#this makes it sound like i've been defending her actions this whole time
being an absolute milf can only get you so far, esther
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heartilywrites · 8 months
❝ In every universe ; H. Callahan
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next >
cw: mention of death, angst, spider-verse references, swear words, just spider!hazel being a dork too!
word count: 2.5k
a/n: heiya!! this is my first post ever, I just had an idea of spider!hazel and wanted to share it with y'all!!! hope u like it ♡ I'm sorry if there's any mistake, english is not my first language!
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“𝓞kay! let's do this one more time. My name is Hazel Callahan, I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for a year and a half I've been the one and only Spider–Woman. I'm sure you know the rest. ”
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⠀Hazel was running.
Hazel was running late to the fight club, third time this week.
Can you blame her. . .? Maybe. Let's see, she finished her last class on time, hell, she was 5 minutes early out of school; so she thought, —why not going out to kill time while the fight club meeting started?— but oh, Hazel. . . she should stayed inside.
Three minutes after stepping foot outside a scream was heard followed by a explotion and a very familiar laugh, the brunette made a tiny tantrum before running to a nearby alley and change to her suit.
So now it made sense why she was with her mask between her teeth while she's shoving her suit in that old brown backpack her mother gifted her when she was around fourteen.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What the fuck, Hazel?” PJ spoke when the girl came through the doors, everyone's eyes on her now. “We promised to be punctual, who do you think you are to be this late? Spider–Woman?”
Hazel laughed a bit too loud due to her nervousness, the action made the other brunette frown a bit before letting her in. She started speaking again.
To her fortune, no one asked why she was all bruised up and had some fresh cuts in her face, for what they knew, Hazel was still going to taekwondo. Or at least, that's what she told everyone, also, she was a purple belt! According to her, again, but she has been a purple belt since dropping taekwondo.
Callahan made her way to the group, noticing one more new face and ... wait, was tha–?
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Punishment for coming late, newbie and Hazel. Let's go!” PJ talked again, making the latter jumped on her place looking back at the girl who just smiled with malice.
Once both girls were set up one infront of the other one Hazel called your name with confusion and you just looked like you were about to cry. “You know each other?” asked Josie just as confused.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, we. . . we were best friends since kids, but she had to move out when we were fifteen. When did you–” Hazel was cut off by your fist hitting her nose.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh! Newbie can fight!” PJ laughed at the scene just witnessed. “Defend yourself, Hazel!”
The brunette looked shocked at what just happened, but was fast to attack back.
Now, Hazel was known to be a great fighter; the spider bite made her be more cautious about other people's way to attack, but she just couldn't figure you out. Her. . . uhh, she calls it intuition, so; her intuition has been all over the place making her being attentive of everything since she saw you. It's like she has the answer on the tip of her tongue, but couldn't say it.
On the whole gym the sound of Callahan's body hitting the ground made an echo. Your knee was on her torso and both hands holding hers, she looked as shocked as she was at the beginning.
Everyone clapped; shocked, confused, surprised and really excited (PJ, obviously).
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Alright, that's enough of seeing Haze getting her ass kicked.” Josie stood up laughing a bit nervous. “We should continue with the next couple.”
You didn't make a sound, just took Hazel's hand to help her stand up and make your way back to your sit and watched the next pair, the latter just sat on her own side with that a frown.
When the practice ended, everyone sprinted out of the gym leaving you and Hazel alone for the first time. Once you notice that, panic began to rise in your system.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Hey. . .” that sweet voice you didn't thought you'll hear again rang in your ears. “It's nice to see you. . . I missed you.”
Your breath stopped in your lungs and both hands moving to collect things stop as well. “It's nice to see you too. . .” your own voice came out with a little shake. “I– you look great. . . And happy.”
A really weak smile started to make its way into your face when you turned around and for the first time in the lapse of two hours you were there your eyes met hers with calm. She was smiling big at you and didn't give you time to think before her arms were around your body with a tiny laugh.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, god! I have so much to tell you!” she exclaimed with the excitement a child would have, after some time, the hug broke. “When did you arrive? Why didn't you call me? We need to go back to that one café! You know, that girl keeps asking fo—” Hazel's words were cut off when both of your arms were around her hugging her body, almost crushing her ribs. “Shit, you got stronger ... Are you okay?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, no, I'm sorry.” a sniff sounded from your side “I just needed one from you.” now your head nodded.
Hazel was about to talk when both of you felt your "tingles" —oh, some Hazel is going to be pissed when she finds out that other people call it that.— started to alert.
Your best friend not knowing how to make an excuse was so close to run away without a word before you took her hand.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Don't ask, I know you're spider–woman, we need to leave now.” you said almost pleading, taking advantage at the fact that it was only the both of you, you undressed quickly staying in your spider suit as well. Hazel looked like she was about to pass out.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “YOU–” she cut off herself after realizing she was yelling. “You're spider–woman too!?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I don’t have time to explain right now, Haze! Please, just follow me, I– we need your help.” An answer came from your way while looking for your mask and put it on.
As if she could feel your exasperation, Hazel was quick to run under the benchs to get herself ready, while you watched if anyone came in. Once she was full-on suit, without talking you guided the way.
There was a job you needed to do before leaving. It was supposed to be an in–and–out job, no distraction, no waste of time, just the reason why you were sent to that dimension and then: continue to another assignment.
But your destination point was so near to the same school you went on your dimension and thought maybe of visiting, knowing your heart was aching for something else.
As soon as the both of you arrived to the scene you turned to Hazel. “Alright, listen, this is the plan.” your voice sounded a little muffled because of the mask, but was clear enough for her to hear.
There was a villain who didn't belong to that earth and you were assigned to take him back to the quarters so they could send him back to his dimension.
Once your best friend understood the plan it was time to execute it.
You were not going to lie, Hazel and you made a pretty good team together. Swinging in harmony, having the best unspoken communication about who made which punches first or who was doing the distraction and who was the attacker.
She improvised a bit, making it easier for the both of you to capture and kick the bad guy through a portal you open with your tools.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “That was awesome!? Where did you learn to fight like that!?” An excited Hazel talked while taking her mask off, a big smile in her face and messy bangs were covering her eyes, you smiled a bit.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It came with the bite, didn't it?” You answer while brushing a bit your hair, a couple of steps were taken and now you brushed Hazel's bangs so you could see her eyes. “Uhm, the organization taught me.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What organization? The one you sent that stupid thing to?” She asked making air signals with her hands about the portal which was closed by then, now you laughed shortly and nodded.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Here, let's sit and I'll talk to you about it.” you said while climbing to the nearest roof and sitting yourself with your legs crossed, Hazel was quick to swing herself up and sit by your side.
You talked about everything; about how you were from another dimension, how you worked with spider–people from everywhere —fact that made Hazel very happy, feeling that she wasn't the only one anymore.—, your assignment, why you were the one to get that assignment and about the next one.
Hazel listened with glowing eyes like a kid when they see something they want, between her hands she took one of yours and was playing with it, both of them were in your suits. Your suit and Hazel's were almost the same, that made your heart feel warm somehow; while yours was red and black with some golden straps on your upper arms, Hazel's was red and blue with the same upper arms detail, but it was black.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “So. . . Can I join?” she asked after some minutes of comfortable silence where you both were looking to the hands holding.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “That's not up to me, sunny.” you called her nickname making Hazel remember your childhood together. “I was not supposed to look for you, actually, I was order to do it alone.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Then. . . why did you?” instead of sounding mad or annoyed, she sounded curious.
You took a couple of minutes before answering.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I needed to see you. . . At least in another dimension.” your sight turned blurry because of the tears. “I lost you in mine.”
The other girl's face was full surprise, she didn't speak nor asked for clarification, instead she move as close as the anatomy would allow the both of you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “In my dimension I didn't move away, I convinced my parents to stay here.” you began to say, wiping away tears streaming down your face. “We were happy, then I got bit by the spider instead of you and became spider–woman.” a bitter laugh came out from your throat.
~ “I was scared to death about the new powers, but you assured me that it was a good thing, that you were going to be by my side all the time.” a deep breath was heard and now Hazel hugged you from your shoulders, you almost melted. “We started to date. . .”
It was there where Hazel felt her heart skipped a beat when having a reminder of those feelings that didn't vanished with your moving, a blush starting to burn in her cheeks and ears.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We had plans, a lot of plans for the future, together.” That part sounded more like you were talking by yourself instead of saying it to her. “And I got this piece of shit terrorizing the city at the time and I said, I should go, take him down and come back home for our anniversary date.”
The girl with short hair knew where that was going by the way your voice filled with hate and you started to shake.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You said you wanted to help, he was fucking some machines that needed to be turned off before taking the whole city out and I thought that maybe if I took you there you will be safe, you will turn the machines off and I'll meet you outside the building so we could go to the dinner.” An almost incontrollable tremble in your voice made an appearance.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Darling. . .” Hazel's voice called out, you shook your head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I could have saved you if I. . . if he didn't saw you trying to turn off the machines.” You ignore the call, taking another deep breath. “After you died I killed him.” You shrugged, Hazel made a pout. “I'm sorry, I just–”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Don't apologize, moony.” she was quick to cut you off. When she said your nickname, a face full of tears was what she saw in you. “It's not your fault, please, know that.”
She gave you a tiny squeeze while you looked for shelter between her arms with your face in her neck.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You know, I did liked you when you were still here. . . Well not you you, your other you. . . My you?” Hazel frowned confused at her own comment, you laughed. “I always thought what could happened if you never left. . . I think I have the answer now.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, god, don't talk about it. I always thought what could happened if I did move away.” you stood up again now to look to the girl, who was blushing a bit still. “Thank you, Hazel. . .”
And another comfortable silence was upon you two. One of Hazel's hand made its way to you cheek, wiping rest of tears. There it was, that war between eyes that you missed from Hazel, but definitely what she did next took you by surprise.
Her lips met yours in a kiss, the sweetest kiss you felt since your girlfriend left your side. The feeling of letting yourself go and fuse with the girl against you was strong, that feeling of holding her and never letting go again, the impulse of forgetting that you needed to go back to report so you could continue with the work.
Both mouths moving in synchronization, as if they were made for each other since the beginning. Your arms hugging her neck to get her as close as possible.
And then your communicator interrupted the interaction, with a groan you separated yourself from her and look at the bracelet on you wrist.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Fuck!” you exclaimed while realizing they were looking for you. As if someone took you by the ear, you stood up in your feet and look at Hazel with sorrow. “I have to leave. . .”
As those words left your mouth, she stood up by your side and took your hands. “Am I. . . Are you going to come back?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I don’t know, Haze. . .” you said in a sigh, while hearing the characteristics sound of portals from the organization you stole a kiss from her. A really needy one, a goodbye one. “Hope you're happy, baby, you deserve it.” a whisper came out of you as soon as you started to back away from her without looking away from her eyes. “I love you, Hazel, in every universe.”
Behind you a portal open, you knew it was your mentor looking for you. You gave her a last sight before waving and jump into said portal and as soon as she lost you from sight, the portal closed.
Hazel stood there completely shocked at everything that happen, a feeling of emptiness filled her soul. Looking down her hands she spotted a bracelet, the one you were wearing, her eyes opened with surprise.
Should. . . Should she try?
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next part !!
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opbackgrounds · 2 months
With all respect, you sound weirdly over the top with this one Nami side-plot and demand way more coherency of it than anything else in the manga. You treat Sanji's love-heart gags way more seriously than Nami's abuse gags (or Luffy's eating ones or Chopper's infoptency ones), too. It sounds like a really bad-faith reading tbh. [For example, the dress line fits with Nami's fashion obsession which has legit reasons and her being used to being taken advantage of is literally her origin story, but you pretend like those readings don't exists?]
Well, firstly, this is my reading of the manga. I'm not going to go out of my way to think of how other people might interpret a scene, because that's not what I'm doing here.
Secondly, I've been very vocal about other storylines I don't like, including Chopper being incompetent, but the subplot with Absalom has been the most sustained bit of bad writing in the manga. It's going to get more attention, because there's more of it. There will be more negativity in the future when I get to other things I don't like. Fans of Punk Hazard, you have been warned.
Thirdly, if I've given the Absalom-Sanji-Nami story a bad-faith reading, you've given a bad faith reading of my analysis. My issue isn't and never has been Sanji's love-sick chivalry--I wouldn't have defended his fight against Kalifa during Enies Lobby otherwise--it is the tonal dissonance between the subject matter being displayed and the character's reaction to it. I even praised the parts of his fight with Absalom that highlight his self-sacrificial nature, even if it makes him act ridiculous such as taking a stab wound to avoid getting blood on Nami's wedding dress. That's silly, but it's the sort of exaggeration that suits the series, and fits in the same category as Nami hitting the boys when she's annoyed with them.
Like Hogback, Absalom's actions are coded with the language of male obsession and objectification, sexual assault, and rape. Both characters only only care for the objects of their obsessions because of their victim's physical attractiveness. The implication is Hogback gave Cindry a post-mortem boob job. Nami literally gets attacked while she's bathing. They're very similar characters, so I think it's fair to ask why they're treated so differently by the narrative.
I also said that I believe the marriage subplot could have been written in a way that's more innocent and lighthearted, but Oda merrily skipped over the line once he included the imagery of sexual assault. That is my line in the sand, and it is absolutely a black mark on both Sanji and the series as the whole that Oda decided to highlight the similarities between he and Absalom instead of their differences. It moves the character from chivalrous dweeb to sex pest, and it's a decision he's doubled down on many times as the series progresses.
Nami being okay with being forcibly changed into a wedding dress after being drugged into unconsciousness by someone who tried to attack her because she "is fashion obsessed" is patently absurd, as is her being "used to it" because of her past. What I was trying to express is that it would have been nice if Nami had gotten as angry at what Absalom did to her as she did when Lola was attacked. Perhaps I didn't express myself well in that regard, but all in all I stand by my criticisms.
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Kaiju Weeks in Review (September 10-30, 2023)
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I adore Godzilla Final Wars, but it's a movie with an identity crisis, unsure whether it wants to be headlining a Toho Champion Festival or mesmerizing American teenagers at a mid-aughts multiplex. @spacehunter-m's Final Wars 2004: The Year We Make Corn-Tack gives it a strong tug in the first direction, whittling the runtime down to 77 minutes and replacing most of the music and sound effects. She was inspired by Space Warriors 2000, of all things; as she put it, both films are "largely comprised of nonstop, monotonous action." As in that bizarro Ultraman compilation film, the kaiju trash-talk each other. It makes you wonder why Ryuhei Kitamura didn't at least bring back the speech bubbles from Godzilla vs. Gigan. Kaiju fan edits are rare, and this is in a class all by itself. Download it here.
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Shigeru Kayama's novelizations of Godzilla (1954) and Godzilla Raids Again are out—hopefully the first of many to come. My copy only arrived on Saturday, so I haven't had the chance to read the whole thing yet, but I've made it through Godzilla. It's interesting to see Kayama, who wrote the initial treatment, take another swing at the story after the film was finished. He puts back moments like Godzilla eating a cow and attacking a lighthouse, and is also more overt with the wartime allusions. There's an incredible moment where Dr. Yamane muses that studying Godzilla and learning his secrets could be Japan's way of redeeming itself after "caus[ing] a great deal of trouble to people throughout the world." Note that these are novella-length, so much less in-depth than the novelizations of American Godzilla films you might be used to (Godzilla Raids Again is less than 80 pages). The book ends with an afterword by translator Jeffrey Angles contextualizing the tales.
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Godzilla: War for Humanity continues to be a standout IDW miniseries. There's a new and very weird monster in the second issue, plus a no-nonsense Mothra (she tries to recruit Godzilla to fight Zoospora by shooting him in the back of the head and dragging him into the ocean in front of Minilla).
I've also got to mention the solicitation for another Godzilla Rivals installment, due December 20. Nola Pfau is writing, Megan Huang is illustrating.
Jen Onça is not excited to start her new, fast-paced fast-food career at Minilla Burger, but she'd much prefer a mundane day to the sudden return of Megalon! The monster brings destruction, trapping Jen in a forgotten lab deep beneath the restaurant with only the half-built form of Jet Jaguar to help her get out! She must repair the robotic defender to save herself and the city, but first she needs to escape the rubble trapping her in this tense adventure!
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Yuzo the Biggest Battle in Tokyo, Yoshikazu Ishii's follow-up to Attack of the Giant Teacher, has also been picked up by SRS Cinema. No release details yet. I can't really speak to the film either, since it screened at the same time as Yumiko Shaku's panel at G-Fest, but as you can see from the poster, it's set during the pandemic.
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The GAMERA -Rebirth- Gyaos has joined Godzilla Battle Line as an unusual sort of swarm unit. Your first summon of the match calls forth two sub-adults, and by the fifth summon you're sending out two sub-adults and three adults, still for four energy. They're probably the best swarm in the game, though still highly vulnerable to AOE units like Godzilla '01. I'm having fun with them in the Challenge Battles.
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Notzilla, one of the sharpest kaiju comedies out there, is unexpectedly getting the graphic novel treatment. Mitch Teemley is adapting his own screenplay, with art by Zumart Putra. The comic is already finished, although I'm not clear on how folks who didn't back the Kickstarter (which wrapped on September 11) will get it. Useless trivia: the terrific cover above (one of four) is by Ben Dunn, who wrote the How to Draw Manga book I poured over in middle school.
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After Troll shattered Netflix streaming records (according to Netflix), it's not super surprising that the company wants a sequel. Priority one: coming up with a title that's not Troll 2. Screenwriter Espen Aukan and director Roar Uthaug will both return.
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Toy highlights of the past few weeks:
After confusing everyone by teasing its silhouette the day before April Fools', Tamashii has fully unveiled an S.H.Monsterarts Godzilla '72, a rare Showa figure from the line. It comes with two heads, one of them bloodied (see above). Due at the end of February.
After finally running out of ways to repaint their mold of Hedorah's Perfect Stage, Bandai is making a Movie Monster Series figure of the kaiju's Landing Stage. A Godzilla Store exclusive, it'll be released October 25.
After over two years, Funko is releasing a trio of Godzilla Singular Point Pops. Hopefully they go all-out with this show—it's not like there's any other plausible way for a Satomi Kanahara figure to exist.
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punsmaster69 · 3 months
Undyne throws a punch, swinging from the left.
It collides with Mettaton, who recovers quickly and retaliates with a swift upwards kick.
He combos the kick by slamming a fist into Undyne's stomach, knocking her backwards.
Charging forward again, Undyne prepares to attack Mettaton once more.
He kicks in preparation, but Undyne slides under his leg and takes out the other, knocking him down.
With a backwards flip, he's up another time. His crossed arms defend against Undyne's incoming flurry of quick jabs.
Mettaton falters; an opportunity. Undyne sweeps the leg.
He begins to fall, but she grabs him by the shirt and raises him back onto his feet - ramming her foot into his chest.
It takes no time before Mettaton begins firing laser bullets at her. She dodges and weaves, taking very few hits as she re-approaches.
Papyrus lands in from above to put a stop to it.
He gets caught in a stray bullet fired from Mettaton.
"I didn't expect you to come crashing in, darling. Quite the entrance, I must say."
"Papyrus, MOVE!!"
"Dude, he's just been standing there twirling his hair and shit this WHOLE TIME! Let me knock a LITTLE sense into him."
"...He's still doing it, even now!!!!!"
Mettaton flips his hair and strikes a pose. Undyne grabs Papyrus and tosses him to the side, running at full force to slam her body into Mettaton's.
Sans sits in the corner and watches. Papyrus looks at him, and looks between Sans and the battle going on.
"they can handle it."
"...they can handle it."
Mettaton flies past them into a wall. He does a backwards handspring and returns to action.
"....he can handle it."
Sans shrugs and leans back to read the contents I've written in this very journal......
"...you're making it sound like she's abusin' the guy."
"She basically is."
"gotta say, context really isn't optional on this one."
Video Game Violinsce
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the-great-knight-gay · 7 months
List of favorite versions of these characters
List of my favorite iterations of different characters:
This is an opinion:
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I just love how nuanced and developed this take on Spidey is. All are great in their own terms but I have personally felt more of a connection to this Spidey more than anyone else, with only Andrew Garfield's coming close because I just love that the whole mannerisms are just so real.
He experiences anger and sadness and so many other negative emotions. He doesn't have to be the happy one all the time because that's unrealistic. It has a more grounded apporach than Tobey Maguire's Spidey but not as much as Andrew Garfield, giving the perfect balance for a quality comic book movie character. It's not too campy but has just the right amount.
The main problem is the fanfiction writers treating him like a five year old when he is not. This is a developed and mature character. How everyone just treats him like a baby is beyond me. His last appearance had him try to murder a man with his bare hands (and a weaponized glider). There was no baby in that scene.
Next up it's Batman.
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This one has so much potential. I don't have as much to discuss but I just feel drawn to it for some reason. The incredibly dark, emotional feel seems to just work for Batman and Robert Pattinson just nails it. The only other one that comes close is Christian Bale who unfortunately puts me off with two things. The design and the voice.
You can't tell me Batman sounds like he gargles with battery acid. Also... hockey pads? Really Nolan?
Next up... Percy Jackson. (Reminder that I am only putting in live action ones as I have not seen the Lightning Thief play but I have been told it's great)
This one is no contest.
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While Logan Lerman was actually a perfect casting for the 16 year old Son of Poseidon, his performance was slightly bogged down by the movie he was in. Logan and the Lotus scene was probably the only thing I would ever like about the movies. Walker on the other hand, while we have only seen him in trailer as of right now, is the perfect Percy. I don't care about his looks because the entire reason PJO was created was to send the message that anyone, whether they have dyslexia or ADHD, can be a hero. The whole part of Percy's design doesn't matter, just as long as he looks like Poseidon. That's the only part that matters. Just like how Annabeth's design doesn't matter as the whole idea of it was that anyone can be smart, despite being discriminated against for their appearance. THIS LITERALLY MEANS IT MAKES MORE SENSE FOR HER TO BE BLACK RATHER THAN BLONDE. STOP BULLYING LEAH YOU RACIST NERDS ON THE INTERNET. NOT THAT I'M HATING ON NERDS THO I AM ONE AND THIS ARGUMENT IS LITERALLY TO DEFEND THE ULTIMATE NERD.
Anyway back to Percy. Walker is Percy Jackson. Anyone seen Secret Headquarters and The Adam Project? It's like seeing Percy come to life. Anyone who says 'Ever had your ass beat by a twelve year old nerd with an inhaler' in that tone is Percy Jackson. His entire mannerism just is the chaotic energy of Percy. Plus, Rick Riordan has said that he has encouraged Walker to embrace anger in the show rather than just be the stereotypical morally superior protagonist. THIS PERCY WILL SHOW EMOTION AND ANGER AND EVERYTHING. THAT IS PERCY. From the start, he has always had a slightly darker streak, from manipulating Procrustes into lying in his literal death bed to manipulating the tears and poison of the misery goddess (No idea where the fandom got the idea of blood bending that's not part of the scene)
Honestly, all I've heard from this kid is just Percy Jackson. He is Percy.
For the final one we have Superman and Lex Luthor.
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This is the best ever Clark Kent I have seen. He shows both the alien side and the human side of Kal-El so well. Henry Cavill was amazing but we never saw really saw Clark enough. More of the Kal-El side. This is probably because of the lack of appearance due to all the weird problems with the DCEU which was disappointing as he was gearing up to take the new favorite spot for me. Welling on the other hand, had so much time, evolving and developing this character that is was just hard not to see Welling when I hear Clark.
Despite the lack of suiting up (Which was fixed by the Season 11 comics and Smallville Tie-ins) he managed to bring the essence of Superman into the show so well. His time as the Red-Blue Blur and The Blur managed to show both his heroic side and his darker side, adding a much more emotionally invested side to the character. Rather than just making him the morally correct character who can do no wrong and assumes the best in everyone like most people think of when they see Superman, Smallville's version shows him as a person making him have flaws, doubts, anger, emotion and so much trails.
His friendship and rivalry with Lex, paired with Tom Welling's amazing chemistry with Michael Rosenbaum, created such amazing on screen banter and added a new layer to his character, giving him a large parallel to one of his greatest enemies.
Both started off wanting to be just good. The main difference was parentage. Clark was lucky to get Jonathan and Martha. He may have had some hiccups with Jor-El but Jor-El at least wanted to give him a good path. Lex had Lionel. Lionel was abusive, via neglect and hate. Lionel was the real reason why Lex had no hope of becoming a hero. This came into play heavily in the earlier seasons of Smallville.
Smallville was always a three act play.
Act 1: Season 1-3
This one focused on fathers and sons
So much of this was about Jonathan and Clark, Lionel and Lex, Henry Small and Lana, Jor-El and Clark, even Gabe and Chloe for a bit.
Act 2: 4-7
This one helped develop the characters through their interactions with each other while building the Krypton sub-plot.
This was how Lana's relationship with Clark and Lex grew and fell.
This was how Chloe grew to be one of Clark's most trusted confidants.
This was about how Clark and Lex's friendship started failing.
All the while, we finally were introduced to actual characters from the comic books other than Lex, Lana, Clark, Pete and Clark's parents.
We saw The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow and Black Canary.
We were introduced to Lois Lane of all people which gave everyone my favorite version of the character, rivalled only by My Adventures with Superman and Superman and Lois.
We saw Brainiac, Bizarro and Supergirl.
This truly marked the end of the fathers and sons arc with Jonathan suffering a heart attack and Lex truly becoming the villain after murdering his Father, a fate he had tried so hard to stop in the earlier seasons.
Then we got the final act.
Act 3: Seasons 8-10
This was the act where Clark truly became a hero. He stepped out of the shadows as the Red-Blue Blur. He took on Doomsday. He finally defeated Brainiac. Lois and Clark became a thing. We saw his dark side as he became The Blur, with his trenchcoat and we saw him evolve past his dark side and then finally, he donned the cape.
This was truly the greatest version of Superman.
Now you must be waiting for the Lex one.
Of course it will be Smallville's Lex.
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Michael Rosenbaum was PERFECT.
He will be the only Lex I ever see.
His take on the character was just so emotional and perfect.
His relationship with Clark and his slow descent to madness and evil but just perfect.
That day on the bridge changed his life but it also changed all of ours.
Everyone who saw Smallville knew that Clark and Lex would become enemies and yet it still hurt.
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Let's be honest, this scene broke everyone.
This was when there truly was no return.
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This just cemented what everyone knew would happen.
This was truly the greatest pair in TV history.
They've come a long way from this:
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Knight out.
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theunseenpoet · 2 months
Lovers Lies | Thomas TMR
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Pairing: Thomas x fem OC
Word Count: 2k
Sandra fc = octavia blake from the 100
Carlos fc = bellamy blake from the 100
DARK brown hair braided back in two French braids with purple bows made of ribbon tying them off was always in Sandra's hair. Every day since the moment she was sent up in the box to The Glade. 
But other than the purple bows, everything else covering her body was black.
Black long-sleeved shirt. Black cargo pants. Black combat boots. A black jacket even.
Black was, no doubt, her favorite shade...with a dash of purple to make her look less depressed—well, that's what the others had said. Even with the purple, she still felt depressed.
Who could even blame her? Any lone girl trapped in a prison surrounded by only boys would feel depressed. It's no fun and it's barely easy living. If it wasn't for her closest friends who always felt the need to protect her, then she was sure life would've been worse by now. Maybe she would've climbed the highest wall too. But she hadn't. Yet.
Sandra could protect herself when needed, but one rare time she hadn't been able to. That one time turned dark and ended with Nick banishing a few boys for their actions against her. Not only did boys get banished for what they'd done to her, but her closest friends were left drowning in guilt for not being able to help her at a time when she couldn't defend herself.
Those memories haunted the Gladers who loved and cared for her as their own sister.
"How those cookies comin'?" Frypan asked, looking over Sandra's shoulder as she used her washed hands to roll the chocolate chip cookie dough into little balls.
"Just a few more minutes and I'll put them in the oven for after dinner," she hummed with a small smile sent to him.
After three years, she had mastered the fake smile and light in her eyes. And yet, it seemed that Carlos always knew when she was lying. Luckily the older boy was running in the Maze with Minho and Ben most days for the whole day. So, when they did see each other, she could blame her quiet self on being tired and he would usually be too tired to argue.
"Well, they look great," Frypan complimented her with a hand on his hip. "You gotta make those blueberry muffins again soon."
Sandra lightly laughed, finishing the last few cookie balls. "Once Newt gives me the okay, I'll make a batch."
"Hell yeah!" Frypan cheered, walking across the room to the bench. "I swear those muffins are like a drug."
"Did Sansa make blueberry muffins?" Chuck asked, walking into the kitchen with a bright smile.
Sandra made quick work of opening the oven and putting in the two trays of cookies before turning around, wiping her hands on the old grey apron that used to be white.
"Not today," she said, taking the apron off. "But I've made cookies that will be ready by the time dinner is being served." She threw the apron into a basket made out of old sheets full of other dirty clothes that needed washing. "I'm going to the creek to wash clothes. Will you be okay without my help?" she asked Frypan.
"Yeah, yeah." Frypan waved her off with a smile. "You've done your job for the day, and I'll get your cookies out soon."
Sandra sent him a thankful smile while picking up the fabric basket and walking out of the kitchen hut with Chuck trailing behind her.
Since the younger boy arrived, he usually worked during the day as a Slopper. But every afternoon he would join Sandra to the creek at the back of the woods and no other Glader would protest or complain, knowing it was normal for her to take in the Greenies for their first month in the Glade, showing them the ropes and teaching them what they need. Plus, after Nick's unfortunate death, they had been extra careful around her snappy mood which was mainly controlled by grief and anger.
"Did you bring towels?" Sandra questioned, the sound of leaves crunching under her shoes as they walked into the woods that had a settling chill. Soon, the Runners would be back, and dinner would be happening with her cookies as a treat.
Chuck nodded, slinging a bag over his shoulder. "Made sure to grab an extra one in case."
Sandra sent him a true smile over her shoulder, seemingly as he was one of the very few who made the dim light in her eyes slightly brighten. Only slightly.
The further they walked in the woods, the lighter Sandra felt, leaving her worries behind, even if it was only for an hour. The sounds of cows and pigs and the hustling Glade got quieter, being replaced by the sound of water. 
Three years ago, a week after Sandra had first arrived in the Box, she had felt on edge for days, barely sleeping or eating. She had discovered the small creek one night while sneaking out of Alby's hut after he'd offered it to her. Since that day, you could find her at the creek if she wasn't in the kitchen or with her usual friends.
"Do you think the Runners found anything new in the Maze?" Chuck questioned, dodging a low-hanging branch just as she did.
"I'm not sure," Sandra admitted, her body relaxing at the sight of the creek with crystal clear water showing the rocky ground. "If they did, then I'll be sure to tell you."
Chuck hummed at that, dropping the bag at his feet just as Sandra dropped the basket. The both of them sat in silence, taking their shoes off and extra clothing while birds chirped in the lush trees above them.
After taking off her black clothes, leaving her in a black sports bra and underwear, Sandra grabbed an arm full of clothes, goosebumps erupting across her body as she walked into the cold water. Chuck followed close behind her with the rest of the clothes and two bars of soap.
"So, did anyone give you any trouble today?" Sandra asked Chuck, sitting down until the water reached the middle of her chest and she soaked the clothes in the water.
"Only Adam," Chuck admitted quietly, sitting a little behind her with him being shorter.
Sandra frowned, starting to wash the clothes. "I'm not supposed to tell you this because Alby would kick my shucking ass, but you shouldn't let Adam push you around like he does." She paused, looking back at him. "When someone pushed me around, I used to cut up their shirts and pants. Alby was pissed of course, but I didn't care."
Chuck laughed, a small snort following that made her laugh with him. 
The two continued to wash clothes, making small chat about the Glade and about the secret to Sandra's baking that she only shared with him. Chuck was the sweetest boy in Sandra's opinion, and she saw him as her own little brother from the moment he arrived.
Of course, he wasn't her biological brother like Carlos was. The older boy and also the third one in the Glade had known he had a sister from the moment he woke up in the Box, even with all his other memories wiped. The same was said for Sandra, knowing Carlos was her older brother from the moment she saw him. The both of them—and the others—couldn't figure out why the siblings had remembered each other, and it bugged them all, but they knew it had to be for a reason. So, after a few months, the questions around them stopped and, well, the pair became joined at the hip.
Sandra was the sixth one to come up, and the first Runner. For a year and a half, she was the Keeper of the Runners, training Ben, Minho, Nick, and a few others with her brother. 
But then one day while running the Maze on her own—which was normal for her at the time—a Griever attacked her in broad daylight, leaving a large slice from her left shoulder blade, down to her right hip. For some reason, she hadn't been stung like the others who ran into a Griever. But she didn't question it when she woke up in the Med-Jacks hut two days later.
That was a dark day for the Glade, a feeling of anxiety and sorrow thickening the air the Gladers breathed in. Very few of the boys didn't like Sandra, but most of them did and saw her as their own sister in a way. So, for a pale and shaking Minho to bring her back, covered in her blood...Oh, it shook them all. 
Carlos was a mess. The usual tough exterior boy with a sharp tongue and fist always covered in cuts, was silent as death, not a sound out of his mouth as he sat by his sister's side, holding her hand for two days straight. 
Newt had thrown up when he saw her state, the gaping, deep wound on her back, but he still ran with a limp to the Med hut behind Minho. 
Alby was barking questions at Minho about what happened in the maze while Nick barked orders at Jeff and Clint to take care of her. 
Even Gally was pacing outside of the Med hut, rambling to Frypan who didn't bother with serving dinner that night as he worriedly waited for news on Sandra. 
As said earlier: that was a dark day for the Glade. And exactly why she was pulled from being a Runner and put in the kitchen which was her second favorite place to be.
"I was wondering where you were," a deep, silky voice drawled from the bank of the creek.
Sandra smiled, looking over near the fabric basket and clean clothes to see Carlos smiling at his sister, sweat dripping down his forehead with smudges of dirt on his tanned face and neck, making the scar along the left side of his jawline stand out.
"Someone had to wash our clothes," she softly said, holding up a shirt she was currently washing. "Chuck and I finished our jobs for the day, except this one."
Carlos tilted his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "I told you I would do it after I came back. You did the clothes last time."
Sandra shrugged her shoulders, facing back to the last of the clothes as Chuck quietly glanced between the Glade siblings. "You still need to map, shower, and eat," she stated. "I've got only a pair of pants left and then I'm done."
Carlos sighed, his eyes landing on the silver scar on her back that made a punch of guilt crash against his stomach. "Hey Greenie," he said, turning to the boy who nodded with a hint of fear in his eyes. Everyone was scared of Carlos...and for good reason. He was terrifying at times. "Has she eaten today?"
Chuck opened his mouth to answer, but Sandra cut in with a loud sigh. "Carlos, I'm right damn here."
"Well, no shit," Carlos muttered, crouching down to open the bag at his feet. "Leave the last of the clothes and go have a shower. Both of you." Chuck's eyes widened as Carlos looked up, sending him a warning look. "Separately."
"You're gonna scare the klunk out of him," Sandra laughed, standing up with the clean clothes in her arms and water drops hitting the surface of the creek.
"That's the point," Carlos sassed, holding open a towel while looking away from his little sister.
Sandra offered Chuck a soft smile, cocking her head to the other towel still in the bag as she walked toward her brother. "The clothes are all done, so there's no need for you to wash anything else," she informed her brother, dumping her wet pile of clothes into the basket.
"Uh, I'll hang them up," Chuck offered, keeping his eyes on the floor to avoid looking at her and not wanting Carlos to punch him. 
"I've got it, kid," Carlos said, wrapping the towel around Sandra before picking up the basket just as Chuck dropped his pile in. "If either of you get sick, Alby will have a tantrum. I can't be fucked to listen to one of those again after the last sickness that went around."
"Don't remind me," Sandra groaned, picking up her dry clothes and starting to walk back toward the Homestead. "The number of times I threw up should've killed me."
"I thought it was going to," Carlos whispered, grabbing the back of Chuck's wet shirt and hurrying him up to follow. "Dinner should be ready soon. I'll meet you two there after I hang up these clothes and have a shower."
Sandra only nodded her head, already missing the creek when the sound of the Gladers came into earshot.
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elzifelzi · 11 months
Like Ik i posted my initial reaction and such to a glitch in time
I haven't actually sat down and given my full thoughts on it
So yeah
First off without going into Spoilers..
In my head I had alot of..not necessarily expectations but theories on what it would be like..and while I love Danny Phantom I've always been Iffy on the story continuing after Phantom Planet so I'll admit i was optimistic bur skeptical.
This wasn't at all how I expected it to come back and thats the thing i think i love the most about it.
If someone told me that Gabriella Epstein was in charge of working on the 1st 2 seasons of the original cartoon I would've completely believed them because her writing felt EXACTLY like how the show was back then. Even with modern slang added in at no point did the dialog feel cringe or anything like that it just flowed naturally.
Which i appreciate.
What I really love about it tho is the fact that it allowed ghosts to BE ghosts, not Monsters from another dimension or whatever they're actual manifestations of human emotion and spirits which makes Danny's decision at the end feel even more powerful because he really is connected to both worlds even more than he initially realized.
I love that they gave the ghost zone lore made it feel like an actual ethereal place.
NOW onto the spoiler parts
The character arcs specifically Danny,Dan,Vlad and Valerie.
It's very easy to have a character like Vlad in particular be like "The Disasteroid event made me realize how much of a fool I've been" and just end his arc there. But they didn't go that route throughout the comic we actually see that Vlad is still an asshole despite regretting some of his actions he's still NOT a good guy but we gradually see that through spending time with Danny and seeing how his anger and rage fueled Dan,that he really has been a fool he really isn't a bad guy he was just hurt, alone and damaged he lost control.Vlads whole thing is that because he feels he lost everything he tries to rule as a way to feel in control..not a very healthy method but what can u do.
Dan despite being a grown man physically is just a scared kid. Here we have a version of Danny who lost everything and corrupted by Vlad's ghost half decided that through Domination and control he wouldn't lose anything anymore now this Danny meets his younger self who is not only desperately trying to prevent himself from ever becominf like him but he succeeds! Now This younger Danny has pretty much the perfect life a family who accepts him,friends who love him and is accepted fully by the world while Dan lost his timeline and now doesn't belong anywhere. He lost everything and now taking from others is the only way he can feel in control sounds Very similar to another half/ghost we know.He and Vlad are truly Kindred Spirits and they are the only people who can truly help each other.
Danny going from hunting ghosts to accepting that ghosts are just as much people as humans are and that maybe he shouldn't only defend one side of the spectrum that humans are just as evil as ghosts and ghosts can be just a human as humans and him deciding to be the bridge between both in what i like to call (Avatar Wan Moment) perfectly ties his character together. And it's even reflected in his relationship with Dan and Vlad throughout the book, even after all that Danny still doesn't trust Vlad he doesn't even like Vlad BUT he acknowledges that not only could he not do it without Vlad but Vlad is actively trying to change possibly for the better and him acknowledging that Dan is just a scared kid at his very core just like he once was is *chefs kiss.
Valerie might come as a shock because alot of people felt that she wasn't that much utilized in this story but i feel like that's for a reason. Since Phantom Planet first happened I've always wondered what Valerie's feelings on Danny being phantom was and we kinda got a glimpse into that here ..we see that when she thought Dan was Danny she fulling believed that he had turned on them..like despite her previous relationship with Danny she still views him as a possible threat and that by itself looks like something she'll for sure have to deal with in the future.
Aside from that
The art was beautiful like i cannot keep talking about how pretty it looked. Like my only gripe with it is that the character designs/outfits weren't updated but i can live with that
The story was very well written and felt straight out of Season 2
And even excluding all of the other things i mentioned, it was just a fun read..like at no point did i feel bored or drained while reading it
11/10 for sure
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stillcarmine · 6 months
the side missing from the circle (pt 2)
pt 1
Leo gets the whole fortune cookie thing a little more now.
Sitting on the porch of Cabin Nine, he has a good view of the Nemesis cabin and the broken wheel hanging over the door.
The circle that shouldn’t roll, the shape of that answer, a piece cut from the whole.
He prods lightly at his bruises, wonders if it’s worth taking the nectar Will had offered him when his discussion with Percy and Apollo had wrapped up. He might need it more later on, because apparently he’s got more danger in his future.
Enemies with weak spots that might not be so easy to find.
"Lemme let you in on a secret: on my quest, your mother appeared to me and chose me as her champion, and I can tell you exactly what she is like," Leo had quietly told Damien.
The price of being championed by the gods is one Leo wouldn't wish on most, and he doesn't wish it on Damien. But heroes like him, the ones that want action, that thirst for a chance to prove themselves never really get what it is until they're drowning in their opportunities for so called glory.
Leo won't pretend like he had any altruistic motives, but there is something grimly satisfying in making another half-blood less eager to throw themself into danger for rewards that won't be what they hoped.
"Consider this repayment, so you know what to expect. Maybe one day you'll make her proud and she'll appear to you too. And when you finally look at her face, you know what will actually be there?" Leo had asked him. "The face of the person you hate most in the world."
Granted, Leo doesn't actually know if this is the case for Nemesis's own children, but given that Piper isn't immune to Aphrodite's shifting appearance, he thinks he's right.
It's probably the lowest blow he could have taken, because Leo knows how fucked up the gods can leave their children. Leo’s living- sort of- proof of that. If Damien only showed up after the quest group left, that means that he wasn't claimed for years when he should have been. Leo took a calculated risk that he'd never met his mother.
Nemesis chose Leo as her champion for a reason, and it's not because he's the forgiving type.
Not for the things that matter.
"Feel free to ask, if you want to know more," is the last thing he'd whispered.
And like with everything in his life, he'd done it with a smile on his face.
It was selfish, but even without the goddess's aura of vengeance, Leo had still wanted to make the score even.
"You know," a voice says above him, and he glances up to see Percy leaning against the side of the porch. "As someone who the rest of the campers have fled from more than once, I gotta say, that was probably the most efficient mass exodus I've ever seen."
A mostly ironic smile pulls at Leo's face, and he says, "Thanks."
Percy looks at him then, more seriously and says, "I'm not really one for gossip-"
He stops when Leo lifts an eyebrow and tilts his head so it looks even higher, because there were only so many people keeping the gossip mill on the Argo going, and Percy was definitely one of them.
"At the best of times, I'm not," Percy amends, and Leo lets it slide. "And after everything, I want to leave this camp knowing this is the best of its times, so… whatever is going on, is it going to lead to problems?"
"None that weren't already here," Leo says, looking down at his hands.
Percy sighs, sounding more worn out than upset. "That is a millennia's worth of problems by itself."
"Yeah," Leo agrees.
"You're not going to stay, though, are you?" Percy says, not asks.
"You already know I can't," Leo says. "Sorry you've only ever known me as a hit and run."
"You're not a hit and run, man," Percy says. "You're just saying that because you're feeling sorry for yourself."
"Well, no one else is," Leo points out, miming a boxer's stance, pulling a couple of quick jabs at the air.
"Yeah," Percy says, and doesn't defend it because there's not much to say. "Yeah, that was messed up."
Leo's answering smile is still mostly ironic.
Percy straightens up from the porch railing. "You're not a hit and run, Leo," he repeats. "So, you don't have to act like one."
"Bleh bleh bleh," Leo mimics half-heartedly.
Percy rolls his eyes but he's smiling. "I don't know you as well as some of the others, but I do know you aren't the kind of person to leave things unfinished."
Leo looks back to the broken wheel, the circle that will never be complete. True success requires sacrifice. You can't get something without giving up something else. Nothing lasts forever, even the best of things.
He doesn't regret what he did, but maybe it isn't complete yet.
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thousand-winters · 1 year
I've never understood this argument of: Grace had a choice. Did she though? To me, a free choice is when nobody is forcing you to choose something, there's no coercion or danger, you're literally free by your own will to chose. But that isn't Grace's case. A choice between doing something bad, or being hurt by your mother (who's already hurting you) and a princel of hell isn't really a choice. Why would she chose to suffer more pain? It's the most basic survival and self preservation instinct to protect yourself, and in this case her survival was most important than morality.
I know people like selfless characters that sacrifice and face huge amounts of pain to save others but come on, it's not realistic. I know most people, put in Grace's position, in our current world and time, would probably do what she did, which was waiting until she could safely get out of that situation while keeping herlsef as whole and unharmed as possible. If it's between protecting myself and hurting someone else, who I have no attachment to, I'm gonna protect myself, nobody wants to suffer and be beaten and be in pain. It may sound selfish but it's the most realistic course of action.
I agree completely.
It's so easy to say "oh, just choose the option where you don't harm anyone" when you're not the one who has to make that decision, the one that will be hurt. Tatiana even made a point to make her helpless, unable to defend herself in any way against her (since her powers don't work in women) or against any demon sent by Belial or Belial himself, the decision was truly between doing what she was ordered or being hurt or even killed without any way to stop it.
It is as you say, the smartest thing she could have done was wait until she was in a position to get out, and that's what she did.
And of course, there's also that, she doesn't know well the people she's hurting, and while it's no excuse for hurting them, it does make it easier. Alastair has a newfound popularity after COT (thanks goodness) but I've mentioned this same thing in his defense before; for him it was at a smaller scale, his choice was between bullying others or being bullied himself (not such a small thing since he was beaten up), but still the same principle applies. He wasn't close to the Merry Thieves, and no one was helping him. It's a matter of self-preservation and while you can acknowledge the wrongs you've done, it shouldn't be taken to the point where you or others consider you a monster for it... it's only instinct and survival.
As someone who has been in a similar position to Alastair before, I wish more people understood this.
Choosing pain over harm to strangers would be the selfless, heroic thing indeed, but failing to do so doesn't mean you're a monster. You're just human.
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sandiavolo · 1 month
Hi, can you tell when the new chapter will be released? Can't wait!
I'm pleased to say that the next chapter of ATACPO will take no longer than a week to be released, possibly even in the next few days!
I've recently been working with pacing myself for quicker updates now. I like to think I have a good sysem down for writing/editing a new chapter, but its always so jumpy, especially now with college finals coming up. Also, even with my novice ability, my dream is to make this Ch. 11 my pièce de résistance, so to say.
*Slight Spoiler* Jake is gonna have his work cut out for him. The Sully siblings, Tsireya, and Ao'nung are going to be in for quite a wild ride. Neytiri is going to pay the consequences for her actions just a bit. AND MY ASH NA'VI ARE GOING TO BE REVEALED IN THEIR FULL BLAZING GLORY!!! I CAN'T WAIT!🔥🔥🔥
To help keep ya excited, here's a whole mess of what I have planned😉:
“So…we’re here,” the obscured Na’vi muttered from below, the orange glow of their companion bouncing off the shoreline and illuminating the head of the thin spear they gripped beside them. 
“Hah! It’s going to be fun!” a more jovial tone added from above, their tail swishing along the bark of the tree. They twisted the tip of their blazing, thin finger, as if using the trailing embers to form words in empty space. The blood-red fletchings of the arrows behind them came to light when the luminous digit was raised high into the air. “It is likely tsmukantsyìp (little brother) has gotten in trouble already in our absence. Do you agree, Txon?”
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@anka-partizanka-from-pandora has plenty in store for you guys as well. They're artwork is going to make this 10x better 😈
Through the haze, he catches the sound of screaming from nearby, and a rushing of footsteps from all around. It's as if there are those running from the center of the beach, and those running towards it. Just as he’s able to see his eyes set amidst the sudden uproar of noise, Jake hears only one thing clearly enough. It’s enough to spur him into realizing the true gravity of the situation.
“Ash Na’vi!”
A seasoned hunter, raised under the skillful arms of the Omaticaya, who had faced the force the sky-people brought to her land. She was trained to defend her People with a ferocity akin to an ikran protecting its nest. She was the mate of Toruk Makto, mother to four beautiful children, and she had never fallen. Even in times of war, the uncertainties of her mind failed to overcome her. 
Yet, for however strong she believes herself to be, Neytiri cannot ignore how her instincts scream at her to run. 
The voice cut through the ruptured marui wall and into the air like a thin blade, with it a heavy weight of ruthlessness that sent a chill down Neytiri’s spine. “Lay your hands on my son again, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite.” Her heart hammering in her chest, she came to the stark realization that this was no ordinary Na’vi warrior. “And I will show you the true meaning of fear.”
My BIGGEST, BADDEST, probably longest, AND MOST EPIC chapter is coming! I hope you guys are as psyched as I am, b/c this is going to be a wild ride!
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It's this scene where Wanda has to look everyone she hurt in the eye and they all hate her. Honestly that is way more than others had to face. I keep hearing so many complain that Wanda didn't do enough to make it up to Westveiw, but really there's not much more she can do. She doesn't expect or even want forgiveness.
We've seen many characters do terrible things and they never had to face any consequences for it, and some people still defend and justify them, but when it comes to Wanda nothing is enough. I wonder why?
I hate it when people claim she should have been "punished" for it. They don't talk about accountability or responsibility, they want punishment. Something like this 👇
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Because that shit is always helpful, right? It would seem unless they see a character in pain and suffering they're not allowed a redemption and that is both horrifyingly culturally christian and miserable to the extreme.
We always talk about redemption and characters learning their wrong ways and acknowledging their mistakes and changing their behaviour, and how these things can be achieved without any kind of physical or emotional abuse and punishment... and yet when a series comes up that tries to do just that they complain it's not enough and they want blood.
I've seen people complain about Loki's treatment in the series and then make a 180 and claim Wanda should have been imprisoned and hurt for her crimes and I just...... where's the disconnect? If we agree physical and emotional abuse would never help anyone and it only makes things worse why do they think it would have been good for Wanda? I guess it depends on whether you want that particular character to get the help they need or be hurt for their mistakes, and I prefer the former.
They see a character show compassion and they judge it as them justifying Wanda, they see that walk of shame or hear her apology but it's not enough for them, they take one action at one particular moment and ignore the context, they see her state of mind at the time she created the Hex but they don't care about it and still judge her as if she was of sound mind and knew exactly what she was doing, they claim to want morally grey characters who make mistakes and lie to themselves and accidentally hurt other people but then they brand them as villains and nothing more while ignoring the very nuance they had been asking for incessantly in the past 🤷‍♀️
I don't think the series could have made it more obvious that she never asked for forgiveness, she had been lying to herself the whole time until she couldn't anymore at which point she took it down and killed her own family. She needed help, not a cell and a shock collar.
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
legend of vox machina watch party episodes 10-12: non-fungible thordak
"she's not having any of our shit tonight"
did matt get a haircut
"you're not leaving 'til 2 am, bitch"
"are you a vampire coven?" "if taliesin were here we could talk about it"
episode 10 act 4 part 3
"this is where we forgot to draw the city"
liam fangirling his own show
"OPE he lost his fingers"
"stop SPOILING. there's gonna be ACTION in the show."
"the tree piece in this game is really OP"
"shitty vox machina came in to ruin their Warhammer game"
"I forget which animals are fused with humans."
"shut UP matt"
"shout out - oh shit he's in the room"
"you slapped porkchops for like hours"
why does that sound like a euphemism
"I feel like that'd be it for me"
"matt mercer is mean!" "I didn't spend hours building those toothpick barricades for nothing!"
"that's why we named her pike"
"is there no basement? there is not"
I love how much they love their show. I know I was poking at liam earlier but it genuinely is so charming
"same arrow! that's called being responsible"
phil defending his poor herdsmen
"you guys are VIOLENT"
"spoilers!" maybe it'll be different on my screen
"and they were correct"
"you sound like you've had your ass kicked" environmental storytelling
"there's a z-pack in there somewhere"
"zanror, needlessly hot" liam is fully horny on main tonight
"are they brothers like neptune and uranus were cousins"
"but I was born in canada"
"I actually had to shit myself for that line" "we all did"
"it's fun! and also disgusting!"
"let's not psychoanalyze me tonight"
"keyleth is the cutest" glad we're all in agreement
matt is all of us
"get a JOB leave him ALONE"
"she's bullying vax" "you're not wrong"
"he's doing the whole band" how else are you gonna get backstage
"we had to cut things from other episodes to get in 'at dawn we plan'" good
you are now Neutral with The Herd
release the underwear bible
"it is a square"
"you know what's weird? watching this scene with your kids"
"HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS" "it was very difficult"
"did you have to have a talk about bondage and safety?!"
that's a cool band logo
oh NO
matt broke all over again
listen sometimes you just have to have a mental breakdown, it's good for your mental health
"we asked! we forgot."
"turkey vulture!"
"in a week we can talk about it. …something else bad will happen by then." my life for the past year and a half
sam: let me make this as awkward as possible so it can only get better from here
"you write a creepy thing and you feel guilty about it" "critical role"
the writers were on top of that one
"we talk all the time you guys"
"none of this should be happening"
"see, now chat's mad at you"
THAT was liam?!
I'm turning in my voice actor fan card
"you're gonna be the guy they hit"
the fact that he wasn't doing a low bass was why I didn't clock him tbh
"take that, vegeta"
"seventy-five!" "eighty-three!" "hike!"
OH the mugs!
"beautiful nonsense scene"
travis slapping sam's hand away from the edits
"what you did is bad!"
"I'm sure it's fine"
"this is taliesin's front yard, actually"
"look what they did to my boy"
"campaign 4 reference, shh"
"kiss him, vax"
I looked up the show sam and liam referenced, it aired 92-93. I was 4.
umbrasyl listens to linkin park, it's canon
"he's a lot less menacing if you think of him as a whiny kid" there's a lot of that in that last fight
"award-winning awkwardness"
"ashley did not have to act here"
"I think taliesin wrote some of this bullshit"
"if you'd stop FEEDING THEM"
"cut my heart out" liam gets me
"blood pools are my kink"
"it's capri-sun, it's fine"
"it's a discotek at night"
"I've had this dream" I have been blessed to not have drowning dreams, if that changes now I'm fighting matt in the street
between the two of them liam and courtenay voiced half of new vegas
matt drop the raven queen lore
matt you have to tell sam's kids it's the law
"is it YOU?"
not the creepy cg mask
"he's just a little dork!" accurate
percy 100% would have been a train nerd
why did liam's mic pick up him knocking on his head so clearly
very cool that they built the trap in 3d
"this is basically a documentary"
"he goes INVISIBLE?!"
phil with the list of the names
that, that "can't hit what you can't see" felt very adolescent to me
"some said longer, some said shorter" "we disregarded both!"
"the only episode this season where we end on a cliffhanger"
"episode 47 down"
travis I heard you echo that "duty"
remembering that liam went through all of this while dealing with his mother's death
matt: like comment and subscribe
"if you don't do it you'll turn into a squidface" "that's season 3"
"for some people that's a plus"
I don't know why I like the phrasing "deity version" so much
"there's love there!"
the way he says "conversations" means those two have definitely had at least one fistfight over canon
weasel dragon
Dragon Department
CEO of Dragons
I want "Dragon Team" on my resume
"because percy invented the metric system"
"it's canon now"
17 de Rolos
"chat wants you to show - " "your muscles"
"I practice in the car so my neighbors don't call 911"
hope devouwewer
"I want a pink dragon that spits out glitter"
"back inside that bad dragon" liam no
watch out for that treeeee
"but HOW THOUGH" sam gets me
"always bring a healer" stares at laura
"when the raven from the opening went by I fell out of the chair"
"you don't have to choose one" mica/percy/vax polycule
embiggened vestige
umbrasyl on 3G
travis keeps catching himself from saying "d&d" and says "ttrpg"
"that's just liam just talking to me"
"kiss her you fool"
scanlan as paul rudd makes 100% sense and I hate it
"RUDE. UNNECCESARY. didn't have to do it and did it anyway"
vex can't feel vax bc gatshadow's made of lead
"ancient dragon, he can do what he wants"
"we had another ending in case we didn't get a season 3 where scanlan ran and everyone died" "whAT?"
"why would you DO THAT TO ME"
liam stop saying bad dragon
to make an omelette you have to crack a few scanlans
"that's a scrabble word"
"the theme….but slow"
"it's all hue lights"
wait WHAT
rewatches every previous yennen scene
"she could have written a letter" but the mail fraud
age has only done amazing things to cree summer's voice
"what porpoise"
"to go do Vegas"
"put it all on red"
"I'm putting it all into bitcoin"
"he's a cryptobro" "he IS the big bad!"
"you don't get the egg, but there's a code for each individual egg"
I made the poor decision to drink liquids during the watch party again
"that's that thing that I said!"
you know what it makes me think of lernie from hades
this is not a complaint
GOD I mentioned an artbook and now I want it so bad
thordak: talking mad shit for someone in thagomizer range
sketchy vax wings?!
sketchy vax wings!!
"it's not over for all you lefthanded people"
"my wife's a lefty and every morning I say the same thing"
"don't worry laura, you'll be something someday"
The Internets
where's that comic that always makes me cry with the AWNP lines over That Counterspell
matt dropped out of art school to be a rules lawyer
ghibli keyleth!!
"now you've made me sad" "GOOD"
"fifteen seasons and a movie trilogy"
"he's the EP so he said he gets the killing blow"
"is that you writing" "he uses a typewriter"
"oh god I have to do this again"
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ghcstvalleychief · 1 year
No but the Lutawolf thing pissed me offfff! I was disgusted about the Emmett Till thing because any of us with a brain saw how that comparison was awful (and even though they tried to double down and swear it was a comparison instead of just apologizing and growing from this experience) but in that post they said a lot stuff that sounded very much like victim blaming and ableism as well. The whole post was rife with it but these parts stood out:
“Now, if you accuse someone. You have to have proof. And I don't mean bruises on wrists. I give those to my submissive when I do bondage.
For instance, if it was me. I could tag several people on here who know me in real life that can verify everything I've told you guys. I could point you to court casings. There were video taps, DNA, and much more. So much that they pled guilty. Never mind that they only got five months.
So not only do we not have proof from Poi. Other than pictures that were found to be stolen. She took someone else's pictures to use as her own. Do you see what I went through. I have videos and pictures. If it had been me that she stole from, I'd make her the abuse victim she wants to be so badly. “
As someone who’s also a survivor but was very young and couldn’t provide proof for many reasons, I was met with this same attitude from people for years because I spoke out. I hate survivors with superiority complex because the rest of us that don’t fit their perfect definition end up feeling belittled and invalidated. Like this isn’t even about the Poi/Build thing it’s about making other survivors who’s story probably looked similar on the outside, feel like crap all over again. Although, I find it funny that someone who says they don’t care about one party or the other, they definitely did a good job of painting Poi as the “psycho” and Build as the poor innocent baby. That’s why comparing him and his situation to Emmett felt even worse than if they’d just left it at that. Emmett was an innocent child and Build is a grown ass man with a documented history of similar behavior. The whole post was just disgusting all around.
I was contemplating abandoning the KP fandom after you said you probably would but, after this, I think I’m out for good. So many people who I used to admire here have recently shown themselves to just have the worst opinions. Anyway, sorry I just wanted to rant. There’s a lot of drama going on so please just ignore this if you want to.
Fuck Lutawolf. You know, I said I was gonna stay off of here, but I caught wind of all this bullshit and I had to see for myself what the fuck was going on.
I had that person blocked for quite some time but I unblocked them because I want them to see everything I'm saying regarding this issue.
At the end of the day, you can defend your shitty fave without comparing that piece of shit to an innocent child who was tortured and murdered as a result of false accusations. This is NOT the same. Build is NOT Emmett Till nor are their situations the same. Build is a garbage individual who has had a pattern of being awful and everything is finally catching up to him. Build is a racist, homophobic, misogynistic piece of shit (as per his own words when he wrote that sad sob letter last year after we found out how he truly thinks). He is not being unfairly targeted due to racism or outright hatred. Actions have consequences. You can't walk through this world thinking you can say and do whatever you want without there being consequences.
That's not how this works. Fuck Build, fuck his fans/supporters/staunch defenders, and fuck anyone else who thinks they can use murdered Black children to absolve Build of any perceived guilt. You can make a point without using Black trauma to justify and manipulate people into feeling sympathy for a guilty piece of trash. The Black trauma was used to really hit everyone right in the feels so they can care enough to ignore that he has a history of being awful. His fans have covered it up and have been trying to get other people to stop talking about it for MONTHS. Since that's not working this time, I guess they have to pull out the big guns. They're spreading misinformation and trying to quiet his accuser while also trying to force the rest of his cast mates to come out and defend him when there's nothing to defend. Brands are publicly renouncing him and cutting ties with him for a reason. He's bad for business and rightfully so.
Your fave has always been a bad person and it's finally caught up to him and now everyone knows. Stan who you want. Support who you want. If you want to support a guilty man, just say that. We won't respect you but at least be honest with yourself and everyone else.
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unhhhhbelievable · 2 years
First I just want to say I’m sorry people suck and you were getting shitty messages, your commentary has always been the best on this website so I’m glad you haven’t fully stopped ❤️
Now about this whole situation… I feel like I could come up with a million examples across platforms from the past year and a half especially of stories that Trixie has shared about her relationship where his comments and actions are not okay and she’s clearly hurt by them. To anyone who says it’s just a joke, who’s laughing? Because I’m not! And the constant passive aggressiveness from Trix suggests she’s not either! I feel like things have been escalating too because these types of stories are becoming more and more frequent. Like we’re not reaching here. We’re reacting to the writing on the wall.
I do not understand anyone who feels the need to defend that man to death like it’s the equivalent to defending her. Actually as fans we should want better for her. And so much of what he’s said and done is unacceptable and it’s getting worse. I worry about the people that can always excuse this type of behavior because they should want better for themselves too. We all deserve a partner that makes us feel good about ourselves.
The thing is, the reason why this man is always putting her down is clearly because he’s insecure. It’s sad that he’s projecting his own esteem issues onto Trixie who already struggles in that department. I always got the sense the reason why he stayed behind the camera so long was because he’s self conscious. He’s been making it a point to respond to several comments that are maybe just slightly negative and fight them and get fans to attack even though it’s just internet noise and these people aren’t even trolls. But he’s so sensitive he can’t let anything go so it’s ironic he’s always putting Trixie down because he can dish it but can’t take it. It’s typical though.
Trixie’s independently rich and famous and beloved and all his money and success and opportunities come from her so this man clearly feels unequal in the relationship and puts her down to feel superior. The danger now is he has new power and popularity from the show and motel and is using that to his advantage. I worry this is the type of love she’s used to and doesn’t see what’s flawed in it. He’s always negging her and encouraging her overworking because it all benefits him. Who’s looking out for her here? A partner should make you feel confident and supported and happy. Period. And jokes should always be funny. These never are.
How can anyone look at Trixie and think she’s in a good place right now? Because she’s clearly not happy and hasn’t been for awhile. I swear she’s been going through a now years long existential crisis and panic attacks and nightmares are not healthy and they’re not normal. Where’s her partner in all of this? It just sounds like he’s making everything worse adding to the problem. She’s not taking care of herself and things won’t get better until she takes a break and goes to therapy and I don’t see that happening any time soon. The whole situation is honestly really sad. Sorry for the novel, I just feel like we’re all watching the same disaster and I’m not super confident anything will really change. And I fear it’ll take a huge breakdown from her to finally have a wake up call.
I worry about Trixie fully suffering a nervous breakdown from always running too much, too far, and too often. The fact that she's teed up another tour already is just a giant red flag to me at this point. She needs to stop and take time for herself. I don't know how many times I've willed her to just take a break but nothing can stop her. She's running from feelings again.
It breaks my heart that all she seems to put up with, like you said, is this insecure man that needs to feel superior to like THE most liked and successful drag queen next to Rupaul. Sorry, bitch, but you'll never hold a candle to how amazing Trixie Mattel, and in turn Brian Firkus, is. David isn't even good enough to hold her fucking purse at this point.
And the fact that they broke up all those years ago, that DAVID is the one that broke them up, is the biggest whistle blowing. And how, after her returned success, decided they would get back together. And then for him to suggest a documentary, during one of these most stressful and hurtful times of her life, in the midst of Katya drama? Flag so red, you can't see any other color.
He doesn't tweet anything supportive about T, didn't even have a heartfelt message about RADIO CITY. Just that he was in NYC and meeting famous people, like that was all that matters.
Someone once said, check someone's camera roll. The thing they take pictures of the most, is the one thing they're most terrified to lose. David says nothing but the motel. That's inch resting, don't you think?
The biggest tell to me, though, was when Trixie was doing T&K live in Ottawa, and she was doing "Hey, Rich People," she forgot the words. Do you know the last time Trixie fucked up singing her own songs? When Katya was gone.
Something is wrong and for people not to see it makes no sense to me.
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laerien · 2 months
Redownloaded this app out of pure impulse. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
In truth, I'm navigating through a hell of a shame complex, and I've come up with every excuse over the past fifteen years to not let myself heal. I'm willing to bet this isn't a rare occurrence for other children who felt most alive submerging themselves in fictional universes to make up for the lack of pivotal human connection based in reality. I added to the criticism of mega fans and "tumblr girls" because I thought it would clear my name in the eyes of people I wanted to impress (which, in reality, at my lowest, was basically anyone). I bathed in the criticism until it became part of my subconscious, so when I would inevitably open an Incognito Google tab to binge breathtaking fanfiction or incredible fan art like the depraved child/teenager/adult I was (which was so much of my own twisted doing), I stalled out.
The cycle of letting these preconceived notions inform (taint) my view of things I genuinely enjoyed continues, but I'm actively trying to heal now. I'm recently going through a long term breakup that encompassed my entire adulthood years, and I've been nothing short of forced to get to know myself again. The person I'm relearning really wants to share her love for fandoms without filtering her enthusiasm for the sake of who she think may accept her.
So I've spent the past several months leaning into that, but I'll admit I've got a long way to go. I've caught up on so many animated Star Wars shows, for example, that I've put off because of my venomous preconceived notions (and an ex who claimed to be a fan but, like many things in our failed relationship, didn't match actions to words). I've started commenting on AO3 works that are fucking incredible without the fear that someone in reality will find out my psued and call me out (though, I admit, I still use Incognito mode because I'm not quite ready to defend myself in the imaginary court room that makes complete sense in my head). I started drawing fan art that I'm pretty damn proud of (but still working my way to sharing it). And I restarted writing - mostly character studies and explorations of grief and love and life, but a nice nod to my unpublished Pearl Harbor fanfiction story (that I hand wrote a page a day for for 123 days straight when I was 14, then typed it all out, edited it, then made six alternate endings for, then changed names and made an original prequel story - something I clearly never revealed to anyone but look at me go!). I've also read a whole book in 4 days, something I haven't done since I started despising book reading due to the pressure of the academic system a decade ago. I could go on and on about it - and I probably will in another post - but Star Wars: Dark Disciple's depiction of the dark side is not unlike this shame complex I'm carrying on about. And, boy, do I love my eyes being opened like that.
So while I can't promise I'll stay long this time, this is something 14 year old me craved but could never admit. Like I said, I've got a lot to work on (I logged in and saw an unread message from 2017 from someone I went to college with and immediately blocked them in fear of them - who I haven't spoken to in years and has been nothing but kind and supportive of my fandoms - calling me out, I guess?). But I want to celebrate how wonderful these fictional worlds are with people, so I've got to get over this fear that I'd be found out and taken away from it forever.
I've got so many incredible people on the internet to thank, and I plan to. I've found comfort at my lowest points over the past decade and a half because others had the courage I had lacked: to share their feelings. Sounds silly put that simply, but what's wrong with that?
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