#this made me realize how easily i can remember stuff
latenightsleeper · 1 year
Hands held together
Before Tank was Tank, before Dalhia, before the Pack, before their..abilities, before everything. They were just a kid with a Mom and Dad, they went to school with human kids, talked about math problems, and went to bed before eleven. They ate too surgery cereal and ran to the bus stop every morning, they went home and had corn soup on rainy days. Listened to old music their grandma played and tried to block out the faint yelling as they lulled themselves to sleep.
Most of all, every Sunday their grandma pulled them along to church, the same old white building with stained glass windows that depicted illustrations from the old smelly bible that snuggly fit in its place in front of them when they sat on the dark, smooth polished bench. As a kid, Tank hated going to church. Who wouldn't? It was the last day of the weekend before school opened its doors again on Monday, the last thing most kids wanted to do was wake up early and sit in a stuffy building and hear an old man talk.
Every single time Tank went they almost fell asleep, head bopping as their grandma sat next to them, a white lace veil on her head and a simple black beaded rosary clasped in her hands. Whispering prayer and singing song as the choir sang.
When it was time to pray and they all knelt on the collapsible cushion, they didn't really think god was listening. They never said it out loud of course, especially in the church and very much less in front of their grandma. Tank prayed anyway, thought of lost family pets, and asking to pass math tests. Normal things and they didn't really think anyone was listening let alone someone as busy as God. Not when dozens of his other of his followers were doing the same thing and praying for much more important things.
The concept of God was always a concept that left Tank a bit unsure, even as a child raised in a religious household thanks to their grandma. Their own parents were lax in their beliefs, it wasn't like they screamed that God wasn't real but they also didn't care for the rigorous faith their grandma had and tried to instill in them. Telling them tales of guardian angels who watched over them, how they were never alone, and how they must pray before every meal lest their angel starve.
Of how God was always watching, Tank now would laugh at those words. Many things had changed since those times, of stuffy chalk-white buildings on hot Sundays and Chinese buffets afterward as a reward for their good behavior. How their eyes started to flash blood red and the way everything was suddenly loud loud loud. How they knew they were different, not like before not when that feeling was growing and it wouldn't stop growing. Like how the sting of a broken glass bottle was a feeling they'd never forget for as long as they drew breath. Tank was never a religious person, not really but they grew up with it. Always drew some sort of comfort from it despite the...issues that clashed with it as they grew. So, you'd probably ask how they'd gotten here. Trying to call out to a God they now knew wasn't even real. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All it took was less of a twitch of my fingers and a silent breath when I really put my mind to it, just a simple movement from me and it was all over. That was all it took for a light to be snuffed out in the dark of the night. I stood there after it was done, breathing heavily, tasting a familiar metallic tang in the air as I panted. It wasn't like it was hard for me to physically do, it was easy-maybe even too easy. Maybe that's why I was breathing so hard because it was so easy when it was said and done I just stood there for a while, listening to the quiet rumbles of passing cares as I watched as the red red red blood seeped into every crevice and crack, how the fabric darkened and drank up their blood. How every second I stood there, the more I was aware of the deal I'd made. Of what I've done for said deal, for information, safe passage, and more. The cost was the thud of a body and the quiet aftermath as I watched. The feeling of cooling blood seeping into the wrinkles and curves of my hands and the knowledge that no matter how much I'd wash my hands after this, the smell would always linger on me. Oh god-oh god it just won't go away, hands clumsily switching between hot cold hot cold hot hot hot water and soap then something else Time didn't feel real to me for a while, it was somehow both not real and so slow. When I managed to pull myself back together enough, I realized I was in a familiar pose. Eyes stuck on the ceiling as I pressed my clasped hands to my lips staining them red as I wordlessly mouth a string of words I was made to memorize when I was a kid and before we had to go. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. On the next bead, pray a Glory Be. Hollow laughter left my lips softly, praying...I was praying. Praying in an empty shit house with a cooling corpse less than ten feet away from me. How funny, me praying after all these years-after everything. Praying like I really believed, praying like someone was even listening-like God was even real, to begin with the river, they called death the river and everyone walked into its water-no pearly gates and there's no fire and brimstone, just water-didn't they say the world would end in water? Praying for what? For a fucking sign that I'd be okay? A way out of this mess? Forgiveness? That I'd get out of this in one goddamn piece? No.. My hands fall and I get up slowly, a bone-deep tiredness pulling at me as stood on my feet. Eyes drawn right back to the deep red that I was responsible for, that I was the cause for. A numbness settles on my shoulders and I look still before I turn and just...walk out. It's cold, cold enough to make the numbness and exhaustion snap away for all of a second before it coats my being again. Nothing I'm not used to, always been cold to me. Because even if there was a God-even if there was someone listening and looking. Why would he ever set his eyes on a stain of a person like me? Why the fuck would he even want to see my fucking face after what I'd done, what I'd probably keep on doing. I was goddamn pathetic and I knew it, so it was probably for the best that my prayers were forgotten in the wind and left unanswered.
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a-aexotic · 1 year
HEYYYY! So like every other mf on the planet right now I am in my hunger games era!!
Please could you write a Finnick x Reader where she is selected for the quarter quell (Maybe in her games she was lethal and killed like 10+ people?)
And when Katniss shoots the arena in catching fire she gets taken by the capitol (Like Peeta) and they torture her and shit? Then Finnick and her get there reunion she’s all like battered and bruided and it’s dead sad? Not sure if this made sense because i’m half asleep and dyselxic but let me know😭🤣
Maybe he says “It’s okay baby i got you” ??? x
hey of course i can! i hope u enjoy it babe <3 its a tiny bit long! my apologizes
cw's: angst, mentions of killing/dying, typical thg stuff, torture, ptsd, lmk if i missed anything
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You were one of the youngest victors alongside Finnick, being only 15 and having won your games. You were also from District 4. You won the 68th Hunger Games, a few years after Finnick.
When you were reaped, Finnick and Mags were your mentors. Finnick came off as self absorbed and arrogant but once you started talking to him, the more you realized that was total bullshit. He wasn't how the Capitol portrayed him, he was much more caring and compassionate. He was very sympathetic to your situation, having gone through the same things.
During your time in the arena, you were one of the most ruthless tributes of all time. In the beginning, you were easily overlooked. The tributes weren't thinking that you were going to be much of a challenge because of your size and the way you carried yourself.
But that was exactly how you wanted to be portrayed. You tricked the Careers into thinking you were some naïve little girl, stabbing them in the back (literally) the first chance you got. The Capitol loved the turn of events, cheering you on.
When you had come back home, you had finally understood the intensity of what you had done. You had killed a whole group of people, ending their lives permanently. Those people had lives and family who loved them, and now they're gone because of you.
You suffered through months and months from never ending nightmares. Even getting consoled by your mother didn't help anymore; she doesn't understand. You didn't even feel worthy of food anymore.
You closed off Mags and Finnick when you had come home, driving yourself into isolation and depression. You rarely went out anymore, eating one meal a day and slept more than 80% of the day. Even sleeping couldn't mend the eternal tiredness you had, the void that filled your body.
Finnick had felt more than responsible for your pain. He gave you time before he realized he was just adding to your pain. Even when you didn't communicate back to him, Finnick visited you every day. He gave you advice and told you what he had went through after the Games as well. Eventually you opened up more to Finnick, and slowly, he had become your best friend.
He had told you that numbing it wasn't going to make it go away. He reminded you that you had him and Mags to help you with this process, and that you weren't alone despite of how you felt.
He helped you regain your sense of purpose again, your self image again. Finnick had singlehandedly helped you rebuilt your sense of self again.
He saw a part of you in him, that scared 14 year old boy who was trying to go back home to his parents. He never wanted anyone to feel that, especially you.
He promised you that he would never let anything bad ever happen to you again.
During your Victor's tour, Snow had suddenly deemed you desirable by the Capitol, wanting to sell you as he did with Finnick. Finnick couldn't risk getting involved, wanting to protect his family.
Every night in the Capitol, you were always consoled by Finnick. Every time you had to do a favor, you remember walking to Finnick's room to sleep, not baring the thought of having to sleep alone in the cold bed. He was always there, holding your hand comfortingly as you both slept.
The Capitol adored you both, nicknaming you the princess and prince of Panem. The more time you spent with Finnick, the more the media had speculated a relationship between the young victors.
You and Finnick had connected in many ways. Both having the same trauma, it was easy to talk to him and for him to understand how hard it was.
You and Finnick eventually got together a few years later, then getting married (in secret, of course) almost right after. You were both deeply in love.
Finnick found solace in the thought of always having you by his side, remembering that no one could tear you apart. That was until the Quarter Quell was announced.
You and Finnick were sitting at the edge of the couch, listening to Caesar's words carefully as he explained that this year's Hunger Games was going to be very different.
When it was announced that there will be only be Victors in this year's games, you heard dropped. You looked over at Finnick and he shared the same terrified look on his face.
When Annie's name had been called, you without any second thought, put up your hand. "I volunteer as tribute."
The crowd gasped and you looked over at Annie and you could tell she was a bit relived but still scared nonetheless. You immediately embraced her tightly, letting her let out a small sob. "It's okay, you're okay."
Mags looked just as terrified and you took her hand. When Finnick's name was called, you felt your stomach drop. Not only were you back in the arena, but you were with Finnick.
You looked over at Finnick and he looked prepared to fight. You both stood up and he grabbed your hand, raising it up in union.
The trainride to the Capitol was pretty uneventful. Finnick had wanted some time to think about the plan and so did you. A part of you knew what he was planning; he kill everyone else in the arena and then eventually himself, all for you.
As you sat on the bed, you felt the sadness and anger turn into numbness. No amount of crying was going to stop the Quater Quell and you had to be smart.
You didn't want to survive without Finnick. You were either winning with him or dying with him. Life would be meaningless without him.
Finnick knocked on your door slightly, before walking in. You looked up at him and he gave you a small smile. He took a seat next to and took your hand.
"I have a plan."
"Finnick, I know what you're thinking, and no. You're not killing yourself for me."
Finnick looked defeated. "One of us has to survive, Y/N. For Annie. For Mags."
You look a deep inhale, looking away from Finnick. "I don't want to life without you, everything would lose all it's meaning without you."
Finnick felt his heart burst into two pieces as he squeezed your hand. You felt your eyes watering again and you couldn't help but let out another quiet cry as Finnick pulled your head in, as he embraced you tightly.
"Shh, it's okay. I promise, I won't... I won't leave you."
It had all happened so fast, you couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. One moment, you were with Finnick trying to find Johanna and Katniss and suddenly there was big loud boom. You were relieved for a moment; Plutarch's plan had worked. Until you realized how far away you were from the others.
You were wandering, trying to find anyone until you heard people behind you. You turned and then you saw some unfamiliar faces; suddenly, your vision went black.
Then, you woke up in a white room. You felt like your stomach had dropped out of your body once the realization hit you; the Capitol captured you.
You were strapped down to a bed and you couldn't move or shake it off. The severity of the situation had hit you; even if by some miracle you did escape, where would you go? How would you find your way to 13 and back to Finnick?
You knew how ruthless the Capitol was to everyone who disobeyed them. Your worst fears had come true and there was no getting out of here.
You heard the door open and you saw some Peacekeepers come in and then you saw the person you dreaded to see most; Snow. You felt like your whole had come crashing down, how could this nightmare become any worse?
"Hello, Y/N."
You didn't respond, resorting to stare at the wall in front of you instead.
He tutted disappointedly. "Out of all the tributes, you were the one I expected least to be involved in this mess. You are the Princess of Panem... What a shame."
You still hadn't replied and you hadn't dared to look at Snow. Months and months you spent trying to heal the trauma he had caused you, you were sure if you had to look at him now, you would break.
"I want to take mercy on you, dear Y/N. If you tell me everything you know about the rebellion, I will make sure the Peacekeepers are gentle with you."
You shook your head. "No."
He let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What?"
"No." You said again, louder.
He hummed in disapproval. "Okay then, you leave me no choice. You are going to regret this."
He nodded to the Peacekeepers and walked out of the room. You were then met with Peacekeepers, loosening the straps then taking you to another room.
If Snow knew one thing about you, it was that being only physical with you wouldn't hurt you enough. He had to hit you were it hurt most.
They threw you in the seemingly vacant room and immediately locking it. You were confused until you heard it.
"Y/N, help me!" Finnick's voice screamed. "Please, help me! Get up and do something, they're killing me! Please."
You looked everywhere in the dark room, trying to find the source. It kept going.
"Y/N, please! Help! What the hell are you doing, just sitting there? You are such a disappointment!" The voice started shouting. "We should've just left you to died in the arena! You are useless!"
Now this was something new. Your body was filled with panic and fear and even though you knew it was fake, you felt like you were going to throw up from all the noise.
Suddenly, Annie's voice came in as well. Then Johanna's. Then your mother's. There was nonstop noise filled with screams for help, shouting with disapproving messages. Your body couldn't handle it; it was so overwhelmed with fear that you started shaking on the ground, putting your hands on your ears but that did little to nothing.
You wanted it to stop. It was too much, you were trembling. It felt like days, just sitting there in that room listening to all those demeaning voices of your loved ones. You couldn't even think straight anymore.
It was so bad you had started to pound your head on the ground, screaming and crying. You had have enough. And then, it all stopped. Silence was foreign for you; your ears were ringing.
You were sitting on the ground, almost lifeless as the Peacekeepers took you away. Your eyes hurt from the tears, your body sore, your ears ringing and your head was pounding.
But you knew that was just the beginning.
You were asleep in bed and you were awakened by the door opening, you instantly jolted up. You looked over to see a group of masked men in front of you and you had started to tremble again, silent tears rolling down your face, thinking that the Peacekeepers had come again.
"No, no, no." You started to mumble to yourself.
A man came up to your and took your bruised hand slowly, rubbing it gently in silent empathy. That was the first soft touch you'd felt in a few weeks and it almost stung.
"It's okay, you're safe now. You're going to 13 now."
You had to blink a couple times, trying to process what he said. Was this a dream? You went to pinch yourself but it was real life.
He then helped you up but you couldn't help but stumble; your legs were weak, you couldn't remember the last time the Peacekeepers let you walk for this long.
As you got into the hovercraft, you saw Annie. Your eyes widened as you both ran up to each other, embracing each other. She had started to cry a little bit and so did you.
That was when it hit you. You were going to see Finnick. You were going home. You started crying into Annie's shoulder as she held you. "We're safe now, we're safe."
You had seen Johanna as well but she didn't seem too responsive. Neither did Peeta. You fell asleep on Annie's shoulder on the ride back and for the first time, you actually felt yourself drifting off calmly.
There were lots of doctors and nurses looking at you and asking you all sorts of questions and you tried your best to answer them. You were still in shock; you were safe. They couldn't hurt you anymore.
"Y/N?" You turned around to see Finnick. You immediately got up from the examiner's table and ran into his arms, your eyes starting to water up again.
"Finnick," you sighed slowly. You pulled away, putting your hands on his face and touched him as if he wasn't real.
"Are you.. Are you really here?"
"Yes, I'm really here." Finnick looked at you and suddenly his voice transported you back into the dark room. You quickly twisted out of his embrace and his expression changed.
His voice was back and you heard all of the nasty things he had to you. You back away, stumbling into the examiner's table and your breathing became heavy. "No, no, no, please-please go away. No."
You slid down to the floor and you closed your eyes, putting your hands on your ears and rocking back and forth trying to get that voice to stop.
Finnick ran up to you and put his hands on your knees, trying to get you to look at him. His heart broke in half; he didn't know what the Capitol had done to you but now he knows it has something to do with him.
Of course the Capitol would try to ruin him. His eyes started to tear up at the sight of you, in so much pain and panic.
You opened your eyes, Finnick in front of you. You started to cry some more before Finnick slowly went up to you, wrapping his arms around you.
When he had started wrapping your arms around you, your instinct was to push him away but his warmth was welcoming and safe and you started to focus on his touch. The voices slowly drifted away, the sounds of your silent sobs only being heard.
You then gave into Finnick's touch, falling into him and putting your head in his chest as he caressed your back gently, shushing you.
"It's okay baby, I got you. You're safe now, they can't hurt you."
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commander-rahrah · 7 months
Here's my idea that I would love to hear your opinion! Just to let you know this is quite self-indulgent XD What if GN!Reader knew that he was trying to use them from the start? They knew because they're quite familiar with people only talking to them because it's either because they can do something for them or they have something they need! They would still help him since they believe it's something he shouldn't need to go so far to have it. What do you think of it? I'm curious :3
UMMM YESSSS ANON YES! This is definitely something I have considered as well!! Tav isn't a naïve little target like Astarion is used too!
I imagine that Tav/Reader would probably admit to knowing about his plan not long after his own confession scene from Moonrise Towers in Act II. I think it would go something like this ♡♡
P.S.: I absolutely LOVED doing this, and my inbox is literally always open for stuff like this friends! :) It may just take me a hot second to reply!
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“I still can’t wrap my head around this,” Astarion’s voice was a hushed whisper in your ear, the two of you laying next to each other in his tent. You were close, but not touching — you were affording him space, allowing him to make the first move to initiate any kind of touch.
The intimate setting of laying across from each other in his tent was more than you had even expected. The candle stumps sat carefully around you basked everything in a gorgeous, orange glow.
“What do you mean?” You asked gently, your eyebrows furrowed.
“I’d imagine confessing to you in more ways than one… and never once did I imagine it would end like this.” He motioned to the two of you, running a finger tip across your knuckles before withdrawing. His voice was thick with emotion.
A soft chuckle escaped you, “What you thought I’d stake you?”
“Well… yes!” He said exasperatedly, before letting out a breathy laugh himself. Then he shook his head, turning serious, “I was manipulating you. Plotting against my master, with you as my shield.”
Your mouth twitched as you admitted, “I knew.”
“No, I don’t think you understand—“
You interrupted him, your face earnest, “No, Astarion. I do. I knew.”
Realization set deep in his features, his mouth hanging open just enough you could see his fangs, “How long had you known?”
You gave him a half smile, “Since the night you invited me to the woods.”
Your first night together.
“I— that was ages ago!" He sat up abruptly, his red eyes wide, "Why didn’t you say anything? Or better yet— gut me?!"
You sat up slowly, resting on your knees. “People have been using me for my entire life, Astarion. I know what they see when they meet me — a pretty face and nice clothes. Someone who is too friendly, too eager. People have been knocking on my door to ask for gold or sex or an invitation, anything they can get from me… as long as I can remember. Long before I met you."
Astarion was well aware of the mask you could so easily slip on when interacting with others. He hated it when you wore it. But now he understood you had been donning it to protect yourself, as much as he it did for himself too. But he still wanted to stalk and haunt every person who ever made you feel like you were a thing to be used, a means to some end.
Including himself.
Your voice snapped him back to the present, your voice hesitant, "But I had seen through your flirtations for a while now. It’s a force of habit for you, isn’t it?"
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, "Yes, it is."
Your expression crumbled, "I may have realized you were using me, but I didn’t realize how sex made you feel. I’m sorry I didn’t realize, I shouldn’t have indulged in that way."
The vampire waved off your apology, but curiosity got the best of him. "Why did you ‘indulge’? If you knew I was using you… if you knew that I'm... this."
You took a deep breath, before looking him in the eye. “Because I also recognized that what you were doing was a routine, a defense mechanism that you had been doing for longer than I’ve been alive. Because you were manipulated and used for your whole life too, weren’t you?"
Tears formed in the bottom of his eyes as he listened to you, but he willed them to stay back. His red eyes blinked furiously as he listened to you, his fingers intertwining together on his lap.
He wished you would hold them.
"You aren’t like your master, Astarion. And you aren’t what he made you to be either. You are a survivor. And when you were thrown off that nautiloid ship and found yourself in this merry party of misfits, you did just that — survive.
So… I let myself play mouse and get stuck in your trap. Just as I turned a blind eye to Wyll's sending stone. Or didn't ask Gale to explain what in the heavens he was doing with the amulet we had found. Because I trusted you, even back then. Cared for you far more then I should admit. But I knew you needed time."
His bottom lip trembled as you continued your own confession. He let his tears slip free as he saw your own break free. They stuck to your lashes and dripped down your flushed, freckled cheeks. Gods, even crying you were beautiful.
"But I regret that I laid with you — if I had known it caused you such pain I wouldn’t have done that. I knew that sex was apart of your repertoire, but I didn’t realize the anguish it caused you." Your face was pained as you admitted that, he could feel the self-loathing radiating off of you.
“It wasn’t all bad — those times with you were some of the most unexpected moments of bliss I’ve had in centuries." Astarion confessed as he grabbed your fingers and held them tightly. "But it still feels tainted, marred from my past with Cazador..."
“I know." You squeezed his fingers back, another silent understanding. "And we do not need to do such things until you are ready, Astarion. I mean it.”
He nodded, keeping his head down as he stared at the blankets you both sat on — willing himself to get his emotions under control.
You tucked your head to look up at his tilted face, "May I?" You asked softly, your hand hovering between you.
He swallowed as he nodded. You reached out slowly with your hand, before your thumb gently swept under his eyes and down the sides of his face, wiping away the tears that lingered on his pale skin. A sigh of contentment left him at your soft, simple touch. No one had ever touched him like that before.
He caught your hand as you went to withdraw it, your hands intertwined with his between you as you kneeled in front of each other.
Astarion was afraid to ask the next question on the tip of his tongue. But curiosity got the best of him. “So if you knew about my plan this whole time… when did you realize you— you’d fallen for me?”
Your entire face brightened as he asked, your eyes shining as you spoke, “Oh, from the moment you held a knife to my throat and barred your teeth.”
His heart soared, climbing up his throat as he almost choked from the happiness spreading through him.
“You masochist.” He laughed, grabbing onto the sides of your face.
“A romantic fool," You murmured as he placed his lips softly onto yours.
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If you enjoyed this, please feel free to check out more of my Astarion x GN!Reader on my masterlist!
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mosaickiwi · 3 months
14DWY As a Drama AU
Hey remember when I said I’d post this in February oopsies!! (don’t ask me about demon!ren i will cry)
Open at your own risk this thing is LONG. Tried to give everyone at least a little something! upon putting this in my drafts i realized olivia exists i'll add her at some point uhhh. Also you can tell how much I love Elanor... hehe
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
The cult classic romantic thriller, 14 Days With You, is now a drama! Coming to all your favorite streaming platforms this summer. A whirlwind romance gone right and wrong that you DON’T want to miss.
Cast List
🖤 Quiet kid that used the after school theater program to delay returning home. Never wanted to perform, but loved doing costumes, make up, and correcting others (in his mind) on how to portray their roles. 
🖤 Spent a little extra time perfecting the costumes of a certain someone who didn't even know they existed. He always traded house chores with his sister so she'd sit in the audience to solely film Tree #2's performance.
🖤 Was an apprentice special effects makeup artist after graduation at first, particularly for horror films, but it didn't exactly pay the bills when they left home.
🖤 Easily rose to the top in their acting career due to his dedication for crafting characters to perfection. 
🖤 Dolly Parton/Lady Gaga-esque in their separation of work and life—completely unrecognizable in their regular civilian attire. Paparazzi have never gotten a picture of them in all their years trying.
🖤 Has zero issues getting into character, but does "method acting" on occasion to make sure people leave them alone on set. And also to fuck with directors and producers they don't like. Notoriously difficult to work with because of it + their overall attitude towards others, still gets hired somehow.
🖤 Got offered the role as the main love interest in 14DWY without an audition, thanks to a previous manipulative pink haired character he played in a film that ended up never being released. (2017 Ren because it's funny)
 Angel (you!)
💜 Participated in the same after school theater program as [REDACTED] and Leon for a few semesters before you got bored of it. Curiosity for acting resurfaced later in life.
💜 Newbie actor at the recently formed talent agency of your friend. Only starred as non-speaking roles or background characters in small productions until the drama. You moved back to Corland Bay after uni for the better industry prospects.
💜 You initially auditioned for a very small role in the drama as an employee in a seaside shop at first, but somehow you wound up as the lead? (un)lucky you.
💜 Feel free to fill in the blank for any whys and hows you think of to fit your OC/self/sona as you so please <3
💖 Normally an actress and casting director, first time as an executive producer for the drama. Dreams of bringing her own romantic screenplays to life. Hasn't quite proven herself the way she wants in the industry to feel confident enough in them. 
💖 Catalyst for the drama being made. A "friend" mistakenly recommended the 14DWY book to her. She absolutely loathes all the psychological horror of it but sees the potential it has.
💖 Also the reason [REDACTED] was immediately cast, and you as well once she saw your chemistry with him while reading for a minor role. He hadn't shown a fraction of as much interest when reading lines with other potential candidates, so she decided to take the risk of an untested talent as the headliner.
💖 Refuses to use her family's name to get her stuff made. She wants her works to speak for themselves. Very picky about who she works with due to her family having hands in most of Corland's entertainment industry so she hardly gets a genuine interaction beyond ass-kissing.
💖 Always partial to working with Conan's small studio since he was the only director to give her any sort of criticism in spite of her family, as gentle and polite as it was. She still cried a little in the dressing room though.
💖 Genuine confusion when Conan wants her to act as both a producer and assist with direction. She only intended to bring it to his interest. But how could she say no to someone whose judgment and opinion she respects so much?
💖 Runs and owns a small scale studio in the Bay that seems to pick and choose its productions at random. It is in fact Alice sneaking into her dad's home office and putting scented stickers on the ones she likes. (She only reads the titles)
💖 Extremely proud of Elanor for getting so far on her own, and would take on one of her dozens of scripts no questions asked if she'd only work up the courage to show him one. So imagine his surprise when she comes to him with a romantic horror instead of one of the fairy tale romances he sees her scribbling notes on during breaks.
💖 While he’s the one with the final say, he does try to let Elanor have as much free reign as possible on the project in the hopes to boost her confidence.
💖 A super-star actress and model that got her start in Corland’s local industry, but quickly hit it big. 
💖 When she isn’t drowning in work, she’ll swing through town to check in on her sister.
💖 Desperately wants to star in one of Elanor’s productions, but respects her sister’s desire for independence. Though she does like to tease about certain casting decisions on the drama when made aware of them.
the rest of the cast are unfortunately very silly i couldn't resist
💖 Started a talent agency out of spite for the terrible castings in their favorite media. Got further invested upon realizing they could read the scripts before the movies or show adaptations were even announced.
💖 The one who pushed you to audition for a minor role in the production once the rumor about who was cast as the main love interest reaches them. They've heard all the horror stories about [REDACTED] so wanted the inside scoop. Horrified and fascinated to find out you get the lead role. It’s like watching a train wreck.
💖 Joined the theater program initially because of you, but got really into it. Moved away to attend a performing arts school until his mother got sick.
💖 Took every wacky infomercial or street performance gig he could find to pay the hospital bills until Teo found out and swooped in.
💖 Eternally grateful for the burden of financial ruin being relieved, so he always accepts the jobs Teo gets for him. He definitely won’t complain since he’s not dressed in an animal costume and shouting nonsensical slogans for cleaning products.
💖 Met Leon through a shared production and quickly bonded. Attended a different performing arts school and met Jae as a child.
💖 Almost the exact opposite of his game character purely for the funnies. Shy, introverted, can’t flirt to save his life. Still a nepo baby but he can hold his own in acting. Doesn’t like his character much, but is extremely jealous of the confidence he oozes.
💖 Leon and Jae are his only friends in the industry so he uses his sway to get them parts if they haven't already gotten a call back. Gets REALLY nervous on set for certain roles so he needs their support.
💖 Attended the same school as Teo when they were kids, and is constantly pitching intentionally bad ideas and joking on set to reassure his friend.
💖 A little bit of a thrill seeker, so does all his own small stunts if he thinks he’s capable. Stands there and gawks watching the more extreme stunts, loudest to clap when they go well.
💖 Kept bringing Maple to the shoots cause how could he even think about leaving her at home? She would occasionally break her leash and wander into a scene for head scratches and kisses. The film crew always booed when a PA came to take her off set.
💖 Completely terrible at caring for plants. Inspired by her role, she starts vlogging about her plant mom journey before shooting even begins. All her advice is completely wrong and terrible. Her personal assistant keeps her in the dark by tending to the plants themselves to fix her mistakes.
💖 Finds out she has a talent for flower arrangement, though. Does thank you vases for the cast and crew on all her future productions that last a lifetime because her PA made sure all the flowers were fake.
(silly on set shenanigans)
🎬 Scenes get retaken quite a bit, since you’re still extremely new to it all. Most of the cast and crew expect anger out of [REDACTED] after the 4th call for a re-shoot on the first day’s library scene, but he’s surprisingly cracking jokes about his dye job and reassuring you that you’re doing great. The infamously ill-tempered actor is smiling somehow… even being patient? Not glaring down his co-star for minor slip ups? They cannot recognize this person.
🎬 Violet and [REDACTED] naturally butt heads on set. She respects their acting, not the actor. Zero hesitation to snap back if he’s getting snarky with a PA. You’re the one people have to beg to separate them, and you’re completely baffled that [REDACTED] doesn’t treat others as nicely as he treats you.
🎬 Even though Elanor is a nervous wreck about the first real thing to ultimately make or break her career, she’s scarily efficient on set—as long as no one distracts her. She does get sidetracked once in a while, only because she loves chatting and answering any questions the cast or crew might have. She even brings one of her own cats to set during a slower day to see if they can get along with Maple. Leaves Conan in charge when the horror scenes are being shot. They’re both put off by how vivid they feel, but Conan at least can grin and bear it. 
🎬 You and Leon manage to catch up on set while [REDACTED] is otherwise occupied shooting said horror scenes. You tease him about a few infomercials you saw when looking up his actor reel, and Leon teases you back about your unlucky streak of being a tree or a rock in every play the theater program put on when y’all were younger. Laughs even harder once he finds out your most prominent roles until then were “unnamed zombie #5 at the bottom of the pile” and “sleeping train passenger.”
🎬 Try as he might, [REDACTED] doesn’t convince Elanor to change up a few crucial parts of the script for his benefit. His offhand threats of leaving the production fall on deaf ears, as she is all too happy to do re-shoots to make Teo the lead. His innocent hints to you about the shoddy script fly over your head for some reason! You love how it's turning out, what does he mean?
🎬 Super shy Teo prefaces and warns his co-stars before acting in every scene of his character being excessively flirty. Most of the actors have worked with him at some point or another beforehand, so they let him go through his routine without issue. Some crew members love the whiplash of him switching between overly courteous and smarmy, others vastly prefer the flirty character and mourn the loss as production comes to a close.
The Build Up
📺 The higher ups pressure Violet to start a short-lived streaming career to boost interest, since she’s hopeless with plants. She amasses a cult following for her MMO reviews, blind raids on new patches, and her wild ride of a Minecraft playthrough. In the end she winds up preferring to play games off stream, but once in a blue moon she’ll do a first time raid stream so her more dedicated fans can join and watch her alliance get wiped. Creative trolling is highly encouraged.
📺 Teo, Jae, and Leon appear on a late night TV show for promotion. It was meant to be for Teo and [REDACTED] at first. (Where’s the leading lover? [REDACTED] refused all promo appearances or sit downs without you being involved in them.) The host plays a clip that Teo’s particularly embarrassed about, and he hides his face in shame when the crowd hoots and hollers praise about his portrayal.
📺 [REDACTED] comes across as doting and overprotective of you once you’re pushed into the spotlight of celebrity, and shows increasingly concerning behaviors as the premiere looms closer. Depending on your response, they’ll back off to a point or dial it up. Interviewers and consumers mistake it as the eccentric actor’s “method acting” so the red flags just slide right past.
📺 Elanor and Conan guest star in a podcast for off-the-cuff romance enthusiasts. Their strangely cagey and joking comments like “there were so many retakes we couldn’t keep track of what was meant to be the actors messing around or part of the final cuts,” and “we’ve actually sent all the reviewers 1 of 14 versions with completely different endings,” leave listeners all the more curious to see the film.
The Climax
🎉 Reception is huge, in good ways for most. The majority of the cast see a surge in popularity if they didn’t already from the hype. 
🎉 Teo bemoans his endless offerings for sarcastic pretty boy jobs, Leon makes enough to get picky about his roles (and pay Teo back), Jae somehow cons a studio into an action film starring Maple—and subsequently adopts every single one of her stunt doubles. 
🎉 Moth throws the agency away to start adapting anime and manga themselves. Elanor finally feels validated enough to bring one of her romantic screenplays to the big screen, starring her sister Kiara and a very enthusiastic Violet as the leading couple. 
🎉 Conan’s studio is overloaded with scripts, and Alice runs out of scented stickers that much quicker. They are severely backlogged send help.
🎉 One determined conspiracy theorist sets out to prove those missing 13 versions of the ending are real, based on minor cuts and inconsistencies purposefully left in the public release.
The End, Roll Credits
choose your own ending
Bad End 💔 - A Falling Star
💔 If you respond negatively to [REDACTED]’s demeanor during shoots and promo: he plays the waiting game, uses his connections and blackmail to make sure all your roles without his name attached don’t garner nearly as much attention as the ones where you’re co-stars.
💔 Your negotiating power quickly plummets as you fall out of demand and end up begging just for the non-speaking roles you once loathed.
💔 The careers of anyone you got close to on set fall apart much faster than yours, before they’re outright blacklisted in the industry.
💔 You begrudgingly call up your last option. He can’t do much for your friends, but their offer to help you make a comeback is always open.
Neutral End 💌 - Just One More Try
💌 If you respond indifferently to [REDACTED]’s demeanor: the drama leads to you getting more offers, though a handful are for playing opposite of [REDACTED], as the on-screen chemistry was too much for studios to ignore for cash grabs.
💌 Elanor has rid herself of the drama’s subsequent rights, despite positive reception, so a sequel sprouts up in the works at a different studio. One that doesn’t mind catering to the whims of their actors when it comes to script integrity.
💌 You arrive on the set to find that not just one, but all of your cast mates except for them were written to have much smaller parts in the sequel. In fact, you rarely find a scene in the revised script where [REDACTED] isn’t alongside you.
💌 Sadly the contract is air tight, just put up with it until it’s over… What’s this clause about further sequels?
Good End 💍 - Off Into the Sunset
💍 If you respond positively to [REDACTED]’s demeanor: you’ll sadly announce at the post premiere press conference that acting was a one-and-done adventure for you. Retired effective immediately, no farewell interviews.
💍 You’re spotted around town for a few weeks in a mask with a tall, darkly dressed companion at your side before you disappear from the public eye and Corland Bay all together.
💍 A few of your friends at least have an idea of where you are, and they meet up with you whenever you're in a nearby city. None of them can recognize the man glued to your side, though. Not that he'd say anything to clue them in.
💍 After months of near inactivity, [REDACTED] mysteriously deletes their socials without a word, sparking confusion and outrage among hardcore fans still desperately hoping for a sequel.
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deancaspinefest · 4 months
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Another Kind of Memory
Author: FriendofCarlotta | Artist: Aggiedoll
Posting on Wednesday March 20
Since a traumatic incident six years ago, Castiel Novak’s face has been disfigured by a scar. He’s resigned himself to being someone people can barely stand to look at, let alone love. Except his heart doesn’t seem to have gotten the message. When Dean Winchester takes over the convenience store down the street from Castiel’s bookshop, Castiel falls helplessly in love with his new neighbor. To make matters worse, Castiel’s sister Anna is also interested in Dean. Believing that Dean could never love him, Castiel decides to help Anna win his heart instead.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
“Hey,” Dean says. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Just… wanted to say hi.”
“Oh. Hi,” Castiel says, one hand fluttering nervously down his face and across his hair in an attempt to ensure he’s looking presentable. The tips of his fingers catch on the ugly, jagged ridge of his scar, and he remembers that “presentable” stopped being an option six years ago. He clears his throat and arranges his face in the polite mask of a consummate customer service professional. “Anything I can help you find?”
“Um.” Dean looks uncertain now, as though it’s a question he wasn’t expecting — despite the fact that it’s easily the most predictable question one could be asked in a bookshop. “I don’t know. I was just gonna browse, I guess.”
This is the point in a customer interaction where Castiel would usually withdraw, because “I’m just browsing” is universal bookstore code for “leave me the fuck alone.” But Dean doesn’t give any sign of wanting to walk away. Instead, he simply hovers in front of Castiel’s armchair, eyes gliding aimlessly (and somewhat helplessly) across the shelves to his right.
“What sort of things do you like to read?” Castiel finds himself asking, because it’s impossible not to take pity on a grown man who is capable of looking so bashfully lost.
“Anything,” Dean says. One of his hands flies to the back of his neck, rubbing at it. There’s something terribly endearing about the gesture — perhaps the fact that it makes him look like a boy who’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Belatedly, it occurs to Castiel that it’s his turn to speak. His prolonged silence appears to have made Dean nervous, because he’s speaking again, a little too quickly to be altogether natural. “I know that sounds stupid. Like those people who say they like all kinds of music — which I don’t, by the way, just to be clear. Big classic rock fan. Zeppelin, the Stones. Metallica too, which I guess is classic rock these days and fuck, that’s kind of depressing. But, yeah. Anyway. Pretty much anything. Love Vonnegut and Kerouac, but I’ve read just about all their stuff. I’ll read sci-fi, horror, mysteries… actually, I guess I should say I read all kinds of fiction. Non-fiction kinda puts me right to sleep. My brother, Sammy, he’s a big fan though. Crazy about true crime for some reason.” Dean blows out a heavy breath. He abruptly seems to realize he’s scratching at his neck and lowers his arm back down, fingers twitching as if unsure what to do with themselves now. “You probably didn’t need to know all that, huh?”
“No, this is helpful,” Castiel says, getting up. “I’ll show you the layout of the store so you can see which shelves you might be most interested in.”
Somehow, Dean’s shyness makes him feel more at ease. When he first laid eyes on Dean, he thought someone as handsome as Dean must be a smooth and confident conversationalist. But he doesn’t seem to be, and somehow, that makes it easier for Castiel to hold up his own end of the conversation.
Or maybe it’s just that Dean doesn’t know how to talk to someone like Castiel. He wouldn’t be the first one.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Wednesday March 20)
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wekiamo · 1 year
Hii 🫣 so i got a Tom req!
Him and reader at a party and literally evrrything she does is making Tom lose control, like the way she dances, readjust her dress, holds her drink etc. Then they go to the restroom and you know what happens next 😭 you can adjust it to your liking I js really like the idea of them doing it at a party
By the way can I be 🥝 anon? Love your writing so much ❤️
losing control ✧ tom kaulitz smut
warnings: +18 and nsfw content, smut, swearing, mentions of drinking, teasing, fingering, p in v, fluff, english isn’t my first language.
a/n: tysm for the request bae i love it AND YES YOU CAN BE 🥝 ANON!! thank you for supporting me it motivates me sm mwaa 💋
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your friends have been begging you to go to a party with them for weeks now, but you were too busy with academic stuff to attend to a party. but now here you are.
the party was going amazing. you drank whiskey, danced to a thousand songs, met new people who you talked to about many topics and laughed with, even though sometimes you couldn’t even hear them properly - it was all too fun.
little did you know your boyfriend tom was there or how crazy you made him go, by doing literally anything. it could be the way you dance, the way you readjust your short dress, the way you talk to your “little friends” according to him, even the way you hold your drink.
you were dancing to “promiscuous”, but the song came to it’s end and now the song playing is “streets” by doja cat. some of your friends went to get some drinks. fine, you’re not that drunk, but you’re drunk enough not to be shy to dance to the sensual song playing. melissa, one of the friends you came with, is dancing with you - your movements are smooth, your body moving and dancing to the slow rhythm.
“And baby I needed space
Ain’t nobody ‘round here on your level
You’re so far away”
in a dance move you look behind you, you notice a guy’s gaze right upon you. you can’t really put your finger on who it is, though.
the guy staring at you was sitting with his arms spread out and supported on the sofa he was sitting on, manspreading with a drink on his hand. someone was talking to him, but he didn’t seem to pay attention. he was staring right into you. you turn to keep dancing. maybe if you were sober you would be freaked out, but you were just focused on your moves. a few seconds after that, melissa tells you she’s gotta use the restroom. you nod, and keep dancing.
suddenly, someone hugs you from behind by your waist. you look behind you and you see it’s your boyfriend, tom - you look at the sofa behind him to check if the guy staring at you was gone, and he was. that’s when you realize the guy staring at you was him.
- tom, what are you doing here? - you ask him rhetorically, analyzing his appearance. he starts kissing your neck slowly, still hugging you by your waist.
“I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, Like you”
- you look amazing tonight, you know that babe? - tom murmurs in your neck making you a little weak on the knees, before kissing the back of your neck.
before you can answer, tom’s hands squeeze your ass tightly, making a short and soft moan come out of your mouth. he turns your body easily by your shoulder, looking at you. you know this look, it’s a mix of lust and passion.
- you’re driving me crazy, girl - he put his hands on your neck and pulled you into a rough and desperate kiss. in no time you were kissing him back with the same want as him, finally reacting to his moves.
thankfully, you’re sober enough to remember you’re in public, so you pull out of the kiss. tom’s faster than you though - he grabs you by your arm and guides you somewhere. on the way to the so not mysterious place, you’re both giving each other silly glances and chuckling. when tom’s about to open the restroom’s door, melissa comes out and looks at you wide-eyed. she just laughs and get out of your way, and you both get in.
tom goes first and pulls you in, before you close the door with your back and lock it without looking behind you. your boyfriend doesn’t even wait until you lock the door and already attacks your lips for another intense kiss desperately. tom bites your bottom lip slightly. you both need each other so bad.
tom, still kissing you, lifted up your dress with one hand while the other grabs your neck in a tight grip. he slides your panties to the side instead of taking it off. suddenly, he slaps your cunt, which he knows you like.
- tom, please - you whine.
- please what? - tom asks teasingly drowning his face in your neck, sucking it, giving you now a very visible mark. he doesn’t seem to care though, neither do you.
seeing you don’t answer him, he just kisses you sliding his hand teasing to introduce a finger in your cunt and rubbing it sometimes. that makes you groan into the kiss, wanting more. when you do, tom finally introduces his finger. his pace starts slowly, for your surprise. you pull out of the kiss to watch his fingers slide into you easily.
- so wet. ‘s that all for me, hm? - he asks with a malicious and cheeky grin on his face, and you just nod - use your words, love. wanna hear you.
- yeah - you answer breathing heavily - it’s all for you, tom.
- i know, babe - he answers with a cocky smile, driving you crazy, and leaning in to kiss you again. but this time, it’s more gentle than the others - you can still feel him speeding up a lot the pace of his fingers inside your pussy, making it hard for you to kiss him back.
you both moan into the kiss several times, pulling out for milliseconds to breathe and then kiss again. you want more. you need more.
you pull out of the kiss to kneel in front of him and start unzipping tom’s pants to see his hard and big cock through his boxers, making you giggle. you take his underwear off and when you’re about to stroke his cock, he interrupts you.
- nuh-uh - he says and he makes you get up - you can do that later - he says pressing you against the wall again, before taking off his shirt. you can’t help but slide your hands slowly down his abdomen. then, he wraps his hands around his bulge and starts rubbing your pussy with it. the friction is delicious and the wet sounds of your cunt echo through the restroom.
after a few seconds, tom slides his bulge inside you without a single warning, making you moan. he was big - this shouldn’t be a surprise for you, but the size of it gets you EVERY time. he starts thrusting himself slowly into you, like he’s trying to memorize the feeling to be inside you. he does that every single time too. it’s impossible to control your own moans, and you don’t even bother to. the music outside the restroom was loud and you could both hear it perfectly.
“And I hit it like it’s all mine”
tom gives you slow but deep thrusts - he slides his cock all in and almost pulls out of you, proceeding to give you another deep thrust. it didn’t last much though, as he started speeding up his pace going even deeper inside your pussy. wanting to feel it from the back, you attempt to change positions pulling it out of you but when you’re about to turn around, you’re interrupted by tom grabbing your wrist in a tight grip.
“And her body shakes,
And you’ll never know”
- wanna look at you, beautiful - tom runs his hand through your hair while the other readjusts his bulge to be inside you again. you turn your head to the side breathing heavily and moaning loudly - looking at me - he commands while turning your head to him again by your neck. he just kept his hands there, choking you slightly - and every time he did it, you moaned even louder.
you look up at him with huge difficulty to breathe or think. tom was fucking you dumb at a party and you were loving it. he lost control of his own body hours ago, since he saw you at the party. he didn’t want to interrupt your dance though, actually he wanted it to never end as he watched your moves without looking away for even a second. but then, he got up without thinking and couldn’t hold back.
- fuck - he says while giving you a few even deeper thrusts and a strong slap on your ass - always so fucking tight.
the boy in front of you felt your walls clench more and more around his cock, making him groan from how good you make him feel.
- t-tom, i’m cumming - you warn him between your heavy breathing. as he listens to you speak, he puts his hands on your waist, pulling you even closer every thrust. that was your limit. you felt a big wave of pleasure and relief when you spilled all your cum on his cock, moaning uncontrollably as he kept thrusting inside you, looking for his own release. you were losing your energy, whining more, legs getting wobbly, pussy getting oversensitive - and tom noticed that.
- i’m cumming too princess, don’t worry - tom says as he gives his last thrusts slowly into your cunt sliding it all in, as he cums inside you deliciously and pulls out from you. you half-close your eyes as a joke - not my fault you’re irresistible, love.
- the boy says readjusting your panties and dress back to place.
you both laugh and go for a calm kiss.
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skyward-floored · 18 days
For IAU requests… anything Four related? Sorry if that’s too vague lol
Don’t worry about it anon, being vague is fine! Precise prompts are fun too, but having some more vague ones adds some nice variety. And gives me the freedom to do stuff like this, hehe.
(Set when they’re all a little older. Four is somewhere in his early teens).
“Hey, um... Link?”
Four startled, nearly banging his head against that of the girl leaning over him. She jumped back, and Four blinked a few times, trying to focus on her face. Freckles swam into view, and Four finally recognized the girl as his friend Dot.
Friend, despite how his brothers tried to tease.
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you,” Dot apologized, and Four waved her off, yawning.
“‘S okay,” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Did you need something?”
Dot hesitated, something odd shining in her eyes. “You um, really seem tired today, Link. Are you all right?”
No. “Yeah.”
Dot studied him a second, then leaned down, and lowered her voice so the other kids couldn’t hear her as easily.
“I... I heard your brother was in the hospital.”
Four swallowed as the familiar ache in his chest came back, and he looked at his desk as he nodded.
“I’m really sorry,” Dot continued, her voice soft. “Is there anything I can do?”
“No,” Four mumbled, not wanting to think about Twilight, still struggling to recover after a hit from a mysterious weapon had nearly killed him. Hyrule’s powers had had almost no effect on his injury, and they’d exhausted every option they had. And though Twilight was finally no longer on death’s doorstep, he still wasn’t healing like he should be.
He could easily slip back to a dangerous level, and if that happened again he might not have the strength to pull through this time.
Four swallowed. “Sorry. Thanks though. Appreciate it.”
Dot hesitated, but nodded, and patted his shoulder as the bell rang, signaling the start of class. She sat in the desk next to him like she always did, and poked his arm whenever he started to drift off, giving him a light shake when that wasn’t enough.
The school day dragged on, and dragged him with it, Four fumbling his way through his classes. Dot stayed at his side for all of them that she could, and the part of him that was awake enough to notice was grateful for it.
He’d barely slept the past few days, his emotions were a wreck, and on top of all that he’d had a nasty argument with Wild last night.
“He doesn’t need this right now!”
Four swallowed. All he really wanted to do was go back to the hospital and sit with Twilight, but instead he was stuck in school, currently learning about some math formula while his and Wild’s angry words rang in his head, along with the noise Twilight had made when he’d been hit and Four couldn’t stop thinking about how still he’d gone after he’d fallen—
“Mr. Forester, I asked you a question.”
Four blinked, and realized his math teacher had come up to his desk, arms crossed as her foot tapped on the floor. The classroom was quiet, and Four swallowed when he noticed everyone was looking at him.
“Mr. Forester?” the teacher reminded sternly, and Four swallowed.
“I’m... could you repeat that, please?” he stammered, and she sighed.
“I asked if you knew how to solve the problem,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “And I would appreciate an answer sometime this year.”
A few of his classmates tittered, and Four blinked the exhaustion out of his eyes, trying to remember if he’d actually heard her say the problem or not. His cluttered brain couldn’t focus though, too many thoughts and feelings clogging his usually sharp brain. The writing on the board blurred, and Four swallowed, looking at his desk.
He had no clue what he was supposed to be solving.
“I... n-no. I’m sorry,” he whispered, and to his horror, his eyes began to water.
His teacher sighed, and went back to the front of the class. “Disappointing, Mr. Forester. I expect more from you. Can anyone else tell me how to work these equations? Miss Castor?”
Someone else spoke up, but the words just buzzed in Four’s head, his throat tight as he stared at his desk.
His brother could be dying right now, and he was wasting his time sitting in a math class.
Four bit his lip as it trembled, flipping up the hood of his jacket. The argument with Wild wouldn’t stop replaying through his mind, the way he’d yelled and how Four had yelled back, and how he’d split in the middle of it and said things he knew he’d regret, but they’d felt so good leaving his mouth, and the way Wild’s face had looked so miserable as he’d run away, and how his father had just looked resigned to the fact that they were going to lose Twilight—
A hand squeezed his arm, and Four looked through his hair at Dot, her face sharply worried now. He swallowed rather thickly, and Dot suddenly raised her hand.
“Yes, Miss Gustafson?” their teacher asked as she turned around, and Dot stood from her desk.
“I think I need to take Link to the nurse,” she said firmly, hand still holding Four’s arm. “He hasn’t been feeling well all day, you can see for yourself he’s pale.”
“Are you certain?” their teacher asked, and Dot nodded, unwavering. Their teacher thought for a moment, tapping a finger on her desk. “Hmm. I suppose he has been acting unusual today... that would certainly explain some things. You may escort him.”
“Thank you,” Dot said with a nod, and she pulled Four out of his desk and out of the classroom before he could blink.
They didn’t go to the nurse’s office though, rather Dot pulled him to a small spot behind the stairs, one so small only a few kids could actually fit back here. Four and Dot fit fine though, and she tugged Four down to sit, rifling in her bag.
“Okay, go ahead,” she said, pulling something out.
“Go ahead?” Four asked, barely stopping his voice from wobbling.
“Go ahead. Cry. You were on the verge of breaking down in there, you’ve got to let some of it out or there’s no way you’re making it through any more classes today,” Dot said matter-of-factly. She held up a small packet of tissues. “So cry, please.”
Four let out a hollow laugh. “I’m not going to just start crying because you told me to, Dot.”
“It’ll help, trust me,” Dot urged, and her voice softened. “It’s okay to be upset, Link. Anyone would be with what you’ve got going on. Just cry for a bit, and then we can go back. We don’t even have to go to the nurse if you don’t want to.”
Four laughed again, but the sound was watery. “Dot, just because Tw-Twilight is in the, the hospital, doesn’t m-mean, I...”
For some reason saying it out loud made it all crash down on him, and Four’s voice broke.
He tried to keep talking, but his breath hitched, and suddenly he was crying instead, a sob hiccuping from his throat. Dot stayed quiet as she set a hand on his shoulder, and Four felt tears begin to drip down his cheeks.
She rubbed it a little bit, and Four hiccuped again, wishing in the back of his mind that he could split. Then only a fourth of him would be sobbing his eyes out in front of Dot, and this would be a little less embarrassing.
But his powers were secret, and supposed to stay that way. So Four continued to cry, Dot scooting over to sit more closely beside him, her hand warm on his shoulder.
He didn’t know how long they sat there, Dot patting his shoulder while he cried his eyes out, but it was long enough that he was sure their teacher would be suspicious.
“Y-you should go back,” Four finally said, shakily wiping his eyes on his sleeve. “You’ll be missed.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, I can just say you threw up on me and I had to clean myself up,” she shrugged, offering him a tissue. Four let out a watery snort, but took it, shakily blowing his nose. “Or that the nurse wanted to make sure you hadn’t infected me. Ooh, or maybe you were so delirious you begged me to stay at your side, and I was forced to forgo math in order to stop your feverish ramblings.”
“No way that would work as an excuse,” Four said, his voice still wobbling.
“It might, you never know.”
Four fondly shook his head, then sighed, feeling drained from all the crying he’d just done. He didn’t feel... better, exactly, but he felt less overwhelmed by it all. His head felt less cluttered at least, and he gave Dot a grateful look.
“Thanks Dot,” he said quietly, and she nodded, then gave him a quick hug.
“Of course. If you need to talk, or just... anything else, just ask, okay?”
Four nodded, and hugged her back. “Okay.”
They sat under the stairs a little while longer, trying to make Four look like he hadn’t spent the last half hour crying, and then Dot pulled him to his feet, and they went to the nurse’s office together. They at least needed an alibi for being gone so long, and it would be suspicious if Four was never seen going to the nurse. Even if he only felt sick because of worry.
Four sighed as they walked down the hallways, and Dot squeezed his hand, giving him a little smile. He somewhat succeeded in returning it, and his thoughts drifted back to Wild, and their argument.
As soon as he made it through the rest of the school day, he’d... try and talk to him. He owed Wild that much at least.
And... Twilight would want him to try.
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mizz-sea-nymph · 3 months
Attention: if you are not @hebemina then I advise you don’t respond to this cause just by that you’ll embarrass yourself by proving my points and being literal proof.
Id like to say that me and her where friends but during the time we where friends she had her weird moments and her alright moments especially when we first met, it wasn’t her acting like the adult it was me, funnily enough I started referring to her as a sister cause that’s what I do when I worry about how a person views me, it was clear I was uncomfortable and got my friend who remember the first encounter and how I reacted to this ask a while back, hell I even asked them how to respond to the ask cause I was in such a panic. When looking at it, I’m genuinely disgusted how she didn’t even apologise or better herself, everyone keeps saying she’s better but she isn’t and it’s really sad how harmful it is especially to the people she spoke with that she made uncomfortable.
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(She was drunk and I was mortified and didn’t even know how to respond so I danced around it I’ll admit that but thing is she didn’t even apologize)
Now it’s hard to show this from the past cause of personal stuff but since some people already know about it I guess I just gotta grow some balls. I’m showing this from the past cause I came across it a while ago and got disgusted, I was a child and I was mortified so much so I asked my friends how to respond to it and was so ashamed and embarssed I thought I deleted this but luckily didn’t cause one can realize how horrid this is. What’s funny is a DECENT AND SENSITIVE AND CARING PERSON would apologise! You never apologized Mina! and this wasn’t the first time you got weird with me! Seriously! Atleast have the decency to say sorry! But not just this you’ve many times turned our platonic and happy convos to something straight up weird, I ended up deleting many on my blog cause of unlike you I feel embarrassed!
I went through a hard year and having someone like this disturb me online was the icing on the cake but of course I was too embarssed and scared to say anything about it cause I feared I’d be yelled at, by your followers, yeah allot of you made me not even want to stand up for myself and say “what you are doing is rubbing me the wrong way” despite her knowing my age, and despite me reminding her constantly at that time I kept saying “haha I’m in high school”. So to the people reading this, dont make her seem like she Dosent know the age of her followers cause she lurks, she lurks around even accounts she has now ignored just cause said acount has a different opinion then her.
Thought I didn’t notice? I easily noticed how you and @hanaiikiki or whatever TF her name is now stopped talking to me as a whole and started ignoring my existence, even when I was geniunely trying to be nice etc, you stopped when I voiced my opinion about Loki, Hana going as far as telling people she Dosent know me (girl I got ears everywhere, when I heard this I was shocked cause I thought we where good!) despite me clearly stating as a continuation I don’t care what anyone likes and Dosent like it’s the VICTIM BLAMING, that’s wrong and also rly weird. So I don’t understand why both of you would let a fictional character come between a nice mutual friendship, especially you Hana I geniunely liked talking to you I liked talking mythology and liked sending you asks, you where really nice and kind with me and didn’t weird me out like Mina but it’s clear you have no self identity what so ever. But of course, no worries! I have no need for you! I know who my people are and aren’t and you aren’t one of em that’s for sure. As for Mina, yeesh girl yeesh that’s all I got when it comes to this, cause again no self respect self shame or friendship is magic in this case, but then again you’re no use of me either so I’ll say I’m glad you don’t speak to me anymore cause you creeped me out many times :)
just cause someone hides behind a cute kind persona dose not always mean that’s what they are on the inside dishonesty is sm. I’m honestly so dissapointed so many here defend her and say she’s changed instead of her saying she has, let her speak for herself if she’s so much so as the adult she claims to be.Let her speak cause I’m amazed how everyone walks eggshells around her cause she’s “sensitive” that is a insult to sensitive people as a whole.
I’m not going to mention who cause I want them to rest easy cause they are dear to me and what they experienced today breaks my heart they’re so sweet and didn’t deserve any of this, but when Mina apologized to them, Mina used the excuse of “I didn’t know you where a minor” despite her MENTONING THEIR AGE! Everyone knows people that know what they’re doing use that excuse, they lie, they will always go with this excuse, don’t get offended and stop reading now Mina I ain’t calling you a pedo, I’m calling you a dumbass, a real big dumbass as a whole for that shit apology and excuse. A victim of harassment Dosent deserve this, and a “sorry” dose not make up for the trauma the victim suffered let alone this type of “sorry”.
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(I’m covering the name cause I rly feel bad for who experienced this and believe the poor thing has experienced enough today of all days like good god I don’t even want anyone to comfort me I’m fine! Just show some support and love to this victim cause good god)
there’s a line with senstivity and irresponsibility, and if it weren’t for me sending a respectful i REPEAT a respectful I’m a respectful person that’s how my mama raised me, anon ask saying you shouldn’t interact with minors much cause they’re easy to influenced and they see what you post easily etc etc, the useless “minors do not interact” wouldn’t be there. Oh and it’s hilarious how you have it there and still interact with said minors? Sweetie? It’s not there for show! Lotus? Heldril? Goddamm new comers? Children copy and children get affected! And you’ve clearly traumatized and affected a bunch! If you’re a so called elderly care giver you should know how to care for others that aren’t just you, make it make sense!
Oh and let’s not leave this out the cake. It’s funny how you talk about masturbating in public and how you vent in public, letting literally people who are younger than you be your therapist, or witness you sexting IN PUBLIC keep it in the dms woman! have so shame! This isn’t red lobster you embarrassing yourself! I ain’t slut shaming you cause I’m the queen of sluts, I’ve been called a slut for years and I didn’t even know about it so don’t think I’m slut shaming you. But really How wonderful really! A nurse! Who gose through the struggle of whipping elderly asses for a living! Doesn’t go to a therapist and relays on people decades younger than her! Get a damm therapist! Be ashamed! Seriously take some responsibility!
Not to mention I still remember how people expressed geniune concern for you and you milked it and said “see you on the other side” who says that! I was one of those people! I actually worried? But I woke up and realized what the fuck is this? Are you serious??? Some of these people who are worried for you are younger by years?? Some even minors?! Get a grip??! Where’s the responsibility?? It’d be better to write about your horny thoughts on a blog strictly for NSFW! I deadass told you to in the anon ask cause you need to be responsible! And dont you dare post a “im sorry 🥺” post! I know your type and I know them well! Just by that post where you explained yourself about the whole issue of you saying you want to make out with a minor, says allot. You didn’t address the issue! You just said it’s okay to hate you! You didn’t even defend yourself! Well for one Mina, I don’t hate you, I just hate the way you act,behave and your personality as a whole because that “sorry” will never cut the anxiety and horrible memory as a whole, be ashamed a bit, it’s not funny to make everything sexual and as a adult you should understand that.
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What you did to those mods and roleplayers? I’m still speechless and have Vietnam flashbacks when it comes to the public sexting good god, atleast as if it’s okay to do NSFW and sent a literal pic of you bust? I know dirty I’m the QUEEN of dirty that hand on your top pulling the shirt a little lower shocked me so much my eyebrows left to Saturn and had a baby with the planet! I’ve got eyebrow planet grandkids now that’s how shocked I was. Not to mention the mod was 19 you are literally a decade older girl- tf is this lore Olympus? I know you like lore Olympus but girl lore Olympus is lowkey shit no offence. Honestly no wonder the mod stopped roleplaying and deleted the acounts cause good god girl- atleast have the decency to ask?
It’s really funny! Just a big joke really!
I for one was a friend with yo!u until I realized your true colors, I’m disappointed and consider this pathetic. I used to think you were nice and kind but I was met with dissapointment you genuinely disappointed me, hurt me and not only me but many others, don’t beat yourself about it just accept the fact that you did and just remove yourself from said minors and ACTUALLY BE RESPONSIBLE, before you hurt even more people.
As for the ones reading this,
You all know me and I’m pretty sure this is shocking seeing me a person here on tumblr call out the so called sweet Mina but honestly, people! nobodies perfect! Are you kidding me?? Get it through your skulls! She isn’t perfect and I’m not saying to hate her I’m saying to stop treating her like a child! when actual children here are being harmed! I’ve seen minors on here who deadass have been affected by her! And nobody I say nobody! don’t you dare say she didn’t know what she was doing that’s a insult to the victims and disgusting in general.
Also it’s not the ror fandom that’s changing, this has nothing to do with ror, to anyone reading this know this, it’s the Mina fandom that’s changing, not the ror fandom I’ve been in the ror community long before her and if sm was changing I’d know.
I’m deadass saying this despite me being a decade younger then Mina, I’m not saying this as a friend, not as a friend cause I don’t see you as that anymore and will never will ever again, im saying this as a person who’s going to be honest with you,
Keep it real
Enough of this self cantered,narcissistic ,immature, shameful,irresponsible and selfish behavior, you should be able to expect opinions like this, stop hiding behind your followers and say what you have in mind Mina and DONT dance around the issue, I read your “apology” post when the Heldirl issue raised to light, you didn’t even talk about the issue in hand, you just said it’s okay to hate you! Three paragraphs!! don’t dance around this, and you know what, Don’t even respond if you plan on doing that, cause that just proves the point.
Just know I don’t respect you not just cause of you being weird in the past with me but also with others specifically others I care about, so don’t come crying to me cause I geniunely don’t care I know these types of etiquettes, a sorry will never cut shit like I said so call me a cruel bitch idc ig it’s fair 🤷🏻‍♀️ just know I DONT respect you one bit,good day.
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@amphitriteswife @tinyy-tea-cup @mono-supports-palestine @praisethesuuun @riseofamoonycake @brokensenseofhumor @monstertreden @heldril @lotusmybeloved @nicasdreamer @ idk
idk who tf else to tag aaaa 💀 but yeah that’s my take on all of this respect me hate me I don’t care I rather be hated for who tf I am then who I pretend to be and who I am is a person to keeps it real 🤨
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
26 ASK! :DDDD🎉🎉🎉
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I do not.. :/ Sorry!
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:DDD Thank you!! ☕ I'm hanging in there as best I can <:) Thank you for the well wishes. I hope the same for you!
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@boxofcreampuffs (SKJAJD HORSE XDDDD)
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@chaotic-public-menace (Post in question)
<XD While that is true, this comic is way overdue. Its taken me some weeks to make and it should have been up like a month ago! I just wanna get it done already so I'm trying to not get distracted by FNAF and other drawing ideas-
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I haven't actually decided on whether or not the other Addison's were good or bad guys. This would change their reaction to seeing Spamton.
I had this idea that Spamton's world is a lot like Seam and Jevil's. Its more cruel and wicked than the original Deltarune.. And Spamton might not have been particularly close with the other Addison's.. They had no time for bonds or relationships. It was a dog eat dog world, every man for himself.
Branching off of that, one idea I had was the other Addison's had become jealous of Spamton's success and tried to kill him by pushing him into the acid pools.. Only for Spamton to survive and reemerge as a horrific looking creature..
If I go with the evil Addison story.. some Addison's might run away in fear just because of how horrific Spamton looks. Though some might deliberately abandon him becuase they hated him/were jealous of him and felt like he deserves this.
If I go with a story where the other Addison's weren't responsible for the acid fall.. they might still run away in fear. Seeing this horrible beast.. not realizing its one of their own.
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XD No problem! Soft boi Gregory is best Gregory!
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In my AU, none of the other Glamrock's know that Gregory exists. But if they did, maybe Roxy would envy it a bit..? Having someone look up to Freddy and not her might hurt her ego a bit.. :(
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Oh no no, his top and bottom row of teeth are separate. Like these pictures here show,
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(Post in question for the pictures)
The top row of teeth all fused together and became one big cracked tooth. And the bottom row did the same. But the two rows are separate and he can still open his mouth.
To think that if while he was initially melting, he had kept his mouth closed? His teeth would have melted together and he wouldn't be able to eat anything easily.. if at all.
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Please don't draw fanart of any of my stuff. There are no exceptions.
(Also thank you💖)
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Thank you! :DDD
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You just made their night XDD
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Thank you! I'm hanging in there 😅 I hope you are well too! :}}
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They're dry :x
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I imagine that Bonnie Bowl might have a flashlight.? And Pirates cove would have a box of confiscated Bon-cams XD
I don't really remember what the other collectables were in the game so I don't really have a reference to go off of..
Buuuut,,, maybe from Bonnie bowl you could also get one of Bonnies signature bowling balls? A purple bowling ball with a rabbit ears print on it somewhere.
And for Pirates Cove perhaps a cheap pirate captains hat? I had this idea that there's 100s of these cheap captain hats that Foxy gives away to the kids every day. So maybe that could be a collectable too? :00
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XD Once I'm done with this project that will be me. Posting the most painful angst I can conjure up
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I have not. But something tells me its about Hares/Rabbits XDD
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Yeah, me and some friends theorized about that. We thought "Maybe Vanessa or William is taking care of the animatronics and keeping them clean"
But even if they were, you cant help certain wears and tears. They would look noticeably worn, stained, torn in some places and a bit brittle in others after so many years of just existing.
They also missed out on a lot of scares by making them pristine. Bonnie's face could have had a crack/split down the side. "Oh yeah that's been there for a while, its fine" Only for it to fall of later in the movie revealing these piercing red eyes and a Childs head lodged in Bonnie's face/jaw.
Or Chica could have her beak come off or dangle down and reveal colorful wires hanging down.. and.. is that a childs arm.?
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(Post in question)
Oh yeah, he'd be scared. Even the Captain is spooked in that AU XD
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@kaiserdarken (WAAA SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE! I was originally going to draw something as a response to this but I never got around to it and it got burriedddd.. my apologies. Better late than never I suppose-)
I do celebrate Halloween, which means Bibi and Jangles would as well XD For Halloween I like to dress up in some way and carve pumpkins. Although I forgot to carve any this year and didn't have a good opportunity to dress up unfortunately-
I can see Bibi wanting to dress up and carve pumpkins too. But he might not actually be strong enough to puncture a pumpkin to carve it <XD He'd need some help-
Jangles would just eat all of the candy. Plus pumpkin pie and more candy-
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(Again one of those asks I was going to respond to with a drawing but never got around to ittttt.. I'm sorry-)
Its been so long since you sent this I cant actually remember what it was referring to.💀 IM SO SORRY! Its still funny though! <XDD
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(Another ask I was going to respond to with a comic- sorry for the lateness!)
Thank you so much! And yeah, "Jangles looks like Papyrus," I get that a lot <XD
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(Yet another late ask that was meant to have a drawing attached😭 Sorry!)
(Bibi sweating profusely) "PLEASE do not die for me- I prefer you were alive--"
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@minnesotamedic186 (ANOTHER late ask meant to have its own post but I got lazy😭💔Sorry!)
The basic idea for my Kirby AU is that I took the other metaknight's and added them to the Kirby Right back at Ya universe :00 I cant remember what info I shared before because this ask was sent so long ago.. but I'll just recap Axe Knights story because it has the most detail!
Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower, and best friend. He was with Metaknight from the very beginning. They became star warriors together when they were both a bit young. Axe Knight truly believed in Metaknight. He saw greatness in his friend, he saw a true hero. And he truly believed Metaknight was going to end this war and save the world. Its because of this adoration and belief, that Axe Knight devoted himself to Metaknight and proclaimed himself to be his first follower.
It was not too long after when tragedy struck. A battle broke out and Axe knight sacrificed himself to protect Metaknight. As he lay on the ground, dying from his sacrifice.. he saw Metaknight too laying on the ground nearby. Unmoving, and in a pool of his own blood. Axe knight died with his heart twisted in grief. Thinking that his sacrifice had failed. And that his best friend had died.
Metaknight of course survived, and Axe Knights sacrifice was the only thing that saved him. But Axe Knight didn't know that before he died. Metaknight buried his best friend and left that planet in grief. Forever changed by this loss..
But Axe Knight.. wasn't totally gone. Axe died grieving, thinking that this world lost a great warrior; Metaknight. Thinking that it was so cruel Metaknight didn't get to live longer. To travel the universe and save lives. They were robbed of a hero. Because of Axe Knights failure. His soul was so disturbed that it couldn't move on. He later crawled out of his grave, with a fiery determination to make things right. To go out there and save as many lives as possible. To protect anyone he can and to help all who need him. Because that's what Metaknight would have done.
Eventually after years of blindly wandering the universe.. battling monsters and saving innocents.. he crosses paths with dreamland. He finds himself in a little town full of Cappys.. And then he runs in to a familiar face...
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I was going to draw a comic of Jangles making a vlog style video. "Hey guys, welcome to pranking with Jangles. Today I'm gonna prank Bibi by throwing this cheese slice at his face!"
He sneaks up behind Bibi who is sitting on a beanbag and reading or something- "Hey Bibi" He turns around
Jangles throws the cheese slice and it completely misses and just splats on the ground. "Oh oops"
Bibi: "????"
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@uay778 (The last ask that I was going to draw something for and never got around to. So sorry!)
I was going to draw a comic to this where I replace the bandages with clean, fresh ones. But then they immediately get soaked with blood again XDD Its just a part of my design!
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meraki-yao · 3 months
Now I'm curious to know all the "candies" between Nick and Tay 👀 lol I don't ship them but I also find it interesting that some fans really ship real people together and gather evidence or proof of it. If its fine with you to share it pls do 🙏 but if not its also fine :)
Actually, sure! I kinda wanted to share some of these at times but again I understand that rps is a complicated subject.
A couple of quick prefaces though:
1, If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post
2, I don’t have all the candies because I really just view them in passing, so I’m just gonna write/translate the ones I’ve seen, remember and find at least a logical speculation
3, I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: Me writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
4, (this one is gonna sound a little academic lol) Two things I realized when thinking about this “candy eating” culture is that Chinese people have a very difference understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships with the Western world, and that they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Chinese/Asian people are generally a lot less affectionate with their personal relationships, for example friends wouldn’t say “love you” to each other if they’re just friends, nor would they expand their friend group to the others easily or other stuff. And these people who look for candy go into their “investigation” already with the belief that “they are together”, everything remotely resembling a close relationship will automatically be interpreted as romantic. I thought about it a lot, and honestly among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that seriously or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
5, Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: something I didn’t make clear in my post yesterday, which is on me, is that the fans do want them to be together, but they’re not like… yandere level or something. If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
6, Ok Future Meraki here, turns out, there’s a lot to translate, a lot more than I anticipated Jesus Christ and I do want to get this post how within today and make it a reasonable length, so I’m just gonna do two events and the one that I mentioned in 4. If yall want a part 2 let me know.
Ok with that being said, the main event under the cut:
In December they made a whole article about “candies” from December, and to quickly summarise (again noted that all of this is speculation, I didn’t and can’t fact check them, and I’m just a translator) (also this ended up way longer than I anticipated so for photo reference if you can please go to the link of the original article):
Academy Gala:
Nick and Taylor both attended the gala: Since the strike ended up to that point, the two times Nick attends a public event, Taylor’s there too (GQ men of the year and Academy Gala), and for both times he’s wearing Cartier’s Tank Must Watch (remember this watch, I’m gonna elaborate on it later because it is the only candy that even I can’t say it’s a matter of interpretation)
In various pictures of the night’s party that other people took, the boys can be seen together in the background
How the photography worked that night was magazine photographers wandered around the venue and randomly found people to take some relatively candid photos: so people who were walking/sitting/in any way sticking together would be photographed together. So best friends and married couples would be photographed together, which is what happened to Meryl Streep, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, and Christopher Nolan, Cillian Murphy and their wives. With that logic, Taylor and Nick were caught by the photographer together TWICE, in clearly different places. Later Korean fans (with the same “candy-searching” mindset) read the time on Taylor’s watch in the photos: one was 8:30, one was 9:50. The implication is that they were together for at least that period of time (nearly 1.5 hours)
In both photos of the boys together, Nick’s elbow is…straight up leaning into Taylor's chest. In a photo with Kaia, Nick’s friend and co-star from Bottoms (Brittany), there’s visible space between Nick and Kaia but none between Nick and Taylor (… okay I’m gonna pop in with my own opinion on the latter one real quick: I really think that one is just Nick being a gentleman)  
During that night, Taylor re-posted an Instagram post from July onto Little Red Book: but the things is in the comment section of the original Instagram post, Taylor teasingly pretends to not know Nick; and according to the posting time and the time calculated in 3, Nick would have been watching him post that to Little Red Book.
Nick got a photo with Taylor’s friend Jay Ellis (Jay and Taylor follow each other on Instagram, and Taylor comments under Jay’s post), even though Nick and Jay don’t seem to have any direct connections. Kaia and Taylor started following each other on Instagram after the event.
While other people who got photos with Taylor posted them, in Taylor’s Instagram Post for the night: He only included his photo with Nick, the rest are all solo portraits of himself. Not only that: he edited the background of the photo so it’s just them, and proceeded to put the photo in the middle of the post.
a bunch of Taylor's good friends, including Taylor’s cousin went to like Nick’s post for the academy gala night. Taylor’s sister Ash shared Taylor’s post to her stories: 2 photos of Taylor himself, and the one photo of Taylor and Nick. Taylor mentioned in a past interview if he had any emotional or relationship (I don’t know which one is the right translation, the original wording is 感情) issues, he would talk to Ash. (please note that I didn’t not and don’t know how to fact-check any of the things mentioned above except for Ash’s Instagram)
Conclusion/ Speculation (okay the academy gala part alone took me 40 minutes what the fuck): I cannot reiterate this enough: THIS IS JUST SPECULATION DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY but under the assumption that Taylor and Nick are a thing, the serious of shenanigans that happened that night, especially with the family and friends stuff in 6,7,8, was interpreted as they announcing it to their personal social circle. AGAIN THIS IS SPECUALTION DON’T TAKE THIS SERIOSULY 
Taylor’s China Trip
On 7th December, Taylor had a photo shoot at the GQ gala venue, but spent the rest of the afternoon taking photos and signing things for fans. Among those, one was the photo of him and Nick from the academy gala just three days ago. He was visibly extra happy and showed off the photo to the crowd, unlike the other photos which he simply gets it, signs it, and then gives it back.
This day was also the start of “Taylor giving Nick/Henry a moustache”: throughout the trip, he drew on four photos of the two of them
(This one is a … really big stretch) among the four, one of them was the GQ magazine shoot, and he first drew the moustache on Nick’s face, giggling “I’ll sign on Nick’s face”, signed his own signature, then just when he was about to give the magazine back he suddenly changed his mind and said “wait wait I wanna do something on my face”, and then drew a crown on his head while muttering “crown prince”. And the thing is… historically, George Villers had a moustache. And then he drew a moustache on Nick and a crown on himself. Also, one of the most popular Chinese RWRB fic on AO3 is called “The King’s Palace”, and the premise is putting Henry in George place as the social climber and the Duke of Buckingham (it is literally George’s character with blonde hair and a different name), and Alex as the crown prince who ascended to the throne and is also utterly infatuated with Henry. So… yeah.
When he drew the fourth photo, which was the piano scene, the fan who asked said “Oh you’re so nice to Nick!” and according to their description (there’s no video), Taylor blushed a little and said “yeaahhhhh” with a big grin
While Taylor was in China people were stirring shit up on Twitter about him, and during the Twitter drama, Nick liked Taylor’s Academy Gala post.
The boys liked the same video on Instagram but from different accounts (a video about a pony in the snow)
During the trip, Taylor was seen wearing a white button-up with blue stripes. Nick has been seen wearing a shirt that looks identical before.
Cartier Watch (aka the one that makes me do a double take)
Taylor used to wear a lot of Cartier watches until he started wearing Tagheuer last July due to a commercial partnership
Nick likes wearing Omega watches. In fact, Henry’s watch in the movie is Nick’s own omega watch. He also has a commercial partnership with Omega.
But then starting last year, both of them were seen wearing matching Cartier’s Tank Must Watches (the silver on with a black surface and a sapphire crown): Taylor can be seen wearing it in the 5th photos of his September post, while Nick can be seen wearing it during the GQ gala, the Academy Gala, in Milan during fan interactions, and last weekend in his TIOY co-star’s Instagram story.
And the thing about this watch is (and here is where I need to reiterate that I’m just translating, I didn’t fact check this) 1, watch is a typical thing to give a lover, and you must be familiar with their wrist size 2, Cartier is a pretty romantic brand 3, the price of this watch is closer to what Taylor’s used to wearing but much cheaper than Omega 4, This specific watch is a popular watch to give a partner/lover, 5, David and Victoria Beckham’s relationship was discovered because paparazzi saw the Cartier watch he gave her and connected dots together
Jesus Christ at this point I should consider getting a part time job in translation
This was fun but this took me so much time, it’s ~2000 words long
Again, all of this was found and speculate for fun, and mean no ill will, and haven’t, and won’t harm the boys, please understand that and don’t take this took seriously. If you find this interesting and want a part two, let me know.
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vynanaa · 10 months
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Dazai x GENDER NEUTRAL Reader.
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TW/CW: Dazai (typical suicide mentions), bottom Dazai, dom!reader, gender neutral reader, oral, strap usage (if you're AFAB), hardcore top reader, little to no plot, profanity, mature themes, (Y/N) usage, mentions of alcohol, he calls you master here.
Note: I do not own any characters in this fictional work. Everything is fake and all by imagination. Thank you. Viewer discretion is advised.
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DAZAI IS A man full of mysteries. The only way to figure him out is by reaching his vulnerable points. Though, even it'd be that level of trust, he'd still be hard to figure out. Through his years of living, it was never really easy to get along with him without feeling uneasy, to you, at least.
In despite of his unsettling demeanor, it was still obvious that this man was easy to control in more... intimate, ways.
"Happy Birthday, Osamu!" You greeted with a warm grin as he arrived at your shared apartment, holding up a tray of his favorite dish; crab. He looked worn out, but at your appearance, he smiled. A warm, genuine smile that made the past falter.
"Thank you, belladonna.." The man in question cooed in response, eliciting a soft chuckle from you. You wanted to ask how was work, but you were too far gone to even remember that. He looked very pleased to see you, and maybe eventually, he'd tell you how things had gone in the agency.
Since it was his birthday, you've obviously prepared the apartment clean, and had cooked food for him; which he was very grateful for. The lousy set of alcohol was put aside as to keep him sober, and the it looked rather warm than cold and depressive when it always used to be.
"You did this all for me? That's adorable, my (Y/N)..." Dazai lightly teased as he looked around, munching on the crab with eyes that shine in awe. He looked handsome; you couldn't believe you were just realizing. "Of course, Osamu." You replied with a sweet, yet cunning smile. Though it wasn't obvious, he felt cautious, and a bit challenged, by your look.
"I sense that you're planning something, hm?"
And oh, his senses were so right. You sometimes forget that this man may seem so easy-going, and yet he can read through pages so easily.
"Oh well, that's true..." You teasingly voiced out in a whisper just by his ear, and he seemed to tense up at this. It's not so often he's reactive to these types of stuff, and you were loving it. "Tell me," Dazai started, "tell me what's on your mind, belladonna..."
His voice is hypnotizing, almost bribing your throat to spill your vicious plan; but of course, you stayed tough.
"C'mon now, I want it to be a surprise." You cooed, your fingertips touching the tip of his bandages that were plastered around his wrists. His eyes slightly widened at the action, and he smirked with anticipation of what comes next. "Then, I'm required to eat so I'd not starve, hm?" He hummed in delight, his tiresome demeanor slowly faded away; good. You thought; he ought to remain in the mood in order for him to receive his birthday gift.
Minutes, an hour, a few seconds... The time passed as the two of you were last in a nicely shared dinner before alcohol even came place. You'd best say it's junk, but it's his birthday after all.
"You aren't drunk, still?" You inquired in disbelief that his alcohol tolerance was that high, well, considering it was five glasses, and you rarely drink, it's a bit surprising to you. "Oh, no I'm not. I won't be anytime sooner, trust me."
"Oh, right... you reek of alcohol every night you come home, so I'll not question any longer." You smiled at Dazai, making him finish another shot. This time, he seemed to stop pouring himself a glass. You've only took two shots due to wanting to be sober.
He knew.
"Actually, I'd rather drink something else..." Dazai teasingly cooed, leaning closer, and playing with the cloth of your top's collar. "Oh? What is it? Pray tell me.." You teased back, a light smirk showed your confidence in the given moment. It was obvious he was flushed at this, and he stood up, knowingly, even.
Heading to the room, you toyed with his coat, taking it off and hanging it on the closet handle, while he on the other hand, started to unbutton his vest.
"You're eager," You started, "are you that excited, hm?"
"Just give me my gift.." He replied with a cunning smile. As that came to event, you slowly leaned in to kiss him, and he returned the kiss with neediness full of passion, that of which you originally didn't expect from him.
Making out eventually led to sensual touches, but the man was impatient. He unbuttoned your shirt, trying to touch you all over, but unfortunately for him... you wouldn't allow him without a little begging.
"Nuh uh. No touching." You whispered into his ear, receiving a light whimper of dissatisfaction from Dazai. "But-" You cut him off, "No, you stay put. Or do you want me to punish you, hm?" Cunningly, you smirked and leaned back, fully removing your shirt and your first layers off. His eyes wandered all over your figure, and the desire was vivid.
"Does my boy like what he sees?" You teased and straddled him, making him lie down on his back. Helplessly, he gave in and gave you a needy little expression. How pathetic, you thought. He's such a needy bastard, though he'd never admit that out loud. Maybe he would...
"Please, just give me my gift," He whimpered, "Please... please master?" Dazai bucked his hips upward, allowing you to feel the bulge underneath his clothing. He was getting desperate, and really aroused. "I wanna hear more, now." You teased.
"Fuck me, please, fuck me." He sternly begged, his breath was airy and squeaky, enough to indicate his desperation and submission towards you.
"Hmm.." You pretended to hum in thought, "But you've been really naughty.."
"I promise, I'll be good now! I-I'm.. I'm a good boy, master.." His voice slowly quieted down, as if he's embarrassed to admit this. He was that vulnerable in this matter. "Fine, but I do things my way here. Got it?" You asserted yourself, though giving in.
As he nodded in approval, your hand traveled to his waist, while the other rubbed on his crotch, supposedly feeling down on his hard, clothed dick.
He let out a desperate gasp, his voice hitched and he threw his head back. "I want to hear more. Tell me more, tell me what you need." You teased, enunciating your words as you whispered right into his ear, your breath hitting his plush skin.
He was so obsequious.
"Please, please, please... Please, master (Y/N)," His pleads were rolled out of his tongue, so clearly and so dirty. Hearing him beg was like listening to a classic, it stroke right through your head, your heart. "Fuck me." He finished.
"You're so needy." You commented, though you weren't completely unfazed by his present needy demeanor. His words got to you, the tone of his voice pierced right through your essence. You had to remind yourself that this man was manipulative, and he was in this to get what he wants— what he needs.
It was almost as if his manipulation was getting to you, but... you wouldn't let that happen now, no you won't.
"Alright, but you take what I give you, and what I give you only." You whispered with boldness painting your voice. Dazai nodded in agreement and desperation, permitting you to do as you please to him. He was a mess under you, he always is.
His messy brown hair seemed messier as he's lied down on the soft cushions of your bed, strands almost covering his beautiful hazel eyes. His fingers wrapped around the blanket, looking for some comfort for himself under you.
Seeing this, your hand slipped down to his waist, reaching the bands of his underwear. As you unbuckled his belt, your wrist pressed down his crotch, and though you've felt it just minutes ago, it seems like he's harder than that moment you were toying on his clothed dick.
This provoked you to slide his pants down, making his dick spring up to his stomach lightly, greeting you with a subtle twitch. You've seen it before, but this moment, you can't help but admire its details.
All in a darker shade of beige from his pale skin, the way one vine from another has its own specific size, the length, and how it isn't too girthy... enticing, you told yourself.
Your hand wrapped around his dick, making the precum drip down your hand and around the area it slid through.
"H-hnng-.." Dazai whimpered, closing his mouth and biting his inner lips to conceal his little noises, and tightened his grip on the sheets like he was trying to keep himself calm.
The man was a bit too out of it, his eyes closed tightly— and probably even nibbling on the insides of his lips. So, you gave his dick a sudden rough stroke down. You were eyeing his every reaction, and listening carefully to whatever noise he'll release.
"A-aah-aah..!" He moaned in complete bliss, his naturally noisy and talkative behavior dimmed down by his present obsequiousness. It was just another time he's submitting to you. "Oh, that was barely something.. you're quite sensitive now, hm?"
"S-sh- shut up..! Ah-!" He gasped, before he completed his complaint about your teasing, his dick is damped by your warm and plump lips. Your hand was wrapped around his base, and slowly but surely, you take in his length and girth inside your mouth with pleasure.
"A-ah- ah more, please, more.." Uncharacteristically, the man continued to writhe and beg for more. The mood he lets out was different from his usual outer facade. "P-please- aah!"
He gasped as your tongue reached his base, taking him fully in your mouth. He let out a shaky whine, almost convincing you to do more for him. Your fingers were toying on his skin, right on his stomach; caressing and tracing on his slightly toned body, scarry and textured.
Your eyes met his as you sucked, hard, on his long dick. He seemed close to tearing up, his pupils dilated right in the middle of his hazelnut irises. "More, more please!" He begged and pleaded, while his slender fingers gripped tightly into the soft sheets.
"Mm.. mmnnh..." You hummed softy as you continued to please him, your head ployed up and down his dick, your lips hugged tightly onto his skin. Your hum sent vibrations from his dick to his very soles, his fingertips tingled and weakened from your motions.
His leg twitched slightly, one of his feet slightly moved upward in pure ecstasy. He couldn't control the noises coming out of his mouth any longer, and his face contorted in pleasure. You knew he was about to finish.
"D-don't stop, don't stop, don't sto- aah!" You cut him off by going a slight bit harder tham you already were.
He threw back his head once more, his eyes rolled to the back of his skull uncontrollably. This provoked you to give him a little more than he wants. You went a little faster, your tongue swirling around his veiny shaft as your hands now gripped tightly onto his curved waist.
"H-haah! G-ghh-!" The man's needy whimpers slowly turned high-pitched minute by minute, indicating that he's getting just where you want him to be. So suddenly, his hand's near your scalp, gripping onto your hair softly and pushing you down on his dick.
You eyed him from below; if you weren't right there, you would've been smirking slyly at his desperate reactions to climax.
After a few more movements, he moaned with a light growl, releasing his seed right into your throat. "Mmppf-" You slightly struggled, though consuming all of the fluid he shooted through your throat.
You pulled back to watch him breathe heavily, his chest rising up and falling back down briskly, his voice shaky, to the point he sounded like he was whimpering.
"You're spent, and just because of a blowjob?" You chuckled softly and teasingly, the man who was laid down on the bed immensely embarrassed. "No, I'm not.." He spoke in a breathless whisper, gasping as his chest heaves.
"Alright, keep up your act." You smirked, and made your way to the closets. You fully removed your bottoms, your member springing up to your stomach softly with a light tap noise. "On your hands and knees now, pretty. I'll give you what you want,"
"It's your birthday after all..."
Dazai immediately obeyed, on all fours like a good boy. You decided that you'd give him what he deserves, after a long week of work without much rest to both of you. He was exhausted, and surely needed something to get him off on his free days.
"Good boy, now tell me what you want."
He replied with a whimper and lightly squirmed on the plush sheets. He whispered something you couldn't make out at first, and so, it provoked you to give him a light smack on his rear, now sensitive, rear. "Louder." You commanded with a dominating tone.
"Ah! Please fuck me!" He begged— more so, yelled. He was getting desperate, and it was so easy for you to control him. "Good boy," you cooed into the man's ear and entered him, the tip of your shaft embraced by his needy little hole.
Dazai gasped as he gripped the sheets, his slender fingers making their way to the pillows, just to grip on them for extra friction, or to console himself from losing his mind.
You moved slowly, halfway into his asshole.
"H-hnngh- a-aah!" The man softly whimpered below you, his thighs were mildly shaking from the friction left from his previous ejaculation, and the current stimulation from your thick member stretching his asshole out once more.
"Take it, take it baby..." You— almost comfortingly— whispered into his ear, nibbling on it softly as you held his shoulders for a better grip, to push him further down on your shaft.
"H-h-haah!" His breath hitches as you did this, making you let out a satisfied smile towards him. He didn't dare look at you— he didn't want to. He was too embarrassed to admit he loved it.
With your dick fully sheathed into his warm, tight hole, you let out a soft hum in contentment. A few seconds after, you almost completely pulled out, his little hole pulsed around nothing, waiting to have something to grip onto, to squeeze.
"Good boy, take it for me. Enjoy your birthday gift."
And with that, you gave a harsh thrust into him, leaving him almost jolting up the bed, gripping onto the pillow sheets, and slightly arching his back in pleasure. Your tip kissed his very deepest, which elicited a beautiful whimper from Dazai.
You took your time; slowly and gently pulling out, then suddenly thrusting up against him.
He loved it, every second of it. He couldn't help but whine and writhe under you, resting his face onto the pillow, almost shoving himself down to arch his back and let you do your thing.
"H-hnng-! M-mmnnh..!" Little by little, he whimpered. How adorable, you thought as your thrusts eventually roughen and quicken. He seemed to have shut up from the friction your two bodies made. If this was all it took to shut him up, you'd do this everytime if he was by you, you thought to yourself. A part of you wants to absolutely claim him, and make him cry.
But you're too nice, you even rewarded him for sitting pretty and doing nothing to help you.
You were lost in your thoughts, partly, in the pleasure. All of these thoughts were cut off by the man underneath your skin, by a loud and high-pitched moan that seemed to beg, "more!" You groaned yourself, immensely pleased by the sight unfolding in front of you.
"My good boy wants more, hm?" You cooed into his ear as your hands travelled down to his waist to get yourself deeper and deeper into him. In response, he whined, loudly even. You observed as his hands gripped the pillow tighter while his legs shook in pleasure.
"P-please, please..." He breathlessly begged and ground himself backwards against your shaft. His tip dripped with pre-cum, though it looked a bit intense on the sheets below you both.
You gave in to his desires, going faster, harder. In went on and on again, his response always being a series of whines, whimpers, and moans. Some breathy pleads here and there.
His reactions were amazing, and you took note of every single jolt, and even noise. You'd maybe use your techniques another time.
"Cu-cumming- cumming, please, please let me-"
"Do it. Cum for me, Osamu." You cut him off, fingers laced around a part of his neck, making him face up the wall to the ceiling to get a better quality of sounds from him. You loved it, surely, he did too.
As if hypnotized by your words, the man tightened all around your member, his cum dripping uncontrollably onto the sheets. They'd stain for sure, but you didn't care, and neither did he.
"Ghh- a-ahaaah..!" Dazai moaned as he lied down properly, chest flat against a pillow underneath him, hugging it closely to calm down from the remnants of his ejaculation. You came after pulling out, "ngh.." You groaned, messing on his back and his ass. He didn't quite mind, or he was out of his head to even complain yet.
"Feel good?" You quietly queried as you lied beside him, pulling him into a hug and brushing your fingers onto his brown locks to get a better view of his fucked out face. "...That was amazing," he chuckled, cuddling up to you better, now that he's out of the daze you out him into.
"I love you, baby. Happy Birthday..." You kissed his cheek softly, earning a lovingly teasing kiss on the lips from him.
The two of you then slept well, cuddled up together with the sheets over your bodies, not bothered to clean up the mess, since the two of you were miserably exhausted. Anyhow, the night was warm, and so were your hearts.
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261 notes · View notes
1d1195 · 9 months
Protection VI
You can read Protection here. Hard to believe it's only probably four parts left! This got a little bit away from me, I think. I hope it makes sense!
Here we are: 6.5K words.
Warnings: fluff, smut 18+ only , angst(?)
He wished he could meet her mom. Wished with everything in him he could meet the woman responsible for the girl that drove him mad—mad with annoyance or madly in love. It didn’t matter.
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With her new vow to be a downright angel, she knew she was nearly boring to keep watch over. In addition, she had finals coming up; it was hard for her to do anything but study and work. Harry was endlessly helpful and kind. He made runs to get her coffee and read off her flashcards. Quizzed her on all the topics she worried about most throughout the semester, laughing every time she easily corrected his mispronunciation of the scientific words.
“What d’you want t’do once y’get your degree?” He asked.
She smirked. “I’m not sure. At one point I wanted to work for the EPA; sometimes I think about being a professor,” she shrugged. Harry thought if she was his professor, he would have never passed a single class. He would be too busy staring at her. “When I was younger, I watched a bunch of CSI shows with my mom and I wanted to be one of the scientists in the lab. It’s a bit dramatized on TV though, so I put it on the backburner. I could work in the bio-medicinal field,” she explained. “I would get to help make drugs and medicines and things.”
“Y’really like this stuff?” He asked curiously looking at the gibberish words on the cards in his hands.
She smiled excitedly. “A lot, it’s like a puzzle.”
“I’ve done a puzzle before love,” he shook his head. “S’not a puzzle.”
She giggled this adorable giggle that Harry was so smitten for. It was like his favorite song. He started to dream about her laughter. The days he had off seemed endless now—just waiting to come right back to her place and watch a rom-com before she fell asleep. If he had it his way, he would have moved into her second bedroom. He would have requested to be by her side, 24/7.
“When do you do errands?” She asked scribbling something in her notebook. It was approaching nine at night which meant they were going to start a movie to help her relax before she picked up studying as soon as she woke up. Harry was sitting on the sofa as he always did. She sat on the floor, so she had the ability to freely move around her séance circle of papers, note cards, laptop, and textbooks.
“Jus’ usually do it on m’day off,” he shrugged.
She frowned. “We could do them when I’m out and about. It doesn’t seem fair that we’re like...at Target and you can’t grab a few things.”
“S’protocol,” he smiled. Then he chuckled shaking his head at her as she rolled her eyes so hard, she turned her neck along with the motion at his words.
“I hate protocol,” she reminded him.
“I know.”
“When do you see Niall?” He stared at her silently. Wondering how on Earth she knew who Niall was. She glanced at him as she looked over her notes. But then did a double take when he looked at her as if she suddenly grew a second nose. She tilted her head curiously. Harry’s expression went blank as he searched through every moment that he had spoken to her over the last four or so months, trying to remember when he mentioned Niall’s name. After a moment of trying to figure out his hesitation, she giggled, realizing what she had done. “I told you I ran a background check of my own,” she reminded him.
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. She didn’t need a security detail. She was more than capable of protecting herself. Harry was glad he was here all the same, but it was a moment like this that he felt she was independent enough to do whatever she wanted and knew exactly how to save herself. “On m’days off.”
“Did he tell you I ran into him?” She asked.
He shook his head feeling like he was abducted by an alien and put in an alternate dimension. “No,” he put the flashcards on the table. “When did y’see him?”
Her cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. “I went to the office,” she told him. His eyebrows rose on his forehead. He blinked at her as if he was just seeing her for the first time.
“You what?” His voice was flat.
“I was sure he was going to tell you about it,” she frowned and looked curiously at her papers.
“I haven’t seen him in a bit, he doesn’t always have the same time off as me,” he explained.
She nodded. “Oh...well, I kind of yelled at your supervisor.”
Harry knew she was...headstrong. He had seen the way she spoke to people who made her mad. But somehow, he had a hard time imagining the girl before him going to a government office and yelling at a grown man. What’s more, he was probably scared of her too. Harry was at a loss for words. No idea what to say or do. “You...yelled?” He was practically breathless. The words hardly reached her ears. She yelled at his supervisor.
She nodded again, easily. Obviously. As if that were a regular occurrence. “It was right after my hospital stay,” she murmured. Harry felt his heart freeze over at the mere mention of that awful weekend. If Harry was around, he was never going to let something like that happen to her ever again. He was sure of it. “When you were acting all weird towards me.”
Harry still felt bad that she noticed that. It took over a week for normalcy to come back to him. His supervisor told him it was unacceptable and made them look bad. Unfortunately, Harry full-heartedly agreed and since he was throwing himself a pity party of feeling terrible about it, he let his supervisor help in making him feel worse. “Oh,” he was still so utterly confused. “M’sorry. M’not really following. I...why did you—”
“I...I really...appreciate how you treat me,” she interrupted. She looked up from her papers. “I really do feel safe when you’re around,” she looked at him shyly, through her gorgeous eyelashes that nearly brushed the bottom of her eyebrows. Harry felt like he was melting into her sofa. He had grabbed her flashcards just so he didn’t do something stupid like pull her into his lap and kiss her until he needed oxygen. “So when...you didn’t want to be around me, I was really sad and hurt. More than I think I would have been if...” she shrugged off the rest of the sentence. Harry knew what she meant: more than the reason why she was at the hospital. “You stopped taking the extra shifts and stuff...and I know that you have your own life but...it’s enjoyable to be around you. I didn’t want to run away from you or do stupid things... or any of my normal stuff. But you didn’t want to be around me,” she mumbled quietly. She swallowed the lump in her throat thinking about how truly awful it would be to not see Harry for any length of time. His standoff nature broke her heart, and it was only a few days. She wasn’t sure what would happen when she no longer needed nor had a security detail. “You were all upset, and it was their fault.”
Harry felt so guilty again. “Oh,” he frowned. “M’sorry, love...I jus’...I was so upset that y’got hurt because of me—”
“It wasn’t your fault,” she shook her head. Her tone said there was no arguing with her. They had gone through this already anyway. There was no use in rehashing it. But Harry would probably feel guilty for the rest of his life.
“I would have blamed anyone that was supposed t’keep an eye on you that day,” he tried explaining once more. “S’not...we don’t have t’make it a thing, but I jus’ want y’to know I feel really guilty about it.”
She sighed. “You shouldn’t,” she said simply. Neither spoke, the silence was comfortable though. It was like a warm blanket. She scribbled a bit and Harry flipped through her index cards. “Favorite tree?” She asked quietly.
“Tree?” He smirked. She nodded. He shook his head with a chuckle and thought about trees. Did he even know if he had a favorite tree? “Uh...oak, I guess.”
“Mine’s a Christmas tree.”
“Oh, no fair,” he pouted. “That’s a good one.”
“I want to get a Christmas tree,” she told him. “Maybe we could do that instead of a movie,” she suggested.
“You’re in charge, love.”
She rolled her eyes. “Only kind of.” He smiled. “Favorite number?”
“I don’t have one,” he admitted.
She blinked. “Hmm. Mine is fourteen,” she told him. “I don’t know why. Just speaks to me.”
He would have to remember that. “Favorite cereal?”
A beat of silence. “Coco puffs, I think.”
“What’s your favorite book?” He asked.
She bit the inside of her lip. “I think I’d rather die than pick.” He chuckled at her response.
She put on a Christmas rom-com while they decorated the tree. Harry chuckled at some joke on the TV, but she could not be bothered to pay attention. Harry was helping decorate her Christmas tree. Just like how he helped decorate her apartment with a million flowers. Harry paused his decorating, however, to focus on the movie. He stood in the middle of her living room, hands holding the string of lights while he stared at the screen intently. Invested in whatever was happening. Since she couldn’t be bothered to know even the basic plot, she took that time to gaze at Harry without a care. She wondered if it was possible that he had gotten more beautiful. Or maybe she just looked at him differently now.
Her mom would have loved Harry. She could practically picture her saying oh, he’s very handsome, with a little giggle. She would like how he was snippy with her. In fact, she imagined her mom saying something like, you’re too hard on, Harry. Don’t be so mean. She bit the inside of her lip and closed her eyes tightly to keep from crying. Harry had carried the tree from the car to the apartment with ease. It didn’t even look like it was heavy for him. He’s strong too, that’ll be good when you have babies. She shook her head of the daydream. Babies with Harry. Babies that wouldn’t meet their grandma. God, she missed her mom so much.
“Are y’alright, love?” He asked quietly. She blinked her eyes open. He was looking at her nervously. Like all the other times she was hurt in his presence. She worried he would take her to the hospital just for looking upset.
She nodded. “Just...thinking about my mom,” she mumbled and turned her attention to the tree. It wasn’t a lie, not really anyway.
“M’sorry, love. Did...did your mum like Christmas?”
She nodded sullenly. “Was our favorite.”
He looked at her flowery walls. Poinsettias and snowdrops. Harry wished there was mistletoe fixed to the ceiling somewhere. He would stand under it all day with her. He let her mull in silence about her mum. Maybe it was good to think about her. “I don’t know how y’do it.”
“Do what?”
Harry shook his head and shrugged. “Live. Think I would die without m’mum,” he told her.
She smiled weakly, tiredly. “I think a part of me did,” she shrugged. “But...my mom...” she rolled her eyes, and her smile grew as she thought her over. “Oh, she would have...” she giggled making Harry smile. “She would be so mad if I stopped living just because she did.”
Harry nodded. “My mum’s the same way.”
She had only a small bandage on her hand now. Harry had been taking very careful care of it. Making sure it healed properly and didn’t get in her way too much. “I miss her,” she told Harry. “I miss her every day...” she turned to look at Harry again. “She would have loved you.”
Harry felt some kind of pride that he didn’t know he needed. Knowing her favorite person in the universe would have loved him. “Yeah?”
She was all smiles now. Her giggle was infectious. “She would tell me I was being awful for you.”
“Well, then I love her too,” Harry rolled his eyes and he swore his heart grew to fill the entire space of his chest as she laughed her real, unfiltered laugh. He wished he could meet her mom. Wished with everything in him he could meet the woman responsible for the girl that drove him mad—mad with annoyance or madly in love. It didn’t matter.
Since Harry had been helping her study—or even since he started and watched her study, he knew all the signs of frustration and burnout. “Love, maybe a break?” He murmured. She shook her head.
“I hate this class.”
“You’re going t’do great, love,” he encouraged.
She rubbed her temples and sighed. “Can...” she looked at him sitting quietly on the other sofa, he was reading a book. She was so boring now, he could sit and read as much as he wanted. He tilted his head at her. “Are you busy?” She asked.
He smiled at her. “Does it look like m’busy?”
She shrugged. “It looks like a good book, is all.”
“M’not busy. Not for you,” he promised.
Her heart fluttered. He wasn’t too busy for her. She bit the inside of her lip. “Could you help me?” She asked quietly.
He folded the corner of the page down and nodded. “Course, love.”
Her asking for help was a really big deal. Normally, he just helped her. It never got to the point of her asking. Hence why it was so monumental when she was alone in the park and called Harry. It had to be nearly catastrophic when she injured herself in the kitchen and she called out for him instinctively. But somehow this moment outshone both of those. Sitting on her floor, papers spread about. Her needing his help to study was some form of intimacy that he wasn’t sure he could fully articulate how...wonderful it was.
He sat beside her on the floor and took her index cards as he was accustomed to doing. The pile was now at least three hundred cards thick. It was no surprise she was nervous. Harry wasn’t sure how she would retain all of it either. She stared at the study guide rubbing her forehead. “Okay...” she sighed. “This section, molecular symmetry and its relationship to vibrational spectroscopy and bonding, is giving me the most trouble.”
He stared at her as she looked over her notes. Harry set aside the section of index cards she didn’t need. She looked adorable, pursed lips and concentrated expression. He still hated the way her forehead creased with worry. He swore she was always two minutes away from a headache because of it and she failed to drink enough water to support her brain.
If I drank enough water, I would be too much for the world. She told him. I’d be unstoppable.
He must have been staring too long because she turned to look at him. “What?” She asked touching her cheek. “Do I have pizza on my face still, you’re supposed—”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re fine, love. Jus’...I literally haven’t a clue what you’re talking ‘bout. Spectroscopy?” He murmured. She smirked and shrugged. “You should have been a florist. Y’wouldn’t have had t’give yourself headaches,” he explained as he got to the section of index cards she referred to.
“Maybe in my next life.”
He chuckled. “D’you believe in a next life?”
She nodded. “For the sake of my mom I do,” she mumbled.
Harry was looking at her, she could feel it on the side of her face. If she looked at him, she was afraid she would burst into tears and never stop. It was something about her apartment being decorated for Christmas that had her feeling so much more...she was so upset that she would never meet Harry. Harry wasn’t even hers. “Your mum would be really proud of you,” he promised.
“I hope so.”
“I know so.”
She looked at him finally. His green eyes met hers and she thought if he wasn’t her bodyguard, she would kiss him and probably never stop kissing him. She would become part of the floor and kiss him until her mouth hurt. Until her lungs screamed for air. He was perfect. Truly. It was awful she made him work so hard up until the past couple weeks. She would never forgive herself for that. He smiled at her. “Do I have pizza on m’face?” He asked.
She shook her head and blushed as she looked back at her study guide. She had to be careful, or she was going to fail merely because Harry was so pretty just sitting beside her, it distracted her.
After three hours of studying, they put on a movie. She was practically asleep before it started. Her body slumped across the couch. Harry glanced at her eyes, practically little slits. “Can y’even see?” He asked.
“See enough,” she mumbled. He stood up and draped a soft blanket with a Christmas tree pattern over the length of her. She was in leggings and a long-sleeved T-shirt. She was so pretty. Her hair was pulled to a bun on the top of her head and Harry just wanted to kiss her sleepy, pretty face. She sighed. “M’gonna fall asleep.”
“S’okay, love,” he chuckled sitting back on the other couch.
“M’too tired to get to my room.”
“I can carry you.”
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
He rolled his eyes and let out a note of laughter. “I don’t mind.”
“I do. M’too heavy.”
“You are not. S’this a comment on m’muscle tone?”
She snorted and cuddled the throw pillow closer to her face. It smushed her cheek against the fabric. Harry wanted to put her in his pocket, she was so adorable. “No...I don’t know...I mean—When do you even have time to work out?”
“I usually jus’ workout in m’time off, or while you’re asleep.”
“You go home at midnight and do a workout?” She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t even want to do a workout past five in the evening.”
He smiled. “You’re not heavy,” he repeated.
“M-hmm...I think I ate my weight in pizza today.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re so stubborn.”
She smiled. “Leave me here,” she mumbled and drifted off to sleep. But Harry was stubborn too, so he carried her to her room. If he could, he would have taken a video of the pair of them just to show her.
“Harry,” she murmured sleepily once she was lying in her comfy bed. Harry’s heart felt like it was going to explode. Her eyes didn’t open, and she didn’t speak again. In fact, she had fallen asleep around him a lot and he had never heard her talk while she dreamed. He wanted to lay down right beside her, hold her, squeeze her. Tell her that he adored her and everything: her exam, stuff with her dad, her missing her mom, and everything her beautiful, brilliant mind worried about would be okay.
But instead, he gently smoothed part of her hair back and left her to dream.
Hopefully, about him.
Harry walked up to her apartment and waved to the agent outside as he looked down at his phone. He brought her a coffee to celebrate the end of her exams. The agent left and Harry waited until he was fully gone to let himself into her apartment.
She was on the phone and smiling like it was already Christmas. Like she had gotten the best gift of all.  Harry smirked and placed his stuff at her dining table and then held the coffee up for her to see. She bit the inside of her lip to keep from squealing. Harry settled her cup down on the table as well as she spoke to the other end of her phone. “Thank you. Thank you so much,” she said gratefully. “Happy holidays. Have a wonderful break.”
The moment her phone was on the counter she was running across her apartment and throwing herself at Harry. He staggered back a step at the impact. Her arms tossed around his shoulders, and she sighed as she breathed into his shirt. He was taller than her of course. By at least half a foot. She was on her tiptoes, and it felt like magic to hold her.
Harry felt like when she did this back in August. However, this time obviously didn’t have the hidden pretense of needing protection from some guy that couldn’t take a hint. This was real. She was really throwing herself at him and giggling like a madwoman. He wrapped his arms around her waist giving her a returning squeeze. “Mmm...y’okay there Miss Wildflower?”
She was jittery. But in a good way. She pulled from him, dropping her arms to her sides. Harry regretted asking her if she was alright. He would have much preferred her in the circle of his arms. “My professor emailed me asking me to call him,” she was giddy. Harry was in love. There was no longer a question about it. Her smile, her eyes, everything about her made his chest ache with adoration for her. “I...” she was nearly breathless. “Harry, I got the highest grade on the final.”
He rolled his eyes. Naturally he was proud and happy for her but it wasn’t all that surprising. “Of course, y’did, love. You’re brilliant and y’studied for ages.”
“No, Harry...like...ever. The highest grade ever.”
Oh. That was different. He tilted his head and smirked now understanding her excitement a little more. “Oh?”
She nodded excitedly, rocking back and forth on her feet. “He’s been teaching this course for...” she rolled her eyes. “Over twenty-five years...he was so impressed. He wants me to be his TA next semester, he wants me to do research. He thinks I should be a professor—especially because he wants to retire soon...Harry,” she was still practically bouncing with excitement. She was so adorable Harry didn’t know where to look. “Thank you,” she sighed her expression was so soft. Harry was melting for her. Right onto the floor. Just a puddle of the man he once was.
“Me?” He was shocked she was thanking him. He didn’t do anything. All he did was hold some index cards and mispronounce words for her.
“You helped me study so much...I,” she sighed. “I know I was a pain, and you didn’t deserve all that and you certainly didn’t have to help me after all that either. The studying, the crying about everything, the coffee, the...just putting up with me. It is just...thank you, truly. I am so happy. So unbelievably happy I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in m—”
Harry’s mouth was on hers.
Her brain short-circuited. Harry’s pretty pink lips were finally between hers. His hands were on each side of her face. His body curled down toward her as he kissed her. His lips were soft. So soft she wondered what chapstick he used—literally almost pulled away just to ask. But she was certain she would never pull from his lips. If she died from lack of oxygen, it would be okay. Except she worried Harry would have to do paperwork on it. Her eyes fluttered closed as soon as she felt the touch of his mouth.
Her hands fisted the sides of his shirt pulling him closer toward herself. His tongue gently stroked over her lower lip and then carefully probed at the space between her barely open teeth. Asking for silent permission to let it in her mouth. She moaned when his tongue licked hers. She could feel his heavy inhale and exhale from his nose as he breathed in and out.
Oh, it was so much better than she could have imagined. Better than she could have dreamed. She turned her face upwards allowing more access given his height. He pulled from her mouth, allowing her to breathe. But his lips didn’t stop, he kissed down the side of her throat, making her heart hammer out an unsafe rhythm. She didn’t dare speak; worried she would somehow ruin it.
This cannot be protocol. Why on earth would she care about protocol right now?
If she brought attention to the fact that Harry was willingly kissing her, he would probably stop. He seemed like the type. But instead, he brought his mouth back to hers, curled his arms around her middle long enough to almost crush her to his body. He got her toes off the ground, never stopping his kiss as he maneuvered blindly over to the sitting area. He guided her back carefully, so she went down gently on the sofa and Harry followed right after her, hips between her thighs. She groaned softly at the feeling of Harry pressing against her. This was an awful day to wear jeans. The stiff fabric had no give for her to fully feel and enjoy the way Harry grinded against her. Her leggings would have been much better. One of his hands rested at the back of her neck, his fingers gripping lightly on her hair so he could tug her closer to his mouth. The other touched her side, stroked down over her hip that bent around his waist before he slid down to her outer thigh.
“Harry,” she whimpered his lips breaking from her mouth for a moment to kiss along the side of her neck that didn’t receive attention before.
“What, love?” He mumbled. His voice seemed deeper, sexier.
She was aching everywhere. Harry wasn’t close enough. She wanted him everywhere. Wanted him to fix the ache. She had never needed anyone. Not once in her adulthood had she ever needed help from anyone nor needed anyone so much that her bones ached.
But she had never met Harry until this year. Now she wanted him to make the ache go away. “Please,” she begged.
“Please, what?” His lips brushed over the hollow space at the bottom of her throat. “Tell me,” he murmured. “I’ll give y’anything y’want,” his lips pressed to her collarbone and moved further south down the V of her T-shirt. She made an embarrassing little whiny sound out of her throat. She arched toward his mouth. Desperate for his kiss, his touch. All of it. “Tell me, love.”
She felt dizzy because despite all the stupid things she put him through, she believed he really would do anything she asked of him. The hand on her thigh moved back up toward her shirt and slid just below the hem so his fingers skimmed over her stomach. “Please,” she begged.
“‘Please’ what, kitten?” His voice was so gentle, deep. She wanted to drown in his voice. It made her chest ache to be called a new name. Honey set her on fire. Kitten was going to send her heart to the moon.
But he was smug too. He knew exactly what she wanted. Exactly. He was refusing to give it to her. Refusing to put his hand between her thighs. He brought his lips back to hers, kissing her plead, her question, all rational thought out of her mind.
“Want you,” she whispered.
She nodded. It was hard to keep calm when he spoke so gently. When his lips tasted so good and felt so soft. “Please?” She begged again.
“Love,” his voice was gentle. “I want you so bad,” he promised. Her heart felt like it was about to fly right out of her ribs and across the room.
But she still had one little neuron firing in her Harry-obsessed mind. His tone had a ‘but’ in it. She wanted to go back to kissing before she asked. Wanted to feel the lightness that drenched her and Harry as he sprinkled her with hundreds of kisses. Kisses, that if she was being honest with herself, she wanted since the day he knocked on her door for the first time.
But instead, his tone just made her feel terrible. She dropped her head back against the cushion. “S’not protocol,” he mumbled. He trailed his kisses back up her neck.
“Oh for...Harry, fuck protocol,” she moaned. She felt too warm. He chuckled against her making the little breath of laughter tickle and cool her skin. She thought she was going to pass out. She yanked on his shirt hard, trying to get him closer but she sensed it wasn’t going to happen. No matter how hard she tried.
“Easy, love.”
“Easy?” She felt agitated instantly. “M’gonna combust,” she told him breathlessly her head turning to the side.
“Good,” he said smugly pressing a wet kiss to the side of her neck. She flopped back miserably against the sofa again and looked at him through her lashes in that way that drove him crazy with adoration for her.
“You don’t...want me?”
“Kitten,” he tutted disapprovingly. He pressed his hand against her cheek. “Obviously, I want you.” Ever so subtly, his hips dipped against her leg, pressing his hard length against her thigh as proof.
“It’s not obvious,” she frowned sullenly. Even with his erection, it didn’t mean anything. He could just be horny, and she didn’t see Harry with other women often—well ever. She was here and he could just enjoy kissing or whatever. “Then—”
“M’sorry, love s’protocol,” he smirked sadly. “I jus’ want to—”
“Harry, what about me says I give two shits about protocol?” She groaned throwing her arm over her face.
He pulled it away and brushed his thumb over her cheek. “I know, kitten,” he kissed the tip of her nose. “I want to,” he promised. “But...I can’t. I can’t right now.”
“Why are you on your period?” She rolled her eyes.
“Would never pin y’as a horny thing, love,” he pressed his lips to her ear. “Is that why y’tense all the time? Just need t’come?” She was silent. Unwilling to be bated by his words into revealing something about herself or admitting she was so fucking hot for him. “M’not gonna...do this with you...not while m’working.”
“You sure know how to make a girl feel like she’s begging for sex.”
“Pretty sure y’could convince anyone t’have sex with you without begging.”
“Look in the mirror,” she muttered.
“I adore you,” he promised. His hand cupped the side of her face. “Obviously.”
She pushed him away. “So...what? We’re just going to...make out and dry hump?” She asked, frustration laced in her voice. She paced away from him quickly. Going to her room and shutting the door behind her. It wasn’t to avoid Harry. Actually, she wanted nothing more than to throw herself back at him, immediately. But if he was going to be rational, then she needed space so she could be rational too.
He knocked gently on the door. “Love,” he hummed. “Open the door.”
He tried the handle and then sighed when it didn’t move. “Jus’...let me explain.” She waited silently. Now that she could breathe air that wasn’t heavy with Harry’s cologne or with just the scent of him, she was thinking a little more clearly. A little more like herself. He sighed again. “God, you’re annoying,” he mumbled. “I jus’...I can’t...take advantage of you,” he told the door.
“I want it,” she said petulantly. Like Harry was candy that she was being denied on Halloween.
He laughed behind the door. “I know, love. Me too.” She waited in silence again. “I don’t want t’do this while m’working. S’not fair.”
“Because it’s...” there was a small thunk against the door.
“I swear to God, Harry. If you say it’s protocol...” He didn’t speak giving her the answer she needed. “Why’d you kiss me then?” She groaned. “You got me all worked up.”
“I know, love. M’sorry. It was a moment of weakness...I shouldn’t have—”
“So, you really don’t want me?” She repeated sadness on the edge of her voice.
The idea that she was worried about Harry wanting her was killing him. “Kitten, open the door or I’ll break it down.”
She unlocked it and it was out of the way. His lips were back on hers in an instant. Brought her mind right back to the frenzy she felt moments ago. Her breath was lost in his mouth. He cupped her face and pecked at her upper lip as he started to chat with her. “Want nothing more than t’get y’out of your clothes and lay y’down and kiss every inch of your skin.”
If his tongue went in her mouth again she wasn't going to be able to think...maybe ever again. “But?”
She pushed him away as much as she didn't want to, flopped onto her bed with a huff. “Harry, please,” she sighed. “What are we supposed to do? I don’t want you to not be on my detail. But we can’t...be...physical?”
“No...” he smirked. “No, we can’t.” She gazed at him curiously as he emphasized the pronoun. Harry sat beside her touching the inside of her jeans, following the seam to the middle of them below her zipper. Somehow his touch could be felt through the rough denim. She was certain if she was wearing leggings she would have come already. “I don’t want to get fired.”
“Pretty sure you’d get fired for this,” she whispered breathlessly.
He chuckled. “M’not explaining it right, love.”
“No, you’re not. M’feeling very unwanted. Which you know is...like really bad for my psyche,” Harry’s hand was literally between her thighs. He was breaking all kinds of protocol and she was still being annoying about his lack of attention to what she wanted more.
“Honey, I want you so badly,” he promised and brought his other hand to her face. He leaned down to kiss her softly. His fingers tapping almost rhythmically against the center of her jeans. “I can’t have sex with you while m’working. S’a recipe for disaster.” His fingers moved to her zipper, pulled it down. Moved back to her button, unclipped it from it’s place. "We'll figure it out, I'll kiss you and touch y'as much as y'want...but y'gotta lemme do this my way, please," he looked at her apologetically. "Know it doesn't make sense," his fingers were touching the elastic of her underwear. Her breathing hitched. “M’gonna take care of you, now. Okay? S’got nothing t’do with me or the job. S’all you, love. Y’deserve t’feel good.”
“You’re not making any sense,” her voice lacked air—it barely carried to his ears.
“I know, can’t think straight with y’looking so pretty like this,” his fingers dipped in between the opening of her jeans and the outside of her underwear. She moaned softly as his fingers moved over her. Her breath caught in her throat. Swore it stole the oxygen that went to her brain. There were no more brain cells in her head for rational thought. Thank God she took all her exams. “Y’better not fake it for me either. I know the difference in sounds y’made between the guy y’had here in September than when y’use your vibrator.” She wished she could feel embarrassed or angry toward him, but Harry’s fingers were pinching so softly but expertly at her clit she wanted to scream.
She didn’t know Harry could hear her.
“Y’make it so obvious, love. Moaning so loud for someone. S’not how y’do it. Y’get all breathy. Quiet. Hiding it. I know y’hide how y’feel...I don’t know why...but don’t y’dare think ‘bout lying t’me.”
That wasn’t going to be a problem. She had imagined Harry all over her so many times before. She was going to come in twenty seconds. “Oh...” she moaned arching into his touch. His hand slid lower, pushing her underwear out of the way and sinking a finger inside her. “Harry, please,” she begged.
“Oh, s’nice t’hear y’say please, love.”
Oh no. He was going to torture her.
“Didn’t know y’knew how t’be good.” Her toes curled. She tilted her hips up toward his fingers begging for more friction between her thighs. “Thought y’jus’ knew how t’be a pain in the butt. Didn’t know y’had manners.” Her brain was literally fried. It was an entity outside her body. The only thing she knew was Harry’s fingers on her body and his voice. His lips were pressed to her ear as he spoke. All while massaging his fingers in her folds, around her clit, and dipping inside her aching hole. It was like he was in the dark and could only use his sense of touch to find all the spots that drove her mad. She wanted to keep his hand in her pants every moment of every day. His fingers were so long and perfect and she could almost forgive him for not going further.
“Gonna listen t’me?” He asked. She nodded, gasping for air that didn't smell like Harry but enjoying that it did. “Say it,” he murmured. “For all the times y’didn’t.”
“I’ll listen,” she gasped.
“Good,” he continued rubbing leisurely. It was working her up beyond comprehension. She thought about whining at him. Or begging again. He seemed to like that enough that he might take pity on her.
But fortunately, he didn’t make her wait long.
“Come.” The knot in her stomach came undone without her even realizing it was there and ready to unravel. Her eyes fluttered as her body arched toward him. He pressed his mouth back over hers, licking her tongue. “S’a shame he couldn’t do that for you,” he murmured in her ear as her breathing settled. He gently removed his fingers from her pants, zipped and buttoned her back up.
Unironically, it felt like she had been drugged, the waves of dopamine coursing through her. Her eyelids fluttered rapidly as she watched Harry place his finger in his mouth and draw it out slowly. “Can’t wait t’taste you firsthand, kitten.”
This had to be the best day of her life. She passed her exam, she had a job opportunity, a mentor...she had...Harry and his lips and his fingers. Even if she had to figure out why he didn’t want to fully have sex. It didn’t matter. Having Harry like this, lying on her bed looking at her like she was...beautiful...
It was Christmastime. It was perfect.
She was happy. Really happy.
For all the bad stuff that happened to her, all the bad things she felt, it was nice to finally have something good. To have Harry beside her...to have finally kissed him. Those hearts in her eyes had to be back. But she swore as Harry smiled at her, she saw them in his as well. Her brain didn’t need to think about chemical bonding, O-rings, or compounds for a while. She could focus on Harry, his lips, and their movie list.
So why in the bliss of this perfect day, did a foreboding cloud of anxiety take over her mind?
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use
Protection taglist: @youcouldstartacult @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @luxiorchive @ameerakane20 @be-with-me-so-happily @cherryshouse @foreverxholland @tenaciousperfectionunknown @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @cherrystyle
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eneablack · 2 months
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where i shifted to last night
(i used this method.)
about this dr:
i call it ‘futuristic dr’, i got inspiration from one of my favourite asmr lol, it’s this one if you’re curious.
when i woke up:
it was still night and it was raining outside, and it was strange because it was coming from my right side and I have the window above me in void reality, then I could smell a different type of scent like orange, but I kept my eyes closed because I was tired. at some point however, I don't know how much time passed, I felt a weight on my chest and a slap on my face that made me open my eyes and I found THIS BALD CAT (don’t get me wrong, i love sphynx cats) on me and it started meowing. I was weirded out because I was saying what the fuck does this guy want at this time of the night, so I got up to feed him and at that point I realized "what the, I don't have a sphynx" so I connected the dots, in fact it wasn’t even my house, that is, it wasn't my CR's, and I wasn't me, because I was fucking tall and when I complained about the cat I heard a low damn manly voice so yeah i was like that ain’t enea. since it was night, i had the time to recollect everything and remember. the house was very cool, a small apartment with big windows on each wall to the sight of skyscrapers and damn flying cars. it was chill.
about me and other stuff:
my name was Neo, a very tall 27 years old guy, I'm not sure how much tall, maybe 1.90m or something like that, literally a pole. I had very pale skin and short black hair, visible veins on my eyelids and temples, brown eyes with some big dark circles because of my job shifts. I was pretty introverted and doubtful of ppl, but very independent and mature, intellect and cleverness was a big trait i had (in fact coming back here with this small brain was a bit ehm) and I've noticed that I caught lots of stares from many beautiful women (i’m just telling you, even tho nobody asked about this detail, i was just very hot ngl, in fact my appearance was similar to the picture above, that’s the closest i found). and I had this bad habit of smoking every day, like as soon as I woke up I immediately smoked cigarette (i don’t smoke here). i had this long black leather coat that i wore everyday.
I worked as a bartender at this chic flying hotel called Hotel 47, a subunit of the Skyward Heights chain (like in the asmr). I worked the night shift, from 10pm to 4am, in fact I basically sleep until the afternoon and am always tired and sleepy.
I owned a flying black motorcycle with some silver and blue trims. I've only bought it recently, beforehand I had a smaller one that I practically grew up with, I bought this new one with my savings since my job pays me decently. I'm not super rich, but I'm good, I can afford everything I need easily.
I didn’t have many friends because of my stick-up-in-ass personality, but I had some good close ones that were very different from me. there was this guy with yellow spiked hair and he was literally the opposite of me, he was high-key hyperactive and dumb (/jk) and the other guy was funny, he made me laugh a lot gotta admit. and then there was this girl, similar to the one in the video, with long pink hair, and there was something going on with her, don’t know how to call us, but there was something indeed (which was weird because i’m hella gay here hello???).
and that’s some info about this dr, i have to eat dinner now.
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softxsuki · 9 months
Hey (again)! Ive come back again with another urgent request (sorry) I was wondering if you could do a suicidal reader x nanami the reader is a sorcerer and powers are : they can technically spawn anything from a portal including void swords abd all that stuff - they can also blind their enemies with their powers.
Thank you and even though it is an urgent request take your time and have rest ,sleep and stay healthy (here's a star ⭐ for your hard work) ! My parents are fighting right now and I'm currently upset from the past few days and this 👌 close to giving up but then I remember people that r here for me including you but have a great night and thank you 💞
Nanami with Suicidal S/O
Pairing: Nanami x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of suicide attempt, wanting to die, reckless abandonment, depression, crying, hopelessness, desperation
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 730
Summary: In which you're on a mission with Nanami and instead of fighting back, you stop and give the curse a chance to kill you, but not before Nanami steps in to help
[A/N: Hey again! Knowing you came back for another urgent request just is proof enough that you enjoyed my writing and that means a lot! No idea what you're going through in life, but I hope this helps you out, even if it's just a little. I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to <3 hope you enjoy!]
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Nanami holds your life dearly to him
Your life is precious to him, a life force that he’d never put on the line; he’d sacrifice himself if it meant keeping you alive and well
Loss was a part of his job, he’s already lost countless friends and students, he couldn’t lose you–that would break him
So on one of your missions together when he saw you just stop mid-battle as a curse was seconds away from tearing you apart–he raced into action, adrenaline coursing through him as he ran faster than ever to get you
Your portal was open, it was there for you to easily defeat the lower level curse before you, but you just stood there
That’s when he knew 100% that something was going on with you
He’d seen little signs of it before, like seeing you distance yourself from him little by little, noticing the dark circles under your eyes, your sudden reckless actions, mood swings– all the signs were there, yet you managed to cover it all up so well
It wasn’t until this very moment that it became certain you were trying to die–you were trying to leave him all alone, how would he move forward without you–the love of his life?
This mission was supposed to be simple, he invited you for the sake of spending more time together since you were slowly pushing him farther and farther away
Almost losing you wasn’t in his agenda for the day
He could feel his pulse echoing in his throat as he pulls you away from the curse, quickly exorcizing the last few curses before approaching you
His adrenaline is still racing, so his initial response is rage
“What were you thinking?! Were you really trying to get yourself killed?! Your portal was open, why did you freeze up like that?” He chokes up on his words, falling to his knees before you as tears fall from his eyes, this snaps you out of whatever trance you’re in
You hadn’t seen Nanami so worked up to the point of crying since he lost Haibara back in high school, that’s when you realize what a mistake you almost made
“I-I’m sorry” it’s the only thing you can manage to say to him
He tries to calm himself down, feeling exhaustion hit him from the sudden adrenaline rush
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap, I just…I almost lost you. I can’t allow that to happen. I don’t know exactly what’s going on with you that you felt like this was your only option, but I can’t lose you, Y/N. I love you so much, you’re my everything, please don’t leave me. Please” he begged, taking your hand in his as he leaves kisses to the back of it, scared to let you go, in fear that he’d never feel the warmth of your hands again, never feel your heart beating against him again…he was terrified
You didn’t think being gone would affect someone so much, sometimes you forgot that you had people in your life that really cared for you, your depression clouding your mind so much
It isn’t until you both go back home and settle down when you open up about your struggles with him
Your internal battles and your troubles at home that all became too much to handle at times
He’d quietly listen to every word you had to say, tracing circles on the back of your hand whenever you stopped speaking at times, finding it difficult to emotionally open up to someone, but he was there. He cared. He really cared
Nanami would ask you what you’d like him to do; of course he’d help in his own way, like asking if you’d like to speak with a professional for help, but if not, he’s more than okay with helping you in any way he can
Moving forward, he keeps a closer eye on you, whether it be holding you more often, inviting you out, staying at home, talking things out–he’d go to the moon and back if it meant helping you feel better and not wanting to leave this world without him
One day at a time–you just need to get through each day one by one, and you’re definitely not alone, he’d be right by your side, taking your hand and walking every step with you
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Posted: 08/28/2023
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anxious-witch · 5 months
So a continuation of this soulmate poly! JO au
So! Again, this is not my usual high quality stuff, isn't beta read or edited and I have been feeling kinda eh about writing lately so...yeah. Be warned before going into it. But so many of your wanted some sort of conclusion so I had to give you one. I hope it's at least somewhat satisfying.
This needed a warning for vomitting not the last one my bad, also TW for Bojan's general low self esteem
Bojan wasn't feeling well. And it wasn't only because he was hungover from the whole spiked drink yesterday. No. It was also due to the fact that now they all knew that he was their fifth soulmate.
He woke up surrounded by three of them. Jure was curled around his right side, with Kris' arm thrown over both him and Bojan. Bojan was snuggled in Jan's chest and Jan's hand protectively hovered over his head.
Nace was probably already up. Bojan laid there fir a moment. Soaking in the warmth. For once, his soulmark didn't ache but instead hummed pleasantly. 
It felt so natural, it was hard to remember why he was so scared of it. 
Then a sudden nausea hit him and he had to practically launch himself from the bed. Jan stirred and sleepily called out to him, but Bojan didn't turn. He ran to the bathroom, just in time to throw up in the toilet.
He wasn't sure how he ended up on his knees and gripping the toilet. He also wasn't sure when Jan joined him by sitting on the floor and rubbing his back. 
Only when he stopped throwing up for more than a few seconds did he lean more into the comforting touch. 
"Aren't you supposed to be angry at me?" Bojan mumbled tiredly.
"Oh, I am furious," Jan said easily, "I just don't see the point of having this conversation until you feel better."
Bojan made a pityful sound, closing his eyes. His head hurt, his stomach hurt, his soulmark ached. He just wanted to die.
"You might as well. I am feeling miserable anyway. We can go for full physical and emotional destruction."
Jan sighed and gently ran his head through Bojan's hair. 
"Kris went to make you tea and Jure to dig out some painkillers. Nace will probably make something to eat when he comes back from his run, if he hasn't already."
Jan scratched his scalp, like he was a dog. It was pleasant though and Bojan couldn't help but let iut a sigh and lean into it. 
"I don't deserve you guys."
The fingers in his hair froze. You said something stupid again, Bojan's mind hissed.
"We'll talk about that too."
"I'm sorry."
Jan continued stroking his hair, but didn't reply. Bojan's soulmarked burned like a brand. He hates you, he hates you, he will never forgive you-
Kris arrived at that moment, taking in their state. His eyes softened as he watched them.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like shit. I don't know if you are asking physically or mentally, but the answer is the same."
Kris crouched down and gently put his hand on Bojan's forehead. His eyes fluttered shut at the gesture.
"You don't have a temperature," he mused, "which means just a bad hangover. You should come back to bed. I bought a bucket if you are sick again. And there is tea and painkillers. Nace is making pancakes too."
Bojan felt a sudden pressure of tears. Why were they all so nice? So considerate? Shouldn't they be yelling and demanding an explanation? He felt like he'd prefer that. It was what he deserved.
"Bojan, hey, what's wrong? Does something hurt?"
Kris gentle voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he realized he was crying. He shook his head and covered him face. 
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Why wre you all being nice? Why aren't you yelling at me? Why-"
Kris hugged him to his chest and Bojan's body shook im his embrace. He kept a litany of apologies through the sobs.
"Jan, go tell Nace to finish pancakes later. I will get Bojan to the bedroom. I think we all need to talk first."
Jan probably nodded, because Bojan heard him get up and step out of the bathroom. Then Kris gently picked him up. Bojan didn't even complain, simply buried his face in Kris' chest. 
He carried him to the bedroom.
"What happened? Is he alright?"
Bojan's heart squeezed at Jure's worried tone, but he didn't feel capable of answering. Which was why he was thankful for Kris.
"I am not sure. He started apologizing and then burst into tears. I think everything is hitting him just now. And you know how the bond can be overwhelming at first."
When he put Bojan on the bed, Jure curled at his back. Bojan reached out with one hand to him. 
And Jure took it, interlacing their fingers. His and Kris' presence calmed him down slightly. Enough for him to stop babbling apologies at least, if not stop crying yet. 
"Oh, Bojan," he heard Nace say from further away. 
Then two more bodies joined the pile. Bojan could recognize each, despite having his face buried in Kris's chest. 
That slowly made him calm down enough to stop the tears and carefully pull back from Kris' chest.
Kris didn't let him go far, gripping his waist when he tried to. Which was ridiculous, because they all surrounded him. He cleared his throat, blood rushing to his cheeks.
“Right. Can we just…get this over with, please?”
“Get it over with?” Jan hissed.
Bojan flinched a bit at his tone, ducking down to hide in Kris’ chest again.
“Jan,” Nace chastised him from somewhere behind his back, “Let's try and do this calmly.”
Jure squeezed his hand and then Jan swore, almost as if someone elbowed him.
“Bojan, could you sit up, please?” Nace asked.
Did he have much of a choice at this point? Bojan sat up, suddenly much more aware of four pairs of eyes watching him.
He stubbornly stared into his lap.
“Tell us what happened,” Jure urged gently. 
“I was at the bar, I was flirting with a guy. He drugged my drink.”
Jan sighed loudly, but it was Kris who spoke up.
“That's not what we are asking. We want to know why you don't want us.”
That made him snap his head up, staring at Kris in disbelief. Kris, who was biting his lip and looked incredibly close to tears.
“What? I never said that!”
“You made it quite clear.”
Bojan felt as if he'd been slapped. He could take them being angry, or even saying they don't want him anymore, but he couldn't take them thinking he didn't want them.
“That's not true at all! Of course I want you!”
Kris did not look particularly convinced, hunching in on himself. Bojan met Jan's eyes instead.
“Then why didn't you say anything? Jesus, Bojan Kris knows you for a decade.”
“Because by the time I realized, the two of you were already together! And then I couldn't say anything because I thought that if you had each other, why would you want me?”
Jan took in a sharp breath and Kris paled noticeably, but Bojan wasn't done. He turned his eyes to Jure.
“So I kept silent, until Jure came along. And then he fit right in. Not just in the band, but with the two of you. And I thought, fuck, I'm too late. So I didn't say anything again. By the time Nace came into the picture, I-I had no idea what to do. Besides, we all know I would ruin this.”
Jure crossed the distance between them in a second, practically launching himself towards Bojan and pulling him into a hug. 
“Never,” Jure said vehemently.
Bojan felt a sudden wave of love wash over him. It took him a second to realize it wasn't coming from him, but from the Jure's side of the bond.
It was enormous and overwhelming and Bojan was completely unprepared for it. Which made panic seize his chest. 
Then, Nace was there, putting a hand on the back of his neck.
“Breathe. I know it's overwhelming at first, but just breathe through it. Jure, back up a bit he isn't used to the bond yet.”
The sensation eased up a bit, even if Jure didn't let go of him. Bojan took in a shaky breath. 
“Why do you think you'd ruin it?” Kris asked after a moment. 
Feeling their emotions in tandem with their words was new. Even without prying, he could feel hurt and worry from Kris. Bojan realized with a pang that that meant they could feel the turmoil of his emotions, too.
This was exactly what he wanted to spare them from.
“Because of this! I am difficult to deal with. I know all of you know it, because you had to deal with me. But that's different from being in a relationship with me. Kris met like, all of my girlfriends, he can testify.”
Jure's arms tighten against him, paired up with a slight pang of annoyance. Bojan bit his lip to stop himself from apologizing. They should be aware of what they were getting into.
He expected Kris to look angry or maybe defeated, but instead he looked thoughtful. 
“From what I remember of that, the biggest issue was you putting us and the band in general before them. Which wouldn't be a problem here, would it?”
Bojan stared. He never thought of it like that. 
“That's still not a good idea. I am difficult to deal with. You'll get tired of me.”
Jan snorted and Bojan turned to glare. Jan met his gaze calmly.
“Right. Because before this we never took care of you being sick every two to three weeks? Nace didn't calm you when you got panic attacks? Jure and I don't regularly feed you because you are unable to cook more than two meals? Kris doesn't have your schedule memorized and reminds you of what you need to do?”
Bojan felt as if Jan's gaze was burning through him, right into his soul. He ducked his head. Except, Jan reached out and Jure moved, curling at his left so Jan could tilt Bojan's chin up. 
“Look at me.”
So Bojan did, a zing of electricity going down his spine as he did so. Any rational argument he had got thrown outside of the window.
“You borrow our clothes and you cuddle with us and we are all together almost 24/7. Why the fuck would that change if we were in a relationship with you?”
Bojan opened and closed his mouth several times, feeling as if Jan had just knocked out all the cards from his hands. Like all the insecurities that held him back were insignificant in the face of Jan's argument.
His head suddenly started hurting even more and he closed his eyes.
“I don't know.”
“Alright. Postponing the rest of this for later. Bojan, go brush your teeth, we'll bring tea and painkillers in the meantime.”
Leave it to Kris to organize everything in a second. 
“Can't I get a coffee?” Bojan asked, peering at him and pointedly avoiding Jan's gaze.
“After we are sure you won't throw up again. Do you need help getting up?”
Jan finally let go of his chin and Bojan tried not to feel disappointed. He never kissed any of them properly, it was always something for the cameras. 
He wondered what it would be like to kiss them for real. 
That thought scared him enough to jolt him into action and he quickly got up from the bed. Too quickly, since dark spots began to dance in his vision.
Nace swore and reached out to steady him. 
“I'll go with him-”
“No,” Jan interrupted, “you go finish those pancakes. I got him.”
Bojan tensed. It wasn't that he didn't trust Jan, because he did. He trusted all of them with his life. The thing was, Jan seemed the most angry out of all of them and he didn't sugarcoat anything. Bojan wasn't sure how being alone with him would go.
No one protested though, Kris simply exchanged a long look with Jan and then nodded.
Bojan wondered if that simply cane with sharing a bond for so long and then he suddenly felt very, very lonely.
So he didn't protest when Jan took Nace's place and led him to the bathroom. He took his toothbrush and brushed his teeth. Jan walked closer and took his own, so they both brushed their teeth and Bojan tried not to think about how domestic that felt.
That distracted him enough for him not to notice that the toothbrush was the exact same one he had at home until after he finished.
“Since when does Nace have everyone's spare toothbrush?”
“Since we all started dating?”
Bojan started at Jan through the mirror. Jan calmly washed his mouth with water. 
“I haven't been dating you.”
Jan sighed as he stood upright again and put his toothbrush back where it belonged.
“No. But even before the soulmark, you were always considered welcome. I think…on some level we all knew.”
Bojan swallowed against sudden urge to cry again. 
“I should have known. The way you looked when we saw Nace's mark, I-”
“Don't say that. You didn't know because I didn't want you to. It's not your fault.”
Jan gave him a wry smile, shaking his head.
“Isn't it? Maybe if we figured it out sooner, you wouldn't think you were unwanted. For seven years, apparently.”
Jan's emotions were more guarded than Kris’ and yet, Bojan could practically taste the bitterness and hurt pouring from him. 
Bojan couldn't help but reach for him, but as soon as he touched his arm, Jan tensed. 
“I'm sorry. It-it's not your fault, okay? I promise.”
Jan pursed his lips.
“If you say so.”
He stepped closer then closer again, until their chests were almost touching. Jan didn't stop him, but also didn't make any moves towards him, either.
Bojan cupped his face and pressed his lips to his anyway, trying to pour all his mixed feelings into it. Then Jan moved, pinning him back against the sink. Bojan gasped and Jan took that opportunity to deepen the kiss.
There was so much longing in the kiss, Bojan kept trying to pull him closer, making a protesting noise when Jan pulled back.
“This is a bad idea. We need to talk this through first.”
Jan was probably right. It was not a good idea, especially with the mess of emotions Bojan was feeling. Still, it was difficult not to feel a pang of disappointment. He felt…rejected.
He nodded and hung his head low.
“Fuck. Bojan that isn't-Hey.”
Jan lifted his chin once more and Bojan shivered. Something about the gesture made Bojan feel very small in comparison. 
“I am not rejecting you. This is just because I don't want to take this too far before you feel secure in the bond, okay?”
Bojan swallowed and watched and Jan's eyes traced the movement.
Jan took in a deep breath and then took a step back. Then he extended his hand out to Bojan.
“Com'on now. The others are waiting.”
Then he was tugged back into the bedroom. Jure and Kris were sitting on the bed and talking quietly, while Nace still didn't return. They went quiet once they entered and Bojan tried not to fidget.
“Don't stop on my account,” he mumbled, trying to get under the covers.
Perhaps he could suffocate himself under the blankets.
“Wait! The painkillers!”
Bojan stopped halfway, and Kris handed his the painkillers and the water. He tried not to make a face at being treated like a child. Firstly Jan with pulling back and now the rest of them eith treating him like he was fragile. They cared and objectively, he was aware he scared them last night.
So he took them and handed the glass back to Kris. Then he got under the covers and buried his face into a pillow.
“Why is he sulking?” Kris asked, directing the question at Jan.
“He kissed me and I said I don't want things to escalate until he feels comfortable with the bond.”
“He wasn't too happy about that, huh?”
Bojan was about to snap at them for talking like he wasn't there, but then another person shuffled under the covers and pulled him closer. Jure.
Jure's emotions were always on the surface and Bojan could feel them much easier than Jan's. There was a sense of deep contentment that he didn't expect.
Jure pressed a kiss into his hair and Bojan felt his annoyance begin to dissipate. Kris shuffled closer and began petting his hair and-yeah, okay, he could get used to that.
He was starting to drift when Nace came back, announcing that the pancakes were done. Bojan groggily got up, rubbing at his eyes.
“You can eat later if you are tired,” Nace said with such a soft look, Bojan felt the need to squirm.
“But I want pancakes,” he protested.
Jan laughed.
“Just let him eat. Maybe that'll wake him up.”
Bojan glared.
“Maybe now I won't go exactly because of that.”
Jan smirked.
“Well good thing we can all carry you then, no?”
Nace crossed the room in a few steps and picked him up as if he weighed nothing. Bojan squealed. He knew Nace could pick him up, but actually being picked up was quite different.
He wrapped his arms around Nace's neck, even if he was pretty sure Nace wouldn't drop him.
“Rude,” he mumbled in his neck. 
He was lulled once again into a feeling of contentment that simply radiated from the bond. Was it supposed to feel like that? Did it always feel like that for them? 
Nace gently dropped him in a chair at the dining table. Bojan absent mindedly reached for the pancakes while the others all took their seats.
“Does it always feel like that? The bond, I mean.”
Kris cocked his head.
“How does it feel?”
“Content. Calming. Like…things clicked in place.”
Kris’ gaze softened. 
“Not quite. There was always something missing. Like the connection flowed between the four of us and then it just…hit a wall.”
Bojan fidgeted with his knife before anxiously taking the jam and smearing it over the pancake. He wasn't sure what to say.
“We have been waiting for you,” Nace added softly.
And this, this was exactly what Bojan wanted to avoid. He covered his face, willing himself not to cry again.
“This is why I didn't say anything. I don't-I can't complete you.”
“You already do.”
He began shaking his head, but then Kris was gently pulling his hands away from his face.
“We already acted like you are a part of this relationship, excluding kissing and sex. You already cuddle and steal all of our clothes. You hate being alone so you are in one of our apartments half the time. You already act like you are our boyfriend, this is just a confirmation you belong with us.”
Bojan felt speechless again. So he did one thing he could think about at that moment. He kissed him.
This kiss was much softer than the one he shared with Jan. Kris kissed almost hesitantly, as if not believing he was real. When Bojan tried to press harder, someone cleared their throat and Kris pulled away.
Of course it was Jan.
“Still not a great idea Bojči,” he reminded him.
Bojan stared at Kris, who was still kneeling by his chair, looking a bit dazed.
“Maybe not such a bad idea, if it'll help convince him,” Nace said, shrugging, “But we should wait until after breakfast.”
Bojan's brain came to a screeching halt.
“C-convince me?”
Jure sighed.
“That we want you. Obviously.”
Bojan swallowed. Don't think about it. But Kris was already kneeling and-
“Kris, go sit in your chair before Bojan has another crisis. And let's just finish eating first, yeah? Then we can discuss other things.”
He felt his cheeks heat at Jan's words and Jure chuckled. Kris simply rolled his eyes and went to take his seat.
They all began to eat and Bojan just tried to take everything in as they fell into easy conversation like nothing had happened.
His world tilted on its axis and…kept spinning, almost exactly the same as it had before. And surely, this would change things. Perhaps even his fears would be confirmed with time.
But for now, Bojan sat with four of his soulmates that he loved more than anyone else and simply let himself breathe.
Bojan was born with four stripes on his stomach. Yellow, red, purple and blue. And for the first time, his pink joined into the rainbow it created.
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balkanradfem · 5 months
So I decided to learn to knit! I've never before found a way to ethically and cheaply get yarn. I found a little ball of yarn outside at some point, as one does, and saved it, but beyond that I didn't have any other tools. Then I saw a video showing how you can take a thrifted machine-knit sweater, and undo it back into yarn, and then just knit with that. Incredible, since I have a full box of old sweaters, I just need to figure out which ones are easily undone.
So I grabbed my little ball of found yarn, and then I needed some needles. I looked up what I could use instead, and found there's plenty of alternatives; pencils, chopsticks, wooden sticks for barbecue. Looking around my room I realized I had some very long paintbrushes; I tried to use them, and immediately realized they need to have a pointy end. I grabbed a pencil sharpener and sharpened them; only this made them very rough and splintered. I needed to sand them down, but I had no sandpaper, and then I remembered that recently someone gave me a flat tool that removes dry skin from feet. I sanded them down with that, and it actually worked, they worked perfectly like knitting needles. They're even the same size.
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The knitters probably already know this, but if you start knitting for the first time, especially if it's winter and you're under a blanket, some ancient human instinct will activate and you will feel that you are doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing and everything is well and right with the world. Creating fabric is a powerful thing to do, in a society where everyone needs fabric to stay alive, and go outside, and I like having this power to myself.
I found out there are two basic types of stitches; knit stitch, and purl stitch. I liked the knit stitch better, on the basis that purl stitch had 'bad vibes'.
It knew before that most fabric will be woven, or knitted, or in some cases, crochet, so I got little curious, and studied each layer of clothing on me, and every single item of clothing was knit, and it was all a purl stitch. I got fascinated by this, wondering if this is true for most clothing, or if I just somehow prefer knit things on me because they're nice and stretchy. Looking into other fabrics, I could easily tell that all of the sheets, pillowcases and kitchen cloths were woven, and that they were much sturdier and less stretchy for it.
I looked at stuff in my closet, and found that I had a scarf, hat, and pants that were woven, but in very soft and warm fabric, and they were very sturdy and non-stretchy as well. I then wondered what was the logic behind it, and is there a traditional type of things that will be woven, that isn't just bedsheets and cloths?
I tried to find a video on youtube detailing that stuff, but no female-made video was found, so I'm now downloading several women-written audibooks on the topic of history of textiles. I think we should just take the power to make textiles back to us, because back when women were the maker of the cloth, it was just something we 'did out of the goodness of our hearts for our families' but it was also environmentally friendly, practical, sustainable and a beautiful, powerful craft. Now that m*n decided it's something to make money off, they created fast fashion, tons of waste and environmental damage, new types of slavery for workers, and the clothing isn't even practical anymore, it's made to fall apart.
So, back to my knitting, I have to say it's not happening very fast, I thought by the end of the day I would be done with that little ball of yarn and be able to tell how much fabric it can make, nope, did not happen, in fact I've been working on it two days and by this time I've barely made any progress. Apparently the 'purl stitch' is faster, well, I'm still refusing to do it. Boo purl stitch. The yarn I found outside is some of the worst quality yarn I've ever seen, not only it's different in thickness everywhere, but in some places there are 3-4 different threads distangled from each other, and it confused me so much while knitting that I kept adding stitches on the brush unnecessarily, until the entire thing could barely fit on one.
One thing that surprised me was how incredibly soft, stretchy and comfortable the fabric feels when made. I genuinely expected the fabric to be as horrifying as the yarn quality, nope, it's nice and comfy I absolutely love it.
There is a movement in online spaces for being mindful of environment when purchasing clothing, and making our own wardrobes, which is absolutely delightful; seeing people gain new respect and fascination for clothing, sewing and textile making, and then doing it themselves and becoming non-dependent on capitalism, it's the change the world needs. I didn't think I would try to join in, because I get so much discarded and unwanted clothing from others, I wouldn't need to buy any ever, but I did get fascinated by looms, natural fibers, and women doing all that work, that I can't resist trying it out.
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