#this is summer. and people are getting their vaccinations.
crimsongrimoire · 1 year
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hi ive been sick so of course that means ive been thinking about kaeya being sick and sooo pathetic about it again
#crow.txt#kaeluc#genshin#snippets#fluff#slowly chipping away at this even more. Ugh#tbh the bulk of this was written like. last night and just now. i was letting the thoughts microwave with my weird intermittent fever#literally got two vaccines at once and got attacked by a secret third thing (the common cold for the first time in like 4 years)#it was somehow the best week i couldve picked to just COMPLETELY miss work apparently so its fine i guess#sidebote dont try to do taxes while sick. i didnt end up completing them but it was funny i even thought i was capable#is this comprehensivle is this legible idk i just want to make kaeya be miserable and forced to let someone take care of him abt it#that is soup for Me. in my Soul.#kaeya be like 'wtf treating me like a little kid' when he said he wanted to be taken care of in the summer event like 2 yrs ago#other people may have forgotten but i have Not i will Never. this man will complain about having adult responsibilities#and then when someone tries to take care of him or do things for him out of kindness hes like HAHA WAIT NOW HOLD ON-#little fool make up your mind. why are you so everything always#kaeya be like relying on someone for something under no guise of professional matters? in MY life? i dont think so#(diluc jean lisa and rosaria will remember this (and not let him get away with it))#and klee too but like shes little baby she doesnt even understand any of this and he would feel extremely mean rejecting kindness from#a little kid. so sometimes she brings him her funny little toast for breakfast and he says awwww thank you :)
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monotonous-minutia · 7 months
so for the last two years I went to see The Nutcracker live at my local performing arts center; but this winter COVID's been coming back with a vengeance in my city so I'm opting out. I'd still like to engage in it though and while I love the one I have saved on spotify I'd also like to watch it. does anyone have suggestions for a recording of a full performance of The Nutcracker that's on youtube or somewhere else online?
thanks in advance!
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transratsactivist · 1 year
in summer of 2021 i got my first shot of the covid vaccine in a rural vaccination centre. the person working there was very respectful and asked how to gender me correctly. it was a very small interaction but it stuck with me, especially after i got misgendered a bunch at my city's vaccination centre when i got shot #2. in summer of 2022 i talked with some people at a trans meet up and one of them told me that their transfem friend worked at that rural vaccination centre and had briefed the rest of the staff on trans identity. i have such a fondness for this trans stranger whose efforts impacted me in this small way and made my experience getting vaccinated a positive one. and it gives me hope that the work i do when i educate cis people around me might have a positive impact on trans people i will never meet
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mellifexfarm · 9 months
My flock has contracted Marek's Disease.
Since 2019, after I brought home Lyra and Wren, my flock has been a closed flock. Meaning I take biosecurity very seriously, and opted to not bring any new chickens in or allow other poultry-keepers access to the yard where they are kept. The only birds that were added from 2019 until now have been from hatching eggs. There are a select few diseases that can pass from mother to egg, but not Marek's.
But within the past few weeks one chicken displayed symptoms of leg weakness and became unable to walk. I brought them indoors and started treating for vitamin deficiency, since that is by far the most common cause of sudden lameness in poultry. But she didn't get better, and then Lyra started walking unsteadily, and I knew something else was wrong. I suspected something was wrong with my feed and sent off a sample to get tested for mycotoxins, and switched feeds, because I know a lot of people have had issues with that lately. But then one morning I found Moss deceased in the coop, and it all kind of went downhill from there.
Sebrights are known for having extremely low resistance to disease. They are very inbred. It is the reason I lost Kip to fowl pox when everyone else recovered fine. And why all but one (her unnamed cockerel "emo" son) of the members of my flock who are descended from Lyra are affected. But none of the other tiny breeds I have, Seramas or Kikirkis, are known for being particularly disease resistant either. So. I am extremely cautious at jumping the gun and saying they wont be effected.
I sent off Moss's body for a necropsy on monday and got the results today, September 29th.
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I do not know how this got into my flock. Our nextdoor neighbor got chickens a few months ago, but our birds don't have any direct contact. That is the only way I can think of.
There is a vaccine but it can only be administered to day old chicks. Vaccinating to prevent this was not an option.
It generally takes 4-10 weeks for the disease to develop after the chicken has been exposed, so it had to have been fairly recent. My flock has not been carrying this sub-clinically.
I genuinely don't know how this is going to go from here. There is no treatment for marek's disease. It is a virus. I have ordered a few herbal remedies with vague studies to back up some kind of efficacy helping reduce the damage the virus does and boost their immunity, but its mostly a crapshoot. The only good news I have with all this is that older birds are somewhat less likely to succumb to this disease. And the fact turkies and pigeons can't contract it.
The only birds displaying symptoms right now are Lyra, and Moss's unnamed pullet daughter.
Lyra is tentatively okay. I have crafted a sling for her, and she has been increasing in mobility over the last few days. She did not ever have full paralysis, so I am hopeful. Her daughter and Mouse, one of the younger keep-back pullets from this summers chicks, are the only casualties so far.
I'll be doing all that I can in terms of supportive care, but if any symptomatic birds get to the point I don't think they will recover from I will be euthanizing them. I will not be selling chickens anymore.
This disease has been a nightmare of mine for such a long time and now it is really happening. I am pretty crushed.
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thoughts-reasons · 2 years
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drchucktingle · 1 year
Question for you, Mr. Drchucktingle sir, and I apologize for being lazy and not searching for the answer myself, but do you have an anthology of your stories that can be bought or should I just go out and start piecing what I can find together to form my own collection? I am interested in getting more familiar with your work before I get my copy of Camp Damascus in the summer and would love a good starting place.
yes bud there are a LOT of anthologies you can get but i will say FIRST THINGS FIRST if you would like to get to know the tingleverse before reading camp damascus you should read STRAIGHT which is chucks first horror novella (camp damascus is full novel)
When a strange tear in the cosmos appears within Earth’s annual path, the consequences are disastrous. For one night a year, the vast majority of humans now undergo a frightening mental change, transforming into hateful, rage-fueled zombies who will stop at nothing to satiate their desire for brutality.
While not much is understood about this horrific mass hysteria, the demographic it effects is very specific: cisgender straight people.
A few years after the first of these tragic events, four friends from across the queer spectrum look for safety in solitude, hunkering down in a remote desert cabin for what is now known as Saturation Day. With a vaccine available for straight people to curb their violent episodes, some predict the worst is over. Others aren’t so sure.
As night falls, it becomes clear that survival isn’t guaranteed this Saturation Day.
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the tingleverse is a stack of realities surrounded by THE VOID and this stack is infinite, but close realities share certain properties and ideas. so chucks erotica takes place in the ROMANCE TINGLEVERSE and the horror takes place in the HORROR TINGLEVERSE these are just reality clusters along the larger stack. so really you would not need to read the erotica or romance to understand the horror stack however if you look very very closely you could find some little easter eggs.
anyway if you still want to read chucks EROTICA TINGLEVERSE i will put some collections below
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there are more collections than this but i think it is a good starting place. LOVE IS REAL BUCKAROO
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kingdomvel · 1 month
Obikin au inspired by stardew valley where Anakin has inherited a farm and decided to take care of it and Obi-Wan is the town’s doctor.
This is: Farmer Anakin gets his health check-up.
Anakin tries to ignore it. He smiles, politely and then powerwalks away from the clinic. He tends to walk in front of it on his way to the shop where he buys his seeds or arranges to sell his product. Always parking his truck where the clinic is in his path. Always hoping to catch a glimpse of the hot doctor that lives and works in the house.
He had not expected Obi-Wan to acknowledge him with more than a polite smile, and that is he even saw him because even if the town is small, Obi-Wan does have people to attend, so Anakin can only see him when there are no patients and the weather is warm, sitting at his porch with a book, a newspaper or learning the newest medicine breakthroughs. Sometimes so focused on his readings that he doesn’t even notice Anakin walking past him – and those days are the best, because Anakin can gawk at him as much as he wants, slowing down his pace so he has a few more seconds of looking at the most handsome man Anakin has seen in his life.
On a normal day, even if Obi-Wan sees him, they don’t exchange more than a polite smile and greeting but today, today, Obi-Wan had said his name just as he was approaching the clinic, and Anakin is sure he blushed, so he is trying to hide it by walking away as fast as he can.
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan’s voice says again, and he sounds close, and he shouldn’t sound close, not when Anakin is walking away at the speed he is, unless Obi-Wan has gotten up from his place and-
A hand on Anakin’s arm stops him from going further, and when he turns around there Obi-Wan is, a bit out of breath, a quick smile on his lips as he says his name again - and Anakin thinks that he could fall in love from that alone – before he squeezes Anakin’s arm and lets it go.
“I’m sorry for stopping you like this when you obviously have things to do.” Obi-Wan says, as if Anakin had anything better to do than talk with him, as if the only reason Anakin didn’t stop, didn’t spend all his time trying to speak with the doctor, was because he is embarrassed about his crush and about acting like a fool in front of him (or at least that’s the reason since Obi-Wan had to drive him home after he had found him almost passed out in a field because he didn’t take enough water with him). “But I was thinking that you’ve been here for five months already,” of course Obi-Wan remembers exactly when Anakin arrived, as if he needed more reasons to fall for him, “and you have not really come to see me at the clinic, and because of what happened-“ Anakin tries not to die of mortification at the mention of the incident, “I think it would be good if you came for a check-up. When is the last time you went for one?”
“Uhhh…” Anakin says, eloquently, because he doesn’t know how to tell the concerned and perfect doctor that the last time he had talked to a doctor for something health related since he had his last paediatrician check-up was when Obi-Wan himself had lectured him about keeping hydrated and away from the sun in summer.
“Right” Obi-Wan says, because he must understand Anakin’s lack of an answer. “I regularly do check-ups for everyone in town, so whenever you feel ready for one, just come over and I will see you. We could even do it now if you are not in much of a rush?”
And then Obi-Wan smiles, and there’s a hopeful look in his eyes, and what is Anakin supposed to do? Say no?
“Are you up to date with your vaccines?” Obi-Wan asks, sitting at his desk, Anakin on sitting on the other side, answering all of Obi-Wan’s questions so the doctor can have a record of his medical history.
“As far as I know, yes.”
“Farms are dangerous places, you can get all kinds of infections. Your animals are also vaccinated?”
“Of course, they see the doctor more than I do.” Anakin tries to joke, but Obi-Wan purses his lips before a small smile appears on his face, “we are trying to fix that now, aren’t we?” Obi-Wan looks down over to the questionnaire on his hands, ticks something with his pen before he points to the next question. He looks up to Anakin before asking, “sexual partners in the last year?”
Anakin tries not to choke on his own breath, his heart accelerating on his chest. “No” he answers, and Obi-Wan looks mildly surprised, and oh coming out of his lips. And Anakin realises he had expected a number.
“Okay, I think that is everything for now.” The doctor mercily says, and Anakin lets out a sigh of relief. “You can sit on the stretcher now, I will check your vitals.”
Anakin obeys, and Obi-Wan puts a cuff around his arm and the metal part of his stethoscope under it. It goes too fast, Anakin focused on the way Obi-Wan’s arm flexes when he inflates the thing on his arm with the small ball, on the attentive look on his face as he listens to his pulse while looking at the numbers, on how close he is.
“Alright” Obi-Wan says all too soon. He takes everything off of Anakin and notes the numbers down on his clipboard. “I’d like to listen to your heart now.” He says, and stays seated in front of Anakin. None of them move for a few seconds, until Obi-Wan adds “I’d be easier if you took your shirt off.”
“Unless you are not comfortable, I can do it with it on if you prefer.”
“No, no, it’s alright.” Anakin rushes to take his shirt off, because Obi-Wan is being so nice to him, and he doesn’t want to make his job harder. He just had imagined that if he ever got the chance to be shirtless in front of Obi-Wan it would be in a very different context.
Anakin takes a sharp breath when the cold metal circle touches his skin, and Obi-Wan takes it away immediately.
“Sorry, it’s very cold.” He brings it up to his face and exhales on it before he puts it against his own arm while Anakin watches him mesmerized. “I should have warned you, I think it will be a bit better now.”
He puts it back against Anakin’s chest and it’s better now, and Anakin feels a bit out of his body because Obi-Wan is standing right next to him and he puts his other hand on Anakin’s naked back. The skin to skin contact makes Anakin straighten his back against the hand, and there is just no way Obi-Wan didn’t hear his heart jump.
“Your heart rate is a bit too fast.” Obi-Wan says, and Anakin is sure he will not set foot on the town, much less near the clinic, in the next few months. “Do hospitals make you nervous? It’s alright, we will be done before you know it.”
Anakin doesn’t deny it, because the other option is confessing that he doesn’t get nervous in hospitals, only around hot doctors that treat him with care and have the most beautiful blue eyes he has ever seen. Obi-Wan moves the metal thing around, and then puts it on his back and tells Anakin to take deep breaths. When he leans around to Anakin’s back, Obi-Wan’s chest touches Anakin’s shoulder and arm. It’s an innocent touch, it shouldn’t mean anything, but Anakin’s breath catches. He had never been so close to Obi-Wan – except the time he almost passed out, but Anakin doesn’t remember that very clearly – and it’s doing something to him. He can feel his body heat, he can smell him. All too soon, as Obi-Wan had promised, he is done and pulling away. Putting the stethoscope around his neck and telling Anakin he can put his shirt back on.
“You seem very healthy.” Obi-Wan says, and Anakin knew that but he will admit he liked the check-up, even if only to get Obi-Wan so close to him that he could smell his soap. “but please, come visit me if anything happens, doesn’t matter how silly you think it may be.”
“I will” Anakin promises.
“And I’d like it if you brought your vaccine record, I’d like to check for myself that everything is in order.”
“I will ask my mother to send it to me and I’ll bring it.” And then he will have an excuse to talk to the doctor again. Maybe worrying about his health is not that bad.
“That will be fantastic. Now I’m sure you had a lot of things to do that I kept you from.” Obi-Wan says while walking him to the door. That means Anakin has to go, and he is not very happy to, he finds.
“Thank you” he remembers to say before he leaves.
“There’s no problem, please, come visit me whenever you like.” Obi-Wan says with a smile before he closes the door.
Anakin stays there, staring at the door, before he turns to continue his way to the store. He puts his hands on his face and groans because he is a fool. A fool in love.
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elessarwanderer · 4 months
Why have there been 48 mass shootings in 45 days and I’ve only heard about one. Why are people not masking when the effects of Covid are compounding with each infection. Why did the cdc reduce the Covid isolation period to one day. No sickness has a fucking one day isolation period. Why is our tax money going basically exclusively towards the military. Why is there a massive sign in Boston Logan airport that says NO WEAPONS with a picture of a gun crossed out in red. Why are teachers in Florida getting punished for respecting trans kids. Why do I have the same amount of Covid anxiety as almost four years ago. Why is a summer camp for chronically ill and disabled kids not requiring Covid vaccines or masks anymore. Why has every single day of 2024 been the hottest average temperature on record. And on and on and fucking on.
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AITA for taking over my brother’s dog?
Back in 2018, my(28F) older brother(33) moved back home with us (me, parents, and younger brother) due to losing his apartment. He had brought with him his longhair dachshund (11M) who was still intact and had marking issues. My brother stayed with us for about 2 months, during which time I paid for a vet visit for the dog so his vaccinations could be updated and be eligible for a city license. My older brother would often go away for a day or two at a time, where I assumed full responsibility for the dog while he was away. My brother’s actual leave was abrupt, as he said he was going to a friends for the weekend and then just. Never came back. He texted me every now and then to ask how the dog was, but made no effort/gave no impression that he would come back for him.
This dog essentially became mine. I fed him, he slept in my bed, I paid for vet and grooming appointments (including a long overdue neutering, which did clear up the indoor peeing), and he kept me company. When the Covid Pandemic started in 2020, my older brother moved back in with us that May. While the dog was excited to see my brother after so long, he still slept with me and kept to the care schedule that I introduced. Because 5 people under one roof was too much for me to handle, I applied for a home loan and bought my own place. I was moved out in late spring of 2022 and I took the dog with me.
After I moved out, my brother started texting me at a higher frequency than before about how the dog was and when he could see him again. Due to other factors I don’t personally get along with my brother, and kept my return contact to a minimum. When he finally got his own apartment again that same summer, he was aggressively insistent that I return “his” dog. With how much emotional and monetary investment I had at this point, I refused and stated that I was taking care of him now. His constant attempts to demand the dog back lead me to block him and fully cut off contact. When it is Time, I will contact him so he can say his goodbyes to the dog, but I intend to never see or speak to my older brother again.
What are these acronyms?
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 months
Hey, what are your thoughts on the whole 'Qrow is Ruby's father' theory? Genuine answer, please.
Okay, let's look at it this way.
We all know vaccines don't cause autism. But anti-vaxxers repeatedly claim its a lie, a conspiracy, and refuse to listen to the CDC.
We all know the earth is round, not flat. But flat-earthers refuse to listen to NASA and treat it as a conspiracy.
How does that relate to Qrow theorists?
Monty Oum said, before Volume 2 Chapter 6? That Ruby and Yang are half-sisters. Not Step-Sisters. Half-sisters.
What do the "Monty's vision" and Qrow theorists say? "Monty meant step-sisters" "Monty was hiding the truth" "CRWBY has already retconned Adam Taurus and the show, so they should retcon this" "Monty is dead, so M&K don't have to follow this"
The very man that RWBY Critics put on a pedestal and claim to be some man whose work was ruined, but everything that comes out his mouth or tweets gets ignored and despised.
Yang talks about how Summer and Tai raised Ruby and Yang together as kids. Qrow theorists: "Yang was too young, her memory is spotty" "Qrow gave Ruby to Tai to raise after Summer's death" They literally ignore EVERYTHING that Yang said. Eruptionfang , the biggest Adam Taurus dickrider, made specifically suer to completely ignore the entire scene in his theory video which made sure to try to paint Monty as a liar.
Tai reads a bedtime story to Ruby and Yang about the Warrior in the Woods?
"Its not canon" "It was after Summer's death, so here's how Qrow can still be Ruby's father"
Now...how about specific things in question.
A girl named Anna masters was so in love with the theory, that when evidence disproving the theory came about, she used the R-Slur.
Another girl, Rose, kept claiming it was monty's vision, but when the mods of the facebook group showed her monty's tweet? And showed her that she could NOT use "Monty's vision" to support her claim? She started badmouthing Monty....because that's what Qrow theorists are like.
A third girl I dealt with happened to be a member of the WomenforVic movement of the vic micnogna defenders.
She had managed to get Vic Micnogna to say "Ruby, I am your father" at her camera, and she used that to claim that anything monty said was meaningless because Qrow's va , at the time, did a joke.
When Miles Luna shut down the theory on reddit and claimed that Qrow was a role model and father figure, but NOT ruby's father in any way shape or form?
The Qrow theorists immediately showed their true colors by doing mental gymnastics trying to twist Miles' words, or flat out calling him a liar and claiming that he was "Ruining monty's vision"
Anti-vaxxers. Flat Earthers. and Qrow theorists.
For these people, truth is not what is actually true. Truth for these people is what they decide to be true.
They reject reality, and substitute their own.
And if you try to show them that they're wrong, they hate you and call you toxic or other unsavory names, because these people wish to keep their delusions. They find their delusions better than reality.
Its the same way Adam Taurus fanfic writers get furious because their headcanons that they decided was somehow the actual show was debunked by the actual show. So they claim it was a retcon or character assassination.
Just ask these theorists about their thoughts of Qrow being Bi for Clover? Their responses will be full of bigotry.
But at the end of the day? There is no god. Vaccines do not cause autism. The earth is not flat. And Qrow is not and never will be Ruby's Father.
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cascowriteswords · 1 year
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hi everyone 👋 i wrote something  [[the one where i found this in my google docs from months and months ago and finally finished it and accidentally created a teeny tiny fwb au]]
“Is this why you invited me over?”
Lexa humphs. She tries to take her phone back from Clarke’s grabby little hands but no luck; Clarke uses her shoulder to block her, shoulders rounding as she leans over the phone possessively like Gollum with a ring. 
“It’s not, but - oh, wow, Lex. These are - these are really bad.” Clarke can barely get her words out around the laughter bubbling up from her chest. Lexa’s ears burn and her cheeks pink as she collapses back against the couch, half wishing the cushion would just swallow her whole. She crosses her arms and tucks her chin against her sternum, the definition of sulking while Clarke ridicules her dating profile. She swipes through profile pictures - the main one with Lexa proudly holding an 8lb bass she’d caught last summer, the next of her locked in an arm-wrestling match with Anya, another posing with Lincoln’s golden retriever puppy in the middle of a baseball diamond. 
Lexa thought the pictures were good, making her look attractive and showcasing some of her personality - outdoorsy, athletic, good with animals. 
Clarke apparently doesn’t share her opinion. 
“The fish pictures. What is it with the fish pictures? I thought it was a straight white boy thing but. Well, you don’t quite fit that bill.“ 
“I’ve gotten a lot of matches and compliments on my pictures, thanks. Especially on the one with the bass. Can I have my phone back now?”
“Yeah, I see that. Hm, here - Kylie Jones. Has a boyfriend but wants to experiment if you can be discreet. She’s excited to have found a lesbian that isn’t so ‘butchy’ - her words, definitely not mine. And then Dana Walters, who has a Let’s Go Brandon t-shirt on in her profile pic. Really reeling in the all-around 10s I can see.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Lexa lurches forward and catches Clarke by surprise enough to wrest her phone out of her hands. She promptly hits the lock button and slips it back into her pocket. “They’re not all like that. I’ve gotten plenty of perfectly nice, fully vaccinated girls replying too.”
“Why are you even on Tinder?” Clarke changes her line of questioning. “I’ve never heard of anything good coming from it. People just use it to hook up.”
Lexa shrugs. “Maybe that’s all I’m looking for. I’m not searching for love.” 
Because she’s already found it. She exchanges a meaningful look with Clarke, who undoubtedly picks up on her unspoken thought. But Clarke had told her she isn’t ready to be with anyone, not yet. 6 months ago. And Lexa’s willing to wait - she knows that Clarke’s ex-boyfriend had cheated on her and understands that she isn’t ready to jump back into dating right away. But she’s also human and has needs and 6 months is a long time. So, Tinder.
Clarke looks thoughtful. She keeps staring at Lexa and Lexa stares back, not quite sure why her heart is beating a little faster in her chest. “So you’re just looking for meaningless sex? No strings attached?” 
“Yeah, I guess.”
“I can do that.” Clarke looks completely serious but Lexa’s certain she must be joking. She’d rejected her when she'd asked her out on a date all those months ago and they’ve been platonic friends ever since, and now this? She’s offering sex? Cannot compute. “You don’t need to go out and meet these random strangers. That doesn’t sound safe, or fun.”
Lexa can think of a dozen reasons that’s a horrible idea, starting with the fact that she’s in love with Clarke and Clarke is not in love with her. It’s a recipe for a disaster. “Uh, it’s nice of you to offer but -” 
“Are you horny right now?” Clarke interrupts, effectively shutting Lexa up. “Because if I’m honest you’ve been driving me nuts in those jeans all day.” Her eyes rake up and down Lexa’s body and Lexa swallows, mouth suddenly dry. Clarke’s hand is on her knee now and she isn’t sure how or when it got there. 
“Clarke, we really shouldn’t,” she says, but she’s unable to keep the hitch out of her breath when Clarke scoots a little closer, slides her hand a little higher. It could be a trick of the light but it looks like her pupils have gotten bigger, infiltrating normally-blue territory. 
“You don’t want to?”
“You know I do,” Lexa laments. “It’s just that -”
“Feelings. I know,” Clarke sighs. She’s rubbing circles over the faded denim covering Lexa’s inner thigh now, absentmindedly. “So you’d really rather fuck some stranger?”
“Not at all,” Lexa admits. “But…” 
“Maybe it would be easier than you think. To separate the physical from feelings?” Clarke suggests. Lexa’s pretty sure sex would just compound her feelings. She bites her lip, torn and uncertain. Her heart and her body want one thing but her head is warning her against it. “Okay. Okay, I’ll stop pushing, I’m sorry. I’m being an asshole. You said no.” Clarke says, smiling in a sweetly apologetic way. She pulls away and returns to her separate space on the couch, sighing, looking adorably flustered. 
Flustered because she wants Lexa. Fuck. And Lexa wants her. So what are they even doing, sitting here feeling tortured? Her resolve breaks quickly. “Okay,” she says. Clarke’s eyes snap up to meet hers, full of question. “I know you said you’re not ready for a relationship right now, but if you feel like you’re ready to sleep together then we can try -”
Clarke is across the couch and in Lexa’s lap so quickly it almost knocks the wind out of her. Lexa had thought she was the only one pining and wanting and lusting after her best friend but despite Clarke’s rejection, she seems equally as desperate and frantic as she crushes her lips to Lexa’s. And fuck, it’s even better than Lexa had imagined it would be. Clarke’s lips taste like her vanilla chapstick and she winds her fingers through Lexa’s hair and Lexa has never felt so consumed by a kiss. So wholly unable to think of anything else, her pulse fluttering wildly as her hands find and settle on Clarke’s hips. Clarke reacts to the touch and grinds down and Lexa is briefly embarrassed by the moan that flies out of her mouth, until Clarke mumbles, “Fuck, that’s so hot,” against her lips. She nips at Lexa’s lower lip then, pulling it between her teeth and biting down just hard enough to sting, eliciting another moan. 
Lexa normally prefers to maintain a little bit more control during sexual encounters, but with Clarke in her lap kissing her furiously and rocking her hips she finds herself more than willing to relinquish some control. Things move fast and slow simultaneously from there, time blurring as they lose themselves in one another, all roaming hands and hungry mouths. After an indeterminate amount of time Clarke reaches down and deftly undoes the button of Lexa’s jeans. Following a quick check-in to which Lexa very quickly consents, Clarke slips her hand under the elastic of Lexa’s underwear and runs her fingers through her, finding her already slick with anticipation. 
“Fuck, Clarke,” Lexa gasps at the sensation, hips jerking involuntarily. 
“I’ve got you,” Clarke murmurs softly, stilling long enough that Lexa opens her eyes, not quite remembering when she’d shut them in the first place. She’s not prepared for what she sees; the softness in Clarke’s eyes as they search hers, the lust and want clear in them but also something…else. Something she can’t quite put her finger on, and she doesn’t have time because Clarke starts moving again and renders her incapable of thinking of anything other than how fucking good that feels. 
“I’ve got you,” Clarke says again, before leaning back in to swallow Lexa’s groans.
Lexa is fucked - literally and figuratively. Because the more Clarke says that, and the more Clarke keeps touching her like that, the more she realizes that ready for her or not, she’s already very much Clarke’s.
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Hi! I'm a 3rd year undergrad studying Microbiology and Chemistry (currently doing vaccine research on a few bacterial pathogens!). I've been following you for a while now and I was just wondering what your science journey has looked like! I'm looking into grad school at the moment (hoping to get a PhD someday) and I was just curious what your path was like. How was your undergrad experience? Did you do research? Have you changed your career/interests in biology at all? Did you go straight from undergrad to grad school? Do you experience imposter syndrome (and how do you deal with it)? Etc etc etc. I know some of these are quite personal so please don't feel pressured to answer! Just curious about other people's paths to becoming successful scientists.
I started my undergrad in general science, thinking I would do chemistry or biochemistry. Turns out I was way more into genetics and evolution than squiggle molecules and chunky carbon so I changed schools to specialize in ecology and evolution. I did a few research projects as an undergrad and worked as a summer field hand. The lab I worked for lured me into ecology because mountains. I fell in love with field work and applied for grad school in an aquatic ecology lab. How I decided on aquatic ecology is another funny story.
Originally I wanted a PhD but very quickly realized I had zero desire to work in academia and an MSc made way more sense for my career goals. I defended last year and got a short term government position, followed by being hired in the lab I did my degree in.
I did start grad school immediatly after my undergrad but if I could go back I would have taken a year to work and rest instead (but Covid had a lot to do with that).
I've changed my career goals a lot and am currently considering pursuing a scientific communications career after this research position.
I deal with imposter syndrome everyday but I've got lots a therapy tools to deal with it now.
This is a very short answer to a long question so feel free to message me if you want to chat more!
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the-final-sif · 1 year
If you're sexually active and queer, have HIV and/or are a sex worker, please get vaccinated for mpox
Queer people (specifically amab people having sexual with amab people) with more than one sexual partner, people with HIV and sex workers are at much higher risk of catching mpox, it's really important to help get this population vaccinated as we're starting to see cases in the US. Mpox can spread through several kinds of close contact, but sex tends to be the most risky.
MPOX Vaccines are free, they're safe, and they help protect not only you, but everyone around you too. The link above provides resources for finding vaccines in the US, please go check it out.
You need two doses to be fully protected (4 weeks apart), but even just the first dose can do a lot to help protect you. Partial protection is better than nothing, and
If you're heading out to pride events, drag events, clubs, etc, any events where you could have sexual or skin to skin contact with possibly infected strangers, then get vaccinated before you go. If you're not sure if you're at risk, go get vaccinated anyways.
Again, vaccination is free, and it's the best tool we have to prevent severe outbreaks.
If you suspect you may have mpox, please get in contact with your local health department so they can get you tested and give you further guidance for what you need to do.
If you're organizing pride events, consider sending out messages encouraging attendees to get vaccinated prior to the event, or even talk to your local health department/hospital about setting up a vaccination station at the event!
Right now cases in the US are scattered, but vaccination rates are low and many people only got partial protection last summer during the outbreak. Let's keep the case count low by getting vaccinated and spreading awareness so people can stay safe!
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I still mask up any time I am out in public, happily, willingly, and I don’t go out in public unless necessary. I have seen what COVID does (people close to me, and medical reports, etc.) and I have thankfully avoided it so far and continue to vaccinate.
I do, however, work outdoors now in hard physical labor. I have a past with asthma and lung scarring too. It wasn’t bad when I worked retail and I double masked then. The few times I have had to work during the summer masked up outdoors was miserable and it felt like I was having trouble breathing.
But I still want to and actively try to be COVID conscious.
Is it wrong of me to want to work outdoors without my mask, or when walking to my car?
My anxiety, and neurodivergence makes me feel really bad about not masking any time because I know how serious it is. But I also struggle while wearing a mask at work for breath and body control.
I might just be seeking validation on this, you are welcome to not answer, no worries.
Thank you, though, for having this forum available and I hope you are doing well! 😷
Hello, thank you for this ask! This ask was sent monnnths ago, so I wanna thank you for your patience! I hope you're able to see this, and I hope you're doing well too! 😷
I think subconsciously I pulled away from wanting to answer this because I didn't want to take on the role of someone that's deeming anyone as "right" or "wrong" for something as complex as this. But I want to come back to this now because I tend to get questions like this a lot, and I feel like I have some capacity to respond now. If anyone has something they want to add on in response to this question, feel free to share!
I'm not going to answer this in a "you're right"/"you're wrong" kind of way, because that feels too black & white. I think it's absolutely fair that if you're living with asthma & lung scarring that makes breathing with a mask a struggle that you'd wish you could just work physical labor without a mask altogether. I think that's a reasonable thought process to have when your body feels like it's constantly in pain. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, and that (presumably) there's no system in place to keep you safe when you do have moments like this (i.e. other people masking around you to minimize the risk of catching covid or other airborne viruses).
I do encourage you to keep on masking. It's worth it for your long-term well-being especially with the possibility of covid worsening your conditions.
I don't know the kind of mask you usually wear, but I know that N95s are commonly said to be comfortable to breathe in. The kind of mask you wear can make a world of a difference in one's comfort & breathing capabilities. If you'd like recommendations let me know! Other folks are welcome to make recommendations too!
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charliejaneanders · 1 year
No one can reasonably expect us to get to the point where things look exactly like they did in 2019. That’s just not the world we live in. But we did, for instance, show how good things could get when a majority of the population was freshly vaccinated and people were still taking behavioral precautions. We still haven’t gotten back to summer 2021 lows, when you adjust for the infection-mitigation and treatment tools we didn’t have then that we do have now. I think if people were more willing to stay up to date on their vaccines and to mask as needed, we would be in a better place.
The Pandemic’s Next Test
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I have traveled to more than 25 countries, territories and regions (that should be technically considered countries). I have dealt with straight up racism traveling abroad, though the levels vary. Sometimes it’s staring, other times it’s hair touching or rude questions and comments. Most of the time it is Islamophobia that gets me stopped in the airport.
Yup, you heard that right.
I was born in a Muslim country and was later adopted by an American couple. My biological family is Muslim as far as I can tell. And I have Kazakhstan listed in my passport as country of origin. Which means I have gotten stopped in most airports for some reason or another. I was once pulled aside for a full body search in Hong Kong. When I was 8 years old. When I travel, I carry copies of my Kazakh birth certificate, American birth certificate, passport, whatever visas and travel/vaccination documents I need, because I have been stopped in transit because of these documents at some point in time.
I am somewhat protected by my dad’s last name, which is a somewhat common Norwegian last name, especially in America. The first time I traveled abroad solo was the first time I had to take into consideration how visibly Jewish I wanted to be. I didn’t bring my copy of “Ashkenazi Herbalism” to Türkiye, because my mom was worried I would get stopped and searched in the airport (like I normally do). I also left my hamsa with Hebrew on it at home for the same reason. I also took into consideration how queer I wanted to present myself. So I took my pronouns down from my social media accounts.
I am preparing to go to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan this summer, and I’m running through the same list of questions. Do I keep my brightly dyed hair? Do I leave my hamsa and Magen David at home? Do I take down anything on my social media that screams queer Jew?
I know some of this is just my anxiety talking, because I have traveled for the last 20 years with very little serious issues. I can brush off casual comments about my “not quite Chinese eyes” (actual quote from a guy on my team in Türkiye) or the typical questions about where I’m “really from”. It has to be a real good insult for me to take it seriously, because I grew up in a fairly toxic school environment. So I’m sure I’ll be fine, especially since two months of this trip, I will be very far away from modern civilization. The only people I have to worry about are the people I’ll be living with during that time and I can handle American racism and stupidity.
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