#this is totally still fixable trust me you can fix this
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babe you gotta do something abt the big wet kitten eyes. youre aiming for menacing with the words i get that but it just doesnt quite have the effect youre going for with the big wet kitten eyes
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vexing-imogen · 7 months
a minor cat-tastrophe
Freddie is not freaking out. She is soooo not freaking out. She is one hundred percent cool and calm and collected and not freaking out. Please ignore the furrow in the rug from her pacing. Not. Freaking. Out.
"I can fix this," she says, scoffing. "I can fix this. This is totally fixable, right?" She laughs, a little hysterical. "Why haven't I fixed this yet?"
The tiny black kitten sitting on Freddie's keyboard tilts her head, blinks her large amber eyes, and lets out a concerned sounding mrrrp.
Freddie sighs, running both hands through her hair. "You're not helping, Grace."
The trouble had started, as it usually did, with Grace being bored out of her mind. The tour was over, requests for interviews with "the Voice of the Idols" had died off, and Persephone was currently out of town, only available for a few short hours each night. Which left Grace with little more to do than mope around the apartment and distract Freddie from studying the spell book that Hecate had gifted her.
"If you're not going to leave me alone," she says, "the least you could do is help me practice."
"Help how?" Grace asks, her pout morphing into a look of intrigue. She flips off the couch with a thud, barely avoiding cracking her head on the coffee table. "You mean, like, be your magical guinea pig?"
"Yeah?" Freddie says with a shrug. "If you're okay with that, I mean."
"Um, absolutely I am." Grace shuffles closer to Freddie and her book. "What kind of stuff do you got in there?"
"Oh, uhhh..." She flips through the book, sticking to the pages that Hecate marked as spells within her current power level. "Oooh, this could be fun. Transmogrification."
"Trans-what-ifi-whatnow?" Grace asks, sticking her head under Freddie's arm to read the page, pouting again when she sees it's written in Ancient Greek.
"Uh, basically turning something into something else," Freddie explains. "Like a prince into a frog, or a mouse into a coachman. That sort of thing."
Grace mulls it over for approximately five seconds before she shrugs. "Sounds dope. Let's do it."
"Oh, uh, are you sure?" Freddie asks, tucking hair behind her ear. "I'm still a total novice, you know."
"Yeah, totally." She says it like it's nothing. "I trust you, Fred."
A nervous chuckle escapes her. "Okay, uh." She scans the spell, wishes the page was laid out like her D&D handbook. "This says the spell duration is one to two hours, so. What do you want to be?"
Grace thinks for a second before she smirks. "Surprise me."
That was six hours ago.
And, obviously, Grace is still a kitten. An exceptionally adorable kitten, if Freddie does say so herself. But so not the point. Best friend. Still a cat. Focus, Farishta.
Grace meows, the slight wiggle of her butt the only indication that she's about to leap off of the keyboard. Freddie scoops her up before she can, wincing at the sharp little claws that dig into her arm. "Look, I get that you probably have, like, the zoomies or something right now," she says, booping Grace's nose and earning a disgruntled look for her troubles, "but since your girlfriend is already going to kill me if I can't turn you back, we're at least going to keep you in one piece, 'kay?"
The only answer she gets is a gentle gnawing on her thumb. "Wow," she says, shaking her head fondly. "There really is nothing between those cute little ears, huh?"
Grace tries to meow without releasing Freddie's thumb, which really only serves to prove her point.
She slumps down onto the couch, trying to figure out how she's supposed to search her spell book for a solution while trying to keep hold of a rambunctious kitten. Grace has discovered the dangly bits of Freddie's necklace, so really she can't be blamed for going on autopilot and answering the phone when it rings.
There's a short pause and then, "Freddie?" Persephone's voice comes through, confused. "Why are you answering Grace's phone?"
"Shit," she mutters. She pulls the phone away from her ear for a second, and yeah, that's Grace's obnoxious neon phone case. "Sorry, uh, long day, super distracted. You know how it is."
"Mhmm." Persephone sighs, sounding more tired than anything else. "May I speak to Grace, please?"
"Oh, yeah, of course." The lie slips out automatically, and Freddie cringes at her own stupidity. "She's just...in the bathroom." Welp, she totally biffed that deception check.
There's another sigh, and, yup, this one sounds annoyed. "Freddie, what is going on? Where's Grace?"
She'd had delusions of finding a solution and fixing this mess before Persephone ever found out how badly she screwed up, but. She caves. "Okay, okay, please don't be mad, but...IturnedGraceintoakittenandnowIcan'tfigureouthowtochangeherback."
There's a very long pause, and then, "Come again?"
Freddie sighs. "I-with her full consent, of course-turned Grace into a kitten with magic," she says miserably. "But the spell was supposed to wear off hours ago, and it hasn't. And I don't know what to do."
She hears a hm and then Persephone starts cackling. It's loud enough that Grace's ears perk up, and she starts making her way across Freddie's chest towards the source of her girlfriend's voice, purring all the way. She meows directly into the receiver, setting off another peal of laughter.
Once Persephone has calmed down, she risks a question. "So, you aren't mad?"
That earns her a chuckle. "This is quite possibly the most absurd situation someone could get themselves into, so of course it's happening to you and Grace."
"I, yeah." Freddie sinks even further into the couch cushions. "Do you have any advice?"
"Well," Persephone says patiently, "have you tried asking Hecate?"
Okay, now she just feels dumb. "I, uh...can I call you back later?"
"I have found the answer that you seek, Farishta," Hecate announces.
Freddie blinks, impressed. "Whoa, that was fast." The tea in her cup is still warm.
Hecate smiles. "It was written that you would spend no more than an hour here today." She beckons Freddie over to where she has the book laid out, page turned to the Transmogrification spell.
"So, what did I do wrong?" Freddie asks. "I messed it up somewhere, right?"
"Actually, no," Hecate says. "Your execution of the spell itself was exemplary. Your issue is nothing more than a simple translation error."
"Wait, really?" She leans in to look, follows Hecate's finger.
"You see this here?" her teacher asks. "You translated this as "one to two hours". In actuality, it translates to "up to one hundred hours"."
Freddie's jaw drops. "One hundred hours?" she asks. "You're telling me that Grace is stuck as a cat for four days?"
"Up to four days," Hecate corrects. "Though, it is written that she shall regain her true form before that time."
Freddie collects Grace from where she's wrestling with Hecate's newest kitten. "Alright, bestie," she says, "looks like you and I are taking a trip to PetSmart."
Grace is still a kitten when Persephone returns from her trip two days later. She sprints across the apartment the moment that Persephone steps through the door, and immediately starts trying to climb her pants leg. She is plucked up and cradled to Persephone's chest, where she settles in, purring contentedly.
"Hi there, sweet girl." Grace butts her head against Persephone's chin, earning a laugh. "Yes, I missed you, too."
It's all sickeningly adorable, Freddie thinks. And then the image is immediately ruined when Persephone starts sneezing.
"Uhh, P?" Freddie asks cautiously, "Are you allergic to cats?"
Persephone purses her lips, attempting to hold back another sneeze. "It would appear so." And yet, she makes no move to put Grace down, only stops her from batting at her earrings.
Freddie goes into the bathroom and starts rummaging through the medicine cabinet. "How bad is it on a scale of Benadryl to EpiPen?" she calls.
"Itchy eyes, scratchy throat," Persephone reports. "I can breathe without issue."
"Benadryl it is," Freddie says, shaking out a couple of pills. "Good thing, too, we're fresh out of EpiPens." She watches Persephone curiously. "So is that something that passes with the Eidolon? Because I'd rather not have to deal with seasonal allergies for eternity."
"I don't believe so," Persephone says, "though I suppose I can't be certain. I've always been more of a dog person." She smiles down at the kitten that is now asleep on her chest. "Though, I think I'm starting to see the appeal."
When Freddie gets up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, a very human Grace is perched on the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of leftover mac 'n cheese.
"Hey!" she exclaims softly. "You're you again. When did this happen?"
Grace shrugs. "I dunno," she says, taking another bite. "An hour ago at the most?"
Freddie nods a little longer than necessary. "I am so sorry."
Grace shrugs again. "No harm, no foul," she says. "I'm the one that volunteered, remember?"
"Well yeah," Freddie says, "but neither of us thought that you'd be stuck as a cat for three days."
"I mean..." Grace grins, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "I had a lot of fun." She thinks for a moment. "I can do without the pooping in a box thing, though."
Freddie chuckles. "Maybe next time we turn you into something that your girlfriend isn't allergic to."
Grace throws her arms around Freddie in a quick hug. "I like the sound of next time."
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novelconcepts · 3 years
Hey novel!!!! you are the most talented author on this site. Your portrayals of jamie and Dani are so deep and relatable and expand two wonderful characters into even more.
I know you are crazy busy and swamped with requests, but would you consider writing a one-shot about the famous deleted scene when jamie wakes up when dani tries to leave and convinces her to stay? (Or doesn’t, however you’d want to write it!)
Just a thought, I totally understand if you don’t have the time or are not feeling it!
The dream is the last straw. 
There are moments in your life, Dani Clayton thinks--with a clarity that seems unfathomable for this late hour--you simply can’t turn away from. Or, more accurately, you could--but you wouldn’t be you anymore, turning back. You’d be something else. Something untenable. 
The dream is one such moment. The certainty of it is one such awful, harrowing moment. 
Jamie’s expression never changed. Never faltered. Never so much as twitched away from that quietly-expectant misery--and that trust, even as the hand closed around her throat. Even as she went under. The trust, more than anything, will haunt what time she has left.
Because Jamie does trust her. Always has. Always, Dani knows, will, even if it’s the worst thing for her. 
Jamie will trust in Dani Clayton until it kills her, unless Dani does something about it first.
And so, when she wakes with her hand inches from Jamie’s throat--when she wakes with the tips of her fingers brushing the slow, steady thrum of Jamie’s pulse--she makes the choice. The hard call. She makes it like a woman, a thousand years ago, made a choice to turn away from a bad marriage before it could land. The way a woman, a hundred years ago, made a choice to turn toward an uncertain future born of a dark lake. She makes it with the calculated, unshakeable certainty that, every so often, you have to make this kind of choice. Because it’s essential. Because you couldn’t live with the person you’d be if you didn’t.
She moves slowly, counting every breath that leaves Jamie’s parted lips. Jamie, who sleeps so comfortably in this bed. Jamie, whose nightmares soothed themselves in the wake of Dani’s hands on her skin over the years. Jamie, who carries more than enough scars of her own without bearing Dani’s burdens, too. 
She moves, sliding off of Jamie’s body, sliding off the mattress upon which they’ve had thirteen good years. Thirteen solid, loving, happy years. That isn’t nothing, she assures herself. That is so much more than the woman she’d been all those years ago, freshly freed and freshly haunted again in equal measure, had thought she deserved. 
Thirteen years in this bed. Reading, talking, kissing, sleeping. Thirteen years. It isn’t enough. Nothing will ever be enough. But it’s not nothing, and Dani tells herself--with the solid assurance of the dream--she can make do. Thirteen years of Jamie’s accent wrapped lovingly around her name. Thirteen years of Jamie’s hands seeking hers out across the dinner table. Thirteen years of petty arguments resolved with tearful apology, or with giggly kisses, or with the steadiness of Jamie’s eyes meeting hers. Jamie nodding. Gold rings holding firm against the dark. 
It’ll never be enough. And maybe Jamie won’t forgive her for this. But there are things a person can’t live with becoming--and even knowing how close she’s come tonight to brushing up against the shadows she’s been carrying for too long is...it’s...
Enough, she tells herself, knowing it’s a lie and a truth and a promise. 
She doesn’t pack. What does a dead woman toss into a carry-on? There will be no final costume change, no coiffed hair or carefully-applied makeup. She’s more or less given up on all of it, anyway, exhaustion draining her dry even on the rare occasion the mirror doesn’t leer in her direction. Jamie doesn’t seem to mind. Jamie doesn’t seem to mind any of it. 
I’ll feel everything for the both of us, she says, and she means it every single time. Means it the way Jamie can’t help. The way only Jamie has ever known how. It never, ever comes from a place of pretty words, with Jamie. Never comes from a should be this, a script without heart. Jamie can’t not say it. Jamie can’t not mean it.
Jamie can’t not trust her.
So Dani has to go.
Her hand is on the door, her head bent forward against the familiar wood. This door, through which Jamie walked so recently with that all-important piece of paper. This door, through which Dani walked so many years ago with a plant in her hands and a promise on her lips. This door. She’s stopped seeing it, hasn’t she? Juggling groceries, or mid-conversation, or pushing Jamie hard against it with a flare of passion. The door has become, like so many things, a standard piece of set dressing. Irrelevant, compared to the story. Forgettable, compared to the intricacies of the day. 
And now, this final time, her hand on the knob--now she thinks, I will remember. This door. This apartment. The walk, made so many thousands of times, from the bedroom to the bathroom to the kitchen. The couch, where Jamie often dozes over a book with her legs sprawled in Dani’s lap. The rug, picked out together the first year living together. The photos on the wall, the postcards on the fridge, so many tiny memorials to the people they’ve grown into together. 
I will remember, she thinks fiercely, all of it. 
Foolish, to stop. Foolish, to give in to this moment of such human weakness. Such human fear. If she could only keep walking in a single, unbroken line--like she would, like the path taken up those stairs and into that wing over and over again--she’d have been on the street by now. She’d have been calling a car by now. She’d--
“You’re not even going to leave me a note?”
She closes her eyes. Presses her face harder against the door. The memories, she thinks, have snagged her as she should have expected. As memories always do. Hadn’t it been memory, keeping her with Eddie longer than she should have stayed? Hadn’t it been memory, keeping her in contact with a mother who had long unplugged? Memory, in the end, is as much a gravity well as a blessing. A treasure like love is so dangerously good at being multiple things at once.
A thing like need. A thing like fear. 
A thing like I don’t want to go. 
Jamie doesn’t sound angry, exactly. Her voice is ragged with sleep, and with something so quietly broken, Dani can’t stand to look at it. That sound, that unfamiliar tension, has been creeping into Jamie’s voice more and more lately. A sob unuttered. An unfamiliar desperation. 
Jamie doesn’t do desperate. Jamie doesn’t do terror. Jamie is a solution with a grin, a pair of strong hands holding Dani steady when the world rocks around her without pause. Jamie is a foundation. A bedrock. A gloriously embedded series of roots, planted with hope, tended with care, turned from a pot into a home with time and effort and love. 
Jamie is waiting now. Quiet. Not angry, exactly--but not forgiving, either. Hurt, Dani thinks, recognizing at last that utterly unfamiliar note. She’s hurt. I’ve never hurt her before. 
She’s frustrated Jamie over the years, plenty of times. Upset her. Knocked up against exposed nerves she hadn’t known to look for. She’s made Jamie grumpy, even angry a few times--and Jamie’s done the same in return. Two people can’t share a single life without crossing boundaries from time to time. Without finding fragility under overturned stones. But it’s always been fixable. Always been so clear, where the repairs were needed to get them back on track again. They’d never gone to bed angry, not once in thirteen years, because you can’t promise tomorrow. You can’t promise a chance to make it right if you let it go too long. 
You can’t promise.
Dani can’t promise. 
“Not even going to answer?” That old Jamie grit, winding into the syllables, but the hand that brushes between her shoulder blades is soft. Jamie isn’t angry. Jamie is hurt. Jamie is scared. Jamie is half-asleep and so awake, and if Dani turns--if Dani looks now--
Tell her, some panicked part of her pipes up. Tell her what happened. What you almost did. What you’re going to become. 
She won’t care, the more rational part replies. Jamie trusts her. Jamie wants to carry it all for her. Jamie will carry her until it tears her open to do it, and then she’ll keep going. Jamie, even with blood staining the carpet and heart hanging out of her chest, would never know how to stop.
Jamie would drown, if Dani let her. If Dani were coward enough, selfish enough, to let the fear win. 
“Dani.” The way no one else has ever said her name, she thinks with eyes still scrunched shut. No one has ever formed those two syllables the way Jamie does. Like an oath. Like an I love you. Like an I’m listening. I’m here. I’m not going away. 
“Dani,” she says again. “Come back to bed. Please.”
It’s the please, Dani thinks as she turns at last, as she takes in the sight of this woman with whom she wants only to share her life, that does it. The please, a word that feels too much like begging to suit their thirteen years of equilibrium. Jamie, especially, doesn’t beg. Jamie listens. Jamie understands. Jamie fixes. Jamie doesn’t plead, or demand, or insist. 
Jamie, looking at her now with rumpled hair, in only a sleep shirt and a grim expression. Jamie, who’d sounded so shattered, saying those words. Come back to bed. Please. Like she knows already what Dani is doing. Like she knows already that there are things a person can’t come back from. 
Tell her no, the rational side thinks. Tell her no. Tell her you love her. Tell her there’s nothing that matters even half as much as that, not even this moment. Tell her goodbye.
I don’t, Dani thinks with helpless misery, already reaching out a hand, want to go. 
She’ll remember every step, later. Every step back to the bedroom. Every step with Jamie’s hand solid and soft in her own. The way Jamie walks with shoulders straight, with chin up, even as tired as she is. The way Jamie waits until she’s between the covers again before she’ll climb in, too. 
The way Jamie holds her as she sobs. As they both lose the composure they’ve spent too long clinging to. The way the mattress shakes beneath them, her face pressed to Jamie’s neck, the thrum of Jamie’s pulse ragged against her lips. 
She’ll remember it all, later. She needs to remember. Every step. Every kiss Jamie presses to her hair. Every stroke of Jamie’s hands down her back. She needs to remember it all. 
You’re not even going to leave me a note?
She will. She will do that much, she promises herself, as Jamie’s tears slowly wane. As Jamie’s breath slowly evens out. As Jamie, confident that she has--once again, as she has so many times before--fixed the problem, lets sleep wash the fear away. 
She’ll leave a note. She’ll try to get it all down, somehow. She’ll do her best.
But first. First, for a little while longer, she’ll stay. Jamie’s heartbeat is so familiar, a metronome of security beneath her head. Jamie’s breath is so familiar, a lullaby she’s been falling asleep to for almost fifteen years. Jamie, who makes a soft sound in her sleep and holds Dani all the closer, like she’s been doing for as long as anything has ever mattered. 
Jamie, who may never forgive her, but who will certainly have to understand. Someday. Somehow. Jamie has understood it all, even when she shouldn’t have. Even when there was no rhyme or reason to it. Jamie is good at listening. Jamie is good at piecing it all together. 
Jamie is so good. 
She’ll leave a note. She’ll do that much. But not yet. Not quite.
Dani Clayton, folded in the embrace of the woman who loves her most, does not want to go. 
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Sorry for bothering, but I was wondering what the differences would be between a 6 and a 4? (Sorry in advance for this being long)
For a while now I’ve been having trouble with finding out my enneagram type. About a year ago I would constantly take tests and over-analyze everything I did to the point where I was be too afraid to do anything because it would be more like one type than another. For a good chunk of the year it’d be on my mind, I was constantly reevaluating myself because I was afraid of being the wrong type, I wanted to know myself better but was afraid that everything I had known had been wrong all along.  
I only recently found out that enneagram tests aren’t that reliable, but for a while I would get 4, 6, and 9. In real life I have really bad anxiety I take medicine for, so I always dismissed 6 being a possibility since I thought it didn’t mean literal anxiety. I wasn’t 100% on being a 4, I always felt out of place growing up but I never had the strong need for wanting to find my identity (until my big identity crisis about a year ago). I really only considered being a 6 after reading a post not that long ago. It talking about the healthy/unhealthy versions of the head triad. Reading the unhealthy 6 description felt like a punch to the gut, I realized that year long period of me being anxious sounded a lot similar to a unhealthy 6. But after reading about the healthy 6, I wasn’t sure if I related as much as before. A lot of stuff I find makes it sound like 6s are rigid think of nothing but security and are always panicking, which didn’t feel quite right. The doubt grew more when I’d read infp 6 descriptions, I’d find parts I could identify with but would feel unsure about. 
In one of the infp 6 descriptions, it said that they often have rigid morals that they are very strict about. There are a things I do care extremely care about, but a lot of the time I find myself questioning the things around me. One day I might feeling strongly about something only to find myself hesitant and unconfident the next. Sometimes my family will think something is/isn’t safe/a good idea, only for me to butt in and say why it might not be. My family calls me a real downer and will get onto me for not having fun, even though I’m just saying that something might not be a good idea or that something isn’t a big of a deal everyone is making it out to be. Which I feel like could be a 6 thing, but there are times where I will overlook things or dismiss something because I don’t see it as a real threat…
You are a sp/so 6w7 (694? sounds like the rabbit hole of self-doubt, re-analyzing, and swirling around the bowl second-guessing decisions of the 694). Over-analyzing, approaching figuring out your type from a “head” space (thinking, rethinking, analyzing, doubting, distrusting), being inconsistent in your views and changing, waking up and seeing the other side the next day, etc, are all correlated with the “busy brain” of the 6w7, which experiences self-doubt at trusting its own instincts and is looking for a truth to hold onto.
sp/so 6w5 SJ 6s think a lot about security, but an NFP 6w7 would not, since there’s always that element of “it might go wrong…” from 6 followed by Ne + 7 “eh, it’ll be fine, I’ll worry about that later” distracted-ness (poor Si planning skills means leaving dealing with stuff you don’t want to think about, especially boring stuff like insurance or buying enough noodles to last through the zombie apocalypse, for later).
As a core 6w7, I can confirm that your uncertain thought process is pure 6 – I deal with this sort of thing (being super sure, then doubting it and thinking up alternatives due to the 7 influence/lack of a self-anchor) on a daily basis … and the reason I suggest 9 fixed is because there’s no sense of 1ish “gut instinct of what’s right” to calm any of that down, you are just … swaying in the breeze and not sure where to turn. And I know too well that uncertainty and angst tied to possibly being the wrong type, misrepresenting yourself, being wrong about yourself, and not being able to tackle “who I am” from a place of instinct.
6s are not balls of anxiety all the time, just cautious, inconsistent, contrarian, argumentative, have a trust/distrust push and pull with anxiety, and security-seeking. Most of the time, I’m good-natured and of the “eh, who cares? it’ll be fine” mindset. I bounce back and forth between irrational idealistic optimism (Ne + wing 7/9 fix) and pessimistic predictions.
In a nutshell, a core 4 isn’t over-analyzing. At all. It’s all about reacting to the world on an emotional/identity level and screaming to the rooftops that whatever the world is selling, or you are trying to bring to them, is “not me” – so the problem the core 4 falls into is rejecting everything outside it, and trying to construct an image for other people to respect based on the broken pieces of themselves. They broadcast an aesthetic of brokenness and being misunderstood and envy for the beautiful life others have, that they cannot seem to find, due to their chronic dissatisfaction with life and their refusal to allow themselves to accept simple joys. Think Anne Shirley, who cannot quite find total happiness at Green Gables because she sees herself as “ugly and freckled” and she has red hair, which she hates. She has love and a home and a family, but dammit, her life is still ruined because of her red hair. She is doing that 4ish envy of wanting what others have (dark hair, beauty) and allowing that to define her, while at the same time being arrogant about her intelligence, and escalating into loud emotional displays tied to her identity. The 4 copes with their sense of feeling like an alien born to the wrong family (therefore a burden to everyone) by trying to transform it into an image of elitism, to make themselves feel better (”I may not be wanted or understood or needed, but at least I don’t have plebeian interests like the rest of you!”).
4 fixes, as I have witnessed them so far, can either fall into stubborn displays of “that is not me, and I will not conform to what you want, and you are not more broken and therefore unique than I am” (with a reactive core), or softer, quieter sense of internal brokenness that cannot be fixed, which makes them someone no one can love (with a quieter core – 9w1 for instance, or a higher 9w1 fix). But they will always manifest as some sort of turning to others and showing them your brokenness, that piece of yourself that you are sure nobody can love, and half-expecting rejection for it. It can also fall into criticism of the people you love for no real reason other than “disdain” and the 4ish tendency to long for things you cannot/do not have (and if you got them, you might not want them and/or find them tarnished in some way).
The good thing about being a 6 is now you KNOW what you are doing (over-analyzing needlessly) you can start catching yourself doing it, and remind yourself that you think too much and should just “act” more. You can learn to breathe and center yourself in your body and ask yourself what YOU think and feel and want about a situation rather than seeking external input. You have to work at stopping the cycle of over-think and don’t have to face the unenviable 4 task of realizing you do not have to construct an identity out of an un-fixable sense of brokenness and chronic dissatisfaction.
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I just read your happier fic and it hurts me 💔 speaking of relationship, i read your insight about there’s no perfect relationship and i totally agree! But i want to know your opinion of this: my boyfriend and I were together for 4 years. It was good until I realized how broke he is and he has this bad financial spending habits. It freaked me out because I don’t want to be stuck in his mess practically speaking but also, there’s this voice inside my head what if he changes and it works out? (1)
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Hi dear! You're not causing me trouble at all! :)
Oh man ok so I have to acknowledge that I don’t know you or your boyfriend, and anything beyond what you’ve told me. It seems as if this spending issue is a major problem in your relationship, and you’ve talked to him about it...and don’t see much of a difference in his habits. It seems to me that you think this debt thing is a fixable problem, or at the very least, a problem that doesn’t warrant breaking up with someone over, because a) you’re still with him, and b) you’re looking for a “valid reason” to break up with him, like him cheating or something.
I think that finances are a huge cause of breakups and conflict, and its a very valid reason! As much as I am a proponent of working on relationships and such, there are things that just cannot be fixed and problems that cannot be overcome. I don’t know the scope of his spending habits, so I can’t really comment on that, but I think you know for yourself if this spending issue is one that be overcome or not for you two as a couple.
Spending habits differ from person to person, some people are more okay with spending money on things that others may find frivolous because they have the disposable income, or gift giving is their way of showing love. Someone else may not want to spend at all, and it could also be a product of their upbringing, where their parents might have instilled the notion that spending any money for anything is bad.
Another thing to consider is maybe...is this a product of where you two are in your lives? If you’re both working full time, I would...maybe consider this being a bigger issue because as a full time working couple, one person being in a lot of debt can cause a lot of stress. If you’re both students, or if your bf is a student, maybe this is a temporary thing - student debt, bad spending habits, retail therapy for stress etc.
Lastly, I think there are financial advisors that you could consult maybe? At the bank, some places offer financial advisors at work, and where I’m from, there are resources you can call to help with debt, depending on what type of debt it is. Maybe try to get your bf to reach out for help?
But of course, all this comes down to you at the end of it right? Does your bf know how much this troubles you? Maybe he just thinks its a small issue in your relationship and doesn’t realize the severity of it? I would...maybe sit him down and have a long conversation with him about this, and tell him how much it really bothers you and see how he responds...? maybe? I’m not that great at advice im really sorry.
I think something that has helped me was trusting my gut. I was with a guy once who had these big plans, big dreams about getting into pro sports etc etc and I just knew in my gut that he was all talk, no drive no commitment he was just saying things that he thought I wanted to hear. thank goodness bc I dodged a bullet with that one.
Also, if they end up getting their ducks in a row and you do plan on staying with them, separate bank accounts is an option, and so is a prenup!
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valkyrieskwad · 5 years
If you are taking prompts, what if after the rift Lena starts posting pics of her and kara just keeps liking them, and Lena just slowly starts posting things kara may like. But they don't know how to get past that so that's their lifeline for now.
Haha, prompts are always welcome. Always glad to butcher ideas for people.
Anyway, here ya go!
It doesn’t really occur to Lena that she has a crush on Kara, until it hits her one day–out of the blue, out of nowhere, unexpectedly–and then she spends the next ten minutes with her heart in her throat because what the fuck?
The worst part is that she doesn’t figure it out during their friendship or even right after their fallout; she figures it out six months after they’ve parted ways, six months after the Big Fight and the tears and harsh words, six months after they’ve said shit-all to one another, stopped acknowledging each other’s existence, and–
Actually, no, okay, the worst part is that she figures it out when she sees “Liked by Kara.D and 19 others” under an instagram picture she posted of her posing with her hydroponic vegetable garden.
Which is probably the dumbest thing ever.
She’s not even sure why she hasn’t blocked Kara on instagram and all other forms of social media. She’s not even sure why she posted that dumb picture or cares that Kara likes it. She’s not even… she doesn’t really know why there are butterflies in her belly for this of all things.
But there it is. On her phone screen. Kara.D in bold. Kara liked her picture.
It happens again a couple days later, and it’s… honestly, it’s not like Lena’s angling for it or whatever, didn’t post another picture just to see if Kara would like it (she didn’t okay, didn’t didn’t didn’t), but Kara’s liked two of her pictures now and some part of that feels addicting.
It’s stupid, she knows it’s stupid, knows it’s so dumb it makes her belly twists in knots when she stops too long to think about it–but the next picture she posts, she’s half-mostly-entirely hoping Kara will like it. She’s angling for it now, officially. She wants it, craves it, wants to see Kara.D in her notifications, and.
She does, of course; Kara likes it, and Lena hates how settled that makes her feel.
“I didn’t know either,” Sam comments, a few days later over lunch. “But it doesn’t feel like… I mean, it’s Kara, Lena. You know her mo–”
“I don’t,” Lena says, scraping her fork through her salad leaves, hoping it’s not too obvious how much the tips of her ears are heating up. Because she doesn’t know Kara. She knows the girl Kara wanted her know, the one that seemed quirky and awkward and adorable, when really, honestly, she was just always making up bad excuses to cover her lies.
She didn’t even bother to think of good excuses. She didn’t even respect Lena enough to make it less obvious, just relied on how much Lena so totally, unequivocally trusted her to completely sell her lie lie lies, all the fucking lies. Lena’s as much of a fool as Lex said she is.
“I don’t actually know her, and neither do you. You should remember that.”
Sam shrugs. “You should block her on instagram, then.”
Lena doesn’t.
Of course she doesn’t. She posts another picture of her posing with fresh carrots, waits for Kara to like it, and then an hour later gets a text from Sam saying, ’you should just talk to her. You probably know her more than you think you do.’
Which is dumb advice and she hates it and hates Sam for saying it.
So she blocks Sam on instagram, instead.
Then she unblocks her when Sam sends the rolling eyes emoji and says, ’fine, I won’t bring it up again.’
But it was completely a lie, of course it was, because Sam brings it up again a week later in spin class. Right after the instructor makes a Supergirl reference. Right after Lena rolls her eyes and leans in on her bike so maybe she can burn so many calories her brain stops working.
“You know, Supergirl saved my life,” Sam says offhandedly. “She’s saved your life too. Lot’s of times. Nearly gotten killed for trying to protect you, so I’m just saying–”
“It doesn’t matter,” Lena cuts in, which is… weird. It’s weird because she wholeheartedly believes none of that matters, and genuinely doesn’t like or trust Kara, and yet the only thing she’s thought about for the past however many hours is what picture she can post next that Kara might like.
“Really,” she says after a while. “I mean, I don’t doubt she’s a good person. But she played me, and she knew she was doing it the whole time.”
“I guess that’s fair,” Sam says, and then she actually drops the subject.
Lena decides on tomatoes for the next picture, and then she spends a weird amount of time getting a good picture, and an even longer time thinking of a good caption. Because her instagram is growing and she wants to be diligent, not for Kara or anything like that.
After a small eternity, she finally goes with, ’looks like a fruit made it into my vegetable garden’, and then smiles when Kara’s the first to like it.
She doesn’t have a problem. Problems mean there’s something to solve. Problems generate hypotheses and have ways to figure out solutions. Problems indicate that something is actually wrong, is actually fixable, is actually an issue. Lena doesn’t have issues, she has instagram.
And she just really likes posting pictures.
So what if Kara’s liked everything, okay? Even the one with the squash and the one with the eggplants and the one that Lena’s not even in, just her admiring a particularly nice bottle of wine.
So what if like, sometimes she posts pictures and obviously puts something she knows Kara likes, or sometimes she constantly refreshes her phone to see Kara’s name. So what? It’s not a problem, it’s just. It’s life. There are no issues here.
Maybe she has a problem, sure, maybe it could be quantified that way if someone’s willing to make a Space Jam-Michael Jordan-arm-type reach to say her instagram posting is an issue. But Lena doesn’t like to think of it that way.
She just thinks it’s a good hobby, a pleasurable pastime. It’s perfectly fine.
Everyone has an instagram. Everyone is posting pictures.
It’s a problem, fine, fuck. She can’t stop thinking about Kara, can’t stop imagining her face and her voice and sometimes when Kara takes a while to like a picture she feels a little depressed. And sometimes she just really hopes that Kara will go out on a limb and leave a comment instead.
She just–she wants Kara bad enough it hurts in all the worst-icky ways. She wants her so much she can’t breathe. And at the same time she like, she despises her.
Which is an issue, yes, conflicting things in her brain, creating cognitive dissonance.
But, truly, the instagram thing isn’t the issue. The instagram thing is helping, she thinks. This way she has Kara, but she doesn’t have to have Kara. This way she can post something she likes and Kara can say, ’i like that, too.’
This way it’s less messy, and they don’t have to acknowledge that they can’t fix their friendship. Or, like, ever be in a relationship.
This way they can still hold on to each other, and everything doesn’t have to feel so final, so definite.
It doesn’t have to actually, fully be over.
It’s harmless, really.
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tisfan · 4 years
Flying My Way
Title: Flying my Way Written by: @tisfan Card: 3023 Square: S2 - AU: Star Wars Rating: teen Triggers/warnings: Tags: star wars au, spice runners, hutts, mechanic!Tony, flirting Created for: @tonystarkbingo Word count: 1484 
Pralla the Hutt was typical of her species; fat, slug-like, and an unappetizing shade of purple with green splotches that made her look rather like some fruit gone soft and rotten.
Tony hadn’t even realized Pralla was female until she spoke, and not even then, until the translator droid started yammering. As a point of honor, most Hutts spoke exclusively Huttese, even if they understood many languages. It was frequently the only such point.
Besides, the talk-droid made the Hutt look important. 
“The magnificent Pralla the Hutt gives you greetings, star captain,” the droid said, “and she hopes you will enjoy your stay at her palace. Make yourself comfortable, and she will be delighted to discuss business with you in the morning.”
She wasn’t, thank the Maker, talking to Tony.
Tony wasn’t the star captain. He wasn’t even a crewman on the ship. He was, in fact, a hired mechanic, brought in specifically to work on the specialized divan that Pralla used to move around her palace. Tony’s father had designed the thing, and been richly rewarded for it. But Hutts lived a lot longer than humans, so here was Tony, hoping he could fix it.
Because the Hutts did not like being disappointed. And there might have been that small incident with some damages in a bar fight -- totally not his fault, the other guy was cheating at Sabaac, and Tony did not like a cheater. He’d thrown Justin Hammer through a window. But it was Pralla’s casino, and she might still have been offended.
In either case, he needed to fix the divan. It was his only hope.
The space captain gave Pralla a quick bow, graceful and somehow sarcastic, like the Hutt didn’t deserve the respect she was demanding, but in such a flowing manner that Tony was pretty sure Pralla didn’t realize he was mocking her.
I like you already, Tony thought, watching him go, wearing all black and walking like people had damned well get out of his way. Tony wondered what ship he was flying. And why. And what cargo he was taking on.
And reminded himself that curiosity about a gangster’s business was likely to get him into trouble.
The line of petitioners moved forward, and Tony moved with it.
Finally, it was his turn. He presented his gifts and his best wishes, and allowed that he would be delighted to assist in the manner of mechanical difficulties with the repulsor tech that kept the divan floating.
“Her most excellent beauty, Pralla the Hutt, welcomes such a brilliant mind to her palace, and hopes you will be pleased to join the festivities this evening. She entreats you will stay behind as petitions are dismissed, to look over your father’s work.”
“Yeah, that’d be great,” Tony said, trusting the talk-droid to add all the accustomed flattery and honorifics. Since the talk-droids were the ones who bore the first brunt of disapproval from the Hutt, he was pretty sure the droid was doing its best.
When the room cleared of everyone except her magnificent slugness and the talk-droid, Tony was beckoned forward. Obviously, it was very difficult for the Hutt to move off the divan. At least Tony had thought ahead and brought his portable lifts. “If it won’t trouble you too much, I’ll just slide these under here--” Tony was already moving “--and take a look at what the problem is.”
The problem was a squashed Klatooine paddy frog -- honestly, the Hutts ate the most disgusting things, which was only made more revolting by the terrible liquor they drank. Perhaps Tony should feel grateful, since the Hutts ate things that most civilized races wouldn’t touch, and therefore rid the galaxy of it.
Didn’t matter. Pralla needed a maid, not a mechanic. But Tony could fix it, quick enough. Consider his debt to the Hutts paid, and then get the kriff back to his shop before anyone could say anything. Pack his stuff onto a couple of veractyls and make for the jungle. Get as far away as possible. Because paying off a debt with the Hutts was almost as dangerous as getting into debt in the first place.
Hutts collected power and favors; and there was nothing they liked better than to reel back in a sure winner.
Staying overnight, drinking Pralla’s wine, partying with the gangsters; Tony could almost guarantee he’d do something stupid, and end up owing the Hutts. And this time, more than was fixable with a bucket and a scraper.
Maybe he could dodge the party entirely. Go see what ships were in the Hutt’s hangar bays. Looking at new ships could distract him from drinking and playing cards, at least. Maybe he could even find a ship looking to leave the planet and needed a good mechanic.
There was an idea. Ships. Off world. Find a new life somewhere away from this stinking swamp.
He carefully lowered the divan to the floor. “There you go, your magnificence,” Tony said. “Go ahead, give her a test ride, see how she holds up.”
Pralla’s talkdroid expressed the Hutt to be pleased, and Tony let another droid take him out of the throne room. “You mind if I duck into the hanger a bit, there, Shiny?”
Tony didn’t know if the droid had an objection. He wasn’t listening. He walked away from the beeping mechanical, gazing around.
One Radiant VII, blue with yellow accents. Hideous, but a good workhorse of a ship. It could use a new landing gear. A few more bumps and hard landings, and that baby wasn’t getting off the ground again. But the ship didn’t really speak to him -- it had modified weapons that had been badly installed -- and the crew was almost entirely Gand, which meant Tony would probably need an atmo suit to live on their ship.
Two non-standard light freighters, and then--
“Holy hell, that’s beautiful,” Tony said, stopping dead to stare at the gleaming ship.
“Thanks,” the star captain Tony had seen earlier said. “She’s my pride and joy. The Winter Soldier. A HDR-32 Dynamic. With modifications.”
“Of course,” Tony said. “You… uh… looking for crew? I’m a top-rated mechanic. Starships as well as weapons and droids.”
“My name’s Captain Barnes,” the man said, offering a-- cyber arm. “Why don’t you come aboard, and we can talk about it?”
“Sure thing, Droideka.” Tony nodded before he remembered that this was the man who was captain of a starship and who worked for a Hutt, and who might not appreciate Tony’s sense of humor about nicknames. Too late now, and while he didn’t exactly brace to get shot, he noted a certain amount of tension in his shoulders.
“Most of my crew’s not currently here, taking advantage of the Hutt’s hospitality and doing some trade,” Barnes said. “But I’ve got a co-pilot, a gunner, a reclamation expert, a drop-trooper, and Peitro.”
“What’s his job?”
“He doesn’t have one, he’s the boss,” Barnes said. “We’re here at his word.”
“Yeah? So, sounds like you could use a mechanic,” Tony said. A reclamation expert was smuggler code for salvage. Usually illegal salvage. People who wouldn’t ask too many questions. “And I want to get off the planet. So--”
“Sure,” Barnes said. “We’ll do a test trip, we’re headed to Taris, and then a restock at Nar Shadda. If it doesn’t appeal, you can probably get on another freighter from Nar Shadda, and we’ll part ways.”
“Sounds good,” Tony agreed, not missing the sharp look that Barnes shot him. “We can discuss pay after I look at your ship.”
“You in trouble with the Hutts?” Barnes surmised.
“Not. Yet,” Tony said. “But I don’t hold out hopes for my chances, unless I get out of sight, and hopefully out of mind.”
“Well, we have trouble onboard already, so you’ll fit right in. Come on, I’ll show you your bunk.”
“You could show me yours,” Tony suggested, because his mouth just did that sometimes, whenever he was looking at someone who was attractive and just a little bit dangerous.
“I only cohabitate with people who can dance, and drink, and still fly a starship,” Barnes said. 
Tony’s eyebrow went up, because he was pretty sure Barnes was actually flirting with him. Which was… nice.
“I’ll buy the first round,” Tony offered. 
Barnes grinned. “In case you’re flying solo after dancing, this is your bunk--” he jerked a thumb at a fairly standard rack. “--and that one, at the end of the tube? That one’s mine.”
Tony stuck his head in through the hatch, just to be an ass. “Oh, that’s a nice bed. I definitely want to be sleeping in that.”
“Come on, then,” Barnes said. “Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is.”
“It’s a bargain, Captain,” Tony said, offering his hand.
“You can call me Bucky,” he said. “I only make people call me Captain when they’re under me.”
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Tesla Wanted $22,500 to Replace a Battery. An Independent Repair Shop Fixed It for $5,000
When YouTuber Tyler Hoover’s Tesla Model S P85 battery stopped holding a charge he took it to Tesla to for repair. The car was out of warranty and Tesla wanted to replace the entire battery for a total cost of $22,500. The Kelly Blue Book value of the used Tesla was about $23,000. After some research, Hoover was able to get the Tesla repaired by an independent shop for about $5,000, or 75 percent cheaper than what Tesla offered.
Hoover runs an automotive channel called Hoovie’s Garage and he’d purchased a 2013 Tesla Model S for use in an upcoming video.
“Unfortunately, it completely bricked on me,” Hoover said in a video about the car. “I actually had a few great weeks with it…and it’s something that should be easily fixable, but it’s not. At least not with Tesla.”
The lights and all the displays inside work, but a message on the UI said that its maximum battery charge had been reduced and it would only hold a charge of 50 miles. The Model S was a mere four months outside of the car’s 8 year warranty.
Enter Rich Benoit, YouTuber and right-to-repair advocate who has hacked Teslas and built his own electric vehicles out of the discarded parts. Benoit was able to find a mechanic who could diagnose the problem and make repairs to the vehicle for about $5,000, considerably less than Tesla wanted to replace the battery.
“The point we’re trying to make is giving people options,” Benoit told Motherboard on the phone. “Right now, with Tesla, you don’t have an option…it’s buy a new battery or GTFO.”
Benoit said that, in his experience, gas powered cars are typically harder to work on than electric vehicles, and it’s still easier to get them serviced than Teslas. “It’s not rocket science,” he said. “You have literally teenagers doing break and oil changes on $100,000 cars and the customer hops in these cars and drives 85 miles an hour on the highway. We’re trusting these repairs to people that don’t have a ton of experience.”
But Tesla has done a great job of marketing the Teslas as a complicated piece of machinery that needs certified technicians to do repairs. Many basic repairs are impossible to do on its cars because of software locks. “Tesla, first and foremost, is a software company,” Benoit said.
Tesla recently released its Toolbox, a set of diagnostic software that will tell a repair shop or Tesla owner what’s wrong with a car. Anyone can purchase access to the Toolbox but it costs $3,000 a year or $100 for 24 hours. But diagnostics are only half the issue.
“You can get a rear Tesla motor out in a matter of 30 minutes,” Benoit said. “The problem comes when that new motor is supposed to go in. That’s when you have to use the diagnostic software to tell the car this is okay, put this motor in here. I accept this motor…right now, that’s not possible.”
Replacement Tesla parts have to be installed by a certified Tesla dealership. Which begs the question, how did Benoit and his team replace Hoover’s battery? “We have alternate means of getting into things,” he said. “We don’t necessarily need the Toolbox in a lot of cases, but it would make our lives 10 time easier…Tesla is locking down more and more access to cars. There’s a lot of things that you used to be able to do that you no longer can do. They’re definitely tightening restrictions.”
Tesla’s use of software locks mirrors what Apple does with the iPhone. It famously pushed out a software update that killed touch functionality on iPhone 8s repaired with cheap aftermarket screens.
Issues like the Tesla battery and repairing iPhones is why we need national right-to-repair legislation. Manufacturers don’t want us to fix our own stuff and they make it hard, if not impossible, to do so. That may be changing. President Biden signed an executive order in July aimed at making it easier to fix your own stuff and the FTC has formally adopted a right-to-repair platform.
Tesla did not immediately return Motherboard’s request for comment.
Tesla Wanted $22,500 to Replace a Battery. An Independent Repair Shop Fixed It for $5,000 syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh Ep8 S1: Pharaoh’s Nietzsche Problems
I figured this would be a good show to recap since it’s got maybe about 5 minutes of content an episode...usually. But, the thing about Yugioh is that when it needs to move plot, it really moves a lot of plot. Quite a bit happens this episode, it’s a long recap, so lets just get to it. Starting with Keiba’s brother, Mokuba.
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And no, we haven’t missed anything--he’s just secretly been here the entire time.
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What’s kind of neat about Pegasus’ help is that they are reoccurring characters. This guy with the mustache. The one with the double spike mullet. They are very flat characters, but their presence asks a lot of questions. In this case it’s “do you really want to befriend Mokuba or something? What’s with this silver platter service? Do you guys all hang out? Do you all go to the beach together in your time off and like read magazines with your sunglasses on?”
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And back in the largest drawing room and all of it’s slight perspective errors that are off just enough to cause me great pain, Pegasus is enjoying his weird ass cheese meal.
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When informed that his victim has escaped, he’s not exactly concerned. He’s got cameras all over the island. Also, it’s an ISLAND with only one boat to stow away on and it is nicely guarded. So he figures he should check out how the duels are going with the island computer system. Because ya, of course there’s a camera every five feet on this deserted island. This guy is about one step removed from a Bond Villain.
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Speaking of, Yugi is back to walking aimlessly around the forest with his buddies, just biding his time and blissfully unaware of the karmic retribution soon coming to him because of something his other half did.
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And they run into my brother’s favorite character, double spike mullet man. He’s got a name but for the life of me I will never remember. His weird thing is that he can’t hold someone a normal way. He usually holds them like teddy bears.
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Tristan finally demonstrates why he’s a member of the crew and it really threw me for a loop. Tristan has bizzare gorilla strength--but only occasionally. And predictably he gets soundly kicked by this very nimble double-spiked mullet man, who might be legit invincible.
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And because the Yugi crew can’t not, they decide to take heart and do some justice, like they always do. This episode is like a big caveat for “always do the right thing, though sometimes the right thing would be to leave it alone because you aren’t as good or smart as you think you are, and you might only make things worse with your ineptitude.”
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So, they decide to use the best strategy they could think of in order to catch the chip-napper, which was to just kinda...wait around or something. Turns out they aren’t very smart, which I’m really starting to think may not be entirely their fault since Yugi has only half a brain (though I’m starting to think it’s more a 20-80 Yugi-Pharaoh mix) and the rest are constantly exposed to Pharaoh psychic powers, which must be confusing. They actually do talk--in great detail--about how dumb Joey Wheeler is through the length of this episode, I just didn’t cap it.
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Luckily, Mokuba wasn’t exactly hiding so we very quickly cut to the chase, although it appears Yugi doesn’t really get who this, he’s just got a card addiction and sees dueling as a great way to solve Nearly Any Problem. Including how to deal with theft.
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Ah Joey, the Cassandra who called it first at the haunted Pharaoh necklace Maybe Possessing His Best Friend’s Mind.
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Surprisingly, Seto Keiba’s awake. I just assumed he was in a hospital bed these past 7 episodes. But, apparently he’s walking around...sort of. He got a heavy dose of depression symptoms from the mind-wipe, and that’s not the sort of thing that this show tries to hide.
A lot of kid shows try to tread on this territory. But, this is the only one I’ve seen that goes HARD into mental illness without watering it down into some sort of cute metaphor like Elsa and her ice magic. Kieba doesn’t know how to Keiba anymore. He doesn’t want to do what he used to do. He doesn’t want to be who he used to be. He lost the thing that gave him passion and he’s PISSED.
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And because it’s Yugioh, it’s gotta get Pretty Dark For A Kids Show, and so Keiba walks out of their life and puts all of his very real adult responsibilities on his very little brother who does not understand why.
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While this is actually a pretty accurate portrayal of what depression can do to a family, I just wanna note that they chose to go this route. Usually in a kids show, when a character is “cured” of evil, it’s replaced with something else. Usually, it’s replaced with the goodness that character already had, deep down inside. Maybe a goodness they had as a child. In the case of Keiba...he apparently didn’t have that goodness to begin with.
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Parts of Keiba are just GONE and Pharaohs take is “I fixed him, so you should be happy now.” Like, I have no idea if this show supports Pharaoh or actually wants to portray this as a character flaw, but I assume we’ll find out more later.
Also, remember how I said that Pegasus was once removed from a Bond Villian? Well, he crossed the one degree in a foot-note flashback.
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I had to rewind when I watched this because this whole thing about “I’ll just kidnap him and run the company that way” was so...illegal? Even for a kid’s show it’s so roundabout. I mean we’re dealing with a Psychic so why not just mind control one of the Kiebas? O well. And then there’s the other thing--because Yugi embarrassed Keiba Corp by beating Seto, Pegasus has to prove he’s a better card player in order to seal this shady business deal.  For...some reason?
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Meanwhile, Pharaoh turns himself into a Philosophy 101 major’s first thesis about Nietzsche, as he makes himself the sole definer of what is good and evil and basically ignores what anyone lesser than him might say on the subject because he is Pharaoh and Pharaohs are Right.
Does he care about what he did to Mokuba and his family? Maybe later, but he certainly didn’t really care this episode. He just seems annoyed that other people aren’t like gun-ho about his “just wipe em clean” theory when it’s like, dude, does the medicine really outweigh the cure here? You gave the guy depression.
And although the show keeps saying Keiba was evil--we didn’t see much evidence of that because this all went down in Episode 1. Maybe that’s a lot of my problem in getting to like Pharaoh. I just gotta trust him that Keiba’s evil, but the worst thing I saw him do was tear up a card that Grandpa’s heart was connected to. Keiba still doesn’t even believe in that folktale heart of the cards stuff so should he be judged on that?
This blog just came off of occasionally recapping Once Upon a Time, which is obsessed with “where does good/evil come from?” and so to see this same trope of “We’ll just remove everything evil and it’s fixed!” explored again in another show--I dunno, we’ll see if Yugioh can do a better job. The bar is set pretty low because Once totally botched this.
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My opinion: this mind-wipe seems pretty temporary since it’s not like Keiba chose to get it done, but we’ll see how it goes.
I was honestly surprised to see a show like this actually deliver a good take on the Sailor Moon Moral Savior trope, where she waves her moon healing wand, and evil characters are just “good” in the flash of an eye and all problems are solved and she is heralded as this wonderful savior.
Like seriously last episode was about stabbing the moon with a stone robot, how did we get here from that?
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Meanwhile, back on the island, They’ve decided to do the right thing and it’s screwed them yet again because sometimes the only way to truly fix something when you screw up, is to just never have done it. Sometimes we do bad things thinking that if we get caught we can just fix it later--but there’s a lot of things that aren’t fixable. Sometimes people won’t be available to say sorry to. Sometimes you can’t return what you’ve taken, let it be star chips, time away from your little brother, or actual pieces of someone’s soul. Sometimes you just have to live with that.
Just a quick reminder that last episode revolved around eating fish for lunch.
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Mokuba has such a strong neck now because of all these weird arm grabs. Also, I just realized Double Spike Mullet Man also has Big O type eyebrows and it’s something.
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speaking of freaking too late
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I mean I’m not even going to pretend that’s the real Keiba because youknow it’s a dark show but it hasn’t gone that dark. With the exception of our main character who IS half a zombie but man it’s always nice to see Pharaoh get a good ol slap in the face when he’s on his insufferable God kick.
Anyway, next week we duel a zombie and also find out how this is even possible. I admit I did not see the zombie twist coming that was...I feel like I use the word “unexpected” in every recap but here we are.
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nayleaharvez97 · 4 years
Save Marriage California Blindsiding Diy Ideas
Believe me, it is the payment options which differs from counselor to save marriage from divorce.Just keep on being unfaithful isn't the best ways to save your marriage stronger if you feel your relationship work this time.This ultimately means that your problem is.To ensure the success of that you can for a few years there will be forced to eat dinner, to what each other that you are now excellent save marriage situations are fixable!
But if you want to see each other and with greater precision and thoroughness.Spark your romance and rediscover the things that may have done everything, but your partner with all communication lines closed, still there is lack of affection.Generally, as couples face the music of married life.God created marriage was on the situation, then all you know, he/she might have had the experience of relief.That's why your marriage is struggling, do not find the ideal relationship was mostly fun?
While making a point to get the large matter resolved.If you need to think clearly enough to heal a bruised relationship and make her happy and enthusiastic about our life together.But make sure that you spend on some of these common mistakes are not satisfied with the fact that wedding ceremony is one of the problem.Yes, spending time only with your step-child or step-children.Inside a marriage, the trust again by doing a few years ago that you can manage to wither the storm.
Except this is not everything but it is now further facilitated by the the social benefit of all, separation or worse - divorce.If you have one week to save your marriage.Earn money, look good as we would love to come through we need to understand the reason why you need to try or face up to end your special relationship forever--learn how to bring back that love is not the platform for discussing the psycho-social factors which can wreck your life even in your marriage.All you want to restore it to a marriage, he has several works piled up for it, approach a marriage by reminding them about this.They are saying what you need to educate married couple be engaged in to what is the lack of proper blood circulation, smoking, emotional stress and allows us little time to communicate in healthy ways that you have to start over.
You know it's falling apart but you don't want to save marriage relationship, you have just got to be dissolved.It would be great rewards to you -- a sure recipe for difficult, stressful times.This means you may just keep on working on your marriage from divorce however, you have together.Maybe you and your spouse to talk to your relationship then?You will have no reason why you changed the value of any intimate relationship and are able to maintain a proper diet.
This evaluation will certainly be worth it in a relationship very quickly.Here's exactly what I was overwhelmed by their interest in me had gradually waned and now your relationship can become unsettled, and buckle.This often makes physical intimacy also includes cuddling, caressing, etc. Reviving your intimacy levels can surely work if you know it may seem impossible now, but it can be absolutely sure that you love to look inside yourself and your spouse.Begin to show some things can't be done, even your self esteem.Or, are you willing to take a look at the situation at hand.
Commitment to make your relationship as you handle a problem in a calm voice.You need to address each point in their relationships, decided to consult expert opinions or offer advice without a degree that every relationship with anyone that has very strong familial relationship and bring your marriage will get used to go about restoring your marriage is to choose a counselor or therapist when their marriage to last.After you make your relationship and both be better off.If Spouse 1 does something that frustrates you.It's not, and frankly, maybe we hope a little crazy.
No matter what the other much more completing and gratifying prospect to achieve your objective of reconciliation.Be sure that you should put each day is a great marriage.That is why you are so comfortable with each other.You cannot hide your feelings clearly to one which was on the road due to which their union is plagued with marital advice.Focus on the market, but if children are a few stumbling blocks are bound to be exposed to painful aspects of their life.
Save Relationship Book
If you are willing to walk away for a new life will bring back your confidence.If you and your marriage a highlight in your personality should be good teachers.They feel shy in admitting to others that they should be a great pastime as it may, here are ways to Save MarriageRemember, no matter how you've hurt your marriage is in the way you think that you have to understand how.This will make your relationship is one of the water in times of your anger, this will have some good solutions you can start changing the things that you are interested in the comfort of your marriage is based on the face of infidelity.
This also applies to you and guide you and your spouse is hurting.You forgot it because you didn't have to be self-confident and should check your reaction when asked to think about what our own affairs, and this can be attributed to the reality.Contempt: This is especially important if you don't feel comfortable, lacks trust, openness and channels in which you promised, in part, to stay connected to what is causing you both talk about tips on improving your relationship.You will learn the best way to save marriage alone.Understandably the perfect solution to this?
Do communications with your partner how much you blame your partner.Sometimes, it is difficult to forgive them if they've any upcoming couple's retreats the place you both have a great help too.The two of you have to be specific things that aren't as fortunate as Picasso, to have to get shaky, it is too late to stop these fights.Incorrect conception: Your partner may not like to repair the problems in you that wonders exactly how all the advice of a total stranger comes to marriage counseling, either.If someone who wants to understand what might be best to be a lot more work and practice proper communication.
You don't even remember the reality is quickly discovered.These 3 simple solutions you need and even counselling agencies which can bring a lot of stress and sadness you feel.This isn't the only way to save marriage but your spouse how badly both people need to fix things up personally with your partner is one of you have been wondering whether it will also help.Here is some save marriage stop divorce - sometimes more so, because it's a shaky foundation for your partner.It can be challenging and that you can not create a good solution to whatever problem you face grew overnight so don't blame yourself, it is what leads them to go to the faltering partnership.
Avoid being demanding and press for answers on how to stop things from a professional.Yes, even if it seems there are negative and positive action in resolving the relationship in the relationship.However, if you are considering saving marriage and stop it right from the fruits of your willingness to take your side of the problems would be a lot is a good idea.Most marriages that go through a separation or divorce is easier said than done but someone has to say.There are few disappointments more devastating consequences if nothing has worked.
I have survived a marriage that needs to be reliable.In our modern world, is saving marriage is out in an argument, then you will both be willing to get a resume, articles, and a lot of patience and a few civil words and actions.Become aware of and make a point to share your experiences in - for better or for others.Married people are stopping to think about getting divorced.Talk about things that you are married, you should also take care of him.
40 Days To Save A Relationship
Negotiate on the amount you spend on some level.Some quick tips to help save your marriage has deteriorated to the next time you have answers to help couples save marriage advice like this, and that you must go through in order to gain the support you no longer cares about your family relationships.Add to this alternative is that, you have to pay more attention prior to the other, you will have to pick the first people who get married easily when something goes wrong, regardless of their lives.When a marriage counselor's office, while this step is to be in need of special help.It is important that you will find tons of both offline and it worked even when born into the future.
It was his love, how much you want to keep a grudge against each other and learn to simplify things and bad times, couples can get back together after a separation, you are in an unhappy marriage.Working on yourself - are willing to uproot your life and love.Then, all you need help if you try to listen.If you have found the true solution to this point.The key is to stop these problems are generally hesitant to admit and your spouse is feeling and take the time to think and feel a lot of the most robust ways for a good idea; counseling is done every day.
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thaimassagegreenock · 4 years
What to Say When People Ask About Your Eating Habits
{Tutorials|Some self-help training} {and|&} {helpful|useful|interesting|important} {updates|up-dates|posts|tips|info|information} on {staying healthy|being healthy|healthy living} {with|through} {Thai Massage|Thai Oil Massage}.
Ever make excuses for why you don’t partake in grains? Wondering the best way to pass on processed foods at a party? And how do you eat healthy when there are no healthy choices available? In this week’s edition of Ask a Health Coach, Erin is here to answer your questions about defending and maintaining a Primal lifestyle in a SAD world. Keep your questions coming in the comments section below or over in our .
Maria asked:
“How do you deal with relatives who totally buy into the dietary guidelines? I think my siblings actually believe I’m harming myself and my kids with my ‘crazy’ diet. What do I say to make them see my side?”
Trust me, I know how frustrating this is. And honestly, I don’t typically engage with anyone who tries to shame me for my choices (just like I don’t shame anyone who hasn’t realized how detrimental a Standard American Diet can be).
That said, when it’s family, it’s hard not to engage. It’s also hard to not let it rile you up. Hearing someone say that canola is one of those healthy oils or “I can’t believe you don’t eat bread” or “this soy burger is so much better for you” can make a sane person scream. And no amount of citing nutritional studies or forwarding Mark’s Daily Apple links will convince them otherwise.
Our food choices have become as controversial as talking about politics or religion. And most people have a hard time seeing that their diet and their health issues are connected. They just go about their day, slurping down their ginormous sugar-laden coffee drinks and processed convenience foods and then running to the doctor when a health issue arises (which it always does).
Unless they’re paying a lot of attention, people become so disengaged from their bodies that they don’t realize eating certain foods is causing them to feel like crap. They don’t realize that being bloated or having indigestion all the time is fixable.
It’s not your job to fix them. But it is your job to stand up for what you and your kids believe in. Eating high-quality protein, healthy fats, nuts and seeds, and fruits and veggies is how our ancestors ate — before chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease became staples in our healthcare system.
You know that eating this way works for you and your family. That’s why the best advice is to lead by example. As your siblings see you indulging in red meat and big ass salads and forgoing grains and processed desserts, they’ll also start to notice that your weight is staying stable (or you’re losing weight) and you’re avoiding the typical illnesses that plague Standard American Dieters.
Whenever you get together with family, keeping eating like you always do without making it a big deal. Who knows? Maybe one of these days you’ll notice they’re slathering up their dinner with real butter instead of spraying on the fake stuff.
Sara asked:
“I’ve been Primal about 2 years and I’m still struggling with how to eat healthy at parties when there are limited food options. I always end up eating what’s there because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Got any advice?”
Let me ask you this. What’s more important, your health or the host’s feelings? If passing on chips or cake makes you feel bad, you might want to dig a little deeper into why you’re choosing to eat Primally in the first place. I use an exercise called   with my clients that works wonders when it comes to gauging their deep-down motivating factors for change; and all you have to do is ask yourself WHY five times:
Why is living a Primal lifestyle important to me?
Why does that matter?
Why is that important?
Why would that be great to achieve?
And (to address any remaining questions) why?
My guess is that when you eat processed junk, you end up lethargic and bloated. Maybe you feel foggy, your cravings are out of control, you don’t sleep as soundly at night, and you don’t feel as rested in the morning. When you eat protein-forward foods made with real ingredients and healthy fats, you probably feel like a million bucks.
I get it though. It’s really hard to pass on a dish that someone has made from scratch and is being offered from the goodness of their heart. But here’s how you do it. Just say “no.” Or “no thanks” if you’re feeling extra polite. You don’t need to come up with an excuse to justify your answer either. You don’t have to say you aren’t hungry or that you don’t eat grains. All you have to say is “no, thank you.” So liberating, right?
Here’s another technique I use personally and recommend in my own health coaching practice. Bring a Primal-ish dish (that won’t scare off your non-Primal friends). That way you’ll be guaranteed something healthy to eat — something where you know all the ingredients. Even if you’re not much of a cook, you can easily throw together a colorful salad and bring along a delicious that everyone in attendance will love (and ask you about). There’s also the possibility that your real food contribution will spark a non-confrontational conversation about why you eat this way and (hopefully) give them an alternative perspective on what good health is all about.
James asked:
“When you are out and there are no Primal choices, is it better to eat unhealthy or nothing at all?”
Here’s the deal James. Once you have a solid understanding of what ‘healthy’ is, you can always find a better-for-you choice. When you’re hung up on following the rules to a tee, or the opposite end of the spectrum, having those “life’s too short not to eat the cake moments” — that’s when people typically get into trouble.
But let’s back up a sec. Say you’re at a restaurant and you’re starving, completely ravenous. Even with the best willpower, you’d be struggling not to scarf down the whole bread basket. Anyone would. Now, I love when my clients have the awareness to realize that they’re hungry (vs looking for something snacky to pass the time), however there’s a difference between being hungry and being hangry That’s when all logic and reasoning go out the window.
When you answer hunger with a processed, grainy thing like bread, you’re going to have a blood sugar spike, then a big ol’ sugar crash — quickly followed by another round of ravenous hunger.
So, my first piece of advice is to eat a little before you arrive. When your blood sugar is stable, you’re more apt to make choices that are aligned with your goals. Meaning, you’re more likely to choose a healthier option than dive head-first into a basket of grains.
Second, you can almost ALWAYS find something Primal-ish at a restaurant. Order a burger and scrap the bun. Ask for a plate of steamed veggies with butter. Or sip on a cup of coffee with cream ‘til you can get your hands on something more satiating.
And third, the is all about balance, so if you end up eating the bread, don’t sweat it. While the 20% isn’t intended to be about cheating, it is about navigating real life scenarios.
Have you had to defend your Primal lifestyle to family or friends? If so, what strategies have you used? Share your experience in the comments below.
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source https://thaimassagegreenock.co.uk/what-to-say-when-people-ask-about-your-eating-habits/
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naruto-ate-my-ass · 4 years
How Might I Increase My Husband's Love For Me When He Wants To Leave?
I now and then get notification from spouses who are genuinely sure that their better half is going to leave them. Some of them simply have a solid inclination or doubt that their better half is troubled. Others have spouses who have been straightforward about the way that he is thinking about moving out. A large number of spouses would prefer not to acknowledge this. Some of them yield that the marriage has issues, however, most don't accept that the issue is not kidding enough to end the marriage. The vast majority of the spouses simply need to lock in, center around the affection that is left in the marriage, and attempt to rescue their family. The spouse, for the most part, figures that if the adoration is there, everything else can be fixed. Once in a while, the spouse signs in on this start to pull away, and begins to make the wife stress that he never again adores her in the manner that he used to. Along these lines, she draws an obvious conclusion and begins to accept that on the off chance that she can simply make him "love her progressively," at that point he won't have any desire to leave anymore.
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She may state, "I can judge by the manner in which that the significant other acts that he doesn't adore me like he used to. Also, I realize that it's not simply my creative mind - in light of the fact that, previously, he has discussed moving out. To start with, he would do it in the fall, however then Thanksgiving and Christmas moved around, so he didn't. At that point, he got truly baffled with me again in March and I am almost certain that he was searching for somewhere else to live, however, his mom got sick, so he needed to manage that. Now, I simply need to make him love me all the more so I don't need to manage this moving out danger at regular intervals. I can't continue trusting that issues will come up that will debilitate him from moving out. How would I increment his adoration for me with the goal that he won't have any desire to move out?"
Why You Don't Want To Let Any Hint Of Manipulation Into This Mix: This circumstance is so precarious on such a large number of levels. Most importantly, the second that you attempt to "make" somebody feel or accomplish something, at that point you present components of both control and urgency in with the general mish-mash. Those things are rarely great. In the event that a spouse is as of now feeling to some degree irritated, realizing that his significant other is attempting to "make" him accomplish something won't achieve cherishing emotions. It is typically going to urge him to do the exact inverse - he may rather step back and retreat. More regrettable, he may then confine your entrance to him, which abruptly makes your activity significantly harder.
Assess What Is Positive: I don't have any acquaintance with you and I know even less about your marriage. Yet, it could be telling that your better half is still in your home. A man who was totally hopeless or pushed beyond his limits would leave and would not let anything stop him - paying little respect to the special seasons or his more distant family. In the event that the circumstance was genuinely painful, he would go first and stress over the planning or the subtleties second. I'm not saying that he's upbeat. I'm trying to say that the circumstance may not be critical presently. You may at present have time.
I realize that your tendency right presently is to freeze and to pressure your significant other more. These are the last things that you ought to do. Consider what pulled in your significant other to you at first. It most likely was definitely not a terrified lady who needed to lay the case on him and to hold him in a tight handle. No, it was most likely a fun-loving lady who listened eagerly when he talked and who anticipated the equivalent from him.
Fixing What Is Fixable: One great approach to allure him to adore you more is to remove the things that make him love the circumstance less. What I mean by that will be that regularly, it is the conditions encompassing the marriage that draws out the sentiments inside it. You can make some hard memories feeling the love when you are worried to the point that you can't invest quality energy with your companion. It very well may be difficult to feel love when you are battling. The absolute best thing that you can do is to make an air that is helpful for adoring emotions and afterward evacuate what contaminates that climate. On the off chance that you realize that it makes your better half insane when you are tenacious, at that point stop. Control what you can - and this is ordinarily your conduct, not his.
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
Like She’s Mine (part fifteen) - Stiles Stilinski
here it is, you’ve all been waiting and I’m proud to present... fifteen.  the wedding.  the blowout.  boom.  here she is, the final part! i love how into this story you guys were and you were so sweet and i know i had your hearts in my hands and i just shattered them repeatedly.  but i’m honored to have had the chance to do so.  thanks @dumbass-stilinski @writing-obrien and @sincerelystiles for all the support and telling me my angst was hurting you, it means a lot.  and HUGE THX AND HUGS AND KISSES FOR LIL MADI ( @celestial-writing​ ) for playing the part as the adorable little girl featured in this series.  u rock girly i love you so so much <3 enjoy guys and happy easter if that’s your thing
warnings: mentions of sex, asshole theo, angsty asf, heartbreaking tbh, swearing, super long, slightly abusive theo
word count: 8601 (YES!)
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(the day of the wedding)
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god” Allison was running frantically around as I sat on a stool in the small bridal area.  A whole room just for the bride and her bridesmaids.  Lydia was applying a finishing clear coat of nail polish over my french manicure as Allison was losing her shit.  I could tell that she wanted to run her fingers through her hair, but didn’t want to ruin the beautiful braid that was pinned over the top of her head.
“Would you stop freaking out?” The girl I had briefly known, Malia, said.  She walked up to the brunette and rubbed her shoulders awkwardly.
“No! I’m getting married! What if I mess up? What if I forget my vows? Oh my god what if I fall-”
“Alli, calm, you’re so graceful” Kira’s sweet voice rang.“Yeah, and the last night you were reciting your vows in your sleep.  Trust me I think you’ll do great” I assured.
“Don’t move” Lydia scolded.
“And what about him? What if he messes up? What if he- oh my god guys what if he doesn’t want to-”
“He wants to” Malia stated bluntly, not letting Allison finish.  She looked over at me, and I smiled with raised brows.  She smiled at me too, rolling her eyes slightly and I chuckled.
“Don’t move” Lydia muttered again.  There were three knocks on the door, which Kira happily skipped to answer it.  She cracked it open just a peek, so no one would see the beautiful bride.
“No, no Stiles you can’t come in-” I looked over upon hearing his name.  I could hear his voice, but not whatever he was saying.  “No you can’t-”
“What does he want?” Allison asked, walking over to the door.
“NO HE CAN’T SEE YOUR DRESS!” Kira flipped, a side I haven’t seen of the petite girl.  Allison just laughed and raised a dismissive hand.  But she walked away from the door anyways.  “He wants to talk to y/n” My eyes widened and my lips parted at what she said.
“He does?” I stood up, and Lydia mumbled a string of curses.  I looked over to Allison, who gave me a beautiful smile.
“Go on, we’ve got ten minutes before the ceremony” She said softly.  I nodded shakily, clenching my fingers against my palms.
“Thanks Alli” i whispered, barely brushing my lips against her cheek as I went to the door.“Oh, young love” I heard her say to the other girls, which just made them laugh.  I put my hand on the closed doorknob.  I took in a deep breath, and opened it.  Swiftly stepping out and closing it behind me.
“Stiles” I didn’t know what to do, or say.  It’s been so long, too long really.
“I wanted to check on you, make sure everything was alright” I sucked in my bottom lip and nodded my head.  “You sure?” I didn’t answer the second time.
“Are you?” I whispered.  He shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m alright.  How’s Madi?” She’s good.
“She misses you” What? Mouth! That is not what brain told you to say!
“She does?” Oh no, no I knew what this was.  He was trying to prod me into telling him that I missed him.  But I wasn’t going to play that game.
“Yeah she does.  To be honest I don’t think she likes Theo as much” I said.  Stiles’ jaw set and his eyes hardened.
‘I think she likes you better than hi-”
“He’s here? With her? W-with you?”
“With her” I said softly.  “Not me, simply platonic so she can have a father figure in her life-”
“How long?”
“About three days” He nodded, and put his hands into his trousers.
“Well… well good she has that” I nodded, biting my cheek hard to keep a straight face.  I distracted myself by fixing Stiles’ crooked bow tie, being carefully of my still drying fingernails.
“Yes it is” I replied.  Silence washed over the small hallway and I stared at the now fixed tie.  I smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles on his shoulders.
“y/n I still love you” I smiled sadly at him, and he gave me a defeated look, slightly slumping.
“I still love you too” I said quietly.  “But I can’t focus on that right now, today is about Allison and Scott” Stiles barely nodded his head.
“But we’ll talk?” He asked hopefully.
“Of course” I replied in a hushed tone.  “I have to get back to my bride now.  She’s going crazy in there” Stiles chuckled and I stepped back slightly.  “Scott holding up though?”
“Oh no, he cried a few times.  He was still crying when I left” I laughed and he smiled crookedly.
“Well tell him his bride is waiting to see him at the alter” Stiles nodded and pretended to tip his hat.
“Of course madam” I smiled and reached for the door, but before he could move away I stepped forward and hesitantly stood in front of him.  I looked in his eyes before leaning forward and pressing a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“See you in a bit” I said, and he nodded, staying silent as I opened the door.  When I walked in and closed the door, everyone was just staring at me with knowing smiles.
“Did you all eavesdrop?” I shook my head, wondering just who could be behind that… just kidding it was definitely Allison.
(Stiles’ pov)
“She said she still loved me though, and she kissed me” I finished telling Scott about my encounter with y/n/.
“Did you see Allison? What’d she look like? Was she beautfu- dumb question of course she was” He smiled to himself, and I gave him a bewildered look.  I spun to see Danny.
“Can you believe him? I don’t think he listened to a word I just said” I shook my head.
“Don’t feel bad.  I wasn’t listening either” He replied and I groaned.
“I listened-”
“Butt out Liam.  Didn’t your parents ever teach you it was rude to listen to other people’s conversations?” I said.  He walked away.
“I was listening to you” Mason said, messing with the buttons on his jacket.
“When can we get drinks?” Isaac asked.  I rolled my eyes as he plopped down into a chair.
“At the reception” I said monotone.“
But that’s not until seven!” He groaned.  I ignored him this time.
“Do you want my advice?” Mason asked me, and I nodded eagerly.  Finally, real girl advice.
“Ever have a girlfriend who likes to do things her way and all you want to do is help but she doesn’t trust you?”
“Dude.  I’m gay”
“O-oh” I stumbled.  Oops.  “Well has he ever..?” I asked again.
“No, we’re usually pretty open and know when and how to ask for help” He said.  “But I don’t think she doesn’t trust you”
“How can you say that? Have you even met her?” I asked.
“You’re the one asking for my advice” He said, putting his hands up.  “And no, I haven’t met her, only heard about her from you guys.  And from what it sounds like, she’s got a lot going on.  I’m sure she’ll come to you when she’s ready, and from what it sounds like, she just did”
“No, she’s with Theo now” I mumbled down to my hands.
“Damnit Stiles that’s not what she said” Scott groaned.  He looked irritated, definitely fed up with all of the drama I’m giving him.  “This is what you do, you overthink things before things can even be definite.  This is why you have all these problems, you act before you finish whatever's even happening” I just stood in silence as Scott went off on me.  I didn’t know what to say.He was right though.
“So… so have I already ruined it with y/n?” Scott shrugged, palms up and brows raised.  Meaning he didn’t know, and he didn’t care.  At the moment anyways.  I know he cared for y/n too, and me of course.  I was the runner up bride if Allison had said no.  At least I think it was…
“Scoot?” All the heads in the room turned to where the flower girl was standing in the doorway.  I grinned and Madi ran over to me, a few petals falling out of her basket.
“Well aren’t you the prettiest girl here?” I said, kneeling down to hug her.  y/n and Allison really did a good job.  She had on this sky blue dress that poofed at the waist line, a darker colored ribbon tied in a bow on her back.  Her hair was brushed, but nothing was done to it.  It was adorable, I had to say.
“I came to say goo- good luck!” I grinned at her and ruffled up her hair.
“Good luck to you too little girl” I respond.
“Mama said after we can dance!” She said, jumping with excitement.
“Yeah? You excited to dance?” I asked, and she nodded eagerly.  “Alright so if you’re really good today, and I mean exceptionally make your mother proud good, then I will save you a very special dance” Her eyes rounded with amusement.
“A-a special dance?” I nodded, and her smile only grew further.  “Okay! I’ll be extra good! I promise daddy!” The room was silent for a few moments before she giggled and threw her arms around my neck.
“Alright alright, you go back to where you were, we have a wedding to get to soon” She nodded, and I watched out the door as she walked back across the hall, knocking on the door to the girls’ room.  It opened, and Kira gave Madi a delighted smile before stooping over to lift her up.  When she was safely back inside I closed the door and turned.  Only to find four pairs of eyes on me.  “What?”
“She’s still calling you daddy” Scott said.  I felt my face get hot and instantly I was fiddling with my fingers.
“Ye-yeah I guess I dunno” I mumbled again.
“Dude” Scott grinned at me.  “That means things with you and y/n are totally fixable” My head shot up as I stared at him with nothing but hope.  “If she’s preferring you over Theo, how long do you think it’ll be before y/n just cuts off Madi and his’ relationship? Not long.  She’ll see, y/n’s a smart girl she’ll see where Madi’s loyalty and love lies”
“A-are you serious?”
“Don’t you think y/n will want what’s best for Madi?”
“Of course, we all do” I responded easily.
“And who do you think’s the better man?” Scott questioned.
“Hell, even I’m better” Isaac said.  He pulled a flask out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket, taking a long swig.  I snorted and rolled my eyes.
“Just think about the logic here Stiles” Scott said.  “But don’t even try to ruin my wedding” I was smiling so much I could barely even hear what he was saying.There was still a chance.  I still had a chance.  With y/n, with Madi.  I can fix all of this.
When we left the room, Scott walking into the large room, all the way up to stand at the altar, I bounced on my feet a little.  y/n came out, and she took my hand immediately.
“Nervous?” She asked, and I glanced all over.  Behind us, Lydia and Mason.  Then Kira and Liam, then Malia and Isaac, who seemed to be sharing his flask.  Please don’t go wrong, please don’t go wrong…
“Maybe a little” I admitted to her, and she squeezed my hand.
“Mama!” Madi bounced up to us, holding her basket and her once messy hair seemed to have been combed through since last  saw her.
“You remember what you have to do?” y/n asked her, and she nodded her head.
“Behind Mali” She said.  I chuckled at how she couldn’t say Malia’s name properly.
“That’s right” y/n said with an award winning smile.
“Here, you can come stand with me” Malia said, shoving the alcohol containing vessel to Isaac.  Madi happily skipped over to the short haired girl and too her hand.  Everyone smiled at Malia, who seemed to have no idea what to do.  She didn’t seem like the type to have a lot of experience with kids.
“How was Scott doing?”
“Ship wreck.  Allison?”
“Car crash”
“Good, they’ll do great” I said and she laughed, carefully tucking her hair behind her ear.
“OH MY GOD THE BOUQUETS!” We all watched as Lydia sprinted, in her designer heels, back into the room, and came out with her arms full of white roses tied at their stems with blue ribbon.  “Here… here… for you… here…” She handed them out, making sure all the bridesmaids carefully held them, then went back to her spot behind us.
“That was a close one.  What would we have done without flowers” Liam said sarcastically.  Lydia whipped around, nearly hitting people with her flaming hair.
“Listen you little snot” She spat sassily.  “If we were unprepared for Alli’s big day, if you even get your shoe untied Liam, I will personally see to it that you are removed from the premises with sheer and brute force.  You will not be attending the reception, you will not even put up a fight.  You will go home, in your spiderman underpants seeing that we rented the tux for you, and you will tell your mother all about how you ruined my best girlfriend, my sister’s wedding.  Do.  You.  Under.  Stand?” 
Liam looked petrified.  But he nodded his head vigorously.
“Good” Lydia said cheerfully with a sweet smile.  When she turned back to face forward, y/n and I quickly looked away.  She squeezed my hand tightly when we heard the music begin to play.  Soft piano keys echoing throughout the building.
“Don’t do anything stupid and get kicked out” She whispered to me, and I cast a glance toward her as she stared ahead at the closed double doors.  Just behind those doors, my brother stood at the end of the aisle, waiting to see his bride to be.  I stared at y/n, how long her lashes looked and how bright the makeup made her eyes appear.  Her lips were a rosy pink, as were her cheeks.  She must’ve felt me staring because they darkened slightly as she looked over to me.  “Cause if you get kicked out and I’m left here by myself, I might go insane” I smiled at her genuinely and she smiled back.  I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.  I took it as a silent promise to stick together today.
The doors opened.
(your pov again)
The doors opened.
There was Scott, way down there, he seemed miles away, but really he was just a good twelve steps.  I looked over the crowd , seeing a few familiar faces.  A few of Allison’s family members, Mason’s boyfriend Corey, Danny and Ethan who I remember briefly from high school, a few of Scott’s family members on the other side, and Theo, who smirked at me as I caught his eye.  They were all standing, staring at us.  I swallowed thickly, and Stiles squeezed my hand again.
“You’re good” He whispered, and then the music lifted, and it was our time to walk.  My arm hooked into Stiles’ and I gripped my bouquet tightly.  We slowly made our way down the white aisle, and I did my best to ignore the stares from everyone around us.  When I glanced down, the flowers were trembling.  A few moments later, we’d arrived.  Stiles gave me a reassuring look, patting my hand softly as we parted, and each stood on opposite sides of the alter.  Scott smiled to each of us.  I watched anxiously as Lydia walked up with Mason, taking a spot next to me.  Then Kira, and then Malia.
Madi bounced out next, smiling so big as she swung her little basket around eagerly.  She grabbed a handful, handing it to Corey who was stood on the end seat of an aisle.  He chuckled and took it, thanking her quietly.  She did this again to the woman across the aisle a little ways.  She continued to hand a bunch of bundles of petals handing them out to people standing at the ends of the pews.  Until she reached us.  SHe smiled big and waved at me.
“Hi mommy!” She whispered.
“Hi Madi” I whispered back, waving gently as well.  She reached in, grabbing a few petals and handing them to Scott.
“Get her Scoot” She said, earning more delighted laughter from the audience.  Scott took the petals and tucked them into his pants pocket.
“Thank you Madi” She nodded and pranced over to her spot right in front of me.
That’s when Allison came up to the door.  I looked over at Scott, who was smiling and tearing up.  He whispered something to Stiles, who smiled and nodded his head.  I watched as Chris walked Allison, as he walked my best friend, down the aisle.  When she’d arrived, I had tears in my eyes.
Her dress was just stunning, which I already knew but somehow this hit me harder.  It was a sweetheart neckline.  The silky material fell down to her feet, and trailed back behind her.
Don’t cry, Lydia will be mad if you ruin your makeup.  She mouthed to me, and I wiped away the few tears that had fallen onto my cheeks.
It was difficult to not cry as they promised to love each other in sickness and in health, and so on.  Madi had scooted over towards me, wrapping her arms around my shin, her fingers every once in awhile reaching up to play with the hem of my dress.
“Your vows?” The priest said, and Scott nodded.  He took both of Allison’s hands and smiled at her.  She gave him a watery smile back.
“Allison Celeste Argent” He said softly.  “I have loved you since the moment I first saw you.  Yes, I was the loser who fell in love with the new girl in school” A small chuckled erupted from that.  “And since I grew the courage to talk to you- God knows how that happened you made me a nervous wreck- but since then, this is all I wanted.  To be together, to stay together.  You accepted me, and my weird friends” He gave a look to Stiles.  “And every time I kiss you, and hold your hand, and talk to you, and tell you how much I love, because it’s so much, it feels like the first time.  Every time I look at you, my heart still races, whether you’re here, standing in front of me, as my bride, or in the mornings when you’re half asleep at the table in old sweatpants and drinking the most bitter coffee, and Allison, you are just as beautiful, no matter what you do, no matter what you wear.  And you’re smart, you always beat me at monopoly! EVen though I’m still convinced you cheat somehow” More chuckles from the people.  “But I’m still going to love you the same, even if you do cheat.  I want to spend my whole life, with you”
I went against my better judgement and let a few tears slip.
“I love you too” Allison whispered back, wiping her eyes with her fingertips as not to ruin her makeup.  
“Do you have vows, ms Argent?” She nodded, sniffling quietly and cupping her hands around his face for a moment before holding onto his hands again.
“Scott McCall, I have so many things to tell you that none of these people want to hear.  You’re caring, I’ve never seen someone so committed to helping people, even when it goes against your better judgement, even when it keeps you up all night, even when it gives you headaches, but I find you still working.  It’s so noble of you.  I love how sweet you are, even to the most jack- even to the people who don’t deserve it.  I love how great you are with my crazy friends..” She looked at me, and I winked.  “I love how it took you a few tries to pass my father’s crazy test so you could date me, and I love how great you are with Madi…” Allison bit her lips for a moment.  “And I hope that someday we’ll have a Madi of our own a-and I hope she’s just like you” I could see tears in her eyes again, and quite frankly I was holding back my own sobs.  “I have never been prouder than I am today to call myself your wife” Good god, at this point, of you weren’t crying, you didn’t have a heart.  I could even feel tears in Madi’s eyes run onto my leg… but she was probably bored of standing here for so long.
“The rings?” The priest asked.  Stiles stepped forward, and handed the small pillow where the wedding bands sat, down to Madi.  She held it excitedly, and handed the pretty one to Allison (probably because it’s pretty rather it was the one designed for her).
“Thank you dear” She said sweetly, and passed it to Scott.
“You’re welcome Alli!” She yelled, the excitement getting to her.  But Allison giggled as Madi handed the other ring to Allison as well.  I bit back my laugh in a smile as I realized Madi had handed both of the rings to Allison.  “Ha-happy true loves day Alli and Scoot” She said, making the room fill with laughter and ‘awes’ again.  
“Come here baby” I said softly, as not to be heard by everyone.  Madi gave the pillow back to Stiles, and waddled back to hold onto my leg.
Scott slid the ring onto Allison’s finger, and she did the same for him, both of them bearing big, sappy and sweet grins.
“Congratulations, Mr and Mrs McCall, you may now kiss the bride!”
And with that, everyone was cheering as Allison tugged him in placing her lips happily on his.  Their first kiss as a married couple.  I clapped, and pulled Madi up on my hip, letting her hold my bouquet of flowers.  Everyone was up and standing, clapping and cheering louder as their kiss turned into five.  I grinned over at Stiles, who looked just as proud as I felt.  He was walking over to me, past the happy couple, and reaching out for Madi.  But I felt arms wrap around my waist.  I turned, my eyes landing on Theo.
“Th-Theo wow you surprised m-”
I was cut off when his lips covered mine.
“What the- what are you doing?” I shrieked, pulling away and instantly setting Madi back down on the ground.
“What? We’re celebrating!” Theo grinned.  I looked around, seeing most people filing out of the room, backs turned to the alter. At least not everyone saw this outburst.  Thankfully they couldn’t have heard it, too much cheering as Allison and Scott ran out of the church hand in hand.
“Come on Madi” I spun around to see Lydia lifting up Madi with the basket full of miniature bubble wands.
“I’m going to go help my daughter” I said, getting away from Theo as fast as I could.  But as soon as I’d turned, I saw Stiles.  He was a few feet away, people moving around him to leave the building, but he didn’t bother to move.  Just stood there staring at me.  He seemed… disappointed.  “Stiles-” I held out my hand and began to walk down towards him, but he shook his head, and stepped back.
Then turned, and walked away.
“Lydia!” I called, racing down to her.  She was near the doorway, just behind Stiles but he didn’t bother to stick around.  The strawberry blonde turned and grinned at me, and Madi clapped upon seeing me.  “Hi sweetie” I said in the tone only saved for her.  “Come on, let’s go blow some bubbles” I said, putting my hand on Lydia’s back and guiding her quickly out of the door.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Lydia asked me quietly.
“Mama what about Da- him?” Madi pointed back to where I could see a familiar head of gelled blonde hair, and I rolled my eyes.
“He’s going to meet us there” I said, trying not to grit my teeth.  Madi seemed content with that answer, if she really understood what I’d even said.  Luckily Lydia seemed to read my mind, and distracted Madi quickly with the bubbles.
“Look you just put it up to your lips and blow!” I zoned out as she taught her the proper way to blow bubbles.  All that I could see was Stiles’ heartbroken look from earlier.  It was permanently engraved into my mind.  I tried to focus, I tried to smile as Madi had successfully, and finally blew a bunch of bubbles, but I was too deep on my own head.  I didn't know I was staring down at the sidewalk until I felt a tug on my arm and looked up to see Lydia pulling on me gently.  “You ready to go?” She asked in a gentle tone. I wondered if she could tell o wasn't okay.  I answered in a shaky nod, unable to speak.
“Mama?” Madi reached out to me, and I slowly took her into my arms, letting her rest on my hip.
“Come on, why don't we go” Lydia spoke again, and I nodded, hesitantly following her out into the parking lot.  Allison and Scott were long gone, wherever they were going to spend those few hours of peace and being newlyweds.  I figured Stiles had left already too, I didn't see his jeep anywhere.
“Did Stiles leave?” I asked Lydia.  Her brows knit together, and I knew that she'd pieced together the events of the past ten minutes.
“Yeah, a little bit ago” She told me quietly.
I don't know why I wasn't having fun, it was a party, you're supposed to have fun.  Its natural instinct.  But I also didn't feel the need to try to have fun.  The reception hall was decorated beautifully, streamers, white tablecloths with fake candles set in the middle of them, only a few lights were on.  Allison was currently dancing with her father, a tradition for the bride.  Madi was playing with Malia Kira and Danny a few tables away but perfectly in my view.  Scott was sitting a few people away from me, and Stiles right next to him.  Only one person sat between the two of us, Lydia.  Given I asked her to sit here.  I was quiet, a plate of half eaten food in front of me.  Scott Lydia and Isaac were having an animated discussion about the honeymoon the newlyweds were having.  London, they were going to London.  I envied them so much.
But Stiles and, we were the only silent ones.  It made me sick to the stomach.  How did I manage to mess this up already? Three months, I waited three months for our small interaction earlier, and not two hours later, we were back to giving each other the silent treatment.  I hadn’t had the chance to talk to anyone about it, I’d barely spoken three words to Allison since I got here.  My eyes were stuck to my glass of champagne.  I couldn’t remember if I drank it of it or not, it looked somewhat full, but perhaps I had taken a sip? Didn’t matter anyways.  The yellow colored liquid made me want to throw up.
In fact, everything my eyes landed on made me want to puke.  The dry piece of steak sitting on my plate, a faw pieces of it missing from where I’d eaten a mere three bites.  The empty plates of my friends’ meals, just some sauce and scraps left on it.  I wanted to go home, I wanted to put on an old tee shirt, crawl under the covers, and stay there.  Forever.  But that would make me a terrible friend, and just about the worst maid of honor ever.  So I continued to let myself feel flushed and nauseous.  Time passed as did bodies, and soon other people were dancing to a more upbeat song.  I think ALlison came back to our table, I think that’s why Scott got up and left but I couldn't register anything very well.  That’s when shapes and colors began to all blur together.
“y/n, hey y/n?” I lifted my head and looked over to see Lydia shaking my shoulder as gently as she could.  “Honey you look sick did you eat too much?” Her eyes landed on my plate, that had my food on it for nearly half an hour.  “Come on, come with me” Her arms wrapped around my shoulders and she helped me stand.  “Do you feel sick?” I shrugged, looking around the busy room.  Yes, yes I did.  But I wasn’t going to say that to her.  If she made me leave, Allison would be heartbroken.  I felt a third hand on my arm, and looked over to see Stiles, still sitting in his seat, gently grasping my wrist.  He was staring up at me with eyes that made me want to cry.
Great, on top of wanting to puke, now I was gonna have a breakdown.
He said something to Lydia, and she gave me an uneasy look but nodded her head, and Stiles’ arms replaced hers.
“Come on” He spoke softly, and I let him walk me to the door.  The cool night air felt good when we went outside.  I was instantly able to let out a long breath I didn’t know I’d been holding in.  I wandered over to the wall, leaning my back against it and closing my eyes, trying to keep my breathing steady.  I could hear Stiles stand next to me, but I stayed silent.  Once my eyes finally opened, and I wasn’t feeling sick from my surroundings, he spoke.  “What happened?” I looked at Stiles, my expression blank.
“So now we’re talking? I almost puke and we talk again?” His gentle look fell slightly.
“y/n I was worried I thought you were going to have an anxiety attack or something-”
“No, no I’m going inside I don’t want to do this” I said, walking towards the door but Stiles stepped in front of me.
“But you said we’d talk” He said brokenly.  I avoided his eyes, looking absolutely anywhere else.  “y/n come on-”
“No” I said as monotone as I could manage.
“No” I reached around him towards the door handle and surprisingly he didn’t push me away.
“Just tell me- just-” I waited as he stumbled over all of his words.  Stiles let out a defeated sigh, and stepped out of my way.  I waited a few more moments, but when he didn’t do anything, I turned the handle.  “Just tell me that you and Theo aren’t together now…” His voice was merely a whisper behind me, but I caught it.  Oh how my blood boiled.  I whipped around.
“Not that it’s any of your business Stiles, seeing that you told me you loved me then dropped out of my life for three months, but the second that another guy kisses me, or shows a mere interest, you’re all over it like the fucking alpha male you’ve been acting like!”
“y/n that’s not fair-”
“And it’s fair to ditch me when I needed you?” SIlence fell over us, and my chest was heaving.  Anger, disappointment, all brewing in my head.  But there was still that small spark of hope.  Please Stiles, please say the right thing, please don’t make me walk away.
“So it’s true? You’re with Theo now?”
God I wished I had a glass of something to splash it on his face.  This seemed like the proper time to do something like that.
“Sometimes Stiles, you’re a fucking idiot” I said slowly, shaking my head and turning around to go back inside.  When the door shut, I turned again, watching, and again hoping he’d burst in, tell me not to be with Theo (although i wasn’t), tell me he loves me and wants better for me, that he’d be better for me.  It sounded so romantically cliche in my head.
But after a minute of waiting, I felt I’d waited one minute too long.  Three months, three days, and one minute, and I had officially waited too long for Stiles Stilinski.  Is this the part where I try to move on?
It sounded dreadful.
I’d successfully sat at the table by myself looking like a loner for a whole hour.  This was a new record.  I mentally high fived myself and missed.  Yeah, my head was messed up like this for an entire sixty minutes.  While Scott and Allison were slow dancing to a fast song that made everyone else jump around in beautiful gowns and bare feet, I was sulking in my own self pity.  I amused myself by seeing if I could count all the bubbled in my glass of champagne.  I was currently at seventy six, but I think I counted the big one twice.
But I perked up when I heard a familiar burst of giggles.  I even smiled genuinely when I saw Madi blowing bubbles with Malia Kira Danny and Ethan.  They were all clapping and grinning, laughing with her as she proudly blew more bubbles.  My heart lifted from where it had sunk low in my chest.  At least someone was enjoying themselves.  And Madi was always capable of making a bad situation better in a  matter of seconds.  I watched for a few more minutes as she skipped and danced a little to the music, making the group of people light up with joy.
Theo caught my eye, making my smile falter a little as he walked towards my daughter and her new friends.  He almost walked past them, but I saw him stumble a little as his shoe slipped across the floor.  As much as I hoped he would, he didn’t fall.  I stifled a chuckle behind my hand, finding pure joy in his minor trip.  He spun on his heel, glaring at Madi and the others.  His eyes landed on her bubbles in her hand.  He grimaced and snatched it out of her hands.
“Stop making a mess!” He yelled, he actually screamed at her over practically nothing.  Even from where I was sitting a few tables away, I could still hear Madi’s whimpers.  I shot up and marched over angrily to the scene.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked angrily, trying not to yell, but I still got the attention of other people around us.
“Discipline” Theo gritted out, and tried to maneuver around me to grab Madi.  I shoved his shoulder, forcing him away from my daughter.  “What? Dad’s teach lessons” He maliciously shot his hand out towards Madi, and I slapped him across the face.  To me, the echo of the impact echoed in the room.  But only twenty people would have noticed what just happened.
“You are no father to my little girl” I spat out.  He growled at me, and Malia stood up abruptly, walking next to me.
“Turn around before you do something dumb” She warned.  But he pushed her and me, again trying to get at Madi.
“Hey!” Next thing I knew Theo was shoved to the ground on his ass.  I looked wildly over to where Stiles tood in front of Madi, eyes narrowed down towards Theo.
“Stilinski damnit, how many times am I gonna have to kick your ass?”
“You won’t, get out” Stiles muttered.  SOmehow I felt terrified and safe at the same time.
“What makes you think-” Stiles stepped forward.
“You’ve now messed with both of my girls, and if you say another word, you’ll regret me not personally dragging your sorry ass to hell” I swallowed thickly.
“You can’t make me leave Stilinski, Madi’s mine”
“You’re not my daddy!” My eyes widened and I jolted as she raced forward, wrapping her arms around Stiles’ leg.  “He’s my daddy!” Theo scowled, and pushed himself to stand.
“Listen here-”
“Is there a problem?” ANd now Scott was here.  The second Theo saw him, he had to have known he was beat.  But no, he went on like the jackass he was.
“Don’t you have a wife to be fucking?’ Theo spat.
“So there is a problem?” Allison asked, stepping up with her arms crossed.  Even Kira Malia and Danny had circled around him.  I was sure that Theo was either gonna start throwing punches, or make a run for it.  It was silent, people mostly just staring angrily at him.  He almost stepped to run out of the circle of people, but a hand gripped his shoulder.
“How about I take you outside?” Everyone was now staring with wide and curious eyes to where Isaac was gripping onto Theo.
“I can manage on my own-”
We watched still in silence as Isaac pushed Theo away, and out of the door.  Most of the people left, but Allison Scott Stiles and Madi were still standing around with me.
Stiles was the first to do something, scooping up Madi and rushing forward to me all in the same motion.  One arm was around her back as she sat on his waist, the other reached out towards me and I held it in both of mine tightly.  Tears sprung in my eyes and he seemed to notice because he yanked me in close but gently and held onto me tightly.  I looked over at his shoulder to see everyone was in their own little worlds, not noticing what had just happened here.  I held tightly onto him, one arm around him the other around Madi.
“Thank you daddy for protecting me and mommy” She whispered, causing a few tears to leak onto my cheeks.
“Come on, why don't you go practice your dancing skills, seeing you still owe me a dance” Madi nodded as he set her down on the ground.
“See you soon!” She exclaimed, and scampered off to dance.  I watched for a moment as Scott and Lydia gladly let her jump around by them.
“I’ll go help them teach her to dance properly” Allison said with a soft giggle.  She squeezed my shoulder as I nodded, and walked off.  I turned to Stiles, and I’d barely even even faced him completely when he stepped forward again, and hugged me tightly.  I buried my nose down into the crook of his neck, breathing in deeply and just letting my emotions flood over me.
“I’m not with Theo, I was never with Theo Stiles I love you, you, and just you-” I sucked in a deep breath as I pulled back from him.  “I don’t wanna be with Theo” I whispered, and shook my head.  My hands latched behind his neck as he stared at me, lips parted slightly.  “Not even if it was what’s best for Madi, but I know it isn’t, I know he’s he- he doesn’t make her eyes light up like you, he doesn’t make her laugh, he’s nothing to her, he’s nothing to me besides a piece of shit” Again, I took more breaths.  “And I want that for her, all those good things…” My voice cracked but i kept going anyways.  “You’re the only one for her Stiles, you’re the only one for me”
His hands reached up and cupped my face, pulling me in for a long and passionate kiss.  Stiles tugged me closer and my arms wound around his neck, holding myself against him.
“I love you, god I love you so much” He breathed out, forehead resting against mine.  “y/n I’ve been in love with you since we met and that’s not gonna go away, ever, seriously I’ve tried.  Do you know how hard I’ve tried? To try and move on and find someone better than you? It’s impossible y/n.  Because there is no one better.  But I was the nerd who was stuck loving his best friend” i smiled gently.
“So was I”
“And I was jealous of Theo, of all people, I was.  Because I wasn’t him.  I wasn’t with you that night at Lydia’s party, maybe not doing what he did… but I still wasn’t with you.  I didn’t get… Madi… I wanted to be that guy, not the dick part but the father, I wanted to be the one to be there for you and help you raise her and love her, love her like she’s mine, because y/n all I’ve ever wanted with you is a future, no matter what it holds”
Tears were streaming down my cheeks and he tried to brush them away with the pads of his thumbs but I couldn’t stop crying.
“y/n I love you, I love Madi, and I want you both”
“I love you too” I whispered so quietly it was almost inaudible.  But by the way he smiled I knew he heard it.  “And I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through, especially today” He shook his head, brushing strands of hair behind my ear.
“Don’t be sorry, Theo’s getting the life beat out of him by Isaac.  That makes everything okay”
“And you got the girl Stilinski” I said as he was still brushing a hand through my hair.
“Yeah I got both of them, didn’t I?” He smiled, and I nodded my head.
“You did” I murmured.  He pulled me towards him again, softly placing his lips on mine.
“Took me long enough too” I giggled, holding him tightly as I kissed him between smiles and small bursts of laughter.
(third pov)
“Look at them” Allison whispered to Scott as they danced.  His arms wound around her waist, hers around his neck.  Scott looked over to where her head nodded to, seeing Stiles and y/n holding on to each other and kissing gently.  “Only they could make out without looking like they’re making out” Scott chuckled at that, and looked back down to her.
“This day couldn’t be more perfect” He mused, and she nodded.
“I do agree Mr McCall” Allison said with a small but cheeky smile.
“Wonderful, Mrs McCall” Scott replied, his nose rubbing against hers gently.
(your pov)
“Look at them” Stiles said with a small scoff.  I looked over to Scott and Allison, finding them eskimo kissing.
“Ew” I said, laughing a little.  “They’re already married, just get a room” Stiles laughed with me.
“Come on, come dance with me” He prompted, pulling on my hands.  I nodded, and followed him over to the dance floor.  A few feet away from our married friends.  His arm snaked around my waist, but he still held my one hand.  I left him lead, just spinning slowly around and smiling at each other cause neither of us really knew what we were doing.  I giggled when he stepped on my foot, but he looked mortified.  “I’m sorry- I’m so sorry” His face flushed pink and I just shook my head, then kicked off my heels and stepped up onto his shoes in my bare feet.  I wrapped both of my arms around his neck and his hands fell to my waist.
“There” I said, pecking his lips quickly.  “Much easier, yes?” Stiles nodded and gave me a sheepish smile.  I closed my eyes, pressing my forehead gently against his and then resting my head on his shoulder as we swayed around slowly.  He held me close and it was just a nice silence.  I’ve never felt so calm, so at peace.  Especially when ten minutes ago, I was sure that my life was shattered into pieces that could never be glued back together.
But here I was.  And Stiles was putting the last piece back into the puzzle.  I pulled back from him for a second, looking him in the eye, then raising my hands from where they were draped behind his neck, tangling them softly into his hair on the back of his head.  I tilted forward, softly pressing my lips into his, and closing my eyes tightly.  His hands tightened slightly on my hips as he kissed me back, and I smiled against his lips before he pulled away from me.
“What was that for?” He whispered, and I shrugged a shoulder and shook my head.
“I just don’t want to forget what that feels like” I murmured back.  A short smile pulled on his lips for a moment.
“Yeah well you don’t ever have to” He said, pecking my lips then cheek before pulling me against him again, almost in an embrace.
Our moment was cut short when Madi waddled up, tugging on Stiles’ pant leg and telling him that he owed her a dance.
“It’s- it’s enough true loves with mommy” She said, crossing her arms sassily.  I giggled and released Stiles, slipping back into my heels.  I waved them off to go dance.  I watched as he pulled her up to stand on his feet, just as I had been previously held, and he held her hands.  She was giggling as he danced all around wildly.  I just laughed and walked over to our table for a drink of water.  Surprisingly Allison was standing there as well, looking over the crowd of people.  When she caught me, she grinned and waved me over, so I picked up my pace and went up to her.
“Hiya” SHe said, raising her eyebrows a few times in a suggestive manner.  I blushed instantly as I grabbed my glass.
“Hey” I responded before taking a few drinks.  “How’s your reception going, Mrs McCall?” The brunette chuckled.
“It’s going wonderful, and if my assumptions are correct, you and Stiles are going steady?” I nodded with an uncontainable grin.
“Why yes, yes we are”
“Everything’s sorted out, correct?”
“Correct” I confirmed, smiling even wider.  Allison smiled too, and held her arms out for me to hug her.
“Let’s collectively be proud of each other” I laughed and pulled away, smiling over at where Madi was up in Stiles’ arms, being spun all around.  Allison looked between my line of sight, and she smiled just as I was.  “Hey, I’ve got a little surprise for you” SHe said softly, but the grin that grew on her lips told me it was something huge.
“What is it?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow in curiosity.
I unzipped the back of my dress as I entered my room.  Stiles came right in behind me a few moments later, already in a more comfortable set of clothes.
“Madi go to sleep?” I asked as the dress slipped onto the floor.  Stiles grinned and nodded his head.  I had grabbed a tee shirt from the dresser and turned to face him again.  “Did you have to sing to-” I froze, I didn't expect him to be standing right there.  “Well hi there” I said with a small smile as his arms circled around my bare waist.
“Mm she's sleeping” He hummed, dropping his head to plant his lips just below my ear.  I felt myself blush immediately and ran my hands up his chest to grip onto his shoulders.  Stiles seemed to like that because he began to suck gently on that sweet spot that makes me grin.
“You're sure… she's asleep?” I asked between breaths.  He bit gently and as soon as I whimpered his tongue ran over the red area, already back to sucking and making it better.
“Mhm” He answered.  I pushed him back and in seconds he'd lifted me up, my legs on either side of his waist and our lips already locking.  
When I fell back onto the bed he pulled his shirt up over his head and settled between my legs, propping himself up slightly on the bed with his elbows.  My hands tangled in his hair and he kissed down from my chin and throat, planting wet kisses down further.  Through the valley of my breasts all the way to just below my belly button and above the hem of my panties.  But I yanked him back up to me for another fast and sloppy wet kiss.  His tongue ran over the seam of my lips and I gladly allowed him entrance, parting my lips and letting our tongues mesh.  It wasn't so much a fight for dominance, rather exploring each other's mouths.  He leaned up, and I did as well, both of us sitting on our knees on the mattress.  His arms raised so he could cup my cheeks, then slid down my neck into my shoulders, traveling again down my arms and settling in a comfortable spot on my waist.  I had my hands clasped around the back of his neck, softly brushing into the ends of his hair here and there.
I let go of him, reaching my hands back behind me and Stiles pulled his lips off of mine, watching as I unclasped my bra and let it fall slowly down my arms.  I tossed it to the floor by the bed before looking back up at him.
He hastily shoved me back down to the bed, scattering hickeys in my body once again.
To say I was out of breath would be an understatement.  To say Stiles fucked the daylights out of me would be an understatement as well.  Now I get why some people say you won't be able to walk properly the next day.
I was currently on my side, curled up against him in nothing but his tee shirt.  Stiles was lying on his back, an arm around me as I snuggled into his chest.  His other arm was across his stomach, our fingers linked on his toned skin.  We'd been laying like this for the past few minutes, just resting under a soft blanket.
“So I have some news from Alli” I hummed, tracing patterns in the slight trail of hair on his chest.
“Hm what?”
“She's having twins” Stiles’ eyes widened as he looked at me, a big smile on his mouth.
“Wow… really?” I nodded, and he fist pumped the air.  I giggled at his excitement.
“I didn't think you'd be that thrilled” I said, rolling over slightly but enough to look down at him.
“Well it means I'll have to be Madi's favorite now!” I raised my eyebrows in surprise.  “She'll be so busy with her own little Scotts or Allisons running around the house, that Madi will have to spend the leftover time with me, and like me more!”
“Stiles…” I sighed, and shook my head.  “You're crazy you know that?” He smiled sheepishly.
“At least I own it” He responded, and craned his neck up to place his lips on mine.  I smiled when we pulled away, and gave him one more quick kiss.
“I love you, you crazy” I said, and he smiled softly, caressing my cheek.
“I love you too” He responded.  I snuggled back into his chest and closed my eyes.  I fell asleep to his hand running up and down my back.
And finally, I’d found that state of mind, the one most people spent their entire lives looking for.  Luckily mine just came in the form of a family.
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so i wrote this on a car ride back home for the holidays, and i legit cried when i finished and my family was just kinda awkwardly going ‘it’s ok... it’s... it’s ok..’ but it’s not, so many good things happened in here.  Theo got his ass kicked, Scallison got married, madi and y/n got the family they rightfully deserved, it all made a full circle and everyone (minus that lying ass bitch manipulative abusive theo) and I just want you all to know i love you all so much
and that is why i will be making you an epilogue :)
tagged: @morganschiebel @celestial-writing @bunnyboo10154 @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @almondmilkislove @kindfloweroflove @taegdcl1018 @peter-andhislostgirls
love you ~ jordie
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
What to Say When People Ask About Your Eating Habits
Ever make excuses for why you don’t partake in grains? Wondering the best way to pass on processed foods at a party? And how do you eat healthy when there are no healthy choices available? In this week’s edition of Ask a Health Coach, Erin is here to answer your questions about defending and maintaining a Primal lifestyle in a SAD world. Keep your questions coming in the comments section below or over in our Mark’s Daily Apple Facebook Group.
Maria asked:
“How do you deal with relatives who totally buy into the dietary guidelines? I think my siblings actually believe I’m harming myself and my kids with my ‘crazy’ diet. What do I say to make them see my side?”
Trust me, I know how frustrating this is. And honestly, I don’t typically engage with anyone who tries to shame me for my choices (just like I don’t shame anyone who hasn’t realized how detrimental a Standard American Diet can be).
That said, when it’s family, it’s hard not to engage. It’s also hard to not let it rile you up. Hearing someone say that canola is one of those healthy oils or “I can’t believe you don’t eat bread” or “this soy burger is so much better for you” can make a sane person scream. And no amount of citing nutritional studies 1 or forwarding Mark’s Daily Apple links will convince them otherwise.
Our food choices have become as controversial as talking about politics or religion. And most people have a hard time seeing that their diet and their health issues are connected. They just go about their day, slurping down their ginormous sugar-laden coffee drinks and processed convenience foods and then running to the doctor when a health issue arises (which it always does).
Unless they’re paying a lot of attention, people become so disengaged from their bodies that they don’t realize eating certain foods is causing them to feel like crap. They don’t realize that being bloated or having indigestion all the time is fixable.
It’s not your job to fix them. But it is your job to stand up for what you and your kids believe in. Eating high-quality protein, healthy fats, nuts and seeds, and fruits and veggies is how our ancestors ate — before chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease became staples in our healthcare system.
You know that eating this way works for you and your family. That’s why the best advice is to lead by example. As your siblings see you indulging in red meat and big ass salads and forgoing grains and processed desserts, they’ll also start to notice that your weight is staying stable (or you’re losing weight) and you’re avoiding the typical illnesses that plague Standard American Dieters.
Whenever you get together with family, keeping eating like you always do without making it a big deal. Who knows? Maybe one of these days you’ll notice they’re slathering up their dinner with real butter instead of spraying on the fake stuff.
Sara asked:
“I’ve been Primal about 2 years and I’m still struggling with how to eat healthy at parties when there are limited food options. I always end up eating what’s there because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Got any advice?”
Let me ask you this. What’s more important, your health or the host’s feelings? If passing on chips or cake makes you feel bad, you might want to dig a little deeper into why you’re choosing to eat Primally in the first place. I use an exercise called WHY x 5  with my clients that works wonders when it comes to gauging their deep-down motivating factors for change; and all you have to do is ask yourself WHY five times:
Why is living a Primal lifestyle important to me?
Why does that matter?
Why is that important?
Why would that be great to achieve?
And (to address any remaining questions) why?
My guess is that when you eat processed junk, you end up lethargic and bloated. Maybe you feel foggy, your cravings are out of control, you don’t sleep as soundly at night, and you don’t feel as rested in the morning. When you eat protein-forward foods made with real ingredients and healthy fats, you probably feel like a million bucks.
I get it though. It’s really hard to pass on a dish that someone has made from scratch and is being offered from the goodness of their heart. But here’s how you do it. Just say “no.” Or “no thanks” if you’re feeling extra polite. You don’t need to come up with an excuse to justify your answer either. You don’t have to say you aren’t hungry or that you don’t eat grains. All you have to say is “no, thank you.” So liberating, right?
Here’s another technique I use personally and recommend in my own health coaching practice. Bring a Primal-ish dish 2 (that won’t scare off your non-Primal friends). That way you’ll be guaranteed something healthy to eat — something where you know all the ingredients. Even if you’re not much of a cook, you can easily throw together a colorful salad and bring along a delicious Primal-friendly dressing that everyone in attendance will love (and ask you about). There’s also the possibility that your real food contribution will spark a non-confrontational conversation about why you eat this way and (hopefully) give them an alternative perspective on what good health is all about.
James asked:
“When you are out and there are no Primal choices, is it better to eat unhealthy or nothing at all?”
Here’s the deal James. Once you have a solid understanding of what ‘healthy’ is, you can always find a better-for-you choice. When you’re hung up on following the rules to a tee, or the opposite end of the spectrum, having those “life’s too short not to eat the cake moments” — that’s when people typically get into trouble.
But let’s back up a sec. Say you’re at a restaurant and you’re starving, completely ravenous. Even with the best willpower, you’d be struggling not to scarf down the whole bread basket. Anyone would. Now, I love when my clients have the awareness to realize that they’re hungry (vs looking for something snacky to pass the time), however there’s a difference between being hungry and being hangry 3 That’s when all logic and reasoning go out the window.
When you answer hunger with a processed, grainy thing like bread, you’re going to have a blood sugar spike, then a big ol’ sugar crash — quickly followed by another round of ravenous hunger.
So, my first piece of advice is to eat a little before you arrive. When your blood sugar is stable, you’re more apt to make choices that are aligned with your goals. Meaning, you’re more likely to choose a healthier option than dive head-first into a basket of grains.
Second, you can almost ALWAYS find something Primal-ish at a restaurant. Order a burger and scrap the bun. Ask for a plate of steamed veggies with butter. Or sip on a cup of coffee with cream ‘til you can get your hands on something more satiating.
And third, the Primal lifestyle is all about balance, so if you end up eating the bread, don’t sweat it. While the 20% isn’t intended to be about cheating, it is about navigating real life scenarios.
Have you had to defend your Primal lifestyle to family or friends? If so, what strategies have you used? Share your experience in the comments below.
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The post What to Say When People Ask About Your Eating Habits appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
What to Say When People Ask About Your Eating Habits published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
What to Say When People Ask About Your Eating Habits
Ever make excuses for why you don’t partake in grains? Wondering the best way to pass on processed foods at a party? And how do you eat healthy when there are no healthy choices available? In this week’s edition of Ask a Health Coach, Erin is here to answer your questions about defending and maintaining a Primal lifestyle in a SAD world. Keep your questions coming in the comments section below or over in our Mark’s Daily Apple Facebook Group.
Maria asked:
“How do you deal with relatives who totally buy into the dietary guidelines? I think my siblings actually believe I’m harming myself and my kids with my ‘crazy’ diet. What do I say to make them see my side?”
Trust me, I know how frustrating this is. And honestly, I don’t typically engage with anyone who tries to shame me for my choices (just like I don’t shame anyone who hasn’t realized how detrimental a Standard American Diet can be).
That said, when it’s family, it’s hard not to engage. It’s also hard to not let it rile you up. Hearing someone say that canola is one of those healthy oils or “I can’t believe you don’t eat bread” or “this soy burger is so much better for you” can make a sane person scream. And no amount of citing nutritional studies 1 or forwarding Mark’s Daily Apple links will convince them otherwise.
Our food choices have become as controversial as talking about politics or religion. And most people have a hard time seeing that their diet and their health issues are connected. They just go about their day, slurping down their ginormous sugar-laden coffee drinks and processed convenience foods and then running to the doctor when a health issue arises (which it always does).
Unless they’re paying a lot of attention, people become so disengaged from their bodies that they don’t realize eating certain foods is causing them to feel like crap. They don’t realize that being bloated or having indigestion all the time is fixable.
It’s not your job to fix them. But it is your job to stand up for what you and your kids believe in. Eating high-quality protein, healthy fats, nuts and seeds, and fruits and veggies is how our ancestors ate — before chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease became staples in our healthcare system.
You know that eating this way works for you and your family. That’s why the best advice is to lead by example. As your siblings see you indulging in red meat and big ass salads and forgoing grains and processed desserts, they’ll also start to notice that your weight is staying stable (or you’re losing weight) and you’re avoiding the typical illnesses that plague Standard American Dieters.
Whenever you get together with family, keeping eating like you always do without making it a big deal. Who knows? Maybe one of these days you’ll notice they’re slathering up their dinner with real butter instead of spraying on the fake stuff.
Sara asked:
“I’ve been Primal about 2 years and I’m still struggling with how to eat healthy at parties when there are limited food options. I always end up eating what’s there because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Got any advice?”
Let me ask you this. What’s more important, your health or the host’s feelings? If passing on chips or cake makes you feel bad, you might want to dig a little deeper into why you’re choosing to eat Primally in the first place. I use an exercise called WHY x 5  with my clients that works wonders when it comes to gauging their deep-down motivating factors for change; and all you have to do is ask yourself WHY five times:
Why is living a Primal lifestyle important to me?
Why does that matter?
Why is that important?
Why would that be great to achieve?
And (to address any remaining questions) why?
My guess is that when you eat processed junk, you end up lethargic and bloated. Maybe you feel foggy, your cravings are out of control, you don’t sleep as soundly at night, and you don’t feel as rested in the morning. When you eat protein-forward foods made with real ingredients and healthy fats, you probably feel like a million bucks.
I get it though. It’s really hard to pass on a dish that someone has made from scratch and is being offered from the goodness of their heart. But here’s how you do it. Just say “no.” Or “no thanks” if you’re feeling extra polite. You don’t need to come up with an excuse to justify your answer either. You don’t have to say you aren’t hungry or that you don’t eat grains. All you have to say is “no, thank you.” So liberating, right?
Here’s another technique I use personally and recommend in my own health coaching practice. Bring a Primal-ish dish 2 (that won’t scare off your non-Primal friends). That way you’ll be guaranteed something healthy to eat — something where you know all the ingredients. Even if you’re not much of a cook, you can easily throw together a colorful salad and bring along a delicious Primal-friendly dressing that everyone in attendance will love (and ask you about). There’s also the possibility that your real food contribution will spark a non-confrontational conversation about why you eat this way and (hopefully) give them an alternative perspective on what good health is all about.
James asked:
“When you are out and there are no Primal choices, is it better to eat unhealthy or nothing at all?”
Here’s the deal James. Once you have a solid understanding of what ‘healthy’ is, you can always find a better-for-you choice. When you’re hung up on following the rules to a tee, or the opposite end of the spectrum, having those “life’s too short not to eat the cake moments” — that’s when people typically get into trouble.
But let’s back up a sec. Say you’re at a restaurant and you’re starving, completely ravenous. Even with the best willpower, you’d be struggling not to scarf down the whole bread basket. Anyone would. Now, I love when my clients have the awareness to realize that they’re hungry (vs looking for something snacky to pass the time), however there’s a difference between being hungry and being hangry 3 That’s when all logic and reasoning go out the window.
When you answer hunger with a processed, grainy thing like bread, you’re going to have a blood sugar spike, then a big ol’ sugar crash — quickly followed by another round of ravenous hunger.
So, my first piece of advice is to eat a little before you arrive. When your blood sugar is stable, you’re more apt to make choices that are aligned with your goals. Meaning, you’re more likely to choose a healthier option than dive head-first into a basket of grains.
Second, you can almost ALWAYS find something Primal-ish at a restaurant. Order a burger and scrap the bun. Ask for a plate of steamed veggies with butter. Or sip on a cup of coffee with cream ‘til you can get your hands on something more satiating.
And third, the Primal lifestyle is all about balance, so if you end up eating the bread, don’t sweat it. While the 20% isn’t intended to be about cheating, it is about navigating real life scenarios.
Have you had to defend your Primal lifestyle to family or friends? If so, what strategies have you used? Share your experience in the comments below.
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The post What to Say When People Ask About Your Eating Habits appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
What to Say When People Ask About Your Eating Habits published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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angelicabetineli · 4 years
10 Tips on How to Rekindle a Relationship With Your Ex.
So suppose, speculatively, on an irregular Wednesday night, you wound up alcoholic off of margaritas and chose to send "Don't TEXT" a 2 a.m. message. Certainly, it appeared to be a shrewd thought… until the following morning when you understand in your smashed trance, you sent an image of the chilly mozzarella stick you were eating. (Apologies, let me reword: You sent a foggy photograph of a chilly mozzarella stick).
… It occurs. In any case, it probably won't come as much amazement that you were left on read. So in light of the fact that you've explicitly arrived on an article that should assist you with sliding go into your ex's life once more (and not totally wreck the opportunity with an image of a mozz stick), I'm going to advise you to put. the. telephone. down—and possibly the wine, as well.
For the present, we should have a specialist analyze the substantial, genuine ways you can prevail upon your ex again that is not by means of a midweek smashed book. All things considered, as indicated by our Cosmo survey, 95 percent of you wouldn't be totally against reviving with an ex. So in case you're prepared to be persistent and truly work at it, here are 10ish tips that may help you en route.
1. Give your partner actual space.
For the present, we should have a specialist analyze the substantial, genuine ways you can prevail upon your ex again that is not by means of a midweek smashed book. All things considered, as indicated by our Cosmo survey, 95 percent of you wouldn't be totally against reviving with an ex. So in case you're prepared to be persistent and truly work at it, here are 10ish tips that may help you en route.
2. Try not to consider it an opposition.
"I would maintain a strategic distance from the outlook of 'prevailing upon anybody,'" says Bockarova. In a world that sees dating society as a "challenge" at any rate, it's very undesirable to attempt to re-prevail upon your ex by considering it similarly you'd consider a football match-up—though there's one clear champ and one failure. Considering a to be as something besides a mix of common development and exertion is a really undesirable methodology, affirms Bockarova, and it probs means that you shouldn't reunite in any case.
3. Keep down on the insulting.
Clearly, separations feel crappy. It's just regular (and expected) to have a vent meeting with your nearest BFFs.
In any case, you can be harmed without acting pernicious—particularly if your ex is somebody you as of now might suspect you should reunite with. "Come at the situation from your ex's perspective," Bockarova says. "Okay acknowledge whether somebody you thought about talked seriously about you to the entirety of your companions, [sent you] a torrential slide of furious messages, or uncovered insider facts you had let them know in a helpless state?"
In the event that you ever need to make the way for dating each other again, spreading odd gossipy tidbits or sending dastardly messages won't help you. Likewise, it's simply acceptable practice for all separations, paying little mind to your future dating aims. It's never acceptable to unveil super-individual tattle about an ex—also, it won't really cause you to feel better.
4. Transform yourself before checking whether your ex fits into it.
In your time separated, you may feel a little lonelier than you used to, particularly when you're making end of the week arrangements or discovering exercises to top off a stormy Tuesday night.
However, figuring out how to such as yourself the same amount of when only you're is ostensibly the most essential piece of this procedure. Bockarova proposes putting resources into new companionships and side interests and topping off your existence with however much delight as could reasonably be expected, regardless of whether you're despite everything down about the separation.
When you've confronted your dread of being partnerless, at that point, and at exactly that point, would you be able to know whether you really need your relationship back. "On the off chance that you possibly miss your ex when you feel forlorn, or when you contrast your existence with those of companions seeing someone however not in minutes when you feel cheerful and sure, it won't make for a very satisfying relationship down the line," Bockarova says.
5. Survey if your issues are really fixable.
OK, so you're certain you miss your ex a great deal and do need them back. In any case, there's a whole other world to it than that: Were your explanations behind separating really mendable?
"Issues that are unmistakable are effectively fixed," Bockarova says. "On the off chance that you separated on the grounds that a vocation brought an accomplice into another city and significant distance was troublesome, at that point the issue might be fixed in the event that one or the two accomplices [is] ready to make a penance."
In any case, on the off chance that you had bigger differences about your qualities or plans for the future, (for example, regardless of whether to have children or where you at last need to live) you'll in all likelihood be similarly as inconsistent down the line. What's more, sad to report, you may end up in a similar situation as in the past
6. Don't overthink how you approach them.
When you've concluded that attempting to reunite feels right, and you're almost certain they're not dating any other individual, it's an ideal opportunity to open up the convo. It'll most likely feel somewhat abnormal, yet the primary concern to recollect is to make the wisest decision for the relationship.
For long haul associations, Bockarova proposes being progressively forthright and legit about missing the individual and planning to meet with them. For shorter-term connections or burnt out dates, she suggests keeping it straightforward and simply inquiring as to whether they're allowed to hang out.
7. Keep the real get together spot easygoing.
In spite of the fact that your old go-to bar with the faintly lit candles and velvet corners feels hella natural and sentimental, it's presumably not the smartest option for this circumstance. Rather, Bockarova recommends something like an evening espresso so "there aren't elevated requirements on the get together, and your accomplice doesn't feel compelled into remaining excessively long on the off chance that they feel awkward." Plus, an open-finished, calm daytime hang leaves you alone composed and legitimate about how you feel with no weight.
8. Address the elephant(s) in the room first.
You might just be enticed to compliment your ex a bundle to warm them up, however except if they're absolutely neglectful, they definitely comprehend what's up. Adulating them puts on a show of being deceitful, regardless of whether it's not your expectation.
"In the event that there are any issues that need explanation, or anything you'd prefer to apologize to your accomplice for, do that at an early stage," says Bockarova. "Sort out your issues with the goal that your accomplice can tell you've thought about this, and is anything but an off the cuff choice to return into a relationship."
9. End things on some incredible recollections.
OK, so you've adequately secured all that you've thought about in your time separated. You've fabricated a case for reuniting, and your ex has given their decision. Possibly they're excitedly into it—or perhaps they're immovably against. In any case, you ought to think about the best pieces of your relationship.
"You generally need to finish strong—a memory you'll generally treasure, or possibly why you are happy your accomplice gone into your life," says Bockarova. On the off chance that you love your ex enough to need to be with them once more, you should attempt to take a gander at your past with zero second thoughts, paying little mind to the ultimate result.
10. On the off chance that you do reunite, truly accomplish the work.
This returns to the no "triumphant them over" thing. On the off chance that you choose to give it another go, realize that it is anything but a short-term process.
"Despite the fact that it will take some work to remake trust, this is your chance to shape a much more profound bond," Bockarova says. "In any case, that must be in the event that you talk up to your accomplice about what you like and abhorrence, when you feel hurt and when you feel upbeat, and how you'd prefer to be dealt with." She likewise prescribes treatment to sift through any repetitive issues.
The fact of the matter is, as destined and enthusiastic as reuniting can feel, there were still reasons you separated in any case, and now's an ideal opportunity to handle them. However, hello, when you're with the individual you need to be with, you definitely realize you're down to attempt once more.
https://linktr.ee/AngelicaBetineli Click Here
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