#this is such a curse because writing is my favorite hobby!! I've been writing ever since I was a toddler!
cerise-on-top ยท 1 month
I'm curious, do you have any specific projects that you really want to work on? I'd love to hear what you want to write/what ideas you have, if you're willing to share ๐Ÿซถ
SPOOKIE! YOU'RE TO SWEET THANK YOU!!! There are a few things I've been meaning to write, among them a small fic series! These are the things on my to-write list:
TF141 with a Dragon-Prince!Reader (I actually have the prologue written already, it's completely finished, I just have no idea where to go with it! I'm gonna brainstorm a few ideas for it so I can make this my fic series! I'm really excited to continue writing on this haha!)
Singing Price a Lullaby (I'm such a sucker for putting someone's head in my lap and singing them a lullaby! I can actually sing myself sleepy whenever I sing to myself! So I like to imagine that I could make other characters feel at ease with my voice as well!)
Ghost with a Transmasc!S/O (Listen, I'm a trans man and barely any character has ever brought me as much comfort as Ghost, therefore I'm gonna write this! It was just a matter of time until I'd write this!)
Celebrating Kรถnig's Birthday (My birthday is still far off, but I'm gonna write this anyway because I couldn't really celebrate my birthday last year! If I can't be happy then I will project onto Kรถnig and make him happy!!)
Kรถnig Teasing His S/O in His Dialect (I headcanon Kรถnig to speak the same dialect as me, therefore he'll speak his dialect to his S/O if he wants to tease them! Not every German can understand my dialect either! So naturally, Kรถnig would tease you about it, especially if you do know German!)
Reader Finds out Cast is Ticklish (Listen, at the risk of sounding stupid, I just wanna be an idiot with those guys and gals! Sometimes all you need is to be an idiot and goof around with your favorite characters! Plus you can get them to laugh a bit, and the Gods know someone like Ghost could need it! Plus I wanna write about getting back at Soap! Also, it has been a while since I got to write about Alex, so there's that too!)
These are the things that I've been meaning to write for a while now! I'm sure there will be more things that I'll be writing! But that's all I've written down on my list! Thank you for asking, it makes me really happy that you care :D I hope you have a lovely day! May work become a bit less draining for you and that you may take a good nap at home afterwards!!
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nandosango ยท 6 months
15 Questions for 15 People
Tagged by @dayeongi :) appreciate the curiosity~
Are you named after anyone?
Hm, no. My mom has an uncle with the same name, but he's not the reason for my name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Just this morning. It's been quite a month, but honestly I do cry easily.
3. Do you have kids?
It's only me and my OCs! And I plan on keeping it that way~ Love kids, but don't ever want to have my own. I'm actually terrified of the idea.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I took ballet and swimming lessons as a kid. Then capoeira and contemporary dance in high school, I also gave judo a try once. - I wanna try capoeira again.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, but usually only around people I'm comfortable with.
6. Whatโ€™s the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmm.... this might sound bad, but their looks. Clothes, hair, accessories, body shape, face features... That's just how my artist brain works, studying details to use later :9
7. Whatโ€™s your eye color?
Brown~ (also turn gold when I'm blinded by the sun)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Usually I would say only happy endings, but recently I've been learning to enjoy horror movies with my sister's help. So I guess both, depending on the mood and company.
9. Any talents?
I have great sense of direction. I can lick my elbow. I can walk without making any sounds (that scares people a lot, it's almost a curse at this point). I give great cafunรฉ.
10. Where were you born?
Recife, Brazil~!
11. What are your hobbies?
Creating characters and redesigns~ Planning and arranging cute pages for my stories on Notion. Also rearranging the furniture around the house. Idk if it counts but little manual tasks to distract the mind, sudoku, dress up games, solitaire.
12. Do you have any pets?
No :( never had any because my siblings are allergic to everything.
13. How tall are you?
1,70m! :) - Not so fun fact: I have such bad scoliosis, I could have been 5cm taller.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I used to like history and biology. My art classes were history as well. And English classes were basically free period for me. But overall I did not like school :(
15. What is your dream job?
"I simply do not dream of labor." I wanna be paid to draw, write, read - create. I also enjoy working "behind the scenes" planning and decorating parties and events, and serving/helping people.
Let me tag -> @bee-zbub @sugutoad @dolce-tenebra-toscana @nyx-the-misthios @hoemine
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shadesoflsk ยท 10 days
โธบ ABOUT ME !!
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Hi, I'm Ruby! I'm currently 20 years and I speak both english/spanish (This last one being my native language) so feel free to interact with me anytime you want. (I'll reply to both spanish and english asks.)
I don't like talking about where I exactly come from but let's say my country is well known for its precious island. I've learned the hard way that I need to be careful with the information I share hehe.
I've been studying english ever since I was child. I'm getting a C1 certification soon so I'm aiming to learn italian next!
I'm pretty much sociable and I love talking. So if you want, you can DM me and we could get to know each other :D
I'm pretty new to writing as a hobby. I started last year just because I wanted to read some old man Leon headcanons (I'm being dead serious.) So I'm still a bit rough around the edges.
I love getting to know music from all around the world, especially from Latino America. However, my heart lies within Mon Laferte songs (Please listen to some of her music, you won't regret it) Blondie and Lana del Rey.
I love documentaries about royalty. I kinda had a phase in which I could name every single english monarch (I can't now... Of course not...)
I'm pretty chill and don't like picking up fights. Someone could be literally cursing me and I would be so calm.
My favorite movies are: The Truman's show, Gentlemen prefer blondes, and Marie Antoinette.
I used to play a lot of Otome games back in the day. My favorite were: Mystic Messenger, Most of the ikemen games, Obey me!, Tears of Themis and many others.
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donutsupremacy ยท 1 year
Furry wars
"Finally finding time to visit Inazuma, you bring your co-worker and 'little sister' with you to the land of Eternity. Though, what seemed more eternal was when you first looked into his emerald green eyes."
Man everyone is fluffyโ€”
Dogs vs Cats debate
Barks and hisses
Reader is not traveller
Reader can have a vision (Whether they have it or not, it isn't mentioned)
Light cursing from Diona's dialouge (Towards Gorou)
Love at first sight trope
Thoma kinda knew you a bit back then
But you never noticed him
As usual, GN!Reader and quite a long Oneshot
A/N: Had to put the SMAU on hold for a day or two, i'm trying to juggle 7 things at once (studying, writing, genshin, hobbies, etc.) But I promise it'll continue as soon as this oneshot gets posted ^^
I always wanted Diona and Gorou to meet, or any other half-human-half-animal hybrid. But since Hoyoverse slapped my face for that idea, I turn to the best and also worst solution to everything; this :D
Your romance begins here
A sigh of relief left your lips, your shoes hitting the wooden deck as soon as you jumped off the boat. "We're here..." You breathed out, gazing at the city of eternity now right in front of you. You had been dreaming about visiting the place ever since a relative of yours had moved to Inazuma.
Now that Cat's Tail's closed for a month due to some renovation, you could finally visit the region, treating it as your much-needed vacation. "Diona! We're here!" You exclaimed, turning around with a gleeful face, a contrast to the young half-cat girl who only raised an eyebrow at her surroundings.
Her slitted pupils followed the bulky men carrying boxes, moving between ships and chatting with the guards patrolling around the decks with their polearms. "...This is Inazuma?... I've seen better. But, I guess a change from the bland Mondstat atmosphere ain't half bad."
"Hey, you begged me to bring you here. The least you could do is smile." You chuckled, giving the back of her ears a scratch.
Her tail curled up, ears erect as you grazed your nail at a specific area that made her melt into your touch. You're extremely lucky to become Diona's closest friend, giving you an exclusive privilege to petting her tail and ears, parts that she would claw anyone's faces into pieces if they dare graze their fingers on. But, you were an exception.
And if you're lucky enoughโ€” she'll accidentally call you her sibling.
"Yeaaaah... W-Wait, don't try to change the story! It wasn't me who begged you, you were the one begging me to join because you can't survive even a second without me!" Patting your hands away in a flustered manner, she began marching foward and away from you, hoping you didn't catch the blush on her cheeks.
"Hey! Diona! Wait up!" You laughed, catching up to the bartender who was scanning the city of Ritou. You did the same, admiring how peaceful and calm it was compared to the lively, happy-go-lucky, energetic city of Mondstat. This was certainly a vacation you were looking foward to enjoy.
"Ugh... out of all the places you decide to go first, it had to be the one place where they sell wine here too!" The pink haired girl hissed in disgust, glaring at the stall nearby with a female holding a bottle of Dandelion Wine in her hands.
Diona glared at you, narrowing her eyes at you as though you had destroyed the wine industry before her. You laughed awkwardly in response, scratching the back of your neck while averting your gaze away from her.
You then remembered [Relative] suggesting you a small restaurant for you and Diona to eat at upon arrival, knowing they sell one of her favorite food there.
"Heeeey, you're probably hungry. I heard [Relative] said that there's a restaurant nearby and they sell fish!" You watched as her ears perked up on interest, her eyes clearly asking you to continue. You took out a piece of paper from an envelope your reletive sent you, on the paper was a well-drawn out map of Ritou.
After checking the location, you nod your heard towards the direction of said restaurant, Diona now walking right beside you with a small smile of excitement while you busy yourself with choosing where to go to after having lunch.
Though, perhaps maybe you should've waited a little longer before heading over to the restaurant.
"Stay back! I won't let you harm him!" You looked up from the map, eyes widening when you saw your pink haaired co-worker hissing at the brown haired boy... who had dog-like features?
You were familiar with others having animal-like traits, such as Sucrose and Klee, but those were quite rare.
"What's up with you mutts goin' around barkin' at us, huh!? What? Want me to scratch your face!?" Diona hissed, her tail erect as she pulled up her sleeves while marching towards the male.
"W-Wait!! Diona, no!" You hurried over to her, wrapping your arms around her waist and lifting her away. You were lucky she was just a small child.
The bartender thrashed in your arms, digging her slightly sharp nails into your skin. But as usual, you felt no pain, having been used to dragging her away from any stray canines back in Mondstat and getting her to attack you instead.
"Gorou, you too! You shouldn't act so impulsive towards someone innocent!" Another voice reprimanded, you turned your head, opening your mouth to apologise, only to have your words stuck in your throat as the other apologises first. "I-I'm sorry, my friend doesn't normally react like this!"
You sealed your lips shut, trying to tear your gaze away from the attractive blonde struggling to hold back his half-canine friend barking at the half-feline girl in your arms, who was hissing back at him with the same ferocity. It's a surprise you could still hold Diona, already getting distracted by the stranger's good looks.
"Ah, i-it's fine, really. She just doesn't really like dogs. Ahaha..." You managed to blurt out with an awkward chuckle, causing his striking emerald green eyes to gaze into your shy ones. Your cheeks grew warmer, averting your gaze away to the passersby stopping to witness the commotion.
Now that he's got a good look at you, he nearly choked on his words and loosened his hold around Gorou's waist. "I-Uh..." The blonde was having the same reaction as you were, though, the blush he wore was much less visible compared to yours.
As much as the two of you would like to continue gazing eachother in admiration, the male was the first to break the contact with much reluctance, being forcefully pulled foward by his friend.
"Gorou, snap out of it. You're causing a ruckus." The blonde whispered, 'Gorou's ears twitching in response. His teal eyes gazed over at the small crowd he and Diona had garnered, the embarrassment now settling in.
Seeing as all eyes were on them, Gorou lowered his defensive stance, his ears and tail drooping low as though he got caught doing something bad. "U-Uhm..." The half-canine barely glanced at the hissy cat who didn't care about the crowd nearby before looking at you shyly. "S-So sorry... I didn't mean to bark at your... 'friend'. They caught me off guard, I haven't met a half-feline in Inazuma before."
You could hear the hesitation in his voice when he called Diona your friend, but you decide to accept it anyways. "We come from Mondstat. It goes the same for my friend, Diona, here." You explained, at this point, the crowd had dispersed since the commotion between your friend and Gorou is being resolved rather quickly.
"I see. Welcome to Inazuma... Mx?" The blonde gestured to you, ever-so-subtly taking this opportunity to ask for your name.
"[Full Name]. But you can just call me [Preferred Name]." You stated, you didn't even realize you had placed the pink haired girl down who was now leaning against your back with hers, hiding her pout away from the three of you. You were too busy maintaining proper eye contact with the blonde and trying not to shy away from his kind gaze.
"I'm Thoma, a housekeeper. As you most likely know already, this is Gorou, a general from Watatsumi Island." Thoma introduced, gesturing over to the shorter male who nodded in acknowledgement. "What were you both planning to do previously before meeting us?"
You opened your mouth to awnser, only to have the pink haired bartender beat you to it. "We were gonna have lunch, that's what. Til' your mutt decided to butt in and bark at me for no reason!" It seems like Diona was still having a grudge against Gorou despite his half-assed apology.
You let out a strained laugh, stepping a little to the side so you could hide her behind you. "It's... true, but to be fair, we didn't realize we'd encounter the two of you here."
"Well, since neither of you had lunch yet, please allow us to treat you both to a meal as my apology!" Gorou suggested enthusiastically, now receiving Diona's attention as she turned around, interested in his offer.
You waved your hand frantically, your cheeks growing red after hearing Thoma's incredibly adorable laughter. "B-But that's too much we shouldn't take up your tiโ€”" You flinched when Thoma suddenly grabbed your hand, pulling you away from a confused Gorou and a furious Diona.
"Don't be so shy, i'd love to get to know you better!" Thoma stated as he guided you into the restaurant with the other two following behind.
Upon stepping into the building, you were greeted with an aromatic waft in the air coming from the kitchen, you could already feel your mouth water just from the fragrance alone. Behind you was Gorou and Diona, who, unbeknownst to you and Thoma, were still sending eachother death glares behind your backs.
"Here, have a seat." The blonde offered, pulling a chair for you. If you weren't so flustered and melting over his smile that could light up a whole room, you would've been amused at his gentlemanly acts.
"Ah, thank you." You replied as you sat down, but your voice was barely above a mutter, too focused on trying to make your brain function and create coherent sentences instead of gibberish. Thoma sat right across from you, oddly enthusiastic about this, to which you found endearing.
Gorou took the seat beside Thoma, giving him a questionable look that went ignored by his friend. Meanwhile, Diona sat next to you, her arms crossed and scooting herself extremely close to you, to the point where she had bumped her hips against yours. You were already used to it, though, always having lunch with the pink haired bartender led her to become surprisingly clingy to you.
"So, what brings you to Inazuma?" Thoma asked, his smile never faltering. You're lucky he was carrying the conversations instead of leaving it to you, he seems like the type to always be the first to break the ice quite easily.
"A relative of mine had invited me over, I brought Diona here cause I see her as my little sister." You blurted out, looking over at Diona who immediately pushed herself away from you, staring with wide eyes that spelled betrayal.
You couldn't help but laugh, a real one this time, holding joy and amusement instead of awkwardness. And Thoma swore he had witness the true laugher that cures all.
The pink haired feline hissed, bearing her pearly white fangs at you, but the both of you knew she'd never lay a single finger on you. "I would rather be called a stranger to you than to be 'sisters' with someone as dumb as you!"
Obviously, you brushed away the insult like a spec of dust hitting your facs, used to it as well. It was a wonder to many citizens, how much patience do you have to even tolerate Diona's sassy personality. Yet, you just shrug as an awnser and continue to handle her hissy fits.
"I see. Well, if you have the time, I can show you around! There are a few places i'd like for you to see!" The blonde offered, you wondered if his cheerful aura is just completely natural to him. It's like Thoma is the definition of a ball of sunshine. "You can bring your 'sister' with you too. Gorou, would you like to join?"
At the mention of the pink haired bartender, the canine's ears perked up before drooping low. "Uh... Yeah, s-so, I think her excellency actually asked me to... uh, keep tabs on the other troops in their training. Yes, that! So, uh... See you later!โ€” Uh, bye, [Name]! It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"
With that, Gorou had rushed out of the door, causing your friend to snicker. "Can't handle the heat, how sad~" Diona sneered, her ears twitching in amusement. "Alright, enough of this sappy stuff. I didn't come all thr way from Mondstat just to witness you cling all over some weirdo we just met... for all we know, he could be a spy!"
"D-Diona, he's notโ€”" You tried reprimanding the young girl, taking it lightly as you despised hurting her feelings and seeing her cry.
"That's alright. I don't want to pose any threat towards the two of you, but I understand if you're cautious of me." Thoma waved his hand in the air once, a waiter coming over to take your orders. "But I promise, this is just a simple meal that i'd love to indulge with you."
You gave your order just as Diona did, after a nod of acknowledgement, the waiter had left the three of you alone once more. "There's no way you could be some... someโ€” ball of happiness! Who do you work for and why are you after [Nickname]!?"
It's rare hearing Diona call you that, you can't help but feel honoured at her protective nature towards you.
"I knew this was not enough." Thoma chuckled, his eyes shining like crystals as they met yours once more. "That's why; i'd like to get to know you guys better. Especially you, [Name]. I remember seeing you back at Cat's Tail, you looked adorable back then."
"Wh-What!?" You covered the lower part of your face, a horrible attempt at hiding the growing blush on your face. Were you just hearing things now, or did he actually called you adorable? "Wh-What do you mean 'back then'?" You asked, hoping he wouldn't elaborate on his compliment once more. Perhaps he might, if it meant seeing you getting all shy and flustered. You're just absolutely precious.
"Ah, to be fair; we rarely saw eachother back then. You were such a busy worker, even at a young age. I guess you could say... I was inspired by you." Thoma chuckled at your puzzled expression, but he knew you'd react like this.
Your ran your fingers through your hair, your nails scraping against the skin of your scalp. "Wait, wait wait, you're saying you knew [Name] when they were a kid?" Diona asked, clearly not buying it.
"Yes. I apologise for keeping this a secret until now, but I actually come from Mondstat." Your eyes widened in surprise, just as shocked as Diona was. But you practically knew everyone Mondstat and you've never seen him before, was he telling the truth? "Sometimes, when I was younger, my parents brought me to that tavern when no one was around to watch after me. The first time I went to Cat's Tail was also the first time I saw you, [Name]."
"If you actually knew her before, then why in Teyvat did you ask for her name?" The pink haired girl asked while narrowing her eyes at him, still suspicious of him.
Thoma laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "Ah... actually, she was always busy... and I may or may not have been a little too shy to ask for her name."
You nearly let out an 'awe' at his reason, you would've loved to meet him when he was little. Perhaps the both of you would've been great friends. "I'm sorry I never noticed you before. I'm sure we could've gotten along quite well if I wasn't so busy all the time."
"Don't worry about it! Now that you're here... we can make up for all the lost time with eachother." Thoma spoke softly, placing his hand on top of yours while gazing into your eyes.
Your cheeks grew warm, nearly pulling your hand away out of instinct. But you returned the smile, shy but excited. "I... look foward to it." You managed to reply, adjusting your hand's position so that your fingers could intertwine with one another.
"This is disgusting. Where's my fish!?" Diona yelled impatiently, directing it to the person behind the counter, causing them to flinch and rush into the kitchen.
Diona lets out a huff, grumbling away while you and the blonde gave eachother a look, before bursting out in laughter together. Unaware of the victorious smug smile your friend wore, hiding away from you.
You're not one to believe in fairytales such as 'Love at first sight', let alone falling in love with someone as special as him. But looking into those green eyes of his... perhaps you could extend your vacation and indulge in this 'little fairytale' of yours.
After all, this was just the beginning of your blooming relationship.
A/N: After about a week of getting random Oneshot ideas, I got hit with writers block while writing this. I'm sorry if the ending seems kinda ass, I just didn't have an idea on how to end it, I just cheesed through it ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ
I wanted to make Gorou the best man while [Name] and Thoma are on their unofficial date, but I realized Gorou might not be an expert in that field. Poor boi.
[A bit of spoilers here for 3.3's Inazuma event]
Don't mind the shitty quality, it's bad graphics or my hand will be trained to touch the sun because mobile players just have heat proof hands
Also guys the new event is amazing
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1. I squealed when Heizou appeared like this
2. Thomine UwU
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my-moony-and-padfoot ยท 7 months
Get to know me :) In a very detailed manner and all of this totally unnecessary and unneeded
(I found these random questions/"get to know me" thingies from Pinterest and left out a few things) I just wanted to do this because I'm hella bored and definitely shouldn't be studying
Definitely not
First name: Guess ๐Ÿ“š
Middle name: Maria
Nickname: My friends call me Grandma, Gran and gran-gran.
Age: 16 soon seventeen omg
Height: 165.5 cm
Birthday: 31st of July
Zodiac sign: I'm a Leo โ™Œ
Sexuality: Pan ๐Ÿณ
Fave color: light pink, light purple and dark green
Fave animal/s: dogs and cats, foxes. Red pandas are cool too and reindeers. Oh oh and turtles
Pets: three dogs and four cats (in two different places tho)
Shoe size: 38-39 EU
Hair color: orange ish
How long is your hair: down to my shoulders
Eye color: blue green brown ish something I really don't know, they're weird. They like often change colors weirdly idk what's up with them. So, I usually stick with saying they're green
Do you have glasses: I do ๐Ÿค“
Any siblings: half big sister and half big brother, so technically one right?
Where are you from: That there is a mystery ๐ŸŒŽ, unless you're fucking Sherlock, or another fictional detective, or a stalker
Last dream: A nightmare of my grandma trying to kill our whole family
Fave book/s: One of the harry potters and heart stoppers. Also I love this Norse mythology book I have
Last book you bought: Poison, and before the coffee gets cold
Favorite hobby/hobbies: writing and crochet ๐Ÿงถ. Also I really like DND ๐ŸŽฒ
Favorite game: Sims 4, Minecraft
Fave song/s: We made it - Louis Tomlinson, Hated - YOUNGBLUD, Call your mom - Noah Kahan and arsonist - Alec Benjamin (I'm sorry I couldn't pick just one) Theres so many more tho
Favorite artist/s: Louis Tomlinson (he's mainly on my play list) and I also like Harry styles. YUNGBLUD, Noah Kahan, David Kusher, Jordan Suaste, cavetown, Conan Gray... I like too many artists, okay?
Last song you listened to: Polygraph eyes - YUNGBLUD
Fave movie: Harry Potter Goblet of fire, I don't really watch movies ๐ŸŽฅ Sweeney Todd is good too
Religion: I'm a Christian, like I belong in the church but I don't really believe into anything, but I respect everyone who does <3
Have you been to the hospital: A lot when I was a child, last time was because of my knees
Ever gotten in trouble with the law: Nope
Met any celebrities: I've met a few YouTubers, does that count?
Baths or showers: Showers. Definitely showers ๐Ÿšฟ
What color socks are you wearing: white with light purple stripes at the top
Would you like to be famous: not really no
How many pillows do you sleep with: Two, well one the other one just is kinda there but it's never under my head, it's to prop the other one up
Do you own stuffed animals: I do ๐Ÿงธ
If you do, how many: Six, can't sleep without one of them (it's a bunny). I lied there's seven
What position do you sleep in: The Superman position, y'know? ๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ
What do you eat for breakfast: I don't eat breakfast, sometimes coffee though, coffee with oat milk is the best
Ever tried archery: I actually have, was my hobby for a year or something, spoiler alert; wasn't very good at it ๐Ÿน
Ever fired a gun: Nope and won't
Favorite clean word: fluffy, it's nice to say
Favorite curse word: Fuck, I say that way too much someone help me
Longest you've been without sleep: 23 hours
Have any scars: I do, a surgery scar on my knee, one on my upper lip from my teeth going through it, small one in the corner of my eyes, a lot on my knees from falling down as a kid so much, and then some others
Are you a good liar: I think I am
Can you do any accents (besides your own): Not really and I don't have that much of an accent, I think. Though my friends tell me I have a bit of a British accent, which is bizarre, and I don't really hear it myself.
What is your personality type: from the 16 personalities INFJ-T ๐ŸŒ›
Can you curl your tongue: I can, I can also do the flower thingy
Left or right handed: right handed
Are you scared of spiders: Sort of, I don't mind them as long as they're not near me
Favorite food: lasagna and tortillas
Are you a clean or a messy person: Messy but in an organized way ๐Ÿ“ฆ
Most used phrase: "No shit Sherlock" "no wayyy" "just...why?"
Most used word: Probably some curse word... Or "what" "why"
Do you suck or bite lollipops: Bite ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Do you talk to yourself: all the freaking time
Do you sing to yourself: I do, everytime I listen to music alone ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
Are you a good singer: I'd like to say that I am, but I don't actually know
Biggest fear: someone murdering me (during the night with a knife), dislocating my knee, or any other part that can be dislocated (it hurts so fucking much, cannot recommend)
Can you name all the states: Maybe probably, haven't tried
Favorite school subject: Psychology or English ๐Ÿ“–
Least favorite school subject: MATH, and chemistry, physics is sorta alright but I don't like the math part
Extrovert or introvert: as introverted as they come lol
Have you been scuba diving: Nope, probably never will go ๐Ÿคฟ deep waters scare me
What makes you nervous: Literally everything, it's called anxiety โœจ
Are you scared of the dark: not anymore, unless it's outside, sometimes it's scary inside too, but not too often
Do you correct people if they make mistakes: Sometimes but not to be mean to them, but not like minor mistakes, unless I wanna annoy someone
Are you ticklish: Not really ๐Ÿชถ
Have you been in a position of authority: I've been a scout leader for the past three years, can't do it anymore tho, does that count?
Have you ever drank underage: Once because my sister forced me to, A glass of champagne how rebellious of me
Ever done drugs: Nope
Ever smoked anything: Nope x2
How many piercings do you have: I have earrings and snake bites ๐Ÿ I really want an industrial but idk if I have the correct anatomy
How fast can you type: Somewhat fast, I'm faster on my phone than on a computer
Are you a fast learner: Depends on the subject, but usually yes
Can you roll your R's: No I cannot ๐Ÿ
Do you keep a journal: Every now and then, I'm not very consistent. But I do do bullet journaling in the back of my calendar
Do you like your age: โœจSweet sixteenโœจ It's fine, I don't really care I'd honestly rather be older โšฐ๏ธ
Do you like your name: I think it's very pretty, I used to hate it tho when I was young (still kinda do, most of the time). It's fine but I just don't like using it with people
How did you get your name: From my mom and dad lol. No it "tells a story" and it suits well for English which my mom wanted, it's somewhat rare here where I live. With the spelling I have
Dream job: I have zero clue ๐Ÿ”Ž
What was your first job: A week at a daycare. But my first actual job (something I got paid for) was in a coffee shop for a summer
What places have you worked in: In a daycare and a preschool and two summers in that cafe, never going back there it was horrible
Last show you watched: Chicago med ๐Ÿฉบ
Last show you finished: baby reindeer
Favorite show ever: Big bang theory, Chicago med, what we do in the shadows and 911. Oh, heartstopper :)
What is your earliest memory: Sitting on a dresser and my dad telling me to wait for a bit, or being on my mum's shoulders while she was doing something outside (I'm not sure which one is first)
Happiest memory: Moving away, getting into the school I wanted with good grades
When did you start this blog: May-June 2022
When did you start writing fanfic: January 2022 (The next few ones a writing related because they were in this one list of questions I found)
What was your first fic: Fred Weasley/reader definitely not with a self insert *cough cough.
How do you come up with ideas for writing: They just come up when I try to sleep, or am doing something random, or something happens so I just write it out. I hate brain storming with all my heart because nothing good comes up when I try
What character/s do you enjoy writing the most: Sirius and Remus <3, but lately I've fallen in love with Percy and Oliver and starchaser is always fun to write. Also lily and Pandora are lovely to write, I just never really do it
What character do you not enjoy writing: Any authoritative figure because it's hard and when there's multiple characters because it's hard to keep track
Is there a fic you regret writing: Not really, I mean I'm embarrassed of some of my writings, but it just shows that I've learned and I can write better now :)
Favorite thing you've written: "When I..." A long fic about a suicide attempt and it was very comforting to write, but then I think I've written a few good hurt/comfort fics. There's like very small bits of the stories that I absolutely love, and loved to write
What do you like to write: Hurt/comfort and just sad things, I feel like I'm good at it. I like descriptive writing too and I've been trying to work on it lately
What don't you like writing: Smut, I feel a little cringe when I write it, and like longer fics, I feel I can't come up with a good enough idea for a one ๐Ÿค” Also, I don't have the patience for that
Favorite characters: Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory. Sirius and Remus obviously, Regulus, and then I like the Weasley twins... There's honestly too many that I like. But to mention a few more: Nick, Charlie, Elle, Tara and Darcy <3 and the art teacher I can't remember the name of from heartstopper. Loki <3. Will Halsted and Sharon Goodwin are the best characters in Chicago med, fight me. Laszlo from what we do in the shadows.
Do you keep a journal: I have a few pages in the back of my calendar for bullet journaling
One bad habit: self deprecation, I apparently do that too much. Source: my friends
What did you want to be as a child: I really wanted to be a chef or a baker
Who's the last person you held hands with: My friend when dancing, if that doesn't count, then with the same friend at a school Christmas party cause I almost lost them in the hallway 'cause there were a lot of people. Before that, no clue
Are you outgoing or shy: Shy with new people. I'm shyly outgoing lol
Who are you looking forward to seeing: My bestie haven't seen her in over a year
What does your most recent text say: "Alright :)" Another one cause it was around the same time but to a different person. "It's just a little guy"
Do you have trust issues. Oh yeah
Favorite part of your daily routine: Everything cause it always goes the same way. We love structure over here. But if I have to pick one, cracking my back every morning cause it's so satisfying
What do you do when you wake up: Turn off my alarm if it's on, then I go through the notifications on my phone and just lay there doing random things before I gotta get up. Usually reading actually if I have enough time and oh, always listen to a podcast/music
Morning routine: What I just mentioned, but when I get up, I drink water and take my meds, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth. If I'm going somewhere I pack my stuff, and then dress up. If I'm not going anywhere, I usually start watching something and drink coffee in peace and then change clothes
Evening routine: I shower, wash my face, sometimes eat something and change into pyjamas. Mark stuff in my calendar, do my journaling and then I get into bed. I usually read before sleeping, a book or fanfic.
Do you like your neighbors: I don't really know our neighbors ๐Ÿ‘€ except the ones I dog sit for. Oh at least one of our neighbors thinks I'm creepy. (Literally steered their kids away from me while I was coming from school.)
Is your hair long enough for a ponytail: it is, I just often don't keep it in one. Unless it's dirty or I'm alone and need it to get it out of the way
How many languages can you speak: Two (actually three but I'm really bad at the third one) I picked french for next year tho :)
Can you cook: Yep, I'm quite good at it. I can bake too
Last time you cried: A few days ago because I was feeling like an absolutely horrible human being
How long does it take you to get ready: Like 10 minutes lol โฑ๏ธ
Favorite number: 5. Five is the Ultimate number, and everything either ends in five or is divisible by five. I've always liked the number five :3
Alright ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
That was quite long, Sorry about that, I just like questions :)
If there is something you wanna know for some reason, feel free to ask. Like I said I like questions.
I might write more things here, if I think of something or find something fun
Feel free to use these if you want, I just want to note that most of these I did not make up myself and I don't know who did.
Enjoy this I guess I just got inspired and stopped studying for this, anyone I can blame on my English grade after this ๐Ÿ‘€
Also there's almost hundred of you following me, that's so weird....
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jennyandvastraflint ยท 8 months
Very glad you rebloged the ask game, I was hoping you would :D I hope you don't mind that I am sending too many questions. Just pick whichever ones you'd like to answer!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
just kidding, I know the answer to this one but feel free to talk about them anyway <3)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
37. Promote one of your own โ€œdeep cutโ€ fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
So I'll be guided towards the next thing to read again ;)
Thank you so much!!
Okay, let's see!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
I think the inspiration for it in the first place! I technically wanted to write a Beauty and the Beast-inspired story, but halfway through planning I abandoned a lot of these aspects in favour of including a bunch of characters as cameos. (I kept the rose, though it had a different use.) It was very intriguing to explore a human curse (something I've now explored a bit, but always from Jenny's POV, as I realise. I'll shed light on Vastra's POV at some point in a different fic I think)
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? Okay we all know I'm extremely partial to my wives XDD I *will* make everything about them (yes ik it's annoying <3 But this is my account heheh), and will include them even in other works for a bit at least. It is 100% because I relate a lot to many aspects of them - the fun of Jenny's horrible parents, queerness, and the isolation they both feel to name some of them - and I'm well-aware of it XD Also my brain chose them as my special interest years agooo.)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
Oh, I have two answers for this... Either Vastra getting cursed in the first place and navigating life as a tiny lizard (maybe she meets Strax somehow just because.), OR the story of Jenny's mother and what happened to her. (As a sequel, I'd look at Vastra finding the ruins of her realm.)
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
I'm obviously in no way biased because a) I wrote it and b) it has the wives, and since choosing either of them feels like cheating, I'm gonna say... Out of the rest of the cast, Ada? I think. I loved bringing her character to life in a different setting, especially since she's a character I very rarely see anywhere (and she had potentialll!!!) Her story can be adapted beautifully, and I feel like she would flourish with a job or hobby like that, working with herbs and healing. I'm definitely going to include her in Turn Loose the Mermaids btw!
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
You really went with this one, hu... Okay, I'm thinking leather boots, worn, been through quite a lot, but very solid shoes you can always rely on. They're a pretty inconspicuous brown, a bit broken in parts but fixed up. They go almost up to your knee, hugging your legs very comfortably. They're also padded so they keep you warm in even the darkest winter nights. The laces on the sides have been added later to help the boots stay together, and they have beautiful jewels in different shades of green on the side that shimmer in the sun.
I hope you like this description!! XD
37. Promote one of your own โ€œdeep cutโ€ fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I have a bunch for this, I think XDD (Especially since archive-locking my fics my kudos have declined a lottt)
The first one would be A Lonely Place, which is a sort of Fantasy AU for the Paternoster Gang! I love how I came to explore pollution and environmental destruction in it, and also how Jenny and Vastra - in this at least - reluctantly grew closer. (Please they are such disasters especially in the beginning)
Then my Turn Loose the Mermaids series in which Jenny's family are a bunch of shitty scammer pirates, and Vastra is a mermaid (and later can shift). The first two parts are out rn, and I hope to write more of it soon-ish (uni is killing me I'm so sorry)
There'd also be my winter rose in which one Silurian goes splash in a river when it's very cold :D I love how that literally was my prompt for writing it...
And last but not least, I want Popcorn to get some more views! It's a Strax-centric fic (I knoooow, there's not much interest in that, but give my boy (gn) some love) set shortly after Demons Run, and it takes a look at Strax dealing with silence and peace after... well, a lifetime spent only in war zones? The Doctor gives him a way to cope with that, but it escalates a little. It was I think my first full Strax-POV fic, and he honestly has such a unique and intriguing view (which I wish Big Finish would explore instead of once again reducting Strax to comedic relief like the show already did :/)
Yeah, I think that's about it for now? I can't think of more specifically for this, but I'm leaving you a few more recommendations I think you might like! Rapid Fireee
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be
The Case of the Egg Thief
Sick fics for Jenny being sick (watch you sleep.), and Vastra being sick (Sleepy little darling, snuggle in tight) respectively!
Meeting Torchwood Paternosters meet vicious, sadistic Torchwood sapphics from Victorian England!
Right, I'll end this here now (it may have taken me almost the entire lecture btw to write this while paying attention as well) and I hope you are satistifed with all these answersss
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hompunkulus ยท 2 years
Magic is a Way of Life
An Introduction
I have a busy life. Well, I work a full time job and balance my partner, cat, and hobbies along with it. I am sure many of you are also working stiffs (or full time students), balancing relationships and hobbies and find it hard to find time for your practice. Maybe you want to get into a practice but still haven't because of time or the ridiculous process of attaining magical power.
This why I am writing this essay and have been working on being more proactive here. I want to share my sorcery with you. Sometimes that is sharing blogs with perspectives I agree with, lyrics of my favorite songs, essays like this, meditations and rituals I love and develop, or personal works of art.
I am a nobody as far as you are concerned, and that is exactly the perspective I believe we all need! I have no titles and gain nothing but some views. I just want to share my perspective on a topic I love and wish it helps you, be you neophyte, adept or the Gods Themselves!
I love simplicity, although I also don't mind working hard. I am a lifelong martial arts enthusiast and practitioner and there is no easy way to excel as I have without hours a day and years of work. Magic isn't martial arts, though. Yes, it takes time to get comfortable with magic and to be worth your Blessed Salt. Yes, it will take hard work. And yes, you will get burnt out time and again (I've been at it for over 20 years!) but don't let that stop you!
Magic is also fun, engaging, and wild. It will test your resolve and it may even scare you at times - sometimes results are quick and raw. Sometimes they are gentle. Worst of all, sometimes it won't even yield a ghost's fart. That's the process of any progress, though. There will be ups and downs, good and bad times, and times you wish you never picked up that Hand of Glory with only three fingers left... that means two wishes were made and they decided to rid themselves of the cursed object...
Getting off track, my apologese.
The (not so) Great Work
My Principles of Magic
1. Imagine. Imagination is the gateway to all realities. Supergirl isn't physically real, but she gives me Hope and holds Council as one of my spirit guides.
2. Believe. If I can't believe in the impossible then I am not utilizing my imagination to its fullest potential.
3. Enact. If you do not practice your Craft you will not gain anything. If sorcery is the work of the Imagination and Belief then you have to Enact in Ritual to bring about change.
4. Ritual. Any act of creation. This can be a magical act as simple as Death Posture and blasting a sigil to carving a wooden wand to call forth your deepest desires. It can be as simple or extravagant as you wish as long as you are creating.
5. Consistency. This doesn't mean you have to dedicate yourself to any single paradigm, but you should at least have a standard practice, or practices, you perform on a regular basis. It doesn't even have to be daily, just enough that you are maintaining progress.
6. Journal. The best friend the sorceror ever had! I suggest up to 100 different journals. Don't trust anybody at face value, but trust me on this.
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flowerslut ยท 11 months
random/general/personal fanfic rambling + whining beneath the cut โ™ก
sometimes I think to myself: "lmfao I have such a tiny audience!!" but not in a self-deprecating 'oh woe is me no one reads my stuff' way. more like a "hell yeah I can do and say whatever the fuck I want because no one is looking in this direction anyways" which is just.... so nice???? and not entirely true but true enough that twilight has been my most peaceful fandom experience in a long time (despite still being Hated by certain fandom niches lmfaoo ๐Ÿ˜˜)
like I often forget that the twilight fic I write has the least amount of interaction overall in comparison to literally Every Other Fandom i've ever been in. which is SO funny. even my unfinished dbz fic from forever ago has more hits than most of my twilight fic combined (the curse of being a jalice girlie ๐Ÿ’”) which is also lowkey nice as hell because I don't have bratty teenagers and weird middle aged men in my comments/reviews/ask box bitching that "SaSuke wOULD NEVERโ€”" and I can live in relative peace now ๐Ÿ˜Œ
but then that post saying "post the difference in hits between your most and least viewed fics" gets put on my dash again and I spend at least 20 minutes each time looking for someone with a comparable difference (SOMEONE TO RELATE TO YOU KNOW?) and out of the 5 or 6 times I've done this I've found ONE person. ONE!!! which just reminds me of how often I forget that although I can be a rando who flies under the radar here in twilight I will Not Be Afforded that luxury when I eventually go back to n*ruto. just look at how comical it is to look at my goddamn ff stats page. and yes, these two are listed right next to each other bc it's an alphabetized list, which just further emphasizes the absurdity in my different fandom 'audiences':
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(it goes 'Word Count' -> 'Chapters' -> 'Reviews' -> 'Hits')
so its a weird feeling to be in a more niche, smaller fandom (largely by choice) and then seeing people constantly bitch and fucking moan about how their content doesn't get the hits it used to. or how they wish their numbers were higher. and instead of being like "these are personal, internal issues I must work on" they're like "ITS NOT ABOUT NUMBERS ITS ABOUT RESPECT" while they're BITCHING about wanting their numbers higher????? like bitch make it make sense! just say you're vain and want more hits/kudos! this is the worst part of being a part of the larger tumblr fic writer community because it's so insufferable to see
like yknow those popular posts that go around saying "Ummmm it's an UNSPOKEN RULE and always HAS been to ALWAYS leave a kudos and ALWAYS leave a comment even if you didn't enjoy the fic ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ’…" it makes me want to laugh in their faces. because I don't know what delusional circles you run in to think you're entitled to what you deem is 'adequate attention'?
"but fic writers spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of hours onโ€”" and no one is making them do that. fic writing is a hobby.
"it's discouraging to get no engagement on ficโ€”" then reexamine why you're writing and maybe take a break from the internet
"some fic writers are trying to establish an audience so when they switch to ofic or traditional publishing it'll be easierโ€”" if this is a strategic business choice then either get into a bigger ship or fandom (hp/marvel/etc) or change your strategy dude because this is not going to work the way you think it will
"seeing so few kudos/hits makes me want to delete everything some daysโ€”" again: reexamine why you write fic. if you're doing it for external validation then there's a bigger issue at play here. if no engagement affects your mental health you really need to take a step back
and I will always understand wanting acknowledgement for the hard work content creators do. it feels really nice to get a kind comment or a bunch of favorites/kudos/whatever. but the tumblr-popularized mindset of "your readers OWE you for what you've provided for them" has skewed so far off from the original "fandom is a community" and into a weird "fandom has a hierarchy that we are attempting to enforce" mindset and I can't fucking stand it dude!!!!!
I wouldn't consider myself a fandom veteran because there are so many people who have been around far longer than I and who have seen some worse shit than I have, but over the past ~17 years that I've spent in online fandom spaces (and ~15 as a fanfic writer) the worst part of creating in fandom isn't that "kids these days are soooo entitled" or "noBoDy kNowS HOw tO CoMmEnT ANYmoRE" its that capitalism has warped everyones fucking mindsets!! now that content creation can be monetized people are viewing the content they create as things they can charge this weird 'social currency' for if they can't exchange it for actual currency (which you can't with most fan content).
you don't get to demand that people owe you interaction for you providing a service that you were not required to provide anyways. this banker ass capitalistic republican ass energy makes me wanna scream. and like, if you DO do this (we've all read a fic on FF.net where an authors note says "no more chapters until I get at least 5 reviews!!") then stop trying to moralize it and pretend that people who DONT comment are not doing what is required of them. which, is nothing. nothing is required of them.
tldr; anyways I always feel weird about my experience in fandom and as a fanfic writer bc I don't know where my peers are who can relate to my strange experience but who also don't subscribe to this bullshit "readers OWE the writers" mindset that's becoming aggressively popularized. either encourage friendly engagement with people's content or shut up. no more of this bs "fic writers Deserve More because I'm mad my highly-niche 7k pwp only got 18 kudos" bullshit
okay love u all happy friday bye bye can't wait to work on prompts for u guys this weekend โ™กโ™กโ™กโ™กโ™ก
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rindecision ยท 1 year
Tagged by: @storiesbyrhi ๐Ÿค Thanks for the love!
Tea or Coffee?
That's a toughie. I've worked at both tea and coffee shops so I have a love for both honestly. If I had to choose only one, I'd go with tea. There's such a larger variety.
Cats or Dogs?
Cats always cats. I've always understood them better than people.
Can you play an Instrument?
Played flute in high school haven't touched it since
What's your sign?
Favorite lyrics that pop into your head?
Depends on my mood, but the first ones that come to mind atm are "Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire"(Fuel by Metallica) probably because I have a Steddie fic by that name.
Do you have Tattoos?
Nope. Love them on others though.
Favorite place you've ever traveled?
Haven't travelled outside of the USA but my favorite place I've ever been to is a small, I mean small ass town in Minnesota called Grand Marais. Hands down the best place I've ever been and hope to live near there someday.
What's the last movie you watched?
Uhhh. Hmm, I don't watch much for movies. Shows are more my thing. The Last of Us was the last show I watched, but Movie.... I tried to watch M3gan, but lost interest and I passively watched Superhero Movie (2007) when my partners were watching it.
What languages do you speak?
Only English really. Took Spanish in high school, didn't retain much. Tried learning French, Japanese, and ASL, but was unable to focus long enough to actually learn it.
Do you have any hobbies?
Thanks to ADHD I have many and it can be like Roulette wheel on what my hobby of the day is. Currently my hyperfocus is Steddie and writing fics about them... mainly 18+. Those dinguses have had me in a headlock since August.
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose?
Eddie Munson. I know he's a popular one, but seriously he is the friend I wanted in high school and absolutely would have been a crush of mine.
Compliment yourself:
Ugh, these are hard. Um... I'm stupid introspective and have an elevated self awareness that even professionals are baffled by. It's a blessing and a curse. I personally like it, but being emotionally aware makes it so you can contain your emotions in a healthy way, but when you don't display those emotions in a way neurotypicals can see, they think you're lying. So while I like that I am and am proud of myself for working my ass off to get where I am, it sucks when people don't take me at my word when I explain what I'm feeling.
No pressure tags:
@xirayn @trans-alpha-male @bubblebeardraws @fancybilliepipersir @vampymunson @pumpkinspicestevie
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hanasnx ยท 2 years
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โฟป FAQ โ€” !
"I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight / Let's just fix this whole thing now." โ€” John Mayer. (2009). Heartbreak Warefare.
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ๅฝก personal ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
about me ยก! โž
โœฉ indy ใƒŽ he/him ใƒŽ gender-fluid ใƒŽ demi ใƒŽ 22 ใƒŽ 18+ blog โœฉ characterization consult โœฉ personal aesthetic โœฉ arm kink aficionado โœฉ home of indy green โœฉ rom com buff โœฉ fave movies โœฉ fave tv shows โœฉ fave games
โœฉ i'm very vain and i love praise. inbox messages are my favorite to receive. i try to read and respond to every comment, mention, and reblog.
โœฉ i have a boyfriend of three years ใƒŽ i've been writing my entire life; blog origin story ใƒŽ i have two dogs: murphy and daisy, but i'm not a pet person ใƒŽ i have a big family ใƒŽ you pronounce my user like: hana-es-en-ex; origin ใƒŽ i wear glasses and contacts ใƒŽ tattoos ใƒŽ piercings ใƒŽ synesthesia ใƒŽ i was named after indiana jones ใƒŽ why i write fem ใƒŽ face descrip ใƒŽ eastern time zone ใƒŽ birthday: feb 20; pisces sun, gemini moon, virgo rising.
โœฉ i can't enjoy the horror and mostly thriller genre because i'm extremely susceptible to paranoia ใƒŽ i do not have a favorite genre of music, i like all music genres in phases; favorite songs; favorite music artists ใƒŽ fandoms
โœฉ favorite color: phthalo green, teal, any color between green and blue ใƒŽ favorite mythical animal: dragons ใƒŽ favorite non-mythical animal: horses, tigers ใƒŽ favorite fruit: white peaches, strawberries, rainier cherries ใƒŽ favorite fictional character: batman; favorite batman ใƒŽ hobbies: writing smut, playing video games, watching tv
โœฉ kin list ใƒŽ kin list 2 ใƒŽ mutuals origins stories ใƒŽ donnie and i origin story
ๅฝก hanasnx ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
blog cw ยก! โž
โœฉ be aware i speak obscenely: cursing, sexual language, etc. this is an nsfw, 18+ blog. and a safe place for the nastiest jokes and dirty talk known to man. โœฉ 18+ content ใƒŽ explicit sexual content ใƒŽ jokes: sexual, violent, suicide ใƒŽ non-serious flirting ใƒŽ swearing ใƒŽ heresy/blasphemy ใƒŽ religious themes ใƒŽ christianity criticisms ใƒŽ body horror ใƒŽ disturbing imagery ใƒŽ drugs including but not limited to: alcohol, nicotine in any form, psychedelics, marijuana ใƒŽ kinks including but not limited to: daddy, infidelity, breeding, size, degradation, age gap ใƒŽ plays including but not limited to: impact, breath, anal, cnc, dub, noncon ใƒŽ mostly cis/dom!male x cis/sub!female.
favorite content ยก! โž
โœฉ kinks: infidelity kink ใƒŽ domination ใƒŽ sadism ใƒŽ masochism ใƒŽ daddy content ใƒŽ size kink ใƒŽ dirty talk ใƒŽ squirting ใƒŽ degradation kink ใƒŽ brat/brat taming kink ใƒŽ bareback ใƒŽ arm kink ใƒŽ face-fucking ใƒŽ tit-fucking. โœฉ plays: dubcon ใƒŽ coercion ใƒŽ impact play. โœฉ fantasies: mfm love triangles ใƒŽ age gap ใƒŽ break-up fantasy ใƒŽ dom!character x sub!reader ใƒŽ daddy!character x princess!reader. โœฉ other: porn links.
accounts ยก! โž
โœฉ @hanasnx on wattpad, ao3, pinterest โœฉ @firesofmustafar: anakin skywalker rp blog โœฉ @adventuresnx: adventure time theme & posts โœฉ @blossomsnx: girlsona & fem reader posts
indy-words ยก! โž
โœฉ glossary
ๅฝก interaction ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ dni: AI users of any kind that includes AI character chats, tag cloggers (don't tag your life updates with "x reader" fuck off). โœฉ do not copy or translate my work and do not copy or translate my work onto any other sites. this is the only site my work is available on. besides a portuguese translation on wattpad. will link when i have it. โœฉ do not steal my themes or layouts. โœฉ ask my permission to elaborate on my ideas in a separate post, or elaborate on those ideas in a reblog of my post. do not just take my idea and post your elaboration about it on your own blog, that is what the reblog button is for. โœฉ if you are directly inspired by my work, credit me by @ in your post. โœฉ ask my permission to use one of my au's.
ๅฝก my au's ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ sk!anakin โœฉ adultfilm!/pornstar!anakin โœฉ baby daddy!anakin โœฉ 6โ€™7!anakin
โœฉ dark!hayden โœฉ work dad!hayden โœฉ baby daddy!hayden
โœฉ baby daddy!jason
โœฉ baby daddy!hak
ๅฝก characters ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
what characters do you write for? ยก! โž
โœฉ here's a definitive list of every character i've ever written, character's i'd like to write for, etc. โœฉ thirst for whoever you want in the inbox at any time after you read my rules. โœฉ sometimes i'll announce a character/scenario i'm into and would like to hear from you about, so check my announcements tag for any recent info.
ๅฝก theme ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
how'd you get the green text? ยก! โž
โœฉ bbcode & html text colorizer | follow the prompts -> copy the bottom box aka the "html code" -> go to tumblr on desktop -> create post -> click top right gear for settings -> scroll down to "text editor" to select "html" -> paste your clipboard -> scroll up to the select "html" or "preview" to both edit html and see how it looks after you do.
how'd you put links in your bio? ยก! โž
โœฉ go to tumblr on desktop -> go to the blog settings -> copy: <a href="[insert link here]">[text you want the link to be attached to here]</a> for example, mine would look like: <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/hanasnx/697970103257530368/about">ๅฝฑ</a> -> click "edit appearance" in blog settings -> paste in bio section and edit accordingly. the "accent" color of your blog will be the color of the link in your bio.
how do you edit your photos to indy green? ยก! โž
โœฉ go to your photo editing app, i use picsart -> pick a plain image -> completely cover the plain image with the color of your choice completely -> save it. -> pick your image you want to edit -> open it in picsart -> on the bottom panel, scroll until you see "add photo" and click it -> pick the plain color image you made earlier and add it -> cover your image completely with color image but do not apply it yet -> click "blend" on bottom panel -> choose "overlay." -> open your layers in the top right -> select the non-plain-color image -> scroll bottom panel until you find "adjust" click it -> play around with the saturation, more often than not i get rid of all saturation, but sometimes i leave muted color accents of my choice by using the eraser tool and changing its opacity. -> once you're satisfied with its adjustments whether it's contrast or saturation you adjusted, click "apply" -> open layers again, and use the eraser tool at the top to erase any spots of the color image you think are too heavy. you can change the eraser opacity and hardness for a softer blend -> once satisfied, click "apply" -> save it. you're done.
ๅฝก pinterest ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ pinterest โœฉ darth vader board โœฉ rinakin board โœฉ batman beyond board โœฉ indy green anakin skywalker + darth vader board
ๅฝก playlists ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ anakin skywalker song albums โœฉ anakin skywalker + muse โœฉ playlist masterlist for anakin, vader, hayden, star wars, etc โœฉ anakin skywalker + brutus lyrics
ๅฝก tv ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ hayden christensen watchlist โœฉ anakin skywalker watchlist
ๅฝก star wars info ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ i am not a star wars fan, i'm just a darth vader fan and everything that comes with him. โœฉ i only care about lucas saga. the contents of the original trilogy, the prequels, some comics, some video games, and some books. disney sw is fine sometimes, but not the text i go off of. โœฉ hayden christensen's depiction in attack of the clones, and revenge of the sith is my favorite and the definitive anakin skywalker characterization. that is my personal opinion that shows through in my blog. โœฉ i am not an anakin/vader apologist.
ๅฝก credits ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ profile picture: pinterest
โœฉ header image: pinterest
โœฉ navi pictures: pinterest โœฉ edited by me: picsart
โœฉ text/solid/gradient color banners on posts โœฉ created by me: phonto โœฉ edited by me: picsart
ๅฝก disclaimers ใ€Œ ๏ฟฝ ใ€
โœฉ i do not own the images of the characters or the characters themselves (unless stated โ€œocโ€) on the panels or in fics, i only write them in fictional scenarios.
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updated 6.10.24
31 notes ยท View notes
xuxishortcake ยท 3 years
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ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข
John Mayer - Your body is a wonderland
ยน:โฐยณ โ”€โ”€โ™กโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ยณ:ยณโฐ
๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ฒ : your boyfriend, Taeyong has been worn out due to working hard on his latest comeback & you just wanna appreciate him & tell him how much you love him <3
๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ | ๐ญ๐š๐ ๐ฌ : sub!idol Dom!reader smut , angst ? some pretty cute fluff : 3, cursing , cream pie, cunninilingus, handjob , blowjob , praising
๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ : 1.7k
hey everyone! this is my first official ff, so pardon me if there's Grammer errors, spelling mistakes, etc. I got inspired to write this while listening to "your body is a wonderland." I just love the soft, morning sex feel of the song & wanted to turn it into a ff. I'm not sure if I'll be an active poster , but I did have fun while writing this & making up stories is a hobby of mine so we'll see. feedback is very appreciated, & enjoy!! :3๏ฟผ
it was a pleasant Sunday morning & you woke up a little earlier than usual to the sound of birds chirping. You rubbed your eyes to adjust to the light streaming through the semi transparent curtains. next to you, lay your peacefully asleep boyfriend, Taeyong. {damn,} you thought, {even while sleeping he's just breathtaking to look at. God really does have favorites huh.} it made you smile to see him look so tranquil.
the night before, he came in the apartment quite fatigued since he had been out all day, practicing for his group's newest comeback.
"hey bubu," you said as you stood up from the couch you were sat at. you walked over & you hugged him. "how was everything today? any new progress?"
"mmm, everything's going along well, just a little tired because the recording session was a bit hard. I'm just glad to be back home & hugging you." he said while putting his head in the crook of your neck.
"you seem tired, baby." you reply, moving your fingers through his hair "want me to make you some tea maybe?"
"yeah, that'd be great. I'm just gonna go lay down on the bed for a bit. " he smiled tiredly, putting his backpack & shoes next to the door.
you went into the kitchen to get a kettle onto the stove. once it started boiling, you poured it into two small mugs for the both of you, added the tea bags & stirred in some honey. you left for the bedroom & came in to see Tae curled up, fast asleep on the bed. you sighed, a bit sad & put down the cups onto the night stand next to the bed & sat down besides him. you glanced at the clock on top of the night stand, 9:55 PM. makes sense he was tired, he left pretty early in the morning. however, you wanted to talk to him at least for a little bit more since it felt like the two of you hadn't had a conversation or even really cuddled in so long for his job was keeping him very occupied. sure you both texted back & forth while you could, but it just didn't feel the same as actually being there together. it wasn't too long before his comeback would be present, but then again, he'd be busy with promotions. a bit crestfallen, you slipped out of your clothes, went to get washed & had gotten into bed.
back to the present, you were thinking of how nice it was just to be close to him & know you could finally have a day where you could both just enjoy each other's company. you knew you wanted to do some extra special caring for him. knowing how he's been so hard at work was a sign he's in need of some extra special lovin'. you felt like you hadn't been able to tell him how much you loved & appreciated him, & now, you felt like you could finally do it. you snuggled up closer to him, gently put your hand onto his face & started caressing him. Taeyong 's nose scrunched & his eyes fluttered open.
"good morning bubu. " you said, continually stroking his cheek with the tips of your fingers. "sleep well?"
taeyong smiled & stretched a bit. "yeah, I feel well rested. how about you?"
"same same. I'm just glad you don't have to go anywhere today. I've missed being able to be with you. "
"I'm sorry I fell asleep so quickly last night y/n. I just wanted to lie down since I felt so drowsy but I dozed off like an idiot & didn't get to talk to you while I had the chance. I feel so bad since I feel I've been terrible at spending time with you & actually being a boyfriend. " he looked down glumly.
"no, baby, it's fine. it's understandable since you've been going pretty hard lately, & we have all day today so : )" you assured him pressing a small kiss on his forehead.
you smiled & held his cheeks between your hands & kissed his lips ever so gently. he kissed back, & you started to kiss back a little bit harder. before you knew it, things were starting to get really heated. you had slid your tongue over his lips as an ask to come in, & he happily let you in. that cute little bubblegum tongue of his sure knew how to get you riled up, cause damn, was he a good kisser. tongues playing harmoniously while softly panting. you broke out of the deep kissing to kiss his cheek & then started to leave kisses all along his sharp jawline. you climbed on top of him & worked your way down his neck, leaving a plush trail of kisses with him sighing softly. your hands trailed down his stomach & onto his forming hard on. starting to slowly stroke his covered bulge, you now moved your lips to his nipple, giving a few light licks, giving you great joy to hear the sweet little whimpers that were coming out of his mouth. you started to work faster with your tongue & hand. you lightly dragged your tongue down his abdomen & hooked your fingers around the waistband of his boxers & pulled them off. his cock sprung up & slapped against his stomach. the tip was sore & red, glistening with precum, which made you lick your lips in anticipation. slowly, you started to stroke it,from the base & squeezing a bit once you came to the top. you began to pick up the pace, taking in your boyfriend's pretty flushed face, begging you to touch him more.
"fuck tae, your body is like a wonderland. you're so beautiful. "
he started blushing at the compliments, hand slightly against his mouth , & that just made you want to do more. you stopped stroking his length & he whined at the lack of friction, trying to buck his hips in the air. however, you had a firm grip on his left thigh & wouldn't let him. you moved further down his body, until your head was in between his thighs. you started leaving kisses & bites all along his inner thighs. reaching to his dick, you placed a quick kiss on the tip & started giving a few kitten licks.
"fuck y/n,you're such a tease. " taeyong panted out.
"I'm just trying to savor every moment of this baby โ™ก" you said smirking since you knew what you were doing to him.
finally, you took him whole & he groaned out loud. bobbing your head up & down, his tip sometimes reaching the back of your throat, making you moan & send out vibrations, which made him moan right back . chest heaving & eliciting pretty moans , his back was slightly arched & his hips were pushed up a bit, but you made sure he was held put. he practically melted by your hands, & it was amazing to feel you had this much power over him. you could tell he was reaching his limit, & you got off of him with a *pop*. you were about to position himself into your entrance when he grabbed your wrist.
"no....not yet. I want you to feel good too. please, sit on my face. "
"ok, I'll let you since you've been a pretty good boy." you say as you crawl up onto him. you lower yourself slowly above his face & he holds your thighs in place. he takes one long lick across your slit, savoring it as if it tastes like candy & starts eating you out like he'll never be able to do it again.
"you're so pretty, y/n" he says against you, nose deep into you.
"ah fuck, & you're so good at this tae." you say tugging onto his hair, trying tohold back moans.
the way he eats you out is unbearably good. his tongue, gliding along your vulva , up & down & making circle motions on your clit gets you feeling so high. you felt yourself coming to a reach, & taeyong could see it & started to go even faster. your thighs started to shake in the euphoric feeling & you held his hair as he continued lapping up your juices until you told him to stop. finally, you got down off of his face & positioned yourself. you lowered yourself down onto his firm cock. "ohhh" taeyong let out a deep groan, relieved he was finally getting attention on him again. you stretched your torso across to pin his hands above his head & slowly started to move, your hips going perpendicular. moving your head towards him, you went back in for more kissing. tongues entangling & beads of sweat falling down in between your foreheads. having a tight grip on both his hands, you started going at a quicker pace, drawing out more moans from tae.
"oh my god. I'm close, y/n." taeyong moaned out against your lips with his hands starting to tremble.
"ok baby. you can cum." you replied, increasing the movements of your hips & pushing your lips into a deeper kiss with his. you felt his thighs starting to quiver & his hips bucked up deeper into yours, warm cum spilling out from inside you. you both rode it out together until you started to pant. not moving anymore,you were still on him with a bit of cum dripping out of your pussy, creaminess covering his cock. you rose up & got some tissues to clean the both of you. after that, you laid down next to him. him turning to meet your face & his chest still rising.
"it doesn't matter how long we've been together, you still manage somehow to make my heart race with every breath you take." taeyong said, a bashful little smile creeping onto his face.
"well, you never fail to make me smile at your sappy commentary." you giggled, running your hands through his messy hair. "you're pretty cute too."
"I can't believe I get to date someone as angelic as you." he said, snuggling his head into your chest, arms wrapping around your waist.
"ha, you make my heart flutter, really. I'm so lucky to have you. " you cuddled him back, hands on the back of his head, gently caressing him.
"love you, y/n"
"love you too, yongie" you replied smiling, savoring the intimacy of the moment.
416 notes ยท View notes
everyhowlmarksthedead ยท 3 years
Not bad at all.
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โ request by @chibsytelford: Heyo. What about reader being very shy around Frankie on the first date, who's also shy, and one of them just cracks a joke and they just laugh and laugh and the ice is broken, and they have the best date. โค Thank you.
โ words: about 1.9k.
โ a / n: first time writing for Frankie! I'm really excited and I hope you all enjoy it.
Gif credits to the author.
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โ€œSantiago Garcรญa, I swear that if you stand me up, I'm gonnโ€”โ€.
Your blood freezes at the call as your eyes go wide, keeping the phone in your ear as you spin around with a forced and ashamed smile on your lips, you feel your knees weak watching Frankie some steps away from you with both hands inside the red and black flannel jacket. Son of a bitch. Hanging up the call โ€”or better said, the voicemailโ€” the two of you come closer to each other.
โ€œWhat 'you doing here?โ€
As the question comes out of his mouth, there's an awkward moment where you don't know if you should greet with a kiss on your cheek or hugging, being a mix of both that makes you giggle.
โ€œWell, uhโ€ฆ It was supposed I'd have dinner with Santi, butโ€ฆ he hasn't shown yetโ€. You reply puckering your lips, noticing the change in his gesture. โ€œI've been waiting for the last twenty minutes and I'm really hungryโ€.
You can't help but frown watching him rub the back of his neck, slightly moving the hat covering his softs curls. Squinting at him you don't really need Frankie to speak to know what's happening. You can feel your face and the tip of your ears burning because of the embarrassment. Last week you confessed to your best friend the things you were starting to feel for Fish and he has decided to force you to take a step ahead.
And seems like Santiago has done the same with him. But, does it mean he feels something for you too? You sigh rubbing your face trying to calm down the heat covering your skin, while he babbles random words. You see him waving a trembling hand between the two of you, perceiving he's as nervous as you are. That causes you to curve your lips up with a soft funny smile.
โ€œListen, we don't have to do this if you don't want to. Iโ€” Iโ€” Iโ€ฆ shitโ€. He ends up grunting stroking his lips and his chin passing his palm over them, putting his terrified dark chocolate eyes from you. Frankie looks like a pudding and you can swear it's the sweetest thing you have ever contemplated. Too captivated by the way he has to raise his black hat from his head to brush his hair using only three fingers, before putting it on again, he takes your silence like a negative. โ€œLemme walk you home at leastโ€.
His beg throws you back to reality, finding an insecure gaze looking for a positive this time. It's the first time since you met him two years ago that you watch him doubting, feeling unsure of himself. He has always given you the impression of being a cool-headed and confident man, but now Fish is quite the opposite.
โ€œI'm hungry thoโ€. You reply as soon as you can react. โ€œI justโ€ฆ think he did it on purpose. Making me wait for dinner, you knowโ€ฆ So I wouldn't say noโ€.
Santi knows pretty well how to play his cards. It is his specialty. But that hasn't sound how you were expecting, as Frankie continues feeling ashamed, probably misunderstanding you.
โ€œI meโ€” mean, I wouldn't say no anywayโ€. You confess with a soft whisper, bowing your gaze down to his boots for a second. A brief second that seems enough to offer you a hand without noticing it.
Your heart races with the deep belief it could fly off from your chest when your cold fingers get laced with his warm ones. An electrifying shiver roams your body from your tiptoes to the top of your head, as he secures your hands together to come inside the restaurant. Only like a gentleman would do, he keeps open the door for you to walk in first, not loosening your connection at any time. For an instant, you can't help but fantasize about having real dates with Frankie, with him falling for you while continuing to believe he's just being polite and compensating you for Pope's ambush.
You lead your steps through the hallway between tables with old couches just in like the fifties, till the end of the place with the last table free close to the large window from where you can see the street. That's when, much to your regret, your hands are separated to take a seat in front of the other, occupying yours then with the menu to calm the nervousness shaking them briefly. You're going to kill Santi tomorrow. How does he dare to play dirty to you? And poor Frankie who โ€”probablyโ€” could have a better plan than having dinner with you, if it wasn't for his friend.
The silence is installed soon around your table after the drinks are served, feeling the tension in the environment while you continue not knowing what to say or how to break the ice. You're about to tell him that he doesn't have to stay, just like he has said a couple of minutes before, but when you open your mouth nothing comes out; totally enraptured on the way he's looking at you waiting for something. You can't help but force another smile pursing your lips shamefacedly. Putting down your eyes over the menu between your hands, you try to pretend you're actually reading it, but your mind is busier on how the simple touch of his hand stole the air from your lungs.
โ€œPope told me you're learning Spanishโ€.
You have to hide your face for a second, cursing your damn best friend in silence before sticking your head out of the carte nodding with your cheek.
โ€œWhy?โ€ Frankie sounds so curious that makes you think he maybe knows the real and main reason.
โ€œOh, uhโ€ฆ expand knowledgeโ€.
You're a terrible liar and he doesn't need to be a genius to notice it.
โ€œTell me something in Spanishโ€. He asks cockily, placing his arms over his backrest.
You chuckle shaking your head this time while saying no once and once. But when he leans over the table, forearms against the edge of it, you have to gulp before choking on your own saliva like an idiot. The heat invading your whole anatomy again causes you to lick your lips, hoping that gesture calms you somehow.
โ€œThere's aโ€ฆ sentence thatโ€ฆ I find funny for some reโ€” reasonโ€.
โ€œOkayโ€ฆ Go'headโ€.
You make a short pause, finding some encouragement to utter it by remembering why you started to learn it. To impress him. To talk with him and call his attention.
โ€œJuan come manzanasโ€.
(Juan eats apples).
Your accent is horrible, that's a fact, you knew that; but you feel more embarrassed when he remains silent for a second, breaking into a burst of loud laughter after not being able to contain it. You can't avoid a chuckle either, leaving in the background your shame, to focus on the beautiful melody his laugh is. You could spend all your life listening to it without abhorring it.
โ€œYour pronunciation is awfulโ€. He giggles adjusting his hat, raising a little the visor to look you better.
โ€œWoah, thank youโ€. You reply with a humorous grimace drawn on your lips and a light sarcasm in your tone of voice. โ€œI really appreciate it coming from youโ€.
โ€œYou're welcomeโ€.
Shaking your head you begin to feel somewhat relaxed, finding a topic to talk about and joke about it so this situation is less awkward. You grab your beer to have a sip whilst he continues keeping visual contact with you, noticing he wants to add something but he doesn't dare. You know what it is, tilting your head as your eyes are narrowed.
โ€œI don't trust you to be my teacher, surely you'll teach me the wrong things to make fun of meโ€.
โ€œMehโ€ฆโ€ He replies waving a hand jokingly, causing you to chuckle again.
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As the night goes on and you discover more interesting things about him and his stage in the army, the dinner comes to an end and he insists you to walk you home. He doesn't want either to finish your conversation, talking about everything and nothing, in reality, just enjoying your voice and how excited you sound while talking about one of your hobbies or your favorite tv show. Just like you, he couldn't get tired of your company.
You reach your house sooner than expected, having been entertained and feeling this time your way back home has become shorter than ever. The nerves kick you again standing close to your porch not knowing what to say, what to do, or offer him a last drink. You'd sell your soul to the devil for five minutes more, but maybe you need to take it easy.
โ€œThanks for walking meโ€. You utter in a thin voice thread, playing with the keys between your fingers.
โ€œIt's been a good nightโ€. Frankie opines then keeping a hand in a pocket and using the other to scratch a side of his neck. โ€œI meanโ€ฆ we can repeat it whenever you wantโ€.
Like another date? Has it been a date, actually? Or just two friends hanging out?
โ€œYeah! Yeah, sure. Sounds good to meโ€. You nod an instant before letting go a soft sight. โ€œUhโ€ฆ I shouldโ€ฆ you knowโ€.
โ€œYeah, 'course. Good night, (Y/N)โ€.
โ€œGood night, Fishโ€.
Offering him one last smile, you turn around to go upstairs your porch straight to the front door. But as soon as you introduce the key in the lock, you're interrupted.
โ€œHey!โ€ You face him again, curious and intrigued, watching him coming closer towards you with his hat now in a hand. โ€œHow bad would be ifโ€ฆ I kiss you?โ€
That's the most unexpected question you have ever heard, causing your brain to collapse momentarily until you realize it hasn't been a figment of your imagination. The smirk on his face curves shyly in the right corner of his lips, stopping his feet not too far from yours.
โ€œNotโ€ฆ bad at allโ€. You giggle in response. What else could you say?
His mouth meets yours with a soft sweet touch. Just a touch, until they get used to each other. Slowly, Frankie places his hands on your lower back seeming afraid if you suddenly decide it's a terrible idea, and take a step back. This feeling disappears when yours land on both sides of his neck, securing a little more the grip and shortening the small distance between your chests. He tastes like beer and chocolate, after sharing a piece of brownie like dessert. For you, Frankie tastes like heaven. And without planning it, he needs the urge to slide his tongue between your lips to find yours. By inertia, your fingers tour his skin till being gently nailed in the back of his neck, breathing through your nose not wanting to finish the kiss.
As both of you swirl your tongues around the other, you become a little addicted, almost moaning inevitably against his lips when you have to stop not having enough air filling your lungs.
โ€œHow bad would it be if I ask you to stay?โ€ You murmur unable to believe what you have just said.
โ€œNot bad at allโ€. He doesn't hesitate, caressing the tip of your nose with his, wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you tighter and pepper your lips as you try to open the front door.
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If youโ€™ve liked it, lemme know in a comment, Iโ€™d really appreciate it. Reblogs are welcome too, so more people can enjoy it! โœจ
GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95
TRIPLE FRONTIER: @phoenixhalliwell @goldielocks2004
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shespeaksinsongs ยท 3 years
May I have a ship ๐Ÿ„ for HP of golden trio era? Preferably male, thank you ๐Ÿ’ž
๐—•๐—”๐—ฆ๐—œ๐—–๐—ฆ + ๐—”๐—ฃ๐—ฃ๐—˜๐—”๐—ฅ๐—”๐—ก๐—–๐—˜
I'm 19, Southeast Asian with Spanish descent, Libra, ENFJ-A/ENFJ-T, Neutral Good, Ravenclaw, and a Bi Pan Genderfluid girl using the pronouns She/Her or He/Him. A friend of mine told me that I (kinda) look like Marinette from ๐— ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐˜‚๐—น๐—ผ๐˜‚๐˜€ ๐—Ÿ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐˜†๐—ฏ๐˜‚๐—ด, Musa from ๐—ช๐—ถ๐—ป๐˜… ๐—–๐—น๐˜‚๐—ฏ, and Alexandra Trese from ๐—ง๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ฒ (a Netflix animated series), but the exception is I'm short (5'1.2") plus sized Southeast Asian woman with Spanish descent that has messy/wavy brunette medium hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin and a small beauty mark on the forehead. My sense of fashion is in between emo and boyish plus korean glam.
Distant, quiet, and shy at first cause' I dunno how to initiate a conversation, but a total opposite if I open up---friendly, ambivert, witty, laughing loudly on a daily basis, talkative, eats a lot, awkward, daydreamer (I got embarrassed from knocking at the door even I'm inside the classroom ๐Ÿ˜‚), EXTREMELY CLUMSY (mostly tends to get bruises from bumping and being careless to my belongings), secretly likes affection, easily overwhelmed, prone to melt over wholesomeness, flusters on compliments, lightly blushes on cheesy banters, eager to share what I know (especially about Catholic Church---my past teacher joked that I'll become a saint because of it ๐Ÿคฃ), oftenly speaks full of sarcasm with a lowkey crackhead energy citing meme references, and talented girl who can be your no.1 supporter and unashamed to be true to myself. In terms of leadership, I only educate and guide than being a prefect (I might take the role seriously), will lift my group when there's lacking/incompleteness. About doing projects in school, I become too extra and prepared for efforts, but I'll forget the process in the end.
People thought I'm a demure self-effacing woman that looks "immaculate" or "one of a kind," (due to my protective parents, a reason why I've never been in a relationship) but the truth is, I'm eloquent, warm-hearted, willig to help, kind, intelligent, supportive, nice, creative, enthusiastic, laid-back, determined, tough, competitive, and feisty outside, but a real softie that can be childish and dramatic that cries so easily (but will enlightened real quick by smallest things that makes me smile) filled with doubts, frustrations, and insecurities with fear of failure that pushes off the limits to to please everyone because they might get dissappointed from expectations, yet I still managed to be stronger than ever, even it's a slow burn process. I can be intimidating, sassy, and a douchebag if I receive ends. Immature, headstrong, perfectionist, demanding, hesitant, jumpy, very indecisive, overthinker, quick-tempered, sensitive, and anxious (no joke, my nervousness makes me think worse scenario will arrive). Though can be procrastinator and arrogant, I raised as a religious ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ diplomatic person, willing to fight what I believe (including my dreams and what's important to me) and what is right. In addition, I have a habit of staying up late and doing sign of the cross to ease nervousness.
Blunt but the loudest idiotic feeling-brokenhearted and bitter friend in the group who fangirl a lot, swears like sailor, will call out on people that we loathe, will crack up over your stupid antics before helping, vent out everything I despise (having a bad day, toxicity, poorly written soap operas, how am unlucky when it comes to love life) and bring gossips, but a hopeless romantic who tends to banter with sarcasms or pick up lines as an endearment (but gets grumpy if I received sappy or offensive one), Still generous and concerned person in a subtle way.
๐—˜๐—ซ๐—ง๐—ฅ๐—” ๐—œ๐—ก๐—™๐—ข
My hobbies are singing, drawing, roleplaying, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. I'll include making corniest jokes/puns, sleeping, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD). I also used to learn Italian language a bit. Lastly, my best assets are smile, eyes, personality, singing voice, artistic skills, writings, intelligence, and oratorical skills...so I can consider myself as a singer, artist, orator, and a top student who's a former campus ministry member (choir member, psalm singer, and reader) and in coming college freshman. Currently learning how to cook and have so many interests, to the point I don't know what I'm into because of my dreams to become a popular Filipino YouTuber, a novelist, and being part of a successful chorale...I also consider joining pageants too once the pandemic ends, but maybe.
okay. this was a tough one, but i finally settled on fred and george. i think you'd be best with fred weasley by a CLOSE SECOND to george.
you mentioned that you're into banter and pick-up lines as endearment - and i think that is so fred weasley. george strikes me as the softer, sweeter, twin, who is more likely to be dominated, but i think you and fred having an equally dominant personality would make for an interesting relationship! additionally, the secretly likes affection thing would go smoothly with fred. i think fred is a more "quality time" and "acts of service" kind of guy, but affection is never rejected for him, and he quite enjoys it! the hobbies you mentioned seem like things he might love to do, or encourage you to do! it even gave me a good idea for a fic, which i think i will be releasing tomorrow if i can. will tag you, of course. head-strong, sassy, and being quick-tempered would keep fred on his toes, and i think that's one of his favorite things about you. he'd love that he's always on the edge with you. he doesn't know where he's going, but he doesn't mind. i think fred really likes someone who's not afraid to let themselves get out there, and you pursuing your dreams so fearlessly, along with your passions, makes for a pretty good match to me. besides that, i think fred would definitely try to dig beneath the surface, or the "demure" demeanor you give off. based on your description of yourself, i think he would find somebody worth being with.
he would definitely see you in the hallways and pretend not to know you sometimes, hitting on you as if you weren't already together. i think he most definitely thinks it's both cute and scary when you're angry, seeing as your height and personality clash (in a good way, dw). teases you for being clumsy, but he thinks it's cute. aside from the normal nicknames, he probably calls you "my pretty witch", or "my smart baby ravenclaw". he likes head pats, and uses you as an elbow rest to annoy you sometimes. i think he would also think you're stunning. like he would almost worship you and your entire body. gives you kisses on the beauty mark on your forehead a lot, especially if you're cuddling. he almost can't resist. loves your style and tries to copy it, but decides that it's reserved for you in his mind, so he goes back to his normal style, admiring all your different outfits. stays up late with you on nights you can't sleep or don't want to. starts cursing a lot after he met you. he gets into the habit, and every conversation with you is a swearing mess. gives you kisses on the cheeks randomly to see how off-guard he can catch you and see how flustered you get. LOVES when you blush. it's his favorite thing about you.
<3 thank you so much for your submission.
7 notes ยท View notes
mikkomacko ยท 4 years
Dear Daisy 5
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Daisy never realized how big the house is until Harry's not there. Without his large personality sitting at the table, or his lanky legs kicked up on the coffee table while he works, or his broad body moving around the kitchen, Daisy feels like she's living in an empty palace. It's gotten to the point that she hates being at the house, but going to visit her family is just as depressing with them now crying over Sterling's departure. Her father's taken up more work with Thomas, hoping to make up for the usual revenue Sterling brings into the family. It's not much seeing as most of her brother's earnings goes into his personal savings so he can afford to marry Stella and take care of her. Daisy tried spending time with her future sister too, but that ended up being even more depressing then staring at Harry's empty couch cushion. So she goes on walks now. She's been putting off walking through the park because it reminds her of Harry now, and she stays as far away from the beach as possible. That really only leaves the town for her to walk through, but she likes the shops so she doesn't mind. She hardly buys anything, but the browsing keeps her mind off of Harry and how much she misses him and if he's okay. Her favorite shop to go in is the local bakery, owned a ran by a man named Robin and his kids. It's nice to sit at one of the tables, picking at a scone or mini pie and watch Robin teach his son's to roll out dough correctly and cut shapes into the pies. The three men are always so happy and carefree, and the feeling rubs off on her after sitting there for a bit.
Today, however, is different.
The bell above the door chimes as she pushes it open, stepping into the little shop and expecting a smile from Richard who's usually behind the counter. He's not there today, and walking up to the counter she realizes that Sam isn't either. It's just Robin, lips drooping down in the corners as he dusts some flower onto his apron. Daisy's smile falls, confused by the unusual gloomy mood in the bakery.
"Oh, hello Daisy." Robin greets when he notices her, offering her a pathetic smile. Daisy rests her elbows on the counter, holding her chin up.
"Is everything okay Robin?"
The man shrugs, shaking his head with a sad chuckle. "My boys left today," he mumbles, "one of them to the Poland, the other Germany."
Her heart falls to her stomach, and she thinks of Harry again. She's so worried knowing he's in France, she can't imagine how upsetting it'd be if he were sent to the front lines. "I'm sorry," she sympathizes, pausing a brief second before deciding what the hell, "my fiance shipped out a few weeks ago."
Robin looks up, a bit surprised as he moves to stand across from her. "Mr. Styles was called out?"
She shifts uncomfortably, scratching her fingernail across the wooden counter to keep her mind off of the war as much as possible. "To France for training and then assignment. I haven't gotten a letter yet informing me of where he's heading afterwards."
One of Robin's hands move over the counter, patting the top of Daisy's comfortingly. "It's tough, but I can't think of a greater man than Harry Styles fighting."
Daisy pauses, looking up at him curiously. She's never heard anyone say anything remotely kind about Harry before. He's always whispered about, gossiped about, but they're all tells of his rudeness or his harsh words. Daisy, having been privy to both, never really questioned anyone's dislike for Harry. But she'll definitely question their compliments for him.
"You know Harry really well?"
Robin nods, moving to untie his apron. "Grew up with his father. When he passed away I tried to keep an eye on Harryand Gemma. Of course that uncle of his stepped in, tried to raise Harry to be a prick like him-" Daisy giggles, never having heard Robin curse, "but good always beats bad."
He hangs his apron up, reaching under the counter for a small basket of oatmeal cookies. He places them on the counter in front of Daisy. "Free of charge, for Harry." He says, smiling softly. Daisy watches him for a moment, thinking that Robin must be a great father. He's kind, compassionate, but also tough. And judging by the two boys she's met in here before, he knows how to raise a good son. It's then that she realizes he's the only one running the bakery now, and while rations for the war have started, bread is always in demand. He'll be getting busy, busier than usual, and he might need help.
"Mr. Robin," she murmurs carefully, waiting for him to look at her expectantly, "if you'd like company or help around the shop while you're boys are away, I'd be happy to do so. Don't have to pay me or anything, I'd just like to get out of the empty house."
Robin's smile is warm and grateful, and he looks around the kitchen as if trying to picture Daisy back there helping him. Finally, he nods. "I'd love to have you Daisy, and I'd be happy to let you take home the tips for the day."
"No that's-"
"It's the least I could do," Robin interrupts, "owe it to Harry and his father."
She knows by the firmness of his voice that there's no room for arguing, and she knows tips aren't very much right now anyway so she won't feel bad for taking money from him. Plus the holidays are coming up, and she'd really like to get gifts from everyone without having to use Harry's money. It doesn't feel right to use it without him there, but then again, nothing really feels right while he's gone anyway.
Dear Daisy,
My training has been completed and I've received my assignment. Luckily for us, I'm staying in France, patrolling Paris in case Germany attacks. I'm sorry I didn't write sooner, it was difficult to find time during the first couple weeks, but you should know that not a day has gone by where I haven't thought of you. I ache for you, long for you so much it makes me dizzy. Patrolling Paris is wonderful, I've been here a few times, but I can't help but find you on ever corner. In the flower shops, laying among the soft petals. In the warmth of the bakeries and restaurant, beckoning me. Swirling in the air around me, shining in the stars above me. It's not the first city I've found you in and I'm certain it won't be the last.
I know I have so much to say to you. Secrets and truths that have been on the tip of my tongue since the night we met, pleading to be told. Oh how desperate I was on our last night together, aching to tell you everything. Again, I'm sorry, for I'm making you wait. I know you hate me, enough to cry for me, enough to marry me. I was once told my parents hated each other as well, and I had never seen love like theirs.
I hope you're staying warm as the days get colder, maybe planting vegetables in your garden in the back. Pumpkins grow well against the wall of the house and my mum has a wonderful pumpkin soup recipe. I'll dream of you tonight, and maybe every night, in our kitchen with the pretty blue apron around your hips, filling our house with a warmth only you could bring. My radio playing in the background, I'll wish to be sat there with you, argue over how you under-cooked the pumpkin just because I like the color of your pink cheeks when we fight.
Stay safe for me Daisy for I need a home to come home to.
-The Harry Styles x
Cold winds come with fall, blowing into the bakery every time the door is even slightly cracked. Daisy's lucky enough to be on oven duty, staying warm in the back while Robin works the counter. She's been working with him for almost a month now, finally skilled enough to help decorate the Halloween cookies and package them. Robin does most of the baking, but she always helps, and every time she finds a recipe of interest he goes out of his way to teach her to make it. Daisy finds working at the bakery to be quite wonderful. It's a good way to spend her time and she's never been good at cooking despite her mother's hard efforts to teach her. Meredith isn't much of a baker either so Daisy never learned that growing up either. It's exciting, working here. Like she's got a new hidden talent or secret that only her and Robin know.
It's only a matter of time before her mother or Summer starts questioning what she's been doing during the days, and she's dreading having to answer. Some may it find it silly but if she tells them about her new hobby she's afraid it'll lose its appeal. When she's here, everything is simple. She bakes and laughs with Robin, forgetting that men are fighting a few countries over. And if she's feeling particularly lonely, she can imagine that Harry's just at work, that she'll finish her goodies for the day and take them home in a box wrapped with pretty ribbon, body flushing when her husband praises her.
Even if it makes going home even more disappointing, Daisy will enjoy her time in the bakery. She's nearly curling the ribbon on a package of croissants for the girl on the other side of the counter when Robin says he's going to take the trash out back real quick. They were starting to close up when the lady came in, a Mrs. Weathers as Robin had greeted her, and he instructed y/n to quickly wrap her order. She carries the package over, smiling politely at Mrs. Weathers and charging her.
"You're Mr. Styles' fiancee aren't you?" She asks, counting out the coins in her purse. Her green eyes look Daisy up and down (as much as possible with the counter between them) but she looks more curious than judging.
"Yes ma'am."
Mrs. Weathers hums, accepting her change from Daisy. "Never thought I'd see the day he'd find a wife." Her tone is amused, mixed with a little bit of surprise, and her eyes shine at Daisy with a newfound respect.
"Why's that?" Daisy questions. She knows Harry's not well liked. He's not really liked at all, but everyone has their person. Maybe she's not Harry's person but her family made it so she is. And it turned out to be better than expected. So maybe she actually is his person and she never knew.
"I had a bit of a crush on him myself a few years ago." Mrs. Weathers admits, looking sheepish. "Tried to talk to him on the beach once, maybe get him to take me on a date in that pretty car of his. Barely spoke to me though. Ignored my flirting, even went as far as telling me I was desperate." Daisy cringes at the word. Harry used to hint at her being desperate too, but he never outright said it to her. If he had she thinks she would've hit him.
"I'm sorry," she apologizes, feeling the need to make up for Harry's rudeness. "He's got a sharp tongue and an ego big enough to keep his mouth flapping."
Mrs. Weathers laughs, waving her hand. "Don't apologize! It hurt at the time but I'm grateful he's the way he is. I probably would've married him and that would be awful. My husband Terry is the greatest love I've ever known."
Daisy smiles at the dreamy look in Mrs. Weathers eyes, but her chest aches for Harry. He may be rough on the edges, but she knows deep down he's sweet. He has a reason for all his actions, and maybe that's why he's terrible to everyone. A sort of test, wanting to see who cares enough to stick around. Or it could just be him knowing what he wants and being careless. Either way she's proud, knowing she was the one to turn him.
"It just takes him a bit to warm up." Daisy defends, "But I'm the lucky one that stuck around, I suppose."
Mrs. Weathers chuckles, picking up the package and nestling it in the crook of her elbow. "If you say so." She hums, adjusting her scarf and then she's heading out into the chilly air. Daisy stares at the door for a moment, thinking that Harry's actually a lot kinder than Mrs. Weathers and any other person that something bad to say about him.
Daisy's crouched on the lowest porch step, fingers begin to burn as she lights the last of the Jack-O-lanters her and Summer had carved yesterday. Harry had been right about the pumpkins, she grew so many that they were able to save two for soup, leave three on the steps here, and take two back to Summer's house.
Tossing the match to the side, Daisy watches the candle flicker through it's smile. She can't help but notice that this particular face has the same little bunny teeth as Harry, even if it's big smile is nothing like Harry's. Her heart sinks, eyes stinging as she pathetically imagines him. Not exactly sure how long she watches the flame dance, wishing it were Harry's eyes in front of her, she practically jumps out of skin when two hands jab her shoulders. "Boo!"
She almost falls off the porch steps as she leaps to her full height, the hands of Gemma being the one thing to steady her. "You scared me." Daisy says sheepishly, holding a hand to her racing heart.
"That was the point," Gemma teases, "it's Halloween." Her eyes look over Daisy, smiling falling. "And you're not dressed up at all."
Blushing, Daisy picks at the bow around her waist. "I was gonna be a kitten but I haven't had time to draw my nose and whiskers on. What are you?"
Gemma adjust the sleeves of the button up, tugging down the too-small sweater vest and holding her arms open. Her hip pops out sassily, "I'm Harry!" Daisy examines her again, realizing she's wearing her version of the outfit they mocked Harry about when wedding shopping. "I figured you could use a little Harry today, and I'm as close as it gets right now."
Daisy's glad she hadn't done her makeup yet, because Gemma's words send her to tears.
Dear Harry,
I've never been to Paris but I can't help but find comfort in the city knowing you're there. I'm sure it's not exactly what you were expecting for assignment; you've always been a front line man, but I'm grateful the universe is on my side this time.
I grew pumpkins like you suggested and your mother made the best soup for us after Halloween. I wish you could have been at the house with me. A girl came dressed up as a fighter pilot and I thought of how much you'd enjoy that. Gemma came over to hand out candy and stay the night, which was nice. The house is to big without you in it, but for some reason it made me miss you more.
While your secrets make me nervous, I respect your choice to wait to spill them. At first it drove me mad and I spent days like a tornado in the house. I've found a distraction though, one I think you'll be proud of. An old friend of you father's, Robin, has been teaching me to bake. His son's shipped out as well and we've found company in each other's presence. I don't like cooking, as you very much know, but I really enjoy baking. Maybe one day that'll be our routine. You'll come back from the war, safe and sound, and I'll bake lots of desserts for us to devour while you cook our meals. And of course your radio will be on, and maybe I'll make you dance with me. I happen to be a very good dancer when you're my partner, and no matter how much I try to fight it, you'll always be my greatest partner.
Stay safe for me Harry or I'll have no husband to bake for. With all my heart, Daisy o
Rain pelts against her umbrella, ice cold in the November air. It far too late for her to be out here, but at least it's a nice neighborhood. Not as nice as Harry's or Thomas', but still better than the one she grew up in. She doesn't dwell on that thought too long though, because she's still trying to figure out why she came here. Shivering, the red door stares back at her tear filled eyes, daring her to step forward and knock. She wants to, she really does. Wants to go inside, sit next to the wood burning stove she'd sat by with Harry that one time he brought her here. Maybe drink some tea. Maybe wrap a blanket around her frame and cry. It felt too empty to cry in their house. Her sobs echoed and rattled, reminding her she was alone.
Still in her pajamas, she'd thrown on one of Harry's peacoats and grabbed the umbrella from the coat closet, running through two streets worth of puddles. Her soaked socks remind her of that.
Sniffling, Daisy wipes her eyes with the cuffs of the coat, finally stepping onto the welcome mat. Inhaling shakily, she knocks before she can duck out and spend all night crying in the street. Harry would be so upset with her if he found out she was even out right now. He told her not to worry, yet here she was.
It takes minute for the door to be answered, lights flicking on upstairs, and then on the staircase, and then in the living room. Daisy wills herself to calm down, bouncing anxiously as the door swings open.
Anne has wrapped her robe around her nightgown, rollers mussed in her hair, and eyes bleary but her eyes widen when she meets Daisy's red rimmed ones. "Oh dear, come in! Get out of the rain!"
She waves her in, Daisy's umbrella dripping water on the rug as she closes it and places it in the rack. Anne shuts and locks the door behind her, immediately reaching to help Daisy out of her son's coat. "I'm sorry," Daisy mumbles, shaking off the damp fabric. Helpless, she watches Anne hang it by the door, bottom lip trembling with surpressed cries.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" Anne coos gently, reaching forward to push back her wet hair. Daisy crumbles under the affection, chest aching so bad she thinks it might crack open to reveal her longing heart to the cruel world. "Are you hurt?"
She shakes her head, finally breaking down. Her body shakes against Anne, shoulders hunching as her mother-in-law wraps her arms around Daisy. Anne shushes her, rubbing her hand in soothing circles over her back. "It's okay darling. You can talk to me."
Somehow, Daisy manages to choke out the one thought swirling through her brain. "I miss him so much." It's simple, but the words make her cry even more after finally admitting it. She didn't realize how much she enjoyed being around Harry, how much better he made her days. Being without him is like missing the broth in the soup, the flour in a loaf of bread, the roots of a plant. Nothing feels right and she hates it.
"Oh darling, I know." Anne coos, stroking her soggy hair tenderly. Daisy feels small in her arms, cradled like a girl as small as Kitty even though her feet are on the ground and not around Anne's waist. She thinks back on when she wishes she were as tiny as her sister, innocent to this kind of hurt, and she can't help but think this night was born out of that wish. Maybe the universe started a war, drafted the one boy she may one day love, just because she was being sad and petty. It's stupid, Hitler's not invading previous German land because she wished to be little again. But it does feel nice to have Anne hold her, tell her she understands. All Meredithโ€™s ever done is tell her to grow up, act her age, learn to cook, get married, have kids. Everything she always felt like she could never do.
โ€œHeโ€™s really irritating but I want him back.โ€ Daisy murmurs around trembling breaths, beginning to calm down. Anne laughs, whispering an agreement before pulling back enough to see her face. She strokes her cheeks tenderly, motherly.
โ€œLetโ€™s her you dry clothes and a cup of tea, yeah?โ€ Daisy nods shyly, letting Anne guide her up the stairs and into a random bedroom. She digs through the dresser, pulling out a cotton tee and striped pajama bottoms. The same pajama bottoms Harry owns multiple pairs of. โ€œThese were his favorites as a boy. Donโ€™t fit him now but I canโ€™t get rid of them.โ€
Daisy changes into them in the bathroom, recognizing the scent of Harry immediate. He still smells the same today but more manly. Maybe it's that nice cologne he wears that makes him smell older, more mature. But his teen scent is comforting too. The two of them, feeling small but together. It makes her ache a bit more, but she smiles at it. Maybe Harry's thinking about her, smirking as he fall asleep and imagining her crying. Soulmates maybe, reaching out to jab at her throbbing heart. It's a very Harry thing to do, she thinks.
And she continues to think of him when she crawls into his childhood bed, an old record player playing an album he loved as a kid, with her mug of tea on his old nightstand. Buried in his sheets, it almost feels like he's there too. That's how it should be, husband and wife, buried next to each other forever.
120 notes ยท View notes
me-on-set ยท 5 years
Harrowingly Strange
When was the last time you had to face a moral dilemma? I am still reeling. I actually just got home. I think I invented a new selfie style. I wanted to take a photo of my makeup on and off.
As I currently write this, I am not an actor but instead have been doing background work for the past year. I've occasionally been a featured extra and was a body double once.
It's fascinating, seeing and doing the work that embodies being on set.
A couple of days ago, I received a message from a casting agency that had my headshot asking to submit my photo for a featured non-speaking role with a local production company. It was a one or two day shoot at $200 per day. I said yes and I got the gig.
When you are cast, you get an email the night before with details about the set location, start time, special instructions, and wardrobe. This show I booked was for a reenactment TV series about real world events. The exciting news was that this particular episode revolved around a crisis that occurred in my parents' homeland. I was to play someone at home seeing the news on television, and then in a second scene complain to police of their incompetence. I was asked to bring leisure clothing one would wear at home.
When I first started being an extra, I would bring my clothes in a backpack, trying really hard not to care too much. That behavior did not last. I found my interest stumbling forward into a natural evolution. I started taking luggage to neatly carry my wardrobe options. I found that I would mostly get cast as a mid-30's businessman. This led me to comfortably bring my outfits in a garment bag. It's funny how familiarity can grow your views.
For today, I packed shorts, sweatpants, t-shirts, a hoodie, a pair of runners, and a pair of flip flops. I got these flip flops during my last vacation with my mom overseas in her hometown. I also brought some henley shirts and arrived on set in khakis and a short-sleeved polo because there was also a mention of button-ups being an option.
The majority of work involved as an extra is waiting. It's a good idea to bring a book, although in this day and age, occupying oneself with a smart phone is a much more fulfilling time killer. I didn't end up using any of the clothes I had brought except for my belt and my runners. After my hair and makeup were done I decided to satisfy my curiosity by searching keywords of this specific production. I searched the name of the character I was to reenact. Adding quotations to strict strings of words, I had soon discovered the event I was going to portray. This was when my moral dilemma began.
I was born and raised in North America by immigrant parents who arrived in their early 20's. The typical experiences had by people of color paint a relatively positive mural that represents my upbringing. Having visited my ethnic country many times throughout my life, I felt, and still feel, a deep connection to the motherland. This connection is common for others like myself, powered by identity in a time where life will sometimes present it as a limitation. Conversely, this only strengthens cultural pride.
The role I was to play was an international representing their countrymen against the very country I identify with. Pangs of uneasiness flooded my body. There was another featured role performer who had an earlier call time. We sat together in the holding area. He was cast to play the part of a family member learning the news of the event. What surprised me more was the fact that he was a recent immigrant from my country of ethnicity. Us both, cast in roles of coincidental conflict of interest?
When it comes to acting, the only other time I recall having feelings of apprehension was during a big budget movie filmed in a church. I was a church goer among a sea of church goers seated in church pews. We were instructed to portray the enjoyment of a church service. Some of us were selected to stand and sway to the Christian music. Some had their eyes closed, head tilted to the ceiling, palms facing up to the heavens. As easy a physical task that is, I instead opted to clap along to the band and pretend to really feel the sounds of my favorite music. I know it's just acting but I was driven by the thought of my mom seeing me do anything other than that on camera. So, I coursed the music through my veins. I know the history of the band members, the albums, this music moves me, pretend.
I received my paperwork and read it over a cup of coffee from craft services. It was standard paperwork that I've filled out over a dozen times before. I looked at the inviting exit door. I was parked right outside. This is not that big of a deal, is it? I imagined this TV episode making its way to the news overseas, the citizens all over the world deeming me a traitor for perpetuating a negative image, not merely through action but through representation against them. Against us. Am I selling out? For two hundred bucks?
I thought about getting up and leaving. I thought about all of the hard work that people have put into this specific production. If you haven't been behind the scenes before, it is quite the trip. An assortment of heavy duty cables line the floors, taped in place. Racks of props in designated areas. The backstage crew zip around in sync, bursting with walkie-talkie sounds and hollers of instruction. There is a commonality in the many interactions, their minds tuned into the goal meant to be achieved. This is their career.
This is my hobby. I am a prop. Would leaving this put a blemish on my record in the local film community, or the film industry as a whole, because I wasted everyone's time being sensitive? As I languished, I get a message from my best friend and I tell him I'm on set. I tell him:
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For some reason, that makes me feel better. I just might be able to work with that mentality. The other guy has finished. He returns his wardrobe and collects his belongings. I ask him if he knows what this show is about. We speak in our language among the English-speakers. I ask him if he thinks people back home are going to be mad at us. I ask him if he knew we were going to be doing this. He seems ok with it all. He said he was there during the actual event. He's new to the industry. We laugh about how we can pass as different races. This is his first time being on camera. He said he enjoyed the experience. I ask him if he'll continue. He said yes. I hope he does.
Finally, wardrobe is set and I am wearing a navy blue golf shirt and some gray slacks. I want to feel good, like the other times I've worked. How can I get that feeling? They're calling me on set. They adjust the lighting while I sit in front of the camera. A fog machine fills the mock living room belonging to my character. When the camera rolls, there is a fake TV in front of me that I am to watch casually at first and then grow increasingly interested as the live footage I am pretending to watch unfolds. I am supposed to build up into a frustration with the host country. My country. As I understand it, the real guy is being interviewed and I am the reenactment; the illustration of his side of the story. I do the scene. Twice. Filming took less than 5 minutes total. The whole time I was thinking about my mom. I can remember it still, a few hours ago today, the director describing the gradual transpiring of the footage to guide me. To help me see a reason to be frustrated on camera. It wasn't helping. It's not his fault. I don't think it's anyone's fault. I don't think they even knew why I would be uncomfortable. I don't think they knew much about the countries involved in the event. They even spelled the city name wrong. I don't even think the takes were that bad.
I wish it wasn't about my country. If it were different, I feel like I could have given more - like I had done at the church.
It's unsettling to perform make-believe, but for myself I have managed to apply a mental exercise that immerses me into a character; to actually be the person. The trick is to relate. To tie the emotion to a real memory and relive it. If it had only been about another country, I'm sure I would have enjoyed the process a lot more.
I'm writing this and I was hoping it would help me shake away this dread. Thoughts of regret imagining if I had only researched the keywords sooner. Maybe I would have cancelled. But that wouldn't have been better. I would be blacklisted and never cast as another role again. Or maybe I'm being dramatic. Hey, that's good for this line of work, right?
I honestly hope the final cut looks great. This is the biggest role I've ever been in. They gelled my hair funny like a nerd, I had on large framed glasses, just like the portrayed, and they put makeup on my upper lip to hide my dark, clean-shaven stubble.
When I got home, before I washed my makeup off, I took a before and after mirror selfie because my face looked comedically smooth. Taking the pictures reminded me of when I was sipping coffee in the holding area. I had taken pictures of my paperwork. I remember my mind racing. The feeling was like gathering license plates and insurance information after a collision. You know, just in case I have to stand trial, my cultural membership in jeopardy. I can review my situation with a lawyer to see what I can and can not say during a variety show interview that is getting my side of the story after viral, captioned screenshots of me flood the internet with embarrassing memes, stamped into history. Jesus Christ, that would be the worst. Here I go again with extreme maybes. It's an entertaining curse that I will forever be engulfed in my own hypothetical torture.
Anyway, here's that selfie I invented:
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Yeah my bathroom mirrors are dirty.
I can't wait for my next job that I can cleanse my palate with. I really hope I can accept today as purely an actor's portrayal, and not a turncoat betrayal. This can't be my last go at acting. I ate some of my country's food for supper. I feel a bit better. I'm wearing a shirt that is emblazoned with our country's sports hero.
I have always been excited to see the final release of a production I am in, except for this one now. Uncontrollably, my perverse curiosity into the film world is only strengthening, so I don't think even the worst thoughts can slow my future participation. The silver lining is that the uncomfortable bar is set to a new level. I could reenact a murderous deviant now without batting a moral eyelash, I like to think. All for the sake of film.
- WSS,ย February 8, 2019
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