#this is probably in my top 5 worse er cases i can remember along with bulldog heatstroke and bear attack tbi
heelmox · 2 years
yesterday this dog came into the er that had been in the back of his family’s car when they got rear ended very very bad and one of the members of the family was in the human er and they brought the dog in and it’s a miracle the thing didn’t die on the way, there were little bits of glass all through her fur. it was so fuckin sad man, the people were still so nice though despite being in rough shape themselves
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lilaswordsandthings · 5 years
That’s What Friends are For Chapter 4: In Too Deep
A/N: Sorry this one took so long, I’ve been getting more hours at work and hitting serious writer’s block with chapter 5 but that is coming as well. I am going to preface this chapter by saying that there will be references to rape and non-consensual sex from this chapter onward. You have been warned. Tagging all the usual suspects: @illegalcerebral @reid-effect @dontshootmespence @stunudo @ultrarebelheart  
Chapter 4: In Too Deep
 Seeing Spence with Becca’s daughter reminded JJ of the day almost six years earlier when he’d admitted to her that he wanted children. In order to give them a little bit of privacy, she stepped out of the room and called Garcia.
 “Hey, how’s Reid doing?”
 JJ honestly didn’t know how to answer that at the moment. “It’s a lot to deal with. He just lost a friend and gained a child all in one day, but he’ll be alright, we just need to be there for him. Speaking of which, did digging a little deeper into the past few years of Rebecca’s life reveal anything?” She asked.
 “Yes. As you know, because of all the cash withdrawals her finances didn’t tell me a whole lot, but I did figure out what her new apartment building had that her old one didn’t.”
 “Which was?”
 “A bus stop. She didn’t have a car, but she did have a bus pass, and there was a stop literally less than twenty feet from her front door. I can also confirm that she used her pass to take the bus from the stop outside her apartment to the church where she left the baby on the night that she died. In fact, the records of where and when that bus pass was used have actually revealed a lot. She also went to the local courthouse. I was originally looking into that because I was wondering if she had ever filed a restraining order against anyone, and indeed she did. A little over nine months ago she filed a restraining order against one Peter Bailman.”
 “Ex-Boyfriend?” JJ asked.
 “I’m not sure but I doubt it, Mr. Bailman has a bunch of citations for bar fights, petty theft, sexual harassment charges, and she’s not the first woman to file a restraining order against this sleazeball.”
 “Wow, yeah, the way Reid talks about her I doubt she’d date someone like that. Hey, there’s actually one more thing we need to know Garcia.”
 “Name it.”
 “We need to know if Rebecca ever notarized a will. We still don’t know how she died, but the letter she left with the baby suggests that she knew she was dying so it’s possible that had time to make some formal arrangements before that happened. The baby’s case manager thinks it would help speed up the process of Reid being granted guardianship if Rebecca made her wishes clear in a will of some kind.”
 “That might take me a minute since she wouldn’t need to see a judge to do that, but I’ll get back to you,” Garcia replied, and the call ended.
 Spencer came out of Ms. Frankfort’s office a few minutes later, looking like a child whose puppy had just been hit by a car. Even after fifteen minutes, he was clearly already attached.
 “Was that Garcia?” He asked.
 “Yeah, she dug a little deeper into Rebecca’s life like we asked her to.
 “Does the name Peter Bailman ring a bell?”
 “Yeah. He lived in our neighborhood growing up, why?”
 “Garcia found a restraining order that Rebecca filed against him about nine months ago. Spence, is there any chance at all that he’s the father?”
 Reid shook his head ‘no’ before JJ even finished asking. “There’s no way. Rebecca hated him. We both did. He was older than us, I actually graduated with him, and when he wasn’t beating me up for the fun of it he was harassing her. Whenever Becca talked about him, which wasn’t much, she’d call him a ‘prick’. Believe me, there’s a higher probability of an asteroid with a surface area the size of Texas hitting the earth in the next five minutes than Rebecca sleeping with Peter Bailman.”
 “Well, something must’ve happened between them around that time for her to take out that restraining order. I think we need to talk to her friends at the university.” JJ suggested.
 “Let’s go.”
 As soon as they arrived on campus, they went to talk to the Dean of the Art Department, who told them that Becca’s closest friend from work had been a woman named Amanda Chambers, who also taught the graphic design classes and they were most likely to find her eating lunch in her office.
 When they got there, they found Professor Chambers sitting on top of her desk spooning what looked like chocolate pudding from a plastic cup into her mouth. She was tiny, skinny and shorter than JJ with long blonde hair and large hazel eyes. When she saw them waiting outside her door she hopped off her desk to let them in.
 “Hello?” She asked.
 “Hi, I’m Spencer, this is my friend JJ, we would like to talk to you about Becca Thompson.” He explained.
 “You knew her too,” She observed. “Most people who didn’t know her usually used her full name. She’d answer to it but once you knew her it was Becca.”
 “I know, I’ve known her since we were kids.” He replied.
 “Oh, you’re that Spencer…” She replied with a wry smile. Reid noticed that her eyes darted up and to the side like she was remembering everything Becca had ever told her about him. “It’s nice to finally meet the legend in person.” She said as she jumped back onto her desk.
 “We were hoping you could help us fill in some of the gaps in her last year of life, there’s a lot about what happened to her that doesn’t make sense to us.” JJ cut in.
 “I don’t know a whole lot,” Amanda warned. “I had my suspicions but she never came out and said anything so I don’t know how much of it I was right about.”
 “What did you suspect?” Reid asked.
 “Well, nine months ago, she called me early in the morning, like super early, I think it was around four AM. She said she was sick and asked if I could cover her classes for the day. I could tell something was wrong, but she didn’t seem sick. It was more like she was shaken like something really bad had happened and it scared her. I agreed. When she came back to work the next day, she was limping, and she had marks on her wrists, like rope burns and I’m positive I saw a matching mark on one of her ankles. I asked her what happened, and she just said that she didn’t want to talk about it.”
 JJ turned to Reid. “Do you think maybe her mom hurt her again?”
 He shook his head. “No, every time Becca’s mom hurt her it was impulsive, this sounds like there was more planning to it than that, her mom wouldn’t have taken the time to tie her up.” He explained. Then he turned back to Amanda. “What happened next?”
 I noticed over the next month or so that she started getting sick, there were days where she would throw up two or three times. Eventually I asked her if she knew what was wrong and she said that nothing was, that she was pregnant.” Amanda paused, as though gathering the resolve to tell them what else she knew. “I think, I think whoever hurt her that night raped her. I think that, that’s how she got pregnant.”
 Reid was incensed, he had to withdraw within himself to maintain the outward appearance of calm. If Amanda was correct, then the restraining order against Peter suddenly made sense as well. No wonder she didn’t want anyone to know who the father of her child is… He thought bitterly to himself. He hoped desperately that he never saw the likes of Peter Bailman again, because the next time he did, he wasn’t sure what he’d be capable of.
 “Is there more?” JJ asked, seeing the tears in Amanda’s eyes and carotid artery pulsating in her neck that Reid had been too absorbed by his own thoughts to notice.
 “Yes,” she admitted. “It gets worse. About seven months ago, I started noticing that she was coming into work with bruises, and knowing her, and knowing what I know about her family I assumed it was because if her mom at first. But then one day she tripped over the laptop cart in her classroom, and within a couple of hours, she had a massive bruise on her leg. It went all the way from her knee to her ankle. I was worried about her so I made her go to the ER. They kept her for observation overnight and ran some blood tests. When she got back to work after that she claimed they didn’t find anything wrong, but she kept bruising really easily and despite being pregnant she was losing weight instead of gaining it. Becca wasn’t a small person, she just wasn’t built that way but by the time she resigned, aside from her pregnancy starting to show, she was skin and bone. I still don’t know what, but I’m positive there was something else wrong with her, something she didn’t want anyone to know about.” She told them.
 “Not even me…” Reid realized. This was insane, Becca had been in deeper trouble than he’d thought possible. Why hadn’t she said anything? Why hadn’t she asked for help while he could have still given it? He couldn’t take it anymore, he left the office without a word, letting the door close loudly behind him.
 “Excuse us,” JJ said as she followed Reid out.
 He was pacing back and forth along the stretch of hallway between Amanda’s office and the one next door.
 “If I ever see that creep again you’re going to have to keep me away from him.” He told her, more as a statement of fact than a threat.
 “Reid, you told me that she never would have slept with him, and she didn’t, not willingly anyway. If he did hurt her, we can prove it. We can track him down, we can prove with DNA that he fathered Rebecca’s daughter.”
 “No. No, we can’t… we can’t even let him know that she exists. JJ if he is the father, then he would have parental rights over her. If we’re right, and anyone else finds out, the only way we could stop the courts from giving him custody is if we got him locked up.”
 “You don’t think he’d be convicted?”
 “No. Becca’s dead, she can’t testify. All matching his DNA to her baby would prove is that he had sex with her. The assault was months ago. Any injuries she sustained, as a result, would’ve healed by now and any drugs he may or may not have used would be long out of her system. There’d be no hard evidence that it wasn’t consensual. The restraining order could be used to show that Becca was afraid of him, but a good defense attorney could defeat that argument pretty easily in court. Garcia didn’t find any evidence that Becca reported the assault, but, as far as I knew she wasn’t afraid of him, so why not admit that he hurt her? Why take out a restraining order? The only reason the Becca I know would have let him get away with something like that would be to protect her baby, to make sure that he never knew she existed. I think our best shot at keeping that little girl safe is to make sure it stays that way.”
 “Ok… but that’s not the only thing that’s bugging you is it?”
 “No, it’s what Amanda told us about the last few months before Becca resigned, that combined with her letting saying that she knew she was dying makes me think there’s still something we’re missing.”
 “Do you have any idea what?”
 “A few, none of them good. From sounds of it her life was one nightmare after another for almost a year, but she never said a word. Why didn’t she come to me? I would’ve helped her.”
 “I don’t know, Spence. What I do know is that you’re helping her now.”
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chimyoung · 6 years
I’ll Try
As requested by @agylala7: what about the second prompt with Yoongi and OC, but where OC is the art student who smokes and Yoongi is the med student?
Here we go! This was supposed to be a drabble but it went over 2k so does it still count?
Warning/s: SMOKING (pls do not, take it from a smoker, it is very expensive and bad for your health), swearing, reader gets sick, mentions of gross sick stuff.
Paring: Med Student!Min Yoongi x Art Student!Reader
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It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for your peers to find you outside, under one of the large trees on the quad with a cigarette in your mouth. It was a well-known fact that you were a chain smoker, many of your professors and friends trying to lecture you on the detrimental impact that the nicotine had on your health, but you never listened.
Min Yoongi was one of those people who were trying to convince you to quit smoking, or at least cut back from two packs a day. At first he had started out by simply looking at you and telling you that the ‘cancer stick’ was going to kill you before you saw your first grandchild. He was a very blunt man, but that was probably what made you fall in love with him in the first place.
Min Yoongi was the complete and total opposite of you, with his natural black hair, no piercings other than his ears and no other body modifications whatsoever, he was not afraid to speak his mind or call people out on their bullshit. Yoongi dressed to be comfortable, and his outward appearance, although intimidating, was somewhat comforting. He was a med student who would never even think of putting a lit cigarette anywhere near his face. 
You on the other hand, had bright red hair, a couple of piercings (your nose and lip) as well as your ears, you had tattoos all over your body and you were a very soft, outspoken person no matter what you looked like. You often dressed in a way that would scare people off, and it was a common occurrence for people to cross the road to avoid you altogether. You were a socially awkward art student who couldn’t really go ten minutes without a hit of nicotine.
“Large soy chai latte, no foam!” You called, finishing the order and pushing the to-go cup forward in time for the business lady to snatch it off the counter and completely ignore your polite smile. Seeing no more orders for you, you wiped down the coffee machine and moved out from behind the counter, joining Hoseok in cleaning the now empty tables. It was a late Tuesday evening, and the quaint little café that you worked at was beginning to start closing, ready to turn in for the night.
“Here, I’ll take that. You go talk to your lover boy.” Hoseok winked, taking the empty plates from your hands. Hoseok was much like you in his appearance, two full sleeves of tattoos to complement his spider bites and eyebrow piercing. He was your best friend and he was also a pain in the ass, often giving you a hard time for your crush on Yoongi, your polar opposite. Where you had fallen for a man who was complete opposite of you, Hoseok’s boyfriend, Taehyung, was very much the same as him, maybe with a few less tattoos.
“Fuck off, Hobi.” You spoke, but handed over the plates in any case, turning to see Yoongi sat in the corner with three empty mugs around him, typing furiously on his laptop. You assumed that the med students had an assignment or test of some sort coming up, explaining the urgent way that Yoongi was slamming his fingers against the keypad.
“Do you need another?” You asked as soon as you got close enough, taking a small amount of joy in the way that the man jumped, his hand almost knocking one of the mugs from their place beside him.
“Um, yeah. Just a latte, thanks. I’m nearly done.” He smiled up at you, watching as you collected the empty cups and plates, nodding as he spoke.
“No problem. It won’t be too long.” You smiled back, turning to walk away. Jimin had taken your place at the coffee machine, so you relayed Yoongi’s order before grabbing your packet of cigarettes from your jacket’s front pocket and taking your lighter from Jimin’s outstretched hand. You often left it laying around, and your friends ever so diligently continued to pick it up for you.
“I’m going for a smoke, I’ll be back in like 5 minutes.” You said, moving towards the back of the store, and out the back door, flipping Jin off when he made some comment about not getting cancer before he can draw up the next roster. Placing the cigarette between your lips and sparking the flame from the lighter, you inhaled the toxins, letting out a relieved sigh at the familiar burn. The tightness in your chest dissipated upon seeing the cloud of grey smoke leave your lips, blowing away with the breeze. 
You were in a world all your own, thinking over the man who sat inside and what he would say to you when you walked back inside. He often left little notes on the napkins, other staff at the café passing them along to you. At first you were a little put off when you read “EXPOSURE TO SECOND HAND SMOKE KILLS NEARLY 50,000 PEOPLE EACH YEAR IN THE U.S ALONE”. Though as time went on, the little notes became more frequent, facts about cigarettes and the deadly impact that they had on the average human. Now you had begun to expect them, somewhat looking forward to them in your own morbid way. Stomping out the now finished cigarette, you exhaled the lung full of smoke, waiting a little so that you wouldn’t smell too strongly of smoke, before you made your way back into the café, finding Yoongi gone but a note left in his place, folded in half with your name scratched onto the top in his usual scrawl.
“What did he leave you this time? His number? The national quitting help line? The number to some sort of a funeral service?” Hoseok asked as you unfolded the paper, smirking at the newest note.
“TABBACO ADDICTS ARE MOST LIKELY TO CONSIDER QUITTING ON A MONDAY. MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE COME IN YESTERDAY?” It read, making you giggle quietly at the absurdness of the fact.
“Nothing of your concern.” You quipped, walking towards the front doors to lock them and flip the open sign to close.
The next time you spoke to Yoongi, you were sat under the largest tree on the quad, a lit cigarette in your mouth, and two finished ones stamped out beside you.
“You are going to die an incredibly early death if you continue smoking at the rate you are.” His voice cut through your thoughts, halting the movement of your pencil on your paper.
“We’re all gonna die Yoongi. When, where or how is undecided. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, and that would have nothing to do with my smoking habits.” You said, smirking up at the man and taking another drag.
“You are as bad a Namjoon. I’m just pointing out that the likeliness of you living to the ripe old age of 45 is pretty low.” He spoke back sarcastically, beginning to walk away once more. You laughed at his statement, taking one final drag from your cigarette and putting it out, half finished. 
“Now I might make it to 46!” You exclaimed, smiling at him and picking up your pencil once more. 
“Maybe. It might take a little more than that though.” He quipped.
“I’ll try.”
You went the next few weeks without seeing Yoongi, too swept up in work and your classes to even bother looking for the man, and with the stress of three back to back major assessments, your smoking increased as well. Probably getting you to where you are now.
You had been with Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin when you began to feel short of breath. You had been dealing with a pretty persistent cough for about two weeks now, putting it down to coming down with a head cold or something, but this was different. Your chest was tight, and your coughs were racking through your body, the other boys looking over at you worried.
You had managed to grab a tissue from the coffee table in front of you, and pulling away to find a yellow-grey coloured mucus was concerning. Even further concerning was the fact that specks of blood covered the small area on the tissue.
“Okay that’s it. You’re going to a hospital. I don’t care what you say.” Hoseok jumped up, moving to wrap his arm around your waist and walk you out of your apartment, the two younger boys following. Your wheezing only seemed to get worse, as did the tightness in your chest and it wasn’t long before you were groaning with the effort it took to inhale. 
Reaching the hospital seemed to take less time than you remember, Jimin and Taehyung jumping from the car to grab you whilst Hoseok went to find somewhere to park. Jimin was supporting you while Taehyung ran ahead to get some help. You had barely made it through the front doors before there was nurses grabbing at you and putting you on a hospital bed, wheeling you away from your friends. You made it into the ER, two of the nurses talking to you to tell you that a doctor would be on his way soon, and that they were going to be taking your vitals.
“Okay, honey, can you tell me your symptoms? How long have you had them?” One of them, an older lady, asked, smiling down at you in comfort.
“Um… I feel like I can’t breathe, my chest feels really tight. I’ve been coughing for about two weeks now and it’s had mucus and only just recently I’ve been coughing up blood too.” You tried to explain, trying to ignore the feeling of passing out.
“I’ll take it from here, Joy. Hello miss, I’m Dr Kim. I hope you don’t mind but there is also a medical student with me as well,” Another smiling woman approached leaning over you to inspect. “Have you had any trouble sleeping at all, or a fever perhaps?”
“Yeah, but I just thought it was a head cold or something, nothing too serious.” You said, your words coming out in between pants. You were finding it increasingly difficult to breathe.
“Okay, just a couple more questions. Are you a smoker at all or have you been exposed to cigarette smoke regularly over the time of your illness?” She asked, the sound of scribbling drawing your attention away from the woman. You couldn’t see whoever it was so you turned your focus back to the doctor.
“Uh, yeah. I smoke.” You said, a little ashamed with the way this woman was looking at you.
“Okay, how often? As in, how many packs a day do you think you average?” She questioned further.
“Maybe two, usually. But I’ve been really stressed lately so maybe more.” You spoke, trying to remember just how many packets you had gone through in the past three weeks. 
“Hmm.” She hummed, pulling her stethoscope out and listening to the rattling of your lungs as you inhaled and exhaled on her command. She said a few more things before a nurse came over and demanded the doctor’s presence.
“Okay, you can probably finish this. Give your diagnosis and check it with the primary and the head nurse.” Dr Kim said to whoever the med student was. There was a noise of affirmation and a new figure stepped into your line of sight. Min Yoongi had his most disappointed look printed across his face, looking down at you in the same way your parents would.
“So from what I can tell, you’ve got chronic bronchitis. Not cancer, thank god. You’re probably gonna need some respiratory antibiotics and inhalants, and pulmonary rehabilitation. That means quitting smoking.” Yoongi spoke softly but he was stern, letting you know he wasn’t up for any of your bullshit. He waved down a nurse and told her of his diagnosis, watching as she pulled a breathing mask over your face and went to go grab the head nurse in charge.
You were still stunned but you nodded, your eyes never once leaving him. He was still so attractive, even when he was obviously tired and upset with you.
“You know, if you give up the smoking, I may just ask you on a date.” Yoongi spoke so nonchalantly that you almost thought that you heard him wrong.
“I’ll try.” Your voice was muffled but he understood you perfectly.
“I suppose that’s all I can ask.” He brushed your hair off of your forehead and further shocked you by placing a kiss on the now exposed skin.
“I’ll be back later. Try and get some rest for now.” He looked over at you, almost as if he didn’t want to leave as much as you didn’t want him to leave.
“I’ll try.”
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f0r3ver-kisses · 6 years
Just some food for thought/life vent
Sorry I suck, and don’t go on here anymore.
I’m in an intense nursing program currently. Just graduated with my Associates degree.
I’m here reading 12 chapters of my nursing textbook by tomorrow and I came up on a section about abuse that was very hard for me to read.
~ any oldies on here, may remember my very bad Abusive boyfriend a few years ago. We dated 3 years almost, and i got away almost 2 years ago now.
I’ve been drinking a lot this year and I have been genuinely happy during 2018.
- ha ha possibly due to my drinking 🤣🤪
So, I had been drinking basically everyday once June came around. Life’s been very stressful. Took a break in August for 2 weeks when I went on a family vacation. Came back and some bad shit happened, so back to it. And then the last 2 weeks, I had to cut down to 1-3 days a week due to health reasons. Almost died a few times, I’ve been sexually assulted a lot and last Monday morning was admitted to the ER at 330am. Due to tasting and coughing up blood for a week, and my right side feeling like it was going to explode and extremely sharp pains. I thought that week I had hit rock bottom. I messaged an AA group asking how to stop drinking and that was dumb. Lol but I realized I have a problem and my health (which was already bad) was really getting worse.
Reading this chapter on abuse made me think and I thought I had hit rock bottom when I was dating my abuser. And also that health care is fucking depressing. People abuse elderly people so often. They are the easiest target and most common victims. It’s awful. How cruel can people be.
Then I kept thinking. And there has been 4 times throughout my life that I thought I had hit rock bottom and I suppose that still wasn’t it ?
1st. Was in 8th grade, when I had switched to a new middle school and I had maybe 7 friends. But only one I really talked to and hung out with everyday. This was my best friend. She killed herself, when we were in a fight. She was in 7th grade. I had lost my only friend. - months following this i started self harming. I wanted to die myself. I carved worthless down my whole leg. My parents saw and put me on lock down. I wasn’t even allowed in my room.
2nd. In high school, dated this boy a few years. Lost a lot of friends due to us hanging out everyday, and so we shared the same friends. Once we broke up, he started rumors about me and got everyone to hate me. I got harassing texts and calls through tumblr, Facebook, texts, messenger, instagram, snap etc. no one would talk to me or let me even speak. So whatever I say by myself at lunch a lot of the times sat in the councilor hall by the back stairway where no one went and would just sit and cry. This was quite a few years ago so it’s hard to recall, but I believe I was dealing with deep depression, and that on top I really couldn’t handle. Plus being in high school. He hooked up with all my “friends” directly after and got one of them pregnant 🙂 fake bitch pretended to be my friend until she told me after making me come visit her at work Mexican restaurant and buy some food. That was fun.
3rd. 2 years ago, this low lasted a year honestly. Management changed at my old job, and she was very Abusive and cruel to me for no reason. Along with my Abusive boyfriend, and being a full time college student. Being 19,20. Trying to figure out my life, parents don’t help out. I just live there. I guess the major low in this was the last 2 times I had to see him. Hitting me, recording me to make it look like I was the violent one, breaking my iPhone 5 when I tried to call my mom for help to pick me up, screaming for some help in apartment building crying my eyes out. Then a few days later, a scene at our college he tried to through my iPhone off the 4th floor of the parking garage onto the busy road. And trying to steal my keys again, crying screaming for help. Thanksfully people came. And called security. Then going to work right after and dealing with the continued mind games bullshit.
4th. Was well from August- mid September. But specifically maybe 2 weeks ago dealing with Another breakup, health concerns, lots of blood work and shots, college program dropped me, stress about all that blah, being one of two managers at my other job, and my boss being stressed about us both going to school. Drinking every night to help the stress. Waking up in burning stomach pains. And blood in my mouth. Assessive shaking from with draw, blacking out a lot, my blood alcohol level was .62 in an hour once and I didn’t die lol. (Reminder that the legal limit to drive is 0.08..)Almost did, but I didn’t. Being rushed to the ER. For being a white girl whose 5”3 (now) that’s like 9xs my limit lol.
So now I’m thinking wow I’ve gone through some really crazy shit and that wasn’t my rock bottom ? What is then? In my 40s? I’m 21. How many more almost rock bottoms am I going to have to get through to have my big one? So in case anyone was wondering, if you think you’ve hit rock bottom you probably haven’t. Life is going to get worse lol. That’s my thought of the day. Just needed to share. Wasted an hour of studying I should be doing 😅 on chapter 3/14 now. Spread the positivity.
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ecofinisher · 4 years
A new partnership - Chap 24
Chapter 24
In the late evening, Onyx sat on the top of the cathedral looking down at the active citizens of the metropolis. Onyx head down the monument a group of teens laughing as they passed by, then he glanced down at them which continued their way together and Onyx looked up at the dark sky sighing.
“Come on Jin. Be happy that at least you two are friends,” Onyx scolded himself placing his hand on his head, then began to breathe in and breathe out slowly.
Across the Seine, Marinette sat inside her bedroom on her desk holding in her arms her and Alix’s bag of flour, and on the other hand, she held her pen, which she used to take notes for the project.
“You know Tikki if this was a real baby I really believe this with the budget would be really expensive,” Marinette mentioned. “Rose’s mom told, that she needed special diapers as her skin got irritated by its material. Those then aren’t really the cheapest ones,”
“A real child would probably raise the chances of you giving out more money if it needed special things for his needs,”
“Right, talking about special needs Nino just sent me a message,” Marinette noticed as she saw an incoming message, which she clicked to open it and see a meme. “That awkward moment, when you believe you wrote the best song with a good meaning but you end up losing against a song about space puns,”
“Okay, I have no idea what kind of song that is, but probably if I knew I would get it” Marinette implied, then took a look at her window to think and recognized Onyx sitting on the top of the cathedral with his arms crossed having his head down making Marinette look worried. “Tikki do you see there Onyx too?” Marinette questioned the kwami, which nodded.
“He doesn’t seem to be in a great mood,” The kwami stated earning a nod from the teenage girl.
“We better get there, before he unwillingly gets akumatized,” Marinette said earning a nod from the kwami. “Tikki, spots on!” Marinette shouted, afterward she ran up to her balcony and swung towards the church landing on top of the roof, then he noticed the heroine arrive and looked up at her.
“Good evening, Ladybug,” Onyx greeted, then Ladybug went down to look at him.
“Are you alright?” Ladybug asked earning a nod from the superhero. “I saw you looking as if you were sad and just came in case something would happen to you,”
“Oh, you didn’t have to. I have been thinking about a talk I had with a friend of mine,”
“Has it something to do with your secret life?” Questioned Ladybug.
“No, we were talking about our past and we….kissed,”
“Oh really?” Ladybug asked a little disappointed, then Onyx shook his head, making Ladybug frown confused. “Did you or not?”
“Well, it wasn’t quite a real kiss. I sort of was hesitating and she kissed me under my lips, then this with Oni-Chan came along and…..we both were gone and afterward she apologized about her act, she…..she believed I didn’t like it and questioned me to forget it. I wanted to explain to her, that she has misinterpreted it, but I didn’t know how else to say that,”
“You could try it again?” Ladybug suggested. “You two didn’t fully converse about that?”
“I don’t know, how I should do that,” Onyx said watching Ladybug sat down next to him. “She could also not be ready for something after she had lost her…...one special person. Or naturally, she doesn’t feel ready or it is just because of both of us knowing each other for very long,”
“I think the best thing now is to be like you are and just be befriended with her. Maybe with the time, it will change, you two may get closer, you two might get closer with someone else, there’s a lot,” Ladybug recounted looking at Onyx, which listened to her.
“I’m glad, that we’re friends even, after all, that happened,”
“At least you two can still be friends. Soon or later she may see you with other eyes, otherwise, there are still other girls, that would love to have a caring and sweet boyfriend like you,” The superheroine assured tapping on his bell, making him smile.
“I’d make sure I’m worth to them,” Promised the raven-haired superhero making Ladybug chuckle softly. A car honk threw Onyx out from gazing at Ladybug, then he looked over down at the streets to see an SUV had crashed against a pole and vice versa a white car stood on top of the sidewalk with the car and left the car looking back at the car. “I think we should check that out,” Onyx pointed out as Ladybug looked down to and observed the woman from the white car walk across the streets to the SUV.
“Sure,” Ladybug agreed jumping down off the cathedral along with the male superhero and the two ran towards the car and Ladybug stopped in front of the woman from the other car. “Good evening, we’re here to help,”
“What exactly happened?” Onyx questioned before he knocked on the dark window of the car.
“The driver was driving in the middle of the line, then I honked and the driver dodged and crashed on the pole,” The woman explained.
“Hello?” Onyx knocked, then he moved on the door handle to open it and noticed another brunette woman sat in the car and the airbag slowly deflates and Onyx placed his hands on the woman’s shoulders. “Miss, can you hear me? Do you understand me?”
“I’m sorry, did I hurt anyone?” The woman asked, then Onyx placed his arms around the woman and pulled her out slowly and sat her on the ground in front of the side door of the second row, then we went down on his knees. “Does something hurt?”
“I don’t know,” The woman responded, then yawned and Onyx patted the woman on the shoulder. “I think taking a Taxi or a bus would be better at this stage of tiredness,”
“Should I call the ambulance?” The second woman asked.
“Call the police first and explain what happened, they usually call the ambulance too, if necessary,” Ladybug responded earning a nod from the blue-haired woman, which walked aside to the sidewalk to make the call. Ladybug took a look around the car and noticed on the license plate the European line code was replaced by a regular white plate but on the front, it had the blue initials CD. “Wait a minute, I know whose car this is,” Ladybug said and looked at Onyx, which patted the woman on her back to comfort her.
“The mafia?” Onyx guessed making Ladybug frown.
“Why is that the first thing coming to your mind?”
“I don’t know the bad guys always drive fat SUV’s in the movies?” Onyx answered. “Is is anyone special I don’t know,”
“The car belongs to the diplomatic corps of Italy. I think this is Mrs. Rossi,” Ladybug mentioned looking down at the woman, which picked out her smartphone to see the time.
“Mrs. Rossi, isn’t it?” Onyx asked earning a nod from the woman. “You’ll be fine,”
“I just need to inform my work about this,” Mrs. Rossi said, making Ladybug furrow her eyebrow at her comment, then went down at the woman.
“Hi Mrs. Rossi, isn’t your daughter called Lila Rossi? The one girl, that got turned into Volpina?”
“Yes. I didn’t know you knew me,”
“Actually I don’t. I just guessed as I noticed the license plate of your car,” Ladybug mentioned. “You looked like you had a long day today at the work,”
“Yeah I’ve been up since 5:30 am to be able to start at 6:30,” Mrs. Rossi explained.
“Isn’t that a little too early?” Questioned the heroine. “The embassy isn’t really far away from here,”
“I take in the morning the opportunity to make sure Lila has everything she needs at home in case I get delayed to arrive at home, which usually happens a lot,”
“You really need to take a day off or two to be with your daughter. You know it’s not also easy for her to move on in her life without any parental attention or be aware of what’s going on with her life,”
“She tells it once in a while when we both finally see each other. Last time I’ve seen her was about four weeks ago. She had been akumatized into Chameleon, but she didn't remember how it happened,” Mrs. Rossi mentioned. “And I had to sign, that she would do a project in taking care of a bag of flour along with a boy named Nathaniel,”
“About the part with the akumatization….She was...erm being bullied on the internet by her classmates and some other students, because she had been telling things about herself, that weren’t quite 100% correct,”
“You’re meaning, that she lied?”
“Yes, but I talked with her about it and suggested her to talk the next day to her class to explain why she did that. So far I know the hatred towards her….I mean er…. This with the bullying is now low and she is befriended with two boys, which have taken her to their breaks and are getting along so far…..I have heard once from her…..I saw her once…..saved her once from Ikari Gozen during the stomping of the school,”
“She’s been akumatized again during this year?”
“This is about the fourth time I think,” Ladybug mentioned. “I know everyone in Paris can be a victim of one of Hawk Moth’s attacks. Even Onyx has been under them, the most important thing is for you to be more present in Lila’s life. She was pretty close into following the wrong path of good and bad. Partially the first time she was akumatized it was my fault I had seen her telling, that she was my best friend in order to get popularity and this and other things made me mad and I scolded her in front of her crush, making her cry,”
“What? She never told me anything about that,”
“Of course not, I believe this would probably be worse for both sides, eventually,” Ladybug mentioned. “Since Cat Noir and the other heroes got their identities revealed I began to notice, I’ve been screwing up at some aspects in this role as a superhero. Thanks to Onyx I could see the wrong in my action and…..pay for them in some way,”
“Did you cause that mayhem back at the Trocadero?”
“I could have prevented it, if I had been there for Chloé but while I was gone Hawk Moth somehow made his way to her convincing her to fight for him. Chloé’s mom hasn’t been around her life as she was in Paris and her father was just a couple of times, but those couple of times weren’t enough or he wasn’t enough doing his best to raise her, so this is why it led her to be a spoiled person. You’re practically absent from Lila’s life too as I see, apparently she also doesn’t see her father enough. Lila’s akumatizations were enough to hold up the city’s breath and if no one helps Lila to see the paths she has she could have gone just the same way as Chloé or even worse,”
“The good thing about her now is that she faced her mistakes and explained the reasons behind them and at least these two boys befriended her and so far she seems to feel okay about it,” Onyx added. “Otherwise the chances for her would be high in getting screwed up by Hawk Moth the same way Chloé did,”
“She seems okay now, right?” Mrs. Rossi asked earning a nod from the superheroes. “You know I’m trying my best to make it home earlier, but my job is really important and at the moment I’m the only one to have Lila’s custody,”
“What’s with her dad?” Ladybug questioned. “I’ve never heard her mentioning a word about him,” “Well, he secretly was part of an organization, that passed over the country borders stolen artifacts, and one day his team’s cover got blown up as something went wrong and they were caught nearby the borders at Monteggio and Fornasette. This happened when Lila was around 5 years or 6. I never have told her about his whereabouts, cause I’m afraid she would end up doing similar to him,”
“You know that like this Lila can still go the wrong direction” Ladybug mentioned earning a nod from the adult.
“I really will try to focus more on her or at least arrange something to do together with her,”
“Good, tomorrow will be a good day for you two. It will be sunny...well 14 degrees, but it will be a good day to go out together,” Onyx suggested earning a nod from the woman.
“No Onyx, she will first go to the doctor for a check up, if possible she will go but maybe on Monday or Tuesday when she’s off the hospial,”
“Right,” Onyx replied, then noticed a police car approach along with a small ambulance, which parked behind the crashed SUV. “Here they are,” Onyx said leaning his hand down to help the embassador up, which looked at one of the cops approaching the car to check it out.
“Get well soon,” Ladybug wished looking at the brunette, which smiled and watched Onyx accompany her to the police car, where both greeted the agent then Ladybug smiled seeing Onyx lean on the car as he began to explain what he saw, while the policeman listened to him. The policeman switched to the woman and Onyx looked at Ladybug giving her a simple smile making the bug-themed superheroine blush enamored at the raven-haired partner.
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