#and then evolved into um
kr1llz · 1 year
i dont know how to ask questions. but i now need to know everything about this au. any little scrap will do i just NEEDDDDD INFORMATIONNNNN
[sharp inhale] hi. fucking beams you
okay quick note: this is literally something thats been in my head for like 2 or 3 days if you see consistency issues ignore them bless. also for consistency purposes shadow has a higher concentration of chaos energy (bc i dont think this is ever said in any games but is just kinda implied)
the basic premise is that maria and shadow both survived the raid on the ARK and survived the fall to earth
Maria does still get injured and, in an attempt to heal her injuries, is able to use his own chaos energy to not only heal her, but more or less reverse the effects of NIDS at the cost of keeping his black arms traits completely at bay
additionally this extreme concentration effectively ruins his regulators, causing his issues with his black arms traits to be worse than they couldve been
With the reversal of her disease, Maria's lifespan and aging process is uh. kinda messed up, extending it by a pretty significant amount by making her aging process much slower
they go into hiding best they can and the 50 year timeskip that takes place in sa2 instead becomes time where they try and figure out 1. how the world works and 2. more about their past bc they were both kept in the dark about things while on the ARK (basically wtf was going on with shadows creation and why did GUN attack in the first place)
on the other hand, shadow experiences some mutations (third eye, sharper claws, increased amount of red quills/fur) and is more prone to violent episodes
these episodes are especially bad during their first few years on mobius but after awhile hes able to keep these episodes at bay much much better
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i also lied when i said i wouldnt post the art this entire post is the entire au as of right now so heres their (still kinda wip) modern designs
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this is where i havent thought things out as well but uhh BASICALLY maria hears about tails and how hes a genius and goes "huh. maybe this guy can help us but i have no clue on how to contact him"
this is also where things are very muddy but more or less shadow and sonic accidentally meet, maria finds them about to beat the shit out of eachother and offers sonic a meal as an apology
during this she tells shadow about tails and sonic goes "oh hey thats my brother :D" and there is no way to describe how they react in text so heres a doodle
as an agent for GUN, rouge is more or less the only true key they have to figuring everything out, so they have tails contact her (sonic and tails arent friends with her but its tails he has his ways) and she agrees to help them and uncover their past through some good ol spy work against gun, but says that theres a hefty price behind this work, that price being the chaos emeralds (this is her idea of being absurd and telling them that theres no way in hell she would do the job without being payed shittons of money) but they go "ok lol"
sonic tells tails about shadow and maria and how they want his help, and tails agrees
he does scans on the both of them and tells them exactly what happened to them all that time ago (marias disease being reversed, shadows glorified hormone imbalance) but says that he cant help with much else because he just. doesnt know enough about either of their conditions to really give any solid insight or advice but knows someone who might . this is where rouge comes in :}
this is where things kinda leave off bc like i said i thought of this like. three days ago LOL
right around this time the black arms invasion starts and through a series of events that i also havent thought out yet shadow gets like. partially assimilated into the hivemind
he still has his own conscious thoughts but cant control his actions, making him a threat
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walnutcookie · 5 months
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secretly a rat
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hungrykuroneko · 2 months
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New pokemon oc/sona ♥
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chibishortdeath · 7 months
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I was suddenly intensely compelled to draw Simon as a Pokémon trainer so this exists now d(•w• ).
I initially was going to make him a Dark type trainer since Dark is super effective against Ghost and most of what he hunts would fall under that I guess, also a lot of his designs have some similar color schemes as other Dark type things, BUT I realized that, surprisingly, Ghost actually fits wayyyyyy better. Ghost is also super effective against Ghost (I have always found this funny lol) and has both more Pokémon that make sense character wise as well as moves like “Curse”. Mimikyu’s whole thing is that it looks up to and wants to be just as adored as Pikachu and idk I think Simon would kinda vibe with that a lot. Also the whole Litwick line and like ya know Castlevania games and their candles, the chandeliers, it just fits. Simon’s Quest also has the Mysterious Woman who appears with the mist in a graveyard and may or may not be a ghost who helps Simon so that tracks too. He also just seems like he’d spend a lot of time hangin around in a cemetery idk how to explain that.
His design is mostly just an altered Simon’s Quest outfit, but I added elements of his other designs to it like bits of red in his hair, the cape from the manual drawings (and the smash bros teaser I guess lol), the fur and boots from Ayami’s design, a ripped skirt thing like the smash bros design (I’m sure other designs have had something similar too I just can’t think about which rn), the armband thingys and the headband from his NES cover and X68000 designs, etc etc. I imagine that he’d probably have the cape down most of the time and come off as a more brown focused design (I didn’t color them all the way cause I didn’t wanna get all my colored pencils out oof) and say things that kinda mislead the player into thinking he’s maybe a Fighting type trainer or something. Then when actually battling him he pushes the cape back and oh wow big reveal!
Yeah idk, this was fun tho. Maybe I’ll draw some other Belmonts as trainers too eventually, I have some ideas already hmmm. Also it is so so hard to remember what I have and have not posted here, especially since I know I’ve posted this elsewhere so I keep feeling like I’ve already written all of this before 。(゚´ω`゚)゚。. So if I’ve already posted something please tell me, my memory sucks most of the time and I’d greatly appreciate that!
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mantisgodsart · 6 months
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Pretend to be what you will, but under the light of the full moon, there's no more room for playing at civility (you are a monster, and you cannot control your nature)
#our art#bug fables#finished#watercolor#vi#wereweevil vi#werecreature#we use a specific paint for the eyes and claws and such here and it doesn't show in a still picture but it shimmers blue-green in the light#anyways. FUCKED UP BEAST!!!#this is for a cool & fun fic we've had in the works for um. uhh. (pause as we look at the date)#...actually don't worry about it we'll finish it eventually#wereweevil form draws inspiration from both mantids and wild boars!#we're going with the theory that weevils and primal weevils are NOT the same species#but rather different species entirely that tend to cohabitate and have some aesthetic similarities because of it#golden path weevils are a VERY altered form of weevils that have adapted very far from their original form over time#and primal weevils are a member of superorder dictyoptera split off from an ancestor like...#googling it suggests the common name we're familiar with is not actually common since it didnt bring up results but the wood mantis#but honestly it could either be a split from one of the Flat Fuck mantids or a roach w those raptorial forelegs#while golden path weevils have evolved specifically to eat seedlings and are most likely a split of acorn weevil#primal weevils are Something Else Entirely and have the “everything and the kitchen sink” diet of a roach#though they do prefer plumplings and have over time developed teeth specifically for cracking them open and eating them#their mutualistic relationship with golden path weevils stems from this: cracking open otherwise difficult plumpling prey for GP weevils#and receiving the benefits of a pack of allies for hunting more difficult prey in return#primal weevils are most likely an awakened species from what we've seen of canon but we doubt roaches would acknowledge them#as related much less potentially another form of roach#seeing as the roaches in game seem to be purely based on a handful of “pest” species and not the absolute wealth of roach species out there#that have unique adaptations or mimicry or anything of the like#we don't think they would take well to mimic roaches or anything of the like. also ties in to our hcs for levi.#if youre not one of the core species of roach then you dont get considered a “roach”. there are probably plenty of mimic roaches out there#just not acknowledged as Roaches because the Roaches bugarians are familiar with were a single culture with only a handful of species
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
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the way this was the last new image featuring daimeggle th o u g h
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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That White Shirt Ash in Perth
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wizardnuke · 5 months
god i cant tell a single irl that im starting to really like hozier. not like that i don't mean like that im kicking your ass if you say "the fae bog man" to my face im going to kill you. which is why i can't say that. to these college peers
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d4ddysbunny · 2 months
r u tatted?
FUCK YEA I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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iknaenmal · 11 months
ikna hwy are there monstres in yuor inbox?
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metagalacticx · 1 year
What is your favourite headcanon for Mason?
first of all thank you so much for asking 🥹🥹
i have so many but my head has been filled with only sad things regarding mason recently so here is one that makes me happy:
mason visits melissa and dr geyer at the hospital sometimes, and he brings them both dinner.
melissa is skeptical at first but dr geyer just smiles and claps mason on the shoulder, says thanks and that he’ll have it later. melissa accepts the container and is delighted that it’s not only edible but actually quite delicious.
"you don’t have to bring me dinner every week, you know," she says after the third wednesday night, the eighth night overall that mason’s dropped by with a container of food still warm from the stove.
"i know," he smiles, not making eye contact as they settle on the bench near the janitor’s closet. "just thought you could do with a healthy meal every once in a while."
melissa unwraps the fork and spoon mason always tucks into a napkin beside the rectangular, aluminum-wrapped tupperware container in the insulated lunch bag. when she tears away the foil and lifts the lid, steam rises from the serving of rice and chicken curry and steamed veggies. she side-eyes him, "at the hospital. where we definitely serve healthy meals."
"not according to nutrition facts dot org." then he adds belatedly at her raised brow, "i looked it up."
"well, whatever the reason… thank you. it’s nice to know that at least one of you boys won’t starve next year when you’re off to who-knows-where."
mason gives a timid shrug and tries to hide his widening smile. "corey can make sandwiches."
melissa brings a spoonful of rice to her mouth, tilts her head as if to say ‘fair’, before she swallows.
"liam…" mason squints over at one of the empty chairs on the other side of the lobby, bobs his head a few times . "liam has doordash. and ubereats."
melissa huffs a laugh around the food in her mouth.
mason finally meets her eyes and doesn’t hide his wide smile this time. he laughs with her. he thinks about scott and whether he’s managing to maintain a decent diet at UC Davis. their laughter peters out, and melissa looks like she might be wondering, too. or maybe she isn’t, and the oddly vulnerable look on her face is simply because here, in this moment, she’s happy to have someone sit with her while she eats. someone who doesn’t fill the silence with platitudes or demands for help. mason thinks he’s seen melissa at her most desperate— and he’s decided he likes her better when she’s not trying to remind scott he has to be brave. he likes her better when she’s not trying to get her son to internalise the oath she took at 23. mason loves hearing about how she decided to become a nurse, but he likes her so much more when she’s just here: smiling to herself while she scarfs down a meal that’s maybe too hot from the over-insulation, but that she never fails to praise. mason likes her so much better when she listens to him list all the recipes he wants to try, and looks him straight in the eyes when she says he should do it for a living. he even likes her when she threatens him never to drop by after 11pm, after that one night he stayed over at corey’s late and got to the hospital even later. mason never wants melissa to look that desperate again— and maybe he also doesn’t want her to remind scott to be brave. he doesn’t think it’s his place to say, because he still nods, "yes, mom," when his own mother reminds him he has to respect himself enough to try, even when he’s not sure what may come of his efforts, and that he has to respect his family enough to be good. to himself, to others. perspective is a hell of a thing. but he’s sure that one day she’ll realise that all she ever has to be is present. for her patients and her son. all scott ever has to be is present. for himself and his friends. neither of them has to take on the world. and neither of them should worry about what the world may think if their burdens are only feather-light. if their circles of control and their circles of concern are incongruent. mason maybe wants to believe that if melissa can let go of that load— to be a pillar, to pass her life in purity. then maybe mason can too.
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butchladymaria · 1 year
seeing the bots evolve in shallow imitation of actual tumblr usernames annoying as hell but also increasingly hilarious
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yes, tumblr user cheerybestiality8, i’m sure no one will spot you with that clever url…….
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cryptidm0ths · 1 year
Thisng that are being manifested : kaname changes state (preferably wakes up and maybe joins the cast) during the graduation events very quickly followed by himeru fs2 as they scramble to gather an understanding of themself to project outside of their self imposed role of HiMERU
#as moth ahs been saying to anyone who s willing to talk to thwm for more than 5 minutes um the only way for meru to significantly evolve in#their character arc is for kaname to not be in a coma as himeru is currently just stalling in the grieving process full of regrets that#they cant mourn for obvious reasons but they cant act anyway outside of the preset parameters of HiMERU just in case so they are stuck#they cant move on(?)#bc of the constant cloud of regrets and selfloathing/blame#and um while slowly watching them open up to crazy b is fun and all moth loves fictional characters in intenseemotional distress#and so with kaname waking up you get the relief of well kaname not being almost dead + a very direct callout of himerus plan being fucking#illogical and fueled by the worlds least healthy coping mechanism#+himeru not wanting to sacrifice the relationship theyve made with crazy b + but also just the whole mes s of youve been lying to us for a#year and the mixed feelings that come with that#and and and um moth is tired but majnly they just feel like meru is stalling in their development not really allowed to change almost just#survival instincts#oh and also if kaname dies idk it feels cheap almost like himeru and kanames relationship never gets fixed or atleast flattening out to a#more normal sibling dynamic#bc himeru regrets how they treated kaname and just need them to sort that out#god#moth is sorrybthey are rambling words have been difficult lately#hope this made sense as always#moth chitters#might delete later#oh this is vvvv himeru centric but honestly at this stage we can safely say teh si is specifically on himeru so no otehr characters exist#anyway the younger himeru sprite from obligato is wrong they re not a carbon copy of kaname and and mmm trust mlth they are happy elements
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pepprs · 1 year
not to be a pain-crazed wild animal. i KNOW i do this every time. but p*riods are so fucking crazy. like my cr*mps are so bad my body is trying to strangle itself but im awake and i need to be at work in 2 hrs and get thru an entire 9 hr workday as if im not in excruciating pain and im gonna bring my heating pad and my p*in r*lief cr*am if you catch my drift (💀) and i’ll need to use them DURING a busy day in which i will not see any other ppl who get periods in person and using them is gonna be a whole awkward thing. like omg. this is not fucking normal lol
#purrs#it is normal obviously. but it’s SO fucking frustrating like omfg the amount of time i lose every single month to being in pain like this#FOR NO REASON and like half the global population has to deal w that and it’s like it’s nothing. idk. despair and suffering and misery#delete later#menstruation tw#the thing that really gets me abt it is how my mom (ik i said i would stop complaining abt her on here but we have been fighting all month#LOL so im giving myself permission) gets so fucking pissed at me and my sister when we’re in too much pain to do chores bc she thinks we’re#being lazy / making excuses and then she compares us to o it brother like.. omg um YOU should know how painful this can be first of all and#second of all why would you even make that comparison when he doesn’t lose a third of his life to his body trying to tear itself apart! lol!#and yes i could work from home or calll out sick but consider: i am mentally illabout not being at work. which * is gonna be on my ass abt w#when they hear me say that bc i know im gonna make a whole awkward big deal abt my heating pad. UGHHHHH embarrassing lmaooooo#like why do people have REGULAR B*DILY F*NCTIONS!!!!! REGULAR!!!!!!! that REGULARLY put them in this amount of pain and we have to just deal#with that like it’s nothing and be discreet about and whatever. ew i sound like um… someone who cares too much abt stuff like this lol but I#im so mad abt it rn like oh my GOD can the pain just not be part of it can we just evolve to get rid of that or put structures in place in a#society for ppl to be more accepting / supporting / whatever of it. please please please please please#(also goes for more than just p*riods btw. like imagine if as a society we had things in place for ppl who are regularly in#chronic ​pain of any kind 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 what a world that would be 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 wow i sure hope it happens in my lifetime 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍)
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alectology-archive · 2 years
a question. does anybody remember when rand started entertaining the idea of killing the dark one?
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junior-pokeresearcher · 11 months
Imagine how cool it would be if Deerling and Sawsbuck changed typing depending on the seasons...
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