungkook...”
He does a good job of keeping a straight face when you say that, no type of reaction flickers in his eyes. But when he says “Alright.” The bitterness spits itself in the air.
“Tae, it’s not meant to be this way. I shouldn’t be here right now. I’m supposed to be at home.”
“What if you belong here?”
You think about the word for a moment and what exactly he means by that. He didn’t actually believe that, that you were meant to be here with him right now, did he? His voice seems sincere, like he’s asking you to think about it. But how could you even consider that a possibility when there was another human being out there who you’d given your heart to long ago, and whom- despite the rough patch you were currently in- you love very, very much.
“I don’t.”
TBC  Part 2
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epouvantes · 4 years
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❛ willa fitzgerald, cis woman, she/her ❜ was that charlie brodeur? the twenty-six year old nurse has been in town since birth. the human has a reputation for being kindhearted & quick-tempered. you know they’re around when you get flashes of ( messy buns, deep breaths, cracked iphone screen & fairy lights strung all over ). rumor has it, they have no affiliations. { samu, est, 25, she/they }
( OOC: TW: ANXIETY MENTION AT THE END OF THIS PARAGRAPH. hi! i’m samu, i’m 25 and i use she/they pronouns! i’m so so so so so excited for this rp and for you all to meet my babies!!!!! i wanted to make this lil ooc section just to let y’all know that i’ll be posting longer and more detailed intro-like posts for my charas eventually, but i wanted to be able to give lil summaries and connection ideas before then so!!!!! there it is!!!!! thank u sm for reading!!!!! also if i ever message you to plot, which i’d like to do with everyone if my social anxiety allows it, pls don’t feel obligated to plot with me at all!!!!! i love connecting with other writers and stuff but i’ll completely understand if you’re not up to plot with me and my charas <33 ) ← this is the same ooc paragraph in all of my first three intros, so pls feel free to skip it! <3
brief introduction.
charlie’s mother was born and then spent all her life in ottawa, ontario, until she got pregant with charlie (original name is charlotte but charlie legally changed it as soon as she legally could after turning eighteen). isabelle, charlie’s mother, had a double citizenship (canada/usa) thanks to her mother (who she had a very complicated relationship with) being american, so when she basically ran away from home (although not really because she was twenty years old at the time), the move to the states was somewhat easy (or well, as easy as it could be).
charlie and her mother are very close!! kind of similar-ish to lorelai and rory in gilmore girls when it comes to closeness, except that they’re more like... soft, i guess? very intelligent and curious like the gilmore girls, sure, but not necessarily as quick-witted, humorous and energetic. well, isabelle sort of is a bit more so than charlie, but yes! basically, charlie and her mom are super close!
charlie’s mom (isabelle) made herself quite the stable home in blackthorne, and it’s been a home to her and charlie ever since they arrived (whilst charlie was still a fetus, of course)! nowadays, the two of them don’t live together anymore, but they see a lot of each other and get along rlly rlly well! i don’t want to set isabelle’s job in stone since i’ll probably make a wanted connection for her, but i’m picturing her doing something either really artsy or people-focused! or even both?
charlie has known she wanted to be a nurse since the age of thirteen. back in her pre-teens, isabelle and charlie’s elderly neighbour, mrs. cunningham, got quite sick and though charlie obvi didn’t do physical tasks to help out, just holding mrs. cunningham’s hands and being there for her felt right. charlie has always felt best when she's helping or caring for others, and that doesn’t seem close to change any time soon!
she was honestly a bit difficult to get along with when she was younger? bc as kind as she tended to be, she got angry VERY easily, especially when it came to other kids being careless and not paying attention to others. like, since childhood, there’s nothing that frustrates charlie more than people not taking others into consideration. also, um... when she gets mad, she gets MAD. she’s a fire sign (zodiac wise) and it really, REALLY shows lmao!!!!! she also tends to be quite dramatic and theatrical when it comes to her anger so idfjlkdjlkfdj it can lowkey be entertaining for those not involved in whatever is going on!
rn she’s living in a two bedroom apartment with two roommates! i picture charlie sharing a bedroom with one of her roommate (and can they PLEASE have bunk beds iM begging sjdljfdljfdlkfdj), and for the other roommate to have their own bedroom! i feel like both bedrooms would be REALLY small, but that actually all the other rooms would be quite roomy? and that it’d be a super well lit apartment? and like definitely not high class or anything, but DEFINITELY homey!
can be a bit reckless when it comes to her own safety, especially if others are in danger (she does have a bit of a hero complex), which is DEF not ideal right now lmao dflkjdlkfjlkdfj
loves partying btw!!!! she works rlly rlly hard as a nurse and is generally quite chill outside of work, but she feels the need to let loose, like really loose at least once every two weeks or more!
connection ideas.
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND: along with her mother, this is the person charlie trusts and cherishes the most. and also lbr she can be a TINY bit more of herself with her best friend than with her mother, bc no matter how much she loves her mother, she’s still her mother. and this best friend would actually probably get along with isabelle really well too! i didn’t necessarily picture charlie’s best friends as one of her roommates, but if you’d like to go for that too, i definitely wouldn’t be opposed! ( 00 / 01 )
ROOMMATES: as described a lil bit above, charlie shares a two-bedroom apartment with two other roommates! the rooms are all pretty spacey, except for the bedrooms which are on the small size! still, charlie shares one of the bedrooms with one of her roommates (probably with bunk beds!!!!!! the adult-y kind?? where the bottom bunk is like a bit bigger??), and the other roommate has a room of their own!! the apartment is also really well-lit, with a lot of well-placed window, and though it’s definitely not luxurious, it 100% has a very homey feel to it! ( 00 / 02 )
COLLEAGUE(S): people who charlie works with! other nurses would definitely be interesting because they can unwind together and understand each other in a way that other people can’t? ooooh, although there could also maybe be a “rival” nurse to charlie for whatever reason we can work out together (bc charlie is caring af so maybe if your character is more ambitious and has a different way of dealing with patients - which is probably just as good as charlie’s but only different - so maybe they clash about that?) but also!!!!!! dOCTORS PLEASE!!!!!! knowing some people in health services, the way doctors act with nurses can vary quite intensely (from what i know which ofc is only a small sample tho so!!), but like....... mayhaps a doctor who really respects nurses and understands how they can have a unique point of view when it comes to what’s happening to the patients, and who tries to work with the nurses as a team!! therefore a doctor who charlie probably really admires and appreciates!!!! on the other hand, though...... a doctor who seems to think they’re above nurses (whether they really are or not is up to you, but it could be the impression that charlie is getting!) like maybe a doctor who doesn’t take kindly to being questioned, especially not by people who aren’t doctors and like...... lmao charlie doesn’t care!!!! she’ll question you!!!! (also lowkey..... this is FAR from necessary but i just stumbled upon a list of enemies to lovers novels and this seems like such a cliché plot but slfkjlxjfkljdf i wouldn’t be opposed to that if it works out with the chemistry and all of that? i’m not into planning long term romantic plots bc i feel like it hinders things and what not, but! it can be a possibility if you’d like that, maybe?) ( 00 / ?? )
EX-FIANCÉ(E): charlie’s high school sweetheart!! they started dating when charlie was fifteen (and your chara was in the same year as charlie but ig depending on the time of year they might have been the same age or a few months older or younger sflkdfjlkjfd), and they got engaged when they were twenty-one years old! charlie’s mother actually didn’t really approve of the union, even though she loved your chara, as she thought they were too young, but back then, charlie didn’t care about what others said about she and your chara’s relationship! they were actually engaged for two years before they both realized that they kept on pushing off the wedding. and it wasn’t just because they were scared; they just weren’t sure they actually wanted it anymore. then, they decided to take a “break”. that was around three years ago, and the two have barely talked to each other since, avoiding each other’s stares when they walk by each other on the street, something that happens much too often to their taste. they both still have their rings, but i feel like they’re probably just holding on to them out of nostalgia, because it seems quite clear that their relationship is over. problem is, they were close friends before they started dating, and they honestly miss each other’s friendship. also!! i don’t have a gender preference for your chara tbh!! at the age of nine, charlie loudly announced that she liked girls after climbing on the tallest tree in the park during a special school outing (to the park a block away from their school..... ok it wasn’t that special of an outing, but most of the school was still there in the park!) and at the age of fourteen she officially came out as bisexual! ( 00 / 01 )
EDIT: i wanna post this now so i won’t make a lil paragraph for it right now, but!!!! party friends is def an idea that would work very very well!
i can’t think of anything else right now, but i’m definitely open to many many more ideas! these were just the few things i could come up with right now!
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