#this is just me rambling don’t pay attention to it
callme-holly · 2 days
steve randle first date hcs?
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 [s𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 r𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 r𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - I literally love Steve so much <33 my asks are still open for requests!! 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 366 words 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - none
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This boy will pick you up early and he will be dressed as smartly as he can manage. 
When you answer the door, he is in awe of how gorgeous you look, and will compliment you every chance he gets. 
To be entirely honest with you, he’ll probably take you to some sort of drag race or car show. 
He’ll hold your hand tightly and lead you around like a child, rambling to you about different cars and what he likes and doesn’t like about them. 
He probably won’t realise he’s doing it, so please just squeeze his hand darlin’ and his attention is solely on you again. 
He’ll keep his arm wrapped around you the entire time and will keep you close to him at all times, especially if it’s busy. The last thing he wants is to lose you, or for you to get hurt. 
Is genuinely in shock on how he got so lucky everytime he looks at you.
He’s going to show you off. It’s just in his nature. 
If you get cold, you bet your ass he’s giving you his jacket and he’s not gonna take no for an answer. 
Afterwards, he’ll probably take you to some diner and order y’all some milkshakes and fries to share. He just wants to spend as much time as he can with you before he’s got to drop you home.
If you think for a moment that you’re paying, you’re wrong. Steve is whipping his wallet out so fast, you don’t even have time to blink. He will ignore all of your protests as he hands the waitress the cash, a smug expression written all across his features. 
When he drives you home, he’s got his hand on your knee the whole time and he’s not taking it off unless he has to.
Expect him to walk you up to your door like the gentleman he is just to make sure you get in safe. 
He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to kiss on the first date, but he’ll definitely ask you if you want to go on another.
He’s smitten with you <33
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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ur-fav-f1-fangirl · 3 days
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From The Start
- Requested: Yes/No
- Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
- Song: From The Start, By Laufey
- Lyric: “Oh the burning pain, listening to you harp on bout some new soulmate, she’s so perfect blah blah blah”
- Word count: 325 words
A/N: This is my first work, so it’s kind of bad, I’m sorry yall.
You and Charles had been friends for quite a while, having grown up karting together. That meant that you talked to each other about everything, and were there whenever the other needed. You knew each others secrets, deepest fears, that kind of stuff. One thing Charles didn’t know, however, was that you had liked him since you were younger. Of course, who could blame you? He’s THE Charles Leclerc. You had never told him, as you were scared you would ruin your friendship, so you kept it a secret.
Recently, Charles had gotten a new girlfriend, her name was Alex, and she was very pretty. You’ve met her plenty of times, and she was really sweet. She was perfect for him, and he was perfect for her. They were great together. So, you just burrowed your feelings down, and tried to forget them.
It was before the Monaco Grand Prix, you and Charles were chilling out in his driver room. You were talking and talking, about anything and everything, and eventually you got onto the topic of his girlfriend, Alex.
“You don’t understand, she is like my everything, I’ve never loved anyone as much as her, shes just so perfect”
Charles rambled on. You listened, but couldn’t help a slight pain in your chest, of course you wanted him to be happy, but why couldn’t it be you? Why couldn’t you be the one he talked about to his friends? Why couldn’t you be the one who-
“Y/N? Are you listening to me?”
He spoke, his voice pulling you out of your trance and back to reality.
“Uh, yeah, she seems lovely.”
You responded, you were listening, but you weren’t entirely paying attention. You wanted to just blurt it out, just tell him that you liked him, but you couldn’t. You just couldn’t. It would just make the whole situation worse, so you just kept your mouth shut, and your feelings to yourself.
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venusparker · 1 month
the idea of love is so strange to me because it’s something i’ve always wanted, something i want, but i don’t think anyone could love me in the way i need. in a way i would enjoy. i’ve always been the caregiver and the lover and the one who cares more. i am the one who thinks too much and thinks about you all the time because i don’t know how else to be, and everything i see will remind me of you. i don’t know if that was ever meant to be returned to me, or if the line of love versus in love will make me sick. because my coffee order changes daily, but always stays sweet, and who can memorize someone who is always changing. i talk too much, and ramble about three thousand different things, and i don’t expect anyone to remember. how could anyone keep up? what am i if not exhausting and contradictory. what am i if not begging to be soft. begging to be remembered. begging to be seen. begging to be understood. i’m tired of constantly having to do things for myself, but accustomed to the routine. i love like it’s breathing, but to love me is a chore. i can’t picture anyone finding me in the smallest of signs or wanting to be the first one i turn to. i don’t know if anyone could ever be in love with me enough to want to take care of me. not when that’s my job, always has been, and i feel like i’m doomed to constantly repeat it. i carry this weight the same way i carry my heart.
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pinkmirth · 1 year
i would buy whatever they’re selling! 😩
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daisyachain · 4 months
There are places where I think a sex scene can dramatically impact a story in a way that enriched the viewing experience and conveys important information. There are movies and/or tv shows in which this happens. I haven’t seen any of them. So much of the time it’s there to do exactly what it says on the tin. A woman and a man are banging. Sure. Fine. Happy for them. It’s just a literal scene used to pull a bit of a ‘well you didn’t think THEY would be involved’ plot twist or a ‘we’re so edgy’ signal. The only show so far that I’ve seen that uses sex scenes as an actual tool of storytelling is Black Sails, and the reason it works in Black Sails is that the sex is Bad. People are bored. People are distracted. The characters are so bound up with the plot that it’s physically prevented them from fucking like normal human beings. That works. The rest doesn’t
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theswedishpajas · 2 months
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I don’t do this usually but I feel like I’ve been super quiet lately and I REALLY liked the nails I did this week so I’m gonna showcase them!!
This week’s inspired mostly by my Dark Urge playthrough, just in very general strokes though- the star nails obviously symbolizing Astarion 🍷🦇✨✨✨
The black crackle is part about it bring the DARK urge and also just a hint towards hell in some way (lava, tiefling, all that) but also a favorite of mine in general because it matches with my skin condition ✨✨✨
Four of them, all but the ones with the gold star, glow pink in the dark (and under blacklight as well)
I think they’re about 6-7 layers of polish, counting the base coat?
I repaint them once every other week on the day after my bath, and dedicate most of the day to them as to not accidentally ruin them before they’re fully dried/cured (I don’t use gel polish)
The day after my bath isn’t really open for much with me either way as I’m still soaking in my lotion throughout the day and thus can’t really get dressed to go outside etc.
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ohblimeygeorge · 20 hours
Do you ever get that overwhelming sense that your parents or at least one of them don’t get you at all?? Like I’ve lived at home my whole life, I feel like it’s probably quite obvious by nowwhat things I like, what I’m not bothered about etc and stupid little things too and like they just don’t… get it? Like for once I’d just like to be surprised with something I haven’t had to tell them about and it actually be what I like too..
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schumi-nadal · 8 months
This was by far my least favorite match by them. Carlos seemed to give up, like what happened? That second set it seemed like it was somebody else playing...
The first set was very entertaining, both of them gave their best with great rallies. Clearly one of the best set of the tournament by the way. I missed the first part of the second set but when I came back, I have to agree with you, Carlos was not playing like he used to in the first set and did many mistakes, Jannik didn’t have to play his best tennis anymore… it’s a shame… but I think Carlos needs to improve and build a better mental strenght, he’s still not mature enough when he’s losing against tough players… But he’s still young, so I’m not worried about him! 😊
(Or my shipping mind just wants to say that Carlitos wanted Jannik to win because he’s too in love 🥰😂)
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lesbiansanemi · 28 days
We’ve officially hit the point where I can’t fucking sleep because of this shit and on top of everything the AC went out I literally want to cry I’m so stressed I physically feel like shit like I need to throw up I’m so tired but between my stomach hurting, the stress, and the heat I can’t
#today he told me it ‘wasn’t fair’ that I expected him and his bf to move#just because I refused to get rid of my ‘disgusting cats’ and they would be ‘happier’ in a shelter#his reasonings for why they would be happier in a shelter were all things that they did not do/did not happen until he started this shit#‘they’re always hiding and you never spend time with them’#they hide from YOU#early morning and late at night when you’re in your room they’re fine#im out here rn just sitting with them giving them attention#also yeah I used to give them attention for AT LEAST several hours of the day#but after I essentially got chased out of all the common areas no obviously that wasn’t happening#man FUCK YOU#also sorry I don’t want to spend literal THOUSANDS more than I would other wise to fucking move#esp when YOU moving means no changes in your finances#you make over 50k a year I make barely 20k AND already have more bills to pay than you#why the FUCK should I be getting stuck with the far worse financial decision#and then to try and frame it like you’re getting treated ‘unfairly’ just because I won’t get rid of my cats for you??????#I genuinely hope the stupid fucking car your mom gave you explodes tomorrow idc idc idccccc#ESPECIALLY WHEN HE BOTH THREATENED AND SAID HE DIDNT CARE TO MOVE OUT#and when I said ‘great. do that’ he starts throwing this fucking fit#I hate him so much it is so goddamn UNREAL#I am dealing with a giant man baby who has never been told no in his life before now#and it’s really fucking showing#this is what happens when parents give their kids everything they want#and you have normie cis white man privilege and have also gotten every job/into every program you’ve ever wanted with minimal effort#so when someone finally says ‘no you don’t get whatever you want at my expense’#he has the most immature meltdowns fucking imaginable#kaz rambles
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expectopaatronum · 8 months
the rachel zegler hate train is so unbelievable like how are these people so convinced in their hatred over the most minor thing ???? pls find something else to channel your inner anger towards because i promise you that girl has done nothing to warrant your hatred
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has anyone disected what the different frame sizes mean/correlate to in everything everywhere all at once yet because i have been trying to figure out what they all mean ever since i noticed it on my fifth rewatch. and every time i watch it now it’s all i can think about because it’s done so intentionally and clearly has a purpose to aid with the storytelling. if there’s an interview out there about this though PLEASE send it my way because oh my god i’m SO fascinated with this
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
my favourite thing is when i see people talking about their favourite fics or like they see a post that reminds them ab a fic they read and they talk about it…. it’s so nice to see, but also man what a dream. like genuinely the idea of people talking about my work, whether that be to other ppl that have also read it or bc they saw a post that reminded them of it or they listen to a song that makes them think of it, that my fic could be known within groups of people in the fandom and they talk about it, or whatever it is… that really is such a dream. now obviously i know that something like that can only happen naturally and i have no control over it, something that genuine cannot be fabricated no matter how much i would like it, but damn. wouldn’t it be nice.
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headofocs-inklesspen · 10 months
I’ve subjected my coworkers to this before, but the way indoctrination works, especially into extreme high control religious groups and cults, fascinates me.
You’re not immune to it. No one is truly immune to it. Successful indoctrination, especially regarding cults, finds the smallest little insecurity and magnifies it. And to hold you in until you’re passed the point of easy escape, they keep you focused on that insecurity, and add new, seemingly connected insecurities, while simultaneously convincing you that they have the answers, they alone have the solution to your insecurities.
They set up and manipulate experiences and interactions with outsiders that deepen the belief that they alone understand, they alone love you and want the best for you. The outsiders are cruel and unsympathetic and why would you ever want to go into the greater outside world when it doesn’t have it’s best intentions for you at heart.
They manipulate and love bomb and overwhelm every argument and uncertainty you have until you think exactly as they want. And you will never be immune. Because everyone will have a low point, will be insecure, will be desperate for faith, will feel like an outsider no one understands or loves. Everyone is vulnerable, maybe not at all points in their life, maybe some less so than others, but everyone is. And claiming you can’t be manipulated or tricked by propaganda actually lowers your subconscious watch for it and makes you that much more susceptible.
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tariah23 · 9 months
An elderly lady complimented my hair today and asked me how I “got it like that,” and she was so 🥺… (so cute… )
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lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
u know what….. over the past few months my younger sibling has watched a truly extraordinary amount of star trek + i have been in the same room often enough that now when i see something star trek related on here i’m like wow there’s my good friend janeway or there’s the love of my life beverly crusher ……
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renthewerecatboi · 11 months
feels like some people are just holding me at gun point to be their friend
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