The Fault in Our Subtext: Problems with John Green’s Love Story
The Fault in Our Subtext: Problems with John Green’s Love Story
For my Disability and The Media Class, I wrote an essay critiquing The Fault In Our Stars after reading it in 2022. Please note: I am not a disabled writer. I am writing this based off of the materials and theories learned in the classroom. Please listen to disabled voices first and foremost when it comes to this story and all stories.
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My Name-a-Thon TBR
Hello everyone! A couple weeks ago, I posted an announcement post about Name-a-Thon (if you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out! ). It’s the day before the readathon begins, and I have finally created my TBR! For the sake of the readathon, I decided to use my first full name which is ‘Olivia’! I think six books is just the right amount for me, and I ended up choosing books outside of the typical…
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I Went to Seven Bookstores in Two Days: My NYC Bookstore Tour + Haul
I Went to Seven Bookstores in Two Days: My NYC Bookstore Tour + Haul
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! This past weekend, I went to New York for a quick day trip with my mom. Normally when I go to New York, I see a Broadway show (or two). However, since Broadway is still shut down, my mom and I decided to fit as many bookstores as humanly possible in our day and a half trip into NYC. Stop #1: The Drama Book Shop Our first stop had to be The Drama…
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The Name-a-Thon: Announcement + Meet The Hosts!
The Name-a-Thon: Announcement + Meet The Hosts!
Surprise! I made a readathon! I have been wanting to host a readathon for a while, and I am so thrilled to be hosting a really lowkey readathon with my dear friend and roommate, Olive! You’ll meet her more later on in the post, I think it’s time to get into the basics and how you can get involved! The Basics This is a month long readathon (from July 1–July 31 EST) dedicated to your name! The…
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Majoring in Publishing: My Experience as a WLP Major at Emerson College
Majoring in Publishing: My Experience as a WLP Major at Emerson College
If you’ve been following me for a while (or even just briefly glanced at my Twitter), you probably know I am a Writing, Literature, and Publishing (‘WLP’) major with a concentration in Publishing at Emerson College. I am about to go into my third year, and I’ve been wanting to write a blog post detailing my experience in my specialized major. This post is specifically going to be focused on my…
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Summer 2021 Reading + Blogging Goals
Summer 2021 Reading + Blogging Goals
Hello everyone! Long time, no talk! I hope you are all doing well, and you’re staying healthy (maybe even vaccinated!). I was going through some of my older blog posts, and I came across a post I made about a year ago where I talked about some of my reading/blogging goals for summer 2020. It was really fun reflecting on the goals I achieved and the ones I utter flopped at (yikes). Regardless, I’m…
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Blog Tour: Libertie by Kaitlyn Greenidge {Book Spotlight}
Blog Tour: Libertie by Kaitlyn Greenidge {Book Spotlight}
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy (maybe even getting vaccinated!). In today’s post, I am so thrilled to be working with Algonquin Young Readers for the blog tour of LIBERTIE by Kaitlyn Greenidge! LIBERTIE has been has been included in “Best Books” roundups from The New York Times, The Washington Post, Oprahmag.com, Time.com, PopSugar, Book Riot and more! It has…
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Six Asian-Owned Bookstores to Support ASAP
Six Asian-Owned Bookstores to Support ASAP
In the past year and a half, violence against Asian Americans has been on a steady increase in the United States. Most recently, the shooting in Atlanta that killed eight people, six of whom were Asian. If you click this link here, it will take you to a carrd with resources and places to donate to support the AAPI community. I heavily encourage you to check it out and donate/support where you…
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January February Wrap Up
January February Wrap Up
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well + staying healthy in the first two months of 2021! I have had a very busy and emotional past month or so (and school is whooping my butt this semester), but I am VERY ready for spring and warm weather! I have not had the chance to wrap up my reading months for 2021 so far, so I decided to do it in one grand post like this! In total, I’ve read nine…
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My Life in Books Book Tag
My Life in Books Book Tag
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Last July (lol), I was tagged in the “My Life in Books” Book Tag by Cielo at Bellerose Reads. Today, I’m finally sitting down and answering these questions! Let’s get started! 1. Find a book for each of your initials I decided to make this more of a challenge for myself, so I did my full name instead of just Liv! On The Come Up by Angie…
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EVERY BODY LOOKING by Candice Iloh {ARC Review}
EVERY BODY LOOKING by Candice Iloh {ARC Review}
I received EVERY BODY LOOKING from Penguin Teen in exchange for review. This in no way impacts my opinion or overall review. EVERY BODY LOOKING by Candice Iloh Publication: September 22, 2020 Genre: YA Contemporary (Written in Verse) Page Count: 416 pages Format: Psychical ARC from Penguin Teen Rating: ★★★★ Every Body Looking is a debut novel in verse in the style of Elizabeth Acevedo and…
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Blog Tour: How to Build a Heart by Maria Padian {Book Spotlight}
Blog Tour: How to Build a Heart by Maria Padian {Book Spotlight}
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! On today’s post, I am so thrilled to be working with Algonquin Young Readers for the blog tour of HOW TO BUILD A HEART by Maria Padian! It’s received so many wonderful reviews since it’s been released, and I can’t wait to tell you about this wonderful novel! One young woman’s journey to find her place in the world as the carefully separated strands…
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Thirteen Anticipated Book Releases of 2021
Thirteen Anticipated Book Releases of 2021
Hello everyone! Happy February! I hope you are all staying safe and staying healthy as we continue into 2021! One of the best parts about starting a new year is looking ahead at all of the WONDERFUL book releases coming out in the upcoming year, and that’s what we’re about to do today! Keep your credit card handy because I know you’ll want to preorder all of these! Let’s get started (in order of…
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Books I'm Bringing With Me to College (Spring 2021 Edition)
Books I’m Bringing With Me to College (Spring 2021 Edition)
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy in the new year! When you are reading this, I will be a couple days away from moving back to college for the spring semester! One of my bookish resolutions for 2021 is to read 20 pages every single day. I usually fall into a horrible slump during the semesters, so I set this goal to hopefully not have that happen this year! Because…
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Growing Up in the YA Community: A Five Year Blogiversary Reflection
Growing Up in the YA Community: A Five Year Blogiversary Reflection
Today, curlyhairbibliophile turns five years old. My book journey first begins like all great and embarrassing stories do, in seventh grade. Let’s set a little bit of the scene. At the time, I was living in a suburb of Minneapolis, attending a TINY Lutheran private school. On a whim, I ended up picking up a copy of THE FAULT IN OUR STARS at my local Barnes & Noble. And I thought it was the…
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Among Us Readathon TBR
Among Us Readathon TBR
Hey everyone! Happy 2021! I hope you all had a safe and restful new year, and here’s to hoping that 2021 treats us better than 2020! This month, I am so excited to be participating in the Among Us Readthon, hosted by my wonderful friend Halee! If you want more information on the readathon, I highly recommend checking out the Twitter account for all the rules and FAQs. Let’s get into what I’ll be…
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Final Days of The Year Book Tag
✨SURPRISE! BLOG POSTS ARE BACK!✨ in today's post, i did the final days of the year book tag created by @hdsreadinglife! go check it out! 🍾📖💛
Surprise! I’m back! I haven’t made any personal posts in several months, and I am so excited to be back and chatting with y’all again! I have had an unbelievably busy semester, but that can be a whole separate blog post. Today, I’m going to be participating in a tag that my friend Halee created and tagged me in, reflecting on all of the good books and bookish moments of 2020. Let’s dive right…
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