#this is suuuuper self indulgent
kr1llz · 1 year
i dont know how to ask questions. but i now need to know everything about this au. any little scrap will do i just NEEDDDDD INFORMATIONNNNN
[sharp inhale] hi. fucking beams you
okay quick note: this is literally something thats been in my head for like 2 or 3 days if you see consistency issues ignore them bless. also for consistency purposes shadow has a higher concentration of chaos energy (bc i dont think this is ever said in any games but is just kinda implied)
the basic premise is that maria and shadow both survived the raid on the ARK and survived the fall to earth
Maria does still get injured and, in an attempt to heal her injuries, is able to use his own chaos energy to not only heal her, but more or less reverse the effects of NIDS at the cost of keeping his black arms traits completely at bay
additionally this extreme concentration effectively ruins his regulators, causing his issues with his black arms traits to be worse than they couldve been
With the reversal of her disease, Maria's lifespan and aging process is uh. kinda messed up, extending it by a pretty significant amount by making her aging process much slower
they go into hiding best they can and the 50 year timeskip that takes place in sa2 instead becomes time where they try and figure out 1. how the world works and 2. more about their past bc they were both kept in the dark about things while on the ARK (basically wtf was going on with shadows creation and why did GUN attack in the first place)
on the other hand, shadow experiences some mutations (third eye, sharper claws, increased amount of red quills/fur) and is more prone to violent episodes
these episodes are especially bad during their first few years on mobius but after awhile hes able to keep these episodes at bay much much better
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i also lied when i said i wouldnt post the art this entire post is the entire au as of right now so heres their (still kinda wip) modern designs
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this is where i havent thought things out as well but uhh BASICALLY maria hears about tails and how hes a genius and goes "huh. maybe this guy can help us but i have no clue on how to contact him"
this is also where things are very muddy but more or less shadow and sonic accidentally meet, maria finds them about to beat the shit out of eachother and offers sonic a meal as an apology
during this she tells shadow about tails and sonic goes "oh hey thats my brother :D" and there is no way to describe how they react in text so heres a doodle
as an agent for GUN, rouge is more or less the only true key they have to figuring everything out, so they have tails contact her (sonic and tails arent friends with her but its tails he has his ways) and she agrees to help them and uncover their past through some good ol spy work against gun, but says that theres a hefty price behind this work, that price being the chaos emeralds (this is her idea of being absurd and telling them that theres no way in hell she would do the job without being payed shittons of money) but they go "ok lol"
sonic tells tails about shadow and maria and how they want his help, and tails agrees
he does scans on the both of them and tells them exactly what happened to them all that time ago (marias disease being reversed, shadows glorified hormone imbalance) but says that he cant help with much else because he just. doesnt know enough about either of their conditions to really give any solid insight or advice but knows someone who might . this is where rouge comes in :}
this is where things kinda leave off bc like i said i thought of this like. three days ago LOL
right around this time the black arms invasion starts and through a series of events that i also havent thought out yet shadow gets like. partially assimilated into the hivemind
he still has his own conscious thoughts but cant control his actions, making him a threat
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year
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    [ Once I get icons/simple banners made of my FFXIV muses... I’m just. Going to post some HCs & stuff abt them. I want to talk about them so bad & play as them, but also... Struggles. ]
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abysswatchers420 · 1 year
ive been writing on and off for abt 3 years abt uhh, what IF a gman-esque chara took saburo's relic soon after he died and stuck it into some random person "to see what would happen" and that unfortunate person is cel, who was then forced to have a cyberdeck installed. but bc shes a benzodiazepine addict, she doesnt get brain infected (lol) like V. anyway theyre stuck together for like 8 months and in that time its just an exploration of "forgetting what youth felt like" and how even as a nationalistic bigot, wouldn't some sorts of attachments be made when you're forced to live in some girl's personal and intimate life, especially someone as eccentric as cel. being forced to consume media (really shitty media)
theres a running joke of "take me back to arasaka hq right now" "you really think i can just waltz right in there like 'hey everybody! guess what ive got in my head! its THE saburo arasaka' and people will believe me? thats not the type of trusting environment youve curated with your company"
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mx-robot · 2 years
Out from the tower
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"I'm taking you home," she told him. No response. Kei began jogging as fast as she dared to not jostle her precious cargo. It was not until she'd brought them outside, to the shattered seals, that he stirred once more.
"Yes, its me. I'm-" she suttered, attempting to hold back further tears. "I'm taking you home." Her face burned, and she ducked her face slightly to avoid making eye contact with him. Stop it. There's nothing to be afraid of, Kei told themself.
G'raha's words were slow, and measured, the effort straining his ability to stay conscious. "Thank you... sorry to... impose..." Kei slowed to a walk as she descended the steps.
"No!" she said, a little more loudly than she intended. She brought her voice down to a whisper, matching his hushed tones. "It is no imposition, my friend."
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months
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@kazenomegaminowanpisu I'm sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it! Thank you so much for this request. As someone who loves Sanji and is also very passionate about cooking/baking, this was suuuuper self indulgent and I loved writing it!
Sweet Tastes and Gentle Touches
Sanji x Fem!Reader
2.3k words
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The sweet embrace of a good night’s rest is something that often evaded Sanji for one reason or another. Whether it be nightmares or the simple fact that sleeping in the same room as a bunch of other men was hardly peaceful, he knew he didn’t get anywhere near enough sleep to be healthy.
Zeff and the other cooks on the Baratie got on his ass regularly when he was caught having late night smoke breaks when he should have been sleeping. Here though, he usually didn’t have to worry about being lectured by anyone. Everyone else was either sleeping or was also up when they shouldn’t be so they had no room to judge. 
Currently, he was having another one of those sleepless nights. It was too early to be getting a head start on breakfast, so his only plan for the time being was to smoke outside until it was closer to that time.
At least that was the plan, but then he saw light coming from the kitchen. His teeth ground together in frustration. That damned bottomless pit of a captain is at it again! He could’ve sworn Luffy was still asleep when he left the room, when did he get into the kitchen?! He stuffed his pack of cigarettes back into his pocket and stormed into the invaded kitchen to save the crew from Luffy inhaling a week’s worth of food in two minutes. 
He busts open the door, “How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of here outside of mealtimes?!” Sanji’s voice became louder with each word, punctuated by the door slamming into the wall from the force that he kicked it with.
What he had expected to see was Luffy attempting to break the locks on the fridge and pantry. 
What he actually saw was his dear, sweet, beloved (y/n) looking back at him with a startled expression. One of the cabinets was open and you were in the middle of pulling down the kettle.
Sanji’s heart stopped and horror from his actions clawed at his throat. He had just yelled at the love of his life like an actual monster. 
You appeared to be as confused as you were surprised and began putting the kettle back where it came from, “I-I’m sorry, I guess I must have forgotten.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no! I didn’t mean that! I mean- I did but I thought you were Luffy! NOT that I think you look like him, you don’t, but he’s usually the one sneaking into the kitchen at night!” Sanji all but ran at you and snatched the kettle from your hands as he spoke a mile a minute. “Sit down! I’ll make some tea for you! Just relax!”
Sanji wanted to throw himself overboard for his transgression against you, and the only thing keeping him from doing so was the stronger urge to pamper you after having the audacity to raise his voice like that.
The situation seemed to have clicked in your mind, and like the angel you were, you simply giggled at the misunderstanding. In his humble opinion, he felt like he deserved to be punted into the sea and screamed at, but you just laughed it off. 
He didn’t deserve you. Which is why he’s kept his feelings close to the chest. As close to his chest as someone like him could, at least. Naturally, he was powerless to the need to fawn over you as much as every other lady that crossed paths with him, but he did nothing to let you know that it was more than the kind of fawning everyone else received. 
“You don’t need to do all that, Sanji, I can do it,” your hand rested on his shoulder, making his breath catch in his throat. You smiled warmly at him, “Did I wake you up? I’m awfully sorry if I did, I thought I was being quiet.”
“No! I was already awake, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you could never do anything wrong in his book. Using the hand not holding the kettle, he placed it on the small of your back and guided you to the table, “Please allow me do this for you, I insist.”
Much to his delight, you did take a seat. You positioned the chair so that you could watch him as he zipped around the kitchen to gather everything he needed to make your tea. There was no need to ask what you wanted, he already had it memorized. 
Glancing over his shoulder, he caught you staring at him in what he believed to be amusement. You made eye contact briefly before he snapped back to what he was doing with his face feeling hot. He cleared his throat, “What are you doing awake at this hour, (y/n)-chan? Is there something bothering you?”
“Oh no, nothing’s wrong, I just woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. Usually I do some late night baking when this happens, but since everything else was locked up I settled for tea,” you explained casually, chin resting on your fist.
Sanji froze and a giddy feeling bubbled up from within him. Who was he to pass up the golden opportunity that he was currently being presented with. After doing what he could to school his expression so he didn’t look completely desperate, he turned to face you, “Do you still want to bake something? I would love to join you if you’d be so gracious.” 
“Are you sure? Don’t you want to at least try to get some sleep before breakfast?”
Ever the sweetheart, you were kind enough to be concerned for his well being. Everything was fine though, just being able to spend time with you would energize him more than a full night's rest. Sanji grinned, “Of course I’m sure, there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing right now.” He fully meant that.
“Alright, who am I to deny the help of such a talented cook?” You stood up from the chair and breezed past him to wash your hands at the kitchen sink. 
Sanji is pretty sure his heart just burst from the compliment, that was the only explanation for how hot his chest felt. It’s not like what you were doing here was anything new, you two work together in the kitchen all the time.
The first time you’d offered your help, he’d assumed it was just to be polite and nothing more. He tried to tell you that you didn’t need to put yourself out like that, but when you insisted that you actually really enjoyed cooking he caved.
He tried to tell himself that the butterflies in his stomach were nothing unusual. This was just because he was happy to be around someone else who had a passion for culinary arts again. That was it. Definitely. 
Oh, who was he kidding? Sanji was head over heels for you by the end of your first cooking session together. How could he not be? You two worked so well together, it was like he’d found his other half. His soulmate, if such a thing existed.
Not that he was doing anything about it. He felt like you deserved better than him, and he wasn’t going to give you a chance to make that decision for yourself. 
Sanji was torn from his thoughts by your hand waving in front of his face. He reeled back in surprise and you giggled, “Are you sure you aren’t too tired?” Shit, had you been calling his name and he hadn’t heard you?
“Positive!” His voice cracked, and he wanted to throw himself out the window because of it. Mercifully, you didn’t comment on the embarrassment and only quirked a brow at him. Sanji cleared his throat, “I’m wide awake, I promise. What did you want to bake?”
“We bought some strawberries at the island yesterday, right? Could we make a strawberry shortcake?” You looked at him hopefully, waiting for his answer.
“Of course, anything for you, (y/n)-chan!” Sanji slipped around you and fished the keys for the fridge and pantry out of his pocket. Behind him, he could hear you digging out the required utensils for the cake.
Not even that marimo could wipe the smile off Sanji’s face right now, he’s sure of it. He couldn’t help but notice that both of you were still clad in your sleepwear. His consisted of sweatpants and a tank top. You were wearing a beautiful nightgown in your favorite color with a silk robe over it, both of which were gifted to you by himself. He knew it would flatter your form and was thanking the gods for being able to bear witness to this sight to confirm it.
His imagination was running wild from this imagery, though. It’s almost like you’re married and this is a late night baking session in your own private home.
Sanji violently shook his head. This train of thought was going places that it absolutely shouldn’t be!
The necessary ingredients were placed on the counter and he risked a glance in your direction. You were currently pulling on an apron over your head and tying it behind your back with a practiced ease. 
Considering how flustered he was from his earlier thoughts, he kept his words to you concise and to the point. He didn’t trust himself not to say something stupid if he started rambling, so once you two decided who was doing what, you fell into a comfortable silence.
Sanji had taken it upon himself to beat the egg whites and sugar into a meringue while you mixed together the rest of the wet ingredients. Quiet humming fills the kitchen, an endearing trait of yours that he felt blessed to have become so familiar with. Tonight’s tune was a melody he didn’t recognize. Whether it was a song from your past or something you made up on the spot was beyond him, but he didn’t care, he simply enjoyed it.
After finishing the meringue, he divided it up. Half into your mixture, while the other half remained in his bowl to be combined with the dry ingredients and oil. Sanji let you take care of bringing the batter together while he prepped the cake pan.
The cake was in the oven not long after that, leaving the two of you to prep the whipped cream frosting and strawberries while you wait. In the time it took Sanji to whip the frosting into shape, you had finished cutting the strawberries that go in between layers. You eyed the remaining ones, debating what to do with them.
“Do you know how to cut them into roses?” Sanji crept behind you, eagerly awaiting your answer.
“Nope, can’t say I do.” You looked at him over your shoulder with a smile, “I don’t suppose you’d want to show me, would you?”
Ah, so you knew where he was going with that. If he had a bit more shame, he’d be embarrassed at how predictable he was. Luckily for him in this moment, he didn’t. He swallowed an imaginary lump in his throat and went for it.
“I would love to,” he answered quickly. Closing the already small gap between you, he was pressed up against your back. His arms went around you, with his hands resting over your own to guide you.
This was a bold move, he’d admit it (to himself only), but it was worth the risk. It wasn’t every day that he got to be so close to you, so he was taking in and treasuring every aspect of it. From being able to feel your softness first hand to his senses being flooded with the smell of your shampoo, all of it was intoxicating. If not a little nose-bleed inducing, but that was neither here nor there.
Oh wait, the strawberries.
He positioned your hand to lightly cut at the sides of the fruit, “It’s simple, really, I know you’ll pick it up quickly. All you do is make a thin slice and gently peel it back. Then you rotate and repeat this until you’ve run out of room and go up.” Sanji kept guiding your hand for the entire strawberry, even though he knew you were skilled enough to have picked it up after the first or second example.
Fortunately, you indulged him and patiently waited for his hands to retreat on their own before trying it for yourself. As expected, the next one came out perfectly. You admired your handiwork before holding it up to Sanji, “What do you think, did I do this right?” 
You really didn’t need to ask. It was clear for anyone to see that you had nailed it, and he was sure that you knew that. Yet you’d asked for his opinion anyways. He was going to wax poetic about how this was the most expertly crafted strawberry rose he’d ever seen, but was distracted when he picked up on how hard you were staring at him. Suddenly feeling self conscious, he asked you what was wrong.
Rather than answer, you reach out to him with your empty hand and use your thumb to wipe some frosting off his chin. Then, nonchalantly, you brought the same thumb to your mouth to sample the errant bit of frosting. You hummed and nodded, “This frosting is great, though it looks like you may have been stirring a little too vigorously over there.” You lightly elbowed his side as you teased him.
Sanji hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, blood gushing out of his nose like a faucet on full blast. You were going to be the death of him, and he meant that in the best way possible. 
If he died by your sweet touch, then he would go out a happy man.
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theamityelf · 3 months
I also would like to hear about Makoto also being kidnapped because if dr1 is anything to go off of he would be put into a bunch of dangerous situations for the sake of finding clues or taking down the mastermind and come back alive.
Also the prospect of Kokichi lashing out because he thinks he's lost the one person who believed in him and Makoto wanting SO BADLY to comfort him or make him understand but can't during this situation. Then later when he gets kidnapped when there is time, Makoto tries to make him understand that he has NEVER stopped believing in Kokichi he just thinks he crossed a line but he NEVER EVER hated him. Despite all of Kokichi's efforts Makoto has never hated him and I would like to know if he breaks down (from relief or grief that he doesn't think he deserves that kindness surprise me) or if it's just a small but meaningful consolation while he dies (because Makoto would never just LET Kokichi die no matter how much he did) that someone cared. It makes me go FERAL.
Absolutely! I'm right there with you, lol.
Okay, I can imagine it going down a few ways.
First of all, I can imagine Makoto starts asking too many questions when Kokichi says he's the mastermind, to the point that Kokichi realizes Makoto will undermine his "big reveal" if left unchecked, so he goes ahead and grabs him when he grabs Kaito, to make sure the group's reasons for questioning him are pulled out of play.
Alternatively, I can imagine that the whole "everything Kokichi does to mess with someone else ends up affecting Makoto by accident" thing that gets repeatedly set up earlier in the AU comes into play again here, in that Kokichi truly meant to only grab Kaito, but the Exisal accidentally grabbed Makoto, too, and rather than look like he made a mistake and isn't fully in control of these things, he plays it off like he meant to do that and takes Makoto with him.
Either way, Kaito is locked in the bathroom by himself and I imagine Makoto being kept elsewhere. If I'm being self-indulgent (which I am 😁) Makoto is kept in the big main area with Kokichi, to facilitate all that conversation and hurt/comfort.
(The bathroom has a window, and it's fine for Kaito to talk to people outside, since Kaito is buying into the idea of Kokichi as the enemy, but Makoto can't be allowed to talk to anyone and spread his belief that Kokichi is lying.)
And at that point, it becomes such an "I'm not trapped in here with you; you're trapped in here with me!" situation. Sorry, Kokichi; you can't run from him now. He's here, he believes in who you demonstrated yourself to be in your best moments, and he wants to have a genuine conversation with you. Makoto is using all the information he's gathered over the course of the killing game to contradict Kokichi being the mastermind, and Kokichi is doing his best to demoralize him as a last ditch effort to not have to deal with him. Maybe invoking Gonta as a kind of, "Do you want to be the next fool who believes in me until it's too late?" But Makoto's resolve doesn't shake.
Kokichi's smug mask falls and it devolves into a shouting match where Kokichi is pulling out every low blow he can and insisting that he's an evil supreme leader (Panic Talk Action, anyone?) and in the end Makoto just says, "No...that's wrong." And the last facade shatters.
I want Kokichi crying into Makoto's shoulder, wailing, "I really liked Gonta! And I really liked Miu!"
And then, because he can't help himself, once he's done crying, he sits up with a brittle smile, like, "Wow, did you really fall for that again?" (It's so ineffective, because he literally just went through the full process of sobbing to shuddering to sniffling to just breathing, and it was very gradual and peaceful, and then he just sits up like "lol jk".)
And Makoto replies, "Yeah. I did."
"Stupidhead. Obviously I was lying. You're so naive, it's a wonder you've made it this long. Maybe I'll put you out of your misery."
OR, if I'm being suuuuper self-indulgent, maybe Makoto actually gets hurt in the accidental Exisal grab and Kokichi can't do any of the posturing because as soon as they're locked in the hangar and the Exisal lets them go, they realize that Makoto is bleeding profusely and he and Kaito have to rush to give him emergency first aid. They're bickering the whole time.
Kaito's blaming Kokichi and Kokichi is blaming Makoto, like, "Why didn't you tell me you were bleeding, idiot?!"
Kaito's like, "Why would he?! You said you never cared about any of us!"
And yet Kokichi is so serious about making sure Makoto's okay, it occurs to Kaito that maybe that was a lie, too.
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therebelcaptain · 1 month
it feels a little awkward to self-promote, but fuck it: i wrote a short rebelcaptain fic in which i self-indulgently dream up a scenario where jyn and cassian kinda sorta cross paths before rogue one when cassian is undercover on ord mantell and then jyn recognizes him when she's brought in to work with the rebellion. (is it because i keep trying to dream up ways that we could possibly see jyn in season 2 of andor? 100%! a girl can dream, can't she?)
anyway it's my first time sharing any kind of writing, so i'm pretty nervous to share as i'm not suuuuper confident in my creative writing skills, but i really enjoyed writing it, so i thought i'd share! there's a lil excerpt below if you wanna check it out :)
Cassian had just pulled on his parka when Jyn spoke for the first time since takeoff.
“We’ve met before, haven’t we? In a manner of speaking.” 
She paused for a moment. Cassian could feel her eyes on him as he began fastening his zipper, carefully measuring his response before continuing. “Only you weren’t exactly… you.”
Cassian zipped up his parka and turned to meet her gaze; his curiosity was piqued. 
“I’ve had many different names and faces, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we had,” Cassian hedged in response. He wanted to see if she could place him for sure.
Jyn Erso was not the first person who ended up working with the Rebel Alliance after an encounter with him in his capacity as an undercover Rebel Intelligence agent. As it were, their encounter was so incredibly brief that it could barely even be classified as one. Regardless, Cassian should have known that Jyn would be the only one to pinpoint him exactly—she was Saw Gerrera’s surrogate daughter, after all.
“Ord Mantell,” she said matter-of-a-factly. A quietly confident smile spread across her features when Cassian visibly stiffened in response. “I knew you were too good-looking to be an Imp.”
“I don't pose as an Imp there,” Cassian countered, pointedly ignoring the backhanded compliment. “I’m a contractor.”
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
Hiya, Sweetie, I was really thinking about the fantasy au thief toby x royal reader (stealing a kiss) and college au toby and brian hazing ritual form your idea fic post! I was really hoping you would share your thoughts on them! Thank you, baby! ✨🥰
okay so the fantasy au one is suuuuper self indulgent
basically princette (gender neutral vers of prince/princess) reader runs from the castle one night, desperate to get away from stuffy royal life for just a bit. they seek adventure in the woods and come upon ruins of an old stone structure, an almost eerie sight. toby nearly startles them to death when he makes himself known, and he instantly clocks them as a royal despite their attempts to dress down.
it’s a spicy encounter, yes, with lots of smooth talking and flirting from toby about how taboo it is for a royal to speak to a commoner this way, especially a lowly thief. he doesn’t take it very far, though, only giving them a quick, chaste kiss before convincing reader it’s best for them to head back to the castle. he walks them back home and watches them climb the tree up to their window before disappearing into their room.
this isn’t the last time they’ll see each other, though. not even close. toby will make sure of it
the brian x reader x toby college frat hazing gone sexual is exactly what you expect! there’s not much meat on its bones yet, but i’m picturing reader blindfolded with their hands bound behind their back, on their knees as brian forcefully shoves them forward into toby’s groin, forcing them to take his cock as deep as it can go
i’ll probably come up with someone more humiliating, though <3
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
The Way of Winter - Chapter 6
Joel Miller series Female reader insert
A/n: takes place at the end of episode 6 (spoilers if you haven't seen!). I took a few liberties with the location. Took a (suuuuper) long hiatus - but I'm back!
Taglist (Since it's been so long, if anyone doesn't want to be tagged anymore pls let me know!): @missdragon-1 @this--is--music @caravelofthesun @ishouldclean @mezmerwrites @babypeapoddd @ay0nha @tpwkstiles @one-sweet-gubler @coolninjavoid @ameliabs-world @superflymaterial @p-muffin @s1xthirty @flightlexsbird @nataliemdixon @krisviciousx @notsosecretspy @freerangesweets @partyofone3413 @angelfxll @bojana-aa04
Word count: 1,662 | Tags: slow burn | Warnings: graphic descriptions of gore, reader getting shot, cursing
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Joel watched y/n as she methodically cut away the scales and took out the innards of the six fresh trout she’d caught for dinner. Her hands were red and raw from the ice cold water, but she moved with a confidence and dexterity that impressed Joel, against himself.
It had been three days since Joel had begrudgingly agreed to trust Ellie and let this stranger lead them deeper into the woods. She hadn’t spoken to either of them since. Joel vacillated between irritation, mistrust, and antipathy towards her. Ellie seemed more inclined towards pity. She’d attempted to speak to y/n on several occasions, but was never met with anything more than a contemptuous stare. The silent treatment was grating on his already haggard nerves. Between her self-indulgent petulance and the near-constant throbbing of his stitches, Joel was ready to snap. And tonight was as good as any for a fight, he thought darkly. 
“How long do you mean not to talk to us?” he demanded. Although she didn’t look up from her task, Joel didn’t miss the way her movements got sharper when he spoke. He was under her skin. Good, he thought. If I can bother her, I can break her.
“You’re not the only person who’s lost someone, you know.” Joel pressed forward. Ellie had stopped tending to the fire in favor of shooting him warning glances. Joel knew that Ellie saw y/n as their only shot at surviving in this wintry wasteland. She wasn’t wrong, of course. But Joel Miller was too proud to let anyone - especially y/n - lord that over him. 
“It’s pretty fucking pathetic, actually,” he went on, adding a little extra acid to his words. “Sounds like you didn’t even try and save your family that you apparently gave such a big shit about.”
Joel didn’t even see the knife leave her hand, didn’t see it streak through the air or bury itself in his foot. In fact, Joel found himself regarding the knife curiously for a heartbeat before his brain even registered pain. In that heartbeat, y/n had risen from her crouched position on the side of the icy mountain stream and was striding over towards him, murder in her eyes. 
“Jesus Christ, y/n, no!” Ellie was small compared to y/n - scrappy and tenacious, but too small. She flung herself impotently into y/n’s path, but y/n shoved her aside easily. 
“What the fuck did you say to me, you motherfucker!” Y/n’s scream was hoarse, like she’d been yelling for hours on end. In spite of himself, Joel laughed. At least she’s talking, he thought with glum satisfaction as he felt hot blood pooling in his boot from where her knife had sunk into his arch. The fire in her eyes blazed all the harder, and she threw herself down on top of Joel. Her hands closed around his throat like a vice, ice cold and deathly strong. Joel struck out with his fists, aiming for the sides of her head. He landed three heavy blows, and with each one her grip strength waned a bit. With the fourth slam, Joel felt her hands completely slack off his throat as she pitched sideways. Ellie had regained her footing and had climbed on y/n’s back, shrieking like a banshee as she tore at y/n’s hair, neck and shoulders. As if in slow motion, Joel watched as y/n turned 180 degrees and threw herself backwards against the ground, slamming Ellie’s back on the frozen earth. Ellie let out an ugly, strangled grunt, her eyes widening in pain and shock. Her arms went slack around y/n’s shoulders as she gasped silently, trying to force air back into her lungs.
Everything froze in suspended motion. Joel saw y/n’s expression soften as she surfaced from her rage-fueled outburst. She stared down at Ellie with a look of disbelief and horror as the girl writhed in the snow, her hands clawing futilely at her throat. Her face was turning a deep shade of crimson as she continued to fight for breath. 
“Fuck, no no no no no.” Y/n was kneeling next to Ellie, hands visibly shaking as they covered her mouth in horror. Joel’s mind felt like it ground to a halt, the satisfaction he’d felt moments before at successfully breaking y/n out of her reverie vanishing into smoke. Without thinking, Joel reached for the gun in his waistband, leveling it at y/n’s chest and squeezed the trigger. The gunshot ripped open the woods. It was still echoing off the trees when y/n collapsed on the ground and Ellie sucked in a greedy, gasping breath…
“Jesus fucking Christ, Joel, you killed her.” Your mind was fraying at the seams. The moments around you weren’t making sense. You couldn’t find the thread that tied them all together. 
You felt a blazing, fiery pain in your chest. It spread up one side of your neck, down one of your arms, and radiated throughout your torso. Each inhale and exhale made it worse, agony searing through your veins like wildfire.
Hands on you. Small hands on your cheeks. Warm hands. Your cheeks felt cold, your face felt cold. Clammy. 
Then, there were bigger hands. Meaty hands, pressing down on that fire-blasted hole in your chest. You shrieked at the pain, but you were surprised to find your voice choked and drowning. You gurgled in pain, begging. “Please please please please.”
“It’s alright, y/n, we’re here.” A young voice. Girl. Your eyes slipped in and out of focus.
Treetops, high above you. Dark, bare branches against a slate-gray sky. Snowflakes.
“She’s losing too much blood, Ellie. It’s no good.”
“We’ll fucking die out here, Joel!”
More pain, more pressure on your chest. The pain was white hot, but somehow fading at the edges. Like you were pulling away from it. 
“I can’t unfuck this, Ellie!”
“You fucking KILLED her!”
Your veins weren’t burning anymore. They were freezing. Ice in your body. Running through your arms, your neck, your eyes, your legs. Tiny, shallow breaths. In and out of your nose. The sky above you beginning to darken. 
“She almost killed you-”
“Joel, if she fucking dies out here so do we!”
Quiet. Three sets of breathing. Two ragged and deep with rage. One - yours - panting. 
A face above you. Dark eyes, salt and pepper hair. You recognized it.
“Y/n?! Can you hear me?” 
Your vision began to drift. You couldn’t keep your eyes focused on the face. 
Footsteps. Moving away from you. 
“What are you doing?”
“Ellie, goddamnit, wha-”
“She’s bleeding out. We need to cauterize the wound.”
“The bullet’s still in there.”
More quiet. Darkness pulling in over you like a curtain. Your lips felt cold.
“If you cauterize the wound with the bu-”
“You got any fucking better ideas?!”
Inhale. Quiet. 
Joel’s heart made a sickening twist in his chest as he watched y/n’s eyes loll back in her head. The dark stains of blood on face and neck contrasted garishly with the whitish-blue tint of her skin. Joel had seen plenty of people die, and more than a few of those had died by his hands. But y/n was going down hard. Stubborn bitch, he thought to himself with nauseous guilt. Can’t even die easy. 
Behind him, Ellie rose from the campfire, striding over with a frying pan. For a moment, Joel didn’t comprehend what she was doing. He just stared at her, dumbfounded.
“Pull her jacket back for fuck’s sake!” 
“A frying pan, Ellie, are you serious?” 
“It’s the only thing that’s hot enough, just fucking do it!” Joel’s hands shook as he lifted his hands off y/n’s bullet wound, a fresh torrent of blood seeping out without the pressure of his body weight to staunch the opening. That’s a good sign, he thought idly as his hands ripped back the layers of dirty clothing to reveal y/n’s bare, bloody chest. Heart hasn’t stopped pumping yet.
Ellie hesitated only momentarily, her face turning green before she laid the sidewall of the frying pan against y/n’s wound with a gut-wrenching sizzle. Joel swallowed down a wave of vomit as the horrid smell of burning flesh ripped through his nostrils. Y/n stirred only slightly at first, but after a moment her eyes popped open and she convulsed, letting out a weak wail of confused pain. Joel was quick enough to grab her hands before they reflexively batted away the hot frying pan. She mewled in protest, eyes rolling aimlessly, not seeing anything. 
“That’s enough, Ellie.” Ellie pulled the frying pan off, tossing it aside and bending over to empty the contents of her stomach on the snow. Y/n went slack under him, and Joel felt himself come down from the adrenaline high with a vicious crash. His breathing was heavy, chest heaving with each inhale. He hung his head, weak with dying fury and bone-crushing guilt. Ellie crumpled into a seat on the snow beside him. 
Joel didn’t know how long the three of them stayed there in that clearing. Y/n was unconscious, but alive. The barely-there rise and fall of her blood-coated chest confirmed that much. How she’d survived, Joel had no idea. He could only guess that the bullet had missed the lungs and the heart by mere millimeters. Maybe, with all the tussling she’d been doing with Ellie, she’d moved just enough to throw off his aim. Try as he might to deny it, Joel had been aiming to kill. Acting on reflex. Protecting Ellie.
Or maybe he’d flinched at the last moment. Maybe, even though his reflexes said kill, some part of him said save. Because one thing became clear as day to Joel Miller as he sat in that bloody snowbank, twilight sinking over the frozen forest:
If y/n died, Joel Miller would never get over it.
**more chapters coming soon! let me know if you'd like to be tagged (or untagged) if you like this series, check out my Last of Us masterlist for other works
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qimicloud · 4 months
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I drew Las Nevadas Quackity as a rabbit for funsies. Definitely not being suuuuper self indulgent
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artofminmini · 8 months
apocalypse ft. the babies! choose ur survival comrade (they all suck)
posting my suuuuper self indulgent animatic from insta here,,, just me and my blorbos,,, I really am proud of the frame animations here though! specifically the bits where Sirius transforms and where Iggy blows the smoke 🥹💕
All of this was animated in Procreate and I used Adobe AE to piece the clips together and to add the parallax-esque movement/flashing effects to the final render!
This was a lot of work for selfish mimi reasons, but very dear to me nonetheless, so I really appreciate you for watching this 🥹
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lululawrence · 2 years
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lululawrence's June 2022 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
June was a rough month for me and because of that I apparently took to reading. A LOT. I was able to finish 19 fics/series this month, and there are some hella high word counts in here, but I hope that doesn't scare you off, because they're amazing as well. Always a fan of variety, there are also some really great ficlets in here too, so if you aren't someone who can read long fics, that's fine. I promise I've got some in here for you too! I'm afraid I used a lot of the same phrases to explain how very much I enjoyed all of these fics, but they truly were all such fantastic reads, so I hope you find some in here that you will also be able to read and enjoy!
My podcast for this month is now available!. I love getting to rave about these great fics to all of you, and I hope you enjoy listening as well.
As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
The Risen series by @creamcoffeelou / creamcoffeelou (20k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, Cult AU, journalist Harry, cult leader Louis, dark fic, dark Louis, 1970s, a LOT of potentially triggering topics and content so please check the tags and keep yourself safe!, suuuuper dark and kinda creepy and just not okay shit happening here, but if exploring those kinds of things is of interest then defo check this series out, it's so fucking fascinating and yet shudder inducing at the same time hah)
Darling, so it goes by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (195k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Grace Kelly AU, Harry is Grace Kelly hehe, Royalty, famous/famous, Prince Louis, actor Harry, this fic takes us from their first meeting all through their flirting and getting to know each other to dating, engagement, wedding, and even some of their marriage, and it is EPIC AND WONDERFUL, it isn't all sunshine and daisies, and the way the growth of their relationship and the way they handled everything thrown at them, it was just incredible, it was so good i cannot rave enough holy cow)
an honest mistake by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (2k, NR, Harry/Louis, meet ugly, hahahaha, pining, i guess? lol, can it be pining in a ficlet like this?, it is though i think it fits as a descriptor, fluff, flirting, humor, banter, this fic is so funny and cute and it is just such a fun fic i love it, i actually listened to this as an episode of @fanficfanaticpodcast and it had me legit giggling as i listened, it was so much fun)
dark blue by @larrieblr / safetyfilm (6k, T, Gen - OT4 friendship, canon divergent, apocalyptic au, dystopian au, crack fic, this fic is so difficult to summarize lmao, based on What a Feeling, Song Fic, Dreams, like the world starts falling apart and it's all one direction's fault because of the song, it's so fucking hilarious and just so weird, i LOVE it lolllll)
Choo-Choose Me by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (4k, G, Liam/Louis, train conductor Louis, commuter Liam, meet cute, crushes, kissing, this fic is just so fluffy and cute omg i love it, and it almost entirely takes place on the train, hehehe i love the premise of it all and the way it ends so perfectly)
The Greatest Thing by @infinitelymint / infinitelymint (164k, E, Harry/Louis, canon divergent, accidental marriage, fake marriage, friends to enemies to husbands to friends to lovers, lmaoooo, for real though that is basically their journey?, angst, so much angst and pain, and then so much healing, it's so soft and gentle and self indulgent for like ALL of us i think, there's so much cuddling and love and growth and working through the hard stuff, it's so wonderful i adore this fic so very much)
The Grundy County Auction Incident by @haztobegood / haztobegood (4k, T, Nick/Harry/Louis, based on a tiktok, kinda lollll, country fic, polyamory, frame narrative, established relationship, retelling of how they got together essentially, this is such a cute fic, it's everything i could have dreamed of the prompt becoming with this pairing, i'm so so so happy Jinny took this where she did cause i just threw the video into the chat and screamed and then magic, so fucking good)
Remember Me Before You by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (294k, E, Harry/Louis, there's a lot of Zayn/Niall in there too but they're just a very prominent side pairing lol, New Girl AU, Harry is Jess, Louis is Nick, Niall is Schmidt, Liam as Winston, Zayn as Cece, teacher Harry, bartender Louis, writer Louis, roommates, friends to lovers, slow burn, like something like 200k of SLOW burn lol, humor, omg the insane humor, this reads like a 300k crack fic with feelings, it's amazing i just, how do you summarize 300k?!?!?, anyway it's fucking fantastic so worth your time)
New York Kiss by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (47k, M, Zayn/Louis, famous/non famous, kinda haha it's complicated, actor Louis, writer Zayn, meet ugly, hurt/comfort, pining, COVID, quarantine, miscommunication, angst with a happy ending, fluff, also other potentially triggering topics so please read the tags, this fic is beautiful and deep and so completely filled with emotion, the way that music is so deeply a part of Zayn is so gorgeous, his friendship with Harry is so cool to see in their distanced way thanks to COVID, but the ziam friendship and ziall friendship is just beautifully done and so palpable, i love and adore it so very much)
now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (34k, M, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, omega Harry, alpha Louis, ace Harry, sex repulsed Harry, internalized acephobia, lirry friendship (and roommates), Uni AU, meet cute, pining, flirting, self acceptance, GAH you guys i pre-read this and for many reasons i'm probably biased, but this fic is just SO GOOD OKAY OMG, the ace rep is so good, and seeing it in this particular way in an a/b/o world is so cool)
We Might'a Took the Long Way by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (8k, G, Harry/Louis, based on a tiktok, gallery owner Harry, artist Louis, art teacher Louis, artist Zayn, chef Niall, angst with a happy ending, no smut, this is just SUCH a great fic, it is the perfect length to give you some excitement, then the pain, and then the hard work the character has to put in in order to fix it, and i LOVE it)
Follow Your Arrow by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (36k, T, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, canon divergent, A/B/O dynamics, fake alpha Louis, secret omega Louis, leader of the pack Louis, the rest of the band knows he's omega, but no one else does, and OMG, Harry presenting throws everything off and it's SO FUCKING GOOD Y'ALL OMG, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, touch deprivation, depri, dropping, nesting, self discovery, pining, gahhhhh listen, lady aj might say this fic was incredibly self indulgent, but it felt like it indulged every single thing i love about a/b/o possibilities and the secret omega trope, GAHHHHHH so fucking good i know i keep saying that this month but it was jam packed with fucking amazing reads)
let me show you by @larrieblr / safetyfilm (1.5k, T, Harry/Louis, questioning sexuality, never have i ever (the game, not the show lol), recreational alcohol/drug usage, a lot of internal monologue, this fic is so pure and sweet i just really loved it, it was part of the @podfic-pals pride episode too so you should defo listen)
Baby, Don’t Apologize by @neondiamond / Neondiamond (2k, T, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, ace Harry, insecure Harry, established relationship, fluff, so much fluff and gentleness and love, it was so beautiful, but also it hit a little close to home in some ways so it was also hard to listen to at times for me personally, in other words it was really spot fucking on regarding the ace representation so SUPER pleased with that haha, it was just so so good and so filled with love, i adored it, it was also a part of the pride episode like the previous fic so yessss hehe)
Crawling on Your Shores by @juliusschmidt / juliusschmidt (67k, E, Liam/Harry, mechanic Liam, small town USA, OT4 friendship, Liam is a bit lost in a lot of ways, self discovery, extreme winter, that's a tag used by the author and it made me snort because yes this is very true lol, lots of discussion and thinking focused on mental illness and UFOs and suicide, lots of concern over death/disappearance of a loved one that happened prior to the fic starting, angst, pining, this fic is incredibly heavy tbh, but it is so beautiful as well, secret relationship, as Alex says "A Vast Universe of Uncertainty and Ambiguity" and that is a hell of a way to put it, very accurate hahaha, angst with a happy ending, there's just, this fic is a lot and so please be careful but it is STELLAR as well so just please consider reading it, it's incredible)
True as it Can Be by @beelou / cherrylarry (12k, G, Harry/Louis, Beauty and the Beast AU, girl direction, Harry is Belle, Louis is the Beast, they are both girls but the rest of one direction are boys, Liam is Lumiere, Niall is Cogsworth, and Zayn is the duster that Lumiere is into in the movie hahahaha, does she have a name?, anyway, so this is historical setting wise, and involves all the wonderful things that fairy tale does, it's a fun amalgamation of the animated and live action disney movies, and i just ADORED this fic)
Something About Liminal Spaces by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (34k, E, Harry/Louis, Soulmates Abroad fic, set in New Zealand, writer Louis, older Louis, silver fox Louis, age difference, younger Harry, soulmates, soulmarks, slow burn, divorced Louis, hurt/comfort in a way for sure, this fic is so so beautiful and it's like, well i told lauren it was like she wrote it for me lmao, it has so many of my favorite things in it, and i devoured it in one night so it was clearly a fic i loved and needed right then, i just omg i really really love this fic so much)
Only by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 (34k, E, Harry/Louis, Soulmates Abroad fic, set in Tristan da Cunha, famous/non-famous, royalty au, soulmates, enemies to lovers is a bit extreme but maybe dislike to lovers lol, Prince Harry, post office/tourism worker Louis, musician Louis, falling in love, misunderstandings, friendship, first time, this fic is really really sweet and i loved the way everything was navigated considering how they were kind of unexpectedly thrown into the situation they were, on the most remote island in the world, lollll, it was so good, i was sad when it ended and accidentally yelled in my comment, sorry anitra i love you lol)
Like it was at the start by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (15k, T, Gen - Liam & Louis friendship, Soulmates Abroad, set at Lake Louise Canada, best friends Liam and Louis, soulmates Liam and Louis, platonic soulmates, aroace Liam, platonic love, first kiss, growing up together, coming out, this fic is such a cool exploration of a concept i hadn't really considered, which was aroace characters in soulmate pairings, and i just loved the way it was all handled and the complexity of the emotions involved, it was beautiful)
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ssahotstuff · 1 year
Hey, hope you're doing good today 😊. 🥸🛌💥 for your writers ask?
Ooooh yes gladly! Thank you for asking 🥰🥰🥰
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
I haven’t outright told anyone but there are people on this app that know my identity outside of tumblr despite my account being faceless, if that makes sense! I try not to collide my writing/real life because I feel like most of the people I know would judge me heavily.
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
Eeeek, okay I started this draft like 4 months ago and it’s Hotch x Heavily tattooed reader and he takes her to get tattoos because he loves watching and reader is really hesitant because she knows she isn’t his usual type but there’s so much chemistry regardless 🫠🫠😍 let me see what I can find to tease it with!!
"It really doesn't hurt?" Luckily the shop you found took walk ins, and he had time for a small freehand tattoo when Aaron suggested you get one; he wanted to watch you get a tattoo for some odd reason, and you weren't going to say no. You always had time for a new tattoo, no matter what day or time.
"It's uncomfortable, but it's not as bad as you think. You should get one too," you looked up at him and he was frowning, shaking his head back at you.
"They look much better on you. Your butterfly is cute," that's what you'd gotten, a smaller one, in the blank space of your arm. There wasn't a lot of detail, but he only had an hour to spare for your slot. He covered it with second skin; it was a type of protective seal for your tattoo. Aaron wouldn't let you pay or tip, he insisted, as part of your date. You walked out with a new memory, something to keep on your skin forever that would always make you think of him.
"Were all of your tattoos planned or have you ever gotten one at the spur of the moment like that?" Once you'd climbed in the car, he was taking your hand to examine it more closely.
"Nope, this is a first. I made appointments for the rest."
He liked that a lot.
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Ugh it’s not new because I’ve written it once before but I’m obsessed with Hotch having a lactation kink 🥴🥴 I want to write a whole fic where Hotch has a pregnancy kink/is just absolutely obsessed with pregnant reader and she’s afraid once she has the baby he isn’t going to find her attractive anymore but in reality he’s going crazy over all of the changes her body has made, especially all of her curves 😍
I alsooooo like the idea of writing something that takes place like a year after 5 x 9/100 where Hotch and Jack move to the country to start a new life after Foyet and Hotch falls for a single mom/reader that has a suuuuper simple life, like she has a giant garden/farm and sells her stuff at the farmers market and Hotch is just absolutely wild over her overalls 😂
I also wanna write Hotch having kind of like a threesome but he’s just watching reader and another girl—I had a dream about this scenario like three nights ago and it hasn’t left my brain since. Idk if I’ll write it though because it’s oddly specific—I’m attracted to EVERYONE, regardless of gender identity so it’s super normal for me to be with another woman—I’m not sure if my readers would feel the same though!!
That being said I started a Marty Byrde x Hotch x Reader fic where they were in witsec together and Hotch and Marty agreed to share the reader bc they were both in love with her 🥴 super self indulgent, they didn’t fuck reader at the same time but they were like, taking turns touching her together and it sent my brain haywire so I may finish that— haven’t decided. I haven’t touched it in months but this inspired me to go back and read it 😂😂
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moonleet · 2 years
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suuuuper self indulgent carer jason because. because. 🥺
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fanfic-inator795 · 9 months
Chapter 21: Breakfast for Two
PLOT: It’s their first morning after moving in together, and Geoff decides that he and Jeff should celebrate with breakfast in bed.
((Soooo yeahhhh, this is SUUUUPER self-indulgent, lol. But whatever, Geoff and Jeff have my whole heart rn, so indulge I shall!
Also, like the drabble from Chapter 10, this drabble takes place early on in Geoff and Jeff’s relationship, since it’s always fun to look back on all the big/noteworthy - and super sweet - moments in a long-term relationship. Anyway, please comment, and I hope you all enjoy!))
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justanothercmblog · 1 year
Coffee Shop - Chapter 4
a/n: So this is suuuuper short, but it kind of made sense to me to end here for today. Also: thanks for anyone who is reading this, it really is very self-indulgent and kind of slow burn, but I hope you still enjoy! This fic is not really planned ahead a whole lot, I just enjoy writing and see where it takes me. Tell me what you think! &lt;3
Summary: Spencer wants to keep Marie for himself just a little while longer.
She could barely think of anything else for the remainder of the day. She did have to go to work for a couple of hours and her students could definitely tell that she wasn’t a hundred per cent with them. When she got home in the afternoon Gia wasn’t there which Marie was relieved about. She didn’t feel like telling her about Spencer yet, she didn’t know why. She was her best friend, but something held her back. Maybe she wanted to see what this even was, why he had shown an interest in her and maybe she didn’t want Gia to talk it down, she was good at that.
The buzz of her phone got her out of her head. *Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow, go put that brain of yours to work and start studying!*. She smiled down at her phone. She hadn’t expected him to reach out again, so it was a nice surprise. *Looking forward to it too! And yes Dr Reid, I will study now :p*, she texted back teasing him a little. *Just looking out for you!* *Well and you put your phone away and catch America’s finest.* *Noone to catch today other than up with paperwork.* Marie smirked at that bad joke. *Du bist nicht so lustig wie du denkst.* (You’re not as funny as you think you are). She decided to text back in german, just for to tease him a little. 
In the bullpen, JJ and Emily had been curiously eyeing Spencer for a few minutes and now watched him smile down at his phone. “He’s definitely texting the girl, right?” Emily asked the blonde who was leaning on her desk. “Yep, I’ve never really seen him like that.” “Let’s just hope she won’t break his little heart.” “They met once on Monday, I don’t think there’s much to break yet.” JJ said as Spencer full-on grinned down at his phone now.
“He hates texting, why is Boy Genius grinning down at his phone like that?” The two women jumped at the sound of Garcia beside them. “We think he’s texting the girl he met on Monday.” Emily explained. “What girl? Spencer Reid, what are you not telling me!”, she hurried over before Emily or JJ could hold her back. Spencer looked up confused now. “Uhm what?” Reid quickly turned over his phone and furrowed his brows at the women.
“What girl are you texting?” “What? I … I’m not .. why do you think I’m texting a girl?” he asked defensively. “That was defensive, wasn’t it? Answering a question with another?  I’ve learned that much from the bunch of you! Show me your phone.” “What? No!”, he went to grab his phone but Garcia was faster. “Now what would be Spencer Reid’s passcode? hmm.. got it.” “Marie.. interesting.” Spencer reached to try and get his phone back from her but failed as she ran back to Emily and JJ. “Garcia give that to me, has no one on this team ever heard of privacy?”, he got worked up now.
“Hey what is this gibberish, I don’t understand a single thing,” Garcia exclaimed disappointedly as Spencer snatched his phone back. “Seriously. Just stop it okay? I don’t go around all of your private lives telling everyone about it.”, he huffed, seriously pissed off now. “Spencer," Emily tried but he stopped her and rushed off. “No you all really need to mind your own business why are you even surprised that I don’t tell you anything?”, he huffed frustratedly and headed out the bullpen, passing Morgan who looked after him confused and then at the three women.
“What’s up with the kid and why do you all look like you did something?”, he questioned. “I didn’t mean to… why didn’t you stop me?”, Garcia spoke sadly looking at Emily and JJ. “I honestly didn’t think he’d react this way.”, JJ argued. “Baby girl, what did you do?” “I uhm asked about this girl and stole his phone and wanted to read their messages:” Morgan sighed, running his hand down his face. “Come on now, I know we like to tease the kid, me especially but you know how he is.” “I couldn’t understand anything anyway it was like another language or something.” “German.”, Emily said. “What?” “It was in German, he told us that.” “Right.”, Morgan nodded. “So he was texting her huh?”, he smirked now. “And grinning like a lovesick puppy,” Emily added , chuckling. “Well let’s just hope he’ll tell us when he’s ready.”
Spencer stayed away from the others for the rest of the day, he worked through his files and stayed late catching up on some more. At least he still had the other morning to look forward to. It was refreshing to talk to someone who had nothing to do with this place, he enjoyed hearing about how excited she was about her subjects and teaching in general and he liked how different she was. She looked at life a little lighter and didn’t take herself too seriously, she was clumsy and nervous around him, which he thought was cute, normally that was him. He didn’t know why he reacted that harshly towards Garcia earlier, it just bothered him, he wanted to keep her away from this place, of course, they were his friends but he somehow felt like they were teasing him a little too much lately. He wasn’t just a kid anymore and she wasn’t just a girl. He knew he had only met her twice but it was different. He really didn't want to mess this up and he felt like his friends could get in his head sometimes.
Chapter 5
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